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Marlow Augustino

0 · 447 views · located in Madam Eden's Academy for the Supernatural

a character in “Madam Eden's Academy for the Supernatural”, as played by SuperNinjaRoo


Name: Marlow Augustino

Age (13 to 17): 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5’7

Weight: anywhere from 120-130

Talent/Power: She can control lava and volcanoes. She is able to withstand any amount of heat and create lava; when she uses this power to its full extent, her skin becomes lava. She can feel any movement of the earth (tectonic plates) and move them herself, creating earth quakes and avalanches.

Appearance: Image
She has long, layered blond hair that is usually in her face. She tries to braid it, but it always comes out because of her feathery layers. It is a beautiful mix of fawn browns and white-blonde high and low lights. Her skin has a sun-kissed glow to it and her complexion nice, leaving her skin silky smooth. She has a deep scar on her right wrist. Her body is very well proportioned, having toned muscle everywhere, and a curvy figure. Her butt is round and muscular, and her chest is good size too. Her eyes are a deep chocolate brown color and are rimmed with long dark eye lashes.

Personality: Marlow is a very vivacious girl. She is bubbly and sweet and makes friends easily. She could know someone for a day and think they are her best friend. She isn’t very perceptive of people who don’t have good intentions. She tends to be a little too trusting, which is one of her downfalls. She can get hurt easily, mentally and emotionally that is, and doesn’t do well with betrayal. She get’s confused, but then she just gets angry. When she is mad, there is no stopping her. She throws things or people if she can. Her eyes turn dark and dangerous. She isn’t very good at expressing herself through words when she is angry, so most times she just gives up and ends up crying. She has a wild side to her, too. She can become very sensual and provocative when she wants to have fun. She is daring and isn’t afraid to do something crazy. But, she can also content herself with snuggling up by a warm fire and reading a good book. She likes to have fun, and will do anything to find and adventure.

Background: Marlow was raised in Venezuela, by her aunt. She took dance lessons, and joined a dance team at her school. She found out she could control lava when they climbed a volcano together. She was strangely attracted to the heat, and then suddenly, the lava started rising around her. Ever since then she went up to the volcano everyday (her and her aunt lived dangerously close to it), and practiced her secret power. She soon learned that the heat didn’t bother her either. When she was 14, a local boy saw her messing around with the lava and told the authorities. She ran away to Brazil and lived with a woman she had met there. The woman was able to control electricity, so she helped Marlow out in training. She also trained the girl in Brazilian Jujitsu. Marlow caught on quickly. Then they heard about Madam Eden’s school a couple years later and they decided she would move there.

Strengths: She can withstand heat.
She is very intelligent.
She is light on her feet.
She is compassionate.
She is trained in Brazilian Jujitsu.
She has a good sense of humor.

Weaknesses: Being away from the land, (flights, boats).
She gets distracted easily.
Once she is angry, she has no self control.
She is naïve.
She is a people pleaser.
She is deathly afraid of heights when not touching the land. For example, plane rides. But she is fine on the top of a mountain, because she is still on land.

So begins...

Marlow Augustino's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Alana Stone Character Portrait: Christopher Robin Robinson Character Portrait: Samuel and Lucas Delgado Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: Dante Armstrong
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Today was the day, the day Madam Eden's Academy opened. Students were flocking in from all directions, including from the sky. Sign up sheets for clubs and activities fluttered around in the breeze. Many seemed to be gathering around a group of tables holding the class sign up sheets. The sheet read:






Maths (Compulsory)
English (Compulsory)
Science (Compulsory)
Special Ability Training (Compulsory)

Many were also gathering around a poster with the dorm rooms:

DORMITORY LIST (I only put in our character's dorms, * means NPC, and will be filled in by any new characters)

Girls Dorms:

Dorm 1 - Riley Miller and Luoona Snow

Dorm 2 - Rozeanna Elliott and Holly Allen

Dorm 3 - Alana Stone and Amara Delphi

Dorm 4 - Marlow Augustino and Malice St. James

Boys Dorms:

Dorm 1 - Christopher Robinson and Dante Armstrong

Dorm 2 - Alistair Wilson and Lacrimosa Kaiten

Dorm 3 - Samuel and Lucas Delgado

Dorm 4 - Dominic Moyer and Ossilet Write

Dorm 5 - Apollo Haven and Tajiku Usui

Dorm 6 - Samuel Lark and Jonah Helmer

There was also a few sign up sheets for clubs:



Football Team
Cheerleading Team
Math Team

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel and Lucas Delgado Character Portrait: Marlow Augustino Character Portrait: Holly Allen
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Marlow got out of the taxi feeling quite woozy. She had just spent way too many hours in a plane. When she got off, she could have almost kissed the ground. She was arriving a little later to the academy than she expected; she had lost her luggage, then spent 20 minutes finding a taxi driver who knew where the school was. She already missed Eva, the woman who had taken her in in Brazil. She spoke English, but she had a very strong accent. She knew it would be hard for people to place where she came from, because her accent was unique to her, Venezuelan and Brazilian. She sighed and got her tan backpack out of the car, then she grabbed her suitcase that he driver had so kindly gotten out of the trunk for her.
"Gracias, here is a tip." she smiled at him and winked back at her. He got in his car and drove away. It smelled wonderful in Tennessee. And there were mountains! She had seen them on the plane ride, when she wasn't in the bathroom getting sick. She was excited for the mountains. She looked around before finding the sign up sheet for classes.

Period 1: Science
Period 2: Special Ability Training
Period 3: Mathmatics
Period 4: Art
Period 5: English
Period 6: Languages
Period 7: Music

Languages would be easy for her, at least she hoped. She was also hoping she could dance for music class. She thought of her body as her instrument. Then she saw cheer club. She was never fond of cheer leaders, but she figured she might give it a try. She signed herself up. She saw who she was roomed with, a girl named Jamie. She hoped she was nice. Marlow tucked the loose strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. Her braid was coming out, like it always did. She began to walk towards her room in time to hear a strangely dressed girl tell a boy he smelled like fire. Marlow made a face then kept walking. She was eager to see her room and was hoping Jamie was already there. She wandered through the boys hallway first by mistake. She almost went into room 4, but room three had two boys AND a girl in there. Now she didn't know if she was in the right hall. She stood at the doorway to room 3. "Perdon, " she said then cleared her throat. "Where do the girls stay?" she asked with her strong accent.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel and Lucas Delgado Character Portrait: Marlow Augustino Character Portrait: Holly Allen Character Portrait: Dominic Moyer
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"Hi, sweetie!" Holly greeted Marlow. After that she gave her the direction to the girl's dorm. "I'm Holly, and those guys here are Samuel and Lucas, we're mindreaders and also very pleased to meet you! Don't worry, we won't break into your personal space.... much. Cherrie?" she opened a little plastic bag with cherries so Marlow could have some.

After Dominic finished reading a book, he put it back with telekinesis. Then he decided to go outside. Observing the weird people around, the guy thought to himself "A few tricks or a pair of wings and they think they're good enough to sign up here? Whatever."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel and Lucas Delgado Character Portrait: Marlow Augustino Character Portrait: Holly Allen
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"Gracias Holly!" Marlow said and smiled brightly at her. She liked this girl already. "I am Marlow. I am connected with volcanoes, lave and the earth. That is my power. I have never met a telepath before. She smiled at Lucas and Samuel. "Ohh I love cherries!" Marlow exclaimed and reached out to the bag. She grabbed a few and smiled at the three people again. She set her backpack on top of her suitcase and decided to try and make friends with these people. "I have moved from Brazil, but I was born in Venezuela, I grew up there as well. I am very excited to be here in Eden." She put a cherry in her mouth then began fiddling with her hair with her free hand. I hope someone who speaks Spanish will be here. And I hope Holly and I have classes together! Marlow thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel and Lucas Delgado Character Portrait: Marlow Augustino Character Portrait: Holly Allen
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"Ah!! Hablan Espanol! Muy bien, gracias, y ustedes?" Marlow grinned and shook Samuel's hand. When Lucas began playing that song, Marlow was reminded of home so much. She wanted to grab a hold of Samuel and dance with him, but she restrained herself. It was a bitter sweet feeling that she felt, but she smiled on anyway. "Si, Brazil is a country very beautiful," she nodded, agreeing with him. When Samuel winked at her and Holly, her heart fluttered. She blushed slightly, then turned her focus back to Lucas, playing the guitar, beautifully. She made her way over and sat on the bed next to him, watching his fingers pick and strum away. She always loved guitars. She couldn't help herself anymore. "Les gusta bailar?" She asked, curious if they could dance. She remembered when her Aunt first taught her the Samba.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel and Lucas Delgado Character Portrait: Roze Elliott Character Portrait: Marlow Augustino Character Portrait: Holly Allen
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"Hi, Roze! Do you feel like meeting friends in 3rd room in the boy's dorms?" echoed a voice in Roze's head.

She jumped. That was the second time today she had recieved a message that way. Roze was still a little shaky after making the ground shake, it had drained her energy a fair bit. She would have tried to send a message back, but she figured it probably wouldn't work. She decided to join Holly in the boy's dorm 3. She walked over, shaking her head to clear it up a bit. She found the dorm, the door was slightly open. She knocked once, then opened the door a little more. Holly was inside, along with a pretty blonde girl and a pair of twins.

"Hi, I'm Roze. Can I come in?" she asked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel and Lucas Delgado Character Portrait: Roze Elliott Character Portrait: Marlow Augustino Character Portrait: Holly Allen
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Marlow hardly had to dance herself, because Sam was leading her so well. They danced the Samba very well together. She was laughing and smiling. "Samual, eres un bailarino fantastico!" she breathed as he held her closely to him. She was having so much fun. She almost stopped to see who spoke, but Sam swung her into a deep dip and was whispering in her ear. She blushed and bit her lip at the compliment. "Gracias, " was all she managed. She was flustered, having danced with such an attractive and talented boy, and slightly out of breath from the dance itself. When they stood back up straight, she almost lost her balance and held on to his forearm for support. She smiled at him then at Lucas. "Eran dos chicos muy talentosos.. Y attractivos." Marlow giggled a bit the turned her focus to the pretty girl standing in the doorway, Roze.

"Hola, I am Marlow." She said, a smile still on her face. "You must be the roommate of Holly, Roze?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel and Lucas Delgado Character Portrait: Roze Elliott Character Portrait: Marlow Augustino Character Portrait: Holly Allen
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0.00 INK

Marlow smiled and bit her lip again. She got a shiver down her spine when his lips brushed her ear, whispering into it again. She giggled at the 'latino love bug' comment from Lucas, then smiled at Samuel again. She frowned a bit when she saw her bags. She still need to unpack. She was having fun, she didn't want to leave, and plus, Roze had just gotten here. Maybe I'll just put off unpacking for a little bit longer. I'm not even sure if I remember Holly's directions.. Her thoughts trailed off as she gazed up Samuel again. His eyes are so blue, like the ocean in Venezuela. She blinked a few times then stopped staring at him putting her attention back on Roze and Lucas, who had made his way over to greet her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel and Lucas Delgado Character Portrait: Roze Elliott Character Portrait: Marlow Augustino Character Portrait: Holly Allen
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0.00 INK

Marlow blushed when he told her he could read her thoughts. She felt embarrassed because he had just said that he was a telepath. "Sure, that would be great, Samuel." She said to him. She grabbed her backpack though and slung it over her shoulders. "I can carry my backpack." She smiled at him. She walked over to Holly and kissed her on the cheek. "It is so nice to meet you! I am in room 4, please come find me later?" She smiled at her then walked to the doorway. She kissed Roze on the cheek and told her the same thing. "I hope I will see you later." She then turned to Lucas, kissing close to his cheek, but it was more of an air kiss. "Thank you for playing the beautiful song so your hermano and I could dance," She said, then looked to Samuel. Just seeing his smile made her cheeks become a soft pink color.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel and Lucas Delgado Character Portrait: Marlow Augustino Character Portrait: Dominic Moyer
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Marlow smiled at Lucas,"Hasta luego, amigo." Then she dissapeared into the hallway with Sam. An amused smile played on her pink lips, "I was not saying goodbye to you, guapo." She blinked her eyes innocently at him. "Luego, " she whispered to him. There was a mischeivious glint in her eyes.

As they began walking, there was a huge shake, and for a split second, Marlow thought she had caused an earthquake. Then she felt the building risr, and she immediately feltuneasy. She hated being off the ground. The building began shaking more, and Marlow fell right into Sam. She tried to hold into him, but instead, she continued falling, pulling him right down on top of her. "Dois mio!" She cried as they fell.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel and Lucas Delgado Character Portrait: Marlow Augustino
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"Si, I think so. Que chingados..?" she breathed her cursing then looked at Sam, "Are you alright, Samuel? Sorry I pulled you down." She began laughing. Among theirselves, there were other students in the hallway that had fallen as well. She pushed herself up on her elbows, coming dangerously close to Sam's face, but laying on her backpack hurt her back. She tilted her chin up and laughed again, then between giggles she asked "Are we still in the air?" She tried to make it sound light hearted, but there was fear in her eyes. Even if she couldn't see it, she hated not being on the ground.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel and Lucas Delgado Character Portrait: Marlow Augustino
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Marlow felt safe in his arms, but she still felt uneasy. Then something struck her, the person doing this had to be a student, and why on earth would they do this? "Sam," she said, pressing closer against him. "Let's find who is doing this.. I need to be on the earth." she said, anger trickling it's way into her voice. She knew when she got mad that her body temperature rose very quickly and soon she would be burning Sam. She reluctantly wiggled herself free from his arms and stood up. Her flip flops were beginning to melt, so she kicked them off.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel and Lucas Delgado Character Portrait: Roze Elliott Character Portrait: Marlow Augustino Character Portrait: Holly Allen
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"Hola, I am Marlow." said the pretty blonde girl, smiling. "You must be the roommate of Holly, Roze?"

"Oh buenos dias senorita Roza" one twin said in a perfect hispanic accent.

"I'm Lucas and this is Samuel." said the other as he set his guitar down and crossed the room to greet the girl with a soft smile.

Marlow looked sorrowfully down at her bags, she didn't seem to have unpacked yet. She made up her mind and left, kissing everyone on the cheek. She kissed Roze on the cheek and told her, "I hope I will see you later."

"Yes, hopefully we have a class together! " replied Roze.

Marlow walked out with her bags, Sam close behind. Roze then returned Lucas's smile.

"Nice to meet you, Lucas." she said.

Suddenly, a tremor shook the school. Roze was thrown off her feet, and almost smashed into Lucas. She was fine, but Lucas wasn't. He had fallen on to his guitar. He asked if he and Holly were alright.

"I'm fine, Holly?" said Roze.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel and Lucas Delgado Character Portrait: Marlow Augustino Character Portrait: Dominic Moyer
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"Pyro..." Marlow trailed off, trying to place the word. "Ahh, fuego." she said and shook her head, making her way to the nearest door. "Lava.. like a volcano. Earth and avalanches. I am connected to the earth's core." She tried to explain it the best she could, she hardly understood it herself. She flexed her fingers, turning them bright pink, then her hands and fore arms turned to molten lava. She smiled at Samuel. "It is very hot." She said and shook out her arms, them turning back to normal. She could feel the school wasn't back on the ground yet, she couldn't feel the earth as near to her. Since they had just left room 4, room 3 was the closest. She knocked on the door, leaving slight burn marks where he knuckles touched. "Hey!" she yelled, hoping they would open up. She didn't even know if this was the right door.