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Mass Effect: Dug In Too Deep

Mass Effect Universe


a part of Mass Effect: Dug In Too Deep, by SlayerofYaks.

Scratching the Surface

SlayerofYaks holds sovereignty over Mass Effect Universe, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

812 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Part one of the roleplay wherein characters and the plot is introduced.
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Mass Effect Universe

Scratching the Surface


Mass Effect Universe is a part of Mass Effect: Dug In Too Deep.

4 Places in Mass Effect Universe:

12 Characters Here

Cortex [18] "I'm just a simple Salarian trying' to make a living'! No need to criticize me or my line of work.........until I have a knife at your throat and a gun at your head.
Roz Atrillin [16] "Spirits you all are idiots. You're just lucky you're my idiots."
Weyrloc Chimish [15] "I wanna kill something... with my hands."
Logan Hawke [13] "I feel as though I should make a witty comment here..."
Faltus Dezran [12] "Shotguns, the most beautiful thing in existence, apart from a dirty batarians head. Or their skull. I do love a good skull."
Grace Kennedy [11] Tech Specialist
Mayce [10] "Hit'em fast, hit'em hard. I don't really care as long as I get to hit something."
Jeron'Delk Vas Sentinel [5] Quarian Pilot, and a good one too!
Elizabeth Ackerman [4] "You're doing it all wrong darling."
Michael Gallagher [4] "On Omega, you'd be surprised how many problems can be solved by shooting something."

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Mayce had found the Thermal clips he was looking for and stuffed them into Persephone's bag. He then heard her speak, which cause him to look at her very confused. "Mommy, I wanna go out and play." she grumbled. Mayce chuckled a bit and went over to her. "Wow, Sephie, you are really out of it aren't you. Your more fried than that Blue Sun captain we shoved into his own ship engine last month." Mayce said, chuckling to himself. He looked over at the clock in her room. "Alright, next stop, my place. Then the rendezvous." He said, sounding tired. He walked over to Persephone and hauled her up piggy back style again and they left her place.

A few minutes later they had reached his place. He slid open the door and gently placed Persephone down on his bed. He then grabbed his pack and started to fill it with his essentials. After awhile he was done. He then grabbed Persephone, his bag and her bag, and hustled on down to the rendezvous point. When he finally got to where the ship was supposed to be, or at least in the general area, he saw Michael and Chimish with Grace. All standing around dead Batarians. He jogged over to them, Persephone still on his back. "What the hell happened guys?! Grace, are you alright? What did you do, Chim? And Michael..." Mayce looked down to see he had gotten the supplies. "...good job on getting the supplies." Mayce then remembered he was carrying Persephone. "Oh, and Michael. Would you be a dear and take Persephone off my hands?" Without awaiting a response, he removed Persephone from his shoulders and plopped her right into his arms. "Thanks, man." Mayce said patting his shoulders. He then turned back to the Krogan. "So, Chim, what did you do?"

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Character Portrait: Grace Kennedy Character Portrait: Weyrloc Chimish Character Portrait: Mayce Character Portrait: Michael Gallagher
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Weyrloc Chimish

The young krogan just put his hands up in the human gesture of submission to show Mayce he was innocent.

"Easy Mayce. I did what I was paid to do, nothing more. These batarians tried to kill Grace. I killed them first."

Chim said casually with a shrug. Humans always had a way of blowing killing out of proportion. One of the many things about the race that confused the krogan merc. Just then a round pinged off the krogans kinetic barrier. Chim snarled and drew his assault rifle.

"Get Grace to the ship! I'll deal with these women!"

He roared before charging off at the batarians.

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Character Portrait: Logan Hawke Character Portrait: Cortex
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#, as written by Brock10

Cortex led the human named Logan into the mini-bar area of the ship, pouring three glasses of Asari wine, two glasses of Ryncol and a Salarian cocktail. He put them onto a tray and walked into the conference room, sitting at the head of the table. Me motioned to a seat on his left. He moved the Asari wine, called "Bliss" to Logan. He then asked the Biotic to wait a moment. He quickly tapped out a messahe on his green omni-tool, to all members of his team.


He then started messing with the seat assignation's so that everyone was comfortable. He placed Elizabeth to his right, with Jeron next to her. Faltus was next to Logan, with Archer opposite Cortex. He then brought up a real-time image of Carcosa, a red mess of a planet, with decades of greenhouse gases polluting the air. Joy, Cortex though. He then turned to Logan.

"I have arranged a meeting with my team, Mr Hawke. Is there anything you would like to know before they arrive?"

The Salarian stared intensely at the human, trying to understand what sort of man the obvious veteran was...

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Grace Kennedy

Her krogan savior came to a stop as an unfamiliar voice called out to him. Another enemy? No, he seemed friendly enough but he obviously wasn't bothered by the violence surrounding them. How could he be so casual about all these dead bodies? She glanced at the corpses once more but quickly looked away to a far off point on their ship. Just the sight of the blood made her sick, maybe bringing these guys along wasn't such a good idea.

Grace continued to stare at the ship, trying to forget about the blood spatters on her clothes and skin when a voice she finally knew drew her attention. The machine man! She looked towards him and when he asked about how she was, her face scrunched up in an uncomfortable look. Well, she wasn't really ok if she were to be honest but, looking on the bright side, at least she was still alive. Those batarians obviously wanted to hurt her and Chim had saved her, she'd definitely have to remember to thank him later even if she didn't approve of all the death. Surely they could have talked it over?

A short conversation was shared between the machine man, whose name was apparently Mayce, and Chim. She tried to subtely edge over towards Mayce, her hamster like attention span already partially forgetting how horrifed she was earlier in light of the fascinating man in front of her. She was pulled back suddenly to the present reality when Chim shouted for someone to get Grace to the ship. Wait, Grace is me, I need to get to the ship. I'm in danger again?! How many times a day does this happen?! Do I need to be saved from mortal peril on a daily basis and I've just never realized it before?! She frowned deeply but the sound and sight of shots being fired made her once again realize she needed to focus on the task at hand as she made a bee line for the ship. Maybe she could help them a bit by just getting the heck out of the way.


Elizabeth Ackerman

Elizabeth crossed her legs and folded her arms as she sat in the seat, waiting for this urgent meeting to begin. Despite her curiousity as to what this meeting was about, her current focus was on their new addition. Her eyes scanned over the human who was apparently named Mr. Hawke. What she wanted to know was why he was here and why she hadn't been told about it. Well, as long as Cortex trusted him enough to bring him on the ship without having a gun constantly to his head then she supposed that would be enough for the moment. With that settled she finally looked to the image of the planet they would be setting off for and the word charming was the only thing that sarcastically rang through her head as she studied the deadly place. They honestly needed to find better vacation spots.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Hawke Character Portrait: Weyrloc Chimish Character Portrait: Elizabeth Ackerman Character Portrait: Cortex
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Weyrloc Chimish

Chimish was already beginning to enjoy this new job as he made a batarians head exploded with a well aimed burst of rifle fire. He grinned and got into cover as the enemy force started unloading on him. A quick reload and he popped out of cover and sprayed in their direction. One round caught a batarian in the thigh while another took one in the gut but for the most part the burst of covering fire did little more than halt their progression giving Chim an opportunity to close the distance. Krogans were some of the most dangerous aliens in the galaxy but at close range, they were near unstoppable. Chim barreled in and reached the closest batarian and bashed the four eyed merc in the jaw with the butt of his rifle. The batarian dropped to the ground clutching his shattered jaw only to receive a point blank range burst of rounds from Chim's battle rifle.


Logan Hawke

The biotic merc leaned back in his chair casually as one of Cortex's people walked in. A blonde, human woman. Obviously a fighter, Logan to see the muscle definition in her every move yet she didn't have the stocky build of a solider. Logan guessed either a biotic or a techie but he'd find out for sure later on. As for Cortex himself he seemed to be smart but that went without saying he was a salarian. How smart was still up for debate though. Logan's eyes flicked back to to Cortex only to see him staring intently at him, observing every movement.

"Ya wanna know if I got any questions huh? Alright, I'm figurin you'll wanna go over the full mission specs when your squad rolls in so fer now I'll settle with somethin simple. Why Omega? Why Aria? Did ya just need ships like I heard? If ya got a team already you sure as shit aren't lacking fer muscle so I'm just curious what yer angle is? Nobody does somethin fer no reason and everybody wants somethin."

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#, as written by Brock10

The Salarian smiled at the mercs question, running it in his head. He glanced at Elizabeth, admiring her beauty, before turning to the human, and beginning his story.

"I was born on Omega, Mr Hawke, so you must understand I am no typical Salarian. In fact the only other place I have ever lived is a nice moon called Eos, which I plan to retire to one day. I chose Aria because she is the most trustworthy being on Omega, and the best businesswoman in the galaxy. I respect her greatly. So, did I only need ships? No."

The Salarian leaned back, taking a sip of his drink.

" I was in a fight with a man named Kinderheim not long ago Mr Hawke. I always tell people a Krogan gave me this scar" Cortex gestured to the right side of his face. "It was actually Kinderheim. I was part of Eclipse then. I always thought I wanted to become a major leader of Eclipse, but after that, I didn't want to rise within another organisation. I wanted to create my own legacy. My own company that would last for a millennia. That's why I hired Aria's thugs and ships, Mr Hawke. I am creating a new merc force. A new name, power, force, a new legend. And now, its all for Elizabeth here, my heir"

He gestured to Elizabeth, finishing his wine and looking for both Logan and Elizabeth's reaction...