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Elizabeth Ackerman

"You're doing it all wrong darling."

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a character in “Mass Effect: Dug In Too Deep”, originally authored by CortezHorse, as played by RolePlayGateway



Name: Elizabeth Ackerman

Nickname(s): Skinner, Izzy (only if you want her to have a vendetta against you.)

Race: Human

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Occupation: Face of the PMC, interrogator

Class: Sentinel

Class Skills: Throw, Lift, First Aid (oddly enough)

Equipment: A few old knives from her father's collection, omni-tool and yes..even a first aid kit..someone has to patch up that thuggish krogan's injuries every now and then, and cigarettes.

Appearance: Elizabeth is tall, thin, blonde haired and blue eyed. Always nicely dressed and well groomed. She's everything the face of a respectable corporation should be.

Personality: Being from the socially elite group originally, Elizabeth has an air of sophistication about her that can generally charm most. Although she believes herself to be better than anyone you introduce her to, she has the gift of a silver tongue and uses this skill to lull oppossing, or even "allied", groups into a false sense of security or to simply throw the scent off of them when the local police forces come knocking so her sense of superiority can usually be covered up when she's in her role. This social elitist has no real sense of loyalty, feeling she's merely doing charity work by serving under Cortex although she does have a strange fondness for the salarian and his krogan executioner Faltus. She feels no connection to any other and her regard for the life of others is minimal at best. While she isn't the best of shots and not exactly fond of fighting, you can't be a part of a group like Cortex's without at least a small touch of insanity.

Elizabeth isn't a fan of murder and even says those who kill are brutal and thuggish. However, torture your victim for hours upon end then give them the option of the sweet release of death and the killing is completely justifiable and even righteous then.

Background: Elizabeth's upbringing wasn't sad, nor was it epic in any way shape or form. She grew up in the socially elite group of society on a mixed species station. Her parents raised her to be an affluent member of society just like them, she never wanted for anything in her life. The only odd part of her past was her seeming adoration of torturing animals of all kinds, a sure sign of a sociopath. Of course money can cover up, and cure, anything so after years of therapy she was considered cured and life went on. It seemed though that Elizabeth was quite apt at convincing others and playing the part of sanity well as she merely learned to hide her hobby from others.

When she reached her teenage years that was when the girl decided that merely torturing fuzzy creatures wasn't exciting enough anymore. The obvious answer was to trap one of her nannies and try her methods out on something that was actually sentient, and it was a thrill. She continued this on, picking victims out of the housing staff and always convicing her dull parents that the nanny, the butler, the cook must have simply run out on them. You truly can never find good help these days.

When Elizabeth reached twenty her games were finally uncovered and she was sent to an institution where she spent eight years of her life undergoing treatment. After she turned twenty-eight she once again was able to convince doctors that her sociopathic tendencies were now wonderfully cured and Elizabeth was released. Now she of course couldn't return home, so where to go? Why Omega of course.

The stench hole of a city was thrilling, absolutely disgusting mind you but exciting none the less. She stuck out like a sore thumb among the crowds but somehow seemed to always keep herself from being harmed. It wasn't long until one day she happened upon a most interesting scene. The sound of muffled screams and an obnoxiously loud krogan voice drew her into a small alley. It was there she first laid eyes on Faltus, apparently trying to extract information from some poor soul...but he was doing it all wrong. She couldn't just let such a potentially beautiful thing as torture for information be basterdized, so she stepped forward.

"Whoa now big fella." She spoke in her sweet voice, always flowing, never breaking, as the krogan whirled with his weapon to her. "It seems you're having a touch of difficulty in getting what you want from this poor soul. Now of course I'm not saying you're doing a bad job but things like this need a touch of finesse. Here, let me show you my dear." Moving slowly past the krogan, she drew out an old steel blade, from her father's antique collection she thinks but it's difficult to remember so far back. "You want to do something painful and slow. Like this." The thin girl dropped to her knees next to the bound batarian and freed one of his hands, only to slice the skin around the wrist, slit a line down either side of the arm and then pull the flap of tissue back towards his shoulder. A smile graced her elegant face at his scream. "Now ask him your question dear."

From here a salarian named Cortex offered her a job, she enjoyed the interrogations and her skill of covering tracks and luring others with words became useful as well. Her nickname Skinner came from her favorite method of torture. She loves her work, although she tells herself the only reason she does this is to keep the poor dears from going under, she does have an odd fondness for her employer and fellow employee.

Other: She's fairly addicted to smoking and will almost always have one while in the midst of her torturing mojo.

So begins...

Elizabeth Ackerman's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weyrloc Chimish Character Portrait: Elizabeth Ackerman Character Portrait: Faltus Dezran Character Portrait: Cortex
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#, as written by Brock10

Cortex was incredibly pleased by Elizabeth's acceptance of his offer. He was further pleased by her agreement that the job was worth taking. He turned to the blonde interrogater. "So, I will accept the job. Before we go, I need you to contact Jeron and tell him to prep the Sentinel. We are going to Carcosa. I also need to make calls, I hope you will understand. Before I leave, make sure to execute the Volus in public, to show what happens when you fuck with me. I'm sick of people thinking I am the weakest creature in the universe. It's time for Thanatos to evolve. Thankyou for accepting the job, Elizabeth, and for your advice. I shall see you later...." the Salarian mumbled, excited by the fact he had just found a job! He left the room, and typed into his datapad a confirmation of the job. He then messaged Weylyn, his Drell assasin.

Where are the ALL the scientists?

He pressed send, and then walked into the night. He had a visit to make, that was LONG overdue...

Faltus Dezran

The Ogre smiled at the soft-shells handling of Yelex, and grinned at the Batarians face when he realized there was no way out of the situation. He had to pay up, or get beaten up. Much to Faltus's delight, Yelex chose the latter option. Yelex pulled out a pistol, but missed both the Krogan's by a mile. The other Batarian lunged at Faltus, so the Krogan threw him into a table of Drell gamblers, who proceeded to beat up the four eyed freak. Meanwhile, the Asari had been powering up a biotic charge, and launched it at the older Krogan, throwing him across the club, the pulsating music seeming to speed up as the Krogan flew backwards. Faltus got up, and charged towards the Asari biotic, pinning her to the floor.He saw Yelex run towards the exit of Afterlife, the two Turians following close behind. He roared instructions at the younger Krogan. "GET YELEX SOFT-SHELL!"

The setting changes from Mass Effect Universe to The Sentinel


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Ackerman Character Portrait: Jeron'Delk Vas Sentinel
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"Argh! Go to hell you stupid piece of machinery, the bloody box said 'quick and easy installation'! If it wasn't lying than I'm not a Quarian! Gah, stupid suit stuck in the grooves... I will hunt down whoever made this shoddy piece of work and strangle them, then I'd strangle whoever wrote that damn lie on the box, oooh, and then the family-" A resulting clang and a loud exclamation of Aha! signified that he managed to jimmy the coupling right where it needed to be. It was about this time Jeron realized he wasn't alone in the engineering room. Elizabeth announced her own presence by threatening him.

"I bet you would, but one thing," Jeron said chuckling, "That would leave Gizmo to deal with all of this nonsense," he said, dinging a wrench against a pipe to prove his point, " and pilot the Sentinel by his self. He's a good kid, but you and I both know he'd have the ship scuttled within a week. Then Faltus would kill the poor man, and then you'd be ship-less and pilot-less," By this time Jeron had crawled from the belly of the beast and looked at Elizabeth, obviously smiling under the grease stained helmet, "So you're stuck with me honey, at least until you can find a pilot who knows more about this ship than I do, and chances are- you won't," he said standing up and looking and the surrounding mess.

"Was. I've got it all sorted out now. Only thing left is the filters and those go-" Jeron bent down and scooped up the large, but fine black mesh and inserted into a seemingly invisible slot in an apparent random nook of the wall, "Right here," He said, leaning against the nook. "The rest of this mess is useless. I'll get Gizmo to space it once we've left." This train of thought brought Jeron to the next topic.

"So, we're leaving this bit of paradise are we?" He said sarcastically. It wasn't a secret Jeron thought of Omega as a hive of villainy. As he spoke, he walked through the halls and gestured Elizibeth to come along. "So then that means a mission or an assignment. About time, I was getting tired of living it up. Sitting in one place was never my idea of a good time. I blame living on the Flotilla personally," He said, waving it off. The constant movement of the nomadic fleet had always been a comfort for Jeron. He could never relax when cooped up in one place for too long. Probably had something to do with his joining of a mercenary band.

Jeron found himself a railing and leaned up against it. "So then, what are the details? Who's the client, what's the job, and when do we leave?" He said while using bits of his 'cloak' to clean the grease and oil from his hands. "The client does have a name right? You know how I feel about the nameless ones," he said. Needless to say, he didn't like them.

The setting changes from The Sentinel to Mass Effect Universe

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Ackerman Character Portrait: Jeron'Delk Vas Sentinel
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"Cerberus?" Jeron asked incredulously. If Elizabeth could see his nose, it would have been wrinkled in disapproval. Jeron was about to voice his opinions before a dominating voice and a resulting crack of a gun interrupted him. He turned his head towards the sound before speaking, "Faltus? Bet it was that Volus wasn't it? Nasty buisness..." He hesitated a minuted then barked, "I hope he didn't splatter the Sentinel! I'll have the clean the Volus off of her! Have you tried scrubbing Volus off of a ship? Neither have I and I hope not to start!" Sounded like the perfect job for Gizmo though. A sponge was a lot easier to manage than couplings or stabilizers.

He shook his head and brought it forward again. "Where was I? Ah right Cerberus. They hate anyone that's not human," He said wagging a finger, "and considering every one on this crew isn't human but you and Archie, they must really want whatever it is these... Scientists? Want," He hated that they'd have to kill these scientists. Jeron wasn't a murderer, and these scientists sounded like they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, it wasn't up to him to pick the jobs or decide who lives or who dies. That was Cortex's. He just flew the ship and provided technical and sniper support. A job was a job.

Jeron shrugged and nodded in agreement. "Right, expand. Becoming the best PMC group is the goal right? A means to an end. Perhaps then we can actually hire COMPETENT HELP!" Jeron said, barking the last part as Gizmo walked pass on some sort of errand. Jeron chuckled, he swore he heard Gizmo call him a bosh'tet under his breath. Jeron liked the boy, true, he just liked teasing him more. Maybe it was the fact that Gizmo was a Quarian just like him. Maybe it was because he was a lower rung on the ladder than Jeron was. Either way, the boy provided some laughs for Jeron. "Good kid. He'll get there, " He said.

Then Elizabeth smudged a bit of oil across his helmet, which he stared at momentarily before shrugging. "Fair enough," he said and left it there. Between the choices, he'd take a streak on his helmet over a rupture in his suit any day. A smudge on his helmet couldn't cause infection and potentially kill him. "So where is our Cortex? He's not over doing it on the drugs is he?" Jeron asked. He disapproved of the boss's indulgences, but he certainly wasn't going to mention it to him. Maybe even a hint of worry was in the Quarian's voice. He didn't want to see their fearless leader go belly up during an overdose.

"And when do we get off of this bloody rock?" Jeron asked. He really didn't like Omega.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinderheim Character Portrait: Elizabeth Ackerman Character Portrait: Jeron'Delk Vas Sentinel Character Portrait: Faltus Dezran Character Portrait: Cortex
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#, as written by Brock10

Cortex poured two glasses of Turian Whisky, name Silverfin, handing one to Kinderheim before sitting down in one of the more comfier chairs in his private room. He gestured to the seat opposite, before taking a sip of the whisky. He studied Kinderheim. He looked slightly older, and there was no sign of his trademark red trenchcoat, his most distinguishing feature. The Salarian deliberately kept the man waiting, fist responding to Elizabeth's message on his Omni-tool.

"Errands going well, currently negotiating. I need you to track down one of the scientists, the renowned Dr Isamov. I have identified him as a weak link, and I want him to be an informer within their team. Offer him anything he wants, apart from your body. You are not a whore, your my heir. Good luck, you have 1 hour.

After he had typed the message, he looked up to talk to well armed human in his room, staring at him with a confused mix of hate and happiness. Cortex spoke to him, in a more friendly manner than he was used too.

"Kinderheim, you may have caused this with that explosion of yours"he gestured to the left side of his face."But, I have nothing but admiration for you. You are the ONLY person who has ever outsmarted me, and your skills of torture are renowned. So, I give you three options. First, you can turn around and leave now, though I may have to battle you later"Cortex didn't say kill, because he want sure he COULD kill him."Second, you may take a direct position with Thanatos PMC, and a Captainship in my company." Cortex paused, allowing the human time to think."Currently, your boss, Roz Atrillin is negotiating with a group of scientists I have to kill. I may have need of someone who's loyalty will change at the last minute. I may also need you to act as an informer. I will triple whatever you are payed, give you a permanent position withing my company, and give you one other thing you want. I do not mind. This is how much I respect you Kinderheim. Cortex leaned back in his chair, desperately hoping Kinderheim would choose option 3...


Faltus stormed back into the ship, quickly throwing his shotgun into his room as he marched through the Sentinel's wide corridor's. He walked past Elizabeth, nodding at her as he made his way to Jeron, who he noticed was calling a turret obese, cursing its weight. The Krogan walked into the room, laughing. Jeron was without a doubt the most fun person on this ship. Him and Faltus had spent many evenings arm wrestling, drinking Ryncol wine and impressing the various Asari servants on the ship, who always managed to mysteriously lose all of their clothing. The Krogan wished that Jeron was a Krogan, but he was great for a laugh anyway. Jeron, Cortex and Archer were the only people the Butcher had ever named Krantt, he respected them that much. He glanced at the Quarian struggling to move the turret onto a table, the smalle Quarian Gizmo assisting. Faltus addressed the pair roaring with hysterical laughter.

"I came to say I left a mess on the side of the ship, and to ask if you wanted a drink, but it seems your occupied! Would it have anything to do with that smudge of Oil on your mask!?" The Krogan grinned before lifting the weapon and placing it on the side, turning to await Gizmo and Jeron's response....

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Hawke Character Portrait: Weyrloc Chimish Character Portrait: Elizabeth Ackerman Character Portrait: Cortex
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Weyrloc Chimish

Chimish was already beginning to enjoy this new job as he made a batarians head exploded with a well aimed burst of rifle fire. He grinned and got into cover as the enemy force started unloading on him. A quick reload and he popped out of cover and sprayed in their direction. One round caught a batarian in the thigh while another took one in the gut but for the most part the burst of covering fire did little more than halt their progression giving Chim an opportunity to close the distance. Krogans were some of the most dangerous aliens in the galaxy but at close range, they were near unstoppable. Chim barreled in and reached the closest batarian and bashed the four eyed merc in the jaw with the butt of his rifle. The batarian dropped to the ground clutching his shattered jaw only to receive a point blank range burst of rounds from Chim's battle rifle.


Logan Hawke

The biotic merc leaned back in his chair casually as one of Cortex's people walked in. A blonde, human woman. Obviously a fighter, Logan to see the muscle definition in her every move yet she didn't have the stocky build of a solider. Logan guessed either a biotic or a techie but he'd find out for sure later on. As for Cortex himself he seemed to be smart but that went without saying he was a salarian. How smart was still up for debate though. Logan's eyes flicked back to to Cortex only to see him staring intently at him, observing every movement.

"Ya wanna know if I got any questions huh? Alright, I'm figurin you'll wanna go over the full mission specs when your squad rolls in so fer now I'll settle with somethin simple. Why Omega? Why Aria? Did ya just need ships like I heard? If ya got a team already you sure as shit aren't lacking fer muscle so I'm just curious what yer angle is? Nobody does somethin fer no reason and everybody wants somethin."