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Arielle Liu

"Strong women wear their pain like stilettos. No matter how much it hurts, all you see is the beauty of it."

0 · 716 views · located in Mount Olympus Academy

a character in “Mount Olympus Academy”, as played by .euphoria.



| Full Name |
I was born to the name of Liu Su-Hwa. Seeing, that both my parents were Chinese and I did spend a good amount of my life in Singapore. But, since when have you heard that name lately? Exactly you haven't so, when I moved here and turned 14 years old, I changed my name to Arielle Sun Liu.

| Nicknames |
I really despise being given nicknames, I chose this name for people to say it. Not to make it shorter than it already is, but sadly people have given me the nickname Ari and Elle before. But, do not call me by them... I will end up harming you.

| Age |

| Godly Parent |
My godly parent is the the what people would call " minor goddess" of snow known as Khione. I still think she's impressive.

| Birthdate |
May 12th

| Home Town |
I was born in the city Shanghai in China but once I was adopted my foster parents moved me to Seattle with them and their six other children.

| Sexuality |
Heterosexual with Bisexual Tendencies

| Likes |
| Embarrassing Others |
| Being Right |
| Loyal People "Someone who is completely loyal to you is a dying type." |
| Snow |
| Christian Louboutin Shoes |
| Perfection |
| Windy Days and Causing Them |
| Cursing At People In Chinese |
| Fashion |
| Parties |
| Drinking |
| Her Friends |
| Manipulation |
| Lying |
| Sex |
| Diet Coke |
| Skinny Jeans |

| Dislikes |
| School |
| Asian Stereotypes: Yes, I'm Asian. It doesn't mean I have a fucking 4.8 GPA! |
| People With No Style |
| Fast Food |
| Complaining |
| Any Kind Of Rejection |
| Tearjerkers |
| Ballet Dancing |
| Being A Follower |
| Being Called A Bitch: Even if it is true. Don't say it. You'll regret it. |
| Reading |
| Feeling Fat |
| Attitude From Anyone Towards Me |
| Studying |
| Weak Minded People |
| Being So Short (5'2) |
| Cartoons |
| Video Games |

| Fears |
| Being Fat |
Oh my Gods, just stop! Please, do not make me think of this. Growing up, I was so fat and chubby and just ugh! I'm finally out of that awkward stage of my life and I am never going back to that. Trust me on that.

| Being Stabbed In The Back |
As someone who relies mostly on loyalty, traitors and betrayal are two things that I hate and fear at the same time. I never want to find out that someone is just using me or trying to toy with my emotions for any reason. Which makes me weak, I get it but I cannot help it. And, it will not end well... For them.

| Fire |
This may explain why I cannot stand Rosalie but, ever since I was younger I hate fire. I almost got my hair caught on fire and what you have to remember is in China girls have to have a goddamn bob for a hair style... That catching on fire would not have been pretty. *shutters*


| Personality |

My mother has what you could call a "cold" personality. Get it? Cold. But, seriously I'm pretty much the same way and to be honest... I don't care what other people think of me or my personality. That's their opinion, not mine. Anyways, I have been told on numerous times that I am what you could call a jealous predator. Weakness is my target and I attack with all the strength of a natural rudeness and uncaring attitude when I see it shown. I want to be the prettiest, the smartest, and the one everyone is jealous of because of my looks and how powerful I am compared to others. I will admit that I always have been this way. I like it when people get embarrassed and even crying, it shows who is strong and who needs to go back to where ever the hell they came from. If there is one thing I despise more than being called out on the way I am, it's a weak minded person. And, I get a sense of achievement and happiness when others are angry or crying because of me. Don't ask me why exactly. I have a small amount of respect towards others around my age and does whatever I want, yet limiting my personality with teachers and adults. Why? Easy, I like getting under the radar with adults. To adults, I am a kind person, very respectful and honorable. But to everyone else, I might as well be like a cold hearted bitch. I have been told I am also quite controlling and is an innate leader. What can I say? I take rules from no one. Stubborn, I won’t listen to others easily unless it might take away from her being a teacher or another person in charge and will never admit defeat or desperation. Point blank period. If someone is different, makes a mistake, or looks like easy prey, I will pounce. You can make a bet on that.

But, give me a break. I don't destroy everyone. I only attack people who are worth the trouble and the satisfaction of crying or getting upset. I will embarrass people slightly or at least make fun of them once, but nothing that would make you want to kill yourself over it. It depends on how you act around me mostly. If you look vulnerable, be careful. As I have said before, I am no friend to the weak. But, I can be a true, pure friend and may be a bitch to her friends but, at the end of the day they are the only thing close to a family I have in America other than my mother. I will always stand up for any of my friends. Believe that. Sure I tease them but nothing that makes them want to kill me or lose my friendship. Same goes for when I'm in a relationship, I turn into another person most people have pointed out. I'm sweet and tries to tone down her up front self. If I could find someone who could handle my personality, I may change for at least a couple months. But, I'm hopeless romantic and that's only in fairy tails. The Tin-man does have a heart after all.

| History |
I was raised in the very pretty and very populated city of Shanghai, China. And like a lot of children who parents had too many children, I was put into an orphanage before the age of one. It was very difficult and hard to live with but, it helped me form who I am today. Which may be or maybe not be a good thing for other people but, for me. It made me get tough skin and a nice shell around me just so I never got picked on and bullied again. And for about seven years, I was known as the bully, taking the money of the other children that tortured me when I was young and when they cried was when I pounced on it. And when I turned seven years old, I got adopted by an Asian American family who I guess wanted to add on to their six children family. Don't ask me why. But, whatever the reason, I got out of that hellhole. When they signed the papers, they employee gave them a file on where I came from or whatever was it. I don't know, it was years until I found out what was inside. Anyways, when they flew back home to their home in Seattle and I was right there with them. Ready to just be myself and if Americans couldn't handle it... Too bad. I wasn't going to change myself for anyone even if I was at the young age of seven. My foster father's name is Chaoxiang Lui and my mother's name is Zhenzhen Lui. And their family was... Huge! They had an older boy named Edric, an older daughter named Yuèhai, two twin boys my age named Jun and Jin, and then two rather new born daughters at the time named Da-Xia and Hua. Growing up with them was a fairy tail to me. You see, my foster father is one of many millionaires in the Untied States, an heir to a great fortune from his father's side. Which made my life even easier. Growing up with them was pretty much a breeze for me, in high school is when it all began to turn interesting.

My freshmen year aka 14 years old. I began to focus on school and mostly the friends I had at the time, to be honest. I thought they were a bunch of followers who feared me. But, whatever. Before going into high school many people tried to bully me. Not succeeding, sadly for them. But, instead making people have more respect for the little Chinese girl. I may not like school but I am not an idiot, I focused on my studies like almost every other good little Asian teenager even if I hated it just so I would be the best. In school she received a 4.0 GPA and was first in her freshmen class and second in the entire school right before my two twin brothers. Hey, to be a bitch you have to be clever and to be clever you have to be smart. Think of it that way. Anyways, moving on a couple months to Winter break, it was snowing outside and I was seating on our porch, watching the snowflakes. Something I always loved to do from birth. And my brother came out to tell that I have been out for hours and it was time to go inside. I didn't want to and before I knew we were arguing and my father and mother had to try and pull me in. I was kicking and screaming and before I knew it they just flew so far back into out neighbor's front yard. I was scared of course but I tried it again and blew my brother back a little. After that we all realized something was wrong so we rushed inside and sat down to talk about what just happened.

That's when they told me about was truly in that file they were given when they adopted me. It was filled with things like how my mother wasn't really my mother. I was found in the middle of nowhere on the countryside. Two farmers found me and took me to the nearest adoption center. They found a mark on my skin that spelled out my true mother's name, Khione. Seeing that we were Chinese, we didn't really know much about who that was. So, I guess they looked it up to see she was a goddess. The goddess of snow and since then they took down everything they could find about her and saved it in a file for me and gave to the family that adopted me. a enrollment sheet that mysteriously ended up on our porch a couple weeks following us finding out about my real mother. It was to enroll me into this school for demigods of all the gods. At first they were resistant but like most things, I changed their minds and got what I wanted. Before I knew it I was shipped off to the school about a year ago and I love it.

Anything else? I have a belly button piercing that I got a couple weeks ago during a party.

So begins...

Arielle Liu's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Halley McClain Character Portrait: Rosalie Tate Character Portrait: Santiago Williams Character Portrait: Arielle Liu Character Portrait: Selyse Hendrickson Character Portrait: Vanity Blond
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Rosalie woke up to the sound of nothing but the sound of her book, The Great Gatsby dropping to the hard wood ground and as it did the Romanian was up. She rose up so quickly before looking to the ground and seeing the cause of the noise. She breathed out and closed her dark brown eyes to calm her now raising heart. "Goddamn it." she whispered. Now that she was up, Rose picked her book off of the ground and began to walk towards her bookcase. She looked for the proper space to put it right there with the G's. She then knew there was no way she was going to sleep another moment because once she was up, she was up. She walked over the her closet and looked over her numerous pairs of jeans, hoodies, and t-shirts. Before deciding on what to wear for the day. And, with her clothes in her hand, she walked into the restroom to take a shower. And for the next ten minutes Rosalie just let the warm water relax her from the morning scare. After washing herself up Rose turned off the water, grabbed her white towel and wrapped it around her small and thin body before stepping out of the shower and into the steamed bathroom.

She wiped the mirror down to see her reflection before putting the towel around her dark brown hair and reaching for her clothes. She slipped on her white tee and jumped into her rather new black skinny jeans. After doing so, she began to dry her hair and began to watch her small curls return to natural form. Which took about another five minutes with her hair dryer on low. She grabbed towards her teal beanie and put it on before walking out of the bathroom, leaving the door open to let the steam all out. While walking, Rosalie grabbed a pair of her flats and slipped them on. After that, she sat up and looked into her full length mirror. She sighed as she looked herself up and down and shook her head as she grabbed her Edgar Allen Poe book and placed it in her old messager bag and walked out of her room, closing the door behind her. As she walked down the hall, she slipped her headphones in and ignored anyone who might be looking in her direction. Once exiting the dorm rooms, she walked to the lake and took a seat on the grass right under a tree that she always sat under in the morning. As she did so, she looked for a blank page in her notebook and began to continue on a picture of a very blurry photograph of her family with her mother and her father and older brother before being left with her grandparents. She never seen her father and brother but was determine to finish this picture in order to know at least what they looked like. Or if it brought back any memories of her hated past. And as much as she wanted to quit trying, she couldn't. She turned her music lower before keeping her eyes steadily on the picture, stapled to the piece of notebook paper to keep it from flying away.

And the longer she set her eyes on the picture, the more blurry her eyes got. The Romanian rubbed her eyes and blinked once or twice before looking in her brown leather bag for her sunglasses. And when she looked up she saw her friend, Selyse reading a book that Rose already got her hands on a couple of weeks before. Rose was happy to finally see a friendly face seeing that the other around and in the lake, weren't exactly her friends. She gathered her belongings and walked over to her friend before sitting down not too far from her but no too close either. She fixed her sunglasses before looking over to her friend and giving a small smile. "Hi Lysa. Are you enjoying the book?" She asked as she looked at the cover and to her notebook. She reached out her book which was pretty... daunting ad bleak compared to most of the books she read. But, it was by far the most interesting and well, literal of the hundreds of books she owned.


Arielle was sound asleep in her bedroom right before having her phone go off with a text. She groaned loudly before opening her eyes and rolling them. Who was dumb enough to wake up the ice queen? What kind of person was that big idiot to interrupt her sleep? Looking at who is was from, she shrugged her shoulder. It was from her very close friend, Santiago. And, for him rules were different. He was like her Hawaiian gay brother that she never thought she needed. But, now she was happy she had him. She looked at the text message asking-- well, telling her to meet him in the cafeteria when she was done getting dressed. She rolled her eyes and set her phone on her nightstand before sitting up and stretching her hands over her head with a loud yawn following not long after. "I hate him so much right now." She said to herself with her accent coming out, like it did most mornings. And after a while of just trying to wake herself up, the small Asian girl slipped out of her bed and slipped on her slippers so her feet wouldn't hit the cold floor. "Now to get beautiful." She said to herself as she let her hair out of the high ponytail it was in for the night before. She walked over to her large wardrobe and grabbed a pair of her favorite shorts, a black undershirt and an orange one to go over. After doing so, she grabbed a pair of her brown heels and held them in her right hand as she walked gently to the bathroom.

When she walked into the bathroom, she closed and locked it behind her before turning the cold water on. She tossed her clothes in the hamper by the door before hopping into the rather freezing water. Arielle hated warm water and just loved the cold water even since her birth. She washed her long black hair lastly and then turned the water off. She slipped her soft pink towel around her body and began to dry her body before wrapping it around her hair and began to slip her clothes on along with her heels, adding three inches to her overall height. She then walked out with her heels clacking along the wooden floor. She walked over to her vanity and sat down to do her hair and makeup. She looked at the photos around her mirror of her and her friends. She grinned at the photographs before beginning her makeup. And for the next forty five minutes, Arielle was getting herself ready for the day. With getting two more text from Santiago saying to hurry up. She just shrugged and finished. She then looked at her reflection and her outfit. With a smirk on her baby doll face, she gave a twirl before speaking again. "On a scale from one to ten: fifteenth." She then grabbed her purse and walked out with her phone in hand getting ready to text her best friend, Vanity.

Vanity, meet me in the cafe.
<3 Arielle

She then slipped her phone into her small bag and began her walk to the cafe. She smiled and waved at her friends and then gave smug looks to a few of her targets. Some looked away and at the ground while others gave her the stink eye. Either way, it didn't matter to her, she still got a reaction out of her which is what she always wanted from people. She flipped her hair over her shoulder before walking out of the dorm rooms and walking towards the cafe only to see Halley running to the cafeteria. Arielle would have said something but it wasn't worth her time. She was too easy to mess with and she was near the bottom of her list of people to mess with. Lucky for her but her day will come. Ari just rolled her eyes before entering the cafe to see Santiago at their regular table in the middle of everything. She smiled towards the man and gave a small wave before sitting down and taking a strawberry from her friend's salad and a small piece off of his bacon. "So, one hour later and the queen has arrived." The Asian girl rolled her eyes once more before speaking to the Hawaiian. "Shut up. It takes time to look this nice." She said to him as he chuckled. Looking her friend up and down, she nodded at what he was wearing. And, getting approval from her wasn't easy to do.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Rae Jarvis Character Portrait: Christian Straughn-Earle Character Portrait: Rueben Leonardo Esteban Character Portrait: Nolan Percival Yarley Character Portrait: Santiago Williams Character Portrait: Arielle Liu
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The Gods would probably joke about their children being adverse to being in their element, but Rueben just hated the feeling of sunlight on his face after a long sleep. Normally his nights consisted of forgetting about the toil of the previous day, and then the morning usually consisted of him feeling like a bear being ripped out of hibernation, or at least it was akin to that. The curly haired teen used his covers to keep the sun from his face, but once his fingers poked out from underneath the covers the light just seemed to reflect straight to the wall, courtesy of Apollo of course. Ruben just wasn't ready to get up yet, and once he planned to turn his head to ignore the rays, his phone, which he actually threw on the desk next to him after the long night he had. The device lit up every so often during the night, but that fact didn't surprise him in the least bit. From the day he arrived he gained more friends than he could even count of his fingers, and even more after that. Being a foreigner he hadn't expected so many people to flock to him by any chance, but he seemed to fit in quite easily without even needed to put much effort behind it. Thinking about all the enjoyable things that awaited him this morning, made the teen shuffle his head a little deeper into his pillow, the comfort of it was alluring, and he had a very slight desire to simply melt into the cushion, but knowing his habits he'd eventually get sick of staring at the white sheets below him. Yet, that didn't stop him from enjoying the few minutes that he could let his entire body rest. It was then that with a little gusto, something in his spirit told him to levitate from the bed, and he did just exactly that, with his eyes opened, and clear from drowsiness, he made his way to the bathroom, and attended to his hygienic routine. The shower was practically scalding, and he must’ve have put too much toothpaste on the brush for his teeth to taste so minty, and more importantly the taste of mint made his stomach grumble unexpectedly. He shuffled back into his bedroom, and pulled out whatever clothing he could find from the bags that he had left unpacked for so long.

The bags reminded him of how busy he kept himself without meaning too, he hardly had enough time to take attention to the stacks of luggage that sat untouched in his room, and each night he looked upon the dark corner with a sense of laziness, his days had been so occupied, that he could even organize anything, though it’s not like he would have even if he somehow got everything out of his luggage. He wasn’t Nolan, who even had his underwear labeled with the days of the week, a habitude he found to be awfully unorthodox, he hoped that Americans didn’t all do this, he wouldn’t want to have to be stuck organizing all of his wares from Spain. As soon as he was done contemplating his manner of dress, and had his pants and shoes on, his phone began to vibrate again with a new text message. The device vibrated on the desk next to his mattress for what must have been the 6th time already if Rueben could remember the random calls the night before, his arm outreached to the desk and he unlocked the device without even needing to stare at it. He peered at the message that popped up on the touch screen.

" Look alive. I'm on my way. -Chris"

It was a good thing Christian put his name after the message, considering the amount of phone numbers he gathered during his time here, Ruben would have had a truly difficult time discerning just who it was from. He put the appliance down and went to to tie his shoes. It wasn’t long until the tan teen heard a knocking at his door.

"En un momento, me estoy poniendo en mi camisa!"

Rueben suddenly forgot that he was no longer to in Spain, and doubted that Christian knew just what he said, or that he had yet to put his shirt on. He hurried and grasped a loose shirt hanging from one his luggage bags and struggled hastily to put it over the curls of his hair, before answering the door. The teen looked as if he came out of a fight with the clothes scattered around his room, yet he still had a beaming smile of his face.

”¡Buenos días Christian!.”

He felt a little embarrassed having come to the door in such an awkward manner, but it was safer for him to assume that Christian didn’t mind. He leaned on the door beside him, still a little woozy from having his shirt pulled over his head so violently, but still smiling, as he always did. He was curious as to what Christian wanted to do today, and reckoned that Christian had already done his part with working out, so he must have come here to assist him to class, or at least that’s what he thought it must have been.




Hardly tangible, creased, and brown, coffee stained papers littered the cafe table in front of him, it would have been nearly impossible for anyone else to try and comprehend the complicated jargon written on the paper, it was just a collection of Thayer’s sudden ramblings when he had nothing better to do, and all of them seemed to come together to formulate one entire invention. The problem was, he just couldn’t tell what it was, where to get the materials to build it, or even if he could build in the first place. So he sat, strained at the papers, scratching that often wandering brain of his for some answers. It was strange how no matter how much he thought about his plans, he could falter so easily when it came to actually doing them, he thought about asking for help, but as stubborn, and arrogant as he could be, he wouldn’t have bothered to ask in the first place. He took another sip of the coffee next to him, it was scalding, but it was nothing compared to the fire he could bring forth from his fingers, so the burns were usually ignored, or not even present at all. Though he immediately regretted putting it down, he leaned a little too much in his chair, and once he set the cup down, a good portion of his coffee spilt on his denim jeans.


he yelped, and moved the rest of the papers away from the spilling liquid, and set them down on the empty chair next to his, he grasped napkins from the holder not too far from where he set his book bag down on the table, and attempted to clean as much as he could, only to end up in a sticky mess all over his fingers, and on his right lap. He really should have been more careful, but it was obvious that he couldn’t turn back time as much as he wanted to. At least his papers were saved from any more damage. Seeing as how his breakfast was pretty much ruined, he packed the papers back into his bag with a hint of anger in his shoves, and then looked up to find Nolan snickering at him from afar. Thayer held his middle finger up to the younger student, who rolled his eyes in response. He mouthed the words “Do you need help?”, while Thayer looked at him rather condescendingly. It wouldn’t matter if he denied Nolan the chance to help him, Nolan would do it anyway in spite of himself. Seeing Nolan as he made his way from his own table was made him groan inwardly, he looked at Nolan’s table, which was in a seemingly perfect order from where Thayer’s stared, coffee lined up with papers, his laptop, and a single mechanical pencil.

”Even the fucking croissant is perfectly aligned on the plate, Jesus, fuck...”

he thought to himself as Nolan approached, handkerchief and hand sanitizer in hand. Thayer gave him the most depraved look he could muster that morning, and held out his hand in shame, as Nolan happily squeezed a few squirts into his palms. Nolan smiled while doing this, giving Thayer a slight gurgling in the pit of his bowel which he wished he could pay no mind too. Nolan was just too much for him.”

The younger male bent down to pick up the cup that suddenly dropped from the floor, and used his handkerchief to clean the liquid that continued to drip from the edge of the table.

”Wouldn’t want you to feel sticky for the whole day, Thayer, I mean that’s no good.”
Thayer grimaced.

“Of course, an OCD freak like you would make a big deal out of this, when there's a bathroom right there...”

he pointed to the restrooms not too far from them, Nolan could only chuckle lightly at the suggestion, fully convinced that he had been as useful as he needed to be.

“Well...isn’t that convenient, but isn’t it better that you have a friend like me to help you?”

Thayer shrugged the statement off, Nolan was so much like the Mom he was thankful he never had, he wondered how could anyone raise someone so...docile.

“So are you gonna sit next to me or what? “

he asked.

Nolan perked up just a little, appreciative of the fact that Thayer actually desired his company. He looked at the chair beside Thayer, pushed his hand on the stool to make sure it was safe, dusted it with his handkerchief to make sure it wasn’t stained with coffee, then promptly sat down. The young man crossed one leg with the other. As Thayer rolled his eyes at the display, like always he had to add the doubt he had that Nolan was a Zeus kid.

“I just like to think how ashamed Zeus would be of you if he were sitting over there or something.”

Nolan pouted his lips, but did not respond, in fact, he thought the very same thing too, but wasn’t bothered by it to change himself in any way. He scanned the cafe, finding many of the student he either had yet to know or were in fact good acquaintances of his. He looked to a table not far from where the two of them were sitting, of course his first glace came upon Santiago, and he switched his eyes almost instinctually to avoid eye contact, knowing eventually that the two would meet half way somewhere and the cycle would begin, he looked to Arielle, and while they weren’t particularly friends in any way, he already knew of the damage she could do, and then Abby who took to stacking her plate, and Paige who just walked in. He was surprised not to see people like Ruben, or Kennedy out and about here, but he had no doubt that they were probably somewhere else on campus. He looked to Thayer, he was busy studying some small contraption of sorts, and sipping on whatever coffee hadn’t spilled.

”Busy morning, huh?”

Thayer exclaimed with half of his attention on twisting a small cap on the contraption before it fell apart in his hand, to his sudden dismay.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Rae Jarvis Character Portrait: Saoirse Zuri Marisabel Smyth Character Portrait: Sybil Nolan Character Portrait: Leonard Moreland Character Portrait: Santiago Williams Character Portrait: Arielle Liu
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#, as written by Issa
Emmett Meade

His stomach rumbling, Emmett headed towards the cafeteria for a well-deserved breakfast. He was awake, he was happy and he was looking forward to what the day would bring. As he entered the cafe, his arms crossed over his head as he stretched, Emmett scanned the tables for someone to sit with. His eyes lit upon Arielle and Santiago. Arielle was one of his favourite people at the school. She was pretty, assertive and not scared to let people know when they bothered her.

Emmett took a quick detour before making his way towards Arielle and Santiago's table. First he stopped to pile a plate with food. Ahead of him was Abby, doing likewise. Abby and him got alone reasonably well. He wouldn't call them great friends but he said hello to her whenever he her.
"Morning Abs." He called, shortening her name. He gave her a friendly nod before picking up his plate. It was a balancing act to make sure that everything stayed on it. He had piled it up as much as possible and was determined not to let any piece of food fall. Emmett glided towards Arielle's table and, without waiting for an invitation, pulled out a chair. He plopped down, letting his food hit the table with a light smack.

"Good morning fellow students." He greeted the two, "I hope you're both feeling well on this fine day." His voice hinted at sarcasm but his greeting of the two was real. While he didn't know Santiago as well as Arielle he had nothing against the boy. The fact that he was friends with Arielle meant that he must be alright.
"You're looking as radiant as ever Ari, made anyone cry yet?" There was a playfulness in Emmett's words. A grin spread across his face as he began to devour his breakfast.

Leonard Moreland

As if the embarrassment of dropping his books in front of Sybil wasn't enough, no sooner had Leonard left Hades' daughter behind than he walked straight into another demi-god. This one was Paige, a girl who Leonard had never worked up the courage to talk to... then again he hadn't really talked to many people at this school so there wasn't anything special about him not talking to Paige. Except that his mind, usually analysing everything anyway, went into hyper-drive when she was around.

"Excuse me," Her voice was calm and her eyes held his for a moment before she moved around him. Leonard scrambled to find something, anything to say, or even to show some form of acknowledgment. Instead his cheeks turned red, again. He found himself turning to watch her leave. Then he realised that he was staring. What if she turned around and saw him watching her? Would she think he was angry? Or Creepy? Or that he liked her? Leonard shook his head and turned on his heel, pushing himself through the dormitories doors. Paige was pretty, and she seemed nice. But maybe he should have talked to her just now. He hoped he hadn't made any bad impression on her by not speaking... then again what if he hadn't made an impression at all? Maybe she didn't even know his name. Which might not be a bad thing if she thought ill of him because he hadn't spoken back there...

Leonard sometimes wished that his brain would just turn off. It was hard to decide on any one action when he was constantly thinking up pros and cons for everything, analysing each path chosen and coming up with alternatives. With people it was even worse. His normally logical mind seemed to leave and be replaced by one that stammered, stuttered and came to conclusions that generally left Leonard looking like a shy fool.

Attempting to push the run in with Paige to the back of his mind Lenny opened his room and, thankfully, closed the door behind him. At least here, in his personally sanctuary, he was temporarily safe from making a fool of himself.

Sybil Nolan

Sybil watched Leonard go, wondering once again how someone could be so painfully shy. Sybil wasn't an overly loud girl but she never had problems speaking her mind when asked. She accepted that everyone was different and yet Leonard's shyness was almost painful to watch. Still, he was new to the school. Hopefully as he became comfortable here he would come out of his shell a bit.

Sybil ran a hand through her hair, glancing around the courtyard she was in and trying to decide where she wanted to go and what she wanted to do. She wasn't hungry yet, breakfast could wait, but she didn't feel particularly like doing any kind of exercise or study.
In the end she decided to head towards the sea. Sybil could make out a floating figure in the choppy waters, no doubt one of Poseidon's children and possibly her friend Saoirse, if Sybil's eyes were correct. Rather than disturb anyone Sybil chose to take a seat in the shade of a large tree, finding a reasonably comfortable position amongst the roots. She didn't have a book to read and she didn't feel like playing a game on her phone so instead Sybil looked up between the tree branches and contented herself with watching the shadows play amongst the leaves.

To her eyes she could almost see shapes as the breeze blew between the leaves. Perhaps it was due to her powers, darkness manipulation in particular. Shadows were part of her and they seemed to react slightly whenever she was around, no doubt as they did for her half-siblings. If she wanted to she could call on her powers and actually make the shadows into a solid form, but right then she was happy to let them change with the wind.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Rae Jarvis Character Portrait: Halley McClain Character Portrait: Nolan Percival Yarley Character Portrait: Santiago Williams Character Portrait: Arielle Liu Character Portrait: Emmett Francis Meade
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0.00 INK

#, as written by **Ava**
Halley McClain

When Halley saw Arielle she slowed down her pace to walking. The Asia girl was bound to be meeting friends in the cafe, as she was the social, popular girl type. Halley examined Arielle from a distance, her hair was perfectly straight containing no fly always. There was a chance it was dyed, maybe highlighted. Hmm. Her makeup was done with perfect precision and most likely took up the majority of her morning. Why would Arielle even bother with those heels, this wasn't exactly a fashion show...
She watched Arielle make her way over to Santiago, the dreadlocks and Hades son guy who was already seated.

As she turned away from Arielle, Halley made but the slightest mocking look on her face barely sticking her tongue out, scrunching her eyebrows and tilting her head slightly. This face only lasted a second or two though. To hopefully not be seen by anyone.

The small roman girl made her way to the breakfast food. Fruits, cereal, dairy and wheat products were spread across a long narrow table. Twinkling her fingers over the food she was unsure which to choose, everything looked so fresh and delectable. She settled on an orange, blue berry muffin and chocolate milk. Which would fill her small stomach until lunch.It was completely natural for Halley to not care what she ate. She was born with high metabolism keeping her tiny no matter what she consumed.

So she took her food to an nearby empty table and plopping into the seat she pick at the muffin pulling the blueberries out and eating them individually while she occupying herself with her OmniSerm.

After she'd fiddled around a while on her phone she glanced up to find the cafe's population growing in number. Not only had Emmett Meade sat down with Arielle and Santiago but, her older brother Thayer and his friend Nolan, whom Halley knew little of, had entered the cafe. Lastly she noticed Abby Jarvis at the buffet choosing out her breakfast. Halley actually liked Abby, mostly because she liked karate too. But also because she seemed like a nice person to be around. After Halley finished her examination of the cafe she went back to her phone.

Halley pulled out a white and shiny blue tooth from her navy blue, fine cloth back pack. She inserted it into her ear. Not only could in receive calls, which Halley never got anyways, but it also was able to pick up any nearby conversations (With tweaking for the tech girl herself). You see, if a person had a phone around Halley could use that phones speakers, transmit it to her earpiece and well, thats spytech for you. To be honest Halley didn't own much of this equipment but it certainly could be good in eavesdropping times like these.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Halley McClain Character Portrait: Rosalie Tate Character Portrait: Brandon Faust Character Portrait: Nolan Percival Yarley Character Portrait: Santiago Williams Character Portrait: Arielle Liu
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0.00 INK


As Rose pulled out her notebook and returned back to the drawing, shading the face of who she believed was her father. Again, she had to remind herself that the blurry man in the picture was her father, not her dad. There is a difference to the Romanian. She froze for a minute hearing someone speaking to her. "Very nice drawing," She looked to her side to see Sage. They weren't good friends, but they had no problem with each other. So, whenever they saw one another they were friendly. She looked back down at the pencil drawing with a small smile of accomplishment on her pale face. "The shading is stupendous. It must have taken you a while to draw that." She gave the girl a nod before letting out a small thank you. She watched as the girl walked away and breathed in deeply before going back to the drawing. And before she knew it, she could hear someone else coming up behind her and begin talking to her. And when the person began to speak, she knew exactly who it was. "Woahhh," She turned to look up at her friend, Rowan. When she saw the look in his brown eyes filled with wonder which made her smile towards him. "That IS a nice drawing." She nodded before speaking towards the younger boy.

"Thanks Rowan. I've been working on it forever." She said as she looked back at the photograph before the boy asked her a question. "Rosalie, is that your family?" She looked down at the grass before shrugging. "More or less of a 'family'. I think of them only as the ones that brought me into the world. Nothing more really." She told him before closing the notebook and putting it back in her bad before looking back up at Rowan. She looked at him and only seeing one arm, she raised an eyebrow before standing up and looking in the distance to see Brandon coming towards them. She gave a smirk as he tripped over a root from the tree the girls were under, knowing he was nervous around Selyse. "Hello Brandon." She said giving him a small wave. "What's everyone up to today? Mind if I join you?" "And by join us, you mean join Selyse." She said in her head with sarcasm. Not that she would say it out loud. She didn't want to embarrass her friend, especially someone who couldn't go a day without tripping or stuttering around people. Even Rose herself had better social skills... And she rarely talked to people unless she knew them closely. Which weren't many people. When he knelt down to Selyse, Rose picked up her bag and put it on her shoulder. "Or would you prefer I left you guys alone with your books and your private conversation."

"Actually, I was just about to go to the cafeteria to get some breakfast before class starts."
She looked at Rowan before speaking again. "Rowan, do you want to come with me just in case Arielle and her followers are there."
She asked darting her eyes in the way towards the cafeteria telling him to go with her or go somewhere that wasn't there.


As Santiago and Arielle talked about their plans for the weekend, probably including their other best friend, Vanity in their plans. They planned on going into town with a group of friends, hoping to pick up guys for the night. But, the whole time they were talking with each other, Arielle could tell that Santiago was looking for someone. And she knew exactly who that 'someone' was; Nolan Yarley. Someone the Asian girl didn't know a lot about except that he was a Zeus kid and that Santi had eyes for him. Which made her be nice to the baby doll faced boy and for that reason only. She whistled towards the Hawaiian, getting her attention before pointing to a table not too far from the two. "Earth to Santiago. Why do you like him so much, I mean he's... the complete opposite of you and it weird to think of you two together. I mean, it was weird enough knowing you slept with Reuben." She said to him as he rolled his eyes. "Look, I don't need to explain my reasons to anyone but myself. Thank you very much and besides you said you would never bring that up again. I have my reasons for everything I do." He replied before smirking and taking a sip of his black coffee before finally looking in the direction that Arielle had pointed. Showing him where Nolan was sitting. He gave a small smile to the table before returning his stare back to his friend who had a smug look on her face. "Oh what?! What's with the face, Elle?" He asked as the girl simply shook her head before fixing a piece of hair behind her right ear.

"Oh, who are you to talk about romance? You don't like chicks and you make most guys cry themselves to sleep every night. The only guy that might be able to handle you is--" Was all he said before Emmett sat down next to Arielle and spoke. "Good morning fellow students. I hope you're both feeling well on this fine day." With that said, Santiago looked back Arielle who now had a smirk on her face as she looked at the man had just joined them. "Emmett." Ari looked at her best friend before speaking to him, "Shut up, Santiago." She looked back at the man next to her and gave him a charming but sarcastic smile. "Hello Emmett. I don't remember inviting you to sit at our table. But, since you're already here." She said in sarcasm, doing her best to hide her accent, knowing it wasn't most... popular thing to have when you already stick in school like a sore thumb. "You're looking as radiant as ever Ari, made anyone cry yet?" She gave him a smile before flipping her black hair over her shoulder and answering him. "Why thank you very much, It's take effort to be this gorgeous. And sadly, no. Not yet, knowing me it should be anytime now." She told the two males at the table before see Halley, who seemed to have slowed down her pace once seeing Arielle when they were walking in. When she saw the girl looking. Arielle gave the gave a sarcastic wave and smile to match before giving her an eye roll. She watched the girl turn away and go to a table on her own.

Arielle grabbed a small piece of toast off of Emmett tray before nibbling on it and seeing Xavier sit down and speak to Emmett. "Morning." She gave a small smile toward her half brother before speaking to her best friend who had been trying to learn Chinese so they could say things about anything without people knowing exactly what they were saying. "Yánzhòng de shì, zài zhèlǐ wǒmen shuō duìfāng de liǎng gè jiāhuo zhǐshì huá'ěrzī yǐwéi tāmen yǒngyǒu cǐ biǎo." (Seriously, here we are speaking to each other and two guys just waltz up thinking they own this table.) Looking back up from his breakfast, he looked at Xavier before looking to Ari. "Hēi, wǒ bù bàoyuàn de kànfǎ. Érqiě, bù cǎiqǔ xíngdòng, rúguǒ nǐ hèn tāmen ó zhème duō." (Hey, I'm not complaining of the view. And, don't act as if you hate them oh so much.) She scoffed before looking at the two boys at her side. God, Santiago was smart sometimes. Shockingly, but she did enjoy having both Emmett and Xavier around. Xavier was her half brother for gods sakes and Emmett was... Emmett. She always enjoyed having his company. "I guess you're right, but seriously never say that first part again. Do you hear me, Williams? I will end up making you less popular then Rosalie and her little friends." She threatened with her head tilted and a fake sweet smile on her face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Swann Character Portrait: Rose Gracey Character Portrait: Nathaniel Sterling Character Portrait: Harry Cricket Character Portrait: Clarissa "Taran" Morvay Character Portrait: Colton Kessler
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0.00 INK


Harry is very rarely taken aback by signs of affection in any variety, and therefore seems only willing to hug Taran back when she jumps up and embraces him in greeting. After all, the two are quite close as far as friends go, and so he is very rarely surprised by her actions anymore; this includes the ones that others would consider incredibly bizarre for the typically ignored young woman. Anyway, he remains smiling amicably when she releases him and backs up, and when she sizes him up for a moment as though afraid that the burst of affection will have scared him off or anything. He rolls his eyes at her concern, but in doing so misses her words, only catching the very end of them. This, naturally, makes it rather difficult for him to have the slightest of inklings as to what the girl has said to him, other than the word pin- or maybe been? Alright, whatever word she has just said definitely needs a bit better context for him to have any idea what she is saying. Rather than saying something that doesn't answer her question at all, the young man just smiles and nods, somewhat succeeding in saving face.

"How are you?" he asks softly, though he isn't really too much in the mood for small talk. If anything, he is considering dragging Taran off to the cafeteria and forcing her to eat breakfast with him. This thought is backed up by a grumbling in his stomach as his body tells him that the granola bar he had earlier was definitely not enough nourishment to hold him until lunch. He's an athletic young person, after all, and is having a craving for eggs and bacon at the moment- especially the eggs part, in fact. He makes the sign for breakfast, one which he had taught Clarissa a while ago, and gestures towards the cafeteria. "Come eat with me. I'm Starving," he says, though his smile makes him seem to be exaggerating his hunger. He notices a motion from the corner of his eye and glances over to see Rose walking over towards them, waving when she grows closer. He, in turn, waves back with his own smile. Of course, he also waves at Brandon when the son of Ares jogs by them.

His greeting is slightly less genuine in its friendliness when one Mr. Wes Taylor comes by, greeting the group. Wes's greeting to Harry is far from warm itself, and Harry knows the courtesy is given only for the sake of Taran, who might be slightly miffed if he is to snub Harry. Harry merely nods at the Taran's brother, his expression having lost its cheer just a bit, though it doesn't necessarily appear to be hostile either. They simply don't get along, but that doesn't mean that Harry is going to hiss at his presence, right?

"Breakfast?" Harry reintroduces his suggestion to the group just before yawning and stretching upwards. He hadn't properly stretched after running this morning, and is thinking that he may regret it. Still, the desire for food prevails above slightly stiff feeling joints.


Paige doesn't bother to survey the cafeteria or anything like that, as her focus for the moment is not preemptive table searching. If need be, she can always go eat in the courtyard or on the roof or something like that. Rather, she makes a sort of beeline for the buffet, which seems to primarily consist of eggs, bacon, and toast. Well, that would be the part she stands at for the first few seconds, anyway. It isn't long, however, before the young woman makes a face of disdain for the foods, not being a fan of any of the aforementioned breakfast dishes, and moves on towards the section which offers a colorful selection of foods and yogurts. Paige, as far as breakfast goes, is not the sort of person who goes for much variation. In fact, her breakfast has been fruit and hot tea for the past several years, starting when she was perhaps seven or eight years old. Old habits die hard, whether they be of sleeping in or eating a monotonous breakfast for every day of your life. Paige seems, to some extent, to embody this cliche.

Only after preparing herself a cup of hot tea, which is bland at best, and a plate stacked with pineapple, blueberries, strawberries, and cantaloupe, does Paige think to look around and try and find a group with whom she might sit, if a group at all. She'd be perfectly content sitting on her own, after all, but that doesn't make her an entirely unsocial creature. She's good enough friends with Thayer, and occasionally hangs out with Gwen -though only at night-, but doesn't know Nolan or Nate very well. Another table seats Arielle, something of a friend, and Emmett, with whom she occasionally banters. It's a rather even tossup, especially as she doesn't really care too much. In the end, she takes a seat with the larger crowd, simply melting into the group without a sound. While she may have some sort of friendship, or at least respect, with Arielle and Emmett, she is otherwise very loosely related to this group, and therefore enters without asking but offers little greeting to the people there, other than a nod and a murmured good morning that is lost within a yawn.

She doesn't need to be involved in the conversation- Paige is content to simply eat and observes. She likes to watch things unfold, after all, and were she not so lazy has the potential to be a far more malicious force than she is. After all, she would be the sort, if passivity did not translate into some shifty sort of kindness, to purposely move people like pawns so that she can watch things for her own amusement. This side, however, is rather suppressed, and she is content to watch the natural course of things instead, without offering intervention.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalie Tate Character Portrait: Sage Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Brandon Faust Character Portrait: Saoirse Zuri Marisabel Smyth Character Portrait: Santiago Williams Character Portrait: Arielle Liu
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0.00 INK

Sage Fitzgerald

Sage checked the watch on her left wrist. There was still plenty of time before classes started. She could never understand people who chose to wake up later. Days felt so much fuller when they were longer. Time was a precious thing. She could never comprehend why so many people wanted to idly waste it with dreaming and sleep. Of course, you needed sleep to function, but too much of it was just ridiculous. Maybe that was the reason she could never understand the children of Hypnos....

Sage had left the lake not only due to the fact that the place was becoming awfully crowded, but also because she had finished her four-hundred page book about the famous Battle of Thermopylae. The library was her next destination. While she still had time, she would return the book, pick out some new ones, and help the librarians in any way she could. Sometimes, she walked into the library to find that the shelves of books were in the incorrect order, or that books were missing from their spots and were scattered across the tables instead.

However, her plans promptly changed when she found Xavier Richards, a mischievous and arrogant child of Khione, gliding past her as he walked swiftly towards the school building. She completely disregarded his presence, until she saw what he had in his hands; a tee-shirt, jeans, and a vivid-colored cardigan. Judging by the way they were styled, Sage could tell they weren't his. They were way too small to fit him. It could only mean that they were women's clothing. There was something remotely fishy about his pacing, so the child of Athena decided to follow him. She walked slow enough so that her whereabouts weren't suspicious, but fast enough that she could catch up with him.

As she was on his tail, she understood that he was heading the same way that she had originally planned to go. However, it wasn't until he made a sudden turn that she realized he was approaching the dining hall. She stopped in her tracks for a while, letting him enter the dining hall before she made her way inside. That way, it would seem less likely that Sage had been following him for yards. Releasing a heavy breath of air, she entered the cafe, tightening the ponytail on the top of her head as she walked in with wide strides.

Her eyes locked onto Xavier's black hair. She watched him as he approached Arielle Liu, Santiago Williams, Emmett Meade, and other kids Sage wasn't particularly fond of. Realizing the clothing wasn't in his hands anymore, Sage checked all around her, hoping she would find them. Sure enough, as she expected, the clothing had been dumped into a small dustbin that was near her. She looked down at the articles of women's clothing, particularly the red and white cardigan. Little specks of light colored dirt or sand could be seen all across the clothing. Whomever had worn them or had owned them before Xavier had been outside somewhere. Her mind deep in thought, Sage kept inspecting the clothing. The clothes weren't really soiled, so what was the purpose of throwing them out? Knowing Xavier Richards, he had most likely pulled a prank on an innocent girl. Then again, there could have been other reasons, but all of them seemed unlikely. With a resentful sigh, Sage slowly approached the table where Xavier was sitting.

Despite there being a multitude of people Sage disliked, such as Arielle, she had never really feared them, as other kids did. She had heard stories of demigods who were frightened by the daughter of Khione. It was obscene to Sage, as she had never seen her as a major threat, but she took people's opinions of the girl into account. As she neared the cafeteria table, she could hear Arielle say,
"I guess you're right, but seriously never say that first part again. Do you hear me, Williams? I will end up making you less popular then Rosalie and her little friends." Of course. Gossip and threats. What else did these kids have better to do?

"Excuse me," Sage spoke sternly yet politely, "Sorry to infringe your conversation, but I have to ask Xander a question."
Xander. Sage was always getting his name wrong. It just seemed to be his name in particular that she could never remember.
She glanced at everyone sitting at the table with her chilling gray eyes. She kept her focus on Emmett for a while. Much to her discontent, the two were acquaintances. However, Sage never bothered with Emmett outside of the classroom or library. He was much too shady for her to consider him a true friend.

"Just out of curiosity," she started, "why did you throw those clothes in the garbage? I walked in, and I saw you dumping them in the dustbin over there. I'm just asking because they looked like girl's clothing, and i was intrigued."

Rowan Tinne

"Thanks Rowan. I've been working on it forever." Rosalie said in response to his compliment. The brunette looked down at the grass and shrugged in response to his question about the people in the drawing. "More or less of a 'family'. I think of them only as the ones that brought me into the world. Nothing more really." He saw that the picturesque smile on her face had been replaced with a deep and sullen expression. "Oh..." he replied, his face matching Rosalie's. Once again, he had made the situation dreadfully awkward. He stared off into space, until the sound of a familiar voice brought him back to earth. "H-hey! What's everyone up to today?"

It was Brandon Faust, a child of Ares, and in Rowan's opinion, one of the coolest guys in the academy. Brandon was so big, strong, and laid-back, that Rowan couldn't help but look up to him as a sort of role model. For a child of the god of war, he never had a ferocious temper. "Sup, Brandon!" he greeted him with a hearty grin.

Rosalie greeted him as well. "What's everyone up to today? Mind if I join you?" he said through a slight stutter. Some people talked about how Brandon was awkward with girls, but Rowan didn't see it. If anything, HE was ten times more awkward with girls than Brandon was. "Or would you prefer I left you guys alone with your books and your private conversation?" he added. "Actually, I was just about to go to the cafeteria to get some breakfast before class starts." Rosalie replied. She then glanced up at Rowan, who was surprised to see that she remembered he was still there. "Rowan, do you want to come with me just in case Arielle and her followers are there?"

The name Arielle threw him off guard, and his cheeks started to uncontrollably grow a bright pink for the second time that day. "Uhhhhh....." he said, his left hand scratching the back of his head. He knew it was ridiculous, but Rowan was somewhat scared of Arielle Liu and her followers. He'd heard stories about her and Vanity Blond, and he knew that those two were bad news. Then again, he had never associated with them, so they probably didn't care about him anyway. He let out a half-smile, and swung his drawstring bag back unto his back.
"Ah, what the heck? I've already eaten breakfast today, but I can go for round two." He chuckled under his breath, and then lifted his right arm towards the girls and Brandon.

"If we're going. I might as well show you this," his eyelids lowered as he spoke in a lower tone of voice, "this is what I managed to do to myself today."
His lime-green arm shined brightly in the sun. "I bump into a girl on my way here, and then as soon as I get up, I find that my damn arm is lime-green!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Rae Jarvis Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Swann Character Portrait: Nathaniel Sterling Character Portrait: Nolan Percival Yarley Character Portrait: Santiago Williams Character Portrait: Arielle Liu
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0.00 INK


It would only take a few seconds between the two of them until company finally arrived, neither of them minded after all, since they both were people who could at least hold decent enough conversations without straying off. Nolan scooted in his chair a bit further, trying not to look in the general direction of Arielle and Santiago's table, but Santiago was clearly looking for him by the way he examined the cafeteria that much Nolan assured himself, but as soon as Arielle seemed to point his way, the young man turned away and blushed slightly, his eyes slightly dilated at the expense of embarrassment.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?

Nolan smiled at Nate, quick to forget about his previous engagement, and all too obliged to clear the chair next to him and bring it up for Nate to sit in, while Thayer acknowledged him with a quick glare, and then went back to sipping his coffee, and peering around the cafeteria to see if he could find anything interesting. Nolan let his handkerchief, which he would probably throw away later for the sake of cleanliness back on the table, he yawned, then relaxed himself into a more comfortable position to talk to Nate.

“So how are you this morning Nathaniel? I hope you're doing a little better than Thayer with his temper tantrums...”

Thayer scowled at Nolan, but had nothing to say with his coffee mug still tipped near his mouth, he knew Nate enough that they could hold a pleasant conversation, but unlike Nolan he could never give off a warm friendly vibe to save his life, it just wasn’t him. He was always interested in those who didn’t strive so hard to be different, and were resistant to change. It wasn’t that Nate didn’t embody some of those qualities, it was just that he didn’t exactly find Nate forward enough. He addressed the Child of Aphrodite for the first time since he began sitting with them.

’ solve world hunger yet?’

Thayer was poking lightly at Nate’s quiescent attitude, though he hoped that Nate got the message and that it wouldn’t seriously offend him. Nolan on the other hand gave his friend a slight jab to the rib to keep him from saying anything smart, lest he find himself in Olympus for that mouth of his. Thayer winced a little, Nolan was much stronger than most people anticipated, it was that naivete that never let him notice such things, but Thayer wasn’t intent on showing that he was in any pain, instead he took a sharp intake of breath by sipping his coffee, or at least pretending too.

’Don’t mind him Nate, like I said, he’s just being cranky.”

He honestly hoped Nate wasn’t taking in what Nolan was actually saying, it was only then that Thayer switched his attention back to the proceedings around the cafeteria, which grew a little tighter than he wanted it to be, but fortunately Gwen walked upon them, and without having to say anything; a quality which Thayer had no problem with, she sat down next to him and let her head fall on his shoulder. He did what he could only think to do which was to rub her opposite shoulder in a friendly, caring gesture.

“Morning Gwen, you ready for a shitty day too hm?..”

Nolan looked back at the two and smiled, it was his short handed way of greeting her before returning back to Nate. Thayer’s head suddenly poked a little over Gwen’s to see Abby, who seemed a little malcontent, and he could only imagine why, but figured she had her own reasons to not want to sit among them, Thayer didn’t blame her, he probably would have ignored this table too had it been anyone else.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Saoirse Zuri Marisabel Smyth Character Portrait: Sybil Nolan Character Portrait: Santiago Williams Character Portrait: Arielle Liu Character Portrait: Xavier Richards
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Issa
Sybil Nolan

Sybil had been enjoying herself as she relaxed under the large tree. That is until a voice jarred her thoughts.
"Good morning Sybil, you're looking exceptionally hideous this fine morning - Have you been using a new shampoo or something?" A scowl was forming on her face as Sybil glanced up to see the source of the words.
Xavier Richards, the son of Khione and quite possibly one of Sybil's least favourite students. He always seemed to make a habit of irritating her, now being a prime example. His face was plastered with a large smile that would have melted the heart of any girl, provided she didn't know his personality.
"Witty as ever Xavier." Sybil muttered, although it appeared that he didn't hear her words as his attention was drawn elsewhere.

He whispered something that Sybil couldn't quite catch before giving Sybil a bow,
"Alas, m'lady... duty calls." His accented words were followed by a tip of an imaginary hat before Xavier wondered off. Sybil watched him go, pleased to see the back of him. He only looked back once at her, winking as he left. Sybil pulled a face before getting to her feet. His appearance had completely ruined her morning, but at least something else had drawn his attention away from her.
Sybil glanced back to the spot where he had disappeared. She hadn't seen what he had picked up but no doubt it meant that someone would soon be upset.

She wondered over to the spot and realised that what Xavier had taken were Saoirse's clothes. Sybil silently cursed the boy before stepping to the edge of the water and cupping her hands around her mouth, the better to get her voice across to Saoirse.
"Hey! Marisa!" Sybil called, using Saoirse's nickname, "You might want to come in."
Sybil didn't really want to yell out that Saoirse's clothes had been stolen. She would wait at the water's edge for her friend. The only piece of clothing she could offer Saoirse was her black jacket but Sybil could easily manipulate shadows to cover Saoirse if she wanted, or even shadow travel to her room to grab some clothes. Admittedly the shadow traveling would be a last resort considering the amount of energy it cost Sybil, but it wasn't against the school rules since she wasn't using her powers on another person.

Emmett Meade

Emmett happily dug into his breakfast as he sat with Arielle and Santiago.

"Emmett" Arielle greeted him, flashing a charming smile his way. There was, as expected, a hint of sarcasm on her lips, "I don't remember inviting you to sit at our table. But, since you're already here."
Emmett grinned, hearing the sarcasm in her voice. Even without sarcasm he wouldn't have been phased. Emmett was rarely insulted and besides he got on very well with Arielle. He knew that she didn't really mind his presence.
"Why thank you very much, It's take effort to be this gorgeous. And sadly, no. Not yet, knowing me it should be anytime now." Arielle replied to Emmett's compliment, flicking her hair behind her shoulder. Emmett bit into his remaining piece of toast as Arielle took the other.

A moment later Xavier sat down at their table, a simple "Morning" and a smile his only greeting. Emmett grinned at Xavier, he was undoubtedly Emmett's closest male friend at Mount Olympus. Emmett always enjoyed having Xavier around. As Arielle and Santiago burst into a string of Chinese that Emmett had no way of understanding he turned to Xavier and nodded back towards the rubbish bin,
"What's that all about?" He asked. Emmett was intrigued to find out what Xavier had been up to, no doubt whatever it was would be worth a good laugh.

A figure slid into a seat around their table and Emmett glanced over to find Paige was now seated with them. He nodded her a greeting and called quickly across the table, "I'm surprised to see you up." . He smiled, letting her know that he was teasing before turning his attention back to Xavier.

Apparently he wasn't the only one curious about Xavier's activities because a figure suddenly loomed over the table.
"Excuse me... Sorry to infringe your conversation, but I have to ask Xander a question."
Sage's eyes cast around the table, her grey eyes glancing from person to person before resting on Emmett for a moment. He gave her a wink, purposefully ignoring the serious tone to her voice. He liked Sage, for all that she appeared to be constantly serious she was always able to help Emmett with school work when he asked. But this was neither a social call or a visit to discuss classwork. Instead Sage seemed to be questioning Xavier on his most recent prank. As Emmett was also curious to hear Xavier's answer he remained quiet and waited.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Halley McClain Character Portrait: Sage Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Arielle Liu Character Portrait: Xavier Richards Character Portrait: Thayer Hendrix
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0.00 INK

#, as written by **Ava**
Halley McClain

Halley banged her hand lightly on the table as Arielle had just began speaking chinese or something. There was nothing to listen to now. She pulled the earpiece out of her ear gently and placed it back into her backpack. That was enough of that for now. The roman sighed and packed up her things, taking the orange she stuck it in her backpack as well. It would be a good afternoon snack. Across the cafe she could see Thayer, her older half brother. Did Halley dare to walk over to them and sit by Thayer and all his older friends? She didn't feel she had the guts to and it was kind of depressing to be sitting in the cafe by herself. She did see someone else who had always seemed nice, Sage Fitzgerald, she was talking to Xander.

Slowly and nervously Halley packed up her things and began to weave through the tables to Sage, in hope she would be friendly. Halley only saw Sage as the girl behind the book, as she was always reading. Halley wondered what Sage was doing talking to this group of people. By the time she got there she regretted her decision. Talking to people was difficult, to easy to mess up and spend the rest of the day regretting what you said. Talking to machines was easier, they had no emotion or opinion. Yet somehow Halley always enjoyed using the machines. The small girl took the last few steps of her approach to Sage by fixing her wavy, poofy hair. It was a mess at the moment but there wasn't much she could do now, she was only a few feet away from Sage. What if she turned around? What if she tripped? What if she forg-

"Hi Sage..." Halley said quietly wondering if she even caught the girls attention.

Sage was already talking to Xander so Halley waited patiently behind the bookworm and waited for her to finish. Perhaps maybe later Sage could suggest a book for Halley to read. But until then she was stuck next to Sage listing in on whatever Xander had began to say. Halley looked around, many many people Halley did not quite like were there. She felt vulnerable and to show it she fiddle with her fingers and listened to the conversations around her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Halley McClain Character Portrait: Sage Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Saoirse Zuri Marisabel Smyth Character Portrait: Sybil Nolan Character Portrait: Santiago Williams Character Portrait: Arielle Liu
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0.00 INK

Xavier Richards

"What's that all about?" Emmett asked.

Xavier barely had time to shoot his a small "You'll see," with a smirk before Sage came over.
Turning to face her, Xavier smiled broadly, entwining his fingers and placing them behind his head, waiting for her to speak.
"Just out of curiosity," Sage began, "why did you throw those clothes in the garbage? I walked in, and I saw you dumping them in the dustbin over there. I'm just asking because they looked like girl's clothing, and i was intrigued."

Deciding to ignore the fact that she had the cheek to call him Xander, Xavier studied the girl for a minuet, taking a bite from his muffin and leisurely taking his time to reply.
"Lovely to see you too, Sage," He beamed, pushing aside her question for now - Why on earth should he tell her?
Instead, Xavier continued, "how are you this fine morning?"

Another bite of his muffin and he could tell Sage was agrivated, Xavier loved to wind people up, and seeing as it was so easy for him to do, why shouldn't he?

While waiting for her response Xavier barely heard Halley's greeting to Sage.
"Halley!" He exclaimed, as if they were long-time friends,"How are you? Do join our delightful conversation - I was just saying how much of a fine morning it was, don't you agree?"
The sarcasm dripped from his words as Xavier fixed his favourite fake smile onto his face, oh how he loved this.

Eyeing Halley, Xavier could tell the girl was intimidated even before she had reached the table, and so she should be, anyone of the people on this table could burst her pretty little bubble in a second - Damn, Xavier loved reminding himself that he could do that.

Saiorse Zuri Marisabel Smyth

Was that Sybil? Saoirse turned her head to see a small figure calling for her - Had she drifted that far out in the water?
Diving under the water to maximize her speed as she swam through the sea.
Re-surfacing, Saoirse turned to Sybil and smiled, greeting he friend she asks,"What's up, you sounded urgent?"

While saying this, she looked around for her clothes, frowning when she realised they had gone, how could they have just 'disappeared'.
Someone must have taken them, but who would be so mean and petty? Saoirse thought, knowing the answer immediately.
"Xavier," She hisses softly, looking at Sybil, "it was him wasn't it?"

Without waiting for a response Saoirse scrunched up her fists; beginning to marching toward the library, water dripping off her skin as she went - Would he be in here?

On the way, she noticed Leo and smiled at him, a small greeting before she ran past and into the building, her hands still tightly balled, she would not hesitating in punching that, that, that ass!
As she stormed into the Library, she suddenly became aware of her predicament - She was standing in the library soaked and everyone staring at her, brilliant.

Shaking it off, Saiorse looked around a little before deciding that he wasn't there, leaving, she made a bee-line for the food-hall, she wouldn't change, no, this way she'd show Xavier that she honestly didn't care (even though she most obviously did).

Before entering the hall, Saoirse hesitated a little, thinking about how humiliated she'd be, but soon Saoirse's fury enveloped her again and she walked calmly but determinedly through the doors, spotting Xavier and walking over to him.
Taking a deep breath, she looked him straight in the eyes, ignoring everyone around her, and asked him simply, "where did you put them?" Never once taking her eyes from the boy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Halley McClain Character Portrait: Sage Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Saoirse Zuri Marisabel Smyth Character Portrait: Santiago Williams Character Portrait: Arielle Liu Character Portrait: Xavier Richards
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Maddie had been up long before the sun with her feather duvet curled around her slender frame. The young daughter of Hecate suspected there might be a pop quiz in Mr. Guess's history class this morning and refused to fail. Of course, it was only a rumor that a test would actually be handed out. In any case, Maddie didn't want to take the chance. She would know all the material he'd assigned front to back before stepping foot into that classroom. Occasionally she would curse herself for how irrational she was being when it came to schooling, but Maddie feared falling behind and had vowed to never let it happen. Sure, that meant more study hours and less time with friends, but school came first.

Suddenly, the Tinkerbell alarm clock stationed on Maddie's desk sounded, breaking her trance with the textbook. If she didn't get a move on, she'd be late and then, it wouldn't matter if she was prepared for the possible quiz or not. The vintage-patterned, black and white duvet fell to the floor as Maddie scrambled from bed. She, being anything save for routine, had no idea which outfit she'd be wearing or how her hair would fall, but she knew she better pick up the pace and decide soon. Her closet held an array of colors and fashions. Maddie, though she'd hate to admit it, took pride in her closet and enjoyed mixing and matching different styles. She wasn't one of those girls who took the easy, comfortable route. No. Instead, Maddie always dressed to the nines.

With the realization that she was wasting even more time by just standing there staring, the brunette took off in a flurry, piecing together different articles until she finally stumbled upon an outfit she liked. The aqua colored pants would make her eyes pop and the black overtones would mesh quite well with her hair. Maddie was satisfied with her choice and worked overtime to pull her hair into a low side ponytail. Within moments, she was checking herself over in the mirror ultimately content with her reflection.

A grumble of her stomach reminded Maddie that she hadn't yet been to get breakfast. Inwardly, she cursed herself. She knew she should start managing her time better, but she lacked the discipline to do so. Life wasn't supposed to be planned out down to the last second. After all, time was merely an abstract invention created by man. In a true sense, there was no such a thing as time. Maddie wished more people had the same outlook as she, but didn't dwell on the fact too much as she set out for the cafeteria.

As luck would have it, as soon as she stepped outside the dorms, Maddie spotted her good friend, Austin. Austin took Maddie for who she was, never tried to change her, and always lent an ear should she need one. In the true nature of friendship, Maddie did the same for him, though Austin didn't need her as much as she tended to need him. It was a friendship, nonetheless and she was very proud to have someone as gentle and caring as Austin in her life.

"Austin!" Maddie called from across the way. "Austin, over here!" she yelled out a second time.

Finally, the son of Hypnos spotted her and started towards her. "Good morning, Maddie." Austin told her quietly. His nature was to say only as many words as were necessary to convey his point. Maddie was actually surprised that Austin had ever opened up to her, but now their friendship seemed so natural.

"And to you too." she returned. "I'm headed off to the cafeteria to get something to eat before class. Want to join me?" she questioned. A simple nod of the head was all Austin offered up in return. Maddie took that as a sign that he didn't really want to talk this morning, and so the two walked in silence in the direction of the cafeteria. What Maddie hadn't expected was the scene before them when they arrived. A dripping wet Saoirse stood in front of a crowd, clearly angry. Scanning the group of people, Maddie put together the fact that Xavier had no doubt pulled another prank. While she liked Xavier and thought he was a pretty alright guy, she didn't find this amusing in the slightest.

"Will you go grab me a banana and blueberry muffin, Austin? I'm going to try to help Saoirse." she told her best friend, but carefully left out exactly how she planned to help. Another nod of the head, and Austin was gone. Maddie really did appreciate the fact that he never butted his way into places he didn't belong. If she didn't want to offer up details, he wasn't going to ask for any. She liked it that way.

A table sat empty a row or two down from where the group had gathered. Arielle, Santi, Emmett and a few others were gathered at their regular table and Sage, Halley, and Saoirse all stood in front. Maddie chose the empty table giving her a direct line of sight to Saoirse. With a quick, almost inaudible incantation, the water that dripped from Saoirse dried up. Her swimsuit and hair began to dry as well. In a matter of seconds, there was no more water left on the girl. Maddie knew she was breaking the rules, but she was also helping. Besides, it wasn't like anyone could pinpoint the mystery drying to her. A child of Poseidon could do the same exact thing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Halley McClain Character Portrait: Rosalie Tate Character Portrait: Sage Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Brandon Faust Character Portrait: Saoirse Zuri Marisabel Smyth Character Portrait: Santiago Williams
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Sage Fitzgerald

After catching Emmett giving her a vivacious wink as she had predicted, Sage was surprised to find that he looked as curious as she had been when she had questioned Xavier about his actions. With a playful and deceitful look on his face, the child of Khione took a bite out of his blueberry muffin, and took his time to respond, as though the question meant no significance. To say the least, Sage was disgusted by his attitude.

"Lovely to see you too, Sage," he said, a wildly insolent grin on his face, "how are you this fine morning?"
He took another bite of his muffin. Clearly he wasn't in the mood to give her a direct answer.
"Dandy." she replied, a dark smirk on her face, "Although, I've been better."

"Hi Sage..." said a soft, monotonous voice behind her. The voice had belonged to a girl's, and it was awfully quiet, as though a mouse had just learned how to speak. Slightly turning her head and casting her eyes as far to the right as they could go, Sage glanced at none other than Halley McClain, a daughter of Hephaestus.

"Hello, Halley." she greeted, matching Halley's sweet-sounding tone. Although Sage respected Halley and had absolutely nothing against her, she couldn't help but wonder why the girl had even bothered to approach her. Just from the way her voice slightly trembled, it was evident that Halley had been reluctant to approach the table. So why did she? In the midst of a battle of sarcastic remarks, it was almost a foolish decision to approach her at that moment....

Of course, it wasn't long until the hawk started to claim its prey. "Halley!" Xavier sarcastically greeted the girl,
"How are you? Do join our delightful conversation - I was just saying how much of a fine morning it was, don't you agree?"
A simple polite question was now turning into something else. Sage was never one to have a short-fuse, but it was the mocking of the weak that she couldn't stand, even if the victim was being taunted in a subtle manner. As she stared at the arrogant boy with intimidating and chilling eyes, the feather attached to the chain around her neck started to glow, as if supernaturally. The expression on her face became intense with anger.
"She wasn't ta-..."

Sage had lost her focus when out of the corner of her eye, she saw a girl furiously sauntering into the food hall, her wet bathing suit dripping water onto the floor. At first, Sage was confused by Saoirse's entrance, but after recalling that the girl was a child of Poseidon, everything instantly clicked in her head. Xavier had stolen the clothes from Saoirse while she was swimming. It only made sense.

"Where did you put them?" she said simply. With the enraged glimmer in her eyes, the plain words came out ferociously. Sage watched as Saoirse stared at Xavier. The two seemed to shoot daggers at each either as their gazes interlocked.
"Saoirse, are you talking about jeans, a tee-shirt, and a red and white cardigan?" she said calmly to the infuriated girl. It was that moment that Sage noticed Madison Bridle, a daughter of Hecate, standing next to Saoirse, using mystokinesis to dry the soaked girl. Madison was someone who Sage had always consistently shown recognition to. She always seemed to have her head on straight.

The child of Athena briskly walked over to the garbage can, pulled the clothing out, and gently handed it to Saoirse.
"I'm assuming these are yours? I discovered them while I was entering into the cafeteria. Someone was propelling them into the trash when I arrived."
She didn't mention Xavier's name. She was well aware that Saoirse already knew who had committed the devious crime.

Looking at the table in front of her as well as the three girls standing behind her, Sage crossed her arms and let out a half-smile. She didn't want to wage a war, nor did she want to attract anyone else to the table, so she decided it was best to leave.
"Right, well, I best be off to my first period class. Don't want to be late for the bell. Antío."
As she ended her sentence in a heavy Greek accent, the blonde gave a small wave, and disappeared into the hallway.

"Ti éna MALAKA." she cursed Xavier under her breath.

(ooc: @PatchworkHeart AAAACK!! Sorry about Xavier's name!!! :( Looking back, I realize that I had confused his name with a character named Xander from a different roleplay. I would tell you to change the post, but I think i'm going to keep it. It'd be kind of funny for Sage to know everyone else's name at the academy except for Xavier's, and have her mess up his name throughout the roleplay. :D)

Rowan Tinne

As soon as he showed his arm to the group of three, Rowan noticed that Selyse was the first one to react. Then again, she would be the first one to react. She was a daughter of Tyche, the goddess of luck. Crazy things NEVER happened to her. Embarassment did not exist. By the way Selyse Hendrickson dressed and acted, she knew she didn't have to worry about getting bad grades, losing games, or being harassed. With luck, the world could be handed to you on a silver platter. Rowan wondered what his life would have been like if his father would have met Tyche instead of Hecate...

"It will fade, though, won't it?" she said with concern. This threw him off guard, as he was expecting all three of them to laugh at him. "Yeah, I should be fine." he said, "The girl I bumped into was one of Iris's daughters, so I don't think it should last long..." He then twisted and turned his arm in the sunlight, and a smile crept onto his face, "In fact, I think it's starting to grow on me. I might use it to scare people or something..."

Selyse then turned to Brandon, who was still sitting, and asked if he wanted to come to breakfast as well. Rowan looked out across the lake, watching people as they wandered and socialized. Having the guts to approach Rosalie and Selyse, Rowan realized that he wasn't as small as he thought he was. Everyone on the campus was different and made their own pathways in life. He looked down at his blue opal bracelet. Maybe he would find courage after years of waiting. Coming back down to earth, Rowan waited for Brandon's response, and then decided he would follow the group. He wouldn't have much to talk about, but at least he wouldn't be getting breakfast alone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Halley McClain Character Portrait: Sage Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Saoirse Zuri Marisabel Smyth Character Portrait: Sybil Nolan Character Portrait: Arielle Liu Character Portrait: Xavier Richards
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Issa
Sybil Nolan

Saoirse emerged from the water, her eyes already casting around for her clothes. When she saw that they had gone Saoirse took little time to realise who had done it.
"Xavier... it was him wasn't it?" Her words came out as a hiss, her growing anger was evident.
Sybil nodded and Saoirse marched off before she could reply. Sybil didn't know that Saoirse could move so fast, she was quickly gone from sight disappearing around a bend. Sybil followed at a slower pace, unsure whether she wanted to watch the confrontation with Xavier.
In the end she decided to follow Saoirse, Sybil would enjoy seeing Xavier face an angry Saoirse.

Although she quickly lost Saoirse it wasn't hard to follow her, there was a trail of water from where she had dripped onto the ground. The trail led into the library and Sybil had just reached the door when Saoirse stormed out. Apparently Xavier hadn't been in there. This time Sybil managed to keep closer to Saoirse and followed her into the cafeteria.

It was crowded, a multitude of students were gathered at tables eating their breakfast and chatting. But it was towards one table that Sybil's attention was drawn. It was the table that Saoirse headed towards, stopping beside Sage and Halley. Saoirse didn't even seem to realise that she was still dripping wet as she stared down Xavier. Beside Xavier sat Emmett, a grin on his face as he watched the drama. Sybil had never understood how he could be friends with Xavier, or even Arielle. She knew that Emmett's personality appealed to a lot of different people, but he didn't go in for the same mean pranks as Xavier and he was never as bitchy as Arielle... or at least he wasn't towards and around Sybil.

Sybil stopped just short of joining Saoirse at the table, given that Sage and Halley were already there and she didn't want to overcrowd the area. She could hear and see everything fine but Sybil prefered to avoid Xavier's attention, which was much better achieved by staying a safe distance away.
Sybil tuned in to what was happening. Sage appeared to be questioning Xavier on what he had done. When Saoirse arrived Athena's daughter seemed to quickly connect the dots. She walked over to a rubbish bin and pulled out the discarded clothing.

The clothes were handed over, a relief to Sybil, and Sage said her farewells to the table, Halley following quickly after her. Crisis averted. Sybil decided that, given the number of people in the cafeteria, her presence was hardly needed and she slowly made her way over to the spread of breakfast food where she grabbed an apple for her breakfast.

Emmett Meade

Emmett watched the drama unfold, a grin spread across his face. Honestly, he couldn't have thought of a better way to start his day. As Saoirse appeared, dripping wet and wearing nothing but her swimming suit, Emmett clapped Xavier on the back. The man was a genius and this was a masterpiece. Emmett sat back in his chair, arms over his head and gazed appreciatively at Saoirse.

It had become apparent, at the girl's arrival, what Xavier had done. That was why he considered Xavier one of his good friends, he had a way of making entertainment such as this happen.
Sage returned Saoirse's clothing, much to Emmett's disappointment and then left with the final parting words:
"Right, well, I best be off to my first period class. Don't want to be late for the bell. Antío."
At the reminder of class Emmett felt his enjoyment of a moment ago sink. Class, what a bore.
Well, first he would have to finish his food.

Emmett dug into his food, scraping the last few items of his plate. As he ate he kept an eye on those gathered around the table. He hadn't failed to notice Sybil, standing back a bit from their table. The quiet Hephaestus girl had come and gone too, bringing out a sweet looking phone as she left. Emmett's eyes had immediately latched onto the item. His fingers itched. He stood up abruptly, gave a nod of farewell to those around the table and then ran to catch up with Halley.

A friendly smile spread across his face as he fell into step with the girl. He had never had much to do with Halley. The girl was quiet and he had rarely had reason to talk with her. He most likely would have ignored her completely if not for the treasure trove of technology that she possessed.
"Halley, how are you?" His tone was friendly, casual as if he were catching up with an old friend. His eyes darted from her face to the phone in her hand and then back. Of course he wouldn't steal it right out of her hand, there was no skill in that, only brute force. No, he wanted to see exactly what the phone could do before he tried to nick it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Halley McClain Character Portrait: Rosalie Tate Character Portrait: Sage Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Brandon Faust Character Portrait: Saoirse Zuri Marisabel Smyth Character Portrait: Santiago Williams
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0.00 INK


As she finished talking to Santiago, she looked to the side to see someone else join the table. Paige Harrison, a girl who was somewhat of one of Arielle's friends, she could roll with the punches. Which was a giant plus for most of Arielle, that means she wouldn't cry and boo hoo about the comments that came out of her mouth. She looked to the side to at least acknowledge the girl who had just sat down. "Hey Paige." which was followed with a small wave. All the while, Santiago was throwing away his tray before sitting back down at the table across from his friend. She was about to say something before closing her mouth and turning her attention to Sage. She quickly lose her joy and the cold look that was always in her eyes, came back. And, earlier than usual.It at least returned right before going to class. She wasn't complaining through. Santiago looked to his side and looked her up and down as Sage began to speak to group. "Excuse me," She tilted her head to the side in sarcastic politeness, waiting to hear what was oh so important that she had to come up to them now. "Sorry to infringe your conversation, but I have to ask Xander a question." She watched as the girl's eyes go on to Emmett for a while which infuriated her even more and Arielle couldn't even explain why. But, whatever the reason, just Sage's presence truly annoyed Ari. She looked at her half brother with a raised eyebrow, wondering just what the hell he did now. "Just out of curiosity, why did you throw those clothes in the garbage? I walked in, and I saw you dumping them in the dustbin over there. I'm just asking because they looked like girl's clothing, and i was intrigued." She looked toward the dustbin and looked back at Sage. Right when she was about to say something, Santiago said the same thing on her mind. "Oh c'mon. From the looks of the clothes. They needed to be in there any way." He told the girl with a serious face and a shrug of his shoulders. Arielle turned towards Xavier as he started his sarcastic act.

"Lovely to see you too, Sage, how are you this fine morning?" Before anyone knew it, Halley had walked up behind Sage, again infuriating the small girl. "Hi Sage..." Arielle let a small scoff out before rolling her eyes. Halley, at least to Arielle was just one of the pesky bugs that wouldn't go away. She always felt the need to be around people mostly when people came up to either talk to or confront Arielle herself or one of her friends. "Halley! How are you? Do join our delightful conversation - I was just saying how much of a fine morning it was, don't you agree?" She let out a small smile before speaking. "It was anyways before you two came over here."
She told them as she turned back to the two girls standing up on the other side of the table near Santiago. And before anyone knew it all the eyes were on the front door as Saiorse walked in and stormed to the table to Xavier. "where did you put them?" Oh, so they were the mermaid's clothes. "Huh? I could see that now." Then again Xavier would pull a prank on anyone or anything... other then Arielle herself. She didn't want to do something drastic to her half-brother because of an idiotic prank. After a moment, Saoirse somehow got dyed out of no where. And, Maddie walked next to the daughter of Posiden. "Saoirse, are you talking about jeans, a tee-shirt, and a red and white cardigan?" Now, Santiago and Arielle were just watching the now boring conversation. When Sage walked to the bin and back, showing the other girl the clothes. "I'm assuming these are yours? I discovered them while I was entering into the cafeteria. Someone was propelling them into the trash when I arrived." Arielle just rolled her eyes once again with the fire in her eyes now dulled down in boredom. "Right, well, I best be off to my first period class. Don't want to be late for the bell. Antío." She watched Sage exit, leaving Saoirse and two overly nice and nervous girls at the table.

"Great now that you have your rags back, you can leave now. Seeing that your guys' little leader has left. And Halley, what was the purpose of coming up here if you were only to give off this nervous vibe to us?It's pathetic." She told them with a fake smile on her face before watching Halley walk off without another word. She waved the girl off before looking back to Emmett who was surprisingly quiet. When he got up and gave them a nod for goodbye. Arielle just gave him a scoff that ended with a small laugh. "Go get your girl, Emmett." She told him in sarcasm as walked out of the cafe and to Halley. Arielle looked at Santiago who was just rubbing his temples from being so irritated. Something he did everyday. "I need another coffee, want one Elle?" She nodded, knowing he already knew how she liked it. She playfully pushed him as he watched past her. She felt someone kick her seat, knowing it was he best friend who had a smirk on his tan face without saying another word. So, with no one left other than Paige and Xavier. She turned her attention to the two. "So, Santi and I are thinking of going out to two after the classes let out. Wanna go with my new big brother and new friend? She asked, knowing it wasn't really an option.

OOC:I will do Rose later today, I'm in a hurry.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Halley McClain Character Portrait: Sage Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Rose Gracey Character Portrait: Harry Cricket Character Portrait: Clarissa "Taran" Morvay Character Portrait: Colton Kessler
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Paige takes a less than dainty bite of cantaloupe before her gaze flickers over towards Emmett, who had been the first of the table to greet her. Her expression is far less than bright eyed and bushy tailed, only justifying his statement even further, unfortunately. "Only the dull are brilliant at breakfast," the sleepy young woman retorts, raising an eyebrow at his smile because she finds it odd that he even needs to throw it in to tell her that he is being sarcastic. Even if he were to stop and start insulting her with a cruelty usually reserved for Arielle speaking to the weak, she'd likely just blink at him and then continue eating, unconcerned and unaffected by the entire scene. As it is, this is not the case, for she is on relatively friendly terms with Emmett, thanks to a mutual sarcastic streak and ability to allow insults and the like to roll off of them like water off of a top shelf umbrella. The young woman looks over at Arielle, who also gives her a casual greeting, and returns the hello with one of her own, though it is muffled by a sudden yawn and her hand covering up her mouth. As far as energy goes, Paige is never at her best, but she is particularly bad in the mornings- probably due to a nocturnal habit.

From her quiet station at the table, Paige watches as Sage, resident intellect and daughter of Athena, walks over and immediately addresses Xavier. A sip of warm tea here and a bite of strawberry there are all that deter her from her unsubtle and yet generally ignored listening. She tends to hear a lot more than she should, because people don't seem to register that the girl who constantly falls asleep in odd places is perfectly capable of listening, absorbing, and using to her advantage. This does not seem necessary at the moment, however, for what is being spoken on seems, to Paige at least, little more than a harmless prank. Another girl joins the pack now, although certainly not the sitting one. Halley McClain, daughter of Hephaestus, walks over and says hello to Sage in a voice so quiet and mousy that even Paige can't help but see why Arielle dislikes her. Paige considers her a little bit dull, at best, and tiresome at worst, but this may be because she tends to remain neutral or neutral-positive about people unless obligated to do otherwise. Dislike is such a bothersome sentiment, taking up far more involvement and energy than disinterest ever will.

All of this tension, or rather edging towards tension, is completely undesirable as far as Paige is concerned, especially as it is over something so trivial. All he did was steal some clothing. How dramatic, she muses. The girl gets along with Saoirse well enough, of course, but Paige is the far more mellow of the two and, in the same situation, would probably just eat breakfast in her swimsuit anyway, before going back and changing or something. People slowly begin to leave for classes and the like, leaving Paige, Xavier, Arielle, and Santiago. Honestly, Paige is only there because she never seems to rush, and therefore is perpetually late for her classes. Arielle grabs her attention with a proposition, though really it is nothing less of a fact- if Arielle wants something to happen, it usually does. Paige has no qualms with this, because going with the flow definitely minimizes the amount of effort she must use.

"Is that an actual question?" Paige asks with a dreamy voice and a raised eyebrow. The statement doesn't express her desire to go, but her acknowledgement of the fact that it will happen regardless.


Though they are nearing the cafeteria, it is at a rather sluggish pace, and Harry begins to wonder if they will have time to eat before class. If not, he may have to resort to trying to eat during class, because he certainly doesn't plan on just going without breakfast entirely for the day. If nothing else, the young man is healthy, both in exercise and in diet, and breakfast is, as the cliche goes, the most important meal of the day. When given the opportunity, he avoids skipping it, as many others do- this isn't some sort of abnormal thing about him, after all. Besides, even though Taran won't outwardly admit so, he suspects that she is hungry. The girl has a bit of an appetite, after all, and logic tells him that it should be just as big, if not bigger, during the morning. After all, going several hours without a bite to eat can do that to you, regardless of whether the body was on energy-saver mode during that time. Thus, his proposition that they go to eat is just as much for her as it is for him, even though the initial motivation had been his borderline empty stomach.

When Taran quickly cuts in and tells Wes that they have to go and eat now, Harry smiles in a kind of smug manner at the son of Hades, because she has given a perfectly good excuse as to why Wes should go ahead and leave now, so that she, Harry, and Rose can go and get themselves something to eat. Of course, they don't actually know whether or not Rose needs food at the moment, but Harry has decided to pretend otherwise for the moment. Even if she isn't hungry, the girl might want an orange juice or tea or some other sort of beverage to refresh herself before classes. His gratefulness increases as Colton agrees with him and begins to tug Wes away, turning so that Harry can no longer decipher their words. It's awfully inconvenient when people do that, but he figures that nothing they are saying concerns him anyway, and as such he shouldn't really care.

He notices, as they enter the cafeteria, that plenty of people are already starting to leave, and a brief image of disappointment flickers across his face before Harry smiles sheepishly at those who have been walking with him. "Has the bell rung?" he signs to Rose, who is the only other person, as far as he is aware, who is fluent in sign. This is because, of course, she started taking the classes with him when he first lost his hearing, and practiced with him a lot over the years, including when they both turned out to be demigods and transferred over to this abnormal school for abnormal kids.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalie Tate Character Portrait: Nathaniel Sterling Character Portrait: Brandon Faust Character Portrait: Arielle Liu Character Portrait: Selyse Hendrickson Character Portrait: Ray Kenndal Chami
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As Rose held the door, she could heard Selyse thank her for keeping the door open for the three others. She smiled before walking in the door herself right as she heard Ray speaking to her, "See something you like Rose Tate? She scoffed a bit as she rolled her eyes as he continued to speak to the Romanian. "Don't act like you were not looking beautiful!" She looked back at him for a brief moment before shaking her head and getting a smug smile on her face before speaking to the brunette. "I was looking more at the guitar then the person playing it, Ray." She turned back around and walked in, letting the door close behind the group. Oh Ray, she had many different opinions on him, there were the ones that she wasn't shy to share and then there were the ones that she would rather die then say out loud. Mostly because he would never let her live them down. And, whenever the two spoke to one another, there was a lot of eye rolling on her end along with sarcastic remarks and smug smiles before ending up walking away to go read or something along those lines. She looked up from the floor to Selyse as she asked her something, "So, Rose, what should I read next?"

She looked at the ceiling as she thought about for a second before looking back at him, "I actually have a lot of recommendations that I think you would enjoy, so you can come to my room to make your pick if you'd like."
She told her as she tried to remember how many books she had gotten not too long ago. She grabbed a cup of coffee added a few sugars and cream before putting to top on and taking a sip. Finally, caffeine. How I love you." She said in her head with a small sigh before seeing Nate walk over to Brandon, "Hey Brandon. You can all can come join the table over here." She looked over to the table to see Gwen and Nolan, two people she wasn't really close to... And her brother. At least she would be the loner at the table, not saying a single word until the bell rung for class. She looked around, seeing Austin and gave him a small, shy smile. Austin, again being another by who caught her attention yet, she didn't have the confidence to go up to him.

She looked back in front of her as Selyse walked over and she followed no too far behind before taking a seat at the large table next to her friend. She looked over at Thayer before smiling at he older half-brother. "Hey big brother." She said to him before taking another sip of her coffee before looking not far away to see Arielle, her half-brother Xavier, and Paige at another table. She let out deep, irritated sigh as she put to fingers on her temple, just looking at the girl gave her a migraine. And sooner or later, it was going to be the death of her. She looked away and back at the table before Arielle looked back and started the day on the wrong foot.
