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You were kidnapped. You were rescued. You are a Multichrome.

2,234 readers have visited Multichromatic since NikkiEnvy created it.



Multichromes are a race of human beings with multi-colored eyes and blood. These people must consume little black supplements to maintain their health. They are thought by many to be undeserving of the name "human" because of their made-in-a-lab origin. This is only partly true. The first few Multichromes were made in a lab by an unknown scientist. These Multichromes bred furiously with other human beings, creating many hybrids. The allele that creates Multichomatic Syndrome is dominant. Now there are about two-hundred existing Multichromes in the United States. You are one Multichrome of the fourth generation, aged 15-20.
Yes, one of your great-grandparents was made in a lab.

Female eyes might look a little something like this.

Male eyes may look like this.

The year is 2078. You have recently been rescued from the Multichrome Trials, a three-year period where young Multichromes were bought and sold between the highest bidders. Your parents either gave you up willingly, or were killed trying to hide you. You have most likely been exploited, abused, starved, worked to exhaustion, and shown off as a prize for these past three years. Laws have been passed to assure that this kind of act against Multichromes is illegal. You have full rights as an American citizen.

You now live in the Multichrome Village where volunteers help you to get back on your feet. You will attend a typical high school if you're 15-18, or a typical university if 18-20. The Multichrome Village is your home base, where you will interact with the other young Multichromes.

This is the Multichrome Village. It resembles a resort for a reason. There are bedrooms, swimming pools, and restaurants. Roam about as you wish. The people here want to help you forget your harsh past and grow up to be a responsible, happy adult. This is the government's way of apologizing to the Multichromatic community for the Trials.

This is your Multichrome medication. It keeps your heart working right and maintains your eye and blood color. It's toxic to normal humans. One pill must be taken with water every twelve hours. Do not overdose, you will die. If you fail to take your medication, you will eventually start to feel lightheaded or dizzy. You may fall into a coma. You may even lose your life.

Keep in mind that most people don't like you. The average citizen pays for the medication that keeps you alive through taxes and hates you for it. The kids you will go to school with have been influenced by their parents and the community to strongly dislike you. You will probably have to band together at school to protect each other.

Welcome to the Multichrome Village. Welcome home.

Attention: Anyone who wants to join this roleplay after we start is more than welcome to submit a character. It's a pretty open-ended storyline, therefore it doesn't matter at what point you join. But whenever you do, simply post like you've just been rescued and are new at Multichrome Village.

Currently Home To:
Andy Reicher ~ Me
Collette Andrews ~ Grrbot
Camilla Carter ~ Byte
Liliana Robello ~ Starlight77
Markus Campbell ~ Miss_Dreamer
Madeline Campbell ~ Miss_Dreamer
Katheryn Rigby ~ arrowinmahknee
Abigail Miller ~ Captain Obvious
Luke Lockwood ~ Gamer_Templar

Character Sheet: (copy & paste)

(pic or gif)
Full Name:
Age: (between 15 and 20)
(pic or gif)
Personality: (must be at least a paragraph)
(pic or gif)
History: (include what happened to your family and what you went through during the Trials)
How do you see your future as a Multichrome? (i.e. marriage? kids? house? job?)

Toggle Rules

I don't like strict rules, but just some things you should do to make me love you:

1) Be literate!
2) Be creative with your characters. As long as they are Multichromes and aged 15-20, they're whoever you want them to be.
3) Your FC does not have to have the rainbow eyes in the pic or gif. We'll just use our imaginations.
4) If you create more than one character, please make them different genders. I'm not planning on having a limit on characters. The more, the merrier.
5) Request first. Direct all requests to the OOC.
6) I have no preference on posting length, as long as something is happening in your post.
7) Cursing is allowed.
8) Keep it real-world for this RP. You are a human being in the United States.
9) You may speak for people in the outside world who are not Multichromes to make things interesting, i.e. kids at school. Just be sure to interact with each other!
10) Above all, have fun!

Browse All » 4 Settings to roleplay in

Multichrome Village

Multichrome Village by NikkiEnvy

This is where you live, eat, sleep, and interact with other Multichromes.

Whittaker High School

Whittaker High School by NikkiEnvy

This is where you attend school if you are 15-18.

Everest University

Everest University by NikkiEnvy

This is where you attend school if you're 18-20.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Reicher
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0.00 INK

Andy woke suddenly, startled by the image he had seen in his sleep of his dead parents, shot to death on the kitchen floor. He sat up in his bed and rubbed his face with his hands exhaustedly.

Whelp. He certainly wasn't getting back to sleep tonight.

This happened all too often, nearly every night. These nightmares haunted Andy to no end. Nightmares of the Multichrome trials, his back-breaking forging job from which he was never paid, the sinister faces of his owners. And then there were always his parents. He missed them so much. They had probably been the best parents anybody could ask for. They were just gone all of a sudden.

Of course, this all happened three years ago. When Andy's parents were killed, it hadn't felt real. Sure, he had caught a glimpse of them, but he was quickly taken away. The death of his parents never fully sunk in. He kept feeling like he'd come back from captivity and they'd be there to welcome him home. But when it finally happened, they weren't.

Instead of attempting to find sleep again, Andy turned on the light and pulled out his laptop, continuing his term paper for school. Might as well. Besides, he found history interesting. He often absorbed himself into reading about all the failed societies that had been and which groups of people were mistreated for what reasons. And then he would contemplate that no group of people was ever mistreated for a legitimate reason. Just like his people, the Multichromes. They were mistreated constantly, even post-Trials. If they took one step outside the gated Multichrome Village, they'd be risking their lives.

But on the outside, school awaited. Life awaited. They couldn't stay here forever. So a difference needed to be made. Andy felt as if that was his job. All he needed was for some people to back him up, Multichrome or no.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Madeline Campbell Character Portrait: Markus Campbell
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0.00 INK


Markus was too restless for sleep. After all the trials he refused to close his eyes when he is alone. His headphones were in his ears and he was blasting loud while looking out his bedroom window. It was completely empty and peaceful. It made him nervous. He was always worried that he would be put back in the hands of scientist. That people would start to hate them again. Realize that they were still different. Markus still carried scars from the trials. He couldn't get rid of them.

For a brief moment he took out his ear buds to check to see if he could hear his sister next door. He heard movement and rummaging so he knew she was okay. Markus put his ear buds back in and indulged himself in a textbook that needed to be read for class the next day. History wasn't his favorite or best subject, but if he didn't read than he would fail. And it was better than doing nothing.


Madeline was going through her closet and things to find an outfit for the next day. Her brother woke her up when he accidentally blasted music from his radio. She was used to it, but not while she was in deep sleep. Now she couldn't sleep and Markus was going to face the consequences when she left her room. Doing anything now would be pointless since he couldn't even here her. After picking something out she sat down on her bed and thought about the days when things were normal.

Her mother would cook them dinner while her father would spend all day at work just to come home and spend it with his lovely kids. It is hard to believe that the perfect parents would give up their kids. It was devastating and it changed them both. Now Madeline doesn't know if she would ever be normal. She doesn't make physical contact with anyone. Her dream is to live a normal life, but she can't even be normal. All of it was her parents fault and she was going to have to go to school tomorrow with everyone else and pretend to be normal. Sometimes she thinks her brother is right. There is nothing for the Multichromes, but she puts a smile on her face and moves on and prays everyday her dream will come true.

The setting changes from Central USA to Multichrome Village

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Camilla Carter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte
Unlike many, Camilla had possibly been one to rise with the sun, or rather, take the rising sun as an indication that another all-nighter had successfully passed. Blocking a massive yawn with her hand from prying eyes – Not that there would be any. – The red-haired girl took a second glance at what had kept her up throughout the starry night.

A project for the Software Development course she had been taking for the sake of alleviating boredom. She found herself getting quite skilled at it, and 'enjoying' it. As much as Camilla could enjoy anything, anyway.


The girl growled under another barrage of yawns, a charming word to greet this sunny morning. Limping like one of those Hollywood zombies, restless eyes tried their hardest to coordinate Camilla to the bathroom. The girl seemingly effected by the lack of a proper eight hour sleep, stepped into the shower, turning the knobs as the shower head sprinkled a wave of transparent liquid on the girl's face. First cold, then, gently growing in heat.

After going through the usual routine of washing, drying and 'looking presentable', Camilla hurried to her wardrobe, pale fingers gently sliding across perfectly aligned matches of clothes that the girl thought fit well together in the whole picture. Nodding, Camilla tugged out a pair of navy blue jeans, a black tee-shirt with some random print and a broken white sweater. After that brief hassle, the girl ran through her usual accessories, gloves, earrings, and what have you. Goggles?

Well, that was pretty much a staple of Camilla, wasn't it? Plain metallic goggles with neon-green glasses that were partially obscured with a black, cheery skull print. Not practical in the least, but a fun little accessory. Or so the red-haired girl thought.

Glancing at the mirror to assure every strand of crimson-red hair was combed until no curl was left to spot, Camilla approached her laptop, hastily pressing the Ctrl and S button simultaneously to save her work-in-progress application and then unplugging the device from the sole outlet in the room before tossing it in its respective bag that was now slung across Camilla's torso.

Deciding that the best route to take for the morning was to head downstairs and probably just crash the poolside or something. Not that was anything or anyone to crash, considering it was still early as all fuck.

And, lo and behold! It bloody was. Well, perfect, that meant less prying eyes of people curiously glaring at what you're doing.

Seating herself at one of the end row of plastic table and chair sets that surrounded the terrace area of the pool, Camilla, again, opened her laptop for some project progress. Though, not before flipping a cigarette out of its package that the girl always carried in one of the pockets on her sweater – If there were any – and lighting it as the butt rested on her lower lip. Exhaling the first cloud of smoke, Camilla resumed her project, typing line after line undisturbed.

The setting changes from Multichrome Village to Central USA


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Colette Andrews
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grrbot
Colette woke up with a start. She was cold but sweat made her shirt stick to her skin. Collie had dreamt of the trials yet again. She shivered and got out of bed. She grabbed black tank top and some jeans along with underwear and walked to the shower. She set her stuff on the counter and continued to have a shower. 20 minutes later she was out. She quickly dressed and walked out of the bathroom, quickly glancing at the clock. She still had a little while before school. Collie grabbed a maroon beanie and placed it on her hand and she grabbed some sunglasses to hide her eyes...

Colette walked into the living room, spotting her backpack. She unzipped it and pulled out a textbook. She couldn't remember if she had anything due but why not read a textbook? And besides, Collie had some time to blow. Collie walked over to the couch and sat down, flipping the textbook to a random page. Collie read the title of the unit. "Well then... This should be interesting..." Collie said, trying to amuse herself. She started to read. Minutes later she was bored... She didn't even pay attention to what she read and it was too boring to re read. Collie glanced at the clock. It seemed like life was in slow motion because time was barely passing.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Miller
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0.00 INK

Abigail hadn't meant to stay up all night, really she hadn't. Though it would be dishonest to say that she hadn't foreseen it as a possibility. She hadn't slept at all last night, having been far too busy reading all her textbooks front to back. Again. She, like most Multichromes, had not received much in the means of education during the Trials, and she wanted to make sure she was caught up with the rest of the class, or at least as caught up as she'd allow herself to think she could get. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that the others had all studied even harder, and would be far more knowledgeable than herself, so she'd have to try her very best just to keep up.

It was then that Abigail glanced up from the text before her, and saw the time on the clock she kept on her wall. It was later than she had anticipated, but thankfully not so late that she didn't have time to get ready for school. It was however, late enough that she'd have to forgo the short amount of sleep she'd planned on catching.

Dismissing this as a direct result of her own actions that could not be changed now, an assessment that was actually fairly accurate for once, Abby began preparing for the coming schoolday. Quickly, she showered, threw on her clothes and jacket, grabbed her school supplies, and left the room, taking care to lock the door behind her. Because she left early, Abigail arrived at the school early. In fact, she was the first person there that she could see, not counting a few teachers. Seeing this as an opportunity to review the material they'd be studying today once more, she took her seat and retrieved her history book.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liliana Robello
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0.00 INK

Lilliana was tired. Sure, everyone else in the entire village was probably tired, well who wouldn't be after having to wake up at six in the morning. She resembled a zombie raising from the grave as she dragged her sleep deprived body from her warm, comfy bed. Rubbing her eyes, she gingerly crossed the cold, unforgiving floor. Escaping several instances where she almost slammed into a few walls, she finally made it to her bathroom. Turning the shower facet, the water poured down, creating steam. After deciding that the water warm enough to suit her needs, she peeled off her pajamas, and stepped into the wall of cascading warmness. The water was refreshing, and seemed to open her eyes much more then before. Her lemon shampoo filled the air with its pungent aroma. After making sure that no more suds were in her hair, she stepped out, only to be greeted by the chilling air.

When her body was warm, she walked over to her closet, and began to look for a suitable outfit. She finally decided on something casual, a button down shirt, some jeans and sneakers. She tamed that tangled mess of wet hair that sat upon her head. Running her ringers through her hair, she blow-dried it quickly. Grabbing her iPod and wallet, she shoved them into a purple backpack, which held all of her books, and walked out of her room, locking the door behind her.

Lilliana was rather hungry, so she headed for the dinner. When she entered, Lilliana took a seat, and got a bagel and some milk. She could absolutely, in no possible way, have coffee. Caffeine to her is like giving a three year old soda. She'll be bouncing off the walls for hours. When her food was given to her, she ate it graciously.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Camilla Carter Character Portrait: Katheryn Rigby
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0.00 INK

Katheryn wakes up with a start. Her alarm clock has been ringing for about an hour and Kathy hits it with her fist. She stands up, pops her neck and rubs her temple.
"Fucking trials."
Katheryn picks up a knife from her table and throws it at the picture of one of her trial tormentors on her door. Bullseye. Kathy pulls on a black t-shirt and pants and snaps on her choker. She walks to the bathroom, dragging her face down to look like some demented freak. As she reaches it she tugs at her ebony black hair and lazily puts on eyeshadow to cover her rainbowness and puts in black contacts to compliment her black lipstick, black eyeshadow, black- everything. She grabs her skeleton bag and slings it over her shoulder, throwing a knife over her shoulder at her bedroom door. Bullseye.


As Kathy walks down her stairs toward the pool, she sees a pale girl with crimson hair and a white hoodie smoking and doing homework. Haha, she thought, she looks like a girlier version of me when I was thirteen. She's definitely fatter though. As Kathy walked by her she tossed her an extra pack of cigarettes that land on the middle of the girl's keyboard.
"Enjoy it before the monsters get yah." Kathy walks out of the gate and plops down at the bus stop that goes to Blue Sabbath, a venue that is hosting her favorite punk band today. She doesn't even look across the street, where the school is. She just keeps her head down and her profile low, as always.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Camilla Carter Character Portrait: Katheryn Rigby
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte
Camilla flinched, pulling her head away from the laptop as her eyes squinted for a brief moment. What in the name of-

On her keyboard now lay a pack of cigarettes. Yeah, because she so obviously had a dire need for more cancer-filled sticks, hadn't she?

Opening her eyes as the seemingly false danger had passed – Though not really having begun in the first place – The redhead glanced at a passing girl, clothed in all black; The ever so familiar appearance of prententious troubled teen girls.

Hell, she looked even worse than Camilla over here, and that probably said a lot! How much black could someone be wearing anyway? Shadows ain't hiding you from life, dear. And, if you dress like that to give the world the finger, here's a newsflash; It works just fine without all that emo-esque make-up. Camilla was living proof of that!

The older girl didn't regcognize her in the least. Likely, since she gave less than zero fucks about who was who and all that jazz. Then again, she could be a fellow Multichrome – Which wasn't too uncommon since the entire fucking village was filled with 'em.

Oh great! Another annoyance just popped up in her mind. That god awful village they lived in, like they were some poor wounded animal that needed to be contained within the safety of invisible walls. Thanks for the reminder that they were still treated differently.

Aaand- She was distracted from what she was doing in the first place.

“Enjoy it before the monsters get yah.”

Oh yeah, probably thank that girl for her random act of pretentious kindness.

Camilla hastily shrugged her head as the emo girl passed by – Though it easily could've been read as a 'What the fuck do you want?' kind of nod – and muttering a sarcastic 'Thanks.' whilst rolling her eyes, before staring the girl down until she had disappeared behind the first corner outside of the Multichrome Asylum.

“You're lucky that your 'gift' didn't mess up my project.” Camilla growled, exhaling another puff of white smoke from her mouth. Anyway, the girl passing by did remind the redhead of one thing; Breakfast. Probably best to get some before heading off to her university.

Quickly packing her laptop and smoking the last inches from her cigarette, shriveling the remaining butt under her black sneakers, Camilla went back inside, instinctively following her nose to the dining room, slash cafeteria.

Ordering a quick vegetarian meal – Yeah she's a vegetarian, get over it. – that consisted of a a healthy sandwich and a coffee, Camilla seated herself near one of the large windows that looked out on the pool.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Madeline Campbell Character Portrait: Markus Campbell
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0.00 INK


Markus finally strolled out of bed and into the shower before Madeline beat him to it. She likes to take forever in the shower leaving him with cold water. He quickly locked the door and heard her bang on it for a couple of minutes and then storm away angrily. He didn't have time to deal with her attitiude this morning, but what could he do.

The shower was hot and he seemed to massage his skin as he washed his body. He ran his hands through his wet hair and then he stood under the hot water for a little while longer. He dreaded his school. He was away from his sister and he couldn't take that. He tried texting her throughout class, but she stopped texting him back. She was clearly getting annoyed with him. But how else was he supposed to make sure she was okay. He let out a sigh and turned off the water and wrapped a towel around himself. He looked in the mirror and frowned. He could see the scars from when he was in the trials. They were ugly.

He walked out of the bathroom into his room. He didn't want to look in the mirror anymore. They were just reminders. "You can have the bathroom." He shut his bedroom door and blasted music from his ipod. He couldn't handle the silence. He picked out a simple t-shirt and some dark blue jeans to wear. He logged off his laptop and put it in his backpack. He put the text under his bed and he grabbed his ipod. He walked to the kitchen and could hear the water running meaning his sister was in the shower. They had some time kill before class, but he wasn't one to be late.


Madeline had picked out her clothes for the school day ahead and she was about to go an shower, but Markus had beat her to it. She heard the click of the lock and she banged on the bathroom door and went back to her bedroom. She sat down on her bed and looked at her laptop that was open and on. It was a picture of their parents. She stilled missed them and cared about her even if they gave her away. She didn't deserve that, but she quickly got over it. Madeline has been trying to find her parents, but it has been hopeless when Markus confines her within these walls. The shower was off and Maddie stood up. "You can have the bathroom."

The door to his room shut and music blasted. Madeline just shook her headn and waltzed into the bathroom. It was full of steam from his shower and it was comforting. She turned on the water yet again to a lower heat. She can't take the high heat pains like her brother can. She stepped into the shower and allowed the water to soothed her mind. She allowed the water to massage her head as the water ran through her hair. After bathing she turned off the water and stepped out wrapping a towel around herself. She looked in the mirror and smiled. She ignored the ugly scar on her shoulder and continued on her merry way.

She went back into her bedroom, dried off, and put on the clothes that set out for herself. She dried hair and ran a brush through it. She pushed up her hipster glasses and laughed. She thought she looked ridiculous, but she grabbed her backpack and left the room. Markus was already in the kitchen making them breakfast. She grabbed an apple and ate the eggs he set out for her and then walked towards the front door. "Let's go Markus." She said walking out of the house.

The setting changes from Central USA to Multichrome Village

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Camilla Carter Character Portrait: Andy Reicher
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0.00 INK

Before Andy knew it, the time came to get ready for school. He saved his history paper and slid his laptop into his backpack, putting on his clothes quickly. If he hurried he'd have time to get breakfast. Not that he could ever eat much. Sometimes he just skipped breakfast all together. Instead of carefully reviewing his appearance, he took a glance in the mirror and ran his fingers through his long, unruly hair, deciding that was good enough.

Andy left his room and made his way down to the central pool area. From there he went to the cafe and grabbed a banana and a cup of coffee. Usually if he ate anything for breakfast, it would be along those lines. He nodded hello to a redhead girl he knew as Camilla. He didn't know her well, since neither of them had been here in the village long. But they both went to the university and he didn't have a personal problem with her so far. He knew enough about her don't-care attitude, which he supposed some Multichromes needed to move past their dark histories. Andy didn't exactly have the same mentality, but he understood.

Besides wanting to make friends, Andy wanted to create a sort of alliance. If he was going to get anywhere in this world with his plans of uniting the normals and the Multichromes, he couldn't do it alone. He needed the ideas and creativity of others. He wanted to find some open-minded normal kids at the university to help create that alliance.

Andy didn't want to live in the shadow of the normal humans anymore, especially since the Trials were over with, and he knew that the other Multichromes didn't either. But a lot of them weren't willing to try and cooperate with the normals. Convincing his kind to do just that would be, in Andy's opinion, the toughest part of it all.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Lockwood
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0.00 INK

As far as Luke knew, he was going to be late. This was why he was in such a hurry in getting dressed and ready for the day. Why sleep in late like this? Well, it may or may not have had something to do with the alarm clock he never really got around to fixing or replacing. And maybe also the fact that he went to bed pretty late too, after working on an assignment that was nearly due in.

After grabbing something quick for breakfast, Luke put the assignment in his satchel and headed out the door. However, he decided to check the mail before doing anything else just in case... yep, his dad had sent another letter all the way from scenic [CLASSIFIED]. There wasn't much time for reading it right now, so he put it in the satchel for later. He'd read it during lunch. There would be time then, hopefully. He set off for the university at the kind of pace adopted by those who know that they're going to be late even if they did try running the whole way, so why bother running?

The setting changes from Multichrome Village to Central USA


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Colette Andrews
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grrbot
Collie seemed to have dozed off and woke up not long after. She glanced at the clock and she had not a lot of time to get to school. "Crap!" She exclaimed and jumped from the couch. She rushed around the room, gathering her backpack and coat and pulling on her sneakers.. She didn't want to be late... In the trials.... There were bad memories linked with being late. Collie shivered at the thought and opened the door. It was a nice day outside, barely a cloud in the sky.. The sun was high up and shining bright so Collie had to hold her hand up to shade her eyes. She started off down the street.. She started to think about the other multichromes she'd be meeting today... She wondered what they were like.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katheryn Rigby
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0.00 INK

Kathy looked up as the dust settled around the bus. She was super excited but contained herself and put a passive expression on. "Oi! You getting on or not?" Kathy checked the number on the bus and sighed. She shook her head and the bus rolled away, Kathy looking down again and clutching her bag nervously. She hoped she didn't get caught.

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Add Setting » 4 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Multichrome Village

Multichrome Village by NikkiEnvy

This is where you live, eat, sleep, and interact with other Multichromes.

Whittaker High School

Whittaker High School by NikkiEnvy

This is where you attend school if you are 15-18.

Everest University

Everest University by NikkiEnvy

This is where you attend school if you're 18-20.

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Colette Andrews
Character Portrait: Andy Reicher
Character Portrait: Katheryn Rigby
Character Portrait: Abigail Miller


Character Portrait: Abigail Miller
Abigail Miller

"Oh, um.. hello."

Character Portrait: Katheryn Rigby
Katheryn Rigby

"Piss off."

Character Portrait: Andy Reicher
Andy Reicher

"Fight not with your fists, but with the power of words."

Character Portrait: Colette Andrews
Colette Andrews

Call me Collie.


Character Portrait: Colette Andrews
Colette Andrews

Call me Collie.

Character Portrait: Andy Reicher
Andy Reicher

"Fight not with your fists, but with the power of words."

Character Portrait: Katheryn Rigby
Katheryn Rigby

"Piss off."

Character Portrait: Abigail Miller
Abigail Miller

"Oh, um.. hello."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Colette Andrews
Colette Andrews

Call me Collie.

Character Portrait: Andy Reicher
Andy Reicher

"Fight not with your fists, but with the power of words."

Character Portrait: Abigail Miller
Abigail Miller

"Oh, um.. hello."

Character Portrait: Katheryn Rigby
Katheryn Rigby

"Piss off."

View All » Places

Multichrome Village

Multichrome Village by NikkiEnvy

This is where you live, eat, sleep, and interact with other Multichromes.

Whittaker High School

Whittaker High School by NikkiEnvy

This is where you attend school if you are 15-18.

Everest University

Everest University by NikkiEnvy

This is where you attend school if you're 18-20.

Multichrome Village

This is where you live, eat, sleep, and interact with other Multichromes.

Everest University

This is where you attend school if you're 18-20.

Whittaker High School

This is where you attend school if you are 15-18.

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