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Adam Chase

0 · 623 views · located in Reaper

a character in “My Daddy Death”, as played by TheFlag


Name: Adam Eden Chase

Nicknames: Usually referred to by his last name, as he thinks it has more of a ring to it.

Age: 22

Gender: Male Image

Appearance: Adam is fairly average in most physical aspects, standing at the height of 5'9" with a fairly lean physique with hints of muscle which are more evident downwards. His hair is an evident dark brown, which is usually in a mess of sorts, however on special occasions it will be brushed down. His eyes are a shade of light blue, which seem to chill most people who gaze into them for to long.

Personality: Adam is a fairly straight forward person, not one on judging others for their appearance but for their actions. He is fairly sympathetic to most people, but has no qualms with doing some dirty work to get by. He doesn't randomly help people, he usually tries to ignore the suffering going on in the world deeming it as someone else's problem, however if confronted directly it is possible for him to feel guilty and end up helping the person which is a weaknesses he does despise. His general view on morality, good & evil is strange he denies it constantly saying it's a way for humanity to justify a meaningless existence, but he often feels morally conflicted he tries to lean to the more neutral side thinking it ignorant to see the world in black & white. Adam is a quiet person, preferring to listen rather then share as information is power in his eyes but he does also enjoy a good talk once in a while. His emotions are relatively stable, but he does often have mood swings for no particular reason, the more sullen type which can lead to people thinking he's crazy. He tries to remain independent as he prefers to be able to support himself, not having to rely on others for the task.

Family Life: Adam's family life is hectic to say the least, he is ashamed of them deeply as they come from a poor background while he has managed to ascend in the world, and he often has to send them money so they can support themselves. Although he knows they're leeches, only with him for the money he can't bring himself to break off from them since they're his family and it's his responsibly to support them. He has a fairly close relationship to one of his sisters which is about 16 now. He never knew his father and his mother often described him as ominous, but he still considers his six other siblings (4 Girls 2 Boys, him being the oldest) family. He often takes them out on a group trip when he can trying to teach them good values, but he does hold a deep resentment for them for limiting his life to what it is currently, when it could of been so much more.

Dreams: Adam's dream is to travel forever, to be able to just walk away from his current situation and abandon the emotions currently limiting him and just keep on walking forever, taking in the sights as he goes along.

Likes: night time, outdoors, freedom, running, air

Dislikes: stuffy areas, family, being limited, closed spaces

Bio: Adam's mother was a wild cat in her youth, and slept around quite a lot she was 19 when she found out she was pregnant with him, he tried hard in school trying to achieve a good status and succeeded in most of these objectives but his potential was limited by his mother, who kept trying to drag him down. He considered several times abandoning her, he would be a lot better off without her after all, but he could never bring himself to do it. At the age of eighteen, he attempted to raise the funds to go to College, and study Science to achieve some proper education however it was hindered by his mother and he dropped this idea reluctantly, settling for his current education. He eventually managed to make some shifty connections and make money on the side lines and began supporting his current family.

What is your otherworld entity: Blood Demon

Transformation Appearance: Image
Adam's eyes glow a red shade or crimson and his skin drops to a pale shade of greenish, his height is also increased by a inch or so, his hair also goes pitch black.

Power: Adam has inherited a trait from his father Immortality, although he can be killed he'll remain dead for a couple of hours automatically reviving himself, it is however a painful experience his body only reconstructs itself when he is dead, so he doesn't have accelerated healing. Adam in his demonic form has a arsenal of abilities, all his physical attributes are enhanced beyond super human levels, he has enough strength to rip a person in half cleanly, and reconstruct his body at a mild speed, he also has a powerful form of telekinesis which he can use. He however only has access to minor telekinesis and his passive power of immortality in his human form and a very limited portion of his physical attributes. He only enters his demonic state when he is near death, or is in an emotional situation. He has however always had access to his passive ability, but has never died before so he never discovered it.

So begins...

Adam Chase's Story


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Character Portrait: Adam Chase
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#, as written by TheFlag
Adam sat up from his bed ready to begin the next day, reluctantly of course he let out a hesitant sigh a signal that he was ready to begin. His eyes slowly scanned his small apartment, several posters were scattered around, a mess was also evident he'd have enough to hire someone to clean it all up; that is if he wasn't supporting his family. He slipped out, his feet stepping on some of the trash below, he muttered incoherently "I hate Saturdays." while this usually meant a day off for most, he was always working which was something he resented severely. He found himself automatically getting up to the Bathroom, pushing the door open slowly he peered in his shower was in the corner of the room, while his sink opposite accompanied by a mirror. He walked over to the mirror, checking out his current appearance, bags under his eyes as usual but then again he was always working so he got little sleep.

For a split second Adam thought he could see something in the mirror, he wasn't sure what, but it was like something was watching him he went to make an exit quickly and cleanly but found he couldn't leave the room, it was like something was holding him here. Adam found himself turning around, he tried to resist doing so but he had no control he was like a puppet, his eyes focused back onto the mirror which mirrored something unnatural and Adam felt fear creeping up his spine, it was like a warped and corrupted version of himself: it had pulsing red eyes which glowed, its skin was a lot paler then his, its hair was also darker and he was sure it was taller then him. Although ludicrous Adam felt some connection with the beast in the mirror, like a synergy of sorts between them. He also felt a undescribable feeling, like something inside himself unlocking "What are you?" Adam questioned his voice cracked with fear, but Adam heard silence in response followed by his head it began aching, his eyes still focuses on the mirror, that thing it was smiling at him, he tried to scream but no sound escaped his lips, as he fell to the floor he began coughing up blood in large amounts, his eyes began to get fuzzy as he crawled up against the wall and moaned as the intense pain began to consume his body, until eventually his eyes fluttered shut and he passed out.


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Character Portrait: Adam Chase
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TheFlag
Adam's eyes slowly opened and was followed by a low groan, it took a while for his eyes to adjust but when they did they snapped open looking at the sight his bathroom was in: several tiles were shattered, their reminiscent shape broken. On the floor blood was also draped along like obscene decorations, his eyes wandered down he felt numb by his torso, and he nearly hoarsely screamed but he held his breath, he felt fear creeping up again but this time he silenced it with a more rational thought: he had to examine his body, see if there was any serious damage. Adam pushed himself up against the wall, grunting as the numbness around his torso was broken and pain began to fill his wound. Adam lifted the remains of his t-shirt which was caked in blood, and saw three parallel scratches they weren't that deep, but they were visible and leaking blood, they ran down his side, and so did a brief moment of fear. His eyes automatically twitches, scanning the area for that thing after a couple of minutes had passed he was satisfied, he was almost certain it was gone.

Adam paused the current events had disturbed him greatly, what was that thing? Am I crazy? his mind echoed trying to justify the thing he saw, but there was no justifications noway to say it was just a trick of the eyes, noway to say he was crazy because deep down he knew that thing was real, he didn't no how to explain it but there was something inside him which convinced him this was no trick, and honestly he would have to be insane to thing he caused these marks himself although they weren't very deep, they weren't even remotely human, no nails could do that. Adam slowly pushed himself up against the wall, the occasional wince and flare of pain but other then that he was fine. He walked over to the door frame by the bathroom, holding the door frame for support, his eyes once again twitched nervously.

At that precise moment Adam heard the phone ring, and had never jumped so hard in his life it felt as if his skin had come loose and he was ready to run like an Olympic sprinter, he rolled his eyes in a melodramatic position, and tried to calm his racing heart. Adam slowly limped over to the phone, and picked it up gently and spoke into it, trying to mask his current voice which was ragged with fear, and slight pain he spoke into it "Hello? Adam here." and was followed by an angry replied from his second boss who yelled into the Phone, "Adam where the hell are you! You were supposed to be here an hour ago!" Adam paused for a moment, he had lost an hour and readjusted his voice once more "Sorry, sorry," he spoke into it trying to think of an acceptable excuse before his mind clicked into place, "I had a rough night, was attacked by some sort of animal. Just got out of hospital I won't be able to come in today." it was the perfect excuse for his current situation, he even had the injuries to back up his claim, there was silence on the other end before his boss replied roughly with a more sympathetic tone "Oh are you okay?" he continued not waiting for Adam's answer, "I heard about some animals around here lately, I hope you can make it Wednesday. Take care." it was followed by the dismissive beep, and Adam relaxed his Boss probably wouldn't enquire about the Hospital but his current injury should be enough proof. Adam yawned roughly before changing into a new shirt, one that was a blue he also put on a leather jacket, before opening his door and walking out onto the street. He didn't want to be anywhere near his Apartment at the moment as it gave him chills of some sort.


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Character Portrait: Adam Chase
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TheFlag
Adam rubbed his shoulders wryly, while walking down the corridor and out of his Apartment complex he felt nervous chills, like a feeling in his gut: it made him feel uncomfortable and he often looked behind him, checking nervously for anything out of place. Adam emerged out of the building his head systematically checking the street out in front of him, Reaper was known for being notoriously normal, but he didn't think that rule would apply for today, he didn't know how to explain it he just felt a feeling in his gut he could only associate it with fear, and perhaps a little bit of anxiety. Adam however just wanted to brush this event behind him and get on with his life, he doubted that was an option that "thing" would probably be hounding him, like a demon of some sort. Adam paused for a second, his mind remembering a book he'd read it had something to do with exorcisms, was he possessed? No, no, no his brain immediately tried to rationalize the situation once again if he was possessed there would be some build up, besides he didn't believe in that sort of thing.

Adam shook his head rapidly managing to briefly overcome the feeling in his gut and began walking down the street, it was fairly obvious to see Adam as he looked out of place, his expression was contorted with confusion and fear, and he was walking faster as if trying to outrun something. His eyes were also wider and a darker colour, not so unnatural but a different shade from what they were formally, as if a hunger hid behind them longing for something dark and primitive a lust for violence he however, had somehow managed to restrain this force behind his eyes and keep it at bay, Adam didn't know what exactly was wrong with him but he needed to find out. Adam darted down a nearby alley, trying to gather his thoughts. It was a difficult task since his mind was so unsettled, but he did however manage to calm himself: his breathing however was ragged. After several deep breathes he began planning, how could he find out what was happening? Perhaps there was somewhere that held knowledge like this? His mind took a while to pinpoint a place, and he immediately felt dumb for not thinking of it earlier, the Library it had computers and probably a few books on the matter, he doubted anything would match the situation he was going through but it was a chance a slim one at best. He did however need a little rest, he felt drained and unusually tired he slumped down by the wall inside the alley, promising himself he'd go after this nap his eyes gently shut and he fell into a deep sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grim Reaper Character Portrait: Sevan Raul Character Portrait: AuraBell Jade (Bell) Character Portrait: Adam Chase
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#, as written by Zetna
Mitanni slowly walked in and was greeted by Sevan. "Aw. Mitanni. It has been a while since I have seen you last. Raul has been missing his old sparring pal greatly." He did not smile at this remark, but was somewhat glad to see him. Mitanni rarely showed his emotions. He had only had a few friends his whole life. Sevan/Raul, Lord Death and his wolf. Quick flashes of their sparring contest quickly came back to his mind before he came back to reality.

Nodding to his old friend and looking at Lord Death, he only had time to bow his head to his master before being beckoned by Sevan to take a step out. In other circumstances, Mitanni would have been somewhat frustrated with Sevan, having made him miss an opportunity to talk with his master. But alas, he knew that his master was probable busy and Mitanni had work to do as well. The simply nod Master Death had given him was enough for Mitanni. Stepping outside, he listened to his old friend talk. "There is one thing that I find quite interesting about all of this. If my memory serves me correctly, Lord Death told us of seven children. But I felt an eighth source of power. Did you not?"

Mitanni nodded “Yes indeed I have felt this eight power... But alas I have not attempted in tracking it yet."

"I was also told that other than us there was a 3rd messenger. The messenger of Famine, yes? Perhaps he or she might take interest in this eighth power as well. I am not absolutely certain, but I have felt flickers of power over the past 20 years at the most random times. Whenever Raul and I attempt to investigate the energy dissapears before we even walk out the door. Strange indeed. But it seems this time that we might be able to catch the culprit. Are you up to it?"
Mitanni slowly rubbed his chin, taking a minute to think about this. Looking back at Sevan he spoke “First I shall find the third messenger and make her acquaintance. I shall see who she is and what she is then I will make my way to find another children. The eight will have to wait...”

With a final greeting, he nodded at his ally and then vanished as well. Letting his energy roam through reaper, he easily found the other Messenger. Appearing out of sight, he slowly made his way to her. Walking pass him was a boy that Mitanni recognized as one of the children of Lord Death. Making a mental note of the boy, Mitanni continued walking until he stood in front of the girl he presumed was the Messenger of Famine.

Dressed in his black trench coat, his long black hair fell to his back. His dark eyes stared deep into hers. “Aurabell Jade I presume? I am Mitanni Assure, Messenger of Death. It is a pleasure to finally meet you.” With all honesty, Mitanni hadn’t planned to be so formal...he did not really care about formality; all he wanted to do was find these children before someone else did.

“It seems you have met one of the kids... I shall leave him too you...I will go after the one named Adam Chase and see if I can help him with his transformation...”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adam Chase Character Portrait: Anita McMiller
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TheFlag
Adam's eyes lazily opened, as he scanned his surroundings it was fairly dark as his eyes hadn't adapt to the light yet but he still managed to get a good look at his surroundings. he was still in the alleyway which seemed darker it was obvious he'd been asleep for awhile. Adam, not wanting to waste any more time reluctantly pushed himself up his spine and whole body tingled with pins & needles, as he stifled a yawn followed by a quick stretch to help relieve himself of this mild discomfort. Adam paused for a moment and looked around, before deciding which route to take which was the one closest to the exit. Adam hopped over some debris on the floor, before brushing his hand against the cold, smooth wall: a sensation he enjoyed.

Adam felt an uneasy feeling crawl up his backside, as he made an exit to the alley which irritated him this was accompanied by some static, he had been hearing it ever since he'd woken up and frankly it had begun to get on his nerves, it felt as if a choir had awoken and wouldn't stop: not even pausing for a breath. Adam rubbed his head in slight agitation, he brought his hand to his head looking at the side walk, he tried to continue with his plan but he couldn't think clearly. Adam deciding it'd be best to go to the chemist, get some headache pills perhaps some sleeping pills as well, Adam doubting he'd be able to fall asleep in his current apartment, which sounded like a temporary plan.

He walked down the road continuing to hold his head in agitation, he kept muttering something under his breath a particular thing he noted was his words, they sounded low and off-key a unusual thing for him. He looked down the road spotting the small green cross sign jutting out, he was nearly there: which came to him as an instantaneous relief he dug into his pocket checking the money he had, not a lot a couple of bills but it was enough. As Adam continued down towards the pharmacy his eyes stuck onto a girl, she seemed different he didn't know why or how, but it was a particular vibe. He watched as she stopped in the middle of the road unable to take his eyes off her, as a truck sped towards her, he couldn't see as it was quite distant but he was almost certain that it had hit her, he squinted as he saw her get up and talk to the man who hurriedly got out to check if she was alright, after a few seconds she ran off and seemingly disappeared.

Adam paused visibly shocked, no one else had seemed to notice that event which made the situation more unnerving. He continued down the street, trying to keep the last threads of his sanity intact which were on the brink of crumbling. Adam opened the door to the chemist and walked in, not giving a glance he went to a familiar aisle one he'd been down many times, he tried not to pick out a heavy sleeping pill, as he didn't want to be dependent on them, so he picked out something that would relax him as well as something for his headache which curiously had worsened. Adam walked up to the clerk, putting his items on the desk the clerk cocked his eyebrow, as if summing him up. After a few seconds had passed which were fairly awkward the man began scanning them through, he never spoke a word to Adam as he bought his products. Adam put them in his back pocket while making a exit of the chemist.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: AuraBell Jade (Bell) Character Portrait: Adam Chase Character Portrait: Mitanni Assur
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#, as written by Zetna
Mitanni raised a brow, slightly confused. Had he not said his name? And why was this child a messenger? Mitanni sighed then thought about it. She was probably around the same age as he is, if not older. Or maybe she was still very young, compared to his age? So many questions, Halas they would have to wait for more important matters where at hand. Mitanni was almost certain that this child was more than what she seemed. One was not name Messenger of Death for any reason... Mitanni simply sighed as an answer. “The names Mitanni....” He said in a much less formal way. Time was of the essence and he needed to act quickly.

“Listen mean Jade, you must go after that boy, Aeru is his name. His transformations will start soon if they have not already started. Now I must leave you...duty calls. We shall meet again I am sure...”

With that said, he turned around and walked a few steps before vanishing. Further away, a crack in the air slowly formed as Mitanni peered through it. Making sure no one was looking, the crack grew larger and Mitanni stepped out. It slowly closed behind him as he turned a corner of a street, the same street that Adam would find himself after leaving the chemist. Placing his back against a wall, he waited for the young man to step out before confronting him. He had no idea how he would do this. He would probably be blunt about it and just say the truth. That would probably shock him and make him want to run...but no one could hide from Mitanni for too long... Or he could take it very well and simply go along with it. He shrugged and looked at the sky, waiting.

Soon after, the boy stepped out. Quietly following him for a few steps he called out at him. “Adam Chase? My name is Mitanni Assur, maybe you have seen me at the dojo? You seem like a strong and capable man, I’d like you to stop by my dojo one of these days... I remember you coming to my dojo when you where younger...maybe you don’t remember”

Mitanni paused for a while. Was that it? No he would have to say more, something to attract the boy’s attention. This would be blunt, but it would be the easiest way to gain his trust....or make him totally freak out.

“So...have you started transforming yet? Or are you just at the painful headache stage? I can help you if you’d like... I’m a close friend of your father’s... “ Mitanni’s face had been expressionless this whole time. He waited for an answer, whatever that may be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adam Chase Character Portrait: Mitanni Assur
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#, as written by TheFlag
Adam's walking pace was ruptured when he heard a voice calling out his name “Adam Chase? My name is Mitanni Assur, maybe you have seen me at the dojo? You seem like a strong and capable man, I’d like you to stop by my dojo one of these days... I remember you coming to my dojo when you where younger...maybe you don’t remember” his head turned, at the peculiar man behind him Adam paused for a moment not sure how to respond, it was a strange question to randomly blurt out. But Adam was only interested in how Mitanni knew his name, "How do you know my name?" Adam stated simply as he turned completely to face him, he wasn't sure what to verify this Mitanni as but he couldn't take any risks, automatically being cautious. Adam carefully ran his eye over the stranger again; his name was strange, his dress sense was even stranger, and he claimed to run a dojo? Adam shook his head before laughing it off as a joke.

“So...have you started transforming yet? Or are you just at the painful headache stage? I can help you if you’d like... I’m a close friend of your father’s... “ Mitanni stated, his face was expressionless, which seemed to unnerve Adam slightly 'was he taking himself seriously?' Adam thought, but the thing that struck Adam the most was the words Mitanni spoke, Adam's features were a mix of curiosity and surprise. Adam felt questions bubbling to the surface, he simply said "Who are you?" Adam muttered confused, he wanted to know who exactly this was, Adam thought it best to play it cautious and see where his information was coming from, Adam's features regained their posture and resumed a low frown, however it was evident in Adam's eyes that he was confused.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adam Chase Character Portrait: Ying Shi Yuan Character Portrait: Mitanni Assur
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zetna
A smile slowly crept on Mitanni’s face. Slightly surprised by the young man's reaction, he calmed down and relaxed his stiff muscles. Last thing he would have wanted to do is go on a full out fight with his master's son. Quickly making sure no one was watching them; he listened to the boy as he spoke. "How do you know my name?" he said. Mitanni chuckled. That would be my first question as well....he thought. "Who are you?" was his second question. Mitanni raised a brow. Had I not made that clear? He thought.

“Well... Firstly I'm glad you didn't run away. I know your name, just like I know the names of all your brothers and sisters. There are 7 or 8 of you, I keep forgetting. Now as much as you might not believe this, your father is what you humans call The Reaper...or simply Death.” Mitanni waited for the boy to take this in. He knew it was a lot of stuff to take in but time was of the essence. Mitanni was about to speak again when he felt a new energy appear in Reaper. One he had not felt before. But he knew of a 4th messenger that would make his appearance soon. Maybe this was him or her. He seemed to be at the dojo. Mitanni looked back at the boy. The 4th messenger would have to wait just a few seconds. If he could get to boy on his side, then he would go back to the Dojo.

“I am one of his messengers...The messenger of War. Mitanni Assure is my name. We are 4 messengers that serve your father and we have been sent to aid you and your siblings through....many changes that are too come. I am here to aid you...not hurt you in any way” Mitanni slowly brought his hand forward as if he were going to shake his hand. “Take my hand...I shall bring us back to my dojo where we can talk if you have any questions” Mitanni stared into the boys eyes and waited. me he thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adam Chase Character Portrait: Mitanni Assur
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TheFlag
Adam felt the tension in the air begin to ease, and his cautious approach began to withdraw. Adam's head rose and his eyes automatically focused, as he listened to Mitanni's response “Well... Firstly I'm glad you didn't run away. I know your name, just like I know the names of all your brothers and sisters. There are 7 or 8 of you," Adam's eyes widened, he had more siblings? he felt a weight settle on his stomach, which made him feel slightly sick at the possible revelation "I keep forgetting. Now as much as you might not believe this, your father is what you humans call The Reaper...or simply Death.” Adam's face contorted into a low frown followed by an uneasy laugh, "Your kidding?" Adam muttered as he scanned Mitanni's eyes to see no traces of deception "Your not kidding... wait, wait do you mean Death in the hooded figure Death: with the scythe and everything?"

Adam didn't know how to feel about this. Death is his father? Adam didn't even think of Death as an entity, more as a force like Gravity: a more keen example would be a guillotine. Adam didn't even know if Mitanni was telling the truth, but he knew more than Adam did which drove Adam's curiosity really, and as a plus he felt lost not knowing which route to pick which put slight pressure onto Adam.. Mitanni interrupted Adam's train of thought, as he spoke “I am one of his messengers...The messenger of War. Mitanni Assur is my name. We are 4 messengers that serve your father and we have been sent to aid you and your siblings through....many changes that are too come. I am here to aid you...not hurt you in any way” Adam twisted his head slightly, as his mind settled on a particular topic "So there's 4 of you, like the Horseman of the Apocalypse?" Adam asked curiously, he wanted to know how far he was away from the truth and he enjoyed the particular feeling when he was right.

Adam's mind wandered for a few seconds exploring possibilities to justify the goings on, which none explained logically what happened. Adam shook his head before noticing Mitanni had outstretched his hand as if to give Adam a handshake, “Take my hand...I shall bring us back to my dojo where we can talk if you have any questions” Adam felt Mitanni's eyes settle on his, and Adam held his breath before muttering rather unsure "As long as there's answers count me in." Adam stretched his hand forward, gripping Mitanni's hand.