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Anita McMiller

0 · 362 views · located in Reaper

a character in “My Daddy Death”, originally authored by Kiyokojordie, as played by RolePlayGateway


"Character quote"

[img](if%20you%20have%20a%20character%20image%20insert%20the%20url%20here)[/img]Name: (The full name of your character)
Aliases: -
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Korean
Date of Birth: 2nd of September 2092
Place of Birth: Neo-Seoul, Korea

Physical Description: Su-min is tall for a Korean woman, with black hair cut down to her shoulders and dark eyes. She tries to work out when she can, sometimes gaining a bit of muscle in the Summer months. She doesn't currently have any augmentations, aside from her glasses which, as well as help her see clearly, are heavily augged out with high-tech equipment for her job.
Clothing: Su-min is high into young Korean fashion, particularly 'hipster' and 'street wear'. At work she wears appropriate attire with added flair if she can get away with it.
Skin Colour:Tan
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour:Brown

Current Address: 110/208 Cheongpa Street, District 5
Pre-NSPD Biography: Su-min grew up in a strict, middle-class Korean household in ____ with two successful parents and her care-free sister. Her family taught them traditional values which has sometimes been hard to break out of as a young adult. After Su-min completed high school she attended the Neo-Seoul University for four years until obtaining a Bachelor's Degree in Forensic Science. She then applied for the N.S.P.D's National Internship and was successful, working an entire year in the D.T.R until she was hired as a full time Forensic Investigator.
Personality profile: As her sister, Mina, says, 'Su is a typical Virgo'. Su-min is very organized, both physically and mentally. She typically has a 'no nonsense' type attitude especially concerning work which may sometimes come across as cold and unfriendly, but Su cares very deeply for her family and close friends.

Unique Skills/Abilities: Su-min excelled in University, earning one of the highest marks in the country.

So begins...

Anita McMiller's Story


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Character Portrait: Anita McMiller
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The Beginning

The wind was strong and shook the sea wildly against the edges of the rocky shore that outlined the quiet, peaceful town of Reaper. The air was fresh, the sea was cold and the atmosphere felt edgey, almost ghost like. Today, a supposed lazy Sunday, would not be a lazy Sunday at all, instead 8 sleeping children would be rudely interrupted from their dreams by something tugging on their souls.

This is where a 19 year old girl, called Anita McMiller, would wake and find the early morning greet her with something quite horrible. Her sleepy eyes would now be awake with fear, something was not right; what was this pain in her heart? It was not a passing pain, instead something lingering and getting worse as her mind got used to the darkness that still slept over the town. Outside of her window the sky was grey, only a small slit of sun shone from the curtain of dark clouds. She knew today would rain and she had planned to sleep in, after all she had stayed up late last night reading her books filled with magical beings and demons that slithered through the pages.
Anita, scared and feeling sick, tried to stand and balanced herself on her bedside desk, instead her hand slipped on a book and she fell to the ground. Her head hit the edge of her bed and her legs were bent against the wall infront of her.
This was not right, she couldn't even stand. The pain in her heart got even worse, a headache started to form and she wasn't sure if it was because she was tired or if that was another problem. Her limbs were numb, she tried to call out to her family but no sound came, her throat was too dry to make anything more than a croak. She was panicking now, what was going on?
Her heart felt like it was being wrenched from her chest, tears were falling from her eyes now. She couldn't stand it any longer, she didn't think about anything, about what it could be, she just tried to move her limbs to crawl towards her bedroom door.
The headache thumped wildly and it became hard to see. Her hands hurt aswell, now that she had noticed. She could not crawl on them any longer.
Was she going to die? Not even a day ago she was planning a trip with her family to get out of town.
She looked down on the grey carpet and notices spots of red staining the ground bellow her. This was not good.
Looking at her hands again she could've sworn her fingers were growing, her fingernails looked like they were turning a dark red, almost black, colour. She didn't take much notice, thinking it was just the headache and blurry vision messing with her.
The pain got less now, but the room seemed as though it got more dark. A black snake-like shadow slithered across the floor infront of her and it caught her attention; what could it be? Now there were five...six black snake-like shadows slithering around her. One of them looked like they were rising up from the carpet and when she reached out her hand to touch it, a silky feeling overcame her fingers. So they were real.
Anita was panicking bad now, she didn't know what to do. The pain in her heart had gotten less though, so that was a relief. She still could not speak or stand, everything was still a blurry dark mess.
Then she realised...she must be dreaming, it would make sense, right?
This could not be real, none of this could be real. Her head began to spin and she collapsed on the floor, laying there to try and make it stop. The tendrills were brushing her face and she decided she quite liked the silky cold feeling they gave her.
She closed her eyes and soon she was back into a deep, painful, dreamless sleep.


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Character Portrait: Grim Reaper Character Portrait: Anita McMiller
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The silence dragged onwards. Death was pondering his decisions carefully. The shrouded man studied Sevan Raul, the two spirits he trusted with all his non-existant heart.
"This is an interesting development," a dark, deep voice sounded from the hooded figure "Go, my dear friend, I predict they will be struggling with their new identities. It would be an inconvinence if the world of the living were informed."
He meant to stop, but instead added something more "I will be there when I can, take care of them until I am able to assist."


After a few hours, a loud knocking at her door became audiable to Anita. She opened her heavy eyes and found herself sprawled on the floor with a splitting headache. Slowly and painfully she lifted her body up from the carpet and swore when she saw blood stains beneath her. The knocking became more frequent.
"Annie!! Annie get up!! I made you breakfast Annie!" one of her little brothers, Jake, called. She tried to stand but her head was keeping her down with it's constant thumping.
"Thanks Jake," she cried out, her voice raspy and tired "I'll be there in a minute". Just like that the knocking had vanished and she heard little footsteps stumble down the hall.
Instantly she looked at her hands to see if what she saw last night was real. Her hands were fine.
She looked around her, for the slightest bit of slithering shadows. There was nothing.
Anita sighed and plopped on the ground again, exhausted. It must've been a dream, but then what are those bloodstains from? She couldn't explain any of it, her head was a mess. Slowly she peeled her body from the floor and stumbled across the room to the door. She opened it quietly, looked once, twice, and then tiptoed her way to the bathroom. She looked at her reflection, which looked pale and sick. Annie washed her face with warm water and thumbled around the medicine cabinet looking for painkillers of some sort. Darn, they were out. She would have to go to the chemist to buy some. Anita hadn't been there much, but she remembered it was close to the bar.
She got dressed carefully, scrunching up her pjamas and throwing them into the wash basket. She then brushed her hair and tried to look as normal as she could, she would deal with the blood stains later.
Opening the door, there was a slight movement behind her. She span around but saw nothing, and quickly ran to the kitchen, scared and worried she was going insane.


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Character Portrait: Leon Michael Character Portrait: Anita McMiller
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"Annie! I made you some eggs!"
Anita looked closely at the...cow shaped omlette. It had been slightly burnt and parts of it were falling apart, not to mention the bread under it was soggy from the oil seeping through. She couldn't help but laugh, and ate it quickly much to her brothers delight. Her other younger brother, George, came running down the hall and skidded on the kitchen tiles, almost falling and crashing into the table.
"Slow down, racing car. Eat up, Jake made breakfast. Hey, do you know where Mom and Pete went?" she stuffed the last piece of bread into her mouth and talked with her mouth full, it was a habit from living with two younger brothers. George only shrugged "I 'unno, I think mom said something about gardening," he ate into the omlette, a little reluctant to eat the dog shape on his plate.
"Shes gone shopping then? Okay, I'm going out for a while, will you two be alright by yourselves? If you want you can go down to your friends' place while I'm gone, I'll pick you up when I get back". The two boys nodded and ate quietly.

After breakfast she dropped Jake and George at a small house down the road and kept walking down the street. In a few minutes she would be in town. Her head still hurt badly but she had tried to ignore it while talking with her brothers, only now that she was concentrating and awake was the pain becoming unbearable. She lifted her hand to her throbbing head and from the corner of her eye saw a thin shadow slither past her. Anita swore and glanced around her, but no one had seen. Another slithering shadow shot past, and another, and another. She swore again and stomped her foot, not sure what to do. They were following her, at least what she thought. I am going insane, she sighed.
A slithering shadow shot past a little girl, which caught the girls eye. To Anita's luck the little girl laughed and pointed it out, but by the time the mother turned to look the shadow had vanished and the poor girl was ignored.
A friend of hers yelled at her from across the street, and it took her a few times to realise someone was calling out to her. She waved, and as she did a small shadow few off her fingers and landed on the ground with a thud. Annie looked closely, glaring at the pest who just ran around on the concrete and formed into her own shadow.
"This isn't funny," she whispered.
The girl walked quickly and kept looking over her shoulder, almost certain little black snakes were following her. It was only when she swung her body around a corner into an alleyway when she stomped the ground and the shadows all came out at once, swallowing her into a black mess. She yelled in surprise "Stop it!" and span around wildly to get them off. The shadow, as it seemed, had a personality of its own.
She realised after spinning wildly that the shadows were following her every move. When she flung her arm out to the right, they followed, same with the left, and this left her confused. She touched the wall and a black smudge covered the bricks until she took her hand away. It was strange, and she felt silly, but she was sure that she was controlling the shadows.
As a test she flexed her hand and the shadow drank up her hand, turning it almost invisible in the dark alleyway. She flexed her hand a bit more and the shadow moved up her arm slowly until her whole arm was covered in darkness. It felt cold and nice, almost like a glove made of water. Then, as suddenly as it started, the shadow slithered away from her arm and disappeared from her sights. She tried to call it back, stomping, spinning, pointing at walls, flexing her arm but to no avail. It was gone.
She was insane.
Quickly she ran out of the alleyway and sprinted to the chemist, despite her headache, to grab some painkillers. Anita tried to look for some hallucination pills aswell but you needed to see a doctor before you could buy them, so instead she bought the painkillers and walked fast paced out of the shop. She span into a close by alleyway, near the bar, and swallowed two little white tablets without any water. She slumped against the wall and sighed, trying to get a hold of her thoughts. It was only when she heard shuffling when she realised someone was watching her.
Anita looked up with a snap, and saw her watcher. A man in his early 20's, drinking a bottle of vodka. She blinked once, twice, and looked away suddenly, feeling stupid and embarrassed. She stuffed the pills in her pocket and tried to wait for the pain to leave her head.


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Character Portrait: Leon Michael Character Portrait: Anita McMiller
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Leon watched Anita quietly and carefully as he noticed somthing new, he could see a red outline around he body, 'she's a demon' said the inner voice of his power. 'what!' Leon seemed shocked this harmless frightned girl, she ccould'nt be. But he was more shocked about his semmingly new abillity to tell a demon from humans. He liked it, Alot. Leon stood up and watched her reaction, she seemed to be normal enough, but if his power told him she was a demon he was'nt going to let it go, he focused on her until he practicly remembered he face off by heart. Before he walked round the corner and into the bar he spoke towards her "thouse wont help, Trust me", in the bar he sat down on the stool and placed the bottle down, a lively young lady walked in and swapped his bottle for a fresh one. "on the house Leon", the woman said cheefully as she scruffed leon's hair alittle: Katie, a woman in her early 20's mabey 23, 24, it really did'nt matter Leon had only ever had two loves in his life, Alcohol, since he was 18 and Katie, since he could drink. Image :katie.

"any luck with your parents?" the question that Leon did'nt want to hear, "no" he replied quietly. "don't get down you'll get somthing i'm sure of it" she continued before taking somones order. Leon picked up his drink and walked around the town before feeling strange, he knew the feeling. An extremely old and strong demon, no mabey two. It did'nt matter Leon had to find it mabey it could take him to the 'underworld' to see if he could find his parents in the realm of the dead. Leon sprinted off faster than a bullet towards the forest.


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Character Portrait: Grim Reaper Character Portrait: Anita McMiller
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Anita heard the man with the vodka say something to her, "Those wont help, trust me".
She watched as he walked by, curious yet scared to what he meant. Did he think she was a drug addict? How embarrassing. She felt the headache leaving her head but she also felt a cool, silky sensation on her back where she was leaning against the brick wall. Shadows licked and pulled her into them, and she stood still, curious as to what they were doing to her. Instantly the darkness pulled her into the shadows in the wall and she was concealed. Everything around her was darker, as if she was wearing sunglasses.
In this form she could move with the shadows and slowly come back out again if she wished. She found it interesting and calming how the shadows synchronized with her body and emotions, how easy it was to move. Her whole body felt light and weightless when she was melded with the shadows.
She came out of the shadows again, somehow she felt a little better and found she didn't mind that she was insane. Anita slipped out of the alley and went to cross the road, but found her head feeling fuzzy again. She stopped somewhere, unable to see or register any sounds. She managed to open her eyes wide enough to watch what happened next.
A small delievery truck speeding down the street didn't see her until the last minute. She was standing in the middle of the road. In an instant the moment happened, the truck that was supposed to hit her instead went over her...for a moment she thought it flew over her but instead she realised the shadows had reacted in a last minute attempt to save her life. She was pulled in the shadow of the truck and instantly spat out onto the road lying down. The truck halted behind her and she wasn't exactly sure what had happened. The silky feeling happened in a second.
A stranger ran up to her, asking her questions but her head was dizzy. He seemed panicked but she managed to stand and assure him she was okay, she ran quickly, stumbling into people, poles, buildings.
Her head was a fuzzy mess, she wanted it to go away...while nobody was looking she sunk into the shadows of the afternoon sun reflecting off the shops and her mind shut off.


A mysterious figure sat quietly at a polished oak desk. He was writing something, a report of some sort...but he was bored, tired of writing reports and dealing with papers. But he knew he had to fund the place somehow, though he was starting to doubt the organization, starting to doubt their motives and he began to doubt his beliefs, the things that had started the organization in the first place.
He read letters of strange happenings, stories by ordinary people with nothing to do. He was beginning to think they were all just imaginative stories made up by silly people who wanted to believe something was wrong or different in their lives but really, there wasn't. They've investigated so many stories, so many reports and they were all false. Nothing led to anything.
While lost in thought a man in his early twenties entered the room, holding a bunch of folders and looking rather flustered.
"Mr. Johannas! Theres been a strange sighting," he held up a photo, it was dark but a large dinosaur looking figure was flashed in the middle, a glowing eye looking somewhere ahead "They saw it last night! There are other photos...this is true!"
The man was egar to show Mr. Johannas, but he didn't take much interest "Kaleb, what did I say before about doing this?"
"But sir! We've searched, we've looked everywhere...we are sure this is a real thing. Readings on our thermometers tell us that something out of this world, almost magical, have been occuring throughout the night and day! I will show you. There are witnesses and everything, you have to believe me, this is real!"
The tall man, in his late 30's, stood up. He took some interest in what Kaleb said. He looked at the photo closely and saw it looked like a dragon.
"Come on, let's take a look then"


Shadows licked at Deaths attire and instantly vanished. He walked quickly amoung the dark, smooth corridor with Norke welcoming him and following. He had been out all day on business. There were so many lost souls recently, he couldn't save every one but deaths were frequent and he was flat out trying his best. Tortured souls, sorry souls, angry souls, broken shards of souls, souls once redeemed but soon turned to rust...some he could reason with, others he had to destroy because of their rage. He couldn't do much, there was so much anger and sadness in the modern world. So many people, so much death and loss.
Norke filled him in on certain events, how fights were happening within the kingdom of the Otherworld. Everyone was restless, he needed assistance and bad. He just hoped that his dearest friends, the messengers, would pull through...that the children, created by his power, would accept their task.
He came upon a large door, covered in gears and cogs. A bony hand pulled out and touched the door, and the cogs and gears worked together and opened. Only Death could open this door, one of the most important things in the world.
Norke waited outside, no one was permitted unless Lord Death said so, it was an extremely precious room. As the doors opened, a billion little hourglasses could be seen on massive, ongoing shelves, stacked in lines. He said one final thing to Norke, "I may have to call upon the messengers soon. I have some very important information for them."
The doors shut close, and he resumed his business in the Hourglass Room.


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Character Portrait: Adam Chase Character Portrait: Anita McMiller
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#, as written by TheFlag
Adam's eyes lazily opened, as he scanned his surroundings it was fairly dark as his eyes hadn't adapt to the light yet but he still managed to get a good look at his surroundings. he was still in the alleyway which seemed darker it was obvious he'd been asleep for awhile. Adam, not wanting to waste any more time reluctantly pushed himself up his spine and whole body tingled with pins & needles, as he stifled a yawn followed by a quick stretch to help relieve himself of this mild discomfort. Adam paused for a moment and looked around, before deciding which route to take which was the one closest to the exit. Adam hopped over some debris on the floor, before brushing his hand against the cold, smooth wall: a sensation he enjoyed.

Adam felt an uneasy feeling crawl up his backside, as he made an exit to the alley which irritated him this was accompanied by some static, he had been hearing it ever since he'd woken up and frankly it had begun to get on his nerves, it felt as if a choir had awoken and wouldn't stop: not even pausing for a breath. Adam rubbed his head in slight agitation, he brought his hand to his head looking at the side walk, he tried to continue with his plan but he couldn't think clearly. Adam deciding it'd be best to go to the chemist, get some headache pills perhaps some sleeping pills as well, Adam doubting he'd be able to fall asleep in his current apartment, which sounded like a temporary plan.

He walked down the road continuing to hold his head in agitation, he kept muttering something under his breath a particular thing he noted was his words, they sounded low and off-key a unusual thing for him. He looked down the road spotting the small green cross sign jutting out, he was nearly there: which came to him as an instantaneous relief he dug into his pocket checking the money he had, not a lot a couple of bills but it was enough. As Adam continued down towards the pharmacy his eyes stuck onto a girl, she seemed different he didn't know why or how, but it was a particular vibe. He watched as she stopped in the middle of the road unable to take his eyes off her, as a truck sped towards her, he couldn't see as it was quite distant but he was almost certain that it had hit her, he squinted as he saw her get up and talk to the man who hurriedly got out to check if she was alright, after a few seconds she ran off and seemingly disappeared.

Adam paused visibly shocked, no one else had seemed to notice that event which made the situation more unnerving. He continued down the street, trying to keep the last threads of his sanity intact which were on the brink of crumbling. Adam opened the door to the chemist and walked in, not giving a glance he went to a familiar aisle one he'd been down many times, he tried not to pick out a heavy sleeping pill, as he didn't want to be dependent on them, so he picked out something that would relax him as well as something for his headache which curiously had worsened. Adam walked up to the clerk, putting his items on the desk the clerk cocked his eyebrow, as if summing him up. After a few seconds had passed which were fairly awkward the man began scanning them through, he never spoke a word to Adam as he bought his products. Adam put them in his back pocket while making a exit of the chemist.