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Grim Reaper

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a character in “My Daddy Death”, originally authored by Kiyokojordie, as played by RolePlayGateway



The Grim Reaper is Death with a capital D. He is perhaps the most recognized entity of all time, neither ghost nor god. Mr. Death wears a dark cloak with a hood covering his face, and is renouned for carrying a scythe. Figuratively speaking, the Grim Reaper is in the gap between life and death, essentially helping people pass from the living world to that of the dead, he takes the soul of a person when it is their time to leave the living world.
No one would ever have thought that the Reaper himself would have children, or a family. Mysterious as always.

So begins...

Grim Reaper's Story


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Character Portrait: Grim Reaper Character Portrait: Sevan Raul
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Sevan was now working a Saturday morning, taking over for another bartender who was out sick. "Comon Sevi! Take a lurksie. She's real cute, right? EHEHEHE!" The drunk patron chuckled while flashing his cellphone in Sevan's face. There was a picture of a beautiful brunette woman with a dashing smile on it. "You don't say? She's is quite the beauty Joshua. If you're not careful, I might steal her for myself." Sevan chuckled lightly, while cleaning out a glass mug. "Wazzat? You wanna steak ma girl? Yur gonna haff ta fight meh first, bub!" Joshua stated before falling over. He was a regular at the Reaper's Pub, and Sevan has gotten to know him very well.

"Heh. Dumb drunk. Although. I find it funny that you work here, yet you never drink yourself." An older customer who was sitting next to Joshua commented. He was also a regular, but seemed to be a very observant one. "Oh! So you've noticed have you? Yes. It's true that I don't drink. But my brother Raul can compensate for that. Whenever I bring some liquor home for him, he guzzles it all down at once. Then he stays up all night, making me feel like I'm having the hangover." Sevan joked, while getting out from behind the counter to help Joshua back onto his seat. Except that he wasn't actually joking. It isn't unusual for Sevan to awake with a spliting headache every other morning. "My my. It looks like I'll have to call his sister to come pick him up again." Sevan shook his head at his now passed out friend.
"Heh. You sure do talk funny. Like an old-timey englishman, without the accent. And pardon me for saying so, but you and your brother's names sound a little weird to me as well." The older patron commented while starring in dissaproval of Joshua. "Ah. Well you see. My brother and I are actually from the Alps. Actually, I do believe we lived much farther south. The Underworld, you could say." Sevan said, putting on one of his winner smiles.

All of a sudden Sevan felt many strange sources of powers bursting throughout the town. 'It looks like it's finally happening, Sev. We should check it out! Let me take over!' Raul called out to him from within Sevan's head. It wasn't the first time Raul woke up while Sevan was still awake. Seeing as Raul spent most of his time sleeping anyway. 'Calm yourself Raul. You'll get your chance to burn your energy later. We have to notify Lord Death before we act.' Sevan responded, beggining to make his way towards the front door. "Jessica! Will you be fine on your own for the rest of the morning?" He called out to the waitress, who seemed to have already been ready to take over. 'She's a real busy body. And why do we have to consult that bastard for anyway? You don't have to follow his orders by the book all the time.' Raul stated, a little upset that Sevan didn't decide to take action yet. As soon as Sevan made his way out the front door, he turned the corner until he made it to an abandoned ally. He then stepped into the deepest shadows while closing his eyes, and concentrating his energy around his body.

When Sevan reopened his eyes, he was in front of a dark sinister-looking castle. It large structure cascaded along the bank of a river made of fire. The river Phlegethon. From far away the building could be mistaken for a small mountain range. "Simply breathtaking. Don't you think, Raul? As always, it's good to be home." Sevan said in absolute awe, as his flesh began to melt away and reform into his actual form. 'Sure. Whatever you say. Can we just get this over with? I don't want to be in Hades anymore than I have to be. Screw it. I'm going back to sleep.' Raul complained, before quickly drifting off. The fuzzy feeling in Sevan's head went away, signifying that Raul had indeed gone back to sleep. "Well at least I don't have to deal with him for now." Sevan stated to himself before walking towards the front gates of Castle Oblivion. Immediatly, the gates opened for Sevan. 'It seems that Lord Death has been expecting me afterall.' Sevan thought to himself, with a tinge of excitement.

He ignored all of the creatures and followers that resided in the castle. At the moment, he was only concerned with announcing the good news to Lord Death. Soon he made it to the thrown room. The doors opened as he stood before them. Sevan bowed his head downward, almost to where his snout touched the floor. The ram-head on his tail swished around playfully, as Raul still had control over at least that. 'It would seem as if Raul is having a particularly good dream.' Sevan thought quickly before he was addressed by a raspy-voiced creature. "The Chimera of Pestilence, Sevan Raul has come to see you, Lord Death." Compared to most of the other beings in Oblivion Castle, Sevan found "Norke", Lord Death's right hand the ugliest. Norke had bulging-red eyes. Skin so black, you would guess that he bathed in charcoal. He didn't even look all too powerful, as Norke was about the size of a rabbit standing upright. And his voice was almost unbearable. Sevan figured that Lord Death must have picked him out of every other entity, because he was the most gruesome. Although Sevan has seen far worse out in the scorching plains of Hades.
"Lord Death. I bring news reguarding your children. It seems they have finally awakened." Sevan smirked inwardly, desperatly awaiting his master's responce.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grim Reaper Character Portrait: Anita McMiller
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The silence dragged onwards. Death was pondering his decisions carefully. The shrouded man studied Sevan Raul, the two spirits he trusted with all his non-existant heart.
"This is an interesting development," a dark, deep voice sounded from the hooded figure "Go, my dear friend, I predict they will be struggling with their new identities. It would be an inconvinence if the world of the living were informed."
He meant to stop, but instead added something more "I will be there when I can, take care of them until I am able to assist."


After a few hours, a loud knocking at her door became audiable to Anita. She opened her heavy eyes and found herself sprawled on the floor with a splitting headache. Slowly and painfully she lifted her body up from the carpet and swore when she saw blood stains beneath her. The knocking became more frequent.
"Annie!! Annie get up!! I made you breakfast Annie!" one of her little brothers, Jake, called. She tried to stand but her head was keeping her down with it's constant thumping.
"Thanks Jake," she cried out, her voice raspy and tired "I'll be there in a minute". Just like that the knocking had vanished and she heard little footsteps stumble down the hall.
Instantly she looked at her hands to see if what she saw last night was real. Her hands were fine.
She looked around her, for the slightest bit of slithering shadows. There was nothing.
Anita sighed and plopped on the ground again, exhausted. It must've been a dream, but then what are those bloodstains from? She couldn't explain any of it, her head was a mess. Slowly she peeled her body from the floor and stumbled across the room to the door. She opened it quietly, looked once, twice, and then tiptoed her way to the bathroom. She looked at her reflection, which looked pale and sick. Annie washed her face with warm water and thumbled around the medicine cabinet looking for painkillers of some sort. Darn, they were out. She would have to go to the chemist to buy some. Anita hadn't been there much, but she remembered it was close to the bar.
She got dressed carefully, scrunching up her pjamas and throwing them into the wash basket. She then brushed her hair and tried to look as normal as she could, she would deal with the blood stains later.
Opening the door, there was a slight movement behind her. She span around but saw nothing, and quickly ran to the kitchen, scared and worried she was going insane.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grim Reaper Character Portrait: Sevan Raul Character Portrait: Missy Lafayette Character Portrait: Leon Michael Character Portrait: Mitanni Assur
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Sevan was delighted to hear that Lord Death seemed intrigued by his news. It wasn't every day that he had seemed so interested in Sevan's briefings.
"Go, my dear friend, I predict they will be struggling with their new identities. It would be an inconvinence if the world of the living were informed." Sevan almost lifted his head when his master had stopped speaking, but halted as it seemed Lord Death had more to say.
"I will be there when I can, take care of them until I am able to assist." Sevan opened his eyes in surprise. It was rare for his master to leave the Underworld off business like this. He quickly lifted his head, to lay eyes upon his master. Even Sevan and the other trusted followers of Death have yet to see their master's true appearence before. It would be a lie if Sevan said he never wondered what lied behind that black cloak.

All of a sudden a new visitor came through the doorway. “Mitanni Assur, The Wolf of War, has arrived my Lord” Norke announced in his ditestable little voice.
"Aw. Mitanni. It has been a while since I have seen you last. Raul has been missing his old sparring pal greatly." Sevan took a moment to chuckle before continuing.
"Reunions aside. I have already alerted Lord Death of the situation as you can see. Lord Death, I'm guessing you have more important matters to deal with then listening to us chitchat, so I will talk with Mitanni outside, if you would please excuse us." Sevan motioned his head sideways as to signal that he had something urgent to tell Mitanni.

He then made his way outside the door and it closed on its own. "There is one thing that I find quite interesting about all of this. If my memory serves me correctly, Lord Death told us of seven children. But I felt an eighth source of power. Did you not?" Sevan stopped as he scanned the hallway for any prying eyes.
"I was also told that other than us there was a 3rd messenger. The messenger of Famine, yes? Perhaps he or she might take interest in this eighth power as well. I am not absolutely certain, but I have felt flickers of power over the past 20 years at the most random times. Whenever Raul and I attempt to investigate the energy dissapears before we even walk out the door. Strange indeed. But it seems this time that we might be able to catch the culprit. Are you up to it?" Sevan asked Mitanni as he relunctantly changed back into his human form. "I myself shall attempt to rally the rest of the children. I guess it would be best to start with the youngest. Lets see... What was her name again... Missy Lafayette! That was it!" With a short wave, he bid farwell to Mitanni. "See you on the other side, my old friend." The next thing Mitanni knew Sevan had dissapeared in a flash of his energy. After traveling through dimensions for over hundreds of years, Sevan has gotten pretty quick at it.

"Well it looks like it is finally time... I wonder how she got in an area like this. I'm sure I felt the energy source come from here." Sevan sighed as he scoped out the rocky terrain in the middle of a forrest near the town. "Perhaps she's the explorative type." Sevan pressed up his glasses, as they were about to slip off. All of a sudden he felt a familar fuzzyness inside his head. 'Oh no...' Sevan thought in utter distain. 'Why are you looking for the little girl first, anyway? You a pedophile or something?' Raul woke up laughing like an imbecile.
"I see you are making use of the speech patterns they use in current-day society, Raul." Sevan replied, trying to keep a cool head.
'Well duh. I don't live in the past like you! You've gotta learn to get with the times, Sev.' A typical Raul reply. 'You should let me take over. I can find her way faster than you anyway.' Raul tried persuading Sevan, although doing a horrible job at it. "Good luck with that. You would probably crush her body as soon as you find her just to vex my master, wouldn't you?" Sevan said, now getting very irritated.
'Ah! How'd you know?! We really have been together for too long. Its getting kind of creepy how well you know me.' Sevan could imagine Raul pointing his finger in a motion going into his throat to simulate barfing. "Listen you insignificant-" Sevan began before Raul cut him off. 'Heads up slowpoke. Little girl at 12:00!' Raul chuckled, feeling he has once again bested Sevan. "Well what do know. There she is." Sevan simply said before walking over to her. 'Is she sleeping? Hold her nose. That'll make her wake up.' Raul adviced, even though he knew how Sevan would respond. "As if I would use such vulgor efforts to wake of a child of my master." Sevan replied scoldingly.
"Excuse me, young miss. But would you mind waking up for me?" Sevan said in the kindest voice he could muster, while gently nudging Missy's arm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grim Reaper Character Portrait: Sevan Raul Character Portrait: AuraBell Jade (Bell) Character Portrait: Adam Chase
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#, as written by Zetna
Mitanni slowly walked in and was greeted by Sevan. "Aw. Mitanni. It has been a while since I have seen you last. Raul has been missing his old sparring pal greatly." He did not smile at this remark, but was somewhat glad to see him. Mitanni rarely showed his emotions. He had only had a few friends his whole life. Sevan/Raul, Lord Death and his wolf. Quick flashes of their sparring contest quickly came back to his mind before he came back to reality.

Nodding to his old friend and looking at Lord Death, he only had time to bow his head to his master before being beckoned by Sevan to take a step out. In other circumstances, Mitanni would have been somewhat frustrated with Sevan, having made him miss an opportunity to talk with his master. But alas, he knew that his master was probable busy and Mitanni had work to do as well. The simply nod Master Death had given him was enough for Mitanni. Stepping outside, he listened to his old friend talk. "There is one thing that I find quite interesting about all of this. If my memory serves me correctly, Lord Death told us of seven children. But I felt an eighth source of power. Did you not?"

Mitanni nodded “Yes indeed I have felt this eight power... But alas I have not attempted in tracking it yet."

"I was also told that other than us there was a 3rd messenger. The messenger of Famine, yes? Perhaps he or she might take interest in this eighth power as well. I am not absolutely certain, but I have felt flickers of power over the past 20 years at the most random times. Whenever Raul and I attempt to investigate the energy dissapears before we even walk out the door. Strange indeed. But it seems this time that we might be able to catch the culprit. Are you up to it?"
Mitanni slowly rubbed his chin, taking a minute to think about this. Looking back at Sevan he spoke “First I shall find the third messenger and make her acquaintance. I shall see who she is and what she is then I will make my way to find another children. The eight will have to wait...”

With a final greeting, he nodded at his ally and then vanished as well. Letting his energy roam through reaper, he easily found the other Messenger. Appearing out of sight, he slowly made his way to her. Walking pass him was a boy that Mitanni recognized as one of the children of Lord Death. Making a mental note of the boy, Mitanni continued walking until he stood in front of the girl he presumed was the Messenger of Famine.

Dressed in his black trench coat, his long black hair fell to his back. His dark eyes stared deep into hers. “Aurabell Jade I presume? I am Mitanni Assure, Messenger of Death. It is a pleasure to finally meet you.” With all honesty, Mitanni hadn’t planned to be so formal...he did not really care about formality; all he wanted to do was find these children before someone else did.

“It seems you have met one of the kids... I shall leave him too you...I will go after the one named Adam Chase and see if I can help him with his transformation...”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grim Reaper Character Portrait: Anita McMiller
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Anita heard the man with the vodka say something to her, "Those wont help, trust me".
She watched as he walked by, curious yet scared to what he meant. Did he think she was a drug addict? How embarrassing. She felt the headache leaving her head but she also felt a cool, silky sensation on her back where she was leaning against the brick wall. Shadows licked and pulled her into them, and she stood still, curious as to what they were doing to her. Instantly the darkness pulled her into the shadows in the wall and she was concealed. Everything around her was darker, as if she was wearing sunglasses.
In this form she could move with the shadows and slowly come back out again if she wished. She found it interesting and calming how the shadows synchronized with her body and emotions, how easy it was to move. Her whole body felt light and weightless when she was melded with the shadows.
She came out of the shadows again, somehow she felt a little better and found she didn't mind that she was insane. Anita slipped out of the alley and went to cross the road, but found her head feeling fuzzy again. She stopped somewhere, unable to see or register any sounds. She managed to open her eyes wide enough to watch what happened next.
A small delievery truck speeding down the street didn't see her until the last minute. She was standing in the middle of the road. In an instant the moment happened, the truck that was supposed to hit her instead went over her...for a moment she thought it flew over her but instead she realised the shadows had reacted in a last minute attempt to save her life. She was pulled in the shadow of the truck and instantly spat out onto the road lying down. The truck halted behind her and she wasn't exactly sure what had happened. The silky feeling happened in a second.
A stranger ran up to her, asking her questions but her head was dizzy. He seemed panicked but she managed to stand and assure him she was okay, she ran quickly, stumbling into people, poles, buildings.
Her head was a fuzzy mess, she wanted it to go away...while nobody was looking she sunk into the shadows of the afternoon sun reflecting off the shops and her mind shut off.


A mysterious figure sat quietly at a polished oak desk. He was writing something, a report of some sort...but he was bored, tired of writing reports and dealing with papers. But he knew he had to fund the place somehow, though he was starting to doubt the organization, starting to doubt their motives and he began to doubt his beliefs, the things that had started the organization in the first place.
He read letters of strange happenings, stories by ordinary people with nothing to do. He was beginning to think they were all just imaginative stories made up by silly people who wanted to believe something was wrong or different in their lives but really, there wasn't. They've investigated so many stories, so many reports and they were all false. Nothing led to anything.
While lost in thought a man in his early twenties entered the room, holding a bunch of folders and looking rather flustered.
"Mr. Johannas! Theres been a strange sighting," he held up a photo, it was dark but a large dinosaur looking figure was flashed in the middle, a glowing eye looking somewhere ahead "They saw it last night! There are other photos...this is true!"
The man was egar to show Mr. Johannas, but he didn't take much interest "Kaleb, what did I say before about doing this?"
"But sir! We've searched, we've looked everywhere...we are sure this is a real thing. Readings on our thermometers tell us that something out of this world, almost magical, have been occuring throughout the night and day! I will show you. There are witnesses and everything, you have to believe me, this is real!"
The tall man, in his late 30's, stood up. He took some interest in what Kaleb said. He looked at the photo closely and saw it looked like a dragon.
"Come on, let's take a look then"


Shadows licked at Deaths attire and instantly vanished. He walked quickly amoung the dark, smooth corridor with Norke welcoming him and following. He had been out all day on business. There were so many lost souls recently, he couldn't save every one but deaths were frequent and he was flat out trying his best. Tortured souls, sorry souls, angry souls, broken shards of souls, souls once redeemed but soon turned to rust...some he could reason with, others he had to destroy because of their rage. He couldn't do much, there was so much anger and sadness in the modern world. So many people, so much death and loss.
Norke filled him in on certain events, how fights were happening within the kingdom of the Otherworld. Everyone was restless, he needed assistance and bad. He just hoped that his dearest friends, the messengers, would pull through...that the children, created by his power, would accept their task.
He came upon a large door, covered in gears and cogs. A bony hand pulled out and touched the door, and the cogs and gears worked together and opened. Only Death could open this door, one of the most important things in the world.
Norke waited outside, no one was permitted unless Lord Death said so, it was an extremely precious room. As the doors opened, a billion little hourglasses could be seen on massive, ongoing shelves, stacked in lines. He said one final thing to Norke, "I may have to call upon the messengers soon. I have some very important information for them."
The doors shut close, and he resumed his business in the Hourglass Room.