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"When we meet people, we first ask for their name." In Fujiwara High School, there are eight students that are caught in a huge and confusing love circle that could make or break their friendship with each other.

2,752 readers have visited Namae since FuyuHana created it.





In Japan, Tokyo, there is a new and modern high school that is almost completely based off of technology, the boards being like giant iPads, the writing utensils being clear desks which students wrote on with a special type of pencil and other things of that sort, although all students still wear their usual school uniforms. It is only for those who earn their way through, also being named as the Honor Students, and for those who buy their way in, which are all basically the common students of the school since no one really earns their grades anymore. In other words, it's the school for the rich. There are around only 400 students, and within that, around 50 Honor Students while the other rich kids paid their way into the high school. This lovely and modern high school is named Fujiwara High.

Now there are 400 students, perhaps a little more than that, but there are these six student in particular, all friends, that are going through a phase that everyone has to go to through their life. Confession. The eight of them all like each other, but it's not that simple. No... it's not even close. One problem is that two people do not line up with each other, meaning no person get's their love back. It's a whole love circle, one person chasing after another, and it doesn't go boy girl boy girl either. While four are straight, or heterosexuals, there are other two who are homosexuals and are chasing after people who are going after others. It's just like a Merry Go Round that never ends.

Shy Girl - This girl is a very shy person. She can't confess her feelings to the Popular Boy and has trouble speaking to anyone and everyone honestly, even her close female friends. She gets along with everyone in the end though, which is why she's liked to greatly, both romantically and in a friendly way. She is very close to the Innocent Boy though since they're almost the same, other than she's an Honor Student. (Taken By xLevesquex)

Homosexual Girl - Yes, the homosexual. She's the one out of two people in the circle of friends to love girls rather than guys. Of course, this means that she hangs out more with the males. She likes to talk to the Rebel boy since the two are both homosexuals. Plus, she likes to rely on him to learn about the Shy Girl some more since she has a small crush on her. (Taken By Ever)

Tsundere Girl - Well, in some ways she's not tsundere, but what other word is there to describe her? She's slightly quiet, and cold to people who try to talk to her. She's also very tom boyish, not caring about what others think of her since her friends are all she needs, although she's taken an interest in the Innocent Boy due to his bright personality. (Taken By FuyuHana)

Flirty Girl - She's the one who likes to flirt with anyone, regardless of gender though she is still heterosexual. Her flirting towards girls is just for fun and teasing, and same with boys, but it's usually a cover for her affection towards one of them. Even though she is a pure flirt, she still has any one else's soft personality, which explains why she takes a liking to the Cry Baby Boy. (Available)

Popular Boy - Almost the most popular guy in the school, getting love confessions from girls and even a few guys from time to time, which he all brings down since he's only liked the Homosexual Girl, even though he knows she only loves girl and sees guys are brothers or friends, but that doesn't stop him from trying, which is why he tends to be around her as a friend for the mean time. (Taken By FF_Forever)

Rebel Boy - There's always a rebel, and this is the one. He's stubborn, take charge, and tends to argue with everyone, including the person he likes which is the Cry Baby Boy. He's also the homosexual in the male section, and because of this, he and the Homosexual girl are able to chat together easily, but in private since he's not known to like other men, even though she is. (Taken By Ville.Sunfall)

Innocent Boy - The innocent person of the group, similar to the Shy Girl but he has much more energy and is much more cheerful and out there. He's very straight forward with anything, other than his feelings for the Shy Girl. Even so, he gets along with everyone insanely well, especially the Tsundere Girl who he thinks of as a friend, but only has feelings for the Shy Girl. (Taken By Damioa)

Cry Baby Boy - Finally, the Cry Baby Boy. He's very anxious, nervous, and freaks out insanely over anything and everything. He gets anxious around his friends, but begins to shake around girls, showing how embarrassed he is around them. He is heterosexual though, and has a soft spot for the Tsundere Girl since she treats him normally, ignoring his nervousness. (Taken By teacookies)

In Summary of Character Relationships

For those that have a hard time understanding some of the character relationships in the beginning, here's a little summary for you!

Shy Girl likes Popular Guy and hangs with Innocent Boy

Homosexual Girl likes Shy Girl and hangs with Rebel Boy

Tsundere Girl likes Innocent Boy

Flirty Girl likes Cry Baby Boy

Popular Boy likes Homosexual Girl and hangs with Homosexual Girl

Rebel Boy likes Cry Baby Boy and hangs with Homosexual Girl

Innocent Boy likes Shy Girl and hangs with Tsundere Girl

Cry Baby Boy like Tsundere Girl

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[img]Try using please![/img]










[b]Romantic Interest:[/b]







(At least 3)

(At least 3)

(At least 2 and give a 2-4 sentence explanation for each!)

(At least 2 and give a 2-4 sentence explanation for each!)

(At least 1 and give a 2-4 sentence explanation for each!)





[b]Other:[/b] (Optional)


1 - Please Reserve ; Reservations are going to be taken in the OOC or by PMs! Unfortunately, I won't be accepting anything other than that such as someone just randomly submitting a character sheet. Even if it's well done, I'm afraid I'll just have to ignore it! (´;д;`)

2Only lasts 42 hours ; Yup, only two days for you to get a character in, unless you ask for more time. I’ll give you more, but if you don’t say anything, your name will be taken off the character and free for anyone else to take. Just like that! (´A`。)

3Literacy ; Hey, I don’t really care about this rule very much, but that doesn’t mean you should try typing in another language to us! Seriously, try to write decent English, yeah? Oh, and also that means at least 7+ sentences per post. You can go under a few times, but you know the saying, three strikes and you’re out!

4Romance, Gore, Etc ; Romance is encouraged, Gore can be included, Drama is encouraged, Swearing is allowed only in character, but all has to be PG-13 or slightly R rated. I’m sure we all know what that means. ┐(‘~`;)┌

5Anime ; You weren’t expecting this were you? Maybe you were. I don’t know. But yeah. Use anime pictures please? And stick to using the same character. It doesn’t matter how many pictures as long as there is one. (ノ-ω-)ノ

6Sticking To Story ; I made this story so try your best to stick with their story and the whole rp in general! If you do, I’ll love you. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

7Effort ; School’s started (sucks, I know) but try your hardest to do a nice job on your character, posts, and try to post at least twice or three times a week, please? (✌゚∀゚)

8Don’t Be A Butt ; Exactly as its put. Don’t be a butt. Don’t fight in OOC, seriously, just don’t. It makes me feel sad. You don’t want me sad. (;へ:)

9Creativity ; Make your characters different from others! Sure, a few things in common are alright, but what I don’t want to see is a super nice character and another super nice character, or a rebel and another rebel. ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

10Random Words ; I want the rules to be ten because that’s a nice number. Did you like my faces? If you did, answer me in the OOC so I know you read over my rules, yeah? (;゙°´ω°´) If you have in the past rps... you can ignore this!

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tokizaki Maya Character Portrait: Kiyoko Sasaki Character Portrait: Sadao Toma Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Roen Ookami Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire Character Portrait: Akira Kurosawa
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Masami woke up on the bad side of her bed, as usual. Waking up early in the morning, especially for school, was always a pain in her eyes since she liked to sleep in like any other human being. Her mom was at work, like usual, and her little brother was already brought to his kindergarden along the way, leaving her alone, like always. It didn't bother her of course since the party always came.

With her usual sigh, she got out of bed and changed, brushing her teeth and putting her messy hair into messy pigtails at the sides of her head and headed downstairs to the empty kitchen. On the table was a plate covered in aluminum foil that had a note on it, 'Left for work, be sure to eat before you leave!" Of course that note would be from her mother.

But Masami didn't really feel like eating anything at the time and instead took a few bites out of her omelet that her mother had prepared for her before leaving and got her bags ready, not bothering to put on makeup or fix her school uniform, or do anything around that sort. Although her parents were rich, they still lived in an average house and had average cars and whatever else there was.

Within the hour, she simply slipped on her shoes and began to head straight for her new and modern school, that was actually quite large for such a small amount of people. Then again, it was for the rich and people who had the highest or highest grades, so it was understandable, in some manner. Good students had to have an appropriate school while the rich kids were always enrolled into the best, even if they weren't very smart, such as people like Masami, who was actually just an average student who never really excelled in anything other than art and english.

She didn't really even like school. I mean, what student would? You'd have to go there for seven hours without returning home just working your butt off and studying. Side effects included stress and depression. Yeah, school wasn't the most cheerful thing in Masami's mind, but she always had something to look forward to there. For example, she had her art class. Masami was taught by her older brother, who is now in college, about art, and ever since then she's been amazing at painting and drawing, whether on the computer or on a sketch pad. Art was a hobby of hers too so the class always put her in high spirits unlike others.

And the second thing she had to look forward to was her friends also. Masami doesn't really seem like the type of person to be friendly since she actually had quite the cold and hostile nature, but some people tend to dig into her personality a little more than others and finds the little rare jewel inside. Not to mention she had also found an interest of hers that year; Roen Ookami. She fell for his innocence compared to the rest of the group and how kind he was to other people without a doubt. Even a cold person can have feelings on the inside.

After walking for a mile or two more, Masami arrived at the school, looking much worse than she did at home, somehow. Her hair was still messy as always, she had a tired look on her face, and she blocked out the noises of all the new freshman by putting a pair of headphones over her ears so that everything was a blur compared to her dear music. Music was an essential part of her life actually. Without it, Masami thinks she'd never survive school, or just the world in general.

Oddly, a few students tried to talk to her and find out where their classes were, but Masami couldn't hear most of them, and the one's she could she shouldered off and continued to walk towards her own classes, which she had found out a week prior to the first day of school. But it wasn't really the classes she was headed for.

Masami went to the second floor where her homeroom was, but she was actually waiting there for the other seven friends. Since she got to her school early, she didn't know who to go to or where to go to, especially since her friends hadn't arrived, so all Masami did was lean on the wall near her classroom, turn up her music, and wait patiently, "Hurry up... idiots..." She murmured about them all underneath her breath.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire
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"You called me to school this early just to tell me something you could have told me at lunch or over the phone!" Subaru was fuming pissed off and it was only morning. "I thought you teachers are suppose to be smart, not a bunch of dumbasses bothering people!" He slammed his hands on the desk glaring at the teacher.

"Mister Voltaire, please calm down, I understand that it is early. I wont happen again, now could yo please stop scaring me with that glare of yours." The teacher shifted his eyes and handed Subaru a folder. "You can go now."

"Damn teacher!"
Subaru snatched it out of his hand and walked off bursting through the door, his glare still in tact.

He opened the folder and looked through it, it showed all his classes and everything he needed for school. Not that he really cared. You'd be lucky to even see Subaru in school other than lunch or passing time. Most of the time he is found sleeping, in a fight or in the music room after school. Itching his neck he sighed and tilted his head.

Waking up early was one thing Subaru never normally did. "Gosh Dammit!" Subaru punched the wall, hanging his head, letting his white hair cast a shadow over his paled face. Going back home would be useless at this point seeing he is already in school. He sighed and lifted his head back, but his eye caught sight of a girl sitting at her desk listening to music.

Squinting his red eyes at her he tsk'd under his breath and walked off towards the music room feeling a bit irritated. He put one hand in his pocket as his other hand hang at his side holding the folder. His necklaces banged against each other as he walked, but he kept quiet, while walking with his eyes on the ground making it seem like his eyes were closed.

Once in awhile he would look up at who passed him, but he would quickly look away. Finally making it to the music room Subaru sighed stopping at the door, changing his mind he walked away and headed for the bench outside near some trees. He laid down with his back flat on the bench and his arm over his eyes, while the other arm that held the folder, laid on his chest.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire
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Every morning Yuuta would wake up ten minutes before his alarm clock. It wasn’t that he naturally wakes up, but his dream would end in some push or shove that would result in being jolted awake. He never really told anyone about them, thinking they would just tell him to go see a doctor or he needed mental help. But in the end, it’s not hurting anyone and it gives him a chance to get a head start.

The extra minutes gave him an opportunity to dress before walking down to the kitchen. Where every morning he would find his mother cooking some big meal that usually ends up being half his lunch. After eating, packing his lunch, and waving to her goodbye and is escorted out by his driver. If there was one thing he was able to change, it would be to have the freedom of finding his own way to school. He didn’t have a problem with it but his mother ran everything in his life down to what he ate or wore.

The driver stood 6’1, handsome, but always had a face like he killed someone, or was just about to. If his friends really saw who drove him to school every morning, they would no longer be friends. Yuuta sat in the back of the car, turning his head to the tinted window. It was a short drive to the school almost seemed pointless to hop into a car. The driver faced Yuuta before stepping out.

“I will not be able to pick you up this evening, can you find your way home?”

“That’s fine, it’s only about a 20 minute walk from here. I should be okay.” The driver tipped his head before letting Yuuta out and driving off. Looking back at the school, he shivered a bit, the big structure always made him nervous. What if I get lost? Even with a few years of experience under his belt, he fears the worst.

Moving around the courtyard he spotted someone he was unsure he called a friend, Subaru Voltaire. If she counts him as a friend, then I do to. Sneaking really close to him, Yuuta poked him in the arm then dashed off.

“What did I do?”

Stopping at the main door and taking a deep breath, he took his first step but sped walked to his first class- Homeroom. Standing at the door, he moved it opened slowly and peeked in. There she was, the angel of his dreams: Masami Tanaka. Of course, he never told anyone about his crush, only to know the feel of embarrassment rush over him. Slipping through the crack he made, he closed the door behind him without making a sound.

Here was his chance, talk to her Yuuta, just talk to her! Sitting in the desk next to her, he spoke up, “Masami, good morning!”

Not exactly one of my best ones.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Roen Ookami
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#, as written by Damioa
"Oh YEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Roen yelled first thing before hoping up from bed. Who could blame him? It had been a whole season since he'd been to school. He quickly got dressed and ran down the steps bumping into his mom along the way. "Umph. Oh. Sorry Mom." He bowed down apologetically.

"Roen dear, are you okay? I heard you yell so I was going to go check on you." She asked in her usual sweet tone.

Roen rubbed the back of his head flashing the widest smile possible. "Yes mam. I'm alright. Heh, better than alright. I'm really stocked. School starts today."

"Hmm." His mom hummed to herself. "Well I know you're excited but you can't leave without one thing."

"What thing is that?" Roen put his hand on his chin. He couldn't imagine anything he would forget.

"This!!!" His mother suddenly hugged him and picked him up in her arms. "Our daily mother son hug." She said while squeezing him tightly.

"Mom. I would hug you back but.... your squeezing me... a little... too....tight." He gasped for air as she let him go.

"Oh I'm sorry Roen. I guess I don't know my own strength." The strong woman said while pouting. Roen's mom wasn't really his real mother. He was adopted at age ten and was cared for by an archeologist and a leader of a dojo. His mom being the leader of said dojo was a little taller than most woman and allot stronger, but she seemed to keep an elegance about her all the same. His fathers work demanded him to travel allot so he wasn't able to see him off with the natural rub on his head that he usually gave him in the mornings, but his moms hugs were more than enough.

Roen hugged his mom and kissed her on the cheek. "Okay mom, I'm leaving now." He said as he ran out of the door. He hopped on his bike and almost made his way away from the house before his mom caught up to him.

"Where do you think your going without this." She stared at him holding his schoolbag.

"Oh right. Thanks mom." Roen but his bag around his shoulder. "See ya'." With that he was off towards the school. "Good thing mom gave me my bag." He said to himself. "My games in there."
Yeah. This kid might have a love for school, but that doesn't make him the model student. In truth the only reason he enjoyed school so much were the people he could meet their. He always hung out with someone while not in school, but in the building, he could hang out with everyone. He enjoyed being around all of his friends at one time. He felt as though school was a magical place to socialize. Someone must have forgot to tell him it was actually to study.

After parking his bike in the bike rack he skipped into school, saying hi to people he decided he would hang out with later. He was already late for class..... Well, not really, but usually he would be the one to greet everyone that came in. It was his self proclaimed job.
"Let's see. It has to be around here somewhere." He said to himself while searching for the homeroom. "Ah. Here it is."

Roen opened the door and jumped into the classroom. "GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!!!!" He nearly yelled and looked around to see their was only two people in the room. Masami Tanaka, who he always hung out with since the beginning of high school, and Yuuta Tono, who he felt was like a little brother to him. "Well look at my two favorite buddies," He said his usually line whenever seeing his friends "How are you guys doin'?" He said wrapping his arms around Yuuta. "Hope you weren't waiting on me to start the party." Naturally he had a wide smile to accompany his words.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Roen Ookami Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire
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Kiyoko Sasaki

Image Kiyoko slowly sat up out of bed and looked at her alarm clock. Aaaaand, I'm going to be late. Aren't I? Kiyoko kicked the sheets off and ran in the bathroom.
No, no, no! I can't be late on my first day!
Kiyoko said nervously to herself out loud. That was a strange habit of hers. Kiyoko went into her bathroom and hopped in the shower as fast as she could. She sighed, her voice a bit shaky from being so nervous about the first day. She would finally see her friends again, but... she would see her friends again. Kiyoko sighed again. She didn't really know how she felt about seeing them again.

Kiyoko looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. She had a towel wrapped around her, but and she decided that she wanted to do something to her appearance, just so she could look slightly different on her first day. Kiyoko looked at herself closer in the mirror. She blinked her large blue eyes then sighed, looking down in defeat.
Nevermind, I'm going to be late if I don't leave soon anyways.
She picked up some perfume on a stand by the sink, and sprayed almost half of it viciously around the bathroom.

Kiyoko left the steamy and fruit smelling bathroom behind as she walked into the hallway, coughing her lungs out. Or so it felt like.
That stuff may smell good, but it doesn't taste good.
She told herself, but she smelt... really fruity, but also really good. Kiyoko smiled at herself before rushing into her room, forcing herself to get ready.

Kiyoko was very good with hairstyles and she had many hair accessories. Kiyoko realized that she now had basically no time to be fooling around. She already had her uniform on and she smelt great. So it wouldn't matter if her hair was done quickly, right? Well, Kiyoko ended up doing quite a good job, even if she had intended to just do a braid or even leave it down. She had her hair done up to the side and it flowed down her shoulder. The accessory she used to hold her hair up was a white, silk ribbon. She smiled at herself before rushing to get up and she rushed outside of her room, bolting to the entrance.
Bye mom, bye Kira-chan!
Her sister hated it when she called her that, but it was so cute. Kiyoko simply couldn't resist.

Kiyoko had ran practically the whole way to school, when she noticed something quite odd. All the students were casually walking around, and some were also just arriving. She dug in her bag until she found her cellphone, then looked at the time. Kiyoko blushed and shoved it back in her bag. Mom and Kira-chan definitely messed with my alarm clock again! Kiyoko sighed. Maybe it was for the best? At least she wouldn't be late. Kiyoko seen a fellow "friend" of hers resting under a tree. She didn't know if he would even acknowledge her, but she made a very small and quick wave before getting all flustered and rushing inside. Yes, she still had troubles talking to her friends. Especially people. Especially boys. Especially scary people that also happen to be boys.

Kiyoko walked up towards her homeroom, and opened the door. She blinked a few times when she noticed her friends. She smiled and soft blush spread across her face. She walked up to her friends and bowed down slightly.
It's been a while, everyone.
Kiyoko immediately spotted Masami's messy pigtails and held back the urge to rip her ponytails out and gently put them back into a more proper pair of pigtails. Kiyoko sighed and looked away from Masami. What kind of a weird thought is that, Kiyoko? Sheesh. She mentally scolded herself.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tokizaki Maya
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6:00am she woke early. She opened her eyes, stood up in pink Jammie's with blue floral patterns. She walked through her closet into her private bathroom. The marble was cold on her bare feet, she looked in the mirror. Perfect, well almost she stripped turning the knob and pulling the shower chain. She made sure that she was perfectly clean, she dried herself afterward. She put on the uniform that had been washed, pressed, and ironed. She then applied all of the appropriate makeup, after two hours of critiqueing, "perfection". She left the giant mansion on her bike, yes she had a car but she would rather bike to keep up her figure.

She reached the school she locked up her bike, she met her friends with smiles fake ones because they were her fake friends. She had her schedule early so she already knew where to be. She headed to first period, Math, pre calc. Maya was only a sophomore bit her test scores and four point GPA secured her a place in a senior math class. She was approached by some stranger. Or was he a stranger? What was his name again? Tim, Tom, Tony? Tony! His face turned red, he was a decent looking guy. "Maya will you be my girlfriend?" He looked very nervous so she decided to put him down softly. "Tony you don't want me," she lied in a pretty tone, "You could have someone much nicer... Like Bridgett here." He grabbed some random girls hand and put it in Tony's. She sat down in her seat. That was a close one, she looked out the window and saw him walking to his class, the only guy she wanted. "Yuuto." She half hummed his name in a sing song tone.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire
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Woke up with the touch of someone poking his arm. He was about to blow, but when he peeked his eyes open he saw it was Yu walking away in a bit of a nervous panicking way. 'Cute...but...So rude, least he could do is stay after waking someone up! Not like I wouldn't mind talking to him or even a simple hello.' Subaru rubbed his forehead and sat up.
~RingDingDong RingDingDong~
He looked around a bit but didn't take notice of anything or really anyone. When his phone rang he started to glare as he pulled it out checking the caller ID. Almost about to throw his phone he got up and walked out and around the back of the school were a few guys waited for him, smirking. "Good to see you Princess. I could see you're and beautiful as ever. Long time no see, I thought you'd never come." The blonde smiled stepping close to Subaru. "How has my princess been? Good I hope." He brushed his hand over Subaru's cheek softly. As the other two boys snickered at the situation.

Subaru never said a word, his head was down and his face was unreadable. He shifted his weight to one leg, and his hip out a bit in front of him. His thumb played with is middle finger ring in irritation trying to calm himself. Last thing he needed was a fight in school and to be kicked out. Seeing Yu was the only good thing coming from this school and if he got kicked out, he wouldn't even get that.

"Why so quiet princess, don't you love me anymore?" The blonde whispered in Subaru's ear and slowly licked the inside and gripped his shoulders tightly pushing Subaru into the school fence.

Subaru's face went pale and his red eyes became cold, his lips slowly turned into a twisted smile. "You think I'd like someone like you?" He slowly looked up at the blonde kid. "You must be pretty stupid to believe bullshit like that."

"What did you say!?" The guy shoved Subaru into the fence hard and Subaru laughed without humor.

"Looks like you are deaf too. Maybe someone should fix that-" Subaru was cut off with a hard blow to the face with the guys fist.

Subaru hooked his hands into the fence so he wouldn't fall over. As blood dripped from the corner of his lip and a deep cut was on his cheek. But he smiled without pain behind it. "You hit like a girl, are you sure I am the princess here?"

The guy looked at him weirdly when he saw Subaru smiled.

"Do it again, it felt nice." Subaru suddenly lifted his hands and put them on the blonde guys quickly slamming him into the wall. "If you are going to hit someone, make sure they get knocked out. Or you could be in serious trouble." Subaru gripped hard and threw him into one of his friends knocking them to the ground.

"Hey! What is your prob-" The one standing started to yell but Subaru lifted his hand, tilting his own body to the side and smiling at him, the guy quiet down, surprised.

"My problem? Is people like you three who think you are better than everyone else? Do you enjoy bothering people this much? Do you enjoy bullying and sexually harassing people?" He quickly moved over to the boy standing up while the others on the ground rubbed their ribs. "It sure is fun isn't it?" Subaru smeared his bloody cheek on guy he now held in his hands. "You should all run before I count to one."

"Ah eh YES!" They guy pulled away and quickly tried to grab his friends to run off but Subaru had already counted to one and before they knew it one was hanging over the fence knocked out, the other was sitting on the ground with his back against the wall and head hung over. As for the blonde, he was now laying on the ground under Subaru, grunting in pain.

"You looks so pretty weeping the way you do. It almost makes my heart ache for you." Subaru petted the boys head with smiling eyes.

"Im sorry It wont happen again we wont bother you no more!" The guy tried to say but couldn't fully speak because his jaw was bruised up and swelled up.

"I would like it if you didn't do this to anyone again, but we both know it wont ever happen. So how about I finish you right here and now." He grabbed the boys shirt hard and slammed him down into the ground, making his head hit it hard knocking him out in an instant.

Inhaling deep, Subaru got up to his feet and touched the cut on his cheek "Fuck...hope that doesn't leave a scar, suck to be marked by this son of a bitch." He covered his face with his hand and opened the back doors to the school sneaking in and slipping into the nurses offices. But luckily she wasn't here yet. He went through her things and pulled out a bandage with rubbing alcohol. Cleaning it with the alcohol was the worst part, he couldn't help but growl out in pain, but he did so with clenched teeth trying not to make too much noise. He then took the bandage and taped it over his whole left cheek.

He sighed and tried to clean up as much as he could and walked over to the beds in the nurse room, sitting down and slowly laying himself their with his eyes closed and with a arm over his eyes.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tokizaki Maya Character Portrait: Kiyoko Sasaki Character Portrait: Sadao Toma Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Roen Ookami Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire Character Portrait: Akira Kurosawa
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“Masami, good morning!”

Masami's ears registered a familiar voice immediately, even through her headphones which she took off and looked up to see a friend of hers, Yuuta Tono. Even though he was a bit of a wimp, she didn't really care hanging around him since she figured all people were even. She let out a sigh of relief after seeing him in the classroom, thankful that someone finally came, "You took long enough..." She said quietly, pausing her music and placing the headphones onto her desk, "It was getting a little awkward without knowing anyone in your class while the others are off talking to each other. Well, morning, Yuu." She called him by his nickname, since she made one for pretty much every one of the few friends she had.

Just as she was about to say something else, just then, someone else bursted through the classroom doors, "GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!!!!" He exclaimed.

Masami's face flushed. Of course it'd be him.

"Well look at my two favorite buddies," Roen said as he put his arm around Yuuta, "How are you guys doin'?"

"G-Great!" Masami said, a little loudly, which she didn't expect or want as the outcome of her speaking back. Even though she and Roen were friends since the beginning of high school, and even though she actually found him annoying at first like she did with everyone else, over time, she began to enjoy his company which eventually turned into a little something more.

"Hope you weren't waiting on me to start the party."

Masami looked the other way stubbornly, still blushing furiously like the stereotypical tsundere she was as she answered, "Tch, of course not, idiot! You weren't even needed!" She said rudely, although that was how she always acted around him, and everyone else also. Masami did, after all, come off as a rude and cold person even though her intentions were the exact opposite, for some reason. Although she acted this way, she always knew her friends could tell what she would really say if she weren't embarrassed.

"It's been a while, everyone." Another one of her friends came through the doors.

The lovely and pretty Kiyoko came through the doors. Masami only met her recently compared to others, but from what she knew, she was a good person, which was why she slowly came to like her also, just like the others and how she first met them all.

She noticed then that she was being starred at by Kiyoko and started to ask, "What? Is there something wrong-" Then she got a bit of a hint when she sighed. Her eyes were obviously on Masami's messy pigtails, which she grabbed in her left hand and felt how unusually messy it was. Actually, it was normal for her hair to be messy, but she didn't really recall it being that messy, which kind of surprised her as she murmured, "Oh... I guess I should have taken more time to put it up properly..."

"Well..." Masami said, letting her tangled hair drop down as she, too, sighed, "If you're that annoyed by it, I guess you could fix it..." She said quietly, not used to asking people for requests. It was odd since Masami didn't know how to put her hair up, but tried to do it anyways.

She then noticed that the whole group wasn't exactly there, and wondered out loud, "Where's the others? I think I saw Subaru pass by a few minutes ago in the corner of my eye... but I can't say for sure. Are they all in a different class this year?" Masami looked up at the three, wondering where everyone else went.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyoko Sasaki Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Roen Ookami Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire
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They finally had this time alone, and nothing coul- "GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!!!!" The only time I get, and it last two minutes.. Roen’s arm rapped around Yuuta as he sat there with a face slightly annoyed. Masami hadn’t taken noticed but that was probably because her full attention had switched to Reon. Yuuta turned his body to face him, simply waving his pointer and middle finger, gesturing a hello.

Without another minute to spare, Kiyoko followed into the room. He really didn’t know what he though about her, just meeting her the last couple months of the pervious year. Kiyoko was nice, he would give her that but something itched him about her. Maybe it was the fact she never broke from her shy persona but he’s the last one who should be talking. Realizing he had been staring at her for quite some time, he mumbled up a good morning and waved.

By this time, they had already been discussing something about Masami’s messy ponytails. In his opinion, he fit her but he didn’t bring himself to speak up.

Puling his bag up to his lap, he dug out a small handheld organizer. Inside, on the current day, he etched a ‘Walk home-Library?’ into the 1 ½ inch box. Slamming it shut, a name sparked his ear, Subaru. He finally spoke up

“I saw him napping on the bench in the court yard. It seemed like he has no plans on going to any classes today. Though he did have a folder on his chest, maybe he went to the main office this morning.” Yuuta never brought up that he poked the lion with a stick but it seemed menial. “It’s still early, everyone else has a few minutes to arrive.”

Closing the organizer, he popped it back into his bag and replaced it with a notebook and pencil. Opening to a new page, he titled it schedules and wrote their names with spaces in between each. “Here is a way to keep track of everyone. Masami, write down your classes and time, then we will get everyone else to follow.” Tearing the paper out of the notebook, he slipped it on her desk along with the pencil.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire
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Subaru woke up to the feeling of wetness run down the side of his face, snapping his eyes open he touching the side of his face he felt warm liquid. sitting up face his eyes darted over to the blood stained pillow as he held his cheek bone to where he got cut, seeing his bandaged hand fell off somehow. He tsked and pulled up the pillow throwing it away. Taking some cleaning rags he wiped all the blood away.

He took a moment to look around, taking the sticky tape and an extra bandage, but he manage to cover the cut with a throw on bandage. Quickly he rushed out of the nurses with everything in his hand, he stuffed it into his pockets as he walked down the hallways looking around for Yuuta, it was the first person he could think of on the spot.

After a few classrooms of searching he came to an up hult, he glared when he saw Roen's arm around Yuuta, Subaru didn't like that one but, he felt the fire burn inside him. Clenching his jaw tightly shut so he wouldn't yell he walked up to the door and opened it roughly with a loud slam/bang sound.

Quickly he slapped Roen's hand off and picked Yuuta up over his shoulders before he himself realized what he was doing. He stared down at Reon coldly and emotionlessly, as he held Yuuta up on his shoulder, ignoring everyone else in the room. "Excuse us, but I need Yuuta for a moment."

He shifted his shoulder making Yuuta slide close to Subaru's neck, to be better placed, as he turned around leaving the classroom with him. Leaving before anyone had time to react and even if they did react it wouldn't stop him from taking Yuuta.

He mumbled softly in a gentle voice that sounded struggling, Subaru didn't know how to be gentle to be honest, not willingly at least. "I need your assistants.." Was all he could bring himself to say as he took Yuuta down the hall on his shoulder.

Subaru's hand held onto Yuuta's waist and his other hand was on the back of the kid's legs to make sure he wouldn't fall off. "Hey kid, has anyone ever told you about your weight?" His question seemed a bit rude but he didn't mean it like that. Yuuta was rather light.

He managed to get them outside and Subaru finally let Yuuta off his shoulders, placing him sat down on a bend outside under the tree, just the spot where he was napping this morning. Subaru bent over and placed his hands on each side of Yuuta, hands flat on the bench, his face became super close. Gently he took in a deep breath as he stared into Yuuta's eyes with a slightly longing look.

But it quickly vanished away when Subaru's eyes shifted away as he turned his face showing his bandage. "Help me tape the wound together." He pulled out the tape leaning on one hand and starting to crouch. He took Yuuta's hands in his and place the sticky tape there and removed his hands from Yuuta's, only to place his arms closely to each side of yuuta's legs, with his hands gripping onto the back of the bench and his chest, pressed into the kid's knees and his eyes closed with his cheek tilted up.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tokizaki Maya Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire
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Maya was just getting settled in talking to her friends and casting short glances over to Yuuta. She nodded her head and copied down all her classes onto the sheet of paper. Then all of a sudden she heard a small smack, he eyes darted to the source of the rude sound. Roen was nursing a red hand, and Subaru had Yuuto up on his shoulders taking him away to the hallway like some war hero. Maya frowned at this and struggled to contain her anger towards the guy, treating Yuuto as if he was his. "What the heck is wrong with Subaru today, he looks like someone fought him." And he better be ready for round two! "I'll go see if he's okay."

She exited the circle and walked hurriedly out the door, peeking around a corner. Subaru's face was awfully close to Yuuta, every inch made her hart sink a mile. He seemed to go back to his normal self, he handed Yuuta something. She tuned her back to the wall, sliding down to the ground. She clutched her legs close to her, in a fetal position. She hung her head, why was life so unfair why did everyone seem to not notice her, at least the people she cared for. She began to sob, makeup smearing and her fake happiness dieing. "My god why? Why can't he feel the same way I do?" She couldn't stop crying like a baby, freshman laughing at her as they past. The great Maya weeping like a child, a goddess no more just a plain Jane.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyoko Sasaki Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Roen Ookami Character Portrait: Akira Kurosawa
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#, as written by Ever

You're late on your first day.. way to go, Aki.. You just had to spend a few more minutes working on your footwork, didn't you? mused the reprimanding inner voice, an audible sigh soon following it. Absentmindedly, the high schooler reached behind her head to run a doll-esque hand through her teal hair in exasperation, the silky smoothness mellowing down her nerves. I wonder if they all came back this year.. whispered her pondering thoughts, a slight smile playing on those gardenia lips at the thought of seeing her friends...and her. At the dangerous turn her thoughts had taken, an image of Kiyoko materializing, the Yakuza heiress couldn't stop that smile from widening further.. thank heavens no one was around to see her grinning like the idiot she was. However, that trance was soon broken at the distant chiming of a clock, Akira's doe-like eyes widening further in surprise. "Shit!" came the small hiss of alarm, her feet now taking control. Hugging the simple black messenger bag against her side, the teenager began to full on sprint.. that is, until she came to the crosswalk showing a red hand. Coming to a halt, those impossibly blue eyes darting from car to car, she took a few moments of pause to assess her appearance in a nearby shop's window pane.

A girl of modest height, her features and form delicately carved to mimic a china doll, was staring back. In some aspects, she looked normal.. pale skin, as expected in Japanese society, a thin figure and a school uniform. However... that was about it. With teal hair, different hues of blue and green colouring the longer tips, cut into a style that faintly mimicked a longer A-line and eyes resembling the stereotypical shade of sea foam green, Akira looked anything but Japanese. Foreign. Not to mention the strewn together school uniform..the school skirt, properly ironed and pleated, was the only item that would even remotely adhere to the dress code. The long-sleeved blouse, normally suppose to be buttoned and neatly tucked into the waistband of the skirt, was haphazardly unbuttoned until the 4th pair, the last two buttons not even bothered with, and crumpled to lay untucked over the skirt. It's sleeves were rolled up to well past her elbows, the red bow for the females swapped out with the loose tie for the males. Not to mention the absence of the navy jacket.. or the stockings. Typically, there would be black or white modest knee-highs, or thigh-highs, paired with the female uniform..instead, Akira wore baggy, gal styled white knee-highs. Surely, her overall appearance would be appalling to any prim and proper matriarch at the academy...but then again, so would her lineage.

The sudden movement of the people around here had caused Akira's breath to hitch in shock, her composure quickly recovering. Ok Aki.. hurry up. chided her inner voice, gently reminding her how short on time they actually were. With a few ''sorry''s and ''excuse me''s, the heiress was on her way running once more. Thankfully, she made it eight full minutes before the start of class and only arrived in a breathless state. Magically knowing where her friends would be, Akira fluidly moved down the halls despite the stares and hushed whisperings her appearance brought. Dont they have anything better to do then gawk? Freshman.. I swear. resonated her bitter inner thoughts, a quick shake of her head following as she approached the group of friends.Hm.. Masami, Roen, Yuuta..and Kiyoko. Sending the group a dazzlingly bright smile, Akira casually waltzed up to them, hands in her pockets. "Hey guys.. long time no see... Whats up?" came her short response before scanning the small group, a frown playing at the corners of her mouth. "Where the hell is everyone else?"


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiyoko Sasaki Character Portrait: Sadao Toma Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Roen Ookami Character Portrait: Akira Kurosawa
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Sadao Toma

Sadao's eyes shot open as light gradually filled his giant room. He sat up slowly, blocking out the light with his arm. As his eyes adjusted to the brightness pouring through the huge window, he could make out a figure wearing a dress pulling back the curtain.

"Master Toma, your breakfast is waiting for you," The familiar voice called to him. Sadao was finally able to see that it was one of his many fan girl maids. Though she sounded calm, Sadao could tell by the look on her face that she was excited to be the one to wake him up.

Sadao looked at the door. As expected, it was open a crack, and at least five of his maids were peering through it. Once they saw him look their way, they quickly scattered away from the door. Sadao looked back at the maid that was currently serving him and smiled. "Thank you very much. I'll be out in a bit," The maid blushed, then nodded, her smile growing as she did so. She quickly exited the room. Sadao got out of bed and realized why the girls were gawking. He didn't have a shirt on. Sadao shook his head, then got dressed into his school uniform and prepared to go to the place everyone liked to call school.


As Sadao walked through the doors of the school, he could hear all of the girls behind him squealing. It is rather irritating sometimes, Sadao thought. But then again, as long as they're happy, it doesn't matter much. Sadao smiled at one of the girls he was passing by. "Good morning, princess," He said, doing a mini bow as he walked along. The girl squealed, then said a tiny "Good morning!" in a barely audible voice.

Sadao continued along the halls (more squealing trailing along behind him) and finally made it to his classroom where he saw the majority of his friends had already gathered. I wonder where everyone else is. Sadao thought as he walked towards them. He smiled one of his brightest smiles, then said a cheerful "Good morning everyone" He was about to sit down on one of the desks near Kiyoko, but then he saw that Akira was on the other side, so he went and sat near her, accidentally bumping into Kiyoko as he did so. He muttered an apology, then sat down next to Akira. He put on an even bigger smile. "How have you been doing lately?" He said to her, ignoring everyone else and his previous comment.



2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire
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Yuuta watched the paper being passed around their group, slowly filling up with the friends they had available. Time passed slightly, filled with aimless conversation that was soon interrupted by rough sound that came from the room's door. He had heard stories about his homeroom teacher being quite the hot head, so he didn't batter to make any eye contact. The weight of Roen's arm jolted off his shoulder accompanied by a slam when two hands hit together. And without second notice, Yuuta was lifted off his chair and thrown onto the shoulder of the Lion.

A slight squeak left his lips but he pulled his hand over his mouth and used the other to grip on to Subaru's jacket. Then curling his legs, reassuring his balance. Yuuta began to shake but with all that was happening, moving out of the room, it was hard to notice. "Excuse us, but I need Yuuta for a moment." W-what did I d-do?! Was this because I poked him?

The halls seemed almost empty, everyone must have been in class by now which scared him even more. The lion spoke up, "I need your assistance…" What possibly does he need me for? His body relaxed, not shaking as much as it was before but something seemed to sooth him. It was a smell that radiated off of Subaru, something he never experienced but it was light enough to enjoy. He snapped out of the trance, still in plain thought that he was kidnapped from his class by someone he wasn't sure they were friends.

"Hey kid, has anyone ever told you about your weight?" You're the one who decided to take me like this! but not having the nerve to say anything out loud. Being pulled forward, Subaru sat him on the bench under the tree. With a blink, Subaru's face were only inches away from his, keeping him in a cage of arms. Yuuta didn't know what to say, but there was no need for him to.

Subaru handed Yuuta medical supplies he assumed came from the nurses. He turned his cheek to Yuuta, presenting him with the wound. "Help me tape the wound together." A streak of dried blood cased his cheek, but fresh samples laced the temporary bandage. He pulled off the old one, seeing how bad the cut really was. "It would have been nice if you grabbed antiseptic." Finally speaking up with a shaky voice. Digging into the pocket of his uniform, he pulled out a cream colored handkerchief. Dabbing it on the tip of his tongue, he wiped off all he could.

Picking up the new bandage, he lightly placed it against his cheek and held it in place with the surgical like tape. Wiping around the edges, he was quite proud of himself of how well he did. Taking ahold of Subaru's chin, he faced him toward Yuuta, "You really should go see the nurse. This is all I can do, and she might be able to clean it better so it won't get in infected." Even with the abduction, or if Subaru didn't see them as friends, he was still worried about him.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tokizaki Maya Character Portrait: Kiyoko Sasaki Character Portrait: Sadao Toma Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Roen Ookami Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire Character Portrait: Akira Kurosawa
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#, as written by Damioa
"Tch, of course not, idiot! You weren't even needed!" Masami retorted. This only made Roen chuckle a bit. After knowing her for so long he could tell if she meant the harsh words that came out of her mouth and he could tell that this time she was just acting cool. He felt something itching around the hand that he had against Yuuta but was forced to ignore it when suddenly, a person of all the beauty in the world, swept inside the classroom like an angel descending from the heavens.

"It's been awhile everyone." Kiyoko said. She even had a profound bow, probably from ancient times with respectable woman who would bow for the emperors. She was so magnificent, so refined, so..... so... beautiful.

By this time, Roen was already in a dead stare at her. It must've almost been two minutes before he was snapped out of his trance by Subaru. "Hey man. Whats up?" He asked while smiling at Subaru after the guy brushed his hand off of Yuuta. Roen looked down at his hand an saw that there was a big bug bite on it. He rubbed his hand over and over to stop the itching. "Thanks man. I bet there was a bug on me and slapped it away, huh?" He said as his eyes sparkled in awe at his friends dedication to him.

"Excuse us, but I need Yuuta for a moment." The boy said to him.

"Sure Broski. Do what you have to do." Roen replied, but Subaru might not have heard him since he was out of the classroom so fast. Awe and I didn't get to thank him for slapping that bug off my hand. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Maya running out the door next. He turned back to Masami. "Well, we at least know that Subaru is here and Maya was here all along.... Or maybe she can teleport. Hehehe. So I guess that just leads two more of us hmm?"
Right on cue as he said that, Akira walked in. "Hey guys.. long time no see... Whats up?" she asked. "Where the hell is everyone else?"

"Hey Aki. Nothing really. Subaru took Yuuta somewhere and Maya left the room. They should be back though."

As soon as he said that Sadao walked into the room. He greeted them and Roen greeted him back. "Looks like we at least go to see everyone this morning." He said with another big smile. He reached into his bag. "You know how we should celebrate that achievement?" Quickly, he yanked his hand out the bag and pulled out a huge cheese stick. "With some food. Mmmm---Mmmmm." He nibbled softly on the Cheese and rubbed his cheek in delight. "You can't go wrong with a snack after a reunion. Look," Roen reached into his bag once again, "I brought you both some cheese sticks." He said as he tried to hand both Masami and Kiyoko a cheese stick of their own.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tokizaki Maya Character Portrait: Kiyoko Sasaki Character Portrait: Sadao Toma Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Roen Ookami Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire Character Portrait: Akira Kurosawa
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Kiyoko Sasaki

Image Kiyoko smiled at Masami, feeling slightly embarrassed.
Kiyoko went towards the back of Masami's head and pulled out a small comb that could flip into a bigger size. She flipped it open and dug into Masami's brown locks like a meal.

Kiyoko ran her slender fingers over the top of Masami's hair then sighed. She couldn't at least brush her hair? Kiyoko combed the bottoms of her hair, grabbing onto the middle part of her hair so it wouldn't hurt when she tugged out the knots. In a matter of seconds, Kiyoko managed to get all the stubborn knots out of Masami's hair. Then she brushed through the rest of Masami's hair smoothly. Still brushing it, she looked up at the group and noticed Subaru giving Roen a death glare. Kiyoko sweat dropped and looked back down at Masami's hair as he lifted him out of the class. But she noticed a particular brunette on the corner of her eye rush out after them. She sighed.

Kiyoko seen a certain teal haired girl come in the class, with a smile on her face.
Hi! Well, Subaru-san just lifted Yuuta-kun up over his shoulder and left... Maya-chan just went after them and--
Kiyoko heard a familiar voice and she turned her head with a smile and blush.
Here's Sadao-san.
However, he was clearly too occupied with Akira to notice her. He bumped into her and basically ignored her, just to go sit down beside Akira. Kiyoko kept a calm face and quickly put Masami's hair into perfect pigtails.

Kiyoko knelt down in front of Masami and smiled.
You look really pretty with your hair in pigtails, Masami-chan. But maybe you should make them a little neater...
Kiyoko said that last part with a nervous chuckle as she slightly touched Masami's hair. Kiyoko wanted to get out of that classroom. She stood up, took one last glance at Akira and Sadao, before turning around with a fake small at her group of friends.
I'll be right back, I'm a little thirsty.
Kiyoko walked out of the classroom and exhaled with an almost depressed look on her face.

Kiyoko walked into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She ran her fingers through her side ponytail and exhaled. I'm aware that I'm not as pretty as the other girls he hits on... Kiyoko exhaled again and turned the cold sink water on. She splashed some in her face and looked back up. Behind her, she seen some girls (pretty ones) crossing their arms in anger. Suddenly seeing them shocked Kiyoko and she made a small squeal. She wiped her head around and tensed up a bit. "Why is a commoner like you always around the prince?! You're just a bother!"

There were always just those random girls that behaved this way, but then there were the really cheery girls that questioned her about how she could afford clothes and hair accessories and always tried being friends with her because she was a commoner. And who could forget the girls that just straight up ignored her. Of course, they were all stunning. After much bowing and apologizing for something Kiyoko couldn't really control, she gave her a "warning" to not walk out rudely when the prince was around and sprayed her with water from the sink before leaving. Kiyoko sighed and pulled her now soaked hair out of it's side ponytail and looked sadly at herself in the mirror once more. Now I look even worse...

Kiyoko walked down the hallway, running her hands through her wet hair. She exhaled until she seen some freshman whispering about a "hot girl" crying on the floor. One of them made an... interesting joke about "comforting" her and Kiyoko gave them a slightly disgusted look.
P-Please don't...
Kiyoko knew exactly who they were talking about and she found her sitting on the floor. Kiyoko went up to her and knelt down in front of her. She placed a wet hand on Maya's knee and pushed away all her depressing thoughts. Right now, she had to worry about Maya and nothing else. She didn't want to pressure Maya into telling her anything she didn't want to, so she took it slow for now.
If something is troubling, we can go to a quieter place and discuss it... O-Only if your comfortable with that.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tokizaki Maya Character Portrait: Kiyoko Sasaki Character Portrait: Sadao Toma Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire Character Portrait: Akira Kurosawa
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Maya got chills when she felt a cold wet hand touch her knee, she stopped crying. She breathed through her nose, instead she made a pathetic sniffling sound. She raised her head as to gaze upon the pervert who was trying to touch her. Once she saw who it was her guard went down, but that didn't change how embarrassing it was. Her heart was aching, she looked into Kiyoko's eyes her own were red and puffy. Eye liner, mascara, and her arsenal of makeups were streaming off of her face. She sniffled again before speaking, "Kiyoko, that would be nice." Her voice was hoarse from all the crying, she slowly stood up. She walked silently expecting to he followed, she headed to the place where she could always be alone. It used to be a small library, but now that all books are files it was a closet. She opened the old knob the wood creaking as it was pushed open. She reached into the darkness on the right there was a switch that he flicked on. She motioned for Kio to come in, "No one will be able to hear us in here, it's where I go when things are bad and when I feel helpless." She shut the door behind them the room was cluttered with supplies for school that are no longer in use, or cleaning materials. Maya sat in a chair and gestured her friend to sit in one across from her. She stared blankly at the ground, thinking about how much she confide in Kiyoko . They weren't best friends or anything, their personalities are quite opposite actually, Maya sometimes would never shut up. She finally decided to be vague on the details, "Kiyoko have you ever had the feeling that your 'special someone' didn't care for you in the same way? That all your attempts are useless to impress the person, let alone catch his attention? I know it might seem silly but it is a feeling I have grown accustomed to. Do you have someone you care for, do they hardly notice you?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tokizaki Maya Character Portrait: Kiyoko Sasaki
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Kiyoko Sasaki

Image Kiyoko smiled at Maya. She may have seemed like a total mess, but she was still pretty to Kiyoko. Kiyoko followed Maya to the place she was bringing her to. Kiyoko nodded at Maya when she motioned for her to go inside the old library. Kiyoko sat down in the chair across from Maya. Kiyoko didn't want to push Maya into telling her anything that she didn't want to say, so she just sat silently and waited for Maya to speak up.

Kiyoko looked up at Maya's face when she finally began talking. Her heart skipped a beat when Maya mentioned having a 'special someone'. But her heart seemed quite normal after she finished the question. Kiyoko sank down in her seat and exhaled.
Maya... I know exactly what you're talking about. It's only the first day since I've seen him since last school year and he already doesn't notice me... again.
Kiyoko placed her elbows on the dusty table in front of them and placed her chin in her hands.
The person I care for never notices me. As cruel as this may sound, I think I'm just too normal for his likings. I'm just a "commoner" and he has much better options.

Kiyoko was already starting to feel sad, but then she remembered. W-Wait! I'm here for Maya, not myself. I can't believe I'm talking to her so openly about this... Kiyoko exhaled and looked at Maya with a smile.
Maya-chan, you're the most charming young lady that I know, you can get close to this person, I just know you can. I think the problem is that he's only seeing your outer beauty, you just have to go further than that and show him your inner beauty too.
Of course, this could never work in Kiyoko's case... (Or so she thought.)
Love won't just fall right into your hands. You have to work for it, no matter how hard the obstacles may be.
Kiyoko felt so ashamed. She's giving Maya all this great advice that she can't even take herself and while she feels like she's going to die of a broken heart on the inside, all she can do is smile and cheer for the great friends that surround her.

Just remember Maya, whenever you need to talk, I'm always here. I completely understand what you're going through and it'd be an honor to be by your side while you get through this.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire
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Yuuta pulled off the old one, seeing how bad the cut really was. "It would have been nice if you grabbed antiseptic." Finally speaking up with a shaky voice. Digging into the pocket of his uniform, he pulled out a cream colored handkerchief. Dabbing it on the tip of his tongue, he wiped off all he could. And taped up his cut. "You really should go see the nurse. This is all I can do, and she might be able to clean it better so it won't get in infected."

Subaru narrowed his eyes a bit at Yuuta's words and started to glare some. "If I wanted the nurse I wouldn't have gotten you." his hands gripped the bench and his arms locked a bit. "What is it to you anyways. I just needed your help because you're fun to pick on." Subaru kept glaring but his glare was soft as he pinched Yuuta's cheek lightly, trying not to hurt him.

"I don't need the nurse anyways." Subaru glanced at his watch and placed his hand back to here it was, looking up at Yuuta with the same soft glare. He glanced down at the hanky and took it from Yuuta shoving it into his own pant pocket. "I'll clean it." and leaned on his arms. "You should ...get to..." He was about to speak up and stand but...

He shifted his eyes and his glare relaxed a bit as leaned in resting his head into Yuuta's chest, passing out from exhaustion. His arms let go the of bench and slid forward, as he leaned against Yuuta's knees more, laying his chest into his lap almost. his head drop to Yuuta's stomach. His back shifted and one of his arms wrapped around Yuuta's lower body, pulling him closer, the other arm laid there outstretched. His face became soft.

The morning wind blown through, but it wasn't cold. It blew through the trees as if dancing. The sound of the final bell rang, but Subaru didn't awaken. For once even if it was short, he felt as if he could sleep like a normal person. Yuuta's heat was sure warm too.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire
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Subaru glared up at Yuuta as if he was in the wrong, "If I wanted the nurse I wouldn't have gotten you." Does he think I'm some sort of doctor? Why me out of everyone? "What is it to you anyways. I just needed your help because you're fun to pick on." Yuuta pouted, knowing his intentions were around that general idea. He clenched his fist when Subaru insisted he didn't need a nurse.

Fine, let it get worse, who am I stop him.. The lion yanked something out of his hand, it was the handkerchief that was used to clean the wound. "I'll clean it." - "Subaru, you don't need t-" "You should ...get to..." Subaru tried to stand but ended up clasping into Yuuta's chest. Yuuta was shocked, as he watched Subaru's head slowly slide down to his stomach and having his arms rapped around.

"S-subaru? A-are you okay??" Oh no, this isn't good.. but he would hate me if I brought him to the nurse! He looked around to see if anyone was near but they were the only two for meters.

Unsure what to do, he pulled Subaru upon the bench, still having his head laying on his lap. Yuuta took off his over jacket and folded it into a small head sized pillow which he slipped under his head. "He must have exhausted himself, I wonder how he got his cut." Yuuta pet the side of his face, feeling his warm cheeks. He owes me big time..


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire
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Subaru had woken up from the movement, but the moment Yuuta touched his face, he reached up and took a light hold of his fingers with his hand. "First you poke me and now you pet me." Subaru got up letting go of Yuuta's hand, but once he was up he quickly jumped forward a bit and took a hold of both of Yuuta's hands, pushing them through his hair as he fake purred like a cat into his wrist. Waking Yuuta's every move with his deep red eyes.

But his eyes caught site of the school and he quickly snapped out of his 'mood', letting go of his hands and leaning away, picking up Yuuta's coat that had fell. Shaking it off he stood up and lifted it over Yuuta's head, putting it over his shoulders. "You should get out of hear before I eat you, just like I did the guys who gave me my shiner." It was slightly a joke, he meant eating him up in a totally different way entirely.

"Oh and thanks for the help kid, expect it again sometime." Subaru took off walking towards the front gate of the school, tilting his head back yawning, taking his time walking away. Not in any rush to return back to class.

If he was to stay next to Yuuta a bit longer, he wouldn't be able to hold back any longer. And force play the kid. So he took what he could forcing himself away, at least until he had some proper sleep, this morning was a nut show.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tokizaki Maya Character Portrait: Kiyoko Sasaki Character Portrait: Sadao Toma Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Roen Ookami Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire Character Portrait: Akira Kurosawa
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“I saw him napping on the bench in the court yard. It seemed like he has no plans on going to any classes today. Though he did have a folder on his chest, maybe he went to the main office this morning.”

"I see..." Masami said, slowly spacing out as she let out a tired yawn since, after all, she wasn't a morning person, so waking up in the morning, and going to school early was also an inconvenience. A terrible inconvenience, and she could have been grumpier that morning, unlike the rest of the group that was in high spirits, but she didn't.

“Here is a way to keep track of everyone. Masami, write down your classes and time, then we will get everyone else to follow.”

Masami saw Yuuta hand over a piece of paper to her as she read over it quickly and noticed what it was for, since she spaced out and picked up her pencil, starting to answer, "Alright then-" Before Subaru suddenly came in and called for Yuuta, taking him out of the room. She watched as she left and thought to herself while writing down her schedule, 'I'll just hand it over to him when I see him later.'

"Well, we at least know that Subaru is here and Maya was here all along.... Or maybe she can teleport. Hehehe. So I guess that just leads two more of us hmm?"

"H-Huh?" Masami asked, lifting her head from her writing and seeing that it was Roen who was speaking. As usual, her face turned a bright red and she turned back to her writing, not wanting her face to be that noticeable, "I-I guess so..." She said quietly, laughing a bit at the teleporting part until she heard that the two were alone.

'Alone?' Masami wondered to herself before her face became redder. It seemed like the energy just flowed out of her since she let her head lay onto her desk as she responded, "Y-Yeah..." Just the idea of that made her really anxious until-

"Hey guys.. long time no see... Whats up? Where the hell is everyone else?"

Her anxiety saved her when the homosexual girl walked through the door. "Morning Akira." Masami answered, lifting her head with a sigh of relief and finishing writing down her schedule, then putting it in her pocket. In some manner, she was fond of the girl, being able to stand up for herself even though she was different from others for being homosexual. Of course, Masami wasn't, but there were a lot of things she was unable to stand up against too.

"How have you been doing lately?" Masami saw Sadao enter the classroom and get near by Akira.

Something about him annoyed her a little bit, just as everyone else had a little part of them that annoyed her, but, well, they were friends after all, so there was no way she could actually be annoyed at someone. She simply said her usual hello with the roll of her eyes.

Masami was about to answer Akira's second questions before a few others spoke up in return.

"Hey Aki. Nothing really. Subaru took Yuuta somewhere and Maya left the room. They should be back though."

"Hi! Well, Subaru-san just lifted Yuuta-kun up over his shoulder and left... Maya-chan just went after them and-- Here's Sadao-san."

All Masami did was nod in agreement.


Masami heard Kiyoko say quiet as she began to do her hair. She sat still, of course, but turned her head slightly to look at the girl and felt bad, or guilty, and said, "I... don't get what you should be sorry about..." Masami said, turning forward again to allow her to work on her hair.

"You look really pretty with your hair in pigtails, Masami-chan. But maybe you should make them a little neater..."

Masami heard Kiyoko say when she was finished putting her hair into its new style. She wanted to check, but that would obviously put her out of character, so she said, a small blush across her face, "T-Thanks... I'm pretty sure it looks good... And I'll try, from now on, I guess..." She raised her hands to feel how neat her pigtails had been put up.

"I'll be right back, I'm a little thirsty."

"Alright, but come back soon since class'll start." Masami said while giving a small wave to her as she walked away, a smile on her face which didn't look too genuine to Masami, making her slightly suspicious that something was wrong since Maya seemed to be with her too (Nothing wrong with Maya, but just seemed a little odd). She didn't want to poke her nose into it though, so she didn't say or ask anything, just yet.

"Looks like we at least go to see everyone this morning. You know how we should celebrate that achievement? With some food. Mmmm---Mmmmm. You can't go wrong with a snack after a reunion. Look, I brought you both some cheese sticks."

Masami looked at the cheese stick that Roen handed out to her and blinked at it, only staring for a while before taking it with a little thank you, her regular tiny nod of her head before giggling silently and murmuring, "You really are a weirdo... aren't you?" While the words themselves sounded a little harsh and mean, the way she said it said otherwise.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka Character Portrait: Roen Ookami
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#, as written by Damioa
"I'll be right back, I'm a little thirsty." Kiyoko said either ignoring Roen's offering or just not hearing it. The boy sighed and decided to believe it to be the later. Going back to his usual cheerful self he turned towards Masami. She took one snd nodded and then giggled before saying, "You really are a weirdo... aren't you?"

Rubbing the back of his head he laughed. "What can I say? I'm a growing boy who thinks happiness comes with food and friends, and there's nothing better then sharing food with the people closest to you."
Roen gave a quick look around the room. Wouldn't be long before class started. That meant he wouldn't be able to talk for a whole hour. Thinking about it, he didn't know if he'd be allowed to eat in his new class so he quickly grabbed another cheese stick.

Man. What am I going to do about Kiyoko? I can say everything out loud besides, 'Do you want to go to the movies?' or 'Do you want to do homework with it just being the two of us?' I need to get help. He thought, directing his stare from his cheese stick to Masami. Hmm. Masami is a girl.... Maybe she would know about how to ask one out.... But I can't just say, 'Yo. So tell me Masami. How does a person ask a girl out?' Hmm what if I say, "Hey Misami do you have a boyfriend?..... No that wouldn't........" Roen paused. You see, you might not know this but Roen has a habit of talking a little too much. It's gotten so bad that whatever he thinks tends to come out of his mouth instead of staying in his brain. Luckily for him he is a good talker which certainly helps him in situations like the very one he found himself in at that moment.

"Yeah. Cz you know. You were giggling right now and looked like my mom usually looks when my dad comes home from his long trips. So I was wondering if you had a boyfriend. Hehe." He pulled a save from out of nowhere and stuffed his mouth with more cheese stick while giving am awkward smile. Good work me. Now we can ask her how her boyfriend ask her out or another question if she doesn't have one. Yeah I'm the man. "Hahahaha." He covered his mouth after the laugh and forced more food in his mouth. I really need to think with my mouth closed.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire
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Yuuta wasn’t the least bit surprised on how Subaru acted; his personality was plastered on his face with a cold stare. "First you poke me and now you pet me." Don’t flatter yourself.. Subaru cleaned off his jacket that fell to the floor and rested in on his shoulder. Yuuta grabbed the collar and pulled it to his lap. By this time of day, it was getting to the point where jackets made you feel a little stuffy.

"You should get out of here before I eat you, just like I did the guys who gave me my shiner." If it weren’t for the wound on his cheek, Yuuta wouldn’t put it past him. The first time he laid eyes on him wasn’t the most pleasant site.

Yuuta folded his jacket and slipped it under his arm, lifting to his feet. He gave Subaru a wave, and walked toward the school entrance. "Oh and thanks for the help kid, expect it again sometime." Yuuta laughed, whispering to himself “Next time, get the right supplies.”

He walked the halls as each footstep echoed between walls. Grapping the handle of the classroom, he stood there for a moment. “We never officially talked before, why choose me out of everyone? What does he want?” Yuuta let go of the handle and walked the way he came. He felt a little sick himself, and wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone.

Masami had Reon’s company, which was something that didn’t settle right with Yuuta. He ran outside, and around the school to where the water fountains hid. Pressing his back against the wall, he slid down into a squat while holding his stomach.

His head was tilted down, covering his face, he constanlly shook in the pain he was feeling, ”I don’t feel so good..”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuuta Tono Character Portrait: Subaru Voltaire
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Subaru didn't quiet go home, he had second thoughts on being more bothered there then here. So he changed his mind and decided to climb up on the shed's roof to the storage room, that was singled out by the school near the fountains. The sound of the water always relaxed him so he thought it would be a good place to rest

By time he was nearly asleep the sound of foot steps woke him and he looked over his shoulder to see Yuuta talking to himself, It wasn't loud or anything, but seeing as they was the only two once again he heard it. " 'You really should go see the nurse.' " He quoted word for word what Yuuta had told him. Closing his eyes again with his hands under his head enjoying the light from the sun and the sound of the water.

He wasn't saying it as a joke, in fact he sounded a bit serious. He did care for the kid even though he picked on him a lot, it's how it is. You pick on the things you like just to see how they would react and how they react you end up liking it more or hating it. " Maybe you didn't eat enough." He spoke again with his eyes still shut and his words mumbling.

Not like everyday they get to talk much, so Subaru made the best of it. He bent his knee and flung a leg over it, rocking his foot in the air as if he was tapping it to the sound of music.

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Character Portrait: Tokizaki Maya
9 sightings Tokizaki Maya played by The5thHorseman
"Gosh you are so darn cute!" ~Giggles~ "You are too funny!"

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Kiyoko Sasaki
Character Portrait: Roen Ookami
Character Portrait: Sadao Toma
Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka


Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka
Masami Tanaka

"W-Wait for you? Of course not!" WIP

Character Portrait: Sadao Toma
Sadao Toma

"Hey, don't look so down. I want you to smile for me, okay, princess?"

Character Portrait: Roen Ookami
Roen Ookami

"The more friends I make, the more fun I can have." WIP Will finish tomorrow. XD

Character Portrait: Kiyoko Sasaki
Kiyoko Sasaki

"I-I'm sorry, I'll just get out of your way..."


Character Portrait: Kiyoko Sasaki
Kiyoko Sasaki

"I-I'm sorry, I'll just get out of your way..."

Character Portrait: Sadao Toma
Sadao Toma

"Hey, don't look so down. I want you to smile for me, okay, princess?"

Character Portrait: Roen Ookami
Roen Ookami

"The more friends I make, the more fun I can have." WIP Will finish tomorrow. XD

Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka
Masami Tanaka

"W-Wait for you? Of course not!" WIP

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Roen Ookami
Roen Ookami

"The more friends I make, the more fun I can have." WIP Will finish tomorrow. XD

Character Portrait: Masami Tanaka
Masami Tanaka

"W-Wait for you? Of course not!" WIP

Character Portrait: Sadao Toma
Sadao Toma

"Hey, don't look so down. I want you to smile for me, okay, princess?"

Character Portrait: Kiyoko Sasaki
Kiyoko Sasaki

"I-I'm sorry, I'll just get out of your way..."

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Re: Namae

Tis R.P is dead isn't it? -sighs-

Re: Namae

Sorry for all the wait on my side guys! I'm going to have my post up by tonight, promise!

Re: Namae

Akira's post will either be up tonight or tomorrow \^w^/

Re: Namae


Oh, and I noticed that I had apparently messed up Masami's name since it was originally supposed to be Masumi, but then I misspelled it on the character sheet... so... her name is official Masami now (ᅌᴗᅌ* )

Re: Namae

Yay!!! C(0w0)D

Re: Namae

@Ville and 5th

Oh wait wait! The love circle on the first page was just what people would start out with in the beginning of the rp! That means that during the rp, people's romantic interests will change (although some can remain the same) and whatsuch, so just wait! You'll never know what'll happen once it starts!

And speaking of starting... We'll be starting this rp tomorrow after I hurdle over my school and anything else that'll keep me busy!

Re: Namae

This is because shy girl is liked by two and crybaby boy is liked by two, this is probably to make romantic rivals but it is a strange selection of those who are not liked, everyone likes a rebel who rarely gives a crap, and flirty girls are desirable ;(

Re: Namae

What about flirty girl? Her personality is asking to be liked. XP

Re: Namae

o.o No one is in love with the Rebel Boy XD Ouch what a hard blow

Re: Namae

Okay tell me how it goes~

Re: Namae

Teacookies- OH yay! Okay I will go ask if it is alright to do :3

Re: Namae


That sounds like a fun idea! yeah, sure I can do that.

Re: Namae

Alright good I waited until midnight so it would be ensured to be good, I felt really nervous all of yesterday anybody else? But ya I usually reserve and then finish character an hour later. Some people used to reject me cause I use characters from popular anime or manga to give the character his/her appearance. I didn't use a well known one this time though, I use u select the hair color, hair length, eye color, apparent age,ect. And they will give you a list, maya looked like a school girl so I picked her.

Re: Namae


Yup! Feel free to take her! And I accepted your character too! She looks great!


No need for them worries \( `.∀´)/ As long as you submit a WIP within two days, everyone's fine!

And yush, I like dat Kirby.

Here's a Jake and Finn as a return | (•□•) | (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

Re: Namae

@FuyuHana I'm soooooo sleepy XD. I promise I'll finish him tomorrow. Please let me know if you like him. I tried to make him good, it's kinda hard to make a normal guy who has the ability to make friends with everyone on a scary lvl lol. Oh and here's my kirby emote (7-_-)7 he's a sarcastic kirby.

Re: Namae

Both the characters who like cry baby boy don't have any MAJOR characters who like them, hmmmm.... I BLAME THE # 13!!!

Re: Namae

Sorry just read over rules teach me your secrets(for emotes I mean)
I will submit character tomorrow it is late and also I will fail miserably if I do it today(Friday the 13th and a)

Re: Namae

Someone let me know if there is room( FYI I do not use school for an excuse for not posting I am on everyday and am only slowed down by waiting for responses) this will be my fifth active rp as of now, I believe that everyone here is new to me except for sunfall I am currently in two of his rps, yes I talk a lot, I could play the flirty girl, been a while since I played a female but I can manage •_-

Re: Namae

Teacookies- I will just try getting you on Chat when ever we both are on >.<

Re: Namae

sure, sorry but my PM isn't open yet because I'm new. I think at least.