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Nightmares and Hunters

Nightmares and Hunters


In the quiet little town of Otogibanashi, you're a Nightmare, a Hunter or maybe just an interesting outsider. Regardless of what you are, you have a story to tell, don't you? So tell it.

2,544 readers have visited Nightmares and Hunters since Guardian Aelita created it.


People who die stay dead, right? That's how the natural cycle is supposed to work. But... What if I told you that some people who die can indeed come back from the dead? No, these people aren't zombies or anything like that. Although, they wish that they could be... Enter Otogibanashi Town. It's a quiet little village on the outskirts of Kyoto. While it's not exactly a rural area, it's not exactly a bustling and busy city either. It's a quiet little place with one mall, two schools, a lot of housing and plenty of social interaction. People tend to come and go at their own place and there has been nothing but peace for as long as anyone can remember...

However, the peace is mostly a front. Amidst all of the civilians that are going around the town, there are mysterious beings known only as Nightmares. Nightmares are humans who are already dead. I'm serious, they are already dead. How did they come back to life? Well, it's quite simple really. When they died, they had darkness in their hearts. Whatever the reason, they had darkness inside their hearts and they wanted a second chance in life. That second chance was granted and thus they became Nightmares. While they maintain their human appearance aside from slit-like pupils, these beings can manipulate darkness, gain black and scaly wings, and are generally darker than the average human. As such, there are some Nightmares who just wish to enjoy their second chance in life while others want revenge on those who have wronged them. Due to the devastating nature of how gruesome Nightmares can kill someone, all of them are considered threats.

That is where the Hunters Guild is formed. The Hunters are humans who have the capacity to kill Nightmares. While some possess gifts of the supernatural, all of them have an incredible strength behind them. Hunters generally have a disdain for Nightmares, whether it be because they created a Nightmare or because a Nightmare killed their family. Hunters will stop at nothing to eradicate all Nightmares because they believe that Nightmares are the root of all evils in the world.

Of course, the story doesn’t center just on Nightmares and Hunters. No, there are plenty of other types of characters to explore in this sleepy little town. Whether it be ordinary high school students, serial killers, shopkeeps, bartenders, anything your mind can come up with is welcome in this little town. So, who am I you ask? I’m a simple observer, that’s all. I don’t involve myself in the action. That’s what you’re here for. Who will you be? Where will your story take you? Who’s to say? All I know is that from here on out, things in Otogibanashi are never going to be the same.

1. Please, no godmodding.
2. You can have up to three characters on this Roleplay.
3. If you want a specific character, feel free to ask on the OOC.
4. Try not to be a Mary Sue or Gary Stu. Everyone's got flaws.
5. I know I put in Mature as a tag but that's because there's a lot of mature themes like alcohol, abuse, etc. Please, no actual descriptions of sex and no explicit descriptions of gore.
6. Try to solve any and all arguments in PM or keep it civil within the OOC
7. Above all else, have fun with this~

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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Ichi narrowed her eyes at the bastard who was talking. Terao was too preoccupied with fighting the other Nightmare. Eventually, Ichi slammed her sledgehammer right into the assassin's stomach.
"How's that for an answer? Fucking Majinn..."

Sachi sighed.
"Ichi always starts the battles... Are you going to help out, Gill? I can come with you. I feel like participating this time."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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With a surpised yelp the hammer to the stomach sent the Majinn wolf flying, hitting the wall. "Ow. you're lucky that my armor is a few times stronger then Kevlar otherwise-"

"You monster!" Mika shouted as she began to charge at Ichi only to meet The Majinn once more in between them as he pushed a button on the object he held in his hand and a blade extended from the hilt and blocked Mika's swing and kicked her in the stomach sending her to the wall as well.

"A monster is a being who kills people and I'm still breathing. Maybe it's because I am the Avatar of Retribution."

"Bullshit." Mika stated firmly. Majinn sighed a long drawn out sigh.

"I'm sure that's ridiculous to believe but, huh?" the Hawk screeched as an image of several Yakuza men preparing to terrorize a known bar establishment appeared on his helmet. "Okay, look ladies, I have just been alerted by my eyes of a terror mission by the Yakuza. Don't kill each other, don't move, I'll be right back." Mika swung at Majiinn again but he jumped backwards and began running.

"See you guys in several minutes!"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: James Falcor
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James quickly blocked the in coming assault with his lance. "So looks like the rumors are true, your leading the hunters now, Tereo Yasukawa." Applying just enough pressure to his lance to repel his attacker. "Let's see how talented you really are." Immediately taking a defensive stance ready to counter the next attack.

Gillion simply nodded at the young girl's observation of the night. "Well I might as well rejoin my team if there is no other need for me here. Just have a safe night." With out any noticed he somersaulted of the building landing perfectly on his feet like he had done it his whole life. "Now let's see they should be this way." Taking off full sprint with lance in hand down the road.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: James Falcor Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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Terao narrowed his eyes as he charged in for another attack. Ichi just sighed and stayed put.
"May as well be a good girl once in my life. What about you, Huntress? Willing to listen to the fucking Majinn?"

Sachi blinked as Gill vanished. Staying where she was, she shrugged and started to watch the events. She soon saw a mechanical owl fly past her.
"The Majinn Wolf really does cut no corners in his search..."

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#, as written by JoY
Arashi whistled quietly as he walked out of the restaurant. His shift was over, time for some fun. With a yawn he started walking towards his current home, a small villa a few kilometers away. It would take some time to walk there, but he had time, it wasn't like he was going to die again.. He stopped whistling when the wind blew past him, ruffling his hair.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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"The Majinn Wolf is a civilian trying to play the hero, by look of his Aura. But you are a nightmare, who's Aura is stained black. I doubt you will be good the more he delays. When you slip up is when I take you down." was Mika's only reply to the foul mouthed nightmare. The sounds of screams and heavy punches filled the air, cutting her off from saying more.

The Majinn Wolf came running back to the group. "Oh, good you didn't move, you two are ladies with manners. Now then, where were we on tonight's little discussion?" he asked as he scratched his helmet in thought.

"The fact that you are doing something you shouldn't. Playing middle man in a very very dangerous struggle. Once again, tell me why I shouldn't arrest you by my authority as a Hunter?" Mika asked gripping her blade tight as she prepared to get in a ready stance.

"Dunno, the fact I do good a little better in this town, the fact I keep Yakuza off your backs during your little raids in my town, the list is extensive and I would absolutely love to talk about it, but then you'd get bored and kill me and take your chances on me becoming a nightmare, although, since you killed one of your own, it's not an issue, is it? Nightmares coming back to haunt their murderers. Kind of like how Retribution was, trapped in a statue, yet when needed would make the statue come to life at his own will."

Mika only glowered at the Majinn and charged at him to slice at him for mentioning her brother. "Eat crap and die!!!!" Majinn moved to avoid the slice.

"Ooh, catty." Majinn said sarcastically.

"Shit, and Now I'm in trouble with her again. Oh well, Majinn is anyway. Masenai could might as well be a bumbling Billionare heir that many others think is either an idealist or a good man." thought Masenai as he got his sword out and prepared to fight.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: James Falcor Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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Ichi stared blankly as the two continued to fight each other. Noticing that everyone seemed to be preoccupied with their fights, she got an idea.
"Alright, Ichi... You could get involved with these fights and possibly get killed again. Or, you could not be a fucking idiot and get out of here while people are still involved in fighting."
Taking the latter option, Ichi ran for her life. Terao noticed and charged after here.
"Get back here, foul Nightmare!!"
"Oh for fuck's sake. What's so fucking bad about us anyway?! You automatically assume we're going to fuck over you and everyone else when all we want is revenge for whoever the fuck killed us!!"
She was starting to get irritated all over again.

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James quickly jumped into Terao's path and went for a leg sweep. "Don't turn your back on an opponent."

Gillion quickly made his way to the group. "Hey Yasukawa, let's double team that guy." Rushing over with no idea who the enemy really was. "B-brother!"

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: James Falcor Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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Mika glared at Ichi as she made her speech about it all. "It's not the revenge we condemn. It's the means by which you nightmares carry it out. It scares people, and makes them believed they're next. You should let good people solve your case for you." She blocked a swing from Majinn.

"What kind of men? Good upstanding hunters like you? That only works if the murderers are other nightmares. Who stops the Yakuza, and corrupt cops in their payroll? Nightmares who are especially evil hide there as well."

Within the Helmet Masenai kept his eyes on a clock, if three o clock struck, that'd be his cue to vanish and return home. Just as the Majinn always does. Mika began to charge at Ichi as well only when Gill gave his surprised shout.

"James.....!? No, not you! You were at peace! Why come back as one of them?! Sir, I leave it to you and Gill. Soumna is mine!"

Mika began to swing her claymore only to have the smoke of a smokescreen surprise her and temporarily blind her. Majinn looked at Ichi and just shrugged if asked for his reason for doing that. "You made your point. Maybe I'll look into your murder. Maybe not if it's connected to Yakuza I'll find it." with that, Majinn Wolf activated his boosters and flew to another building and looked at the time before heading back towards the penthouse.

"Coward!" Mika yelled out between coughs. "That's the seventh time this month!!!"

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: James Falcor
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Gillion stood frozen at the sight of his brother and commander fighting. It is true that his body was never recovered but he could never assumed this is what became of him. A Nightmare, the one thing he was sworn to kill. Part of him wanted to rejoice in seeing his brother, while another was disgusted at what his brother was. "N-no..... I can't." Collapsing to his knees in an unknowing daze. "Brother you can't be're dead...."Gill watched helplessly as the two fought. Never once had he ever questioned his job until this moment. His mind raced with ideas that lead him to no answer.

James pushed Terao aside and stared at Gillion, then at the others who were there. "At, peace you say. How could I ever be at peace with what I've done in the name of justice." He paused for a moment and took a fighting stance once again. "I've killed dozens of people we called Nightmares . It is true some had committed terrible acts of evil yet, some of them were innocent of any real crimes worthy of death." He ran towards Gillion with lance in hand. "And now I watch as my little brother walks down the same damning path. A path that only ends in regret."

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: James Falcor Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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Ichi looked over at James and raised an eyebrow.
"Nn... Seems like someone knows exactly what it's like. Someone knows what it's like to constantly be judged."
Terao winced at Falcor's actions. Sachi ran up to Gillion and knelt down.
"Gill...? You okay?"
"Obviously he isn't. What, are you stupid?"

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: James Falcor Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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"Gill! Snap out of it and defend yourself! He's a nightmare now and he's gonna keep fighting until one of you are on the ground!!" Mika shouted towards Gill to try and get him to defend against James's oncoming charge. She then turned to Terao. "Sir, this is not going according to plan, what should we do?"


The Majinn Wolf returned to the Penthouse Balcony and pushed a button on his gauntlet, causing the armor and helmet to recede back into it. Masenai sighed almost incoherently and with disappointment. "Jeez, it's almost every night," the young Autoro muttered as he returned the gauntlet to its's secret compartment and closed it, "I go out on freaking patrol after doing my volunteer job at the sanctuary shrine, run into a skirmish between the hunters and nightmares and get into an argument of philosophy. What am I even saying? I'm talking to myself in a large empty house."

He sighed and walked to his bedroom and collapsed in it and gave one solid thought to why he talks to himself before drifting off to sleep. "I'm lonely."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro Character Portrait: Kanako Shiina
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Kanako managed to find her way home eventually, after much wandering about. Passing by the living room, she paused for a while to pick up the remote and turn on the TV. The news varied in-between stations so she flipped through them all, to try and find something interesting. So far, it was a disappointment. Kanako just shrugged it off and turned off the device as she headed upstairs, into the small confines of her room.

"Too slow. Everything seems to be much faster on the internet." She changed into a more, casual clothing before heading off to browse on her desktop. At first glance, nothing was on it as well. But, this place does yield more to the eye--if one only knows where to look. Kanako heads on to one of her bookmarked sites and logs on. It was a small forum where most of the current happenings in the city are being talked about.

"Hey, did you hear?"
"The local yakuza got their asses handed down to them!"
Kanako monitored the chat proceedings. She thought of joining in, if just to add more fuel to the discussion.
"Heh, I guess nobody's safe in this town. Not even armed yakuza."
"So true."
"But the one who took them out was that vigilante again. So cool!"
"E-eh? You don't know?"
"No. Guess I need to hang out on these forums more."
"You can read up on him on some past discussion we had. I'll send you a link later."
"But, even crazier is that some guys I know supposedly spotted some people fighting while the raid was going on."
"Aren't there always fighting among looters when raids happen?"
"No, no. You don't get it Seraph-san. The fights I'm talking about were full-blown! I mean, with weapons and cursing andall!"
"Plus, some of the guys looked nice. By the way, you forgot a space between "and" and "all".
"Damn Grammar Nazi! But, don't you think these people are the so-called "Hunters"?"
"I thought they were only rumors..."
"No, no! They're very real! I saw one just two day ago!"
"You probably mistook it for something else! A stray cat perhaps?~"
"You pulling my leg? Plus, your analogies don't make sense!"
"Damn it! I don't think anyone here believes me."
"These "Hunters" and this, "Vigilante" you're talking about...Their services wouldn't possibly be for hire now, would it?"

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: James Falcor
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Gillion watched on hopelessly as his brother came charging at him with weapon in hand. "Is this how I die?" he thought quietly to himself. Yet the moment right before the strike would have happened Gill shouted bringing his lance up to defend with. "No not here not like this!" Pushing his brother to the side he pointed his edge of his lance towards James. "Brother stop this pointless fight and retreat."

James eyes became dark before answering "I can't stop not until you stop walking this path." And without another ward returned to the fight. Both brothers exchanged blows at an insane speed, each not giving in to the other. They both executed perfect defends and attacks on one another. "Leave the hunters go to an ordinary life Gill, you won't find happiness here."

He gritted his teeth and began yelling "It's not about happiness, it's about defending people from evil. How dare you ask me to stop when it was you who showed me how evil nightmares are? I admired everything about you, I sought to be you maybe even one day surpass you." The conflict showed in his tone and in his fighting as he began to lose momentum and was being pushed back.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: James Falcor
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Ichi rolled her eyes.
"Give it a fucking break already, kid. He's just looking out for you like a good brother should. At least acknowledge that he's looking out for- What the fuck is she doing?!"
Sachi ran in front of James and Gillion, intending to stop the conflict with her own body if necessary.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: James Falcor
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Seeing the High Schooler attempting to throw her life away made Mika stop in her tracks. "That fool! Does she want to die?! She doesn't even have a weapon!!" thought the huntress as she sheathed her blade and ran towards Sachi to tackle her to the ground.

"Don't be a fool! One of them won't hesitate to injure a civillian! Terao! Find a way to break up those two before the civillian does anything else stupid!" she shouted, trying to ensure which of the two were Gill and James, then keep watch on the Target to make sure she was still there. Now she actually half wished she didn't scare off the Majinn Wolf, if she did so. However, she knew as well as he obviously did that Majinn was just a middle man, someone wanting to be an unwanted wedge in the conflict.

"My Ex was the same darn way. My life's a mess."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: James Falcor
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Both lance wielders stopped before hitting the high-schooler each just a few inches away from landing a killing strike. Gillion was breathing much harder then his brother, his arms and legs shaking. "Why...why...why...why?" he just kept repeating it like some sort of chant. Yet in his heart he knew there was no answer he would want to hear.

The lance with in James hands vanished before he turned around. "We will settle this another day." and with out another word to his brother, he moved past the other nightmare. "You should leave too while you can."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: James Falcor
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Terao nodded and approached Gillion.
"Falcor. Whatever relationship you had with that man in the past is gone now. He is a Nightmare and Nightmares are beings of darkness. We have to protect the world from your brother. I understand it may be hard for you but try to understand that."
God, this was so unlike him but the situation practically begged for it. Sachi meanwhile glanced up at Mika.
"Nn? But if I don't get involved in the fight then no one will be willing to stop the fight themselves."
Ichi raised an eyebrow and followed James. Oh no, this bastard was not getting off that easy.
"Oi, you. Mind telling me who you are and what the hell kind of connection you have with the Hunters?!"
Though it was a question, her voice made it seem like a demand.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: James Falcor
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"You cannot endanger your life like that. Fights are bad, yes but understand this little missy. Life has its battles. Sometimes you can help in them, and sometimes you can't." Mika stated, seeing the fight abruptly end in a small tie as she looked at the girl again before letting her go. "See? The fight was over and.....we lost the target nightmare, shit!"

"Yasukawa is going to have my head on a platter, I'd rather have it on my neck though!!!" Mika panicked silently in her thoughts before standing up and pacing a bit to recollect her thoughts.

"Sir, We may have to regroup and rethink. A hunter turned nightmare is a dangerous thing. I grow worried sometimes myself if I run into one of that kind. Besides, if we continue while Gill still has his brother still fresh on his mind, we may be in trouble." She stated calmly turning her back on the high school student.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa
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Terao nodded.
"I understand, Shiranui. It's good to see that at least one of us has their head still on their shoulders. Come on, Falcor. We need to think things over..."
Sachi blinked and shrugged.
"At least it's all over now..."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: James Falcor
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Gillion nodded to his commander in agreement. After standing and thinking for a minute he muttered under his breath "I need a drink..." His lance vanishing and a fake smile appeared on his face. "Yeah let's get out of here. Sorry I botched the mission."

James glanced at the girl "I used to be a hunter..." and continued walking. "And that man I was fighting was my brother. That's really all there is to it." Turning to see the hunters regrouping he "We should really get out of here before things start up again."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa
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"You didn't botch anything up Gill. Unforeseen circumstances are not uncommon. The fact is all of life's like that." Mika stated. She sighed then checked the time. She had a small window of time to sleep before the morning came. College would beckon her to make sure her studies and everything were well organized for the morning light. Though if she ever ran into any nightmares outside of the hunter job, she'd be sure to figure out who or what they were before reporting it to Terao.

"We'd best get a move on. With little hours of the night left we will need to recover our strengths and then re-strategize for another night. I mean that is, if that is what needs to be done, Yasukawa-sama."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: James Falcor Character Portrait: Yukimi Tsukino
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Watching the two brothers fight from afar Yukimi had not once moved from her spot until they had both withdrawn their weapons. Suddenly, Yukimi appeared in front of James, making it so he had only the choice of stopping or walking into her. The raven-girl then glanced back and forth between James and Gillion, never meeting either of their eyes, and tilting her head to the side in a bird-like manner as she did so. Finally, she let her violet eyes meet Gillion's and only for the briefest moment a look of curiosity and sadness filled her eyes before they returned to their prior, cold and emotionless state. Just as suddenly as the moment had come it passed and Yukimi turned away from Gillion to look up at James, flashing him a blinding smile. "Hey. Come on. I'm bored and you promised to go with me to get a drink." As she made the comment she knew that he had never promised that but if their previous ventures were any example she was sure she could drag him with her. Yukimi looked up at James hopefully as she thought to herself . ~He's going to act indifferent and boring no matter where we go so I might as well drag him somewhere fun...~

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: James Falcor Character Portrait: Yukimi Tsukino
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James stopped with almost a look of surprise as Yukimi appeared in front of him "So you were here as well Yukimi ...should have known." Simply side stepping her and continued to walk. "Well let's go if we're gonna go. I'll see you another day Gill." His voice had a cold and sharp tone to it. It disgusted him to see his brother still the every follower of the Hunter order.

With Yukimi in tow he James made his way to a bar after making sure he had lost any hunters that might have been following. "Alrght Drinks are on me tonight order what you will."

Gillion moved past his team and kept walking trying to figure things out in his head. "Hey guys once you figure things out I'll be at the bar trying to forget what just happened."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: James Falcor Character Portrait: Yukimi Tsukino
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Yukimi cast another glance at Gillion, slightly interested in his and James' similar appearance before looking back at James, a smile on her face. "Oh! Really?" Yukimi turned and hurried after James excitedly as he headed off, glancing back at Gillion one last time before the group of hunters were out of sight. Realizing that he meant to lose any trails from the hunters Yukimi was slightly more careful about her surroundings and movements. Once James seemed sure that they weren't being tailed he started towards the bar and Yukimi began to recognize her surroundings.

Entering the bar Yukimi looked up at James as he spoke. "Alright. Drinks are on me tonight. Order what you will." Smiling deviously Yukimi sashayed over to the bar, immediately drawing the attention of half the men in the bar. Leaning over the bar Yukimi flashed a smile at the bartender. "Can I get a Long Island Iced Tea and a...." Yukimi turned back to look at James, raising an expectant eyebrow as she waited for him to say what he wanted.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

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View All » Add Character » 16 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna
Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa
Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada
Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui
Character Portrait: Arashi Tayuya
Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor
Character Portrait: James Falcor
Character Portrait: Yukimi Tsukino


Character Portrait: James Falcor
James Falcor

"Leave me alone."

Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor
Gillion Falcor

"No need to hurry. Everything happens when it needs to..."

Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
Masenai Autoro

"Justice is indiscriminate, I will show you"

Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui
Mika Shiranui

"I am simply a hunter with a job to do. So please forgive me."

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada
Sachi Kunisada

"There are three types of people here in Otogibanashi; Nightmares, Hunters and the other ones. Who am I? Just an observer."

Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa
Terao Yasukawa

"All Nightmares are to be eliminated. That is the single rule that one must not break."

Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna
Ichi Soumna

"Ugh, I'm going to get so much shit for this, aren't I?"


Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa
Terao Yasukawa

"All Nightmares are to be eliminated. That is the single rule that one must not break."

Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui
Mika Shiranui

"I am simply a hunter with a job to do. So please forgive me."

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada
Sachi Kunisada

"There are three types of people here in Otogibanashi; Nightmares, Hunters and the other ones. Who am I? Just an observer."

Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor
Gillion Falcor

"No need to hurry. Everything happens when it needs to..."

Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
Masenai Autoro

"Justice is indiscriminate, I will show you"

Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna
Ichi Soumna

"Ugh, I'm going to get so much shit for this, aren't I?"

Character Portrait: James Falcor
James Falcor

"Leave me alone."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna
Ichi Soumna

"Ugh, I'm going to get so much shit for this, aren't I?"

Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui
Mika Shiranui

"I am simply a hunter with a job to do. So please forgive me."

Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor
Gillion Falcor

"No need to hurry. Everything happens when it needs to..."

Character Portrait: James Falcor
James Falcor

"Leave me alone."

Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
Masenai Autoro

"Justice is indiscriminate, I will show you"

Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa
Terao Yasukawa

"All Nightmares are to be eliminated. That is the single rule that one must not break."

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada
Sachi Kunisada

"There are three types of people here in Otogibanashi; Nightmares, Hunters and the other ones. Who am I? Just an observer."

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Nightmares and Hunters: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Nightmares and Hunters

Re: Nightmares and Hunters

Someone should restart this. I've been thinking about it but I have no clue what to do with the plot.

Re: Nightmares and Hunters

Did this really die already?

Re: Nightmares and Hunters

Hey, I hate to do this, but I think I have to drop out of this roleplay. Even with Winter Break, I'm simply too busy to write. I apologize for any inconvenience and hope that this roleplay continues and flourishes.

Have a nice day!


Re: Nightmares and Hunters

Alright guys, I created up the starting post so feel free to join in with me when it comes to posting~ Don't worry, I'll still be accepting any and all characters so continue to make and work on your characters~ Let's hope this RP doesn't die~

Re: Nightmares and Hunters

Hey there~ Yes, you can make two characters. You can make another character if you wish though since the limit is three per person~ You have a nice day as well~

Re: Nightmares and Hunters


This looks really cool!

Can I make 2 characters? (for now...)
I think I'll do an Outsider and a Nightmare.

Have a Nice Day!


Re: Nightmares and Hunters

Absolutely, go right ahead~ You can make three characters if you want. Looking forward to seeing you creation~

Re: Nightmares and Hunters

Ohhh this looks interesting will most likely be making a character if that's all right?

Re: Nightmares and Hunters

Awesome~! I'll be looking forward to your characters~

Re: Nightmares and Hunters

I am going to join this. Yay! I will submit a male hunter and female. . . Other. They will be siblings.

Re: Nightmares and Hunters

I do~ She definitely seems interesting and I'm looking forward to seeing her in action. I'm thinking after we get three in each category we can start. Of earlier if you both want.

Re: Nightmares and Hunters

One down one more character to go I'll get him started later tonight!! In the meantime hope you like Mika!

Re: Nightmares and Hunters

First off, WELCOME~! You are going to have such a blast on this site! Second, yeah, that's pretty much what you should do. You can submit up to three people~

If you're looking to create a Nightmare, check out Ichi's profile.
For Hunters, check out Terao's profile.
And if you want a character that fits in neither category but is still interesting, look at Sachi's profile.

In each profile, you'll find a completed character sheet. Just copy and paste it and create your character based on that sheet. Thanks so much for showing interest. Can't wait to see your character~


Re: Nightmares and Hunters

This seems like a really interesting and fun Rp ^-^
This is my second day on here, so I don't really know how/what to do. So is it just to create a character, or..?? If you want me that is x3

Re: Nightmares and Hunters

Awesome! I'll definitely be looking forward to your characters~

Re: Nightmares and Hunters

Okay thanks. I might do one or two characters just to make it interesting, one from one of the two main factions then an outsider. :)

Re: Nightmares and Hunters

Anything your imagination can think of~ Just an outside observer, a bartender, an assassin, the possibilities are only limited to your imagination~ However, they don't have any supernatural element behind them aside from being involved with the Nightmare and Hunter war. The character sheets are available through the characters I've posted already. Feel free to get them up when you're ready~

Re: Nightmares and Hunters

This Roleplay looks very intriguing, I understand the two factions, nightmares and hunters, however, would you mind elaborating a small bit on interesting outsider? Like for example what would make said outsider interesting?

Nightmares and Hunters

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Nightmares and Hunters"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.