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Cenna Wenlynn

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

0 · 1,726 views · located in Wildwood

a character in “Nine Lives”, as played by emotionless




"Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations"

{Northing More | Mr. MTV}

Cenna Wenlyn
Spaghetti Straight
French Russian


"It’s not the future you’re afraid of, its repeating the past that makes you anxious."
{ Nowhere Kids | Smile Empty Soul}

Cenna stands at 5’5 even, with a runner’s physique. She has an oval face, and high cheekbones. Her eyes are large and hazel, that are framed by long lashes. Her hair is a golden brown and falls to just below her shoulder blades, though she usually wears it in a braid. She generally dresses in black skinny jeans, and brightly colored tanks.

"Life isn’t about avoiding the bruises, it’s about collecting the scars to show you lived"
{ Stronger | Kelly Clarkson}


Cenna comes off as very grave and distant at first, if only because she rarely cracks a smile. She finds herself biting her tongue a lot only because her personality that can be misconstrued as bitchy. She has a dry sense of humor, but a big heart. Cenna is fiercely independent, extremely ambitious, persistent, and determined.

Cenna is also very flexible she is able to re-survey any situation and take a different approach if necessary, which sometimes makes her come off as manipulative though that is not her intent. She is the clearest of thinkers, looking at a project from all sides and putting forth some logical and well-thought-out ideas. She tends to bring her objective reasoning and big-picture ability to the table. While some may perceive all this logical thought as cold and unemotional, it's simply how Cenna ticks.

All in all Cenna is very deep, intense person, there is always more than meets the eye. She presents a cool, detached, and unemotional air to the world yet lying underneath is tremendous power, extreme strength, intense passion and a strong will and a persistent drive.

+Cenna took several gymastic glasses as a child so she is very flexible and she continued her athletic career with Parkour classes
+Cenna is a Vet tech at the local animal hospital so she has medical training
+Cenna speaks French, Russian, and English
+Cenna taught herself via youtube to pick locks

-Cenna does not connect with people easily
-Cenna has early stage arthritis in her left hand
-Cenna has limited knowledge with technology

*Cenna is terrified of drowning


"Life is a story Make yours a best seller"
{ Sound of Silence | Disturbed}

Cenna was raised by a transvestite woman named DeeDee and her wife Evangeline. They adopted her and her twin sister Layla at the age of 5 from a Russian orphanage while traveling. Aunt D is a Fashion designer, and Aunt Eve is a full time Librarian. Aunt D Traveled a lot so Cenna and Layla spent a lot of time taking classes. Anything to keep them busy. The classes ranged from Gymnastics to Economics. When they turned 18 they moved out together and found a little apartment on main street. Cenna started working as a Barista, and Layla started as a waitress, at the local cafe the Rise and Grind. Things where good. Layla pursued her dream of becoming a architect and Cenna started taking courses to become a Veterinarian Technician. Not long after starting work at the Rise and Grind Cenna was promoted to evening management.

On her second night two men came in and attempted to rob the cafe. Layla attempted to stop the robbers and was murdered in the process. Cenna was shot in the lower abdomen and left to die. She was lucky a passerby heard the noise and called the police. She barely made it to the hospital and her recovery was long and strenuous. When she got out she found that the police had yet to locate the criminals. She dug into the crime, making it an unhealthy obsession until she found the culprits. One of them being a senators son by the name of Jason Williams. He had been a suspect in various other crimes but due to his status there had been no arrests. That is why she joined the Black Cat. She is still searching for a way to bring justice for her sister.

Image"Stars Cant Shine without Darkness"
{ I am the Fire | Halestorm}

Cenna loves animals and is more likely to make friends with them than people.

So begins...

Cenna Wenlynn's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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Hex:#4B5066 || Outfit:XXX || Codename: Blue Jay/Birdie || Current Bike: Her new Aprilia RSV

Excitedly, Audrey followed Cenna into the other room but she kept that excitement hidden inside as her exterior showed a cool and relaxed expression. Okay, maybe she did have a bit of excitement spilling out of her proven by the eager smile that hung on her lips. Upon entering the other room Audrey was first surprised at how many cats there were then fascinated at all of the beds that hung from the wall and the cool looking scratching posts. Her eyes explored the room for a second before immediately fixating on the three kittens that approached Cenna because they were just so cute! "We might have to bring one home . . . or all of these guys." Cenna laughed only to have Audrey who already seated herself on the floor reply quickly. "I'd bring all three of them home now if we didn't have work." She smiled, picking up the black and orange kittens and setting them on her lap only to have the black one claw its way up her arm until it was on her shoulder and nudging its head against her chin while the orange one simply just cuddled up to her stomach and fell asleep. Instantly when Audrey heard Cen sigh her phone also decided to go off and so she pulled it out of her jacket pocket.

From: BCG

Let's regroup at headquarters. I have a plan.

"Looks like duty calls." Cen commented, Audrey looking up at her and nodding before setting the kittens backs down feeling a bit bad she woke up the one that fell asleep on her which was now her favorite. "I shall take you guys home, later that is." She chuckled, getting onto her feet."Looks like Derek is taking lead on this, I'm going to go let my boss know I'm heading out early." Cen informed and Audrey simply said "Alright" accompanied by a small smile as she was a bit distracted by the message she was beginning to type out before Cen left the room.

Okie dokie, be there soon.

When Audrey finished her text she stood there awkwardly for a few seconds, waiting for Cen to come back and also petted one of the older cats before Cenna re-entered to retrieve her. "I need to change before we go to the bar, do you mind?" She asked with a tired smile on her face. "Nah," Audrey said, this time holding the door for her on the way out. "I think I left my ice tea in the fridge. I was looking for an excuse to go grab it anyway." She smiled, again, heading in the direction of their apartment.

Upon entering the apartment Audrey went straight for the kitchen where she pulled out a bottle of her favorite, extra sweet pure leaf ice tea and took a few gulps from the newly opened bottle. When she turned around though, she was greeted a very sexy but barely clothed Cenna who caused Audrey to almost choke on her tea and go red in the face, quickly averting her eyes until Cenna was out of sight. "Damn," was all she could manage to mumble before walking herself over to the couch and tossing herself on it. While waiting she began to think about what just happened and how Cenna is able to frustrate her both physically and mentally before going red in the cheeks again as her mind wandered for a second but Audrey snapped out of it, huffed and ruffled her own hair. She began tossing her bottle up and catching it as a form of entertainment until Cenna remerged from her room all dressed and announcing that she was ready to get the hell outta here. Grinning back, Audrey waited until Cen passed the couch before standing up just to enjoy the view for a second, something she usually didn't do.

Before entering the bar Audrey took her keys to her motorcycle just to grab her backpack that held all the things she needed for the mission in the small compartment under her seat. With Cenna right behind her she slung her backpack over her left shoulder and pushed the bar door open, entering with a look that told everyone that she was ready. Ready for what they didn't know but all they could tell was that she was ready for whatever was about to go down. There was just this confident feeling around her at the moment that wasn't overbearing, so she didn't seem cocky but it was just enough to attract the eyes of some people, mostly of the female gender.

Since most of the group had dispersed in order to grab what they needed and get ready the back room was left a little empty but Audrey didn't mind. She casually tossed her backpack onto the small table where her helmet still laid and began pulling things out. First came her knuckle slingshot, the small device being no child's toy and easily clipped to her belt, hidden under her shirt just like her buck knife that she quickly inspected before sliding it back into her sheath that was located on the back of her pants. "So yeah," She began, taking glances at Cenna as she spoke. "I think I'm going to hang back on the beating." She paused, pulling out a small plastic container that held a whole bunch of very painful and dangerous little metal b.b gun pellets that she used as ammo for her slingshot and just slipped into her back pocket. "I'll do better with the whole breaking into his place and fucking some shit up type of intimidation." She finished, this time slipping on her black leather biker gloves that she had hanging out of her left back pocket this while time. Next came the white ear buds that she plugged into her phone and shoved back into her jacket for later, you know for when she starts smashing shit because Audrey loves her background music on the job.

Her trusty wooden bat leaned against the far right corner just itching to be used while the rest of the things that were in her backpack consisted of spray paint cans and a few white surgical masks for the fumes. After getting herself ready Audrey took another sip of her iced tea, sitting down on a wooden chair and leaning her head back so she was basically staring at the ceiling. "Got something we can do while we wait?" Audrey wondered a bit bored, blowing a piece of her inky black hair from her uniquely contrasting blue eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Audrey Pryde
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Cenna and Audrey entered the bar and then the nearly empty back room. Cenna watched Audrey unload her backpack with curiosity and admiration. She herself had packed a small pack but it only held a few items of necessity. She was more of a hands on fighter, and her lock picking kit didn't take up much room.

"I think I'm going to hang back on the beating. I'll do better with the whole breaking into his place and fucking some shit up type of intimidation." Audrey said. Cenna nodded quietly in contemplation, feeling pretty much the same. She knew she would be able to hurt the target if necessary, but she was less inclined to do so. She did not like the man that had hired them and was not 100% certain that the man she was after was even a bad person....then again she didn't get paid to make judgement calls.

She smiled at Audrey and took out her brass knuckles that she kept in her bosom. She rarely used them but she kept them with her at all times. She fit them on her and and made a fist, before taking a few mock swings.

"I understand, I hate the idea of beating some guy senseless...I think i'll do what ill have to, but not without some research first. Hopefully the techies will be able to do some research and let us know if its legit" Cenna said as she pulled out her lock picking kit and counted the pieces. They all appeared to be there. With her kit there was very little she couldn't get into. She smiled and brushed her hair out o her face before putting her kit back. Next she pulled out her knife kit and touched the edge of each one making sure they where sharp, on the off chance there would be a need for lethal action.

"As soon as all the crew gets here we will plan it out and get the ball rolling." She said as she put her knives back.

"Got something we can do while we wait?" Audrey asked.

"Well I can think of a few things we could do..." Cenna said flirtatiously saying the first thing that came to her mind. She grinned then realized what had just come out of her mouth. Her face turned red and clasped her hand to her mouth.

"Oh my goodness, I...uh...I am...Totally inappropriate." Cenna sputtered not believing she had just uttered those words aloud.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Audrey Pryde Character Portrait: Meia Williams
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#, as written by Emmyz

Meia listened to her fellow members having their "thorns out" and threatening the client like he was the bad person. Sure he was shady, but he was the one paying them. The comments from especially Cenna and Bree made her a bit sick, painting very strong pictures in her head. Meia was wicked/cold, and she would not hesitate to kill. Bur torture someone physically was just not her cup of tea. If she was going to cause pain to someone (and not killing them), she preferred getting under their skin (mentally speaking) and destroying their mind. Often putting some of her demons inside their heads. She did have a small amount of problem with the "medical" part of blood and injuries to OTHERS. But whenever hurting herself /sometimes even inflicting it herself - was all good and nothing that bothered at all. Maybe even enjoying it for a moment - that adrenalin junkie with a suicidal side. And that's why she also was convinced of that a broken mind hurts more than a broken nose and some crushed ribs. But "hurting someone" was boring. Meia was just waiting for the jobs requesting a hit-man. For those jobs- Mei was your girl. Not being a fan of "bloody messes" making the murder scene look like some splatter movie. And thinking guns where too noise, she turned to a more sneaky murder weapon. Poison. "Snow White" Meia was killing with poison, a bit comical thinking about the snow white fairy tale and the poison apple.. But yess, poison was one of her precious things in life. Quickest and least messy way to just get rid of the problem.

She sighted and rolled her eyes. "Geeeh, stop being such pussies. I don't care if he's the dirtiest pig of them all. Or even the devil himself. Some of us aren't exactly cuddly teddy bears ourselves.. When the government can't do justice- we'll deal with, right?" For her it was just a job. Get it done, get paid. As long as he wasn't a undercover cop trying to bust them - she was all cool.

She stood up, yawning a bit arrogant. Like this was too boring for her brain - demanding some stimulants. Plus, seeing how Jerry treated Jacquelin made her raise her eyebrow a bit. She was not a fan of medical care, and the injuries did not seem that bad. The whole aura in the room made her annoyed, and she decided it was time for her to leave. Snapping the rubberband on her wrist, she turned around and went for the door. On her way out, she just raised one arm over her head with a quick gesture meaning "see yaah". Probably her way of saying she will be alone for a moment - before rejoining the group later. Knowing the others would probably take the car - she'd stay in the shadows. Not that she had any bigger problems with her fellow black cat members. She did -however- have an even bigger problem with cars. Uhhg those fast, bumpy and scary shit things making her face green and causing her to almost puke.

She snapped her rubberband 3 more times before crossing the bar, nodding towards the bartender, before heading out the door. Her hand was fast to pull out a pack of cigs and put one between her lips before she lit the cigarette. Feeling a bit more relaxed, she pulled out her cellphone seeing 3 new messages.

From: Black Cat Group Chat
Whomever else want's to work on the tech side of things here, focus on the actual target, I'll play data-collection, oversight, and see whatever dirt we can dig out of Deep Pockets over here.

Mei shook her shoulders and considered helping the boys with tech on this, but she was not sure yet. Ty and Lucas had better skills. She was ok, but not sure if she would be an asset on this one, or just arguing and getting in to disagreements. Hrmm they'd probably contact her if they needed help. While thinking, she opened the next text - from Kit.

From: Black Cat Group Chat
If you need a ride during this job, you know who to call.

Meia almost started to laugh. "Like that would ever happen" she said for her self, taking another puff and then letting the smoke slip out her nose and lips. As she walked down the street - towards the apartment building- she wrapped her leather jacket tighter around her. The air was getting colder.
Last text was from Derek.

From: Black Cat Group Chat
"Let's regroup at headquarters. I have a plan."

Finally. Someone was up for actually doing the job. Derek was not the one to have much to say. Making him quite bearable. But whenever he did have something to share - it was often good. She did need to change her clothes tho and gear up before joining the others on this mission. So first a quick visit to her apartment. Smoking at least 3 cigs on the way. Then running up the stairs, smashing the door behind her while entering the familiar chaos of "her crib". Clothes, make up, radio, cassette bands, empty cola bottles, pack of cigs, stuffed animals and other rubbish lying EVERYWHERE. She did however have a photographic memory, knowing where everything was. Organized chaos. Maybe it was a good thing not having a roomie. Mei could not think of one person who would be able to cope with her way of ornamenting the apartment...

She changed her clothes in to something more discrete, braiding her blonde hair in to two messy braids -this, stopping her wild locks from getting in the way. Then pulling up her tank top and started filling her waist belt with her precious throwing knifes. Black thunderbolts with a snowflake engraved on every one of them, her "signature" symbol. The backpack was filled with her blowing dart set. Both having the "sleeping" and the "killing" darts. Beyond this- a rope, a lighter, a pack of cigs, a combat knife and a set of other clothes - in case of going under cover. Also adding her wrist/arm belts for the smaller knifes. Having a tendency of being "over dressed". But better safe than sorry. Now- feeling satisfied and ready for war - she grabbed a can of coke, taking a zip while writing a text message with her other hand.

To: Black Cat Group Chat
"Will be at the HQ in 15 / SW"

She put the phone back in her pocket before opening her window. Wish a "swooosh" she was out and away. The roofs gave her a faster route to the bar, and she felt a bit under stimulated with a lot of excess energy - so this would be a good way to "warm up" and calm down before meeting the others and getting down to business.

Exactly 7 min later, she entered the bar and took a seat near the disk. Thinking she was the first one here, she put her legs up on the chair beside her - all ready to order something strong. The bartender cached the sight of her and laughed. "not drinking on the job are we?" he said jokingly. Meia just gave him a finger.
"2 are already here you know" he continued quiet with a wink- not even looking towards the door to the dark room in the back. Meia got the hint and stood up, now sneaking discrete to the other side of the bar, before disappearing and entering the inner dark room - meeting the familiar faces of Cenna and Audrey.
"Soo... im not interrupting anything, are i?" she said teasingly and almost considered to take a seat between the two girls - just cuz she could. And to be an ass. But instead she sank down in the darkest corner. Pulling up her legs in to fetal position - leaning her chin on her knees.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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Nathan took a mouthful out of his drink, sighing. He felt a little bad about abandoning the team- but it was too close to home. He could deal with vengeance- after all, that was what fueled him most of the time. But an attack on somebody who hadn't really done anything wrong- that was a little close to the bone. Maybe he could handle it during a good patch, but his current state of mind could only be described as "meh"- and that was at it's best. Still, he wasn't going to abandon them entirely. He slid his earpiece into his ear and opened the lid of his laptop. They'd invested in a communications system only a year or so ago, and it had made things much easier.

"Alright, everybody call with your positions. Remember, we're trying to frighten this guy, not cause any major damage," he said. He unlocked his phone and opened his conversation with Xandru, sending him a quick text.

To: Xandru
Be careful, okay? Finding another roommate would be a pain in the ass.

Even though everybody knew that they were best friends (with the occasional benefit) and lived together, but even that message felt oddly private. That and Nathan had an inkling that Xandru wouldn't necessarily be sticking to the main plan. He had complete faith that his roommate wouldn't do anything too risky, but even so.

Nathan leaned back and ran his fingers through his hair, opening up the GPS program on his laptop that allowed him to track the earpieces. If things went wrong, he could send backups to where they were needed, or even get his own ass in there as another pair of fists. He was aiming to avoid that, but even so, he was dressed in his fighting gear, just in case. Just in case.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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22:00| Outfit

Tucked between her breasts, her phone vibrated. In the shadows of an alley across the street from the target's apartment, she pulled it out to check the message. Could someone come pick me up? The text from Wolfling read. Siren smiled and spoke softly--nearly a sultry whisper-- into the mic hidden within her necklace. "Looks like someone needs a pickup, Ryder." The door to the condo complex the target lived opened and a nearly naked Wolfling stepped out into the night. "And you might want to make it fast. She's dressed in little more than her birthday suit." It probably came off as arrogant, but when Melody was Siren, she was almost a completely different person. It was the only way she learned to differentiate between who she was and who she had to be.

The target had left his home earlier but seemed distraught as if he had forgotten something and turned back. Now she was waiting for him to return to the streets. She took a swig of wine from a canteen she had brought with her. If she was going to act the part, she needed to smell the part. Just when she was beginning to regret the boots she wore, the door opened and the target stepped out. The smirk on her face grew and she stepped from the shadows. Her boots made loud clicks on the concrete as she staggered towards the man. Her ankle screamed as she pretended to stumble drunkenly, but she pushed through it. Once she approached him, she feigned a stumble once more and slammed into his shoulder. She tumbled to the ground, thankfully just narrowly avoiding skinning her knee.

"Oh gosssh," she slurred. "I'm sso-" She hiccuped. "Sorry, sir." She looked up at him from under her eyelashes. "I guesssss I've had too much to drink tonight." The man was actually probably more handsome than their client. She could see how he could be a threat in that regard. Otherwise, she wasn't entirely sure. They still didn't have a ton of information on the guy, but whatever she could get right?

She took a deep breath and took note of his cologne. It smelled sweet and very expensive. Clive Christian perhaps? "Oh wow, guy. You sssmell fantastic." She reached up around his neck and buried her nose into his neck, pressing herself against him. "Makess me want to jump your bonesss." She turned her head to look down the alley where she hoped a dark shape that goes by Echo was waiting for them. She pulled back and looked him in the eye and raised an eyebrow. "You ever do it in an allyway?"

ImageBefore he really had a chance to respond, she pulled him down into the alley and pressed him against a wall where she bit and kissed at his neck. She giggled flirtatiously and reached down into her boot. When her hand came free she was holding her knife. With her knee, she played with him and then the blade replaced it. "Listen here, pretty boy." She said sweetly, tossing her long brown hair. "My client has requested a fair warning for you from some.. rather unfair people so you should listen and listen closely." She spoke close to his face, her face tilted slightly to the side, her body language tempting him. "When it comes to business, you may want to pull back a bit. Or a lot. It's really your choice, but do you really want to risk your boys?" She twitched her wrist ever so slightly. "Isn't that right, Echo?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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#, as written by tigerz


[ C O D E N A M E ]

[ H E X C O D E ]

[ O U T F I T ]

[ S O N G ]
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

The mission was simple... At least it could have been if complications weren't a thing. Derek had been hidden away gathering information hoping the technical side of the mission would come through and give Derek some form of justification for what they were doing over a large some of money. Instead, he heard Melody over the mic proving that his plan wasn't as well thought out as he had hoped. "Looks like someone needs a pickup, Ryder. And you might want to make it fast. She's dressed in little more than her birthday suit." Derek didn't say anything as per usual but he was careful in shooting a text over to Kit before he was on the move again. Keep your distance. -Derek Kit probably wouldn't be too happy with Derek's choice of words though he needed to be quick when he was out on the field and she did need to keep her distance. He feared he was too far away following the client to rescue to begin with.

The target was on the move again as he left his apartment making Melody noticeable as she trailed after him. Derek followed in pursuit as well using the darkness and the buildings to his advantage. He dropped down into an alleyway just as Melody was searching for him while she toyed with the target. He quickly secured his cap and mask to hide his features while he was still engulfed by darkness. He may be hard to see but Derek wasn't going to risk blowing his cover or identity that quickly.

Derek quickly moved as Melody began to bring the target into the alleyway. His movements were quick as he jumped and held onto a fire escape before closing himself up. It was a miracle he didn't make any sound though Derek did seem to have a certain knack for going unnoticed. He made a face in disgust as he hid in the shadows and saw Melody's method for 'luring' the target. He leaned forward just as she began to threaten him. What is she doing? Derek hadn't expected the threats to launch so quickly while they were still digging dirt on them though Derek still prepared his gadgets in case anything were to go wrong now. "Isn't that right, Echo?" Derek jumped down from the fire escape and silent emerged from the shadows startling the target even further.

He didn't say anything as always but he seemed more quiet than usual. He didn't move or sign towards Melody. He simply stood there watching them with his arms folded. he actually felt a bit bad for the guy mainly because he was a man as well and that definitely wouldn't feel pleasant. Derek then put a hand on Melody's shoulder as his way of telling her to ease up. They couldn't hospitalize him after all.

Derek decided it was his turn to take control of the situation as he rolled up his sleeves and stepped towards the target. "Who are you?" The man whimpered and pressed his back against the brick wall as Derek continued to stare at him with a finger pressed to his lips. He brought his hand to the man's throat to hold him in place as Derek took out his baton. He pressed the button and quickly jolted the target. He jumped and fell down but he wasn't in any serious harm. Simply startled. Derek then picked him up and in a series of swift movements, he was able to hold the client's face against the wall while using one hand to hold his arm behind his back and pressing to make him feel like his arm could break at any moment. Derek looked back at Melody and used his free hand to sign to her so she could be his voice. "Consider this a warning."

He waited for her to finished and pushed the target away though not before taking out a small white cloth and holding it in the targets face until he fell to the ground and passed out in the alleyway. Chloroform. Derek then turned back to Melody and signed to her. "Just in case he tries to follow us." He shrugged and climbed up the fire escape again dashing away all too quickly. He wasn't entirely pleased with everything that happened but at least they got a message across. Derek hoped he would listen before the real trouble happened.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix Character Portrait: Audrey Pryde
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Hex: #820303 || Codename: Ryder || Outfit: X X x x ||

The job had Kit on edge, nothing about it was adding up at the moment and the butterflies were beginning to flutter in her stomach - not the good butterflies either. Deciding it would be best to have a little distraction, Kit reached over and turned the radio on. Turning the nob til she find the right station, keeping the volume at a comfortable level as she leaned back in her seat - hoping tonight wouldn’t have any surprises.

"Alright, everybody call with your positions. Remember, we're trying to frighten this guy, not cause any major damage.” The voice in Kit’s teal earpiece said, causing her to jump slightly. Leaning forward in her seat, Kit glanced around at her surroundings. Reaching up and pressing a button on her earpiece, “I’m near Snider’s.” She mumbled, before reaching up and adjusting her rearview mirror.

Kit had made herself comfortable, her sneaker propped up beside her steering wheel as she played with a strand of her hair. The vibration of her phone catching her attention, she reached over as Melody’s voice came through her earpiece. "Looks like someone needs a pickup, Ryder.And you might want to make it fast. She's dressed in little more than her birthday suit.” Kit’s eyes went wide as she cranked her car, the engine purring to life before she unlocked her phone. Rolling her eyes at the text she received from Derek. Worry about yourself - Kit She typed back quickly with a small smirk before she put the car in drive, pulling out of her little spot and heading towards the target’s apartment. She reached up to press the button on her earpiece again, “I’m assuming Wolfling is near the perps apartment..” Her thick accent giving way to her slight nervousness. Wondering where Rey was, Kit shot her a quick message: Picking up wolfling and siren, you good? -Kit

Kit stepped on the gas trying to get to the right spot, mentally mapping out a good get away route for when she picked Cenna up. She took a deep breath, trying to calm down before she got there - putting her window down and letting the wind tousle her hair.

“Threat delivered and Target is out. Ryder, extraction please.” Her roommate’s voice made her speed up, she was about to speak when the Siren’s voice came through again. “Sooner rather than later, Ryder.” With that, Ryder put her the pedal to the medal - running a few stop lights as she went. “You’re near the target’s place too? I’ll be there in five.”

She turned onto the road, seeing the two figures in the distance, slowing down so they could both hop in. You need a ride?-Kit She sent to Derek as she came to a stop to let the girls in, knowing he had to be close by. She reached behind her seat and handed Cenna a jacket, before turning her attention on Melody - giving her a small smile knowing she had to be ready to drop the Siren act.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix Character Portrait: Audrey Pryde Character Portrait: Meia Williams
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Hex:#4B5066 || Outfit:XXX || Codename:Blue Jay/Birdie || Current Bike:Her new Aprilia RSV

A small smirk crept upon her lips, listening to Cenna apologize. It was both adorable and a tad bit funny and when Meia asked if she had interrupted anything Audrey simple just said, "nope" before finishing off the iced tea she had left in her bottle, smile faintly still on her lips.


Audrey's bike zoomed past cars with an ease that only a long time rider would have. She listened to everything everyone was saying through the earpiece but she was so into her ride at the moment that she forgot to check in. After parking her bike a block away from the guy's apartment she began walking with the backpack slung over her left shoulder looking like a student who just got out of school. To others she looked pretty normal, expecting nothing but books in her bag. As she reached the building Audrey was just in time to witness the target come out of his apartment complex and reached up to her ear, pretending she was scratching it as she pressed the button on the earpiece in order to talk.

"Alright, my turn. I'm going in." Was all she said smiling at some people, including Cenna as she passed her as if she didn't know her but then she whispered, "Looking good." Before continuing and casually entering the building. Audrey made sure to walk out of sight from all the camera's and pretended to check her mail even when one of the residents came her way. Once she had moved on, not giving her a glance in the slightest she trudged forward blowing a bubble with her cherry gum. After lock picking his door for the second time, Audrey slipped in and looked around. "Hm, nice." She whispered blowing a bubble again and setting her backpack down, slipping on her mask. Taking a second look around Audrey spotted an empty glass on the counter and picked it up looking at the nice design before shattering it against the wall where his T.v stood.

Before coming over Audrey thought that she'd tone this destroying his crap down a bit since bringing the bat looked a bit too suspicious. She kicked over one of the stools that sat at the kitchens counter then rummaged through his fridge, good thing she was wearing her biker gloves because if not her fingerprints would have been all over the house. "Ohhh, cherries!" Like an eager child, Audrey pulled out a handful of them and began eating them, wandering into the target's room. It's been about five minutes since she's been in the apartment and already she has broken a couple of things. "This looks like a good place." She said to seemingly no one, grabbing one of her spray cans. Audrey pulled her mask back up after pulling it down in order to eat then began writing something out in black spray paint on the wall.

When she finished she took a second to look it over, hands on her waist as if she was a superhero then nodded in acceptance once more, turning and packing her things back up but that's when it caught her eye. The open closet and Cenna's shirt laying at the foot of the guy's bed as if it was picked up and thrown there. Her shoes sat neatly on the floor next to the bed and Audrey couldn't help but make a slightly confused face. Where in the hell were her pants? Looking at her watch Audrey noticed she was about to hit the ten-minute mark so she grabbed the shirt and shoes and packed it away, taking another handful of cherries before leaving as if nothing ever happened. The message Audrey had written was simple and in a threatening looking font, tread carefully, it read.

Back on her bike, Audrey began playing with the cherry stem she had in her mouth with her tongue, her eyes locking on Kit's car as it took off. Smiling Audrey revved her engine and took off after them, riding side by side when she caught up to them, revving her engine a couple of more times, this time for Kit. With a big o' smile under her helmet, Audrey thought it was appropriate to mention Cenna's things. "Someone tell Cenna that I found her shirt and shoes, just shirt and shoes." she spoke into the ear piece.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Audrey Pryde
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Cenna slipped into Kits car with a sheepish smile. She did what she had to, and she was she was not exactly embarrassed, but she sure did not like showing off her body. The car ride was quiet with the exception of the purr of the engine, and the revving of the bike at their side. She heard something about her clothes and felt a moment of materialistic reprieve. She didn’t have spare money to buy new shoes…and she really liked her shoes.

Cenna sighed in relief when the car pulled to a stop in front of her apartment per her request. She suddenly did not feel like being social. She had had enough of being exposed physically and emotionally.

“Thanks for the ride Kit” She said as she slid out of the car quietly.

It took her only seconds to make it from the street to her flat. She slipped into her room with a sigh of relief and dropped onto her bed. She was damn tired of…well… being tired.

Cenna sighed as she realized she still had the flash-drive under her breast in her bra. She had things to do and people to ruin. Her job wasn’t done. Cenna took the flash-drive, her brass knuckles, and her lock picking kit out of her bra then took it off. She riffled through her drawers and found a pair of striped red and white boxers and a red tank before taking her lap-top out to the living room. She poured herself a glass of honey crisp whiskey on ice before sprawling out on the couch to investigate her new findings.