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Cenna Wenlynn

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

0 · 1,725 views · located in Wildwood

a character in “Nine Lives”, as played by emotionless




"Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations"

{Northing More | Mr. MTV}

Cenna Wenlyn
Spaghetti Straight
French Russian


"It’s not the future you’re afraid of, its repeating the past that makes you anxious."
{ Nowhere Kids | Smile Empty Soul}

Cenna stands at 5’5 even, with a runner’s physique. She has an oval face, and high cheekbones. Her eyes are large and hazel, that are framed by long lashes. Her hair is a golden brown and falls to just below her shoulder blades, though she usually wears it in a braid. She generally dresses in black skinny jeans, and brightly colored tanks.

"Life isn’t about avoiding the bruises, it’s about collecting the scars to show you lived"
{ Stronger | Kelly Clarkson}


Cenna comes off as very grave and distant at first, if only because she rarely cracks a smile. She finds herself biting her tongue a lot only because her personality that can be misconstrued as bitchy. She has a dry sense of humor, but a big heart. Cenna is fiercely independent, extremely ambitious, persistent, and determined.

Cenna is also very flexible she is able to re-survey any situation and take a different approach if necessary, which sometimes makes her come off as manipulative though that is not her intent. She is the clearest of thinkers, looking at a project from all sides and putting forth some logical and well-thought-out ideas. She tends to bring her objective reasoning and big-picture ability to the table. While some may perceive all this logical thought as cold and unemotional, it's simply how Cenna ticks.

All in all Cenna is very deep, intense person, there is always more than meets the eye. She presents a cool, detached, and unemotional air to the world yet lying underneath is tremendous power, extreme strength, intense passion and a strong will and a persistent drive.

+Cenna took several gymastic glasses as a child so she is very flexible and she continued her athletic career with Parkour classes
+Cenna is a Vet tech at the local animal hospital so she has medical training
+Cenna speaks French, Russian, and English
+Cenna taught herself via youtube to pick locks

-Cenna does not connect with people easily
-Cenna has early stage arthritis in her left hand
-Cenna has limited knowledge with technology

*Cenna is terrified of drowning


"Life is a story Make yours a best seller"
{ Sound of Silence | Disturbed}

Cenna was raised by a transvestite woman named DeeDee and her wife Evangeline. They adopted her and her twin sister Layla at the age of 5 from a Russian orphanage while traveling. Aunt D is a Fashion designer, and Aunt Eve is a full time Librarian. Aunt D Traveled a lot so Cenna and Layla spent a lot of time taking classes. Anything to keep them busy. The classes ranged from Gymnastics to Economics. When they turned 18 they moved out together and found a little apartment on main street. Cenna started working as a Barista, and Layla started as a waitress, at the local cafe the Rise and Grind. Things where good. Layla pursued her dream of becoming a architect and Cenna started taking courses to become a Veterinarian Technician. Not long after starting work at the Rise and Grind Cenna was promoted to evening management.

On her second night two men came in and attempted to rob the cafe. Layla attempted to stop the robbers and was murdered in the process. Cenna was shot in the lower abdomen and left to die. She was lucky a passerby heard the noise and called the police. She barely made it to the hospital and her recovery was long and strenuous. When she got out she found that the police had yet to locate the criminals. She dug into the crime, making it an unhealthy obsession until she found the culprits. One of them being a senators son by the name of Jason Williams. He had been a suspect in various other crimes but due to his status there had been no arrests. That is why she joined the Black Cat. She is still searching for a way to bring justice for her sister.

Image"Stars Cant Shine without Darkness"
{ I am the Fire | Halestorm}

Cenna loves animals and is more likely to make friends with them than people.

So begins...

Cenna Wenlynn's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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Nathan was still questioning how he'd actually managed to end up in college. Okay, sure, it was only the local community college, and was only an hour, tops, from his parent's house. But it was something, and it had given him an excuse to move into the city. Before that, he'd been limited in what he could do with Black Cat, because he relied either on bus times or getting a lift. Lucky for him, his parents thought it was good and healthy that he was going out with friends. They liked Kit and Audrey and even Xandru. And once Nathan had gotten good enough to avoid punches to the face, the questions about what exactly they were doing had stopped.

But now, he had total freedom. Well, whenever he wasn't in class. And even then, it turned out that none of his lecturers were overly sticky on attendance. As long as he knew his stuff when it came to the final exams, that would do them. It suited him right down to the ground. And, being a college student, nobody blinked an eye at him going into a bar at five in the evening.

"Nate," the bartender called as he entered. Nathan made his way over to him, glancing around. No cops- or, rather, no uniformed cops. "There's someone waiting for you guys in the back. It sounds urgent, but he also stinks of money. I wouldn't keep him waiting. Are the others coming in?"

"Yeah, as far as I know. I'll text some of them and tell them to hurry up," he replied, glancing down at his phone. No messages yet, but there probably would be before long.

"Good. Usual, yeah?"
"Yeah. Drop it into me, I'd better go see to whoever this is," he said, already heading into the back room. It was just big enough for the whole team and perhaps two other people, as long as those two other people were standing. It served all of their purposes, though. They had access to the bar's WiFi, it had decent lighting, and the table was plenty big enough for the occasional poker game, or for a makeshift treatment room for small wounds if necessary.

There was already a guy leaning against the wall, holding a glass of whiskey and glancing at his phone urgently. His suit alone looked looked like it cost more than the group's yearly bar tab. Even his nails were perfectly manicured. "Is this it? Some kid who looks like he couldn't bench press an empty bar, let alone anything heavier?" The man demanded. Nathan, who had only just started to type out the text to the group chat, raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I am the entirety of Black Cat. I have, single-handedly, dealt with all of the cases you have undoubtedly heard about. I also get all of the money, which is why I'm so clearly rolling in it. Chill, the rest of the team is coming," he said, sliding into his usual seat and finishing the message.

To: Black Cat Group Chat
Guys, we have a client. He's rich and impatient, so I'd get your asses here ASAP.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix Character Portrait: Tyler Jones Character Portrait: Andrew McGinty Character Portrait: Audrey Pryde
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Duck left, Lean, left Body hook, right uppercut, left straight, right cross.

"Another knockout. This leaves Andrew The Celt McGinty's pro record at 17-2." The announcer said with about as much enthusiasm as a dying cat, despite there being about 1800 people in attendance. The crowd wasn't all that excited, after all, he did just beat the hell out of a hometown boy in the early seconds of the third round. Andrew looked at the youngster

"You're good, work hard, and you could be great." Doing his best to give the boy a bit of an uplift.

Once in the back room, he grabbed a shower, threw on some clothes, and headed to The Argyle, a local dive bar occupied by a more mature crowd, usually with a pretty calm vibe, and the drinks were cheap. The walk down was pretty boring, so, Andrew, being himself, decided to liven it up a bit, by singing one of his favorite songs, at an unnecessary volume, and clearly purposely off-key and god-awfully.

"I was born on a Dublin street where the Royal drums do beat
And the loving English feet they tramped all over us,
And each and every night when me father'd come home tight
He'd invite the neighbors outside with this chorus:

Oh, come out you black and tans,
Come out and fight me like a man
Show your wives how you won medals down in Flanders
Tell them how the IRA made you run like hell away,
From the green and lovely lanes in Killashandra.
Come let me hear you tell
How you slammed the great Pernell,
When you fought them well and truly persecuted,
Where are the smears and jeers
That you bravely let us hear
When our heroes of sixteen were executed. "

"Hey, shut the fuck up" Came a yell from someone walking about ten feet in front of him.

"Oh what honey, you don't like me singin? "

"You better watch it, you dirty..." The man stopped as he turned and realized who he was speaking to.

"Dirty what? Dirty jew? Dirty bastard? Come on, ya can't just end with dirty..... What kinda insult is that, eh?" Andrew chuckled back, doing his best to tease the man.

"Just, please stop singing, no offense, but you're a much better boxer than a singer." The man replied calmly, suddenly giving respect where it was due.

"Oh, there's only one verse left anyway" Andrew, knowing he intimidated the man, went and wrapped his arm around the man, walking alongside and singing even louder.

"Come tell us how you slew
Those brave Arabs two by two
Like the Zulus they had spears and bows and arrows,
How you bravely slew each one
With your sixteen pounder gun
And you frightened them poor natives to their marrow.

The day is coming fast
And the time is here at last,
When each yeoman will be cast aside before us,
And if there be a need
Sure my kids wil sing, "Godspeed!"
With a verse or two of Steven Beehan's chorus."

"Have a good night there grumpy!" Andrew said loudly as he barged into the Argyle.

The bartender poured him a shot of black rum, a scotch with two ice cubes, and a dark stout pint.

"Jesus dear, it's like you know me." Andrew chuckled as he slid the young girl a twenty.

And then his phone went off.

Guys, we have a client. He's rich and impatient, so I'd get your asses here ASAP.

"Oh for lord jesus fuckin sake. I gotta get on the horse dear, have a good night." He said as he downed the shots, and took a sizable gulp of the stout.

"When are you guys going to get Guinness on tap, mother mary's cunt this stuff's dirty." As he slipped out of the door, and headed four doors down.

He walked in, bringing in an air of "I need a drink"

The bartender immediately started pouring a pint of Guinness, and two shots of Bellanders Irish Whiskey.

He took them both and sat at the bar, pulled his phone out, and texted Nathan.

"I'm here, you guys handle the whole customer shit. I'll be drinking."

He sent it away.

"So how'd the fight go?" The bartender asked as Andrew poured the shots in his beer and slammed it down.

"Knocked him out in the beginnin' of the third! Kid had some good moves though. Three more wins and their putting me up on a title shot, or so they say. Can't trust friggin suit dummies." Andrew said, right as a rich looking man, in a nice suit sat down next to him.

The man looked, and laughed. "You really can't trust us, Mr. McGinty."

Andrew looked, and laughed, before slipping into the back with the rest of the team.

Ignoring whatever conversations were going on prior to his arrival, he strode over to their client, shook his hand, and introduced himself, before sitting down at the far end of the room, next to Cenn

"Hi." He whispered in a joking tone of voice, chuckling slightly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix Character Portrait: Tyler Jones Character Portrait: Andrew McGinty Character Portrait: Bree Carter
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“Wrong answer.” The feel of cracking bone was unmistakable under Bree’s fist, and the dirty scab she’d been putting the squeeze on grabbed his middle, howling in pain. Bree had him up by the collar in a flash, shoving his bloodied face into the chain link fence. “I’m getting real tired of asking the same question twice Benny, I get bored easily. If I have to ask a third time, I’m going to think up a very creative way to break your leg.” Bree hissed up at the drug peddling piece of shit she was in the process of beating snitch.

“Y-you crazy bitch! I don’t know who called in the hit alright. I’m a grunt, I run their dope, that’s it! I don’t know shit!” He pleaded, pulling at her hand.

“Who do you answer to? Your supplier? Who’s in charge of the money?!” Bree continued, slamming him back against the fence, ensuring his head hit the pole.

“I rat on him, I’ll end up as chunks in the river. You can’t make me talk!” Benny protested, his hands now holding his ringing head.

“You seem to have misinterpreted your situation here Benny.” Bree countered with a humorless smile. The sleek .45 she pulled out of her duffle bag already had the silencer attached, though in this neighborhood, no one would bat an eye over the sound of gun fire. Benny’s eyes visibly twitched at the sight, but he kept his mouth shut. The message was clear, he’d do much worse.

“Wrong answer Benny.” Bree intoned cryptically. Dropping the gun to the back of Benny’s kneecap, she pulled the trigger.

“AHHHH GOD YOU BITCH! MOTHER FUC-AHHH!” Bree dropped him screaming to the ground, swiftly grinding her heel into the bloody mess.

“Give me a name Benny, or the next one goes in your lap.” Bree warned, a gleam in her eyes that not only promised to follow through, but looked forward to it.

“O’Hara! Joe O’Hara, he runs the scene on the east side, walks around like a big shot cuz his cousin dates one of Gallagher’s lieutenants! He’d know more than me!” Benny caved, clutching at his knee.

“Better.” Bree replied simply, kicking him across the face. Benny was out like a light, and Bree left him lying there while she fished out a sharpie and a pair of scissors from her bag. Cutting away the choppy bangs to expose his forehead, Bree wrote ‘I ❤ kiddie porn’ in bold black lettering. There were half a dozen dealers she could have gone after in this neighborhood to get the same information, she’d chosen Benny the pedophile for a reason.

Bree had finished packing up and was heading out of the alley when Benny started coming to with a groan. “I catch word you’re dealing to 5th graders again, or go near Julie Hoffa, I’ll cut off all your parts that anatomically qualify you to be a man. We clear?” Bree took the whimpering as a yes before heading on her way toward the bar. Bree had gotten Nathan’s text before she’d cornered Benny, but Nathan hardly needed her there for consolations. If you needed someone to wail on the bad guy, or intimidate someone into paying their invoice, Bree was the go to girl, but dealing with people in a civilized matter wasn’t her strong suit.

Bree made sure to wipe her feet before walking through the bar, as blood stains could be conspicuous, and hardly inspired good will with the person pouring her drinks. Bree waved at the bartender before heading into the back room, which was already starting to get crowded. Paling around wasn’t her strong suit either, and mostly ignoring the flirting, pleasantries, and richly over polished client, Bree turned to Nathan. “What’s the target, and do I get hazard pay?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix Character Portrait: Tyler Jones Character Portrait: Andrew McGinty
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l33tLucas Veil
BOOMJae Maltrai
Sitting in the back of his van, Lucas surveyed his supplies. The van looked rather normal on the outside, but the interior was decked out with several shelves, and a small worktable complete with a soldering iron and a few other handy tools. He sat, hunched over the desk, putting the cover back on a small, sleek, black box he had been slaving over the last few days. The box itself wasn't anything too special, but it was able to almost perfectly guise itself as a cell tower, allowing Lucas to connect to nearly nearby phone, with them being none the wiser.

At least, that's what it was supposed to do. Right now, all it did was sit around in his van and look useless. It couldn't mimic a paperweight, and the damned thing seemed to have lost all functionality. He owed the recent 'malfunction' to Jae's joyride last night. She had demanded he come along for a simple little job, and worse yet, she drive. She certainly was in driving the car, but it wasn't traditional driving as any normal person would dare do. Jae had seemed content on slipping through every little nook, cranny, and back alley, nearly getting them stuck in several places.

Thankfully the van survived the collisions fairly well, but the equipment inside, was a different story. His own personal laptop had made it own unscathed, so did his exclusive CD collection, but nearly anything else, was either damaged or completely broken. Hacking wasn't really all that hard to him anymore, the problem was keeping his tech together. And with friends like Jae...

Lucas pushed the box away, picked up his phone, and turned off the overhead light. Checking that everything was secured in place, (he didn't feel like risking any more damages), he stepped out into the street. Checking both ways for anything suspicious, not even really sure what he was looking for, he walked back into the apartment building.

Just as he reached the reached the the door to their apartment, his phone hummed in his pocket. Walking inside, he whipped out his phone. A message from Nathan on the group chat. Fantastic. A message from Nathan meant a client, an important one. And clients that required the whole team, tended to pay rather, favorably. Lucas smiled lightly as he opened the message.

"To: Black Cat Group Chat
Guys, we have a client. He's rich and impatient, so I'd get your asses here ASAP.


The words were out before he even looked up from the phone. "Jae? I hope you're home, we've got work!"

A quick search of the apartment however, revealed that she wasn't home. Not only that, but Lucas stumbled across her phone lying on her unkempt bed. Groaning in impatience, he was about to leave without her when the smell of pine wafted into the room. It was such an odd, yet strong fragrance, he was compelled to draw upon it further. Now that he had stopped moving, he swore he could hear the jingling of bells too. Ascending from somewhere beyond the front door.

Unable to stand the mystery any further, he opened the door, coming face to face with Jae Maltrai, and a Christmas Tree. Lucas' mind broke for a moment. "What the hell!? Jae?"

"Yeah, who were you expecting?"

"Why in the nine circles of hell do you have a Christmas tree?"

"Uh... magic?" She offered a weak smile.

Asking several more concerned questions about the fully decorated Christmas tree she had in tow, Lucas watched her pull it inside, into the center of the living room. She refused to divulge any information, and soon refused to respond at all to further questioning.

"Whatever!" Lucas held up his hands. "I don't wanna know."

"That's fantastic, cuz' I'm not telling."

"Look, we have a client-"

Jae shushed him. She was walking between drawers and cabinets, pulling things out, and heading to her room, only to return to repeat the process. "I'm busy."

At this point, Lucas was getting just a little tired with Jae's antics. Sure, they didn't live the furthest away from the bar, but they certainly lived far enough away that it would still take a long enough. Especially if the client was already waiting for them. Giving up, Lucas dropped her phone on the couch, grabbed his laptop, and said goodbye.

He took the van, hoping that whatever it was that needed done wouldn't require all of his skills. Luckily, he still had his laptop and phone, so he wasn't completely out of any tricks. Security systems would bend to his will, and all he needed to do was touch a few buttons. Because he didn't drive like Jae, he felt late, even though he had made it to the bar relatively fast, thanks to the minor road traffic. As he stepped through the bar door, he zipped up his jacket, waving at the bartender with his phone in hand. The bartender waved back, giving a silent, almost unseen gesture towards their spot in the back. A private understanding that the room was clear. He walked straight towards the room, opening the door, and stepping in with little more than a mild nod at the rest of the team gathered already.

As he walked past the man in the horribly rich suit that just seemed to bleed money, he pressed a button on his phone, instantly seizing as much information as his few key systems could. The information was rather dull, but the one thing that definitively stood out to him was his yearly income. The man made well over 500,000 and had enough of a gross income and capital to likely buy the bar. Whatever it was he wanted, it was serious business.

Falling into a chair at the corner of the room, Lucas discreetly texted the rest of the group the info he'd grabbed, making sure to highlight the financial section. Looking up at the rest of them, he prepared himself to tell the group that Jae wasn't coming, when she slipped through the door last minute, flashing him a smile. Lucas shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Something was up, and he was starting to wonder what.

Brianne Carter, another member of Black Cat, turned towards Nathan, asking quite flatly, “What’s the target, and do I get hazard pay?”

Jae giggled, "Isn't working with me enough of a 'Hazard' for you B.?" Jae laughed at her lame pun for a moment more, before settling down into her own chair next to Lucas.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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#, as written by tigerz


[ C O D E N A M E ]

[ H E X C O D E ]

[ O U T F I T ]

[ S O N G ]
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

Everything seemed heightened today. The squeaks of tires each time they pulled hit the yellow light just too late to make it through. The people gossiping about their friends, colleagues, and coworkers amongst each other like typical school girls from a poorly written chick flick. Or the knocking of rocks with each step taken by a pair of black vans owned by the most silent man in all of Wildwood... Yes, everything felt much louder than usual for the mute Derek Snow. Things seeming loud was a normal occurrence for the observant hero but today just seemed a bit off as he searched for his destination choosing to walk over take his bike this time. Derek preferred walking or when one particular blonde decided to drive him to his missions for his team of vigilantes despite having a stunning KTM Super Duke at his disposal. As if being a mute wasn't odd enough.

Though Derek still continued on with his destination as he did everyday he got off from his part time job. Being that he was nineteen, it would be odd of him not to have a job while owning an apartment without a family to help pay for it along with not attending school. Derek often found it easy to be over looked but one could never be too careful when dealing with the secret identity that was Echo and the Black Cat. To help keep his secret identity an obvious secret, Derek was able to land a job as basically the equivalent of a janitor. All Derek had to do at this job was come into the local club anytime during the day before it opened and clean up from the night before. It was simple, paid the bills, and the flexible hours were rather helpful.

Like today, Derek had left the apartment building at the crack of dawn to go free running for a while and using the city as his own personal gym the way he did every morning. Afterwards he went to his job and got it done quickly. Now he was on his way to pay their newest member a visit like he did on most days. Derek pushed through the doors once he finally reached his destination and listened to the bell chime to announce his arrival. The diner felt crowded for him as he searched for a seat until he found one near where the newest member, Kit, would be serving. He waited for his usual dinner to be served with a smile on his face when he heard his phone begin to buzz from his pocket. Derek pulled it out reading a text from their leader: Guys, we have a client. He's rich and impatient, so I'd get your asses here ASAP. Derek smirked as he opened up a new message and began clicking away at his phones touch screen keyboard. He sent a message over to Kit and waited to hear it buzz as well as he met her with a charming smile. Looks like I'll be needing a ride.

Once Derek had arrived, he slipped into the bar and through the groups of people like a shadow. He movements were as quiet as his voice as he slipped into the room in the back. He said nothing to the man sitting in front of them and actually managed to startle him a bit since no one noticed him enter like usual. All Derek did was give a nod towards his teammates and wait to hear what their mission was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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Hex:#4B5066 || Outfit:XXX || Codename: Blue Jay/Birdie || Current Bike: Her new Aprilia RSV

The theater lobby was practically abandoned since it was mid day and people usually liked coming here during the late evening to hang out so Audrey was just chilling in a chair behind the snacks counter. The chair leaned back on one leg as she threw up skittles into the air and caught them with her mouth, seemingly bored. Her eyes finally shifted to the clock after hours of trying not to bore herself when a smirk pulled at the left corner of her mouth. "Finally," she said to no one in particular as she hopped up with a new found energy and pulled off her red and black striped work vest that had her name tag on it. Audrey quickly clocked herself out and tossed her work vest with name tag into her locker in the employee's only little hang out room and exchanged it for her helmet, keys and jacket.

Audrey's stomach seemed to growl loudly as she walked out of that empty theater with only food on her mind as she swiftly pushed her head into her helmet and turned the key in the ignition, the roar of the engine of her second favorite bike flooding the parking lot. It didn't take long for her to pick her destination before her bike took off into the city.

Audrey pushed the door open to the diner that she spent a lot of her time at and held it open for a mother and her son before scouting for a free seat but that's when she spotted Derek and oh what the hell, right? Place was packed anyway and she wouldn't be finding another friend to share a booth with. Making her wave over Audrey raised her hands up but paused for a second as she thought then proceeded with the hand signs. "Yo," she simply said and signed before sitting down on the opposite side of Derek. "Looks like we both have food on our minds, huh?" She continued with a small smile before ordering what she wanted and joined Derek in waiting.

When the food arrived Audrey was chewing on fries as she stalked out Kit and proceeded to give her the tongue on occasions. Audrey was mostly done with her burger when she saw Derek pull out his phone but at the same time her phone also buzzed in her pocket leading her to follow his actions. Upon reading the text Audrey just nasally let out a sigh and sipped the rest of her milkshake as she was getting up ended up in an awkward position with her bending over to reach the straw while fully standing because she was too lazy to pick the glass up. "Alright Derek," she spoke while fixing her helmet hair only to put her helmet back on when she got on her bike. "Riding with me or Kit?" She finished before waving over Kit. "Apron off, Nametag off and any other article of clothing you want off, off but note this is a public area and you may get in trouble." Audrey joked, well the last bit the first two lines she was serious about.

Tucking the money to pay both her and Derek's bill under her empty glass Audrey slipped on her helmet and pointed to the diners doors. "Thata way." She said pulling out her keys and exiting the dinner the only thing being heard from outside was her engine roaring once more as she waited for her two friends to join her.

Following Derek into the bar Audrey greeted the bar tender with her usually two finger salute which was returned with a his own greeting for her that consisted of a secret little silly handshake that she created and two shots of whiskey because most knew that when Audrey arrived Kit wasn't far behind and vice versa. "Bottoms up." She cheered after handing Kit her glass, kicking back the amber liquid and slamming the shot glass on the table. "Time to get our asses in there because I'm pretty sure we're late." Audrey began walking towards the back before adding, "Well, I'm always late." A small chuckle escaped her lips upon entering the back room where everyone was already at. Audrey placed her helmet on the table while looking at the guy. He was too clean for her liking and seemed like a bit of an ass right upfront. "Has he told us what he wants yet Nate?" she asked, fixing up her helmet hair as she stood next to him facing the guy with arms crossed like her tiny self was going to intimidate anyone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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Hex: #820303 || Codename: Ryder || Outfit: X x ||

A hand shot out from under a pile of blankets, when Kit's phone began vibrating on her nightstand. She pulled it to her ear, answering in a sleep filled, groggy voice. "Hello?" Sitting up slowly, her eyes still half shut. Her unoccupied hand rubbing her left eye - glancing around her bedroom in her new apartment, still not completely use to it yet. It was her uncle on the other end, she nodded at his words, "Of course I can cover for her! What's she doin' at work anyway? Learn to control your woman." She teased lightheartedly, giggling when her uncle compared controlling Alice to trying to control a hurricane. "Call Terra and tell her I'll be there in thirty?" Her statement turning into a question near the end, knowing she couldn't promise to be there on time. Earning a loud laugh on the other end, then Chibs saying he'll call Terra and tell her she'd be there in a hour.
Forty minutes and one shower later, Kit was heading out the door, careful to not wake Mel as she slowly shut the door and locked it. Heading down the stairs, spinning her keys on her middle finger as she made a beeline towards her beloved '69 Dodge RT, opening the door - the familiar creak causing a smirk to slide across her face. Halfway to the diner, she cussed over the music. She forgot to leave a note to tell Mel that she was called in for another shift, glancing over to her phone she'd thrown in the passenger seat taking a mental note to text her roommate as soon as she arrived at the diner. But, the mental note was forgotten as she pulled into the parking lot, spying her aunt.
"Alice! Sweetheart, how are you?" She cooed, getting out of the car a bit too quick causing herself to stumble. She recovered quickly, walking towards Alice, ignoring the fact her car door was still open. "Now why are you working anyway? You know the doctor's orders. You're gl-glowing by the way! How's the lil guy anyway?" Amazingly, she barely took a breath between each sentence - so much for a slow talking southerner. Alice laughed, telling Kit about her recent doctor visit and how her little cousin was right on track and should be born within the next two months and Kit told her about how she was almost done with moving. "You go get rest now, ya hear?" Kit teased after ten minutes of catching up with her aunt, walking her to her car before heading back to hers and finally closing the door. Grinning as she pulled the door to the diner open, a small trick she learned that wouldn't make the bell go off. Greeting her coworkers and a few regulars as she made her way to get her apron behind the counter.

The breakfast rush wasn't too bad, having a break before getting slammed with the lunch hour rush. The diner was packed and her voice somehow wasn't horse from yelling all the orders - but the tips were good today, so she wasn't complaining. The crowd was slowly dissipating, most having lazy conversations in their seats after finishing. The bell was ringing less often, she was about to take a small break after refilling the tea pitcher, maybe sneak a few fries but she heard one of the regulars call her name. "What can I do for ya, Mick?" She called back, still turned towards the tea. The bell catching her attention as she glanced back, catching sight of Derek, grinning to herself as he took a seat in her section. She called his normal order back to the cook as she headed over to Mick, refilling his tea and taking a request for what song should be played on the jukebox. "Elvis? You're a man after my own heart, Mick." She teased, patting him on the shoulder as she headed towards the jukebox, spotting Rey holding the door open for Linda and her boy. She popped in a few quarters before shuffling through the songs, finding the one requested, having the kick the machine before it started playing. She rolled her eyes at it, as she looked back over at Mick, motioning to the machine as if it was a present.
She went back to the window where she usually yelled the orders, "Could you fix Rey's order too? Pleease?" Grinning when her coworker said she already put the order in and Kip was already fixing it, "Y'all are my favorites, you know that?" Earning her two laughs as she filled up two glasses for Derek and Rey. The same coworker pointing towards a table asking if Kit could get them, offering to take the drinks. Kit reluctantly agreed, catching Rey sticking her tongue out at her which she countered with a friendly birdie and wink. The table was a bit of a hassle seemingly, the two toddlers making quiet the mess which took up most of Kit's time, she didn't even get to take her friends their food. She was taking her cleaning rag back to its spot behind the counter when she felt her phone vibrate, pulling it from her back pocket and glancing down at it, reading the text from Nate on her lock screen. She placed it on the counter, so she could clock out and tell Terra she had to run. Her phone earning her attention again as it vibrated, Derek's name popping up on her phone, her eyes scanning over the message before they found themselves on Derek. She smiled broadly at him, nodding and holding up her keys.
"Apron off, Nametag off and any other article of clothing you want off, off but note this is a public area and you may get in trouble." Kit laughed loudly, "Aye, aye cap'n!" She said in a mock-serious tone, as she untied her apron, carefully took her nametag off and then jokingly started to slowly take off her plaid before busting out laugh. "Well, let's mosey!" She announced, southern accent full force, spinning her keys on her birdie finger with a smirk.

Following Derek and Audrey, Kit watched as Derek slipped through the bar without anyone noticing him. Greeting the bartender by throwing up her fingers as if they were guns, laughing as she took her spot beside Rey for their quick shot. "Down the hatch." She mumbled, throwing the shot back with a small wince.
"Time to get our asses in there because I'm pretty sure we're late. Well, I'm always late." Kit smirked as she followed Rey, her phone vibrating with the information Lucas had sent out. "Your tardiness has really tarnished your image, Rey." She teased quickly, looking up from her phone with a quiet laugh, following her friend through the door as she slipped her phone back in her back pocket.
Staying near the door once she entered, Kit leaned against the wall, glancing around the room at her fellow Black Cats before her gaze landed on the client. She gave him a polite smile when he caught her looking before she began to study her keys as if she hadn't just been caught staring. He reminded her of the guys her older brothers would invite to their house for their weekly poker matches. She glanced around one more time to see if Jerry had snuck in before she turned her attention back on Nate to hear about the job.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil
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0.00 INK

The angular momentum of an isolated system remains constant in both magnitude and direction. The angular momentum is defined as the product of the moment of inertia I and the angular velocity. The angular momentum is a vector quantity and the vector sum of the angular momenta of the parts of an isolated system is constant...

Daily visit to brother? Check.

Daily visit to Robin? Check, although he'd have to go back later if he wanted his screwdriver back. Eh, that could wait for tomorrow.

Now, it was free time. Jerry flipped the page of the book he was reading, leaning back against his seat. The young man was reading outside, seated on a bench in a park with his black skull backpack at his side and a black jacket resting on his lap. Dressed in nothing more than a simple white shirt with a tribal fire design printed on it in dark wine red, a pair of faded jeans and navy sneakers with thick soles, Jerry seemed like a highschool student relaxing the day away - even if he had graduated and was now in college as a freshman.

It had been hard to pay the bills at first, but the pay from his current job more than made up for it.

...conservation of angular momentum is an absolute symmetry of nature...

Jerry jerked out of his thoughts as his phone vibrated in his pocket. Pulling his phone out, he flicked a thumb through the screen to look at the screen. A message?

To: Black Cat Group Chat
Guys, we have a client. He's rich and impatient, so I'd get your asses here ASAP.

Great, just when he thought he could sit back and study for once. Not that he had a test coming up or anything, but what if he did? Rolling his eyes, Jerry flicked his phonescreen shut and tucked it back into his pocket. Standing with a sigh, he shot a look around him before heading towards the bar. It wasn't too near where he was, but no way was Jerry wasting cash on a cab when he could just walk there on his own two feet.

Well, getting more money isn't that bad anyway... Wonder what the client wants this time?


He made it to the bar in record time, although he was sure that he was late compared to the others. Well, whatever. Couldn't be helped that he was in a far location, right? Slipping into the bar, Jerry wrinkled his nose at the smell of alcohol (he'd get used to it quick enough, but the initial first breath was always the worst, ugh) and made his way quickly to the back.

Yup, he was late - if late meant being one of the last ones to arrive. Great... It seemed that negotiations had yet to start, though. Meeting Kit's eyes, Jerry gave her a slight nod before silently taking a seat near the edge, shooting a glance at the client as he lowered his bag underneath his seat. Face neutral, he loosely laced his hands together on his lap, sitting up straight like a professional as he waited for Nathan to speak.

He seems rich. Awesome. Now lets see how much he'll let us charge him...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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0.00 INK


He watched as everyone came in, offering the usual greetings. Mostly, though, he was watching the guy across from them. As everyone else came in and began to interact with him, his reactions were... interesting. At times, he seemed to be relaxed. However, there was a moment or so of tension through some interactions.

Once everyone was in, he leaned forward a little. "Alright, so, Mister...?" He started, raising an eyebrow. The guy matched his stare. "I don't see how my name is relevant," he replied, causing Nate to grin. "Smart. Alright, so, tell us the details. What you want us to do? Give us a starting amount, and we'll tell you our estimate. It'll depend on exactly what you want," Nate said, leaning back and folding his arms.

"I've just discovered that my... colleague has been using intimidation tactics to swing our buyers in his favour. So, I want him to swing in my favour. I want you to intimidate him. It's relevant to safety, so... hack his phone, jump him in the streets, break into his house. Make him feel as unsafe as possible. Price-wise, I'm willing to give three thousand. Each. For everyone involved in the attack. I don't care if it takes all of you, I want a good job done."

Nate had to make a conscious effort to stop his jaw from dropping. For a seemingly simple job, one with little obvious risk, that was a good, if not excellent, wage. He took a sip from his drink.

"What's the catch?" He asked. "Does he walk around with bodyguards or something?"
"Nope. He walks alone, in some of the worst parts of town. It should be easy for you," the man replied. Nate swallowed hard. The thought of jumping somebody who was walking alone was... too close to home. He'd been having more nightmares than usual lately, and even at the thought of it, his heart was starting to pound. Without looking at his phone, he sent a text to the group chat.

To: Black Cat Group Chat
Guys, you're gonna have to count me out of this. Little too familiar for comfort. I'm gonna stay here and keep an eye on things.

"We ask for half now, half when the job is done," he continued. "So, guys, c'mon, call. Who's in?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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0.00 INK


Cenna sat silently, waiting for the group to fully assemble. Andrew entered in his normal boysterous fashion, then came to sit by her. She smiled at him, and bumped his shoulder with hers in greeting.

"Heard you won your fight, congrats, Cherry pie and a shot of whiskey tonight to celebrate Okay?" Cenna said quietly to Andrew. Audrey caught her attention as she entered and stood by Nate. The eldest of the group members always had a commanding presence, despite her slight stature. She smiled in her direction as a greeting, before turning her attention to the man.

Once everyone was in Nate spoke up, asking the man his business with the group.
"I've just discovered that my... colleague has been using intimidation tactics to swing our buyers in his favour. So, I want him to swing in my favour. I want you to intimidate him. It's relevant to safety, so... hack his phone, jump him in the streets, break into his house. Make him feel as unsafe as possible. Price-wise, I'm willing to give three thousand. Each. For everyone involved in the attack. I don't care if it takes all of you, I want a good job done." He said. The monetary offer didn't make Cenna bat a lash. She didn't care about money, she cared about justice.

Cenna watched the man carefully taking in every aspect of the client, from the way he held himself to the way he spoke. It rubbed her the wrong way that he did not want to give his name, and it made her distrust for him grow.

"What's the catch? Does he walk around with bodyguards or something?" Nate asked practically plucking the thought from her mind.

"Nope. He walks alone, in some of the worst parts of town. It should be easy for you," was the clients mind.

Cenna's phone vibrated. She took her phone out and read the text.

To: Black Cat Group Chat
Guys, you're gonna have to count me out of this. Little too familiar for comfort. I'm gonna stay here and keep an eye on things.

Cenna frowned, slightly concerned for Nate. it wasn't like him to back down, but she knew if he needed to talk he would reach least she hoped he would.

"We ask for half now, half when the job is done...So, guys, c'mon, call. Who's in?" Nate asked the group.

"I want to make one thing clear." Cenna said as she stood and faced the man.

"I don't like you, and I don't trust this point, that doesn't really matter, however, if this is not legit, I will skin you alive...and trust me when i say i dont need your name to find you, and i know how to keep you alive long enough to get to the fun bits." Cenna finished with a kind smile that was at odds with her threat. Cenna stretched and pulled her hair out of her face before turning to face Nate.

"So, in other words I'm in....however I do have to get to work, like twenty minutes just send me a text with the details." Cenna said as she started for the door. No time to waste sitting around. She was lucky in the sense that the bar was not far from her Vet clinic. She headed down the street towards her work.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix Character Portrait: Tyler Jones
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0.00 INK


"Isn't working with me enough of a 'Hazard' for you B.?" Jae had a fun sense of humor that way, but for the most part, Bree didn’t mind.

“Guess I’ve just had to elevate my standards for the word since meeting you Jae. Fighting my way out of burning buildings just doesn’t have the same thrill of imminent death anymore.” Bree shot back sarcastically with a smirk. Some of Jae’s eccentricities had a tendency to put people on edge, but Bree would put her on the short list of people to work with on a job in a heartbeat. No one lived through the crap she had without being tough and resourceful, and those were traits Bree always appreciated.

As the rest of the team began filing in, Bree settled herself in a corner, back flanked, and the room easily observed. It was more habit than anything else, developed after years or stronger unwanted hands grabbing her from behind. Bree had never even noticed the unconscious maneuvering until Danny pointed it out. She even used to sleep that way, sometimes she still did. These days, no one got to touch her unless Bree demanded it, but the old habit also had the added bonus of great positioning for observation. Their client for instance was undoubtedly rich, Nathan had called that correctly, but something about the way he carried himself read shady to Bree’s mind, even if she couldn’t quite place why.

As Nathan got the meeting underway, Bree listened intently to see if this was even her kind of job. Corporate espionage seemed more up this guy’s alley, and she was hardly the computer techie of the group. Instead, he surprised her with the word “intimidation”, and her eyes visibly narrowed as he pledged three grand a person. While this job was tailor fitted to her strengths, this guy could hire any thug off the street for this job, and offer a tenth of the price. Hell, with the kind of money he was willing to throw at them, he could just hire someone to kill the guy. What was he coming to Black Cat for?

Thankfully, Bree wasn’t the only one to think this guy raised some red flags, but no one had asked the question yet that had been sticking in her craw. Between the money, and the fact whoever this guy was they were supposed to put the beat on hung around in the shadier parts of town, Bree had a hunch these guys didn’t sell insurance. Bree waited for Cenna to finish her threat before interjecting her own two cents.

“That’s not a bluff just so you know. She’s a smart cookie that one, knows all the places to cut into a person to just keep them on the edge of that pain threshold right before they pass out. Fun to watch.” Bree complimented, pushing off the wall with a predatory smile.

“Now me, I never made it out of freshman biology, so I’m all about the guesswork y’know, finding those new and exciting ways to get people to scream. Gotta keep it fresh. Mostly I just beat people bloody ‘til they tell me what I wanna know. It really just depends on them, and how long they want to play hard to get.” She continued with a shrug, circling the client with sharp appraising eyes.

“So don’t get me wrong here, three grand to beat up a guy who has it coming is definitely a job I’m in for, but what I want to know Mr. anonymous, is what exactly you boys are selling.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix Character Portrait: Tyler Jones
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0.00 INK

l33tLucas Veil
BOOMJae Maltrai
As soon as the talking in the room fell to a lull of silence, Jae immediately responded with an almost cheerful"I'm in!" before pulling out a stick of cinnamon gum and devouring a piece.

Of course. Lucas thought. Why should she think to hesitate? She's probably imagining bright, flammable new ways to burn down an apartment. Then he pursed his lips. Someone's gonna have to keep an eye on her... Then, checking his phone, Especially if our 'fearless' leader is out.

"Guess I'm in too. And, I know you don't need another warning. . . Three is already pushing the limit, but with a skillset like mine, I could drain all of your accounts, ruin your commutes, and turn every piece of hardware with your name into nothing more than a paperweight. And that's if I'm feeling kind."

"Oh, and one more thing,"
Lucas sat forwards, staring at their client while gesturing at Jae. "They don't call her Firebrand' for nothing. I'd watch for burn marks."

"Oooh, that's right." Jae looked up with a fire in her eyes, that seemed to make her look all too happy. "If you can't handle the heat..." She let her half-hearted threat drop.

The prospect of money and fire, especially if she was getting paid to light said fires, had put her in a good mood, and Jae had always been terrible at hiding her emotions. If she was happy, she glowed, and in the Black Cat meeting room, she fit right in. Sure, she had a stern expression on, but her eyes danced with the possibilities, until the very possibility that it might actually be too good to be true finally, and painfully hit her.

Her eyes shifted, and she was no longer glowing, but burning her eyes through the man's head. Though Lucas likely knew that the man was legitimate. People like him, lot's of money, a single problem, and almost like an involuntary reflex, they toss as much money at the problem as they can, grabbing the best tools at their disposal.

Luckily tonight those tools were the assembled team of Black Cat.

But, the man's presence did indeed force Lucas to continue to wonder about a problem he'd been mulling over for a while. If Black Cat's name had reached all the way to the highest districts and social circles that bore the likes of this man, how long until the police began to catch wind, and one of the few, duty-bound cops place a target on their backs? Once spotted, the police will see a huge chance for publicity, and even others will see a new source for bribes and power-plays. In short, the kitten would be hunted, and staked in front of Town Square, 'proving' that the authority of the system was enough to quell most issues, and a petty theft or burglary would be overlooked once again.

Lucas sighed, beginning to type out another message on his phone. "Alright moneybags, I'm in."

To: Black Cat Group Chat
Whomever else want's to work on the tech side of things here, focus on the actual target, I'll play data-collection, oversight, and see whatever dirt we can dig out of Deep Pockets over here.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix Character Portrait: Tyler Jones
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0.00 INK


Hex:#4B5066 || Outfit:XXX || Codename: Blue Jay/Birdie || Current Bike: Her new Aprilia RSV

Pale baby blue's stared at the man in front of her with the same unamused expression she had when she first came in and laid eyes on him. Arms stood firmly crossed as Audrey raised her head slightly in order to better examine him but still not matter at the angle she looked at him this guy rubbed her the wrong way. Audrey listened to him, unimpressed surely but curious all the same. Who the hell was this guy. When her phone vibrated it startled her but when she read the text she threw a small glance towards Nate before nodding slightly and pocketing her phone once more. That's when her fellow Black Cat members began asking questions and threatening the guy all in their own way. Audrey couldn't help but to smirk, the left corner of her mouth slightly curling up when Cenna smacked down her own threat. Beautifully terrifying, she thought. "What she said." Audrey pointed, addressing the man before turning on her heels and following Cenna out, trying to catch up to her. Audrey didn't leave without flipping the guy off though giving him a nice rear view of her right middle finger and giving Kit a slight pat on the shoulder while passing her. "I'll catch up to you later," Audrey smiled.

Once out of the bar Audrey looked up the street, towards where Cenna worked and without a doubt she spotted her in the distance. Nothing a little jog wouldn't fix. Approaching her Audrey fixed her hair again, small fingers running through inky black hair. "At least let me walk you the rest of the way, speedy." She grinned letting her hands now rest in her jacket pocket. "Oh yeah," Audrey slightly turned her head to look at Cenna and smile one of her childish smiles that she rarely showed to most, only a handful of people. "Thanks for the breakfast his morning, it was pretty good," she faced forward again, kicking a rock on the sidewalk as she went. "as always," she added, smiling slightly down at the rock.

Once they arrived at their destination Audrey took her hands out of her pocket and looked up at the sign. She had only seen the place up close like this a couple of times so she was admiring the outside even if it wasn't all that. A sudden realization hit her even if it was kind of stupid. "There are animals inside, right?" She asked almost excitedly. Audrey caught herself though and cheeks went red before along with her mouth shutting as she turned to look at the building once more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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0.00 INK


3000 dollars?! 3000 dollars! Each! For a freaking easy job! Jerry's eyes widened a fraction, although his expression still remained neutral. Inside his mind, tiny dollar bills were fluttering in front of his eyes around the rich man. No way am I refusing this job.

Just because he was taking it didn't mean he wasn't suspicious about it, though. People normally didn't pay that much for a harassment job, sad as it was. Frowning slightly, Jerry ran things through his head, ignoring the phone vibrating in his pocket.

Job: Make someone feel unsafe everywhere we go.

Who: Partner of the client.

How: Any method we can, so long as its not traced back to us or the client and does a good job harassing him or her.

Why: Colleague used intimidation on customers to get them on his side. Client found out, now he wants him to swing to Client's favor. Might have more than meet the eye....

How much: 3000 DOLLARS. EACH.

Yup, seemed about right. "I'm in." Jerry said. His tone was light and carefully measured, as if it weren't much of a matter to him, but his heart was still pounding at the thought of the money. He leant back against his seat, carefully playing it cool as he studied the man, memorising his features, taking note of his clothes and storing it at the back of his mind for later recollection in case they needed to track him down.

"While we can respect your privacy, we will need to know the name of your colleague. We'd hate to hit the wrong guy."

Jerry nodded, agreeing with Tyler. "Any additional habits you know about him would be welcome." He added. "It'd save us some time, at any rate." It'd also help confirm a few things, such as whether the man was close to the target or knew plain nothing. "And as our leader says, half upfront, half after. How soon can you pay us, and in what way?" Jerry asked, raising an eyebrow questioningly at the man.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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0.00 INK

Hex: #820303 || Codename: Ryder || Outfit: X x ||

Kit relaxed a little once Jerry arrived, but she didn’t stay relaxed long. Her eyes took the client in again, there was nothing that set off a red flag in her books. He seemed normal, but his pockets were clearly larger than most. seemingly from the sum Lucas had sent. Her gut was telling her to be polite and introduce herself, but she bit her tongue as Nate started to speak. Her eyebrows raised when the client said names weren’t relevant, her eyes on Nate, before they shifted back to Mister-Names-Aren’t-Relevant as he began to tell what he wanted from them. Kit’s eyes widening, not hiding her surprise at all. How can this man want to strike such fear in someone he refers to as a colleague? She’d been around in business deals between her father, brothers, and their colleagues…they were nothing like this, it was simple. There was an agreement, a sum of money put on the table and then a deal. Simple. But, this? This wasn’t simple. There had to be a catch…
Her eyebrows shooting up when the man said there was no catch. She absentmindedly shook her head as she tried to process things. Why was his colleague in the worst parts of town? How was he swinging buyers in his favor? Her jaw clenched as she thought about the things this man wanted them to do. Did his colleague have a family? Her mind was racing as she tried to reason as to why this man needed his colleague to be swung in his favor, if they were colleagues wouldn’t they already be in the same favor? Her phone in her back pocket brought her out of her thoughts as she swiftly grabbed it and looked at the text, brows furrowed before she slid the phone back in her pocket, eyes glancing at Nate for a fraction of a second before they were on Derek, giving him a concerned look before turning her attention back on the client.

Melody spoke up first, causing Kit to look in the direction of her roommate. If she was doing it, then Kit had the urge to come along or at least help with the planning. Then Tyler agreed to come along, so Kit was about to speak up and agree but Cenna spoke. Her words causing Kit to wince, not understanding the point in scaring the client if he’s willing to pay out for them to simply scare someone. But, her thoughts were disrupted when she heard her friend speak up.
"What she said.” Kit watched Rey in confusion as she went to follow Cenna, did that mean she was agreeing to the job? But she grinned when she flipped him off, shaking her head slightly as she turned her head towards Rey, giving a nod at her words. Before her attention was back in the room. Then Andrew agreed along with Cenna and Rey, his comment about free drinks catching her attention, before another voice caused her to focus back on the job at hand.
“That’s not a bluff just so you know. She’s a smart cookie that one, knows all the places to cut into a person to just keep them on the edge of that pain threshold right before they pass out. Fun to watch.”
Kit’s jaw clenched at Bree’s words, rolling her eyes before listening to what else she had to say. She had to give it to the girl, she was intimidating. She tilted her head slightly when Bree asked him what him and his client were selling…that was a good question, what was so precious about swinging buyers and his colleague in his favor?
Mei then agreed to help, so that was seven, Rey could ride her bike..she thought. They could fit in her car, but it’d be squished…Then Jae and Luke agreed as well. That made nine, Kit was thinking of some way to pack them all into her car, but it was proving difficult as her phone buzzed and then Jerry spoke up. Kit looked almost helpless for a second, she should have known Jerry would agree with the money being offered. Maybe it would be best if she sat this one out as well, these people knew how to handle themselves more than she did. Then again, she needed the experience. Plus, it’d mean she’d make sure no one would take it too far, knowing that would cause a bit of tension between her and whoever she was stopping but she was willing to take the risk.

“I can make him uncomfortable on the road, maybe mess with his car a little as well.” She offered, adding a shrug along with her twang, knowing that three thousand could go to unpaid hospital bills as well as the one coming up once Alice gives birth. Then she decided to send a text to the group as well, pulling her phone out and looking over Luke and Cenna's messages She had no knowledge in the tech side of things so she couldn’t help there, but getting intel tonight would be interesting even if it meant she was forced to wait in the car.

To: Black Cat Group Chat
If you need a ride during this job, you know who to call.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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0.00 INK

    L O C A T I O N : BAR

    Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ NAVY|| Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ SKYBLUE
    Tʜᴇᴍᴇ ✧ i LOVE YOU BABY|| Oᴜᴛғɪᴛ ✧ X

_____There are things you plan for and things that you don't. Jacqueline planned for her afternoon to be calm and nice. Perhaps a nice cup of coffee at the cafe around the corner, and them a metting with a new perspective client requesting the services of her ragtag group of coworkers. Espionage was not her strong suit, but she's a far cry better at it than her father attempted to prepare her for. Leon was an assassin, and nothing else. And while no one would quite call Jacqueline the most elegant speaker, someone somewhere contributed a bit of charm to her character.
But, no, the evening would not go this way, instead she found herself in an alleyway, surrounded by two now-dead men slouched against the wall of the closest building. She sported a couple of swollen knuckles and a now dirty knife and she placed her hand on the opposite wall to collect her breathing. Merde. What a mess. But that's the world they lived in now. Where someone could be walking down the street and attacked for whatever they might have. Unfortunately for these two gentlemen, Jacqueline was no easy catch. In hindsight, she could have beaten them and let them live. It was certainly possible. But she would be lying if she said that her career had left her more than jaded and simply eager to get the job done.
She wiped her hand across her face, pulling it back to see a feel drops of blood trickling from her nose. It would heal soon, despite the pain. She stood to her full height and dropped her head back to take a couple more calming breaths. She brought her hand up to her inside jacket pocket and drew out her black, circular glasses, her father's glasses, and placed them on her face to cover the worst of the damage. Brushing the small amount of dirt on her sleeve she bent over and wiped off her knife on the shirt of one of the dead men. Where they were going they wouldn't need clothes.
Her long, black hair hung down her back as she finally made her way to the meeting point, now inexcusably late, but she had a feeling she wasn't needed for anything other than solidarity and presence. She pressed on anyway. When she entered the bar, most of the patrons were already silent as if they knew what was taking place, but they became more so as the last member of the secret group walked slowly across the establishment. She knew the door and knew to knock a certain amount of times to be recognized and paid no attention to the eyes on her back. She'd been through enough.
The door gave silently with nothing but a small squeak and she entered silently, closing the door behind her. She looked at her comrades first, her face an emotionless mask as it always was in these meeting, in spite of her injuries. Her glass covered gaze then slid to their client. They all looked the same to her, just someone else who needed a job done that only they could do, and she was eager as the adrenaline left over from her scuffle still swam through her veins. She did keep her voice level as she looked over the room again,
before taking the last available seat, assuming she would be filled in once the meeting was over. Her voice only slightly gave away her exhaustion as her voice sounded deeper than normal and her accent had always been rather thick.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Audrey Pryde
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Hex:#4B5066 || Outfit:XXX || Codename: Blue Jay/Birdie || Current Bike: Her new Aprilia RSV

It was as if Audrey couldn't stop smiling around Cenna in this moment and she felt like an idiot for it. Even when that sad little smile appeared on her friends lips Audrey couldn't help but to copy it as she remembered this one cat that she befriended when she was a kid. A white an orange tabby that she named Lily and who she loved for the two short weeks she had stayed in Michigan. "Would . . . Would you want to come in? I wouldn't mind company." Once again Audrey smiled but this time both at Cenna's invitation and cute Little hair twirl that she caught. "We have this St.Bernard that is the biggest sweetheart, and two pit bulls that are waiting to be chipped . . . adorable little guys . . . they were used for fighting but they made wonderful recoveries . . ." Cenna continued only to have Audrey's full attention, listening intently to every word as she followed behind her.

Audrey greeted the guy behind the desk with a short wave just to be polite but after Cenna shut him up Audrey knew something was up but she chose to follow Cenna like nothing happened because in all honesty, whatever it was it was non of her business and she wasn't going to get nosey about it either. If Cenna wanted to tell her she will, whatever it was.

Audrey wasn't ready for what she saw when she walked into that room with Cen. Her eyes slightly went wide as they landed upon that majestic beast. "Holy shit," she unintentionally blurted out. When Cenna mentioned exotic Audrey didn't think she meant a freaking hawk!! Audrey was so fascinated that she didn't notice the other guy until his finger was almost bit by the bird but even then she was more impressed by it's speed and how his finger barely got away. The bird started to get a bit upset while Audrey took a step to her left in order to let the guy pass as he sped walked the bell out of there, fear and anxiety written all over his face. Audrey couldn't help but to follow him out with her eyes, quietly laughing to herself before her attention was brought back to Cenna as she began whispering to the bird, calming him in French no doubt.

Being raised in New Orleans it's one of the many languages she grew up hearing so Audrey could easily point some out just by hearing someone speak. At this point she didn't know whether to admire Cenna or the bird so she did both when Cenna let him out of his cage. "He's a restless soul . . ." Cenna spoke as she smiled at Audrey making her stomach do a flop before smiling back. "I bet." Said Audrey now shifting her eyes to the hawk called charly, staring right into those observant eyes of his. Audrey then reached out her hand as her eyes softened and stroked its cheek feathers with no protest from the bird. It was as if in those brief moments, the two had established a silent understanding of each other.

"What do you think of the new mission?" Cen asked pulling Audrey from her little trance. She was quiet for a few moments, trying to figure out the right words to say. "Well for starters that guy reeks of suspicion. Second, I don't like his face." Audrey shrugged on that one giving one of her playful smiles before continuing. "Also, in all honesty I don't want to participate because I'm not fond of beating people up in a dark alley, it's not my area of expertise and I had my fair share of being the beaten in an alley but," Audrey paused once more this time thinking about her mother and how she'd be out soon so that money was mostly to help her."I need the money." She finished, the smile that was once upon her lips wiped from her face and replaced with a slightly sad expression also hinting a bit of distress as she rubbed the back of her head, eyes glued to the floor in thought. "Anyway, uhm," Audrey looked up again trying her best to cheer up again."Now that I have seen this majestic beast called the charly," she paused, stroking its head feathers once more. " I wanna see those little kittens!" She wiggled her fingers cutely in a grabbing motion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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#, as written by tigerz


[ C O D E N A M E ]

[ H E X C O D E ]

[ O U T F I T ]

[ S O N G ]
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

The interactions between the Black Cat members and the client had been rather... Humorous to say the least. Threats had been made to the man offering much more money than was needed for a simple task though the members that made the threats were well placed. They didn't know anything about the man or his colleague. While his fellow members were loud with their thoughts, Derek was quiet with his own as he began to weigh in the mission. Senselessly torturing a man for stealing clients wasn't exactly something Derek signed up for. He preferred going after real criminals but there was a lot of money at stake here and with that much money there had to be a precise plan in order for it to go well so they could get played. The absence of their leader also meant someone had to set a concrete plan into motion and of course Derek already came up with a plan during the time he sat quietly as always.

Derek began to move through his team mates like the shadow that he was. He was careful not to bump any of them and really the only way any of them would have known he was there was the slight breeze he made as he passed them. Once again he went unnoticed by the client as he stood behind him with his arms folded staring blankly at his team. His arms began to unfold as he finally began to sign to the group only those who understood him when he signed would know what he said but that wasn't his entire concern right now. "I'm in." He finished signing and dropped his hands onto the clients shoulders with a tight squeeze startling him once more. Derek easily could have hit a pressure point on the man or do something more but that was enough to get the point across his other team members didn't... The client would never see Derek coming if he did anything to put his teammates at harms way.

With his point made, Derek walked away from the group and towards the door but not before stopping at Kit to tap her shoulder and get her attention. He nudged his head to point at the door indicating he was ready to leave and left with his phone out to send a group text: Let's regroup at headquarters. I have a plan. He moved through the bar area avoiding knocking into people and pushed the door open though he was kind enough to hold it open for Kit to walk out behind him. Once at her car, Derek began to show off a little as he ran and slid over the hood before jumping in through the window he left open for himself. He sat in the passenger seat with a huge grin directed towards her ready to enjoy their ride back to headquarters.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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Cenna fed Charly with ease, stroking his neck as she did. She listened attentively to Audrey as she spoke, while cleaning Charly's wing wound, and re-wrapping it.

"Well for starters that guy reeks of suspicion. Second, I don't like his face. Also, in all honesty I don't want to participate because I'm not fond of beating people up in a dark alley, it's not my area of expertise and I had my fair share of being the beaten in an alley but, I need the money." Audrey said practically mirroring Cenna's thoughts. Cenna did not like the idea of beating a man in an alley either...but now that she knew that Audrey needed the money, as much as she did, she was willing to do what it took.

"Anyway, uhm, now that I have seen this majestic beast called the charly, I wanna see those little kittens!" She wiggled her fingers cutely in a grabbing motion. Cenna grinned at the motion before returning Charly to his cage.

"Just a few more weeks before your free" she said quietly to Charly. She turned to Audrey with a smile and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Okay, to Catopia." She said with a hand gesture that indicated for Audrey to follow her. She stepped out of the room and towards another room that held all the cats and kittens.

"This is where we keep all of the cats, the ones that aren't in need of any sort of veterinary care..." Cenna trailed off as she looked around the room with a smile. Kittens and cats comingled , roaming about the large room that was a cat heaven. Scratching posts, beds, and climbing posts lined the walls. Cenna dropped to her knees and instantly the three kittens she had picked up ran to her. Cenna giggled like a little girl as she picked up awhite kitten, nuzzled it, and it licked her nose.

"We might have to bring home one...or all of these guys" Cenna said with a laugh as the second kitten, a black kitten clawed its way up her leg, mewing for attention. The third kitten, an orange and white one sat just below her knees staring up at her.

"This is why I do what I do..." She said with a grin.

Her phone vibrated, making her sigh. She pulled out her phone and read the text before sighing again and biting her lip.

"Let's regroup at headquarters. I have a plan."

"Looks like duty calls." Cenna said as she gestured to her phone assuming Audrey had recieved the same text.

"I guess the group wants to get a jump start on this one...guess the money is too much to turn down" Cenna said though she still had a terrible feeling about that man.

Cenna groaned internally before standing and turning to Audrey.

"Looks like Derek is taking lead on this, I'm going to go let my boss know I'm heading out early..." She said as she brushed herself off. She stepped out of the room for show, knowing full well she didn't have to tell anyone anything because she was not supposed to be in today.

I need to change for the mission. Be there asap.

She waited a few moments before entered the room again.

"I need to change before we go to the bar, do you mind?" She asked as she turned with Audrey with a tired smile before heading for the door. Again Cenna thanked the sweet stars that she only lived a few blocks from the Clinic and the Bar, they where in a triangle formation really.

Once in the apartment Cenna stripped out of her dress without a second thought as she walked through the living room. Beneath she wore a white lace baby-dolland pair of undergarments that matched. She kicked off her heals and headed to her room. A few moments later she emerged from her room in black running pants, black shoes, and a black tank, with her hair up in a pony tail.

"Okay lets hit it" She said with a grin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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Tyler sat back as the confirmations came in, rolling his eyes at the threats. For all their skill sets, diplomacy was still something they were sorely lacking in. Oddly enough, it wasn't something he'd want to change for the world. They were his family; flaws. aggressions and all. As they began to file out, Tyler felt his phone buzz again. This time he reached for it, figuring that it wouldn't be rude, since business was already done. "Leave the money on your way out," he said to the man, "Or a way for us to access it, and the name of the guy and we'll do our thing." Tyler read through the messages down to Lucas's most recent message to the group.

Whomever else want's to work on the tech side of things here, focus on the actual target, I'll play data-collection, oversight, and see whatever dirt we can dig out of Deep Pockets over here.

Tyler looked over at Lucas for a moment before he typed out a reply. He hadn't thought about it properly, but maybe Lucas was on to something about keeping tabs on the client. He would hardly be the first man to think that the promise of money was enough to clear up all his problems. That was exactly how politics worked. Hell they guy had probably dealt with Tyler's folks without even realising it.

To Black Cat Group Chat
I'll get what I can on the target. Just be careful okay guys, we're being paid to get the target not the client.

This was a business first and foremost and Tyler was pretty sure that not one of them could say they didn't need the money. "Word of advice if you plan on double crossing us. Don't. Between btz and I, we'll take you for everything you own and are. The other guys might land you in a hospital for a few days, but we," he indicated between himself and Lucas, "can bring you down without breaking a single bone in your pretty little body. Understand? Tyler added, satisfied that he had made his point.

There was a message from Derek in the group chat. "We might wanna hang tight, Derek's got a plan."