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Of Claw and Sword



a part of Of Claw and Sword, by unseenshadow2.

The Beastlands

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over Gr'lun, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

660 readers have been here.


Gr'lun is home to many forests and lush lands. It is under the constant and tender care of the beastman, making it stay a very natual place.
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The Beastlands


Gr'lun is a part of Taus.

5 Places in Gr'lun:


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Character Portrait: R'Nieth Volger Character Portrait: Wolf
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Ok, so R'Nieth would need to prepare for the worst case scenarios. Though It seemed that Wolf was still trying to be as cautious as possible, R'Nieth thought he was still being careless in thinking that this was going to be simple. Crossing borders were never simple. Never. R'Nieth knew this first hand, after having to cross the borders of the beastland. He traveled across two of them, and they were both pain in the asses to get past. Even though he was a very well respected bounty hunter, crafter, and hunter. Being a beastman should have weighed more leverage than any skill set, but apparently some borders didn't really have want of that.

R'Nieth did some memory digging, thinking of the landscape that laid ahead. Sniffing out the area ahead before he started moving. He was trying to assess the distance and danger. He came up short however, for he could only see a mile ahead, and sniff a 5 mile area. Which was something he could do only because of his intense near death training he commenced on himself, ever since leaving the place he called home. He would sit an meditate in the open every day and night for an hour each, sniffing his surroundings out, laying a mental radius like map of the landscape, based on sounds, smells and vibrations. His since of hearing was no where near as strong as it could be, but he was good enough to help with the sensing of landscape. Which only really turned into the max output of a 800 foot radius. He couldn't hear past that. Which should always be enough, but he tried to sharpen that sense nonetheless so that he could sense people with exceptional stealth ability. Those where the ones he was able to smell, and not hear.

R'Nieth was well adept in the ability to feel, but he would not think of the torture he endure for that. For now, he focused on moving out of the are they were in at the moment. Once camp was tore down, and packed, R'Nieth noticed his reflection on the past only served to make the day fly by. The pelts were dry, and ready to go, and apparently Wolf was too. R'Nieth saw him packing the pelts in a neat bundle, carving off any of the residue or dried bloody fur. In the end, they looked pristine, for what they were. R'Nieth looked about, noticing the meat was packed neatly in a heap, some chopped to smaller bits for easier transportation. R'Nieth though of something interesting, as he watched the sun set.

"Hey, you ever hear of pocket dimensions?" R'Nieth was ready to go, and Wolf was finished packing everything, including the meat, so he figured they would have a nice conversation about magic while the stalked in the setting sun, trekking well into the night, it would seem.


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"I have not heard of pocket dimensions. What are they?" Wolf asked R'Nieth. He had not heard the name before, but he had heard of some kind of dimension that one goes into when doing a teleport spell or instantaneous movement spell. Supposedly, these dimensions that were used for teleporting were significantly smaller than the world that he lived in, and that explains the short travel time of the spells. He hoped that R'Nieth would be able to provide some incite into these, as Wolf was curious as to what they were or if they were the name for something that he already knew of.


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"What a pocket dimension is" R'Nieth started, as he reflected upon when the wizard had initially explained to him. The wizard, at the time, was a very short individual. He probably stood 5'6 or something close, short compared to R'Nieth's height of being over six feet. The wizard explained how there were many different types of pocket dimensions, but the only one of importance to a traveler, was the one the held items of convenience.

"A pocket dimension is basically a small pocket in the fabric of space, created to be accessible anywhere at anytime. In addition, they serve as a space of storage for items too bulky to carry. The initial creator of it, was not really a creator, so much as a discoverer of a loophole in dimensional travel, whilst studying time distortion. He kinda just happened upon the discovery whilst running from a faction of warlocks, he tried to hurriedly create a portal from one area to another, but scuffed up the spell. He ended up walking through a see-through portal that was just a out of phase from the area of the current timeline/reality that he was running from. Meaning, he essentially became invisible without the complexity of the invisibility spell, but with the added effect of being able to to walk through objects of that time/reality." R'Nieth explained as he trek along the night, being careful to not raise his voice too loud. R'Nieth noticed up ahead in the barren land, a small juncture, as they were following the conduit line toward the land of the humans.

The juncture looked to be a small glowing settlement, in the middle of nowhere, possibly someones camp. But it looked to be too big, at least from the 3 miles away that they were, it looked like a small dot, but R'Nieth's sense of smell in combination with his vision, told him it was possibly bigger than a small camp. Maybe it was something of a established small town for travelers. R'Nieth pondered this as they trekked onward and he continued his explanation.

"That is just one way pocket dimensions can be used, though he almost died from the screw up of the initial spell, it had a backlash effect, spewing him out of the distorted space, back into his own phase of time. Which was like a small explosion, and explosion of distorted energy was what almost killed him. But besides that, the only pocket dimensions of use to us, would be that which stores things in it." R'Nieth stopped for a second to demonstrate. "Like so." He reached into a small area, that glowed a light green hue as his hand entered into nothingness, seemingly cutting off his arm. As he reached in to the warping area of air, he pulled out a bag of coins. "I keep my money in this space, as well as certain crafts and other tools. But there are limits to this, the larger your magium, the more you can store. Since I have very little knowledge of my own reserves, I just learned to put small stuff in." R'Nieth shoved the bag of coins back into the area, and removed his hand again, as if he practiced the move a million times.


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Character Portrait: R'Nieth Volger Character Portrait: Wolf
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R'Nieth, upon hearing the question posed at him, knew of a philosophical question when he heard one. The problem here was, this was a question that has been asked for millenniums. The don of time and the questions following it, is what begs such answers, the beginning of it all, the origin of existence, the source of magic/magium/magik/Magi/etc. Everyone has a different variant of the same thing, but it's always the same question, where'd it all come from?

R'Nieth looked upon the expanse of land and shuddered slightly, realizing that this scientific philosophical topic once cursed his family. Something he never understood, not even after hours of delving into libraries after libraries of magic books, spells, philosophy origin books, theory books, geometrical magic books, arcane arts for the blessed was relentless. R'Nieth looked at his companion, whom he seemed to have grown some sort of bond and attachment to in the last couple of days. R'Nieth was sure he could speak of his past, but he wandered if the Wolf named Adion would run upon learning it, like R'Nieth once did...

" an intriguing question. As I understand, and have researched, it is neither. From what I know of the fundamentals, the connection between dimensions, and magium, is like the connection between the soil and the blade of grass. One cannot survive without the other, and with the proper environment, treatment, conditions, and resources, the grass blade with grow into a bush or a large expanse covering a hilltop. The soil will continue to nourish the grass, as long as the aforementioned conditions are stable, but have someone mess with it, instead of beautiful growth and evolution, you will have artificial tampering. Now, lets say the dimension is the blade and the soil the magium, there are many different scenarios of the end result of the hilltop. It could have grown into a forest, ever expanding, and creating it's own path, untouched, or it could have created an entire new world for those who need to live there. Likewise, the soil could continue to be fertile, or maybe even learn to just adapt of the conditions of the time. Either way, Magium and Dimensions are like that. One cannot really exist without the other, not without a horrible imbalance, and need for stability. Hence why distorted areas exist."

R'Nieth looked at his palm, as if he could tell time by looking at it. He marched forward, seeing Wolf right by his side, not missing a beat. "Magium, magic, whatever one might call it, depends on where you are in the universe. But the fact remains, there is a fundamental 'source'. That 'source', again, as I understand through research, is something that no one is truly aware of as they draw from it. Not unless they are told which 'source' they particularly draw from. So, to answer your question. I will response in this theoretical counter question and statement. Since it is well known that ALL energy, and magic, just changes forms and shifts into something for balance, never destroyed. Is it possible that all things are connected, all things have magic, all things draw from ONE UNIVERSAL SOURCE? Because it is my understanding that the Grand Unification Theory would be a thing of the past, for this understanding of connection pretty much proves it." R'Nieth blew out a sigh at the end of it, realizing he was being a bit long winded with his responses, and taking too long, R'Nieth promptly apologizes.

"I am sorry for the long explanation, and time it took to respond. I am quite fond of such topics, having been scholar of such things for a long time. I am grateful for your patience and brain churning inquisitions."


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Character Portrait: R'Nieth Volger Character Portrait: Wolf
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It is very much possible for those looking to manipulate magium, to think this. But, for a hunter mage, R'Nieth was thinking this was going to be an interesting journey. "I would say your theory would be sound, going off of the idea that the dimensions would be the edge and therefore connecting source of all magium, you would likely find the origin of it at the end of space and time. But that is like saying it is possible to observe the creation of a black hole up close. It would take certain extreme circumstances to be able to see such a thing, and even then, I would imagine the exposure would kill the one looking...God or otherwise."

R'Nieth looked up from taking a dodgy step. Seeing how close he was to the expanse, he began thinking of what was next. He wasn't sure, but R'Nieth started to hypothesis that the small expanse that he saw earlier might actually to be the border.