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Ashe Bates

"I never wanted us to fall apart."

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a character in “One Last Adventure”, as played by Wisteria Cresting


"I left and no one was the same when I returned..."

Full Name:
Ashe Nora Bates
Nicknames and Aliases:
Ashe doesn't really have any nicknames.

Puppet Majik: Ashe has an unfortunate Majik, which is considered dark by many people's standards. With Puppet Majik, she is able to control a person's physical actions against their will. However, the person is entirely aware of being used and are unable to fight back as well as being in severe pain at times.
Sexual Orientation:

Hair Color:
Strawberry Blonde
Eye Color:
111 lbs

She has one long scar on her inner arm that stretches from her shoulder to her elbow.
Ashe is severely near-sighted and almost always has to wear glasses. She finds them an extreme bother at times, but also likes to utilize them as an accessory.

{Quiet, Intelligent, Insecure, Shy}
Ashe is that quiet girl in the back of the classroom that never speaks. She is also the girl often revered as a genius by many people in her class. However, there isn't much that's remarkable about Ashe. She isn't really a genius. Intelligent, yes, but far from a genius. Ashe simply has a good memory that helps her through school and more often than not through life. Most of the time, people assume that Ashe is quiet because she is stuck up and thinks she's above them, which is far from the truth. Ashe is quiet to the point she is almost mute because she is shy and completely unsure how to interact with most people. Most of time, her face is buried in a journal she always carries around with her. She writes down almost anything she see in it, but rarely puts down anything about herself in it. She thinks that having information about people can help her interact with others. Unfortunately, she never has the time to put that thought process into action.

The reason she is shy is most likely because she is insecure about herself. She's terrified for messing up and blames herself for her friendships as a child falling apart. She tries hard to blend in and not be seen and she's terrified about making long-lasting relationships. She doesn't want to be betrayed and she doesn't want to have herself broken. She wishes she could stand up for herself and others, but every time she attempts it, she imagines that she'll fail and shies away from doing it. To put it simply, Ashe wraps herself in a cocoon of safety to prevent herself from making an actual connection with anyone.
People-Watching: As a naturally quiet girl, Ashe has a habit of people-watching. She always carries a journal around with her and seems to feel the need t scribble down various people's behaviors. The girl in the front of the class tilted her head? Make a note of that. Because of this, Ashe has become very skilled when it comes to body language.

Gymnastics: Ashe loves gymnastics very much and it is the only time you can get her to put down her journal.

Baking: One of Ashe's more normal pursuits, baking is one of her favorite things to do when she has the time. She has been doing it for a long time and is almost skilled enough to become a pastry chef when she's older.
Cleaning her Glasses: Ashe has a tendency to clean her glasses with a rag she always has on her when she's flustered or when she's been caught people-watching.

Adjusting her Glasses: Seeing as her glasses tend to slide down her face, Ashe often has to adjust them. However, she uses both hands when she does so or presses the edges of them up.

Stuttering: Although not clinical, Ashe has a bad stutter whenever she tries to talk to new people. She tends to also avoid eye contact. If she gets to know you and she feels comfortable around you, the stutter will eventually disappear altogether.
Animals|Candles|Bonfires|Books|Journals|Old Stationary|Antiques|Sweets|Apple Pie|Brighter Colors|Cardigans|Daydreaming|Silver Necklaces|Emeralds|Trees|Art|Lip Gloss|Butterflies|Gymnastics|Acrobatics

Gold Jewelry|Diamonds|People that Touch Her Hair|Being Nearsighted|Bullies|Horror Movies|Horror Anything|Crowded Places|Elevators|Wasps|Her Majik|Styrofoam|Loud Noises|Heavy Metal Music|Dark Colors|Black

Intelligence: Ashe is a very intelligent person with a mind that works like a computer. She processes things to a point that it almost seems like she's a robot and is able analyze situations quickly. She is able to come up with solutions of simply remember an aforementioned fact or opinion to help her in more than just school work.

Physicality: Surprisingly, Ashe is very physically fit. She loves doing gymnastics and martial arts and prefers sports that don't involve direct teamwork. At the moment, she is actually the top gymnast in her school.

Puppet Majik: Although she is not in very good control of it, Ashe's Majik is a powerful thing that can compel anyone, even those with strong resolve. However, she refuses to use as she thinks it is cruel and unusual. She hates the thought of being in control of someone else's actions.

Animals: When it comes to animals, Ashe seems almost unnaturally connected to them. She is able to tell what they need and they seem to obey her and respect her for the most part. Animals also seem very comfortable around her for the most part and she seems more at ease around them.

Claustrophobia: Ashe possesses extreme claustrophobia and can not be in an enclosed space for very long. It is for this reason that her windows are always open, unless it's snowing, as is her door. She can't stand elevators and prefers to take the stairs.

Reluctance: Although she is able to use her Majik, something about it never feels right to her and she all but refuses to use it, making it difficult for her to learn how to control it and project it effectively.

Nearsighted: Without her glasses, Ashe is virtually useless. She can not see farther than two feet in front of her and becomes little more than a post. Normally, if she ventures to find her glasses, it ends in disaster so she stands back, hoping someone else will pick them up.

Teamwork: Because Ashe is very shy person, it can sometimes be difficult for her to form connections, which later leads to issues involving teamwork. A class project? Ashe automatically volunteers to do all the work so she doesn't have to interact with them beyond that point. Team sports? Forget it, Ashe will either completely avoid them or unconsciously become a huge ball hog.

Easily Frightened: It is ridiculously easy to scare Ashe, like unbelievably easy. She does not have a high tolerance for anything horrific and always skips out on Courage Tests. She will often scream and jump, which then leads to her glasses falling off, which then leads to more panic and suddenly, it isn't just a prank anymore.

Ashe Bates was born to an American mother and Japanese father in a small American suburb. Her parents had been in college at the time. Later, her father was offered a job at Tokyo University and the small family of three moved to Tokyo. It was in her neighborhood that Ashe met her childhood friends. She spent so much time with them, playing pretend games in some strange world of their imagination. There was that time Zhou had stopped some other kids from bullying him and Ashe can still remember when he ran around like a gopher for her and the other girls when they started crying. She also remembered all of times she had made Val stay at her house so she wouldn't have to sleep alone. She didn't know loss like the young girl did, but she felt like it was her responsibility to keep her company. She still laughs about time they all got scattered in the park playing hide-and-seek and she had started bawling her eyes out when a squirrel jumped in front of her. Yes, her childhood was happy and joyful.

About a week before Jr. High started for Ashe, her mother and father divorced. It was the most trauma she had gone through up to that point and there was no sign of it leading up to that. Ashe moved back to America with her mother despite calling Japan her home for so long. She quickly withdrew into herself, refusing to make friends and be normal. After all, the only friends she wanted to have were back in Japan. She quickly went from being a happy and bubbly girl to being quiet and shy. She began people watching as a pastime and eventually became so used to being shy that when she attempted to talk to people, she began stuttering and blushing. It became virtually impossible for her to make friends as her memories of the past began to slowly fade away, including those about a strange world.

Recently, Ashe's mother remarried and her father gained full custody over her. Ashe moved back with her father, excited to be with her friends once again, only to discover that Zhou had also moved and the other four had drifted away from each other. Ashe was heartbroken and gave up all hope of being normal. She instead attended school and focused solely on her schoolwork. She began feeling strange, becoming dizzy occasionally and unusually anxious. She pushed these feeling away as she thought of a way to reunite her childhood friends, but it quickly became nothing more than a childish thought. Ashe has given up all thoughts about reuniting with her friends. She isn't even sure if she'd be able to talk to them anymore.

Face Claim:
Mirai Kuriyama

So begins...

Ashe Bates's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valentina Dioli Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose Character Portrait: Rei Fukushima Character Portrait: Elian L. Lawliet
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Tokyo, Japan, Train Station, 7:00 AM
Ah, the train station. Ashe could remember a time when she would set foot in the busy place and was fascinated by the smallest detail. Now, it seemed more like a burden to ride the train than an adventure as she had thought when she was a child. It probably wouldn't have been as bad if she actually knew someone. No, everyone here was faceless. It made her uncomfortable.

She turned up the volume on her music, drowning herself in the music of Blue, an idol that reminded her of her childhood friend Zhou. It couldn't have been him, of course. She knew that, but there was moments when she could dream. As she waited for the train to arrive and take her to her school, school shared with old friends. Most of them hadn't even noticed she was back. Who would? She was a changed girl now. Gone was bright and inquisitive Ashe Bates. All that was left was the quiet and shy girl who got caught people-watching way too much.

Ashe sighed, she was getting caught up in her thoughts again. She decided to blame it on the Tokyo air. The train pulled up and she slung her bag over her shoulder. Before she could take a single step, the world tilted around her. For a moment, she was staring at a field of flowers brighter than anything she'd ever seen before. Someone bumped her arm and she was jolted away from the flower field and back into the train station. "Watch where you're going," the person grumbled as Ashe blinked her eyes.

She didn't see the person before they were gone, but she walked onto the train anyway. Another teenager stood up and offered her his seat. She blushed brightly as she sat down. Her journal and a black pen were in her hand the next instant. She didn't really do much, just scribble down the exact way the boy had offered his seat to her. He unbent his knees, stood for two seconds, and moved to the side without lifting up his leg. Then, his arm was extended, only about halfway to gesture to the white seat.

With a snap, she closed the journal and focused on the window in front of her. The boy seemed disappointed that she didn't strike up a conversation (his eyebrows knitted together and he blinked three times), but he left her alone. She was grateful for that. As she stared forward, everything tilted again, almost as if she was on a roller coaster that went upside down, and she was sitting in the field of flowers this time. It seemed oddly familiar. Before she could comprehend why, she was yanked backwards. The flowers faded to nothing as she opened her eyes. She hadn't even realized they were closed. Ashe realized she was lying on the ground, concerned faces all around her. She recognized the chair-boy, as she had dubbed him. "Are you okay?" the voice was soft and oddly nostalgic. She turned her head to see another person kneeling next to her, her eyes meeting familiar eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valentina Dioli Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose Character Portrait: Rei Fukushima Character Portrait: Elian L. Lawliet
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Satoshi Ichinose

Tokyo, Japan, Train Station, 6:55 AM

Train stations had never been fun for Sou, even when he was a kid and pretended they were trains leading to different dimensions. And today was no different. Looking around the busy station, he saw no one he cared to talk to. Sure, he recognized people, but only from seeing them every single morning on his way to school. None of his friends used this station to get to school. He didn't expect much, to be honest.

He stood, leaning against a pillar, reading a book on underwater plant life while he waited for his train to arrive. As the train pulled into the station he stepped on slowly, trying his hardest not to get run over by the busy crowd of people rushing to get seats. Not that there ever were any. He managed to find a comfortable spot between the doors and the crowd, no one seemed to ever stand there. His mind began to wander slowly. And as soon as that happened, he no longer seemed to see his surroundings. Bright colors flashed before his eyes, flowers, huge fields full.

He snapped back to reality when someone bumped into him, mumbling a small apology before going back to their stance. Sou ignored them and went back to staring out the window, his mind flowing back to the field of flowers. But this time, it wasn't just the flowers he saw. He could see someone sitting there as well. Their back was turned towards him, and though he couldn't see their face, he could almost swear it was...Ashe.

Then a commotion brought him back to the glum world. People were apparently crowding around someone, a figure lying on the ground. "Ashe?" Sou shoved his way through the crowd and made his way over to his childhood friend, taking a seat next to her and sticking his head over hers. Her eyes opened and she looked around, not noticing him at first. But then their eyes met. The look of surprise on her face could definitely be classified as a delayed reaction.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose
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Yuna had been up since five AM. Her shift at the cafe had begun at seven, but her father and mother had woken up early to catch a flight to Paris in hopes of seeing a specialist that could repair her father's spine. She had risen from her mattress to say goodbye, knowing that it was just another false lead and attempted to rest once more but her brain would not allow Yuna to go back to sleep. So instead Yuna showered and prepared for work, donning the uniform and stuffing her school clothes into her backpack. She had a test today during third period and had fallen asleep with her textbook open in her bed.

Yuna entered through the back of the maid cafe, going to the locker room and hanging her bag into one of the wooden cubbies. She sighed and stretched, prepared for a busy breakfast shift when the world began to spin and the smell of sunflowers filled her nose. Yuna took a step back, confused as she felt the hard surface of the wall beneath her fingertips and shook her head, clearing her mind of whatever trick was attempting to capture it.

"One bunny rice omelet and two breakfast specials," Yuna chirped as she placed the food on table 33 next to the window. Someone outside waved and Yuna returned the gesture before turning on her heels, her head spinning once more. This time, however, she fell, the empty silver tray sliding across the floor as her vision filled with the same image of flowers. Two humans were there this time, ghosts from her past that made her wonder if she had died. "Ashe, Sou!" Yuna called, attempting to reach for them. The vision disappeared just as quickly as it had come and she realized that someone was shaking her.

Yuna, Yuna, are you alright? Someone call an ambulance!"

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just tired," Yuna lied with a smile and picked up the fallen tray. She clutched it to her chest and stood, shaking as she took a step. "Why don't you take the morning off? After all you have a test today, right?" Yuna nodded her head and went to the back, changing into her school clothes and hanging up her uniform. She sighed and undid the braid in her hair, wondering how she was going to pass math when her test scores were so low.

Yuna stepped onto the train station platform, brushing a strand of plum from her face as a train zipped by. She checked her ticket and began walking, squeezing into one of the cars along with businessmen, and school children, mothers with crying toddlers, as well as older couples going out to do their shopping. Yuna's stomach growled and she fished through her bag to retrieve the breakfast sandwich one of the chefs had given her only to realize that she had forgotten money for lunch. Angrily Yuna took a bite of the sandwich and turned towards the window, the vision of the field returning for a third time. She looked at the food, wondering if it had anything to do with her empty stomach and wolfed down the rest of it when a scream came from the other side of the crowded car and people began to move out of the way. Yuna turned, seeing a spectacled beauty sprawled on the ground with a familiar friend beside her.

"What happened?" She asked, approaching the two as the female began to rouse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose Character Portrait: Rei Fukushima Character Portrait: Elian L. Lawliet
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Cerulean eyes gazed through the tinted window of the car. The hustling and bustling scenario of a busy city was the only thing which could be seen. It was a normal affair but, it had become surreal and almost comforting. The only deterrent would be the very large LCD screen located at the city center where a footage or more specifically, a music video of an incredible popular artist who goes by the name Blue. It was streaming the number one hit song for 6 weeks in a row now, Moonlight. "I hope the people won't get fed up with me always on that screen." He noted while scratching the tip of his nose, a gesture which showed his embarrassment of seeing himself on the large screen. It is part of his job, but he couldn't help it really.

"Not going to happen. You're quite the stud and the projects just kept on rolling." An middle-aged man gazed at his passenger at the backseat through the rear-view mirror. He wore a suit implying that he must be a professional or has somewhere formal to go to. "You as Blue is just perfect. But Law are you sure you want to spend this very rare free day of yours going to school?" That is right. He had come back to Japan as a reprieve and continued his studies here. It was quite hard to juggle between his college life and entertainment persona, but he did not want to give up any of it. He would need to toughen it up and that is what he is going to do. "I would recommend some R&R, but you won't listen even if I'm your manager." Law as his commonly called by those who he work with shrugged his shoulders and began to cover the lower portion of his face with a scarf. It was a good thing that the weather was a bit chilly, but he was not really happy about it as it aches a bit. He ignored it and wore a cap too. "You know, I could drop you off. No need to use the public transportation. It might be more trouble."

The car came to a stop as he cracked his knuckles before speaking. "This is my R&R Shiraga-san." He opened the door was about to step out when he looked back at his worrywart of a manager. "If there's trouble, I think you can handle it." He playfully winked at the older guy and finally got out of the car. He then mingled himself with the crowd who was unaware that he is the big star, Blue. That was good for him and he let himself relished in the moment that no one was throwing themselves at him. He took out his PS Vita and continued playing his Final Fantasy X/X-2 game. It might seemed dangerous but, he makes sure to use his free time well. He entered the Tokyo Metro as he would take the train. He still has some time to spare before his classes start, so there was no rush on his part which was not shared by many of the people around him.

He stood at the platform and waited for a train to come. He ignored everything else around him as he focused on his game. Then, the train finally came as he entered along with the tumultuous crowd of people, but it was not something new to him. He was not bothered by it at all. What did was the odd change in his perception. It suddenly became quiet which was not a good sign. He lifted his head from his game and was rather surprised to see himself in a field full of flowers. He looked around as he tried to assess if this was real or just some illusion of his own doing. He felt a stare of his form as he looked over his shoulder and saw five translucent outlines of people. They were a blurry and hazy images but, he could tell from his own feelings that he knew them, somehow. He was not able to comprehend more as a jolt took him out, returning him to what his reality was like.

Someone had bumped into him making him lose his cap as it fell on the ground. He quickly picked it up and wore it. It would be troublesome if he was identified here of all places. He has nowhere to run so to speak. It was good no one did notice as he opted himself at the far corner away from most prying eyes. He then took noticed a commotion at the other car next to where he was. He did not think anything of it much like the odd vision he had earlier. They had nothing to do with him and it should stay that way. He has already too much on his plate. He then returned his attention to his game as he leaned on a nearby pole and continued with his life.

It was nothing. He kept repeating that to himself.


Rei clicked his tongue as he dashed out of the front door. How annoying. It was not like he woke up early to have a discussion with his parents or specifically, his father on how his future was getting destroyed by his gangster lifestyle. He was aware of that but, he just didn't care. His future was already gone from the very moment Hana pulled the trigger. There was no point worrying or even caring about something worthless to him. He has no use for any kind of futures. He is fine with what he has right now. This is what he deserved in the end. He began walking through the streets with some of the neighbors looking at him with clear judgment. He did not care. They could do whatever they like as long as they would not cross his path in a personal manner.

He soon reached the station and used his pass. It had been a while since he had resorted to using the trains again. He would normally ride his bike to school, but it was destroyed. It was beyond repairs and that was the catalyst for the long-winded sermon of his father to him. He would need to buy a new one which means he need to make some cash. He scratched the back of his head in frustration as he is not comfortable with so many people around him and being cramped into a small space. This day was starting to be an awful one for him, but hey, it could still get worse. That was something to look forward to. He entered the platform when he could hear the giggles and quick glances from a bunch of girls not far from him. They were ogling him probably. It was not something new.

There had been many instances he had outright rejected such advances on him and even offers of being a star. He remembered the pitch used on him the other day by a talent agent. He was someone who has the potential to surpass the popular idol, Blue. He had heard of the guy as his little sister seemed obsessed with the guy and the songs were always played. There is no way he would do any of that and he has no interests. He did find something interesting about this Blue person. He seemed familiar to him, but he would always set that aside as just mere imagination, a hallucination which is nothing. Anyway, he ignored everything else and released a sigh. Life was getting too mundane and tiresome. He just wants it to end.

He was interrupted with his depressing thoughts as something or rather someone bumped into him. His eyes were instantly on that object who dare invaded his private space whether with intention or not. He didn't expect what he saw. "Hana?" His eyes widened in surprise as she looked up to him with a wide smile. He instinctively reached to touch her but she vanished into a whirl of flower petals. It soon became a strong breeze overwhelming him as he covered his eyes with his arm. It soon settled as he uncovered his eyes and saw that he was in a field of flowers. He looked around in confusion and in the distance he noticed five small figures, children playing. He could even hear their laughter. It was nostalgic in more ways than one and the longer he watched the children took noticed of him. They were running towards him and then... "Mister! You dropped this!"

Everything vanished into a different scenario as he could hear again the noises of the busy crowd and the echoing siren of the train. He blinked a couple of times as felt someone tugging at the edge of his jacket. It was a little boy holding out his train pass. "Oh... Thanks." He took it as the child smiled and then immediately returned to his parents. He then looked at his pass and shook his head. He was getting careless and what was the deal with what he saw. Is he having mental problems now? This is not good at all. He shook his head and went along with the busy crowd entering the train doors as it opened. He was not use with all the rush and bumped into someone wearing a cap. That was odd, but he does not care. He didn't offer an apology as the said guy just went on his way.

On the other hand, he stayed in his position and just held on the nearby handrail. He could hear some noises on the other car. What could that be? But, his curiosity is not enough as it fizzles out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valentina Dioli Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose Character Portrait: Rei Fukushima Character Portrait: Elian L. Lawliet
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"The world ... Is a cruel and yet very beautiful place to be ..."

Tokyo, Japan, Playground, 6:02AM

"Eat it! Eat the frog, you little witch! Witches eat frogs, don't they? So eat it!"

The slimy creature in question was thrust beneath a slightly upturned nose, which was dainty at a glance and a bit pointed at another. The guttural sound of its fearful croak echoed in her ears, and the pain in her arms increased.

"Let ... Go ... Let go!"

"Aw, look at the little witch! She wants to be let go! What, is this frog not tasty enough for you? Do you need to boil it in your stew first?" The sudden clomp of a heavy boot pressed against the back of Valentina's had, forcing her face into the ground. She could taste a mixture of dirt, sand, and grass, causing her to spit in disgust.

"Lyut ... Gu!" Her words were mangled due to the pressing of cheek-to-ground, but she managed to contort them so that they were slightly more decipherable.

"Not until you eat it! Eat the frog, little witch! You think you're so great, don't you? You walk around like you're better than the rest of us, in your black clothes with your black hair and your little Italian accent ... Hah! As if! And you honestly thought that you would get away with your holier-than-thou attitude? Reality check, little witch! You aren't all that great! Now, eat the frog or we're going to seriously hurt you!"

When she made no sound of agreement but instead squirmed even more underneath the admittedly larger boy who held her pinned to the ground, the boy and girl that stood before her smirking darkened their expressions.

"Fine, have it your way. Make her scream, Yuki!"

And yet - there were no screams.


Tokyo, Japan, Train Station, 7:05AM

Loud. You're all so ... Loud.

Pale fingers clenched around the strap of a backpack. Standing silently on the platform as she awaited the train, Valentina gazed up at the brightness above, her jaw clenching and relaxing repeatedly. In addition to her normal eye patch, the girl now had several bandage pads taped to her face, along with two band aids. When she moved just so, her sleeve would slide up to reveal an arm swathed in bandages from wrist to mid-upper-arm, and hidden beneath her shirt were wrappings around her abdomen. Her classmates had done a toll on her, and she was paying the price.

"A fight again, Valentina? Honestly, darling, I don't see why you let them push you around. If you just ..."

"Lenny, honey, we're only trying to help you. Please, stand up for yourself ..."

"They only tease you because they like you. You understand how children can be ..."

"I'm sure this will all blow over soon ..."

"Perhaps if you weren't such a problem child ..."

"Honestly, you're only calling this attention to yourself. By dressing that way and that eye patch that you were, it isn't surprising that other children ..."

"... Shut up ... Shut up ... Shut up!"

Opening her eyes, Val shifted uncomfortably as the gazes of several people around her focused on the odd girl who had suddenly burst out shouting for people she didn't know to 'shut up'. Luckily, the train arrived at precisely that moment. Her's was the last stop on the route for any of the teenagers that went to her school, so she would undoubtedly be stuck in a closely confined box for the next fifteen minutes with people she could barely tolerate.

As her foot stepped down onto the floor of the cart, Val's heart throbbed loudly, the world shifting around her, and she froze mid-step.


Bright sunlight washed down upon the clearing, lighting up the beautiful forestry that lay throughout it. Flowers tossed comforting scents up and into the air, along with floating pollen and those little white whispery things that flew off of dandelions when you wished for something. Lifting a hand to slightly shield her eyes from the glaring rays, Val frowned. The place was achingly familiar, but she hadn't a clue where it could be from. In fact, she couldn't recall any point in her life that she had ever traveled to a place such as this one. Truly she would remember a beautiful location - wouldn't she?


Startled, Val spun on her heel, nearly losing her balance in the movement, and her eyes darted back and forth. She took in the scenery quickly, imprinting the image in her mind, and caught the faint sounds of children's giggles.



Five shadowy figures darted to-and-fro before her, about a half a mile away. They kicked up more pollen and white whispies, causing her to sneeze a bit. When the shadowy figures paused and turned towards her, her brows drew together. She should be afraid - and yet she wasn't. Why?


Suddenly, the shadows started to move backwards, fading from view. Scrambling to steady herself, Val took off after them, her hand outstretched to grab them. "Please, don't go!" she cried. However, it was as though she were in a nightmare - one of those nightmares where no matter how fast and long a person ran for, they seemed to stay in place.

"Don't leave me! I can't be alone! Please!"

"Don't leave!"



Soft fabric crumpled beneath her fingers as she latched onto the nearest object, her hand still outstretched. She had jerked back to reality so suddenly that for several long moments she was afraid that she was still there. A quick listening of her surroundings verified that she was back in the train - which had begun to move while she was daydreaming - and that she was, indeed, clutching a random person for absolutely no reason after shouting no. The whispers of the people around them pulled her to attention, her gaze slowly moving upwards to view the face of the person that she had grabbed. Without a word, she released his shirt and looked away quickly, half of her beaten face hidden from view.

"... It's been a while, Rei."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose
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0.00 INK

Tokyo, Japan, Train B, 7:15 AM
Ashe sat up quickly when she saw Satoshi, only to wince when a sharp pain cut through her skull. She grabbed her head and pushed her glasses up further, finding Yuna in front of her. For a few seconds, she simply blinked at the both of them. With the speed of a cheetah, Ashe scrambled to her feet, bowing repeatedly at everyone, "Sorry, sorry. I-I'm fine. N-no need to be a-alarmed!"

She crouched down and grabbed the journal she had dropped, placing it in her school bag. As the crowd dispersed, she pulled out a water bottle. She slowly turned to face her childhood friends. "H-hiya..." she offered as a small greeting as she fiddled with the button on her cardigan. It was too big on her, but that made her feel safe, cozy. She adjusted her glasses again, placing her hands on either side of them. After a few seconds of silence, she looked back at them, "H-how have you been?"

Of course, she wanted to ask so many other questions, but now was not the time or the place. This was the first time she'd talk to either of them in almost four years, she couldn't get ahead of herself. She couldn't just assume they were still her friends. After all, she'd left them, not the other way around. She could've kept in contact, been a better friend. She just got too wrapped up in her life in America to even think about them more than in passing. She gripped her bag strap tighter until her knuckles turned white. Why didn't she think to write them? Or call every once in awhile? She bit her lip, it was too late for that now...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose
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Satoshi Ichinose

Tokyo, Japan, Train B, 7:16 AM

Sou moved out of the way as Ashe scrambled up, claiming she was alright and telling everyone not to worry. She didn't seem as cheerful as she used to be. Then again, it seemed that everyone had some sort of change going on after she moved, so none of them were really the same any more. In all honesty he had never thought he would run into Yuna on the train, much less Ashe. It was nice to see them together but it was also one of the worst places he could think of to have a childhood reunion.

Ashe spoke first, stuttering a small hello to the two. Sou had never heard her stutter before. She then asked how they were doing, and Sou wanted so bad to explain everything that had happened over the years. "Well, I don't know about everyone else, but I guess I'm doing okay." He didn't really know what else to say. No one ever seemed to talk to him these days and he didn't have anything interesting about his private life to say, he didn't even really have a private life.

"It's good to see you, Ashe."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose
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Nostalgia. It was the most prevalent emotion that moment, one Yuna wished would go away. The train to school was the last place she had expected to see her childhood friends, Ashe and Sou; especially since Ashe had moved away what felt like eons ago. Yuna didn't say anything about that though, she didn't ask why Ashe had never returned her calls or answered to her letters. Yuna figured she had made new friends in America and had moved on, forgotten all about them and their ridiculous afternoon adventures.

Yuna smiled at the stuttered greeting, wondering what could possibly be making Ashe so nervous. She waited for Sou to finish, a bit disappointed by his lackluster answer. "Life is great," Yuna lied with a smile; putting on the big sister act she was so used to. She gave Ashe a hug, although whether the girl wanted one or not Yuna didn't really know. She seemed so small and shy during that moment, something Yuna was not used to seeing in this particular friend.

"You look great! It's been so long. What are you doing back in Japan?" Yuna hoped it was not a sensitive topic.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose
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Tokyo, Japan, Train B, 7:18 AM
"I-it's good to see you t-too."

Yuna replied with a lie. A blatant lie too. Even after all these years, Ashe knew when Yuna was lying. She was suddenly hugged by her older friend, something that caught her off guard. The last time anyone hugged her was when she left Tokyo. She remembered all of Yuna's letters and phone calls with a sharp pang in her chest and she suddenly felt like she couldn't breath. She was going to cry. Oh god, why was she going to cry? She didn't want to cry. "What are you doing back in Japan?"

Yuna's voice brought Ashe out of her almost panic attack. It had that effect on her when she was a child and it still did now. She could stop wars with that voice. "Oh, um... M-my dad got c-custody..." she explained. Well, that was the shorter side of it anyways. She hated her stutter. Why was she nervous around them anyways? When they were kids, she could tell them anything. Everything. Of course, that was when they were kids. They weren't kids anymore and it was a fact that Ashe was all too aware of. She moved away from playing with the button on her cardigan to take a drink from her water bottle then place it back in her school bag. "I-I meant to v-visit you at the c-cafe you w-work at, b-but..." she drifted off, her eyes trailing to the floor. Maybe if she didn't make eye contact, she wouldn't stutter. "I-I h-haven't f-found the t-time... I-I'm s-sorry..."

She was. She was so sorry. For everything. Yuna was her closest friend and she had walked away. She heard the phone ring everyday, then every week, then every month, before it disappeared altogether. She would sit down hours after Yuna called and just listen to the sound of her voice. "S-so, um... W-when was the l-last time y-you talked to V-Val and R-Rei?" she didn't bother mentioning Zhou. Zhou was gone; she knew that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose
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Satoshi Ichinose

Tokyo, Japan, Train B, 7:16 AM

Sou listened as Yuna chatted a bit. The girl was obviously acting the way she always did, but something felt off, he could see it in her eyes. They weren't as bright as he remembered them. When Yuna asked why Ashe was back in Japan, their friend gave a small explanation that her father had regained custody of her. It was odd to hear that, since Sou never even knew her parents had divorced. Everything had happened so fast, no one really had a chance to get answers or even ask the questions to get those answers.

As he watched how his friends acted, he knew they had changed. And more than what was obvious, the two seemed different in more ways than one, neither had the cheerful smile and twinkling sparkle in their eyes. That was all so long ago. That time when no one worried, no one had school or homework or jobs to think about. Back when all they had was each other and all the time in the world to do what they wanted. These thoughts of the past made Sou think about the visions he'd been having, the field of flowers and how he'd seen Ashe in front of him.

His thoughts were scattered when Ashe asked if either of them had spoken with Rei and Val. To be honest, Sou didn't even want to answer that question. "I don't really see either of them all that often. There are some rumors going around that Rei caused the suicide of some couple and I'm pretty sure Val's being bullied at school, but other than that I don't ever hear about them or from them. It's kind of odd. First you moved, then Elian disappeared, Yuna and I split, and after that Rei and Val just stop talking to us. It's like everyone was here because of you, and when you left it all went downhill..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose
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Yuna smiled, wondering how Ashe had heard that she worked at the cafe. It was rather embarrassing having to take shifts all the time at such an... Interesting establishment when her family had previously been so well off. Yuna had known that there was a rift between Ashe's parents but hearing that they were divorced and that her father had custody came as a surprise. "I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing, but I'm happy to see you again." Yuna hoped that bringing such a subject up wouldn't upset Ashe. She turned to Sou who was awfully blunt about the group splitting up.

"Unfortunately, it's like Satoshi says. My parents kind of forbid me from speaking to Rei after the incident, they're scared he'll be a bad influence or something like that. Val I tried calling last week, she comes to the cafe sometimes but other then that I don't really see her and Satoshi-" she turned to look at the boy. "He tips well," Yuna smiled at him; she didn't always get the chance to serve his table but when she did she made a point of giving him little extras.

"So how long have you been back? Which high school did you enroll in?" Yuna didn't mean to ask so many questions, but she was so excited to see her childhood friend that her mouth simply began to bubble with all of the bottled up inquiries her mind had been suppressing all these years.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose
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0.00 INK

Tokyo, Japan, Train B, 7:19 AM
The information about Rei surprised Ashe, it didn't sound like him. She knew he must have had his reasons. Rei always had a reason. At least Satoshi and Yuna were still keeping contact. She did feel a pang at the thought that she had caused them to all drift apart. She dearly hoped that wasn't the case, but she felt like it was. As she shuffled in place, she listened to Yuna's explanation as to why she hadn't spoken to Val or Rei. "So how long have you been back? Which high school did you enroll in?"

Ashe looked up, happy to be moving on to something else. "Oh, um... T-three weeks? I-I g-go to A-Akiyama A-Academy."
It wasn't her first choice for a school, but they practically recruited her for the gymnastics team. She hadn't been to a practice yet though. They wanted to let her settle in. Today was actually the first day she was going to practice. She hoped the other members of the team were nice... She turned back to her childhood friends. "W-what about y-you two? W-where do y-you go I-I mean?"

She took a deep breath and bit her lip. She pushed her glassed up again. They seemed to want to fall down today. That wouldn't end well...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose
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Akiyama Academy? The prestigious sports academy? Yuna smiled, she had gotten quite a few offers from the fencing team but had turned them down because of the financial state her family was in. "Wow, is it as good as the rumors say?" Yuna asked before Ashe shut her down with a question about where they attended high school. Yuna twirled a lock of purple hair around her finger, wondering where Satoshi's uniform belonged to.

"I've been going to Irawkura Academy," it was a nice all-girl's private school that gave great scholarships and were very flexible as far as school work went. Which reminded Yuna that she had a test third period and should be studying, not chatting. Catching up with Ashe and Satoshi was more important though, Yuna could always take the makeup test and settle for a lower mark or do some extra credit. It's not like one B was going to change the course of her college career forever.

The train began to slow, passengers swaying as they stopped and the doors opened. Yuna watched as the business men, old couples, and mothers with screaming children exchanged places for teenagers on their way to school and more business men with over sized brief cases and even bigger egos.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valentina Dioli Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose Character Portrait: Rei Fukushima Character Portrait: Elian L. Lawliet
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0.00 INK


That is right. It was not his business as Valentina took back her hand. He let her as he released a small sigh at this. However, the feelings and attachments he had towards her when they were but children were apparently not that weak. Still, he had learned much that sometimes his good intentions are far more damaging than the ones that are not. It is better that way as he did not push the matter any further. Instead, he resorted by a gesture he had done as a show of encouragement and comfort. "Val... I..." His words did not continue as Valentina suddenly told him not to touch her. He stopped his gesture and lifted his hand slightly above her head.

It was then he had witnessed her go into some kind of regression. He did not move from his spot and watched her in surprise, curiosity, and concern. That was not completely unexpected though. Rei was aware of Valentina's so-called fits or attacks. He had heard of this when they were younger from Zhou, but he had never witnessed it beforehand until now. It seemed his gesture made her recall a lot of things she did not want to. There it was again. His good deeds are often misleading and could only deliver grief. The hand above her head curled into fists momentarily as he returned it to his side.

The younger girl soon returned to her almost mechanical responses. She mouthed a nonchalant apology and to never touch her again. She did not have to tell him that twice. He would never touch her again. A flash of a sad smile was seen through his mind's eyes as he shook his head to be relieved of that memory. "No worries about that." He said in an unconcerned manner. It seemed she had managed to calm down. That was good. He was not concerned about other people seeing or making their own conclusions about him being bad or what. He was worried though about the effect of those senseless words on her. It was good no one seemed to care.

Then, there was silence between them. He did not say anything else as he opted to just keep his mouth shut. His distance towards her and everyone else was necessary now. He was after all a kind of person who only delivered bad luck to all he cares. So, it was better this way. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to be drowned from the music playing through the other earphone still in his ear. He scratched the back of his head as another headache was coming back and he focused on that pain covertly. The only time there was another reaction from him was when he heard the name Zhou in passing from Valentina. His eyes quickly opened as he looked at the direction where Valentina was looking. Could it be really possible after all this time?

Surprise was also evident on his face as his eyes widened. If that was really true, then...


Elian was immersed in his world of gaming. He was completely in the zone ignoring everything and everyone for that matter. This was the only time he could be excused from his adoring fans, business associates, and family issues. It also helps that no one could recognize him in this get-up. After all, he is a public face now, actually, he could see his face all over the posters and LCD screens. It was getting too embarrassing for his tastes, but hey, that is the job description. Anyway, he continued playing with his portable gaming console. He totally did not notice the scuffle happening beside him which involved two individuals who were a great part of his past, a long time ago.

The only moment he was taken out from his reverie was when a fellow passenger accidentally bumped into him due to a slight jolt from the train. The person muttered an apology and he answered back. "It's fine." He ended it at that and from that simple moment, he was quickly identified by someone who could not be deceived when it comes to sounds. He heard his old name, the one given to him by his deceased mother who was without doubt did not wish for him to become a Lawliet from the very beginning. His cerulean eyes lifted slightly to look at the one who called him by his birth name and not many really knew that about him except a handful of people. There was even a connotation about his current apparel.

"Valentina?" He whispered in a voice delivering his surprise. His eyes widened in disbelief. May be, the odd vision he had earlier pertain to this meeting. It had been a long time since he had saw the little girl who he had deemed as his own in some light. Then, he then looked at the man who was near him as recognition flashed through his head. He had a bad boy looking going on but, he could identify with that white hair and lavender eyes. "Rei?" He lowered his game console and then lowered the scarf around his face to reveal his mouth. "Is it really the two of you?" He could not believe his luck in meeting the two who were very close to him. They would be the first ones he had seen since he had returned to Japan. "It's been a while. Look at you two, all grown-up. How are you, both?" He asked as warmth reflected in his eyes and a gentle smile upon his lips. He was glad to see them even if it was just by coincidence.

But, this was not going to be a smooth reunion as much as he had thought.

The nerve of this guy to speak like that to them, to him as if everything was fine and his sudden disappearance was a simple matter. Rei could not help but show his feeling of his anger, frustration, and the sense of betrayal in a very physical manner. He had always been the kind who outwardly shows his extreme emotions in a both vocal and physical way. He might be someone scary but there is no doubt that he is a very honest especially about his feelings even when he doesn't want to reveal it. "You fucking bastard!" Rei quickly threw a straight punch for Elian's face who was able to see it coming by moving his head to the side. He was really surprised by that, though he should expect it. He did disappear without a word. "Rei!? Calm down!"

This was not effective as Rei kept coming with punches which was undoubtedly filled with his raging emotions and was rather skilled. Something which had been different when they were younger. As for Elian, he was able to dodge albeit very hard, since they are in a confined space with many people who was now shouting in fright and surprise of what was going on. Elian did not want to make a scene in public not only because it would be blown out by proportion since he is a celebrity. But, it was more he didn't want for Rei to get hurt or be labeled anything badly. "Shut up! You traitor!" Rei was consumed by his own sorrow and hatred. Nothing else mattered as Elian was cornered at the door leading to another car.

"Calm down already! We can talk about this." Rei was not listening at all as he delivered another punch. At the exact time, the train stopped where Elian opened the door behind him as both men toppled inside the other car where another three familiar faces were in. "Talk! Now you want to talk!?" Rei was now on top of Elian who was now lying on the ground facing the younger male. "You disappeared without a word. No communication whatsoever and then you just appear out of nowhere as if it was nothing!" His hatred was very evident as he declared it loudly and his expression was filled with twisted sadness and rage. His hands were grabbing Elian's collar tightly whose cap and scarf had come undone due to the struggle. Everyone was watching a very interesting scene as others began to take pictures, others seek help from security.

"Did you even think about those you left behind!? You didn't right?! You bastard! Did we even really mattered to you!? Huh!?" Rei motioned for another punch and this time Elian was going to accept it. Rei was completely right. He did not even establish a means to contact them when he was at least stable there at London. Them meeting here, it was just pure coincidence. He closed his eyes in acceptance of that blow, but it did not meet with his face. Instead, Elian felt the speed of the fist just passed at the side of his face. Elian opened his eyes and saw Rei's conflicted expression. "I'm sorry, Rei..." The fist instead met the flooring. Rei then slowly released Elian's collar as his hands fell to his side. His face lowered and was hidden by his hair.

Elian slowly raised his upper body and had a sorrowful look on his face. "I really am sorry, for everything." It seemed that not all reunions are a happy affair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valentina Dioli Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose Character Portrait: Rei Fukushima Character Portrait: Elian L. Lawliet
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"Everyone is a little mad. In fact, the entire world is mad - not mad as in angry, but mad as in insane."

With the tiny smile remaining on her face, Val gave him a small nod in response. "Yes, we have grown up quite a bit. While I can't say that I've been well ... I've survived. And yourself?" she asked, blinking up at him. She shifted her weight, listening to his response as memories of long before slipped back into her consciousness.


"Heya! Yeah, you - the girl under the playground! What'cha hiding down there for?"

Jumping a bit, Valentina sat back on her haunches, dropping down so that she was on her bottom, carefully adjusting the skirt of her dress. She tilted her head up, peering through the little holes that were in the rubbery platform that children ran across on the playground itself. A single eye peered down at her through one, and just to make sure that the boy was talking to her, she lowered her head and looked around her. No one else was near, especially not any girls, so she turned her face back up.

"Me?" she asked, her Italian accent thickening her voice. Her skill with the Japanese language at the time had been very limited, her Mistress having taught her fluently only in the languages of French, English, and Spanish, so she was only able to form short, coherent responses and ask simple questions.

The boy let out a laugh in response, causing her to furrow her brows in confusion. Was what she said really that funny?

"Who else? There's no one else down there! But hey - wanna come play hide-and-seek with me? Me and my friends are playing and we need one more person since we're playing in teams!"

Frowning a bit, Valentina slowly rose and straightened her skirt, moving out from beneath the playground so that she could look up at the boy, who had also stood and was grinning down at her through the safety bars.

"Hide ... And seek?" she asked, tilting her head to the side, her confusion evident. She could understand him completely - it was forming responses that she had difficulty doing.

"Well, yeah!" he exclaimed, laughing. Suddenly his eyes went wide, a loud gasp escaping him, and he leaned forward to peer down at her in shock. "Don't tell me you've never played before!" When she shook her head in response, he seemed to almost keel over, he was so blatantly stunned of the fact. Jumping down on the other side where a pole was to perform a fire-escape, he quickly ran over to her. He was quite a bit taller and older than she was - maybe around five years older or so - so she was forced to tilt her head back to look up at him.

"Than you definitely have to play with us!" he said, throwing his arms out and grinning brightly down at her.

Biting her lower lip, Valentina mulled it over for several moments before finally nodding a little, her bashful side slipping out.

"O-okay ... I guess I can play."

"Yes!" he cried, grinning widely and throwing a fist into the air. Suddenly dropping the fist, he took her hand and shook it quickly. "What's your name, girl?"

"It's ... Valentina ..."

Laughing, he released her hand and stepped back. "It's nice to meet you, Tina! I'm Zhou! Now come on - let's go play with my friends!" He grabbed her hand once more, and she found herself being tugged along behind him, staring up at the back of his blue hair.

'It's nice to meet you, Tina ....'


Everything seemed to happen all at once. Tina had only just slipped out from her reverie, tears pushing behind her eyes, when Rei began to move. The sound of his breath increasing should have been a key warning of his anger, but due to her momentary lapse in attention, she had not managed to catch the sound and stop him. One moment he was standing beside her, and the next he was throwing himself towards Zhou, his fist flying out and words of anger escaping his lips. The image that froze in her mind, of Rei attempting to beat Zhou, brought forth memories of long before, when similar occurrences had been a common event. Zhou would tease Rei, who would then challenge Zhou to match, and immediately following would be a fight, which always ultimately ended in Rei losing. It was simply the way that things had gone back then - although it was doubtful that they would be precisely the same years later, at the current time. Thing had changed - especially them.

Knowing it would be fruitless to intervene, Valentina held back, her hands worrying in front of her, the only sign of any emotion that she showed. The people on the train began to shout out and jump away from the scuffle, one woman clutching a small baby to her chest and an older gentleman leaning over to shield his elderly wife from any harm that could potentially come to her. The simple signs of affection yanked at Tina's heartstrings, but she quickly pushed her emotions aside and focused on the problem at hand.

"Rei," she said softly, her voice carrying despite the clamor inside the train and the shouting that spewed from the boy's mouth. She followed closely behind the - dangerously closely, although she didn't seem to care - and clutched her bag with both hands, her cell case strapped over both of her shoulders and her violin strapped over one, secured down by the straps of the cello. It wasn't until the two men had fallen through the door into the other train cart that she moved into come between them, her fear of calling too much attention to their group and of the harm that could possibly come to either of the boys driving her forward. It wasn't difficult to push aside the three people in the other train cart - Ashe was a different story, but she somehow managed to ignore the easily recognizable face of the girl - and, dropping her bag onto an empty spot on a nearby seat and ensuring the security of her instruments on her back, Valentina moved forward.

"Rei! That's enough!" Her shout seemed to come just in the nick of time, for he somehow diverted the punch that he had just begun to throw, allowing his fist to crash into the floor of the train car instead of Zhou's face.

Calmly, Valentina moved forward. When she had reached the two, she placed her hand gently on Rei's shoulder, her robotic composure momentarily gone. Instead, a gentle expression crossed her features, her eyes fixating on the white-colored boy.

"That's enough," she said gently. Her hand moved down to his, folding it between both of her own. She dropped so that she was kneeling and tilting a bit to the side in order to gain a better look at his face, which showed the tornado currently tearing within him. "You're alright, grande fratello*. I understand what you're feeling, but right now ... This isn't the place for it ... Nor is it the time ..." She made a point to look at the people who were in the train cars with them, all of whom were as far back from the fight as possible, fear evident in their composure. After a moment, she returned her gaze to him. "Please, I don't want to see anyone hurt right now. You aren't achieving anything by striking him, other than showing to everyone who sees this that everything that they are saying about you is true. Rei ..." she spoke softly, a faint sheen of tears in her eyes, "... It isn't your fault. Please, don't allow other people's actions to dictate who you want to become. Zhou's leaving ... It shouldn't be what makes you who you are. You can make your own decisions, good or bad, and someone will always be there to tell you which one you are making. And right now ... You are making a bad decision. So please, Rei ... Stop." She lowered their hands and released his fist, turning to look at Zhou. After a moment of steadily holding his regretful gaze with her darker one, she pushed herself to her feet, holding a hand out to the older male, absentmindedly lifting her free one to adjust one of the several bandages on her face.

"Are you alright, fratello saggio*?" she asked, waiting for him to take her hand. After a moment - she would help him to his feet if he decided to accept her hand - she straightened and cast a frigid glance out the window. "... It's raining," she murmured. Shaking her head, she focused her attention on the people around her.

"It's alright everyone. It was simply a scuffle between two young men who can't control their anger. You understand hormones, right?" she joked, clasping her hands before her and beaming a smile that, under closer examination, was one of the most fake of expressions that could ever be made. When the murmur had died down and the people turned back to whatever had been the focus before the fight, Valentina turned back to the group, sparing only the briefest of nods to Yuna and Satoshi.

"Hello Yuna ... Satoshi ..." she said softly, her smile gone and her vacant, robotic composure back in place. When her eyes met Ashe's, that emotionless slate changed only within her eyes, which grew dark and cold, the hardness of obsidian.

"Ashe. I would say that it is nice to see that you are back, but ... I tend not to lie," she said, her voice matching the look in her eyes. The animosity radiating off of Valentina and in Ashe's direction was thick enough to cut.

Pausing to lean over and retrieve her bag, Tina straightened and bowed forward at the waist, blatantly ignoring Ashe. "It is nice to see ... Most of you again. It has been quite some time, has it not?" she asked, straightening and reassembling her bored look.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valentina Dioli Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose Character Portrait: Rei Fukushima Character Portrait: Elian L. Lawliet
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0.00 INK

Tokyo, Japan, Train B, 7:21 AM
Ashe was listening to Yuna and was about to reply when she heard something from the other side of the train. She blinked quickly, looking between Sou and Yuna, "W-what was that?"

The yells only got louder and Ashe moved past her childhood friends to the other side of the train. She stopped when she saw three familiar faces as someone bumped into her. With a small gasp, she put her hand over her mouth. It took a few long seconds of recovery, but when she did, she stepped forward. Her voice came out small and choked, "Z-Zhou? R-Rei? V-Val?"

She couldn't believe it. Ashe honestly couldn't believe that all five of her childhood friends were in the same place at the same time. It was almost like some kind of miracle. When she heard Val speak, she didn't know how to react. Sou was right. She was the only thing holding them together and when she left-
"V-Val, I-I-" She was about to step towards them when she felt a sharp pain in her chest. She gasped and stumbled back. When she looked up, she saw that the same thing appeared to happen to the others as they were all bent over in pain. The pain only intensified and Ashe crumpled to the ground.

She looked around, surprised to find that the train had emptied and only the six of them remained. The train was still stationary though. Ashe swept her hands across the ground in search of the bag she had dropped, but she couldn't find it. "H-help..." she managed to squeak out before she curled up into a ball from the pain.

Suddenly, the train lurched forward. It was just like any other time a train would move forward, but then it sped up and sped up and sped up. Ashe slid down the floor as if the train was going up horizontally, her back slamming into the wall behind her. A loud train whistle echoed through the train and a bright white glow filled the train. For a moment, the light was all Ashe could see, followed by darkness and silence.

A warm breeze passed over Ashe's face, smelling of flowers and vanilla. Ashe sat up, her head immediately spinning. She groaned and looked around, finding herself surrounded by her unconscious childhood friends in a field of flowers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valentina Dioli Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose Character Portrait: Rei Fukushima Character Portrait: Elian L. Lawliet
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It all happened so quickly, first a fight bursting into their car with none other then Zhou and Rei, then Valentina following behind and breaking it up with a few gentle words. Yuna watched with admiration as the calming influence of the fourteen year old broke up the two teenagers and they all went to sitting around embarrassed. Yuna's concerned expression was quickly replaced by curiosity as Tina uttered a rather hostile hello to Ashe, but there was no time to dwell on what could be bothering Val because something stabbed Yuna in the chest.

There was no blood, knife, or bullet wound, and yet Yuna's body crumpled to the ground, her bag sliding out of reach. Was this what a heart attack felt like? Yuna wondered and curled into a ball, her senses numb with pain. She bit down on her lip to keep from crying out as the pain in her body intensified and the edges of her vision began to line with dots. The train car was suddenly still, the people who had previously been gawking were now gone; only the six of them remaining. The sound of gears permeated through the silence and suddenly the train jerked forward, moving in a pattern that broke the laws of physics.

Yuna reached for one of the poles as her body slid back, but they were just out of reached and she slammed into the back wall against a row of seats, the breath knocked out of her body. A whimper emerged from between Yuna's lips as the pain grew to be too much and her mind finally slipped into the comfort of unconsciousness.

"Yuna your friends are here, why don't you go play with them?" Her mother stood by the door, a concerned look written across the woman's face. Yuna had been sitting by the phone all morning, waiting for Ashe to call. Her friend had moved to America only a week ago and it had ripped quite a hole in Yuna's chest. "Alright," reluctantly Yuna agreed. She shuffled towards the door, every movement prepared to turn back and run in case it rang.

Disappointment was evident in Yuna's expression as she stuffed her tiny feet into a pair of shoes and ran outside to meet Satoshi, Zhou, Rei, and Valentina. "Why don't we play cops and robbers!" They ran to the backyard and wove their way through the forest towards the clubhouse, declaring that yes they could use black magic and that there would be a base. It was just like every other Sunday, only this time there was no Ashe.

The scent of vanilla and flowers tickled her nose, dancing across her skin as a gentle breeze blew through her plum colored hair. Yuna slowly opened one dazzling blue eye, the light blinding her before her orbs adjusted to the sudden sunlight. She was no longer on a train, or even in Tokyo; that much was obvious. Yuna sat up in the field, the neat braid she had put her locks in had come undone and stray hairs were flying across her face. Laying within view were five other bodies, all of which Yuna recognized. Were they dead? Panic suddenly filled her chest, replacing the pain that had been slowly trickling out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valentina Dioli Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose Character Portrait: Rei Fukushima Character Portrait: Elian L. Lawliet
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Satoshi Ichinose

Tokyo, Japan || Train || 7:22 AM

Sou didn't really understand what was going on. One minute he was sitting there chatting with his best friends, and the next he was watching as the door crashed open and a tumbling mess fell through. Zhou and Rei were obviously fighting. Val was also there, which Sou thought was an insane coincidence, and his mind went blank. He saw Valentina break up the fighting teenage boys. He also heard the foul way she spoke to Ashe, almost as if she was in hatred against her. Sou didn't understand anything that was going on. But the event got even weirder.

Sou noticed Ashe and Yuna fall slowly around him, his eyes blurring as the train around them sped onward. The other people in the train started to disappear one by one. "What the... Pain set in. Unbearable pain, and he tried to ignore it, reaching out for his friends. But suddenly, they weren't there. Nothing was in the train, no people, no seats, no handrails. Lights flashed in and out through the windows as the train gradually sped up to unimaginable speeds. The pain Sou had been ignoring became too much to ignore, and his eyes finally fluttered shut.

"Onii-chan! Onii-chan! Your stupid friends are at the door!" Yuzu came stomping into his room, slamming the door open despite the times their mother had told her not to. Sou had been in the midst of writing another letter to Ashe. He hadn't sent a single one yet. Yuna had told him about how Ashe wasn't responding to hers, so why would he bother sending any? Might as well keep them in case she ever moves back. "Okay okay, I'm coming! And they aren't stupid!" Walking downstairs, Sou saw his friends waiting in the doorway.

Ashe had been gone for weeks already, without responding to any type of sent communication attempts, and Zhou had mysteriously disappeared a few days prior. Now it was just the remaining three. "Hey guys..." Sou's words were so lifeless, his entire life was disappearing with the disappearances of his friends. There was no fun anymore. Yuna's eyes had lost their glow, Rei no longer wanted to wrestle for fun. Val hardly spoke at all anymore. "You wanna play cops and robbers?"

Sou's eyes opened to find bright sunlight beaming down into them, above being a blue sky dotted with white clouds. The smell of flowers filled his nose and he looked around only to find himself surrounded by flowers. Where was this? It definitely wasn't Tokyo. Sou was almost scared. Then he noticed the still bodies around him, the sleeping figures of his five friends. He couldn't tell if they were dead...what the hell was even happening?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valentina Dioli Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose Character Portrait: Rei Fukushima Character Portrait: Elian L. Lawliet
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Everything being said by Valentina was passing him by like the faintest blow of the winds. Rei could only hear the snippets of what she is saying and not even her touch registered to him. It did not serve anything else but a chain to remind him that he was not asleep or dreaming. What truly stopped Rei was the sudden apparition of Hana, her face replacing that of Zhou. He could not afford to hurt her again, but that playing of the imagination effectively stopped the altercation between him and Zhou. Hana's words played over and over his head as the hands which was released by Valentina now balled into fists. The memories of her kept him grounded to a bloodstained history, he had decided upon himself. "Tsk!" He finally stood from his position in a raging hurry as he removed himself from Zhou.

He caught the looks of the other passengers looking at him in fear. That was not something new to him. But, his gaze landed on the child who returned his train pass. It seemed the little boy witnessed what happened and how frighteningly mad he could be. The boy was now scared of him and he knew right there and then, he took his actions too far. It's just that all the emotions began to bubble up to the surface and he just couldn't stop them anymore. He turned his back at them when he heard Valentina greet the other people in his past. He threw a side glance over his shoulder and found three familiar faces of Satoshi, Ashe, and Yuna. This must be his unlucky day. He was right to promise himself never to ride the trains again.

"Sorry won't do anything. It's doesn't mean anything." He stated in an almost whisper-like manner but, it would be enough for those near him to hear. He was indeed in a trance but, it doesn't mean he did not hear Zhou apologizing as if those words can restore everything to what it was. He said that word many times and it didn't do anything at all. What was lost will never come back again no matter what he say or do. It is the same with them. They were not children anymore. The bonds they had before can never be the same again even if all of them wished for it. "Just stay away from me." He stated with a stern coldness and a glare enough to solidify the rumors about him being a bad and terrible person. "All of you... especially you." His gaze landed on Zhou with seething hatred before he walked towards the other car where he had come from originally. The rain was making sounds as if crying, but to what exactly?

Rei didn't have time to ponder on that or about anything else because as he took a step, the world around him began to blur. He felt himself spinning as he tried to stead himself by grabbing onto something. It was impossible though as everything seemed to vanish and his vision was blanketed by a brilliant light. "The hell..." That's all he could manage to say before an unimaginable pain bite into him. It paralyzed him but not fast enough for him not to feel the train speeding up and then, he had lost consciousness.


Things have truly changed. Elian knew this well. All the things that Rei had shouted about were true. There were no excuses and then him coming back as if it was the most normal thing. Time had moved on, but it didn't mean all of them had gracefully followed its lead without a few scars. His eyes landed to Valentina who appeared to be the voice of reason which was unexpected. When they were young, she was mostly quiet and allowed him, Yuna, or even Ashe to handle troublesome things. That's right, they were not little kids anymore. They had come to their own when none of them were watching or even present. They were not who they are in the past. It is something he must know well, because he is not Zhou anymore as well. Still, it didn't mean, he could really forget about the people he made friends with and had created an attachment inside of him. "Rei... I ---"

He was not able to continue his sentence as Rei got off of him in frustration while clicking his tongue. Rei was definitely different from the little boy who would always tag with him. it was then Elian heard Valentina asking if he was alright. Physically? He is fine. Emotionally? Rattled, but as she said this was not the time for such talks. He saw the offered hand but did not take it. He first looked into Valentina's face. "I'm fine, thank you." He said with softness as he stood on his own. He could not burden the younger girl with his own shortcomings. It was then he heard Rei saying that sorry didn't amount to anything and he agrees to that. Saying it would not make everything good again. It never does. But still...

"I am still sorry, Rei." He then looked at Valentina as he noticed the bandages on her face and a bit around her arms. Is she being bullied still and now it had escalated into physical abuse? "Tina, those bandages..." It seemed Valentina noticed what caught his attention and diverted it with a commentary about how it was raining now and greetings to the other witnesses of the scuffle. He looked at the other direction and finally noticed Ashe, Yuna, and Satoshi. This was really unexpected and quite the coincidence. "Yuna? Ashe? Satoshi? It really is you guys." He glanced at Tina when she heard the hostility in her voice when it came to Ashe. It was not hard to notice as it radiated around Tina like a heat wave. It was also then Rei parted ways with them by declaring to stay away from him with an accompanying menacing glare.

Elian was about to run after Rei when the sensation of being stabbed rattled his very bones. It relived the memory where his stepmother had attempted to kill him. He fell to his knees as the pain intensified as he placed a hand over his chest. Everything around him fell into silence as he lifted his head to look around for anyone. But, there was no one and his childhood friends seemed to be in pain as well. What was going on? It was then his vision turned into black as he fainted into the sense of nothingness.


"Wake up, sleepyhead..."

Slowly, but surely, lavender eyes began to open and what it saw was like that of a dream. Rei was seeing blue skies where it should be the ceiling of a train or even a hospital as he remembered that searing pain. It was too intense that he lost consciousness or may be, he was dead and in heaven? He could feel a warm and gentle breeze blowing along with the scent of vanilla and flowers. Well, he didn't expect that. He should be in hell or something. He covered his eyes with an arm as the glare of the sun was a bit uncomfortable and managed to sit up. He then saw quite the great expand of flowers. This was like something he could only see in those paintings, movies, and such. He was either dreaming or not of the living anymore. But then, he heard movement at his side. He found that he was not alone in this flower field. "Zhou?!" He said in surprise as he moved a bit back as the older guy's face was far too close for comfort, it was like they were about to kiss.

Blue eyes gazed at Rei for a while before giving a small nod of approval as the younger boy moved away in a rather comedic manner. Elian shook his head lightly and had a small smile. It seemed some things have not changed yet. He had woken up a bit earlier than Rei and had already assessed that they were not in Tokyo as his phone did not have any signal at all when he checked. It was like they were in the boonies or something. "It seems you're fine. I think we can probably rule out the fact we died. " Elian stood from his position and placed his hands inside his pockets. He still felt a bit dizzy but nothing which would prevent him from moving around. "The others are awake too." He pointed at Ashe, Yuna, and Satoshi. He then went towards them and looked at them with concern.

As for Rei, he clicked his tongue in annoyance. Zhou was acting too familiar with him which he doesn't like at all. Anyway, he stood up as well and found that the others were also there. "Are you guys hurt?" Elian asked the three as he looked over them. Rei walked towards them but kept a good distance. He didn't want to get too friendly with any of them especially with Zhou. But, he did say two things which were probably going in everybody's head. "Where the hell are we? And What's going on here?" He asked while having both of his arms crossed over his chest. Because, he really has no intention of staying here too long especially with them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valentina Dioli Character Portrait: Ashe Bates Character Portrait: Yuna Siv Character Portrait: Satoshi Ichinose Character Portrait: Rei Fukushima Character Portrait: Elian L. Lawliet
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"Everything is but a dream within a dream."

Turning her head, Val had barely enough time to take in the fact that the group around her had somehow reformed from their childhood. It was like a domino effect - first Ashe grimaced in pain and crumpled to the ground, and then slowly the rest of their group followed suit. Val wasn't exempted from the attack, for immediately after Rei and Zhou fell, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. Her hand lifted to clutch the center of it, her legs buckling and her knee coming to a painful contact with the floor of the train. It was as though the entire world had dimmed - the people on the train had disappeared, the lights were flickering, and the train had seemingly turned upside-down.

Val slid across the floor, her hands moving to grab the nearest object, but she missed every single sturdy pole. Sliding hard into the back of the train, she barely registered the fact that she had landed directly beside Ashe before the darkness claimed her.


"Vally? Vally, you need to get out of bed. Yuna's here with Rei to see if you want to go and ask Satoshi if he wants to play."

When no response was gained, the elder woman walked into the dark room, gently shutting the door behind her. She approached the bed where a mass of blankets and pillows hid the small girl, dropping onto the edge of the mattress. She managed to pull the blankets back enough to find the mass of dark hair that belonged to Val, her hand smoothing through the curls.

"Vally, you can't just lay around and mope all of the time. I understand that you're upset about Ashe and Zhou leaving, but you can always make new friends."

Throwing the covers from her face, Val revealed ghost-pale skin and haunted, tear-filled eyes.

"No, I can't! Auntie, they call me witch at school - and they make fun of my eye!" she sniffled, yanking the blanket back up and over her head. She heard her aunt sigh softly, and after a few moments, she rose and left the room. Val barely got her telling Rei and Yuna that she wasn't feeling well and wouldn't be able to play that day, before the door shut and the silence once more encompassed her.


Thick black lashes fluttered and slowly opened, revealing eyes that were equally dark. Lifting a hand, she blocked the bright sunlight from glaring into her one good eye, and yet it somehow streamed between the small cracks between her fingers, making her skin appear to be a light, glowing yellow-orange. After several moment, Val dropped her arm, where it landed softly in the grass. Her head was throbbing and her eyes ached, but other than her previous injuries from earlier that morning, she was fit as a fiddle.

Sitting up slowly, she turned her head to either side before reaching out and grabbing her violin and cello cases, which had somehow managed to land on either side of her - which her back thanked for that whatever force was out there. After several moments of her gathering her bearings, she pushed herself to her feet, her legs shaking only slightly from the sudden movement. When her eyes took in the five other people around her, she tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes.

Immediately Val froze. Dropping her cases, she quickly lifted her hand to her face, where it trembling as it touched the scarred flesh around her left eye.

Where was it? Where was her patch? If she didn't find it, they would see - and then they would hate her too - and they would call her a witch!

Dropping to her hands and knees, she searched half-blindly for the white patch, which for some odd reason had mysteriously disappeared.

"No ... No, no, no, no, no! Where is it ...? Where is it? I have to find it - I have to find it before they see!" she whispered hoarsely, her fingers curling in the grass. Realization struck her like a bullet. Her eye patch was gone, leaving her grotesque, scarred, blind green eye for the world to see.

Zhou's and Rei's words slowly made their way into her consciousness, going from a question of whether or not they were injured, and then straight into what the others were undoubtedly thinking - where were they and what was going on.

Drawing in a deep breath, she grabbed her hair and pulled it across her face, adjusting it so that it hid her left eye as best and possible, before slowly rising once more. After a few moments of gathering her wits and summoning enough courage to face her former friends who, surprisingly, had never once seen what exactly was beneath her eye patch - they had simply been told by their parents a summary of what had happened to her and her family and that they were never to ask her about her patch, by request of her aunt and uncle - she turned and fixated a single ruby gaze on each one in turn.

"I'm beginning to wonder the same thing," she murmured, in response to Rei's question. Turning her face slightly towards Zhou, she nodded at him. "And I'm alright. From what I can tell, so is everyone else," she said, looking at each person in turn but making it a point to not even spare a glance at Ashe. After a moment, she reached down and grabbed her cello and violin cases once more, slinging them both onto her back before lowering her head. "I don't know what's going on here, but I want to go home," she said quietly, hiding her face as she stared at the ground. Her fingers tightened around the straps to one of her cases, her lips grimacing as she fought back the fear that she felt within her. "I want to go home. Right now. I want to go home. I'm ... I'm scared," she whispered, for the first time in her life acting like the child that she still was.