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Danny Griffin

"Bad things happen, you just gotta move on, and hope for tomorrow."

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a character in “Our Safe Haven”, as played by CutUp


Kashmir โ™ซ Dream On โ™ซ Touch of Grey โ™ซ Wherever I May Roam โ™ซ Only The Young โ™ซ Heart-Shaped Box โ™ซ If
{"All I see turns to brown, as the sun burns the ground."}

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| N A M E |
Daniel Arthur Griffin

| N I C K N A M E |
Danny - Prefers over his real name
Danny-Boy - Variation of his nickname. Not a big fan.
Griff - Due to his last name, not often used but he doesn't mind it.
Poof - Due to the sound his teleporting makes.

| A G E |

| G E N D E R |

| R O L E |
Safe Haven Resident

| E T H N I C I T Y |
American of Scottish, Irish, and English decent.

| B I R T H D A T E |
November 25; Sagittarius

| M A R I T A L S T A T U S |
"I can't even talk to girls!"

| S E X U A L I T Y |

{"Half my life's in books' written pages."}

| H E I G H T |
5 foot 10

| W E I G H T |
170 pounds

| E Y E C O L O R |

| H A I R C O L O R |

| A P P E A R A N C E |
Danny is a physically fit young man with short blonde hair. He is consider quite handsome, but most would use the words 'cute' or 'adorable'. Generally he wears simple clothing, nothing too flashy. Most of the time this is a plain t-shirt over a long sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers. The t-shirts he wears are usually of his favorite bands. His favorites include: Nirvana, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, The Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd, and Jimi Hendrix. He will also wear on occasion a grey utility jacket. He also wears a cross at all times.

| O D D I T I E S |
He needs glasses in order to read. He does have some pretty bad allergies that often cause him to sneeze. He has deep scars on his wrists, and ankles from being restrained.

{"I will get by, I will survive."}

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| P E R S O N A L I T Y |
โœฆ Nerdy โœง Shy โœฆ Awkward โœง Optimistic โœฆ

If there is one thing others can say about Danny, it's that he's a nice guy. He's just a naturally sweet, and innocent type of dude. He is the sort to do whatever he can to please others. He's an eternal optimist, and always tries to find the bright side of situations. Which at times he can annoy others with how chill he is. He doesn't like to fight with people, and will always back down when an argument is on the rise. He doesn't have the greatest self confidence, and constantly second guesses himself, or belittles himself.

He can be quite shy, and awkward. He won't be the one to initiate first contact with anyone. He is also quite secretive about his past, and will quickly change topics when it's brought up. Why? Well even the nice guys have skeletons in their closets. He can be quite awkward, especially around girls. When around them he tends to stutter, or babble on about nothing, that's in the best of cases. Quite often he'll just teleport away from a situation out of embarrassment. This is even worse with girls that he may have an interest in. He's fine if it's someone he knows he doesn't have a shot with, though he still babbles on, and acts awkward around them.

He is a pretty big nerd as well. He's an avid comic book reader, movie watcher, and gamer. More times than not you can find his nose stuck in a comic book, or a sci-fi novel. His favorites are the Invincible series, and the Dune series. Though he has his nose in the books most of the time, he does like the outdoors, and is very fun-loving. Though not violent, or confrontational by nature, he will act if it's to protect others, especially if it's about those he cares a great deal about. So all-in-all he is a good-natured, and innocent young man.

{"Where I lay my head is home."}

| P O W E R |
Teleportation- Danny is able to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between. He has advanced skill in this power, easily being able to teleport the length of a football field, but what he excels at is taking short and rapid bursts. He can currently take up to two others with him, but they must be in physical contact with him. When he teleports he disappears in a cloud of smoke. He also possess a limited Spacial awareness. This is an unconscious, instinctual extrasensory ability that prevents him from teleporting himself into solid objects.
| S T R E N G T H S |
โœฆSpeed - Even without his powers he is naturally fast.
โœงAgility - He is pretty agile, and nimble. This is thanks to his powers, as it gives him a sense of security from falling, and hurting himself.
โœฆKindness- He's just a sweet guy who genuinely wants to help others.
โœงIntelligent - He's a reasonably smart guy, and is able to quickly work through problems.
โœฆOptimism - He always finds the bright side of things, and refuses to see the bad in people.
| W E A K N E S S E S |
โœฆAwkwardness - Don't even ask him to talk to girls, at best he'll babble on about the enterworkings of the Spice trade in Dune.
โœงSelf-Confidence - He's not very confident.
โœฆClaustrophobia - He's intensely afraid of tight spaces.
โœงThe Dark - He also has an intense fear of the dark.
โœฆInnocence- He doesn't like to find the bad in people, and so he's pretty naive.

{"In the shadows of a golden age, a generation waits for dawn."}

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| H O B B I E S |
โœฆReading - "It's fundamental."
โœงTaking Pictures - "It's just something I like to do. If it's a problem I can stop."
โœฆGaming - "It's fun though."

| H A B I T S |
โœงStuttering - ""
โœฆTaking Pictures - "What? It helps with my teleporting."
โœงReading - "Oh! Omniman was a villian the whole time?!"
โœฆTeleporting On Accident- "I...I..." *sneezes, and teleports away*

| L I K E S |
โœฆSci-Fi - "It's awesome."
โœงClassic Rock - "Can't beat the classics."
โœฆGames - "Wanna play some Borderlands?
โœงPhotos - "They capture moments in life. There's something elegant about that wouldn't you agree?"
โœฆMovies - "Wanna watch 2001 A Space Odyssey?"

| D I S L I K E S |
โœฆFighting - "Can't we just get along?"
โœงThe Dark - "Yes....I sleep with a nightlight...."
โœฆTight Spaces - "It's...uh...complicated....please drop it."
โœงTalking About His Past - "It'" *teleports away*
โœฆCats - "I'm just allergic. Other than that I've got no problem with them."

| G O A L S |
โœฆTo Be Able To Talk To Girls - "You look....your hair.....nice...uh...I gotta go construct additional pylons!" *teleports away* "Nailed it."
โœงTo Travel The World - "You'd think with my powers that'd be easy."
โœฆCompletely Mastering His Power - "It'd be nice not to teleport on accident when I'm around a cat. It happens when I sneeze."

| F E A R S |
โœงThe Dark - "What? I don't....carry around a flashlight. That's...uh...that'd" *teleports away*
โœฆTight Spaces - "It's...not that it?"
โœงKilling Someone- "I don't want to hurt anyone."

{"Forever in debt to your priceless advice."}

| H I S T O R Y |
When Danny was born it was apparent that he had powers. When his mother went in labor he wasn't delivered in the usual way, no he teleported out of the womb, and dragged several of his mother's intestines along with him. Needless to say she didn't survive. With his mother dead his father couldn't even stand to look at his newborn son. He abandoned Danny in the foster system, never to see him again. Danny ended up in a Catholic foster home in North Carolina. From there things got worse, after all, nobody wants to adopt a freak.

As he started to grow, so did his powers. The nuns that ran the home ended up locking him in a small dark room. They chained him to the walls, and blindfolded him most of the time, only to let him out for his studies. This sheltered his fear of the dark, and closed spaces. Growing up like this he never had any friends, the nuns were sure to keep him away from the other children. He was treated as some sort of monster, and he had no idea why. The mother superior of the home was particularly harsh on him, even at times physically abusing him, and she's the reason he has such a fear of women.

Only one person ever treated him like a human being, like a kid, that was the lowly janitor. He'd often sneak in to bring Danny books, music to listen to, or sometimes sneak him out to watch movies, or play video games. Most importantly he gave him hope. If it wasn't for that janitor, Danny would be a very different person he is today. He owes a lot to him for just some basic human compassion. When it was found out about these visits mother superior put a stop to it. She fired the janitor, making Danny more alone than ever.

He was fifteen when he finally had enough. He couldn't stand being chained down in the darkness. He teleported out of his chains, and disappeared. After escaping his personal hell, he traveled for a bit around the east coast. He didn't know what else to do. Eventually he found himself near Maine, and was found by others like him, others with powers like him. He found himself a home, and a family, and has been there since.

{"If I were a good man, I'd talk to you more often than I do."}

ImageImage| F C |
Connor Jessup

| C O L O R |

| P R O T R A Y E D B Y |
Future God-Emperor CutUp

Sheet โ’ธ of CutUp

So begins...

Danny Griffin's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Griffin Character Portrait: Jane Wolfe Character Portrait: Hope Grimshaw Character Portrait: Liesbeth Reitveld Character Portrait: Alexander Qing Character Portrait: Astrid Herondale
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Airy


Jane has always hated this part -- the leaving. It is not unusual for people to leave the Safe Haven, it's a place for people to stay if they want, and to leave when they want or feel ready. It's always been a bittersweet situation. Jane considers anyone in the Safe Haven as Family, and as Family, she always wants whatโ€™s best for them. If what they think is best is for them is to leave, then sheโ€™s all for it and will support them and always welcome them back, but itโ€™s always hard to lose someone, to say goodbye. It's especially worse in those cases where some just up and leave without a word. It's harder not to be able to even say goodbye.

She remembered the last time she saw Nakoda at the house, the day previously. All seemed fine. It was maybe late into the afternoon, almost the evening. She was in the kitchen when Jane went in to grab a cup of tea before escaping for the rest of the night to the little shed on the property where all her paints were. Nakoda seemed normal. Usually, the residents who up and left seemed nervous for a day or two before they vanished. They were always a little anxious -- always had that little crease on their forehead that showed how hard they were trying not to blurt the whole truth out or say something telling. It's only happened twice before, people up and leaving in the night, but both residents had come back maybe a few months later just to let the house know they were okay. It was utterly nerve racking not to know what happened or where they are. They always left like that because they wanted to leave without having to say goodbye. Some people don't deal with those well, it was understandable to a point, But there's always the concern in the back of Jane's head that it was something else, someone else. It was no different in this instance.

It was early in the morning, around six A.M, just when the sun was just beginning to rise. Jane stood in the open doorway of Nakoda's room. It looked the same. It didn't seem as if she had taken anything with her. The bed was still mussed from where she had slept, either from last night or the night before. Something was odd. Most people would at least take some possessions with them, whether it be clothes or some little knick knacks that held emotional significance. Then again, some people wanted a completely fresh start. Someone else had left all their stuff once before as well.

Jane walked into the room, a bit tentatively and slow. She felt sort of like she was crossing some personal boundary. Without touching anything, she looked at the desk and around the room, searching for a possible trace of a note. There was nothing. An odd uncertainty and anxiety settled in her stomach, and before she had any other thought, Jane left the room and raced down the steps to the front door, throwing on her coat to protect her from the cool morning air that greeted her as she closed the door behind her. It was possible Nakoda went into town before Jane had woken up, but she never heard anything. Nakoda also wasnโ€™t the type to take an early 6 A.M stroll into town, but Jane had to look. She didnโ€™t usually do this, she didnโ€™t hover over the residents and expect them to tell her their location at every point in the day, but Jane just had a bad feeling about this, and her impulsive nature took control.

The town of Boothbay Harbour was maybe a thirty-minute walk away from the house, less time by car. Jane tended to always opt out of taking the car, considering she always had the fear in the back of her mind of crashing it. But, as much as she would prefer to walk, she knew she didn't have the luxury of the extra time it'd take her to get to town without the car. She had no idea when Nakoda had left -- if she would still be in an around the area. So, the sooner Jane could get around, the sooner she might find out what happened. Unlocking the car in which was the only one of her father's she hadn't sold when she got hold of all her parent's possessions, she quickly backed out of the lot and drove down the empty early morning road, her green eyes flickering in every direction, trying to find the girl.

A familiar row of shops greeted Jane as she drove into the town. Even though it was early morning, it was busy. People sat at small cafรฉ's, joggers went by in groups, couples walked their perky dogs. It was the summer time; it was always busier in the town during summer. Boothbay was a known tourist area, and where Jane didn't really like the excessive amount of people, she was grateful that for the rest of the seasons, everything went pretty null and quiet. As much as she liked to travel and experience new things, she still wasn't the greatest fan of crowds.

Jane spent a good two hours driving around the small town which should only take around twenty minutes to get around entirely. Jane went up and down every one of the all too familiar roads at least five times each. She even went out of the town bounds for a bit as well, but there was still no trace of the familiar looking girl. In a final attempt, Jane pulled into one of the parking spots at the long stretch of beach and sea. She wasn't able to drive around the entire perimeter, and she knew this beach had a long span of land. It was unlikely Nakoda was here, but this was the only other place Jane could think of to look. Closing the car door behind her, the familiar smell of the sea and the humid breeze that often calmed her nerves, as it reminded her of the feeling of home, did little to soothe her still anxious state. She felt distracted; she only had a single goal in mind. Jane began walking up the sandy area, but despite passing a few people during the long walk, none of them was Nakoda. It was possible Jane had missed her, or at least she hoped, but three hours had passed since the start of her search. If Nakoda had just gone for a walk, sheโ€™d most likely be at the house by now. If not? She was gone.

On the drive back home, Jane stopped in a little market just to pick up some food as the home stock was running low. She tried to shoulder all five paper bags herself, but mixed with her distracted state and bad shoulder, they began dropping. Reluctantly, she let the bag boy help her take the groceries to her car and load them up for her. Giving a friendly thanks, she got back into her car and drove back home.

The house was large, there was a lot of space in which someone could be. Before she had checked Nakodaโ€™s room early in the morning, she made note that she had not been in any other part of the house that morning. There were a lot of empty rooms some of the residents liked to escape to, but theyโ€™d all been empty when sheโ€™d checked. Popping the trunk of the car, she took out three bags, intending to go back and grab the other two later, before she went up to the house and struggled to unlock the door. As soon as she entered inside, she dumped the three bags on the kitchen counter, and still with the single focused goal in mind, went around the house, calling down every corridor, โ€œNakoda? You here?โ€, but got no reply from the girlโ€™s voice she wanted to hear.

Nakodaโ€™s room still looked the same, empty and untouched.

Going back down the stairs, she made her way into the kitchen and sat herself down on the one of the stools at the counter, unease sketched on her face. She hoped Nakoda had left without saying goodbye. As much as Jane wanted a goodbye, and as much as it would hurt not knowing why she left, it was better than the alternative. It was better than the alternative that maybe someone had taken her or someone had done something to her. Jane just needed to know.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Griffin Character Portrait: Jane Wolfe Character Portrait: Hope Grimshaw Character Portrait: Reed Lewis Character Portrait: Robin Lewis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by CutUp
โ™ซ Touch of Grey โ™ซ
The nights for Danny are difficult, they've always been difficult. His dreams won't allow him to sleep. Vivid nightmares of shadows consuming him, the nuns at the old orphanage cackling, and hissing at him as he screamed in terror, all a nightly thing for Danny. At most Danny could probably get three or four hours of decent sleep before he wakes up with night terrors. Though he won't discuss these things with the others, his adoptive family. He can't, he pathetic enough without having their pity heaped onto it. Though he's not so certain that Jane doesn't know given her abilities. Though he knows the twins have similar troubles, as he can hear them at night. But Danny's not one to pry, so he hasn't confronted them about it.

Despite the nightmares, and only few hours of sleep Danny does enjoy the solitude, and peace while the others are asleep. Well most of the others, the twins are often awake as well, though Danny mostly lets them do their own thing, and he spends his time reading, or listening to music, or usually both. His particular favorite thing to do is to lay outside in the grass among the trees under the night sky, and get into a good book. And last night was no different for Danny. Danny laid there on in one the branches of a tree close to the house as the sun began to rise with his camera in hand, taking pictures of the oh so important golden hour. It was Danny's favorite time of day, and of what he has the most pictures of. He was wearing his jacket due to the cool air, and a new shirt he had recently ordered online of Queen.

When he heard someone leave the house Danny peeked through the leaves to see what was up. It was Jane. He wondered why she was in such a hurry, and why she seemed so worried. Danny let out a sigh, and took a few more pictures of his surroundings before he teleported away. Danny teleported back into his bedroom. Danny stretched out his limbs, making many cracking and popping sounds from his joints. Danny sat down at a makeshift desk of a table that sat at the foot of his bed. Behind the desk was a bulletin board with many of his favorite pictures pinned up on it.

Danny sat his camera down, scrolling through the pictures he had taken this morning. Danny took out his phone, and put in his ear buds. As Danny was listening to his tunes he began deleting some of the pictures he didn't like, and keeping the ones he does. Once that was done Danny simply laid down in his bed, and stared at the ceiling, focusing on his music.

Time seemed to just rush by as before he knew it Jane was back, and it had already been about two hours. With the others starting to get up, and Jane calling out for Nakoda, he decided it was time to join them. Danny got out of bed, and teleported out of his room. He reappeared suddenly in the kitchen in front of everyone. He undoubtedly scared Jane as he tends to accidently do. Danny looked over at Jane, his face becoming red, and he instantly brought his eyes to the floor. "S-s-s-sorry...." Danny struggled to get out. He looked over at Reed, and then at Robin, and Hope.

"N-n-nakoda's n-n-not.....back?" Danny rubbed his chin as he tried to think of where she might go. But really he didn't know too much about her, like he doesn't know too much about the others as well. "May.....Maybe m-m-m-me, a-an-and Robin cou-ld search......I could teleport.......and he something...." Danny suggested as he folded his arms together. "C-c-c-could be.......faster...." Danny was obviously uncomfortable talking around with the girls there. It makes him feel rather bad, as he doesn't dislike them or anything, but he still can't say a complete sentence to them. He wonders what they think of him, how pathetic, and pitiful he must be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Griffin Character Portrait: Jane Wolfe Character Portrait: Hope Grimshaw Character Portrait: Liesbeth Reitveld Character Portrait: Alexander Qing Character Portrait: Astrid Herondale
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0.00 INK

                        They hadn't slept in slightly over two days. A lamentable fact and a decision he had begun to truly regret, but there was little he could do about it now. Fatigue was beginning to show on the faces of his group, and he was certain it was beginning to show on his face (he could certainly feel it--cement legs, iron shoes, weighted head), but still he continued on, picking his way through the thick foliage of the forest.

                        It had been about twenty minutes since he left his group behind, telling them to wait half an hour before following. By his estimations, he had about another five minutes to go before he'd reach the building he'd once called home, giving him, probably, just over twenty minutes to figure out the situation with Jane and Owen before his own crew came bursting in through the doors. And, now, just under five minutes to figure out exactly what he was going to say.

                        He ran over the last three days in his head (all the horror of it, the running, his heart pounding in his ears, the struggling, the short screams, the sheer number of them. The loss.), trying to formulate what words he could use to describe everything that had happened, and everything it meant to him. He half wished he'd brought Alexander along--he was good with words, far better than Elias would ever be-- but he knew this was an entrance he'd have to make alone. He started at the beginning.

                        xxxx; EARLIER | THREE DAYS BEFORE

                        They were just crossing over the border into Maine. Their last big stop had been in New York, where they'd managed to shut down a small group of Hunters, only six in number. He'd avoided making a public demonstration of it then, for New York was a big city, and he'd hate to be caught in an ambush by a group much larger than just six bodies. For months, he'd avoided returning to Maine, whether out of fear or shame, he wasn't certain, but the fact remained. The problem was they'd gotten word (thanks, in large part, to both Alexander's gift and to his own fists) of another group of hunters operating in Maine. Which was troubling, to say the least. He didn't agree with the lives Jane and Owen led, but they were still family, and he still loved them both. Unfortunately, the defeated Hunters didn't know all the other group's going ons, and he wasn't able to ascertain their number or their exact location. He figured he'd follow the trail of reports strange events and then subsequent missing people adverts.

                        They were just crossing over the border into Maine, and they kept moving for another three hours before they started to lose light. He pulled the truck (stolen, thank you, Alexander) over into a small grove, told the gang to rest up for a couple hours before they started out again. He took the opportunity to get some shut eye himself. He didn't get much sleep. He was up in just a few hours-- it was still dark outside-- though he couldn't pinpoint a reason. Some vague disturbance. A quick head count revealed why.

                        He took a few minutes to search the surrounding area. Went as far as the edge of the grove before he heard noise. Muffled screaming. The visual came later. Four of them, carrying Lucy away, another four flanking, and a discussion about how they'd report into the others about the girl they caught in the woods. He was too far away from the rest of the group. He tried to tail them, but all of those stupid fucking branches and twigs. He narrowly escaped a bullet to the shoulder.

                        They booked it all the way north, and Elias insisted on driving the whole way. Which brought him to just four hours prior. It was just before dawn, the rays of the sun just touching the horizon, turning it a deceptively peaceful pastel image. He wasn't eager to go through town, even at the early hour. They ditched the car about two miles out, picked their way around the outskirts of the town and towards the house. And they ran dead into another kidnapping.

                        Hunters, clearly, and this close to the Safe House meant that the girl was certainly under the protection of Jane and Owen. He'd wanted to out and get her, to fight like all hell to take down the Hunters, of course he did. But they were all so tired, and he knew they wouldn't have a damn chance, powers or not. Their only shot, her only shot, and Lucy's too, was to continue on the path they'd been on. They walked another half hour in silence. So much silence. They stopped almost twenty minutes away, and he told them to give him some time to speak with Jane and Owen alone.

                        xxxx; PRESENT

                        Just under five minutes became just under two minutes, then just under a minute, and then there was the door and the sound of his knocking reached his ears before he could fully comprehend that he was moving his hand. There was blood rushing in his ears, and he hated the uneasy sensation settling in his stomach. How long had it been? Four months, five? Longer? He didn't know anymore.

                        He stood at the door for what couldn't have been more than half a minute, but felt like hours-- jaw tense, brow furrowed, breathing so deep his lungs ached. At some point, his mind cleared (somewhat marginally), and he realized knocking was probably not the best option. Who knew what stranger might open the door.

                        He pushed the door open, peering into the familiar surroundings. It was familiar but not, the way your car seems to be when somebody else is driving it. It hurt him, in some intangible and irrational way. "Jane," he called into the large house, waiting for the slight echo to pass. "Owen." He made his way through the rooms, in the general direction of where he heard far-off sounding voices. The kitchen looked the same as it used to. Though most of the faces there were new.

                        He hadn't worked out what he was going to say, not exactly, but he'd at least worked out some sort of vague outline. He had, but he could recall so little of it. He swallowed, but his throat felt dry. "Hi, Jane," he managed to say, and his voice sounded thin in his ears. It was not everyday he saw and spoke to ghosts. He'd never thought he would.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Griffin Character Portrait: Jane Wolfe Character Portrait: Hope Grimshaw Character Portrait: Reed Lewis Character Portrait: Robin Lewis Character Portrait: Elias Averesch
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Airy


Jane lifted her head, realizing that when she first had entered the kitchen, she'd been utterly oblivious to Robin's presence. She smiled at Hope, saying a small "thanks," as the blonde got up to put the groceries away. Hope always was kind. It was a nice presence in the house, and not one Jane took for granted. Jane opened her mouth to reply to Hope's concerned statements, but Robin replied before she could. She felt a little better knowing he'd seen her go out for a walk that morning, but she'd looked everywhere and still, no sign of the familiar girl. "She's not in the hospital," Jane spoke, reassuring Hope's initial concern, reaching over to give her a squeeze of the hand. "I went around town a couple of times, I didn't see her walking and I went into a couple public places. I asked one of the nurse's at the hospital but they saw no one matching her description."

Jane looked up as Robins twin Reed moved into the room, sliding into the chair next to her and knowingly putting his arm around her. She expected the soon calming feeling that washed over her like a wave. She appreciated it, but it still didn't change the fact that Nakoda had vanished. She also appreciated both of them trying to convince her of different excuses, but she knew she most likely didn't fall asleep by a tree. At least, not for this long. Jane didn't even want to voice her concern that something horrible could have happened to her, so instead, she went to the next logical assumption. "She probably just left."

Looking up, she flashed the three a smile that she had hoped read that she was fine with it, had accepted it, but the corner of her mouth faltered all to quick. If Nakoda wanted to leave, Jane wanted to respect that. If she left without saying goodbye there must have been a reason, but it always hurt. She just wanted Nakoda to be happy. Clearing her throat slightly, she tried regaining her usually cheerful composure and took a sip of the smoothie passed over to her. As soon as Danny poofed (as she liked to say) into the room, she swallowed the smoothie the wrong way as the sixteen-year-old boy startled her, and she started coughing and choking slightly.

Jane was about as jumpy as a cat when it came to anything sudden, and it was always a recurring scenario that she'd either shriek, get wide eyed in shock, or drop whatever she was doing whenever Danny suddenly appeared via his power. As surprising as it was every time, she'd come to expect it throughout the day. Danny immediately started apologizing, and Jane lifted up her hand and started waving it in a frantic 'no' gesture as she still sputtered. "It's fine, It's totally fine! Don't apologize, Danny," she managed to choke out reassuringly, as she got out of her chair and ran over to fill a glass of water, drinking it in order to stop the coughing. It quickly worked, and she took in a deep breath before smiling up at all of them in the room. "I would really appreciate it if you guys looked, I just don't want Nakoda to feel like she did anything wrong by leaving." Dumping the rest of the water down the sink, she put the cup in the dishwasher, before adding on, "I just want to make sure she's okay," she admitted, lifting herself up so she sat on the steel counter by the sink. She looked down at her feet, trying to decide what exactly to do, but a voice that she'd never forget but never thought she'd hear again cut through her thoughts.

"Jane," she heard Elias call.

Jane's head immediately snapped up to where the voice had come from, her mind registering the familiar presence. Soon, he stood in the doorway of the kitchen, his voice carrying a simple "Hi, Jane", as her eyes met his. She couldn't help but let out a small, yet audible, laugh. It wasn't even a funny situation; she was simply laughing at herself, laughing at the ironic way she took it. This scenario played through her head so naturally. Him being at the kitchen doorway saying hi didn't even seem uncommon. It was like everything that had happened in the past had never even occurred. It was just a normal day.

Reality settled in all too quickly.

Slipping off the counter, she mumbled, "exuse me," to the other's in the kitchen, her voice suddenly sounding so small, her eyes full of confusion, hurt, and slight relief, never leaving Elias. Grabbing ahold of his arm, she moved him through the house, ushering him outside wordlessly so she could talk with a better feeling of privacy. Closing the door behind her, she let go of his arm and turned to look up at the ghostly face of her memories. A thousand questions were at the tip of her tongue; why did he leave, did he know how shitty it was, why hadn't he at least let her or someone else know. Yet, all she could manage to say was, "please tell me you're okay."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Griffin Character Portrait: Jane Wolfe Character Portrait: Hope Grimshaw Character Portrait: Reed Lewis Character Portrait: Robin Lewis Character Portrait: Elias Averesch
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Reed and Robin didnโ€™t argue with Jane. They both knew she was not in the right frame of mind to be calm so neither told her to do so. They didnโ€™t think Nakoda had just left. It was entirely unlike her. She was certainly not one to just leave unannounced. She would have felt guilty for doing so. She would rather say goodbye and see the pain she was leaving than leaving without ever letting them know. It wasnโ€™t like Nakoda.

Reed and Robin both looked up as Danny appeared in the kitchen rather suddenly. The atmosphere of the room was immediately improved. They both smiled at him, finding the boy rather fun. Both could talk to him without Danny stuttering, but with girlsโ€ฆ That was different. They both appreciated Dannyโ€™s nerves. Robin had been the one that was a bit shy with girls growing up but even he had found a girlfriend and they were happy. He was happy. It was odd since he had always figured it would be Reed who was so happy. Instead, it was him and it was exhilarating.

Robin looked to the door, his face twisting into one of confusion and concern. He wrapped his arms more tightly around Hope. Reed was about to reassure Jane theyโ€™d find her when everyone heard a voice they hadnโ€™t in years. โ€Guysโ€ฆโ€ He stated just before a young man stepped into their kitchen. It was Elias. Reed moved to keep himself between Jane and Elias but she was already gone to see him.

The twins looked at each other, concern evident on both their faces. Neither wanted to leave Jane alone simply because she was their friend and both knew what Elais had done, both had been present. The room became extremely silent. โ€Iโ€™ll keep any eye on them.โ€ It was all Robin had to say as he moved away from Hope and Reed leaned against the counter, his stomach a wave of nerves.

Elias had been an extremist. He had been one to believe individuals with special abilities should not hide in the dark, but be ruling the light. The twins, while agreeing that people with special abilities shouldn't have to hide, both agreed that ruling the world was not the answer either. The answer was a mutual peace but that wasn't the way with Elias and his group. It was one way or the highway and the twins had certainly ended up taking the highway.

Robin waited until he heard the door close before going down the hallway he had seen Elias and Jane move before leaning against the hallway's entrance, far enough away from the door to give the two privacy but close enough to step in if he saw anything begin to happen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Griffin Character Portrait: Jane Wolfe Character Portrait: Hope Grimshaw Character Portrait: Reed Lewis Character Portrait: Robin Lewis Character Portrait: Elias Averesch
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0.00 INK

                        Everything seemed to stand far too still while at the same time, curiously enough, the Earth's rotation seemed far too pronounced, and it felt to Elias as though he could feel the very shifting of the tectonic plates themselves. There was a beat of silence that elongated itself, making the moment seem like minutes. All the strange tricks your mind can play on you.

                        The silence ended and she laughed. Laughed. He wasn't entirely sure what else he was expecting. A slap in the face? Far too unlike Jane. He wasn't sure what he was hoping for either. All the times he'd thought about the home he'd left behind and the people he wished he could see again, not once had he actually played out a scenario in his head where he'd reunite with them. It seemed too unrealistic at the time. The world had a funny way of playing out. It half felt like fate, or destiny, or some other similarly ridiculous force was playing a nasty trick on him.

                        But he couldn't blame her at all. He almost felt like laughing himself. And he did, cracked a smile and a small chuckle. He could see where she was coming from. The whole thing was so terribly anticlimactic. All those months and somehow so little had really changed. He had walked into the house and over the threshold of the kitchen with such ease, as if there were no problem or strangeness about it. As if he belonged there. As if he had never left.

                        But that was nothing but a shimmering ghost of the past. The truth remained, hanging in the air like a stifling presence. There was a strangeness about it all. He didn't belong, and he had left. Nothing could change the facts.

                        Jane dropped from the counter she was perched on, and his vision, previously so laser-focused on Jane the rest of his surroundings blurred, cleared and focused. He heard her excuse herself, and in the moments before she gripped his arm, he took the opportunity to fully scan the faces he had barely noted before. He recognized two of them, the twins, who had been there when he still was. They were there the day he left too, and he could practically see the wariness in their eyes. He nearly laughed again. Of course they'd be reluctant to leave Jane alone with him; if he were in their place, he'd likely feel the same. The other two were new faces, but he'd been gone for quite a while, and he wasn't surprised to see some of the residents had changed.

                        She pulled him out of the room, and he didn't acknowledge the others in the kitchen before turning to follow her. He had more pressing matters than trying to make amends or new friends. Outside the air still held something of a chill, and he appreciated the sharp breeze that kept his mind clear. The door shut behind them, and there was another beat of silence. And then she asked him if he was okay. So many months from the fateful day he had slipped out of the house in the early hours of dawn like some kind of criminal (which he may very well have been), and the first words she said to him were "please tell me you're okay." He couldn't stop the sharp, bitter laugh that escaped his mouth.

                        "Christ," he said, running a hand through his hair. "That's so... That is just what you would say, isn't it?" He laughed again, just a breathy testament to how much she made him hate himself.

                        "Couldn't you just," he said, after a brief moment avoiding her gaze, "I don't know, call me a bastard or a son of a bitch or punch me in the face or, or something?" He failed to mask his frustration (less with her, more with himself), and his voice rose slightly. He took a deep breath, sighed, released the hand he'd unknowingly clenched into a fist. Maybe he should have talked to Owen or one of the others first. Someone more willing to greet him the way he probably deserved to be greeted. "Sorry," he said, placing a tentative hand on her shoulder. "Sorry."

                        He wanted to hug her, but things weren't the way they used to be, and something like that would carry so much more weight than it used to. If she accepted it, it would mean forgiveness, and god knew he sure as hell didn't deserve that. And if she pushed him away it would mean something so much worse.

                        He retracted his hand, dropping it awkwardly at his side. He didn't have time for his own stupid melodrama. There were far more pressing matters to attend to. "Jane, listen, I came back for a reason." He paused, looking for the proper way to phrase what he knew he had to tell her. He pulled in a breath. "I hope I'm wrong, but if I'm not, then you're missing someone from the house. Since this morning. And I know why." He paused again, knowing that sounded far too ominous and shady on his part, but being entirely unaware of how to correct it. So he just plowed on ahead. "I have a team following me. They'll be here in a few minutes, but I wanted the chance to tell you first. Face-to-face. There's a cell of Hunters in this area, Jane. And they're bigger than any I've seen before. They took one of my own, and I think they just grabbed one of yours too."

                        He finally stopped there. It was a lot of information to process, he knew that, but if he didn't get it all out at once, he wasn't sure how he'd be able to break the news to her at all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Griffin Character Portrait: Jane Wolfe Character Portrait: Hope Grimshaw Character Portrait: Reed Lewis Character Portrait: Robin Lewis Character Portrait: Elias Averesch
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#388E8E | Astral Projection | Dreams of the Dreamer

Hope smiled at Robin as he slid her a glass of the smoothie, but she waved her hand as a sign of rejection, she was too worried about Nakoda and Jane to think about drinking or eating, no doubt Robin would make a point of how unhealthily she worried, but she would just laugh it off later. She then heard Jane's word and breathed a sigh of relief at them, glad to hear Nakoda wasn't in the hospital, oblivious to the fact that maybe something more sinister was currently at play in the small town. She simply felt Jane squeeze her hand and felt as if she didn't need to worry, Jane had more gifts than she knew.

Hope hadn't expected Robin to hug her but the warmth was welcome, she lifted her hands to his back and lightly squeezed, she was still slightly shaken at the idea of Nakoda being in the hospital and she could feel the atmosphere in the room change, it was becoming crowded and Hope could feel herself being overwhelmed by the emotions but Robin had grounded her at just the right moment. His hug making her blind the auras swirling around the room and letting her breath like normal. "We'll find her." Was all she had to hear from him and she felt as if he knew it, his promise making it easier for her to breath and relax, her body no longer as tense or tight as it was, her grip loosing slightly but still embracing Robin. As much as he tried to nest into her shoulder, he was considerably taller than her and made it easier for her to rest her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, as cheesy as it sounded, it made it easier to ignore her 'gifts'.

However good Robin was at making Hope's gifts quiet down, it didn't stop the overwhelming sense of a sudden aura hitting the room. Danny's presence hit Hope just as fast as he had entered the room, causing her to let out a slight gasp, whether it was from the shock or if it hurt, she didn't even quite know but she'd assume it was the shock. She looked up from Robin's chest to give him a smile, her eyelids had grown considerably heavy and she blinked once or twice to get rid of the feeling. Hope listened to Danny as he progressed through his sentence, his attitude to the stutter was to be admired, he carried himself as she would and seemed to ignore the stutter, which she had grown accustomed to, she smiled as he made his through the sentence, nodding to him in an effort to give him some encouragement, not to finish the sentence more so to be comfortable around her and Jane, but she knew it was easier said than done.

Hope then felt another, much more powerful aura flood the kitchen, there was just so many emotions, she tried to peer over Robin and forgot he was too tall for her to even make it over his shoulder and so she looked around him, to see an unfamiliar face yet he seemed familiar in the house, maybe he'd left a linger, she could feel the tension in Robin and went to speak as he left her, her hands slowly sliding away from him. Her face dipped into a slight frown but she turned to Reed and gave him a quizzical look. "Reed?" She asked, her eyes still looking at Robin. "Who was that?" She glanced over at the other twin before looking back to where Robin had once stood.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Griffin Character Portrait: Jane Wolfe Character Portrait: Reed Lewis Character Portrait: Owen Pugh Character Portrait: Robin Lewis Character Portrait: Elias Averesch
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๏ผฏ๏ผท๏ผฅ๏ผฎย  ๏ผฐ๏ผต๏ผง๏ผจ

Whilst Owen wasnโ€™t a man who liked to keep to very strict routines, there was one he did more or less often that he found necessary. Before the crack of dawn, he would get up to exercise, then afterwards patrol the grounds and woods around Safe Haven (serving the double purpose of cooling off and warding off anyone who wandered too close to it). He would start any repair or garden work necessary for the houseโ€™s upkeep as the sun began to rise over the property. Afterwards, he would take a well-deserved shower and make, or help make if someone went and did it ahead of him, breakfast for the occupants.
It had become part of the relatively comfortable living arrangement he and Jane Wolfe, his most trusted ally, his interpreter (of sorts) and the only family he really had left, had made for themselves and for anyone who, like them, no longer had a come to call theirs. Initially a pet project cum survival tactic, seeing the effect it had within the span a little than two years saw it grow out of its 'pet' status. There was nothing petty about the fact that they had somehow been given these abilities beyond their control at birth, and even further beyond their control was the perception 'normal' people had towards people like them. There was nothing petty about being able to help those who possessed them who were entirely lost as to how to deal with these abilities in a world he knew would be inhospitable to their kind if they were to make themselves known. For now, they would have to rely on the temporary obscurity that protected them.
Owen cut short his patrol around the grounds twenty minutes into the wooded area. Unlike others whom she connected with, Owen had so much exposure to Jane's mind link with their frequent communication with each other that somehow the residual parts of her consciousness were embedded in his mind, allowing him to sense her feelings. He ran over potential scenarios as he picked up on vague hints of anxiety and dread, from the most harmlessโ€”the car keys were missing, breakfast was burnt, they ran out of a particular ingredientโ€”to the most harmfulโ€”death. Though didn't put him completely at ease, at least his mind was occupied.
Owen entered through the back of the house near the kitchen, and saw one small group of their occupants gathered along the kitchen counter.

"Where's Jane? Something's up." Owen frowned as he signed to the group, deciding to look for her himself when no immediate response came from any of them. "What's happened? Where's Jane? Where'd she go?" Once one of them had pointed out the direction in which Jane had went, he gave them a thankful yet stern nod, and walked quickly in that direction... until he saw something he had least expected.

Elias. Elias Averesch.

Barring that he didn't speak, he was at a loss of words and turned to Jane in his confusion, not sure of young man in front of him. He hadn't heard what had been said to Jane.

"You're here." He thought mentally, touching Jane's shoulder to help stream these thoughts into her. "Why are you here?"