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Ume Yoshida

"I really don't care anymore."

0 · 1,516 views · located in Yamasaki

a character in “Our Very Average Lives”, as played by Wisteria Cresting


"Can I wonder who's real in this world and who wears a mask?"

Full Name:
Ume Yoshida

Ume-Yo {Disliked} ~ Yoshi {Disliked} ~ Umida {Disliked}
Sexual Orientation:

Hair Color:
Eye Color:
109 lbs

A various assortment of childhood scars are on Ume's hands and legs. Other than that, she only has one other scar down across her arm from an accident she prefers not to talk about.
Ume has a freckle behind her left ear. She considers her hair a bit strange, but only because she hasn't met her grandmother.

{Realistic, Quiet, Reserved, Strict}
Yoshida Ume is the cool, quiet girl at Yamasaki Junior High. Even in preschool, it was obvious that Ume was a bit more mature than the other kids around her. Even when other girls were playing with dolls, Ume was solving puzzles. Now, she isn't much different. Ume spends most of her time with her sister, but is very anti-social towards others. She is also very quiet in school. When she answers questions in class though, she answers correctly in a clear voice. She is admired by many and would be quite popular if she wasn't so distant.

Unlike most people, Ume prefers to look at things realistically. She comes off as a pessimist to most, but she really just knows when things have to stop or when it is hopeless. With Mika, she is very strict in making sure her twin completes her work. She wants her to be independent, but doesn't really think it will happen unless she's pushed into it. She also tends to take on a leadership role when put in groups or faced with challenges. To some, she comes off as bossy, which is why she normally avoids interaction with people.
Photography: Ume almost always has a camera on her and you can expect her to take pictures of almost anything. However, Ume hates taking still-lifes and she is also against portraits. She prefers to take pictures of real life, nature, and the birds Miko loves so much. Miko's room is littered with photos of birds that Ume has given her.

Whittling: Give Ume a piece of driftwood and she might make something wonderful out of it. When she was a child, her father taught her how to whittle. Since her parents divorce though, Ume has not picked up her whittling knife.

Puzzles: Ever since she was a little girl, Ume has been obsessed with puzzles of all kinds. Crosswords, jigsaws, sudoku, anything really. If you give her a puzzle, she'll most likely block everything else out until she's done.
Biting her Lip|Twiddling her Thumbs|Tapping her Fingers
DogsPuzzlesBooksMikaMiyukiHer Red HairPhotographyHer Camera CollectionPhoto AlbumsOld-Fashioned FramesFloral PrintQuietTVHer LaptopPhotoshopNatureSunsetsSceneryMikaMiyokoBlueThe SkySemi-Cloudy Days
Loud PlacesStill LifePortraitsHeavy MetalCherry PieEnglishHer FatherLip GlossMakeupHeavy PerfumeCatsCherries

Photography: Ume is the best photographer in her school and possibly in Yamasaki; she is very good at catching real life pictures of nature and people.

Schoolwork: Despite her seemingly uncaring attitude, Ume is actually pretty good at doing her schoolwork and keeping her grades up. She doesn't really try that hard though.

Puzzles: If you give Ume a puzzle, chances are she will figure it out quickly and easily. She especially loves sudoku and jigsaws.

Whittling: Although she doesn't do it much anymore, Ume is able to turn a piece of driftwood into anything you can imagine. She has a large collection of whittling knives in storage.

Socializing: Ume is not very good at interacting with others. It's not that she's shy, she just finds them bothersome and will often come off as unfriendly to most.

Ailurophobia: Because of a childhood incident, Ume has a severe fear of cats. She will often freeze up when one of them approaches her and she is unable to move. She often gets teased because of this.

Mika: If Miko is in trouble or needs something, Ume will drop everything she's doing to help her, even if it's really important.

English: Ume is terrible at speaking English and it is the only subject she does not have very good grades in. She currently tutors with Kimiko Mori every Thursday after school.

Cherries: Ume is severely allergic to cherries and anything containing cherries. Oddly enough, she is not allergic to cherry blossoms.

Ume was an oddly quiet child. She would rarely scream or cry, the complete opposite of Mika. She grew up with Mika clinging to her and she avoided people to do puzzles or stare up at the clouds. She was six when she asked her parents for her first camera. She got it for her seventh birthday; it wasn't very fancy, just a simple disposable camera. When she went through that one, her parents started buying her more cameras, but she would go through them like Mika went through pencils. Over the course of a year, she went through twenty disposable cameras and every one of the pictures she'd taken were placed around her room. Finally, her parent bought a digital camera for her, followed by a nicer one a year later, and an even nicer one with a photo printer. Eventually, Ume had over twelve cameras, one of them an antique that wasn't even usable.

When Ume was nine, she was taking pictures of cats at the local animal shelter. She found a particularly cute orange one, but when she snapped a picture of it, it attacked her. She ended up with several deep scratches and a crippling fear of cats, especially orange ones. Her father, Daisuke, picked her up and took her home.A few years later, she woke up to find her father gone. The thing she heard about him was that he was staying at some hotel after Miyuki announced her divorce to him. Mika became very distant and even Ume became a bit more cold towards people. Of course, she helped her mother out. However, she was curious to know what happened between Miyuki and her father. When she asked, Miyuki told her the truth. Daisuke had cheated on her with a woman from out of town.

Ume was furious with her father, but she never told Mika the truth. She did find an oddly placed friendship in Haruka Oshiro though, considering the fact that Haruka comforted her over the abandonment of her father. When her twin ran away, Ume was the first one out looking for her. She found Mika hiding by the forest near town. She didn't ask her why she ran away, but she took her home. Miyuki didn't bother her either. Over time, Mika went back to her normal self, but Ume never changed.

Face Claim:
Maria Akizuki

So begins...

Ume Yoshida's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kimiko Mori Character Portrait: Yuko Oshiro Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Shirudo J. Hato Character Portrait: Satoshi Sato Character Portrait: Renya Sparks
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Kito School Bus Stop|7:10 AM|Friday
The morning breeze was perfect, not too cold and not too hot. There wasn't even a need for Kimiko to wear her favorite jacket, which was currently draped over her arm. Yamasaki School didn't enforce a dress code like most city schools. It was too small for that. Or so they claimed. She assumed they just didn't want to spend their money on uniforms. Of course, she didn't know what schools in the city were like, so she couldn't really say if she'd like uniforms or not.

With a small sigh, Kimiko smoothed down her skirt as she waited for the bus to come. She was the first one there because she had woken up to her dad leaving for work and she'd gotten bored at home. Her house was fairly boring when it was just her and her parents; she hoped that either Minami or Saki would have some idea of a plan for the weekend. Maybe she could convince her parents to let them go to Kyoto... Was there still time left?

Nope. Her parents always wanted a week's warning before she decided to do that. Kimiko rocked on her feet and shook her head with a pout. There was nothing to do in town though. Except camping and she did not want to go camping. She wondered in passing whether or not she had to work this weekend. A glance at her phone confirmed that she did not.

Why was she already thinking about the weekend? School hadn't even started yet. She had to get through the day first, then go to the Student Council meeting and practice some tennis. Did she have practice this weekend? No... Not that she was aware of. She did have a deadline for Chapter 39 for School of Chance though. It was a good thing she was almost done; she just had to add some finishing touches.

She looked up at the sky as people walked up, other students that went to the same school. Yamasaki School was divided into each of the grade levels. It was a good school with top academics and athletics, but it wasn't located in the city, so it didn't get much recognition. That was okay. Kimiko didn't want to think what it would be like if people from all over the country came to attend it. Way too many people. She turned and saw Minami and Saki approaching and waved enthusiastically, "Hey, you two! I was wondering when you'd show up!"

At the moment, the bus pulled up and Kimiko pulled her friends onto it with her. They all sat down in the back, like they'd been doing since Kimiko moved to Yamasaki. She placed her bag on her lap and pulled out her sketchbook, turning to a drawing of her character Mami. "It's a new one. She's the reincarnation of Sleeping Beauty. What do you think?"

She smiled, just happy to be with her two best friends.


"Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap!" Ume jumped out of bed and threw on her clothes in a hurry. As she passed Mika's room, she threw open the door. "We're going to be late, Mika-chan!"

Without waiting for her sister's reply, Ume hurried down the steps. It wasn't like her to stay up late, but she was studying for the English test and she felt like she was going to fail if she didn't. Miyuki Yoshida wasn't there, which was to be expected. She probably had to leave early for something. It wasn't like anything serious happened in Yamasaki, but Miyuki did a whole lot more than just policing. As she popped some toast into the toaster and poured two glasses of orange juice, Ume went over the English vocabulary in her mind.

When Mika finally came down, she slid the glass towards her along with a plate of buttered toast. "We need to hurry, Mika."

She ate quickly and grabbed her sister's arm before racing towards the bus stop. The bus was already there and people were already loading on. Moments before the doors closed, the redheaded twins stepped onto the bus and sat down. Ume sighed in relief and smoothed down her hair. She wasn't going to be late today.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kimiko Mori Character Portrait: Yuko Oshiro Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Haruka Oshiro Character Portrait: Saki Ryuu Character Portrait: Minami Sato
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Haruka Oshiro

Kita Neighborhood || Oshiro Residence || 7:09 AM || Friday

Haru's alarm blared loudly in her ear. She had pressed snooze at least 10 times already, and looking at the clock, she groaned a deep sigh as she realized she was late for Basketball practice. Scrambling out of bed, Haru threw on her makeshift school uniform and brushed her hair lightly before heading downstairs, guitar in hand.

Luckily, their parents had already left for work, so she wouldn't have to deal with another lecture on timely manners. Yuko came downstairs a few minutes later with her bag and violin strapped over her shoulders. "Onee-chan, if you're riding the bus you should probably hurry up a bit." Haru turned back to the toast she was making. She usually rode her bike to school, whereas her sister commonly rode the bus. It made sense for her less physically active older sister.

Haru didn't stick around to eat with Yuko, she was already late. She passed the bus stop moments later. She never really paid much attention to the people who lived around her, but she did recognize them, even though she;d never really spoken to any of her neighbors. She could see the Yoshida twins rushing to the bus as she passed. The two never really liked her, but they didn't hate her either. Not that Haru would have cared either way. She just ignored her thoughts and continued her rush to school.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kimiko Mori Character Portrait: Yuko Oshiro Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Haruka Oshiro Character Portrait: Saki Ryuu Character Portrait: Minami Sato
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Keen

Bleary-eyed, Yuko rolled over onto her side in the darkness of her room to look over at the blurry red glow of the digital clock that sat by her bed. Squinting her eyes the numbers came into sharper focus, 4:47 AM. She had been awake since about 4 and it didn't seem she'd be getting back to sleep anytime soon. With a yawn she sat up and stretched before slipping out of her bed and heading for the bathroom, if she was up this early she figured she may as well get the usual stuff out of the way now. So the morning continued on with a singing and humming filled shower and breakfast. After bidding her parents farewell as they left for work, Yuko decided to use the extra time to prepare bentos for herself and her sister.

With the sun finally up and some tea in her system she began to feel more awake, today was going to be a long one full of many yawns, she wasn't sure why but this had been happening to her more often lately. It was becoming a bit of a nuisance hearing people's concerns about whether she was sleeping enough every time she yawned and even more of a nuisance trying to assuage them by insisting she was fine. With a quick glance at the clock on her phone she headed outside with her headphones fit snugly over her head, pumping their dulcet tones into her ear as she began work tending her small garden that sat in the backyard of their home. It wasn't a practical garden, nothing grown there could be eaten or used in any sort of way, Yuko liked flowers and that's what she grew. In the small plot were currently growing marigolds, pansies, and asters. Lost in her little world of music and flowers Yuko neglected to check the time until it was already 7:00.

She rushed back inside and upstairs to wash her hands, fix her hair, put in her contacts, and grab her bags before heading back downstairs to see Haruka eating a meager breakfast. "Onee-chan, if you're riding the bus you should probably hurry up a bit." Yuko nodded, she was just about to head out after all. "You better hurry too." Yuko smiled as her little sister headed out the door before her, shouting after her "And be careful!" With a moment spent to look over her bag to make sure everything was in order she realized she had forgotten something, Haruka had left without her lunch. A small sigh escaped her lips, she would just have to give it to her once they were at school. Now in a bit of hurry Yuko rushed out the door and locked it behind her before walking off at a brisk pace towards the bus stop.

Without a moment to spare she arrived at nearly the same time as the bus. The driver spoke but Yuko could barely make out what he said over her music so she simply wished the man a good morning before dropping a couple of coins for fare into the receiver. Exhaling deeply she began to catch her breath as she walked down the center of the bus and took a window seat towards the back and watched as people began to enter one by one. She recognized most of them from school though she had never really spoken to any of the high schoolers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kimiko Mori Character Portrait: Yuko Oshiro Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Shirudo J. Hato Character Portrait: Saki Ryuu Character Portrait: Minami Sato
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0.00 INK


The bed was so comfortable, the sheets covering her wonderfully in the blissful temperatures. Then the silence of sleep was broken by the worried howls of her sister. "H-huh, whadda mean Ume, you're supposed to be timely, I'm the lazy one!" Mika groaned out loudly as her sister dashed by, her panicked trotting down the stairs audible to her. Rolling out of bed she flopped onto the floor stomach first, grumpily tossing her clothes on and joining her sister downstairs. A glass of orange juice and toast was slid towards her as once again she was told to hurry it up, "Yeah I get it nee-chan, little girls gotta eat good y'know?" She went about munching on her toast and sipping her orange juice as Ume devoured the food quickly, then came over over her and grabbed her arm to take her out. Mika held onto her half finished toast as her sister dragged her away from the table, grabbing their bags they went out.

Mika let out a chuckle as the twins ran towards the bus, if she wasn't actually trying to rush she would have put the toast in her mouth like an anime protagonist. They arrived only slightly before the bus closed its doors, Ume dragging her to the same seat as her near the front of the bus. Now the painful part began as she finished her toast, the bus began to groan out mechanical noises while barreling forward at disappointingly low speeds. Even at the pitiful pace the bus went at looking out the window was hardly something to do with as she knew all the environments from countless other bus rides, Mika sighed at her sister, "Umeeeee, why do bus rides gotta be soooo boring..."

She hung her head between her legs as she pathetically exhaled, simultaneously reaching into her bag she snatched two of her plethora of lollipops. Tearing the wrapper off one and plunging it into her mouth she tried to occupy her mind with swirling the treat around, clanging into her teeth. Mika looked longingly at the second before tossing it over onto her twins lap, smirking at her. Mika recalled something, again reaching down into her bag, yanking out a manga just for occasions of nothing to do just like this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kimiko Mori Character Portrait: Yuko Oshiro Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Shirudo J. Hato Character Portrait: Satoshi Sato Character Portrait: Renya Sparks
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jedly

Shirudo's eyes shot open as he gasped for air, throwing the sheets off the bed as he briskly leaned forward. It took him a few moments to catch his breath, he managed to ease it into a slower pace. After his eyes finally focused, the boy scanned the state of his surroundings. His room was dark, only illuminated by a sliver of light peeking through the window shades. Shirudo then looked himself over and realized he had slept in his dress shirt and pants again, a habit which came into fruition back in middle school. He had the tendency to cover the scar spanning the entirety of his chest, to keep it hidden from the sun and any external enigmas which feast their eyes upon such a wound. His sight trailed over towards the digital clock sitting on his night table. The LEDs formed the time 6:50 AM, notifying Shirudo that he still had enough of a span to follow through with his morning procedures. "Already got everything on but my jacket and tie. Let's start off with that." Moving in an autonomous fashion, he collected his jacket and tie from his closet then quickly dressed himself in the bathroom. He looped the tie with finesse, slipped on the jacket then covered his scalp with his newsboy cap. Shirudo looked prepped for school, as per the usual, draped in a generic uniform and fashion sense.

The student scaled the stairs and proceeded to the kitchen. He began to fumble through a cabinet, fluently snatching orange containers of pills and placing them on the counter top before him. The contents of the bottles were his lifeline, the only things keeping him tied to the land of the living. He subconsciously downed each dosage with quick swigs of lukewarm water. It was a miracle he didn't choke on the horse-sized pills. Thankfully, he was used to the process. Once Shirudo was done with downing the last of his medicine, he swiftly brewed a cup of coffee then procured himself a granola bar.

The student began to slowly nibble at the snack as he set out through the front door, "I'm going now." He said in a quiet monotone, glancing back at the empty hallway. His parents must have already departed for their jobs. Shirudo winced then faced the open street, the student continued to make way for his friend's house. Most of the student on the block were already rushing to the bus, meanwhile the individual he was waiting for was most likely only stirring now. "How late was she up until? Pretty sure I logged off at eleven, how much longer did she stay online for?" The query was muttered under his breath as he approached the door. He lightly knocked on the wooden surface, rang the door bell and patiently waited.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kimiko Mori Character Portrait: Yuko Oshiro Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Shirudo J. Hato Character Portrait: Satoshi Sato Character Portrait: Renya Sparks
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0.00 INK

"A collaborative collab."

(Collab between Mikey and Jedly - Part 2)





Renya woke up to a thud, and looked over her shoulder to see her cat letting out a screech as it hit the ground of her room. She yawned and felt like sleeping a little bit more, since it was only the first day of school. But she noticed her clock and jumped up, opening up her blinds, shooing the cat out of her room, and ruffled her hair."Holy crap...I shouldn't have stayed on that late." Renya moaned, and shuffled through her closet for an outfit.[i]'I have to make a good first impression.' She thought, and looked in the mirror as she clipped her butterfly clip on the right side of her head, and brushed her hair out. She slipped her under wear on, then her clothes, and started out the door.She ran down the stairs, just noticing that her mom had just mopped the stairs. Renya tumbled down and fell flat on her face, grabbed a banana from the kitchen and her water bottle, and heard the door bell ring.

"Coming~!" She yelled, and grabbed her sweater from the coat rack just in case it was cold out. Renyas mom popped out from her bed room right down the hall from the kitchen and waved good bye to her."Bye hun, hope you have a good day." Renya's mom said, and Renya nodded."I hope I do too." She said, and opened the door to see Shirudo standing there."Sorry, I stayed up till 1 playing CoD." Renya said, rubbing the back of her head, and she let out a small chuckle."Let's go were gonna be late!" Renya said, grabbing his hand and starting to run to the bus stop, feeling the small hint of wind as she started to run.

The boy shuddered at the thud eminated from behind the door, "What was tha-" He was cut off mid-sentence as his ears picked up the incessant pattering of footsteps rushing down the hallway. The door flew open, and in its frame was standing a winded Renya. Shirudo raised a cautious eyebrow at the girl, letting out a sigh at the mention of the time she turned off her console. "On a school night? That isn't healthy by the sli-" Before he could ridicule her any further, the student made a beeline for the bus stop. She left the young teen in the dust, "Forgot she's an athlete. Wait up!" He shouted as he began to quicken his pace, utilizing a form of speed-walking he had perfected over the years.

By some grace of god, Shirudo had managed to catch up with Renya and was barely matching her speed, "I don't think the bus will go anywhere if a kid suddenly goes into cardiac arrest en route." By the time they had reached the stop, the student was near the brink of his endurance, panting out of exhaustion. They had made it, just barely. "It's a miracle. We actually made it. Also a miracle that I didn't spill my coffee. I see you're still pretty fast, Renya-san" He commented, not flinching at the fact that he had called the girl by her first name. The two agreed that designating her as 'Renya' sounded and flowed better.

As Renya walked into the bus she smiled as he called her 'Renya-san', it made her feel more welcomed. Renya sat down at the back of the bus, and looked out the window, soon zoning out and looking at the beautiful landscape of Yamasaki, Kita. It was very different from Texas, and it made her feel weird because of how well kept the kept Kita. It made her feel warm inside, and she soon broke her eyes from the window and waved Shirudo over."Hato-Kun!" Renya waved and let out another smile.

The boy narrowed his eyes at Renya for a moment, then accepted the invitation. He fastened himself comfortably in the seat next to her, "And so begins the daily grind. This is your first time going to this school district, right? Well, it's pretty decent if you were to compare it with other schools, so rest assured." Shirudo slightly loosened the tie around his neck. He took a sip of the bitter beverage, then let out a sigh of relief. "I'm sure we'll be in the same class. Let's hope this is a... bearable year." His voice trailed off as he leaned back on the seat, an aura of ennui floating around him. He tipped the rim of his hat over his eyelids, "For now, let's enjoy the quiet, calm, bus ride." Although, Shirudo knew such a dream would never become reality.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kimiko Mori Character Portrait: Yuko Oshiro Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Shirudo J. Hato Character Portrait: Satoshi Sato Character Portrait: Renya Sparks
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0.00 INK


Yamasaki Electric - 07:00

"Look at you!" Okamura said. "Seven sharp, and you're already dressed and working on the schedule! You're improving."

Akira sighed. He was getting better at gauging when, exactly, he had to leave the house to get to Yamasaki Electric on time, on foot. His first day, he had scraped in right before starting time, which Okamura made clear was unacceptable. "The earlier we start," he had said, "The earlier we finish."

And, Akira continued in his head, the earlier we can start sitting around waiting for people to have electrical problems in their homes.

Oh well. He was used to it at this point. It was a bit dull, but it was work. It would keep him sharp for next year, for uni.

As they headed out to the van, Okamura asked, "So what's on the plate for today?" He had delegated the task of plotting out the maintenance route to Akira almost from the start.

"Uhhh..." Akira consulted the ledger. "According to this, our first stop will be near Kita neighborhood. There's a light out near there."

"Lemme see." Okamura grabbed the ledger and examined the address. "Alright, let's go." He started up the van as Akira hopped in, and was off almost before Akira could get his safety belt on. He had a habit of doing that, but Akira didn't mind so much. He knew Okamura was a careful driver at this point, though he admitted that his senior's driving could appear to the newcomer. It certainly had seemed reckless when he had started the job. For the first week, he privately wondered what sort of maniac he was working with. After the first couple weeks, though, he adjusted, noticing that Okamura only sped up when on open areas of road, always slowing around busy areas.


As the familiar facade of Kita neighborhood approached, Okamura asked, "Doesn't say why the light is out, does it?"

Akira looked. "Nope. Just says the light's out."

Okamura grunted. "Guess we'll find out what the problem is when we get th—oh."

He slowed the van to a stop and pulled over. The two got out, and Akira followed Okamura's gaze up to the light. It was out, all right. Knocked out. The glass pieces lay at their feet. Okamura knelt down and examined the pile, then sighed as he stood up. "Smashed the light, too. Figures. You know what these lights take, right?"

"Yes sir!" Akira ran around to the back of the van and opened it up, climbed in and grabbed the harnesses, then searched for the right bulbs. These little bits of drudgery were his lot as the junior employee, of course. He found one and grabbed the toolbox, then brought all of them to Okamura.

"I'll need the insulated gloves to take out the dead light," Okamura said as he pulled on his harness. "You should probably put some gloves on too, for the broken glass. Then I'll need the fresh light, and also...oh, right. One second." With the harness partly on, the older man hobbled to the back of the van and hopped inside. After a few seconds, he came out holding a semi-oval piece of glass in a plastic bag. "Need you to hold this one too. This goes in last."

Of course. The cover for the light. "Sorry, I should have gotten that one as well."

"I accept your apology, though it is not necessary. Just get ready to hang from the top of a pole for a few minutes."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kimiko Mori Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Shirudo J. Hato Character Portrait: Renya Sparks Character Portrait: Haruka Oshiro Character Portrait: Saki Ryuu
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0.00 INK

Kito School Bus Stop|7:25 AM|Friday
Kimiko laughed at her friends' comment about sleeping and leaned forward slightly with a cheeky grin. "Thank you, Nami. What were you two doing all night? I mean, I know what Nami was doing- you're going to show me that picture, by the way, but what were you doing Saki-kun? Sensei will not be pleased if you sleep through her class, you know. She almost hit Yuuki the last time he fell asleep."

She was aware that she was talking a lot, but she didn't walk to the bus stop with them most of the time and she didn't have siblings at home. Her parents loved her, to be sure, but they were busy people. She looked up to watch more people enter the bus, including the Yoshida twins and Hato-san and a girl she had never seen before. Kimiko tilted her head in confusion, swearing she had seen her somewhere, but she didn't know where. "Renya Sparks, maybe?" she mumbled under her breath before standing up. The bus driver gave her a glance and she offered an apologetic smile to him. "I'll be right back, you two. You should get some sleep."

With that, she walked over to the seat directly across from the new girl she'd seen a picture of at the last Student Council meeting and Hato. She plopped down moments before the bus crawled forward. "Hello, Hato-san," she greeted the shy boy with a kind smile. "And you must be Renya Sparks," she said in perfect English after she remembered reading that she was from America. She held out her hand, a more Westernized custom. "I'm Kimiko Mori, the Student Council President for Yamasaki High School and I believe you'll be in the same class as Hato-san and I. We don't get many new people here, but I'm sure you'll fit in fine. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

She knew how scary it could be to be new in such a small town. In fact, it was possible that she was one of the last people to move here. No, there was that one nine year old in the elementary school. She smiled warmly, hoping she hadn't startled Sparks or Hato.


Ume sighed and looked up from the English she was studying, "They wouldn't be boring if we didn't live in such a small town, Mika-chan."

Her sister took a out manga as Ume turned away. "Bird," she said in English and hoped that she said it right. What did it mean though? She looked out the window and saw a sparrow sitting in a tree. Oh yeah... She groaned a dropped her head on top of her notebook. This was going to be a long day.

Eventually, the bus pulled to a stop and everyone poured out to go to their classes. Ume spotted Haruka-san among the people that rode bikes as she fought back the blush that was fighting its way onto her face. She didn't understand why she had such a big crush on the residential "bitch", but something about her big brown eyes allured Ume. She grabbed Mika's arm and dragged her to their classroom. For at least a few seconds, she could escape her confusing feeling for the younger Oshiro girl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuko Oshiro Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Haruka Oshiro Character Portrait: Mika Yoshida
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Haruka Oshiro

Kita Neighborhood || Yamasaki Academy || 7:27 AM || Friday

Haru coasted through the school gates right as the bus was unloading, still late despite her speed biking. She hurriedly locked up her bicycle, grabbing her bag from the luggage rack and racing off towards the gym, barely noticing as she passed by her sister and only friends. She waved a small greeting to Yuko as she passed, neglecting to look behind her. "Please tell me I'm not gonna kicked off the team!" She said, bursting in through the gym doors. Haru almost blushed as everyone turned to stare at her.

Haru's coach walked over as the practice continued. "Oshiro, you know the penalties for being late, correct?" Haru nodded. "Then go." Her coach gestured towards the locker rooms, and Haru ran off to change. Three minutes later, she was out on the track, running laps as punishment. It wasn't as punishing as her coach thought it was. It gave Haru a clear view of two Middle School classrooms: hers and Yuko's. Yuko and Yoshida both sat next to the windows in their classrooms, and when Haru was out running she could wave at them as much as she wanted, sometimes her sister would even cheer her on.

It was the rare times like these when Haru felt like people actually cared about her, when she knew there were still people out there who didn't judge her as a bitch. So far only three people didn't, and her parents weren't part of those three people. It didn't bother Haru. She honestly couldn't care less whether her parents liked her or not, as long as she had Yuko and her friends than maybe it wasn't all that bad.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuko Oshiro Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Haruka Oshiro Character Portrait: Mika Yoshida
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#, as written by Keen

The bus ride was an uneventful one. By herself with her music drowning out the sounds around her Yuko may have even fallen asleep a few times along the way. As the bus stopped in front of the school the activity of the numerous students around her rising from their seats and collecting their things jostled her fully back to consciousness. Concealing a yawn and rubbing her eyes Yuko got up after them and walked off the bus just in time to catch her sister waving towards her and rushing off towards the gym, looked like she was going to be late. Yuko gave a small smile and waved after her sister, she supposed this meant she'd be seeing her running from the classroom this morning once again. Her little sister's athleticism was something she thought to be rather impressive, Yuko could never handle all that running around.

With her sister disappearing beyond the gym doors Yuko refocused herself on the short trip to the shoe lockers, headphones still thrumming along all the way. As she changed shoes and placed her outdoor shoes into her locker her mind was a blank, foggy mess. She gave a sigh as she shut the small locker door and turned to head further into the school, the feeling that today was not to be a good one hanging heavily on her shoulders. Her gaze wandered aimlessly as she walked the halls until the sight of fluttering red hair caught her attention. Reaching up she gently pulled the headphones off her head as she observed the twins from a short distance behind them. Seeing this as at least an opportunity to distract herself from her pessimistic state of mind she quickened her pace to catch up to the pair and put on a bright smile. "Good morning you two." Her smile became a bit more genuine as she looked down at the smaller of the two, Mika.

"Must be nice to have your sister in the same year as you, it's a bit lonely in my class." It was an effort mostly at small-talk but it was also the truth. What caught her eye next was the manga that little Mika was still gripping tightly. With a quick scan over the cover and title Yuko's eyes lit up with recognition. "Ah! I think I've read a bit of that one, it's the one where the main character's hand is replaced with an umbrella right? And he's always able to somehow use it to win fights and get out of sticky situations." As Yuko recalled the contents of the rather ridiculous story she could feel a giggle coming on. It was a very silly manga, the type she usually wouldn't read but she had seen it in her sister's room before and read it out of boredom. "Do you like it much?" She felt a bit better already, funny how that seemed to work.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuko Oshiro Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Haruka Oshiro Character Portrait: Mika Yoshida
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The bus made reading more difficult then she would have liked, the confounded vehicle jostled even on these flat roads. Despite the bumpy nature of the bus it hardly stopped her from enjoying the read, it was a delightful action piece which took itself wonderfully not serious. Her twin was also quiet during the ride, her nose sank into English notes. The trip ended and following the flow she dropped the manga from her face got off the bus. Once entering the fresh air Mika stretched her arms into the air, she noticed Haru out of the corner of her eye and went to wave, when Ume suddenly grabbed her and dragged them inside to the shoe lockers.

Mika placed her manga onto the ground as she changed her shoes, not wanting to toss it into her bag. Keeping it out felt better, for some reason throwing it into her schoolbag made her feel like she couldn't take it out for another good while. Again Ume seemed to be flustered by some sort of emotion because shortly after switching shoes Mika was again tugged along, heading towards the classrooms. Not long into their trip through the hallways however a voice reached the pair, a good morning greeting from Haru's older sister Yuko. Mika naturally smiled in response to being interacted with, halting Ume in her march to class, or at least separating from her grip to indulge the conversation.

"Heh, yeah I guess tis pretty good ta always got me sis' with me," Mika did some sort of smirk as she replied to the comment of their sisterly bond. No family in the city could stand up the adorable sisterly bond of the Yoshida's! Then a topic of greater interest came up, Yuko commented on the manga Mika still held in her hand. She had read it too? Mika's eyes brightened up as spoke of it, Ume never had a huge interest in manga so she mostly talked about it with Haru. Haru however was rather scary to have a differing opinion with, and now a kid who rivaled her own vast levels of cuteness had appeared and wanted to talk.

"Yeah yeah, I've got quite da likin' for it! I can tell from yer giggle ya also enjoy da ridiculous story tellin', I'm always a fan of somethin' bein' silly and action packed!" At the moment Mika raised her left foot into the air, balancing on her right heel as she performed some sort of ridiculous in place spin that made her twintails lash about, coming out of with if with one arm outstretched supporting a finger gun. "Secret Move: Red Tornado Shot," Mika semi-shouted as she narrowed her eyes at Yuko, the serious eyes only lasted two seconds as Mika proudly placed her hands on her hips and smirked, "If ya 'preciate manga like dat, what do ya think of ma work in progress secret move!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kimiko Mori Character Portrait: Yuko Oshiro Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Haruka Oshiro Character Portrait: Mika Yoshida
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Haruka Oshiro

Kita Neighborhood || Yamasaki Academy || 7:31 AM || Friday

Haru had finished her laps, and since class was to start in about 20 minutes, the practice had been ended. "Oshiro! Practice is over, get changed and go to class!" Haru nodded to her coach and ran to get changed, looking up to the window in hopes of seeing her friend. Ume was apparently standing by the hall windows, chatting with Yuko, and Haru smirked before heading to the locker room. The other team members ignored her as usual. Her locker was in the back of the room, away from the others, which would've been an nsult if Haru actually cared.

Walking back out to the courtyard, she stuck her hand in her pocket to find something inside it, pulling out a piece of paper. Club reminder. "Crap!" Haru scanned the courtyard for Mori, praying she was nearby. She was. "Mori-san! I have the sign up sheet for the Music Club!" Haru rushed over to the girl, out of breath and worried. "Please! I know I've said it a million times before, but I just need a little more time to find members, I promise promise promise to have it in by Monday!" Haru pleaded.

For some reason, no one wanted to join the Music Club, and even after three weeks Haru was still the only member. Even her musical prodigy sister didn't have enough time for an after school club. Today had been the third time extension Haru had been given and she had spent the entire week trying to recruit members, making flyers and at one point performing one of her songs in the auditorium during volunteer hours. Still, no members. "Just give me one more chance."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kimiko Mori Character Portrait: Yuko Oshiro Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Shirudo J. Hato Character Portrait: Haruka Oshiro Character Portrait: Saki Ryuu
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Yamasaki Academy|7:35 AM|Friday
Kimiko went over everything in her mind to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything when someone called her name. "Mori-san!"

The Student Council President turned to find Haruka Oshiro running towards her. "I have the sign up sheet for the Music Club!" Haru rushed over to the girl, out of breath and worried. "Please! I know I've said it a million times before, but I just need a little more time to find members, I promise promise promise to have it in by Monday!" Kimiko raised an eyebrow; that would make four time extensions and the blonde girl had already passed the limit. She bit her lip and glanced back at her two friends before turning back to the Oshiro girl. "Just give me one more chance." Haruka pleaded and Kimiko dropped her shoulders in defeat.

"I can't give you another extension, Oshiro-san. Maybe you should find some people not involved in clubs, like Ume-san for example. I know she needs the interaction and you're in the same class. And, chances are, if you get Ume, her sister will follow. Then you have the three minimum requirement," she suggested. Ume really did have to get out more. The only time she did anything during the week was to go to their tutoring sessions. Even then, she occasionally asked Kimiko to come over to her house.She placed a hand on Oshiro's shoulder, "If you can get three members by the end of the day- which means after club activities and sports are done- I will not shut down the Music Club. Otherwise, I have no choice. I'm sorry."

She hated telling people things like that, but there were times when she had to be responsible and act like a proper student council president and the middle school had to have their forms turned in by the end of today, unlike the high school students, which had more detailed and more difficult forms. She offered Oshiro a small smile and walked inside with her friends. After slipping out of her outside shoes and into her slippers, she made her way to the Student Council room. She passed her own classroom and popped her head in, "Don't forget to turn in your club activity forms by Monday, everyone."


Ume let her sister and Haruka's older sister interact, seeking glances at the younger Oshiro as she ran laps around the track. She looked so pretty when she ran, which seemed strange, considering she was probably all sweaty and smelled terrible. Eventually, Haruka disappeared inside and Ume was forced to listen to the conversation about manga. It didn't interest the redhead much, but she decided to get something useful done while they talked.

With a sigh, she pulled her camera out and snapped a picture of the two talking girls. It probably startled Yuko, but Ume didn't wait to see. When Haruka ran past them, saying something to Mori-senpai about a club, she snapped a picture of the two of them and Mori's two friends. She wished she could get some up close shots of Haruka with her beautiful black hair and doe-like brown eyes, but that was just a small notion. "We need to get to class, Mika-chan," she told her sister before bowing to Yuko. "It was nice talking to you, Oshiro-senpai."

Before Mika or Yuko could reply, Ume latched onto her sister's arm and dragged her to their classroom. Ume sat in the back next to the window, Mika sat in front of her, and Haruka sat next to her. She glanced at Haruka's seat and noted that it was still empty, meaning she was probably still talking to Mori-senpai.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kimiko Mori Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Haruka Oshiro Character Portrait: Mika Yoshida
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Haruka Oshiro

Kita Neighborhood || Yamasaki Academy || 7:42 AM || Friday

"Yes ma'am!" Haruka bowed gratefully to her superior, a bit out of line with her reputation, and without sticking around for commentary she was gone. She took her time changing shoes, reluctantly skimming through the multitude of rude notes she found in her shoe locker. Why won't people just leave me alone already?
She finished reading them and tossed the notes in the trash. Without stopping to check the time, Haru made her way to the top floor of the building, using her club key to get into the old Music room. The school currently used a different room for the music classes, so this one was abandoned and practically useless.

After dropping off her guitar and sports bag, Haru finally looked to the clock on the wall. "Crap, I'm gonna be late!" The shorter girl raced through the halls in an obvious rush, barely remembering to lock the club door behind her. She slid into the room just as the bell rang. A couple students turned to sneer at her, and Haru simply walked past, giving a small wave to Ume and Mika as she took her seat. The teacher gave her a stern glare and Haru sighed loudly, melting onto her desk like butter How the hell am I supposed to convince the quietest girl in school to join a club no one likes by the end of the day?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuko Oshiro Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Mika Yoshida
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Keen

With a bright smile Yuko nodded along to Mika's words. "Well, actually such books usually aren't my thing but this one was certainly... Charming." Another light giggle escaped her lips as more amusing memories surfaced. "I typically read fantasy, often have a good deal of action but they're rarely focused on comedy like this one." Rather suddenly Mika twirled to action in an impressive (and adorable) feat of gymnastics culminated by a dramatic gun-like pose and a bold declaration of her secret move. Yuko's only immediate reaction was to blink. Too. Cute. It was only once Mika had resumed her more casual demeanor that Yuko finally broke free from her stupor. Smiling uncontrollably she gave a small round of applause for the little red-head before tapping her chin in thought. "Hm... Well, I think it was quite good. Certainly suits the mood of the manga, and actually, I'm quite impressed you managed to stop facing the right way after all that spinning, and you don't even look off balance. I look forward to seeing the finished version, maybe I'll even have thought up a special move for myself by then."

Mika certainly was a joy to be around. With a quick glance up and away from the tiny adorable creature Yuko spotted Ume not far off. She seemed to be listlessly lingering near the window before rather suddenly producing a camera and snapping a picture in her direction. Fortunately enough she happened to have been smiling already, she just hoped she looked alright in the picture. It was a little out of the blue but not too surprising all things considered. "Ah!" Had this been a cartoon, a lightbulb would have certainly appeared of Yuko's head as a look of recognition dawned on her. "Mika, you're in the same class as my sister right? Could you make sure to give this to her, she forgot to take it this morning." As she spoke she reached into her bag to retrieve a simple looking bento and held it out to the small girl before her. It wasn't more than a moment later that Ume took hold of Mika and snagged her away to class. Yuko blinked as she waved the pair off, "Was nice... Talking to you too." They hadn't really talked at all though, perhaps she would seek the pair out during lunch.

A small sigh escaped her lips as she closed the small distance to the window and peered out at the small number of students still milling about. Classes -were- starting soon but there was still some time, that and Yuko knew it wouldn't be hard to come up with some excuse for being late, the teachers adored her after all and for now the thought of heading to class was a slightly depressing one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuko Oshiro Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Haruka Oshiro Character Portrait: Mika Yoshida
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Mika kept her grin as Yuko commented on her amazing work in progress technique, the finished product would ideally involve explosions but that plan may need to be altered. Yuko was going to come up with her own special move, this was some pretty great news! Finally someone to talk special moves with, Haru and Ume were hardly into things as 'silly' as these complex moves. It seemed Ume was snapping some pictures but at this point Mika barely took notice to her sisters photography, she could never take a bad picture while being this cute anyway!

Yuko then suddenly handed a bento to Mika, the request being to take it to Haru, simple enough. Taking it in one hand she swung up the other with a thumbs up, winking at the same time, "Quest accepted fair maiden!" Ume then grabbed her arm in the way she usually did, pulling Mika along to their next class as Yuko said her goodbyes. Mika waved with her free hand with too much vigor as she was taken away to the classroom. They arrived and the twins took their seats, it seemed the teacher was already here and Haru drifted in not long after them. Haru slunk into her desk looking rather down, just the job for the local resident cutie to cure and complete a quest at the same time.

"Pssshht! Harhar, yur big sis gave me dis ta give ta ya," she placed the bento onto the adjacent desk that was occupied by Haru. Mika gave a simple smile over to her friend as the homeroom teacher noticed the interaction. He didn't wish to stop talking so he shot a warning glare in the adorable redheads direction. Mika replied with a proud full faced grin before returning to fiddling her lollipop around to pass the time until classes ended.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kimiko Mori Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Haruka Oshiro Character Portrait: Mika Yoshida
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Haruka Oshiro

Kita Neighborhood || Yamasaki Academy || 8:02 AM || Friday

Haru lifted her head to see Mika set on her desk the bento she'd left behind that morning. "Oh, thanks Mika-chan." She took a wild guess that Yuko had asked the redhead to deliver it. Such a caring sister I have... Haru was often forgetting things, and most times they would be delivered by her older sister. Haru started mulling through childhood memories, colorful visions of fun and games with Yuko, a few of them with Satoshi as well. She was so lost in her thoughts that she almost forgot she was in class.

"Oshiro! Are you going to answer or not?" Haru winced at her name being called and turned to the front of the room in a rush. "Um, can you repeat the question please?" The teacher raised an eyebrow but repeated the question anyway. "What was the name of the popular European writer famous for writing tragic poetry?" Haru was almost positive this stuff wasn't meant for Middle Schoolers. "That would be Shakespeare, ma'am." Some of the other students turned and stared at her, both for her knowing of the man and her ability to answer the question after paying zero attention to the lesson whatsoever.

Haru turned her attention to the lesson after that, but grew bored in finding that she already knew all these facts about Shakespeare. She pulled a sheet of paper from her notebook and scribbled down a message. Taking her time, Haru carefully folded the paper into a crane and tossed it over onto Ume's desk.

Hey. Do you wanna join the Music Club? I need two more members by the end of the day and Mori-san suggested I ask you first. Not sure why, you don't seem like the kind of person who'd be into clubs. Anyways, think about it, okay?

Haru leaned back in her chair and doodled over her notes, waiting for a reply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Haruka Oshiro
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Yamasaki Academy|8:05|Friday
Ume jumped when the crane landed on her desk, but she recovered quickly, glancing over at Haruka. She'd been too busy daydreaming and not paying attention to the teacher. The only time she actually tried to pay attention was during English. Other than that, she could get by fine with looking back at the lessons in the books when she felt like it. She read the note and scowled after realizing that Mori-senpai was trying to set her up. Still... Spending time with Haruka sounded nice. When the teacher turned around, she scribbled on it quickly and dropped it onto Oshiro's desk.

I wouldn't mind joining, but I confess I don't know much about music.

She turned back to the window, watching a bird land in its nest and a few cars drive by here and there. With a sigh, she looked at the clock. Only four more hours until lunch... As she waited for Haruka's reply, she tapped the desk in a small, unintentional rhythm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Haruka Oshiro Character Portrait: Mika Yoshida
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Haruka Oshiro

Kita Neighborhood || Yamasaki Academy || 8:07 AM || Friday

A smirk crossed Haru's lips when it was confirmed that Ume would join. She'd spent so much time trying to get members and ultimately failing that she had practically given up on the Music Club, and now that she had a member, she was confident it would work out. She tossed a similar note across the two desks to Mika simply to confirm that she would join them as well. She then started on as reply to Ume's message.

I'm so glad you're joining, to be honest! And I can teach you about music if you want! I'm better at the guitar, but I know how to play the piano, and that seems like something that would suit you better. I'll tell you more about it at lunch.

Haru refolded the crane and tossed it back onto Ume's desk, trying her best to hide the light girly blush that was finding it's way to her cheeks. She had a reputation to uphold. Why the hell are you blushing anyways Haru?! There's no reason! Haru scolded herself. But then her eyes wandered back to the pretty redhead beside her. ...right? Haru shook her head in frustration. What even?! This wasn't normal. Not normal at all. She looked back to the front and concentrated her thoughts on the lesson, glaring through the whole row in front of her in the process.

The uncanny concentrated glare Haru had going on didn't last long, as she got bored quickly, dozing off into a quiet slumber. Her dreams were filled with distant memories. Memories of childhood, memories of meeting Ume and Mika and Satoshi, memories of playing games with the neighborhood kids and memories of learning music. Haru would've been embarrassed had she known of the drool that was making it's way down the side of her mouth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kimiko Mori Character Portrait: Yuko Oshiro Character Portrait: Ume Yoshida Character Portrait: Shirudo J. Hato Character Portrait: Haruka Oshiro Character Portrait: Saki Ryuu
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0.00 INK

Yamasaki Academy|7:55 AM|Friday
Kimiko looked up when Hato entered with the older Oshiro girl. She smiled warmly at the two of them. "Hello, Hato-san, Oshiro-san,"
she greeted as she straightened out some of her papers. "If you have your club activity forms, you can put them in the basket over there and I'll look them over after school. Right now, I believe it's time for school."

As if on cue, the high school bell rang, signaling the start of classes. She gestured for everyone to leave the student council room and locked it behind her. With the others, she walked to the classrooms, bidding Oshiro a farewell when they passed her room. They entered the classroom moments before the teacher and settled down. Kimiko sighed as she took out her workbooks. This was going to be a long day...

Yamasaki Academy|9:00 AM|Friday
Ume smiled at the idea of the of learning to play and instrument. No one had ever offered before. She looked over at Haruka to find that she had fallen asleep. Eventually, some drool started coming out of her mouth. Ume laughed softly into her hand and leaned over to poke the black-haired girl. "You might want to wake up, Oshiro-san," she whispered. She poked her again. "Oshiro? Wakey wakey...