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Logan Vincent

"We're two very different people."

0 · 790 views · located in Parkwood

a character in “Outcasters: Third Generation”, originally authored by MoonlightWraith, as played by RolePlayGateway




ImageImageFull Name
"Mum hates having her twins names match... Lexi fucked it up."
Logan Paul Vincent

"Call me anything but and I won't regret hurting you."
Loggie, Miracle

Alias / Known As
ImageImage"Means far less than Lexi's title."
Prince of the Siren Isles (Official Title)

"Doesn't mean anything for people like us."

Gender Identity
"Lemme just check, yep, that is a penis."

"My sister and I have a similiar taste."


"Male siren's aren't very common, in fact, I'm the first."
Supernatural | Hybrid (50% Siren/25% Dragon/25% Fae)


Overall personality
Logan is the complete opposite of his sister, where she is confident, outgoing and overall a social girl, Logan is modest and rather shy individual. To all the Sirens, he is seen as a spectacle, he is the first male Siren and the only Siren to be modest and shy, whilst Logan believes it to be because he's different and simply can repress his inner Siren, it's actually a way of luring men to him, they are attracted to his innocence and naivety, but he tends to keep people looking that sort of stuff at arms length and only let's those who are serious into his bedroom. However, none have been so lucky as of yet.

Towards those he's close to, Logan's modesty is replaced with kindness and a dash of sarcasm, he has a witty or sassy response for most things and will almost always be there for those he cares about, even Lexi, who he know sometimes despises his very essence .

| Mixology | Avid writer | Fashion sense | Musically Talented |
| Kind soul | Good hearted | Creative |

| Shy | Quiet | Naive | Sarcastic |
| Fearful | Modest | No control |


Born and raised to the Queen of the Siren Isles, Brooklyn West, and Prince of the Dragon Realm and Member of the Dragon Council, Andrew Vincent, shortly after their marriage, whilst Andrew had responsibilities elsewhere, with his mother's deteriorating state of mind, he wasn't around as much as the family would have liked, but nevertheless when he was around, he did his very best to build a relationship with his son, but the pair were so similar and so different at the same time, it was very difficult.

With loss of contact between the Banshees and Sirens, Brooklyn feared the worst and had to prepare her people for war, she planned to have them cross the realms and storm the underworld in search of her best friend, Mark Muller and any remaining Banshee if they are anyway, for fear of it igniting a war, Brooklyn ordered Lexi and Logan to the mortal realm, believing them to be safest where magic is weakest. So now Logan and Lexi have been set up in their mother's mansion, well the mansion Mark gave to her when he left the mortal realm for the Banshee throne, because he knew once he'd set foot in the Underworld he wouldn't be allowed to leave unless his throne was taken from him or he was summoned to take one of his families souls.


Hybrids have always existed and are an incredibly high percentage of the Supernatural population, it can be quite hard to notice Hybrids from a quick glance but they have a distinct number of differences from purebreds, including powers, physiology and behaviour.

Logan and his twin sister are born of a pure blooded Siren mother and Hybrid Dragon/Fae father, giving them the Heritage of three races. The Dragon and Fae sides of the twins are their weakest sides as they have only 25% of the power a pureblooded fae or dragon and as such only 25% of the control, resulting in them suppressing these sides. Their most dominant side is their Siren side, which has come out rather funnily in Logan, male Siren's are apparently adorable and shy to lure men in. The hybridisation of Fae and Siren tend to make incredibly beautiful children, due to a Siren's supernatural beauty and a Fae's passive glamour, making the children desirable in the eyes of most. The Hybridisation of Siren and Dragon, both shapeshifting species has resulted in the children being capable of sapeshifting into a feathered dragon, rather than a bird or a dragon.

Siren Song, Feather Dragon Physiology, Enhanced Beauty, Dimension Crossing, Fire Manipulation


Andrew Vincent
34 | Member of the Dragon Council | Fatheer | Hybrid (50% Dragon/50% Fae) | Ryan Gosling
A notable member of the Dragon Council, backed by most of it's members and well liked among the dragons, who loves both of his children as dearly as his wife, he only regrets he cannot spend as much time with them as he wished.

Brooklyn West Vincent
33 | Empress Regent of the Siren Isles | Mother | Siren | Diane Kruger
The most respected Empress of the Siren Isles, known for uniting the Siren Isles with many different Supernaturals, yet people believe it to have an alterior motive due to Sirens being generally disinterested supernaturals when it comes to anything outside their Isles. She has been known to be rather protective of both her children, Lexi in particularly.

Lexi Vincent
18 | Crown Princess of the Siren Isles | Sister | Hybrid (50% Siren/25% Dragon/25% Fae) | Nicola Peltz
Logan and his sister are very different, Lexi succumbs to her Siren side whilst Logan suppresses it, making him timid and shy for fear of any distractions bring out his inner Siren. He's also very aware of Lexi's jealousy towards him, particularly since he's seen as a miracle birth.

Notable Relationships


So begins...

Logan Vincent's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent
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#, as written by Kaeru

Eida & Alec

Eida scoffed for what felt like the tenth time that morning, her hand instinctively reaching for the wet wipes she kept beside her mirror at all times. With a rather disgruntled expression, Eida wiped the makeup from her eyes and threw the wipe down in the bin, releasing a barely audible squeak of disapproval as she did so. It was, approximately, her tenth time trying to make it even on both eyes. Her crazy, irrational, perfectionist self had prevented her from simply 'going with it', as her brother called it. Speaking of her brother... Eida did a little twirl as she spun on her heel, eyes narrowing in on the limp form which lay lazily upon her bed. She scoffed, yet again, and threw the entire packet of wet wipes. They landed on his stomach, eliciting a winded grunt from the teen. His head lifted so that he could glance at her, before he released an audible sigh. "For the last time, I'm not doing it for you." She tilted her head to one side. "Okay, I'm not doing it for you again."

It was - at the very least - another twenty minutes before Eida was finally pleased enough with her appearance that she was able to leave the room. Alec trailed after her, cradling his arm with a flushed expression. Eida skipped down the hallway, her body practically twitching with barely-controlled glee. "Thanks for helping me out, bro!" she yipped as she made her way down the flight of stairs leading to the ground floor - or lobby - of the hotel. It was still incredibly early, all things considered, so when she threw herself into the kitchen for breakfast she wasn't entirely surprised that she found no one in there but herself and her quietly muttering brother. Alec made a straight line for the fridge, hissing as he lifted his arm to open the door. He pulled out some milk and threw it to his sister, who had already gotten the cereal. While she grabbed the bowels, he grabbed the spoons; they both set them down at the same time, and fought for the right to pour their cereal first, before doing so again with the milk mere moments later. This was a battle they faced almost every morning.

It wasn't until Alec tucked into his bowel that he realised they hadn't made a third for Alexis. He gave his sister a quick glance, which seemed to have sent the message well and clear. Eida scuttled off towards the door, swinging it open and swallowing a moment as if to brace her vocals for the onslaught they faced. "Alexis!" Eida called, hoping that the silence of the hotel would carry her vocals far enough. "You want a bowl of cereal? Or something?" Truth be told, she didn't even know what her Aunt happened to be doing at that time, but upon the checking of her watch she realised they had a little over half an hour to leave, so she didn't hurry. Gesturing to Alec, he used his back to keep the door propped open in case of a response, as Eida threw her spoon into her bowl eagerly.

Alexander and Scavenger

"I don't know why you're so nervous," muttered Scavenger as her pale optics followed the older man who appeared to be pacing the room breathlessly. "She'll most likely just be happy to see her husband again." Alex halted. Though his expression was one of unfathomable passivity, his eyes were dark and hard as they shifted towards her; they settled for a few moments before wandering aimlessly on. Alexander didn't bother to utter a response. Too involved in his own train of thought was he that actual words were something of an impossibility. Lips twitching with the urge to move, Alex grumbled something incoherent, and continued on about the room, from one corner to the next. Scavenger merely shook her head, and threw her arms out in the air with a grunt as she attempted to drag herself up off of the arm chair.

They were in Alex's apartment at that time. It was a nice little place, although the only furniture - excluding the bathroom and kitchen - in the place was a bed and a chair, both located in the living area. Alex had to move ever since Scavenger decided to pay him a visit and ended up barrelling through the portal, onto his bed. He did not seem pleased about that. He'd proceeded to throw the bed through the doorway out of the room the following morning, but not after throwing her about the place first. He was a strict one, that Alex. Scavenger's gaze travelled to the doorway, which barely qualified as such. Upon trying to fit the bed through, Alex had realised that it didn't fit, and decided it was easy just to create a gaping hole in his apartment as opposed to dismantling the bed and building it again. An amused grunt filled the silence.

"We should go," Alex finally spoke, causing Scavenger's head to swivel around, pale eyes fixating on his face. His face lacked emotion, but his eyes held a hurt that could not be described with words. Huffing, she nodded and stepped forward a little, extending her arm. Alex, with an increasing sense of hesitance, did the same; their hands met but Alex's grip was practically non-existent, leaving Scavenger to shift her hand and curl her fingers around his wrist instead. In an instant, they appeared behind the school.

Both making their way around to the front of the building, they parted ways to prevent rousing suspicion. As far as the citizens of Parkwood were concerned, Alex and Scavenger were complete strangers. Teacher and pupil. Nothing more, nothing less. While Alex continued on down the hallway, Scavenger turned right at the first corridor and started towards her first class of the day: Maths. Alex had a class to teach, anyhow. English Literature, if he remembered correctly. Thankfully, he was able to make it through the hallway without encountering any of his family. Upon discovering the location of his classroom, Alex entered and set his case down on the desk at the front, clearing his throat. None of them were present, but no doubt they would begin to flood in once the morning bell rang. He just hoped he wouldn't get any of his grandchildren.


Kellin's dark eyes focused finally, eyelids peeling themselves open to reveal... absolutely nothing. His personal quarters in the Wraith Realm were caked in complete darkness. Therefore, even when his sight became clear, he could see nothing but the subtle outlines of his furniture. Groaning loudly, he shifted so that he could prop his upper weight up with his arms, eyes continuing to peer into the gloom for a further minute before he even made the attempt to move from beneath the covers. Padding slowly over to the windowless hole in the side of the building he'd been calling home for the last three years. It was a dreary little castle-type foundation; the outer appearance suggested that one punch from a supernatural being and the entire structure would crumble instantly. Reflecting upon this, Kellin barely held in a sigh. How pathetic...

Kellin fought to turn his entire form around, pushing himself to walk towards the bedroom door. It swung open immediately, revealing a portly man in his late fifties, standing perfectly still with his head lowered. To either side of him stood a girl; pale-skinned, tall, plain-faced and shapeless. They, too, held their gaze to the ground, their hands clasped together in front of them. "Sir Davenport," the middle-aged man practically cooed, tipping his over-sized body forward. The action caused Kellin to move backwards, lest the man's balding head slap into his bare chest. He didn't think he could prevent the general awkwardness of such a situation from turning into anger. He really didn't want to have to kill this man; he was a fairly good servant, as far as they went. Annoying and jiggly as he was, he served Kellin well. "Don't call me that," the younger man replied, turning once more and padding into the centre of the room. "Come on in, Jerry. Upon command, Jerry did just that, the two younger girls trailing silently behind him, eyes still down on the floor. They were new, as far as Kellin knew, but he shrugged it off.

After about an hour had passed, Kellin had been fully washed and dressed. He wore a button-up and some jeans; his usual attire. Standing in the middle of his room once more, Kellin was left with nothing to do. He'd refused his grandfather's command to return to school, but he was not altogether denying that returning to Parkwood on the whole was necessary to their plans. Releasing a short huff, Kellin sat extended his arms and splayed his fingers out into the empty space before him. He squinted his eyes closed as a heavy concentration overcome him. A trick he'd learned ever since meeting Lexi was to pinpoint her exact location, and use it to travel through the Realms. Upon picking this up, he'd quickly tried it out on Alexander and Scavenger (even though neither of them got along too well). As a black space opened up in front of him, a mischievous grin slithered across Kellin's lips and pulled them back to reveal a set of white teeth. He hopped through.

Upon entering Mark's Mansion, the first person he took notice of was Lexi. He took this opportunity, with her back turned to him, to run up nearly silently and wrap his arms around her from behind, nuzzling her neck almost ravenously. "Miss me?" he teased.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kellin Davenport Character Portrait: Lexi Vincent Character Portrait: Logan Vincent Character Portrait: Brooklyn West
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Brooklyn West, Lexi Vincent
Logan Vincent

The sky over the Siren Isles was calm as always, the sea and sky surrounding the Isles always reflected the inhabitants and as a generally peaceful races, when you cut out the murderous sex life, the sky is rarely stormy and the sea rarely active, Lexi had grown bored of it, everything was always the same and the parties were rarely worth their weight in alcohol. However, ever since the Remei became the Royal Guests of Brooklyn, the sky had started to become slightly cloudy and the seas a tad bit choppier, but as soon as they were gone, the skies went back to normal as did the sea. The excitement of seeing some semblance of change in the weather made her even more bored with the calm, so the next time they visited Lexi scanned them for someone worthy of her time, and her eyes fell on Kellin, she knew not his rank in the Remei or his particular race, but his scent was far more chaotic than the rest of them and so she began her game, making herself much more known to the Remei, in hopes to entice the other hybrid to visit her and cause a stir among the isles, and to her surprise it worked and she most certainly wasn't complaining, he was able to keep up with her unlike the pathetic mortals who cry at the slightest blood.

Now with the Sirens amassing and preparing for an invasion, the skies and seas alive as ever, yet the Royal children are being forced to flee the Isles and instead are being sent to the 'safety' of the mortal world, to a town called Parkwood.
"There's only ever been one portal to the Siren Isles, of course, there's plenty to the Fae realm as a whole, but the Sirens of Old didn't want anyone creeping up on their Isles after all of the gods they've pissed off, so when they crossed the dimesion, they severed the connections, bar one." Brooklyn told her children as they made their way through the maze. "It was surrounded by a maze and the only exit, well entrance, is from the Royal Villa, the most guarded place which has housed some the strongest of Sirens ever, it'll take us to the mortal realm, where you two are to remain until this is all over. Do you hear me?" Brooklyn turned around, her finger in Lexi's face first and then in Logan's, both of whom simply nodded. "Right, here we are." The trio were standing at a fountain which Brooklyn dipped her toe into and slowly sank into, her toga turning dark as it absorbed the water. Logan stepped into the water eagerly, whilst his sister complained about getting her skirts and hair wet, but he pulled her into the fountain anyway.

Once completely submerged, the pair were no longer in the typical fashion of the Siren Isles, skimpy togas or nothing at all, but instead casually fashionable clothes, there mother however was in a rather expensive looking dress and her crown was now hanging around her neck. She smiled at her children before taking them to the mansion, she know owned, left to her by the man she now hopes to save.

The mansion was still well maintained and even still had staff working in it, however the work was significantly less, it was only 2 maids to clean the house and prevent it from being to disgusting for the family's return and a butler, to maintain standards and welcome the family also, he and the 2 maids were the only ones living in the house as of yet. They greeted the family courteously and Brooklyn corrected them, reminding them that they weren't to bow to the family. "Well, I'd give you a tour, but I have to return to the Isles and make sure none of those Remei break anything and no coups happen. Be safe, my loves." She pulled her children in tight for a hug and kissed both of them before leaving, a single tear dropping from her eye as she abandoned her children, like her mother did her, for their own good.

Lexi sighed as she looked out a window, "Is it always sunny here too?" Logan looked over at his shoulder to watch the Butler shake his head before answering.
"No, ma'am. It rains, blows, snows and on occasion there's storms." He informed her, to which Lexi nodded with a slightly delighted smile.
"Good, and what of parties and food?" She asked, a slight tone of snobbery lacing her voice.
"Lexi, leave the man be." Logan finally spoke up, before stepping closer to the stairs. "Where's my room?" The Butler smiled to Logan before leading him up the stairs.
"Your mother suggested I gave you the older master's room, I believe you and him to be of similar measurements, if not they should do until we get you some new clothes." Lexi could hear their conversation as she explored the hallway, admiring the art and taking the opportunity to feel the fabrics and trace the paintings, no doubt she'd be shouted at by the servants if she did it in front of them.

As she was tracing her finger over a painting, a weird feeling of being watched fell over her but she shook it off as being alone in a new place, until something grabbed her from behind and nuzzled her neck, like a beast did it's dinner. "Miss me? She heard the all too familiar voice and she twirled around and looked up to see the tanned Remei she'd become rather fond of.
"Sorry, who are you?" She teased before kissing him, pinching his lips with her teeth as she pulled away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Vincent Character Portrait: Nicholas Rivera
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Nick dropped off the two big boxes in the corner of his new bedroom. It was much bigger than the one he had at his old home. People always said bigger was better, but it just felt empty and plain. If his sister were here it would have been more interesting. He frowned a bit at the thought of his sister. He had missed her unfortunately. It's because of her and his father's death that he had decided to move. Too many tragic memories. His mother couldn't leave. The memories there were to precious to her. While for Nick, they were heart breaking. Moving was good for him. He needed to get away from family anyway. Nicholas was already enrolled in the college, but he doesn't start until tomorrow. His mother had agreed to pay for the house and other essentials up until he graduated. Which for that he was extremely grateful.

Glancing out the window, he saw that the moving van had finally driven off. All the boxes were put in their designated rooms. And the furniture was spread about the house. There was so much work to be done and he had to do it all by himself. At the moment, moving wasn't turning out as well as he hoped. Hearing his stomach growl, he decided to start with the kitchen. He could even treat himself to a snack. With that hope in mind, he bounded down the steps and towards the kitchen. He saw that he left himself a bag of chocolate covered pretzals on the table and silently thanked himself as he started to snack on them.

Nicholas opened one of the boxes, labeled dishes, and put them in the cabinets. That was only the beginning. It took him about an hour to stock his kitchen full of things. The snacks had run out and the fridge was empty. But now he knows where his dishes and suck are. Shuffling out of the living room, he opened the miscellaneous box. He doesn't even remember what's in it. Nick ran his hand through his hair as he dug around inside of it. His eyes lit up when he saw his skateboard. It had been a while since he has used it and he needed a break anyway.

Grabbing the phone and house keys, Nick practically ran out of his house. He lowered the skateboard and hoped on, using his right foot to occasionally push forward. The new guy took in his surroundings. Everything seemed way more special than it was back home. There was just something about this place. He looked behind him to track how away he was from the house. When he looked straight ahead, he collided with another boy. Nicholas tumbled off the skateboard and onto the ground. It didn't hurt much, but he was more concerned about the person he crashed into. "So sorry. I was not paying attention. Are you alright?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kellin Davenport Character Portrait: Lexi Vincent Character Portrait: Logan Vincent Character Portrait: Nicholas Rivera
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Logan Vincent

Logan was dandering in the general direction his mother had lead them from, he wasn't too sure how far he'd walked or if he'd missed some turn he was supposed to take, but either way he liked not having to hear his sister and one of her many toys making a ruckus, the thought made a shiver run down his spine as an image of the two flashed across his mind.

Having being rather distracted himself, he didn't even notice the skateboard and it's rider heading right for him, until all of a sudden he was meet with a soft, blunt knock to his side, the blow was gentle but it was the shock of being hit that made him stumble, his expression was even more a look of panicked shock, he was just pulled from his thoughts by contact. Whilst it wasn't something he was particularly scared of, it certainly would looked like he was scared for about two seconds.
"So sorry. I was not paying attention. Are you alright?" He heard the guilty party say from the ground, when Logan looked at him, he bit his lower lip a face of concern and embarrassment spread across his face.

"Oh goddess! It's okay, I should have been paying more attention to the road! Are you okay?" Logan knelt down, outstretching his hand as an offer to help him up. Upon noticing the guys features, he blushed a little, not something typical of a siren, but then again he wasn't a typical Siren anyway. "I'm Logan, by the way." He blurted out of nowhere, his eyebrows knotted and he looked up and to the right as if he was thinking to himself, which he was, he was thinking why he just suddenly blurted out his name with not encouragement to do so.

Having helped the other guy up, Logan retrieved the skateboard for him, afterall he did just total him, it was one way to make up for nearly breaking one of his bones. Since Logan had never been out of the Siren Isles, he'd never really noticed his accent, it was mostly english, mixed with a slight greek undertone, having been in the normal world for less than 5 minutes, he wasn't even aware of accents as of yet, and therefore if he was asked where he was from, he wouldn't have a clue how to answer it, his mother had warned him never to mention the Siren Isles unless he was absolutely positive the other person had knowledge of the Isles.

Lexi Vincent

Lexi watched as Kellin approached her, a proud smirk lifting across her left cheek, she knew how he felt about drinking blood and was satisfied in breaking him for now. If she could make him drink from a helpless mortal, the stench of which Lexi couldn't stand, mortal had such a repugnant scent and it made her face writhe in distaste, but with Kellin, her face was almost always a proud, delighted or wanting smirk, with eyes that always reveal her true desire, which was almost always his body and his mentality, she loved to play games with her toys, why else would she have them? And when they didn't like to play her games, she got bored very quickly, like a child tossing it's toy from the pram, however, if her toy tried to bounce back, it would lose the ability to bounce anywhere.

"You bitch..." She heard him croak, he seemed to being fighting his inner urges because he hesitated to make a move for the wound, Lexi watched him like a scientist would watch a guinea pig, her eyes filled with curiosity but her expression rtevealing impatience at waiting for her test subject to do anything. But when he finally moved in for the wound, her satisfied smirk returned and she watched with great curiosity as her toy played her little game. She ran her clawed finger along his bare spine just once as she waited for Kellin to finish his main course. When he finally finished, he looked back up at her, his mouth was parted and he seemed desperate for air to fill his lungs, before she could make any movements, he grabbed the back of he neck and cursed her, "You crazy, sexy bitch." before moving his head towards her neck, Lexi didn't even resist against his hand, most would have feared a feral creature moving towards their jugular, but with his other hand, grazing her thigh, Lexi knew he wouldn't kill her, he couldn't kill her, not while she was in a state of arousal and he was more interested in her arousal than her blood, afterall she had just feed him, her body was just a treat for doing as he was told and finishing his dinner.

When he moved in to kiss her, his tongue traced her lower lip, teasing her for a much deeper kiss, which Lexi parted her lips for, so as to let her tongue slip through his lips and to permit his tongue access to hers, she was most definitely in control of the situation and it made her all the more willing to let Kellin have his treat, he was a good play thing afterall. Lexi forced herself up and onto her feet and took Kellin's hand, leading him back to the bed, she perched herself on the bannister of the bed and proceeded to kiss him, returning her hand back to the much slender, prettier and softer human hand, she let it wander around his body before forcing it beneath the waistband of his boxers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Scavenger Character Portrait: Amorie Simms Character Portrait: Logan Vincent
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Scavenger had claimed to visit and pull Ashley away for some extra fun times. The laugh afterwards led Ashley to believe it was a joke. But if the dark haired woman actually pleased Ashley enough, she might have just let it happen. But she wasn't going to say anything. So far her day has been anything but awful. Scavenger was keeping Ashley from hating everyone and threatening the lives of people she does not care for. There was some silence between her and her Scavenger. It was almost the end of a conversation that could have also been the start of another. But a girl, whom Ashley did not know, approached the both of them. With a smile of innocence. The smirk that Ashley tends to only hold for Scavenger quickly disappeared. Ashley did not care for meeting new people. Did not care to get to know anyone. And did not care this girl, whose name was Eden. Scavenger on the other hand was almost pursing Eden. Engaging her in a conversation, that Ashley did not want to be a part of.

The dark skinned girl would have much rather carried on the silence with Scavenger than make nice with Eden. But she sat there, examining the girl that was being pursued. She seemed normal enough except for the feeling that Ashley was standing before a dragon. Which left her curious to why she was getting that feeling. It must have been her own dragon trying to tell Ashley something. But she pushed the feeling away. Done with her examination, she took her attention away from Eden and Scavenger. When she was needed, her name would be called. But until then she was going to wait for Victoria to need her. Ashley glanced down at her phone and then looked back up. Nothing.


Amorie already knew that somehow, someway, Alec was going to get her back for this. But right now, their one concern was to get this girl inside. Walking inside the hotel, Amorie stayed in the lobby. There were two girls with Eida still. The blonde gave a smile and a wave to Alec's sister to be polite. But then she rocked on her heels, waiting for her friend to come back. If he was ever going to come back. For all she knows, he was going to stay until his mother came back to deal with that girl. But when the hotel walls shook and her chill went down her spine, she knew Alec was coming. The door slam was evident of that. She was going to comment something about him slamming the door, but he had dragged her out of the hotel. Amorie still had the umbrella up to protect them from the rain. They were headed to school and Alec brought the sleepover back up with a smile. The blonde raised an eyebrow and decided bringing up that girl and the door slam wasn't the best.

Linking arms with her friend the continued to school. "Well after school you can just come straight over. After you pack clothes and whatever else you might think you need." She said. Her father said no boys, but Alec wasn't just some boy. He was good friend of hers. "No family. No craziness. Movies. Popcorn. Well except for my occasional disappearance." That she had no control over and never will. Sometimes she is needed and she can't avoid the responsibility.


Nicholas examined himself for a bit to make sure that nothing was seriously damaged on him. But barely a scratch. It was just the impact of the fall that hurt. The person that he crashed into just stumbled a bit. He looked a tad frightened but that last but a second. He was honestly expecting the male to fall, but it was better he didn't. He asked if Nick was okay and he took hold of his hand to stand up. "I am fine." Nicholas released his hand and dusted himself off. That was when the male introduced himself as Logan. Looking back up, Nick admired his features. He was a very handsome man. Although Nick just moved here, he wanted a friend. Even if he was going to pursue this friend. "Name's Nicholas." He was a bit intrigued with Logan's accent. It was exotic sounding. In fact he wanted to hear the male speak some more. He took his skateboard back from him. Nicholas' wasn't very exotic. Though his hispanic background gave him the ability to roll his Rs and have an accent. He didn't speak the language. He wish he could have.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kellin Davenport Character Portrait: Lexi Vincent Character Portrait: Logan Vincent Character Portrait: Nicholas Rivera
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Logan Vincent

Logan smiled as Nick told him he was fine, even if he didn't properly check himself, he said he was fine and Logan was okay with that clarification, even if it was a bit like he said it to simply give peace of mind. Logan smiled as Nick looked up at him, his face much more relaxed and softer, when he smiled he seemed a lot like he was at peace, but truly happy, not many people saw him smile and when they did, they just seemed to want to smile as well, according to what people have said, whether it was true was a whole other thing, and if it was true, it didn't necessarily mean it was how strangers felt about his smile.

"Name's Nicholas." Logan heard the guy say, pulling him from his thoughts of his smile.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Nicholas, or do you prefer to be called Nick?" Logan asked, since he lived with Lexi, he knew what some people could be like with their full names, so always asked if they preferred their real name or a shortened version, just to be sure. "Say, you wouldn't happen to know anything about this town? I kind of just arrived, like 5 minutes ago." Logan let out a nervous laugh as he basically asked Nicholas to be his first friend, as Logan admired Nicholas' looks it became something he hoped Nicholas wouldn't be too upset about, he even hoped something more than friends would become something.

Lexi Vincent

Lexi lounged on the bed as Kellin gathered his clothes, instead of eagerly watching his body like most women would, she was instead too interested by her nails, which had his skin and her dried blood beneath it, in fact most of her body was covered in dried in bodily fluid, she sighed as she looked at the state of her clear, porcelain skin.

She had no time for Kellin's huffing, so every time he huffed or growled, she simply pretended to ignore him until he was gone,
"I'll see you whenever," Lexi heard him say, she didn't even respond to him, she merely slide off the bed and made her way into the shower, cleaning her body of the red and white fluids, something she abhorred having to do herself, but sadly she had no ladies in waiting in this realm.

With her body now clean and her barely satisfied for the day, she summoned the help, the butler and the remaining maid entered the room, the butler's eyes widened in horror at the mess of the room, whilst the maid let out a scream, to which the butler clamped his hand on her mouth, before whispering to her.
"This is the most well paid job for a maid, you never stopped to wonder why and I don;t think you read the contract either, one of the terms, was absolute silence on the going ons within this house." Lexi watched as the butler seemingly threatened the maid. "And if you were to break that term, well the penalty was death." Upon hearing him actually threaten her, a smile spread across her face.
"I sorely underestimated you, butler." She purred to him, her smirk had returned, he may have been her mother's butler, but she was more interested in him being her minion, someone to clean up the mess she would inevitably make and provide an alibi, if anyone ever came snooping around after one of her messes. The butler merely bowed his head in response to her, but his eyes were still very much focused on the maid his hand was clamped on.
"Do you understand?" The maid nodded and the butler removed his hands, hesitantly but he did it none the less. "Now clean this mess, and I will double your salary." He instructed and she followed his orders, as she disappeared to gather the cleaning supplies, the butler ushered Lexi out of the room.

"May I ask what happened, miss?" He asked as they descended the stairs.
"She walked in on a Siren having sex, we're drawn to death when we start." Lexi told him in as non-chalant way as a person could be about killing. "Sex with the immortal beings is rather dull to us, therefore the next mortal creature to cross paths with us, tends to get horribly mutilated." The sing song voice of Lexi mixed with her delighted smile should have sent a shiver up the butler's spine, but he didn't even seem phased by it at all, something which delighted Lexi, as her mind raced with possibilities.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lexi Vincent Character Portrait: Amorie Simms Character Portrait: Logan Vincent Character Portrait: Nicholas Rivera
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If Amorie could explain her confusion she would have. Alec had started mumbling things to himself which the reaper could barely make out. Then he practically shoved the umbrella back into the blondes hand before taking off. She wasn't even able to ask him where he was going. For a moment, Amorie stood in the rain with the umbrella. Whenever she disappears on Alec he waits around for her. It was only fair she gave him a few moments. But he was taking to long and she was already late to school because of that strange girl incident. With a sigh, the blonde started heading towards the college. She was not looking forward to explaining why she was late again. The reaper did not like to make it a habit of being late. But with being a supernatural with a supernatural friend, it tends to happen way more than it should.

The walk wasn't long. When she crossed, the doors she closed the umbrella. The moment she was inside, it had stopped raining. She mumbled curses about her dad being an asshole. Even though she knew her dad had nothing to do with the weather. She blamed him for negativity when he was not around. She walked into her classroom and took a seat in the back. Throwing her feet up on the desk next to her, she pulled her phone back out. Amorie started playing a game to distract her. The game randomness and thumb activity keeps her from needing to move around so much. But she would start shifting in the back seat a couple of times if need be.


"It's a pleasure to meet you, Nicholas, or do you prefer to be called Nick?" Nicholas had a rather inappropriate comment about screaming something in a bedroom but he held his tongue. He had only met Logan moments ago. Though Nick was drawn to him for some reason. He was unnaturally handsome. The male had to have known that. But if he didn't, Nicholas would not mind telling him that a couple of times. "You can call me whatever." He said, with a shrug. Nick never had a preference when it came to his name. As long as it wasn't something to make fun of him. His mother called him many different names everything from Spanish to English. Although he was not fluent in Spanish, he knew when his mother was calling him. "Say, you wouldn't happen to know anything about this town? I kind of just arrived, like 5 minutes ago." Without meaning too, Nicholas started to laugh. Not a heavy laugh, but he was rather amused. He managed to calm down.

"Sorry. It's just that I am new here too." He started to explain. "I did not know I was going to crash into someone that had no idea where anything was as well." Nick chuckled a bit. He ran his fingers through his hair. "To officially answer your question. No I don't know where anything was. I just came outside to get some fresh air. I was actually unpacking." He said gesturing over to the house that he was currently living in. It looked kind of small on the outside. But it was two levels and a basement. Nick had no idea what he was going to do with the basement, but he had to do something. Right now he was considered it a gym. "I should actually head back..." His attention went back to Logan with an idea in his head. "Would you like to come? If you help me with unpacking I will reward you with food?" He bargained. Nick would give him way more than food if he asked, but he kept that to himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Vincent Character Portrait: Nicholas Rivera
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0.00 INK

Logan Vincent

Logan's eyebrows furrowed playful when Nicholas responded to his question about what he should call him.
"You can call me whatever." Had it not have been for the shrug and nonchalant demeanour, Logan may have thought it was some sort of flirtatious comment but he knew it wasn't by his body language.
"I guess I'll call you Nick." When he started to laugh, Logan was a lot more confused and it showed in his face, if only for a short moment, as he explained himself after composing himself.

"Sorry. It's just that I am new here too. I did not know I was going to crash into someone that had no idea where anything was as well." An amused breath escaped Logan's lips as he smiled at Nicholas, who ran his hand through his hair before continuing on with his answer. "To officially answer your question. No I don't know where anything was. I just came outside to get some fresh air. I was actually unpacking. I should actually head back..." Logan's smile faltered a tad bit as Nicholas looked back at his new house, but he returned the brightness to his smile as Nicholas turned around to speak to him again. "Would you like to come? If you help me with unpacking I will reward you with food?" Logan chuckled at his invitation.
"I'm a charitable soul, but if the work is hunger inducing I will accept the 'reward' of food." He teased before pointing to one of the house, trying to confirm which of the identical house was his. "So it's that house right?" Logan followed Nicholas to the house in which they were discussing, his eyes admiring the guy's physique, in particular his back and arms, he definitely didn't need help moving the boxes, Logan thought to himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Scavenger Character Portrait: Amorie Simms Character Portrait: Logan Vincent Character Portrait: Nicholas Rivera Character Portrait: Eden
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Nicholas did not think that Logan would come and help him with unpacking. It wasn't like Nick needed help. In fact he just wanted the cute company. But Logan said he would help and he didn't need food unless he was hungry. Unpacking wouldn't cause hunger. It would just require constant breaks due to how boring it could be. "So it's that house right?" Nick nodded and started leading the way towards his house. There was something dangerous about this that was tugging at the back of the Hispanics mind. He knew nothing of this stranger and he was letting him into his home. This is stuff his mother warned him about. "Beware of strangers, hijo" "Don't give it up to everyone" And other non sense like that. Nicholas was grown and his mother was still warning him about strangers. Strangers can become friends. Even if he was to heed his mother's warnings, he couldn't do that now. The cute stranger already agreed to come and help.

He got up to the door and unlocked it. Nick left the door open to signal for Logan to follow him inside. There were boxes all over the living room. There were even more boxes in the basement and in some of the other rooms. The only room that was completely unpacked was the kitchen. His bedroom still needed some work. All the furniture was set up, he just needed to put stuff on shelves. Nicholas tossed his phone onto the couch and turned to look at Logan. "As the guest I will let you pick where we start. The kitchen is the only place that is completely unpacked." He stated.


Amorie was completely tuned out to whatever was going on in the class. The game had her attention. That and her father. She was just wondering what he was doing and how important it was. He didn't leave her day often. This was rare. He never tells the blonde what he is doing so she is just left wondering. Out of nowhere the blonde let out a frustrated sigh and slammed her phone down onto the desk. She lost. She couldn't pick that phone up for a while. When she calms down, then she will play again. Until then, she needed another distraction or she will start bouncing off the walls. Amorie started tapping her feet against the floor not caring who it bothered. She closed her eyes and just tried to pretend no one was around. After a while, she couldn't hear her feet on the ground. When she opened her eyes, she was in some alleyway. In her right hand was a giant scythe. The blonde groaned. It was reaper duties.

Amorie pulled the hood over her head and turned to see who was dying. It was a teenage boy. He couldn't have looked older than her. He had shaggy blonde hair and almost looked like he weighed nothing. There was a bullet wound in his chest. Whatever had happened with him, it clearly did not end well. The reaper moved closer to him and it bent down. Reaching into the boy's chest, she pulled out his soul. She examined it. White with a few dark spots. Mostly he was a good kid and too see him like this made her sad. Another reason why Amorie hated her job. She watched all kinds of people die and she hated it. Mumbling a few words, the soul faded away. She had sent it to the angels. They would deal with it. Amorie waved a hand and she reappeared in the bathroom of her school. Checking the mirrors, she made sure that no essence of her true form was showing. Luckily it wasn't. She pushed the tips of her blonde hair off her shoulders and she headed back to her classroom, trying to think of an excuse to why she was in the bathroom.


Ashley could not think of an exit besides walking out. But since Alex was a teacher, he would figure out that she was blatantly disobeying his orders. And that wasn't an argument she was ready to deal with. Not right now. Maybe later on in the day when someone starts to seriously annoy her. Scavenger was still trying to talk to the blonde girls, whose name had already left Ashley's mind. So the dark skinned dragon took a seat in her chair. Put in her ear buds and turned the music all the way up. When she was needed, Scavenger would let her know. But for now, she doesn't want to be bothered. She doesn't even want to be at this cursed school. Glancing down at her phone, she sighed. No text. Ashley had hope that Victoria was going to need her. Although she doesn't know when, she just knew. But until then, she was just going to keep checking the phone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Vincent Character Portrait: Nicholas Rivera
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0.00 INK

Logan Vincent

Logan leaned against the wall as he contemplated what room the pair should empty together, he teasingly looked away with a thoughtful expression scrunched up on his face, he sucked through his teeth as he pretended to take him time with the decision before finally speaking up.

"Well I imagine you have things in your bedroom you'd rather a stranger didn't see," He teased, once again pushing himself off the wall and opening a box next to him, the Wi-Fi home hub or router as the locals would have called it. "But you always gotta unpack this last, otherwise nothing else will get unpacked." Logan lifted the small black box out of the larger cardboard box to show him what he meant. "So I guess the question is, would you rather I invaded your privacy or set up a room that is gonna hinder your progress in unpacking the rest of the house?" He joked with a slight laugh.

He gently set the router back in the box and answered his own question, "I guess I'd rather be nosy than be the guy who set up your router and made you forget you had an entire house to empty." He gave Nicholas an amused smile as he awaited his response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Scavenger Character Portrait: Amorie Simms
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0.00 INK


Nicholas waited patiently for his new friend to decided where they should start unpacking. It left them both with two options. Connect the wifi and never move from the couch. Or unpack the bedroom to actually get something done. It was a true dilemma. Getting Logan up to the bedroom could prove to be beneficial to them both later on. But it could also prove to be pointless and actually full of work. Hooking up the router would give them complete internet access which could prove to be a distraction from everything. Nicholas would never finish unpacking if he was too busy looking up silly kittens on YouTube. "I guess I'd rather be nosy than be the guy who set up your router and made you forget you had an entire house to empty." Logan placed the router back in the box and caused Nicholas to chuckle. The stranger had made his choice. "Well then let me show you to the bedroom." He said as he wiggled his eyebrows seductively. Nick was only kidding for the most part.

Turning on his heels, he guided Logan up the steps and through the hall. The master bedroom as the very last door. Inside it had many boxes and a bed frame. The dresser and tables haven't been set up yet. The rest of his bed was leaning up against the wall. Nicholas was very lazy when it came to this part. He was perfectly content with living out of boxes for a little while longer. "Guess we should get started." The Hispanic encouraged.


Alex had finally graced the classroom with his presence. That wasn't enough to get Ashley to pause her music. All he was going to do was teach the class and she was not hear to learn. She turned the music up a bit louder and glanced over towards Scavenger. She seemed just as uninterested as Ashley was. That was new for the dragon. To see her without a smirk glued to her face. Whatever was running through the dark haired gals mind was really bothering her. Ashley had half a mind to ask, but she decided against it. This was not a time to act sentimental. Not when Alex was teaching them and they had a job to do. Running her fingers through her hair, she decided to pull her ear buds out. Ashley was expecting to hear the voices of annoying mortals, but it was silent. Looking up from the phone she saw Victoria. Her Victoria. "Ashley, Ashley, My love, The device you gave to me did not work...." If Ashley could look more shocked, she would. Device? Device...? The phone. Ashley forced Victoria too keep a cellphone with her in her realm to keep contact. Apparently cellphones couldn't transfer phone calls and texts over different realms.

The dark skinned beauty should say something. Anything. But she was still stuck on the fact Victoria had actually shown up. Scavenger cleared her throat, which snapped Ashley out of her thoughts. Neither Scavenger nor Alex was pleased. In fact, Ashley can already see that she was going to get in a world of trouble for this. Not that she cared. Victoria showed up. Standing up, Ashley gestured for Victoria to follow her out of the classroom so that they could talk and not have to worry about mortal ears. When out of the room, Ashley let a smile form on her face. "You came."


Amorie walked into her classroom as two others walked out. If the reaper cared enough, she would have been a bit worried about why they were leaving. The blonde saw that the teacher had finally shown up and she just took her seat in the back. If the teacher wanted to question her he could. Not that she would tell him the truth. Amorie considered for a moment explaining exactly what she was doing and where she was just to see the look of confusion on his face. The thought caused her to giggle. She sat down and kicked her feet back up on the desk. Looking around she was half expecting Alec to be here at school already. But he wasn't. And he didn't text. Out of concern for her friend, she sent a quick message.
[MSG]Where ever you are, stay. School is boring. Just don't forgot the sleepover.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Vincent Character Portrait: Nicholas Rivera
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0.00 INK

Logan Vincent

Logan chuckled lightly as Nicholas encouraged him to help him empty his boxes, Logan wasn't too bothered helping the new guy move in, after all, he was attractive and it kept him out of the house far longer than he needed to be out of the house, for his sake and Lexi's. Logan didn't really check the labels on the boxes he just opened them up and went through them, instead of constantly reaching for a pair of scissors or stanley knife to slice the tape, Logan simply elongated one of his claws and sliced through the tape with it. Due to his not reading the labels and simply rummaging through the boxes, Logan opened a box hemore than likely shouldn't have, his face turned red and he quickly turned to look at Nicholas,
"I think this was a box you should have opened." He nervously laughed as the box he opened had Nicholas' underwear in it, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly he moved on to another box, as his phone vibrated in his pocket and a whistle shortly followed.

[To: Mother]
[I'll take a Classical Studies course, take a few of those professors down with my first hand greek mythology knowledge xD]

He smiled at his text, he had a surprisingly friend like relationship with his mother and as such texted her just like a friend. "Sorry it's just my mum, turns out I'm enrolling in the university... sorry college." He smiled at Nicholas. "I'm doing a course in Classical Studies, how fun."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Vincent Character Portrait: Nicholas Rivera
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Nicholas watched Logan start digging into the box with little disregard to what he was actually opening. The hispanic decided that he should get started with the boxes as well. He opened on up and it was full of all his boxes and such. He had many books. They varied from Nonfiction to Fiction. He was fine with reading just about anything. Nick dragged the box towards his tall bookshelf. It was going to be completely full once he was done. He started with the nonfiction, playing them on the couple bottom shelves. He had some autobiographies, encyclopedias, how to books, and even some books written that just weren't classified as fiction. Like Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. He stared at the book with a small smile, making a point to re read the book. "I think this was a box you should have opened." At the sound of Logan's voice, he turned to face him. Nick moved closer and looked inside the box before laughing a little. "Well now you know I'm a briefs kind of person." He teased. Nick walked back towards the bookshelf to place them the current book in his hand on the shelf. "I don't mind you putting them away. They are clean." He reassured. They were just boxer briefs.

"Sorry it's just my mum, turns out I'm enrolling in the university... sorry college." Nicholas smiled. Now he had a friend that was going to school with him. Logan said he was studying Classical Studies which was interesting. Way more interesting than Math. "Well I am majoring in math, but Classical Studies sounds better. I should stop by for a lecture." he said, putting more books on the shelves. Nicholas really liked the way his books were being arranged. It was something satisfying about having them split up by genre.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Logan Vincent Character Portrait: Brooklyn West Character Portrait: Nicholas Rivera
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0.00 INK

Logan Vincent

"Well now you know I'm a briefs kind of person." Logan chuckled at how non-chalant Nick was about having someone going through his underwear. "I don't mind you putting them away. They are clean." Logan nodded his head somewhat skeptically.
"If I see any sort of brown streak, I'm out of here." Logan teased him back, as he pulled the underwear out and put themin the top drawer, he stacked them neatly and politely, as if he were a maid.

"Well I am majoring in math, but Classical Studies sounds better. I should stop by for a lecture." Logan looked up at Nick as he spoke, and he smiled, it'd be good to know at least one person at the college who A) wasn't crazy and B) wasn't his sister, and Lexi falls into both of those categories.
"So if my calculator ever breaks, I'll just come to you?" Logan gave him a cheeky smile. "Got it." Logan gave him a thumbs up before returning to open another box.

They were getting through the boxes at a surprisingly fast rate, maybe it was Logan's weirdness about organisation or maybe they were just having so much fun, but either way they were done with the bedroom pretty quickly.
"Well, I think your bedroom is finished." Logan said with a satisfied smile, before shrugging. "What's next?"

Brooklyn West
[hr] Brooklyn was taken aback by Alex's harsher than necessary words, she narrowed her eyebrows and her nostrils flared, she was ready to slash his face with her talons, but refrained from doing to, she didn't even ball her fist, instead, she maintained a cool demeanour besides the nostril flare.
"No offense meant, of course, but it would make no difference to me whether your children were here or in another realm, alive or dead. I have the men and women I need already here; if I had required the services of you or your children, I would have asked. And I refuse to waste my time making sure your children aren't running into danger; I have other concerns. I'll have Kellin watch them. I'm heard he's quite fond of Lexi, anyhow."
"Kids in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones, Alex, you would do well to remember that." Her words were not unkind or threatening, but merely friendly words of wisdom. "You have few allies, and Fae need none but have them, because the Fae play nice with others."

"If that is all?" Brooklyn sighed as he excused himself,
"As if you need to be excused, good day, Alex." Brooklyn bowed her head before turning on her heels and strutting to the admissions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Scavenger Character Portrait: Amorie Simms Character Portrait: Logan Vincent
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Amorie was a bit surprised that it had nothing to do with his family. Usually they drive him insane and there is something new to complain about. But instead it had to do with that strange girl from earlier. Alec started to explain what she was and why he had ran off. That made way more sense since Alec never left Amorie like that unless there was an emergency. Even then he explains before he takes off. As he explained more about the Siren's intentions, it was kind of weird. It was like she was special requesting Alec to be with her at all times. Even Alec joked about being her protector. Amorie giggled a bit, thinking of her friend protecting someone. It wasn't that he was incapable of taking care of someone, it was the effort it would take and the responsibility she could see him complaining about. At least he was free from her during school. "Do you think she will be alright at the hotel during our sleepover?" Amorie asked with some concern. The blonde was not letting the siren in her house. Not that she despised the girl, she didn't know her. It takes a while before Amorie lets just anyone in her house. Especially when she isn't supposed to have anyone over.


Nicholas liked Logan. He was funny. He would gladly do his math homework if he asked nicely. Actually he didn't even have to ask, Nick would just offer to do his math homework out of sheer boredom. They got through all of the boxes in his room. "What's next?" His first thought was the wifi, but the living room still needed to be put away. After that then the wifi can be connected. The rest of the rooms aren't that crucial. But the kitchen, living room, and bedroom needed to me unpacked. He broke down the boxes and piled them in a corner. "Living room. Then you can hook up the router." Nicholas said with a smile. He walked around his new friend and back down the steps towards the living room. The furniture was all in place. The shelves were completely empty and the TV wasn't hanging on the wall like it should be. There was some work that needed to be done. Nick would help Logan with the tv. "Let's get started." He encouraged one of the boxes, revealing a vast collection of DVDs. He doesn't even know why he has so many.


Taking orders from her uncle was much harder than her Victoria might have realized. He came out here with her sister in law, Brooklyn, and shooed her inside. Telling her to do schoolwork. Alex should know better. Ashley isn't doing any of the schoolwork here. With her last goodbye to Victoria, Ashley walked inside the classroom ignoring the stares of humans around her. Most seemed confused, but that didn't matter. She wasn't going to be answering any questions. In fact she wanted to skip the rest of this day. She took her seat next to Scavenger, who may or may not still be a bit annoyed that Victoria even showed up. Ashley looked over her for a moment before glancing at the book she was supposed to be annotating. She opened it and then leaned back in her chair. This isn't happening. Ashley pulled out her phone and texted her brother. When school is over, she is going to call him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Logan Vincent
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#, as written by Kaeru
As agreed upon by the members of this roleplay, there will be a time-skip to just before the party. It's up to you all to decide where your characters are at this stage.

It'll late-ish (around 6-7pm) by this point.

In order to notify everyone of this, I'll be tagging one of each of your characters.

Anyone may start.