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Symone Iris

"I just want my family in one piece..." WIP

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a character in “Outcasters: Third Generation”, as played by TheCrimsonLady




ImageImage{ FULL NAME }
Symone Iris nee Davenport

{ AGE }

The Morrigan


Half Wraith/Half Fae


5'9, 150lbs

Sym has long black hair, soft olive skin, full pink lips and deep shadow black eyes. She is rather tall standing at 5'9 with long legs. She has subtle curves but with an athletic build.



Erieda Davenport-Mother
Alexander Davenport-Father
Simon "Slade" Davenport- Twin Brother
Alexis Davenport-Sister
Dahvie Iris-Husband
Alec Iris-Son
Eida Iris-Daughter

Sym is a playful curious girl, who loves to be around people. She loves to be the center of attention. She is impulse but she can read people well. Being Half Fae. She can become jealous for seemly no decent reason, She has a habit of taking things that don't belong to her but she's not really aware that she's done it until someone's asking for it. She doesn't steal big things. just keychains, a single earring or a paperclip. Little things like that. Though she can not lie. she is skilled at telling half truths and from time to time, speak in riddles and rhymes. She's inherited her mother's impatience and her father's temper. She can be happy one moment and flip her lid the next.
Being half Wraith, She has a nasty temper in which she can become violent and malicious. Quick Witted, Cunning and Clever; She is observed and patient, and knows how just how to maneuver in most any given situation; this has taught her to know a liar when she sees and hears one. When she's angry, she has no qualms with starting a fight and or ending one, she can be quite vindictive as well. Most of the time, however she only uses her words, but they sting as bad as a punch. She has a tongue that is as sharp as it is slick, most people don't know what will come out of her mouth next,
She is very attached to her brother Slade and is quick to go to bat for him, even if he's wrong. She is fiercely loyal to her friends and family and if she wants something, she will stop at nothing to get it.

+Wraith Form
+Fae Glamour.
+Demon Magick
+Rune Magick


Image { LIKES }
+Motorcycles/ Her Ducati -Even though it makes her sick to ride classic ones.
+Shiny Things -as a result of her Fae hertiage
+Martial Arts

+Metal -as she's violently allergic
+Being lie to -as she can't return the favor
+Her Brother's indifference -though she's used to it.
+Not having a Dryad form

Losing her family.

She is very loyal to her family, sometimes to a fault.

She tends to take things that don't belong to her.Trinkets and things like that.


Image{ HISTORY }


Cassie Ventura



So begins...

Symone Iris's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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She hated the Midnight Sun.
Gazing out of the window of a tall tower, Symone watched the dark sun of the Demon Realm sky, sit high, casting an orange glow about the world.

She hated it. She missed the sun, the mortal realm sun. So bright and warm. It brought life, in her case it was quiet literal. She was half Dryad, her life tree was still over there.

But she couldn't go there, not for too long. She'd see her mother and her baby sister but she couldn't stay. Not when half of her was gone.

They came into the world together, she didn't know a world without him, and now, there was a whole in her soul with him gone.

They'd did everything together, hell, her husband was his best friend.

Symone turned her head, her long dark hair, that was shaved on the side, spilling down over her shoulder that was covered in a white silk sleeping gown as she gazed at her sleeping husband. It couldn't have been easy for him. She knew that. He was his best friend for years. Simon put her hand in his at their wedding.

Silent tears flow from her eyes. It's been a year and still it pained her to think of him. Climbing into bed with her husband, she curled up beside him, feeling his warmth and trying to let it take her mind off of her lost twin.

It was then that she felt someone bloom in her chest that caused her spring up in her bed.

"Da-Dahvie!" She said, holding her to her chest, her eyes wide. She could barely breath, the sigil on her back burning, before going cold. It was like a candle that burned out too soon.

"Dahvie...I felt him..." She gasped, it felt as if her heart only just started to beat. "He's alive, Simon's alive!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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#, as written by Kaeru


Dahvie was awoken only when he felt a sudden presence at his side, and he shifted beneath the bed sheets a little as his eyelids peeled themselves open. With a blurred vision he gazed down at his wife gently, and - recognising her hurt - positioned himself to be able to wrap an arm around her to hold her.

The recent years had not been easy for either of them, with the loss of Slade, but it had not been as difficult for him as it had been for Symone. They were twins, and they shared a bond that no one could even come close to. They'd looked after each other when their parents weren't around and, while they drove each other crazy to no end, there was no denying that they cared about each other. Symone had lost her blood brother, and Dahvie had lost his best friend. Similarly, Slade often pushed Dahvie far beyond his limits, but they laughed and they joked and they cared about each other. When Dahvie and Symone first got together, Slade - although hesitant - had been so unbelievably supportive. For that, Dahvie could never repay his friend... Not that he'd have the chance now.

The two lay there for what felt like the longest time, before Symone's sudden movements yanked his arm a weird way and he let out a pained wince, before recoiling and sitting up. He rubbed his arm a little, but quickly forgot about his own pain when he noticed how breathless and generally shocked his wife looked. Shuffling closer, he placed a hand on her shoulder out of pure concern, but said nothing as she spoke his name. He could see, from this angle, the sigil suddenly lighting up, as if it was sizzling against her skin, and he narrowed his eyes. That damned sigil had caused Symone nothing but pain, and it did not take a trained telepath to figure out that it held some sort of mental block, though that was as much as he knew, or as much as he had ever cared to know.

As Symone continued on, Dahvie shook his head slowly as if he didn't quite believe her words. He lowered his hand from her shoulder and slipped out from the bedcovers, walking over to where a fresh set of clothing was awaiting him in his wardrobe. Pulling out some jeans, he turned to Symone with a grave expression, eyes hollow. He had always been trying to keep it together for his wife, and whenever she had her sneaking suspicions he would always assist her in getting to the bottom of them, but it was no secret - from the bags under his eyes and his unusually pale skin - that all of this was incredibly taxing. He wasn't quite sure how much he could handle, but today was not his day to break down. As he slipped on the jeans and found a belt, he huffed out the words, "If you can pinpoint the location of this feeling, we can go there and check it out," he replied, his voice soft and decidedly weary. "I believe you when you said you felt him, Sym... But..." He looked up at her as he slipped on his shirt, and spoke once more in time with buttoning it up. "I don't want you to keep disappointing yourself...

After slipping on some socks and shoes, and brushing a hand through his scruffy hair, he walked over to where his wife was and held out his hands for her, the light of the window only working to highlight his gloomy appearance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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Still holding on to her chest, Symone watched Dahvie dress. He was so tired, she knew it was because of her. She would get these phantom feelings, like an amputee feeling their lost limb. Only with Symone, it was her brother. It had been like that for a while, and Dahvie, being ever supportive, followed her into whatever hell she got herself in. Much like why he was here in this dark realm now. Neither of them wanted to be there, but only she had to be.

"I believe you when you said you felt him, Sym... But..." He said, while Symone sat on the bed, her hand still over her chest. "I don't want you to keep disappointing yourself... He said and she sighed, taking his hands. "I know, You've been with me all this time, listening to me...dealing with me and the phantom feelings...but this time, Dahvie it's real. It's not just a glimpse. It's constant...Dahvie, Simon is alive, I know it, I know it this time." She said and pulled herself up, though she kept her hands in his.

She then slipped out of her silk nightdress and into a long body hugging gown, black fur that looked like raven wings atop her shoulders, her dark hair pulled back high on her head, and spilling down like ink.

She looked at him, and smiled, the first smile she had since Simon's death. She moved to her husband, holding on to his hands, looking into his eyes. "I know that this--I've been hard to handle...with ruling this place, to the Remei--" her back burned the mere mention of them. "to my depression over Simon, I know it hasn't been easy, but it'll be better now,"she said, raising his hands to her lips. "I'll be better now. He's alive, I know it and once what we have planned comes into fruition, everything will be perfect."She said and kissed him sweetly.

She then moved to their chamber door and opened it wide. Dahvie looked so out of place here, dressing like a mortal, while she dressed like the demon queen she was. He didn't know all of what she had planned, but he had an idea. The sigil on her back caused her so much pain when she tried to tell him, but they'd found a way around it, unbeknownst to her father. He was hardly a fan of Dahvie as it was, and the last thing she needed was him having a reason to try to kill him.

The less he knew the better to be honest.

As she stepped out of her chambers, guards approached her, two spiny purple skinned demons with two sets of teeth, bowed at her feet.
"The Lady Morrigan, good morrow." they hissed. The Morrigan...they called her that here. She was the Phantom Queen give her wraith heritage, they seemed to embrace only that side of her, not the Fae half, as the Demon and Fae were only in a fragile truce. When she'd taken the throne, she'd drafted an accord with her mother, the unSeelie and Soliatary fae, for peace between the two realms. It wasn't easy but she got it done.

"Rise, Alert Calicfer, and the Council, I'll be going with my husband to the Mortal Realm for personal reason, and I don't know when I will be back." she told them and they nodded.

"What of the Queen's consort?"

Symone expelled air from her nose impatiently. She hated that they didn't see Dahvie as King, there hasn't been a king since Andres and honestly, no one wanted another one but still.

"He will be joining me as well." She said.

"As you wish, Lady Morrigan."they said and was off.

She turned to Dahvie with a grin. "Ready?" she said, offering her one hand while holding the other to create a portal.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Scavenger Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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#, as written by Kaeru


Scavenger had been staring at the wall for what felt like hours, lost in the chaos of her own mind. She thought about Alex's plans, and her part to play, the secrets the two of them kept from the world - from his family... she thought about the fact that she did not believe the plan would work, that she really didn't want it to. In truth, she was scared about what the world would become, what Alex would make it into, and the thought in itself caused a cold shiver to run down her spine. She visibly tensed. Scavenger, through no fault of her own, was inexplicably drawn to the man she called General, and this made her vulnerable to all kinds of manipulation. Turning her head slightly, the short-haired girl felt a trickle of sweat running down her temple, and as it rolled down her check she allowed herself a small shudder. It had gotten so cold...

Her eyes automatically shifted to Ashley, and was comforted to find that the girl was still beside her, though now she remained seated at her desk, not paying attention to her surroundings. Ashley, it seemed, had become absorbed in her music, and so Scavenger was hesitant to disrupt her focus. A small frown pulled her eyebrows together, forming a crease in the space between, and she shifted herself from around the front of her desk to sit at her desk. She was trembling; there was no denying that. She ought to train herself not to think about Alex. It never did her any good. The man had never loved her before, and he'd given her no reason to think he'd change his ways any time soon. Releasing a sigh, she allowed her weight to settle into the chair. Speak of the devil... she thought, as Alex strolled through into the room. Scavenger turned away.

The quiet muttering of students came to a surprising halt, but Scavenger had not figured out the reason for it until she dragged her gaze upwards, and saw a figure before her whom she recognised almost instantly. Victoria. Another of Alex's allies, but the one which Scavenger trusted the least. There was something sinister about the woman, something which she was not so readily revealing to the world. Scavenger had learned to keep to herself with her thoughts and opinions, however, and so she merely pinched her lips together at the sudden sight, her eyes instinctively rolling with the words that came flying from the older woman's lips. My love... Scavenger repeated the words in her mind, but said nothing of this aloud. Folding her arms and pressing them to her chest, Scavenger relaxed into her seat.

Clearing her throat, Scavenger gave Ashley a warning glance, as if to suggest that she needed to remove Victoria's image from the school building as quickly as possible before one of the mortals took notice and started to ask questions. Whether Scavenger cared enough to seem considerate with Ashley or not, Scavenger was still the girl's higher-up, and she would assert her authority in certain situations without even a second of hesitation. She cared little for Victoria's views on her subtle command; while Alex did not love her, he at least protected her. That, in some sense, gave her an advantage over the older woman, and one which Scavenger had no problem using at the earliest opportunity. Merely to check, Scavenger leaned a little to the side, catching the way Alex bore a hole into the back of Victoria's 'image'. He was not pleased.


Dahvie listened to his wife's words in complete silence, his sceptical expression suggesting that he still wasn't convinced that she'd felt him in the way she thought she had. Like she had said, there were a lot of phantom feelings happening over the years, and Dahvie had been made to deal with that more often than he'd have liked to. And, as it was painfully obvious, trying to be the strong one in the relationship had only been making him much weaker. His immortal blood was supposed to make him eternally youthful, but he was starting to feel more like a 38-year-old than he actually looked, which was unsettling in its own right. If this continued, he'd die at a mortal age, in the body of a 17-year-old. The thought on its own caused his eyelids to flutter close and a soft sigh to escape his lips, even as he felt his wife guiding his hand to her lips. He paid it no mind. It had been a long while since he'd touched his skin to his wife's and felt the familiar tingle of desire.

Dahvie only became fully alert when he felt his wife slipping away from him, and he forced his eyelids up. They felt heavy. He hadn't slept enough last night for him to be any kind of energetic this morning. And so, as his wife went about her business getting dressed and such, Dahvie made his way over to the open window and sat on the ledge, dangling his legs over the edge and staring down at the drop. It was large, but nothing that his supernatural body couldn't handle. He thought briefly about what it would be like to just... let himself fall. He'd feel the wind whipping through his mortal clothes, before his legs hit the ground with an almost satisfying crack. He knew how to fall correctly and roll to safety. It was more of a case whether he'd allow himself to survive, or just drop.

He heard conversation behind him, but the sounds and voices all blended together into a low buzzing in his ear, and he became so involved in the wind that he cared not to focus on the specific words. The wind, which was threatening to pull him into its embrace, was much more welcome to him than anything his wife's servants could utter about him behind his back. His pale eyes were glued to the ground, before suddenly only Symone's voice was audible to him, and it was clearer somehow. Turning his head slowly, he allowed himself to stare at her for a moment or two whilst tugging at his bottom lip with his teeth, as if he was in deep thought about which motion he would choose. He could push himself forward, and test his will to survive, or he could go with his wife and face the possible disappointment of not seeing his old friend; this, as well, would sense Symone back into a state of depression. Neither path seemed like the obvious one, but he still had to choose. Slowly, he pressed his hands into the rock around him, before sliding back into the room and facing his wife. "Yes, I'm ready." He narrowed the space between them and placed his hand in hers, focusing anywhere but her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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A dark portal opened up in front of the Hotel, and outsteppe Symone Iris. She took a deep breath, enjoying the smell of the fresh earth air around her.

"Oh I miss the smell of it." she said to her husband as she breathed it in. She took that in a moment before looking around. There were people milling in and out of the hotel, music thumping so loud that she could feel it in her chest. A party, That was Alexis, as much as the girl hated people, she loved parties, it made no sense but then, that was the definition of Alexis' entire existence.

It was then that her brother's presences hit her like a truck, so much so that she gasped, "I knew it." she said and followed the feeling, She moved through the throngs of people, most of them looking at her like she was crazy, after all she was dressed in a long black body hugging dress with a black raven feathered shawl draped over her shoulders. She looked like a demon queen, but she didn't care. She just wanted to see her brother.

"Holy Shit, Sym?" she heard Alexis call, through the crowd, she turned and smiled at her baby sister as she approached her. "Oh, Alexis, I missed you." she said, and meant it, she couldn't lie after all .She pulled Alexis into a hug, and Alexis, however breif, returned it. "Don't act like you're here to see me." She said and then pointed in the direction of their brother. Symone's eyes welled up.

"Si..." She breathed and dashed toward her brother, she stopped just in front of him, so she could get a good look at him. "I knew it, I knew I felt you....I just....all this time, I kept getting glimpse....phantom feelings...." she said, though the music was loud, she was close enough that he could hear her clearly. She smiled through her tears and touched his face. "Hello Beautiful" she teased like she did when they were kids, being twins, she always teased him, that he looked like her and not the other way around, despite being younger, and there for that's why he was attractive. She pulled him into a hug. She could only imagine how many times he'd been embraced like this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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#, as written by Kaeru


Alec listened to Sunday as she spoke, and it took everything within his power not to grab her lips and pin them together to stop her from speaking, at least long enough for him to tell her to calm down. Instead, however, his arms crossed over his chest and kept them there, his lips pursing as he realised what exactly it was that had gotten her so hyper. She hadn't been drinking alcohol, just fizzy soda. He should have guessed as much; she seemed to be more on a sugar high than intoxicated by alcohol. He should have been relieved by that, but he was more distracted by the way she talked so passionately about his uncle, like he was her knight in shining armour that rode up on a horse to take her away from all her troubles. Turning his head, he thought mainly about why his uncle would have even bothered. Sunday was not Slade's to take care of. She was none of his god damn business.

When she finished, he gave a disgruntled sigh. "Yeah," he growled, "Slade's so fucking great, huh." He knew he shouldn't have been taking it out on Sunday. The Fae in him brought about more feelings of jealousy than he would've cared for in that moment, and he hated feeling jealous. It rarely happened, if ever, and so the feeling was both unwelcome and completely alien to him. He didn't quite know how to handle himself, or how to suppress the urges that came with these feelings. He hadn't been warned about it; he had no preparation. Glancing at her, he was overcome with impulse.

Maybe Alexis wasn't so wrong after all, he thought, and foolishly allowed himself to take that as justification for what he did next.

He started forward and stopped just in front of Sunday; there was an odd sense of determination in his eyes that he had previously lacked as he stared down at Sunday, his height allowing him to stand just over her. He didn't care if he seemed intimidating. "He shouldn't be the one who gets to look after you," he blurted, his fingers curling into fists. "He's got no right... no right to just waltz in and act like a hero!" Looking down at the ground, he seemed unsteady on his feet, like he might lunge towards the door at any moment. His inner self was practically screaming at him to stop being so ridiculous, but he rarely ever listened. "It should be-..." his voice trailed, and his eyes shifted towards her, but they didn't seem to focus. "I'm sorry," he said instead, sounding dejected, and he walked past her, towards the hotel. He was needed elsewhere.


Since the beginning of the party, Slade had been by Sunday's side, watching her go through bottle after bottle of Orange Soda. While he didn't particularly want to go off and do his own thing because he felt out of place, he didn't fully appreciate that he was playing babysitter to a hyper teenage girl who needed to be protected from every curious man and woman that had even bothered to turn up to Alexis' party. It reminded him of his past, when he was just a teenager, and he felt the need to trail after Symone at every party to stop some overeager guy from getting a little bit too close. Only, Sunday was much worse, and much harder to keep track of, because every time he thought he'd caught sight of her, she'd be off again. It was like chasing after a squirrel. A very, very big yet painfully adorable squirrel.

When he saw her walking outside, presumably to talk to Alec, he finally allowed himself to sit down, his back leaning against the bar. He let out an exhausted sigh, raising a hand to his forehead as if there was any chance his immortal body would allow him to get a headache of any kind. He was glad for the time alone, at least, but it was not to last, as a familiar voice became audible to him over all of the chaos around them. His head, which had rocked back, was now snapping forward, his dark eyes finding the one person in all the world who would turn up to a college party dressed like she'd been plucked straight out of the Underworld. But her outfit was the least of his concerns. He stood up, and his eyes trailed over her face, taking everything in. He'd waited so long to see his twin, his other half, that he almost didn't believe it was real until Dahvie's face appeared in the crowd behind her. He didn't look so good, but he shifted his gaze back to his sister immediately.

As she pulled him into a hug, Slade found himself gripping her tighter than he'd meant to, but he didn't care at all. Out of all the people he had wanted to see - with the exception of his mother, of course - Symone was at the very top of the list, and there was nothing in all the world that could pry him from her before he was ready to let go for himself. He took in her smell, and the mild coldness of her skin that she'd most obviously gotten from their father, whilst he had inherited their mother's warmth. "I've missed you so much, Sym," he said after a long time of enjoying the silence, allowing him to focus on their embrace. "And I have so much to tell you, but... not here. Not now." He pulled back, and leaned in only to place a kiss on her forehead, like he'd been waiting to do for so long. He knew she'd probably pick up the sadness in his eyes, but he wasn't going to tell her anything until he was sure it was safe to do so.

It was then that his attention turned to Dahvie, and they both approached each other slowly, as if neither of them was sure how to act after not seeing each other for so long. There was a moment of terrible silence, before they collided with each other in a strong embrace. Dahvie said nothing. He hadn't said anything for as long as he'd been there. It was almost as if language itself was an unknown concept to him. "You look like shit," Slade finally said, leaning away, and Dahvie only laughed in response - but it was an emotionless laugh, distant and monotonous. Nothing like the Dahvie he knew. Deciding not to pick it out, he turned back to Symone, a frown forming on his brows.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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Symone hadn't felt this relaxed in years. Having her best friend back, alive and well. She couldn't have been happier. "I've missed you so much, Sym," He said and Symone could only smile. "And I have so much to tell you, but... not here. Not now." He said and she looked up at him, and nodded and then she finally let him go so he could greet Dahvie.

This last year had been hard on the both of them, and Symone felt ashamed. His pain was caused by hers.

"Losing you was hard on both of us..." she said with a sigh but smiled afterward. "We're all together now though." she said and taking both of their hands. "Come, Let's go outside and talk, though I wouldn't mind a good party." she said with a laugh, sounding more like her oldself then she had in the last year.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Symone Iris
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#, as written by Kaeru


Alec turned when Sunday called his name, just in time for her to collide into him. He released a strained gasp, but he didn't push her away or yell at her for the surprise. He was genuinely just surprised that she'd do such a thing after he already jumped down her throat about Slade. It took him a long time, where in which he wasn't quite sure if he should quit while he was ahead and back out, or hug her back. He ended up choosing the latter, for a reason completely unknown to him. He put it down to not wanting to hurt her feelings, but another part of him wanted to stay there with her in that embrace.

"I'm sorry, Sunday," he said, lifting his chin from the top of her head to be able to look down at her as she snuggled into his chest. "I shouldn't have been so cruel... It's just... hearing you talk about someone else like that, it just rubbed me the wrong way." He took a breath, and exhaled it slowly, his hands ghosting up and down the space between her shoulder blades while his eyes stared straight ahead, into the forest, where one of the figures now stood right on the edge. He wouldn't mention it to Sunday just yet. "I'll never let it happen again."

"I just want you to know... You can come to me for support any time. I'll always be here to listen," he said after a few moments, his arms tightening into a squeeze as if to be reassuring, almost. It was then that he heard the door to the hotel opening suddenly, and he broke away from the embrace as gently as he could. Turning his head, he noticed his mother and father were there, no doubt reuniting with Slade. None of that was his business, and he didn't feel like being around his parents anyway, so he took Sunday's hand and led her past them without speaking a single word. To say that he'd distanced himself from them was an understatement if ever there was one.


Symone seemed to understand what his frown meant, which he appreciated, but as she explained the reason for Dahvie's sudden change in appearance, he wished he hadn't suggested wanting to know. To him, the mere thought that his 'death' was causing so much misery and pain when it wasn't even true, for the most part, was a punch in the gut. Suddenly, he didn't feel like being surrounded by a bunch of teenagers. He needed fresh air, lest he feel sick enough in his guilt to hurl over an innocent bystander.

Slade couldn't be more grateful as Symone took his hand and led both himself and Dahvie out of the hotel, stating something about a party beforehand. Neither Slade nor Dahvie laughed at the comment, but at least Slade offered a smile. Dahvie didn't really seem to react. He hadn't reacted to anything yet. Slade felt himself growing more and more worried, but still he kept his mouth shut.

As they left the hotel, the first thing he took notice of in the brief second before it all ended was Alec and Sunday, who seemed to be locked in a tight embrace; no doubt initiated by Sunday. Though Alec seemed to pull back suddenly, there was nothing about his expression that suggested he was embarrassed. His eyes focused on Dahvie and Sym, mostly, but he said nothing to them as he marched past. Slade let out an exasperated breath just before the door slammed shut behind him, and he continued walking.

There was a figure up ahead which stopped him in his tracks, but it was gone as quickly as he'd noticed it, so he said nothing. He only turned to Symone. "Has he spoken to you at all lately?" he asked, referring to Alec.


If you had asked Alex where he'd been for the past few hours, he wouldn't have been able to tell you. Not because the amount of alcohol he'd consumed was slurring his speech; he very much looked sober, although the stench radiating from his disarrayed form would give it away instantly. The problem was that the alcohol had rid him of his ability to think coherently, and to remember anything he'd done. He heard about people forgetting things after the alcohol wore off, but he seemed to be forgetting events even as they were happening. That was a good thing, though. If he couldn't remember what happened, then he couldn't remember how she'd ripped his heart straight out of his chest, put it back in for a second or two, and then ripped it straight back out again.

His eyes were dark as he watched the hotel from a distance, only moving closer when the two figures outside moved closer and closer to the door. It came to the point where he was stood right on the edge, but he made no move to intercept. Sunday was doing her job, as far as he was concerned, and it was working well enough. The boy liked her; that much was evident.

When Slade spotted him, however, he teleported away. He was the one who told Erieda. He was the reason she'd found out about his affair, and his child. While Alex was not excusing his own actions, he felt that maybe if he'd just left his son dead, none of this would be happening. Not one bit of it. He was so close to stepping out of the forest completely, but in that split second he'd decided against it. Murdering Slade himself would do him no favours where Erieda was concerned. He couldn't risk it.

He didn't know where he'd teleported to. He thought he was going to his apartment, but he might've just gone deeper into the forest. He heard a voice coming from somewhere, and it took him a long moment to realise it was Erieda before she spoke again to confirm his assumption. He didn't want to run from her, but he didn't want her to see him like this. He was a wreck, and he stunk.

But, instead of running, like he thought he would, he called out to her. "Well, aren't you smart," he spoke, his rough voice raised to a high enough volume that she would hear him and be able to pinpoint his location, while he took a seat on the ground, propped up against a tree he didn't recognise. He was getting a headache, he realised, and it had gone from mildly uncomfortable to blindingly searing in about two seconds. Groaning, he pressed two fingers to each temple and circled them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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"I'm sorry, Sunday," He said, looking down at her, she could feel his gaze, though her eyes were closed. "I shouldn't have been so cruel... It's just... hearing you talk about someone else like that, it just rubbed me the wrong way." He said and and Sunday looked up at him, hopeful. He was jealous, he did care and he wanted to be important to her. She hid her smile, though, it didn't last, as her lips parted as his hands trailed up her back, between her shoulder blades. Her knees were weak and it took all she had not to stand. "I'll never let it happen again." He said and she could only nod, with a soft smile. Her eyes falling to his lips as he spoke.

"I just want you to know... You can come to me for support any time. I'll always be here to listen," He said and she nodded again. Her mind wandering to what it would be like to reach up and kiss him.

She snapped out of it, and took his offered hand and followed him with a bashful smile. She saw Slade and looked away with a blush, but it faded when she saw the Morrigan and her consort, Alec's mother and father. Her heart raced but they moved past them, no one saying a word to the other.

Once inside, she leaned on her head on his shoulder.

"Dude, there you are, We should have been back on stage, and Your mom and dad are...." Alexis paused seeing the two of them and laughed. "Nevermind." she said and was off. Sunday looked at him and blushed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Kellin Davenport
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"I have business in the area," Alex said and Erieda frowned. Business in the area, not to apologize, stop her from making her decision. Was he not paying attention? Or did he really not care? "I did not wish to disturb the party, you see," he said before shushing her which confused her even further. "Alex....?"
At that moment, Kellin appeared, followed by a she-wolf, causing Erieda to stand. She knew how the wolf was, but said nothing. She didn't want to kill Alexander's child, but she did take the life of her son, so it was hard not to.
Erieda's eyes went to Kellin. Did he know that that girl killed his father? She couldn't imagine that being the case, he was more dryad that he was Wraith, he took more after Simon, so she couldn't imagine him reacting well to such a thing. "She has arrived, Sir," he said and Erieda frowned.
"Not even a hello, Kellin?" she said bitterly before turning to Alex,who gasped suddenly.
"Oh, no," he said. "I've been discovered." Erieda shook her head, decided that whatever he drank was still coursing through his veins. He then tried to stand. "But no matter! Let us make haste, to the party!" He said before falling forward and unconscious.
"Alex!" Erieda gasped, and went to the ground for him, she looked up at her grandson. "Well, Come on then, help me get him up, and to own bedroom." She told the boy she would have picked him up herself, but he hadn't liked it before, and she couldn't imagine him liking it then, and if she were thinking she would have heard herself say 'our' bedroom, out of spite for the wolfling. She looked up at the wolf girl. "You are not welcome here." She said and gestured for Kellin to follow her.

Symone looked away from her son and Sunday. Sunday was a good girl, she knew that, and she knew that she truly loved Alec, for whatever reason but at the same time, she knew why Sunday was pursuing him, and it was killing her.
Clearly her longing gaze was noticed by her brother as he turned to her and asked Has he spoken to you at all lately?"
Symone sighed. "No, not at all...He still feels we dropped him and his sister on to someone else...." She said with a sigh. She thought was doing good by him. She did not what to raise them in the demon realm, or even the fae realm, she wanted them to have some semblance of a normal life, like she once had. Hell she didn't even want to be there, but she loved Dahvie much more then she loved life here and so she gave it up to save him. "Eida seems to understand, and I'll take that....He seems happy though?" She said, hoping that she was right about that, that she made the right choice. They would be different kids if they were raised in the demon realm and she was not sure she would have liked that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae
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#, as written by Kaeru


Syrid wasn't quite sure what to make of Alexis' reaction to her question, or her presence as a whole. But, as per usual, Syrid found herself taking a rather passive attitude towards Alexis' cold interactions. Such was her nature, despite the fact that certain urges were scratching away at her mind, making it all the more difficult to keep her composure. She kept the smile upon her lips, though it was decidedly more faint than it had been previously. Several different responses flickered through her mind, like pages of a book, before she saw her own hand reaching forward and slamming it closed. No bullshit. She won't like that.

"I'm going to be honest with you," she said, whilst thinking: For the most part... Her hands found their way into her own back pockets. She didn't move any closer, but then again she really didn't need to. Most of the people around her were either too distracted by their own actions to care, Supernatural, or way too drunk to even be paying attention, so for a moment she threw out every single rule she'd ever heard about speaking openly in front of mortals. Because, in truth, she cared more about not pissing Alexis off, which hadn't been working out so well for her so far. "No, I wasn't invited, but I'm betting half the people walking around here weren't either. I can point some out to you from this spot," she said, giving a quick glance to a few people who just didn't seem to... fit. Much like herself, but more shady. She didn't look for long enough to realise that it wasn't because they were too old, or they had a different style. They were out of place in a completely different way. "They just weren't bold enough to approach."

On any other day, in any other situation, she would be more curious about these few individuals, who were stood completely still while the entire crowd around them was moving. But, at that time, she was too distracted by Alexis to care.

"I mean, if you don't like me being here, I'll leave," she said, as if it really didn't bother her in the slightest, though on the inside she found herself hoping she wouldn't be kicked out of Alexis' home on their very first meeting. That first impression, she imagined, would last for a very long time. "I just didn't realise I was going after the host," she continued, not wanting to chuckle for fear that her statement would not be well-received. Getting close to Alexis would be much more difficult than she'd thought. "Just say the word, and I'm gone."


When Sunday spoke about Orange Soda, like it was the best thing she'd come across in her entire life, Alec couldn't help but laugh quietly to himself. She was, without a doubt, the most adorable person he'd met so far in his life. Up until he'd met Sunday, Eida had always been at the very top of that list. But, with Sunday's cute yet incredibly amusing views on practically every aspect of human life, he could see Eida quickly losing her place. His eyes skimmed over her, and he gave her a lingering smile as she offered him an Orange Soda, and asked his own opinions on it. "It's alright," he replied, shrugging his shoulders ever so lightly, "but I've never had much of a sweet tooth," he admitted, running a hand through his fringe. He moved towards the fridge then, pulling out a bottle of Diet Coke.

Alec then gestured towards a couple of empty seats on the other side of the room for Sunday to sit, where they wouldn't have to talk loudly for fear that others would drown them out with their incoherent, drunken babble. He, however, was making his way over to a cupboard in the corner of the room, kept away from greedy hands by a pad lock, which worked for the most part, especially in a house full of pissed mortals. He pulled out a few thin sticks, which - after re-locking the cupboard - he presented to Sunday, warily. It was almost like he didn't trust that Sunday wouldn't bounce off the walls after consuming them.

"I really shouldn't be giving these to you, but... I'm kinda curious, so here," he said, ripping the top off of one of the sticks, and holding it out to her. "They're called Sherbet Sticks," he informed her, "you just tip it in your mouth, like this." He demonstrated with one of the packets he still held in his hand, without opening it first. Like he said, he didn't have much of a sweet tooth.


Kellin made no move to prevent Alexander from falling as he did. But, his inaction matter little anyway, as Erieda was the first to move to his aid. Kellin hadn't so much as flinched; he only shook his head at the inappropriate behaviour his General had displayed, his hand hovering warily over the blade tucked away in his belt, as it had been from the very first moment he'd approached the two of them. He didn't know where he stood with Erieda at the best of times. On one hand, they got along well enough considering he wasn't very likeable and she had the tendency to appear bossy (which he hated). He hadn't tried to rip her throat out at any point - not that he stood any chance of that in the first place - so she must have been doing something right.

However, as she looked up at him and issued out commands like she had any authority over him, he found himself becoming increasingly more angry. He hadn't shifted a single inch, up until the point where Erieda turned to insult Scavenger. The she-wolf stood as tall as him, at around 6ft, dark-pelted and sinister. Her black fur allowed her to blend in with the surroundings, but her amber eyes stood out above everything else. Kellin also turned, but where Erieda held anger and disgust in her eyes, Kellin's entire being suggested an uncharacteristic obedience towards the Remei Lieutenant. Again, as much as he hated the prospect of even being dragged into this ridiculous war, he still had a role to play just like everyone else, and he could only keep his place if he behaved.

Scavenger hadn't moved for the longest time, before her piercing optics turned from Erieda to Kellin. She gave a nod, and Kellin moved to assist Erieda, while Scavenger turned and made her way through the forest, her movements slow. Kellin walked forward and scooped Alex up in his arms, following after Erieda finally. The General gave a groan, but made no movements or other sounds. "Before you go making any assumptions," he said when he knew for certain that they were alone, "I know what Scavenger did. I don't know why she did it; I don't think anyone does," he continued, his voice holding a quality even he did not recognise as being common in his own tone. "They had to lock me in solitary confinement for a week or so before I calmed down enough for Alex to explain the situation, as vague as his explanation might have been." He exhaled slowly, before continuing. "I don't know how much you know about all of this, but... just be careful. The dude who hired us, the Remei... He's not messing around. He's got something big going on, y'know."

The only way he could justify even speaking to Erieda was by telling himself that, regardless of everything, he respected her. That much could not be denied.


Slade understood why Alec might have felt the way he did, though he could not relate. He could only imagine being in Alec's shoes; if Erieda had sent him off to live with another family member when they were going through some hard times, he'd be pretty pissed, but he wouldn't hold a grudge forever. Eida, on the other hand, was much less like him and Alec. She enjoyed living in the human realm. To her, it seemed that the prospect of an 'ordinary' life was even more exciting than some day ruling over a realm, or at least part of one - in his sister's case. The two siblings were as different as day and night. But, just like Sym and Slade had, they always looked out for each other.

When Symone asked him if Alec was happy, Slade hesitated for a long time, before shrugging. There was no way he could give a proper answer to that question. He'd only been around the better half of a day, and even though he'd been observing everyone from a distance, his limits stretched to members of the Remei as opposed to his own family. So, as much as he might've wanted to tell her that Alec was happy and well, he could not take the risk that his words weren't true.

"Alec is a complicated kid," Slade started, trying to be as vague as possible to avoid giving her false hope. The one thing he knew for sure, however, was exactly what he said next. "I think Sunday is going to be good for him; a good influence in his life. She cares about him, and he's willing to protect her. Despite being so different, they actually fit quite well together." Walking closer, he placed a hand on his sister's shoulder, and smiled at her. "But, hey, look on the bright side!" he chirped. "At least your children haven't devoted their entire lives to the Remei, like mine did." Though there was humour in his comment, everything he said was true. "Despite everything, they didn't turn out as bad as they could have."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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0.00 INK

"Alec is a complicated kid," Slade said and Symone smiled, that much she knew of her son. She just wished they were closer, like Slade was to their mother. She was close to her father, but it was nothing compared to them. "I think Sunday is going to be good for him; a good influence in his life. She cares about him, and he's willing to protect her. Despite being so different, they actually fit quite well together." He said and Symone wanted to cry. 'A good influence' he said. She wasn't, the exact opposite, actually. If things went their way, she'd been throwing her son in the middle of a war, he had no idea he was fighting. The mother in Symone was aching but the daughter, was obedient...that and the sigil on her back made sure she'd never tell. She hadn't known Alec was going to be apart of it, but Victoria had suggested it to her father since Sunday could recruit him since she loved hims so much. Symone nearly killed the bitch for that, but it was already done by then, her father had agreed. It was then that Slade placed a hand on her back, irritating the sigil, causing her to sweat. The sigil did not like to be touched. She bit back a grimace, and smiled, though sweat dotted her brow. Symone, didn't sweat, she was too cold for that. "But, hey, look on the bright side!" he chirped. "At least your children haven't devoted their entire lives to the Remei, like mine did." He said and Symone faked a smile, though it broke her heart. She hadn't wanted Kellin their either, but he was recruited before her. "Despite everything, they didn't turn out as bad as they could have." He said and Symone took solace in that but she had to tell him. "You're right, Thanks Si." SHe said and then sighed, moving away from him, knowing she'd gone pale, she then looked to her left where her shadow copy formed beside her and pointed to her back. "They weren't given the same choice I was...." she said, implying that she had indeed choose to join the Remei. At the time she thought it was a good idea, and she wanted to be closer to her father, but now...she wasn't so sure. She pledged her loyalty, and besides, when her father got his way, then they would all be together and in one place.
"You aren't...disappointed, are you?" she asked, biting her lip. She hoped he wasn't. "It seemed like a good idea at the time....I didn't know cost..." She said and cast a sad glance to her husband.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaeru


"What'd you mean 'going after', I'm not really one to fuck with, I have a nasty temper... ask around," Alexis replied, and Syrid released a quiet laugh, seemingly to no one but herself. That was not new information to Syrid, quite obviously, but she didn't suggest that; her expression and general demeanour, however, indicated that she could probably have assumed as much, though this drifted pretty quickly and was replaced with a subtle smirk. "Well?" Alexis persisted, and it was only in that moment that Syrid realised she hadn't yet responded to the previous question/remark. Shrugging slightly, she cast a quick glance around the area, before her light eyes flickered back to settle on Alexis' face. "A girl's gotta eat," she said, her eyes glinting with an undeniable sense of both amusement and mischief.

The reply was vague for two reasons; the first being that it might've looked suspicious for Syrid to talk openly about her species and the supernatural without first 'discovering' that Alexis belonged in that world, and the second was that she wanted to make the comment appear as mortal-like as was possible just in case. "Totally my mistake, though," she continued, lifting her arms half in the air as if suggesting that she was going to back off. "Just thought you were pretty hot is all. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."


Alec released a small laugh as Sunday tipped the contents of the Sherbet Stick onto her tongue, and it only became heavier as she squinted her eyes shut and shook her head, as if the motion in itself would rid the taste from her tongue. Clutching the other sticks in his hand, he pressed a hand to his stomach. "Mmm! It is sour, Alec! Why did you not tell me?" Sunday exclaimed, and Alec could only respond by shrugging his shoulders in the middle of his laugh, which was now fading; although the amused expression could not be so easily removed. It was another moment before he assumed Sunday realised there was a sweet taste, once you got past the sourness, and she seemed eager for more. Instinctively, he moved the other sticks behind his back, and held them there. She moved closer and asked for more, with such eagerness that Alec was forced to back off of his chair. His free hand was extended outwards slightly, in case Sunday decided to make a mad dash for them, whilst his other arm remained behind his back.

"Nuh-uh," he replied, still clearly amused by the situation, "I think you're done with sugar for tonight." Dropping the Sherbet Sticks onto the counter to his right, he moved quick enough that even on a sugar high she might not have been expecting what came next. Lowering his torso, he pressed his shoulder into her stomach while his arms extended outwards to grab a hold on her legs. Once he was correctly positioned, he pushed his body upwards, the movement of which would successfully sling her body over his shoulder. "You can have some more later, when you've recovered a bit from all the Orange Soda you consumed earlier," he continued as he made his way through the small crowd forming in the kitchen, which parted for him without much objection. Some chuckles erupted from around him, but he paid them no mind. His actions were his own business, after all.

Without listening much to Sunday's objections, if there even were any, he made his way through the party, passing by Alexis and another woman who he didn't quite know on the way, until he reached the stairs. Finding his own room was pretty easy, but he was half expecting people to have been in there. Much to his general content, it was empty. He shrugged Sunday off his shoulder, positioning himself near the bed so that she'd fall onto it, before he made his way over to the door and shut it; he turned the lock. Giving Sunday a warning glance, he made his way over to the bed and sat on the very edge, his back turned to her. "I figured you'd be easier to handle in an enclosed space," he said after a moment, gesturing with one arm to the limited space his bedroom provided. "Make yourself at home," he continued, allowing himself to slump back into the bed, one arm draped over his eyes.


Kellin wasn't quite sure how to react when Erieda reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. Part of him wanted to enjoy the comfort that she brought, but another part was giving him a hard time for being so close to a potential rival. To Anonymous, it didn't matter that Erieda was Kellin's own grandmother, or the General's wife. Rivals were rivals; a complication on the path to their goals. Though, while he didn't offer Erieda a smile, he didn't shrug his shoulder away from her hand. That was something, at least.

"Thank you, Kellin," she said after a moment, and he found himself absentmindedly nodding along with her words, as if the situation in its entirety wasn't unusual for him. "For what it's worth, I am glad to see you, I see your cousins everyday, it would be nice to see you just the same." Kellin gave a shrug, but he did not respond aloud; his eyes, however, were hard as they settled on Erieda. My cousins are weak, he thought, at least when compared with himself. He had training and a decent position within their grandfather's army to prove that he was superior, where they'd rather have been scribbling notes taken straight from a teacher's mouth.

Kellin's lips pinched together as he felt Erieda's fingers giving his shoulder a squeeze, however gentle, and his only real response was to turn his head away, seemingly focusing on the route they were following. "Come, this way. We can avoid the party and your father, if we used this short cut," Erieda continued, leading the way to what he had previously thought was just an ordinary true, but what turned out to be a boom tube of sorts. "Awesome," he commented, though he did not receive a response, and so he moved towards the tree. He ended up in a bedroom, which belonged to Erieda and Alex. It was dark, but his Vampire senses allowed him to see well enough.

Upon direction, Kellin moved and allowed Alex's limp body to fall onto the bed at first, before he reached over and positioned him correctly. There was a small blanket folded on top of a thicker one, and he pulled it out from beneath Alex's legs to drape it over his body. The action resulted in a series of incoherent mumbles from the 'unconscious' man, and it took everything within his power not to laugh.

When he was finished, he turned to Erieda, who was looking at him with a gentleness to her gaze, which he had come to learn - in the past - was reserved mainly for her own blood. "I know you can't tell me everything, anything really, and you've devoted yourself to whatever cause the Remei have, so I know I can't change your mind, but just know that, you are welcome here, you have a family here, that no matter what, will love you, flaws and all," Erieda continued on, and Kellin couldn't hold eye contact with her for very long before he had to avert his stare to the floor. A large part of him was incredibly guilty for joining the Remei, but in truth he'd had no idea they would be involved in such monstrous affairs. Good as the end result would have been for the division of the Realms and such, the way the Remei were intending to reach their goals made him think that his choice to join hadn't been worth it after all. "You are more Fae then you are anything else...but I'm sure you know that."

It took him a moment or two, but Kellin finally looked up. "I do know that," he replied, his back straightening, "and I am proud to be Fae. I am proud, in many ways, to be your grandson. But... ever since I'd learned of their existence, I'd always wanted to join the Remei. I wanted to prove myself, and impress Alexander." He took a small pause, as if choosing his words very carefully. "I realised quite early on that I'd made a mistake in getting involved, but the sigil had already been placed. I'd already learned too much to back out. Stupid as I was, it's what I have to live with now." He thought about reaching out to touch her shoulder, like she'd done for him, but he decided against it and actually found himself taking a small step back. He appeared more tense and nervous than he had done before in the previous three years. This was a side very few people got to see, but it seemed to come out naturally as he was confessing what little information he could to Erieda. "I do not agree with Remei methods, and... while I will remain loyal to Alexander, I just want to apologise in advance for anything that I have to do. Were it my choice, I'd never hurt my own family, but..." he stopped suddenly, as if he couldn't find the words to explain.


Slade watched Symone carefully as she walked away from him, but he had been too oblivious to notice how discoloured she'd become. It was then that a clone version of Symone, which he was all too familiar with, appeared and pointed towards the original's back. "They weren't given the same choice I was..." she seemed to admit, and Slade could only nod in response. Of course, he'd already known. He knew more about the Remei and Alexander's 'devoted' followers than most people would've thought. But, even if he hadn't already been aware of his sister's participation in Remei affairs, he wouldn't have been too surprised. As of yet, they hadn't revealed themselves to be particularly sinister. And Symone had always been closer to their father than he had; it made sense if she wanted to stick with him, but in doing so she'd turned her back on Erieda, in a way. For that, Slade felt himself frowning, but he did not comment.

"You aren't...disappointed, are you?" Symone continued, seemingly worried by his reaction, which caused the frown to disappear from his features almost instantly. He didn't want their relationship to be torn apart by something as ridiculous as a preference for one parent over the other. They were better than that. "It seemed like a good idea at the time....I didn't know cost..." she continued, and his body moved too quickly for his thoughts to catch up. He caught her in another hug, his arms refusing to move from around her neck. "I don't blame you for making the decision to join the Remei, honestly," Slade replied, loosening his hold only slightly so that he didn't have to worry about choking her. "And neither do your children. I can tell you that for a fact." He gave her a brief smile. "I just hope you realise that we're on different sides now, and we may end up clashing more often than not. But, whatever happens, I love you, Sym."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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Sunday jumped a bit when Alec rose, giving her a look. She looked down at her knees, ashamed.
"That's not why I brought you up here," He said softly, causing her to look up at him. "I certainly didn't mean to give you the impression that I wanted anything more than to just be in your company," he continued, and Sunday felt her body relax, she knew he wouldn't hurt her, but at the time, she wasn't sure what he wanted from her. Now she knew, he wanted nothing but her company. She smiled at him, a small one, but sweet.

"I won't do anything until you tell me that you're ready," he went on and Sunday looked at him. "It's so important for this to work out that you trust me, and that you're comfortable with me. You don't have to be worried about me expecting too much of you, y'know. I'm not the type." He said and Sunday could barely breathe as he reached out, and softly brushed against her jaw. Chills rose up her arms, as she gazed into his eyes. "I will always respect your boundaries." He told her and without thinking, Sunday darted forward, and pressed her lips, against his. Realizing what she had done, she pulled away and climbed off of the bed, backing into the wall. "I'm sorry, I should not have done that." she said and it all came flooding to her at once. She realized then, that she was doing exactly what her mother wanted. He said he wanted her to trust him but he couldn't trust her.
She didn't deserve his kindness.
"I'm sorry, Alec, I'm so sorry, No matter what I really do love you." She told him before ran to the window, pulled the window open and after turning to a small black bird, she flew off.

She landed in a tree about not too far from the hotel and switched forms again. She sobbed silently, bitterly. She was finished, she didn't want to be her mother's child anymore, she didn't want to be apart of the Remei. She was finished with it all.

Climbing out of the tree, she found her way toward Symone, Slade and her consort.

"Lady Morrigan, excuse me, but...I quit. I don't want to do any more, I can't...." she blurted out. Symone who'd been embracing her brother, looked at her. "Sunday....Your Mother-"
"Can't hurt me anymore, Slade will protect me." she said and reached for Slade's hand, but no sooner did she grabbed his arm, she was snatched back from the Human Realm and into the demon realm

Sunday looked around with a gasp to find herself in her mother's dark and desolate throne room.

"Can't hurt you? You think I Would have sent you up there and not have you watched? Foolish girl, What ever made you think I trusted you that much? and Rightfully it seems as the first chance you got, you turned on me..." Sunday clenched her fists, as her mother laughed from her throne. "Slade will come for me...."

"Oh I'm counting on it." She said. "You were never meant for Alec, that was a trick for you, no, you were meant to lure Slade, Erieda's favorite son, and heir. They all have the same weakness, they'll do anything for their children." her mother said and Sunday looked horrified. She tricked Slade, who promised to protect her with his life....he just might and was then something occurred to her.
"Wait... Their Child-"It was then that the floor beneath her opened up and she found herself falling on to a all too familiar bed, demon chains snapping around her wrists and ankles.

"They've missed their favorite play thing." Her mother said, before the now ceiling closed and Sunday heard the all too familiar hiss of the Incubi.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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#, as written by Kaeru


Alec remained stunned as Sunday's lips collided with his own, and only a second after he thought to kiss her back, she pulled away. A crease formed between his lowered brows, and his pale eyes focused on her, though his gaze was not neither accusatory nor angered, by any standards. Instead, it held more of a confused quality, as if perturbed by her sudden unwillingness to be close to him. The sounds and actions around him seemed to slow considerably, and his eyes followed her as she moved off the bed, his own body seeming to mimic this, and backed away slowly. As she stepped further and further away, he found his hand extending outwards and staying just in front of his body, acting as though Sunday was a time-bomb that could explode at any second. "I'm sorry, I should not have done that," she spoke, and his frown only deepened. "But, Sunday," he started, aiming to calm her down by telling her that her advance was not unwelcomed, that he wanted to persist with their relationship, but before he could even utter a single word she was already speaking. "I'm sorry, Alec, I'm so sorry. No matter what I really do love you." The words hit him like a ton of bricks, and he stood stunned, unable to move as she literally flew out of the window.

For the longest time, Alec said nothing, but his lips were parted and a long line of incoherent mumbles formed in his throat, before his lips smacked together and his jaw set in place. His fingers curled aggressively into his palms, his nails digging into his flesh with such force that he drew blood, which trickled down to his knuckles and began dripping onto his carpet. Any and all confusion that once sat in his blue eyes had been pulled out of the window when Sunday left; instead, they were empty, and lacked life. If she loved you, a voice spoke, dark and sinister, she wouldn't have left you in such a manner. She lies to you, Alec. Alec started toward the window, into the darkness of the night. His eyes settled on his mother, father and uncle, who were conversing with one another. "What would you have me do?" he asked in a monotonous voice, to which the voice replied, after a moment, hunt her down. Alec's head bobbed a little, before he placed his hands on the window sill and leaned closer to the window.

Alec stayed like that for what felt like the longest time, before finally Sunday appeared through the trees and approached the group forming in front of the hotel. She looked like she'd been crying, and to say that she appeared distressed was an understatement if ever he'd heard one. He couldn't hear her, but whatever she said was bad, because she reached for Slade and then... something happened. Something he hadn't been expecting; she was pulled out of the realm, and into another. Whoever or whatever grabbed her, they had no right to. Alec would not let her slip from his grasp so easily. He had a word or two for her, and he'd be damned if he let anyone get in the way. And so, with a grunt of effort, he threw his body forward, the impact of his weight shattering the glass. He landed on his feet at the bottom, and turned his head to his family. "What did she say to you?" he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets. His eyes were sharp and focused, demanding answers, namely from Slade. It was his arm she'd grabbed before disappearing. Whatever she said, or however he'd responded, it must have been important, and Alec wasn't going to settle for vague answers.


Slade pulled away from his embrace with his sibling when Sunday's familiar voice became audible to him. "Lady Morrigan, excuse me, but... I quit. I don't want to do any more, I can't..." she said, as Slade was turning his head and allowing his arms to drop to his sides. His eyes skimmed over her, pointing out her glossy eyes as well as how generally upset she seemed. Then a thought crossed his mind, and he looked away from her briefly as if to search for his nephew, who he'd assumed had been with her all this time. But, from what he could tell, she'd come out of the forest and Alec was nowhere to be found. Then there was the fact that she suddenly seemed unwilling to participate in the Remei's plans. He thought the worst, truth be told, but said nothing as their conversation continued on. Symone seemed concerned, but Sunday was sure that she was safe from harm, which she was. Both Slade and Erieda had promised to keep her safe. Maybe she was getting a bit more confidence? Her mother was sure to disapprove.

As Sunday reached for his arm, he met her half way, and smiled down at her with warm eyes, but within a second or so she was being pulled away from him, and another second later she was gone. It took him a moment, but suddenly his eyes widened and he stepped forward into the space where she'd once stood, as if checking she was really gone. His eyes snapped up to Symone, and it was in that moment that a look of blind anger formed on his features, twisting them in ways he'd only ever seen on his father's face when he became furious. The look did not even twitch out of place as the sound of shattered glass became audible above, though his eyes shifted sideways as Alec collided with the ground beside them. He seemed different somehow, and it only worked to worsen his aforementioned thoughts. But, whatever Alec had or hadn't done, that was none of his concern. Sunday was gone... she'd been taken, and he was going to keep to his word. Ignoring Alec, his hand struck out and grabbed Symone's wrist, perhaps with a little more force than he'd been intending. "Where is Victoria? Take me to her!" he growled. "I'll see her dead if she hurts that girl. I swear it."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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0.00 INK

Symone was in complete shock when Sunday suddenly disappeared. How Victoria managed that, she wasn't sure she wanted to know. It was mere moments after, that Alec appeared, looking eerily like his father, right before he snapped. Suddenly, Simon grabbed her wrist roughly.

here is Victoria? Take me to her!" He snarled and Symone only frowned. She wasn't used to seeing Simon like this but she couldn't blame him, the girl believed that he would protect her, she wouldn't have believed that if Simon didn't tell her himself. "I'll see her dead if she hurts that girl. I swear it." He said and Symone took a breath. She knew Victoria was cruel, so it was good chance, Sunday was already hurt. What Symone didn't understand was why? As far as she could tell, Sunday was doing exactly what she was told.
"Then you'll see her dead....Victoria....she is cruel beyond reason....I'll take you to her," She said and as much as she didn't want to go back so soon, a little girl's life was in danger.
"Alec, you're coming too, She's gonna need you....hopefully." She said and with that a portal opened and Symone crossed with her brother and son in toe. She could never open a portal into Victoria's Keep, but she could in front of it. Oddly, it didn't matter as Victoria was waiting for them, having allowed aportal to open right in front of her.

"Good Evening Davenports." Victoria said from her throne. Symone narrowed her eyes, she could see the demonic barrier between them and Victoria, so she held her arms out so that her son and brother would make a valiant dash and get themselves hurt. "Welcome to my very humble abode....You see, your sister, and mother, Mother and Grandmother in your case, young Alec, banished me here, so this shouldn't come to you as a surprise, but I was not happy...your mother kill my father, and yours was the end of my brother." she said and smiled. "So, this, is punishment....I assume you are here for the girl?" she asked as if she were a barista at a coffeeshop speaking to a regular.

"Victoria, this is between you and me, leave them oout of it." Symone spat and Victoria laughed. "Don't be so vain, Symone, this isn't just about you, this is about all of you, you took m family from me, and my home..." She said darkly and Symone shook her head. "So why are you taking it out on Sunday, She's your daughter!" SHe said and Victoria then smiled. "Indeed, biologically, I did spit her from my womb, but she was never my daughter. She took too much after her father." she said and her eyes darted to Simon for a moment and Symone's eyes went wide.
"You want, have her...she was very little use to me anyway. she said and with that, a blood covered pale girl appeared in middle of the floor, black hair covering her bruised and bloody face, naked and shivering.

"By the Gods...." Symone gasped. "Sunday...."

"Look at her, completely useless, all that effort it took, Killing the Vampiress, taking her form, Fucking her husband, all of that effort, for this...." She tutted shaking her head. "Oh well...You're all here now, It suppose, she counts for something."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaeru


"Then you'll see her dead... Victoria... she is cruel beyond reason... I'll take you to her," Symone said, and Slade nodded, his eyes more alert than they had been in a long time. Slade knew, on some level, that he could not defeat Victoria in this state. He was too weak, since his full power had not been recovered. Just speaking outside of the Necromancy tricks was difficult beyond belief, so it was no wonder he could not manipulate the shadows or shift his form. However, he valued his word more than anything, and he had promised Sunday her safety. If she had already been hurt, the least he could do was deal back to Victoria what Sunday had been given. He had the horrible feeling, however, that he would be relying on Alec and Symone more than he'd ever wanted to. "Alec, you're coming too. She's gonna need you... hopefully," Symone continued, and Alec scoffed, seemingly more annoyed that he'd even been addressed by his mother. "As if you could stop me," he snapped back. Slade said nothing, only nodded.

It was then that a portal opened before them, and Slade followed after Symone as she stepped through, leaving Dahvie stood outside of the hotel, his eyes blank. "I'll just stay here, then," he mumbled. Silence.

Suddenly, they were in a dark room, and the first thing Slade noticed was the woman seated not too far from them. Victoria. His initial instinct was not to question Sunday's location, or to speak any words to the vile creature seated in her 'throne', as she called it, but to lunge forward and strike. He was stopped, however, when Symone's arm struck out in front of him, and his head snapped around to look at her. "Welcome to my very humble abode... You see, your sister, and mother, mother and grandmother in your case, young Alec, banished me here, so this shouldn't come to you as a surprise, but I was not happy... your mother kill my father, and yours was the end of my brother." As Victoria spoke, Slade's head slowly turned around, and his brows shifted from a frown to an incredulous stare as necessary, like he was trying to make sense of everything. "So, this, is punishment... I assume you are here for the girl?" she continued, and a low growl emitted from Slade's throw, his body beginning to hunch like he was some sort of feral animal ready to tear down an unsuspecting rabbit.

Symone interjected, but Slade's entire focus had been drawn to Victoria. Not much else could permeate his vision enough to avert his steady glare. "Don't be so vain, Symone, this isn't just about you, this is about all of you, you took my family from me, and my home..." Victoria spoke. Alec began absentmindedly fiddling with his own hands, which were held out in front of him, an undeniable sense of what he assumed was guilt mixed with pure, unyielding hatred forming in his stomach, twisting his insides so that he thought he might be sick right there in the throne room. But it was not a hatred for Victoria that corrupted him then. "So why are you taking it out on Sunday, she's your daughter!" his mother persisted, but Alec paid no mind. He could feel his fingers curling into his palms once more, re-opening the wounds that had only just healed, yet again drawing blood. It ran across the previous, which had now crusted and stuck to his fingers and knuckles. He'd had his hands stuck in his pockets before then, so no one had likely noticed. "Indeed, biologically, I did spit her from my womb, but she was never my daughter. She took too much after her father."

That's what did it, Alec reckoned. Those particular words, and the way Victoria glanced at Slade. Those were the factors which caused the snapping of the string within Alec's mind. It was almost like everything just came apart around him. She's my cousin, was the only thought circling around his mind in that moment. It kept popping up, like an unwelcome guest, and settling in his focus. Above that, not much else was audible to him. His eyes were blank. Slade, on the other hand, looked like he might implode. His face, which was bright red, was the same as Alec's, but without the twisted rage and dead eyes. Those only appeared when Sunday did, and for the longest time it seemed neither of them wanted to move. Slade turned his head, his eyes watering, but Alec couldn't bring himself to look away.

"Look at her, completely useless, all that effort it took. Killing the Vampiress, taking her form, fucking her husband, all of that effort, for this..." Victoria continued, but by that point Slade had run out of reactions to give. He remained motionless, his eyes trained on Victoria. It didn't seem to sink in how she'd gone about tricking him, how she'd killed his wife so that he might put a baby in her belly. None of that settled in, it just bounced straight off and onto the floor.

Alec started forward, unzipping his jacket as he went. When he was stood just before Sunday, he shrugged it off of his shoulders and draped it over hers. Touching one arm, he guided it through the arm hole, then did the same for the other, before he zipped it up again. He didn't glance down at her, and kept his eyes trained on his hands as opposed to her bruised and battered body. Though he doubted he would've felt much other than sickness by that point. He slipped one arm under her legs, while the other held her back, and he lifted her up. "For what it's worth, which I'm smart enough to know is nothing," Alec started, his eyes shifting to Victoria, "I'm sorry for everything that was stolen from you. Everything you lost. It can't have been easy. But... if you ever touch Sunday again, if you ever come for her, I will personally take everything else from you, and leave you with nothing. Not even your pathetic excuse for a life."

Walking past his mother, Alec went straight through the portal without looking back.

"I doubt you brought us here just to make a show of Sunday," Slade began, having relaxed considerably now that Sunday was out of Victoria's reach. "So what is it that you want?" he asked, his voice now rid of any previous tension or anxiety in his expression.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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0.00 INK


Symone watched as Alec wrapped Sunday's broken body in his jacket, and carried her off. He was very much raised by her mother but the words he spoke to Victoria. She was grateful for that.

Victoria only laughed in reply. "He's a sweet one..." she said grinning, causing Symone's eyes to shift into a shadowy black. That little girl was her neice, and quite possibly the sweetest thing she's ever met, she did not deserve such brutality.

"I doubt you brought us here just to make a show of Sunday," Simon spoke, his voice was that eerie calm he's inherited from their mother, Symone knew things were about to get very violent. "So what is it that you want?"

Victoria sighed. "What do I want?....Gee, I can't say..." she said and with a snap of her fingers, Iron bars dropped down around the two of them. Symone felt weak instantly. This was fresh, cooled Iron. It was toxic to the both of them, in this state. "I have all that I need right here...or I will once Erieda shows up, because you're sweet little son, will probably tell her, or someone well, and then she'll be back down here, break the accords and send the realms back into war." She said simply and then approached Symone's bars. "Then I will kill them all, your sons, I will feed your daughter to the Incubi, the loved Sunday, I can only imagine what they 'll do with fresh girls, like Eida, and perhaps your sister too, what was her name, Alexis?"
As weak as she was, Symone had to laugh, causing Victoria to frown. "You don't know my sister....She'll eat those demon's alive, quite literally before they touch Eida." she said before she spat in Victoria's face.

"Well, then I'll just make sure you watch,a s they ravaged her body."

"You think the General will allow this." Symone said, seeing the sigil on the back of Victoria's hand as she wiped her face. "Please. He's too busy worrying about his failed marriage to think about me, besides, he wanted a war, now, he's got one." She said and strode off, leaving Symone and Simon locked in those cages.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Lilanya
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Lilanya stood at a small table, the Banshee encampment had settled in the small Otherworld region, the Otherworld region had dwindled ever since the fall of the Celtic Gods, Lilanya had witnessed the decline of the Otherworld, it used to be brimming with live, the three regions filled with Fae and the gods, but now the Otherworld has just become an empty realm of dead apple tress and lost paradise. After the fall of the Celtic Gods, the Fae moved to their own realm, a realm uninhabited by anyone or a realm they created, the Ban Sidhe didn't know, all they knew was they weren't welcome.

During the reign of the Celtic gods, the Ban Sidhe roamed the Earth and spent more time in the Underworld than in the Otherworld, so when the Otherworld fell, they were cast aside and sent to the Underworld, instead of following their brothers and sisters, and settling into the Fae Realms. The Ban Sidhe felt no hatred towards their brethren folk for being removed from the Fae Realms, in the Underworld they were more useful and had better access to the Mortal realm. Lilanya shook her head as she brought herself back to the planning board, rather than staring at the dead orchard just outside her tent.

"The rumours say that Victoria has kidnapped the son and daughter of Erieda and Alexander Davenport, if that's true then we need to save them."
"For what reason? They haven't come to help us." One of the group huddled around the table asked, they may not have been bitter about history but they were bitter about the present.
"These are the Kings friends, all of whom have enough on their plates to help our war when they're losing their own. If we help them, I'm sure we'll be given the support of the Remei or the Fae... Hopefully. And once he gets word to the twins, they can bring word to the Queen of the Siren Isles, who will undoubtedly send help, not to mention the very chance she may have a way to call an Angel." Lilanya heard a few of the group scoff at the word 'Angel' but with the state the war was in, they would need every support available.

"Anyway, we believe she is holding the twins here. We should infiltrate through here and hopefully take a few of Victoria's minions down as we save the Prince and Princess." Lilanya lifted her hood and mask, concealing her features as a deathly shadow crawled over her body and she vanished from the table. Teleporting through the realms and back to the Underworld she waited for her team to arrive before initiating the plan and heading for the Palace of the Lady Victoria.


Lilanya and her team managed to clear out the path to the holding cells, the halls they used now ran with the blood of demons as the Assassins came for their prize. Entering the holding room, Lilanya noticed the guards and took pleasure in the kills. They ran at her, with blades of black metal, she ducked under the first attackers arm and using her own silver-lined blade sliced his extended limb off before twisting in a graceful dance to stab him through the back, she hadn't accounted for the second guard to be fast on his feet but he was behind her before she could draw the daggers at her hilt. Out of instinct, she dropped low and danced around him, her main objective now was to avoid being touched by him rather than landing a strike on him but she had no need to. As he was distracted by her finesse, 2 silver lined arrows pierced his chest and just like his friend her dusted off like burning paper. Lilanya grabbed her blade from the floor.

"This bitch needs better guards." Lilanya sarcastically exclaimed as she inspected the ash pile on the floor, before approaching the siblings. "Well, you won't be much use in there." She looked to one of her group who ran over to the cages and started to work their magic. "Such a pity you haven't built up the tolerance to Iron, deadly even to your mother yet she hasn't looked into building immunity, how wise." Lilanya made have been their to free the twins, but she wasn't going to let the opportunity to gloat go by without notice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Lilanya
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Symone was weak. She was weak and she hated it. For years she pushed her fae side to the back of her mind, like an old scar, she knew it was there but it was of little consequence. She couldn't have been more wrong. She was more Wraith, she took after her father, and she couldn't even use glamour. She had all of it's weaknesses none of it's perks, she couldn't lie, she was more curious than she ought to have been, and most importantly, she was deathly allergic to iron and there was no way to fight it.

Bleary eyed, Symone heard a noise, commotion, sounding like a fight. She could barely see, it was like a heavy fog hung over her face, making her dizzy, hot and cold all at once.
"Well, you won't be much use in there." She looked up to see a dark haired woman in front of the cage. The cages were being rattled, the sounds bounced around her head, making it ache even more. "Such a pity you haven't built up the tolerance to Iron, deadly even to your mother yet she hasn't looked into building immunity, how wise."said the woman and Symone frowned.

"What?" she said, holding her head. "Wh-who are you?" She groaned, before she was free from the cage, she could still feel the rawness the cooled iron gave her, but it wasn't crushing like it had been.

Her vision cleared and she could see the woman better, she glanced at her brother, before getting to her feet. "Thank you... but why did you save us?"