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Lucky Aberdeen

"What do you see when you look at me?"

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a character in “Pack Of Orphans”, as played by Jynxii



"Don't ask questions you don't want answers to."


Appearance and Personal Info:

Lulu, Aberdeen.

Eye Color:
Grey sky blue.

Hair Color:
Golden wheat blonde.

Skin Tone:
Sun-kissed snow.


FC(Face Claim):
Amanda Seyfried



(Staring downward)
(Toying with her hair)
(Biting her lip)

^ Acute hearing.
^ Acute touch.
^ Calming people down
^ Listening
^ Playing the piano and guitar

# Fast temper
# Stubborn
# Too trusting
# Sees the good in everyone-- even if it's not really there


+ Animals
+ Nature
+ Listening to people talk
+ Music

- Being treated like she's helpless
- Feeling helpless
- Tight spaces
- Sweet food

Lucky is almost completely blind. She can barely see shapes and colors, and in the darkness she can not see anything.

She becomes violent when called a 'cripple'.


Lucky grew up in a small town outside of a big city. She was not born blind- in fact, she grew up as a pretty normal child. Her parents owned a large farm, raising cattle and breeding horses. When things started to go south, her parents were killed in a "terrible accident", something Lucky refuses to talk about to anyone. It was in this same accident that she became blind.

[I want to leave this pretty grey for now. I will add more as the story progresses. I'd prefer you learn about Lucky through the rp. Writing out her entire past will kind of give things away. There's a few hints in the gifs provided but I don't want to say anything else :3]

Lucky is a quirky individual if she knows you. She's very caring, spontaneous and fun-- but only if she knows you, and knows you well. To those she does not trust (generally everyone) she can appear soft spoken, curious, and reserved. As she is blind, she prefers to listen to people rather then talk so that she can mentally paint a picture in her mind of what the person might look like.

[Again, I'd prefer you meet her in the role play :3]

Lucky is guided by a very unfriendly German Shepherd named Blue.


So begins...

Lucky Aberdeen's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Michelle Ramiro Character Portrait: Korbyn Newman Character Portrait: Elsie Pratters Character Portrait: Lucky Aberdeen Character Portrait: Riku Tachiban Character Portrait: Max "Maxy" Rodgers
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ImageElise's feet switched below her. Her cold, gray eyes cautiously scanned the area. She was wearing a black hoodie, and faded jeans that were a size too small. Her blonde hair fell loosely down to her shoulders, bouncing as she hurried down the street.
Anyone with common sense knew to be careful on this street, and would probably never even glance at it in their lives. But Elise needed to walk among this path, for it was the only way to reach her target. Elsie was heading for Japan, where the spaceship was taking off. This spaceship was key to escaping earth. Yes, that's right, escaping. Earth had turned into a home for thugs. It was long gone...

Elsie shuddered. She felt as if any minute something was going to jump out at her. She pulled the hood as far as it could stretch over her head. Not only was she trying to hide, but the weather wasn't helping much, either. Last night, it had just snowed about eight inches. It was November, in fact. Halloween was about a week ago, but it wasn't like anybody knew, much less cared...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elsie Pratters Character Portrait: Lucky Aberdeen Character Portrait: Max "Maxy" Rodgers
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#, as written by Jynxii

Time seemed to escape her these days, but the seasons never failed to make themselves prevalent. As she followed Blue outside of their temporary home- an abandoned hotel they had taken refuge in during the night, Lucky's senses were assaulted by the brisk air. She hesitated in the ally doorway. Reaching up, she felt thick wet flakes fall onto her palm. Within seconds the delicate shards had melted into a puddle against the warmth of her skin. With a small frown, Lucky looked to where Blue was. His heavy, canine breathing pattern was familiar and endearingly comfortable. The young woman wore a complex of layers, an outfit she had made for herself over the years. At the core being a pair of shorts and a tank top-- the color tan, although she wasn't entirely sure. It could very well be deep red, or navy.. or even black. It had been some time since she really got a good look at it, in the brightest of lights. Under her shorts she added leggings, found in an abandoned store. They were necessary as the weather began to grow colder. A multitude of belts wrapped around her waist, each for different things. Over her tank she wore a button up, and over her button up she put a long tan trench coat. As the temperature continued to drop, she continued to add to her wardrobe- the final item being a warm scarf that she wrapped up and over her long hair, which she has braided to the side. The scarf acts as a hood, and for a blind girl her outfit looks pretty well put together. Covering her feet are a pair of worn leather boots, from her days on the farm.

Blue tugs gently on the white leather cord that ties him to the female, eager to get moving. "Alright, Blue," Lucky sighs, nodding to the creature. Now with permission, the animal begins to walk forward, tugging his owner around gently. Blue was raised originally as an attack dog in the Marines. How he came by Lucky is a mystery to nearly everyone. The dog seems to have a human-like way of knowing where to go, as if he knew more about the situation than his companion. Lucky had heard about the last shuttle leaving from Japan only a few days ago. It was completely by chance, that she had managed to hear the voices of the occupants two rooms down from hers. They were other survivors, but unlike her they had decided to travel through the night. After stopping to stock up on anything the hotel had to offer- they were off again. Lucky looked blankly ahead as Blue marched on in front of her, leading her bravely through the back allies and deserted streets. I wonder if they made it through the night...

Her thought process was cut short by the startling, and painfully loud, sound of an automatic weapon firing through the air. Well, of course she flinched. Lucky stood very still, her heart slamming into her chest. Very, very, slowly, she ran her hand down her front, to assure herself that she had not been hit. Relieved to feel the dry cotton of her clothes, she released the breath she had been holding. Blue, familiar with all sorts of warfare, seemed unfazed by the blast and continued to pull his ward around the corner. It was then that Lucky could hear the breathing of another person, and the heart breaking sound of someone limp falling to the ground. The snow crunched in protest, screaming the unseen story. "Is someone there?" Blue stopped walking and jerked his head over his shoulder to growl darkly at his companion. What was she thinking, speaking to strangers? Was she trying to get them shot down by the sniper, too? Irrirated, the canine looked to the person his mistress had unknowingly spoken to and growled darkly. Rows of sharp fangs snarled toward the what, to him, smelled to be female. "Blue? Is... is something wrong?"

She began to tense noticably, and one hand slowly began to drawn backwards towards one of her machetes which lay hidden under her coat. Her piano fingers wrap slowly around the hilt of the unseen weapon as she stands on guard, only able to make out the other person as a large black blob of smeared color against the stark white of the snow. "Who are you?" Her voice is firm, although it is obvious she is tense. By looking at her, one might think that she was simply glaring at the other person... but should that person shift, they would see that her gaze did not follow until a couple moments later. Colors and blurs are hard for Lucky to differentiate with, and something as simple as a tree two-five feet behind someone could confuse her as to which blob was the person, and which was the background. Of course, through years of practice, she has learned to watch for the breathing pattern of a person, but it does take her a few moments to notice that the 'tree' wasn't breathing. Meanwhile, Blue continues to growl darkly at the figure, though quieter as Lucky seems intent on getting them both killed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elsie Pratters Character Portrait: Lucky Aberdeen Character Portrait: Max "Maxy" Rodgers
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Elise nearly screamed, when out of no where she heard the sound of a alarmingly nearby gunshot. Not long after, a sound of a body dropping to the ground made her wince.
She turned around, and saw a body of a man, who seemed to have been intent on attacking her, lying in the snow, dead. The only conclusion that Elsie could come up with was that someone had saved her. Before she could sort out what had just happened, she heard a voice.
"Is someone there?"
Not long after, Elsie was greeted by a German Shepard, who was guiding a girl. The Shepard growled at her, showing it's fangs as it did.
"Blue? Is... is something wrong?"
The girl spoke again. It seemed the dog, or Blue, was her companion, maybe she was blind or something? Though, Elsie wasn't very bent on figuring this out. Elsie would have said something, but she seemed frozen. Not only did someone right behind her get shot, but now a dog was growling at her, and Elsie was sure it wouldn't hesitate to rip her to shreds.
The girl tensed, and drew back her hand to what Elsie had supposed may be some kind of weapon.
"Who are you?"
The girl spoke again, this time her voice more firm. Elsie finally got the courage to speak, though her voice was small, and she couldn't help but stutter.
"I-I, please...I, don't w-want any trouble..."
She took a small step back, and took a small glance at the man who had been shot. Her eyes wandered to his weapon, she could use that. She crept down to the corpse, and pried his numb hands off of the weapon. She placed a hand on it, and slowly stood back up. The whole time, she had been continuously glancing back up at the dog, and the girl.
Elsie was now much more relaxed once she had gotten a weapon, and she looked back at the girl, her voice now its cold, strong tone.
"Now, might I ask you the same question?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elsie Pratters Character Portrait: Lucky Aberdeen Character Portrait: Max "Maxy" Rodgers
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Max watched the people below, as the two people who he could identify both as females seemed to talk. Dare I take the risk? They might have or know something I need...

He was about to head towards them, but a group of 3 raiders exited the building's first floor, heading towards the other two with weapons. He immediately shot one in the head, going straight through and hitting the other in the right arm, so he dropped his gun and screamed. The third turned around, but only to see a bullet go into his eye, killing him. A fourth man came up behind Max and grabbed him, so Max took his gun, and put a bullet in each of his feet. The man dropped him as he yelled in pain, collapsing towards the window and falling into the snow below. Max jumped down as well, using the snow to break his fall. However, the part he had jumped into must have had a pot hole, because the snow went higher then his waist.

He climbed out of the snow filled pothole, and keeping a pistol out in each hand, approached the other two and the dog. His boots kicked through the snow, but the snow was also making him wet, which made him really annoyed. But he stowed that for later. "Try anything and I will put a bullet in your brain. Now, do you know of any usable or in-tact vehicles in the area?"

If he could just find a car, he could drive it west. Or a repairable car. With enough pieces, he could easily get a car working. "Well?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elsie Pratters Character Portrait: Lucky Aberdeen Character Portrait: Max "Maxy" Rodgers
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Image Elsie flinches. About four more gun shots had sounded. She spun her head around, and spotted a boy, with dark hair. He had jumped out of the window, and started to walk towards them. Elsie was not comfortable with what was happening, this boy had guns of many sorts. She tilted her head, he had a sniper, which was what the man seemed to be killed with.
I wonder if...
Her thoughts were interrupted by the boy.
"Try anything and I will put a bullet in your brain. Now, do you know of any usable or in-tact vehicles in the area? Well?"
Elsie shook her head.
"Not that I know of. Hey, were you the one who shot that guy..."
She trailed off, figuring that he would know what she was talking about...If he was, then she would owe him a thank you.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elsie Pratters Character Portrait: Lucky Aberdeen Character Portrait: Riku Tachiban Character Portrait: Max "Maxy" Rodgers
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Riku Tachiban

Riku groaned and rolled over, waking from his dreamless exhausted slumber. Just one night of sleep could keep him going for a couple of weeks. That was the beauty of being an insomniac. He had fallen asleep on the floor of some abandon gas station store. The place had been picked clean by people, it was the perfect place to sleep without getting disturbed. The Japanese man got to his feet and stretched his aching muscles. A habit from seventeen years of martial arts training.

Once he finished his morning routine, he put his favorite black leather jacket back on, and continued on his way. He had heard rumors that the last ship to leave earth would be in Japan, his old home. He was determined to get on that ship, for the sake of Kimiko. He felt a flash of grief as he thought about his dead fiance. The pain of her death was still fresh, for it had been only three months since it happened.

Gunshots broke Riku out of his thoughts. He head automatically jerked in the direction the sound had come from, trained ears easily picking it up. Without even thinking about it, he took off toward the gunshots. Within minutes, he found himself in an alleyway. Behind a young man, no a boy, pointing two guns a two young women and a dog. Riku thought for a brief moment, if he made himself known the boy would turn on him, putting himself in danger. But it would give the young women time to get away. The choice was obvious, at least to Riku.

He took a few steps forward and adressed the boy. "What do you think you're doing?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Michelle Ramiro Character Portrait: Korbyn Newman Character Portrait: Elsie Pratters Character Portrait: Lucky Aberdeen Character Portrait: Riku Tachiban Character Portrait: Max "Maxy" Rodgers
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A blanket shifted once, stilled, and then shifted again to reveal a young man. His green eyes squinted against the unaccustomed light, sitting up slowly and rubbing the small stubble on his face. Something had roused him from his slumber, though what he did not know, his keen ears listening intently. Was that gunshot? Korbyn sat up straighter and scrambled to his feet, quickly folding his blanket and stuffing it into his pack.

Looking around wildly he exited the abandoned building he had take shelter in, being sure to stamp out his fire and leave no trace other than a pile of coals. His boots marched down a flight of stairs, echoing on the old concrete walls as he descended out of the building and onto the streets. Already the grass was starting to take over, rooting itself in the ground to reclaim what was rightfully nature's. It was a rather odd sight to see no traffic or people around, Korbyn didn't care in the slightest, he like his solitude.

There was more gunshots, making him flinch as he adjusted the pack on his shoulder, turning away from the noise and heading in the direction opposite of the shots fired. He had handled the first riots easily, keeping his head low and nose out of other people's business. But he had gotten left behind when the shuttle took off, taking along many of the citizens with it. The week that followed had been a dark one, those who stayed behind fighting for food and shelter, but now it seemed Korbyn barely saw anybody these days.

It was unwise to go seek out who was firing a gun, he had no weapons and no friends to back him up, it'd be for is better if he stayed far away from those causing trouble. Korbyn heard voices, three...No four voices chorusing questions at one another. Were they the ones with the guns or were they like him and trying to get away? With a sigh Korbyn stopped and looked over his shoulder, eyebrows furrowing as he contemplated going to find out for himself. Rolling his eyes he turned on a heel, rubbed a hand over his short brown hair, and started walking towards the people he had heard.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korbyn Newman Character Portrait: Elsie Pratters Character Portrait: Lucky Aberdeen Character Portrait: Riku Tachiban Character Portrait: Max "Maxy" Rodgers
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#, as written by Jynxii

Lucky continued to stare questioningly forward as she listened to the soft ruffle of the girl's clothes. She was bending for something, picking something up from the ground-- as it sounded. Blue grew increasingly tempermental as the female picked up a weapon and seemed to hold it, though in a more... 'This comforts me' and less 'I'm going to attack you' way. Settling his fur, Blue glanced to his companion and then back to the other female. The girl spat back the same question, only causing Lucky to smile a little and release her hold on her weapon. Bringing her hand back forward, she let her hands hang loose at her sides in a less threatening way. "You sound so young," Lucky said thoughtfully, though for now avoiding the girl's question. Perhaps it was easier to not know who the girl was- that way, if she died it wouldn't mean anything to her. Gunshots again, sounding off fairly close; but this time she did not flinch. She did not hear the familiar sound of bullets whistling through the air anywhere near her, so the distant sound was just an encouragement to get her to move on from speaking with the stranger. It was then that the sound of struggling footsteps caught her attention, but as always her eyes remained focused on the black blur that was Elsie's figure through Lucky's eyes.

"Try anything and I will put a bullet in your brain. Now, do you know of any usable or in-tact vehicles in the area?" Lucky remained silent, though she did turn to look toward the sound of the boy's voice- and it was a boy, a young boy, by the sound of it. The black mass that was the figure was half swallowed by snow, causing her to gauge him to be fairly shorter than herself. "Well?" Irritation. Exasperation. Annoyance. Lucky resisted the urge to smile, because such demands from a child used to be comical... but in today's society- it was a genuine threat. Children felt the need to show off, act bigger, needless kill others in order to make themselves feel safe. A side effect of growing up in a world of crime and disasters. Blue looked to the boy as well, questioning him with a confused tilt of his head (only momentarily forgetting to snarl toward Elsie). The other girl answered the boy, informing him that she had no idea where to find a vehicle, and proceeding to ask if he was the one that shot everyone.

Lucky was already beginning to turn away from the scene when a third stranger approached. Their footfalls were quick and precise, with purpose and intent. It made her uncomfortable, and again she began to tense. The voice proved to belong to a man as he asked what the child thought he was doing. This struck Lucky as strange- for all she knew, the child was throwing out threats and asking for a ride out of the hell hole they were in. She shifted her gaze toward the other voice and was about to open her mouth to say something when she heard the sound of footsteps coming from just behind her. "If I recall, having five people in one place makes it a party..." Her voice was lighthearted and soft as she stared off into the distance, unable to make out the figure of the person (Korbyn) from the dark background it stood against. Through her eyes, the area was a choppy blur of snow and buildings, with a possible human somewhere in there. The only thing that gave his presence away was his slow and consistent breathing. She turned back towards Elsie, whose body was on a background of white. "I do not know where any cars are, as you can see I am following a dog... Dogs have little use for vehicles." The statement wasn't directed at Elsie, rather toward the boy... even still, Lucky continued to stare off in her general direction. Looking without seeing. "We... That is, Blue and I, are heading to Japan. I would very much like to get there, with my head still on my shoulders." She adds the last part as she turns her unseeing gaze in the direction of the shortest blob, and presumably the child.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elsie Pratters Character Portrait: Lucky Aberdeen Character Portrait: Riku Tachiban Character Portrait: Max "Maxy" Rodgers
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As they announced themselves, the arrival of the Japanese man worried him. However, the girl with the dog's answers let him trail the gun off Lucky and onto the Japanese man. "Then we have something in common. Why do you think I want to find a vehicle. It will take six months I think to cross America east to west, so if we want to make it to Japan in time, we need to obtain a vehicle. Or find a working train. I don't plan on missing that shuttle, and if we work together, it can increase our chances".

He kept one eye on the girls, one eye on the Japanese man, and he switched his pistols to the Rapid Fire function. If anyone knew military tech or weapons, they would know he is carrying British G-45 Punisher Pistols. He then spoke to the other girl, his English accent fairly obvious by now. "And yes, I shot him. Doesn't mean I trust you. Just means I decided to be a nice guy today". He then spoke to the Japanese man. "And what I am doing here is covering my own security. Why should I trust any of you?"

All of a sudden, Max pointed a pistol behind him quickly, shot once, and then resumed position. Some snow began to turn red as the final raider Max had only wounded before was now dead, his pistol flung from his dead corpse and into some snow nearby. "So, are we going to have any problems here? Or can we all continue going to where we want to go?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elsie Pratters Character Portrait: Lucky Aberdeen Character Portrait: Riku Tachiban Character Portrait: Max "Maxy" Rodgers
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ImageElsie tensed, too many people had began to come. She looked around, and listened to everyone speak.
"You're not the only ones heading to Japan."
She turned to the boy,
"Well, thanks anyway. I don't trust you either, by the way. It would just be rude to leave thank you unsaid. My parents made sure I knew my manors..."
A sudden frown had come across her face. She really shouldn't have said that...She hid her face deeper in her hood. She masked her face with her hand and looked down. Elsie held her breath, she was finished talking for now...
Happy thoughts, happy thoughts...
She thought, blocking out everyone's voices. She closed her eyes tightly, she was not going to show that she's about to cry. That would be a sign of weakness, which she preferred not to show.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Michelle Ramiro Character Portrait: Korbyn Newman Character Portrait: Elsie Pratters Character Portrait: Lucky Aberdeen Character Portrait: Riku Tachiban Character Portrait: Max "Maxy" Rodgers
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Korbyn lifted his hands in a form of surrender as he approached the group, eyes settling on the little boy with a gun. The worse thing he could do right now was look like a threat to a child with no self control, though Korbyn had to admit that the boy had pretty good aim for someone of his short height and young age. His hands dropped back to his sides as he stopped walking a few feet away from the group, coming to crouch down and acknowledging the dog that stood guard in front of a girl. His eyes looked up at the girl who seemed to be the owner of the dog.

Instantly he felt uncomfortable as her far away eyes stared at him-no it was like she was staring straight through him- odd. Korbyn looked back to the dog, outstretching his hands and lowering his gaze to the ground. The large Shepard dog did not look very friendly and if he were to fear anybody in this small group, it was the dog. They were vicious and didn't discriminate food from friend when hungry.

Lifting one finger to symbolize one moment he slowly reached into his jacket pocket, pulling a piece of beef jerky and taking a small nibble from it before offering it to the canine. His body language was relaxed and nonthreatening, though he was tense and anxious with all the other people around. The dog did not waver from its spot next to the girl and Korbyn shrugged standing and taking a bite off the top, tucking the dried and flavored meat back into his pocket.

His hand reached into his front pocket, digging around to find his notepad and pen, flipping the cover off the paper and clicking the pen. With a flick of his wrist he wrote I'm Korbyn Newman tearing the piece of paper out of the small notepad and passing it to the nearest person, a blonde haired girl (Elsie), smiling softly. Using his free hand he moved it up his throat and to his mouth, shaking his head. Simple motions to inform them that he did not speak, hopefully they'd understand and not question why.

That's what most people did after realizing he didn't speak and was often pestered as to why he didn't. Most assumed he was deaf, though he wasn't in fact he had pretty excellent hearing, some even thought it was because of damaged vocal chords. But in all reality he just didn't talk. Korbyn scribbled down on another piece of paper quickly You all are going to Japan? Again he handed it to the blonde haired girl closest to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korbyn Newman Character Portrait: Elsie Pratters Character Portrait: Lucky Aberdeen Character Portrait: Riku Tachiban Character Portrait: Max "Maxy" Rodgers
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Image Elsie turned her head. Another person. Just great. It was a man this time, and he was handing her a piece of paper? She let out a small sniffle, and hid her face with her arm. She took the paper, and read it. Confused, she looked back up at him.
Soon, he handed her a new piece of paper, then pointed to his throat.
Oh, so he couldn't speak?
She thought. Elsie didn't know what he wanted her to do, maybe to speak it out loud? Either way, she couldn't find her voice to do so at the moment, so she just starred at it... Suddenly, she sprouted an idea, and thought maybe she could pass it to someone. Though, who would she pass it to?! Not the boy, who was still holding a gun to her head. Not the girl, that dog would rip her to pieces of she went near her...The Asian man? Maybe, then again, he also had a gun to his head so... Elsie was a bit stuck here.
She turned her head back to, Korbyn, was that what the paper said? And shrugged very slowly, holding out the papers to give back, shooting him a look that said,
I'm really not in the state to read this to anyone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korbyn Newman Character Portrait: Elsie Pratters Character Portrait: Lucky Aberdeen Character Portrait: Riku Tachiban Character Portrait: Max "Maxy" Rodgers
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"So, should I just get this straight that we are all headed to the same place? Any denials? Anyone?" he asked, somewhat lowering his weapons, but he still had them gripped tightly and looked as if he could handle himself in a fight, as well as at least kill the first two people who attacked him. He then aimed the gun at the doorway behind him and fired, and another raider fell into the snow. He had seen him there, mainly because of his good night vision. Though his night vision goggles were even better.

"Well, if we are all going to the same place, we might as well not kill each other. Name is Max Rodgers, my friends call me 'Maxy'...well, when they were alive..." Max went silent for a few seconds, remembering the faces of those he lost, before snapping out of it. Focus or Die. Remember those words. Focus or Die.

"Anyways, this still doesn't solve the problem of how we are supposed to get to Japan in three months when walking East Coast to West Coast will take about six months. So, I ask again, anyone know where there might be a working car, or enough car parts to build one? I could build one too".

If anyone had not noticed already, they may have noticed that not only does Max have military hardware, but he holds both G-45 Punisher Pistols the way military people held them. Max was trained by people who actually knew military techniques, making him one of the best trained people still alive on the planet most likely (the rest having taken the other space ships), and therefore uniquely useful in keeping people alive by shooting enemies using military skill and tactics.

"So, allies?" Max asked, to confirm the arrangement of them working together to survive.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korbyn Newman Character Portrait: Elsie Pratters Character Portrait: Lucky Aberdeen Character Portrait: Riku Tachiban Character Portrait: Max "Maxy" Rodgers
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#, as written by Jynxii

Lucky listened to everyone going back and forth, settled only by the feel of Blue as he moved to sit with his side leaned against her leg. After a while everyone fell silent, and after a strange shuffling around of someone writing something and tearing a page out of an object... a book, maybe? Or... a notepad? Then, the little one was talking again in his big commanding voice. For a child his tone was so seasoned, as if he were a grown man trapped in the body of an adolescence. "I have heard a train passing through at night, but it is run by raiders," Lucky said as she placed a hand onto Blue's head, feeling the wet fur atop his head.

As she spoke, she could feel the soft white wisps of fog curling around her cheeks. "Many people have tried to take it, so I've heard, but none successful. The train station is not far from here..." She trailed off, looking upward at the sky, trying to gauge the time of day. "The train comes twice every night." Lucky paused for a moment, unsure why she would want to pack up with other people again. Memories of her last group flashed, causing her to frown a little at the idea. Even still, to face the facts-- she was blind, and at an extreme disadvantage. Although she loved Blue's company, it would be good to have a set of eyes that could relay information back to her in a more direct way.

"Allies," she agreed at last, nodding to the boy- Max. "My name is Lucky, this is Blue."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korbyn Newman Character Portrait: Elsie Pratters Character Portrait: Lucky Aberdeen Character Portrait: Max "Maxy" Rodgers
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0.00 INK



Such a beautiful voice Korbyn had thought the instant he had heard the blonde haired girl-Lucky as she had just informed-spoke. His skeptical eyes studied her and the dog, an eyebrow raising in slight question as the boy and two girls spoke of trains and cars. Korbyn flinched noticeably as Maxy shot yet another raider, dropping him to the ground with a muted thud in the building snow. The silent man took a noticeable step backwards, swallowing to wet his suddenly dry throat.

His eyes went to the girl and the dog, eyeing her suspiciously as she agreed to be allies so quickly with this gun slinging little boy. Children should never be trusted with weapons, especially guns, they had short tempers and could throw fits over the littlest of things. This wasn't a good idea and in his gut he knew he should've walked away and found a different path to Japan. But his heart was telling him to stay with these girls and protect them from the brat holding the guns.

Their blind trust in the boy would end up getting them killed, there was no arguing with a child, it wouldn't turn out well either way. Lifting his hand he turned attention towards him, smiling warily as he waved to the small, now allied, group. Quickly he scribbled down on his piece of notepad paper, looking up at the girl he had handed it to before, shaking his head slightly. Tearing the paper he capped his pen and walked towards Maxy, cautiously, stopping a few feet away before stretching out his hand to give the piece of paper to the boy.

My name is Korbyn Newman. I want to come with you to Japan. Lucky is right about the train, it comes twice a day, but it is run by the raiders.

Korbyn wrote on another piece of paper, tearing it off to hand it to Maxy again.

We'd be better off finding a car. I'd be willing to help you fix one into driving conditions. Besides, you'll need someone besides Elsie to drive.

Korbyn had figured Lucky had some sort of vision problem to be walking around with such a loyal dog and the man didn't know if Maxy was old enough to drive yet, or if he had the durability to drive for long periods of time.