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Persona: Imagine

Persona: Imagine


"My mind is the pencil, the city the tablet. The only limit to my creation is my level of Inspiration. I like this place, why do you want me to leave?"

6,448 readers have visited Persona: Imagine since Astro_B0Y created it.


Never More


"My mind is the pencil, the city the tablet. The only limit to my creation is my level of Inspiration. I like this place, why do you want me to leave?"--Unknown

Persona: Imagine

A Lazer Gun ENT. Production

Press Start to Begin

New Game

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>Delve Into Your True Self

Copyright 2010 LENT.

Excuse me sir…

Leave me alone!

Miss…may I please—

Get away from me!

Everyone’s heart has grown so cold…

What do you see here child?


You do…? Well then…

Another night, Another Dream.

Aria of The Soul

“We haven’t had a guest in so long…”

You’ve been having a lot of these lately huh? Dreams…and they’ve just been getting more and more strange.

The dream tonight is of no exception. You ‘awaken’ to find yourself in a curious room, bathed in a soft, familiar feeling blue light. Numerous scraps of paper and tattered old tarot cards are scattered among the blue plush carpet. Something compels you to step through further into the musty place.

You can tell, no one has visited this place in years.

On the each of the four walls, there hang four different portraits. Each of young men, one with a single pierced ear, the other with a pair of fiery red eyes, the other a head of messy blue hair, and the final donned a pair of glasses. Each one of these men held a single card, much like the ones scattered on the floor beneath you; except the one’s they held all read ‘Zero’ with the image of a man holding a sack…

And then, a chair appears, in the middle of the room, just behind you.

There’s laughter coming from him, though it holds no hint of joy. It seems the old fellow’s laugh was one of a lost soul. The long nosed man held his head in his hand, muttering the same phrase over and over.

“Welcome to the Velvet Room…”


Eventually, his chanting expanded two include two names, one’s that seemed to do his emotions great harm—he was almost brought to tears.



And then, his muttering stopped, and all of the light in the room focused in a single shaft around him. His body became stiff and erect, his posture very formal. A wide smile crept across his face, and he began…

“I have to pull myself together…they’ll be here soon…”

The image around you faded, and the next thing you knew, it was time to get ready for school.

The Talk of the Town?

Pursuing My True Self

Lunar Eclipse, Trouble for Eos Corp?!: A Maya Amano Special Report!

The TV flickers on to reveal the image of a beautiful woman in her early forties, though the twinkle in her violet eyes belonged to someone who couldn’t have been any older than eighteen. The woman stood on a transparent bridge, and in her background was a city of grand, futuristic looking skyscrapers. Around her, people traveled towards the utopia, wide, excited smiles on their faces.

2032, a year full of hopes and dreams. The world has never been more at peace; International relations are at an all time high and the level of technology these days seem to be skyrocketing! And speaking of technology, I’m right out side of what might very well be the grandest of all human inventions: The Floating City Olympus!

Over one million tons in steel, supported by something as small as my laptop back at home, Olympus certainly is THE testament to modern technology. This floating island is nearly ten times the size of New York City itself!

This piece of work is the result of one Super-Conglomerate’s work: Eos Corp, The company that does just about everything, and has beaten out just about every other company. I’d imagine that on the day this baby opened up Sousuke Murakami, the founder and president of the conglomerate felt on top of the world.

But alas, sometimes, things just don’t stay grand.

Just last night, Murakami-San’s daughter Tsuki*-Chan was kidnapped. The suspect has left little to no evidence of their activity, it’s almost as if a ghost was behind the crime. Luna-Chan is only ten years old, and has already been diagnosed with an extreme case of schizophrenia, which only drives authorities to work harder in their search.

When we asked for his thoughts on the incident, Murakami-San refused to give any comment, but he’s no doubt very shaken by the event.

One can only wonder how Murakami-San’s son, Taro-Kun feels.

One can only pray for Luna-Chan’s safety.

I’m Maya Amano with Sakura TV, signing off!

((Note: Tsuki=Moon in Jap, I believe.))

Ida High, Where the Scholars Go



“An institution that prides itself on promptness, excellence, and intelligence. We are the number one school in the world, and as soon as your enter our hallways, you will be certain of that.”—Principle Iori

Thank you for choosing Ida High to help further enlighten your no doubt already bright child. Here, we spare no expense on your child’s education. We have the most cutting edge technology for our educators, which are also, the top of their craft.

We have a slew of extracurriculars for the students to participate in even after the school day is done, ranging from art club and band, to our award winning sports teams. The Ida Knights teams are among some of the top ranked players in their divisions!

Classes start on April 1st this year, and will be held Monday through Saturday from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM. We have a no tolerance policy for truancy, and those who are caught committing such acts will be prosecuted to the max.

Freshman and sophomores will find their homerooms on the first floor, while juniors will find their classes on the second, and seniors on the third. The fourth floor holds all of our extracurricular rooms as well as the stadium-sized auditorium. The way our classes operate, students will stay in their assigned homeroom, while the teachers move from class to class based on what period it is.

In closing, we would like to again thank you for choosing our institution for your young mind. We know choosing a school for your child is hard, but rest assured, your child is in safe hands with Ida High.

----Principle Shu Iori

[center]Olympus City Tourists Guide

“Olympus City, a floating utopia…why does it have to be so big?! My friggin’ ankles are about to shatter!”—Yosuke Hanamura

Changing Seasons

Welcome to beautiful Olympus! The city among the clouds, and stars. We thank you for choosing our streets as your vacation destination, we’re sure you won’t be disappointed!

Olympus is home to a number of eccentric and eclectic minds; we have thinkers, singers, painters, and just about everything in between. Our industrial district is home to numerous workshops, clubs and café’s specifically constructed to let your mind roam free.

We also have a slew of interesting shops, they range from the small mom and pop, to the giant department store. You’re sure to find whatever you need if you head down to the shopping district of Olympus.

Not only do we have great minds in Olympus, we have some of the most fun individuals as well, and they’ve all worked together to bring about our most popular district, the recreational. Here, you can find arcades, if you’re into gaming, dojo’s if you like fighting, gymnasiums, and just about anything else you can think of that falls under the category of fun. You can also find our food courts and hotels in this district. Our most popular attraction as of late has been the Full Sensory X game we have in all of our arcades. Full Sensory X is ‘the next level’ of virtual gaming, immerse yourself in an entirely new world, where you are the character all movements are yours and yours alone!

For our more business-orientated individuals, take a trip to our Business District. All of the skyscrapers here are lined with hardworking men and women.

Tying all of this together is the main district, situated in the middle of circular Olympus. This is where you can find our smiling residents apartments, the main station of the monorail, which runs through town (above on a hovering train track, also top of the line Olympus tech), and our award winning educational facilities.

This brochure only gives you a brief taste of what Olympus has to offer, to get the whole dish, please, book your flight today! Mayor Ipsen and all of Olympus’ warm folk are waiting to meet you!

Just Another, Average Day

Here’s where YOU come in.

Brand New Days

It’s the first day of the new school term, and all anyone can talk about is the kidnapping of Tsuki Murakami, the daughter of the Eos Corp founder, that happened last week. The night before, you had a strange dream about a blue, old room, scattered with tarot cards--though you wrote it off as just another strange dream.

On your way home from school, you stumble upon a strange character: what this person looks like, and how they act is completely in your vision. Though, regardless of what they look like, this person asks you for a favor (which is again, to your choosing). As thanks for your help, they give you an old dusty tarot card. This card will be your Persona’s Arcana.

Taking the strange piece of cardboard, you head on home, where you have yet another dream.

Welcome to the Velvet Room.

The character skeleton

Student Transcript (aka the Template)

Code: Select all

Age/Grade: (No more seniors aloud. Freshmen and Juniors needed most.)
Hometown: (You don’t have to be Olympus born & raised)
Personality: (No ‘mysterious’ ‘emo’ kids…I don’t want no Minatos)
Appearance: (Pic, discription; no real life photos please…I find it weird *shrug*)
Weapon: (YOUR weapon, not the Persona’s)
Persona: (Name and description, picture is fine, but description is encouraged.)
Persona’s Abilities: (These can ‘level up’ over time. I urge you not to start out with high level spells. 4 skills MAX at start)
Persona Resistances/Weaknesses: (you’re required to have at least one elemental weakness, and two resistances at the most)
Bio: (one paragraph minimum, NO mysterious past. Again. No Minatos.)
Extra: (theme songs, likes/dislikes, whatever doesn’t fit)

Character Skeleton (copy & pastable)

Code: Select all
Persona's Abilities:
Persona Resistances/Weaknesses:

Code: Select all
[url=]List of Skills: USE THIS TO PICK YOUR SKILLS[/url]

[url=]And…for your convenience, a list of the Arcana! No Judgement or World[/url]

[url=] And finally, the master link to the entire wiki. this is GOD.[/url]

Burn My Dread


"Thou art I, and I art thou--"

A Persona is a second soul that dwells deep within a person’s heart.
It is an entirely different personality that emerges when a person is confronted with something from outside his world. AKA the Shadows. a Persona is a completely different being that a person calls upon manifest in the physical world. They may be man, beast, Gods, Goddesses, or something in between.

A Persona ability refers to the unique gift that enables a person to summon and use a Persona. Those who are capable of this feat are known as Persona-Users. This ability is humanity’s only hope to defeat the Shadows.

Normally Persona-Users only have the ability to summon one Persona. But there are exceptions to this rule they are called Wild Cards. These Wild Cards are extremely rare individuals that have the unique power to pull multiple Personae from their ‘Sea of Soul’. The number they can bring into battle is limited, but they can have an unlimited number of Personae inside of themselves.

The one who holds the Wild Card technique will be the one to lead the battle against the Shadows. It has always been this way, though I wonder; how long will this last?

Regarding Persona summoning in this RP: This will be done differently from the games, when the time comes, I'll inform you.

-Harmonic Arts-

"Come on kid! Kick the beat!" --Atlas

A sort of combination technique done between a Persona and it's Persona-User. This is only unlocked when a Persona-User fully comes to understand just what their Persona is, how it reflects them, and what they want to use it for. It's an intense skill that draws upon the power of one's true mind and soul.

-Link Arts-

Another weapon in the Persona-User's arsenal, drawing upon the bonds one forges with another. When the souls of two Persona-Users are in harmony, they gain the ability to unleash a devastating attack on their enemy. The two Persona-Users must match 'Frequencies' if you will, meaning they have to be completely bonded with one another, only then can they pull of a Link Art.


The final level of a Persona-User's true power. It's a step above the Link Arts, as it draws upon the power of three or more Persona-User's.

When a soul is in true distress, it may call out to others in it's vicinity. These souls link together temporarily, granted they trust each other a decent amount, and merge Arcana. Once merged, these merged Arcana give birth to a new Arcana called 'The World'- to representation of everything around us, and summon Odyssey, the ultimate Persona.

Odyssey's shape and techniques depend entirely upon the initial soul that started the link between the others: say a physically strong soul called upon Odyssey first, then the Persona would manifest in a titanic form. The same would hold true if the one calling upon Odyssey first was a magically adept soul.

Summoning such a power does not come without a price however. When one calls upon something such as Odyssey they are granted a temporary burst of power, ONLY for as long as Odyssey is manifested. The Ultimate Persona can only stay grounded in the physical world for five minutes, and as soon as it leaves, those who summoned upon Odyssey are left physically and mentally drained.

-Persona Evolution-

When one reaches a certain level in life, their true self may finally blossom, bringing forth even a change in their Persona. This may range from something as simple as a change in appearance, all the way to a loss of weakness, or even a change in Arcana. The possibilities are endless.

-The Inspiration-

"If you have enough imagination, and enough inspiration to get it all can do just about any damn thing." --Demetri Maverick

Inspiration are similar to Shadows in the way that they are the parallel to Persona-Users. However these beings have no malevolent intentions, unlike their Shadow brethren. The Inspiration are born from the inner desires of all humans imagination, they only seek to fulfill their creators wish-- whether that be for the greater good, or for evil.

Their size and shape vary, the only limit to their power is the amount of imagination their creator has. Those with low levels of Imagination cannot perceive the Inspiration creatures, meaning normally only children and 'kids at heart' ever see these strange beings.

Social Links

"Think of each person you come across as an individual circuit on an entire circuit board, the board is your power. If they aren't connected...the circuit board doesn't run, meaning your power doesn't work. But connect all the circuits together, the people-- and your power will be nearly limitless. Catch my drift?" --Demetri Maverick

Social Links are bonds a Persona-User forges with others. In this RP, getting to know your fellow player is essential, as doing so grants you new powers and strengths you otherwise wouldn't be able to obtain. The numbers in the stats area of the Links are simply guidelines as to how you're Persona (or character) should be impacted by forging this link. The levels of the links are determined by yours truly, however, you can typically tell yourself when you and another character have reached a new 'level' in your relationship-- in that instance, shoot me a PM and I'll determine if it's Rank-Up worthy.

Hanged Man (Xavier) - |+1 to Persona Strength| |+2 to Persona-User Defense|

Level 3 - Grants Megido

Level 6 - Megidola

Level 9 - Megidolaon

Level 10 - Link Art

Sun (Taro) - |+1 to Persona Speed | |+1 to Persona-User Intelligence |

Level 3 - Maragi

Level 6 - Maragion

Level 9 - Maragidyne

Level 10 - Link Art

Empress (Saiya/Kiya) - |+2 to Persona Intelligence | | +1 to Persona-User Dexterity|

Level 3 - Mabufu

Level 6 - Mabufula

Level 9 - Mabufudyne

Level 10 - Link Art

Lovers (Daniel) - (initial) | +1 To Persona Intelligence | |+2 Persona-User Endurance|

Level 3 - Ruva (weak earth attack)

Level 6 - Diarama

Level 9 - MeRuva (multi-target earth)

Level 10 - Link Art

Priestess (Miki) - (initial) |+1 To Persona Strength | |+ 1 to Persona-User Speed|

Level 3 -

Level 6 -

Level 9 -

Level 10 - Link Art

Fortune (Kianne) -|+1 To Both Persona and Persona-User Speed|

Level 3 - Garu

Level 6 - Garula

Level 9 - Magarudyne

Level 10 - Link Art

Moon (Juro) - |+ 2 to Persona Speed | |+ 1 to Persona-User Endurance |

Level 3 - Life Drain

Level 6 - Foul Breath

Level 9 - Die for Me!

Level 10 - Link Art

Hermit (Kari) - | +1 to Persona and Persona-User Strength |

Level 3 - Agi

Level 6 - Agilao

Level 9 - Ragnarok

Level 10 - Link Art

Chariot (Jordan) - |+1 to Persona and Persona-User Endurance|

Level 3 - Trafuri

Level 6 - Traesto

Level 9 - Full Analysis

Level 10 - Link Art

Tower (Jason) - |+1 to Persona and Persona-User Strength|

Level 3 - Cleave

Level 6 - Skewer

Level 9 - Unshaken Will

Level 10 - Link Art

Temperance (Ionia) - |+1 to Persona Intelligence | |+1 to Persona-User Endurance|

Level 3 - Tarukaja

Level 6 - Rakukaja

Level 9 - Matarukaja

Level 10 - Link Art

Devil (Ryan |+1 to Persona Strength | |+1 to Persona-User Speed|

Level 3 - Zio

Level 6 - Mazionga

Level 9 - Ziodyne

Level 10 - Link Art

((Special thanks to Dzvia to her extreme aid in helping me with this by the way.))

The Heroes

“ In the darkest hour known only by few, the Chosen Ones wage war against the forces of evil.”---Junpei Iori

Persona User- Persona - Username

Xavier Wallace – Atlas – Astro_B0Y

Taro Murakami – Apollo – Astro_B0Y

Saiya Sakishita - Kimiko - Dzvia

Daniel Gray - Priapus - Foxhound

Kiya Heart - Raquel - AshBug22

Miki - Lil Kawai

Kianne Grace - Terra - Valor

Kari Amakusa - Zeral - VoidSun

Juro Hasimoto - Mimi - Rincewind

Ionia Lambros - Polyhymnnia - Jehanne

Ryan Loman - Fafnir - Epikhero

Jordan Hex - Chronopsis - Dreaming_Nightmare

Toggle Rules

The Contract (A.K.A. Da Rules)

Remember that you are Mortal (a.k.a. NO GOD-MODDING!)

0. You don't have to have played the game to join the RP, check the WIKI's I have listed in the code box to stretch your Persona IQ, and remember, Youtube is a gamer's haven.

1. Like said above, please, don’t god-mod. It’s unattractive, and frowned upon by society, if you do it you will be prosecuted to the max. You can very well however, take control of someone else’s character with their permission.

2. Put ‘The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed’ at the beginning of your template.

3. Persona is a series of Mature rated games so the RP will no doubt be mature itself right? Gory, bloody, disturbing scenes and all are welcomed. Romance is all good, so long as it doesn’t take from the actual RP and isn’t well…corny. That grinds my gears.

4. Time flows in this RP, just like in the games. I’ll control the time of day periodically throughout my posts. Now I realize how pushy this sounds, so to make it easier, think of it like this. If it’s 7:00 PM in my post…it can be 3:00 PM in your post. But it CANNOT be 7:05 PM in your post. Got it memorized? (oops…wrong series xD)

5. “My character is Yukiko-San’s daughter!” –Nope, none of that. “I wanna be Akihiko!” – None of that either. Canon characters are OFF LIMITS in this RP. That’s no fun. But that doesn’t mean they won’t appear of course.

6. Put “Sure, The Arcana may be the means by which all is revealed…but can it see what makes the cinnamon toast taste in Cinnamon Toast Crunch?” on top of your template so I know you’ve read EVERYTHING.

7. I’m not the best in the grammar department, and without a spell check, I’m down right atrocious. But I know how to proof read, and how to use a Word Processor. If you don’t you should learn, because that’s a sure fire way to get booted.

8. I’m not a post length nazi, but I’m hoping for at least ONE paragraph per post. Keep it funky! And stay active, maybe at least a post every other day? Preferably more though.

9. ON PERSONAS: I would LIKE custom ones, that’s always fun. But if thou must use an already created one, go ahead. Just don’t chose like…Lucifer or Helel or something…that’s BS. And gets you executed Mitsuru-Senpai style. OH YEAH! Before I forget…Personas are going to be summoned in a new way…just an F.Y.I. ---

10. A huge objective of the game is to get to know one another, increase the bonds between your team. Which means you can't reject people. You don't have to be a people person, you just have to eventually let people in-- that's how bonds are formed.

11. PAY ATTENTION TO OTHER PEOPLE'S POSTS. That grinds my gears when people don't, seriously, if I see you completely ignoring somebody at least twice, I might have to get all 'Angry Astro' on you...and that doesn't happen.

12. *New Rule* Seriously, before you make a character. Please, please, PLEASE. Read EVERYTHING. Not a little, not half, not 99% EVERYTHING. If I see that you're profile obeys absolutely nothing I have wrote in the intro then...consider it ignored. Sorry.

Browse All » 12 Settings to roleplay in

The Velvet Room

The Velvet Room by RolePlayGateway

Yet another realm that lies between dream and reality.

Ramen Don

Ramen Don by RolePlayGateway

A little slice of the traditional in a city that's anything but.

Shadow Olympus

Shadow Olympus by RolePlayGateway

The manifestation of a city's inhabitant's dark emotions.

The Floating City Olympus

The Floating City Olympus by Astro_B0Y

The biggest city in the world, and it's a floating in the skies above. The modern day Mount. Olympus.

Industrial District

Industrial District by RolePlayGateway

The creative side of Olympus.

Recreation District

Recreation District by RolePlayGateway

This is where the magic happens, tons of fun to be had here. Arcades, food courts, concert halls, the whole nine yards.

Business District

Business District by RolePlayGateway

Where the corporate come to play.

Shopping District

Shopping District by RolePlayGateway

The second busiest location in Olympus. Come here and be on the cutting edge of fashion and tech.

Residential District

Residential District by RolePlayGateway

Here, you'll find the homes of the locals, mostly apartments, but a few houses as well. This district also houses Olympus' educational facilities.

Ida High

Ida High by RolePlayGateway

The students that traverse these halls are destined to bring an impact to society. Home to the most cutting edge educational tech, and four floors of excellence.

Central District

Central District by RolePlayGateway

The center of Olympus, in more ways than one. This is also where the Eos Corp skyscraper lies.

The Sea of Everyone's Soul

The Sea of Everyone's Soul by RolePlayGateway

The realm of consciousness that lies between mind and matter, dream and reality.


Characterization: In-Progress Plot: In-Progress Depth: Proficient Style: Proficient Mechanics: Proficient Overall: Proficient
Maestro wrote:To say the least, this was a bit hard to judge because of the Introduction to begin with was a bit disorganized. Otherwise, I’m a bit surprised that the IC portion is rather steady and all of the posters are able to generally keep up. The consistency is a good sign. Plot wasn’t very powerful but this role-play seems to give you freedom to interact with other characters and build up to the story. This however lacks a bit of creativity since it is based off a game and the Introduction, besides being disorganized, is evidences of that. Nonetheless, overall, I think this will make for an active, engaging role-play.

Characterization: Proficient Plot: In-Progress Depth: Proficient Style: Proficient Mechanics: Proficient Overall: Proficient
MrMurdoch wrote:My first comment is that the intro post seems to be a bit lacking in the area of organization. However, after one gets through the disorganization, the body seems to be quite nicely written. The intro is quite descriptive, and I like how you described the surroundings; I also though making the intro first person was quite an interesting twist. The intro itself, overall, is somewhat messy, though; it also lacked a definitive plot. Who is the bad guy? Is there a bad guy? Simple things like that really make a story pop. However, overall, the intro is nicely written. You had a few grammatical errors, such as one's supposed to be ones. I likes how you put an image into the intro, however, the length of your intro seems to create a need for a few more graphics. My suggestion would probably be stylized quotes or something similar. Though the intro is nicely written overall, its disorganization eventually led to me losing interest (don't take it personally, I've got a short attention span in the first place) and the fact that it's based off of a video game causes it to lose a little of its shine. However, I like how you described each area in the intro. The roleplay seems to be steadily active, and that indicates that you are doing something right, so I applaud you for that. The posts have a nice structure and depth, though they are a bit long (well, longer than the average roleplay tab post). The characters seem to have nice depth, but they are a bit lacking in some areas. Nonetheless, this can easily be fixed with some character development. But besides this, your roleplay seems to have a nice deal of potential! Keep working on it a little, and maybe clean up and tweak the first post and you'll have a great roleplay in no time!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 15 authors

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#, as written by Catbus
5:00 - Return to the Shadows

Heat laid in bed, wide awake since getting back from the mission. After saying goodnight to Seth and bringing the kid back to her room, Heat figured he'd catch some z's. Evidently, that was not the case. The boy tossed and turned until he was eventually in an upright sitting position on his bed. Clad in his white t-shirt and Batman boxers, one of many superhero undergarments he wore to bed, he looked around his room. To say it was messy was an understatement. The shelves were lined with VCRs and DVDs of Power Rangers, Gatchaman, you name it. Over to the corner laid his violin, with sheet music in one unorganized pile....ugh, it'd been a few days since he played, he should get on that. He was pretty content with his room, right down to his bed, which hadn't been made since the first day he moved in.

How long had it been now? It seemed like forever that Heat had enlisted his services, being told what to do. Sure, he had his doubts if what they did was right sometimes, but as he always said, the ends justified the means. Besides, its not like he had anywhere to go. If something happened to the organization, Seth always had his family's money to fall back on. Heat had nothing. No money, no education, just this life in the Shadows. The shadows sucked. The shadows were where he was forced to hide all his life, doing his deeds in secrecy. He'd never be the hero, loved by all, cheered by many. He'd always be slinking in the background, people questioning the existence of the vigilante.

Heat sighed. Fuck this, he wasn't getting any sleep tonight; which seemed to be a trend whenever he returned from missions. There was only one thing to do at this time. Dressing up warmly, Heat silently walked to the elevator, keys now twirling around his finger (if you hadn't realized, this was a fixation of Heat's). He rode down the elevator until he got to his desired floor, walking up to his baby. His beautiful, beautiful motorbike. Within the minute Heat was already cruising fast down a laneway. The big boss man didn't like Heat exploring too deep into the Shadow world, apparently there were 'too many dangers'. That's not to say he wasn't compassionate for Heat's love of biking; The boss cleared a few roads for Heat to weave through now and again, which was nice. To Heat, the motorcycle was the ultimate superhero transportation, so much cooler than a car or something like that. His baby was a beautiful gray to match Personaman, with sexy steely blue highlights running throughout. When he was on this baby, nothing else mattered.

After a few good hours of riding around the streets, Heat drove back and parked his motorbike. He could feel the lack of sleep kicking in, but he knew he wouldn't be able to get some proper rest until tonight. He'd think of something else in the meantime.

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((OOC: Italics mean Daniel/Desmonds thoughts. Not what he says.))

"The hell does Chico mean anyway?" Daniel thought. "Whatever. Blind kid is now Jordan. Eye-patch girl is now Kari. Must remember that."

"Leaving Kari with Zeral by process of elimination,” Ionia had finished pointing out who had which Persona and had accurately paired Daniel with Priapus, much to his surprise. “How’d I do?”

"You got mine correct, I do believe," he replied with smirk. The names were unfamiliar to him, though they all seemed to be mythological creatures or characters. Priapus certainly was. If there was an evil that needed to be fought, of course, their Personae would have supernatural powers at their disposal and this left Daniel to ponder on what had been bestowed on them. He couldn't guess what powers he had. Would he have control over fire or be able to shoot lasers? Priapus was the god of fertility. Power over nature? All appealed to Daniel. "You don't happen to know what our Personae can do, Ionia?"


10:00 AM, Shadow Eos HQ

The one thing Desmond disliked his above-average job as a business man, was how difficult it was to juggle the work with going on missions for The Boss. He was always searching eagerly for periods of rest from work, only to have The Boss take the oppurtunity to send him out on dangerous assignments. As one of the more experienced members of the little "Persona Users" group that dwelled inside the Eos Skyscraper, he often got the toughest tasks. It was also worth mentioning that going to work at the Eos Skyscraper then sleeping in it's shadow version was somewhat creepy.

He had come back from overseas, with surprisingly enough, no jetlag. Unfortunately, overseas more working rather than vacationing. Of course, making up for this, he flew 1st Class most of the time, he got to see some astonishing sights and the salary for working in a high position with the world famous Eos was very high. When he did have a chance to relax, he relaxed in style and luxury.

It just so happened that today was one of those golden days off, but he had decided to spend some quality time with the group inside the skyscraper. Get to know his team better, especially the newer recruits. He checked his shoes. No aglets, just the way Ivy like them. Her crazy conspiracy theories and all that. She was one of the more... interesting members of the The Boss's group. From what he knew, everyone in the group was a little messed up in the head, but Ivy... she was eccentric, in a good way. That somehow made her a more fun to be with.

Seth, Izay and Heat, he hadn't known them for too long. It would be good to socialise with them and get on good terms. It would necessary for when he would eventually take down The Boss.

One thing about flying, even in 1st Class, the food was disappointing microwaved shit. Entertainment, comfort and service was brilliant, but the food... Just poor, not good at all. Just average. He would have to remind himself never to fly on this airline again. So it was for this reason, that utterly ravenous, Desmond made his way to the elevator, to get to the cafeteria where a decent breakfast might await him and his stomach.

He wasn't surprised to see Ivy and Seth already here with Ivy going on about aglets and the DPS.

The setting changes from The Floating City Olympus to Shadow Olympus


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#, as written by Iandak
Shadow Eos Building -Cafeteria : 10:00am

"You probably shouldn't eat so fast" Bernard said, sitting across the table from Seth as he devoured his breakfast.

"You worry a lot, you know that Bernard?" Seth got in before stuffing a piece of bacon into his mouth

"I can't help it, since we've been here your missions have gotten more and dangerous. This isn't like Boston, we don't have the family to fall back on for support."

The bear was right: since Seth had joined the organization he had to minimize contact with the Boston family. Uncle Charlie wasn't thrilled at the idea of not knowing where Seth was and what he was doing. The only day Seth could call Charlie would be on the anniversary of his father's death.
"Seth!" A voice shouted from behind him.

Seth almost choked on his food due to surprise , he had been lost in thought and didn't notice Ivy come into the cafeteria. As he turned to face her, she quickly pointed at his shoes.

“You left your aglets on your shoes again. What if the DPS was tracking you on satellite?”

Oh, god; not this DPS crap again, Seth thought to himself. Ivy was pretty nice to Seth, but the amount of DPS stuff that came out of her mouth was almost enough to drive someone insane.

"Yea, sorry about that, thanks for reminding me Ivy" Seth decided to play along with Ivy, he hated having friction between teammates. So he bent down and started peeling the aglets off his shoe laces.

"How did your assignment go?"
Finishing peeling the aglets off he walked over to the garbage and tossing them in. As he turned back to face Ivy, Seth noticed Desmond entering the cafeteria in the corner of his eye. Seth had barely talked with the guy in the couple years he been with the organization. Desmond was always off doing something big for Eos or the boss so it was a rare sight to see him this early in the morning. Seth raised his hand and waved to Desmond.

The setting changes from Shadow Olympus to The Floating City Olympus

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Late Night - Eos Corp Skyscraper [Olympus]

The boy stirred from his bed, gathering the giant mass that was his king sized comforter over his body, he made way for the door on the opposite end of his room. Violet eyes riddled with red veins, and puffy bags underneath, it was obvious he was working on a less than adequate amount of rest. He wasn’t sure where he was going, he just needed to get out of his room. The giant space felt like an empty warehouse, which caused his already frantic thoughts to bounce about without any containment.

The moment he pushed his door open, he had yet another vision…this one though, felt much more real than the rest.

The color around him faded, giving way to a monochrome world. The once regal halls of his home in the sky were replaced with a plain tan wallpaper with chestnut borders, while the marble tile was swapped with puke green carpets. No more chandeliers either, those were now tiny lamps mounted evenly on the walls.

“Wha…” Taro’s eyes widened. The covers he previously clutched to his body dropped to his feet, he needed his hands to cover his mouth up. There were several other wooden doors spaced down the long hall, each of them with gold plates situated in the middle of them, the one across from him read ‘Akihiko’. Curiosity told the young heir to turn around to see what the hallucination (though he was increasingly gaining doubt that this was just another one of his visions) had done to his own room.

“Mi…nato?” The boy with the black and white stripped hair grimaced and shook his head. “This is just another weird vision…just another visi-“

“Sup dude, you’re late for the meeting man!” Taro felt a hand on his shoulder. Shaking, he slowly pivoted to see just who it was—a tall boy dressed in a black uniform. He was tanned of skin, with a goatee. He flashed the boy a cocky grin and adjusted the baseball cap atop his head, “Come on, Mitsuru-Senpai will have our asses if we’re late.” The kid sighed deeply.

“Ah…uhm…” Taro fidgeted, was this guy talking to him?

“Yo…earth to Minato…you alright man? Didja hear me? Senpai’ll be p-iss-ed!” Goatee waved his hand in front of Taro’s face, trying to make sense of the kid’s space cadet manner.

“I’m not—“

Everything went white.

Ida High – Lunch

Daniel talked some smack about Xavier’s taste in games, before going on to introduce himself, which brought a smirk to the senior’s face. “Tch, a classic’s a classic. Just like we’ll be reading Shakespeare till the end of time, there’ll always be someone out there who digs up a Gameboy Color and plays Pokemon Blue. ‘Sides…Final Fantasy’s gotten too…shiny for my taste.” He nodded firmly. It was Saiya’s turn to introduce after both Dan and Mizz Amakusa went. While Kari and Dan seemed warmed up to their ‘destiny’ enough, Saiya was less than convinced that this was the way to go.

"I know that we are just kids but I don't think we should take it doesn't really sound epic or awesome to me...but since I'm involved I'm helping. I'm sure you all know how I feel from last night in the Velvet Room."

“Come on Saiya, haven’t you ever played a game or watched a movie? The Chosen Ones always win. Simple as that. The road to victory is just a formality.” There was a fire in his brown eyes as he spoke those words. The hulking student pumped his fist, adding even more to his fiery confidence. Perhaps it was a bit too naïve to take this so lightly, perhaps it was foolish to undertake such an endeavor as if it was some vocabulary test. But the way Xavier saw it, what good would it do if they all just sat there shaking in their boots about it all? “We can’t afford to get cold feet now. You heard what dreads said back there.” The Persona-User crossed his arms and faced Saiya with a concerned look on his visage.

Next up, was the blind kid. Xavier watched closely as he placed his card on the ground, what did Atlas call it? His Arcana?

" Jordan Hex," he started and tapped the card. " 'On its most basic level, it implies war, a struggle, and an eventual, hard-won victory; either over enemies, obstacles, nature, the beasts inside you, or to just get what you want' .... That about some me up. I am of course blind but I practice to the art of the sword and the way of the sword."

Jordan, as he called himself, flashed his cane their way. What he showed them next though caused Xavier’s jaw to drop to the base of the table.

“Wha-wha, you can’t have a s-w-o-r-d here! You could put an eye out!”

“The hell you have a sword here for? They have a zero tolerance policy, you’ll be expelled! Sheathe it! Sheathe it!”

It looked like both Xavier and Ionia didn’t do well with swords at the dinner table. Jordan quickly placed the weapon back inside his cane, going on to call this little situation of theirs a ‘war’. …He would certainly be an interesting character…

"I would like to start looking for the girl as soon as possible, I don't know much about the details, since I don't watch the tv but if someone could fill me after this little meeting I would like start getting my hands dirty." Jordan spoke again.

“No arguments there. It’s kind of hard to just…dig in though. They’ve got the Naoto Shirogane working on the case, and she hasn’t made any headway. And we can’t really just waltz into Eos and ask questions ourselves…” Xavier was drawing a blank.

The photographer was up next, as she regained her composure from the scare just moments ago, she relayed her name, and Persona. Huh. Clio. Certainly sounds like a lot warmer personality than Old Man Atlas did.

“Chronopsis and Jordan, Xavier and Atlas, And I guess this makes Chico Priapus.” She paused to give way for a chuckle, “Leaving Kari with Zeral by process of elimination. How’d I do?” Well, she got his right enough. He tilted his head to the side, scratching at his side burn. Thinking about the Old Man with the boom box also made him remember his ‘Other’. More specifically, it made him remember that damn uniform.

Dan also agreed with Ionia’s Persona interpretations. Smirking proudly.

“Yep, mine too. Atlas was…quite the character. Though…I don’t think he’s quite as interesting as a hydra.” Xavier referred to Jordan’s Persona—Hyrda’s were huge, Atlas was tall, but no taller than you’re tallest ball player. He scratched again at his left sideburn, vividly recalling the way in which the two of them met. Dan asked if Ionia knew what they’re Personae could actually do, and it made sense, she seemed like she knew what she was talking about.

Him…were they like nukes? Could they just say the word…think of a place…and the Persona would blow up the target? Or did they empower them and grant them specifically power? No, what if he could break a boulder with his bare hands now? Atlas was supposed to be the titan who held up the world right? So that would make him strong, very, very strong.

“Hrmm…” He knitted his brows, “…Maybe…we say a magic word…a viola. We’re flying and shooting out fireballs.” Xavier smirked. “…Something like…’Hail Mask!’ or…’Persona…Now!’.” Nope, no rush of amazing power here. The senior sighed.

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Jordan's face showed slight surprise by how everyone reacted to his hidden sword. It was almost amusing except for the fact that they were supposed to be his comrades and the seemed so skittish. It almost gave him a headache.

"You all keep talking about a tower. Isn't there a skyscraper or something like that in Olympus? Some really tall building. Something that outstretches all otehr buildings. I'm quite simple minded but why look for something we can't see while we have something similar here." Jordan wondered if he had said that right. Gawd I hate talking, he thought.

"As to some command word for calling our personas or using some gift of theirs, if you find out let me know. I'll of course do the same," he said in a borish way , that might have come across as if he might not, depending on his mood. The thought of Chronopsis coiled through his mind and the battlefield seemed so much more comfortable than having to talk with a bunch of strangers, especially girls with pleasant scents. Jordan mentally slapped himself, so pathetic.

"Is there anything anyone can tell me? That detective may be great but she is only doing her job. We are following our destinies right?" the word destiny sounded rediculous but he slipped out on its own. "I figure if we all follow our guts we will find the girl in no time, no?" he stated.

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#, as written by Catbus
Shadow EOS- 10:00

Heat parked his baby back in the garage, a routine that was all too common for him. He figured she could probably use a tune up later on in the day, but for now, he was hungry. Besides, Seth was probably in the caf. Over the years the two of them had pretty much synched up their schedules, usually having their meals at the same time.....when they felt like it. Despite being friends, the two always had always had some friction between them. Seth was soft spoken and sincere..... and a bit of a puss at times. Heat wasn't any of those things. Especially not a puss. They clashed at times, but Heat still saw him as his best friend here, next to Personaman. At least Heat got along with him better than.....


As Heat walked into the cafeteria, he saw the two people he was just thinking about, Desmond and Ivy. Heat quickly looked down at his feet, noticing Ivy's handywork on his shoes. Waste of shoes, if you asked him. Ivy was hot, mind you, Heat had a thing for 'sane' chicks. As for Desmond, he was just some pompous jerk in Heat's eyes, thinkin he was so much better than those that had been working for the boss less than he had. Heat almost blurted out in laughter once he realized the two of them were pretty much the equivalent of Heat and Seth. But which one was Heat supposed to be....?

It was too late now, he had been seen. Sighing, he grabbed his food and sat down next to Seth.
"Well, looks like most of the group's all gathered here today." Heat said, ripping into his bagel before inhaling deeply, dropping his food.
"Damnit, Seth, buddy, you reek. C'mon, guy." Heat said in mild disgust over Seth. He must have forgotten to shower after working out again. No one else might not have mentioned it, but Heat wasn't gonna hold his tongue.

After all, Seth and Heat were friends.

The setting changes from The Floating City Olympus to Ida High


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#, as written by VoidSun
Kari look at the people around her learning the names of each person so she wouldn´t forget them later. To help the process she was adding a little tag of her own in them. Daniel... a big mouth, he lacked something and Kari hoped that something wasn´t something related to the real thing. Saiya... the voice of the conscience, well at least she wasn´t a battle freak instead she would pull the break of the group when necessary. Jordan... A battle freak, his way of talking said it all. Ionia... An Intel gathering girl the group as long as she didn´t relate all with logic all would be good... Xavier... Xavier was hard to tag he was clearly a hero wannabe following the "right" ideals, however Kari wanted to see him in a battleground were there was no "good" or "bad" side, just for the fun or watching him struggle with himself when the time to decide came. Her interpretations could be wrong of course... After all she was basing on what she was seeing, although the reaction of Xavier and Ionia watching Jordan´s sword was a little disappointing heck they were deciding to fight and a little sword was scaring them?

The conversation turn around to the Persona and Kari lowered her eye to the table remembering Zeral, she remembered the size of the dragon as Xavier started rambling on what the Persona would be able to do, the winged beast was huge...probably it would do a lot of damage to anything, but Kari doubt a little since the dragon kept saying the word Intelligence before, maybe brute strength wasn´t it´s forte.

“Hrmm… Maybe…we say a magic word…a viola. We’re flying and shooting out fireballs… Something like…’Hail Mask!’ or…’Persona…Now!’.”

Kari raised her eyebrow wondering what the hell was thinking Xavier trying to call Atlas in the middle of the school? What if he succeed?

"You all keep talking about a tower. Isn't there a skyscraper or something like that in Olympus? Some really tall building. Something that outstretches all other buildings. I'm quite simple minded but why look for something we can't see while we have something similar here...
As to some command word for calling our personas or using some gift of theirs, if you find out let me know. I'll of course do the same...
Is there anything anyone can tell me? That detective may be great but she is only doing her job. We are following our destinies right? I figure if we all follow our guts we will find the girl in no time, no?"

Someone needed to thank Jordan for changing the theme before Xavier wanted to try something more "harsh" to summon his Persona. Kari decided to answer Jordan thanking a Zeral in her mind for giving her a stoic tone of voice instead of sounding lifeless.

"The Eos Corp Tower, you know the place where the creators of Olympus city reside, the ones that made the city the testament to modern technology... maybe you heard something like that somewhere as it´s practically their slogan, if not the thing is in the Central District... And I think calling the Persona here is a bad idea... things exploding sounds good, but you know innocent people and all of that is here... and this will take a lot of time following guts or not, after all Dimitri is depending in a group of students no adults..."

Shadow EOS

Sette sighed as she approached the huge tower, once more her mission was a complete failure. For now all she was doing was walking around the Shadow Olympus watching at it´s inhabitants if she spot one with full consciousness her job was to run to Olympus looking for the "counter person" of the shadow and wait to see if it would be a threat as a Persona user or not. Of course saying it was easier than doing it, both cities where huge and she usually had time limit as the boss wanted immediate answers. Another no no in the list... well at least she could what she wanted in the tower as long as she were bare feet in it as Ivy had something against anglets, an easy job since she grew up following Japanese traditions. After leaving the boots near the entrance Sette walk to the cafeteria thinking on eating something when she realized the group had the same idea and were all reuniting there. "Great another meeting..."

((For the Sette´s sake no one knows she is called Izay. Only Desmond, the "Big Boss" and probably Ivy and only if she cares about it, for the group she is "Sette"))

The setting changes from Ida High to The Floating City Olympus

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#, as written by Dziva
Saiya decided she liked Kari. She had been simply listening for a while to all the names when the subject turned to summoning personas and then she got really confused and lost. She wasn't even sure how to summon Kimiko and she would never do so here. When Jordan changed the subject to the tower she felt somewhat inadequate as she didn't know Olympus well at all. But then Kari filled everyone in on where the tower was and she blinked.

"My dad works for them. Well, a subdivision of them. They really have the tallest tower here? Also I have to agree with Kari on the no summoning Personas here. It could put lots of people in danger like she says and think of the public fallout. A group of teenagers summoned a 'monster' in a school. Chances are we'll be thrown into some lab and vanish - if you want to be paranoid about it - or we will be thrown into jail, or even killed. How will we save her then?"

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Daniel raised an eyebrow at Saiya's statement. Her dad worked for Eos? Would her dad, depending on what kind of job he had, have ever met his dad? He was surprised she had never mentioned anything about her father's occupation, although Daniel remembered saying what his dad did for a living. He had heard of the giant tower that belonged to Eos Corp, but he couldn't say he had ever been near it. If he had seen it, he certainly didn't remember any details. He imagined it as being very hi-tech, a behemoth of glass and metal, fountains at the entrance. Being a tall building, it sounded like a nice place to go BASE jumping off, not that Daniel would ever try that. Leaping off skyscrapers had too many oppurtunities to be reduced to thick paste, after all.

He decided to keep quiet about his dad's work, for no reason in particular. Another thing Saiya had said, accidentally summoning their Personae in the middle of the school. That did indeed sound like "being-locked away by mad scientists" material. Daniel was more afraid of hurting someone, especially due to lack of control over power. There was something else too...

"Who do we need to save? Just wondering," he expected blank stares and sighs. He had clearly missed something important either from the dream, or from the current conversation. He had a hunch about who they were referring to. Who had been the centre of media attention recently? What kind of case needed the renowned Naoto Shirogane on it? "You aren't talking about Tsuki are you, guys?"


10:00 AM Shadow Eos Tower Cafeteria

Seth's wave didn't go unnoticed to Desmond, and the Eos businessman gave a small grin in return. He took note of Seth's plate. It might've helped him decide on what to eat. Ivy was here, spouting conspiracy theories. Was she here to get breakfast? It was a rare sight to behold, though Desmond was usually away, being the only working member of the group as far as he knew. Who knew, maybe Ivy just liked breakfast when Desmond was away. Heat was here too, having just entered the cafe. The super hero wannebe made a comment about about Seth's body odour, before sitting down next to his friend. Desmond made a mental note to NOT sit too near to Seth. It was like some sort of meeting. All they would need now was a certain blonde 16 year old and it would be a gathering, minus the Boss of course.

Desmond's plate consisted of bacon, baked beans and toast with butter, with just the right amount of brown on the toast. He didn't like eggs, in any form what so ever, so of course, they weren't on his plate. He walked over to where, Heat and Seth were eating and chatting. He sat himself down opposite of Heat and almost immediately dug into the food, but not before "Hey". He felt a little awkward, being a man of 28, eating with kids who were probably 10 years younger than him.

It just so happened that Izay chose to enter, with no shoes on too. That was a little too much, since according to Ivy, you only needed to take off the aglets to avoid being tracked or something. The others didn't actually know about Izay's name. They all called her "Sette" and she seemed to like it better that way. He made no remarks about that and respected her secret, though he really didn't care why she hid her true name. It was something he had found out when she had first been recruited.

Desmond, at this moment really struggled to eat with manners. As he popped a piece of bacon in his mouth, he found himself chewing faster than usual and swallowing prematurely, in desperation to get the salty meat down into his digestive system.

The setting changes from The Floating City Olympus to Shadow Olympus


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#, as written by Iandak
Shadow Eos Building -Cafeteria : 10:05am

"Damnit, Seth, buddy, you reek. C'mon, guy." Seth didn't expect that almost the whole team was going to be eating right now so he wanted food before his shower.

"This coming from the guy who refused to shower so you wait in line for three days for some stupid movie" He quickly replied back before putting a piece of toast into his mouth. Seth and Heat had their differences and arguments , but the truth was Heat was the closest thing Seth had ever had to a "real" friend. Back home in Boston, most people he knew were working for Charlie and sooner or later they would be working for him so a-lot of sucking up happened. However, Heat wasn't afraid to speak his mind to Seth and though it mostly annoyed him, he had to respect the guy.

Desmond had finished grabbing his breakfast and sat down across from Heat and next to Bernard. He quickly sat down and started eating his meal but not before quickly saying "Hey." Seth looked towards him and said "Good morning." It was around then he had noticed Sette walk in. She had taken her shoes off again when entering the cafeteria. It was quite an odd way of getting around Ivy's obsession, but it was effective none the less.

"Wow, everyone is here today" Bernard said sitting across the table from Seth. He quickly nodded, then did a quick glance around the table while everyone ate in silence, saw that the table was full. He decided that Bernard could just sit with him, in order to give Sette some room if she wanted to eat with them. Seth quickly got up walked around the table and grabbed his bear. Sitting back down he called "Hey Sette, there's room over here if you want to join us."

The setting changes from Shadow Olympus to Recreation District

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#, as written by dabeer

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#, as written by Catbus
OOC: Screw it, Catbus Iandak doublepost comin atcha. BACK STORY TO THE MAX.

The group sat together, eating quietly, only the sound of chewing, or a slurp here or there from Heat could be heard. After what seemed like an eternity, Heat got up and stretched.
“Well, gang, I’d love to stay and sit in silence, but you’re all boring the hell outta me. See ya later.” Heat said, seeming unamused by the boring events. He knew the crew wouldn’t take too much offense to his comment, they know that’s just how he is. And if they DID take offense.... well screw them.

“Yo, Seth, you coming?” Heat shouted as he continued to walk, not bothering to see if Seth was following. Seth quickly gathered his bowl and plates, along with the ones Heat left behind (How rude >:C) and put them away, before waving bye to the rest of the crew.
“Later guys,” Seth said, smiling kindly.

Shadow Olympus 10:30 - Seth's Room
After a surprisingly quiet breakfast Seth and Bernard headed straight back to Seth's room for a shower. Well technically it was an emergency chemical wash station set up in a closet, but the water was warm enough and that was all that mattered. Changing into a pair of cargo pants and wife-beater that he made himself, he headed over to the Recreation room to meet with Heat.
11:30 - Recreation Room ... re=related
Seth sat quietly as the opening for Gatchaman started. Glancing over at Heat (whose eyes were completely glued to the television), Seth couldn't help but feel that he didn't need to be here. Once Heat was focused on something it would take a nuclear explosion to get his attention back. "Well at least he's being quiet." Bernard said as he sat on the couch between Seth and Heat, taking up just as much room as either one of them.
"I never got the point of these things, why do you love this stuff so much?" Seth finally said during an action scene.
Heat was silent for a while, still caught up with the moves Ken the Eagle was pulling off. Still glued to the screen, Heat just shrugged. “I dunno. The good guys are able to show up in the nick of time to save people, loved by all.... and no one gets hurt. You know, just that sorta shit.”
Seth was actually taken back, that was a surprisingly deep answer coming from Henderson. This probably had something to do with his parents, he never talked about them. Mind you, Seth rarely talked about his parents either. Well, that was about to change.
"Hey, is it ok if I ask you a question?"
"What where your parents like?"
A dead silence fell over between the two, the faint sound of explosions and yelling in the background could be heart. Heat finally grabbed the remote and paused the video, glancing over at Seth. His eyes were filled with contempt.
"What the fuck kind of question is that?! Where is this shit coming from?" Heat said, jumping up from off the couch.
"Woah, sorry man, I was just curious."
"Yeah, well, there's some things you randomly don’t start asking people, man. Just fucking stick to talking to that stupid toy you carry around," Heat snapped, pointing to Bernard. " and another thing!-"
Before Heat could finish his sentence, he felt the intense force of Seth’s fist right in his face. Heat was knocked into the air before falling on the ground, looking up at the angry giant.
"Now listen closely, I'm only saying this one time,” Seth said through clenched teeth, “Nobody, an' I mean nobody ever talks about Bernard like that, got that through your thick skull Henderson?"
"You motherfucker....." Heat muttered, wiping a little bit of blood from his nose before he got up and jumped at his friend, tackling Seth over the couch.

The two fought for a good twenty minutes, fists flying, legs flailing. The rec room had become messy, with objects thrown off the tables and chairs flipped over. The two were both bruised and scraped, blood dripping from their noses or cut lips. Both boys were absolutely exhausted, simultaneously falling over as the each tried to flail a punch at their opponent. The two laid there on the ground, flat on their backs, staring at the ceiling quietly.

"He was a policeman" Heat said breaking the silence. "my dad, He was one of the greatest officers at Scotland yard. I wanted to be just like him, puttin’ away the bad guys and keepin’ the people safe. Mom just stayed at home, but she was a good mom, y’know?"
"Heh, is that so?" Seth chuckled between pants.
"Yeah. What about you?"
"My Mum, She was a seamstress that's how she and my pa met, he was just...... a business man" Seth said, covering up his father's true profession, sure that it'd cause a rift in the justice-driven Heat.
"That explains all the sewing, huh?”
"I guess, I never really got to meet her," Seth said quietly reaching for his locket "she passed away right after I was born, the only thing I have to remember her by is Bernard, she made him from scratch for me." He opened his locket to look at a picture of his parents. It was a photo taken on their wedding day.

The two laid in silence. Heat was finally understanding Bernard’s importance to Seth, and Seth was starting to understand Heat’s obsession with superheroes. After a few minutes of silence, Heat was the first one to get back up.
“Come on, man. We gotta finish that episode.” Heat said, smiling as he extended his hand out to his friend.

Seth just smiled back as he grabbed his hand.


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Ramen Don

Ramen Don by RolePlayGateway

A little slice of the traditional in a city that's anything but.

Shadow Olympus

Shadow Olympus by RolePlayGateway

The manifestation of a city's inhabitant's dark emotions.

The Floating City Olympus

The Floating City Olympus by Astro_B0Y

The biggest city in the world, and it's a floating in the skies above. The modern day Mount. Olympus.

Industrial District

Industrial District by RolePlayGateway

The creative side of Olympus.

Recreation District

Recreation District by RolePlayGateway

This is where the magic happens, tons of fun to be had here. Arcades, food courts, concert halls, the whole nine yards.

Business District

Business District by RolePlayGateway

Where the corporate come to play.

Shopping District

Shopping District by RolePlayGateway

The second busiest location in Olympus. Come here and be on the cutting edge of fashion and tech.

Residential District

Residential District by RolePlayGateway

Here, you'll find the homes of the locals, mostly apartments, but a few houses as well. This district also houses Olympus' educational facilities.

Ida High

Ida High by RolePlayGateway

The students that traverse these halls are destined to bring an impact to society. Home to the most cutting edge educational tech, and four floors of excellence.

Central District

Central District by RolePlayGateway

The center of Olympus, in more ways than one. This is also where the Eos Corp skyscraper lies.

The Sea of Everyone's Soul

The Sea of Everyone's Soul by RolePlayGateway

The realm of consciousness that lies between mind and matter, dream and reality.

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View All » Add Character » 32 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Xavier Wallace
Character Portrait: Saiya Sakishita
Character Portrait: Taro Murakami
Character Portrait: Daniel Gray
Character Portrait: Miki
Character Portrait: Juro Hasimoto
Character Portrait: Kari Amakusa
Character Portrait: Jordan Hex
Character Portrait: Ryan Loman
Character Portrait: Ionia Lambros
Character Portrait: Billy Chwachie
Character Portrait: Henderson "Heat" Faraday
Character Portrait: Tsuki Murakami
Character Portrait: Seth Collins
Character Portrait: Iesha ???Ivy??? Videlle
Character Portrait: Izay "Sette" Nanba
Character Portrait: Desmond Sudin
Character Portrait: Desmond Santos


Character Portrait: Ravana Ichiro
Ravana Ichiro

"I never give up, nev... *cough* *wheeze* *cough* damn Asthma."

Character Portrait: Jamie 'Jam' Dennahey
Jamie 'Jam' Dennahey

"I've got more than one kind of beat, y'know?"

Character Portrait: Alex Marlow
Alex Marlow

"Nah uh. You didn't say the magic word."

Character Portrait: Kazuma Uesugi
Kazuma Uesugi

You know, my heart is beating incredibly fast right now. You guys go on ahead. I'll just slow you down.

Character Portrait: Desmond Santos
Desmond Santos

"What kind of world do you wish for? I just want a better one."

Character Portrait: Desmond Sudin
Desmond Sudin

"What kind of world do you wish for? I just want a better one."

Character Portrait: Izay "Sette" Nanba
Izay "Sette" Nanba

"I could dodge that easily, you know... "

Character Portrait: Iesha ???Ivy??? Videlle
Iesha ???Ivy??? Videlle

We're all gonna die; should be obvious when and how don't really matter.

Character Portrait: Seth Collins
Seth Collins

"Do Bernard and I have to teach you a lesson?"

Character Portrait: Tsuki Murakami
Tsuki Murakami

"My mind is the pencil, the city the tablet. The only limit to my creation is my level of Inspiration. I like this place, why do you want me to leave?"


Character Portrait: Tsuki Murakami
Tsuki Murakami

"My mind is the pencil, the city the tablet. The only limit to my creation is my level of Inspiration. I like this place, why do you want me to leave?"

Character Portrait: Daniel Gray
Daniel Gray

A student moving from England to Olympus

Character Portrait: Izay "Sette" Nanba
Izay "Sette" Nanba

"I could dodge that easily, you know... "

Character Portrait: Desmond Sudin
Desmond Sudin

"What kind of world do you wish for? I just want a better one."

Character Portrait: Henderson "Heat" Faraday
Henderson "Heat" Faraday

".....Then I'll be this world's justice."

Character Portrait: Desmond Santos
Desmond Santos

"What kind of world do you wish for? I just want a better one."

Character Portrait: Alex Marlow
Alex Marlow

"Nah uh. You didn't say the magic word."

Character Portrait: Ravana Ichiro
Ravana Ichiro

"I never give up, nev... *cough* *wheeze* *cough* damn Asthma."

Character Portrait: Xavier Wallace
Xavier Wallace

*EDITS INSIDE!*"I wanna slay a dragon, rescue a princess or two. Gimme some action!"

Character Portrait: Iesha ???Ivy??? Videlle
Iesha ???Ivy??? Videlle

We're all gonna die; should be obvious when and how don't really matter.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kazuma Uesugi
Kazuma Uesugi

You know, my heart is beating incredibly fast right now. You guys go on ahead. I'll just slow you down.

Character Portrait: Juro Hasimoto
Juro Hasimoto

Life is too important to be taken seriously

Character Portrait: Jordan Hex
Jordan Hex

Why should I fear the shadows, when I was born and live in enternal darkness?

Character Portrait: Izay "Sette" Nanba
Izay "Sette" Nanba

"I could dodge that easily, you know... "

Character Portrait: Ryan Loman
Ryan Loman

The best things in life are free or at least if there's a price on something there's always the five finger discount

Character Portrait: Desmond Sudin
Desmond Sudin

"What kind of world do you wish for? I just want a better one."

Character Portrait: Kari Amakusa
Kari Amakusa

Life is not breathing but doing...

Character Portrait: Taro Murakami
Taro Murakami

"These images in my head...they're not mine!"

Character Portrait: Iesha ???Ivy??? Videlle
Iesha ???Ivy??? Videlle

We're all gonna die; should be obvious when and how don't really matter.

Character Portrait: Daniel Gray
Daniel Gray

A student moving from England to Olympus

View All » Places

The Velvet Room

The Velvet Room by RolePlayGateway

Yet another realm that lies between dream and reality.

Ramen Don

Ramen Don by RolePlayGateway

A little slice of the traditional in a city that's anything but.

Shadow Olympus

Shadow Olympus by RolePlayGateway

The manifestation of a city's inhabitant's dark emotions.

The Floating City Olympus

The Floating City Olympus by Astro_B0Y

The biggest city in the world, and it's a floating in the skies above. The modern day Mount. Olympus.

Industrial District

Industrial District by RolePlayGateway

The creative side of Olympus.

Recreation District

Recreation District by RolePlayGateway

This is where the magic happens, tons of fun to be had here. Arcades, food courts, concert halls, the whole nine yards.

Business District

Business District by RolePlayGateway

Where the corporate come to play.

Shopping District

Shopping District by RolePlayGateway

The second busiest location in Olympus. Come here and be on the cutting edge of fashion and tech.

Residential District

Residential District by RolePlayGateway

Here, you'll find the homes of the locals, mostly apartments, but a few houses as well. This district also houses Olympus' educational facilities.

Ida High

Ida High by RolePlayGateway

The students that traverse these halls are destined to bring an impact to society. Home to the most cutting edge educational tech, and four floors of excellence.

Central District

Central District by RolePlayGateway

The center of Olympus, in more ways than one. This is also where the Eos Corp skyscraper lies.

The Sea of Everyone's Soul

The Sea of Everyone's Soul by RolePlayGateway

The realm of consciousness that lies between mind and matter, dream and reality.

The Floating City Olympus

The biggest city in the world, and it's a floating in the skies above. The modern day Mount. Olympus.

Recreation District

This is where the magic happens, tons of fun to be had here. Arcades, food courts, concert halls, the whole nine yards.

Shadow Olympus

Shadow Olympus Owner: RolePlayGateway

The manifestation of a city's inhabitant's dark emotions.

Ida High

Residential District Ida High Owner: RolePlayGateway

The students that traverse these halls are destined to bring an impact to society. Home to the most cutting edge educational tech, and four floors of excellence.

Residential District

Here, you'll find the homes of the locals, mostly apartments, but a few houses as well. This district also houses Olympus' educational facilities.

The Velvet Room

Yet another realm that lies between dream and reality.

Central District

The center of Olympus, in more ways than one. This is also where the Eos Corp skyscraper lies.

The Sea of Everyone's Soul

The realm of consciousness that lies between mind and matter, dream and reality.

Ramen Don

Recreation District Ramen Don Owner: RolePlayGateway

A little slice of the traditional in a city that's anything but.

Business District

Where the corporate come to play.

Shopping District

The second busiest location in Olympus. Come here and be on the cutting edge of fashion and tech.

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Most recent OOC posts in Persona: Imagine

Re: Persona: Imagine

I'm conducting a search for Persona RPers for a new RP I'm making based off of the series. If any survivors from this RP's time still roaming, contact me as I'm seeing if there are enough fans around to work on the RP or not. Don't want a waste of time in creating it if no one joins haha.

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

OMG I am so sorry that I have been gone for so long. Everything was just piling up plus I had to have a cyst removed, my dogs kept getting sick and what little free time I had I used on P3P x.x *bows in apology*

If the rp is too far away from me for me to rejoin just let me know D:

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

waiting for school day to end. no point in posting before then.

We're all waiting on Astro to progress the plot.

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

I wholeheartedly agree. It seems at times that us wanna-be-involved people are more active then the ones actually in the RP. ^^;

I honestly do hope things pick up though. I'm still really eager to get involved in this.

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

Is it just me or has this been an unusually long period of inactivity?

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

Tanman - Holy heck! That's awesome, especially given the last few days have been a whirlwind of - eh, something - for me. Mostly stress, of the mental and work{finding}-related kind. But hey, nothing to fix those like an archive binge or three! ^^

Void - sorry to hear it. Random chance can be a real pain sometime - hope things are working out better for ya now. :/

Digs - yep, cannot wait to see what's in store!

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

Le Gasp! The site maintenance finishing means that the past pages can be traversed! (!!!!) I can finally understand what in the world has happned thus far, get all the inside jokes, and get a better feel for how this thing is running. Huzzah for things being fixed!

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

Yay for crashed pcs! No seriously this wasn´t supposed to happen. how in the hell the video card was burn if I have converters and others things to avoid precisely that? Will never know.... still finally I´m back (after what almost a month?) so... I see that IC has been calm (too much) what happened? XD

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

Like the others, I agree that it sounds good to me. I'll try to stay posted on this as best as I can in between things, and stay updated on the happenings, so I know when to hop in. Looking forward to getting to have a go at this whole thing, and seeing how the specifics of this upcoming plot point go.

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

Honestly, I've never felt particularly good about classes, especially government classes. >_> It always seems to me that very rarely do schools encourage learning; more they encourage data repetition (which *can* be very useful, but it depends entirely on the course, the individual, etcetera). Anyway, don't let it getcha down! There's no nation so great as procrasti-nation! xD

Fable III sounds intense, amazing, time-stealing, soul-stealing - and something I'll have to put aside for now due to real life and monetary obligations, but... I just can't wait to be king. Bwehehehe! More than that though- sounds like we've got an excellent RP-trigger that I'll go and take a look at. Er, when it's done. If it is already, my bad- as it is, I'm having trouble accessing any of the various tabs still. Maybe it's my comp... Anyway, looking forward to reading it - anything that concludes an 'arc' is good with me. Especially when related to anime. ^^

Don't worry about posting and things - as I'm fond of saying, real life and obligations first, and if characters are busy, they're busy. Anyway, like Tanman, excited to see what unfolds - and also excited to throw together some broccoli, in sunflower oil with peanut sauce. Because it's going to be delicious!

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

Sounds good to me, mainly because I end up getting into things that much faster; so most anything would sound good to me. Heh.

Out of curiosity, though; will said new Persona users be having a similar dream sequence on that night that causes the trigger of their Persona? Or is there going to be some entirely new method just for them?

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

Sweetness. Yeah, that 404 is crucial. And as for hell week, I actually feel like every other week in my junior year has been a hell week -_-'.

My government class is really weird...we don't learn anything. He gives us a big list of projects. We pick how many we want to do based on our grade...and we go. It's really weird XD And sucks is you me *shrug*.

Ugggh Fable is EPIC. If you've played the first two this one's choices are like...20x more intense. Especially once you become the king (don't worry, this isn't a spoiler, they tell you you're going to be king right when you start up XP). I actually had to put the game down for a few days because I got upset with all the crap they were throwing at me...

And my ending was...pretty f'd up. But that's what new records are for!

On an RP related note. I finally figured out a good way to introduce all the new guys into the story. Starting after tomorrow night's events (in RP) a kind of 'trigger' will go off in Olympus. Basically causing things to go, as you guessed it, haywire and give way to our 'random encounter' enemies the Inspiration. My explanation on what it is is really long and drawn out, and I'd rather leave it to Demetri to explain in due time...

Anyways, that same trigger that gives way to the Inspiration also starts to stir up things in people. Brings up buried emotions and thoughts, causing more Professor Volts (the teacher that Shadow 'mind corrupted') to pop up, and also maybe even causes some stronger things to stir within other people with 'The Potential'.

The Boss, and Demetri, being the extremely perceptive fellows they are. take notice of this, and it becomes are race to gather up new Persona-Users.

If this were an anime, this would be like our first 'arc'. Heh, just had to throw that in there.

Sounds good to you guys?

BTW, I hope you all aren't waiting for me to do a post to start moving again. Because Tsuki's in isolation (meditation on orders from The Boss), I want to wait to continue Taro's little sequence, and I'd rather let someone else answer Dan's question aside from Xavier, he's talked enough -_o. The girl they're supposed to find is Tuski...if that was a source of confusion.

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

No problem - i've been trying to post for awhile now, and only now seem to be able to get past the dreaded 404's of doom, ehehe! Anyway, my major empathy for hell week - it seems like it's juts one of those things. Halloween was awesome, and I hope everyone had fun there - but i'm fairly exhausted. The good news though is once we're past november eleventh, my full and undivided attention should be able to be focused this way!

Good luck on work and all that, and I love rambling about government/politics if you need to bounce ideas off someone. See you around!
(Pssst - Fable 3, how is it? I have yet to hear almost anything about it!)

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

Hey guys, sorry I've been ghost this past week. It's the last week of the quarter which equals hell week, especially for me, who decided to procrastinate and not do ANY of his government projects undone till last Wednesday. Didn't help that I got Fable 3 this week either...which is awesome...just not awesome for my grades.

Anyways, enough of my whining.

We're having this Halloween shin-dig tonight so it's mass clean mode for the morning, but I'm gonna try and sneak on the computer every now and then throughout the day.

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

Normally I'm more active lol Glad you guys don't seem to mind xD

Although I must admit that I don't mind missing huge walls of text x.x I'm all fro a debate or large conversation but I have a feeling I would simply be confused by this particular one lol

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

S'awright, Dziva! Life happens, and the only reason I've been so busy is that... Well, walls o'text always interest me, and hopefully they haven't been too intimidating. xD Word salad!

Digs - Miu? If i weren't so tired right now, i'd be laughing so hard my cheeks hurt. That would've been something, for sure. Probably wiser to go with Perun, but that deserves to be post-it-noted away somewhere for future use in something.

No problem Void! i think the same problem is happening to me, too- do you log in, click a board, your message inbox, or pretty much anything except return to previous page, and then get booted out? anyway, glad to see you glad - and if it helps, keeping things in word is how i keep my mind from forgetting most things! ^^;

As an aside to turn the topic back to persona/oocishness, I was recently playing P2 (Eternal Punishment), and just thought I'd share some tunes. Sin and Punishment are two o' my favorite Persona games, and with the resources that on good effort I hear are out there, might i strongly suggest taking a gander? Always a good time!

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

Woah... Another impressive length conversation I wasn´t able to join (some part of me appreciate it since I lack some [a lot] knowledge )... SO! Once more the site is kicking me after changing pages or after a login in. Strange glitch is strange, so I will post after doing the whole thing in word... It seems we are getting more people interested good ,good *grins* the more the merrier.

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

It's not like you missed much more than lots of textwalls between Tanman, theloneliestmemory, and I. Plus, it seems everyone's have that sort trouble, so no worries.

In any case, I'm going to go ahead and take my conversation to PMs, as to not clog up this with too many words. Still, if I get more on the subject of characters and this roleplay, I'll post it here instead. Like the fact that I had before contemplated making Alex's persona Miu from Tales of the Abyss, but decided against it since I wanted him to have lightning, and I wanted to be a little more original. Still, the relationship between the two of them would've made for some hilarious commentary. Ah well. ^^;

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

Hey guys, sorry for postign slow and lame responses :/ Been busy. I guess I should at least check in with the OOC now and again lol

Re: [OOC] Persona: Imagine

Sorry for the slow response guys - I've been fighting my computer the better part of today. xD literally, the poor old thing is having it's last throes of life... well, i'm sure I can milk a few more years out of it, but we'll see how long I can ride this monstrosity of glue and duct tape down the rabbit hole!

Tanman - Bwahahah! I had meant super power of teamwork as in some sort of cheerful encouragement, but whatever floats yer boat! ^_- consistent profile's are awesome, and at times I'd love to work as a character designer or something like that. given how much stuff i generate and throw out, though - well, that might be a slight barrier to conductivity, haha! Also, interesting thoughts on the genesis of characters and their relation to the self. They are we, and we art thou...

No, do continue - I love random musing. Besides, my own interpretation is based on a few dead guys one of whom is kinda important to me; there's no right or wrong way to look at things, that's for certain!

Now, for the obligatory booklist: Man and His Symbols is a must, although finding it can be fun. I'd also heavily recommend Memories, Dreams, Reflections, and any of the Collected Works - especially those that deal with Archetypes and the Shadow Self. These are all by Jung, Carl Gustav. Oh, and Dreams is good too! What else... That'll whet the tastebuds a bit, but i'm gonna go through my library and see if i can't find any other psychology-related stuff that'd interest you. Also - my view on faith and religion is very unique and nuanced; you could say I feel that the inherent and random chance in every day makes me confident about life. =) I love literature about religion and myth though - even just as stories, to me it seems incredibly complex and riveting, probably the appeal some people have for reality tv, I have for musty old goddesses and gods and spirits. MIGHTY MAX, YEAH- that show was the bomb, haha. Also, that moment you described - with Jam and Durga mixing music? - a totally good down-time moment. I don't know if it works or not with the way the setting works in Imagine, but it's a great snapshot of Jam's character. ^^

Good point - currently, Astro is in a video production(!) right now though, and we're in the process of cleaning up character slots et all. It shouldn't be too long, and in the mean time, there's science! to be done! To finish a slew of thoughts and still have room remaining for section two - yeah, HOTD lost it for me when every other second turned into gravity-defying jiggle physics, Tammy's always been a favorite of mine - she's a real jerkass in mythology, pretty much being the stereotypical power behind the throne; I read about her when I was reading up on Shinto and Shingon Buddhism, and i felt it was amazing that she was a 'beautiful woman of no small intellect' who had no real motivation for being evil, besides the lulz. It always seemed there'd be more to it than that- so in my interpretation of things, she feels quite wronged by the whole ideal, and is more sharp-tongued than outright villanous, although she certainly has her moments. Like you'd said; she and Kaz are kind of opposites and in a very dualistic struggle, which hopefully'll mean she can snark about any move of his she disagrees with, his battle strategy, his taste in figurines... Whatever comes to her mind. For his part, Kaz can usually give as good as he gets, and I can't wait to see what i can throw together, hehe!

As for Kaz's shadow self? Sore wa himitsu desu!

Digs - Heh, thanks! In video games, I'm like creeping kudzu - nowhere in one moment, overgrown the next. Actually, I value the break down of details; one of my favorite sites (though alas, I am not trained/smart enough to *be* an engineer) is the excellent cooking for engineers which gives some truly awesome recipes broken down into the core components. Not only is it a huge help when organizing the cooking, but it's also quite nice to see the charts and know what you require for any given recipe. And I can't agree more with you about the measures taken for Matador, let alone Elizabeth!

Bizarelly enough, I actually love I Wanna Be the Guy and find it quite relaxing; if you take it as a given that you will die at any given time, the game becomes a charming homage to games past- but again, that's slow and lax me talking. It's also very hard! xD Glad to hear of another person that loves it though - by any chance would you also find this particular gem of fortress-y gaming enjoyable? And again - I cannot agree more. I Wanna Save the Kids is fun, but I'm waiting for the real sequel, heh. Honestly, games that are both difficult and charming, things that challenge the psyche and the soul - that's what I crave.

Thor is cool, and my Norwegian side of the family'd revoke my lutefisk privilieges for saying this - but Perun is crazy radical, possibly even badder-asser! Originally, Rod was the sort of Divine Father of most Slavic cultures (I say most, because Slavic paganism has a bazillion different branches - Czech paganism probably started off with Perun as the head honcho), and Perun was basically elevated to the position, because he was the strongest. That's all there is to it - he wrestles giants and kills bears with a single look. ^^; Although one of my jokes is that my family is 1/38th anything that moved, I've got a good percentage of east slav in me, and can speak russian decently, at least better than my horrible accented french. That was - Oh my Goddess! Don't mess with Perun! - and it's all right to have trouble with languages, imo. I've been trying for years and I still fail most o' the time, haha!

Maybe you can tell me about that Shadowrun game later; indeed these posts are ultra long, but my inbox is always open, guys! xD And I don't inted to clog the place up with my thoughts. It just... kinda happens, haha! Thanks for all the praise though - i tend to feel very self-confident and unsure of what I write, and it means a lot to hear that. And even more to hear that Kaz reminded you of that guy who covered wars, you know! Hopefully, a few characters'll share interests with him, which'll give a good wedge to take to his shell - and from there, it should be a nice downhill struggle. Which is good, because Kaz doesn't like biking up hill. ^^;

Thanks for the textwalls, guys! I hope i provided some laughs, thrills, ideas et all! now i am off to go partake of the delicious salmon, greens, and scallops over saffroned rice i have made. it is delicious and is now probably in need of a reheat, but posting is worth it!

and i really hope my computer doesn't eat my post this time, because unlike eating good food, eating posts is noooo good! {/sonic}