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Project Jabberwocky

Project Jabberwocky


When you find an unlicensed game and you get sucked in to the virtual world, how many secrets are there that you need to discover before you can return home?

1,578 readers have visited Project Jabberwocky since Monochrome created it.


Project Jabberwocky


Crazy as Hell
You live in your normal hometown, wherever in the world that is. The most popular thing nowadays is the Jabberwocky company that owns practically every possible game that's every existed or that ever will. And everyone is using them. Why wouldn't you? I mean, amazing graphics, actually involving you in the game, where you pay yourself and all the characters react to anything you say, and 3D options too. These games can induce fear, addiction, love, anything.

But there's a catch. You're probably thinking Bloody hell, there's always a friggin catch! Well, yes. There almost always is. So your hometown is the average place where the rich kids all have Jabberwocky game consoles at home, and the normal kids rush to the arcade after school before their parents tell them to get home before they get no dinner. So the world is crazy over these Jabberwocky games, and there is literally no one who hasn't played these.


Mad as a Hatter
So obviously, you've played these Jabberwocky games at least once, if not a million times. And one day, you find a console and a unlicensed game thrown into the bin, so you obviously take them home to check if they work. Guess what? The console works perfectly. You're a bit more reluctant to place the CD ROM inside the console, but you do so anyways by waving your hand in front of the eject button and you place it in. All you have to do now is say 'Play', and you're done.

And you did that. Haven't you seen any movies? So that's when it all went dark.


Impossibility in a Nutshell
You end up here when you wake up, with a group of half conscious people who made the exact same mistake as you. Great. And you have to learn to deal with them, because the key in your pockets all lead to the same apartment block. Maybe you're excited to escape the real world, maybe you want to go back, maybe you think you've gone insane.

I can assure this isn't a joke. A game, yes, but not a joke. Just remember: people here aren't real, but their emotions are. And maybe they can escape their world to become real. . .

Real Girl ~ Open
Real Girl ~ Open
Real Girl ~ Open

Real Boy ~ Reserved for Annaky
Real Boy ~ Open
Real Boy ~ Open

Virtual Girl ~ Open
Virtual Girl ~ Open
Virtual Boy ~ Open
Virtual Boy ~ Open

Character Sheet
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No killing other characters
Don't godmod. Everyone hates godmodding.
Have fun!
Reservations last 48 hours
Long posts will be required. Gary left the building with Mary, and started eating his sandwich. He then looked at the stars for an answer. is really not acceptable.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase
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0.00 INK

The boy blinked. Wha-what? Chase looked around; where the hell was this? The world, it wasn't his. He looked at the ground, seeing several other people splayed on the floor and sighed. What had happened again? Oh, right. He'd gone home the day before with a Jabberwocky game console, and then he'd. . . and then. . . He suddenly glared at the others there, slightly aggravated. Did I really end up in a group of morons? Chase growled quietly to himself, running his hand through his hair in exasperation. What had he done to deserve this? Was finding one on of the world's best games consoles in the trash really that bad?

Well, it was obviously way to good to be true. Now that he thought about it, he put in some sort of game, but was that really it. Or had he agreed to some sort of rules? No, he wasn't that stupid. He just did what you do with every Jabberwocky game; he said the word 'Play'. And then, well, it just went dark. Chase took out a cigarette, sort of leaning on the banister behind him. Was this a joke? Were they really in the middle of the sky? Some guy was fishing, and he tried to tell Chase to stop smoking, but he just received a death glare. The pink-haired boy sighed, putting out his cigarette by stepping on it slowly, trying to find some sort of bin. The truth was; he didn't actually smoke. He'd stopped a while ago. But somehow, there was a pack of them in his pocket, and he'd just gone back to old habits.

Fiddling with the pink tie strung round his neck, a wave of worry came over him. Chase searched his pockets frantically, and upon not finding his mobile, he sat down. There was a sour look on his face as he wondered how Ana would get on without him, without food or money income. Well, his pay was being sent through the mailbox, so maybe she'd be able to use that. But without him. . . she'd just eat fast food all day. Yeah, she'll be fine, and slightly overweight by the time I get back. A small sigh escaped his lips as he looked around. There was a lot of noise coming from above, and when he looked up, he saw, well, feet. They were just walking along the metal floor, not even noticing the amount of people strewn on the floor beneath them. Seriously, where the hell was this?

Chase saw some school girls, running past them. Most of them didn't seem phased, but one stopped to ask if they were alright. Chase sort of half-nodded, then he looked away. The girl stayed for a couple of seconds, before finally getting the message and running along. Sighing, he glanced at those around him in anger. Why did he have to get dropped off with a group of weirdos? Then again, the pink haired boy wasn't really one to talk on this matter, he was weird himself. God, he'd wish those people on the ground would just wake up already; sitting there was getting incredulously boring. Chase climbed up on the barrier, and sat there, finding something strange in his pocket.

A key. Great. I'm meant to live here. And what next? Tap my shoes and say 'There's no place like home'? Ridiculous. Chase thought sarcastically, looking straight down. Maybe this place wasn't so bad. Well, the view was amazing, and everywhere you looked, it wasn't overloaded with people like the place he'd lived in before. But it was the people that were there that unnerved the boy. No matter how many times he looked at them, they were just so. . . fake! Everyone was saying good morning to each other, some bakery a few streets down gave some girl free bread and everyone just seemed over happy.

What's actually going on? Chase thought, glaring around. The people, some of them seemed more realistic, like they knew what was happening in this world he'd been dumped in with a group of people he didn't even know, but the rest had this serene look on their faces. Was it really a game? Was he inside the game or something?

Did the people there know it was all just a game? Well, if not, it's their fault for being so damn oblivious then. Chase looked, some people seemed to just carry on with their lives, while some actually paid attention to what was going on around them. Even though he was annoyed, aggravated and most of all, pissed off, none of this showed on his face. He jump off the barrier and kicked one of the people lying down on the stomach lightly, not caring whether it was a boy or a girl. "Wake up." he said, a dark tone in his voice.

Ah, the man of few words. Chase sighed deeply, still searching for his cell phone, just to see if there was somewhere he hadn't checked. He checked under his beanie, in his gloves (though he didn't take them off, as always), in his hoodie, his single back pocket, he even checked his boots, but his efforts were all in vain. He pulled his beanie down in frustration, even though his facial expression had only changed slightly. Were some of the people talking? He could only hear those who were talking really animatedly. Was there a rule about being quiet? Then again, there wasn't as many people there, so maybe the general hustle of the city was. . . this? This thing that was so near to silence, it might as well be silence? Chase was mentally whacking himself. I had to put that one game in, didn't I? Probably one of the only faulty Jabberwocky games, and I had to put it in. Where is this? New Narnia? He sighed, looking around. It was then that he saw a sign hanging down from some building.

Welcome to Myst

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cade Hamilton
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0.00 INK

The world was dark. A sensation of spiraling out of control ebbed throughout his body. Then, absolute stillness. Someone, or something, was hitting him just below his rib cage. One time, then two times. The action was physical, he could feel it; it was right there. The sound of someone saying, "Wake up", felt distant and fuzzy though. It was as if he had slipped into some kind of trippy dream, and he couldn't open up his eyes just yet; but, slowly, some of his other senses began to return to him.

At first it was just bright. His eyebrows furrowed. "Ngh," he managed. He blinked, then tried opening his eyes again. This time he could see varied shapes of colored orbs coming into focus; each of the orbs turning into a different and more defined shape the more his eyes adjusted. He could see his hand out in front of him. Where was he? It certainly wasn't home, and whatever he was lying on definitely wasn't his bed - it was some kind of metal mesh.

Finally, somewhat coherent, Cade lifted the upper part of his body up, elbows against the metal flooring. Were they... floating? Okay, now he had to be dreaming. A very real dream at that. "This is some messed up dream...," he groggily said under his breath. The metal gently rattled, giving into his weight; his hands putting pressure down onto it as he climbed to his feet. He examined a bit of dirt on the front of his attire. "What did I eat before falling asleep?" he asked himself, wiping the dirt off using his hands. "Now that I think about it, I must have fallen asleep right as I was about to play that Jabberwocky game."

Once Cade looked up from his suit, he noticed a young man to the front of him looking up at the side of a building. Without saying anything, he simply followed the actions of the person before him and read the sign hanging from the structure. Welcome to, his thought processes stopped momentarily. "Myst?" he asked aloud, almost incredulous. Why does that sound familiar? It took but a fraction of a second to realize where he recognized it from. Wait, isn't that the world that the Jabberwocky game I found revolved around? No, no, there was no way he was in the game now.

"Hey!" he exclaimed at the guy. "Do you have any idea where this 'Myst' place is?"

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sweets
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0.00 INK

What was going on? She felt numb as if she was nothing before she felt like she hit solid ground with a harsh thud. Weak and almost unsure, she just laid there with her eyes closed as she heard shuffling of sorts. It might just be her parents around but the floor in her room was carpeted, not rough and dirty. "Wake up," were the first words she heard and it was a boy's. Definitely not her employees or family, where was she? She heard another guy's voice and something about Myst. This must be a dream, it just had to be.

Slowly, she sat up and rubbed her eyes. She tried to open her eyes but winced, the world was too bright. The world? Everything looked different, what was going on? When she got her eyesight back, she noticed two strangers, a few years older, and others laying on the floor. She was still in her uniform, her stupid preppy uniform with the knee-length skirt, and the surroundings looked familiar. It reminded her of some of her Jabberwocky games but no, she couldn't be in one. That wouldn't be insane, she was no schizophrenic.

She stood up, her legs were almost giving up on her but she'd manage. If this was a dream, she wouldn't be tired. But a dream shouldn't be this realistic, it was too graphic with too much detail like the game in her home. Why wasn't she home?

Too many questions made Alice a stupid girl.

She still wore her necklace with the small clock so she opened it to see the time. It worked but it was definitely longer than the last time she checked. Everything felt real, was this real?

"Do you have any idea where this 'Myst' place is?" the black-haired guy asked the pink-haired guy. Looking at that pink guy reminded her that it was a dream. No one she knew in reality would have such a stupid hair color. She hovered over to the boys and saw the sign. Myst?

"Home to a person who couldn't spell," Sweets smirked.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jacqueline Labelle
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0.00 INK

~ Jacqueline Labelle ~

”Wake up.” she heard someone’s voice first. . . .

Her vision blurred in and out, shadows ate away at the periphery of her vision as she began to slip out of her unconsciousness. A set of uncertain, clear amber eyes opened to the world, confusion dancing upon the features of their owner as her barely working brain attempted to piece together the last moments of awareness she had before succumbing to darkness. It didn’t quite work at first though, as she simply felt detached from her body, like her brain could tell it to move all it wanted, and it wouldn’t do squat. She felt strange, very strange . . . sort of like everything about her body was completely foreign. Putting it blatantly, the feeling wasn’t a very pleasant one.

Sighing softly to herself, Jacqli had this overwhelming urge to go ahead and shut her eyes again, and to fall back into the embrace of sleep, to write this off as a mere dream. It would be easiest to go and do that, wouldn’t it? Shutting her eyes, she remained still where she lay upon the cold ground, her face pressed against it. The coolness sort of felt nice. . . . The question of her whereabouts nagged at her, and the teenager opened her eyes partly, simply allowing herself to blankly stare ahead at the unfamiliar surroundings, a vacant expression upon her face. Think Jacqli, you know what happened to you before is in there, you just have to dig it up.

Taking in a deep breath, the girl forced her arms and legs to listen to her commands, and she forced herself up to her knees with a few groans of protest. Her joints were aching a bit it seemed; but from what? Remaining on her knees, Jacqli craned her head side to side and took in her surroundings with wide eyes and a shocked expression upon her face. This . . . definitely was not home. So then, where was it? Jacqli jolted suddenly, body tensing up as the happenings of before she had blacked out came back to her.

That’s right . . . she had been on her way home from school when she’d gone to throw a bottle of soda away, she’d found a random Jabberwocky game console in the garbage can. It looked brand new, and there was even a game in there with it. Having tried the games before at an arcade one of the few times she had a little extra money, Jacqli knew that getting a console for free was a once in a lifetime opportunity—a snowball had a better chance in Hell than she did of ever getting one of those things at retail price. So . . . how could she not have gone ahead and taken it with her? It wasn’t like she had a life or friends to worry about, and she had thought that maybe video games could fill those long, idle hours at home alone with her grandmother.

It was in the garbage, so there seemed like there was nothing wrong with taking it with her. Same for the game. She thought that maybe she was getting a bit of luck in her life, given everything she had been put through in her life previously . . . but it seems that might not have been the case looking at where she was now. Jacqli could remember, she’d gotten home, her grandmother was gone to the store, and she herself had gone upstairs to her room and hooked the console up, put the game in and did what she was suppose to do in order to get it running. She simply went ahead and said ‘Play,’ then her whole world just went black.

So, I passed out after starting that thing up . . . so, what does that mean in terms of my location? she thought, blinking questioningly as she looked around herself again. Was, was this the game or something? Okay sure, she didn’t exactly have a lot of experience with Jabberwocky games or anything, but even Jacqli felt like something was wrong . . . her whole body felt that way. Like it was adjusting to something she didn’t quite grasp at. The few times she tinkered around with the games at arcades, they had been nothing like this, nothing so . . . immersive? Was that the right word? Though impressive, they had been standard things, you sort of knew what to expect, not like this, not dropping you into a world so real, so very detailed.

Staring ahead, Jacqli raised one of her hands up and set it upon her face before promptly pinching one of her cheeks sharply, resulting in her squeaking and uttering a loud, “Ouch!” With a groan, she rubbed at the place where she had grabbed hold of her skin. Okay, so, she wasn’t dreaming because that pinch had hurt, and also, as far as Jacqli knew, one couldn’t quite feel such sensations in the Jabberwocky games. . . .

So, what did that mean exactly? Wherever she was, it sure wasn’t home, and whatever happened to her was not normal. The world around her was like an upside down city, the buildings where constructed to the underside of a landmass and were left to hang, suspended. So, basically, it was in the sky—a floating metal city.

Hand still upon her face, Jacqli ascended to her feet, brushing the front of her black hoodie off, as well as her worn out old jeans. Remaining quiet, she looked around, before her mind went back to before, what had woken her up—she had heard another person. So, I’m not alone? she thought, bothering to really look around herself this time. There were people all around her, but they seemed strange, something seemed very off. . . . What exactly, Jacqli could not place, but the teenager was able to tell they weren’t acting ‘normal.’ Vaguely disturbed by their rather fake mannerisms, the brunette turned around on her heel and gazed to what was behind her. There were people, other people who looked out of place in this world. They were talking a bit, or at least making remarks about the place.

Not saying a word to them, the girl stood where she was for a moment, taking in their rather clashing appearances. A girl her age in a fancy school uniform, and two men who were a couple of years older than herself, one in a suit and the other wearing a rather interesting outfit and having his hair dyed pink. Then there was her, the girl with the ponytail and hoodie that had a bit too much of a neckline for comfort’s sake at times. Yeah . . . saying this weird group clashed might have been a bit of an understatement when she herself was included.

They don’t look like they fit in with the scenery here at all . . . like me. she thought to herself, a rather unsure look upon her face, Should I . . . talk to them? I mean, what do I do here? Seriously, what was she suppose to be doing right now? Everyone else in this place didn’t seem right, and before her were three other people who looked like they themselves were in the same situation as she was. Maybe. . . . Either that, or her idiot self had gone and screwed something up when trying to play that game and she’d somehow wound up in a comatose state and was maybe stuck in a lucid dream. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to go and get involved with random people, but, Jacqli didn’t know what else she should do.

Taking in a breath, and steeling herself, she took careful steps toward them, managing to catch the end of the girl’s remark about the name of the place they were, ”Home to a person who couldn’t spell,” At hearing the tone in the remark, Jacqli stopped in place and looked upon the group with wide amber eyes, blinking for a moment, completely silent. Honestly, she looked like an idiot.

She shook it off though after a moment, and looked back up to the people, giving a nervous smile to the lot of them, “Ah . . . um, h-hello there. Does anyone know where it is we are, or how it is you get here? Because, I haven’t the slightest clue. . . .” she spoke quietly, her voice uncertain, before she proceeded to enter panic-mode, “I-I’m sorry if I should know or something like that, I just . . . put a game into a Jabberwocky console I found in a trash bin outside my school and next thing I knew I woke up here! So, really, I don’t know what’s going on.”

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crispin Wyatt
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0.00 INK

(>.< sorry i didn't realize this one had started gomen'asai)

Crispin Wyatt

Everyday was exactly the same, same schedule same people, same events, same food, same place. It made the world incredibly boring. It was a wonder young Crispin Wyatt could stand it. Unlike the others there He couldn't adapt, it felt weird the whole place. Like a dream a nightmare he couldn't escape

Fixing his hat upon his head he turned and walked out into the colorful world of Myst. He himself looking like a ghost as he moved quietly and easily through the crowds. His white clothes drained of color pretty much should have stood out amonst all that attractions the place held. He knew the place very well, every person, every home, even heard a bit of gossip now and then that he'd be the perfect tour guide to anyone who came. But, who would want to this place was all he had but it was NOT a home.

He continued through the town staring blankly at the people there. Everyone was so lifeless even if their personalities showed differently. He wandered to a restaurant as he did every morning for breakfast and news. If there was any. Everything going just as it always did. Nothing would ever change. As he entered the chef greeted him "Same as usual?" he asked with a crooked grin

Crispin answered with a slight nod, showing no feeling. as the man bustled off to do his work Crispin settled himself at a table placing his chin in his palm staring blankly out of the window

"I want to leave..." he muttered to himself

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Character Portrait: Chase
1 sightings Chase played by Monochrome
Can you. . . stop talking now?

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aurella
Character Portrait: Marigold Johnson
Character Portrait: Cade Hamilton
Character Portrait: Sweets
Character Portrait: Crispin Wyatt


Character Portrait: Crispin Wyatt
Crispin Wyatt

dont CAN'T escape

Character Portrait: Sweets

"Trust me, we're real. This is not,"

Character Portrait: Cade Hamilton
Cade Hamilton


Character Portrait: Marigold Johnson
Marigold Johnson

" If ya can't beat them, join them. I think. Is that the right quote?"

Character Portrait: Aurella

"Im not real? But here I am talking to you...What makes you think your real if im not? Maybe your in my dream ever think of that?"


Character Portrait: Aurella

"Im not real? But here I am talking to you...What makes you think your real if im not? Maybe your in my dream ever think of that?"

Character Portrait: Marigold Johnson
Marigold Johnson

" If ya can't beat them, join them. I think. Is that the right quote?"

Character Portrait: Sweets

"Trust me, we're real. This is not,"

Character Portrait: Cade Hamilton
Cade Hamilton


Character Portrait: Crispin Wyatt
Crispin Wyatt

dont CAN'T escape

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Sweets

"Trust me, we're real. This is not,"

Character Portrait: Marigold Johnson
Marigold Johnson

" If ya can't beat them, join them. I think. Is that the right quote?"

Character Portrait: Crispin Wyatt
Crispin Wyatt

dont CAN'T escape

Character Portrait: Aurella

"Im not real? But here I am talking to you...What makes you think your real if im not? Maybe your in my dream ever think of that?"

Character Portrait: Cade Hamilton
Cade Hamilton


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Most recent OOC posts in Project Jabberwocky

Re: [OOC] Project Jabberwocky

I have really enjoyed everyone's posts so far. I hope to reply soon! I will wait a day or two for someone else to post though. (I don't want to be the annoying person who posts all the time... nor do I want to be the person who everyone is waiting on to post. xD) Er, well, I suppose I am the one who posts all the time on the O.O.C. thread. -.-;

Re: [OOC] Project Jabberwocky

Okay, since Jacqli has been accepted, I'll be posting tonight. ^^ Would have done so last night, but I was not feeling so well.

Re: [OOC] Project Jabberwocky

Yes, I bet you're right. Hopefully she becomes un-busy soon! xD

Re: [OOC] Project Jabberwocky

I guess Naky must be busy, it happens to everyone. . . . >.>

Re: [OOC] Project Jabberwocky

I submitted a character this morning, I hope that's okay. The roleplay seems really, really great so I'd love it if I could join. ^^

Re: [OOC] Project Jabberwocky

I'd prefer to post, to set an outline :D! As said in the rules, this is quite a literate roleplay so I'm kinda expecting long posts.

Re: [OOC] Project Jabberwocky

Annaky, can we start posting or would you prefer posting first? ^^

Re: [OOC] Project Jabberwocky

Hello! I sent a character application ^^ Hopefully it showed up... I'm excited about this roleplay!

Re: [OOC] Project Jabberwocky

Exciting! Can I reserve a real girl, please? I'll start working on her immediately!

Re: [OOC] Project Jabberwocky

Can I reserve a real girl? It seems really interesting.

Re: [OOC] Project Jabberwocky

may i reserve a real girl?

Re: [OOC] Project Jabberwocky

may i reserve a virtual boy

Re: [OOC] Project Jabberwocky

Could I reserve a virtual girl, please? I should have her posted some time today.

Re: [OOC] Project Jabberwocky

Can I reserve a virtual girl? I should be able to have a character up in a couple hours.

Re: [OOC] Project Jabberwocky

First of all, I love your picture, it's totally amazing. I also agree very much with that statement and wish with all my heart that I could transfer to Hogwarts.
Second: May I reserve a real girl character? I'll get to work on her right away, but she might not get up until the reservation deadline starts closing in. ^^

[OOC] Project Jabberwocky

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Project Jabberwocky"

The roleplay starts when you wake up in Myst.