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Sera Kerry

"Oh come on, don't be scared of fighting! It's not like we're gonna live long anyways!"

0 · 1,603 views · located in Kokkua City

a character in “Project: KOKKUA”, as played by Ninja Bunny


For the sake of the powerless...


I'll burn up everyone that gets in our way!


β˜… Name β˜†
Serafina "Sera" Kerry

β˜… Age β˜†

β˜… Role β˜†

β˜… Gender β˜†

β˜… Rank β˜†
Second in Command

β˜… Signature Weapon β˜†
Combustion Module Bracelet. Creates\protects against fire. Mid-close range.

β˜… Squad β˜†
Squad 1

β˜… Face Claim β˜†
Kotori Itsuka | Date a Live


β˜… Theme Song β˜†
|| Ring of Fire - Krewella ||

β˜… Personality β˜†
Protective | | Sarcastic | | Headstrong | | Posessive
If you were to meet Sera, you'd find someone that's pretty hard to get along with. She enjoys arguing with people and picking fights - always shooting off her opinions and constantly giving in to her impulses. She's often chaotic and out of control and that's exactly the way she likes it. That's not to say she's stupid - Sera's the type to carefully consider her desires and come up with strategies to make sure she gets what she wants. It's hard to argue against her and it's hard to try to resist her once she's made up her mind. You can try, of course, but most likely Sera would find a way to overrule you and make you feel stupid for even trying.

To her friends, Sera's a little different. She's still wild and emotive, but she's also fiercely protective. Serafina's the type of person to hold her few trusted people close and defend them to the end, even if it means death. She's incredibly devoted to the few people in her life that she likes, and you couldn't ask for a more loyal friend. If she were to ever fail a friend, Sera would be the first to want to kill herself as punishment. Of course, this tender and caring side of her personality is hidden carefully under sarcastic quips and sadistic jokes. Most people wouldn't even know it exists, and that's just the way Sera likes it.

Deeper down, Sera's someone with a great fear of abandonment. She can't handle having the few people she cares about leave her - whether by choice or forced - and will do anything to keep them together at any cost. She's clingy and obsessive but hides it under a need to protect, knowing that everyone would hate her if they knew her real self. As such, Sera's unintentionally built up walls separating her from most people - walls to keep people out just as much as to trap others in. She's addicted to fighting and killing - it's the only way she can find her self worth. Betray her, and you're going down, but befriend her, and she'll never let you go.

β˜… Bio β˜†
Serafina Kerry always had an affinity for fire. So it was particularly good for her that she was born to Alexander Kerry, one of the chief scientists under Royga Ten for weapons research. Where most children would have a loving family and be slowly introduced to the world, Serafina was used as a guinea pig for prototype weapons, eventually having something called a Combustion Module implanted into her wrist, with a bracelet to hide the bulge under her skin. She had a very high affinity for the device and it quickly became like a fifth limb to her. Of course once it became known that the device lowered one's life span, they had to modify the Combustion Module to instead be an outer-device used by the soldiers as they were sent to war. Unfortunately for Serafina, they didn't bother to replace hers. She was always kept keenly aware that she wasn't expected to live past twenty-five, and she never really cared, either.

Of course, once Sera reached a certain age, she was allowed out in the public. She was too useful as a compliant tool than anything else, so instead of sending her to war, Kerry grew interested in seeing how she could adapt to being in normal society. As such she enrolled in school and naturally excelled in pretty much everything, especially in learning how to fake a personality that others would enjoy. Sera pretty quickly became skilled at pretending to be something she's not - hiding her obsession with fighting with a typical "jerk with a heart of gold" facade. On the other hand, Sera never learned how to be gentle or tender, and when she grew attached to someone, she got uncontrollably possessive, as if she were starved for normal human interaction.

Still, Kerry slowly began seeing his daughter as less of an experiment and more as a daughter. So he started to try rehabilitating her and even considered removing the Combustion Module but discovered that it had become too firmly ingrained into her nervous system, and would paralyze her entire left arm if they tried taking it out. Sera was, unfortunately, resistant to the new type of parenting - as in, any parenting at all - and she killed him completely by accident. The other scientists decided that she was a liability and had her set to be put down, resulting in her lashing out and killing them all in a fire. She spent the next few weeks holed up in the research facility, avoiding her friends from school when the Great Smoke hit. Worried for her friends, Sera waited until the noises stopped and went to search for them, finally finding a place where maybe she'd belong.

β˜… Romantic Interest β˜†
None yet.

β˜… Special Skills β˜†
β˜† Mass Ignition | Sera lights up a whole area on fire, dealing lots of damage and creating cover for her allies to escape if in a pinch.
β˜† Speed Boost | By shooting fire behind her, Sera can increase her speed and damage enemies giving chase.
β˜† Low Maintenance | Sera can run on less food/water/sleep as most people through vigorous training and conditioning.
β˜† Combat Awareness | Sera is very aware of things that happen around her in order to protect someone in a fight.
β˜† Fearless | Sera couldn't care less if she dies, so she has no reservations when in combat.


β˜… Thoughts on Last President and Current Situation β˜†
Serafina was taught to respect and trust in Royga Ten, since he was the leader of the country since she was born. Personally, she wondered why it was worth trusting someone like him who sent people to fight rather than fight battles himself. When the zombies rose, however, Serafina was actually pleased. She enjoyed her new freedom and found that fighting and killing zombies was a way to show the world that she was worth something - that there was something she could excel in.

β˜…Likes β˜†
β˜† Fighting | Nothing gets her blood running quite so fast!
β˜† Arguing | It's fun and exciting!
β˜† Lollipops | It helps with her chronic dry mouth!
β˜† Small animals | They're cute and must be protected!
β˜† Singing | But only in private, okay?
β˜† Maniacal Laughter | It makes fighting even funner!

β˜… Dislikes β˜†
β˜† Rain | It ruins her attacks and makes her weaker!
β˜† Abandonment | Friends are supposed to be forever!
β˜† Her height | It's not her fault she looks like she's twelve!
β˜† Boring people | Is it that hard to be a little exciting?
β˜† Pity | Don't look down on her, dammit!
β˜† Apologizing | I-i-it's not like she meant it or anything, hmpf!

So begins...

Sera Kerry's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sera Kerry Character Portrait: Rei Scarlett Character Portrait: Blade D. Hendrix Character Portrait: Youta Ito
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Rei had moved, from where she took cover, firing three times per gun, six bullets in total. All six had hit centre mass on another bandit, having been distracted by Sera and his ally's spontaneous combustion. Though a matter of minutes ago, Rei was pinned with Youta, whom had handed a grenade to her. With a swift decline Rei had fired a few rounds, blindly to put a couple of heads down, to little avail. Though Sera came blitzing in with her fire. Rei and Sera alone was a fair enough fight in Rei's eyes. Not to say Youta was weak, but Rei wanted to protect her partner more than most others. Although Rei's face soon became colder as Blade chimed in, which angered Rei, She knew the first part, though the next bit he said was what got Rei angry

"...Keep casualties to as minimal as possible and don't you DARE touch anything of theirs. That is an order. I will not allow any of you to become the very savages that we are supposedly protecting the civilization from. I don't give a damn if they have food or gold up their ass, you do not touch a thing. Apprehend them and avoid killing them as much as possible. Were suppose to be killing zombies people not each other!"

'Who in the hell does he think he is?' she yelled in her head, picking up her communicator, and replying with her tone sounding about as mad as she is, "I don't give a DAMN about letting them live, know why? They shot at me first, with the intent to kill me." she paused, to make sure the connection was stable, "I couldn't give more of a damn if you want to save everyone in the city from the dead and these mongrels. It's for food, and that's something we NEED. Thus I'll take it from them if they don't die first" as Rei put her communicator back, she was sure to switch it off, 'can't have the battery dying now.' She thought, knowing she just probably angered Blade, though her eyes went to Sera, "Sera, move! I'll cover you!" she yelled firing at the last man, missing intentionally just to get his head down, feeling the heat of the battle move through her body, Rei may not admit it, but fighting was thrilling, the adrenaline was easily going through her body and mind, no longer caring for if she had angered Blade.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sera Kerry Character Portrait: Rei Scarlett Character Portrait: Kasumi Miyahara Character Portrait: Blade D. Hendrix Character Portrait: Youta Ito
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❝Grr, I wanna team up with Sumi one day...❞

【ɗιαƖσgΟ…Ρ” cσƖσя:#d62e28】

"Anything for you, Kasumi!" Sera said cheerfully, dodging another bullet and ducking as she continued her dash.

Honestly, even though she heard Rei and Blade arguing on the radio, Sera wasn't really listening. When three men are chasing you and shooting at you and you have a headache and your head feels dizzy because you've strained yourself and are overusing your fire abilities, there are more important things to worry about than listening to your boss and the new girl fight and bicker like a married couple. She wasn't too worried, whatever it was about - what Sera needed to do was keep sprinting as fast as she possibly could. She heard gunshots from another direction - Rei was coming to help now, covering the fire girl for an advantage. Though to be fair, Sera was having way too much fun with this - adrenaline was coursing through her and every nerve was primed for action. Even if the head pain was real, this was way too fun. Hells yes, this is what she lived for, even more than candy lollies in her mouth!

With Rei's covering fire, Sera managed to zip around a corner and jump up on the fire escape, panting lightly to catch her breath. One of the men stopped the chase to fire at Rei - hopefully missing - and Sera jumped from her vantage point at the last two, knocking one out with a kick and dodging a sudden knife from the other in order to shoot a burst of flames to his clothing. Screams of pain and the smell of burning flesh filled the air and Sera took out her small hand gun to finish the job, ending the man's suffering. Now it was just Rei and the last one and when Sera aimed her gun at him he suddenly spun around, fired and -

Pain exploded somewhere in Sera's torso region and she buckled to her knees letting out a grunt. The last bandit moved to escape but Sera still managed to aim and fire, hitting him in the back of the knee, toppling him over, crippled. With the battle over, Serafina examined her wound, feeling dizzy from the exertion. Her palm was bloody but it turned out the bullet hit a window and it was just glass shards in her side. She smiled slightly to herself, feeling stupid for getting hit in the first place. "Mi-mission accomplished, Rei.." The girl groaned. She knew instinctively it wasn't fatal - heck, after some bandages and a few hours she'd be completely fine, minus some pain.

Though the wound itself wasn't bad, that in conjunction with overusing her fire really took the stamina out of the girl. Her legs felt rubbery, unable to sustain her weight. With a grimace, she picked up the radio. "All hostiles down, two survivors. I'm - I probably need medical aid..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sera Kerry Character Portrait: Rei Scarlett Character Portrait: Blade D. Hendrix Character Portrait: Youta Ito
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Blade slowly began to approach the small whispering pile under the blankets. He was cautious and hand his hand on his sword ready to strike if it were a zombie. However, the whispers were almost human. Maybe even human. He quickly grabbed the blanket and pulled it back only to gasp slightly. "W.... Huh? What's.... What are you doing here?" He didn't expect to see two children cowarding in fear. The youngest seemed to at least be 5 and the older one no older than 7. The oldest one grabbed a large stick and began to flail it around at an attempt to hurt Blade. "Get away! Blade paused and backed up a bit. "Hey hey. It's ok. I won't hurt you I promise." He smiled. "I'm a walker. We protect humans. Now calm down." Soon the child began to calm down but the youngest began to whine. "Where's daddy?" He said. His brother pouted and looked to Blade. " Can.. You help us find our dad?" Blade smiled and nodded as he picked up his bag of loot. "Of course. And you know it's a bit dangerous for you all to be staying out in this place. I'll even take you to the base so you can be safe. Alright? Now come on. My rides outside." The two quickly latched onto Blades legs in fear. He smiled and happily escorted them outside.

Once they were all seated in the cart, he looked to them. "So, about your dad. Can you tell me a little about him so I can have a good idea of where to find him?" The oldest one pouted. "I... The last time I saw him he was heading down town with his group of people. He said that they would be able to find some food and when they were done they would come back. They had a lot of guns though..." Blade's eyes widened. This couldn't be the children of one of the bandits, could it? He bit his lip hoping that wasn't possible but if it were, the truth was inevitable. "Ok... I'll take you there and... We can look." He said in a gloomy tone