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Project Zero: New Beginnings

Project Zero: New Beginnings


A group of lab-rat mutants escape an Institute, and run into a group of free mutants, working to take down various institutes across the U.S. Will you survive in this desperate fight for freedom?

1,145 readers have visited Project Zero: New Beginnings since fandomain created it.




"Everywhere that freedom stirs, let tyrants fear."
- George W. Bush

Dear Diary,
For centuries our kind has been exploited by the humans. About seven hundred years ago, we made ourselves known to their kind. And they've hated us since. I'm not sure if it's us they hate, or the fear and jealousy they feel whenever we're near that they hate. They hate knowing that they're not the most superior race out there, so they make us outcasts. Unwanted. Pariahs. As the years passed, it only grew worse. We've tried to fix it, we've offered our children to their science, in hopes that someday, they might understand us and feel less fear. We never fight back, and we always comply to their will, even though we are the stronger race. It is the only law of our kind, given to us by the elders who decided it was time to make ourselves known. So we sacrificed ourselves and our children willingly to their cruel tests and chemicals. But to no avail. Sure, they've finally come to understand us, but now they're recreating us. Using their science to make more of us, and training these recreations to hunt down those of us who are barely hanging on to survival as it is, and drag us in. Some of us, they kill, and some of us they subject to their cruel labs, sentencing us to a fate worse than death. I hear talk of a Revolution. Of a group of our kind created solely to stop this suffering, and break the Law. Is this the last straw? Have the humans finally used up the last of our patience and generosity? Hopefully they realize it before we do, for I fear for them, should the tables turn, it would be a slaughter.
Anonymous mutant
Sorry Diary, but these days, with humans killing everyone, I cannot trust even you.



Creative Credit:
The writing and ideas are all from my desire99600's own brain(: If you want a good mutant-escape series though, I would read the Maximum Ride Series by James Patterson. As for the pictures, they were her inspiration. None of them are her's, but they came off her tumblr. If anyone wants to use it for inspiration, or use the pictures off it, that's fine(:


Seven hundred years ago, the Others made themselves known. An elite race of human, with powers we could only dream of having. In fear and jealousy, humans have shunned these creatures ever since, forcing them to live at the edges of society. They never objected as we nearly obliterated their kind. Several years ago, during a war known as the Second World War, the Germans were conducting some rather inhumane experiments. It was during this time, that the nazis also started taking Others from their homes, and shoving them in concentration camps. There were the camps for the Jews, but there were also the camps for the Others. However, these camps were not built solely to kill, they were built to understand. The camps were like giant laboratories, where the Nazis studied the Others in hopes of figuring out how they worked and using them in their armies. They deprived these poor people until they promised their loyalty to the German army and became the most fearsome warriors. And so, other countries were jealous, and began to do the same thing. Another war started, though this was struck from the history books, and everyone who remembers it has been killed. This war was a war over the matter of the Others. Various governments believed it inhumane, to force a being to become part of an army, other countries called for their extinction, and others still were happy to exploit them. Every country had an opinion, and so every country participated.

It was after this bloody, World War Three that the world's nations banded together to stop the maddness. If they did not come to a general conclusion, they would continue fighting forever. So they concluded that the Others were nothing more than a problem for the human race, and The Slaughter began. The Others were now being called the Mutants, and were restlessly killed for ten years, driven to the brink of extinction. All the while, never fighting back.

Fifty years ago, a nation by the name of America had an idea. What if they could recreate these creatures? So, telling the Mutants that they might be able to make peace with them should they understand them, the American government asked Mutant mothers to give up their children to science. They did with no objections. And ever since, America has been secretly recreating these mutants with their science, and training them to go out into the world and hunt natural-born mutants. They drag them in and slaughter the useless, using the rest for cruel and torturous experiments. They break these Mutants of any free will, and force them to comply to their superiority. They train them by throwing them together and forcing them to fight to the death, and in the end, they have a perfectly loyal, weapon to use as they please. Some go into the business of hunting others, while some are put into the army, the only job a mutant is allowed to have, and not until they go through this rigorous training and experimentation. And even after all this, they still get no pay to feed their family, otherwise the humans they serve with and are forced to protect would be infuriated that a mutant freak is getting the same pay as them. They call this whole process, Project Zero.


One of the facilities working on Project Zero, located on the western border of Arizona, has been blown to pieces. In the explosion, several mutants have escaped the hellish place, and made their way even further west, into the forests of California, thinking they were safe.

Most of these mutants have never seen the outside world apart from various training exercises and only have their instincts to know how the world works. However, in the forest they've settled in, something else stirs. A revolution. Curious, the Mutants investigate to find that the Revolution is a group of natural-born mutants living together in the forests, who have a very strong hatred for Project Zero mutants.

Meanwhile, the people of the Project Zero Institutes will stop at nothing to get their subjects back, and a nearby institute sends trained mutant hunters and scientists to try and gather the runaways, as well as the Revolution, for both are causing trouble. The Revolution is an organization based on secrecy, and fights to free mutants from Institutes all over the world, however, they've been attacked numerous times by Project Zero mutants hunting them, and so they don't trust any mutants aside from those they save, and those who have never seen the labs. The escapees need protection and shelter desperately, and the hunting of the mutants has gone up tenfold due to the explosion.

So the Revolution agrees to take them in, even though they are extremely unhappy about it. The only catch is that they have to help with any plans the Revolution cooks up, which could be anything from venturing into the nearby city to recruit, to helping on Institute raids to save trapped mutants.

Meanwhile, they're on the run, moving about constantly. Will they survive this time, or will the humans win yet again?



How are we to know the beings we are to play without some background knowledge? Below, you will find a paragraph or two about each mutant species that the scientists in the Institution are aware of. These are various notes and observations on each explaining a brief history, success rates in the labs, powers, and personality traits that accompany each species of mutant.

When it refers to Familiars, a Familiar is the mutants animal spirit taking a physical form. If you've seen the movie, or read the book, The Golden Compass, then you can compare them to peoples deamons. If you have not, it's a simple concept. A Familiar is the very essence of the person in physical form. So, each species has a different Familiar, i.e; The Packs have a wolf Familiar, and the Slys have a fox Familiar. A mutants Familiar is apart of them, as much they are apart of it. Whatever their Familiar is, it goes with them everywhere, however, the mutant and familiar can be as far as they want from each other, it's just a very emotional thing, for they will feel lost, lonely, and useless without each other. If a mutant is hurt, the Familiar feels the pain, and vice versa. It is the tightest bond, and the person can communicate with their Familiar through thought. When a mutant takes on it's third form, or Familiar Form, they become their Familiar. The mutant and the Familiar join, becoming one complete being. This is also referred to as the "true" form, because that means that the person, and the Familiar are together, joining the human part, and the animal part of the mutant. Typically, a person's Familiar is the same sex as the person is, but there are rare exceptions where the person's Familiar is a different sex, making the third form a strange experience for the mutant.


The Wings are the most delicate of the mutations, however, by no means are they the weakest. Wings are 95% human, 5% butterfly, and though this may not seem very threatening, do not underestimate them. They have 3 forms, just like the rest of the mutations. Their first, is their human form. Though not all Wings look exactly alike, there are some common traits among their human forms. These include, a sense of delicacy, or petiteness, almost all Wings are small structured, and don't appear to be built for labor. There is also the impossible beauty that all Wings share. While all mutations are generally more attractive than humans, Wings are even more-so. They are captivating to look at, and a regular human could spend days just watching them move about their daily routines. Just as a butterfly flitting through the air is mesmerizing, so are these lovely creatures. Their second form, or their "in-between" form is even more stunning to look at. In this form, a Wing's eyes take on impossible hues, and their very skin seems to shimmer with an iridescent light. They also develop large, gossamer wings, that sprout from their shoulder blades. These wings are the wings of a butterfly, and may come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors. Some Wings have even figured out how to change the appearance of their wings each time they shift, and their wings do not have to be the same as their Familiar's. However beautiful their wings may be though, they are typically not suitable for long or rigorous flight, as they are extremely delicate. Due to their petite bodies, a Wing can fly, but the weather conditions must be fair, and they cannot fly for long, or extremely fast. They are not built for work, they're built for pleasure. The third form of a Wing is the form of their Familiar, a little butterfly.

The powers of Wings are quite different than that of the other mutations. Their gifts are not often used for combat, but for self-defense. They can use their beauty to mesmerize, or captivate their victim, luring them in until they'll do anything they say, all it takes is a little practice at hypnotizing. Their touch, kiss, and voice can have a very peculiar effect on a human, or a weak mutant. It intoxicates them with a need for more, and a willingness to comply. A single kiss from a Wing could drive a human insane for the rest of their life, should the Wing wish it. Touch and voice also drive their victims mad, though not as much as a kiss. A kiss is the final deal. If a Wing wants a loyal servant, all they have to do is kiss them. Unfortunately, if the Wing leaves the human, (or weak-minded mutant), they will wither away and die within a year, without their attention. However, Wings can use their gifts to hypnotize a human for a short period of time as well, they do not have to completely intoxicate them. This power of beauty is what makes them so dangerous. Do not underestimate them, they may appear small and breakable, but they are quite capable of getting what they want from you without the use of force.


The Prides are a fearsome and mighty mutation, and among the strongest. They are 90% human and 10% lion. Their blood, out of all the others, is the most genetically altered, and, because of this, they, aside from the Auroras, have the highest death rate. It is hard to keep Pride cubs alive in the lab. Out in the wild, natural-born Pride cubs do not have this issue but, in the lab, the mutations are man-made and due to the amount of alteration done to their DNA, they have the second-highest failure rate, for it is hard for them to adjust to their new genes. Many man-made Prides that do survive do not become fully adapted to their new genes until they are in their late twenties, and it can be very disorienting. In human form, Prides are often strong and well-muscled, with an air of authority and power about them. They typically stand taller than the other mutants, and move with perfect balance. They're not quick like the Felines, but they are mighty. Their "in-between" form gives them liquidy-golden eyes as well as golden streaks throughout the hair. In this form, they also have soft, yellow, lion ears atop their heads that gives them an extra hearing ability. As well as sharp fangs, and a long tail for balance. Their final form, is their Familiar form. Where they become apart of their Familiar, taking over it's body. The Familiar of a Pride comes in the shape of a lion, powerful and mighty.

The powers of a Pride are quite simple. Brute strength and power. They have an uncanny strength that allows them to break through nearly anything. Prides can tend to be destructive with this power, and their fury is not something you want to bring upon yourself. They can also start fires with their emotions. It is a seemingly random power, but when you look into the core of a Pride, you will find that they are powerful, passionate, and have a potential for destruction, just as fire does. If they are feeling something very strongly, they can start a fire out of seemingly nowhere, and not always on purpose. Finally, Prides also have great intuition. This power does not go so far as premonitions or visions, but they can almost "sense" when danger is near, and have the ability to keep their heads when everyone around them is panicking. Prides are often leaders, but some, due to their human personality traits and their struggle to get used to their greatly altered genes, prefer to be followers. Nonetheless, Prides are one of the most powerful of the mutations, and are a force to be reckoned with.


The Flocks are not an exteremely strong mutation, and they're pretty common and easy to re-create, but they come in a vast many variaties, and their powers vary greatly from species to species. Much like the Auroras, you never quite know what you're going to get with a Flock. You can only make an educated guess. As previously stated, they're pretty common in the wild, and an easy mutation to recreate. They are 98% human, and 2% avian (bird) species. They adapt to their powers and their new genes rather quickly, so long as they are implanted in them at a young age. Almost all mutations created at an older age have turned out to be failures. Though they are common, they are not to be looked over, for they are rather unpredictable. Depending on what species of bird you use to recreate a Flock, their abilities can be greatly varied. In their human form, they are beautiful, just as all mutations are, and they can be of any build or size. They typically move with grace but are often quick, and very vigilant. Some may even be described as jumpy or fidgety. Their half form resembles what humans like to call angels. In it's half form, a Flock has large feathered wings that can vary, depending on what type of bird shares their DNA. Their bones are hollow and their bodies are typically small, making them extremely light, and able to fly. Their wings are enormous, the smallest wingspan recorded being 13.5 feet across. That's twice the height of the average man. Unlike the Wings, these mutations were built for long, vigorous flight. They can fly long hours, in almost any weather condition. Their third and final form, like all mutations, is their Familiar form. They shift into the body of their Familiar, taking on the shape of a bird. Unlike Wings, the wings of a Flock must match the wings of their Familiar.

When it comes to abilities, Flocks are rather unique. Unlike most of the other mutations, whom have set abilities, they do not. They are not quite as unpredictable and free as the Auroras, though, for scientist have recognized a pattern in their abilities based on what type of bird shares their DNA. For instance, a Flock who has 2% owl DNA has an uncanny ability to remember everything it ever sees, hears, smells, tastes, or feels vividly and recall on them later. An Owl Flock may also touch an object or a person and know every detail of that object/person, things like history, thoughts, who's touched/made contact with it, where they/it has been, ect. Another example is a Raven Flock. Raven Flocks have large black wings, and the ability to blend with, and manipulate shadows to a certain extent, bending them to their will, as well as be able to become completely invisible. Since there are so many distinct species of birds, it is impossible to know the power associated with each one, which is what makes Flocks so unpredictable. Flocks, along with Auroras, are the most diverse type of mutations, and, until you know what species of avian blood they have, it is impossible to guess what exactly they can do.


The Stripes seem to be a mixture of the Felines and the Prides because they are a mysterious breed whom prefer to live alone, while at the same time mighty and powerful. They are 96% human, and 4% tiger. They are generally easy to recreate, but due to their solitary nature, in the wild, it is hard to know for sure how common they are. They are mighty, and strong, yet, unlike the Prides, they don't take great joy in it. In their human form, Stripes are only a little less muscled than the Prides. They are strong, but they are not as tall. They move with a slow, natural grace, seeming to glide rather than walk like a normal person. In their in-between form, they are a sight to behold. Stripes are lovely and mysterious. In their half form, they have the ears of a tiger nestled in their hair, as well as a tail, however, their bodies are more focused on than these two things. A Stripe in it's half form, has deep black eyes that seem to bore into you and pull out your deepest secrets. Also, appearing to be almost paint, a Stripe lives up to it's name in it's half form, for it has winding black stripes decorating it's skin in certain places. While the face and torso are mostly un-striped, there are a few spots such as the temples and along the collarbone and up the neck, where the Stripes appear. Their final form is their Familiar form, where they shift into the bodies of their Familiar; either a snow tiger, with white fur, or a bengal tiger, with orange fur.

As for abilities, Stripes have several that are Pride-like, and several that are unique to themselves. Their first ability is uncanny strength. Though they are not as strong as the Prides, they have much more stamina, and speed, due to their slightly smaller size. Strangely, unlike most feline species, tigers love water. As such, Stripes can manipulate water to their will, as well as ice. They also have exceptional balance, speed, and heightened senses. Finally, they seem to be able to make people speak the truth around them. This is not a 24 hour thing, but often, others are wary of a Stripe, because they do not want to be persuaded into revealing their secrets. This, however, is not entirely accurate, for a Stripe cannot make you speak your secrets, they can only make it so that you cannot lie, or speak half-truths. Despite this though, Stripes prefer to be alone, and being in a group is uncommon for them. They are a mysterious and unique breed of mutant, possessing both strength and power.


The Packs are a very strong, family-oriented breed. They are 91% human, and 9% wolf. Because they are so greatly altered, the wolf in a Pack is extremely evident, personality wise. They are hard to tame, though they do not like being alone. They are wild creatures, with an almost irrational fear of solitude. They must be around others, and must feel accepted in order to be comfortable, though they may not stay in that one place for long because they have a roaming heart, and are wildly hard to tame. Packs, in their human form, come in all shapes and sizes. There is no standard for them, except that they are quite beautiful. They move with a sense of pride, for, when there are others around who accept them, they are confident in their strength. In their in-between form, they appear quite similar to the Slys, and it can be tricky, trying to tell them apart, for a small Pack with brown fur can easily be mistaken as a Sly, and a large Sly with white or black fur can easily be mistaken as a Pack. In their half form, they appear to be completely human, but with the tail behind them, and ears on their head. Their eyes, in this form, take on impossible brightness, i.e; A human blue eye, becomes a vibrant, captivating aqua. In their Familiar form, they are similar to the Slys in appearance, though much larger and with different colorings, taking on the shape of a wolf.

The Packs, though lost without companionship, are a fearsome breed, with as much courage as a Pride. They have enhanced stamina, as well as strength, much like a Stripe, but that is not all they wield. Because they need people around them to feel comfortable, Packs have the power to sense people. What does this mean? This means that Packs are able to sense where people are, and what they are doing, their beings and even their emotions. A Pack can also bend a persons emotions to his or her will, as well as read thoughts. Not all thoughts though, for a Pack is limited to reading thoughts that have to do with themselves. If someone is thinking about their breakfast, a Pack would not know, but if someone is thinking about them then they would know. People can direct other thoughts towards a Pack if they want them to know without having to say it, but that is the only way they can know thoughts that have nothing to do with them, and they cannot respond, or send thoughts to others.


The Felines are a mysterious breed that is not to be underestimated upon first impression. They are 93% human, and 7% cat. Much like the Stripes, they prefer to be alone, and are often quiet. They're very elusive, and much like the Slys, for they are smart. In their human form, they can be very deceiving, for they are very petite, much like the Wings. They have small, delicate bodies, and pretty faces. In their half form, Felines have strange, cat like pupils, that contract and expand according to the lightings, able to be the smallest sliver, or almost completely consume the iris. They also have cat ears, and a tail in this form, as well as small fangs, and retractable claws. Still, in this form, they are very small and do not have a lot of physical strength. Their final form, is their Familiar form, where they shift into the form of their Familiar, a small, innocent looking cat.

Innocent is not the way to describe these creatures, even though they appear harmless. They are mysterious, and harness strange abilities. One of these, being the ability to look into a clear surface, such as glass or water, and see visions. These visions may come out of no where, and they do not have to be in a clear surface, but if a Feline wills it, then it has to be. For example, A vision may come to a Feline while he/she is out walking anywhere, but this is random, not determined. If this Feline wishes to look into a vision, then they cannot merely use their mind like before, they must look into a clear surface to see it, and the visions to do not always come. What these visions contain are the business of the Feline, and they tend to be very secretive about it, though some have shared with us what they hold. They can hold the obvious, such as glimpses of the past, present, and future, but they can also hold more, such as the feelings of another person. The only things the visions of a Feline cannot tap into are the thoughts of someone. Besides this, Felines can create unbreakable force fields, and place them around almost anything, even thoughts and feelings. These force fields stay until the Feline who created them wishes them to be gone. They can be literal, as in an invisible wall blocking bullets, or figurative, like the ones placed around thoughts, keeping Slys, other Felines, Packs, and such away. Only the Feline who created the field may walk through it or break it.


The Slys are a slick breed of mutation, as hard to control as the Packs, as solitary as the Stripes, and as smart as the Felines, Slys are a force to be reckoned with, even if their appearence doesn't suggest it. They are 92% human and 8% fox. Because of this, recreations of a Sly are extremely hard to make, and have a very high failure rate. Due to their elusive nature, it is hard to tell exactly how common they are in the wild, for they don't like to be counted and most of them hate or distrust humans, preferring to stay far away from them. In human form, Slys are small, and their appearance is extremely deceiving, for though they are petite they are among the deadliest of the mutations due to their sharp minds. They are the third smallest of the mutations, under Wings and Felines. It would seem that the Flocks should be smaller, but in order to carry the weight of their heavy wings, Flocks are actually larger. In their half form, Slys have fox ears on their heads, fox like eyes, and a soft, bushy tail. Their Familiar form is the form of a small, sleek fox.

When it comes to abilities, Slys are quite tricky. Their first power is the power to transport anywhere in the world with a single thought. All they have to know is a general location, what it looks like, or someone or something they wish to transport to. The scientists call this teleporting, but the Slys like to call it Warping. Another power the Slys have is mind reading. They can tap into the minds of others and pull out thoughts, as well as send thoughts. They also have very persuasive voices and are quite the silver tongues, allowing them to slip out of a fix easily. Finally, a Sly has the uncanny ability of camouflage, which they can do in any way they like, though it only lasts for a short period of time. They cannot become invisible, but they can imitate voices, sounds, appearances, backgrounds, or colors. For example, they can throw a voice across a room to make it seem like someone has spoken from behind someone, or they can take on the form of other mutations/humans for a short period of time, or they can blend into the background, to where someone who isn't looking, would glance right over them. Though these are the powers of a Sly, many would argue that they are not limited to this, as they are so deceiving and tricky, that they do not need extra powers to be dangerous.


The Auroras are a true mystery. They are the odd species, that don't seem to originate from an animal. To create them, scientists use chemicals taken from precious gems such as diamonds and emeralds, and inject them into the subjects bloodstream. They, out of all the mutations have the lowest success rate, and are endangered in the wild. There are only 5 natural born Auroras known about, the rest die before coming out of the toddler stage. They are only 76% human, and 24% precious gems. They are a mystery, and scientists scramble to understand them above all other mutations, for they are the very first of the mutations, and the most ancient. Their breed is the breed that created the mutations all together. They are wildly unpredictable, and could look like anything. Out of all the mutations, they are the only ones who do not have familiars, but in their half form, their skin turns a deep indigo, and sparkles like the night sky. In their half form, these strange creatures appear to be cut straight out of the sky, and ripple like water. It's a magnificent sight. The Familiar of an Aurora can only be described as the stars and the gems which created them, for, if you were to ask an Aurora, they would tell you that the night sky, and precious stones sing to them a song that no one else can hear, and it's glorious, a million times better than any human or mutant- made song.

Besides the strange ability to listen to the songs of stars and gems, Auroras have nothing in common when it comes to powers. They are completely random, and no one can know what powers an Aurora has, only that they will not have more than four and no less than one. The one thing we know for certain about all Auroras is that they need gems to survive. They must be surrounded with them, or else they wither and die. This is why, you'll never see an Aurora without a sparkling necklace, bracelet, earrings, or broach. Those Auroras that cannot come by such luxuries live in pain everyday with a small diamond, or a single gem. Those who cannot get them at all, wither slowly and die painfully. However, because Auroras do not have an obvious Familiar, they can easily pretend to be human, but it's a dangerous game to play nowadays, pretending to be something you're not.


It is rare, indeed for a human to associate his/herself with a mutation. In society, they are viewed as freaks, flukes of nature, and the ones created by the labs are even worse, they're unnatural, and unwanted. The humans shun the mutations, pushing them to the edges of their minds, acting cruel to them. The mutants are not allowed citizenship in any country, and never get the good jobs. To have a mutant working in your shop is to damn your business, to have a mutant tending your crops, is to poison the food. No one will touch something a mutant has touched, and so, the mutants slowly become extinct, dying off as they are not allowed jobs to pay for food, and are victimized and uneducated, for they are not allowed to go to school. To be caught pretending to be human, when one is a mutant is the highest offense, punishable, in all countries, by death. The Auroras are seeing the worst of it, for the gems they need to survive are being kept from them, and so they die off, the most ancient breed of mutants. However, there are a few kind souls out there. A few humans who are willing to put aside differences, and care for a mutant child, or stick up for a bullied mutant. Maybe there will be a few in this story, who will help the mutants escape. Who knows? Stranger things have happened.


Here, you will find a list of the available characters as well as links to the lovely characters I have accepted. A few notes on this first though. One: At the moment, there is not a character limit. If there are ten slots listed below, there can always be more. Two: Please, please, please consider making a male for every female you make. You do not have to, I will not require it, but you would be my absolute favorite if you do! Please consider it. Three: Please let there be variety. I don't want a million Auroras, or a million Packs, and I don't want a million females and no males. If I get an abundance of one species, one gender, or one personality, I'll have to start declining characters, and I really hate to do that. Four: In all of my RPs, I allow character freedom. It is your character after all, and if you are interested in creating an Extra, let me know. An extra is a character that goes outside the boundaries I've set before you. My boundaries are merely guidelines to keep people from going wild. If you have something that's not here, like an undiscovered species of mutant, or a half-breed, ect. shoot me a PM and we'll discuss it, I won't bite(: Finally, any spots marked N/A are spots you fill in when you create your character.

Escapee Mutants
1. Bree | Leader | Female | Stripe | 18 | Taken by fandomain
2. Second in Command| Male | Species | Age | Reserved by pastelloli
3. Male | Species | Age | Reserved by Myfootlesscow9
4. Jacques | Male | Flock | 16 | Taken by Correlative_Oxymoron
5. Female | Species | Age | Reserved by Cyline
6. More available if Needed

Revolutionary Mutants
1. Leader | Male | Age | Reserved by jericho193
2. Second In Command | Male | Age | Reserved by PsychedOut
3. Female | Age | Species | Reserved by DeclanTv9
4. Male| Age | Species | OPEN
5. Male | Age | Species |OPEN
6. Female | Age | Species | Reserved by pastelloli
7. More Available if Needed

1. Leader | Male | Age: N/A | OPEN |
Mutant Hunters
1. Leader | Male | Age | OPEN
2. Second in Command | Female | Age | OPEN
3. Male | Age | Human | OPEN
4. Female | Age | Wing | OPEN
5. More Available if Needed


BEFORE JOINING: Please note that I am only looking for loyal members. You do NOT need to be the best writer in the world, I just want members who are willing to stay with me [ though some degree of literacy is required ]. Also, make your character sheets look good VIA coding and I'll be 20x more likely to accept. If you need coding help, feel free to PM me for a full list of codes I know or my CS, and if you have any questions feel free to OOC or PM me.

Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] [ First, Middle, Last ]
[b]Nickname:[/b] [ Nickname, a lab-created mutation may not even know their above name, so they might only be called by this because this is the name they made up for themselves, or maybe they got a glimpse at their file while in the lab, so they know. It's up to you, which way you want to do it ]
[b]Familiar's Name:[/b] [ What do you call your Familiar? ]
[b]Age:[/b] [ These will be approximate, not everyone knows how old they are or how long they may have been imprisoned, no one over 21, and no one under 8 please unless they are secondary characters like a character has a baby or something. ]
[b]Gender:[/b] [ M or F ]
[b]Familiar's Gender:[/b] [ M or F ]
[b]Role:[/b] [ Were you lab-created, or natural-born? Are you with the Revolution, the rescued, or the Escapee's? Note: An Escapee or rescued can be natural-born, but captured ]
[b]Mutation | Abilities:[/b] [ What species of Mutation are you? What powers do you have? Refer to the species descriptions ]
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] [ This can be a list ]
[b]Description:[/b] [ A detailed physical description of your character. For pictures, real ones please, no anime ]
[b]Personality:[/b] [ Make them interesting, not perfect. Remember, these are people who have been living through immense physical and mental strain. Also, I would refer to the species descriptions, however, your character does not have to fit any personality traits I put up there, but their Familiar does, as their Familiar is the essence of their mutation. ]
[b]Familiar Personality:[/b] [ This can be a nice list of traits. Refer to the species descriptions ]
[b]Likes:[/b] [ At least 5 ]
[b]Dislikes:[/b] [ At least 5 ]
[b]Fears:[/b] [ This can be a list ]
[b]History:[/b] [ Any major events that have happened in the lab or if you were taken into the lab instead of being born there, or your life outside the lab, if you're in the Revolution. How did you become involved with the Revolution? Were you always part of them? Did you know someone in them? Are you one of the rescued, and they saved you on an institute raid? ]

Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] [ First, Middle, Last ]
[b]Familiar's Name:[/b] [ What do you call your Familiar | You may delete this if you are human ]
[b]Age:[/b] [ 18-30 ]
[b]Familiar's Gender:[/b]  [ You may delete this if you are human ]
[b]Mutation:[/b] [ What species of Mutation are you?  | You may delete this if you are human ]
[b]Description:[/b] [ A detailed physical description of your character in all forms. You may also include pictures. Real ones please, no anime ]
[b]Personality:[/b] [ Make them interesting, not perfect. A villan does not have to be bad, maybe they're in it for the $ or the government is blackmailing them? Be creative. ]
[b]Familiar Personality:[/b] [ This can be a list of traits. Refer to the species descriptions | You may delete this if you are human ]
[b]Likes:[/b] [ At least 5 ]
[b]Dislikes:[/b] [ At least 5 ]
[b]Fears:[/b] [ This can be a list ]
[b]History:[/b] [ Any major events that have happened in your life ]


For those of you who need it, I'll be posting updates here as the Rp moves on, that way, you wont miss anything. These updates could be anything from plot twists, to events that happen, to OOC notices, like someone going on vacation or something. If you have a question about something that happened later in the RP, check here first, then, if you still have it, feel free to ask me(:
| Note | I may or may not even use this depending on how things go, as in, how fast-paced this becomes, how many members we get, ect. I may only use it occasionally, when I get a request from someone who is going away, or I may use it often. It all depends. Also, if I do use this, I can't guarantee it'll always be 100% updated. I have my troubles getting on too guys, but if I do have to use this, I'll do my best to keep it updated.


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Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Bree
Character Portrait: Vixen
Character Portrait: Jacques Traddes
Character Portrait: Abel Jennings
Character Portrait: Zera Leos
Character Portrait: May Windell
Character Portrait: Bruno Goodwig
Character Portrait: Charlie Rose
Character Portrait: Jack Arthur Sentry
Character Portrait: Faith: Subject 6061
Character Portrait: Synoa


Character Portrait: Synoa

"I won't be caged again, no matter what."

Character Portrait: Faith: Subject 6061
Faith: Subject 6061

We will fight to the end for our freedoms. We are no different than the rest, therefore we should not be treated different.

Character Portrait: Jack Arthur Sentry
Jack Arthur Sentry

"This country used to stand for equality, Im just fighting to get it back."

Character Portrait: Charlie Rose
Charlie Rose

"Tomorrow will be better."

Character Portrait: Bruno Goodwig
Bruno Goodwig

"Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done."

Character Portrait: May Windell
May Windell

"Take one look and you won't be able to look away."

Character Portrait: Zera Leos
Zera Leos

"Intelligence without ambition, is a bird without wings"

Character Portrait: Abel Jennings
Abel Jennings

"I'd like to see you try and break me."

Character Portrait: Jacques Traddes
Jacques Traddes

"I-I'm not sacrificing myself..."

Character Portrait: Vixen

"Nobody has the right to choose who you are going to be. That choice belongs to you."


Character Portrait: Jack Arthur Sentry
Jack Arthur Sentry

"This country used to stand for equality, Im just fighting to get it back."

Character Portrait: Charlie Rose
Charlie Rose

"Tomorrow will be better."

Character Portrait: Bree

"I'm doing the best I can."

Character Portrait: Synoa

"I won't be caged again, no matter what."

Character Portrait: May Windell
May Windell

"Take one look and you won't be able to look away."

Character Portrait: Bruno Goodwig
Bruno Goodwig

"Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done."

Character Portrait: Vixen

"Nobody has the right to choose who you are going to be. That choice belongs to you."

Character Portrait: Abel Jennings
Abel Jennings

"I'd like to see you try and break me."

Character Portrait: Zera Leos
Zera Leos

"Intelligence without ambition, is a bird without wings"

Character Portrait: Jacques Traddes
Jacques Traddes

"I-I'm not sacrificing myself..."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jacques Traddes
Jacques Traddes

"I-I'm not sacrificing myself..."

Character Portrait: Synoa

"I won't be caged again, no matter what."

Character Portrait: Bree

"I'm doing the best I can."

Character Portrait: May Windell
May Windell

"Take one look and you won't be able to look away."

Character Portrait: Charlie Rose
Charlie Rose

"Tomorrow will be better."

Character Portrait: Jack Arthur Sentry
Jack Arthur Sentry

"This country used to stand for equality, Im just fighting to get it back."

Character Portrait: Vixen

"Nobody has the right to choose who you are going to be. That choice belongs to you."

Character Portrait: Zera Leos
Zera Leos

"Intelligence without ambition, is a bird without wings"

Character Portrait: Abel Jennings
Abel Jennings

"I'd like to see you try and break me."

Character Portrait: Bruno Goodwig
Bruno Goodwig

"Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done."

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