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Erin Grey

"Yes, I'm quiet. Thank you for noticing, Captain Obvious."

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a character in “Psychic Mansion”, as played by slcam


Full Name:Erin Grey
Nickname:Not many nicknames for 'Erin' but her father sometimes calls her Airy.

Appearance: Erin has large, green eyes and shoulder length, dark brown hair with long bangs that frame her face and often fall into her eyes. She always has large, dark bags under her eyes from a lack of sleep, and usually has her hair up in a messy pony tail or bun. She would only wear makeup if forced, since she feels it is somewhat deceptive. Overall, Erin cares little about her appearance and dresses for comfort. This usually means loose jeans, a long sleeved shirt, and a brown wrap loosely thrown around her shoulders since she is nearly always cold.

Psychic Ability: Erin can sense when someone is about to die. First, she will get a strong compulsion to write the details down, though she doesn't know what she will write until it is on the page. If she can't write it, or refuses to, for any reason, she will have a vivid vision of the death. She can only sense the death if it is someone she has seen before, though she does not have to talk to them or know anything about them. As long as she sees their face or hears their voice, she will know when they die and how at the moment it happens. However, the better she knows someone, the more likely it is she will have visions/write about other highly significant events in their lives. This can be anything, from a marriage proposal to getting a job to being in a bad accident. She never knows what she might write when the compulsion comes. Thus, she always carries around a couple notebooks since it is much easier to write these deaths or events than have to watch them in detail.

Personality:Erin is quiet in a thoughtful way. She is not shy, but merely prefers to listen instead of being the center of attention. Unless she is interested by someone or something, she will not speak unless spoken to first. She prefers to only give her opinion when she feels like it would contribute. Erin has no problem sitting alone daydreaming until interrupted by one of her compulsions. She dislikes being in crowded places and easily gets anxious and uncomfortable, especially when she does not know anyone.

However, when she begins talking to someone, they quickly realize she is not as silent as she seems. She is very blunt and straightforward, and will even be somewhat sarcastic as she starts to get to know them. She enjoys making others smile, though she rarely does herself. If the person she is conversing with seems quiet and hesitant, Erin has no problem filling the silence as long as the other person seems interested. On the other hand, she is just as happy listening and asking questions to let someone else speak. She has no issues with not getting a word in, and, depending on the person, she may prefer it.

Often, when she sleeps her visions cause nightmares or the compulsion to write wakes her up. Because of this, she gets little sleep and what she does get is not quite restful. For this reason, she dislikes both mornings and nighttime. She has mostly adapted to this lack of sleep, and, since she does not like troubling others with her problems, she will not mention it unless asked directly.

Every once in a while, however, she has particularly bad days because of her ability. She sometimes wonders if she is causing the deaths by writing them down and will feel guilty and depressed though she knows it is not actually her fault. On days like this, especially days when there are several deaths, Erin will refuse to talk about what is bothering her, withdraw from others in a way that seems almost sulky, and look for a chance to get away and sort out her emotions. If bothered too much, she will often say something in anger she will later regret. Once she feels in better control of her emotions, she is not above apologizing for what she said, no matter how true it was or how annoying the person was.

Special Traits:Overall, Erin is silent and blunt, but also kind and friendly when you get to know her. She is quick witted, though she often keeps it to herself, and accepting. She would rather go with the flow than cause trouble.

Special Non-Psychic Abilites: She loves climbing trees and will always be sitting up high if given the chance. She is a good writer, though she feels uncomfortable writing, even when it is her own thoughts and stories.

Feelings towards having a Room mate: She would not mind having a roomie, especially if they are a heavy sleeper. Erin hates waking people with the nightmares her visions sometimes cause. Otherwise, she would have no issues with it.
Likes: Privacy and quiet (though she does not mind loudness in moderation), good books, non-noisy animals, pizza, and climbing trees.
Dislikes: Too much noise, overly sweet food, her visions/compulsions, nosy people, and being pittied or worried about, television.

So begins...

Erin Grey's Story


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Character Portrait: Erin Grey Character Portrait: Axel Lerate
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#, as written by slcam
"I hope they can help you get a handle on that."

The unexpected noise startled Erin from her writing momentarily as she looked up at her mother. As if controlled by another, her hand finished writing one last sentence. She looked back down at what she had written, a full half page of clear, type-like writing. It was not her normal handwriting by any stretch. She did not think she could ever normally make letters that round and perfect. The words, however, were much less appealing. It was another depressing death, Samuel Moore, probably someone she had only glimpsed before. Killed in a brutal car wreck involving a drunk semi truck driver and at least five other cars. Apparently his had gotten the brunt of the impact. Shutting the notebook with more force than necessary, Erin glared at her mother. Something in her eyes gave away that she was not mad at her mother, but at what she had written. Nevertheless, this was a conversation they had had before, and frustration colored her words.

"Yeah, and maybe they will get the sun to stop shining too. Or gravity to stop pulling, or bees to stop stinging, or--" Erin was cut off by her mother's glare and exasperated sigh. She was always telling Erin to stop being so sarcastic, though she had gotten it from her mother. Biting back a comeback, she glared out the side window, fiddling with the pencil still grasped in her hand. At least she was not feeling another compulsion yet. Some days it seemed like she never stopped writing, but thankfully this was not one of them, so far.

She hated the thought of going to new places, and especially a new school. There were too many new faces, which only meant more people whose death she would have to record. At least she could avoid actually knowing what happened to most by writing it down instead of watching it, but even that did not always work. But an even bigger reason for not wanting to go to boarding school was that she would be away from her parents. Though her mother regularly drove her nuts, and she only saw her father for a small part of each day, she would still miss them. Nevertheless, it even simpler than just homesickness. Her father would no longer be there to comfort her after a particularly bad nightmare. No one would. She would have to deal with them alone. Not that she doubted her ability to deal with it on her own, but it would just be another added pressure.

Finally, they arrived at the train station, still immersed in an awkward silence. Erin's mother took her hand and gave it a little squeeze, trying to offer a reassuring smile, but she was clearly trying too hard. Still, Erin appreciated the effort and gave a half hearted smile of her own. Giving her mother one final, stiff hug, they gave their customary "goodbye"s and "I love you"s. She shouldered her packs and grabbed her heavy suitcase, resenting that she had to fill nearly half of it with journals and notebooks.

On the way up to the school, she passed a couple families in tearful farewells, but passed without so much as a glance. If she was lucky, her powers would not note them. Finally, the mansion came into view, and Erin paused to wonder at it. It was much larger, and grander, than she had expected. After a moment, she recovered from her wide-eyed gaping and continued her trek up to the door. She had little interest in socializing at the moment, instead focusing on finding her room.

Apparently, she was in Room nĀ°14 with someone named Myka. That is all the paper really said, other than a couple rules. Not that she would know where Room nĀ°14 was. There was not really anyone nearby who did not look busy, though there was a girl who looked a little green. Not really wanting to bug anyone, Erin decided to just find her room by herself. Dragging her clunky luggage through the somewhat crowded halls, Erin realized she was in the wrong corridor. The numbers were too high and increasing. She gave a sigh and turned around, deciding to try another hallway.

She had just turned the corner when she realized someone was sprinting toward her, and approaching much faster than she could dodge. He crashed into Erin and she went sprawling on her back right on top of her suitcase with a surprised yelp. After a moment, still trying to untangle her self from her baggage, Erin took a good look at the guy who bowled her over. He seemed to have some sort of running blades on, but they were not made of metal or plastic. It must have been some kind of psychic energy.

"Is it really the best idea to hop around in a crowded building like that?" She finally got up and began brushing herself off. "Could have broken something, or worse, me." She looked at him again, taking a deep breath to calm down. She extended her hand and continued, "Name's Erin. By the way, what were you doing anyway?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Grey Character Portrait: Axel Lerate
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Axel rubbed his head, the aura dispelling from around his legs, revealing black metal running blades, which he did mainly to keep them from falling off mid-run. This girl had taken him by surprise, which actually kind of startled him, that almost never happened.
"Actually, I didn't expect to run into anyone. Sorry about that-" he paused for a bit, bringing himself up by swinging his legs out in almost a breakdance-style move, then using his momentum to push onto his hands, then finally pushing off so he would land on his blades with a little flip. It was easier for him than standing up, due to his not having flexible feet that would stay strong on a base. "I'm usually a bit more attentive." He shook her offered hand firmly, but not to the point it hurt. "Name's Axel. Pleasure to meet you, pain to have run into you like that." The pun could have killed a small town if bad jokes were lethal. "And as far as I've seen, there hasn't been a single person around, save you, so I was just running for running's sake! You should try it, it's fun!" His tone made it clear he wasn't being rude, he was simply someone who enjoyed running.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Grey Character Portrait: Axel Lerate
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#, as written by slcam
The boy who had run into her, Axel, firmly shook her hand. Her father always said that a firm handshake was the sign of a trustworthy person. Erin gave a small nod of approval before letting go of his hand. She shook her head at his little pun, rolling her eyes. And she thought her dad was bad when it came to puns. It was kind of comforting to see there was someone else with a similar sense of humor to her dad.

"Oh, really? Well, last I checked, there was this great place for running. If I remember correctly, it's called 'The Great Outdoors'." She held her hands out toward the front door as if displaying a fancy grand prize on a game show. "In any case, I should--" she suddenly stopped, a look of discomfort crossing her face. 'Gah, not now!'she thought, wincing. When her fingers began twitching, she pulled a small notebook out of her back pocket, deftly fishing the pencil out of the binding and flipping it open to an empty page. She frantically began writing, ignoring any questions or odd looks as her mind focused entirely on what she was writing. It was impossible to not see every word she wrote when she felt stressed like this. It was nearly as bad as having to watch the entire death in a vision. As she wrote, her fingers slowly began to stop shaking, though the shaking obviously had no effect on that horrible, ever-neat, type-like writing. It seemed that she had waited a bit too long to start writing this time. She hated that horrible feeling, the horribly neat writing that did not belong to her, the horrible curse that made her witness death on a daily basis.

She slammed the book closed and gathered her bag. She looked at Axel's face one more time before looking down and mumbling, "I need to go find my room." A her emotions began to roil as she stepped past him and down the hall, easily finding her room now that she had thoroughly embarrassed herself. There were three beds, but the wardrobe had a sign on it. She ignored it, leaving her bags on the bed nearest the windows before opening one and hopping outside. She had no interest in running into Axel again, or anyone else for that matter. Finding a nearby tree with low branches, she quickly climbed it, coming to rest on a high branch where she could observe those outside without being easy to see. She let the emotion wash over her, a single tear running down her cheek.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Grey Character Portrait: Axel Lerate
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Her solitude was quite interrupted when a purple hand grabbed a branch next to her and pulled Axel up to sit a few branches across from her, dissipating as he adjusted himself to his new seat.
"I didn't think you were serious when you mentioned this magical place for running called the Great Outdoors. But I know I wasn't so repulsive that you would run because of me, especially since I could easily keep up with you, then keep track of where your room was from the outside. Kind of hard to not notice the same person I just met out on a limb. So I'm gonna go out on a limb and ask what happened with your power? I promise you I won't run screaming." As he spoke, he took off his running blades and set them on his lap, to show he wouldn't flee.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Grey Character Portrait: Axel Lerate
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#, as written by slcam
Erin started to calm down, and her anger at her 'ability' began to fade into the usual annoyance. She had thought that it would be easier while she was here, so the sudden compulsion had caught her off guard. Since she had waited to write, hoping the feeling would fade, she nearly had a vision instead. That feeling always upset her. It was even worse for that to happen in front of someone who was a stranger. She had enough issues before with people misunderstanding her abilities, and more than once someone had told either her, or her parents, that she was doing it on her own to gain attention.

She had just started to get over her unease when she heard someone climbing into the tree next to her. She looked down at Axel with irritation plain on her face. "Do you have a thing for showing up unexpected or something?" she snapped, not enjoying his humor at the moment. "Did it occur to you that I just wanted to be alone for a minute? Really, I kinda need some space, but I guess you wouldn't understand that." She sighed deeply, looking out at nothing in particular.

She realized she had been a bit harsh. He had just come to check on her after all. She sighed again, trying to think of something to say to break the somewhat awkward silence. "Sorry, I just... I just need some time to get straightened out again.... I don't really feel like talking about it, actually. Let's talk about something else." She paused a moment, trying to find something to talk about that did not involve abilities, still feeling dumb for yelling at him. "So, what do you think so far? If this place I mean?" She felt silly asking that, but there was not really much else to ask that would be less awkward. It was better than sitting in silence....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Grey Character Portrait: Axel Lerate
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Axel rubbed his left stump, thinking about the question.
"Well... If anything, it'll help at least one person learn how to cope with their powers. As you can see-" he paused to let the aura transform in his right hand into a bouquet of flowers, then explode into small petals, "for me, it's less about control and more about not being as much of a misfit as usual. And that... That's worth more to me than any level of psychic power..." This last part was solemn, as if this was the first time he'd actually thought about it. He tried breaking that bit of depressiveness with a weak laugh and a hand wave. "But yeah, I'm not exactly known for staying out of personal space. I AM known, however, for being there when people need it. And people don't climb trees and whine about personal space when something isn't hurting them. Again, you can talk to me. I can't exactly walk away from this conversation, and wouldn't if I could. And if you think I won't understand your pain, don't forget you're talking to someone who spends every morning wishing he could roll out of a bed without the need of psychic power. If you think I'm saying this to just make your excuses look bad, I understand. But if I wanted to make this seem like a competition, I wouldn't be telling you now that YOU need someone to talk to. See, I'm here, so do you have anything you need to get off of your chest?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Grey Character Portrait: Axel Lerate
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#, as written by slcam
Erin was surprised at how quickly Axel was able to shift to such a serious topic. At topic which seemed to immediately come back to abilities, to her annoyance. He made good points, this was a good place to learn and live without the judgment one would face out in the 'real world,' as well as a place where you did not have to worry as much about fitting in with the 'normal' people. No one was really normal here. Nevertheless, that did not mean she wanted to tell him all about her powers. There was not much reason behind her reluctance to tell him, but his insistence on knowing was getting on her nerves and making her feel especially stubborn. However, this was Erin's normal reaction when she felt someone was being to nosy.

When he emphasized again that he could not walk away from this conversation, Erin finally looked at him more closely. She realized that he was missing the lower half of his legs. She felt stupid and unobservant for missing it before. She had been too wrapped up in her own issues to really notice, not to mention that his powers had somewhat disguised it when she first looked at him. She recalled something her father always told her, something that made even more sense now. It was not the appearance that defines a person, but how they act. Right now, Axel was trying to be helpful, it did not really matter whether or not he was missing appendages. She decided that was how she would look at it.

In contemplating this, she missed all but his last question. She looked at his face with slight irritation. Though he was persistent and stubborn, she could be even more stubborn. With a small huff, she crossed her arms and said, "No, I do not have anything to get off my chest at the moment, thank you very much. You're pretty obnoxious, you know?" Something in her tone said that she was teasing, and her lips almost twitched into a smile. Axel had certainly gotten her out of a foul mood, and it was a nice that someone cared for a change, if also irritating.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Grey Character Portrait: Axel Lerate
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Axel smiled at her, he'd at least gotten her to smile, which was a very good thing. He formed shades over his eyes, which he then pulled down to look at her.
"Obnoxious enough to know when I need to push someone to tell the truth. Powers. Out with them. Now. I showed you mine, you tell me yours."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Grey Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: Veyix Donner Character Portrait: Myka
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#, as written by slcam
Any sign of a smile disappeared from Erin's face. She was beginning to get irritated and it showed. Why could he not just leave her powers alone. It was not like her powers endangered anyone, so she had no need to tell anyone unless she wanted to tell them. Obviously, she did not feel like explaining, so his nosiness bothered her. She had just met him, so he had no business being so concerned, acting like he was her best friend. It felt like he just wanted to satisfy his curiosity, and that was quite annoying. She shifted until she could see him, squatting easily on the thick branch.

She decided she had enough with his aggravating persistence in trying to find out what her abilities were. She spoke, a hint of anger coloring her words, "You are being a bit of a jerk. I don't owe you any answers, so don't act like I do just because you were showing of with your wonderful powers. I will tell you what my 'abilities' are when I am ready, if ever. Not when you demand it. Bug off."

Before he could react, she slipped down to a lower branch and dangled from it, holding with her hands. A moment later she dropped to the ground, landing in a squatting position. She walked away without a backward glance, still fuming. The nerve of some people to barge into her personal space, interrupt her privacy, and demand answers he had no right to anyway. It just got on her last nerve when people were so rude. She stomped around to the front of the building again, faintly surprised at how much fewer people were around. Families must have started leaving. She was glad it would not always be so crowded.

As she entered the still open front door, a sound caught her attention. Not just any sound, music from a piano. She followed the sound, stopping and closing her eyes every few steps to focus. It did not seem much louder, even as she was lured in, driven to find out who was playing. Finally, she came upon a boy playing the keyboard. A girl who seemed familiar was sitting near him, seeming to be sleeping soundly. She took a seat near the girl and opposite the mysterious pianist, soaking in the music.