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''Secrets are no safe around me.''

0 · 162 views · located in Academy Hill

a character in “Psychic Mansion”, originally authored by xfaithyx123, as played by RolePlayGateway


Full Name: Michella Farthering

Nickname: Myka

Titles: N/A

Gender: Female

Appearance: Slender with curves, pale skin, jet black hair, moss green eye colour. She wears a shear green top with a thin green crop top (Fuck bras eh?) and brown leather skinny jeans. She wears no shoes, never. But she loves painting her toe nails as well as her finger nails. She has a tattoo on her foot of a ying yang, though not in a traditional one. It is black and green, the green side is full of computer coding.

Personality: Witful, smart, solitary, rule breaker. Can be cold at times. She hardly smiles either, she says it is wasted energy, you could sad she is a depressive soul.

Psychic abilty: Psychometry or psychoscopy - Obtaining information about a person or object. However her ability, though useful and even wanted from powerful hands as 'Knoweledge is power' comes up often; Is unstable, just because she can indeed know everything doesn't mean it doesn't take its toll, her mental state can be frozen or 'tuck' if her other self that the ability manafests itself on overcomes her will to stay her and the thirst she gets to know everything takes over. This can be dangerous as she can if unstable enough or more than one person becomes a target can suck the life from them as she learns about them, even their darkest secret. This can be reversed as she is unfrozen but if serious enough, they can go into a coma. So she has the ability to drew life from people to but not truely, only if she has a unstable outburst of her true ability, Psychometry. That underlining abilty though awakening in her time of weakness can take the life from one and add it to hers even age her, still though lengthing her life. But again she is unstable and if her other self took complete control....she could kill...everyone.

Special personality traits: Rebelious, cold, angry.

Notable non-psychic abilities: Smart, good flexiblity and stamina and good at hiding in plain sight.

Her story: She was orphaned or lefted as she would say and hates families....just because....she doesn't have one. She wasn't straight away though, in fact she was loved and priced from her parents as her growth as a child was far from expected. She learned to talk in the matter of weeks from her birth by reading her parents, she learned to walk in matter of days after overcoming the speech hurdle but her ability became more noticed at the age of eight. As she learned french just by touching a french dictionary, of course, even natural her parents were stunned then the day came....It was her tenth birthday and their was a child she did not know. She then cried and for the first time her eyes glowed its computerized green and she wrapped the vines of that same glow on the child. Her voice was completely different, computerize as if talking to a AI. She stopped crying and laughed wildly and said..''I want to know...I have too!'' Suddenly as she drew the child's history from him. She also took his life in the process. Her parents were feared of her and after she fell to the ground unconsious the life she took was given to her, she grew two years older in a flash. She never saw her parents after that day, in fact she has no clear memory of them. Like looking in the water, your image distorted. She was in a hospital for the mentality ill for two years of her life, just as she took the life of the boy's at her tenth birthday it was used up in a place like she was in. She then was put in a orphanage deemed healthy even after that day. But they 'fixed' her memory so she could not remeber that day, though not all things stay hidden right? Her unstable outbreaks of her ability would pacen that memory's reconition.

Feelings towards having a Room mate: TBA

Likes: Computers, mints, big wardrobes and space.

Dislikes: Small rooms, liquorice, people, loudness.

Extra: Carries a hidden lockpick kit, gets migranes.

So begins...

Myka's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Grey Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: Veyix Donner Character Portrait: Myka
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#, as written by slcam
Any sign of a smile disappeared from Erin's face. She was beginning to get irritated and it showed. Why could he not just leave her powers alone. It was not like her powers endangered anyone, so she had no need to tell anyone unless she wanted to tell them. Obviously, she did not feel like explaining, so his nosiness bothered her. She had just met him, so he had no business being so concerned, acting like he was her best friend. It felt like he just wanted to satisfy his curiosity, and that was quite annoying. She shifted until she could see him, squatting easily on the thick branch.

She decided she had enough with his aggravating persistence in trying to find out what her abilities were. She spoke, a hint of anger coloring her words, "You are being a bit of a jerk. I don't owe you any answers, so don't act like I do just because you were showing of with your wonderful powers. I will tell you what my 'abilities' are when I am ready, if ever. Not when you demand it. Bug off."

Before he could react, she slipped down to a lower branch and dangled from it, holding with her hands. A moment later she dropped to the ground, landing in a squatting position. She walked away without a backward glance, still fuming. The nerve of some people to barge into her personal space, interrupt her privacy, and demand answers he had no right to anyway. It just got on her last nerve when people were so rude. She stomped around to the front of the building again, faintly surprised at how much fewer people were around. Families must have started leaving. She was glad it would not always be so crowded.

As she entered the still open front door, a sound caught her attention. Not just any sound, music from a piano. She followed the sound, stopping and closing her eyes every few steps to focus. It did not seem much louder, even as she was lured in, driven to find out who was playing. Finally, she came upon a boy playing the keyboard. A girl who seemed familiar was sitting near him, seeming to be sleeping soundly. She took a seat near the girl and opposite the mysterious pianist, soaking in the music.