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Red Sand

Red Sand


A once great nation is conquered; former glorious warriors are now made to be gladiators. How long will you fight for your so called king?

3,823 readers have visited Red Sand since guru101 created it.


You live in the kingdom of Diran, a once prosperous and self sufficient land, ran by old king Alan, where all the races thrived. The land had never seen any major war or invasion due to the large mountain range that surrounded it, isolating the kingdom from the rest of the known world. Despite the mountain range every now and then they would encounter minor threats such as roving bands of goblins or a lumbering troll that has come down from the rocky mountain slopes. To handle these instances there were defenses set up and warriors trained to deal with the enemies or any inside disturbances that may occur within their relatively peaceful home.

As you can imagine their small band of warriors were amazingly adept at dealing with minor threats but when a major war came over their mountains they were at a loss of what to do. The kingdom of Seria led by the great tyrant Dimitri Blackwell stormed over the great mountains protecting Diran; bringing war to the once quiet land. King Blackwell was ruthless in his invasion, slaughtering all that stood in his way. After only two years Blackwell succeeded in his invasion killing king Alan and his successors, as well as breaking the spirits of the people.

Your story starts twenty years after the initial en-slavery of the kingdom of Diran. All the nations people that are fit to fight are sent to Blackwell's grand gladiatorial arena to fight to the death and possibly for their freedom, though none have succeeded so far. Those that are not able bodied enough to fight are sent to the salt mines to labor away until they are nothing but husks of their former selves unable to even lift a pick anymore. When the miners finally pass away the bodies are loaded onto a cart and taken off never to be seen again. Some rumors say that King Blackwell reanimates the corpses and uses them to increase his armies power. Others say that his army is made up completely of cannibals and he feeds the corpses to his men to keep them satisfied. No one truly knows.

You are a slave taken away to the great arena to become a gladiator in the death games that King Blackwell enjoys to watch. Each individual will be put into teams of six, to fight against great beasts and terrible odds. This is the story of your team, this is your legend.

4.Demon of Bereavement
7.Selene Durlan
Healers (Take care of a gladiator's injuries, possibly have a romance with a gladiator if you want.)

Dragon (There is only one and it is reserved for my Co-Gm. The dragon will be a wise and guiding character throughout the rp if it speaks to you then you should listen closely)

There will be six slots for the gladiators which are necessary to proceed. You can be a good character, an evil character whatever. But remember if you don't have your team mates back then you they may not have yours. As for healers those slots are not necessary for the game. The healers are for people that want to experience the role play but are not comfortable with or do not want to fight. Their roles will be a bit dull at first but trust me things will get interesting as the rp progresses.

P.S. I do not want any angst ridden super powered emo vampire, werewolf, human, whatever characters in this rp. Those characters will not be accepted.

If you are a healer you do not have to fill out the preferred weapons and armor.

Character Skeleton
Age: Lets have some fresh new gladiators and some grizzled old veterans.
Description: You can write a description but a picture is greatly preferred.
Preferred Weapons: You may not be given your weapon of choice.
Preferred Armor:
History/ Feelings on being a gladiator: The history thing is a bit tricky for this because mostly everyone will have the same history. Taken away from family at age 18 to be forced into the gladiatorial games possibly younger if you showed great skill. But if you want to make a unique history that still allows you to be taken in as a gladiator then have at it.

Toggle Rules

Ok people here are the rules.
1. You can make any race of character you want; be it an elf, dwarf, werewolf, beast person, or dragonborn. Make what ever race of character you can think of as long as they are NOT amazingly over powered. So in other words I don't want a horde of giants or dragons filling up the joint.

2. NO GOD MODDING!!!....or else I will be forced to feed your character to a dragon that is held within the arena.

3. I require any applicant to pm me a try out post of whatever you want but it must be at least two paragraphs. Please and thank you.

4. I request that players please post at least once a day with a two paragraph minimum if possible. If your real life gets in the way though I understand completely. If you are able to then just send me a pm letting me know you are not going to be able to post. I promise I wont bite.

5. If you wish to drop out of the rp at any point then just let me know. Shoot me a pm or announce it in the ooc. It is terribly frustrating when a person doesn't post in one rp but is extremely active in another. If you want to drop out I promise I wont rip your head off.

6. There WILL be fighting in this rp and I would appreciate it if you don't instantly kill whatever opponent you are facing. If you post a good fight then I will make sure your enemy goes down or takes an appropriate amount of damage. Also since this is a gladiatorial set rp during the fights I will have my co-gm pick out which fighter puts up the best, most eloquently written fight. That fighter will become the "crowd favorite" for that match and will be awarded the honor of taking on a "surprise creature" single-handedly in the arena.

7. Post in the proper areas please. It helps keep things organized

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Fantasy by guru101

oops... yeah just ignore this

Land of Diran

Land of Diran by RolePlayGateway

The homeland you were taken from

Kingdom of Seria

Kingdom of Seria by RolePlayGateway

The kingdom of Seria homeland of king Blackwell.

Grand Coliseum

Grand Coliseum by RolePlayGateway

Blood, sweat, sand, and death. Here is where you battle and make your legend.

Gladitorial Stables

Gladitorial Stables by RolePlayGateway

This is where you train, eat, and sleep. This is your only home besides the Arena.

Griffin Peak Mountains

Griffin Peak Mountains by RolePlayGateway

The once great protectors of the Land of Diran.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 15 authors


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#, as written by guru101
King Blackwell watched closely, his eyes glowing white, as the gladiators struggled against the minotaur chief; giving a carnivorous grin when the gladiators succeeded. "Perfect!" He said as he stood up from his chair and walked to the edge of the balcony he was observing the fight from. He laid his hand on the arena masters shoulder "Lets finish this fight up shall we?" he said in a cheerful tone as the image in the sky once again turned to the kings face. "Wonderful!" his voice boomed over the coliseum "Did you enjoy the blood my loyal subjects?". The crowd roared their approval "Should we get some healers to these brave warriors?" the sound from the stadium rose to a roar as the citizens cheered even louder. "Guards! take the gladiators to the healing room and let these brave warriors rest!" Suddenly the walls of the labyrinth disappeared as the gates to the coliseum floor opened up letting in 20 armed guards. The lead guard walked up to the gladiators and signaled men to help the injured warriors who could not move on their own. A few of the solders disarmed the gladiators taking their swords before the warriors were ushered out one of the gates and into the healing room.

After the gladiators were out of the arena the king turned around and started walking out "The show is yours again arena master" Blackwell said over his shoulder as he signaled for his mages and guards to follow. When out of ear shot from anyone but his trusted followers he signaled for the captain of his guard lord Logan Gyre. Lord Gyre was a monster of a man standing at a massive 7'8" with 400 pounds of muscle to full him out. He keeps his head shaved for intimidation and his beard long and unkempt for the same reason. He was a notorious fiend taking whatever women he with the bad habit of drinking copious amounts of ale and flying into a rage destroying the tavern afterwards. Some say that he wrestles minotaurs for a hobby though no one has ever seen him commit such a feet everyone believes that it could be true due to his weapon of choice, a freakishly large 5 foot long 3 foot wide great sword that even three strong men could not pick up though Gyre weilds it with ease. Many say his strength and size are due to magical enhancements given to him by the king. As the massive man walked up beside his king he gave a quick bow before speaking in a surprisingly sober tone "My lord what do you need?" Blackwell grinned at the man "Contact the Minotaur tribes and tell them their leader has been slain in a fair duel by me. They now are bound by honor to follow me as their new leader." Lord Gyre looked at his king in confusion "Sir forgive me for questionin ya but did you not say the minotaurs were from king Minos?" Blackwell gave his trade mark grin "Yes I did say that didn't I... well the two small minotaurs were from kings Minos's stock but the large one, well he had been invited to come and meet with me about his lands being invaded by some of my troops or some such nonsense. When I asked if him and his people would serve me he was not very cooperative so I had him thrown into the games. Either way his people will now serve me because I have defeated their leader in fair combat."
Gyre grinned showing some of his black teeth "Yer a bloody genius sir."
"Yes, yes enough with the flattery go and send my message and have the Minotaurs body prepared to be shipped to his people"
"Right away Sir" Gyre saluted before running off.
When the captain was gone Blackwell stood tapping his foot in thought for a moment "Now how about we go see my little pawns shall we. I'm sure by the time I get there they will be healed up and ready to meet their king" With that Blackwell set off towards the healing room his eyes glowing a joyous white.

Jacob ran out of the dragons cage and sprinted up into the stands looking around frantically for Kelyren hoping that the boy hadn't been attacked by anyone. By the time the fight was over Jacob spotted Kelyren. "There you are, dammit your hard to find!" he exclaimed "....tell me you didn't run into anyone suspicious did you? There was something I forgot to tell you healers before the fight started. There is a powerful man looking to hurt the gladiators , and his intention is to do so through you healers so watch out for anyone ok." suddenly the king announced the gladiators were being brought to the healing area. "Damn no time to chat. Come on boy we have to go" the big man said as he abruptly started off towards the healing area though stopping long enough to glare at Kelyren "Oh and if I find you are trying to kill my gladiators...well I'll leave it up to your imagination, Now lets hurry I'm gonna tear those gladiators a new one for doing so poorly this damn fight."


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From her own personal box, Jordan watched the fight unfold with bright eyes. It was always a joy to see the newest gladiators in the arena. Of course it wasn't because she was thrilled to see what tactics they would come up with to side step danger or how adept they were with their weapons, oh no, it was much more what she say visually that appealed to her. The muscles, sweat, and blood were all very alluring to the princess and this was the prime time to pick out which man, or woman, she wanted as hers to toy with for the time being. To be honest there were quite a few that caught her eye in this group and she had never had a centaur before but goodness would that be exciting.

The moment the minotaur chief was slain a disapproving frown settled across her face, not because she disapproved of the blood or death of the beast oh no but more so because this meant a win for her father which was something she wasn't the least bit pleased about. Oh well, there were still other factions and creatures that resisted him so he wasn't yet all powerful although he certainly liked to believe so. Pushing those thoughts from her mind she once again returned to thinking about the gladiators and who she wished to have. There was the centaur, that large foreign fellow, the dragon man and of course the elf who had shown quite bravery in dispatching not one but two minotaurs. Oh choices, choices, choices! Biting her lip in thought, she rose from her chair as her two guards and two mages followed suit. Her thoughts only stopped when she saw her father and she hurried over to him after plastering a pleasant smile to her face. "Father! Did you enjoy the fight? It seems you did from the look in your eyes. I was wondering, would you mind if I went to take a closer peek at our new gladiators? I thought a hello from the princess would give the poor warriors a boost after such a hard battle." Blackwell looked over to his daughter with a partially raised brow and a knowing look in his eye. He wasn't any fool and knew what his daughter truly wanted but it was honestly of no concern to him. "Why of course my dear. In fact I'm on my there now so feel free to follow me." Returning his daughter's smile his head snapped to the left as he heard Gyre's voice calling out to him. "Sir! I need to speak with ya about the shipment." "Hm, very well I'll be there in a moment Gyre." Looking down at his daughter once more he knew he could at least trust her to relay information to the gladiators in his stead. "My dearest can you inform the gladiator named Dara, he's the dragon born I believe, that he has been named the crowd favorite? Oh, and, give him my congratulations will you?" Yet another charming smile and off he went with Gyre. Jordan smiled for a moment before glaring at his back as she turned and made her way down into the healing room where she patiently waited near a wall for the gladiators.

The setting changes from Grand Coliseum to Gladitorial Stables

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The familiar voice brought Kelyren out of his thoughts and jerked him roughly into reality. He opened his eyes and turned to see Jacob coming towards him.

"Sorry," he mumbled tiredly. Now that he was no longer burning with anger at Gideon (and maybe himself, for accepting the offer) he was starting to feel weary. "I didn't mean to disappear."

Jacob's question made him pause, and a sharp knife of worry stabbed at him. Yes, he had run into someone suspicious. From what that "someone suspicious" had said, there indeed was a powerful man looking to hurt the gladiators - and he had managed to sway Kelyren, who was a healer, into doing his bidding. What am I supposed to say? Kelyren wondered. If I don't say anything, no one will know anything if Gideon double-crosses me and I wind up dead in an alley somewhere. If I do say something, I bet Gideon will somehow learn of it, and then I'll be in deep trouble. Deep down, he knew that he should do the right thing and admit that he had met such a man, and agreed to do some dirty work for him... but his overwhelming desire to be reunited with his sister overpowered that instinct.

"Uh... thanks for letting me know, I guess." That was all he could come up with for a reply. He didn't know if he could say anything else without running the risk of letting something slip. Kelyren hurried after Jacob, and almost ran into the other man when he stopped.

He did not expect the glare and the warning. It made him flinch and look away, breaking eye contact with Jacob. He could only nod once in response, and he continued the journey to the healing area in silence.

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Fantasy by guru101

oops... yeah just ignore this

Land of Diran

Land of Diran by RolePlayGateway

The homeland you were taken from

Kingdom of Seria

Kingdom of Seria by RolePlayGateway

The kingdom of Seria homeland of king Blackwell.

Grand Coliseum

Grand Coliseum by RolePlayGateway

Blood, sweat, sand, and death. Here is where you battle and make your legend.

Gladitorial Stables

Gladitorial Stables by RolePlayGateway

This is where you train, eat, and sleep. This is your only home besides the Arena.

Griffin Peak Mountains

Griffin Peak Mountains by RolePlayGateway

The once great protectors of the Land of Diran.

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View All » Add Character » 20 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Gambrill
Character Portrait: Darastrix, ???Dara??? Dastudr
Character Portrait: Rowan Verrow
Character Portrait: Leilatha Esta Nym
Character Portrait: Sean Hollifield
Character Portrait: Kelyren Vale
Character Portrait: William (A.K.A. Fangs)
Character Portrait: Tale Weaver
Character Portrait: Adriac Veras
Character Portrait: Sylvani Drwgg-Nikolaidis
Character Portrait: Anvain Koravelki
Character Portrait: Pandora Emyrald Gradanias
Character Portrait: Cutlass-Prince De???Morvian
Character Portrait: Niall MacKelter
Character Portrait: King Dimitri Blackwell
Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jordan Blackwell


Character Portrait: King Dimitri Blackwell
King Dimitri Blackwell

"You will respect me, or fear me. I care not which"

Character Portrait: Niall MacKelter
Niall MacKelter

While I live, I fight. I will never give in. I will never stop. Not until my deed has been accomplished.

Character Portrait: Cutlass-Prince De???Morvian
Cutlass-Prince De???Morvian

I may be a slave but don't mistake that for weak. I'd trample you as soon as I'd kiss you. I'd kill you sooner than I'd save you. I'm a slave, but I'm not broken yet.

Character Portrait: Pandora Emyrald Gradanias
Pandora Emyrald Gradanias

Deep breath, dear. The pain will pass soon.

Character Portrait: Anvain Koravelki
Anvain Koravelki

Soft-hearted forest elf

Character Portrait: Sylvani Drwgg-Nikolaidis
Sylvani Drwgg-Nikolaidis

I can heal your physical wounds... but I cannot heal the wounds that have cut your spirit.

Character Portrait: Adriac Veras
Adriac Veras

"When you make a mistake..that day I will be free."

Character Portrait: Tale Weaver
Tale Weaver

"Please friend, join me by the fire and rest your weary bones. After you eat your fill, If you like, then I could tell you a story or two."

Character Portrait: William (A.K.A. Fangs)
William (A.K.A. Fangs)

Please don't make me mad...I don't want to shed anymore blood...


Character Portrait: Niall MacKelter
Niall MacKelter

While I live, I fight. I will never give in. I will never stop. Not until my deed has been accomplished.

Character Portrait: Leilatha Esta Nym
Leilatha Esta Nym

Don't worry about life, you're not going to survive it anyway.

Character Portrait: Sylvani Drwgg-Nikolaidis
Sylvani Drwgg-Nikolaidis

I can heal your physical wounds... but I cannot heal the wounds that have cut your spirit.

Character Portrait: Kelyren Vale
Kelyren Vale

"It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye... Then it becomes work for me."

Character Portrait: Adriac Veras
Adriac Veras

"When you make a mistake..that day I will be free."

Character Portrait: Anvain Koravelki
Anvain Koravelki

Soft-hearted forest elf

Character Portrait: Tale Weaver
Tale Weaver

"Please friend, join me by the fire and rest your weary bones. After you eat your fill, If you like, then I could tell you a story or two."

Character Portrait: William (A.K.A. Fangs)
William (A.K.A. Fangs)

Please don't make me mad...I don't want to shed anymore blood...

Character Portrait: Pandora Emyrald Gradanias
Pandora Emyrald Gradanias

Deep breath, dear. The pain will pass soon.

Character Portrait: Sean Hollifield
Sean Hollifield

Bring me a sword...

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Anvain Koravelki
Anvain Koravelki

Soft-hearted forest elf

Character Portrait: Gambrill

The arena's dragon

Character Portrait: Cutlass-Prince De???Morvian
Cutlass-Prince De???Morvian

I may be a slave but don't mistake that for weak. I'd trample you as soon as I'd kiss you. I'd kill you sooner than I'd save you. I'm a slave, but I'm not broken yet.

Character Portrait: Sylvani Drwgg-Nikolaidis
Sylvani Drwgg-Nikolaidis

I can heal your physical wounds... but I cannot heal the wounds that have cut your spirit.

Character Portrait: Niall MacKelter
Niall MacKelter

While I live, I fight. I will never give in. I will never stop. Not until my deed has been accomplished.

Character Portrait: Leilatha Esta Nym
Leilatha Esta Nym

Don't worry about life, you're not going to survive it anyway.

Character Portrait: Kelyren Vale
Kelyren Vale

"It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye... Then it becomes work for me."

Character Portrait: Sean Hollifield
Sean Hollifield

Bring me a sword...

Character Portrait: William (A.K.A. Fangs)
William (A.K.A. Fangs)

Please don't make me mad...I don't want to shed anymore blood...

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Fantasy by guru101

oops... yeah just ignore this

Land of Diran

Land of Diran by RolePlayGateway

The homeland you were taken from

Kingdom of Seria

Kingdom of Seria by RolePlayGateway

The kingdom of Seria homeland of king Blackwell.

Grand Coliseum

Grand Coliseum by RolePlayGateway

Blood, sweat, sand, and death. Here is where you battle and make your legend.

Gladitorial Stables

Gladitorial Stables by RolePlayGateway

This is where you train, eat, and sleep. This is your only home besides the Arena.

Griffin Peak Mountains

Griffin Peak Mountains by RolePlayGateway

The once great protectors of the Land of Diran.

Gladitorial Stables

This is where you train, eat, and sleep. This is your only home besides the Arena.

Grand Coliseum

Kingdom of Seria Grand Coliseum Owner: RolePlayGateway

Blood, sweat, sand, and death. Here is where you battle and make your legend.

Griffin Peak Mountains

The once great protectors of the Land of Diran.

Land of Diran

Land of Diran Owner: RolePlayGateway

The homeland you were taken from

Kingdom of Seria

Kingdom of Seria Owner: RolePlayGateway

The kingdom of Seria homeland of king Blackwell.

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