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Resident Evil: Awakening

Resident Evil: Awakening


4 teens awaken in an underground lab, in separate parts of the city, not knowing who they were or where they were heading. Now they must escape a zombie filled city and find a safe place to survive.

[Survivor roles still open]

3,414 readers have visited Resident Evil: Awakening since Calyx_Mason created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

i do not own any rights to resident evil, it's logos, original characters, data, or storyline.


Umbrella Corporation created the T Virus and a massive infection that killed millions of people. But they also designed something based on the data that helped design Alice, Nemesis and Jill, Project Dual, 4 teens with similar biochemistries to Alice, Jill, and Matt, were captured, studied, experimented on and turned into living weapons. After the fall of the Raccoon City and Shibuya headquarters they have all been accidentally activated and released into a mutated and damaged Pearson City. The city is filled with dangers, not just the mutated walking hungry zombies, but there are lickers, tyrants, and much much worse in the city. It's all about the escape, try to survive as long as possible, its about to begin.

Each of the four (two males and two females) Has a specific set of skills that set them apart from each other and the other creations of Umbrella, you must create your character special skill set, but all have telekinesis, heightened senses, accelerated healing, and the ability to sense when their counterpart is nearby. Within Pearson City are many survivors, but numbers are dwindling fast.

Eye color:
Skin tone:
Blood Type:
Where were you when the dead began to rise:

Toggle Rules

  1. There are five areas to start from, Center City, Gilmore Hill, Sweet Haven, South Pearson, & Pearson City. Know your location, I'll be designing the city map better soon enough.
  2. Cursing and expletives are allowed, but if you wanna get crazy with it take it to the private messages
  3. Please post at least 3 paragraphs per week, that means 6 sentences (I will be counting if I have to)
  4. Respect you team and other rpers
  5. If you don't let us know that you won't be around for too long [two weeks], i'll message you, if no reply, you will be removed and replaced (not trying to be mean but i really like this story idea)
  6. you may have as many survivor characters as you like, but they may die sooner or later

Browse All » 6 Settings to roleplay in

Pearson City

Pearson City by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to Pearson City Population: there's a number but it's covered in blood

Sweet Haven

Sweet Haven by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to Sweet Haven, a small suburb of Pearson City, named after the church that was the foundation of that area.

South Pearson

South Pearson by RolePlayGateway

Welcome To South Pearson, you have been warned

Center City

Center City by RolePlayGateway

"Look, mommy, isn't that a beautiful clock tower?" "No, dear, it's covered in blood!"

Gillmore Hill

Gillmore Hill by RolePlayGateway

An area of Pearson City know for the pharmaceutical company set atop the hill, many have heard rumors of human testing going on within its labs.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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Character Portrait: Kara
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#, as written by Zentose
Kara awoke suddenly, breathing heavily. For a split second she was staring at a dimly lit ceiling, multiple lamps overhead, only one was on, and the next second, she was standing in a long hallway, the lights here were blinking. She looked around and at herself; the hallway was painted white and had linoleum flooring. There was a man about 10 meters away from her.
“Hey! Excuse me sir!?” she said to the man, her voice was a bit raspy to begin with, but became much smoother near the end of her statement.
The man slowly turned around, he was wearing tattered clothes with dirt and blood on them, when his face became visible, it was distorted, the eyes were pure white and his mouth was gaping open.
“Umm… sir?” Kara said, backing away a bit, “Are you okay?”
The man burst into an all out sprint and lunged at Kara, the second he bit into her shoulder, Kara was back on the ground starring up at the dimly lit ceiling.
She screamed and quickly checked her shoulder; it was perfectly fine, so marks, no blood, nothing.
“What in god’s name was that…?” she asked herself slowly getting up. She wiped a few tears from her cheeks and began scanning the room, the one lamp overhead was lighting the room just enough that she could make out all the details. She saw a crossbow and a machete on the ground a couple meters from her and a note next to them.
She crawled over to them, and then read the note, it said, To my favorite, Dr. Simon Belshire.
She looked behind her and there was a dead body, it was missing its head. Kara screamed for a good 20 seconds before she calmed herself down. She got up and walked over to the body, then crouched down and began to examine it, trying to ignore the fact that it’s head was missing. The body had a white coat on, as well as an ID card that read Assistant Director of Genetics Division Dr. Simon Belshire. The body belonged to the man who left the weapons. He had nothing else of interest on him, she stood up again.
She then noticed that the button on her pants was undone, and one of the straps of her tank top was down, she fixed these then found a mirror on the wall. She gazed into it at herself, panicking initially, ready to scream, but she calmed herself down before that. Her face had many streaks of blood on it; she wiped it off with her hands immediately. Then as she looked in the mirror she noticed something in the corner, unable to see what it was from the mirror she turned around and walked closer to it.
Once she was about a meter away from it, she collapsed and screamed again, it was the disembodied head of the doctor, not only did it include his head, but also his spine was connected to it, there was a good deal of blood around it. She stopped screaming, but continued crying while starring at the head. She crawled away from it, and wiped the tears from her face.
She tried getting her bearings, who was she? Where was she? Why did that man attack her? Why was she in a small dim room with a dead body? She had no answers. One thing she did know, was her name Kara, she didn’t know how, or why, but she knew her name. She had no memories of any childhood, or anything, but she knew her name, and she knew that she had to get out, because staying in the room wasn’t getting her anywhere. She took the doctor’s belt and put it on, she then slipped the machete there and held the crossbow, it had one arrow loaded, and three more attached to it.
She went to the only door and opened it slowly, she stepped out, and into an electronics store, further away from the door, was a large glass wall, with an archway leading out into a long hallway with even more stores in it.
“A mall?” she heard herself blurt out.

The setting changes from South Pearson to Sweet Haven


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Character Portrait: Allen
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[Sweet Haven Memorial Hospital's underground Umbrella Laboratory 3]

"Ow, what the hell is going on? Where am I?" a sopping wet, tall and slender young man said as he sat up and tried to step out of the pod he had been released from moments ago. He couldn't remember where he was, how he'd arrived there, when he had arrived there, his own name was a mystery to him. He slowly looked around the room, it was from where he was leaning against the wall that held the pod, a laboratory, with computers, tables, surgical gear, and a clipboard. "I'm guessing this is about me. Hm, Subject Omega Male, finalized mutations, adapted biological imperfections, optimized genetic sequences and amino acid formations. Wow, I have no idea what any of that means." he said as he flipped through the pages. "Allen Morris, that must be me, age 19, blood type AB+. subject is strong prior to injections. I wonder what they injected me with. This is boring." he puts down the clipboard and finds two cases and a note filled with gibberish.

The setting changes from Sweet Haven to Earth


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Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. A earsplitting ringing noise penetrates the silence of Jakub's darkness. When his eyes opens he sees a huge golden bell hanging above him as the clapper made from gold too swings side from side making the noise earsplitting noise that woke him up from the darkness he spent a life time and more in. He claps his hands to his ears and pushes them against his ears until the bell stops ringing. As he removes his hands from his ears he sees a dark liquid on them. He brings them closer and sees that it is his own blood caused by the loud horrible noise from the bell.

Jakub slides to the side to get out from that horrible golden bell. When he gets out from under the bell his hand touches something soft. Jakub knew what this felt like, but he couldn't put a name on it. He turns his head to the side and sees a man staring back into his own eyes with lifeless eyes. He whispers in a rough voice, "Weakling" He gets up and takes a good look at the dead man. The dead man had a huge strange sword stabbed through its chest. The hilt of the sword was shaped like a semi-automatic pistol with a trigger and all. He grabs the grip of the semi-automatic hilt. Once his hand touched the metal he instantly knew how to use this strange weapon. He takes a few practice swipes into the air like he spent years of training on this sword.

He lays the blade against the wall of the nearby wall. Then he turns the dead man's body over and finds a flashlight bulging out of the back pocket of the fatigue pants. He grabs it and pushes the switch forward turning it on. Looking around with the help of the light from the flashlight he sees five other dead men in similar uniforms. They all have the same octagon symbol that goes white then red and white again. UBCS spreads across the center of the octagon symbol.

He searches all the dead men bodies and finds two eight moon clip Cobra magnums, a SMG, and sawed-off shotgun. He hears a scraping noise and turns around. The first dead man that had the sword through it's chest starts crawling down towards him. The bones in its arms jut out to the side. It starts grumbling unintelligible words as it starts to slowly crawl towards him. He takes out one of the Cobra magnums and points it towards the crawling dead man. Two bullets are loosen from the muzzle and struck the crawling dead man in the head. He whispers to himself again, "Weakling" He then grabs the claymore and sheaths it in the scabbard on his back.

The setting changes from Earth to Gillmore Hill


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jenny Wiendel
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Jenny's eyes opened one green, with a slightly artificial look to it, and the other a baby blue with a crystalline pattern familiar to a well cut diamond. She immediately felt cold, her naked body tied down to a laboratory table, with an IV in each arm and a monitor reading her vitals. She lay still, looking at the ceiling, its florescent bulbs were almost blinding to her eyes.

A scream, it sounded so clear, but it was far away, down the hallway. The sound of two shots being fired and the splintering of bone. Jenny did not know what was causing this, in fact she didn't know anything about where she was. She realized she didn't know her name, or who she was, but she was aware that she didn't care for being tied down.

Jenny struggled against her bonds, and after a few minutes she was able to free her hand, though she had to hurt herself in order to do it. Once one hand was free the rest of the straps were easy to remove, she had to reach to the underside of the table and work with the buckles. Her feet were particularly difficult to free because she couldn't bend her ankles well and the straps were all but impossible to get to at the end of the table. pulling out the needles wasn't very difficult at all, though she was fascinated with the sensation.

A larger man in a labcoat, a white extra large tee-shirt (slightly big on him) and tan slacks entered the room, slamming the lab door shut. He held a Colt .45 Service Revolver, pointing towards the doorway. Jenny noticed a bite on his leg, blood trailing on the ground. "Shit, What the shit!" The man yelled out expletives as he moved back into the room. Jenny was about to speak when he turned around and pointed the gun at her. He gave her a look of disbelief as if he didn't expect to find a naked girl in a lab room labeled, "Bio-waste Disposal: Authorized Personnel Only." He lowered his gun and moved up to her, "Who are you miss? What are you doing here?"

Jenny lifted her hands up to touch the sides of his face, "Who am I?" She tilted her head, giving a questioning look before she twisted his neck till it snapped. It was quick, and sudden, and she had no idea why she just broke this man. She got up from the table and pulled the bloody lab coat off the man and took off his shirt, putting it over herself for some warmth. It was mostly clean, which was good enough for her.

Jenny went towards the door way, turning back to take the gun from the dead man's hand before she turned back to the door to the only room she had ever known in the whole twenty minutes of, as far as she knew, her life. When she opened the door there was a creature that looked almost human, were it not for its feral appearance. She turned away from it and began walking down the hallway, she slid open the revolver and checked on it, four rounds. She walked briskly but did not run, and the creatures began to follower her.

She moved through the kitchen area and through a side door with a human arm clinging to the handle, severed crudely from its slain host. Moving past two of the creatures feeding on a screaming woman she took a sharp turn and started walking towards the open gate, several bodies lay near the mechanism to close the gate, none of them had managed to get to it in time to close out the creatures. Jenny proceeded forward, two dozen of the creatures in pursuit of her.

As she walked past she turned on the gate, ducking under it as the hands of the quickest of the creatures was about to grab her. The gate came down on them, closing those that were not crushed under its weight were trapped behind its thick wires. It was meant to keep things in, and it was good at doing so.

Jenny continued walking, looking down at a paper bracelet around her wrist. Jenny Wiendel. 16. Female. Type: O-. Subject: 0001-C. She read it before tearing it off her arm and throwing it on the ground. She continued walking, barefoot and nearly naked with four bullets between her and any dangers she might run into.

The setting changes from Gillmore Hill to Earth


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A defeaning explosion interupts the silence in Kiba's room.
"What the hell?" said Kiba. He got up from his bed and got
dressed up. He removed the barricades trom his door and
opened it. He saw the hallway splattered with blood.

Quickly, he took his sling bag and put his knife and the
throwing knives in. He slinged his bag over his shoulder
and got out. Then, something shiny caught his eye. It was a
Desert Eagle. He took the gun and checked if it was loaded.
Sure enough, it was. He took the gun and held it in front of

Then, a man came into view, his looks have been ruined badly.
Kiba didn't hesitate, he aimed the gun at the man's head and
opened fire, killing him on the spot. "Freaking douchebags,"
cursed Kiba.

When he turned at the corner, a horde of those things turn
their sights toward him. "Oh shit," thought Kiba. The horde
charged towards him, snarling. He closed his eyes, thinking
he has no escape. Then, silence. He slowly opened his eyes to
see all the things exploded horribly.

He didn't stop running until he reached the streets. "What the
hell happened just now?" he thought. He found a flare on the
ground. He picked it up and put it in his bag, hoping it'll make
use to him.


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Character Portrait: Samantha Kendal
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0.00 INK

Samantha snapped awake, no longer sleeping very well anymore. Hell, she was sure no one if they were left alive would be sleeping very well right now. She wondered where her father was. He wasn’t a man to be taken down by these things. But wouldn’t he have made his way over to the shop already? She was sure he was on his way. Which was why she was afraid to go anywhere.

Standing up from her make shift pallet in the back room of the shop, she brushed herself off. The back room was the safest place to be as her father was one of the most paranoid people in the world. There was a chamber underneath the ground that she didn’t dare open. Plus, she hadn’t found the key to it yet. She could never remember where it was. Not to mention there were only two other ways into the store. The back door which was pure steel and heavy as hell to get open. And the front which was a roll down. She didn’t hold out much hope on it lasting much longer.

The windows had bars across them since they owned a pawn shop which made her life a lot simpler. Grabbing her weapons, she rolled up the bed and stood on the desk. Lifting the latch to the roof shaft, she pulled down a few steps before climbing out. There was no way to get from the ground to the roof without being inside of the store. Again luckily for her. But she was running out of food. And she needed to get more.

Would it be too much to ask for a clean change of clothes and a hot shower? She didn’t think so. Looking around, she watched the city. She could see the ones mulling around the shop. They knew she was here, but knew they couldn’t get to her. That was when she noticed a few explosions in the distance. She turned towards them, her heart beating wildly. Could it be her father? She really hoped so.

Sammie repressed a gulp as she looked around. There was no chance on getting to the ground. Did she dare try and leave her safe place? She was scared of doing it, but knew if she didn’t do something she would starve to death. Glancing around she looked at the closest roof to the shop.

“I’m going to need better supplies for this.” She whispered to herself afraid for the things below to hear her. Heading back down into the pawn shop, she closed the stairs and went to grab all of her weapons and then supplies to make it from roof to roof which she figured was a better way to travel than by foot on the ground. At least she hoped so.

The setting changes from Earth to South Pearson


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Character Portrait: Kara
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#, as written by Zentose
She slowly walked through the electronics store, there were computers and wires all around, and no one seemed to be near. She stepped outside of the store, into the mall, there were three floors, and Kara could see a large circular end of the hallway with elevators and escalators. I wonder if there’s a directory down there, she thought to herself. She decided to go and check.
As she wandered down the long stretch of open mall, it was relatively silent, she heard her own footsteps against the decorated linoleum floor, and some ambient noise from a few of the shops. When she got to the circular area, she found the directory. It seemed as if there were three main exits, all an equal distance from her. When she stopped walking, she heard another pair of footsteps. She lifted her crossbow and pointed it in the direction of the sound, it was a man, and he had the same eyes as the creature before.
“Stop!” Kara yelled, “Stop or I’ll shoot!”
He burst into an all out sprint when he was about 30 meters away; Kara screamed and fired an arrow, it launched right into the man’s skull. He stopped, and fell.
Kara walked over to the body, and ripped out the arrow. No sense in losing it I guess, she thought to herself. She then realized how oddly calm she was about it, just minutes before she was screaming over blood on her face, and now she seemed fine with killing a person… No, no it wasn’t a person, it was a monster, she told herself over and over again.
Kara looked up at the ceiling, there was a large window showing the dimly lit sky, clouds filled the area, showing no sign of the sky, nor of the sun. She continued looking up at the sky for another moment, then a large black helicopter appeared over the window, Kara was surprised to say the least.
“HEY!” she yelled, “Down here! Help me!”
The helicopter hovered overhead, then four people jumped out attached to the helicopter with wires, they crashed into the window, shattering it. Kara screamed and covered herself as the glass shards fell down, she heard the people’s feet hit the ground, and she looked around her, somehow all the glass had completely avoided her.
There were two men and two women, all dressed in tactical gear and gasmasks, each of them had their guns pointed at Kara, and each of them had a bulletproof vest with an Umbrella corporation logo on it. How do I know that logo? Kara thought to herself.
“We have the target surrounded,” one of the women said.
“Umm… what do you want with me?” Kara asked, beginning to freak out.
“The target seems to have no idea who we are,” The woman stated again.
Kara raised her hand at one of the men, and was about to say something, but he fired his gun, it scrapped her arm. She fell to her knees, held her arm, and screamed.
“Martin!” the woman said, “Stand down!”
“She seemed as if she was ready to attack!” he responded.
A voice in Kara’s head said, “Project, let me take over…”
“What?” Kara said out loud.
“Project,” the voice said again, it sounded like Kara’s voice, but deeper and darker.
“What are you talking about?” she said again.
“Martin, neutralize her.” The woman said.
The man that shot at Kara pulled out a taser. He stepped close to Kara and shocked her with it, the second she felt the shock she was in another room, it was the hallway were she first saw one of the monsters, it was still there.
Kara reached for her machete as it began to walk closer, but she didn’t have it. She looked down at where she had kept it, and then noticed that she wasn’t wearing any clothes.
“What the fuck?” she said to herself, and then she realized that the monster was closer than she thought, it began sprinting after her.
Not wanting a repeat of the last time they had met, Kara ran in the opposite direction, for a good 30 seconds Kara ran at top speed, significantly faster than the creature, the odd thing was she wasn’t breathing heavily or anything, in fact she wasn’t breathing at all.
“What the fuck!?” she said to herself again, stopping and looking behind her. The creature was a good 50 meters behind her; she took a few seconds to figure out what was going on, and then charged at the creature. It tried to bite her in the shoulder again, and as soon as it touched her, she was back in her normal body.
She was holding the machete, it was covered in blood, and so was her shirt and pants. She looked around, one of the bodies had its arms cut off and its throat slashed open, another was missing its head, and another had a large gash in their side, probably piercing the heart. The fourth person was lying on the ground below Kara, her leg was cut off and she was screaming.
Kara dropped the machete and fell to her knees next to the person, “Oh my god what happened?” she said, panicking.
“What the fuck are you talking about you psycho bitch!?” the woman yelled, screaming in pain the whole way through.
“Who did this!?” Kara yelled.
“You did you crazy bitch! Get away from me!”
Kara stood up and said, “But I could never do this!”
“My fucking leg says otherwise!”
Kara stepped back a little and said, “No… NO!”
Kara broke off in an all out sprint away from the bloody scene, the screams of the last woman resonating throughout the mall.

The setting changes from South Pearson to Gillmore Hill


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Character Portrait: Jenny Wiendel
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"I am subject 0001-C," she whispered to herself as she continued walking. She had been thinking about it for the last minute of her walk. She though about who she was, what she was doing here and what these near human creatures were. She wondered why she even knew the words for some things, like "human" and "female" but not what the word was for these creatures running around. It was an infinitely peculiar that she seemed to lack any personal information. She recalled in her mind that people are born from people, that she could be a host to a embryonic entity and that it would eventually detach itself from her in order to grow to be a slight genetic alteration of herself, yet she could not recall her own host nor the fermenting being that was responsible for the other half of her genetic make-up. These things had words; Mother. Father. She recalled the words, yet no images were present within her mind to associate with them.

She witnessed one of the creatures chasing down a human man, he was tall and shirtless and Jenny decided she liked how he looked. He came to a chain link fence that separated the two of them, and spotting Jenny shouted out to her. "Help me! For the love of god help me, please!"

Jenny tilted her head to look at him, a look of confusion took her face, "I do not know that word. What is god?"

The man gave a desperate look, filled with fear and doubt, he didn't know what to make of this girl, but he could see her gun. "Just shoot the damn thing!" He shouted forcefully, while gesturing back at the creature that was almost upon him. Jenny looked at the creature and then at the chain link fence that safely kept it from reaching her. "It has no more bullets," she lied plainly, something inside her wanted to watch.

The beast was suddenly on top of the man, biting into his arm and hands clawing at his chest. Jenny watched the exchange, as the man's arm was bitten through, as the hands clawed out his intestines, his liver, his kidney. She leaned down to watch, silently calling out the names of the organs as she saw them. A smile took to her lips as the man looked up at her with desperate eyes, begging for help.

Jenny stood back up and started to walk away, the man was dead, his body was no longer attractive. This, as far as she knew, was the natural order of the world. This was the way everything was meant to be.

Rounding a corner two men with UBCS written on their armor rounded the corner, one of them had a bite on his arm and the other was providing cover fire as they were in retreat. The one holding his arm spotted Jenny and drew out his pistol before he realized she was a survivor. "Shit, we got a live one Maynard." Maynard tossed out a grenade and turned to take a look, "Yeah that's great Franko, but we don't have time to flirt with the locals."

The bitten man, evidently named Franko started looking very bad and collapsed down on the ground. Maynard pointed his gun at his former compatriot's head and blasted his brains all over the asphalt. "Sorry, I don't have time to babysit," he said while looking at Jenny. He stepped out again and started opening fire, drawing more attention towards himself, though he had little choice.

Jenny stood stiff against the side of the building as the creatures ran past her, in pursuit of Maynard's gunfire. She turned to look down the street they had come from and it was safe, all the creatures had been drawn out by the gunfire. Jenny made note of the penalty of opening fire, and resolved to save her four shots for when there were not other answers. She turned down the street and stepped in broken glass, cutting open her foot. She leaned down and pulled the glass free, tossing it to the side. She continued walking, leaving a bloody footprint trail that would be hard to discern from all of the other blood decorating the street.

She proceeded onwards, leaving the area known as Gillmore Hill.

The setting changes from Gillmore Hill to Earth


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Jakub walks to all the bodie of the "dead" UBCS he slices the head off of each body. Heads roll along the floor as blood spurts out of the newly severed neck. He cleans the blade on the body armor of one of the headless UBCS soldiers an sheathes the blade into the baldric-style scabbard that goes diagonaly down his back. He spots a rickety wooden door on the side of the room that leads down from this damn clocktower.

As he walks across the circular room he hears a buzz noise and then a voice too low to understand. It comes from the body of the only UBCS soldier that wasn't headless, but instead had two bullets through its head. Jakub walks over to soldier and flips him over. A black, sleek radio was under him. When he touches he instantly knows that its broken and can only recieve not send anything out. That is the second time this has happen this isn't coincidence. I think it has something to with this Umbrella Corporation. He looks at the Umbrella logo on the side of the radio. Yes Umbrella

He places the radio against his ear and listens to the voice, "Sgt Dillan answer god damn it" Jakub looks at the man with bullets in his head, "That must be you" He turns his attention back to the radio, "Damn it Dillan we are about to be over run with the living dead. Answer god damn it. Whatever you do get codename: Gunslinger out of that accursed clocktower. For the sake of your own lives because if he awakens he will ki-" The voice is broken off by a crashing of a doorway coming in, however, the voice starts up again, "The zombies inflitrated are safe house. We are going to die. You are the last hope in getting Gunslinger to the target zone. Also watch out for the horde of zombies heading towards the clocktower. Have fun!"

After the man behid voice ends what he is saying the a bloodcurling scream erupts from the radio. Jakub throws the radio to the floor and whispers, "Weakling" He then runs to a small window on the side of the wall. He looks out and sees about a hundred of those creatures, zombies, heading for the clocktower, to him.

The setting changes from Earth to South Pearson


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Character Portrait: Kara
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zentose
Kara reached a door in the mall, it was barricaded with benches and things; outside there were around five dozen of those creatures. The screams of the last woman ended, she probably bled out.
How would've barricaded this? Kara thought, looking around, there was a dead body with a bullet hole in its head, holding a small child with a bullet hole in its head.
Kara looked outside the mall, there was no way she could get through that many of them. So she looked at a directory nearby. There was a large outlet store not too far, I could probably fashion something together there, she thought.
Kara slowly walked through to dark mall, the sun was setting and the only light was from the windows on the ceiling. She walked into the department store, she collected a full propane tank, lighter fluid, a lighter, and some rags, as well as a bottle of vodka, and some energy bars. She proceeded through the silent, and now dark, mall to the roof. She looked at the other two entrances, both had even more monsters than the first one.
"Okay, now to see if this will actually work..." Kara said to herself. She wrapped one of her arrows with a rag doused in lighter fluid, then tossed the bottle aside, then she opened the nozzle on the propane tank and threw it in the crowd of monsters at the front entrance, it hit one in the head, killing it. She waited a few moments, then lit her arrow on fire and fired it into the crowd of monsters, the propane ignited and exploded, killing many of the creatures and blowing out all the windows at the entrance.
"Better than I expected..." She said to herself, smiling at her handiwork.
There were maybe two or three left standing, but then Kara noticed more flushing in towards the hole.
"Fuck!" She yelled, but then she started thinking. She rushed over to the side of the roof and looked at another entrance, all the creatures were rushing towards the sound of the explosion.
Kara sprinted down the stairs to the bottom floor, she looked at the front entrance, nearly a hundred of the creatures were rushing into the newly opened area, "Oh shit..."
Kara ran as fast as she could to the western entrance, she ripped the blockades asunder and charged through the doorway.
The large parking lot was nearly empty, but a few cars remained, but Kara had no time to saunter about looking at all the details, she charged through the parking lot into the street, it was filled with crashed cars and dead bodies. There were multiple creatures strewn about through the street, not organized, just waiting for prey, which now ran into their laps...
Kara reloaded her crossbow and fired an arrow into the closest creature's head, two more came rushing at her, she dropped the crossbow and whipped out her machete, which she used to decapitate one of the creatures, the other she slammed it down into his skull, when she ripped out the blade, blood splattered onto her, when she looked she remembered that her clothes were covered in the blood of the Umbrella people... She had no time to dwell on that, she needed to find someone... someone that isn't trying to kill her or eat her...
Kara dropped to her knees and looked up at the clouded sky, fitting for such a day, black and depressing, no stars, no moon, nothing... Kara removed her arrow from one of the creature's heads, and started walking north, she felt drawn to the north somehow...

The setting changes from South Pearson to Center City


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"Coast is clear," thought Kiba to himself. He got out of cover and walked across the street. On a building's wall, he sees some posters, "T-VIRUS ATTACK, EVACUATE.", Kiba kept walking. Then, a helicopter with Umbrella's Corporation logo flew over.

The setting changes from Center City to Earth


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Character Portrait: Jakub Briggs
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Bang! Bang! Bang! Three of the zombies in the horde of them fall with .32 H&R bullets though their skulls. He smiles as he looks down the iron sight of one of the eight moon clip Cobra magnums. There are too many of those damn zombies and too little bullets. I need to think of a way to kill these god forsaken zombies. He places the magum in a holster he took from one of the decapitated UBCS soldiers and grabs one of the few grenades on the soldiers. He bites down on the ring and pulls the ring off the frag grenade. Then he throws it into the horde of zombies and watches the explosion take out eleven zombies and blow the legs off another.

When he sees it an idea hits him instantly. He scavenges the room for supplies he could use. After the scavenging he has a pile of twenty length in netting, nine grenades, rope, and shards of a broken old bell. He takes the claymore out and cuts the netting into three pieces. He places three grenades in the center of all of the three netting. He ties them up with each ring in the knot. After he does that for the other two grenade filled nets he carefully cares one down to the first door way that leads to the main room of the clocktower.

He stabs two of the broken pieces of the bell into the two sides of the doorway and the one onto the top of the doorway. He ties up a rope to both of the broken pieces. Then he leads the rope up to the top broken piece and ties it up from there leaving a small piece of the rope left. With the little piece of rope left he ties that to the netting fulled with grenades to it. He does that same for two more doorways through out the clock tower.

When he finishes the last one he feels a slight rumble and the loud noise of the zombies falling prey to the first grenade bouquet trap. He walks away from the trap back to the top of the clocktower. Where he will have his last stand with the surviving zombies.


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Character Portrait: Kara
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#, as written by Zentose
Kara swiftly walked through the streets, picking off a few creatures as she moved. After a bit of walking, she saw a large clock tower. I need to go there, she thought.
"Why do I need to go there?" she said out loud to herself, then she gave up on reasoning, and continued on.
After a little more walking, she looked at the clock tower again.
"I wonder if I can do that projection thing..." she said to herself. Why did I say that out loud? She thought to herself.
Shaking her head, she concentrated on the tower, she tried to active whatever latent ability it was that she used, but it didn't work.
Damnit... she thought to herself.
Kara passed a large semi truck with the Umbrella Corporation's logo on it.
I wonder what's in there... she thought to herself.
Kara slowly moved to the truck and touched the side of it.
She heard a scream inside it and something hitting the door.
"Oh my god!" she said, "Let me help you one second!"
She quickly moved to the back, the banging continued. She opened the door, inside was a small genderless human-looking thing, his left arm, however, was red, and it had four talons imbedded in it rather than fingers.
"What the-," Kara began before the creature hit her in the stomach, causing her to be propelled backwards.
She hit a car about 5 meters away.
"Son of a bitch..." she said, getting up, How the hell am I standing? she thought. She had dropped her crossbow when she was hit, so she drew her machete, "Bring it on you ugly mother fucker."
The creature charged at her, it was really fast, one of its talons impaled her through shoulder, "Oh... fuck..." she said, looking at it. The creature's expression was non-existent as it ripped out the talon and was preparing another attack.
Kara could feel the deep hole in her right shoulder, and as the creature was bringing its talons towards her throat she though, I won't DIE! The creature was propelled backwards, it crashed into the semi-truck.
Kara fell on her knees, in great pain, Damnit, that didn't kill him... what am I going to do!? she thought to herself. She felt herself fall on the ground, but the next thing she knew she was on the roof of the clock tower. She looked at herself, the large hole in her shoulder was still there, but there was no blood, she also was wearing no clothes, just like last time.
"What the hell is going on!?" she yelled.

Kara's body rose from the ground, just as the creature got up.
"Now my counter-part might not understand how to control herself, but trust me, I do..." she said, smiling. The creature charged at her again, with ease Kara dodged the attack and sliced off the creatures arm, "I warned you..." The creature began to float in the air, it was thrown into a wall.
Kara began laughing as she ran towards where the creature crashed, it was screaming. She lunged at it and impaled it through the heart with her machete. She got up and looked at the gash in her shoulder.
"You need to learn to play nice..." she said. She removed the lighter from her pocket and lit it, she then put the flame up against the wound and winced as it began to seal it.

At the clock tower, Kara was trying to think how to return to her body, there were no creatures around to attack her...She looked down from the clock tower.
"That could work..." she said out loud.
She took a few moments to prepare herself, then she jumped off the clock tower. She felt a blissfulness as she was soaring through the air, when she finally hit the ground she felt the intense pain of her gash, which now seemed sealed.
She saw the creature that attacked her dead on a wall not too far from her, then she heard something, "Did you survive? Hello?"
It was from the semi-truck, Kara moved towards it then looked inside, there were three cages, two were open and the third had a person inside it, he was wearing a white coat.
"Oh good, you killed it..." he said.
"What the hell was that thing!?" Kara yelled.
"Keep your voice down!" he said in a loud, yet hushed tone, "It was a biological weapon called a Tyrant, they were created by Umbrella..."
"Yeah I got that much, why is it here in this city?"
"We were shipping it to the laboratory, along with 15 others, that was the first stage, it gets much stronger as it evolves..."
"There is an Umbrella lab in this city?"
"Yeah, but none of that matters, we need to get out of here, open the lock over there," he beckoned to a laptop.
"Why are you in that cage?"
"It was the only way I wouldn't be killed by that thing after it escaped..."
"That seems like a bad plan..."
"I had less than two seconds to do it, now could you let me out please?"
Kara walked over to the computer, she saw how to unlock the door but thought for a moment.
"Do you know what other experiments were going on in the lab?" she inquired.
"Yeah a few, just press that button there," he pointed to the keyboard.
"One moment, what other biological weapons were there?"
"Nothing really, now let me out!"
"Answer my question or I'm leaving..."
"What do you want to know about?"
"Were there any experiments involving teenagers...?"
"Yeah there was one, real hush-hush, it was.... oh fuck..." he stared at Kara for a moment, "Oh god, please don't hurt me!"
"I won't, if you can tell me everything you know about it!"
"I don't know much, just that there were four subjects, two females, two males, and that they were given some sort of genetic enhancements..."
"What kind of enhancements?"
"I don't know! Honest!"
Kara looked at the man then smiled, "You've been helpful, bye!"
She started walking out the truck.
"No wait! Help me!" he yelled.
Kara continued on and left the truck behind her, first making sure to pick up her crossbow that she dropped.


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Jakub smiles and wipes the blood off from above his eyes with the back hand of his sword wielding hand. He had bites and scratches everywhere and this strange zombie. It had exposed brain tissue and had bulging muscle development without any skin. The zombie was so agile that it was climbing the side of wall with talons at an amazing speed. It caught him by surprise when he was preoccupied by the regular zombies. The beasts tongue wrapped around his throat with incredible pressure. Luckily his claymore wasn't far away so he was able to decapitate the strange zombie without his neck crushing or the other zombies getting on top of him. I still wonder how that Licker didn't kill me. Its tongue had incredible str- . . . wait a second how did I know its name. This is the third time this has happen now I know for sure. The Umbrella Corp did something to me

He rubs the yellowed bruise around his throat and whispers, "Licker"
"Damn Umbrella Corp!"

He swings his claymore and embedded into the wall about three feet. He pulls it out easily and sheathes it into the scabbard on his back. After that he kinds of hops over the huge holes in the stairwell made by his grenade bouquet. When he reaches the outside most of his wounds have closed up. When he looks around he sees a person flash by his sight. Suddenly his Cobra magnum is in his hand and he is looking down the iron sight and yells, "Stop!"

The setting changes from Earth to Center City


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Character Portrait: Jenny Wiendel
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0.00 INK

Jenny, or Subject 0001-C as she had recently referred to herself, continued into the city's center, she did not know where she was, or understand the dangers around her. Some instinct of survival told her to avoid the creatures that actively fed upon the still human but she didn't understand why.

A couple of young men peddled as quick as their legs would carry them in her direction, and she stepped aside for them and stood partly in an alley near by as a dozen of the creatures quickly shambled after the bikers. Luck it would seem was on her side. She had managed to retain all four of her bullets, and none of the creatures had forced her to run. She wasn't sure if she would run from them, were they really dangerous or had she simply decided they were.

Waiting a moment she stepped back out into the street and proceeded to an unknown location. She was entirely unsure of where she was going, she wasn't acting on her instinct, more of she was just arbitrarily choosing to do things, because none of the choices made any difference. She did not know where she was, where anything was, or if this was what the entire world was like. Have things always been this way?

She told herself that it couldn't be, the humans still looked afraid and panicked, but not like prey animals. They were not used to this predator, they did not know how to survive as prey animals learn to do. This must be something new she thought to herself. The humans must be engaging the creatures for the first time, and the creatures were hunting new prey. She believed that it was possible for either side to win. How interesting it would be if she lived long enough to see it through.

She turned a corner to find one of the creatures walking out, it was abnormal. Its flesh was not as decayed but rather bulkier, it was expanding as the others rotted away. Unfortunate for her, she stepped backwards away from the beast as it followed after her. "So I'll die then?" She asked the beast in front of her, her arms still at her sides, her body relaxed and ignorant of the danger the bulky monstrosity posed to her. It raised its hands up into the air and she took a calm step to the side, narrowly avoiding its blow, not because it was faster, but because she somehow "felt" what it was about to do.

A gunshot rang out from the top of a building and the bulky creature's eye was missing, a bit of matter dripped from a hole it had gained on the other side of its skull. Jenny looked up to see a man on a roof top who had taken a very precise shot with a Remington. Jenny walked away from the beast and smiled to her savior on the roof tops. He turned his attention to another survivor under pursuit and fired a second shot, stopping the creature from getting its meal. He was a rooftop angel. He'll be dead very soon, Jenny thought to herself as she continued walking. The alleyway led to another street, this one looked nearly devoid of the creatures but there was a strange feel about it, something felt very wrong.


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Character Portrait: Jason McBane
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#, as written by nltniko
Jason walked down the street when he saw a red haired girl.
It was obvious to him, that she wasn't a zombie when had been attacked by another zombie.
A zombie going against her, so he decided to kill it.

He ran towards the zombie and rose the sledge hammer. The Zombie noticed him, roared for a little while, and were then smashed into a wall and had it's face crushed by the hammer.
He then looked at the girl.
"It's dangueroes out here. The walkers have been extra active for a while now. If i were you i'd be more careful"

He then started checking if the .44 was fully loaded. who knows when he could use it.

The setting changes from Center City to Earth


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When Kiba saw that logo, he froze. He knew he saw that logo somewhere, instantly he knew it. "Umbrella Corporation, damn those assholes," said Kiba. He continued on, but he didn't know he was walking into a horde of the zombies. When he stepped on a leaf, every single zombie lokked at him, there were almost 50 zombies.

"Oh shit..." whispered Kiba to himself. He had been close to death before, now he will be a second time. The zombies were charging towards him, snarling.

He ran away from the horde. "Get me out of here!" he thought hard while closing his eyes. The second he knew it, there was silence. He opened his eyes and found himself on the street of the belltower.

"Well, that's somewhere I can start with," he thought.

The setting changes from Earth to Center City


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Character Portrait: Kara
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zentose
Kara continued walking to the clock tower, still unsure why. The streets were relatively bare, none of the creatures, or anyone else for that matter, was anywhere to be seen. This doesn't feel right, she thought. She heard a slight beeping, it felt extremely soft, but she could still hear it. She looked around, she was on a ruined sidewalk, bit of trash and broken concrete littered the area. She lifted up a bunch of paper, and there was an explosive device. At the sight of it Kara jumped backwards, towards a wall, she jumped much higher than she expected, around a meter up, but when she hit the wall, she didn't fall. She looked down, her feet were a meter above the ground, and not getting any closer, she moved her hands, which were previously up against a wall, up to her face, then she fell. She sat up and rubbed her butt with her right hand, "Ow my ass...." she said out loud.
Then she looked at her right arm, and saw the sealed wound, then thought, what the fuck? it barely hurts at all! She had received the wound just 20 minutes before, yet most all the pain had subsided. She was amazed for a moment, then realized, "So I am a fucking test subject..." she said out loud.
It was then that she heard a large bang, most likely from a gun. She walked into the street and saw three men, a large black man wearing a trench coat and holding a pistol and katana, a medium-sized white man with a shotgun, and a small white man with multiple knives.
"Suck on that bitch!" the black man yelled.
"Boss!" the small man said, "Look a chick!"
It took a moment for Kara to realize they were looking at her.
"Umm... hello there," Kara said, meekly smiling.
"She's a pretty one... got a lot of blood on her though" the medium-sized man said.
"Umm... thanks?" Kara said, "You can talk to me directly can't you?"
"They just don't know what to do without the boss's permission," the large black man said, "Which is me by the way," he smiled revealing very dirty teeth.
"Umm... good for you?" Kara said, unsure what to do, "I'm going to be on my way then..."
"Whoa there sugar!" the small man said, "It's dangerous out there."
"Yeah, let us protect you..." the black man finished.
"Yeah thanks, but I can take care of myself," Kara smiled and walked a bit closer to them, because they were in her way.
"Did you just shoot down our boss's kindness, bitch?" the medium-sized man said.
"Now, now, let's not insult the woman..." the black man said, making a small gap for her to move through.
"Thank you," Kara said, moving into the gap. She felt a great force on her stomach as the Black man's fist quickly shoved into her.
"Shoulda' been nicer to me, bitch..." he said, as she fell to the ground, "Any of those freaks around?"
"No sir, coast is clear!" the small man said, turning away from his boss, the medium sized man did the same.
The man kicked Kara's head on the ground and left his foot there, trapping it there, he pulled out the machete from her belt and tossed it to the side, then opened her pants and began pulling them down.
Kara got a flash of a memory, it was Dr. Simon Belshire, he had her strapped to a table, he was on top of her, she didn't like it, but she couldn't scream, or stop him. With this memory, she gained a power, anger, the black man was propelled off of her, he hit a piece of shrapnel that impaled with through the chest. In an instant she was standing up again with her machete in hand, she threw the machete at the smaller man's head, it got impeded into the back of his skull. The medium sized man turned around and fired his shotgun , it missed dreadfully, and Kara was already in front of him, she grabbed the muzzle of the gun and shoved it downward, he fired again, the shots hit his feet.
"You bitch!" he screamed, falling down.
Kara grabbed his shotgun and pointed it at his chest, when she fired, bit of bone and flesh were strewn about, all over her, already bloody clothes, and face. She dropped the shotgun and ripped her machete out of the small man's skull, she was somewhat sad at what she was forced to do...


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Character Portrait: Kara Character Portrait: Jakub Briggs
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He holsters the magnum when he sees that its just a small white man with an assortment of sharp knives dash around a corner onto a long street. Jakub runs around the corner and stops seeing that a girl around his age being confronted by the little man he just saw and two other men. The tallest black man looked to be the leader of these small party of misfits. He had a strange feeling about this situtation that the men might try to take advantage of thia young woman. He unholsters his SMG and keeps it by his side.

When the biggest man moves to let this woman by he relaxes a little, but when the man steps towards her and punches her in the gut. He flashes his gun up and flips the safety off of the SMG. The big black man places his foot on the girl's head and starts to unbutton his pants. Jakub was angry that men would use their strength to take advantage of this girl. He starts to press the trigger of the SMG when suddenly, the black man goes flying to a piece of sharpnel dying instantly.

The gun dropped as he watches the girl take care of the two other men. He was impressed. When the woman was done she started to walk towards him. He holsters the SMG and slowly walk out from the corner not wanting to spook the already scared girl. He quietly says, "Impressive"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kara Character Portrait: Jakub Briggs
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zentose
After dispatching the men, Kara heard a quiet word, "Impressive," she turned to meet the sound, it was a man with black hair and eyes, he had multiple guns on his person and a large sword strapped to his back.
"Who are you...?" Kara inquired, feeling an odd sense of kinsman ship with the unknown man, then she felt a draft on her leg, when she looked down, she realized she had forgotten to put her pants back on, she yelled, "Fuck!" and quickly retrieved them and put them on, she then looked back at the man and smiled an embarrassed smile.

The setting changes from Center City to Earth


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Jakub felt a pang of something. Something he doesn't know what, but its like meeting his other haf like that. He waits as she runs back to the bodies of the three dead man she just recently killed with her impressive skills. He felt something when she smiled it was another feeling unkown to him that he never felt before. He shurgs it off and says, "Jakub" He turns around and walks off to the west at a slow pace that anyone can keep on with. Without looking he says, "By the way nice legs"

The setting changes from Earth to Sweet Haven


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Character Portrait: Allen
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"Cool, clothes and weapons. Well, I am naked, and freezing cold, time to get dressed and head out." Allen said as he pulled on undergarments, the poly-synthetic pants with multiple throwing knife pockets, two belts one with a holster for a katana, the other switch blade grips and shuriken holsters, a white tee shirt, and finally the hooded jacket that matches the pants. "So, why do I need all these weapons?" he said aloud rummaging through the second of the cases that housed a katana, throwing knives, a switch blade, shuriken, and a few packets of freeze dried food. "So I have to find water great.

The setting changes from Sweet Haven to Center City


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kara Character Portrait: Jakub Briggs
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#, as written by Zentose
Kara got quite angry at the comment and yelled, "Shut up!"
Her first instinct was to walk in the opposite direction of the lout, however, she felt a sense that she needed to be near him, as if there was a hole in her before he arrived, and it was now filled, and each slow step he took from her, eviscerated her, and made the hole larger.
Not knowing what to say, she decided to move quickly next to him, without saying a word for a little bit. When the time felt right she said, "My name's Kara, what's yours?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kara Character Portrait: Jason McBane Character Portrait: Jakub Briggs
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0.00 INK

#, as written by nltniko
Jason were walking around the city, when he saw a girl and a boy argue.
He laughed a bit to himself, as it reminded abit of the world weren't lost completely, and that somethings still were normal.
At first he thought that they already knew each other, but the girl started asking to the boys name.
He slowly became curious and listened a bit to their conversation, when a zombie decided to attack him.
It snarled, and tried to bite him at the throat, but he grabbed it by the arm and threw it to the ground.
Then he took the Sledgehammer and crushed it's head sounding a large crack.
He then bent down to see if the zombie carried anything he could use, on it.
After searching the zombie he walked over against the two.

The setting changes from Center City to Earth


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Kiba still had to walk quite a distance to the clock tower. Then, he heard a strange moaning, the voice was low pitched. The voice came from a Umbrella Corporation truck, Kiba approached the truck carefully and holding the Deagle in front of him with two hands. When he looked into the truck, something swift ran passed him, cutting hus arm. Kiba saw the monster, it had three heads, two razor sharp blades as its arms and the body if a spider. Kiba instantly shot it, but he missed. The creature moved very fast and cut him again, this time on his other arm. Kiba fell to the ground, the creature stepping on him, ready to strike. Kiba held his left hand out. Then, the unexpected happened, the creature started shrieking in pain and its heads explode, splattering its brains all around the road. "That's the third time I'm using the powers again," Kiba thought. He got up and continued his journey towards the clocktower.

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Earth by Calyx_Mason


Pearson City

Pearson City by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to Pearson City Population: there's a number but it's covered in blood

Sweet Haven

Sweet Haven by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to Sweet Haven, a small suburb of Pearson City, named after the church that was the foundation of that area.

South Pearson

South Pearson by RolePlayGateway

Welcome To South Pearson, you have been warned

Center City

Center City by RolePlayGateway

"Look, mommy, isn't that a beautiful clock tower?" "No, dear, it's covered in blood!"

Gillmore Hill

Gillmore Hill by RolePlayGateway

An area of Pearson City know for the pharmaceutical company set atop the hill, many have heard rumors of human testing going on within its labs.

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Character Portrait: Kiba Matsumi
0 sightings Kiba Matsumi played by Iki_Wolf
"Whining isn't going to help you, fight."

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jenny Wiendel
Character Portrait: Allen
Character Portrait: Kara
Character Portrait: Jakub Briggs
Character Portrait: Samantha Kendal
Character Portrait: Isabella Santez
Character Portrait: Evan Masters
Character Portrait: Jason McBane


Character Portrait: Jason McBane
Jason McBane

"Poor zombies'll never see what'll hit 'em."

Character Portrait: Evan Masters
Evan Masters

Evan will help protect you

Character Portrait: Isabella Santez
Isabella Santez

"Don't look at the uniform...I'm not like them..."

Character Portrait: Samantha Kendal
Samantha Kendal

"This would be so much better if the Kendal four were together."

Character Portrait: Jakub Briggs
Jakub Briggs

"Power is the only way you can survive. The only WAY"

Character Portrait: Kara

"We need to work together, but not close together."

Character Portrait: Allen

"Is this really the world I wake up into?"

Character Portrait: Jenny Wiendel
Jenny Wiendel

Pain is simply proof that we are alive


Character Portrait: Jakub Briggs
Jakub Briggs

"Power is the only way you can survive. The only WAY"

Character Portrait: Kara

"We need to work together, but not close together."

Character Portrait: Jason McBane
Jason McBane

"Poor zombies'll never see what'll hit 'em."

Character Portrait: Evan Masters
Evan Masters

Evan will help protect you

Character Portrait: Jenny Wiendel
Jenny Wiendel

Pain is simply proof that we are alive

Character Portrait: Samantha Kendal
Samantha Kendal

"This would be so much better if the Kendal four were together."

Character Portrait: Isabella Santez
Isabella Santez

"Don't look at the uniform...I'm not like them..."

Character Portrait: Allen

"Is this really the world I wake up into?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jakub Briggs
Jakub Briggs

"Power is the only way you can survive. The only WAY"

Character Portrait: Jason McBane
Jason McBane

"Poor zombies'll never see what'll hit 'em."

Character Portrait: Isabella Santez
Isabella Santez

"Don't look at the uniform...I'm not like them..."

Character Portrait: Kara

"We need to work together, but not close together."

Character Portrait: Samantha Kendal
Samantha Kendal

"This would be so much better if the Kendal four were together."

Character Portrait: Jenny Wiendel
Jenny Wiendel

Pain is simply proof that we are alive

Character Portrait: Evan Masters
Evan Masters

Evan will help protect you

Character Portrait: Allen

"Is this really the world I wake up into?"

View All » Places


Earth by Calyx_Mason


Pearson City

Pearson City by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to Pearson City Population: there's a number but it's covered in blood

Sweet Haven

Sweet Haven by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to Sweet Haven, a small suburb of Pearson City, named after the church that was the foundation of that area.

South Pearson

South Pearson by RolePlayGateway

Welcome To South Pearson, you have been warned

Center City

Center City by RolePlayGateway

"Look, mommy, isn't that a beautiful clock tower?" "No, dear, it's covered in blood!"

Gillmore Hill

Gillmore Hill by RolePlayGateway

An area of Pearson City know for the pharmaceutical company set atop the hill, many have heard rumors of human testing going on within its labs.

Center City

Pearson City Center City Owner: RolePlayGateway

"Look, mommy, isn't that a beautiful clock tower?" "No, dear, it's covered in blood!"

Sweet Haven

Pearson City Sweet Haven Owner: RolePlayGateway

Welcome to Sweet Haven, a small suburb of Pearson City, named after the church that was the foundation of that area.

Gillmore Hill

Pearson City Gillmore Hill Owner: RolePlayGateway

An area of Pearson City know for the pharmaceutical company set atop the hill, many have heard rumors of human testing going on within its labs.

South Pearson

Pearson City South Pearson Owner: RolePlayGateway

Welcome To South Pearson, you have been warned

Pearson City

Earth Pearson City Owner: RolePlayGateway

Welcome to Pearson City Population: there's a number but it's covered in blood

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Most recent OOC posts in Resident Evil: Awakening

Re: Resident Evil: Awakening

Gotta love sinus infections and theater work, I'm alive people, thanks for asking

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

I want to apologize. I've been out camping for the past few days and haven't had much in the way of a computer. So my post will be coming within the next day or two depending on how long it takes me to catch up on classwork.

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

Well damn, wish I read this earlier.... well no going back now, I think I have enough character development to get into the plot(30% of the posts ARE mine...), not sure about the rest of y'all though, maybe Jenny...

Umm... Iki_Wolf? You're a survivor, you don't HAVE any powers...

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

I didn't want the PDG kids meeting up until later, you haven't meet up with any survivors, and i apologize for not posting alot, I've been seriously sick, spins, headache, and all that good stuff, but i'm back and the direction you are taking the story is alot earlier than my plans were up for, I wanted you guys to explore your surroundings and junk.

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

To all those who have been posting on Earth, You need an actual Location, like center city or sweet haven, please and thank you

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

Finally got time to make a char. Hope i ain't too late fellas. by the way if our beloved GM find anything that bothers him, then P.M. me 'n' i'll fix it

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

I understand the urge, I'm probably going to post once or twice day, depending onhow other people post, because no one likes checking in the next day and having to read 10 pages of posts :P

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

It's all good, i had slept for like 16 hours today

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

Well he said we needed four survivors and we have that, so I say we start posting! :D

And I did it, took a leap and posted, so I say we all start!

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

Are we going to start posting or are we going to wait for more norma survivors to join?

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

Would it be presumptuous of me to just go ahead and start posting?

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

Here's my piece of advice, two actually. If you revamped the intro making it longer and more detailed a lot more questions would be answered there and it also works in helping to attract more people. Secondly, survivors are the easiest ones to write into a story regardless of where they are or where we are in the story.

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

Haha, very funny, but it's up to you about their pasts, but they are all a semi-blank slate, they have memories, it's just that they are kind of locked at the moment. After a few days of consciousness they may come back!

Also we needs three more survivors, any takers??

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

Or all the alphas could get together (ménage à trois) and leave Allen all by himself!

Only kidding of course :P

But on to seriousness, what is the extent of the knowledge of the subjects? Did they go to school, do they have all their memories, etc.?

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

You are very correct Zentose, but the number one problem with that is what is the maximum distance that ability functions on, are they separated so much that they would be unable to find eachother or are they just close enough to get that annoying sensation of familiarity at the back of their minds?

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

Well the two people in a series can sense eachother so I assume that they will be able to find eachother fast then the two teams will meet up later, one would think...

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

@GBA - you are once again on the money, all your powers are new to you, you have no true idea how to correctly use them so the first few times it may be more than what you meant to do, like my characters echolocation, he could accidentally go through sensory overload, the only one at an advantage would be LOOWMAN141414 for the most part , redistribution of the kinetic energy may not be easy but your innate capability would help you concentrate your abilities better.

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

Do the subjects know the extent of their abilities?

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

@GothBabeAlex- Your interpretation of the word clairvoyance is perfect for the story, it makes things interesting!:)

@All - As soon as we get 4 survivors we shall begin,

Re: [OOC] Resident Evil: Awakening

Jedi can do that?

In theory if you are accessing morphogenetic fields you might be able to know what the person would be planning...

Of course by that logic than you could access anyone's morphogentic field and know everything, all the time from everything living, the past and the future too...