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Ruki Labu


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a character in “REVOLT”, as played by ShatteredWings22


Name: Ruki Simone Labu
Race: Fae
Age: 13
Which Parent is in the Revolt? : Mother
Siblings? None
Personality: Ruki is very good at hiding her emotions. When she was 7, she decided she wasn't going to speak for the rest of her life, and so far she hasn't once messed up. No one expect her parents have really heard her voice, so no one really knows how it sounds. But, if you've been with her for long enough, you can tell she is a witty, curious, sneaky kind of character.
Bio: Ruki lives with her Mother, her Dad had died in a incident which she never liked to bring up. She has lived almost all of her life at home, or at least in her Mother's eyes. Every night she sneaks out, and wonders around, always or most of the time unseen by her fairy size. She explores the darkest places, the forbidden valleys, anything she can see as exciting. So far, Ruki has never been caught, except once, when she was about 7. The person who saw her said some troubling things, that caused Ruki to not speak.
Picture: Image


So begins...

Ruki Labu's Story


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Character Portrait: Ruki Labu Character Portrait: Lucy Labu
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"Goodnight, Ruki."
Lucy announced. She flicked off the light, and left Ruki's bedroom, locking the door behind her. She silently walked to her bedroom, and sat on the bed with a small sigh. She looked around, at her bedroom, with purple paint, a double bed with light blue covers, white pillows, then a light colored wood dresser, with a mirror attached to it.

She stared at the ground.
Why oh, world would you put this monster amongst us?
Lucy thought. She was referring to Talon, the dragon of which she greatly despised. Speaking of Talon, there was a meeting tonight...
"Better get going,"
She mumbled, arising from the bed. Most would probably leave a bit later, but her fairy size made it a longer trip.



Ruki was already outside, which she always was, almost every night.

She hid in the small bush by her house, and watched her Mother leave. She has been leaving a lot lately, at this same time, in this suspicious pattern. Ruki was growing curious. She was planing to maybe follow her, but today was not the day. She had other things planned.

Ruki flew off, and crossed the fairy/elf boundary.


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Character Portrait: Ruki Labu
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Ruki flew to a near willow tree.

Quietly, she looked around. She didn't spy anything, yet, that is. She was sure something would happen, and feed her curiosity. She had always wondered what it was like in other places...She has tried to cross a boarder before, but someone caught her. Ruki continued to look around...

It looks huge!
She thought, sliding her hand against the ruff tree trunk, which she was standing next to. She stayed completely silent as she watched, the only sound anyone could hear to notice her was the soft flutter of her wings which were slowly waving back and forth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Solair Character Portrait: Mikasa Azar Character Portrait: Ruki Labu Character Portrait: Aorin Kylas Character Portrait: Asher Gaius Character Portrait: Nona Gaius
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Ruki frowned. She wanted something a bit more exciting. She quietly wandered to witch territory. She spotted a werewolf, a witch, a vampire, and a dragon. The witch was hurt, and the others seemed to be trying to help. Ruki watched silently in the trees, sitting on a high up branch.


Lucy approached the bush. She felt bad, knowing she was extremely late. She quickly walked towards the fire, her steps sounding like a small pitter patter, as she hurried on.
"Sorry I am a little late..."
She murmured, making a small nod towards everyone who was present.

[Sorry I haven't had time to post! I've been so busy with this vacation!!!]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyor Kylas Character Portrait: Evelyn Abbess Character Portrait: Lucian Solair Character Portrait: Mikasa Azar Character Portrait: Ruki Labu Character Portrait: Aorin Kylas
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#, as written by Iezobel
Mikasa Azar
Mikasa yelped as she felt someone touching her. Then realised the girl was trying to help. Kas began to protest but thought it was pointless and was silent.
"Umm, thanks," she murmured then turned to the wolf who was now a boy,"the tree she pointed to it,"the spikes on it," she broke one of and let it hover in her hand. She sent it flying straight to the werewolf and stopped it only a few millimetres away from his face.
"Why are you all in my territory anyway?" She asked.
Kas sat down and crossed her legs. She hovered a bit above the ground.

Millina Azar
Millina crossed her legs over. She remembered how Mikasa uses to play games to remember the races.
"I used to play games and make up rhymes to get Mikasa remember which was which," Millina offered hopefully.
She hoped Jack was behaving for Mikasa. She hoped he hadn't set anything on fire. After what happened last time. No, she had bigger things to deal with, Mikasa could work it out. She was smart and good with magic.
"Now, about... Talon and all," she said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyor Kylas Character Portrait: Lucian Solair Character Portrait: Mikasa Azar Character Portrait: Ruki Labu Character Portrait: Aorin Kylas Character Portrait: Viona Solair
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Ruki still sat in the tree, silently watching the others conversant. She felt as if she missed all the excitment...It was to bad. At least they didn't know she was here---hopefully, that is.


"In my opinion, I feel we should get him out of the castle. If in the castle, it would cause more chaos, he would have guards..."
Lucy had trailed off, answering Kyor with an intense stare.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikasa Azar Character Portrait: Ruki Labu Character Portrait: Aorin Kylas Character Portrait: Viona Solair Character Portrait: Nona Gaius
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Ruki was a bit amused.
Wow. Have none of them noticed me yet?
She thought, leaning over to try to get a better look, as the vampire had pulled off her hood. Suddenly, her foot slipped. Ruki had started to go spiraling down, as she flapped her wings frantically, and stopped herself about a inch by the ground. Ruki couldn't imagine how much it would have hurt to hit the ground...She looked up, and gave everyone a small wave...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikasa Azar Character Portrait: Ruki Labu Character Portrait: Aorin Kylas Character Portrait: Viona Solair Character Portrait: Nona Gaius
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#, as written by Iezobel
Mikasa Azar
Mikasa turned to the wolf immediately taking a disliking to him. He was questioning why she got lost in her territory. He seemed to have a comeback for everything she said. Well two could play at that game.
"I got lost in my own territory," she said darkly, "I haven't done anything wrong im still in my territory. So if you've got a problem with that please share that with everyone... Go piss up a tree twerp," she muttered the last part.
Smiling she turned back to the others.
"I'm Mikasa, Mikasa Azar," she said smiling in a friendly way, "nice to meet you," she shot a dirty look at the wolf indicating it wasn't nice to meet him. Suddenly there was a loud rustling and a crack. Kas turned quickly with an electricity bolt glowing in her hand. She had it aimed at where the noise came from. Kas always had quick reflexes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikasa Azar Character Portrait: Ruki Labu Character Portrait: Aorin Kylas Character Portrait: Viona Solair Character Portrait: Nona Gaius
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Ruki tensed, and starred at the bolt. It was quite a relief when she saw her fling it at the werewolf, and aim a sword at him. Ruki then paused...They were not going to take it lightly when she didn't respond to all the questions she was sure to receive.
She then figured maybe she would get the notion that she couldn't speak...but then again, if someone saw through it---ehh, that was for later.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyor Kylas Character Portrait: Lucian Solair Character Portrait: Mikasa Azar Character Portrait: Ruki Labu Character Portrait: Aorin Kylas Character Portrait: Riondor Abbess
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The hooded girl pulled her hood back and Nona saw a pretty dark haired girl who said she had followed her father and got lost just like Nona did. The girl said that she couldn’t help the witch because of the smell of blood and introduced herself as Viona. Nona then smiled and said, “Hi Viona! Ohh I get it that means you’re a vampire! I’m sorry, I’m not good at knowing the races.”
The witch, angry at the wolf, introduced herself as Mikasa Azar smiling at the girls but angry at the wolf. Suddenly the witch built up an electric bolt as a little person had fallen from another tree. She then threw it at the wolf hitting him in the chest and making him fly backwards. She seemed to be getting agitated as she started charging another bolt and having a katana appear.

Nona didn’t want to get too involved so she instead went to the little one who she can definitely tell was a fairy due to her size. “Hi there cute little fairy! I’m Nona! What’s your name?” When the fairy didn’t respond she figured that she was still hurt from her fall so she picked her up gently and brought her to the other girl Viona. “Is she okay?” she asked.


Asher caught Lucian’s smile thinking to himself, “Wow that Lucian barely smiles.” Lucian told him that his daughter is getting suspicious of late night outings. Asher wondered whether his daughter and Lucian’s daughter would be good friends.
Lucian agreed with the idea of bringing Talon out, but he asked how to lure the king out.

Asher, being a dragon himself, suggested an idea saying, “Dragons are the type to want to protect what is close to them. King Talon used this ploy when he used the Dragons as scapegoats and had the guards killed..” Asher trailed off remembering his own wife being part of that ploy. He spaced out a bit remembering how he told that white lie to Nona that she was off venturing out and was lured by the land to become one of them. He realized he didn’t complete his idea so he coughed and went back saying, “He hurt his own kind through their pride of protection. Having been blamed as not being the best of guards their pride has gone down and they subject to King Talon. Perhaps we can threaten him and use the same ploy by taking one of his own, something or someone that is most precious to him…Does anyone know? It’s embarrassing but I have not known of anyone like this to him.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyor Kylas Character Portrait: Lucian Solair Character Portrait: Mikasa Azar Character Portrait: Ruki Labu Character Portrait: Aorin Kylas Character Portrait: Viona Solair
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The dragon walked over to her.
"Hi there cute little fairy! I'm Nona! What's your name?"
Ruki didn't respond. When she was seven, she decided she wasn't going to speak for the rest of her life. It was because of
Seeing she didn't respond, Nona scooped her up and started to walk over to the vampire.
"Is she okay?"
She had asked.
Ruki noticed that she wasn't in perfect condition, at the dragons words. She checked herself for cuts, and found a few minor scabs here and there.


“Dragons are the type to want to protect what is close to them. King Talon used this ploy when he used the Dragons as scapegoats and had the guards killed...He hurt his own kind through their pride of protection. Having been blamed as not being the best of guards their pride has gone down and they subject to King Talon. Perhaps we can threaten him and use the same ploy by taking one of his own, something or someone that is most precious to him…Does anyone know? It’s embarrassing but I have not known of anyone like this to him.”

Asher had said.
Lucy thought for a moment.
"Perhaps he has a family member,"
She suggested, tilting her head.
"I can't think of anyone else such a person could hold close."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyor Kylas Character Portrait: Norin Cromelon Character Portrait: Lucian Solair Character Portrait: Mikasa Azar Character Portrait: Ruki Labu Character Portrait: Aorin Kylas
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A smile bloomed on her face as Nona and Mikasa introduced themselves. She turned to Nona as she greeted her, and asked if she was a vampire. "Guilty, I am a vampire." She said with a light smile. "You must be a dragon?" She inquired, hoping the had guessed right. She hasn't ever really seen any of the other races before, so she wouldn't really know. Her ruby eyes turned to the werewolf, seeing as he hasn't introduced himself yet. Out of nowhere, a small fairy came out waving. Mikasa suddenly shot a lightning bolt at the young dairy, before turning it to hit the werewolf. She then conjured up a katana and transferred lightning to it, aiming it at the young man. Wow, she really had it out for him.

"I-I think we should calm down..." She said lightly. "We all seem to be just as lost as anyone, lets not get hostile." Her attention shifted to Nona, and the fairy she brought over to her. Upon being asked if the fairy was okay, Viona looked closer and saw small abrasions and bruises. "She got cut up pretty good, but I think she'll be fine." She smiled brightly at the young girl, introducing herself. "I'm Viona, nice to meet you~"


Lucian listened concentratedly as Asher spoke, nodding lightly in agreement. His ears then shifted to Lucy as she said there could be a loved one. "If Talon has a family member, then they have been kept a secret. I have never heard of any such person, but there has to be one. How to we find them?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyor Kylas Character Portrait: Norin Cromelon Character Portrait: Lucian Solair Character Portrait: Mikasa Azar Character Portrait: Ruki Labu Character Portrait: Aorin Kylas
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(Sorry iPod spazzed)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyor Kylas Character Portrait: Lucian Solair Character Portrait: Mikasa Azar Character Portrait: Ruki Labu Character Portrait: Aorin Kylas Character Portrait: Viona Solair
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Nona smiled at the mention that Viona was a vampire, happy that she had finally guessed the girl’s race. She asked if Nona was a dragon to which Nona nodded a large “yes!” and said, “Yup! I’m a dragon. But I don’t usually use my dragon form. I’d rather save it for really bad situations.”

Viona suggested that the group calm down because they were all in the same situation: lost and confused. She then answered Nona’s inquiry about whether the fairy was okay by inspecting the fairy. “She got cut up pretty good, but I think she’ll be fine.” Turning to the fairy, Viona introduced herself and the fairy flew to the ground. She took a stick and wrote in the dirt, “MY NAME IS RUKI.” After she threw the stick and flew back to head level, Nona smiled and greeted, “Hi Ruki!”

She didn’t want to bother Mikasa and the other boy fighting so she focused on Viona and Ruki instead and asked, “So what do we do now? We’re all lost and in another will we get back home?”


While Lucy wouldn’t think of anyone else other than a family member, Lucian said that family members would be kept a secret. Kyor wasn’t sure who King Talon would want to keep close to him. “We need to do something that will anger him, get him to want to come out.”

Lucy seemed to wonder about ways to conquer King Talon, but she seemed to feel defeated thinking it would just end up in more deaths. She suggested tricking King Talon to come to the Revolt base by causing a ruckus about there being a revolt. Then King Talon would come here and they would lure him into the forest.

Asher tried to think for a moment. ”Hmm, the ground we are in is the center of all the races so there would be no disputes amongst them, and we do have the upper hand knowing the forest from all of these meetings. However...”
”Lucy, I know there are nine of us races in total but it seems that four of them have not shown up yet (I’m discounting Riondor for the moment). Do you think they might have been traitors or do you think they have backed down? I wonder if King Talon had anything to do with their disappearance?”

Asher was worried since the others should’ve shown up by now. They were missing the Shapeshifter, the elf, the dwarf, and the human. Not only would some people consider the victory if any unequal due to the lack of participation amongst the races, but also they needed the extra hands and skills.