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Dray Sullivan

Bit of a WIP

0 · 654 views · located in Crystal View, California

a character in “Rising Stars”, as played by ShatteredWings22







Extra Role (ventriloquist)

Logan Lerman


Dray has dark, brown hair. His eyes are a sea green color, and his skin is a rather tan color. His body is a slim figure, and he usually wears a navy blue sweatshirt, with light blue jeans. Dray favors plaid, and casual outfits.

Dray is a witty, funny, casual character. He loves to mess with people, and joke around. He is very patient, but he also crumbles under pressure.

Making people laugh
Being liked
Cheering people up
Being cheerful







So begins...

Dray Sullivan's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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Kayleen walked out of another failed audition. She took a deep breath and smiled. She had done pretty well, not all celebrities got famous on their first try. Or their second. She put on a wide smile and walked towards Fiona's Coffee. SHe hated coffee, but it was where Andy and her hung out. Kayleen sat down at a table and waited. Andy soon sat next to her. "Coffee for me, sweet iced tea for you!" He smiled. "So Lee, how's it going?" "Pretty good, but I didn't get the role of the back up dancer, but I could have done much worse. I think i did pretty well!" She straightened up and smiled. Andy smiled back. "Good!" HE took another sip of coffee. "I think I might have found something for us though," "really?' Kayleen asked. "What is it?" "Well, this agent is looking for new people to mange and-" "GREAT!" KAyleen sprung up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander
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Dimitri walked into Fiona's Coffee, he pushed his freshly washed jet black hair from his eyes sitting down getting a coffee. He had came here for one reason only, otherwise he wouldn't dare be caught here. Someone told him it was going to be talent Night here, He sat back and scoped out the scene. 'Damn,' he though 'Oddest group of people I have ever seen. A red head working hard, a pretty brunette in.. what the..? A dude who is in the friend zone...' that's the people he had bothered to study so far. People stared at him and he had half the mind to slap em. It was 20 minutes until talent night started.

Hatter heard about a new talent agent coming to see talent night. She had always wanted to be an actress but she had stage fright and there was no way in hell she would be going up onstage. She overheard Kaylee, a regular who she talked to sometimes, talking about a failed audition, "Tonight is Talent night Kaylee. A little birdy told me that the agent would be here." She smiled at Kaylee and Andy "You both should preform tonight." She said trying to be helpful. No one knew she had talent and she preferred to keep it like that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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Kayleen smiled. "Thanks! I will, in fact, Andy's helping me," "Yep,' Andy smiled and pointed to his piano in the corner. "Are you going to do anything? I think you should!" Kayleen smiled, brushing her hair back. "I can't wait!" Kayleen giggled. "You probably can," Andy snorted.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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"Psh Me onstage? I think you just want to watch the world burn." she started wiping down a counter and said in a quiet voice to Kaylee and Andy. "See that guy in the back? The one at a table in the dark, kinda looks like he ants to shoot is brains out? That's Dimitri Alexander. It takes a lot to impress him." Hatter looked over at him slightly. A guy from the front called to her, "Well see ya' guys at the show. Duty calls....."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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(It's Kayleen, not Kaylee)
Andy snorted. "Well, just think about it. You never know!" Kayleen smiled and looked at the stage. "THis is going to be awesome!" She exclaimed. Andy nodded. "I guess, as long as you don't fall over like last time!" Kayleen broke into a fit of laughter. "That was epic!" ANdy snorted and looked at his watch. "C'mon! We're up first!" Andy picked up his piano and put it on the stand as the owner introduced them. Andy started playing fast, making the music upbeat. Kayleen started to dance, and did some acrobat type stuff, like twirling in the air. Having an electric piano, Andy could mix up the sounds and change the tune and beat. Kayleen gave a quick bow. "LAdies and gentlemen, that was Kayleen and Andy!" They both grinned.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander
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((Im so sorry! >_<))
Dimitri smirked. The two were impressive, the girl, kayleen had talent. She was fine but he could make her fabulous. The boy, Andy, had talent but he was a little late on the piano key stretch, But Dimitri knew he could make the boy into a mastermind musician. Dimitri made sure he would talk to the two. Up next was a girl that a few others had to practically push onto stage. It was the girl that worked here. "Hmmm...." he said. She gave her friends a 'Your Dead!' face. The girl stood up there for a second trembling then she composed herself. She Spoke, "Im Hatter Lovella, and I will be doing a little skit for you guys. A one person skit." She cleared her throat and started to speak in a low defined tone "The scene is set in 1990, A girl walks up to a house . There were rumors it was haunted. But she went anyway. She didn't believe in ghosts." She crossed her arms and spoke in a sassy girls voice. "Ghosts!? HA! That's BABYISH! Ghost aren't REAL!" During her Dialog a scenery was set up around her and she opened a door and stepped it. We could still see her though. "If Your so real then why don't you show yourselves?!" a misty fog started to curl around the coffee shop. The girl made a low laugh that echoed and she had covered up. "T-That's al-ll fake!" she said starting to get scared. All the lights in the shop went off and there was a scream and then a laughing sobbing sound. One light came up onto the girl she was rocking back and forth crying and laughing, Slowly she stood up. In a woman's dry voice she says "HAHHAHAHA GhOsTs ArE rEaL! You don't believe in me!? YOU DONT BELIVE IN ME!? I AM MORE REAL THEN YOU CHILD!" Her body fell to the floor and she spoke in the girl voice again "No I don't believe it! I wont believe it!" the woman voice returned "YOU BETTER BELIVE! GHOSTS AND MONSTERS ARE REAL! THEY ARE INSIDE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU!!!" she pointed at the crowd. "TIME FOR YOU LITTLE GIRL TO MEET YOUR DEMONS!" she fell on the floor and the lights came on and the set was wheeled away. She stood up and bowed. "Thank you and I hope you enjoyed this skit." Hatter said getting off the stage.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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(THat was strangely entertaining)
Kayleen smiled and took another sip of her tea. She grinned at Hatter. "That was pretty good!" Andy nodded.
I thought it was good," HE said, finishing up his coffee. Kayleen handed Andy some money for her tea. "I wonder what the next act is,"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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((I had to do that for a play once.... glad you found it entertaining...))
"Thanks.....I wonder what the next act could be too...." She looked at Dimitri to find he was staring at them. "Andy, Kayleen the producer is staring at us.....''

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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Kayleen grinned. "Wonderful," Andy snorted. "I wonder why he's looking at us," Andy leaned back in his chair. "Who says he's looking at us anyway?" Andy added.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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"Well Mr. Skeptic, when he gets up uses the 'Im looking into your soul' look and is walking over to you its safe to say..." Hatter Pointed Out. Dimitri was walking towards them now.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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Kayleen shrugged. "Whatever," KAyleen took another sip of tea.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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Dray breathed in deep, and walked into Fiona's Coffee. It was talent night, and he was doing a ventriloquist act. He was carrying a large box, with a ventriloquist dummy in it. He had gotten up stage, and took out the dummy.
"Err, I am Dray, and I am here to entertain you with the help of Steve."
He pointed to the dummy, who he named Steve.
[Now, I am not a super funny person, so lets pretend he did something really funny...]
Once he was done, he quickly got off stage, and set the box he had earlier aside. He walked over to a table, and asked for coffee. His fingers drummed on the table, as he waited for the coffee.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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Maria ran into Fiona's coffee, late after getting stuck in traffic. She got there literally just in time for her turn. A minute later and she wouldn't have gotten her chance to impress the agent. She shouldered her way past people in her attempted to get to the little stage. She jumped up there and took hold of the microphone. "So sorry I'm late, traffic was a bitch and a half." Maria couldn't help but grin at the odd looks she was getting. From her hair to her makeup to her clothes, she was different. Refusing to follow fashion trends at all.

She gave the sound guy a small nod and the music for her song began.

"Fall apart, we don't fall apart.
Fall apart, we don't fall apart.
I bet you didn't think that the more you'd try to kill us.
The more we'd rise up.
The more we'd wise up.
I bet you got your hands full trying to dilute us.
You've hit a brick wall.
Won't weaken our resolve.
We've already given away what you're trying to take.
What you're trying to take.
When you've died a thousand death's what's one more?
We look into your eyes and we say and we say.
Seize our families, take our homes away.
We won't fall apart
We won't fall apart.
Body after body to the grave.
We won't fall apart!
We won't fall apart!
I guess you didn't that so many were willing, to disown their lives.
To say their goodbyes.
I don't think you have any idea just what you're killing.
We will walk on.
We live on.
Who is the fool who gives what he can't save?
To gain one thing that nobody can take?
Though it may cost us everything, we look into your eyes and we say...
Seize our families take our homes away.
We won't fall apart.
We won't fall apart.
Body after body to the grave.
We won't fall apart.
We won't fall apart.
Death without love profits nothing.
I must still be alive.
I must still be alive.
Seize our families take our homes away.
We won't fall apart.
We won't fall apart.
Body after body to the grave.
We won't fall apart.
We won't fall apart.
Seize our families take our homes away.
We won't fall apart.
We won't fall apart.

Her voice resonated through the coffee shop. Filled with passion, joy, ferocity. Showing that she meant every word of her song. Once it was over, she jumped down from the stage, without a word, and took an empty seat at an empty table.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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Hatter started the coffee maker and looked at Kayleen "Geez I'm going to kill Max.... He was supposed to be here so now im by myself...." She poured the coffee and walked over to Dray. "Here's your coffee anything else I can do for you?" she said using a polite cheery voice.

He walked over to Kayleen and Andy, "That was a wonderful, performance."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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Kayleen clapped. "THat was awesome!" She whispered to Andy. Andy nodded in agreement as the agent finally reached their table.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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"Oh!" Kayleen jumped a little. "Thanks!" She added. Andy nodded. "Yeah, thanks, it was just something we threw together,"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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"It was.... Intersting.. but I could make you even better... so here is my card, you should consider giving me a call..." he said with a smirk and went over to the girl who sang. "That was.... Fantastic. I am Dimitri Alexander I assume you know who I am?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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Maria looked up at the man who approached her. She smiled when he said her song had been fantastic. Nobody had called it that before. They usually used... other words to describe her music. He introduced himself and the smile grew. Her goal to impress the agent had been completed. "Of course I do. Everybody who performed tonight does." Maria noted that he was looking at her with disgust like most people did. She liked him already.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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"I need a singer on my label." he smirked. "I think you will do..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleen Harris Character Portrait: Andy Centa Character Portrait: Maria Rose Character Portrait: Dray Sullivan Character Portrait: Dimitri Alexander Character Portrait: Hatter Renée Lovellea
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Kayleen held the piece of paper tight in her hands. She couldn't believe it, he had given the two a card. Andy had already punched his number in his contacts and so did Kayleen.