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Run Far Away

Run Far Away


A band roleplay

1,461 readers have visited Run Far Away since RosexXxStarlight created it.


At a school, there is a group of friendds. Each of them is a little different than the other and the only thing that holds them together is their love for music. They all play a different instrument and finally decide to start a band. Most of the kids at the school support the group, hoping to one day say they knew the famous band. But one group of kids do not like the band and start to envy the attention. They form their own band (later on in the roleplay. It's starting out when the band is first being formed)

Singer~ Rose Obscurite
Guitarist~ Viivi Kataja
Bass~ Robert Schultheiss
Drums~Iris Meadows

Denise Torres

Singer~ Cyril Striglin
Guitarist~Chou Takawashi
Bass~ Wu Zenian
Drums~ Brianna Lieber

Age (15-19)
Appearance (include a realistic picture)
Bad Habits:
Skills other than their instrument~
Favorite color~
Most hated color~

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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Rose ran into school running a hand through her dark blonde hair, trying to get it to lay straight. She had gotten kicked out of the house again and didn't have time to get ready for their first day of school. She found her locker, 813, and quickly ran the combination through. In her locker, she had a mirror on the inside of the door and a case holding make-up.

Rose looked into the mirror and was displeased with the way her black eye took away from her strange violet eyes. She tried using the cover up, but it didn't hide the black eye that had formed. Angered at the way her dad could have hit her like that, Rose applied her eyeliner. She always wore it dark and heavy so that her eyes stood out.

Still mad at the way everyone gave her sympathetic looks about her eye, she wondered where everyone else was.


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#, as written by Zyap
Robert tries to hold it back, but it just happens. He yawns, but in such a silent way, that even if there were no noise somebody could only see his mouth open and close again. Then he opens the door and enters the school. It is Monday morning and at least for the first few lessons he is going to be here just for being here and not for learning anything or even paying attention. He is just much too tired for this at mornings, especially at Monday mornings.

He just gives a short look around, but then decides for the shortest way just through all those masses of other students, trying anything to hold himself busy. For example counting the numbers of the lockers on the right side inside of his head. ~800...801...802...803...804...~ and so on.

Eventually he comes to that locker, where a very familiar person is trying to fix her appearance. “Isn't it a woooonderful good morning?“, he says to rose, trying to sound sarcastic, but maybe failing in it, because he is still tired.

((I hope I understood it right, that they already know each other quite well...))


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[yeah that's right. they all know eachother]


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Wu Zenian drowsily slung her backpack over her shoulder, feeling tired but forcing herself to look as if she was completely alert and awake. Staying up last night had taken its toll on her this morning, but she had a lot going on: homework, a job, getting ready for college--and, of course, the band. All equally important to Wu--the band and the job, perhaps, slightly more. Without a job, and without the band, she would not be able to send money to what was left of her family--her mother.

Well, thankfully, this was her last year of senior high school. Wu was looking forward to getting out of here and getting to college--or, if all went her way, university. Unlike, perhaps, her bandmates, she did not intend to make music her lifetime career, even if it did play a large part in her life. She planned to go to a university and build a career there.

A sigh escaped her thin, pale lips as she made her way down the halls, an expression of boredom and apathy on her face--some would say that was her default facial expression. As she made her way through the hall, she noticed two familiar people at a locker (Wu did not want or need a locker)--two people in the other band in this school. She gave a nod to them both and continued on her way. Wu felt no need to show dislike or hatred towards them. Just like Wu and her bandmates, they were just trying to make their way through life with music.

Eventually, she reached her first period classroom, and decided to wait for the bell. She leaned against the wall, the bored expression remaining on her face as her grey eyes scanned over the crowd, searching for the faces of any of her bandmates.


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Chou looked at herself in the mirror and placed her bow on her head then picked her bag up and went into the kitchen where she picked up her toast and ate it. she was a early riser and got up way before her alarm clock she put her headphones on and listened to music while reading her imported Japanese magazines. it was almost time to go so Chou shoved her magazines into her bag and left the empty house for school.

Chou opened her locker and mumbled under her breath she placed her stuff in the locker. on the side of the locker it had words carved in it mostly how this locker is "cursed" she smirked the other side had curse words written all over it she pulled her book out and read the bad comments on the locker. pulling out a black sharpie she slowly writes yeah, yeah I get it school sucks but get over it! she threw the black sharpie back in then pulled out a red one and drew a face with X's in it's eyes and a tongue sticking out.

she felt a hand on her shoulder she gave a small smile and turned around... a teacher. "what do you think your doing?" she looked at the teacher.
"getting my book."
"I saw what you did and since its the first day Miss Takawashi I will let you off the hook." she nodded her head
"yeah, I got it." he lifted his finger before leaving. Chou giggled and slammed her locker shut when she entered her class room she noticed Wu, Chou walked to her.
"Wu, how are you?"


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Iris felt pretty good this morning.She had managed to avoid her parents cornering her for another talk about the thing she had been dreading about for months...."College".She shivered at even thinking the word.She was only a junior and yet here they were piling hundreds of college application files on her desk, leaving pamphlets on her bed, and other annoying ways that they showed how badly they wanted her to go.It wasn't that the work of college that made her worried or scared.It was the whole proccess of leaving her friends and family. As Iris was thinking to herself she barely even noticed that she had made it to school.She marched towards her locker and noticed her two band mates talking but before she made it too them, two preppy blonde girls intercepted her."We heard that you got the highest grade in chemistry that true?"Iris raised a thin black eyebrow and nodded.""The girls looked at each other and then said."No way could you have gotten such a good grade in their....and we don't think it's cool if you cheat and don't help anyone out....punk girl."One of the blondes laughed slightly and quickly stopped as soon as Iris moved towards her and was inches from her face ..her eyes bright and angry."Listen sunshine....I didn't cheat....there's no reason to that class is a breeze anyway...and if you try and.."confront" me again I will more then likely break your goddamn face in...ok?"She said that last part in a bubbly voice much like they were talking to her in.She then continued her way until she saw Rose and Robert."Hey guys..."She glanced at Rose's face and sighed." alright Rose?Need to borrow my concealer again?"She knew Rose didn't like talking about what happened at her usually Iris just didn't say anything and helped when she could


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Denise walks into her closet looking around for a good outfit for the first day of school, although not really feeling like getting all dressed up she takes out her grey shirt a pair of grey denim jeans and a pair of grey heels. After getting dressed it was time to accessorize which Denise loved doing she put on her diamond heart bracelet, her [url=]platinum hoop earrings[/url] and her necklace. She decided not to over do it with accessories like she had planned to with the scarf, gloves and the hat and she decided to just go with the jewelry. After that she put on her make up which was her grey eye shadow, her black eye liner, mascara, blush, and her clear lip gloss. By the time she finished getting dressed she was already running late for school so she decided to skip breakfast she grabbed her bookbag and wallet and left the house.

As she entered the school building she sighed who would have thought that this summer would have flew by so quickly now there was no more pool parties, tanning on the beach, hanging out with friends, and waking up at noon now it was books, waking up at six in the morning, teachers who you could careless about, and worst of all homework. She found her locker quickly mainly because she had gotten the same locker from the year before locker 818, this year she was a junior which meant after this only one more year of high school she was hoping that this year would go by as quickly as her summer did. Denise looked around first day back at school she wondered what fun would come of this year she looked as people walked by she knew most people in this school expect for the new kids so she had a lot of hugging, hellos, and catching up to do. She walked threw the crowd to the cafeteria so she could catch up with friends and a meal.


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Rose stuck her tongue out at Rober, "Just fantastic!" She mimicked the sarcasm in her small voice. She then smiled sheepishly at Iris and accepted the concealer. She was grateful for the girl's understanding and always thought that it was funny that they were both named after flowers. She applied the concealer and was grateful that the black eye was gone. She waved as Denise walked by and headed towards her first class.

Seeing Chou and Wu in her first class she immediately went over to them. She sat on top of the desk near them and felt kind of tall for once in her life. She began to swing her feet back and forth. "Hi," She said in her quiet voice.


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Chou zipped her mouth and looked at Rose "hello." she said almost in a silent whisper "I haven't seen you much recently were have you been." she asked as she pulled her book out to read later. Chou then adjusted her bow then went back to Rose "have you seen Cyril yet I haven't seen him for awhile." she had seen everyone so far except him Chou thought for a second then opened her book and read a few pages then thought again "are we missing anyone else?" she flipped through the pages again "I'm forgetting something." she said in a worried tone.


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Wu nodded to Chou in her usual taciturn way, adding a terse, "Fine." in response to Chou's greeting. That was the way she usually greeted her friends, even Chou, though Wu somehow seemed to get along even better with her than with the rest of her friends. She glanced towards Rose as the latter made her way towards her and Chou, seating herself on top of one of the desks. Somehow Rose managed to be shorter standing than she was while sitting on top of a desk.

When Rose greeted them, she thought a bit over what to say. She didn't know Rose too well, and hadn't spoken often with her, unlike her other friends. It was a bad habit of Wu's to try to push away from people who tried to befriend her; in fact, the only reason anyone had really managed to make friends with her was because they had taken the time to get to know her beyond the 'Girl who Never Smiles' name she had made for herself.

In the end, after what seemed like an eternity--though only half a second had passed--Wu gave a small nod to Rose, before deciding she might as well contribute to the conversation.

"I saw Cyril not too long ago," she said in a bored tone of voice. Chou's worry struck Wu as ironic, however. Typically Wu was the one who was constantly under the impression that she had forgotten something, or that something bad was going to happen.


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Iris yawned and looked at Robert grinning slightly."You going to ditch Gym today?I was thinking about it...there playing Dodgeball....again."She laughed slightly and ran her fingers through her hair and then turned to go to courtyard where she would sit and think of new pieces she could play on her violin.She usually had gym with Rob but she couldnt stand Dodgeball...even though most people assumed because she was so aggressive that she would be great at the game.As she laid down on the soft grass in the courtyard she began to daydream....about her band playing with in a full was just her and the band.Just how she liked it.


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After eating the school breakfast which for today was two semi hot pancakes with three mini greasy sausages, even thought she wasn't a fan of school food especially breakfast she was starving and eat every bit of that food. When she was done eating and catching up with a few classmates from the year before she left the cafeteria and went to the gym. Usually for gym the kids would have to change into the school gym uniform which was the school shirt and either a pair of the school's sweatpants or shorts but seeing as today was the first day of school the teacher gave the kids a pass. Because of the heels Denise was wearing the gym teacher told her to go seat on the bleachers which Denise did not mind because today was the day of dodgeball which she wanted no part of seeing as it was to earlier in the year for her to be getting bruised up by balls. She laid down in the bleachers using her bag as a pillow for her head as she looked up at the ceiling.


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#, as written by Veren
Viivi sat quietly in the library, reading "Pride and Prejudice". She was on page 207, having started it two days ago, when the bell rang. She stood up, and packed her bag neatly, then walked directly to the gym, not speaking to anyone. Today was dodgeball day, and Viivi was definitely not a dodgeball wizard. She had her gym uniform, but hadn't expected to not have to dress down, so she put her clothes back in her bag. She also had her guitar with her, in a case. She begged the gym teacher to stay with her stuff to make sure it wasn't stolen. Since it was the first day, he let her sit on the sidelines. She walked up the bleacher stairs, until someone caught her eye. She saw a girl laying down on the bleachers, staring at the ceiling. Moving closer, she noticed it was the girl Denise. Viivi thought about saying hello, but decided against it, her nervousness, and feeling like she would interrupt the girl, getting the best of her. Instead, she simply sat down a row down, and about a meter and a half down from Denise, and pulled out her book, resuming where she left off.


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Denise heard something moving on the metal bleachers like how could she not walking on these things made a lot of noise. She twisted her head looking from the ceiling down the bleachers she saw a girl but she couldn't see the girl's face because her back was to her. Denise figured it was either stare at the ceiling for another thirty something minutes or go mingle, she decided on the mingle. She sat up and grabbed her bookbag she walked down the bleachers over to where the girl was she sat down beside the girl and sat her bag down by her leg. Then she turned to face the student she saw it was Viivi she wondered why she hadn't come and said hi but then again not everyone was the in your face socializing type like she was. She tapped Viivi shoulder "Well hello to you to" she said with a laugh then a smile. "How was your summer ? My summer was fine thanks for asking" she said in her jokingly sarcastic voice.


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#, as written by Zyap
"Maybe..", Robert states, looking around for a while and after that realizing, that both girls are already gone. ~Damn.. I'm really slow at morning..~ He decides to skip dodge-ball. He would have problems even staying awake, so it is just useless and for the good of the team, he would be voted in.

What a pity, that most students go to every lesson, but he knows at least one, who will not be there today. So he just has to find her – because being alone while being bored and tired is not good. He would sleep within a minute – or just seconds.

At least Iris is a girl you can distinguish from others very easily. He walks to the possible locations, where she might be. Those aren't much and his second choice was already the courtyard. He can see her already from far away lying in the grass and so he goes on a direct way to her.

“So... yes I decided to stay out of the gym for today.“, Robert says at that moment, when he is already standing right beneath her.


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Iris simply laid on the ground and then raised a hand in salute to Robert."Yo.Looks like you did ditch hahah...I expected as much.And you know me....I'm not so into the whole throwing inanimate objects at people.Fists...maybe....balls...defiantly not.".She continued looking up towards the realtively blue sky then sighed."So....what are your plans after school today?"She wasn't likely to go home until at least 6pm....otherwise both of her parents would be there ready to pounce on her with even more pamphlets.

She liked hanging out with Robert.His chill mood usually calmed her down, made her less aggresive.Rose had the same effect on her as well.Maybe that's why she was able to be such good friends with them.Their chill attitude factored out her usually energetic and angry attitude.


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Rose frowned, feeling like she had dissappointed Wu somehow. Turning to Chou, she answered her. "I haven't seen Cyril yet..." She paused, trying to remember who else she hadn't seen. "Or Briana." She continued to kick her feet and watched as the momentum carried them back and forth. The bell rang and students filed in. Rose turned and sat in the chair and watched as a tall and blonde teacher walked in.

The man had glasses and wrote on the bored: MR WILHELM. "Hello class," The man said. "I'm Mr. Wilhelm." Rose noticed girls begin to swoon and was disgusted. She never understood how ANYONE could fall for a teacher. She thought it was gross.


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Chou left a small giggle leave her mouth as most female students and some males swooned over him. she pulled her doodle book out and began to draw her regular flower of the day. todays flowers is... Lily she began to draw a Lily.
she listened to the teacher and all the giggling girls she was putting the final touches on the flower when a hand fell on it and tore it out of her drawing book "Hey!" she looked up it was the teacher.
"This is a perfect example of what I was talking about. NO GOOFING OFF." she mumbled under her breath and leaned back in her chair. "do you understand me Miss...Miss-" he looked at his clip board "Miss Takawashi... I remember that name a little bit of trouble you are." he crumbled up the drawing and slammed it on her desk Chou's mouth fell open he did not just do that! she watched him walk away and she mumbled quit loudly "Jerk." but she said it in a quite happy tone as if singing it. he stopped then moved on with his lesson the girls whispered the guys laughed. she folded her arms and gave a smirk she "payed attention" for the rest of the lesson.


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Wu noticed Rose's frown, and wondered if, perhaps, she had done something wrong. She had no idea if her attitude hurt or offended anyone; she only assumed that because she didn't know Rose so well, she would come off as strange or too friendly if she had treated Rose like a friend.

Before Wu could continue to ponder what she could have done wrong (another bad habit of hers), the teacher, Wilhelm, introduced himself to the class. Having attended the school for four years (counting the last one she was starting now), Wu knew Wilhelm, and she thought he was a decent teacher. What she didn't understand, however, was why students found him attractive. How a seventeen or eighteen year old can possibly hope to have anything with a forty year old teacher simply escaped her.

She found it strange how badly Wilhelm reacted to Chou's drawing, but smiled at Chou's reaction. Can't wait until break starts... Wu thought boredly. She was looking forward to seeing her friends.


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Cyril cursed as he fell out of his bed. He looked at his clock and cursed again, he as way late for school. He sighed and went to his closet, putting on a pair of dark denim skinny jeans, and a 30 seconds to mars shirt on with his black high tops. He put on his black and white arm warmer, and went to the bathroom. he lightly traced his eyes with eyeliner and strightened his black hair. he put in his lip ring and walked out the door. he got into his car and drove to the school. he got out of his car and sighed.

he walked into the building and went stright to his locker, got what he needed and went to class. he walked in, ignoring the girls falling over the teacher and went back to Wu, Chou, and Rose.''Sorry i'm late, overslept.'' he said yawning widely.


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Chou looked at Cyril "Hi-ya." she stretched and smiled she slouched over the top of her desk and picked the drawing up slowly unfolded it class had the rest of the time off so they could talk a bit. "I hate this teacher." she looked at the smeared drawing she let out a sigh and folded the destroyed drawing up flicked it onto Cyril's desk then buried her head into her arms that lay on her desk. "he ruined it... like every other teacher in this school." she threw her hands into the air "ugh why cant they encourage instead of destroy!" she turned around to face them all.


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Cyril picked up the picture and looked at it.'' Hey Chou, this picture is good! Hey could you do me a favor?'' he asked looking at her closely. he tapped his chin going deeply into though, his eyes staring off into a dream like palce or land.'' it's my mom's birthday soon, and she loves art....'' he says his voice distant.


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Chou slouched over again filled with sadness then looked up "yeah?" she asked as she leaned against the chair hoping a spark of hope was about to set off somewhere in her life. she then thought of what she lost mothers and fathers she never got the father daughter dance never got a mother. she could only help others with those things she pulled out her sketchbook and flipped through it she drew more people then her flowers of the day she flipped through it again and noticed one drawing of a cherry blossom tree she remembered that tree it was in the local park she goes to, to draw plants. she looked back up at Cyril "right your mom does have her birthday soon huh?"


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''uh yeah and she's always wanted a artistic daughter, so .......'' he looked at her and smiled.'' and e have a open bed and all that and...'' he scratched the back of his neck akwardly.'' well she wanted me to ask you if you wanted to move in, she said that would be the best present ever, for her that is.'' he said shifting uneasily in his chair.'' you wanna?''


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Chou for a second blushed really hard and put her sketchbook out in front of her cheeks my aunt would forget about me completely so... then again I don't really exist in her mind... how awkward. Chou removed the book from her cheeks "sure." she let a smile appear "When should I come?" she asked curiously she didn't have many things so it would be easier then other people to get her stuff.

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Iris Meadows
Character Portrait: Viivi Kataja
Character Portrait: Cyril Striglin
Character Portrait: Denise Torres
Character Portrait: Chou Takawashi


Character Portrait: Chou Takawashi
Chou Takawashi

guitarist for the other band

Character Portrait: Denise Torres
Denise Torres

A girl who goes to the school she has talent but is not in either band

Character Portrait: Cyril Striglin
Cyril Striglin

the Other singer

Character Portrait: Viivi Kataja
Viivi Kataja

The guitarist, sincere and happy.

Character Portrait: Iris Meadows
Iris Meadows

"Drumming really gets my blood pumping." The rowdy drummer


Character Portrait: Iris Meadows
Iris Meadows

"Drumming really gets my blood pumping." The rowdy drummer

Character Portrait: Cyril Striglin
Cyril Striglin

the Other singer

Character Portrait: Denise Torres
Denise Torres

A girl who goes to the school she has talent but is not in either band

Character Portrait: Chou Takawashi
Chou Takawashi

guitarist for the other band

Character Portrait: Viivi Kataja
Viivi Kataja

The guitarist, sincere and happy.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Viivi Kataja
Viivi Kataja

The guitarist, sincere and happy.

Character Portrait: Chou Takawashi
Chou Takawashi

guitarist for the other band

Character Portrait: Denise Torres
Denise Torres

A girl who goes to the school she has talent but is not in either band

Character Portrait: Cyril Striglin
Cyril Striglin

the Other singer

Character Portrait: Iris Meadows
Iris Meadows

"Drumming really gets my blood pumping." The rowdy drummer

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