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Saint Kleio Academy

Saint Kleio Academy


Welcome to St. Kleio Academy! Where the historical figures of the past meet with the high schoolers of the present!

1,346 readers have visited Saint Kleio Academy since Zenia created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Welcome to St. Kleio the school like no other! Many high schoolers flourish the halls but each one different than the next, yet most of them share a common trait among them.

They are clones.

That is right they are clones of famous or infamous people throughout history. Where you can catch Chopin and Lewis Carroll in math class together, or Jeanne De Arc and Napoleon in a heated discussion about warfare as well as many other clones. We do accept only a few outsiders and the students are rarely permitted to leave the school ground for the reason that there are clone haters that would like to harm our students. We have an onsite barber who is also a student here; his name is Sweeney Todd a master with the razor. All our clones have the names of their originals as to not add confusion on who they are.

Our goal here is to help our students surpass their originals and to better themselves as well as for redemption if they feel they need it. We are one of the best schools in the country and no outsiders are usually allowed in, when they are we do not tell them they are in a school full of clones, for a few reasons.
1. To cause friendship without any undue judgment
2. To not cause hatred
3. Safety on both sides
They will find out they are in a school full of clones during their brief introduction to the school once accepted.

We are currently accepting students, though some have been in the school system all their lives.

Male Clone Student One: Taken by Zenia- Frédéric François Chopin
Female Clone Student one: Taken by Nowfaleena- Anne Bonny
Male clone Student Two:Taken by Zenia-Sweeney Todd
Female Clone Student Two: Taken by Child of the Winged- Jane Austen
Male Clone student Three: Taken by Child of the Winged- Antonio Vivialdi
Female Clone Student Three: Taken by graphicromantics- Grace Kelly
Male Clone Student Four: Taken by Merchant- Harry Houdini
Female Clone Student Four: open
Male Clone Student Five: Baldwin IV of Jerusalem
Female Clone Student Five: open

Non Clone Male Student One(Likes Clones or has no feelings towards them): open
Non Clone Female Student One(Likes Clones or has no feelings towards them):Taken by xLevesquex- Charity Chase
Non Clone Male Student Two (Dislikes/hates the idea of clones and clones themselves): open
Non Clone Female Student Two ((Dislikes/hates the idea of clones and clones themselves): open

If the school decides to take on more students over the year that will be posted on the school board.

Here is the Schools Application if you are accepted you will get your uniform and your student handbook. Your uniform will look like this:

Charrie Skeleton for St. Kleio clones

Age(16 to 18):
Description/ Picture:
Originals past:
When your original died and how:
Dreams or goal:
What is your original famous for:
Theme song(Optional):

Charrie Skeleton for St. Kleio non clones

Description/ Picture:
Dreams or goal:
Do you mind clones:
Theme song(Optional):

Toggle Rules

(If you don't want spoilers don't read the Wiki. It is in an alternate dimension anyway.)
0: Rule Zero AKA The GM is always right if there is a conflict of rules I will solve it I will not abuse this, but I will give out three strikes if I feel people are not listening.
1: no god moding
2: be polite
3: I am the ruler
4: no net speak
5: anime to animish pictures only
6: if you wanna do something involving another character ((Prank or something)) ask
7: follow skellys
8: please tell us in ooc if you are signing off.
9: if you are going to abandon a character please inform me.
10: This will mainly be a weekend thing one post per day per character on mon-fri on Saturday and Sunday have at it, but try not to be a post hog.
11: Please be able to write at least 100 words per post. More is of course welcome and I will accept some writers block days (We all have them)
12. (To make this clearer then I did) Clones have to be the same Gender as their original! In the case of Shaky on you will see Jack the Ripper Now since some people think Jack may have been a Jane I will highly consider that.

Clone examples I will accept: the clones HAVE to be real People as you can see below Sweeney Todd is in. That is because I did a research paper on him and there is evidence to support he is real. You don't need to read this full list. But you do for the next two. The Shaky on and NO WAY one. (I will also LOVE there to be a Margery Lovett!) Also they have to be the same Gender as their original! In the case of Shaky on you will see Jack the Ripper Now since some people think Jack may have been a Jane I will highly consider that.)
Joan of Arc ((Jeanne D'Arc))
Mary Reed
Vlad Tepes
Elisabeth Bathery
Lewis Carrol
Robert S. ((Guy who wrote treasure island))
William the conquer
Ghangis Khan
Marie Antonette
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Charles Darwin
Florence Nightengale
Henry the VIII
Thomas Jefferson
Julius Ceasar
Queen Elizabeth
Issac Newton
Valadamir Lennin

Clones I am shaky on: You'd have to provide me a good reason you are he or she because of lack of evidence they existed or DNA or your weren't caught or it may offend people if you do it wrong. I will accept them though if you convince me.
Jack the Ripper
Socrates((Anyone in this era really but yeah I will accept them.))
Ed Geines
Alexander the Great
King Ramsey
King Tut
Amelia Airheart

anyone recently dead ((Has to be at least 16 years old dead))
Zodiac Killer
Steve Irwin
Anyone that people worship.

Taking place in...

St Kleio our primary setting

Saint Kleio Academy a prestigious school filled with many wonderful students! Each unique and similar in their own way!

St Kleio

St Kleio by Zenia

Saint Kleio Academy a prestigious school filled with many wonderful students! Each unique and similar in their own way!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin Character Portrait: Antonio Vivaldi Character Portrait: Anne Bonny Character Portrait: Jane Austen Character Portrait: Charity Chase Character Portrait: Harry Houdini
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zenia
The morning hit the grand windows of the School of Saint Kleios’ academy. Students roll out of their bedrooms in their dorms some more reluctantly than others. To regular outsiders they look like regular high schoolers, to the well informed they know the truth.

They are clones.

Every student roaming these halls are clones of some historical figure, infamous and famous alike, the good and the bad and the in between.

The music halls are filled with songs their originals wrote. Books are being written that people once thought the authors wouldn’t be able to write again. New theories are coming out by scientists. Some clones do not yet know their place. Others know it to well.
The clones are well provided for with exquisite food to suit their taste from vegan, to vegetarian, and everything else. There is even a small salon where they can go to get a shave and a haircut or new hair style.
But there rumors going around about a few non clones, that for the first time since the academy were created, would be allowed in. Fear and excitement mix with the ramble, some happy, some mad, and others unsure.

Though all know one thing.

This year will most certainly be different than the others.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zenia
Frédéric François Chopin woke up to the birds chirping out his window. He let out a soft yawn as he pushed himself out of bed and checked the schedule for today. He sighed as he looked at his first thing to do, his black wavy hair covering his eyes briefly. “…So today is the check up for me? I thought it was tomorrow…” he muttered his voice soft and light. He quickly took a shower and got dressed drying his hair with a towel before combing it and looking on his desk, mainly at the black sheet music there and seemed almost to have a scornful look on his face. “How can they ask me to write a new song on such short notice? There is no inspiration here… I am not even allowed to go into the park in the city… and the courtyard is closed off for renovations for another two days… which by then it will be to late…” he thought to himself.

He quickly hung the towel to dry out and exited his room where he headed straight for the doctor’s office. He hated going there, always afraid they’d tell him his pulmonary tuberculosis has become active and there was nothing they could do. He still didn’t understand why they couldn’t just take the disease out of his DNA when he was cloned, but then again he was no scientist. He got outside the schools' main doors and made his way to the Doctors’ building, separated from the rest of the school. Notes of music flooding his head as he did so, though he’d yet found the right places for them. He saw in the distance the small salon run by one of the students, Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber himself and wondered what he was doing at the moment. “probably waking up like me, he is the early riser.” he thought to himself. He didn’t mind Sweeneys’ company in fact he enjoyed it, Sweeney was actually a very nice young man, though he sometimes did have an episode of anger. Then again who didn’t here?

“After all most of us have been stuck in this school system for most of our lives…” he thought to himself as his mind then turned towards the rumors of non-clone students that may start to come here. “I wonder if that is true…” he wondered as he slowed his steps and rubbed his hands against a brick wall as he neared the doctors building, he knew he was just stalling for time, but he couldn’t help it. He always got a little afraid here. A slight shiver runs up his spine.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zenia
Sweeney Todd, The demon Barber of Fleet Street opened his eyes and groaned as his headache kicked in. “Bloody Hell…” he muttered to himself as he rubbed his head. This is not the fearsome Demon Barber himself of course, but his clone. “Ugh I stayed up too much last night reading that Penny Dreadful again…” he muttered as he let out a huge yawn and looked around his yellow eyes blurry, he was confused at his surroundings before he realized where he was, the penny dreadful in question was on his chest and in front of him was a meat pie from last night. “The salon of course… I somehow always wind up sleeping in one of the barber chairs when I stay here too late.” He muttered as he stretched his arms over his head and looked in the mirror. “…I look like hell…” he muttered as he say his wiry black hair sticking out of the place, the one white streak was of course messed up.

He looked at his pale skin and the black rings under his eyes before he shook his head and took out his personal comb and sorted it out quickly as he went to his office in the salon and quickly put on an apron over his usual clothes and played the CD Player he kept on him to pass the time as he cleaned up for the next day. He frowned as the song started to play; it seemed someone had switched his CD with the sound track to Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. The song was on Epiphany, from the voices he gathered it was the Johnny Depp Version. He had seen the movie, though the teachers hadn’t want him to do so, thinking it might influence him in some way. He only sighed and let the music play, he liked the beat of the song. In fact he found himself humming it as he swept the floor clean and polished the mirror. He was cleaning when he bumped into a desk and knocked over a box. He immediately picked it up and checked if they were damaged, he flipped open the top and sighed in relief, the items of course were silver early eighteenth century straight razors, the murder weapon of the real Demon Barber. For a second a crooked grin crossed his face before he shook his head and took out two placing them in their holster on his belt.

The song changed to ‘my friends.’ As he listened to it he heard the Actress playing Margery Lovett and tilted his head, “I wonder how she is doing…” he pondered to himself before shaking his head. “her original poisoned herself and because of that my original was hanged…though he did deserve it…will I end up like him? Will I be hanged? Did the original Lovett do it to incriminate my original or to protect him? Or did she do it for another reason? …there is no way to know the answers… we are not the same people after all…” he brooded to himself as he ran a hand through his hair and went back to his office and changed into his school uniform, just because he ran the salon doesn’t mean he was free from classes. “Oh yeah the rumors say non-clones will be coming here… they will probably think I am a monster… ah well.” He muttered as he headed to the door of his salon and soon entered the Academys' hallways.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
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0.00 INK

She was standing on the crows nest, the salt air blowing through her red hair. Anne looked at the galleon below her, at the people scurrying on the deck, they looked so small, like ants. Her green eyes fell on the blue waves of the sea, tipped with white foam and she let out a hearty laugh, turning her head sky ward. She was home! A seagull flew next to her, opened its beak and...BZZZZZZZZZTTT!!

Anne Bonny shoot out of bed with a jolt, cursing the foul noise rather loudly. She was furious! She had been HOME! On the sea at last, one with the sea even! She let out a frustrated sob, tears welling in her eyes for a moment before she chucked the alarm clock out the window. Anne quickly showered, brushed her teeth and got dressed before walking out of her room and slamming her door shut. She only turned around to lock it, before she stormed down the hallaway. She heard some non clones would be coming to the school, it didn't really bother her. She just hoped they wouldn't bother her to much. She didn't mind if they judged her on her originals past, she was rather proud of her past, she had been a feared pirate, one of the few female pirates.

But how was she going to live up to her originals name with no captain to guide her, no friend to be with her, no ship to be on. She wasn't even allowed outside the school! She slammed her fist against the wall in anger, she had woken up in a bad mood after that teasing dream. Why did she have to have that dream again! It always promised her things that would never happen. She didn't notice the other students around her, she just kept walking, shoving people aside when need be. Most of them stepped out of her way, the could tell Anne was in a bad mood, and when she was in a bad mood she had a tendency to get into fights with others. Recently she had punched out the two front teeth of another classmate who had insulted her, much like her original had at one point. The poor classmate had to go to the dentist to get a bridge for her missing teeth. But that was awhile back, and had sent a bit of a message to not mess with Anne...but it also meant that Anne didn't have many friends. She had no Calico for her Bonny, no Mary for her Anne...

Anne was thinking all of these things, she didn't notice the person in front of her, one of the students hadn't got the message to move out of the way it seemed. And she didn't see them until she slammed into them.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin Character Portrait: Jane Austen
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0.00 INK

Even before the sun even rose, a figure sat on her bed, humming softly. She held her newest notebook on her lap, the soft cream page blank. She couldn't get her mind to grasp the idea of romance on such short notice. They had only told her yesterday that they, being the on-campus editor, that they wanted something before the start of classes. To her, it was an insane task. She gently closed the leather journal and laid back against the soft pillows on her bed. Her eyes darted around the room that was her for most of her life. She wanted to get out and run back through the trees that she remembered from her childhood home.

She opened her door and wandered out to the garden, her door wide open. She wasn't worried of anything taking something though. She had her notebook and her locket, both in her arms. Whatever they wanted from her room, they could have it. It was material goods, something she didn't really need. She only needed food, water and words. She wandered over to the doctor's office, looking for some sort of inspiration. Anything to get her mind working again.

Whatever god looked out on her granted her a wish. She ran smack dab into the back of Chopin. She took a step back and bowed lightly. "My apologies. I should've watched where I was walking..." She felt her face flush with red, her fingers curling around the edges of her notebook, and on of her hands brushed hair out of her face. "I'll see you in class, Mr. Chopin..." She bowed again before shyly slipping past him, her heart beating wildly. While her mind was flustered, it reeled with new ideas for a new book.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charity Chase
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0.00 INK

Charity had been sitting up all night, un-packing. She has a tendency to over pack. Especially since she can't go back home... With her mother. So, Charity had to get rid of a lot of things in her home so that she could pack the important things. Her room was hidden from the sun light because of the long, dark purple curtains in her room. Her room was well enough lighten up from some lamps she un-packed and the chandelier that hung from the ceiling. Charity was tired, but didn't stop un-packing. Charity crawled over her bed and towards the curtains. She flung them open, not knowing it was early morning and got blinded from the sun light then let out a small scream and ducked under the window covering her eyes. She was a tad sensitive to very bright lights. Especially in the morning. Charity held her hands over her red, teary eyes and just curled up.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harry Houdini
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0.00 INK

Harry looked at the door knob with increased frustration. He then looked at the clock which said it was almost time for class. AFter that he looked down at what he was wearing. His straight jacket was nice and tight. He let out a big sigh wishing he had realized what time it was when he started putting it on. He had no choice as he sat himself down and took off his socks with his feet. This wasn't the first time this had happened and it probably wouldn't be the last.

Having removed his socks he stood up and lifted his foot to the door knob and gripped it firmly. He then slowly and carefully turned the knob.... and opened the door.

Harry smiled as he walked over and put his flip flops on again.
"Hello old friends," he greeted his footwear. "Let's get going to class again." He walked out slipped his feet out and closed the door with this foot. The door automatically locked and he had the key in his pocket. He was confident he would get out of his straight jacket by the time school was over for the day.

Having put his sandals back on and walked the corridor to his first class. He walked by a window where he saw Frédéric and Jane, he would have waved but, well straight jacket hadn't gotten any looser, besides it looked like there might be something between them.
'Good luck, Jane' he thought as he walked on down the corridor as he twisted and turned his upper body trying to break a new personal record.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Antonio Vivaldi Character Portrait: Harry Houdini
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0.00 INK

While the others were waking, one was just now getting to sleep. Antonio lay on his bed, curled up in his covers. He wanted to sleep for a thousand years or so. But he had to get to class at some point. He rolled over to face the wall and used it to help himself up. Now sitting, the male clone got up and wandered to his door. Checking to see if both Jay's and his own keys were on his person, he closed and locked his door and, once he got to her door, did the same.

"Geez, Jay..." He muttered, rolling his eyes. He shook his head lightly and continued to walk to class, only pausing when Harry walked past. The magician happened to be his favorite of the clones, mostly because he was so willing to please. It made him smile. "Hey, Harry!" He called out softly, falling into step behind and to the right of the male. He stayed just out of view, as to not distract the other.

"Tell me... Have you seen my dearest Jane? I had to lock her door again and I still have her key..." He muttered, running a hand through his hair. He really didn't like carrying her key anymore than she liked locking her door. Made them seem more than friends in his eyes. He prayed to God that no one else thought that.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Antonio Vivaldi Character Portrait: Harry Houdini
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Harry had been walking rather slowly as he continued to attempted to use a little hip twist mixed in to the pulling and pushing.

Harry turned to the sound of a familiar voice.

"Hey there, Antonio." He tried to shimming by shaking his entire upper body like a marraca-

"Huh, oh Jane. Yeah she was over .. ugh!!" Harry did a jerking motion as trying different angle, but it was unsuccessful. "What was i sa- oh yeah Jane. Just saw her in the garden. You bringing her key back to her again?" Harry lifted his eyes brows flicking them up and down as if suggesting something was going on between them.

"Uhghghshfh!!!," Harry tried again. Again no luck.. "Better hurry up, lover boy, or else she'll move to some other place in this school"
Harry looked at


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin Character Portrait: Jane Austen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zenia
Frédéric stumbled forward as someone bumped into him, though he caught himself before he fell. He blinked a bit as he came back to reality, he had been lost in thought momentarily. He turned around as he heard a familiar voice and gave her a bow, “Ah Ms. Austen, no need to apologize it was me who was lost in thought, I should know better than to do that out here, and at least it was you instead of Ms. Bonny.” He told her with a chuckle as he stifled a cough, that was not a good sign. He smiled. “Indeed we will, take care now!” he called after her as she slipped by him.

He again looked at the Infirmary building as he sighed and walked inside.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charity Chase
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0.00 INK

Charity was still curled up in ball rubbing her eyes but when she heard chattering in the hallways, she got up and got changed into her uniform. She did a french braid with a black bow at the bottom and walked out. She locked her door and the second she spun around, there were people staring at her, whispering things. Charity just tried to ignore them and slipped past them. But it wasn't any different walking down the hallway. I guess these clones have never seen a real person before? Unless the teachers aren't clones... Charity seen a guy in a straight jacket and wondered if her needed help but just kept going... But after walking for a couple seconds Charity turned around and walked up to both of the clones.

"Uhh, hi!" Charity swallowed down her fear. "D-Do you um... Need help with that?"


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Antonio Vivaldi Character Portrait: Anne Bonny Character Portrait: Charity Chase Character Portrait: Harry Houdini
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zenia
Sweeney walked down the hallway as he saw a familiar sight, though it would seem odd in any other school, it was of course Harry in a strait jacket. It seemed he was talking to Antonio; he only smiled as he walked closer, a few people moving out of his way while others stopped their whispering. He was used to it though it still slightly bothered him. He reached the two with a grin, “Harry, Antonio! How are you two?” he asked them good naturedly. He glanced at Harrys’ hair, “…Harry you need a haircut.” He commented as he crossed his arms. He looked around for Marge, “Probably already in cooking class…” he muttered to himself. He saw as a girl walked up to them, he did not recognize her, which meant she was new… and possibly a non-clone. “Hello Miss. Oh Harry? He usually is in this, drives the teachers batty.” He remarked with a smile. He felt someone charge into him as he stumbled forward grabbing onto Antonio so as not to fall down, "Sorry about that." he remarked as he turned around to see Anne. " really must watch where you are going... and your hair is a mess!" he remarked as he offered her his hand.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Antonio Vivaldi Character Portrait: Charity Chase Character Portrait: Harry Houdini
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0.00 INK

Harry turned to the girl.
"Hi there!" Harry beamed. "Huh, help? Oh with this?" he gestured with his eyes. "No I'm good. Thanks for the offer. I'm usually like this at least once a week I'm trying to be the greatest magician in the world. I should be out of it by dinner, I hope. But you could help me with one tiny little thing. I have a horrible itch on my nose. Could you uhm .. you know? Give it a scratch?"

It was then that Sweeny came around. Before he could say 'Hello' Sweeny already told him he needed a haircut.
"Which hair would you suggest, Oh barber my barber?

Harry crinkled his nose as if he could do it by rubbing his skin against his skin but it really didn't help. To anyone not aware of his itch it would look as if he was making a series of random goofy faces at this girl, but the itch was too great an adversary.

"Hiya Charity!" said Harry. "I'm Harry Houdini, nice to meet you. If there is ever any trouble feel free to ask me. Or if you are desperate ask one of these fine gentlemen here."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Antonio Vivaldi Character Portrait: Anne Bonny Character Portrait: Charity Chase Character Portrait: Harry Houdini
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0.00 INK

Charity listened to the boy carefully and nodded, blushing. Oh come on.. I'm probably the only person who didn't know that! Charity mentally punched herself across the face when a girl with red hair bumped into Sweeney.

" really must watch where you are going... and your hair is a mess!" Well, that's a nice thing to say to a girl... Charity cleared her throat. "I... I guess I haven't properly introduced myself... I'm Charity Chase. A uh, non-clone." Charity said that last part a little quieter and with a blush on her face because she thought they would make a big deal of it.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Antonio Vivaldi Character Portrait: Anne Bonny Character Portrait: Charity Chase Character Portrait: Harry Houdini
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0.00 INK

Antonio looked up at both the girl and his dear Mr. Tod. He purred as he had to catch Sweeney. The other male was absolutely adorable. He helped the other back up and peered around him. "Hello there, Ms. Bonny." He turned to the girl again, a Ms. Chase and bowed.

"Please to meet you. I'm Antonio Vivaldi. This lovely barber here is Sweeney Tod." He gently took the latter's hand and grinned, flashing her a wink. "Now, shall we head to class? I believe it's almost time to start." He reluctantly released the hand in his and inclined his head towards the class door.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Antonio Vivaldi Character Portrait: Anne Bonny Character Portrait: Charity Chase Character Portrait: Harry Houdini
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0.00 INK

Charity felt a little awkward when the boy in the straight jacket asked her if she could scratch his nose and she felt even more awkward when he was making a bunch of weird faces at her which caused her to laugh a little. She ended up scratching his nose anyways, just wanting to help. Charity turned her head to look at the barber telling the girl she needed a haircut when she heard her name from Harry once more.

"Hiya Charity!" Charity turned her head to face the boy again. "I'm Harry Houdini, nice to meet you. If there is ever any trouble feel free to ask me. Or if you are desperate ask one of these fine gentlemen here." Charity smiled. "Thank you! And I really wouldn't want to be a burden..." She turned to the boy with glasses, as he was speaking to her.

"Please to meet you. I'm Antonio Vivaldi. This lovely barber here is Sweeney Tod." Charity waved lightly at Sweeney. Charity blushed a bit when Antonio took her hand and blushed even more when he winked. "Now, shall we head to class? I believe it's almost time to start." She let her hand slide down back to her side and nodded.

"W-Well, uh.. Okay." Charity let out a little smile and started walking towards the classroom, hoping Antonio would follow. I cant believe that just happened! No boy has ever held my hand before... I'll have to read up on Antonio. He seems like such a kind, charming person. Charity was blushing again just thinking about what had happened.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Antonio Vivaldi Character Portrait: Anne Bonny Character Portrait: Charity Chase Character Portrait: Harry Houdini
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"Hey Anne!? What is the first class?" asked Harry feelig much better now that the itch had been vanquished by Charity. "I hope it is PE. I here we will be starting swimming. I was looking for an additional challenge to my daring escape"

Harry watched as Antonio worked his own 'magic' on the girl. She looked smitten already and Harry chuckled as he felt his something give in the suit and his focus went to the cause. It was somewhere around his left shoulder.

Harry followed as he tried to remember if he actually shared the same class with these people but his mind jumped from class to his straight jacket and back again.


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Baldwin was walking in the corridor desperately trying to find what class he had and where. Despite all the years he had spent at the school he got lost almost once every week. As he quickly turned around a corner he saw a few students talking. For some reasons he recognized some of them from his class, but couldn't recall who they were.
" Pardon me. Do any of you know where our first lesson is? I have misplaced my schedule and would appreciate the help." As he waited for their response he realized he hadn't introduced himself. " I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Baldwin IV, former King of Jerusalem."


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Grace, full of energy for the day, was walking briskly down the hallways with a pleasant smile on her face. Although she had woken up late, that didn't mean that she couldn't have a fabulous day. She saw a group of people talking, and she could identify many of them- Antonio, Harry, Sweeney, and Anne. Also among them was Baldwin, who was looking lost and was probably asking for directions- again. She decided to join the group, and walked to them.

"Good morning!" Grace trilled.


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Baldwin bowed when he saw Grace and said with a formal tone, "Good Day beautiful maid. How are you today?" Baldwin always enjoyed talking like an old fashion knight, he always wondered if this was because of something about being a clone of a true knight or just pure chance.


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#, as written by Zenia
((OOC Guys please wait up for some people to make their second post.))


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Grace grinned and curtsied, just to humor Baldwin. He did the medieval-speech thing a lot, and she went along with it, partly because Baldwin was her friend (then again, everyone was) and partly because it was a chance for her to brush up on her acting skills. Also, it wasn't like she hadn't tried to talk like people from the 50's before.

"Good day, Sir Knight. I am doing quite well, and you? Where are you off to?" she asked.


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Character Portrait: Harry Houdini
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Harry watched as everyone was getting along quite well. There were some sparks flying here and there between their group. Only time would tell which ones actually became a burning fire.

Harry looked around and realized that their little group was blocking the way as many other students were trying to get through. Harry saw other familiar faces and everyone that saw he didn't pay any attention to the straight jacket. It was a common sight. He then saw a person that shared all his classes and went up to her.

"Hey Joan," he called out. "What is our first class today?" She shook her head and sighed.
"You really should remember these things, Harry," She looked at the straight jacket for a bit. "Did you modify it again?" Harry beamed.
"Yep I sure did!"
"Well either way you should hurry and get out of it. We have PE first period and swimming is starting this week." informed Joan. She walked on as she squeezed through their group. "Better hurry up or you'll be late." Joan called out on the other side of the crowd.

Harry push his way into the group and told them he would be going ahead.

"It was nice meeting you, Charity. Guys I'll see you later, yeah?" And with that sorted he moved through them and made is way to the boys' locker room.


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"Oh, bye Harry!" Grace called out to Harry, who was leaving, looking maybe just a little bit ridiculous in his straitjacket.

She flipped her hair and readjusted her barrettes. She saw an unfamiliar girl standing in the midst of them.

"Hello there, I'm Grace, Grace Kelly, actually. I don't believe I've met you before..."

((Sorry for the short post, just trying to restart this RP...))

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St Kleio

St Kleio by Zenia

Saint Kleio Academy a prestigious school filled with many wonderful students! Each unique and similar in their own way!

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin
Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd
Character Portrait: Charity Chase
Character Portrait: Jane Austen
Character Portrait: Antonio Vivaldi
Character Portrait: Harry Houdini
Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
Character Portrait: Grace Kelly
Character Portrait: Baldwin IV of Jerusalem


Character Portrait: Baldwin IV of Jerusalem
Baldwin IV of Jerusalem

" A chance at a long life? Sounds good to me."

Character Portrait: Grace Kelly
Grace Kelly

"I avoid looking back. I prefer good memories to regrets.

Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
Anne Bonny

"I am sorry to see ya there Jack, but if ye had fought like a man ye needn't die like a dog!"

Character Portrait: Harry Houdini
Harry Houdini

"Nothing up my sleeve"

Character Portrait: Antonio Vivaldi
Antonio Vivaldi

"The violin is my first friend, books were my next"

Character Portrait: Jane Austen
Jane Austen

"To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love. Or so she said..."

Character Portrait: Charity Chase
Charity Chase

"This school is absolutely amazing! Mom would be so proud!"

Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd

How 'bout a shave?

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin
Frédéric François Chopin

Death is a reality that is far too real.


Character Portrait: Charity Chase
Charity Chase

"This school is absolutely amazing! Mom would be so proud!"

Character Portrait: Baldwin IV of Jerusalem
Baldwin IV of Jerusalem

" A chance at a long life? Sounds good to me."

Character Portrait: Antonio Vivaldi
Antonio Vivaldi

"The violin is my first friend, books were my next"

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin
Frédéric François Chopin

Death is a reality that is far too real.

Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
Anne Bonny

"I am sorry to see ya there Jack, but if ye had fought like a man ye needn't die like a dog!"

Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd

How 'bout a shave?

Character Portrait: Grace Kelly
Grace Kelly

"I avoid looking back. I prefer good memories to regrets.

Character Portrait: Harry Houdini
Harry Houdini

"Nothing up my sleeve"

Character Portrait: Jane Austen
Jane Austen

"To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love. Or so she said..."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
Anne Bonny

"I am sorry to see ya there Jack, but if ye had fought like a man ye needn't die like a dog!"

Character Portrait: Jane Austen
Jane Austen

"To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love. Or so she said..."

Character Portrait: Grace Kelly
Grace Kelly

"I avoid looking back. I prefer good memories to regrets.

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin
Frédéric François Chopin

Death is a reality that is far too real.

Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd

How 'bout a shave?

Character Portrait: Harry Houdini
Harry Houdini

"Nothing up my sleeve"

Character Portrait: Baldwin IV of Jerusalem
Baldwin IV of Jerusalem

" A chance at a long life? Sounds good to me."

Character Portrait: Charity Chase
Charity Chase

"This school is absolutely amazing! Mom would be so proud!"

Character Portrait: Antonio Vivaldi
Antonio Vivaldi

"The violin is my first friend, books were my next"

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St Kleio

St Kleio by Zenia

Saint Kleio Academy a prestigious school filled with many wonderful students! Each unique and similar in their own way!

St Kleio

Saint Kleio Academy a prestigious school filled with many wonderful students! Each unique and similar in their own way!

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    by Zenia on Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:29 pm
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    on Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:42 am
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    by Zenia on Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:17 pm
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    on Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:17 pm

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