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Sir Alex Maximus

"For the Republic!"

0 · 492 views · located in Eclipse

a character in “Salvage”, originally authored by Fallout Decree, as played by RolePlayGateway


Full Name: Alex James Maximus
Species: Human
Faction: Republic of Hayden
Rank: Field Councilman.
Armor: ... 4ydqo6.jpg
Weapons: A Sega 1050 PDW Defense weapon, A HK USP and a Variety of Injectable Potions.
Personal Vehicle: An Offensive Mech (Stolen from some Rich Immortals Manor...)
Personality: Usually chivalrious, but will occasionaly produce outbursts of Anger.
Background: Born and raised in the wastes. His parents wandered looking for food and drinkable water, shut out from societies and refused any resources. His parents died from Dehydration when he was 14, and Alex came awfully close to death himself before he was discovered by a group of Humans, with a Water supply. He then traveled with the group of seasoned explorers until he was old enough to Make it on his own. He and 3 other members of the group left and found an old Fortress from a long Forgotten era. They Spent 3 more years restoring it to the best of there abilities. Eventually, with a substantial water supply and food supply they attracted Humans from all across the Wasteland and they became the Republic of Hayden, named after its founder Hayden Carbuncile.

With help from Assassins and theives they stole weaponry and equiptment from the Rich and became a substantial fighting force capable of fending of raiders and anti-Humans. Now they Reside in the west, Scavanging and hoping for someone new too show up, and try to send Alex any where but actually at the fortress.

So begins...

Sir Alex Maximus's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Brandon Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus
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Alex stood on a pile of rubble, with scavengers surrounding him, picking through the various items in the rubble he stood on.
"This is utterly useless!" he shouted to his squad commander.
"Youd be surprised what you can find in these buildings..." The commander grumbled back.
"Well even if you do, how do we get back, because you pawned off our truck to some god damn stranger!" Alex said as he hopped off the pile of rubble.
"Yes, to get this fancy excavator thing." The commander pulled out what looked like a half destroyed jack hammer.
"Were doomed..." Alex said to himself as he began walking away.
"Hey were are you going!" the commander shouted too him
"Anywhere but here!" Alex responded back.

After a few hours he stumbled upon on a house, whitch was most defininantly not empty, because voices could be heard from a few meters away.
Alex spotted something that was all to familiar, a truck! It looked exactly like the one that had been sold.
Alex took refuge in whatever he could find to keep himself hidden and yet still in earshot. And so the waiting game had began, and he simply listened to whatever commotion was being caused.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Brandon Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ignetio
Tanya looked over to truck and smiled. "Ha ha. I didn't make that truck. I found it in relatively good condition." Brandon continued to pack stuff up. Tanya looked to Waylon. "You ready to go?"

Ara looked up over in direction of the truck. She thought she just saw something.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Brandon Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Mark Manaski Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus Character Portrait: Issac Fushike
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"Ha ha. I didn't make that truck. I found it in relatively good condition."

Lucky find, Waylon thought. He knew enough about these military grade trucks to know that it was possibly the best kind to own in the wasteland this world has become. Although not very fast, they're faster than walking and are meant for off-road. What's more, they can be fueled by a variety of substances to include vegetable oil and grease. Grease was the most common fuel a person could find since oil was so damn expensive. These trucks were probably armored to the teeth, including tires and whatnot. There weren't any windows, not including the windshield, but the driver could practically barrel through anything with it and still have a few more runs.

A lucky find indeed...

"You ready to go?"

Waylon looked over at Brandon, who was still loading the truck. Tanya was looking at him expectantly. Ara was looking in the distance, but as to what for, he didn't know.

"I feel like we won't be back here for a while, so let me grab a few more things." Waylon said, giving one more glance at Ara before going back inside. Issac was still sitting in the chair, but as to what he was contemplating he didn't know. "We're loading up the truck now," Waylon told him. "Grab whatever supplies you have an meet by Tanya's truck."

He walked briskly to the other side of the room where the Red still lay asleep. "Ey," he tapped the Red on the shoulder. It awoke with a jolt, lunging forward a little bit before stopping and looking up at him. It appeared that Waylon awoke him from a nightmare. "We're packing up and heading out," he told Red. "If you want to come with us, help out the others in loading the truck. If not, you're welcome to stay here until we get back. I do need someone to guard this place...just in case."

Waylon smiled at the Red. The Red nodded, standing up and taking his position at the door, as if a bouncer at one of Aros' famous clubs. Mute and obedient, Waylon thought. Might be a good asset. He walked into the kitchen where Mark was still going over plans with Rorik. "Hey, we're packing up. We can discuss more about this in the truck. Gather your things." he walked out to try and find Nani.

He found her in the aquifer, setting her feet in the water and looking at the glittering chasm above. "Nani, if you want to come with us, we're leaving in a few minutes. If not, you're free to hang out here for a few days until we get back. I know you've been through quite an ordeal, but you do have the Red here to help out if you need it. I assume you two know each other better than we know any of you. Nevertheless, it's your option." Waylon walked up the steps.

Finally in his room, he looked around. What to take, what to take, he thought. He saw the book he'd used last night and decided that since it worked so well, he might as well take it...just in case. He picked up the book, grabbing a worn brown backpack and shoving the book in it. What else...he saw his Long and Recurve Bow hanging on the mantles he carved into the wall for them. Deciding he needed both, he slung them across his back as well as grabbing the largest quiver he owned and enough arrows to turn Ooye'Yar into a porcupine.

Remembering the events of yesterday, he turned to his sword. It was still sheathed, laying across the top of the chest he kept his clothes in. He shuddered at the thought of the murderously raged person he became yesterday, grabbing the sheath and clipping it onto his belt. He'd strive to never become that person again.

He threw a few articles of clothing into his bag as well as a few pencils, a bunch of paper, a worn fantasy book he'd read thousands of times about a futuristic nation that sent kids to slaughter one another until one remained in an event called "The Hunger Games", and a picture of a bearded man in a top hat with the caption "Honest Abe" underneath. His father never explained who that was.

He took one more sweep around the room, his eyes resting on a wooden box he had above his dresser. He walked over to it. His father had set it there just a few days before his death, telling him not to open it until the time was right. Well there was a chance he wouldn't be back, so why not open it now?

He flipped the latch that held it closed and opened it with burning curiosity. Inside was a note on amber parchment and a gold ring with a beautiful rainbow stone in the center. Examining the ring more closely, he discovered wispy lines on the inner side of it, appearing more like grooves. He looked at the note and began reading.

When he reached the end, he was practically shaking with fear. He immediately ripped the note to shreds as it had instructed and threw a fireball at the bits, engulfing them in flames. He worried about memorizing the instructions that were on the parchment, but knew that a note with that kind of information on it would be very hard to forget. He pocketed the ring in the secret pocket of his white trench coat, terrified of it. It's value made the sword he carried seem like bottle caps, since it truly was the only one in existence and unable to be recreated. It carried immense power that now only he and probably the highest of the organization his father used to represent knew how to access.

It caused his father's death.

He knew he had to guard it until he could act out the note's specific instructions. No one could know about it, not even anyone downstairs. It had to be his burden and only his. His terror had turned to bravery and commitment at this point and now he knew what to do. Knowing he wouldn't need anything else, he made sure the flames were put out, any evidence of the note eviscerated. Finally, he walked out of the room and down the stairs. He passed the mirror and stopped to stare at himself. He looked like a medieval warrior, setting out on a very long quest. In the world of tech, he looked very different compared to those around him. He liked it that way. He liked the old methods of combat rather than the worlds of guns he lived in. A simpler life, he smiled at the thought and went outside.

He walked over to Tanya, a little bit of bravado coming out of him as he had a set look on his face. "Ready when you are, dearie."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Brandon Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Mark Manaski Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus Character Portrait: Issac Fushike
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#, as written by Ignetio
"Dearie?" Tanya smiles. "Yea. But Aura and Brandon aren't coming. Aura says she is going to go find some people who can help. It is in the opposite direction. Her and Brandon already headed out." She started to walk over the the truck. "I suggest you call shotgun unless you want to fight Issac for it."

Ara walked toward the truck too. She had been looking around. Something wasn't right. She knew there was something there. Nami, Mark, Issac, the Red, Kijer, Rorik, and Sores all soon came outside. They didn't have much more then what they had the day before.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Brandon Character Portrait: Aura Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Mark Manaski Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus
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0.00 INK

"Yea. But Aura and Brandon aren't coming. Aura says she is going to go find some people who can help. It is in the opposite direction. Her and Brandon already headed out."

This surprised Waylon. Aura and Brandon took off together. Sure, he could understand Aura, but why did Brandon go with her? He assumed it was a buddy system kind of thing, but he couldn't help but get the lingering feeling that it was partially his fault.

He wished the two God speed on their future endeavors and that all conflicts they're involved with emerge in their favor.

Tanya started to walk over the the truck. "I suggest you call shotgun unless you want to fight Issac for it."

"I would," Waylon replied. "But then he'd call it and then pull out a shotgun, thus one-uping my call. And since I'd rather not die to an ally...I can take a seat in the back. I like the sun anyway."

Waylon turned to everyone who'd came outside. Ara was still looking around suspiciously. He'd have to ask what she sensed later. The Red still stood by the door, never seeming to move. It appeared that he would stay and guard the place. He turned to Nami. "So, you're coming with us or are you staying here?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Brandon Character Portrait: Aura Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Mark Manaski Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ignetio
Nami nodded her head yes. "Of course I'm coming with you. I don't know how to survive on my own." she looked around and yelled. "SHOTGUN!" then hoped up in the front. Everyone stared to climb into the back of the truck. Everyone except for Mark who was going to be the map telling were to go. Tanya got into the driver seat, Nami sat in the middle, and Mark sat in passenger. Ara walked slowly to the were she thought she seen something. "Hey you back there. What are you doing here? Come out and I promise we won't hurt you." At the same time she reached for her auto pistol just in case things went bad.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Brandon Character Portrait: Aura Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Mark Manaski Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus
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0.00 INK

Alex stood up, keeping a tight grip on his USP "Im Scouting..." He responded, his voice altered by his helmet. "How in the world did you know i was here? I had Active camo on, and i was hidden in the bushes..."

Alex, new his suit would run out of power soon. He knew his suit would have stayed hidden forever., and he needed some sort of electrical charge, maybe they had some sort of supplies that could assist him, or perhaos he could lead them back to Hayden fortress, and help them out a bit...

Regardless he was caught now, and might as well try to make this situation as passive as possible.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Mark Manaski Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus Character Portrait: Issac Fushike
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0.00 INK

"Of course I'm coming with you. I don't know how to survive on my own."

Waylon grinned as he watched Nami call "SHOTGUN!" and hop into the passenger's seat. One by one, the rest of the group began to pile into the bed. Waylon followed suit, placing his belongings to his right but leaving the sword on his belt. Mark got into the front, sitting on the hump. He was obvious navigator. It looked like Tanya was going to drive. Red stood by the door, intent on guarding the place until they got back. To his right was Issac. Across from Issac sat Rorik. The empty spot infront of Waylon was where Ara would sit.

But Ara didn't climb into the truck. Instead, she walked over to a shrub leaning against a building. "Hey you back there. What are you doing here? Come out and I promise we won't hurt you." It was relieving to know she was still observant, but she had more passiveness in her voice. It seemed like she still lost her fire.

To Waylon's surprise, she actually got a response, "I'm Scouting...". Suddenly, a person appeared, taking off whatever cloaking ability the person had. Waylon stood up to get a better view. The person used an obvious voice modulator, but his build gave away his gender.

"How in the world did you know i was here? I had Active camo on, and I was hidden in the bushes..."

"She's more observant than most," Waylon called out. "Camo won't do nothing if you don't have the cat-like stealth skills to match..." he let the conversation carry on from there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Mark Manaski Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus Character Portrait: Issac Fushike
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ignetio
"I heard you before I saw you. Then there was a ripple in the air. Thought it was the heat but it was natural." Ara moved her hand away from her pistol. "So what you looking for? We might be able to help." Tanya turned on the truck Ara thought for a moment. "Or we might be able to give you a lift."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Aura Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Mark Manaski Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus Character Portrait: Issac Fushike
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"Yea, Im looking for a ride." he said also moving his hand away from his HK USP. "Does any of you guys know where the Republic Of Hayden's Fortress is from here? Im afraid i marched off In anger before i had a chance to realize where i was marching off too..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus
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"Yeah, I'm looking for a ride."

Waylon was surprise how little aggression Ara was showing against this unknown newcomer. When Waylon met Ara, he had to hide behind cover and convince them with words not to kill him. It helped that they needed a place of protection and Waylon had one, but this person brought nothing to help them.

Ara, we really need to restore your inner self, Waylon thought.

"Do any of you guys know where the Republic Of Hayden's Fortress is from here? I'm afraid I marched off In anger before I had a chance to realize where i was marching off too..."

"That's near the outskirts of the Magic Region," Waylon called, recalling his dad's geography lesson. " Apparently, there's a black market there dealing with weapons of tech and magic alike, but I don't know where that is." Recalling where the forest was comparing to where they need to go, it was almost a three hour detour to bring this newcomer to where he belongs. However, knowledge of the location of the black market might be useful in terms of getting supplies.

"So you're a member of the Republic of Hayden," Waylon stood up, hopping out of the truck bed and walking towards the soldier. "Robin Hood's Merry Men I like to call them. I don't know a whole lot of what goes on there, but would be delighted to know more."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Aura Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Mark Manaski Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus Character Portrait: Issac Fushike
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"Yes" Alex let off a small laugh "Thats a great nickname. I'd would be obliged to tell you all about them. Once we arrive, im sure Me and the council would be gratified to Lend you supplies and treat you to a dinner." Alex looked at the truck.

"Thats my squads truck anyways..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Mark Manaski Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ignetio
Tanya poked her head out the window. "It may have been, or for all I know was your truck its not now. But the point is we need to get going." She started up the engine. Ara slowly crawled up onto the truck and sat next to Sores. It was time. The gate started to open. As soon as every one was on Tanya was off. They now were on a trip. It would take at least half a day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Mark Manaski Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus Character Portrait: Issac Fushike
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0.00 INK

"Yes," the soldier laughed. "That's a great nickname. I would be obliged to tell you all about them. Once we arrive, I'm sure the council and I would be gratified to lend you supplies and treat you to a dinner."

Waylon smiled, a kind gesture. "Very well. Off to Sherwood Forest then! Come along!" He got back into the truck bed, sitting down next to Issac and motioning for the soldier to join them.

"Thats my squads truck anyways..." Waylon hear him grumble.

"It may have been, Tanya retorted, sticking her head out the window. "For all I know, it was your truck. It's not now. But the point is we need to get going."

Waylon felt the wind whip his hair to the side as they started off on the long haul. It was decided. They would sleep in Haywood Forest for the night and complete the Journey tomorrow. Waylon took out his ancient fictional book called "The Hunger Games" and threw it at Sores. "Your entertainment for the journey ahead should you choose to accept it." Waylon took out his own book about fire spells and began reading. "By the way, I never caught a name from you, soldier," Waylon said to the man. "Also, you can take that voice modular thing now. We're past hostilities."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Aura Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus
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0.00 INK

Alex let off a sigh and took off his helmet, showing his blonde hair and scar on his left eye. "Im Sir Alex Maximus, but most people simply refer to me as 'Alex.'" He said as he leaned back in his seat. His voiced had changed immensly, from deep and grumbly, to almost chivilrous. "Was there anything in particulur you wished to know about the Republic? There's alot to tell..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Mark Manaski Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus Character Portrait: Issac Fushike
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ignetio
Sores accepted the book and instantly started to read it. Ara leaned in to have a look too but soon lost interest and soon started to stare at the floor. Rorik was almost if not already asleep. Tanya and Mark were talking about the route. Issac sat and stared at the this Alex character. Kijer sat and twirled his blade. "You two do know that were we are going is nowhere near the Republic, Right? Also jugeing by the time of things we can't make a detour to go meat your people, umm... Alex... if I got your name right."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Mark Manaski Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus Character Portrait: Issac Fushike
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0.00 INK

"I'm Sir Alex Maximus, but most people simply refer to me as 'Alex.'"

Waylon saw him take off his helmet, revealing his blonde hair beneath and a scar over his eye. Without the voice modulator on, he sounded like a real person, almost like a knight.

"Was there anything in particulur you wished to know about the Republic? There's alot to tell..."

Before Waylon could answer, Kijer stepped in, "You two do know that were we are going is nowhere near the Republic, Right? Also judging by the time of things we can't make a detour to go meet your people, umm... Alex... if I got your name right."

Waylon rose his left brow at this. "We're not too far off. We could surely at least drop him off, right?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Mark Manaski Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ignetio
Mark peeked out the back window. trying not to disturb the sleeping Nami. "No we don't. If we make the detour then we won't be back in time for the recruitment." He turned and looked at the map of the region. "I will arrange for him to be dropped off when we get were we are going."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Mark Manaski Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus Character Portrait: Issac Fushike
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0.00 INK

"What!?" Alex stood up "No. Im afraid if we dont make it there today then theyll assume im missing and send out patrols. Then when i do get back, Hayden and the other council members will simply anger at me put me somewhere even farther out in the field!" Alex said as he looked forward to where the truck was driving too.

"You dont have the slightest idea what theyll do if a Council member goes Missing."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara Marti Character Portrait: Waylon Champion Character Portrait: Sir Alex Maximus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ignetio
Sores didn't avert his attention from the book. "It is nothing compared to what will happen If we don't get to our destination. Long story short. Millions of people will die in a matter of seconds. Those who survive will be turned into slaves." He lowers the book and looks Alex in the eyes. "We watched every thing we loved Fall apart and a friend die all for their greed. I'm sorry but they can worries for a bit. We will arrange a transport for you." Ara pulled out a piece of paper from her bag. "Stop the truck." Tanya stopped and looked out the back window to see why they stopped. Ara pulled out her knife and a marker. She always had the marker for... well... marking things. She wrote on the paper then cut a little hole in the edge were there was no righting and put it on the handle of the blade. It fit perfectly. Ara hoped off the back and stabbed her knife in the ground then got back on the truck. "Lets go." Tanya continued to drive and Ara resumed her position.

Don't worry I'm fine. Will be back tomorrow. -Alex
In fine print
I better get my blade back. -Ara