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Maximilian Silver

"She makes me a better person."

0 · 515 views · located in Limbo

a character in “Secrets of Limbo”, as played by thenotsoinnocent



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The Starcrossed
Age: 21
Sexuality: Heteroflexible
Faceclaim: Lucky Blue Smith
Hexcode: #8000BF


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H E I G H T || 6'3"

W E I G H T || 176 lbs.

E Y E S || icy blue

H A I R || hazelnut (natural) - platinum blonde (dyed)

O D D I T I E S || A small heart tattoo on the center of his back between his shoulder blades.

A P P E A R A N C E ||
Maximilian has been called tall most of his life. He has slender muscles that are often hidden by his clothes. He keeps his hair short except for the locks at the top of his head. The longer hair is normally smooth back to stay out of his face. For the most part, he tries to dress in nice clothing like buttons ups, dress pants, etc. Maximilian does wear normal everyday clothes, but he prefers to dress up.

--------------------------| | I N S I D E | |--------------

L I K E S ||
✓ long walks ✓ sex ✓ learning
✓ parties ✓ sports ✓ cinnamon
✓ gold ✓ lace ✓ adventure
✓ cuddling ✓ olives ✓ waterparks
✓ roller coasters ✓ dreamcatchers ✓ gum
✓ sweets ✓ camping ✓ tidiness


Q U I R K S ||
-- Klepto: has been a habit since he was young.
It may have formed thanks to his mother. He
doesn’t steal major things. He usually sticks to small
things he can get away with. The act gives
him an adrenaline rush.
-- Endearments: He gives everyone a term of endearment to
call them by. For Elyse, he uses Princesses.


S T R E N G T H S ||
-- Seamster: Since he was able, he learned to sew.
He hated going to school with holes in his
clothes. As he got older he became better and
better at sewing. He can fix anything now if
sewing is the required tool. He even started to
learn to make clothes.
-- Chameleon: If all his career plans fail, he could
become an actor. He has a knack for changing
his demeanor or speech to fit in with any
crowd. He’ll even change his clothing if able.
-- Survivor: His childhood has made him resilient. No matter
how many times the world has knocked him down,
he has gotten right back up. He always plans
on getting back up since he knows life is
a heartless bitch when it pleases.

D I S L I K E S ||
✗ cheaters ✗ failure ✗ mosquitoes
✗ guns ✗ drugs ✗ liars
✗ hard candy ✗ butterflies ✗ labels
✗ dentists ✗ watermelon ✗ mud
✗ vomit ✗ medicine ✗ insults
✗ burns ✗ dust ✗ soreness


F E A R S ||
-- Poverty: Living in poverty once has left its mark
on him. He never wants to be so poor
again in his life. It took him every grueling
day for him to get where he is today.
-- Having Children: He fears not being able to provide
for them always. He doesn’t want to mess them
up mentally. He isn’t sure he would trust anyone
to have kids with. Lastly, he knows the world
is cruel and that he won’t always be there
to protect them. What if they die before him?


W E A K N E S S E S ||
-- Impatient: He hates waiting unnecessarily. He likes things to
start on time. He likes to be early, so
he is always on time. The worst is when
someone isn’t on time. Doctor appointments are nightmares for
-- Elyse: She makes him a better person. Well, he
wants to be a better person because of her.
When he is with her, he doesn’t fall into
as much bad behavior. He has a soft spot
for her as well, so he is extra nice
to her. He is more willingly to give into
her suggestions and wants as well.
-- Risk Taker: He loves flirting with danger. He takes
great pleasure in the adrenaline rush certain situations give
him. Also, all the dangerous stuff he has done
has been fun and hasn’t killed him.

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| Friendly - Fiery - Respectful - Flirtatious - Optimistic - Selfish|

Maxiliman’s default demeanor is friendly. He does his best to be kind and pleasant to everyone he meets. His desire is for everyone to see him as a friend. Although, this is a difficult desire to fulfil. This is because of his fiery spirit. It is easy to get Maxilian angry as he is quick-tempered. He feels his anger more passionately than any other emotions. It was as if he was born with an inner rage. For the most part, he isn’t totally bad. If he isn’t in a fiery rage, he is respectful. He does his best to be considerate of other people’s feelings, wishes, traditions, etc.

No one would know Maxilian is flirtatious when he is dating someone. He will only flirt with his significant other. Although, when he is single, he is a major flirt. He’ll do his best to sweep someone off their feet. He believes his success for flirting is because of his optimistic nature. Since he was young, he has always been hopeful and confident about the future. He never let his misfortunes in life effect his positivity. It may be why some think it is odd for this optimistic person to be selfish. When his selfishness takes over, he lacks consideration for others. He will only be concerned with his own person gain or pleasure.

--------------- | | H I S T O R Y | | ---------------
Benjamin was the one who picked the name Maxilian for his son’s name. His wife Lucy happily agreed. They both liked that the name meant greatest. The family had a small business called Silver’s Closet. The business did good for about three years before things began to tank. They were forced to move to a cramped apartment in a bad part of the city. Lucy found work as a maid, but Benjamin struggled to find work. He still had hope he could save his business. When his business went into bankruptcy and the bank foreclosed on the property, he stopped looking for work. He just went to the local bar to drown his miseries. It was no surprise that the family struggles became worst after this.

Despite everything, Maxilian was a child filled with joy. He rarely cried as a baby and rarely did as he grew up. He had struggles throughout his life. His father was a drunk who soon became addicted to dangerous drugs. When he was ten, their house was broken into by some thugs because Papa owed them money. This break in and gunshots attracted a dozen cops. His father went to jail. His mother was left on her own. He was thrown into the foster system and bounced home from home. He ran away once as he missed his mother. He found her. Although, she always told him to go back. She said she’ll get him back legally. It was when he was sixteen that his mother gained custody of him again.

They lived happily and got on just fine. There was one incident where Maxilian got caught for shoplifting, but he got a second chance. This is when his mother gave him another of her speeches of how he should aspire to do great things. The scare helped Maxilian take the speech a bit more seriously. He finished his high school years with perfect attendance and high honors. This was how he was able to get into a good college. It was at this school he met Elyse. They fell hard and fast. His mother chastised him, but he didn’t care. As they continued to see each other, their family’s disapproval grew. They decided to fake their deaths and run away together. The jump was the last thing the couple did together while alive.

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So begins...

Maximilian Silver's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flora Glass Character Portrait: Elyse Norman Character Portrait: Maximilian Silver Character Portrait: Richard Johnson Character Portrait: Georgia Day Character Portrait: Simon Rizzo
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Jameson Gatsby and Georgia Day were to be wed seven days from the time they set sea. And married they were. However, somewhere along the way Georiga had given her heart to another, one Richard Johnson. It was her first kiss with the man she truely loved that set their lives in motion and it was that kiss...that sealed their fates forever.

Those who lost their lives at sea find themselves aboard the ship The Dreamer no matter how it was lost. Whether it be:

A fatal jump off a cliff...


or a storm at sea that turns deadly...


Six individals find themselves locked in limbo until they find a way to free them from their repeating never after.


ImageXG E O R G I A
Hex: #7F0000 | Cursed | Location: Lounge
Images flashed through her mind as she thrashed against the sheets which devoured her like the waves of the ocean. The more she struggled, the more tangled she become. In her dreams she saw a handsome man smiling at her . The image made her glance down at the sparkling ring on her finger. Jameson, her fiance. A man she cared for, but wasn't sure she loved. Another flash, a confident smirk, a kiss shared in the dark beneath the glittering night sky. A moment she swore she'd never forget. A moment that made her heart race faster than never before. This was Richard... and she loved him. Another flash, brighter than lightning and she found herself on the grandstaircase, dressed all in white posing for a picture with her new husband. Then the sirens sounded. A loud crash shook the entire ship and she ran, searching for Richard. She found him, slumped over the wheel reeking of spirits. He had killed them all...


"No!" She screamed, bolting upright in her bed. She was drenched in sweat, heart beating frantically as if in warning that something terrible was going to happen, but nothing did. Nothing came. She tried desparately to remember her dream, confused as to what had terrified her so. But the more she reached for it, the faster it sank into the dark of her mind. It was like trying to grab the water that flowed beneath them. For she was on a ship. Jameson's ship The Dreamer and she was safe from all harm. This was the best built ship afterall. Smaller than the Titanic, but just as grand if not grander.

She shook herself from her sheets and made her way over to her armoire. She threw open the doors, her gowns rattling on their hangers inside, begging to be worn. Only the best for the future Mrs. Gatsby. She ran her fingers over the fabric as she let the name echo in her mind. Georgia Gatsby. Not a bad thought if she was being honest with herself. However, now that the day was drawing near, she was beginning to have reservations about the whole thing. She shook off her thoughts, chalking it up to pre-wedding jitters, and went about selecting a gown. She decided on the blue one that would go well with her knotted string of pearls. She grabbed her cigarrette holder, stuffed some of her belongings in her boddice, and made her way up to the lounge to calm her nerves. The sky was still dark and she didn't much care for overcast mornings. Instead, she prefered the nicely lit lounge with its overly stuffed chairs for comfort and its velvety curtains.

While she sat, and smoked, her thoughts wandered, returning to the dream. She felt she was forgetting something. Something important. Something that made her pull another cigarette from her boddice. Instead of lighting it, however, she ended up chewing on the end of her holder. She started to wonder if maybe some food would help, but the nausea that had formed in the pit of her stomach made her decide otherwise. Then she worried, the last think she needed was for her to be sick on her wedding day. Then she desparately wanted someone there to distract her. Maybe she'd go find Richard--Jameson! Her fiance was Jameson, Richard was her fiance's best man. Why the heavens had Richard's name popped into her mind?

She was so lost in her thoughts, she hadn't heard the footsteps approach her from behind.

Hex: #292954 | Fated | Location: Deck

A bright sunny day. A dazzling smile. Warm brown curls wrapped around his finger. The taste of rum and coke. The air filling with the smell of salt and starlight as the night drew near... and so did a viscious storm. Waves rocked the ship, knocking him off his feet, and slamming him down to the ground. He quickly rose. He needed to find her. He needed... another large wave rocked the ship. Gotta find her. Have to make sure she's safe. One final crash sent him flying into the water, waves thrashing around him and pulling him deeper... and deeper... And his final thoughts were not of how terrified he was. No. They were of her. Flora.


Simon woke with a start, his tired eyes wide and searching. Searching for what, he wasn't sure. He was sure, however, that he had to find... whatever it was. With a frustrated groan, he laid back against the down pillows and thought about how much softer they were than his own pillows. He rolled over, attempting to return to sleep when his thoughts back tracked to his thought about his pillows. Wait... he wasn't in his bed?

Then he heard voices outside his door, commenting on the beauty of the ship and how gently it slid over the waves. "Cuts them like a hot knife through butter," someone says. He bolted upwards. A ship? No... it can't be. There were no windows to his room, probably one of the inside rooms, so he did the only thing he could think of, he bloted out the door, up the stairs, and to the deck. The deck of a ship. Water was all around him. No formations of land in sight.

He began to pannic. His breaths came quickly and uneaven. He pawed at his shirt--a mere nightshirt with loose trowsers--in his attempts to pull air into his lungs. He clung to the railing for dear life, his knuckles white. He started to search for something or someone... someone who would comfort him in a time like this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maximilian Silver Character Portrait: Simon Rizzo
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Maximilian woke up yawning as he rolled around in bed. He couldn’t get back to sleep. There was a nagging feeling eating away at him. He had a feeling a mistake had happened. Although, he couldn’t put his finger on what it could be. Hell, he couldn’t even remember where he was. He didn’t remember much he realized. Maximilian wasn’t much of a drinker. He wondered if someone roofied him, but that seemed doubtful. Maximilian didn’t feel like he had sex and he woken up alone in bed. Slowly he got out of bed and looked out the small window in his room. All he saw was the ocean.

He went and opened the door a crack to peak outside. He saw people roaming around. No way in hell am I going to go out dressed like this. He currently wore black and white striped pajamas. Maximilian went to the closet and roamed through it. He was pleased at what he found. It wasn’t long before he was dressed. He had put on a black suit, bowtie, and dress shoes. His shirt and socks were white. Without any product, he did his best to neatly push his hair out of his face. He exited the room once he was happy with his look. As he walked around the deck, he flashed smiles and winked at selected individuals. A few minutes later he toned things down. Maximilian blended into the crowd. He had to figure out how he ended up on this ship.

Confusion clouded his mind as he explored the ship. He refused to worry about it though. He decided to just enjoy himself. The only snippets of conversation he heard were about a wedding. Maximilian was going to start some friendly conversation to get more information on the big event, but something interesting happened. Someone bolted right in front of him. The man would have run right into him if he were walking any faster. The man sparked curiosity and a bit of worry in him. These feelings caused Maximilian to follow him. He was glad to see he stopped at the railing. Maximilian slowly approached. He didn’t want to spook him. Is he going to j- No. He must just be having a tough day. Maybe he doesn’t remember anything like me? Although
that would be a strange coincidence.

Once at the railing, he leaned against it sideways. His eyes casually went to the man. He took note of his breathing, his white knuckles, his searching gaze, and how he was in a nightshirt. Maximilian cleared his throat loudly to try to catch the man’s attention. He laced his fingers together while he kept an elbow on the railing. ”Ah. Today is a beautiful day. The sun is out and not a cloud is in the sky. We are even lucky enough to be on this beautiful ship filled with gorgeous people. The ocean is even sparkling, as if filled with jewels. Don’t you think today is lovely?” he asked. He gave the man his best smile before letting out a relaxed breath. He didn't wait for an answer. “How about you tell me what's wrong? I bet I can help. We can even discuss things over breakfast
we just need to get to the cafeteria,” he added.

Hopefully we find the cafeteria quickly. There must be signs that will guide us. I would ask someone, but I wouldn’t want that to freak this man out. He seems freaked out enough. I wonder what is wrong.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maximilian Silver Character Portrait: Simon Rizzo
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Maximilian’s anger didn't spark at the man's first response. Although, it sparked at his next words. He swallowed hard and opened his mouth to snap at the man, but then he spoke again. He apologized. It dampened the embers of his anger a bit. His anger slowly left him as the man rambled. He gave the man a tight smile. He wasn’t anger anymore, but he was annoyed. He hesitated, but he shook Simon's hand. Once he shook it for the appropriate amount of time, he rested his arm against his sde.

“Nice to meet you Simon. I'm Maximilian,” he said. He let out a small breath and smiled at him. He gave him a relaxed smile this time. “No need to be embarrassed. Fears are irrational things that haunt everyone,” he paused to glance back at ocean, “Also, I can swim. I'll save you if you fall in.”

He returned his gaze to Simon and walked closer to him. He stopped when he was about a foot away. Maximilian didn't want to be overheard. He smiled at Simon again, but it was another tight one. He was thinking too much of what Simon said. Simon's ramble hadn't put him at ease. He looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to them. Is anyone watching us?”

“Now, you said you have no idea how you got here
May I ask if you remember anything from before the ship?” he asked. It wasn't long before he realized Simon may appreciate some information, so he would tell the truth.

“I ask because I have no idea how I got here either, and I can’t seem to remember what I could have been doing in life before this ship,” he added before he slowly began to walk away. He did pause to wave Simon over, so he could follow. Maximilian did want to find the cafeteria, but he didn’t plan on leaving Simon. He did wonder if Simon perhaps wanted to change, but he decided he would say something if he did.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maximilian Silver Character Portrait: Richard Johnson Character Portrait: Georgia Day Character Portrait: Simon Rizzo
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ImageXG E O R G I A
Hex: #7F0000 | Cursed | Location: Lounge
She took another drag from her cigarette and relased the smoke into the room. Her eyes never left Jameson's. "You know I would be the girl to take her own fate into her hands, lovey." she replied. She pouted. "You don't believe me to be bad luck do you?"

She ran a hand through her hair and glanced away from him at the mention of the strange dreams and the wedding. "I don't." She explained. "Want to cancel the wedding I mean. I only meant that you might misread my worryin' about the dreams as 'cold feet' is all." She smiled. "Because you're right. There isn't a reason I'd want to call off the wedding. Marrying a man who is willing to buy me anything I wish. A man who is sweet and enjoys having a good time. I'm a lucky girl." She took another drag of her cigarette and frowned, noticing how short it was getting. She was talking too much and smoking too little.

"I agree. Matching dreams are strange. Especially considering we can't remember them." A tone rang throughout the boat, signaling not only the beginning of the day but the breakfast bell. Georgia frowned. Clearing her throat she doused the cigarette in the tray on the small table beside her. She wasn't entirely hungry. Now that the ship was on the sea, she could feel the steady rocking beneath her feet. On a small boat, it wouldn't bother her. On this big ship... her stomach was having a difficult time adjusting. However..."Jameson will be expecting us." She announced as she rose from her chair. She ship suddenly lurched causing her to fall forward, catching herself on Richard just as he rose to join her.

She apologized. "I'm sorry, Richard. It seems I don't have my sea legs beneath me just yet." She ran a hand through her hair. "If I'm being plain I must admit I don't have my sea stomach just yet either." She wasn't quite sure why she shared that last bit of information with him. Maybe she hoped, like with the dreams, he would share this feeling with her and...well she wasn't quite sure why that mattered. Maybe she was warning him in case her dinner from the party the night before would find itself on his finely made and polished shoes.

Hex: #292954 | Fated | Location: Deck

Simon reached out and shook the man's hand with a nod of acknowledgment. "Maximilian." He repeated. "Nice to meet you. Where I come from, most people shortened a name like that to Max." Simon mentally facepalmed himself and openly grimaced. "Ahh. Sorry. I don't have much of a filter between my brain and my mouth." He looked down at himself and made a sound that was halfway between a choke and a laugh. "Or my brain and my body otherwise I would've put on a different set of clothing before I left the room." Although he had been in a panic at that point. However, Maximilian didn't need to know that.

Simon rubbed the back of his neck at the young man's question about his memories. "Yeah, no idea there my friend. I woke up on a ship, terrified about the fact that I'm on this ship on water and poof. That's... about it really." He wasn't going to mention the feeling that he wasn't meant to be here alone, but the more he tried to think of who would be with him, the further the thought seemed to roam. He couldn't pin it down. "As a side note, my fear of water isn't irrational. I..." He scrunched his face up in thought. "Well I was going to say trust me on that, but since I can't remember the event that caused it maybe I can't even trust myself..."

A tone sounded through the ship, startling Simon from his thoughts. People began to make their way back inside, cluing him that maybe they should be doing the same. That the tone had purpose. "Something tells me we need to be making out way back inside for... something. Maybe it's breakfast." He said hopefully as he made to follow the others. "You coming?" He asked as he stopped to wait for Maximilian.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maximilian Silver Character Portrait: Simon Rizzo
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Maximilian smiled and let out a small laugh when Simon did. “No worries about your filter. You can call me Max. It sounds like a familiar nickname,” he said. He rolled his shoulders back. It is odd we both have a lack of memory. I doubt we were kidnapped. I hope I start remembering soon. Max nodded and looked over Simon’s outfit once more. He knew he could always change later. He held back a laugh as Simon struggled to give him a reason as to why his fear was rational. “You can explain the fear to me once you remember. Maybe we’ll discover one of my fears while we are on this ship,” he added.

He froze when he heard the tone that sounded through the ship. Max watched as everyone started to head in the same direction. He looked at Simon when he asked him a question. “Well, let us be sheep and follow the herd. I hope it is breakfast as I never like to miss it,” he said. He walked with Simon as they followed everyone else. He whistled when he entered the dining area. He looked at Simon and grinned.

“Well, this is fancier than T-” he stopped as he realized he shouldn’t reference The Titanic. Simon had a fear of drowning and The Titanic didn’t exactly make its destination. “The Hilton,” he added quickly. He headed to a so far empty table towards the center of the room. Max pulled a chair out for Simon. Max froze right after and let go of the chair. He wouldn’t push the chair in when he sat. He knew he was a flirt naturally. He knew he had to check himself at times, especially when it came to men. Also, he needed a friend at the moment. Simon was that friend as they shared a lack of memory. Once seated, he took in his surroundings. Everything was supreme. He was polite to his servers, but was glad when they left and things quieted down.

“Now we can eat in peace,” he told Simon. He opened his cloth napkin and placed it on his lap. It wasn’t long before he began to eat. He was pleased the food tasted good. When he got a few bites in, he put his fork down. “I heard a wedding was going to take place on this ship. I think between someone named James and Gia. I wonder if we were invited to this wedding and we just...well,” he paused, “Well, honestly, I have no idea. I can't think of a logical reason as to why we are lacking memories..”

“Do you have any ideas on what could have happen to us to make us lose our memories?” he asked, keeping his voice low for only Simon to hear. I never met anyone named Simon. Should I make a Simon Says joke? I am not sure if he’d appreciate it. I am not sure what type of man he is yet. He seems like a likable person though. He picked up his fork again and resumed eating.