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Arianna Tolsa

Don't ever turn your back on anyone.

0 · 1,238 views · located in Silverwood

a character in “Silverwood”, as played by TheGypsyQueen_13


{“At The End, We All Die Alone.”}
With the greenest eyes you have ever seen Rosie could easily enslave people to do whatever she wanted with just a bat of an eyelash, luckily she was brought up better than that. She always tries to keep a smiley on her pale freckle riddled face, no makeup needed, she is cute without it. Of course she has her fathers bright orangey red hair, paired with her mothers soft knowing gaze its hard not to want to be friends with her. Her ever inviting expressions seem to light up the world around her.
Song to Love Interest
Mean Ol' Moon||Amanda Seyfried
You Haunt Me||Lisa Hannion

{"You Never Know How Strong You Are Until Being Strong Is The Only Choice You Have."}



Full Name
Arianna Tolsa



Sexual Orientation

* Clear starry nights.
* Long conversations.
* Protecting her Pack.
* Cool weather.
* Running.

* Hunters.
* Rival packs.
* Being lied to.
* Being tricked.
* Baby's/Pups.

Distinct Markings
Scars: Arie has scars all over her back and left arm from a really bad fight she was in as a kid.

Piercings: Just her ears.

Tattoos: Arie had a row of little dots on both of her calfs and a bit circle in the center of her chest right under her breasts.

Arianna thinks that having dreams is for morons! All she wants is to protect her pack, her family really. She will do whatever it takes to protect them and do whatever her Alpha asked of her.

Arianna tries not to have any secrets from her Alpha.

Not being able to do her job right.

{“What Defines Us Is How Well We Rise After Falling.”}

As a child Arianna was very quiet and a bit of a loner. She was never really good at making friends. Now she is not shy what so ever, she will tell you exactly what she is thinking. If she doesn't like you she will tell you. It is still a little hard for Arie to show her emotions, even to her own pack.
She has never been one for showing love.
She can be very secretive when it comes to her personal life. Arie doesn't like to burden others with her problems. She would rather find her own solution, then ask for help.

{“The Pain Of Today Is The Victory Of Tomorrow.”}


Ariannas mother was part of the wild pack but when Arianna was born her mother wanted nothing to do with her so Arianna was abandoned. Luckily she was soon found by a member of the tame pack, who took her in and raised Arianna as his own. Arianna knows very little about her birth mother, only that she left Arianna in the woods to die. Arianna hates her, she would rather fight to the death protecting her pack then admit who her birth mother is.

So begins...

Arianna Tolsa's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jamie Rhey Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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Mikaela sat by the cafĂ© window, her pick-up coffee latte gently in one had but untouched as she absent-mindedly rubbed her temple with the same hand she were leaning her cheek against. There were a lot pondering on her mind and she couldn’t help but wonder on the famous ‘what if’. For instance, what if there were no divide in packs? Chaos, she supposed. But what if Sin grasped the importance of control and humanity. He could change his and his pack’s way to avoid being the unpredictable horror of the townsfolk.

But it was what it was. As the thoughts rolled on, stirring nothing but anger inside, her little warm plastic cup burst open from the middle, spilling on her. “Crap!” Instinctively she moved from the pouring hot substance. All she could do from there were sight out, flicking the drink from her fingertips as she waited for service to make a hasty approach. Instead, it were a cautious hesitant one. The employee’s eyes shifted nervously to Mikaela as she cleaned the table and floor.

It took a moment for Mikaela to catch on to the staff’s fear. “I’m a good one,” she told the restless waitress somewhat defensively. She nodded with a tremor dominating her hands. Mikaela shook her head to herself and buried around her pockets for some change that she left on the table for the shaken waitress.

Mikaela hadn't even look worn down or dirty. Quite presentable actually. She trudged along the street and headed back home, wondering if any other wolf from her pack got unjustified discrimination. Especially when her pack were just trying to look out for the people and keep the wilds at bay.That were their prime duty in her eyes anyway.

Her feet had successfully got her home and she were disrupted from fumbling with keys when she caught whiff of a tainting scent. cooper-ish and foul. Something definitely not right. Self-consciously, she took a glance around the deserted street then ran quickly to where her senses urged her until the smell grew stronger and stronger as the smell drove her into the woods and at last she had to skid to a stop to prevent from falling over the dead body. After a sharp gasp of recognition, her hands clamped over her mouth and nose to prevent the temptation to scream, and stop the awful smell from invading her senses. The sight truthfully were no better though. Soulless, cold eyes, horrifically pale and lots of blood drying over different sections of the thin female body.

It didn't look like knives work or guns. Then again...people could be twisted. The body were so dismantled, there were no telling but the wound in the neck definitely implied jaws locking on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Daniel Parker Character Portrait: Arrow Kane
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{Arianna Tolsa}
Arianna sat quietly in the trees above her pack watching closely in case a fight broke out between the two packs.
She had caught the sent of blood while she was walking along the edge of the woods, people thought she was exercising but really she was keeping a lookout for any odd activity. She had gotten a weird feeling about today early that morning, the air seemed heavier, like a storm was coming.
Arie had arrived on the scene just before Jamie but kept back and out of site. The smell of the blood was starting to stick to the inside of her nose and it was beginning to give her a small headache. After a moment she scurried down the tree and slowly walked up behind Milaela and whispered softly, "What should we do with the body? We can't leave it here.... Can we?" Ofcorse they couldn't, what if someone were to find it. The police would be called and there would be a witch hunt for the killer. She glanced over at the others and bit the inside of her cheek to keep from growling at them. It seemed the two packs were at a stand still, Arianna didn't want to instigate anything if they could all handle this without a fight.

{Daniel Parker}
Danny was in his apartment on the edge of town, going crazy. The smell of blood and other wolves was blowing straight into his apartment through an open window, but he didn't know that, he thought something had died in his apartment so her was tearing up the place looking for it. Finally he realized the window was wide open and ran to it, when he did the smell almost smacked him in the face with how strong it was. Quickly he threw a shirt on and ran out of the complex into the woods. He found the source of the smell rather quickly and saw his pack. After a moment of taking in the scene he realized who was standing a few feet away from him, the alpha from the other pack and two of his member. Danny jumped and quickly ran over to his pack.
Hey! So what happened here? he whispered to Jamie who seemed just as confused as Danny was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jamie Rhey Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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Her eyes flickered worriedly to next person to rush on scene, that being someone of Sin’s pack. As it turned out, she were the least of Mikaela’s worries as she were swept clean off her feet with a powerful force growling on top of her. The mix of emotions and events were a bit too much for her to even find a reaction in time before the large wolf drew back on his own account. She got to her feet, heart accelerating beneath her chest and glaring at Sin.

She turned her head a little to a pack member. It being Jamie arriving next to her then Arianna and Daniel. “I don’t know,” she croaked to her pack, wishing she could provide more answers. “I just got here myself,” she admitted lowly as if it were a secret. The whole place became associated with negative vibes. Distress, horror. The emotions clung so strongly to the place.

“We should
” her arm grabbed her stomach, for what she were about to say were so wrong. It weren’t like she needed to feel any worse either. “Smell near the body to see if we can catch a foreign scent first.” Automatically her eyes lifted to Sin, somewhat hopefully. Though, kindness were unable to reach her eyes at such a time it could have been mistaken for accusingly.

Mikaela were hoping he were evolved enough not to kill and had better restraint on his pack, but that could be just hopes and dreams. And heck- it might have been a member of her own with a lightning strike of heated rage for all she knew.

She were one of the last to arrive noticing every pack related wolf gather around the body. She swallowed a heavy lump in her throat but approached her pack nonetheless, hoping the responsibility of the murder didn't turn on the hunter of the pack somehow or she were scolded for her lateness. Paige paid attention to both conversations going on as each may very well have their own approach to the crime but hearing Nia's reality, that from the outside eye, it looked like one of the wild's doing she rushed forward to join in on the hush conversation. "We need to do something. Whether that is smell the body for a hint of who's done it or hide the body, or run." She weren't ordering her Beta and Alpha around. More so expressing her own panic and need to take some action in a timely manner. Paige had a bad gut feeling and it went beyond the dead body in front of them all.

They may just need to work in sync with the other pack Whether Sin or the female alpha could put their differences aside were a different story.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Caleb Smith Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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Caleb pinned himself to a tree and frantically wiped his mouth and hands. His hands still shook uncontrollably at what he had done and his breath heaved. The vivid vision caused him to throw his head back into the solid trunk as if that would make him forget, hoping along the way to gain some sanity or at least calm himself to avoid being tracked.
Adding to his edginess came a howl that implied - at this time of day ,something were wrong and soon enough pack members would come rushing to the scene of the crime he had left behind him. His wide, startled eyes darted around the woods. Time to go.

At high speed his legs carried him off, away from the packs gathering around the body and at such a pace one would think out of Silverwood. But he had every right to be there. It were his home too, and he’d make himself more suspicious if he vanished from the map around the same time as a murder. It were an accident and he were a wolf just like the rest of them. Fatal accidents happened. Not to say he had any intentions of admitting he were the sociopath that gave the innocent girl possibly the brutalist death recorded in Silverwood.

As time ticked by, Caleb learned to grow back into his care-free laid back attitude facade but he could not stop recalling the attack. He weren’t even technically a sociopath because he felt guilty. Not dramatically over the top guilty to be sulking all day or turn himself into authorities but...guilty enough. Wasn’t like killing were a sport to him. And if killing didn’t leave a bad enough stain on your conscience, what would killing a harmless girl achieve? She were at the wrong place at the wrong time. He took another swig of his beer.

His enhanced hearing tuned to new voices, a few tables over, making suspicious low conversation though one’s tone couldn’t help but get a little loud and aggressive.
“She should be back by now. Why were she allowed to be alone?”
“Because she were capable enough for her independence,” the other insisted.
“We are not here for a vacation! She should have returned to us hours ago! This is hardly a town to get lost in. I’m gonna go look for her.” The two males left in search of her. And her were more than likely the corpse laying in the woods.

“I know,” he replied to his Beta lowly, folding his arms over his chest. The easiest theory to device were that a wild member had done this and it were indeed problematic for them because who would simply take their word? He caught Mikaela’s glance at him and bit back a growl at the daring alpha. He were unsure if she meant to address Sin and his pack as well as her own with her idea. Just in case however, Paige rushed in her say which he nodded along with. He knew she could get frantic and hasty easily. “I know, I know,” he reminded her dismissively. He took a glance back to Mikaela, because who could so easily turn their eyes on foes or agree with them. He sighed out and rolling his eyes, shifting his body language to face the other pack as well.
“I don’t think there’s anything to smell but decay myself but whoever’s known for their nose, dig right in.” That were surely the kindest he could get when talking to both packs. As a pack more familiar with death though, he assumed it would be one of his own daring to get close enough to the body. “Nia
” he prompted. Sin would probably be body transport.
In the meantime he closed a hand around Arrow's arm and pulled gently as her own prompt to rise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Arrow Kane Character Portrait: Paige Carver
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She had a feeling that Sin was going to give her the job of sniffing the body, especially since she had experienced it a lot, and her snout was 100% accurate. "Oh this ought to be fun." she stated sarcastically, but just as Nia was about to inspect the body, another wolf from the tames snuck in to get a sniff. Nia growled lowly. Clearly she had forgotten her place among her own pack. Her alpha hadn't even told her to stick her nose in. "You want your face torn off?" Tia told her, her eyes locked onto the tames sentinel. Tia was itching to phase, itching to rip out her little throat and add another body to the one that was already laid out on the forest ground, partly covered by blood soaked leaves.

She was aware that her Alpha was able to hear her, and she knew she'd probably get told off, but Nia didn't take kindly to those outside of her pack. This girl had now earned herself to be pushed to the top spot on Nia's hate list. She bit back the urge to lunge at her. Barking orders like she's the Alpha. Nia carried on with what she was told to do. She knelt down to the ground, bent over towards the body and inhaled deeply as she closed her eyes, shutting off her other senses to concentrate completely on the extra scent.

"Male, dark hair, muscular. He's an outsider and doesn't belong to a pack. A lone wolf. He attacked her, and left her quickly in a hurry. Gotta hand it to her, she put up quite a fight to fend him off."

Nia was proud of herself as she straightened herself back up, regaining her place beside her alpha and glancing to Paige and Arrow briefly. "They're trying to make a run for it." Nia told Sin quietly near his ear. "We should go after him, deal with this our way."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jamie Rhey Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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ImageJamie glanced between Nia and his own pack members, feeling on edge. Already, a member of the other pack was threatening them. Sin hadn't said the body was their right- and that would have been creepy anyways. When the redhead actually had the gawl to glare at Arianna, Jamie found himself growling under his breath. Though, to his credit, he stayed pretty calm considering it was him. He wouldn't stand to have his pack threatened though, in any way. His eyes looked over the redhead, making mental notes of who she was. She was talking again no, but this time not directed at anyone.

"A lone wolf? How did none of us notice that right away?" Jamie asked aloud, more to himself than anyone else. Sure, he couldn't smell a wolf of the decaying corpse like Redhead could, but that's cause it smelled like, just that, decay. If the wolf had been anywhere nearby, shouldn't someone had picked up the scent? Or maybe he really ran that fast that he was no where nearby by the time they got there to pick up the scent. "Wait, why would a lone wolf come here suddenly? We don't get strays- two packs in one town? That's hardly advertising free territory."

And then Arianna was yelling about someone coming. Shit. Jamie glanced at Mikaela, ready to run for it. But then he glanced at the body. "We can't just leave her here, the town will be on high alert. It's obviously an animal attack," Jamie said quickly, glancing between the two alphas. They needed orders and they needed them quickly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jamie Rhey Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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Error. Sorry


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jamie Rhey Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jamie Rhey Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Arrow Kane
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Sin’s eyes narrowed at the other whom had taken to shifting and sniffing around the body, no doubt in attempt to show them up. Nia threatened her, setting most other members on edge but proceeded to sniff it herself anyway. “You belong right in CSI,” Sin commented after her conclusion.
He heard the exchanges to run then glanced to Nia. She had a fair suggestion because who were to say there wouldn’t be a trail for someone to follow and cause more trouble for the packs. But of course, Arrow had an equal point. Contrast to the inquisitive male red head, Sin didn’t care much for how or why the stray did it-not right now-just that he had done it and someone were closing in and were going to find the body. There were actions that took priority.

He nodded then to Arrow showing some understanding. “I got the body!” he informed and sprang into action slinging the corpse over his shoulder. With his free hand, he grabbed his beta’s arm, looking her in the eyes knowing she wouldn’t like to be disregarded. “We’ll find him but for now we have to move. Go.” He gestured forward. Being aware for the slightest second that his lack of handling would stir some disapproving emotions, and possibly cause delay, he shifted the body into a cradle. Sin were fast and strong but running with a body weren’t something he were familiar with and it were likely to make an odd motion. Therefore Nia had to support the pack to safety.
“Run fast, Arrow.” His prime concern were of course his own pack.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jamie Rhey Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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Seeing Sin unhappy in Arianna’s own initiative were a little amusing and she could have smiled if not weighed so heavily with the responsibility of the dead girl in front of them. Then there were the added factor of someone coming. The information incoming of the girl’s cause of death and people heading towards them, though unideal, were progress so Mikaela didn’t mind initiative. She went to step towards her sentinel, to call her back but the rest of her pack looked to her and set to run. It were the obvious option now that Sin had the body and the blonde suggested her own place which even Max agreed to. “It’s okay,” she told him as he bowed his head towards her. It were normal to speak out in time of crisis.

She looked each member over briefly. “Move out,” she confirmed. When rustling leaves were heard in the distance that were further confirmation to make haste. She would have loved to have run and give Jamie the answers owed to him but that were too consuming. When they reached alleged safety, she’d become more responsive to his queries. For now, running were the one task and focus.
She trusted Arianna would be able to hide herself and manage herself, if not run with the pack. Mikaela had to believe she could. A lot of her pack were more than they looked.

Mikaela glowered at Sin in warning. Trusting him and his pack were quite the leap of faith but she turned on her heel and ran.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jamie Rhey Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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She was about to speak up, but her Alpha knew her all too well. Maybe her plan was a lot harsher, but at least he knew she was right too and didn't get shot down for her honest and open opinion. Nia had always been the outspoken one. Her past wasn't pleasant, and Sin was the only one who knew about it all. He knew how she ticked, therefore he knew how to handle her before she got out of control. Others, they didn't know her, so it was obvious that they were going to be constantly treading across thin ice; with her waiting underneath for it to break.

Once Sin gave the orders, she phased into her wolf form and raised her snout into the air, pushing her ears down slightly to the sides of her head. She was howling out to alert the other pack members that they needed to follow her. She quickly headed out, making a bee line straight for the darker part of the woods where she knew they'd be safe. They knew those woods like the back of their hands.. paws. It was their territory. Their hunting ground.

Soon as they got deeper into the woods, the air seemed to change. Something wasn't right, she could sense it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Arrow Kane Character Portrait: Paige Carver Character Portrait: Evie Atlas
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Once gunshots were fired, he flinched instinctively ducking away and using the trees as his obstacles, also guiding the hunters away from his pack. He hoped they were the last figure he had seen and taken pursuit in. Him or the other pack's hero, Arianna. The dead girl were shifting uncomfortably in his arms and significantly slowing him down, even when she were a light thing. One bullet scraped the trunk he were hiding behind, causing him to lunge off without much thought and he slipped on the steep slope awaiting him, dropping the body as he fell and rolled with the momentum. “Shit!” he cursed, reaching the bottom, the body not far from him. Sin reached for it, before shouting were heard causing him to retract then flee again. A dead girl weren’t worth getting shot over.
He’d meet his pack at Arrow’s. He’d just take a seriously detoured route. That didn’t mean he’d slow in his pace at all.

Sin were puffing by her house, his arms folded over his chest looking around half expecting to still be chased by his pursuers. Eventually he shook the silly notion off. There were mourning to be done and normal feet and speed carrying the people which were well and truly outmatched. Sin hesitated at the door, not liking to admit to the pack he lost the body and bare the bad news that right now a couple of trigger friendly men were in the forest examining the body to reach their own verdict that either way, highly likely would result in hysteria.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Arrow Kane Character Portrait: Paige Carver Character Portrait: Evie Atlas
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Nia had made it to Arrows with whoever else that had caught up along the way, but the second she heard shots being fired!? she immediately thought the worst. "Sin!" without a second thought, she left the others at Arrow's place, and ran as fast as four legs could carry her, making her way towards where her Alpha was last seen. It wasn't long before she picked up his scent, and followed it. He had fallen down the slope when she got there, taking that dead body with him. The men that were looking for him had arrived just seconds after Nia did, and just as she was about to run down and help him too, but they were shouting 'He went this way' causing her Alpha to flee again. There was no way in hell they were going to get a shot off at the only one who had saved her life.

As they went to pursue Sin, Nia stepped out and began making her way towards them. She lifted up her snout and muzzle, causing it to wrinkle up towards the center between her eyes, baring her canines and licking at the air as she growled and snarled viciously. Her eyes were deadly locked on the both of them, so one wrong move and they would be the wolfs new chew toy. Both men took a couple of steps back in attempt to keep a safe distance between themselves, and the vicious looking predator, but one of them bailed, leaving the other behind "You damn coward!" he shouted after him, then snapped his attention back on the wolf. "Sod it.." The man went to shoot her, but she lunged at him so fast!? that he dropped his gun and fell back with the wolf on top of him. He held her back with his arm across her the front of her throat, his eyes fearfully widening with panic and fright as she continuously snapped towards his face, over and over again.

She pulled back quickly for a split second, then lunged forward again at him, this time going against his strength even harder with her canines inches away from his face. He soon lost the battle as no-one was even around to help him, so she latched onto his face. It was something you'd see out of a horror movie. Her canines tore through the flesh with no struggle, and you could even hear the crunching sound as her jaws crushed the bones and tears off even more flesh. There was nothing left of his face once she was done. Just blood everywhere. The forest had turned red around her, including herself as she licked at her muzzle whilst standing over a new corpse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Caleb Smith Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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{Arianna Tolsa}
Arianna watched quietly from the shadows, being the only member of her pack to dare stay in the woods was sometimes a good thing. She watched as the hunters came upon Sin and almost hoped they would end him, but as the hunter was about to take his shot one of Sin's pack attacked the man. Arianna wanted to step forward and stop her but she knew it would only cause trouble, more trouble then she wanted to deal with.
She watched as Nia killed the man, Arianna trembled slightly, anger filled her blood. slowly she brought out her phone and snapped a picture of the bloody scene before her. She would show it to Mikaela later.
Quickly before she could be found Arianna turned and ran through the trees toward home. She didn't stop running until she hurtled through the door of the local bar.
She looked at the few people in the bar as they stared at her and then at the man behind the counter.
"There you are! Sorry I'm late babe, I lost track of time!" She said, loudly, and on purpose, as she walked quickly to a table where a young man sat. She leaned down and kissed his cheek and whispered, "Play along I'm being followed." She lied looking into his eyes pleadingly, lucky for her someone walked into the bar right after her and then walked out, they must not have realized where they were.
Arianna sat down across from the man her back to the rest of the patrons in the bar and smiled.

{Daniel Parker}
Daniel had followed Mikaela closely as they ran back to town, when they got to the safe zone he fell to the ground and groaned "What do we do now?" He asked rubbing his eyes, he hadn't slept well and it had been a very eventful morning. All he wanted to do was go back to bed.
"What if we cant get to the body? I mean Sin really doesn't like us, he may keep it from us and say we did it." He knew he shouldn't be asking such things but it bit at the back of his mind and he couldn't ignore it. He would rather get shot down for asking such questions of his alpha then not voice his thought at all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Caleb Smith Character Portrait: Paige Carver
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Caleb sat in silence, imagining the scenario between the men and wolves. He didn't know why he were so anxious about it seeing as the hunters had already been and gone from the bar so his nose must've looked pretty clean. But were there a war and blood bath going on out there as he sat in the dark place? Did the hunters even find the body or did the others take care of it? This is when it sucked to be a loner.

He blinked surprised by this dark-haired woman’s actions and his eyes followed her to the seat she took across from him for a moment contemplating if he knew her at all. “Hi,” he replied uncertainly. His drama school skills certainly lacked next to hers. Caleb looked around at the few other early patrons of the bar then rose his brows expectantly for an explanation. “Uh, are you lost?” he spoke lowly respecting her want to be inconspicuous. He could relate himself after all. But there were something his nerves didn’t like about this girl.

“I’m okay,” he told Paige, holding her own arm in a reassuring grip. Hearing about Nia though, proved new information and he were almost angry at her for leaving the pack like that but at the same time, he knew how protective she could get. It just meant they were one wolf down until she found her own way back despite him wanting to go out there and find her now. Sin stepped inside, keeping his eyes cast down as he briefly reviewed on how Nia could have been prevented from leaving her post. Paige’s voice emerged again, this time querying on the body. Sin spun on his heel to face her. “I lost it,” he informed her, meeting her eyes for a second before looking off again, twisting his jaw. He weren’t even as mad at himself anymore for losing the body, or Paige, but his beta.

Rather than stress the others though, he found himself taking a seat, trying to remain composed but stern. “I think there were two,” he spoke after a moment’s silence. “Hunters.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jamie Rhey Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Caleb Smith Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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{Arianna Tolsa}
Arianna perked up quickly then smiled and nodded, "I'm new to the area." She lied again.
It was almost a little scary how good of a liar she was, not that she would ever lie to her pack but to others, she had no problem lying to them. Suddenly the door flung open again and a alight breeze blew around the bar, amongst all the smells that swirled around her Arianna pick two out almost instantly. One was the smell of the hunters from the woods and the other was the extra smell that had been at the crime scene. She watched the hunter sit down and held back a growl then looked back at the man sitting across from her then said, "You want to get out of here?" She smiled, still not quite able to pin point the extra smell. As they stood and walked out she took note of everyone's face and made a mental note to keep track of them all.

{Daniel Parker}
Danny scowled then looked down at himself, he was a bit of a mess he had to admit. Quickly he got to his feet and walked to a nearby water fountain and splashed his face. The cold water was refreshing and woke him up instantly, "WOW!" He muttered as he approached his pack again a wide grin on his face, he cracked his neck and fingers then stood next to his alpha, feeling much better. "I think we should try to pick the trail up of the girls attacker, if we can find out who he is before Sin maybe we can handle it ourselves." He suggested looking around at the members of the pack and then at Mikaela and smiling again sheepishly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Caleb Smith Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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She clasped her hands together, squeezing them tighter than she were aware. Mikaela nodded then to a refreshed Daniel, and tried her own smile in response to his sheepish one but it were countered with the heavy weight of the vivid image of the poor girl and Sin. But she had to assure some power to her own pack in this situation so the wild pack or Sin himself, could have the body while they searched for the attacker. Mikaela held Daniel’s arm before the pack assumed to split up seeking the trail that hinted at undescribed familiarity. Though, she personally weren’t a fan of splitting up, again nerved by the wilds close and a rogue beast.
“Do you really think we can’t trust the wilds at all?” she asked her beta lowly. She were convinced they had the same issue with the body so they could at least work to achieve a goal in common. Then again, that could be hopeful thinking.

Her legs, combined with a gut feeling led her to Arianna and her new companion with dark hair, which she blinked at. At first glance Mikaela looked to be misinterpreting the situation as if Arianna had ditched the pack for some boy but she’d never do that. “Who’s your friend?” she wondered.

The audacity of the beta were...outstanding and in this instance not necessarily in a good way. But the best thing she could do were let the Alpha and Beta deal with it as they pleased though she had a feeling that would escalate to something serious with both of them possessing a short fuse. At a certain point Paige may then have to intervene and redirect the attention and anger on the issue at hand. Hunters and a mauled body.

This were when she regretted to favor the tame pack. They weren't biting each other's throats as often and had respect for one another. Rather than interrogate Nia she asked simply, "So what do we do?""


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Caleb Smith Character Portrait: Paige Carver
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Sin’s jaw set at the voice of Nia, mid-discussion on a plan of action. Did she miss anything? He stood up and stalked towards her finding her particularly refreshed scent and look, further irritating. So she had time for a shower to spare. Just dawdled over at her own luxurious pace. “And what took you so long?” Before she could have an opportunity to answer he continued cornering her to the very wall she leaned against casually, his arms braced either side of her, staring her down. “You see the people in this room? That’s your pack. When I’m not around, they depend on you. You have a job to protect them. You think because you’re the beta you can do whatever you like?” He were definitely after her submission even going as far as to lowly growl at her.
She could try escalate the matter if she liked. Turn into her own wolf form again and mistake him for the kind of dogs she fought and took down in the pits. It wouldn’t be very fair to Arrow’s place but it’d teach Nia a lesson.

“So what do we do?” “Ideally, hope they leave on their own. Otherwise, we hunt. This is our home.”

Caleb were struggling to navigate the woman before him. Most people he could make more sense of but she were
odd. And random. Distant but present. He blinked stunned by her next words proposing to leave the bar suddenly. “Uh, sure,” he replied, scrambling around for his leather jacket which he slid his arms in and flicked up to his shoulders.
Before escaping the bar with her he heard the shaken voice of one of the men from before. “
.They killed her, man, then they took Zeke
.I need help
.Send others.” He glanced over his shoulder to the hunter on his phone, hanging up and rubbing his forehead. Caleb then exited the bar.

They had only managed what seemed like a few steps before being stopped by an alpha. She radiated dominance in her own way. “Shit,” he muttered under his breath. In a lame attempt, Caleb kept his distance and tried to hide his eyes, averting his gaze looking everywhere but at Mikaela as the friends exchanged words. The other alpha tried recruiting him a few times and she did once. But Caleb didn’t play nice with others and couldn’t become the type to live by their principles rather than his own. In his eyes it were just easier to be a one-man pack.
Normally he wouldn’t be so unsettled by a packs presence if he hadn’t caused them hell with the whole body incident. He didn't like the likelihood that the dark haired woman with the blue eyes were a wolf all along either. Should've damn well known it!
Were this some weird well played trap?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Caleb Smith Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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{Arianna Tolsa}
"A diversion." Arianna muttered quickly as she flipped out her cell phone and showed Mikaela the pictures of the beta from Sin's pack killing the hunter. "I back tracked the scent of the hunter to the bar. Also... The smell that had been blanketing the girl was there too." She ran her fingers through her hair scratching her scalp. She sniffed the air and glanced back at Caleb, his scent was there with the body. Her brow furrowed and a low growl erupted from her chest. "Him..." She looked back at Mikaela and shifted her eyes to the ground, "I was careless, I'm sorry." She lowered her head and looked at the ground, when Mikaela placed her hand on Arianna's shoulder she jumped slightly then looked up and smiled softly. "We are in serious trouble though. More hunters will come. What do we do then?"
They could just leave it alone and let the hunters get Sin and his pack, but Arianna knew Mikaela wouldn't like that idea, after all Sin was still her blood brother..

{Daniel Parker}
Danny could feel the tension in the air and quickly made an attempt to defuse it. He walked over to the man that had come with Arianna and held out his hand a big grin on his face.
"I'm Danny, Sorry about Arianna. She can be a bit cold at times but once you get on her good side... She warms up some." Daniel smiled and shrugged at the look Arianna gave him, that girl could freeze lava sometimes. He would never admit it but she sometimes scared him, but he knew her intentions were good. She just wanted to protect the pack, they were her family, Danny knew that best of all, they two of them were like siblings.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Caleb Smith Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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For a moment her eyes flickered on the suspicious figure by Arianna before she presented her phone with horrific shots of a new attack. Mikaela lightly placed her fingertips on the edge of the phone to inspect the image closer. A wolf of timber color, digging into the blood scene remorselessly. The crime went beyond self defense and continued even when the human was well dead, almost as if feasting in gluttony. How could anyone kill, much more butcher! with such ease and remain free from a dirty conscience? Only one of Sin's members, obviously. She glanced back up to Arianna as she continued to explain her absence and actions, though it fell under intuition which Mikaela was happy to promote in her pack. Wolves should have been more attuned to that kind of stuff after all and it came in handy.

She glared likewise at the male positioned for a get-away, realized as the killer to Arianna's snout. She was about to lay into him about the consequences and havoc he had caused before Daniel stepped in as peace-maker. Or certainly a tension diffuse. Mikaela sighed out softly closing her eyes and letting her rage slip away. Daniel was taking care of it. And in a much more friendly way too.

Though, Mikaela heard every word of Arianna's, she was stuck on one big factor. A wild had killed a man in cold blood. There weren't official treaty terms but she felt killing a man spoke for itself as a serious violation and crime that the tame pack had right to get involved in. "Find Sin and his pack," she answered. She could worry about Caleb another day as a priority. "Make sure he tags along," she added with a head gesture towards Caleb.

Hopefully some Alpha to Alpha talk would be in session at Sin's will. She just wished they could lose the common meeting grounds as a dead body or a threat to the werewolf population in Silverwood. Her strides implied her mind was set. Admittedly, not 100% sure of what she was going to do when she stood before the wilds again but she knew there needed to be another confrontation.

Instinctively she rose at the tension in the small room. Whether it was to flee or defend herself, she wasn't sure but she didn't like Sin glowering over Nia. The two were both ready for a fight and she didn't particularly like the easily activated fire in their guts for a fight. It was rare for one to stand down but thankfully Nia behaved.
Image She cleared her throat to re-direct their attention to another matter. Loyalty and the hierarchy was important but right now they had hunters to deal with that would be covering ground as they fought among themselves. Then, Sin concluded what she feared. They hunt the hunters. Sin was the type that lacked patience so if the hunters didn't remove themselves in a ridiculously short time frame, Sin would declare it war and within reason to attack. "But they might not even know who we are as long as we keep our heads down for a while. Just for a while!" she emphasized and came close to pleading. She didn't fancy death or more bloodshed. One body was enough as far as she was concerned. "They'll look for the body for a while, then they'll quit," she tried to insist looking between her beta and alpha, praying they'd go with the keep low approach.
Hunters had nothing to hunt if nothing was there.