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Kaeleb 'Kael' Balor

'Hey gorgeous, love that battle armor on you.' Loyal ally, dangerous enemy, harmless flirt.

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a character in “Skyguard: Rising”, as played by Agent



Kaeleb ‘Kael’ Balor


Partner: TBA
Gender: Male
Weight:200 lbs.
Hair: Dark brown with some ginger
Country of Origin: Zepher

Relationships:_(This will be filled out after RP starts)

Characteristics and Traits:
Kael with his shining hazel eyes and cocky smile is a charismatic guy; loyal, hard-working and a team player. He is also a bit of a flirt. It’s mostly harmless though, he’s a decent guy with a good sense of honour. He’s friendly with everyone even when the sentiment isn't returned; he knows it can annoy them more than any retaliation. He joined the Skyguard young and has trained hard which is reflected in his strong build and sense of duty. A distinct scar intersects the edge of his hairline and runs down along his forehead towards his eye. It is an injury he received in during his time at the Skyguard and while smiling he’s given several different tales of how he received the injury – a drunken brawl, a duel for the honour of a lovely maiden, clumsy training accident, an epic battle against a dangerous foe, just to name a few - most aren't sure which to believe. He just showed up, blood streaming down his face and barely conscious, but steadfastly refusing anything more than the most basic treatment. Likewise he has declined any offer of magical removal of the scar.
A loose cloth shirt, often white, a belt and darker trousers tucked into tall leather boots is the casual attire that Kael tends towards, usually accompanied by a plush vest, jerkin or jacket in richer colours; reds, blues, greens. He wears his skyguard seal plainly on his jerkin, unless subtlety is required in which case he wears it on his shirt underneath.

'Harmless flirting? I take offence to that comment. Do you know know how many of these woman carry swords? It can be quite harmful to MY health. I'd appreciate some acknowledgement of the danger I put myself in.' *Smiles charmingly*

Abilities and Talents:
Fighting & weapons: Kael likes to have a blade in his hand. While he can hold his own in a fist fight and has tried his hand at archery he has trained hard to become proficient with a number of close combat edged weapons. Kael often pairs a shield with a sword, axe or more notably a spear. He can use throwing knives with decent accuracy, but prefers a throwing axe or, especially when flying, a spear, for ranged attacks. His exception to the use of blades is that he can wield a staff with some proficiency when required; this is an extension of his talent with a spear.
Magic: Kael naturally tended towards traditional fighting methods and was initially a little sceptical of using magic. But he found that he possessed an affinity for electrical magic once encouraged with training.
- Light: Flashes, beams or orbs of bright white light can be used to blind enemies, light an area, or for signalling. It can also be used to draw temporary symbols or writing in the air or on an object.
- Electricity: Mainly he can produce blue sparks of electricity to electrify a weapon or target on contact. With more mana he can produce bolts of lightning. Use of electric magic tends to bolster Kael’s strength and speed mildly.

For the sake of his partner, and a confidence in his own abilities, Kael mostly uses leather guards. However he generally wears a chainmail tunic under his jacket or shirt, and may on some occasions don leather covered metal plate armour such as arm and leg guards. Every now and then, or if things particularly look like they’re really going to go to hell, he will wear a leather/metal helm. He’s not particularly attached to any personal weapon, as long as he’s had time to become familiar with it before he’s forced to use it. When arming up he tends to carry some type of sword or other in a scabbard at his side, a small axe tucked into his belt, and knife of dagger hidden on his person. His shields are usually small round wooden ones, with a metal centre and edging on the front side.

So begins...

Kaeleb 'Kael' Balor's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaeleb 'Kael' Balor Character Portrait: Seriss Krahen
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#, as written by Agent
Seriss Krahen

The sun was finally lighting the horizon, turning the edges of the surrounding clouds a burning gold and spilling light into her room and across the bed. Seriss preferred to rise after the sun, but the growing tension in the Sentinels’ Keep building up to their final tests made sleep a difficult thing to cling to. She was wide awake, despite her late night, and only the comfort warmth of her bed made her reluctant to get up. Seriss let out a resigned groan and stretched her stiff body.

She and her partner had trained most of the day before, flying the training course throughout the afternoon and into the early evening. She would have had them out there well into the night if they hadn’t been forced to retire due to some ‘surprise’ upgrades or something scheduled to be made to the course overnight.

With training concluding early she and had partner had separated to pursue solitary study. A couple of books and several leafs of paper sat beside a cold cup of teas on her bedside table. Her years in the Skyguard and access to their library had meant that Seriss hadn’t been without literary study, but she always preferred more hands-on-training. So her history studies often went neglected and she only ever bothered without a basic understanding of theory where something could be learnt through practical application. On the occasions when she did pick up a book it was usual for language study.

She’s grown up with Lorthusian languages, and had spoken Eirean with her mother, she’d learned the basics in some of the other kingdoms’ tongues mostly for the purpose of trade; and since joining the Skyguard she’d made some effort to extend that knowledge.

The floorboards were cold underfoot and Seriss willed a fire to life in the hearth as she crossed the room. She filled a shallow basin from a jug of water on table, and splashed her face and neck. The remaining water she took to the modest balcony and emptied on to a couple of potted herbs that she hadn’t yet killed. She did not have her mother’s gardening abilities to say the least.

Usually Seriss would go for a recreational flight in the morning, maybe hunt or at least harass some wildlife. But every sentinel and their vanguard– or at least, you know, two or three pairs – seemed to be about the skies this morning. Besides she still felt the pleasant pain of a hard day’s training from yesterday. Instead she decided she’d go down to one of the training rooms to loosen up and go through her one of her warm up patterns.

Seriss dressed in dark grey pants that came to mid-calf, and a sleeveless undershirt. Over this she wrapped a sleeveless burgundy tunic that fell to mid-thigh and was open at the front, held closed in place with a lash at her waist. Her Skyguard seal pinned onto the leather belt. She wrapped the body of her feet and her ankles with dark cloth, and put on leather wrist cuffs. Brushing her fingers through her hair, she dowsed the fire and headed out.

Kaeleb Balor

“Morning Asha.”

The young girl stumbled and Kael moved quickly to steady her and the large plate of food she was carrying out to the dining hall.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you, pet,” he smiled brightly.
“I- I mean- you’re not meant to come into the kitchens,” the girl stammered.
“Well, technically, I’m not in the kitchens. I’m lurking in the hallway outside, looking handsome and startling sweet young girls.”
“And why is that?” Asha asked, frowning even as she blushed, knowing well enough to ignore the vanguard’s charms.
“I was looking for something sweet to eat before I start training this morning.”
Asdha’s eyes widened. “You- ”
Kael grinned, and plucked an apple of the tray she was bearing. “This will do nicely,” he bit into the fruit. The girl stared.
“You have a lovely morning, pet,” he cooed, giving her a wink, and sauntered of towards the training rooms with the pilfered apple.

Kael liked to eat before training in the mornings, it was important to get some sugar into your blood before doing any rigorous work. He finished the apple as he came into one of the combined training rooms. A small room of to the side house a small array of vanguard weapons, one wall opened into a landing platform for the sentinels. Kael unbuttoned his jerkin and slipped it off, laying it on a bench. He rolled up his shirt sleeves and loosened the strings at its neck, before selecting a sword from the wall. He tested its weight and gave it a swing, satisfied he turned to one of the training dummies. Mermin engineering, of course.

He practiced with the short swords, then the long. He switched to the achery targets and tossed a throwing axe with his usual fine skill, before deciding that he ought to work on his knife skills more. He confirmed again that he preferred the Lorthusian throwing knives to the Gal Nimese daggers. When the rising sun lit the room and he took a break to put out the braziers. Feeling warm, Kael pulled his shirt over his head and went to sit in the weapons room while he decided his next weapon. The long wooden spear was almost as tall as he was and part of its length was a sharp pointed steel head.
He returned to the main room but paused before the doorway. Seriss Krahen was on the mats practicing a form of Gal Nimese fighting stances. Each movement was slow, controlled, forceful yet fluid. Weight was shifted smoothly from one foot to the other as she concentrated on each form in the pattern. The calm discipline was a stark contrast to her usual disposition. He watched her a while, unnoticed and smirking.

Seriss Krahen

“I know you’re there,” Seriss called in an unamused voice as she continued with her pattern. She tried to remain focused on the rhythm of her breathing.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw him approach casually a spinning a spear around one hand. I’m just enjoying the view,” Balor replied innocently. Seriss growled. Finishing her pattern prematurely as he drew closer, she stood straight and smoothed her tunic.
“I see you’re wearing your lash for a change,” he commented, the corners of his mouth twisting up into a grin that was meant to rile her. She set her face for neutral disdain.
“We could be called to the Knight Masters at any time; I wear it for my partner’s convenience.”
“I’m sure he appreciates that.”
“He better.”
“My partner is late for training.”
“Probably hiding from your ugly mug. I pity her.”
“You wound me,” he said mockingly, placing a hand over his heart.
“You bore me,” she countered.
“Spar with me, little crow.” He spoke gently, his face softening.
Seriss arched an eyebrow sceptically, taking in his large shirtless, spear-wielding form. “Put a shirt shirt vanguard, and find someone else to play with. I’m getting some breakfast.” She turned to leave.

He reached for her, his hand closed around her wrist and she reacted. Her free hand went around his wrist as she twisted in his grip. She freed her hand and shoved her palm against his elbow, kicking into the meat of his back as his momentum brought him forward. She was satisfied when he gave a pained grunt and stumbled forward. Her smugness quickly vanished when he brought the wooden end of the spear swinging behind him as he went and smacked her on the back of the head with it.
Seriss dropped into a crouch, grabbing the back of her sore skull and shooting him a murderous glare. He turned, rubbing his sore elbow, “That all you got? Little crow.”

“Not by a long shot.” Seriss rose into a fighting stance, her eyes flashed briefly to the steel blade and then Balor’s easy smile. She’d wipe that grin off his face. She bared her teeth in something resembling a smile, “Come at me, scar face.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukai Thanross Character Portrait: Lillian Erskine Character Portrait: Kaeleb 'Kael' Balor Character Portrait: Seriss Krahen Character Portrait: Rommel Kaiser Character Portrait: Tiberius Saine
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Lillian Erskine

Lillian landed gently near one of the training rooms, allowing Tiberius to climb off her back before she started the transformation back to her human form. Tiberius stood off to the side, waiting for the bright light to fade. When it did Lillian stepped out, looking all the smaller standing next to her Vanguards large frame. He smirked down at her, as he typically did and she sighed, following him as he started towards the training room.

"Wonder who else is in at the moment," Tiberius said, pushing the door open. Lillian peered around him as he paused in the doorway. There were two people sparring in the center of the room; Kaeleb and Seriss. Tiberius gave a little snort before continuing into the room.

"She's wearing her lash," Lillian noted as she watched them.
"So?" Tiberius asked, "Most of the Sentinels do."
"I know," Lillian answered, making a bit of a face. She wasn't overly fond of her lash, though she did wear it sometimes if she or Tiberius thought it was necessary. She watched the two spar as Tiberius went to look in to weapon room.

Lukai Thanross

Lukai pushed the door open to find Kaeleb and Seriss sparring. Which wasn't odd in itself, though the pair did seem to annoy each other. We chatted amiably with Rommel as they entered the room, keeping their eyes on the sparring pair. He chuckled as he watched them, he couldn't help it.

"So, Kael, is it really necessary to flirt with her while she's trying to beat you up?" he asked, "Just, it makes you come off a tad..."
"Desperate," Rommel offered helpfully, voice clearly amused.
"Well, I was going to go with masochistic," Lukai shrugged, "But that works to I suppose."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukai Thanross Character Portrait: Kaeleb 'Kael' Balor Character Portrait: Seriss Krahen Character Portrait: Rommel Kaiser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Agent
“Come at me, scar face.”

Kael liked to think she meant it affectionately when she said that. Few people were so blunt about it. She looked determined and angry but Kael recognised the look in her eyes. His little crow relished any opportunity to beat him up, or anyone really, he just happened to be her more regular punching bag.

They both stood at the ready, each waiting for the other to make a move. Kael threw his arms forwards, feigning attack. Only sign that Seriss fell for the ruse was a tensing her limbs; he smiled and she bared her teeth at him. For a moment each of them remained still. Then he took a step and Seriss shifted to follow the movement. He launched forward, stabbing towards her heart; as predicted she side-stepped the feint and batted at the spear, hitting only the wooden shaft and not the pointed steel head. He brought the spear around swinging blunt wooden end into her ribs even as she moved into the hit, dodging the initial assault. She took the impact on her leather-clad forearm at the last moment, grimaced, then threw herself back into the fight.
They continued this way for a while, a dangerous dance in which they reflected each other’s movements with their attacks. In hand to hand combat her skills were undeniably greater, but he had a size and strength advantage over her. Plus he had the spear.

The steel head sliced through the air as Seriss ducked and weaved, striking under his guard before retreating from the reach of the metal weapon. She was to brazen about the burn of metal but he knew it hurt her just like anyone else and she was constantly aware of where the blade was as they fought. He tried not to restrain his attacks, she wouldn’t appreciate it if she thought he was going easy on her, yet he still endeavoured to avoid actually touching her with the steel. Every blow he landed was with the wood of the spear.

Their movements grew faster as they fell into a rhythm. They dodged and weaved and blocked, and struck with furious speed and fluidity. Energy crackled along his skin and when Seriss deflected his next attack blue sparks arced from his skin to hers. She hissed and glared at him.

“Oops,” he shrugged.

A fiery kick to his hand and the spear went spinning. Flames spilled from Seriss’ clenched fists as she raised an eyebrow, “Oops.”

“Very hot,” he smirked at the double meaning and held his hands out surrender. She rolled her eyes and doused smothered the flames.

“So, Kael, is it really necessary to flirt with her while she's trying to beat you up?”

Lukai Thanros laughed. Kael had ignored the arrival of others in the training, taking his eyes off Seriss while sparring was hazardous to one’s health.

“Just, it makes you come off a tad...” Lukai continued.

“Desperate,” Rommel Kaiser offered, standing beside the Sentinel.

“Well, I was going to go with masochistic,” Lukai shrugged, “But that works too I suppose.”

“Rommel,” Kael left the mats and put an arm around the girl's waist. “My long haired beauty, I know your cruelty only because you’re hiding the fact that you, like so many women in the Skyguard, are secretly in love with me. But Lukai, mate, I didn’t know you swung that way!” He winked at the other man, jokingly.

“Tell you what. Instead of breaking any of your hearts, I’ll take you all out to eat. In the dining hall. Where the food's free. Who’s hungry?”

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Seriss smile. Just a little.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukai Thanross Character Portrait: Lillian Erskine Character Portrait: Kaeleb 'Kael' Balor Character Portrait: Seriss Krahen Character Portrait: Rommel Kaiser Character Portrait: Tiberius Saine
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Lukai ‘Luke’ Thanross

“Kael, I hate to tell you this, but I think you’re suicidal,” Lukai chuckled, “Seriously, you’re in enough danger from the girls here, don’t start widening your horizons.”

In actuality he loved Kael’s flirtatious nature; it was hilarious watching the reactions other people gave. Lukai was open for a laugh, and he wasn’t stupid enough to tell him to back off when most of the girls would probably take offence. Then beat his head in.

“Seriously, I’d keep an eye on that Seriss, you’d be in trouble if someone does decide to off him,” Lukai continued, the he glance over at Rommel and grinned, “So, do you want to train or do you want to go watch these to attempt to be civil. Keeping in mind that you’ve still got a slice of toast in your hand.”

He laughed as Rommel looked down at the toast in mild surprise. He loved having such an easy going sentinel, not that there was anything wrong with the other sentinels, Rommel was just a good match for him. They’d pretty much gotten along since day one.

Lillian Erskine

Lillian watched the other’s chat as she waited for Tiberius. She was used to going unnoticed, and didn’t really mind, she just didn’t think about it all that much. She turned when she heard Tiberius come back into the room, she knew better than to give him an opportunity to sneak up on her. He took the lash he was holding out to her.

He tended to carry the lash when they were flying bareback, it meant that they still had it if needed but Lillian didn’t have to put up with making adjustments to her flight because of it. It also meant they could stop and put it on or take it off if needed. Though few other people noticed it was one of the things that showed that Tiberius did take other people into consideration.

“So, we going for the usual routine?” she asked him quietly, already readying herself for magic use. Tiberius smirked as he pulled out his swords, affirming her suspicion. With a small smile she called upon her magic, breathing evenly as she saw the room twist slightly. It was a side effect she didn’t talk about, the way thing took on a strange form when she used her illusions. The room soon straightened, though it was still off in a way that had unnerved her the first time she’d done this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukai Thanross Character Portrait: Lillian Erskine Character Portrait: Kaeleb 'Kael' Balor Character Portrait: Seriss Krahen Character Portrait: Rommel Kaiser Character Portrait: Tiberius Saine
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#, as written by Cheat
Tiberius Saine

Tiberius handed over the lash with ease, he’d never been particularly fussed with it, one way or the other but Lillian did need to be able to fly with it if necessary. Her dragon form was built for speed and aerodynamics, not passenger stability. He’d adapted to that, of course, but that was beside the point.

Pulling his blades Tiberius watched Lillian begin, watching as she stepped further away from him, though not too close to the other people in the room, allowing more room for the attack. This was a fairly common training method for them. Tiberius got to practise his fighting while Lillian got to work on her magic endurance, she practised holding her illusions for longer and also worked on their complexity, making sure they seemed real. She gave a nod to show she was ready and her turned away, with just one quick glance over his shoulder.

“Let’s go full strength today,” he commanded, “We’ll be called in before you know it.”

He got a nod from Lillian and could see the determined spark in her eyes that was so easy to miss, and amazingly reminiscent of her dragon self. Then she was gone, the training room replaced by a ragged plan, surround by cliffs but with very little cover. He could hear animals and feel the sun’s heat beating on him. He tightened his grip, she was really going full strength today.

“Ok, let’s see what you’ve got,” he breathed, and the first figure leapt out at him.

Rommel Kaiser

“Hmm,” Rommel said, swallowing the bite of toast she’d just taken, grinning, a little guiltily, “We should probably get a bit of training in, and Kael, you’re a great, but if you want to keep your arm you should move it.”

She smiled the whole way through this, as was her usual demeanour, then took another bite of toast. In all honesty she enjoyed hanging out with these two, Kael was cool once you got used to the constant flirting and Seriss was pretty awesome, assuming she was angry with you. She could do with a little lightening up sometimes, but she was still awesome. On the other hand, she might not mind the flirting, and ultimately she didn’t have much care for personal space either, but sometimes it was just fun to threaten people.

She caught Lukai holding back laughter from the corner of her eye, and he grinned when he saw her looking. She made a face at him before returning her attention to Kael, ignoring her Vangaurd’s snort of laughter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Sisters Character Portrait: Lukai Thanross Character Portrait: Lillian Erskine Character Portrait: Kaeleb 'Kael' Balor Character Portrait: Seriss Krahen Character Portrait: Rommel Kaiser
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Agent
As Kael abandoned the sparring session to greet Thanross and Kaiser Seriss shook the last tingling sensation of mana from her hands and stretched her arms over head. She watched as Saine returned to his partner Erskine’s side. She’d seen the two enter earlier, even while fighting, and now she observed their training. Saine drew his sword and Erskine seemed to ready herself, after a moment the Vanguard struck at the air with his blade, beginning a series of fighting movements. Seriss suspected what was going on but decided to test her own abilities. She concentrated and opened her senses, expending a small amount of mana, until she felt the hum. The surface of the stone floor was smooth and solid against the soles of her feet, the current of energy ran through her connection with this ‘ground’. She translated the sensation in her mind, imagining the pulses of light the extending from the Sentinel and influence both her own and even more, her partner’s, sight. An illusion. Seriss closed the links for the Earth Bound spell and returned her attention to the Vanguards in front of her.

Apparently Kael was being his usual self; his arm draped around the waist of Rommel Kaiser.

“Kael, I hate to tell you this, but I think you’re suicidal,” Thanross chuckled, “Seriously, you’re in enough danger from the girls here, don’t start widening your horizons.”

Seriss didn’t mind Lukai Thanross. He was an easy going guy who tended to put up with Kael’s antics with a smile and a quip. Kael considered him a good mate, and she didn’t have anything to argue about on that matter.

“Seriously, I’d keep an eye on that Seriss, you’d be in trouble if someone does decide to off him,” Thanross continued. Seriss had no doubt that Kael’s flirtatious nature would get him into trouble, it had before, but he was pretty talented when it came to talking himself out of trouble.

Kael invited the pair to eat with them and Thanross turned to consult Kaiser.

Rommel Kaiser was another easy-going Vanguard. Seriss wasn’t always sure how to interact with other girls. Delphine, for example, seemed so young and sweet, it annoyed her for no particular reason. Worse was Irwin whom Seriss had little tolerance for. She just couldn’t stand for the girliness, or the adamant duty and honour attitude. Kael often played the role of a buffer, and persuaded Seriss over the years to be more generous as to when she kept her mouth closed. So any outright conflict had been thus-far avoided.

Kaiser, on the other hand, was someone even Seriss she could get along with. Rommel with her slice of toast and Thanross at her side had declined lunch, or late breakfast in Seriss’ case, in favour of training. The other Sentinel added, “
and Kael, you’re a great, but if you want to keep your arm you should move it.”

Yes, Seriss thought Kaiser was alright. Kael grinned wider but quickly retracted his arm while Thanross struggled to supress his laugher.

“Silly boy,” she scolded with a smirk, jabbing him in the ribs. “What use to me is a one-armed vanguard?”

“Aw, Rommel wouldn’t hurt me,” he place a quick peck on the top of the other girls head before quickly moving away lest his brazenness provoked her to fulfil her threat. “Much.”

Seriss shook her head. “Come along, before you really get yourself in trouble. I’m going to make you pay for food.” She nodded a goodbye to Kaiser and Thanross then walked away, knowing Kael wouldn’t be far behind.

The shops and stalls in the street were open and busy by this time of the day. People went about their work bustling and talking. There was movement, and sound and smells everywhere. But this was nothing compared the markets back in the desert city Seriss had grown up in. She wasn’t a people-person but she could deal with traders like a pro. She navigated the square with easy and Kael hurried to catch up with her. The calls of silk merchants and jewellers were ignored as she made a beeline for a hot food vendor. She hesitated in her mission when passing one particular stall.

“Tea?” Kael asked, looking over her shoulder.

“Yeah,” Seriss replied absently, looking over the stock.

“Shrivelled leaves in hot water?” he teased. She ignored him so he continued. “I much prefer the words ‘hot’ and ‘leaves’ when talking about a particular pair of lovely Skyguard sisters.”

Without looking up Seriss smacked his arm. “If you’re not careful you’ll be the one in hot water.”

She started haggling with the vendor when his breath tickled her neck. “Are you inviting me to help conserve water next time you take a nice hot bath?” he whispered into her ear.

Seriss jerked away, knocking over a cup of hot water and scrambling to right it while the vendor quickly moved to mop up the spill before it into the dries leaves. He handed over her purchase in a paper bag, and Seriss made sure to pay a little more than needed for the trouble. She then promptly stalked away from the stall not waiting to see if Kael could keep up.

Of course he could. Stupid tall person. “Come on, Seriss! You know I was joking.”

He laughed. She punched his arm.

“Buy me food and I’ll consider forgiving you,” she grumbled.

“Then spend my hard-earned money I shall!”

“Hard-earned, my foot!” she laughed. “Family money and Skyguard allowance!”

“Nevermind that, what would you like to spend it on?”

“Meat. Some idiot had me sparring on an empty stomach. Hungry dragon wants meat, Kael.”

“As you wish.”

And they went in search of food.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaeleb 'Kael' Balor Character Portrait: Seriss Krahen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Agent
The gold, silver and platinum seal pressed firmly against the skin of her palm as Seriss clutched the heated metal, light spilling between her fingers. Her eyes searched the hall with a sudden edge of desperation as she sought her vanguard among the others. For once most of the remaining Skyguard seemed to have decided to have breakfast at regular hours and within the keep, so it was a moment before her eyes fell upon the familiar figure. Kaeleb’s gaze was already on her, his hand rested over his heart where she knew he had his seal pinned to his shirt; the girl beside him that he’d been talking to a moment earlier suddenly forgotten.

They were finally being summoned.

His Skyguard seal was hot against his chest. Kael mumbled some apology to Clarisse as he left the girl to make his way across the hall; he’s eyes not leaving his partner who at a table with a plate of food forgotten in front of her. He could sense the wave of similar movement around him as conversations faltered in response to the summoning.

Seriss stood as he reached her side, “We need to go to the Knight Master’s court.”

“Yes,” he smiled; it was rare to see Seriss’ usual offhand demeanour replaced with excitement. And nervousness. “We do.”

He was a little nervous himself. He had faith in his partner’s abilities and his own, but this wasn’t going to be training anymore, this was the real deal, what they’d worked all these years to get to. Seriss wasn’t driven by the sense of responsibility and honour that some Skyguard were, but he didn’t doubt her loyalty. He’d joined because he’d grown up dreaming of being a Vanguard having listened to the tales of Skyguard heroes since he was a boy. She’d joined because she needed it. She might have authority issues but she’d recognised her need for discipline, training, and security; safety and understanding. Being part of the Skyguard meant different things to each of them but it was important to them both. Now they faced their final trial and there was that tiny nugget of doubt, fear of failure.

“Let’s go show them what we’re made of,” he said putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

She graced him with a brief soft smile of gratitude before putting on a more confident expression. “You mean what I’m made of. Don’t worry I’ll make you look good, just stand there and look pretty like usual,” she teased, refusing to acknowledge her fear any further.

“You think I’m pretty?” he teased back, pinching her.

She smacked at his hand, and they shared a tense laugh as they headed out of the hall towards the Knight Master’s court.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talyera Asimov Character Portrait: The Sisters Character Portrait: Altan Ganeshi Character Portrait: Eshe Summersong Character Portrait: Sephera Halsey Character Portrait: Azriel Kollure
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Azriel <^> Kollure

Waking up that morning Arziel stretched as per his routine. He did some slight exercises, pushups and the like, and finally headed over to his window to pull open the curtains. The outside air was cool and refreshing and the sun glistened on the horizon. Looking down at the town he spied Sid placing a sign outside hi shop and was transported back to the day Jerome and Rupert had left. Say and Lowa had arrived at the bakery that morning as well and shortly after they had entered the nonchalant and rather cheerful atmosphere turned.

As the Sylvan sisters had entered the bakery a small cough escaped behind Sid. His daughter Alicia had snuck from bed and come down the stairs. She was pale and wheezing with gasping breaths as she entered the bakery. “Daddy?” she barely squeaked out as she leaned against the wall for support. Sid went to her but before he could get any answers form her she collapsed. Her body was feverish, her face pale, and as they all gathered around her the tiny child let out a rasping and broken cough. The sound of it still echoed in Azriel’s ears.

Alicia’s cough brought Azriel back to his own childhood, in the western farmlands of Zepher. In that place there was a rare illness that afflicted the young called Rattling Cough. It was a truly dreadful plague that almost always resulted in death for those stricken by it. Unfortunately the only known cure for the illness was a rare herb found only in the north, far away from the west of Zepher where the illness existed.

It was his younger sister, Elizabeth, who was afflicted by this illness in his youth. He still remembered her fragile body shaking against the chills and how she was so hot to the touch he almost recoiled, but worst was that cough, the rasping and wheezing cough that would forever haunt his memory. The doctors said that even with their best medicines she would only last a few days at the most. He remembered the despair in his mother’s eyes when she heard this. But there was something else in his memory as well; a fire, a fire that was lit in his Father’s eyes. He’d rushed form their home immediately, taking a horse to the nearest city. It was another three days before his father returned, this time astride a flying beast. He’d rushed to the neatest city and found an old friend, a Sentinel he’d known inthe Skyguard, then they had flown nonstop to the north to find the herb. They’d arrived just in time to save his younger sister and to this day Azriel remembered both the sound of that terrible cough, and the name of that magical plant that saved his sister.

” Azriel had whispered to the others as Rupert rushed to get a doctor. Knowing that the sisters were well learned in herb lore Azriel asked the Sylvan sisters if they knew of where they could find this herb. He only knew of the far north of Zepher, near the border with Kalium, and it would take far too long to mobalize a team to gather such and herb at this point. He almost despaired as his mother had, but as Say looked to him he found a familiar fire in another’s eyes. The Garden within the Keep was home to a rich stock of nearly every herb in the world, from the most common of weeds to the rarest of flowers.

When he heard this Azriel moved swiftly asking Lowa for a lift to the Keep’s garden while requesting Say to what she could for the young child with the herbs that Sid had in the shop. No doubt Say wasn’t exactly happy with the arrangement of duties he had suggested but it was the best way, as they needed Lowa’s speed to reach the garden swiftly. Alicia had far less time than Elizabeth had had. The Sylvan dragon burst from the shop and shot into the air with Azriel astride, rushing to the garden. It was Lowa who had found the Herb and when they returned the doctor and Rupert had arrived. It did not take long once the cure was admitted for the child’s fever to lower and her breathing to ease. Sid’s gratitude could not be understated, and he was not along in that. It was their first major triumph as a team and the fact that the Sylvan sisters were still not yet deployed gave Azriel slight hope they might work with him and Seph on the Trial.

As he had said that morning, “I’d gladly fight with either of you any day, if you need anything just ask.”

Nine days passed since that morning with no word from the Knight Masters, which had Azriel and She on edge. There were now only two Prefect Teams Left, Eshe and Kirill and of course Sephera and himself. It was strange to think that the remaining teams would be split in two, a fact only he and the other Prefects were aware of, and sent off sooner than many probably thought. There were Nine teams left of the senior class, and soon another four or five would no doubt be gone. It was a sobering fact, and perhaps that was what had driven Azriel to take more to socializing than he already did. He wondered the Keep at all hours, speaking with everyone he met, aiding the younger teams of which there were around sixty or so in training and giving pointers to a group of rather rambunctious young third year Vanguards a few sword lessons to pass the time.

Damn it all, I’m getting restless waiting.

Of course maybe this new found flightiness was actually due more to Sephera’s demeanor as of late than his own personal concerns. Sephera was almost always found in the grand hall now, where they ate their meals every morning noon and night instead of circling around the city for fun, and she always sat with her face to one wall, the Living Wall. The wall is called Living because it changed daily as it had a shield placed upon it for every team deployed at that time, including those on Trials, and should communication be lost with a team a red cloth would be draped over their shield with the red being change to black if they were confirmed lost. Of the twelve shields embroidered with silver indicating they were of young teams on their trials four had her constant attention now. She had her books and was often surrounded by younger students and to most seemed as normal as could be, still lively and friendly, always ready to aid another, but to those who had known her for years they knew that something was off, and Azriel knew better than anyone.

As they sat there that morning eating breakfast her eyes were often glide up to the shield wall, staying focused on the display for several seconds longer than she normally would before returning to her meal. He knew exactly why and as she once again glanced up at the wall Azriel gave in and turned around himself, knowing full well what she was looking at. Four shields at the bottom right were covered in red cloth. He could not see the inscribed names upon them but he knew whose they were, he had watched them when they were hung first. Jerome and Rupert’s team had yet to check in.

He let out a held breath and turned to Seph again, determined to pull his partner form this funk, “Seph
Seph?” he paused before trying again, “Sephera
.hello, yoohoo!...” he snapped his fingers once trying to draw her gaze to no avail, “Seph!...SEPHERA!” he asserted far more harshly, causing her to jump and shake her head suddenly aware how she had spaced, “You okay?”

Sephera <^> Halsey

Seph’s mind was a blank slate right now. All she could do was remember days past, when Jerome had held her, when they’d gone flying, even their fights and arguments were fondly recalled now. She was rubbing her own hands together she stroking the back of one with another’s thumb, like he had always done. She’d taken to sleeping with one of his tunics too, ever since he’d left for his trial. Looking up from the table where she’d hardly touched her food she gazed intently at the second Shield from the bottom right, the red cloth seeming more like a cloaking of blood than a simple woven tapestry. In the back of her mind she heard a whisper against the increasing din of the buzzing in her heard, “-eph

She didn’t reply though, all her thought was focused on that sea of cold red that was so little and yet meant so much. Questioned fluttered in her brain; What could have stopped them reporting? What was the true purpose of their Trial? What could be so dangerous about retrieving a few heirlooms? “Se-era
-yooho-” that voice echoed in her mind again. No doubt it was the memory of Jerome’s voice, calling to her in her distant state. But as she desired less to think of the red and more to remember his voice she found the drone in her head receding and finally heard the voice in Earnest, “Seph?...” yes, that strong willed voice must be-“ SEPHERA!”

 that last one didn’t sound anything like Jerome

Startled Seph jumped a bit in her seat as she left her space subconscious state she had unknowingly entered and looked about her surroundings. Right! The Grand Hall
 of course
 how could I forget I was in the Grand Hall? she asked herself internally as she gathered herself, sweeping her fallen bangs behind her ears. She vaguely heard a question come from across the table. But as with her name being called she didn’t really hear it. who called my name again?

“Seph!” Azriel asserted one final time, finally drawing her eyes.

“Huh?” she questioned almost startled to see him there, “oh, right, sorry
 what were you saying?”

Azriel steadied his breathing as he looked at his partner, “I was asking if you were alright
. But since I know you’re not I’ll forgo your dismissive response.” He commented as he eaned further in towards her, “It’s alright Seph. Our contact network in Kalium is just really sparse, it only makes since that it would take them longer than expected to check in; look, which team scored higher in all events than anyone else our year?”

Seph let out a held breath, of course he knew, hell everyone probably does and is just too polite to mention it, and gave him a smile as she seemingly considered his words, “Yeah
 you’re right
 they probably just got held up.”

Azriel ground his teeth quietly for a moment as his jaw set, [iShe’s being bloody dismissive again![/i] but rather than push her yet he reached his hand across the tabel to take on of hers. His hands were rough, calloused and marked form all his training, while hers were supple and soft. It was the way of the Skyguard, if not by their dress you could tell a person’s job by their hands. She’d always liked how soft Jerome’s hands were, how their comforted her when he cupped her face. And yet Azriel’s hands provided just as much comfort to her now. Perhaps it was just their training and her ingrained trust in her Vanguard. No, it’s not ingrained trust in the system, it’s trust in him she thought.

Yet at that moment, just when she was about to break and come clean about her despairing worry both of their eyes were drawn to Azriel’s wrist. And to the shimmering seal that was located there. Looking up at each other all their prior conversation halted as both went into pure Guard mode, they stood as one with Azriel grabbing his bastard sword and claymore he’d had by his side for sword practice later and Sephera shoving her books into her pack. Standing up several of the younger teams watched them with admiration but they weren’t what the duo was looking for. Both Azriel and Sephera were scanning the Grand hall, trying to see which other teams had received the summons; there was the team of Seriss and Kael, then Talyera and Altan as well.

Azriel though, just how many will be joining us? as he glanced about to see who else had been summoned. Luke and Rommel, Lillian and Tiberius, and then there were others too. All told it looked as if every senior in the room had gotten a summons right them. Instinctually both Sephera and Azriel headed from the Grand Hall with purpose, though as they pass the Living Wall Azriel noted a stuttering step that Seph took near the right edge of the shields. He’d leave it for now though. Looking to those nearby who were moving to the courtyard he thought back to the Hall. He had seen Eshe and Kirill at some point that morning but now that he thought about it they had left the Hall earlier, probably for a flight or something. Too bad, I’d have liked to talk to Eshe before leaving. Maybe I’ll see her around before we take off though

Leaving the Grand Hall with those that were also there in mass the duo headed to the courtyard at the central gate, the boundary between the Academy and the Skyguard Keep. It was very rare for anyone not in their senior year to enter these gates and the Keep beyond. Seph still recalled her first time through the gates when she was in her fifth year. Once at the courtyard they saw that this was already an odd calling before ever they entered the Court. Standing with them before the massive gates was a most unexpected sight, Eshe and Kirill, the only remaining Prefects; meaning that the remaining members of their year must also have been called. Azriel’s first thought was, why would they send all of us at once on one mission? but as Seph had already reasoned in her own mind and now was whispering to her partner, “They must be dividing us into two squads at once.” Azriel nodded.

“I guess they want all of us
 should we wait for the others?” he asked those currently assembled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talyera Asimov Character Portrait: The Sisters Character Portrait: Altan Ganeshi Character Portrait: Eshe Summersong Character Portrait: Sephera Halsey Character Portrait: Azriel Kollure
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#, as written by Ivisbo

Scipio never woke up on time.

He was a late riser, he loved sleeping, and therefor his body never rose when the sun did. Usually, he had to rely on Silveria to wake him, but today with little imp of a girl did not appear like normal. He awoke instead to a bright, glowing light right near his face. Thinking it was the sun streaming in through his open window, Scipio rolled over with a grunt and burried his face into his goose feather pillow.

But wait...hadn't he closed the window last night for this exact reason? He hated waking up to the sun in his face, so he had drawn the black out curtains and....

Scipio shot out of bed, his eyes immediately landing on his glowing seal. With a string of curses he rushed around his room, throwing on his usual loose white shirt and dark leather breeches tucked into leather boots. He fell, twice, in the process, his mind in a frenzy as he realized they were finally being called.

Where the hell was Silveria?

Scipio took a moment in front of the mirror to fix his bed head, hoping to calm it down somewhat so he didn't look like such a mess when he showed up a tad late. But, the locks seemed to not want to agree with him today, so he just ruffled them more (hoping it looked like he was going for that look) and rushed out the door. Halfway down the hall he realized he had forgotten his damned Seal and ran back, snatching the heated badge quickly before exiting once again.

He reached the open courtyard just behind Sephera and Azriel, glad that he wasn't actually late but on time. If he arrived behind a prefect, surely he was fine....meaning now he had to worry about Silveria. The little Sentinel usually did what she was told, but sometimes she had to be corralled in if she was off doing her thing. Just as he was about to turn and head back into the Citadel to look for her, Silveria popped up by his elbow.

Scipio gave a startled jump and glared down at the Sentinel, but at her cheesy grin his face relaxed into a grateful smile. Damned girl was going to be the death of him someday.

Silveria and Scipio stood next to each other as they awaited information on the gathering, Scipios eyes wandering towards the direction of the lake and Silveria twirling her light blue hair excitedly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Eshe Summersong Character Portrait: Kaeleb 'Kael' Balor Character Portrait: Seriss Krahen
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#, as written by Agent
“Well, you lot have been Patient. Are you all ready to see the Masters?”

“Yes!” breathed Seriss through gritted teeth.

Kael chuckled, and he was not the only one, “Patient is not quite the word I would use.”

Some sat, some stood, some paced. Kael leant against the wall with his fingers laced over his flat stomach; flirting with the present company only served as a worthwhile pastime for so long before they eventually told him to bug off, or he got bored. Seriss was sitting against the wall beside him picking dirt from under her nails with a small carved wooden blade she’d had in her boot. Why the girl deigned to carry a weapon was beyond him when she could unleash talons and fangs on a whim. At least she was wearing boots today. Something about the crispness of the morning and heating the air being a waste of mana and heating the skin making the cold worse like a having a fever.

“Do you think we will have to make formal introduction when we report?” Kael asked no one in particular as they all milled about in the courtyard.

“Like what?” Seriss inquired.

“Like, Kaeleb of the house of Balor, son of Enrick son of Dermir, heir to Westmount Hall

“Didn’t you renounce your claim to the inheritance when you joined the Guard?”

“Not really. I may not be my father’s only child but I am his only son. He was disgruntled by my leaving the household but deemed a position in the guard honourable enough a vocation not to disinherit me. If I do not return to make my claim the hall would fall either to my little sister, or to my father’s brother’s son, my cousin. Or I can appoint a reagent and still claim ownership while remaining in the service of the Guard.” Kaeleb slid down the took a seat next to his partner."

“Huh. Sounds complicated to me.” The volume of her voice dropped, “My introduction would be, Seriss of the house of that-tiny-little-apothecary-in-that-city-in-Lorthus, natural daughter of Meganna. Heir to nothing.”

“Wouldn’t it be Serissa
?” he teased, avoiding the more painful topics in her statement.

“Shut it. On every page of paper I have ever signed since I could write my name has been Seriss.”

“What of your father’s fortune?”


“Sorry, yes, I forgot. Step-father’s?”

“Alas for elder step-brothers. First to inherit by blood and age and gender.”

“Not everyone holds to the old rules of inheritance.”

“I will not rely on inheritance. I have survived without riches thus far, and can continue to do so. I will live ‘til I die upon the generosity of the Guard, and upon the rewards of my own labour. Or until I get bored, abandon my human skin for good and fly as far as my wings will carry me.”

They remained silent for a while.

“I don’t think formal introduction will be necessary, we’ve been here seven years after all.” Kaleb murmured. Seriss got to her feet, tucking her knife back in her boot.

“How long are they going to keep us waiting?” she was back on the defensive. Nothing made her more grouching than feeling like she’d revealed some vulnerability, even to him after all these years. To one of few she had revealed her history to before.

“I mean, we could be training, or resting. Do I have time to fetch a book or something, or do you think we will actually be let in some time soon? If they weren’t ready to receive us they shouldn’t have called us. Or if they’re waiting for all of us to all be present, they should have just let us in when we first arrived and let the late-comers reap the consequences of their tardiness.”

“Firstly, take care how speak, little bird. Secondly, you can’t talk of tardiness, remember that first year when you overslept and then got lost despite your ‘keen dragon sense of direction’ and ended up arriving to that lesson as we were being dismissed to lunch.”

She waved a hand dismissively but her complaining ceased and she continued to pace in silence. Kaeleb sighed.

“Hey Eshe dear,” he called turning his attention to one of the other occupants of the courtyard. “Have I said how ravishing you’re looking today?”

“Patient is not the word I would use.”

Seriss scowled briefly at her partner and at the amused older knights but then turned her attention forward. Having them at her back made her edgy, and she tried to keep a sense of where they stood and moved, but the doors were before her now and the Masters were just beyond them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talyera Asimov Character Portrait: Altan Ganeshi Character Portrait: Kaeleb 'Kael' Balor Character Portrait: Seriss Krahen
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Fortunately Altan didn't run anyone over, but he did trip on his feet once during the undignified rush through the halls. Talyera caught up to him then and sighed. She probably shouldn't have stirred him up with the comment on being late. Of course they weren't late, because they answered the call immediately. "I'm sorry," she whispered and offered a hand to help him up. He didn't really need it, though. Almost as soon as he went down, he got back to his feet and kept going without a word.

Only once he reached the gate did the awkward Lorthian stop and look back to his partner. Her face was a little pink only from the effort of keeping up with his longer stride and the fact he'd been running straight out the whole time it took to get here. Altan flushed a little himself realizing it. What if...? No! He couldn't think of that. She did always warn him to be careful and he didn't always listen. He didn't listen this time, but she also took the risk of wearing herself down by chasing him at speed. It might make the trial harder, but they could do it. They HAD to. This is the reason he was born and she chose to accompany him in that destiny.

Talyera put her hand on his arm. Both took deep breaths and straightened up as the gates creaked open. Beyond the gate, her green eyes bounced all around the room and she let go of Altan, who also seemed to be trying to take everything in. Her fingers twitched, but she used that restlessness to smooth out non-existent wrinkles or wipe invisible specks of dust off her clothing. She couldn't allow herself to be distracted right now. Altan also did preening of his own as they walked to the inner doors.

They stopped and stood at attention in front of the guards as the elder knights around them grew silent and converged on the students. That was uncomfortable and Talyera certainly couldn't blame Seriss for being a little agitated, even if it wasn't the best face to show the Masters. The Masters! They were finally going to see the Masters!

Despite her nerves, Lyra did chuckle a little at Kael's remark, though she remained at attention. Even if she didn't spend a lot of time with Seriss and Kaeleb, she could imagine what he referred to, since Altan fell in the same category. Was it a Lorthian thing or a Sentinel thing?

Altan ignored Kaeleb's comment completely. He was paying attention to the guard's question and gave him a respectful salute and nod. This is truly what he was born for, and he was definitely ready.