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Chase Lorrey

"Hey, dude!" Looks around. "Oh, I gotta go!" Runs off.

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a character in “Something New”, as played by PBJayRich


Name: Chase Lorrey
Age: 17
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 190lbs
Species: Risen Demon
Role: The Indiffrent
Appearance: Usually wears a jacket or a hoodie. He might not look like what you'd think demons would look like, but he is one. A risen one at least.




Likes: Rap music, girls, living on the most part, the world
Dislikes: Country music, being a "risen demon", the people in the world
Strengths: His mind is his biggest strength. He lets his mind wander all the time. Ask him a simply question, he'll give a complex answer. Give him a complicated question, he'll give you a simply complex answer.
Weaknesses: The people he cares and loves. If there in trouble, he'll do anything to help them, even sell his soul.
Personality: Chase has a complex personality. To be simply, he cares for only the people he loves. He would kill anyone who would try to hurt them.
History: Chase has done a lot of bad things. He's also done a lot of good things. Now, he spends the rest of his days on earth helping people, trying to get into heaven. But, that's hard considering the fact that most of the people he helps needs him to kill someone. So, now he's stuck.

So begins...

Chase Lorrey's Story


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Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale
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"I've also heard of them. I like to know a little more like..." Chase added to the convocation then paused. "Like, is it actually real?" He added with a half sarcastic voice and a small smile. Then, he went back to looking at the menu, seeming quite bored. The girl that came up to them looked quite odd as well. When Chase looked around and saw that everyone had left and the people behind the counter had crossed their hearts, he did get quite suspicious. "Who are you?" He asked the odd girl that mentioned the voice, the psychotic woman and the golden child. "And why did everyone leave when you came in?" He added. He stared intensely at the odd girl, his eyes starting to narrow as he waited for a response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale
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"This is stupid." Liv whines obnoxiously. She's been feeling faint for the past few days, before meeting up with these other runaways. Sure, she's heard of the Golden Child, and all of that. What else could it be but a myth? Or even some strange delusion that, in the end, has no actual bearings on real life. Chase and Hannah were talking to the strange one. Bay Gale. In truth, Liv felt some sort of curiosity; an urge to speak to her. But inside, she's simply afraid.

What's the point? They'll probably ignore me.

"Of course it's not real." Liv muttered under her breath, with a scowl hidden under the hood of her sweater. "Just wanted a safe place to stay."

She took a bite out of a chocolate cake that had been left behind by the customers that had gone already. Her eyes seemed to gleam with a ravenous sort of hunger as she wolfed down the scrumptious and oddly tart-like cake. It was gone too fast, and the persistent threat of fainting is still in the corner of her consciousness. Liv shakes her head wearily, trying to hide any signs of fatigue as she surveys the conversation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale
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"Yes yes I can" Bay smiled at the sweet girl taking the seat looking around before taking notice of the two who had spoken, "Of course its real." She laughed beofre remembering the other question. "You really have to ask the hardest questions first?" She said to the boy who had spoken. "Ok so my story starts a long time ago, the same time the Voice first showed up here. Long ago there was a circus that came to this town, when it did the voice fell in love with the daughter of the ringmaster, His name was Robert Gale. His daughter was Tabaytha, she was called Bay. Little did she knew she had attracted the voice, before he/she was the voice just a mere supernatural. So one day during Bays act she fell because the barhad been greased then sense she hadnt died already they broke her neck when she was being taken to the nearest hospital. Later, the voice started getting attached to other women. It made them do really bad things, I mean really bad things, he had them kill their husbands, childern torture animals things like that. Recently though a young house mom attracted his attention but she was strong willed and refused to do what he ordered, and she was cursed to change what she loved the most, cared about the most or wanted the most to gold. Laughing at him she walked away and huged her daughter. SHe was changed to gold, the Mom screamed and cried and babbled about the Voice the police, being normal humans, sent her to the crazy bin and the statue that they were unsure about went to the cities museum. " She said her voice had gone into an odd hypnotic state but when it happened she lost her consentration on her physical form becoming ghostly and a shimmering form in her circus outfit and stage make up. "Incase you hadnt realized it, im the circus girl, the rigleaders daughter. The first victim of the Voice, well first victim in this town. Umm give me a second..." she said and she rippled becoming solid her pervious outfit coming back. "So my dears what are you?" SHe said senseing that they wernt human.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale
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Hannah's eyes had teared up at the tragic tale. "That poor, poor woman. That's awful- to accidently kill the one you love and cherish the most... What morbid thing to suffer through!" Plus now there was a mysterious Voice that made young women do horrable, murderous, wretched things to the ones they loved or cared for? That was awful! Hannha's heart ached for the unknown female victims and she felt intensely sad, wondering how they felt after such attrocious types of turmoil. She was especially sad for Bay. To die like that... Hannha shuttered, sure that she wouldn't have taken so kindly to death. "I... I am so sorry hear that Bay. You must have been mortified when you figured out you had died." Hannah said, sounding sorrowful. Then a determined look crossed her face, lingering in her eyes that had held greiving not a moment ago.

"We've got to find this Voice thing and dispose of him. Or it. Or whatever. There is no way in all the world I'm gonna stand around while I know this is happening! Right guys?" she looked at the others, the thoughts that maybe they didn't feel the same not even crossing her mind. But Bay's next question caught her completely off guard. "So my dears what are you?" Bay asked, looking expectantly at Hannah's friends who shared the table. Also, on the edge of the surprise, there were two other emotions Hannah had not counted on feeling: embarressment and excitement. Embarressment because, well, though some of the others were totally awesome, Hannah was a fairly average human being. The other emotion, the excitement, Hannah couldn't really explain. It indicated that something more was in her, but of course Hannah was fairly certain there wasn't. "Just a kindly little girl," Hannah said, putting her hands in the air about the height of her shoulders as if surrendering, sitting back in her chair once again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale
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Chase nodded, showing that he accepted the story. Then, when he heard Bays question about what everyone else was, he looked down to his feet with shame. Yes, chase was quite ashamed of what he was. "I'm what some may call a…" He paused and looked up a moment then looked back down, shaking his head. "A risen demon." He continued, looking up and putting his elbows on the table. "I'm too good for hell yet not good enough for heaven." He explained a bit as he pulled the hood of his jacket over his head. He angled his head downward where you couldn't see his eyes but could see the bottom half of his face, from the middle of his nose to his chin and in between, rather well. "What are you guys? I'm sure it ain't as bad as what I am." He asked quietly. He was obviously in denial. He didn't like what he was. It's like how he was when he was in school. Too smart and nice to hang with the bad kids yet too mean and obnoxious to hang with the goodies. "I'd be okay if I was a demon o if I was an angel. At least I'd have a crowd to hang with." He said aloud to himself. Starting to would like a rambleing idiot. Or a bubblely airhead always saying how they feel and thinking out loud. I guess that's just one of the bad thing about being Chase. Sometimes you seem like the one that has it all together but inside, your just a messed up man.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale Character Portrait: Matthew Pawlak
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Matt listened quietly at the exchange between the stranger and his companions. He knew there was something strange about Bay the moment she walked into the diner; her scent was... too old for her looks, almost rustic. He had tensed up when she mentioned the voice, woman, and child, for he had heard of all three. Just rumors, of course. Only when the dreams started did Matt begin to feel they were something more. But, they were only dreams, right?

After Chase answered, Matt finally looked up, making eye contact with the others for the first time since entering the diner.

"Well, you've got us, right?" he said to the risen demon, giving him a small smile. He hadn't yet told the others what he was. At the time, Matt hadn't seen much of a point in doing so, but now it seemed he'd be spending more time with this group of tramps than he had originally imagined.

"I-I'm a werewolf," Matt said, "You know, monster at the full moon, all that jazz..."

He didn't have much else to say about himself. Instead, he looked over at Bay.

"You're dead," he said rather bluntly, "So that would make you a... ghost?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale Character Portrait: Matthew Pawlak
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Hannah glanced at the others, surprise evident on her face. So Bay had sensed that her friends were in fact supernaturals, probably because she herself was one. Hannah would have never suspected them of anything abnormal unless they showed it or did what they had just done, coming right out and admitting it. She almost felt left out, which or course was very silly. Besides; it was not like her to covent things other people had. She preferred to be thankful for what she did not have and happy for those who had more. For those who had less; well, it was fairly self-explainitory. 'So, Matt is a werewolf, which is pretty cool. Chase is a demon, which is sort of frightening in itself but still that is also really cool. And Bay is a ghost who was killed by this Voice thing...' Hannah thought to herself, her eyes falling upon Olivia who was polishing off some cake left by one of the dinners who had exitted upon Bay's entrance. If the others were special, Olivia probably had something neat about her too! Hannah again felt the small surge of envy but it passed quickly and was replaced with a little, gnawing feeling of excitement which Hannah couldn't explain.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale Character Portrait: Matthew Pawlak
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Olivia looked around, after finishing off the chocolate cake. It was scrumptious, but now her mind was clearer to examine everyone around her. Supernatural people. That's what they're all talking about. A ghost, a werewolf, and a demon. Olivia locked eyes with Hannah, and she narrowed her face into an angry glare. Liv had a strange feeling about this girl, and it sent chills up her back. Or maybe it was simply her... her apparent normalcy in the face of all these other 'freaks'.

I'm one, too.

Liv made a little grimace as she moved a hand, swirling it in the air in a graceful arc. From the movement, a large black shadow formed, blasting a hole in one of the nearby tables. It made a large cracking sound as the wood and sawdust flew from the impact. Liv put a hand to her head, fighting off the headache, before smirking wildly at her companions.

"I'm something that rhymes with bitches." Liv giggles to herself, gazing at everyone in the group, and Hannah in particular. "Hannah, why are you even here? You've got nothing special."

Her comment was punctuated by a vindictive gleam in her eye. She always felt powerful in hurting others. Just the way Burke undoubtedly felt powerful for doing the... the things he did. It's a dog eat dog world, and everyone's out for themselves. Olivia learned that the hard way. She hoped that her words bit hard into Hannah, feeling cruel yet justified at the same time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Matthew Pawlak
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"Is it fun being a werewolf?" Chase asked Mat. It's probably way better then being what I am. He thought to himself and paused for a reply before turning his attention to Olivia. "Let's see then. Snitch. Itch. Glitch. Witch. Your a witch!" Chase said to Olivia with a slight smile and a little laugh. This kid. He thought to himself. He found the way she said what she was funny. He paused for a reply then turned his attention to Hannah. "You sure you ain't nothing?" He asked with a slightly confused look on his face. Chase could tell she wasn't just any ordinary girl. He didn't want to guess what she might be, but she could be anything. Then he started thinking what it must be like for the others being what they are. He would just die to try, but, of course he can't do that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale Character Portrait: Matthew Pawlak
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"Hannah, why are you even here? You've got nothing special." Olivia said, her words full of spite. Hannah was a little taken back by her venom, but decided not to think much of it. She had never be the one to take things personally and she certainlly wasn't going to change that. "Watch yourself, Olivia. I'm not kidding," Matt said protectively, and Hannah felt grateful for his defensive words. "I just feel like I need to try and help this woman." Hannah said gently, trying to answer Olivia's question without bringing on more hatred. Then, almost as an after thought she said softly, "Somehow..." "You sure you ain't nothing?" Chase asked her and Hannah turned to him. "I guess. Sometimes I want to be, or even feel like I'm something more but..." she shrugged lamely, "As you can see there's nothing all that special about me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale Character Portrait: Matthew Pawlak Character Portrait: Jenks Marks
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Bay looked at the witch for a long time, "Dont worry we wont hate you like the people in your past." It was a sharp and cutting comment, it was ment to hurt like hers to Hannah was ment to, "And Hannah is special, pure..." Bay hinted with a look that told the others she had known what they were before they had told her. "Anyways...Anything else you want to know?" She said with a bright smile, "Oh...Im hungry...I want ice cream" SHe looked over at the waitress who heard her and was hurring to get the ice cream. Frowning it was obvious that Bay felt bad that the woman was so scared of her. "Never mind guys I think I should leave... Meet me a the circus tent, ask the locals they will show you the way." SHe whispered her head ducked, she wanted to cry and she was fighting her instinct to. Forcing herself to look up she smiled, "Remember your special, Pure, good, innocnet." She used key words to hint heavenly or angelic without saying it when she whispered in Hannah's ear and she stood up streaching.


Jenks had sat quitely during the whole conversation, "Fallen angel" He murmered though he doubted anyone would hear him, he looked at Hannah and knew she was what he use to be, an angel. Pure as they came and he frowned, it hurt to be near her. Looking at the wicked little witch he laughed, she was cute and devious. Perfect. Looking at the cute ghost girl he frowned when she got upset, looking around he reailized why, the cook and waitress was terrified of her. Not them who were runaways that looked human, they didnt even blink the the witches game of 'destroy the tables'. No they put ghost with evil and probably assumed the blast was from her. Poor ghost. Jenks thought and munched on a cold fry.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale Character Portrait: Alice Airan Character Portrait: Matthew Pawlak
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Hannah bit her lip as a cutting comment was made to Olivia. She didn't want a conflict starting. She could handle an insult or two- honest! She was glad when Bay said: "Oh... I'm hungry... I want ice cream." Hanna watched as a waitress practically ran away at Bay's comment, wether to get her the food or just get away, Hannah couldn't quite tell, though she preferred to believe it was to get the ice cream. "Never mind guys I think I should leave... Meet me a the circus tent, ask the locals they will show you the way." Bay said, and Hannah could tell she was about to cry, making Hannah's heart ache for her. But before she could ask Bay to stay, Bay leaned down and whispered in her ear: "Remember: you're special, pure, good, innocent..." Bay seemed to have a little theme going and Hannah feel mildly flattered. She felt good knowing that Jesus was shining in her even in this moment and smiled slightly. Many things she had been told she was angelic, but she didn't let it go to her head. She was a human; nothing more and nothing less, though once in a while...

Hannah shook her head to clear her whimsical thoughts away. When Jenks spoke up she smiled. A fallen angel- that was very interesting! He was an angel once, though she didn't think on the fact he'd been cast out from Heaven. She considered asking him what Heaven was like, but refrained as a question like that could be offensive and she didn't want to start any kind of trouble. "Hey Bay," she said, "Hold on a minute. Before you leave..." Then Hannah walked over to the counter and ordered an ice cream cone to-go, paying for it and walking over to Bay with it. "Here!" Hannah smiled, handing the ice cream to Bay. Suddenly she heard a noise outside of the resturant like an expiring car. Glancing out the window she saw a girl trying to start a car desperately and frowned. Hanah didn't know much about mechanics, but still maybe she could help in some way.

"Just a minute," she said, quiet but loud enough her friends could hear her before turinng and walking out the door, heading over the the car where the girl seemed to be working on the engine under the hood. She had intense red hair and seemed to be in a hurry to leave, looking like she was on edge about something. "Um, hey," Hannah greeted with a small and kind smile, "Are you okay? Do you need any help?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Vic Jenkins Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale Character Portrait: Alice Airan
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Of course. All those innocent people, the naive little girls who think that everything is going to be alright; that everything’s okay. And of course everyone seems to take her side. The untamed beast- where's his dumb collar, anyways? He needs a leash. Or that demon, two cowardly to even have gone to hell, poking fun at her. Olivia scrutinized the ghostly Bay and Hannah. Hannah the sugary sweet princess. The 'good' girl. Liv thought bitterly about Burke and what she had to do to live there, and she felt revulsion wash all over her- cold self-disgust. And yet... this... this Hannah seems to have had a perfect life. Spoiled, and optimistic. Olivia bit back a scoff about how the real world would disappoint her. But she decided in the end that she didn't really care if Hannah could deal with reality or not.

I wish that...- no. Don't think that!

The ghost; the girl who had died before her time, Liv had a feeling that she'd band with Hannah. The nice one. But... how exactly did Bay know? How did she know about Burke and about her ex-family? Was she there, watching, the whole time? Olivia made a mental note to remember that, and was brought out of her reverie when the waitress rushed to get ice cream- in a blind panic.

"Special, pure, innocent, good." Bay had said to Hannah. The girl that had nothing special about her whatsoever.

The fallen angel, shying away from most of the conversation- for some reason, Olivia felt no hostility emanating from her when she gazed at him. She only felt small curiosity. That made her raise her eyebrows, but she quickly hid it with a malicious smirk and watched as the ghost left, with instructions to the circus tent. On the way out of the pitiful diner, what the heck? They're all so afraid. And destroying stuff is fun. Killjoys., Olivia noticed a read headed girl working on a car. She looked at it for a while, feeling a strange thought travel through her head. That car- it'd be really useful. Olivia could steal it, use it to travel without getting fatigued from walking too much. But how would she get it?

Knew I should've studied on teleportation before they exiled me.

And then, the most irritating thing. Hannah, innocent angelic girl that she is, walked up the the read head and offered help! Seriously? Is she really so idiotic that a weathered mechanic girl would need help from someone like... like her? Fuming, Olivia approached the demon boy and greeted him with an ill-mannered frown.

"So. What's your story, demon? Why aren't you in hell where you belong?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Vic Jenkins Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Alice Airan Character Portrait: Matthew Pawlak
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Hannah smiled at the girl, very glad to be of assistance. "Yeah, sure! Hold on a sec, I'll go ask if my friends know anything about fixing cars." She walked back in the dinner and over the the table where her friends were sitting, looking at them. "Um, do any of you happen to know anything about cars?" she gestured to the redhead girl outside the widow before turning back to them, "Her car sort of broke down and she has no idea how to fix it. Can any of you help? Please?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Vic Jenkins Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Alice Airan Character Portrait: Matthew Pawlak
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Chase looked at Olivia when she asked about his story and called him "demon". "Well, they kicked me out of hell because they said I was 'Too Good' for hell. I guess I didn't have wrong enough motives when I killed a few people back in the day. And I can't go to heaven because I'm not a 'Goodie-Goodie', like someone we know." He said in a slightly sarcastic voice and the last part in a hushed voice referring to Hannah. He doesn't even know why but he always ends up picking sides when two people he knows has bad blood between them and he always picks the side that tries starting stuff all the time.

When Hannah came up and asked if anyone knew about cars, Chase stood up and said "I worked at a garage not that long ago. I can take a look." He still had his hood up and put his hands in his pockets as he waited for Hannah to lead the way.


Vic was walking along the road. Honestly, he had no idea where he was going. He noticed he was walking up to an old dinner and saw a broke down car with a red head girl by it. He recognized the girl and walked right by without an other word. He didn't feel like messing with someones dumb old car. He walked into the dinner, black jacket on and hood up wearing a pear of black skinny jeans and some black converse with some silver safety pins attached to them. His hair looked like it shouldn't be surround by all that black and gave a very steep and different contrast. His hair was as white as snow. When he walked into the dinner he saw a group of people at a table. They all looked around the same age, except for one girl that like way younger than the rest of them. He went and ordered him a smoothie then sat down at one of the tables on the opposite side of the dinner and watched the table with all the kids at if.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Alice Airan
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Hannah listened to Chase's story with fansination. It made sense now that she thought about it: fallen angel vs risen demon. She almost laughed, but that would have been rude. She didn't manage to hear the last sentence in his story but smiled at Chase when he mentioned he used to work at a garage and would be willing to help. "Okay, great! Thank you," she said, then turned and walked out the door, leading the risen demon out to where the on-edge looking girl was looking under the hood of her broken down car. "Here we are," Hannah said, tapping the red headed girl on the shoulder to get her attention motioning to Chase, "Chase knows how to fix cars and came to take a look. Oh yeah, and I'm Hannah!" she said with a smile. "What's your name?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Vic Jenkins Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Alice Airan
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As Alice waited for the kind brunette girl, she thought she saw somebody she knew walking by. His face was extremely familiar, but she didn't know what his name was. In the town where Alice lived, it seemed as if strangers' faces were recycled over and over again. She probably knew him from school, but then again, she wasn't sure.

When the brunette tapped on her shoulder, Alice snapped out of her thoughts. The girl motioned to a boy standing next to her.
"Chase knows how to fix cars and came to take a look. Oh yeah, and I'm Hannah!" she said with a smile. "What's your name?"
Alice made a light smile as she said to the girl, "I'm Alice. Salutations, Hannah and Chase."

Alice looked again at the boy standing next to Hannah. Alice didn't want to waste this guy's time.
"Right, so, it started to make these weird sounds, and then all of a sudden it just stopped. It wasn't out of gas or anything...."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Alice Airan
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"Well, they kicked me out of hell because they said I was 'Too Good' for hell." Chase said, as they were both watching Hannah and red head. Chase seemed to shake his head slightly before his next sentence, but Olivia felt a small kinship with him, in a way. But not enough to let down her facade, she she remained silent, interested in his story.

"I guess I didn't have wrong enough motives when I killed a few people back in the day. And I can't go to heaven because I'm not a 'Goodie-Goodie', like someone we know." Chase finished, and he appeared to be somewhat shrugging, speaking in a hushed, quiet voice. Olivia knew very well who he was referring to- that infuriating goody goody, Hannah. Then, speak of the devil, Hannah approached the two of them, asking if anyone had experience with cars.

Don't you get it? I don't like you.

Olivia glared at both Chase and Hannah when he offered to help out, and they both walked to the car, and they started conversing. Olivia idly walked in front of the car, trying to distract herself from these petty annoyances, sending a spike of ice into an old rundown building, shattering one of the windows completely. She muttered something quietly, angrily, and went into her thoughts.

Okay. Okay, concentrate. A dog. Think of a dog... and... and then...

Olivia tried, but eventually failed to conjure a dog out of nothing, and a strange furry lump materialized in front of her. Olivia started swooning with exhaustion, and her head was pounding furiously. So she sat down on the road, both hands pressed to the sides of her head, willing the pain away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Alice Airan
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Hannah heard a shattering noise and looked up as a window practically blew up. She noticed ice had materialized over the empty and broken window pane and thought of how odd; it was not cold at all. Where had the ice come from? Then glanced over at Olivia as she seemed to be being to focusing on a small, brown, fuzzy lump that looked like a puppy... of some sort. Hannah almost said something about how impressive Olivia's powers were when her friend seemed to almost loose her balance and stepped out into the road. Then, just like that, she sat down in the middle of the road, her hands on her head as if she was in pain. Hannah frowned; she hated to see those around her in pain. She was just about to walk over and ask if Olivia was alright or if she wanted some water or something when out of the corner of her eye Hannah saw a large, blurred shape speeding towards them.

It was a red car and it was heading directly for Olivia and seemed to have no intention of stopping. But the oddest thing was: there was absolutly no one in it! The car almost seemed to be steering itself and it notically speed up as it drove directly for Olivia who sat in the middle of the road. Chase and Alice were too destracted with the car to notice, Olivia was suffering a headache, and the others were inside. 'It's goning to hit Olivia!' Hannah thought, terror striking through her body, 'Dear God, it's going to hit Olivia! Hannah hesitated for a split second before she sprinted towards her friend. "Olivia! Look out!" Hannah cried, lunging foreward and shoving Olivia out of the way of the car, making her roll to the sidewalk, saftly out of the car's way.

In the short instant between pushing Olivia and impact, Hannah glanced at the speeding car. Now there seemed to be a faint image of a man, grinning wickedly. His and Hannah's eyes locked before he vanished again, just like that and Hannah felt a sharp pain in her side. She didn't even have time to cry out in pain as the car's bumper slamed into Hannah's ribcage and sent her flying a small ways down the street. The moment the car made impact it halted and Hanah slowly rolled to a stop a couple feet away. There seemed to be a small, almost unnoticable trail of white feathers leading to where Hannah lay motionless on her back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Vic Jenkins Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale Character Portrait: Alice Airan
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Bay felt a tug then, whooosh, She was pulled to the group leaning over in ghostly form she coughed up ghostly silver blood. "Please please tell me you guys didnt pull me back." She said inbetween coughs before seeing the driverless car, "Shit, who was it trying to hit! TELL ME!" SHe said as she started to yell her ghostly form glowed bright red and yellow showing fright and anger. "Told you were pure." SHe said as a side comment to Hannah before looking a fainted Olivia... Sighing she reformed a solid body, "Chase, Being a risen demon is a good thing or else you would have burned up from being near Hannah...Oh GOD this HURTS..." SHe screamed, being pulled from one place to the next with out warning can pull a ghost a part. Bay kept flickering, "Somone really wants me to die for real so you guys cant destroy them..." Hinting the Voice was the cause of this. "Good to see you Alice." Naming the City kid, the ones who were supernatural. Most supernaturals of the city knew Bay, hard not to when the best known hangout even for loaners was the Circus tent, a mermorial of sorts to the victims of the Voice. It was a pretty chill place but only allowed in supernaturals, and it was her home becasue it was built where she died.


Jenks walked up to the little witch, looking at Bay he frowned, this wasnt right somthing dangerous was going on. Picking up Olivia he carried her to the soft grass under an old tree and did the same with Hannah, though it burned him to touch the know winged angel he still did. Putting her next to Liv he walked over to the small group standing next to the flickering ghost. Her soul and almost been torn apart. "We need a place to stay." He said with a pointed look at the teen called Alice, one of them would know a place to stay. "Chase, Hows the city girls car? Matt will you carry Hannah when we leave? I shouldnt touch her..." He said looking at his burned Arms and hands where he touched her. Jenks was a born leader and he was taking control of things sense the only other leader, Bay who for some reason they had been listening to, was in pain and couldnt hold her shape much less make an understandable sentence. Her pain was getting worse. "I think Bay needs to go where she died...Did she ever tell us that? Do you guys know?" The end question directed at Alice.

(Sorry guys assumed everone was outside if not...Blah)