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"Isn't the number seven beautiful?"

0 · 587 views · located in Death Wepon Meieter Academy

a character in “Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate”, as played by GothBabeAlex


Name: Hina
Age: 13
Classification: Witch-Meister
Appearance: Image

Personality: Hina is a bit selfish, usually focused on whatever is going to make her happiest at any given time. She's hedonistic, abandoning common morals of decency or politeness. She's often crude but can shift her attitude if there is something to be gained out of it. She's boldly honest and a bit of a guttermouth.
Goals: Hina doesn't really look far enough into the future to have a goal
Likes: Ecchi manga, chocolate covered strawberries, dark brooding boys, pissing people off
Hates: Uptight people, having to be all serious, getting punished, symmetrical things

Love Interest: none yet, is there anyone out there for her?

History: Hina is a bratty girl, but she's not evil or particularly bad, she just needs a firm hand to guide her. During the conflict between the DWMA and Arachnophobia, Hina acted as a spy for Lord Death, giving away key information about the movements and activities of the organization. In exchange she only asked that she be free from being hunted and that she be allowed to hang out in Death City. To control her further, it was insisted upon that she become a student of DWMA, if nothing else but to keep a close eye on her.

Incantation: "Caw Caw, Raven's Maw"

So begins...

Hina's Story

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Character Portrait: Hina
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Hina hung upside down in her room, her feet hanging from the metal bar she had installed on her ceiling, she reached up again to touch the fronts of her toes, "One hundred and three!" She pulled her feet from the bar and held on with her hands, lifting herself up till her nose touched the ceiling and dropping down on the floor. Hina's daily work out switched between push ups, curls, hanging sit ups and crunches, always working hard to keep herself slim and cute. She did a cartwheel towards the bathroom and tossed her clothes out onto the floor with the rest of her laundry. She spent a little more time than she should have in the shower, but she didn't worry because waking up before sunrise often gave her more than enough time, she just wouldn't be able to arrive early.

Hina came out of the shower with her hair wrapped up in a steaming towel and a second fluffier towel around her body, she dried her hands off on her chest to make sure there was no more moisture and then set to work painting her nails alternating colors of red-black-red-black-red on the right and black-red-black-red-black on the left. While her fingers were drying, she decided to swap the pattern for her feet, painting each little toe while humming the newest song to pop into her mind. Hina tossed herself onto her bed while she waited for her nails to dry enough to get dressed. "Today is going to be awe-some!" she dragged out her words in a tune to match with the pattern of the song in her mind.

Picking out one of her favorite shirts, a black one with red stripes and a short zipper in the front, she counted the stripes again. Twenty seven stripes, what a beautiful number twenty seven was. She grabbed out her jeans, a dark blue pair with a red seven printed on each back pocket. She thought to herself something that gossipy girls and pervy boys always said about wearing black underwear and decided that black was just her color today. It didn't take long for her to get dressed once she picked out her clothes, but she spent nearly five minutes choosing a pair of shoes, the ones with the slight heel and the open toes, to show off her cute little feet.

She stepped in front of her mirror, an old relic with a crack running up from the bottom and stopping half way. "Cuuute! I am C-U-T-E!" She did a few quick adjustments to her hair and walked over towards her window to look down below. She grabbed her messenger bag and checked to see if she had everything before she leaped out the window and grabbed hold of a tree branch to swing on before dropping down to the street.

Hina made her way up towards the DWMA building, able to see it from just about anywhere in town, she quickly hurried along, not wanting to be late for her first day as a Miester. Sure, she knew some people would be grumblely about a witch being there, and about her attitude and her behavior but those lame losers could go suck rotten eggs for all she cared. As she made her way up the stairs toward the entrance she kept her eyes busy scanning around at everyone's auras, searching to see if there was anyone who she felt would be a good partner for her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Hina
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Hina walked along the path, recognizing a couple of faces, a few Miesters and Demon Weapons that had gained enough recognition to be identifiable on sight. Some of them she regarded as actually dangerous, skilled warriors that could give many creatures a run for their money, and she noticed that some of them had acquired their fame through dumb luck or raw stupidity. Either way it seemed like a noisy and energetic crowd. She was close to the entrance before she really noticed him, Spirit, a Deathscythe. He was just standing there, calmly waving and welcoming students to the DWMA, Hina nearly dropped her bag in a hurry to pull out her camera. She waited for a moment when no one was standing in the way of her shot to take a photo. Turning her camera off and putting it away in her bag quickly, she decided that she would be bold enough to approach him.

"Hey, My name's Hina! You're Spirit, the greatest Demon Weapon! You're really amazing, Oh! Yeah, so... I'm a new Meister, could you give me some tips on how to find the right partner? Is it like a fuzzy feeling or like a subtle knowing that you've found the right one?" Spirit was a drinker, a womanizer and had a reputation for being lazy and laid back. In Hina's mind he was the perfect role model.

Hina glanced away only for a moment, to take a look at the rest of the students heading in, realizing she might be a bit late, but it didn't matter. It was the first day after all, who cares about being late on the first day. She turned her head back to Spirit with a smile, nodding to herself about his coolness.

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Character Portrait: Hina
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Hina noticed that Spirit was being dismissive, and it seemed like he really didn't have time for her. She started to feel a little disappointed but then she rationalized that he must just have a lot of things on his mind, maybe she'd try to ask him some more questions later. Spirit would have to be around after all, it was sort of part of his job. Hina waved her hand at spirit, "Thanks for the advice. See ya." She gave him a wink and continued on towards the class she was supposed to be in.

Hina wandered around in the hall looking for where she was supposed to go, this place seemed much bigger on the inside. As she walked by a couple of girls chatting she paused to ask them for directions, rubbing the back of her head and nervously laughing. It was kind of embarrassing to have to ask where things were. One of the girls pointed her in the right direction and with a quick thanks Hina was off towards the class, moving quickly past people so she wouldn't be late.

Once she entered the classroom she took a seat in the second to last row, towards the back and off to the left side. It was a good seat, unevenly set in the room and just the right distance to the teacher. Hina didn't really like the style of classroom that they were in but she would have to deal with it, because this was going to be her life for the next several years. She started looking towards the doorway, looking at the soul resonance of those who entered, trying to pick out the strong and the weak, the emotionally unbalanced and the spiritually sound.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham Character Portrait: Algernon Whittaker
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The male blinked slowly, and gradually opened his mouth to speak. "Thank you," he said, "I am Ichigo, a meister." Said boy pushed a strand of his creamy hair away from his eyes and sighed, dropping his hand to his side and a soft smile spreading across his plump lips.

"Good, I think. I just suppose I get worried easily, heh." At the end of his sentence, he bowed to her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Leslie."

He rose up, though he stumbled a bit, and caught himself. "Oops." Ichigo chuckled, and his gaze followed down the hall. "Perhaps we should get to class, wouldn't want to be late, now would we?" The male turned his back to her and his head rested near his shoulder to look back at her blurry form, before beckoning with his hand for her to follow and speed-walking down the hall, his sandals violently hitting against the ground.

The male sighed as he felt the body heat and spirits of a couple of students, perhaps a teacher, in a room. Seriously, he strode up to the sign that had the door number on it and felt for braille, fortunately, under the real number, there it was.

"Leslie!" The male called softly, not really a yell, but more like a whisper yell, in a way. "I found it!"

Gently, he knocked on the door and slowly opened it, blinking his eyes and seeing a couple of blurs all the way in the back. He felt the strong soul of a girl, and a soul of a male, a rather smart-allec soul at that, and quite sarcastic, though he could tell this one was quite intelligent. He might have to watch out for this guy, at least, keep an eye out.

The male bowed to the students quietly once he entered and quickly made way to a seat, frowning when he almost ran right into one, and he sat in a corner to be exact.

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Character Portrait: Hina
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Hina started to stare at the blond girl that was stepping into the classroom behind some oblivious dude, she completely ignored the blank look behind his eyes as she kept checking out the blond girl. She looked really cute and Hina wanted her to come up and sit down next to her. She let out a small sigh of disappointment when she sat down next to the kid she had walked into. "Damn it," she called out before putting her feet up on the desk in front of her. "I could use a bit of luck here," She spoke while looking up at the ceiling. Hina looked back down at herself and admired her tummy, she was proud of how much she was able to slim down and really hoped she would have the hottest body in the class, or at least be able to hang out with whoever did. We should make a cute girls club, just for hotties, Hina thought to her self reaching into her bag to pull out a book.

Hina held the book up with her feet up, it was an erotic graphic novel about a romance between a school student and her teacher. She started looking at the teacher and thinking that he kind of looked like a less handsome, black haired version of spirit and she started trying to picture the student, instead of being a baby faced plain looking girl, as herself. She kept reading with a slight blush on her face, completely oblivious to the things going on around her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Suzu bounded into the classroom, flinging the door open as she entered. She looked around with her hands on her slender hips. Two long brown braids came whipping around her she stopped, wrapping around her tan waist before falling behind her. Her brother strolled in behind her.

Haruka walked in behind his sister, standing almost a foot taller then her. The door swung shut and he caught it before it could slam shut. He ran his hand through hid shaggy black hair and placed it on Suzu's shoulder.
"Try not to make a mess of the classroom..." he said to her, "Where would you like to sit?"

She looked back at her brother and looked around the room, noticing a girl sitting by herself. Her eyes lit up as she leaped up onto the desk and used them as a staircase up to her. She landed in a crouch in front of the girl, looking down at the book in her hand, leaning over very close to the girls face.
"Whatcha reading?" she asked holding her finger up to her lips.

Haruka sighed and watched as his sister knocked things off people's desks, and used one boy's head as a step. He shoved his ahdns in his pockets and slowly walked up the stairs to rescue her new victim.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu
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Hina was really into her story, already dropping into her erotic day dreams, her perverted mind coming up with many situations involving her as a school girl and Spirit as her disciplining teacher. It followed closely with what she was reading and her skin was feeling warm and tingly. As there was a sudden impact on the desk where her feet were resting she lowered down her book and looked at the girl crouching on the desk.

Hina took a moment to figure out what the girl was asking her. What was she reading? Hina held up the cover of her book. My Ecchi Teacher, the cover read, with a drawing of a girl whose skirt was blowing up with the wind. Hina smiled a bit and looked at the girl, "Its a really good series, I have everything they've printed so far."

She held out her hand in greeting, "My name is Hina, I'm a Meister without a Demon Weapon. What's your name?" Hina gave the girl a look over, deciding that she wasn't terrible looking and about the same age as Hina was.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Hina looked at the girl shouting out how her brother likes school girls and she broke into a laugh. When the boy came over to the two of them, Haru gave him a quick nod of recognition. "Its fine if you like this stuff too, my collection is much bigger at home." Hina gave a wink to Haruka, "Don't be embarrassed about it. Your sister is cute. I bet you have a lot of fun together." Hina spoke with an implying tone. She let out a moaning sigh," Weapons, huh?" She tilted her head, "Either of you happen to be a great sword or a polearm? I have a thing for big long handles."

As Spirit spoke up that he was the teacher for the class Hina nearly squealed with excitement, it was just like her book! She sat up straight and paid attention to him. As he wrote that there would be no essay she nodded her head, acknowledged his coolness. Hina didn't volunteer to go first to the board as she'd rather see someone else go first. Going up to the board was pretty lame anyway.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans Character Portrait: Suzu
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('Tis okay!~)

The Japanese native felt the movement of the male, and he himself nodded, standing up and walking through the rows. He came up to the board and gently took hold of chalk, writing his name neatly.

Ichigo Ko-Ko Wakahisa

Turning to face the class once he wrote his name, he slowly bowed, his bangs dangling over his eyes. Once he got up, they were visible again. "Hello," he greeted softly. "I am Ichigo Ko-Ko Wakahisa, and my nationality is Japanese. I like flutes and silence, as I hate loud noises. Thunderstorms are an exception," he trailed off, his eyes shifting quickly towards the teacher than back to the class. "I am also going blind..gradually."

He, for a moment, went silent before picking back up with his words again. "I am a meister. I have no weapon at the moment, and I am 17 years of age. This is my first time enrolling, ever, to here. I live alone, since I really don't have relatives except my parents, but I'd rather not speak about that."

Allowing his bangs to cover his eyes, he turned his head to stare at Spirit through them. "It is nice to meet you. I hope I get to know everybody and have fun with you all. I...also, really like toddlers and young children. I think they're cute." He chuckled and bowed his head. "Thank you for listening."

The male slowly trailed back through the rows and took his place next to the girl again, his bangs still covering his eyes as he quietly prodded at the female's arm. "I hope I don't seem that weird now."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Haruka blushed a bit and then sat down next to her, "I guess we will sit her, if you don't mind." He pulled out his books and placed them in front of him, then pulled out Suzu's and opened to chapter one and layed in on her desk, dropping a pencil in the pages.
"Come on Suzu, class is starting."

Suzu giggles as Hina teases her brother and adds, "Yeah he loves me sooo mcuh!"
She watches him pick a seat for her and pouted a bit. "I wanna sit next to Hiiinnaa!" she says as she plops right onto his lap, with her legs cross. "Can I sit here please big brother?" She smiled up at him and giggled.

Haruka's hands shot up as Suzu plopped onto his lap, and sighed, "Fine you can sit here," he said as he picked her up and plopped her down in the chair, scooting over next to her, "Just make sure you pay attention to the teacher."
That's right sis...give her more are..great He sighed and began spinning his pencil on his knuckles.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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0.00 INK

Hina sat passively while she watched all of this nonsense going on, with Spirit being scared off by that terrible woman who had come into the room and the noisy creature that was harassing some pink haired girl with a really drab looking black dress. Then that boy, the one with the dazed out vision started shouting out all sorts of obnoxious and annoying things, every time he opened up his mouth he seemed to get more and more obnoxious. Hina turned to look at Haruka and Suzu, "Can you believe this stupid crap? I mean are things going to seriously be this lame?"

Hina put her feet back up and pulled out her book so that she could dive back into the world of fiction. How was anyone supposed to take this place seriously when the teachers couldn't even bring their own classrooms into control.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Hina sighed and closed her book before putting it away in her bag. It was impossible to have a good daydream with all of these distractions going on, and it didn't actually seem like anything serious was going to happen. "This totally blows, like a ten cent whore," she agreed with Haruka. Hina started rubbing her left shoulder and rotating it back and forth, really wishing she could just exercise right now. "

As Suzu commented that they just leap out the window and go off hiding on Haruka, Hina smiled a bit and raised her eyebrow. "You know, girls who go running off and ditching class end up getting punished," she gave a smirk, "Unless that's what you're hoping for." Messing around with Suzu sounded like it could be fun, but she didn't know if the girl was easy to manipulate or not.

As she watched this girl Leslie kiss a boy she had basically known for fifteen minutes, she was about to stick her finger down her throat and make fun of them but then the girl turned into a ridiculously over-sized weapon and Hina melted. "Aww... damn it... Her blade is so big..." Hina, who had previously simply disliked her visually impaired classmate, now bore a jealousy for his luck at having scored the easyist girl Hina had ever seen, who also happened to be an awesome Demon Weapon. Life was just unfair like that sometimes. Hina collapsed into her seat in defeat as she watched Ichigo carry her outside the classroom.

Hina looked at Suzu and Haruka and made the snide remark, "Looks like we can just walk out whenever we feel like it."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Suzu kicked her feet up and launched herself over the desks, landing with ease and grace on below. She rested her hand on her hips and said, "Well I'm ready to go!" as she smirked up at Haruka. She stuck her tongue out and thumbed her nose, crossing her eyes, "You can stay here and study Haruka, someone has got to teach me this crap."
Haruka stood tossing his bag over his shoulder and shoving his hands in his pockets. "I see no reason to stay" as he watched Death Sychte leave the classroom. He walked down the steps leading to where she stood, "You know you should really use the stairs and not jump around so much," he scolded as he bonked her on the top of the head softly.
"Hey Hina, Were bouncing, wanna come?"

Suzu poked him hard in the stomach, "She was already coming with me dummy, no one asked you."
Haruka scowled at her, "Well I'm sorry, someone had to take notes for you..." he sighed, "You know you are just not worth all this trouble sometimes..." but he smiled down at her. No matter what she did or said, she was still his little sis. He looked back up at Hina and said, "You coming?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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0.00 INK

Hina slowly got up, despite all of Suzu's energy and headed slowly down the stairs with Haruka. "Yeah, I'm coming. We can figure a bunch of this stuff out later, on our own if we need to." Hina felt kinda bad about ditching on class, but with two of the students just walking out without so much as a word from one of the adults, it was too temping. Hina took a couple of extra steps to catch up with Haruka's pace. "Suzu, if you behave, I'll give you a reward."

As they came to the bottom of the stairs and headed towards the door, she heard Spirit sheepishly ask if any other students wanted to come up to the board. Hina walked out the door behind Suzu and Haruka. What was the point in staying around anyway? She didn't even know what a Meister would need to learn. She put her hand on Haruka's shoulder, "You shouldn't look at it like she's a hassle, think of it more like she's an investment. Besides, if you spoil us girls every now and again it's bound to make your life happy too."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Haruka turned quickly, face to face with Hina. With one motion he reached down and tucked his finger under her chin and leaned close. He was intentionally trying to catch her off guard, "O Really, Do I get a reward if I'm good too then?" He had a charm about him, his eyes were dark and brooding and his hair fell around his face. His incredible height always made him stand out in a crowd.
As quickly as he leaned in, he returned to standing rested his hand on Suzu shoulder and laughing, "Because I gotta get something out of this little "investment" soon!"
He mussed Suzu's hair, and looked back at Hina, "She knows I love her, that's why she intentionally drives me crazy."

Suzu swatted at his hands, "Get off me creep. I don't love you." Her demaner changed as she switched to her "I want something voice" She poked him in the side and smiled up at him, "Onii-chan can Hina come over to our apartment? I promise I'll clean up!"
"You only ever love me when you want something outta me.." he sighed, "If she wants to, but don't get me another complaint from my landlord."
She squeeled and hugged him, "thank you Onii-chan." She started jumping in place.
He looked to Hina, "Since our parents are gone, I kinda have to play daddy to her too. It takes it's toll, but I want her to succeed, so I'll do all I can to help her. She really seems to like you though." He slouched a bit and tucked his hands into his pocket, walking at a much slower gate than the over-excited Suzu.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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0.00 INK

Hina shook her head at Haruka's request for a reward, "No, you normally behave yourself from what I can guess about you." She started laughing at Suzu's antics, amused at how strange this sister brother team were. They didn't seem too serious, what was good. "I wouldn't mind coming over," Hina said, looking at Haruka, "I live alone so I certainly wouldn't mind getting to hang out instead of being alone at my house."

Spirit stopped Suzu, and Hina just looked at him for a moment before speaking up, "If you're worried about getting in trouble, then you might want to do something about Ichigo and Leslie, they walked right out of class." Hina pointed at Kami, "They walked right past this woman too, and she didn't do anything. So why stop us? Writing names on a board is really lame, so we're gonna ditch and you can make us run a hundred laps around the school tomorrow or something so it won't hurt your manly pride as a teacher." Hina was very dismissive, she had been a big fan of Spirit, but he was acting pretty lame right now.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Haruka sauntered up to the front of the room, dragging Suzu over by her arm. She protested but he continued, "Fine, I am Haruka. I am a weapon, you don't need to know anything about, but feel free to fear me." He rested him hand on Suzu's shoulder, "Because this is my little sister Suzu" he stared down all the boys in the classroom, "And if you touch her I will KILL YOU."

Suzu protested as Haruka dragged her up, but stood next to him anyways. A evil grin formed on her lips as she spoke, and she started taking provocative poses, making various provocative faces. Her gaze stopped on the pink haired boy and she giggled and gave him a little wave, blowing him a kiss. She looked over at Haruka and sneered.

He turned to soo her mocking him and bonked her softly on the head, "There Mr.Big Bad Death Scythe, we introduced ourselves."
He sauntered over to the door and looked at Hina, "I'm ready to go," glaring down at Suzu who was still teasing the boys in the classroom.
"Stop that," he scolded.

Suzu turned to the teacher and said, "Bye Bye Mr.Teacher! If you decide to run away from that woman again and see us make sure to say hi!" as she skipped out the door after Hina and Haruka.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Hina shrugged her shoulders and made her way out of the classroom and into the halls. What was up with this place anyway, when she was spying on Arachnophobia everything was under a tight wrap, it was difficult to even break away for the moments she needed to report. Here... Well she wouldn't be surprised if there were spies everywhere, hiding among the disorganized crowd. Maybe they were just suffering from a failure to plan out the day properly. Yet a part of Hina worried that her new found allies wouldn't be able to protect themselves and that the only reason the Witches hadn't simply ended the DWMA was because of their own constantly infighting. Disorganization vs Distrust and Ambition. Maybe the world was only held together because of a small number of powerful individuals who put up protective shells, like Lord Death.

Hina looked at Suzu and Haruka as they walked along, "So you two are weapons, what kind are you? I'm looking for maybe some sort of polearm or a battleaxe or something really big. I might not look it, but I'm actually incredibly strong." Hina jokingly flexed her arm, which did not show anything other than a typical muscle tone. "Oh, Which was to your place?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Haruka waved his arm to his left, and began walking down the cobblestone road through Death City, "Well were are both ninja weapons." He ran his fingers through his hair, "She has more power than I do, being ninja daggers, she can change into various modes like smoke bomb, or ninja stars. I'm just a chain scythe, usually I wield her."
Suzu skipped a bit as she walked, looking a bit childish walking next to Hina and Haruka. "That's right, Big Brother is the best one to wield me...he knows me so well, and can balance out my soul."
The comment was strange coming from such an immature girl, but when it came to fighting she was a whole new breed.
"Sometimes when we fight, we switch in the middle of battle. It's pretty cool...but I can't use my soul force like Haruka can..."

He shrugged, "One learns great self control when dealing with you like I have," he flicked her braid as he spoke."
They reached the stairs, leading to their apartment rather quickly. He turned to Suzu, but she was already gone...he sighed, never removing his gaze from Hina and smiled, "I locked the glass door before I you have to wait while I let you in." He moved his gaze up to the patio where Suzu had climbed.

She yanked hard on the door, but it wouldn't budge. She looked down the three floors at Hina and Haruka. "No Fair! Promise me you will let me in!" She leaned over the railing and pouted.
"See what I mean," he laughed to Hina, "Killer, but so childish..."
He slid his key into the door and let Hina in. The room was relatively clean, with a few of Suzu's things lying around. Haruka flopped down on the sofa, ignoring Suzu out the door.

" I KNOW YOU CAN SEE ME!! JERK!! she yelled as she banged on the glass door,"...lemme in!" she began to pout.[

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Hina nodded her head as they took turns speaking. "A Chainsaw Scythe sounds pretty damn amazing actually, but you two seem to be paired up pretty nicely between the two of you." Hina looked up at Suzu as she climbed up to the patio, giving her a look over from below. "Damn, you should wear a skirt sometime Suzu." She gave a smile as she came inside behind Haruka, "Your home is really nice and neat, I like to keep my place clean too, but I live alone which makes things easier."

Hina gave a flick of her wrist, able to perform some magic without the need for incantations. On a scale of witches she was in the further part of the intermediate scale, no where near the power of witches like Medusa but much stronger than weaklings like Erica Frog. The locks on the patio door came undone, a simple trick for Hina though she didn't really go around breaking into places these days.

"The two of you have a really nice place, what sorts of things do you do for fun?"