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*shakes head and sighs* "Spirit you never change"

0 · 1,430 views · located in Death Wepon Meieter Academy

a character in “Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate”, as played by Love me Not


Name: Kami
formerly Kami Albarn
Age: 30
Classification: Meister, Teacher
Kami is Maka's mother and Spirit's ex-wife. She has not been seen in the series, only mentioned. Despite this, many know of her presence and her skills as a scythe meister. She is Spirit's second wielder, replacing Stein, and the one who made Spirit into a Death Scythe. She is shown to be very clever, as Spirit stated that she had always gotten top marks in class in the past, a trait passed down to Maka. She is also noted to be one of the few people who possesses a demon-slayer wavelength, a trait that she has also passed down to her daughter.


* Warm weather
* Spending time with her daughter
* Taking pictures
* Reading


* Cheating men
* Witches
* Overly flirty girls
* Being away from Maka

Love Intrest: Spirit "Don't tell his I said that"

So begins...

Kami's Story

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Character Portrait: Kami
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Sid sat at the train station, constantly looking at the clock tower "The trains late no surprise there" he said to no one in particular. The station was busy with people all around, no one paying much attention to the zombie undead ninja. But then again this was Death City so it really wasn't that unusual, Sid soon saw the front end of the train he was waiting on pull into the station. "Finally" he breathed out as he stood up, through the steam that the train was giving off he could barely make out the outline of a short but elegant looking young woman.

She was carrying a pair of suitcases "Sid is that you, it's been ages" said a familiar voice.

"Ah Kami nice to see you, thought I should pick you up, thats just the type of man I was" he said with a smile (sort of).

Kami laughed "Well it's definitely appreciated" she looked around "You know who isn't around is he" she asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Nope and he has no clue that your here and especially that your not going to be teaching. Lord Death made sure not to tip him off or he'd be slacking trying to hide" said Sid.

"Good we don't want Spirit slacking off any more then he already does" she said sarcastically.

"Well shall we get to the school?" she asked with a smile, Sid laughed "Sometimes I wish the roles were reversed when it came to you and Spirit I think you would make damn sight better death scythe then him" he laughed.

"Yes, but then I would be a cheating womanizer and I really don't want to even go there" said Kami just thinking about it made a stress mark come up on her forehead.

The drive was filled with conversations about what has gone on since Kami had left Death City and of course Maka. Soon the face of the DWMA came into view of the car, Kami smiled "Even though I know I'm not going to avoid Spirit I'm glad to be home" she said with a sigh.

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Character Portrait: Kami
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Kami walked up to the office of Lord Death, things hadn't changed at the DWMA since she had been there, the classrooms, the students looked different but still the it brought back good memories. She was still relieved that Spirit would be occupied long enough for her to get through the meeting with Lord Death, as she stood in front of the door it opened on it's own and she stepped in "Lord Death you asked to see me?" she said into the large room that seemed to stretch out to infinity.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Lord Death Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
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Maka was glad that her father hadn't noticed "Hey Soul I wonder where Crona is" she said as they walked down the hallway. "I hope doesn't plan on hiding the first day".


Kami smiled at Lord Death "It's wonderful to be home, how have you been Shinigami Sama" she looked around the room she remembered the first time she met Lord death and how she was surprised at his office. The Death room didn't look like an office at all, it was like another world.

Sid came in "Hey Lord Death you wan't me to take Kami and show her the room she's gonna be working in" he said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Death Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
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Lord Death Looked at Sid. '' Oh yeah That reminds me. The reason I asked You back. Is that we're a Little short on teacher's right now and I was hopping. That you would agree to come back and teach to the new students we have coming. After all you are one of the greatest Meister's to come out of the DWMA. Right now I have Death Sycthe teaching. But To be honest. I Don't think he's up to the whole teaching Bizz.'' Said death scratching the top of his head.


Spirit Looked at Maka and soul as they took there seats. He didn't worry about talking to maka now. He was to busy and had to start class. Once they sat down Spirit. stood Up and wrote on the Black board. Death Sycthe: Mr.Albarn. He turned To the class. '' Alright, Weclome to the New year. I'm Mr. Albarn. I'll be teaching this class until Further notice. Uh...Now Um lets start things out with something Simple. i'm not the Kind to give out a Massive essay on what you did over summer vacation. So you all can relax.'' he Turns to the black board again an Underlined his name then wrote in smaller text. NO ESSAY. '' Okay as you can see I wrote my name plain and simple on the board. Now what I would like you to do is to come up to the board, wright your name, and tell us a bit about your self. Easy right ?. Show of hands who'd like to go first ?''

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
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Kami smiled "Of course Lord Death and I'm surprised you let Spirit do that, he's well we all know that he was never really good when he was in school. Well unless he was on a mission, I kind of had a feeling that was what you were up to Lord Death. I've missed Maka so much I couldn't live with myself If I said no" she said as she was escorted out by Sid.

"Well he's in here right now I'll just let you in and you can observe from the back. Not that you've never been in these classrooms before", said Sid.

She knew Sid was trying to be nice, and he knew that Kami would probably be uncomfortable. "It's alright Sid I think I'll manage thank you". She quietly slipped in the door as a couple of straggling students walked she stepped aside to listen to Spirit address the class. Surprisingly he was doing quite well, "He still looks like he did when I met him", she smiled trying to remember happier times as to keep herself from getting angry with what he had done to her.


Maka sat next Soul as class started, she was surprised at her father, he actually sounded like a teacher.

Now what I would like you to do is to come up to the board, write your name, and tell us a bit about yourself. Easy right ?. Show of hands who'd like to go first?''

"May I go first, Mr. Albarn, sir?"

Maka watched a guy in the class stand and offer to go up.

She turned to Soul "He's new" she whispered as she followed the guy she noticed a woman standing in the back of the class. Her mouth fell open "Mama" she said quietly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona
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Kami jumped when they was loud bang next to her at the door of the class room, a boy or at least she thought he was or she was a boy; with some sort of little monster attached to him was trying to get into the room. "What.. is... awe look at him he's kind of cute" said Kami she walked up to the pink haired boy/girl. "Why don't you come inside the class it might be fun once you get used to it. What was it your called... Ragnarok" Kami said with a smile. She said quietly trying to divert the creatures attention in hopes of helping the pink haired kid get into class.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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Ichigo sighed. "It's quite nerve-wracking when you go up there," he commented to the girl, Leslie, he enjoyed talking to. "I'm surprised I didn't lock up and fa-" he got cut off when suddenly, there was screaming and the slam of the door.

Grimacing and wincing, his head immediately shot to the direction of a creature, particularly, protruding out of the child's back. He shuddered and his hand gradually made way to his mouth. "Oh, dear," he whispered, "I feel so sorry for that boy, or girl, having to deal with a loud pain in the neck like that...creature. Thing. Quite a pottymouth, too," the male sighed as he watched a lady go up and try to help.

"I suppose she has that under control, hopefully." The male's eyes softened as he watched her go up, and his, well, "daddy" side of his persona kicked in. "Aww. Well, now, it's over with, so you shouldn't be scared anymore!"

The male turned in his seat and looked into her eyes, kind of, well, he couldn't really see her eyes, but he managed to steady his gaze with hers, with his usual delicate stare. "You did perfect, as far as my ears can tell, and my ears aren't failing me yet. At least, god, I hope not!" He chuckled and rested a friendly, soft hand on her cheek. "Well, dear, I am definitely your friend, so no doubts on that! You're a very sweet girl, anyways, so who wouldn't?"

Ichigo complimented gently, prying his hand away and resting them on his lap, his long bangs pushed away from his eyes now, a small hue of blush lingering on his cheeks from going up there; it was indeed, a bit terrifying. His eyes closed, and he let himself happily smile, with a brief, quiet squeak, "ufu~."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
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ragnarok Looked at Kami. " FUN....FUN....WHO YA TRYING TO FOOL YA OLD COW....WHY WOULD I WANNA SIT IN A ROOM WITH STINKEN HUMAN'S I AN'T MOVEING FORM THIS SPOT. '' ranarok continued to hold down tight. Crona begain to tear up because the kidds all laughed at him. '' Noo come on ragnarok please....there laughing at me and i can't handle that.'' crona strained.

Spirit Looked up to notice the kid struggling. '' hay pipe down up there we're trying to have a cla....'' the he realized the women trying to help the kid with his issue spirit's mouth droped. '' K...kami .'' Spirits heart sank. now he was in real trouble. He looked around frantically at the class kami then at Maka. '' Uh...listen class. I uh Just keep going on with your introduction's. I gotta....uh I...gotta take care of something.'' Spirit said as he rushes outta the class through a different door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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The male blinked as he watched the movements of her head dropping, and he frowned. "Stop doing that, trying to cover yourself and all. I don't like it. I can barely see you, but still, I can still see you. It's, complicated, somehow." Ichigo got off his chair and crouched down to get in eye level with her, not caring if people looked or what.

The Japanese boy poked out two digits, his index and his middle, and put them under her chin to lift her head up gently, using his other hand to brush the pigtails away from her eyes. He listened to the commotion and sighed, muttering under his breath. "What a very responsible teacher."

Though, the screaming of the creature was beginning to tick him off; it was quite evident by the scowl now plastered onto his face. "I swear, if that creature does not shut up and leave that poor boy alone.." he assumed the child's gender to be a male, which was in all honesty, a guess.

A migraine began blossoming; since he was sensitive to loud noises. He cleared his throat. "Excuse me, dear. Rarely do I ever get angry like this." The male said softly to Leslie, and he stood up, slamming his hands loudly onto the desk and screaming.

"Will you shut up you big-mouthed, abusive, low-life, scummy, impolite, hard-headed, jerk off?! You do NOT talk to women that way, and obviously, the boy wants you to knock it off! So leave him the goddamn hell alone, and let go!"

The male fumed, puffing furiously. Obviously, he hated seeing women, the younger, or basically anyone getting messed with. It just made him go furious. "Don't underestimate me.." he growled under his breath. "Besides, you're always going to be near humans, you utter unintelligent creature. Leslie," he said, turning to her fiercely. "Remember, if anyone, ANYONE, wants to mess with you, find me."

The male softly smiled. "I promise I'll get 'em!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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0.00 INK

My head is going to pop if anymore blood rushes to my cheeks! ran through her head as she looked at him wide-eyed, he touched her face like he knew her, like they had been friends for ages though they only met today...but I don't mind...
Her heart started pounding as he hollered at the creature that seemed to be growing out of that students back, he stood firm and defended them...not even knowing their names. She thought about all the times she had been teased, or heard someone being teased and never had the courage to speak up. A pang of shame shot through her momentarily, until he broke her from her thoughts with the sharp use of her name.

" Leslie," he said, turning to her fiercely. "Remember, if anyone, ANYONE, wants to mess with you, find me."
He was fierce, his soul was demanding, vibrating at such a speed. She could see how intensely he felt about defending others.
"I promise I'll get them."
The change in his tone fell on his soul, it mellowed out...and she detected a hint of compassion, different from when he was talking to the others. She started blushing and dipped her head, but stopped. She lifted it back up to meet his gaze, and even brushed her hair out of her face as she smiled up at him, "Okay, I promise I will."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona
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0.00 INK

A tension mark popped up on Kami's head at the things comment "Kamiiiii...... Chop!" Kami landed her purse right on top of Ragnarok's head. She looked up to see if Spirit would assist but he had buggered off "Leave it to Spirit to sneak off when he's needed she thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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Ichigo flinched at the sound of a yell, then saw something land on the creature's head. He began calming down, and was soon giggling like a schoolgirl. "Awesome payback," he said quietly, then turned all of his attention to Leslie. The male smiled softly, and ruffled her hair playfully.


The boy said briefly, yet gently, and crouched down once again to stare directly into her eyes as if he was gazing at her soul. He rested his hands on his knees and breathed in quietly, before speaking with a bit of shown emotion.

"I was wondering," he began. "if you'd, perhaps, suggest being mine?" Thinking about his question, his cheeks immediately lit up bright red, what if she took it wrong? His bangs covering his eyes in response, he chuckled nervously. "I-I mean, not like that! I mean, l-like, my weapon, y-you know?"

"B-but, I mean l-like, I probably wouldn't mind if you were that type of mine anyways, because you know, you're nice and stuff, though I mean, I want to be your meister and stuff, but I don't think you're bad or anything, b-but but but..." he trailed off, his cheeks growing to be scarlet. "Look at me! Ha-ha! I'm rambling! It's totally normal for me to ramble! I never shut up!"

He lowered his head, and for a couple of minutes, he went silent. Finally, he spoke very quietly at first.. "I mean, you're nice and stuff but..." then, he trailed off. About a couple of seconds later, he yelled. "I don't know! I'm not ready for an intimate relationship! I'm just a meek man! Gah! Then how would I talk to a girlfriend!? WHAT AM I?!"

Suddenly, he went silent, panting from his sudden outbursts; and well, unexpected embarrassment. He looked up weakly through the bangs which covered his eyes and stared at her, whimpering quietly like a young youth, or, well, maybe a puppy. "Sorry. All I was asking was, if I could perhaps, wield you? Be your meister.."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
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She turned to Soul "He's new" she whispered as she followed the guy she noticed a woman standing in the back of the class. Her mouth fell open "Mama" she said quietly.

Soul nodded as she told him that it was a new kid, he was kind of surprised to see Spirit acting like an actuall teacher. Then he wondered how many times Lord Death Chopped him in the head to fix him. then he heard her whisper, he looked at the woman them maka, then back to the woman. she then seen the woman chop ragnorok, wow... maybe she really is maka's mom... he thought to himself. he felt really sorry when crona stood up to ragnorok and was still getting bullied.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
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Kami sighed "Alright as long as your okay" she said to Crona, she looked around the room "Class I'll be right back with your teacher it's seems he's stepped out for some reason". Kami looked around the room and picked the door closest to the chalk board, she came out the door and it was long till she found Spirit having a nervous breakdown in the hallway. Kami sighed and shook her head "Spirit you need to get back in there, before something else happens" she walked over and bent down where he had slid down against the wall.

"Just becuase I'm here doesn't mean you can freak out alright" she said with a slight smile. Even though she and Spirit were divorced she had always thought of him fondly. "I don't hate you Spirit I just hate what you did, so you don't need to be worried. I know you, you probably think it's some kind of conspiracy. But the truth is Lord Death asked me to come back and teach, and well I missed Maka. So I'm here now" she reached out her hand to him. "Come on Lord Death's personal scythe shouldn't be having a nervous break down on the floor.


"Soul it's my Mama that must be the surprise she had for me... and it worked" Maka said still with a look of awe on her face. But it was soon detoured by Crona being pummeled by Ragnarok as he went to sit down. Maka got up and walked "Ragnarok why are you acting like that" she said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
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Ragnarok gets up in Maka's face. '' WHY.....BECAUSE I'M THE DEMON SWORD. THATS WHY. BESIDES SOME ONE'S GOTTA POUND SOME SCENE IT THIS LOSER. SEE AS YOU ALL BABY HIM ALL THE TIME.'' says ragnarok as he continues to nuggy crona.


Spirit looks at Kami. " You don't understand kam Maka has hated me every day sence the divorce. Now you come back. Now She'll Cling to you, and Its hard enough that she avoided me today on the first day of school. Now she'll avoide me all together.'' Spirit stood up on his own. He was use to pushing Kami away. It was for her own good. He knew what was at stake. He turned to the class room door. '' You can stay on in class and watch. But, I got work I gotta do.'' He walked in the class. '' Alright sorry about that. Now who else wants to come to the board.'' Crona Shrunk down in his seat nervous

'' We....w we... have to stand up at the chalk bord....uh oh boy im no good at talking to large crowds.'' Crona wimper's

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
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Kami smiled as the children left the room "It's alright Spirit it's the children's first day here they need sometime together to get to know each other" said Kami. "Just be thankful their getting along instead of trying to start fights with each other" she smiled at him.


Maka rolled her eyes at Ragnarok, "Really Ragnarok you shouldn't be so hard on Crona, you need him you cant wield yourself you know" she said she watched as her parents came back in the room. She got a big smile and ran down the isle to her mother "Mama!" she cheered as she threw her arms around Kami's neck. She could tell her Papa was nervous about her mother being here, but she was so excited to see her she didn't really take much care in what her father was thinking.

Kami smiled at her daughter "I told you I had a surprise for you" she laughed.

Maka smiled "Oh I was surprised" she pointed out Soul "Thats Soul my weapon" Maka said with pride.

Kami smiled at Soul "It's a pleasure to meet you Soul. I've heard allot of good things about you" said Kami with her arm around Maka. She looked back at Spirit, "Look at your Papa being a proper teacher, it's an improvement if you tell me" she winked.

Maka nodded but her smile faded "Well I guess so " said Maka didn't want to think about her father right now. So she turned to look at Crona "Crona, Ragnarok come here and meet my mother" she said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
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spirit threw up his arms. '' Okay fine, Anyone else wanna ditch outta here. Fine by me go on, shoe.'' then he watched as Maka ran straight at kami. '' Your mothe.....I mean kami, Here is gonna take up teaching here. I know how much you to get along....So uh yeah..I better go report to Lord Death. So um...yeah Everyone may leave if you want. yeah I better go.'' he said as he scooched past Kami and Maka and proceeded to head in the direction of the death room.


Crona Noticed the girl winking at him and kissing her hand. As the they made their. Introduction then after abruptly leaving. The motions confused him. Then Before he knew it everyone appear to be leaving. crona just stood there untill maka called out to him. he slowly made his way through the Isle and walked up to maka Holding his left arm and looking at the floor. '' h....Hi.'' he said sheepishly

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona
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Kami watched Spirit slip past her and Maka and she shook her head, she didn't understand why he acted they way he did. It was like one day a switch was pulled inside of him and he started to distance himself from her. Then there was a woman who came to her and told Kami that she had slept with Spirit, Kami knew he had always been flirty with other women but never something like that. But she found out the truth when she finally confronted him about it. Kami felt like her heart had been pulled right out of her chest and stomped. And still he was acting like he couldn't stand to be around her, she sighed that she should concentrate on Maka instead of what was done and over with..

'' h....Hi.'' said the boy with the pink hair well at least she finally knew it was a boy. "Well it's nice to know who you are now, Crona and Ragnarok" she said. "Sorry about the purse thing Ragnarock but you should really think about what you call women" she said with a smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
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Soul went down to see maka. he put his hands in his pocket and just stood there.

Maka smiled "Oh I was surprised" she pointed out Soul "Thats Soul my weapon" Maka said with pride.

Kami smiled at Soul, "It's a pleasure to meet you Soul. I've heard allot of good things about you." said Kami with her arm around Maka.

Soul smiled, his sharks teeth showing brightly, "Nice to meet you," he said, "and yeah its not hard to hear about how cool i am..." he said proudly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
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Kami laughed "Well I was thinking about taking you all to Hobgoblins for burgers how does that sound. I really want to get to know Maka's friends" she said with a smile at the children. She hugged Maka again "I'm gonna go get your father, so he can come too" she headed for the door.

Maka's eyes went wide "What why... Mama stop!" she grabbed Kami's hand. Kami turned and looked back at her daughter, "Maka what is it?" she asked.

"Does... Papa really need to go with us?" Maka asked.

Kami gave her a puzzled look and then sighed "Maka I know your upset with him I am too, but it does no good to sit around and hold a grudge for the rest of your days. Just because someone did something to you, Maka your father isn't a bad man he just made some stupid choices" said Kami.

Maka blinked so her mother had forgiven her father it didn't make sense.

Kami smiled "I'll go get him and then we'll meet you kids at Hobgoblins I need to talk to Spirit alone for a while. If you don't mind too much Maka".

Maka looked down at the floor "Alright Mama" she said.


Kami made her way back to Lord Death's office and once again the door opened it's self. She saw Lord Death and Spirit standing here with an odd look on his face. "Well I observed the class Lord Death and for the most part Spirit did pretty well" she said with a smile.