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Braddock Vincent Dashkov

"Yes, I'm a Dashkov, Any other stupid questions?"

0 · 280 views · located in St.Vladimir Academy

a character in “St.Vladimir's Vampire Academy”, originally authored by MaliceInWonderland, as played by RolePlayGateway



Full Name: Braddock Vincent Dashkov
Nickname: Doc
Age: 17
Birthdate: March 6
City/State/Country: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Role: Royal Moroi
Likes: Performing on stage, Music, Anime/Manga, Video Games, Honning his Air element
Dislikes: Stupid Questions.
Description: Braddock is
6'1, 190lbs, average build, dark skin Moroi with short fade haircut. He dresses in a trendy urban/hip hop clothes. He's pale even though he's dark skinned because of his Moroi hertiage. He wears glasses and more often then not he's seen with earbuds in his ear.


Yeah, I've been called a goofball but it's cool cause it just makes me likable. I tend to crack jokes, play music and I even rap a little. What can I say? I'm a crowd pleaser. I am also a bit of a geek but I make it cool. Fresh gear, new kicks, that's all me. I even make glasses look cool.


Uh, I'm a lover not a fighter. Not to say I'd back down but ehh, fighting just isn't my style. I am an Air user so I guess that's my equipment.


So, Let me start off by saying. Yes, I am a Moroi. Yes, I am Dashkov and Yes, I'm Black. I know it sounds crazy. A black kid with a Russian last name but ehh, you can't choose your family, right? My Mom was a working class Moroi. My bio-dad (also a Moroi) ditched us before I wasn't old enough to remember but it's cool cause my Mom meet my step dad who's a Royal. A Dashkov to be exact. He adopted me without so much as a second thought. He calls me Champ and Sport and all that jazz and makes my mom real happy. So genetically no, I'm not a Dashkov but spiritually ( and legally) am I. I've been at the school ever since some grade-school tool decided too pick on my color. That's when I literally knocked the wind out of him, though I never actually touched him. That's when my folks found out I was an Air User. I've been developing my element ever since so Yes, Ladies I can take your breath away. Haha anyway. So Yeah, That's pretty much it for me

Misc: Gold Watch- Lupe Fiasco


So begins...

Braddock Vincent Dashkov's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Straccione Character Portrait: Elizabeth Isabell Le'Rouge Character Portrait: Andrea Ivashkov Character Portrait: Helena McKinley Character Portrait: Gabriel Ozera Character Portrait: Raven Dragomir
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Gabriel walked out of the gym, ignoring the two dhampires training - well, one of them was on their ass, so that's what it must have been - and headed towards the Cafe, firing off texts.

to: Drea
You know you can always catch a ride with me. meeting up with Helena in a few. I'll respond more after that

to: Doc
the music isn't gonna bring it's self, bro! I know you got it covered

He stepped onto the cement landing that was the outer area of the Cafe and leaned against a pillar, waiting for Helena. his mind played through various scenarios. she was always so... so... ugh around him. he wasn't sure why, but he was hoping to change that tonight. "I haven't been here too long, no." He smiled as she laughed. "you have a really pretty laugh, Helena. you should do that more." He produced the two cups of coffee he had bought earlier and sat at on of the smaller tables, smiling across the table at her. "so how is our slacker friend, Jules?" He didn't let too much venom sink into his voice, but kept it calm and steady. he sipped from his coffee - pure black, something to wake him up. - and turned his phone off. "so, you're definitely coming tonight, right? I mean, your moroi's going to go, and you're supposed to be connected at the hip to those guys, so why not? you can get a ride with Drea, Darius and I." He smiled warmly, letting his chocolaty brown eyes look into hers. "It'd mean a lot to me if you came." He tapped his fingers against the table out of habit, sipping from his cup of coffee again.
Anthony frowned and tore off his glasses, using a small amount of compulsion. "A few drinks then? and maybe I could come to this party." there weren't too many boarding schools around here, so it was obvious what she was. She was his ticket to the boy. perfect. He eased into a stronger amount of compulsion, just to drive the suggestion home. "You'd like that, Eliza."
It's easier to use compulsion on someone attracted to you, especially if it's something that they could be normally persuaded to do. Anthony was feeling lazy tonight, so he took the easy way. "you can't say you don't have enough time for a few drinks, can you? I mean, I really want to get to know you..."
Compulsion also works easier if you say things that they want to hear; a trick Anthony had come to understand in his time with the Illuminati.
The Strigoi holds out a hand, smiling a charming, compulsion-laced smile at the Dhampire.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Genieve Waverly Character Portrait: Luecretia Waverly Character Portrait: Angeline Julia Zeklos Character Portrait: Rosella Sophia Griffin Character Portrait: Marcus Tarus Character Portrait: Brylen Dragomir
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Brylan smiled to Lupe when she asked "So, I haven't any idea of what I'd where to this party. You all have ideas?" she then looked over the dhampir "Well you came back to the right place" then heard Kitty pipe up "Anything that glitters maybe? Simple black, but sexy as hell, dress?" and saw Kitty point to her dress and remember the comment Kitty said before"Will Alec like? Hell Brylen, I might even be into you. Good luck keeping him off you." "Well I can't help how I look
black is just my color". She then looked back to Lupe "yes I agree with Kitty...anything black or even would look amazing on you" she smiled then made sure she had what she needed in her purse then heard her phone go off two times she read the two texts first from Raven:"B. Just been caught sneaking into the school. Am in the principal's office now. For the love of God I did not think I'd be back here again." Her eyes went wide...Raven was in the school...Raven...she was going to see Raven again. She quickly texted Raven back "I will be down there asap". She then opened the text from Gabriel: "Hells yeah, bring the party. let's move it forward an hour? she grinned and texted back quickly "Ok will meet you theres". "Okay change of plans guys...we are heading to the party now...going to send a text to everyone.

"change of plans everyone we are heading to the party now. meet y'all there."


Brylen arrives to the party with Kitty and Lupe (if you want that to change just tell me) and looks around for the rest of the crowd. She pulls the drinks out from the trunk of the car and heads for the hill side with the lake on the otherside. "C'mon Kitty, Lupe lets get this party started!" she then puts the drinks down near a tree and grabs one, already opening it and starts to drink it down "hope everyone gets here soon or there wont be any drinks left!"


Mace heald Angel close and let her cry after a few minutes he whisper in the girls ear "I have been meaning to give you something". He reaches into his pocket while his other arm was still around her. He pulled out a necklace unclipped it and put it around Angel's neck "I hope you like it, I got it specially made". Mace then leaned in and gave Angel a kiss on the cheek "You will always have me Angel, always". He felt his phone go off and read the text from Brylen "Looks like the party is starting now, lets go I will drive you there okay?" He then took her by the hand and walked with her to his old small looking car and helped Angel into her seat, then he got into the drivers seat and drove off. When they arrived he got out and went to Angel's door and opened it holding his hand out for hers "looks like a few already got here".


Wini's eyes looked wild she then heard Marcus say "Don't you dare touch me or I'll snap your neck you stupid witch. I don't need to go with your little friends." She was about to respond back when she felt Marcus's lips on hers "OH NO YOUR FUCKING DEAD!" she screams and starts scratching at him when she is pulled off from Marcus from Gabe she hisses "I am going to kill him" she watched the little prick run off but she then noticed Cherie run off. "Ugh I will be right back" she then quickly ran off after Cherie "Cherie wait" she caught up to her and grabbed her arm gently "Wait know I do not like Marcus at all. I am going to kill him...what he did he just made a really bad enemey...if he ever lands a hand on you again...c'mon lets go get ready to trash the party." She then wasn't
going to wait for Cherie she just wanted to let the girl know that she really hated Marcus in everyway possibled. She got back to the house and looked Gabe and Gene "Okay I am ready to get out of this house and cause chaos, anyone else ready?"


Brooklyn was dropped off near the stores and she started walking down the street peeking in stores trying to find Eliza "ELIZA" she yelled out on the street. She was walking by an alley when she heard a noise. She decided to take a peak and when she walked down the alley she couldn't believe what she was seeing. "ELIZABETH!" she then ran forward at the male strigoi grabbing one of knifes from her sheath "get your hands off her now! you nasty ass blood sucking monster!" she then ran forward and went to stab at the male strigois chest grabbing Elizabeths hand to try to get the girl behind her. She never have fought a strigoi yet but she wasn't going to back down,the monster was feeding off her charge.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kittrina Drozdov Character Portrait: Brylen Dragomir Character Portrait: Guadalupe Aria Moñtez Character Portrait: Braddock Vincent Dashkov
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"Well I can't help how I look, black is just my color." Kittrina smiled, looking at Lupe as her friend talked. "Yes I agree with Kitty...anything black or even would look amazing on you."

Kitty nodded, looking Lupe over while Brylen went to her phone. "Yes, I agree. Red and maybe some glitter lotion? Come on, I've got something perfect for you." She held out her hand to her and lead her to her exploding suitcase.

Once Lupe was dressed and looked fabulous, Kittrina lead her back to Bry's room. She gestured to Lupe. "Am I a genious or what? She looks like a girl." She smirked and looked at her friend. Apparently something was going on. "So what's up?" She asked, plopping down on her friends bed.

"Okay change of plans guys...we are heading to the party now...going to send a text to everyone."

Kitty smiled mischievously. "Great. The sooner I get my drink on, the better. I've been here for a day and already I'm sick of this school."

--- Time Skip to Party ---

Kitty rolled up to the party, riding shotgun in Brylen's car. She smiled, rolling the window down. Riding with Brylen always managed to make her wish she hadn't turned down her adoptive fathers offer to buy her her own car. It just hadn't seemed right, taking money from him like that. So she'd said no. Plus anyway, she always had shotgun in Bry's ride. Why get a car?

Lupe sat in the backseat. The whole ride here had been quiet, so Kitty had turned on the radio and rolled her window down.

When the car stopped, Kat smiled at Brylen. "C'mon Kitty, Lupe lets get this party started!" Her friend squealed as she jumped from the car and grabbed a pack of drinks. Kitty grinned and slipped out of the passenger seat, straightening herself before grabbing a pack of drinks and following Brylen to a tree, where she set them down and popped one open. "Hope everyone gets here soon or there wont be any drinks left!"

Kit grinned and grabbed a drink, popping it open for herself and leaning back against the tree to look around. The party was placed in the perfect spot. In an open field with a large lake near the back. Moonlight shined down, bouncing off the little silver shapes on her dress and the spikes in her heels. She glanced at Lupe, who was just standing there, food tapping slightly, ringing the top of her bottle with a finger as she scanned the area. Red really was her color and the dress Kitty had picked for her exsentuated her curves perfectly. The glitter lotion she'd given her making her skin sparkle. She really did look great and all she was doing was standing there.

Kitty rolled her eyes and grinned mischievously over her drink. "Lupe. Come on, there's no one to fight here. You look fuckin' hot, now pop open that drink and live a little."

Music started up and she turned her head to see Braddock, jamming away behind the DJ booth. She grinned and waved her hand high at him, giving him a small wink before turning back to her friends with a sigh and another drink.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kittrina Drozdov Character Portrait: Brylen Dragomir Character Portrait: Guadalupe Aria Moñtez Character Portrait: Adrian Le'Fay Lazar Character Portrait: Braddock Vincent Dashkov
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Adrian looked up towards a car as he saw Braddock,Kitty,Brylen and Guadalupe. He watched and looked back at his phone as time was passing a bit early. not only was he hungry but he could hear a near distant heart beating. He looked around to make sure knowone was watching as he left towards the woods and he could hear prey not that far from him.

He looked to his left and to his right luckily to make sure he wasn't being followed. He caught up to his prey and grabbed it by it's neck as he held it slowly to the ground and he began to drink all of it's blood.

He remembered what his father told him when he fed. To never drink to much... Adrian had no idea what would happen after that but he wouldn't be staying around for long to see it happen.

He dropped the body to the floor and swept the blood from his mouth as snickered and went back to the ongoing party up towards the lake. He saw kitty acting as she does on the usual but Adrian had a sudden urge to go back and feed again.

He was clear about his thoughts and feeding would be the wrong thing to do but he had never been so used to all the music and the lights. He shook his head and looked around as Braddock kept dj-ing.

He wanted to turn the music off and swim into the water and he was gonna do that. He walked over to the lake and slowly took off his shirt as he looked down at the water underneath him and he took a deep breath.

He jumped in as the water engulped him. He was looking up and swam back up as he smiled. He had never wanted the urge to go for it but he was just..not the usual self.

He slowly crawled out of the water and he looked to his right and to his left as everyone were either : Talking,Dancing,Or just doing whatever a teenager would do.

He sat down and he put his head into his lap as he couldn't have more of a urge to do anything right now and all he needed was some time to think.