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Henry Spencer Jones

Attorney-at-law, and more

0 · 421 views · located in The Eye of the Storm

a character in “Storm Warning: Season One”, as played by smellie_catt



Name: Henry Spencer Jones
Appearance: 180cm, medium length blond hair in a conservative side part, hazel coloured eyes, lean build
Personality: Earnest, steadfast in his loyalty, outspoken,
Occupation: Lawyer, currently working for the government under Jack the 'Iron Fist'
Weapons/Powers: Hypnotic Stare, Voice: Staring into the eyes of, or hearing the voice of Henry can be enough to compel an individual to commit acts they otherwise wouldn't. However, compulsion will only occur as long as the compelled either has unbroken eye-contact with Henry, or continues to hear his voice. Due to his lack physical might, Henry also carries a standard law enforcement Glock 23 pistol, a concealed American Derringer Lady Derringer pistol, and a small stiletto dagger.
History/Bio: Having just graduated from Harvard, the young idealistic Henry instantly went to work for the District Attorney's office of Nexus City. In his position, he put away scores upon scores of criminals - he was headed for stellar career as a public prosecutor. But soon enough, big law came knocking to his door, bags of cash in hand. In Henry, they found a willing employee. His rise through the ranks of Ascotte Pearson was meteoric, he would be name partner before thirty. Until the night the stars disappeared, and all the Earth was thrown into the dark, a bawling fearful child. On that night, a new Henry had been born, under the auspices of a vanished sun and a missing moon. He resigned from his cushy job that night, and soon enough, he was working for Iron Fist.

So begins...

Henry Spencer Jones's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick Character Portrait: Narissa "Rain" Variel Character Portrait: Raphael Contraband Character Portrait: Jack the "Iron Fist" Character Portrait: Joung Nae Character Portrait: Henry Spencer Jones
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Maverick frowned as he entered the center of town, a massive square with many streets and skyscrapers centered around the area. The voice leading him here was urging him, trying to warn him... Maverick shook his head. He just couldn't understand.

Spying a peddler on the side of the street, albeit a shady looking one, Maverick approached him. The man's customer seemed rather unhappy, waving some colored pieces of paper in the peddler's face angrily. Maverick shoved the man aside.

"Excuse me," he said. "Do you happen to have anything for a headache? I'm beginning to feel one coming on."

That's when the screaming began.


Jack pulled on his coat, fixing his tie, before turning to his team.

"Jones, Variel," he said. "Let's go. There's a disturbance in Sector A, the town square. We're picking up a lot of renegade movement."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick Character Portrait: Desiree Character Portrait: Narissa "Rain" Variel Character Portrait: Raphael Contraband Character Portrait: Jack the "Iron Fist" Character Portrait: Joung Nae
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Narissa looked up from where she was sitting and looked over at Jack as he pulled on his coat. Having just gotten to the place where her new team was staying the only thing she knew about the other two were their names and what they looked like. As Jack speaks Narissa brightens and jumps up, clapping her hands together excitedly. "Cool! Finally something to do!!! This place is SO boring!" The blue haired teen moves towards the door in a strange mix of dancing and skipping, humming happily. right as she grabbed the doorknob she tilted her head back a little so she could look at him and giggled. "Where is the town square again?"

At the sound of a scream Desiree almost dropped the glass she had been cleaning, catching it at the last second. Swearing under her breath she storms towards the front entrance of the bar, knowing the screams were pretty close for to have been startled by it. As she walked she took off the small black apron she was wearing around her hips and dropped it on one of the tables nearest the entrance before going out the door and walking across the street and through an alley, following the screams. Stopping at the end of the alley Desiree looked around the town square curiously for the source of the screams, knowing she was extremely near since they had grown louder.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick Character Portrait: Desiree Character Portrait: Narissa "Rain" Variel Character Portrait: Raphael Contraband Character Portrait: Jack the "Iron Fist" Character Portrait: Joung Nae
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"Hold it, don't you feel that?" Maverick asked, grabbing Contraband's wrist. "There's something..."

The man screaming suddenly stopped, as if he had violently had the air ripped out of him. More people suddenly began dropping to the ground, screaming as well. As they did, something began to take form, a shape above them. It was huge, easily the size of a small building. Tendrils of some ghostly substance were attaching themselves to the people in the square, and as the channelers watched, pulses of energy seemed to be flowing from the civilians to this creature.

"What is that?" Maverick asked, before realizing that the first man who had screamed had suddenly flopped forward, his body turning to dust. "Holy crap guys! That thing is killing people!"


"The center of town," Jack said, following Narissa to the door. Gently but firmly, he pushed her through the doorway. "We'll take the car. It will get us there faster."

As Jack climbed in, his phone beeped. Jack pulled it out and read the message, frowning.

"Double time," Jack said, snapping his phone shut and quickly starting the car. "The renegades are doing something, people are dying. Let's move!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick Character Portrait: Desiree Character Portrait: Narissa "Rain" Variel Character Portrait: Raphael Contraband Character Portrait: Jack the "Iron Fist" Character Portrait: Joung Nae
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Desiree sighs and looks over at the tall, brown haired man with a raised eyebrow. "No, I'm going out for ice cream." She replied, sarcasm thick in her voice. Seeing the tendrils of ghostly substance flowing towards the creature Desiree frowns, her eyes narrowing, and turns, heading back towards the bar. "No way in hell am I getting involved in that. There are people for that." She mutters to herself as she walks through the alley.

Narissa jumped in the car, a bounce in her step though her playful smile had fallen away. After she was in the car she leaned forward and watched Jack with wide eyes. "Do you really know how to drive this thing?" As she did so she bounced in her seat a little, seemingly full of energy. As she spoke she glanced over at Henry for a moment, a quick, friendly smile lighting her face before she turns back to Jack, fully expecting an answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick Character Portrait: Desiree Character Portrait: Narissa "Rain" Variel Character Portrait: Raphael Contraband Character Portrait: Kelsier Achylis Character Portrait: Jack the "Iron Fist"
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"Ay, ay, ay, what kind of a thing are we put into?" Joung shook her head in disbelief.

Even though nobody had the time to comprehend the direction of the events, Joung was from those who needed it. It's not a common experience when you live your daily life and suddenly you have to fight an enormous deadly creature. However the blacking out of the world ten years ago, the voices in the head back then and now and the supernatural abilities would be good hints that one day you'd witness something bizarre.

"How in the world are we supposed to defeat this thing?" Joung curled her eyebrows. Suddenly, she gasped, her eyes widened and she lifted her arm.

"Hey, Maverick!" She turned to the young man. "Do another flame! But don't throw it right away! I need to try out something with you!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Maverick Character Portrait: Desiree Character Portrait: Raphael Contraband Character Portrait: Kelsier Achylis Character Portrait: Jack the "Iron Fist" Character Portrait: Quinn Kelly
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A blimp was hovering over the city as the creature attacked. Contraband's voice emitted from the blimp's loudspeaker, loudly relaying a message for everyone in the city, "Attention one, attention all! A horrific creature is attacking the city and panic is running through the streets. Schools are closed, work is put on hold, and what I can only assume is general looting and chaos is running rampant in the streets," Raphael informed the populace. "Some old diseased man is stealing your iphone and throwing up on your car right now! and yes, I'm talking to you!" Contraband spat at no one in particular.

"If a band of heroes can come and save the day....well, they might just need some armaments to help 'em do the job. Just come by Contraband's, located at 32nd and Shatner street!" the salesman pitched. "We got ammo, we got blades...and maybe even a sock-it launcher or two! What's that? Ya got your own weapons. They're worthless. Garbage. Get rid of 'em. Stop having boring weapons, stop having a boring life," Contraband reprimanded the fools in his domain. And hey, if our heroes fail and this is indeed the end times...we got food AND water! Most shops aren't prepared for ANY emergency...but Contraband's is."
