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Ben Thompson

Captain Hook

0 · 378 views · located in Essex, Connecticut

a character in “Storybook: A Grimm World”, as played by phosphene


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In manner, something of the great seigneur still clung to him, so that he even ripped you up with an air, and I have been told he was a raconteur of repute. He was never more sinister than when he was most polite, which is probably the truest test of breeding...

Every story- even children's stories- need an excellent villain. There is, perhaps, no one better suited to acts of savagery and evil than a pirate lacking a moral compass, no matter how well educated he may be.

ImageImage . B A S I C S .
§ . n a m e . Benjamin Thompson

§ . m o n i k e r ( s ) . Ben, Thompson, probably some not-so-nice ones he's unaware of.

§ . g e n d e r . cisman

§ . a g e . 35

§ . s e x u a lx o r i e n t a t i o n . bisexual

§ . o r i g i n . Neverland (Hook) Newcastle, England (Ben)

§ . r e l a t i o n s h i pxs t a t u s . single

§ . o c c u p a t i o n . restaurant owner

Image Image Image . A P P E A R A N C E .

§ . e y e s . hazel

§ . h a i r . dark brown

§ . h e i g h t . 5'11"

§ . w e i g h t . 160 lbs

§ . p h y s i q u e . average/thin

§ . s c a r s . not so much of a scar, I suppose, but Ben is missing his left hand. While Captain Hook might wear a sharpened menacing hook, Ben prefers something a bit more functional. He has various other scars; nothing super noteworthy or shocking, all things considering.

§ . d e s c r i p t i o n . Captain Hook may dress in finery, with long, curled hair, a well-manicured mustache, and a general menacing air about him. He's always playing the part of the gentleman, while all the while making himself look scarier, somehow. Of course, the star of the show was always his menacing hook.

And while Ben certainly can dress himself up like a gentleman, he prefers a more simple, clean-cut look. Jeans and tees are easier for him, more practical for his life, and all around perfectly normal and unassuming. Not that he's hiding anything, he just prefers not to stand out. Just being a face in the crowd suits him perfectly fine, though he still carries himself with all the rigor and pride of a military man. He most often wears his hook, but for nicer occasions he does occasionally wear a plain hand prosthetic. He prefers not to, it's not as functional, but sometimes it's worth avoiding questions about what happened to his hand.

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Image . C H A R A C T E R .

§ . d e m e a n o r . cold, distant

§ . f e a r s . his own blood, crocodiles, has a weird thing about clocks. don't ask.

§ . v i c e ( s) . drinking, gambling

§ . d i s l i k e s . children, losing, backtalk, being wrong

§ . f l a w s . whiny little bitch, self-important, explosive temper

§ . s t r e n g t h s . clever, well-mannered, quick thinker

§ . i n t e l l i g e n c e . very intelligent

§ . p e r s o n a l i t y . Ben is a clever man: he's good about watching people, figuring out how they tick, and using their own faults and flaws to get them to align with his own agenda. On the other hand, he tends to get very sullen when things don't go his way. It's not uncommon to walk into his diner and hear him having a go at the people who work there, or see him dramatically get into a huff over something small. He's been known to go into fits sometimes, around people he's close to usually, as a manipulation tactic. Among the general public, he tends to be politely distant, and not at all pleasant, usually. His general dramatism does make him a good storyteller, not that he'd tell any of his stories to you.

Hook is very much the same, just generally more extreme. He's got a hotter temper, a shorter fuse, more murder in his eyes. There's just something unsettling about him, no matter how kind or polite he may be behaving. He's just not a generally pleasant person to be around, unless you've managed to get on his good side, which most people fail to do.

Image . A B I L I T I E S .

§ . s t r e n g t h s . clever, observant, quick thinker

§ . w e a k n e s s . vengeful, over emotional, too prideful, the whole "one hand" thing.

§ . p h y s i c a lx c o n d i t i o n i n g . can hold his own. He's not muscle bound boxer or anything, but he won't hesitate to throw a few punches.

§ . s a i l i n g . Hook and Ben are both no stranger to the open seas, and one might argue that they'd both feel more at home on a ship than anywhere else.

§ . s w o r dxf i g h t i n g . Captain Hook is an expert sword fighter, though perhaps a little obsessed with perfect and proper form. He's not against using some less than conventional methods to block an oncoming attack, though, having used his hook on several occasions when it suits him.

§ . u n s e t t l i n g . Captain Hook is scary. You know it, he knows it, he's not afraid to lean into it. He sharpens up his hook, threatens people with it, grins menacingly. He's not above using that to throw people off their game.

Image . H I S T O R Y .

Long before he was known as Captain Hook, Hook was a privateer for the crown. A well educated man who'd grown bored of the confines of the navy, he signed up to fight the Spanish armada, and he was good at it. Those days are a distant memory, and Hook hardly remembers that man anymore. He doesn't remember how he and his crew came to Neverland. Whether they sailed into some sort of portal, or Peter Pan willed them to be there, or some other child telling tales of Neverland needed someone for Pan to fight. Maybe they'd always been there, in some twisted way. In the end, it didn't matter. One moment they were sailing the coast of England, and the next they were coming up on the shores of Neverland.

Fighting children wasn't something Hook was initially interested in, but Peter Pan was always goading him on. Pan wanted a villain to fight and triumph against, and eventually he got Hook to comply with his wishes. Hook couldn't tell you how long he'd been in Neverland. The years went on and on, and he stayed the same, unchanging, just like Peter Pan, unable to age or grow past the phase in his life he'd entered Neverland in. He'd always loved a fight, but as the years passed he grew hungrier for violence, thirstier for blood: to the point that he was threatening and harming his own crew in want of a good fight. Peter Pan always returned, and eventually Hook knew he would have to kill the child if he wanted to be free of his hell.

When Pan fed his hand to the croc, though, it became about more than freedom. It turned into a search for vengeance. Around every corner, something was hunting him. A crocodile with a clock in its belly and a taste for his flesh, a child who refused to grow up and found joy in tormenting him, the ever-changing cast of lost boys who couldn't see that Peter Pan would likely discard them when he grew bored. He was tired. He wanted to kill Peter Pan, and he wanted to take everything he loved from him as well.

It was really no wonder when he captured Wendy. It was always going to come to that, and Pan might have even orchestrated it that way for all he knew. The Captain had no time for the girl, and he was going to send her off the gangplank, but she asked to stay, and Smee- the only person who could get through to Hook anymore- convinced him to let her, but only if she pitched in and did her share. As she grew older, released from Peter's spell, Hook realized he may have made a very good ally against the boy who wouldn't grow up. They never got the chance to kill him, though; the spell to send them into the real world made sure of that.

Ben is from England, and joined the royal Navy right out of university, having always know it was what he wanted to do. A technical issue caused an injury to his hand while out at sea, and while it originally wasn't anything serious, it soon became infected and no matter how hard they fought it, or how many treatments he went through, the infection just kept coming back and festering and just wreaked havoc on his body. He made the decision to amputate, putting an end to his naval career.

After settling in with his new life and growing used to his new limitations he decided to travel a bit. He'd been cooped up for too long, and had nothing tying him down where he was. When he stumbled upon Essex, he absolutely fell in love with the little town and decided to stay. It was a long process, but for the last seven years he's been settled in the sleepy little town (sometimes more lawfully than others), and even opened up a little diner once he was able.

coding x mombie | fc x Harry Llyod | hex x #811C43

So begins...

Ben Thompson's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt Character Portrait: Olive Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Liana Roth Character Portrait: Ben Thompson
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#, as written by Caille
Olive 'Liv' Fitzgerald
Wendy Darling | Outfit | #6ab6d9

Olive Fitzgerald had received her invitation to attend this silent auction. It sounded lame and something her father would surely drag her to against her will. When you were the mayor’s daughter you had to be in line. At least here in Essex, her father was nowhere in sight and he was not the mayor.

Today happened to be her last morning shift before she switched back to evenings serving at the diner. Liv found herself staring at the invitation and had to give a little laugh, did she even own formal attire? The mere thought of her even being there and pretending to be interested in the items for auction.

Instead, she tossed the flyer to the side of her dresser before opening up her small closet. Pushing and pulling the pieces of fabric along to view what she had, she would begin to pull some off of the rack entirely and view it. This was all before deciding it was not the right outfit for her.

A couple of hours passed, and Liv actually ended up sitting on the bathroom counter in her apartment as she applied makeup. She had finished with the basics but was working on her eyes carefully. Her mouth agape and her hand struggling to stay still for five seconds, she finally finished her look.

Her red locks moved to the side as she looked over to her dog sitting in the bathroom doorway. “I feel utterly stupid, Noodles.” but it wasn’t as if her dog could talk to reassure her.


Liv had been walking from her apartment to city hall. She could see the flock of people and took a deep breath in. She could do this, she could be around people today. She had on a dark green dress with a slight V cut on the top and spaghetti straps. Her hair was neatly done with her bright tussles of hair falling against her back.

She was curious if any of the guys from the diner would be attending, as she walked up the stone steps, her heels clicking against the cement and before she knew it she was greeted at the door.

Her eyes glanced around the room, before noting that her boss, Ben Thompson was there. She walked up to him and figured if she was going to ease into a night of being out, it could start with some light prodding and insistent nags to her boss.

“Benny boo, I didn’t expect you to show up and you look quite dapper if I do say so myself,” Liv said trying to tempt the angered beast within to come out. She was always ready for there to be a show she didn’t have to hear about the next morning and it involved herself.

As she waited for him to reply she did happen to look at what she was given upon entering, a number she had to use to bid under. For the rest of the night, she would be known to the auction as #190.

“Do you know if they have liquor, or do you have any stashed on you, perchance?” she spoke quietly on the second part as her eyes watched the rest of the room and looked back to him.

Liana Roth
Snow White | Outfit | #7b678a

Liana Roth was the kind of girl that loved to do any charity work. When she got the invite to go to the charity gala there was nothing but excitement on her face. She wanted to be able to give back to the community in many different ways and this was just a sign telling her that she needed to go.

The brunette finished up at work by 5:00 pm, which left very little time for her to get ready, unfortunately. Before she left work she had done her hair in the bathroom and just reapplied some essentials from her makeup. It meant all she needed to do was get home so she could change and order a ride to the city hall. She would drive, but she didn’t want to end up leaving her car there if she had any drinks at all.

Her dress was black and strapless, but after the waist, the dark black slowly faded and turned into gradients of purples, peaches, and whites. Her heels were a simple low heel with a bit more support and black. They had a strap that went across the top of her foot and when clicking against the floors made a more of a hollow sound.

When she walked up to the entrance she was greeted by Mrs. Picket, “Thank you so much for inviting me, Mrs. Picket, it is an absolute honor to be a part of this event tonight.” Liana said in the sincerest of ways while her hand was held in between Mrs. Picket’s. “No, thank you dear for coming. Donations are in the form of a silent auction, you can take a look whenever you have a spare moment.” and with that Liana nodded and walked off.

She observed who was here so far. She could see Adrien and Liesl getting close and viewing auction items, and then her head turned back towards the bar where she got a classic vodka cran with no ice.

Putting coins in the tip jar she sipped on her drink as she headed over to the auction tables. She was caught staring at the blonde in a silver dress that seemed to catch the lighting of the room and magical ways and reflecting on other surfaces. She was absolutely radiant.

As the brunette got closer, she realized it was no other than Lorelei. Liana walked up to where the other girl was and stared at the object she was observing. “A swan’s feather?” She asked with a smile and looked down to observe some of the other items.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elena Lux Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Adrien Duval Character Portrait: Olive Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Hugo Lund Character Portrait: Ben Thompson
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0.00 INK

Hugo Lund
prince charming
outfit - #B37538 - town hall

It wasn’t every day that they had a charity auction in Essex, and Hugo would take any excuse to go out and flaunt a bit. Getting dressed for these events was something he’d done more when he was younger, lived in a bigger city. He liked it, liked being seen, feeling important, even if it was just for bidding on whatever sorts of things had been dredged up for this auction.

It wasn’t a long drive from his place to city hall (really, it wasn’t a long drive to get much of anywhere in Essex), so Hugo wasn’t worried at all about arriving too late. Things seemed to be in full swing by the time Hugo arrived, which suited him fine. There were few things in life more awkward than being the first to arrive at a social event. One last look in the mirror to be sure he looked appropriately dashing and he was heading up the stairs and into the building. Mrs. Picket found him shortly after he entered, ”Mr. Lund,” She said, ”Thank you for attending.” There was something about this woman that was familiar in an unpleasant, yet somehow disarming, way.

”Thank you for the invitation.” Hugo grinned, showing off his practiced authenticity. Mrs. Picket gave him a slip of paper with a number on it for the bidding, 144, and he figured he may as well look around.

Adrien was there, but he was busy enough with Liesl, and there was no way Hugo was interrupting that. Instead, Hugo decided to browse through the items, himself. Jewelry, old weaponry, random pieces of junk. Hugo could spot at least one thing in the room that probably belonged in a dumpster instead of an auction. But what did he know? Some of the items were truly interesting, though: an old rifle, an oil lamp
 The mayor’s jewelry, paired with some tacky headband. Weird.

When he came across a gold ring, though, something about it pulled him in. It wasn’t overly ornate, but there was something about it. So he picked it up, turned it over between his fingers. He didn’t need this, and yet
 He knew he had to bid on it. How much was he willing to pay for a ring like this? $1000, he wanted it. If someone else wanted it more than he did, they’d pay more. Besides, this was charity. Maybe he’d bid on that oil lamp too, it was an interesting piece.

He was considering the merits of checking out the catering table when someone caught his eye. Elena Lux. Hugo didn’t know her well. Hell, they’d hardly actually spoken since she moved into town, but she was pretty, and familia,r and talking to her seemed like a decent enough way to spend at least a little chunk of his evening.

”It’s... Elena, right?” He was careful to approach after she seemed finished inspecting that mirror she’d seemed interested in. ”I don’t know if you remember me, I’m Hugo.” He put a hand on his chest, flashed a brilliant smile, ”I don’t want to be presumptuous,” That was a lie, Hugo loved to be presumptuous if he could get away with it, ”But it looks like you could use some company.” He cleared his throat and glanced off to the side, a gesture meant to display some sort of false modesty or bashfulness, ”I was just going to see if they had any desserts over at the catering tables, if you were interested.”

Ben Thompson
captain hook
outfit - #811C43 - town hall

Benjamin Thompson liked stuff. You never knew what kinds of treasures you might find if you were willing to look; so when he received an invitation to an auction, he really couldn’t pass up the opportunity. He decided to close down the diner early, they’d likely have such a slow night it wouldn’t have been worth being open, anyway. And as he arrived and saw that most of the town seemed to be attending the event, he couldn’t help but feel like he’d made the right decision. Ben was greeted at the door. He wasn’t the most sociable on the best of days, but he smiled politely and accepted the number he’d been given. Silent auctions were much calmer than the standard kind, he had to admit.

He happily went looking at the various items on display, all of them interesting in their own ways, even if some of them were a bit more
 Unique. He was just staring down a pretty ordinary looking axe, trying to discern what the hell it was doing here, when he heard an annoyingly familiar voice in his ear. ”“Benny boo, I didn’t expect you to show up and you look quite dapper if I do say so myself,”

”Hello, Olive.” He shot back, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of riling him up (because he knew that was the goal). He turned his head too look at her, raising an eyebrow, ”What do you want?”

“Do you know if they have liquor, or do you have any stashed on you, perchance?”

Ben rolled his eyes, ”Do I look like I work here? Fuck off.” But he reached into his coat and passed a flask over to her. He had to be prepared for the chance they didn’t have any booze at this thing. Ben came for the auction, but he didn’t come to stand around and stroke any rich fucker’s ego. ”Just a sip,” He insisted, before nodding his head in the direction of the bar, ”Think the bar’s that way, bet they have all the fruity drinks you can get your hands on. Probably water the shit down, though.”

After a moment, he snapped his fingers, insisting on getting the flask back before Olive had the chance to wander off with it. ”If you’ll excuse me,” He said, words much more polite than his tone, ”I didn’t come here to talk to you.” After securing the flask, he went back to looking at the various items on auction. His right hand was in his pocket, leaving his hook to swing by his side as he walked. There was this pocket watch that kept catching his eye. He didn’t know what it was about the thing. He didn’t need a pocket watch; it wasn’t practical for his life, and he hated that ticking sound that analog clocks made. In the end, he knew he had to place a bid of some sort on it. Deep in his heart, he didn’t want the thing, but something in him felt like it needed to belong to him. Was this a greed thing? Maybe. It was nice and shiny. $75 would do. At least that way, he knew he’d tried
 Well, not tried, so much as not completely overlook the thing. There was no way he’d come out of here with it, not with that bid, but at least now he wouldn’t have to regret not bidding on it at all. Not that he wouldn’t complain about it in the morning.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Olive Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Ben Thompson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xarysin


Ciaran Paine
Will Scarletx|xOutfitx|x#6d0404

Ciaran took a drink of his beer as Grayson turned to him. "Did you miss the 'silent' part of silent auction?" Ciaran's face scrunched up in a remorseful expression.Shit. "I guess I'll need to look for something else then." Ciaran scratched at his stubble and called after Gray in a much more subtle volume. "Sorry..."

Ciaran was forever putting his foot in his mouth. He was always surprised Gray hadn't told him to fuck off yet. He was going to follow and try to get back in his friend's good graces when an item caught his eye. There was a crowd gathering around Gray anyways. On the table before him was a sword and dagger and their respective crimson sheaths. He was drawn to them. He felt his fingers ache a bit as he considered picking them up. When he reached for the sword it was almost like his palm and the sword were magnets polarized to join.

It felt good in his hand, really good. He didn't remember ever picking up a sword before. Tools of all sorts? Sure. Never a sword and it felt... right. He bounced it back and forth between his hands, confirming it felt best in his right. With his left he picked up the dagger. That felt good too. He had an urge to twirl the sword in his palm but was pretty sure he'd end up impaling someone.

He laughed at himself with some disbelief. Why would he want a sword and dagger? To hang on his trailer wall? Yet he continued to inspect the weapons. He picked up one of the sheaths and studied the leather straps and loops before laying it against his hip and holding the loops beside his belt. He quickly set it back down and pulled a hand over his mouth and down his chin, glancing around to see if anyone had seen him 'trying on' the sheath.

He cleared his throat and stuck his hand in his pants pocket, retrieving a small wad of cash. $87. He quickly checked his number then filled out the little card with his bid, slipping it into the box. He picked up his beer and fled. He was certain his measly bid would be outdone but he was compelled to at least try.

Liv's red hair and dress caught his eye, quickly forgetting the last 27 years of his life for a moment. ”Do I look like I work here? Fuck off.” he heard Ben tell her before they passed a flask back and forth. Once the one-handed wonder walk off towards the items he approached Olive carefully, "Why do you let him speak to you like that?" He took another drink from his beer, trying not to look too obvious as he eyed her form.


Dr. Henry Fines, MD
Dr. Jekyllx|xOutfitx|x#1b456b


James Black
Edward Hydex|xOutfitx|x#0d9ba7

Why would you need that old case of junk? Planning on taking up chemistry? Henry took a bracing breath, knowing that, or hoping that, his medication would cross that blood/brain barrier and the voice would be silenced. At least for a while. Henry's face contored with annoyance slightly.

He muttered "Shut up" and picked up a card from the table. He retrieved his pen from his inside pocket and stared at the stark whiteness of the paper before scrolling $300 in black flowing ink. He gave the glistening ink a quick shot of his warm breath before dropping the card in its respective box.

He stood there an extra moment longer, looking over the item before he headed towards the bar in search of his other drug, caffeine.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Waldmann Character Portrait: Paisley Lawrence Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Ciaran Paine Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo
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0.00 INK


John Waldmann
The Huntsmanx|xOutfitx|x#27352C

John watched closely as Grayson described the state of the police station. The place was corrupt under Frank's leadership and they both knew it but only Grayson was determined to make a difference, that determination was what made John respect him. If Jane hadn't died back then maybe they would've worked alongside each other to end the corruption but sadly that wasn't the case.

He had to protect and provide for his family and if he had walked down that path he may have put them in jeopardy. He couldn't risk leaving his children without a father so he chose to walk away from that life and pursue a more financially rewarding occupation and started his own private investigation firm. There were still risks but he was less likely to face the business end of a weapon as a civilian.

"New day, same shit. Unfortunately." As Grayson pinched the bridge of his nose John nodded knowingly. "It's hard to get anything done when I'm the only cop who actually works . . . Someday though."
John smiled and hoped that Grayson was right, for his sake at least, but he doubted anything would change.

As Grayson's eyes were drawn away John followed his gaze, seeing a group of women a few tables over. John recognized most of them, you tend to in a small town. He was most acquainted with Paisley, the two had met and befriended each other after John recognized her as Jane's favorite author. Paisley was embarrassed initially because of the content of her stories, which John would make light jokes of, but their friendship grew to the point John trusted her enough to leave his children in her care.

Seeing Paisley waving while jumping up and down brought a smile to John's face. He found the scene both funny and charming, wondering if she had written anything like that in one of her novels. John waved back and gestured that he would come over later. While doing so he noticed Liana, the local veterinarian.

There was something about her that drew his gaze but he couldn't quite understand why. The two didn't interact much aside from in passing, as she was in Paisley's circle of friends, but whenever they did he could sense something similar to the feeling he had with Nora, some sort a familiarity. He questioned that feeling but his instincts had proven to be quite reliable so he couldn't help but wonder why he felt such feelings.

"Two hundred dollars?!" The exclamation of the person next to John drew his attention. "Wouldn't your gun be more effective?" The person who asked Grayson a similar question to John's earlier one was a local contractor and carpenter, Ciaran Paine. John didn't know much about him aside from what he learned from Grayson and from observing him while they were both in the bar. He seemed like a good enough guy despite his past troubles with law enforcement.

He watched as Grayson was unamused by his friend's comments on his bid and walking off to view items on other tables. Ciaran looked apologetic as he said he was sorry before Grayson walked away. John felt a little sorry for both Grayson and Ciaran but didn't voice his opinion, the two were close so they would settle it among themselves. He was about to comfort Ciaran and strike up a conversation with him until he saw his eyes drawn towards a sword and dagger and also walking away.

John was a little concerned about both people leaving him in a social gathering. Weren't people suppose to socialize and make meaningless small talk at such events? Why did they both not want to engage in such conversations with him? He wondered if there was something off about him, checking his clothes and smelling his body and breath, but he couldn't find anything that would make people walk away from him. It was probably because of their short interaction but John still wondered if he had done something wrong.

His cellphone began to vibrate in his suit jacket, so he pulled it out and looked through his messages. The text he just got was from his Sam, reminding him to bring her back something and that she wanted cookies and cream ice-cream. He replied with a short message saying that he might and that they should bother uncle Ben later during the week, to which he received a series of emojis he couldn't translate. Children and their hieroglyphs.

After messaging his children John looked to see if Nora had replied, she hadn't. John found it strange that she wasn't at the gala and that she hadn't replied but thought better than to bother her needlessly about it. She was a very capable person and she probably wouldn't like being nagged to death. Still it bothered him that she wasn't answering and he wondered if he should visit her place afterwards.

Putting his phone back into his suit jacket, John looked around among the guests and thought about who he should approach. He thought about approaching uncle Ben but thought he shouldn't tease him at the moment, he would do that later with his kids. There were a few people he didn't recognize that he could possibly introduce himself but John preferred to observe people before trying to befriend them. He then remembered he already promised to talk with Paisley earlier so he decided to walk towards the large group that was forming around her.

When he arrived their group had expanded to six, including the reclusive millionaire Ricardo Trujillo. John had always been curious about Ricardo, wondering why he chose to live reclusively. There were a few rumors surrounding him about how he obtained his wealth and because he barely interacted with people outside his circle but John didn't think much about such rumors. He didn't have the need or desire to look into whether or not any of those rumors were true and as long as it didn't bother John, his friends, or his children, he would leave the man alone.

"Grayson - like the suit." Looking at Grayson's suit John couldn't help but think that Ricardo was joking. Ricardo then smiled and addressed the ladies, saying, "You ladies are looking lovely tonight." That was something they could agree on, all of the women tonight looked beautiful.

Whenever such thoughts entered his mind however John couldn't help but think of his late wife, Jane. He missed his wife dearly and thought about her every day. His in-laws had advised him to move on, saying Jane wouldn't want to see him suffering without her, but whenever he thought about it he thought he was betraying her. After a couple years John had started to date but he felt conflicted. He didn't know if he could love someone as much as he should because of his love towards his late wife and he didn't think that was fair to them.

After Ricardo's comments, John couldn't help but see Liesl behind him. She didn't look pleased but she was usually good at restraining her emotions so maybe he interpreted her look wrong. Her eyes were watching Ricardo and Lorelie closely, especially when the two touched. John pretended to not see anything and tried to draw Liesl's attention, giving her a less than subtle wink. He didn't know what happened but he felt like she needed some form of comfort.

"Anything interesting?" John could think of several things but perhaps this wasn't the event to bring up old investigations and the dirty secret lives of others. Besides, it looked like much more interesting things were about to transpire here tonight.

John walked towards Paisley, nudging her slightly with his elbow and saying, "Maybe this isn't interesting to everyone but I was wondering about your next novel. Is it going to be just as 'steamy' as the last and if so who is going to be the titular characters?" He then looked towards Liana and Grayson. "Maybe it's about a couple who can't be together because of extenuating circumstances . . ." John then looked towards Liesl and Lorelie. ". . . Or perhaps it's about a love rivalry between identical twins."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Waldmann Character Portrait: Paisley Lawrence Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Ciaran Paine Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille
Olive 'Liv' Fitzgerald
Wendy Darling | Outfit | #6ab6d9

Liv knew that Ben wouldn’t disappoint when it came to alcohol in a flask. Although she hasn’t lived in Essex her whole life like quite a few residents have, and neither has Ben, she could safely say he was like one of her brothers. He was an easy target and a predictable one at that.

” Do I look like I work here? Fuck off.” Liv stifled a small laugh covering it with her hand to be a bit more discreet. “Now now, don’t ask questions you don't want to hear the answer to. Because I could have sworn you looked identical to the waiting staff here.” It was a low blow, but if they were going to fight her verbal fists were coming out.

Her hands clutched at the flash as her other hand twisted open the top part. She heard Ben saying that she could take a sip and she rolled her eyes. “You’re no fun, Benny.” Liv said as she then lifted the flask up and poured some of the contents down her throat. It was definitely more than a sip, but the light burning sensation that flowed down her chest was just enough liquid encouragement to make this sort of event bearable.

The redhead closed it and handed it back to Ben. ” Think the bar’s that way, bet they have all the fruity drinks you can get your hands on. Probably water the shit down, though.” Ben commented and she saw the direction he was pointing in. She would probably find her way there but scoffed at the thought of fruity drinks. “If I wanted a spiked punch, I would sneak into the prom.” Liv was close to having zero patience left, but that was when Ben announced his leave.

”I didn’t come here to talk to you.” the words echoed in her head, but left as soon as they registered. “Have fun, be safe! Don’t do anything Liv would do!” She said teasing him one last time as she saw him sneak off into the crowd. She was clearly amused with herself and had no thought on how others even looked at her.

"Why do you let him speak to you like that?" Liv was about to turn on her heel and make it to the bar. A classic rum and coke were speaking to her, but none of that paint thinner white rum crap, a good smooth Cuban rum or any spiced dark rum would do. At the last minute, someone else came up to talk to her.

Liv turned to look at him, she knew him from around town, and she looked him up and down. “Excuse me?” She laughed a little bit while shaking her head. “I’m not some proper lady that needs to cover my ears from profanity for one, for two the words I say to Ben are much worse and you may want to check in on him rather. Lastly, a good ol’ bant never hurt anyone.” She said with a bit of a smirk crossing her face.

The ginger would be damned if she was put in the shoes of some helpless woman who couldn’t defend herself. She had no time to pretend to be stupid to get the male attention, it wasn’t worth it. She could see his subtle clues to checking her out, and although Liv didn’t care she may as well cause some chaos about it.

“Now, I am absolutely parched, I’m headed to the bar to get a drink. You can either stare at my ass while I leave and be wishful the whole evening or you can accompany me and maybe you’ll get beyond the wishful part.” She said with a small grin, as none of her words were hostile with Ciaran, and she had just been quite open with him, throwing the ball back in his court.

Liv turned so her back was facing him and she looked over her shoulder to him, “I’m going to start walking now. If you’re not next to me by the time I get to the bar, I won't be offended, but I will assume you’ve decided to be wishful tonight.” She said with a light laugh and turned her head back to face the front as she sauntered off towards the bar.

Liana Roth
Snow White | Outfit | #7b678a

Talking with Lorelei and focusing on just the two of them helped with some of her anxiety tied to this event. The charity was something that Liana and Greg usually did together, but he was working late tonight with surgery, so it was best if one of them showed up and the other would trickle in later.

Liana was thankful that Lorelei wasn’t off in the clouds with her thoughts and she got a reply back. She listened to what she had to say about the swan quill while browning items on the auction table herself. "Quill, actually." She heard her friend specify and she nodded, making note that not much had drawn her to bid money on, but she knew she would have to find something.

"Not that I know how to use one." followed along with the words that maybe Paisley should acquire the quill instead caught Liana’s attention away from this green hat she had been staring at.

“Lorelei, I think if you are holding it and viewing it, you want it. Just bid on it. You can always have it on display instead of using it.” Then she leaned in a bit closer for only Lorelei’s ears and talked quietly, “I can cover some of your bid, don't worry about it.” She said and knew her friend probably would refuse the help, but she had to make sure she at least offered it.

As Liana turned back around to place a bid on the green hat, she wrote her number down and just put a small bid for now. She didn’t want to deter anyone from bidding on something they would like and she’d honestly probably bid on a few things.

It was only a few seconds later that she heard another voice, "Good evening! Don't you two look absolutely ravishing!" and she could only recognize it as Paisley. A smile formed on her face as she noticed the absolutely stunning dress she was wearing. It had a deep neckline, but Paisley rocked it. “Are you looking in a mirror, Paisley? Look at you!” The brunette exclaimed as she gestured to her friend. “It is classy but still very flirty.” Liana’s smile dipped a little as she heard what Lorelei was saying about Adrien. Her eyebrows knitted together as she sighed.

"I got a lecture from Mr. Duval before coming here... About how exquisitely wrong my dress is."

“Do not listen to that wretched man, your dress is beautiful, but only someone like you could make it shine the way it does.” Liana said, being very sincere. She hated the way Mr.Duval treated Lorelei, but there wasn’t a whole lot she could do about it.

Liana’s eyes scanned the room, until out of her peripherals she could see Paisley waving at someone until she heard her say his name. Her eyes met with John’s and sure she knew about him and knew he was in town, but she never really interacted with him much. There was a strange feeling she got when she looked at him, part of her felt fear but also a relief. There was a sense of familiarity when looking at his eyes, but she decided to ignore that.

"Oh come on, don't make me beg. Liana already has the dreamy fiancĂ©. Let me live vicariously through you." to this Liana laughed, but then spoke up, “Lorelei, stop living through people and live for yourself a little.” She teased before she was startled a little bit by a hand being gently placed at the center of her back.

Immediately her head turned to look over her shoulder, she knew it wasn’t Greg, but she was surprised to see Gray.

"Sorry ladies, I didn't mean to interrupt," Grayson apologized. When Liana's gaze met his, he smiled. "You look... nice." She could feel her heartbeat a little faster at the mention, but she nodded and mumbled a thank you before speaking, “you look quite nice yourself, I like the suit.” She said softly before turning her head back to see Ricardo.

"You ladies are looking lovely tonight." He mentioned not before complimenting Gray. Ricardo was a good guy and was a true gentleman, Liana didn’t have anything negative to say from her own experience.

"Anything interesting? ” he asked, and Liana took this as her chance to maybe help Lorelei live a tiny bit. “Lorelei was just looking at this swan’s quill. I’ve been trying to convince her she should get it, what do you think of it?” She asked, gesturing to the quill in Lorelei’s hand.

What Liana wasn’t prepared for today were the words that fell out of John Waldman’s mouth when he was talking to Paisley. "Maybe it's about a couple who can't be together because of extenuating circumstances . . ." why was he looking towards her and Gray? Is that what people thought? Did Greg think anything more of it? Liana could feel herself getting warm and flushed. She needed to be graceful about this if she were going to sneak out.

Liana laughed about John’s suggestions before adding in something of her own, “Perhaps it's more of an adventurous story. Paisley loves adventures.” She said, noting that she didn’t end up making a funny suggestion as she could have. Liana began to slowly drink the rest of her drink before just drinking the rest and setting the glass down.

“If you all will excuse me, I believe I’m in need of a new drink and I might check out the rest of the night's activities.” She said and bowed out. That situation was turning into way too many people for her comfort.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Waldmann Character Portrait: Olive Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Ben Thompson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xarysin


Ciaran Paine
Will Scarletx|xOutfitx|x#6d0404

"Why do you let him speak to you like that?"

“Excuse me?”

You idiot. He knew as soon as it left his mouth how dumb that sounded. He's seen her and Ben's banter a thousand times at the cafe. His incessant desire to try to stand up for women made him do and say stupid shit. He didn't even know where it came from.

“Now, I am absolutely parched, I’m headed to the bar to get a drink. You can either stare at my ass while I leave and be wishful the whole evening or you can accompany me and maybe you’ll get beyond the wishful part.” Liv turned so her back was facing him and she looked over her shoulder to him, “I’m going to start walking now. If you’re not next to me by the time I get to the bar, I won't be offended, but I will assume you’ve decided to be wishful tonight.” She said with a light laugh and turned her head back to face the front as she sauntered off towards the bar.

He avoided choking on his beer when she mentioned getting beyond wishful and cleared his throat. He did take an extra moment to watch that saunter. To be honest, her personality, which he didn't necessarily find anything wrong with, wasn't his type. Lorelei was much more his speed but there was something about Liv that always drew his eyes and thoughts. She was gorgeous, there was no doubt about that, but there was a familiarity about her looks and personality he couldn't place. Something that kept drawing him in. He was sure he wasn't her type either but here he found himself.

After watching her saunter towards the bar he followed, taking a few big strides to catch up. He felt the awkwardness bubbling up as he leaned on the bar with his forearm. He didn't dare try to ask what she wanted and try to order it for her. Based on everything he knew about her, he figured she'd take offense to that, but what the fuck did he know? Maybe he just needed to get laid and 'reset' his system, as it were.

He finished off his beer and ordered another, "Have you had a look around? Find anything of interest?" He glanced back over towards the items and noticed John abandoned by both himself and Gray. shit He really was on roll so far tonight. Thankfully he saw the man find his way back into the crowd.

He looked back towards Liv, "Strange lot of stuff. Where do you think it all came from? And where is our money going?" He suddenly realized he had no idea who he was giving his money to. "If it's going to something like bailing out one of Duval's ventures, I'm going to have to break open that box and get my bid back."


Dr. Henry Fines, MD
Dr. Jekyllx|xOutfitx|x#1b456b


James Black
Edward Hydex|xOutfitx|x#0d9ba7

Dr. Fines turned from the tables to look for the bar when he nearly ran into Ben observing a watch. He found that intreging to say the least. "Good evening, Mr. Thompson. I see you've found something? He knew he's probably get some flippant attitude but he was quite used to it.

"You haven't been by in some time. How are you handling things?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elena Lux Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Adrien Duval Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt Character Portrait: Dr. Henry Fines, MD
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0.00 INK

Hugo Lund
prince charming
outfit - #B37538 - town hall

Hugo was glad for Adrien to interrupt his moment with Elena. He took the offered drink with a gracious, ”Great timing.” There tended to be only so much “small talk” he could take. Like many men, he wasn’t really all that fond of being in the presence of women. Pursuing them was certainly a fun little game, though.

"And who is the latest woman on your list? Can't say I've met her."

Hugo smiled at Adrien’s question, answering with a quick and simple, ”Elena,” He took a sip from his whiskey, ”Just moved to town, she’s a teacher or something,” He shrugged, ”Truth be told, she’s a little dull, but I get the sense that she’s eager to please.” And that suited Hugo just fine; he wasn’t generally interested in women for their personalities. Sure, the ability to hold an interesting conversation was a plus, and would keep a woman in a more
 Regular rotation, as far as flirting was concerned, but a pretty face and a nice rack could get a lady anywhere as far as Hugo was concerned.

He glanced around the room, most of the ladies looked nice, though there were a few
 Questionable outfits. Not as if it mattered, but it did make him question some people’s mental stability. ”And what about you?” Talking with Adrien was an art, not a science, and Hugo tried to carefully tread the line between familiarity and not giving too much away. They were friends, yes, but with men such as them there was always going to be that inherent power struggle. ”You and Liesl looked pretty cozy,” The tone was appreciative, approving. Liesl was a good choice when you wanted something easy and fun.

He was just thinking about how boring the auction was, and even considered lamenting on how these events were never as exciting as he would like, when he spotted Liesl with Ricardo Trujillo. If there was one thing Hugo was aware of, it was Adrien’s general distaste for Ricardo. And as Ricardo sidled up to Adrian’s assistant (Lauren, right?), Hugo knew things had the potential to get interesting. A sideways glance at Adrien, How’s he going to handle this? It was hard to guess if Adrien would let it go or push the matter. Hugo had never found Adrien to be a particularly forgiving sort, though.

”Well isn’t that interesting,” He mused aloud, taking another sip of his drink.

Ben Thompson
captain hook
outfit - #811C43 - town hall

"Good evening, Mr. Thompson. I see you've found something?”

Ben about jumped out of his skin when he heard Dr. Fines. He’d been so engrossed in his thoughts about the pocket watch he hadn’t even heard the man approaching. ”Dr. Fines,” He said, returning the greeting, and then he glance back at the pocket watch, ”Yeah,” He shrugged, turning his attention back to the doctor, ”It’s an interesting piece.” He knew that wasn’t the answer that Henry wanted, the doctor would probably love it if Ben would go into detail about his decision to bid on an antique pocket watch despite how they both knew clocks bothered him.

If Ben were being honest, he didn’t understand it, himself. What was he going to do with the thing? Put it on the mantle to remind him of the clocks that counted down to losing his hand? He certainly wasn't going to fix it up and use it.

"You haven't been by in some time. How are you handling things?

This was where Ben had to be careful with how he handled himself. The wrong answer, and he was fairly sure the doctor would insist Ben stop in within the next day or so to discuss his feelings or
 Something. He wasn’t sure if Dr. Fines was probing him to try to figure out his mental state or just making a poor attempt at small talk, but he didn’t like it either way. Truth be told, Ben’s handle on “things” was shaky at best on the most ideal of days; despite the years it had been, he still held a lot of bitterness and anger towards the loss of his hand, which was often the focus of their scattered sessions.

”About as well as I generally do, Henry.” Ben could be difficult, in that way that he liked to remind people what he thought of them. ”And how are you handling things?” He raised an eyebrow in a mocking way, then shook his head, waving off his own comment with his right hand. He didn’t care. As much as he liked to pretend it annoyed him, he liked talking about himself and his thoughts, and would rather focus on that.

”Some of the items are very strange, don’t you think?” If the doctor wanted to talk to Ben, he would indulge the man. For a moment, anyway. ”What do you think it says about someone who bids on something useless?” He smiled, but there was a bit of wickedness in his grin. Ben wondered if Henry would give him some sort of speech about nothing being useless if someone attached value to it (boring), or told him he couldn’t possibly diagnose someone based on their shopping habits (even more boring), but either way he liked asking questions that put the attention anywhere besides his own fucked up head. When he wanted to see the doctor about his problems, he’d go on his own accord. Surely the doctor would have time in his schedule for Ben.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ciaran Paine Character Portrait: Olive Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Hugo Lund Character Portrait: Ben Thompson Character Portrait: Minerva Moreau Character Portrait: John Carpenter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mombie
J O H N x C A R P E N T E R
f l y n n x r i d e r
#19444c || Outfit || Location

If anyone could be unfashionably late to a party, it would be John Carpenter. He didn't want to come and deal with all of the personalities. They got on his nerves. He wasn't even sure that his only friends, the local asshats of Essex, would even be there. Ben and Peter. Naturally. Who else could he be talking about? Adrien was just all money and arrogance, and any man could do that. John preferred a specific type of crew - one he could get into some trouble with, maybe share a few sidepieces with. If you know what he means. Hah!

He didn't have a variety of clothing, so jeans, a white t-shirt, and a casual coat would do just fine. He didn't have to be formal. He was just going to go and see if his favorite ladies were available because his friends certainly would not be. He looked at himself in the mirror as he ruffled up his dirty blonde hair. Wait? If his pals were not going to be there, would the town's hottest women be there, too? Hmm, he hadn't considered that.

He shoved his feet into the closest pair of shoes, stuck his wallet (that is mostly for show) into a pocket, and burst out the door of his apartment. He hopped and skipped down the steps, going so far as to slide down the railing on his hiney before jumping off like a juvenile.

He walked to City Hall since Essex wasn't a very large place, so the trek wasn't arduous at all. He didn't own a car as he didn't work far from his own apartment. Now that he thought about it - did anyone actually have to drive in this place? He shrugged at the thought and pushed the door open once he arrived at his destination. He went through the whole greeting with Mrs. Picket, got his number, and blah blah blah. Everything was pretty rushed as he was only here for the ladies.

Speaking of ladies - he did see that fiery redhead, Liesl, but she was already "dancing" with Hugo. If one could call that dancing, honestly. He gave Hugo a thumbs up and a stupid grin. He walked through the grand hall, and as he walked past Ben, he gave his friend a hard and playful slap on the ass. Yeah, he could do that. Walking backward, he gave the man his best finger gun gesture "Lookin' good, my man!"

He noticed Doctor Fines, of course, "Yo, Doc?! We still on for Friday?" He didn't stick around long to await an answer. Naturally, but the good doctor was probably used to it by now. Working with the town's worst men couldn't have been easy on the old man. The court agreed that he could function out in the world so long as he went to therapy, so that was that. John didn't have any real problems that he cared to unearth. He was just going to get some hours under his belt without knowing that the law actually needed the doctor's okay to keep him out of jail.

He could have stopped at Ben, but he already pinned a lady down with his predatory attention. Without a word of warning, he slipped behind Minerva. He knew that he crawled under her skin like some sickening infestation, but honestly - he also knew she sort of liked it. It was like one of those classic and cliche romance stories. You know - the lawyer always hanging out with the scumbag in what is bound to manifest in love or something. John would just settle for sex, but you see - she doesn't bite. It was a little frustrating, he won't lie.

He practically moved his head over her right side; his chin nearly being cradled by that soft slope where the neck met her shoulder. Some of her hair brushed along his face, but he didn't mind so long as he was being utterly intrusive. This all happened rather quickly as well, and once she was deep in thought regarding the item she bid on, he spoke, "You know, I just don't see you as the dagger type." He grinned at that and reached toward the table with one of his hands.

It just so happens that some raggedy-looking satchel caught his eye. It was leather, genuine - he could tell. Used; very well used, he guessed. He didn't know what was so special about it, but he stepped forward and unabashedly pressed himself right into the woman as if she were in his way. He was kind of a pig, so it shouldn't surprise her that he'd do something that so clearly violated her right to not have men sexually harass her. He used his desire to write his number down and a measly bid of twenty-five big bucks as an excuse to intrude on her person.

There were certain things he would not do because he did have some respect for women. He called these... minor transgressions, even if they were not so minor to them. Minerva was pretty. Not hot like Liesl or Liv... or even Nora (where was she anyway?), but she was hard to get and that was a little exciting.

Alas, he eventually backed off of her because - let's face it, he'd never get anywhere. It was a waste of his energy, and he didn't want to go home with an itch that he'd have to scratch himself. That would be unfortunate. He winked at her and retreated backward quickly, whether he was smacked or not in the process wasn't up to him. He turned around and fled for Peter because now Minerva had a dagger in her hand, and well - maybe he needed a little more distance.

He found himself at the bar next to Peter, clapping a heavy hand onto his friend's shoulder in a half embrace. His blue-eyes gaze flit toward Liv with an all-too charming smile that was bound to get him slapped a time or two by the time the night's over, "Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?"

Yeah, that would do. The grin plastered on his face was absolutely shit-eating. Who could fucking blame him? If this stupid town had more ugly women, he wouldn't be in so much trouble all of the time! But there are none. They are all perfectly hot and none are willing to sleep with him. Except for Liesl, and while that was always a good time, he needed to add a few more notches on the headboard. Seriously.

He didn't even notice that Ciaran was there. Eh, John would hit on a girl even if her husband was there with her, so it didn't bother him at all.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olive Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Peter Llewelyn Character Portrait: Ben Thompson Character Portrait: Minerva Moreau Character Portrait: John Carpenter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xarysin


Dr. Henry Fines, MD
Dr. Jekyllx|xOutfitx|x#1b456b


"And how are you handling things?” Ben asked Fines. That caught him a bit off guard though he tried not to show it. There was no way he'd know. Right? He truly hoped his psychoses hadn't become obvious. "Some of the items are very strange, don’t you think? What do you think it says about someone who bids on something useless?”

Henry turned his attention back to the items on the table, clasping his hands behind his back. He figured Ben didn't really care about what he thought and that he was just humoring him, but he stayed, finding any little moments to check on his patients. At least those he worried about. He shrugged his shoulders casually, "I suppose one would find most of this useless. I saw you linger over the watch." His eyes drifted back to Ben. "You didn't give this one your usual abhorrent look. Something different about this one?"

A voice calling his name caught his attention, "Yo, Doc?! We still on for Friday?" Henry nodded at John. His attention had already left the doctor before Henry could give any sort of reply.

Henry turned back to look at Ben, finding people's reactions in their emotions, facial expressions, and tones sometimes more telling than the words themselves.


Ciaran Paine
Will Scarletx|xOutfitx|x#6D0404


Ciaran took another drink of his beer, tilting back the glass. When he brought it back down, he found that another of Liv's friends had sidled up beside her.“As if that cocksucker needs anyone else’s money,” He made brief eye contact with the Ciaran before turning his attention to the bartender, “One gin and tonic for me, a rum and coke for the lady, and-...” looking over at the handyman with a leering gaze he asked, “What about you, handsome? How’s about I order you another beer when you’re done?”

Ciaran looked at his close to empty glass then raised it towards Peter in a silent agreement. He looked down at himself, running his hand down his midsection. "I wished this suit was working like that for the ladies. Alas, I think Liv here is just humoring me until someone saves her from a boring conversation. Maybe you're just in time to be her knight in shining.. suiting." His tone was deadpan. He knew he wasn't her type. He wasn't exciting. He grabbed his new beer and raised it towards Peter again.

He still couldn't shake why he was always trying to talk to her. She really wasn't his type either and he really didn't care for her friends. His point was proven yet again when John slid his way into the mix. He watched as he shamelessly flirted with Liv in an overly confident fashion. Typical John.

He looked into his glass and for a moment wondered if it was spiked and he'd been accidentally invited to a community orgy the way everyone seemed to be approaching everyone like predators. Where the hell was Minerva?!" Ciaran spotted one of the few people who might call him a friend and began to make his escape."I see you've got your hands full, Liv. Peter. Enjoy your evening." He gave John the same attention he was granted and turned to head back into the fray to find Minerva.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Adrien Duval Character Portrait: Dr. Henry Fines, MD Character Portrait: Hugo Lund Character Portrait: Ben Thompson Character Portrait: John Carpenter
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0.00 INK

Ben Thompson
captain hook
outfit - #811C43 - town hall

It wasn’t rare for Ben to quickly regret choosing to engage with someone, and it was quite often Dr. Fines he regretted speaking with
 Even during their sporadic sessions. And, as the doctor brought up the damn pocket watch, he felt the irritation rise up within him.

"You didn't give this one your usual abhorrent look. Something different about this one?"

Ben smiled, reserved and completely in control, but with the edge of something much darker just waiting to lash out. He wouldn’t do that, not here. Most everyone in the room had heard him yell at his staff down at the diner, but this was different. It was supposed to be a classy event, so he swallowed down his emotions, though he was sure the doctor noticed them in his eyes. Fucker noticed everything. He was just getting ready to say something witty and totally false when someone came around and slapped his ass. Ben was fully prepared to be furious, but when he saw it was John, he simply shot the other man a disapproving frown. "Lookin' good, my man!"

”You look like shit.” Ben shot back, with a smile for good measure. John was more than used to him being rude and terrible, but he really did look like shit. Someone had to be honest with him.

Truthfully, though Ben knew he wouldn’t, he’d hoped John would stick around and save him from this conversation with Fines. Ben didn’t look back at Fines, but he felt the doctor looking at him. Ben knew the man expected him to answer the question, even given the interruption.

”If you must know,” Ben said, getting ready to be uncharacteristically honest with the doctor, ”I’ve a terrible habit of pursuing things that make me uncomfortable,” He paused, giving Fines a quick once-over, ”Like you, I suppose. Think I’ll be tossing the watch into the river if I win it, though.” Ben nodded, ready to be free of Henry’s presence. ”Another time, doc.”

He turned, glancing around the room for something- anything, really- that caught his eye. People were dancing, drinking, laughing. Drinking it was. That was one of his favorite pastimes. He started walking in that direction before he realized that the bar was a little crowded. Maybe he’d rethink that. He sort of settled into meandering instead of walking with a purpose then, he didn’t much care if Dr. Fines felt brushed aside.

Hugo Lund
prince charming
outfit - #B37538 - town hall

"Well... We all know how Liesl is." Hugo nodded, he was well acquainted with Liesl, and knew exactly how she was. It didn’t bother him that Adrien was going after her, but something about knowing he’d slept with her first was fulfilling to him.

As Liesl strode over, Adrien steaming by his side, Hugo calmly sipped his drink. There was something amusing in seeing Adrien get all wound up over the little things. Of course Liesl was going to do what, and who, she wanted. Hugo understood the feud going on there, but Liesl wasn’t exactly someone to get all jealous and worked up over. She was fun, sure, and drop-dead gorgeous to boot, but she wasn’t a prize by any means.

But he also knew how Adrien was
 A bit like a toddler, especially when it came to Trujillo. Hugo tended to sit quietly when Ricardo was brought up; he didn’t have anything personal against the man, but staying friends with Adrien was good for him. It was easiest to have no opinion and pretend you weren’t quite bright enough to piece together the puzzle.

Hugo raised an eyebrow as Liesl took Adrien’s drink- she was bold, he’d give her that. He didn’t really bother to hide how it amused him, smiling into his drink as he only halfway pretended not to be there. "Hugo and I are going to go dance," Were they? Hugo tipped his glass back, finishing the last of his whiskey as Liesl took his hand, dropping it off on the nearest surface.

”See you, Adrien.”

Hugo let Liesl pull him out on the dancefloor- and why wouldn’t he? She was beautiful, she was enjoyable enough to be around, and most importantly he was sure this was driving Adrien crazy.

"Can I just say,” Hugo raised an eyebrow, hands resting comfortably on her hips, "Sex shouldn't be complicated by feuds."

Hugo laughed, a gentle chuckle that made his eyes crinkle, and shook his head. ”Absolutely not,” He said, leaning in even closer to whisper in her ear, ”That’s what love is for, I think, and last I read everyone dies in those stories.” He pulled away from her ear, gently shaking his head, ”It’s childish,” Whether he was referring to love or the feud was anyone’s guess, ”But I suppose it’s something we all have to live with, isn’t it?”

Whether he had meant love or the feud, it did seem to be something one had to put up with to be human, or live in Essex. Hugo hated it all as much as anyone else. Love was a ridiculous waste of time, and this damn feud seemed to accomplish little more than get Adrien riled up. But Adrien was a powerful man, and staying in (or at least near) his good graces was just the smart thing to do, as far as Hugo was concerned.

He fixed Liesl with a concentrated look, as if trying to read her mind, ”If you get tired of Adrien and his bullshit,” He started, not doubting in the slightest that Liesl knew where this was heading, ”The rest of my evening is still free.” He knew it was petty, but oh how he would delight in snatching Adrien’s prize out from under him. Of course, he also knew how Liesl was; she was definitely playing the both of them, and one way or another she was likely to get something she wanted.

As they turned across the dancefloor, Hugo had to admit there was some humor in the situation. He didn’t think he’d ever really danced with Liesl; they normally skipped past the courting dances and pleasantries right to what they both knew they wanted out of each other. He didn’t mind it, but it felt like a waste of time if he was being honest. He could be putting moves on someone who didn’t give out as easily.

”Is he watching?” Hugo asked, after a time, ”That’s what you want, right?” he wasn’t entirely sure what game she was playing, but he thought that might be it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roman Scarrott Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Adrien Duval Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt Character Portrait: Mahin Hassud
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mjolnir

roman scarrott
the geniex|xoutfitx|x#5890c9

"A book is probably much safer than most human beings." That was something Roman couldn't argue. He didn't have much luck in the realm of interpersonal relationships. He made some friends on occasional, but they were usually fair weather and disappeared as quickly as they arrived. Life has turned him into a bit of a cynic when it comes to his fellow human beings. More often than not he finds others only want to satiate their own selfish whims, whatever those are. Selfless people are few and far between. Maybe that's why he keeps to himself and his dog. Animals are better than people anyway.

"It isn't even safe for me to just be on my own, let alone with someone else. A partner would be nice - in whatever form that would come - but I couldn't put someone through that. I'm a political refugee. Even in the freest country on the planet, I am still getting death threats."

Roman's face sunk as his brows furrowed. No one should have to live like that. "That's... rough. I'm sorry you have to live like that." He scratched his chin under his beard as he thought. "If it helps, you're welcome to tell people I'm your big scary boyfriend. Wouldn't be my first fight," he mused with a chuckle. It wasn't often that people tried to ruffle his feathers. The man was a walking wall. And even though his personality was more in line with a goofy teddy bear, his resting bitch face said otherwise. "Free of charge," he added with a playful wink.

"Maybe it's a good time to mingle and see if anyone tickles your fancy while you're around these parts." Roman laughed. He wasn't much of the short fling or one night stand type, old soul and all that. But perhaps Mahin had enough of his shitty excuse for conversation. Most of his socializing was with an animal that didn't respond much, so he'd understand if it was lacking a bit.

"Maybe you should too. Refugee or not, no one deserves to be alone." As he started to stand up, he realized how easily his comment could be turned back against him. He held up his index finger to stop her before she said anything. "Ah. Ah. I have a dog, I am not alone." Roman smiled. He leaned down to pick up his empty glass. Perhaps he could use a refill and give the woman a chance to mingle with someone else. "You have a good evening, Mahin. Try to have some fun." He smiled again. "If I don't see you out there dancing, don't think I won't come make you." He flashed her a playful wink before he wondered off.

Roman had one of those effortless demeanors that could often come off charming and flirty, even when he didn't mean to. To be honest, he couldn't recall if he ever flirted... on purpose. He just had a nice smile and gave compliments where they were due. Apparently, as he realized in his adult life, that was uncommon for men. There had been more than one instance where he told a woman she looked nice and he got a punch in the jaw from some man near by, or he liked a guy's outfit and the dude immediately thought he was hitting on him. It was a sad world when a man couldn't be nice for the sake of being nice.

He didn't know which way his personality rubbed Mahin, but he could take a hint. Roman didn't know most of the faces, so rather than awkwardly worm his way into a conversation, he figured he could get another and figure it out later. As he made his way to the bar, his gaze drifted to one or two attractive people he passed by. When he looked back in front of himself it was too late and he bumped right into Ben, who also seemed preoccupied with wondering around.

A large hand rested on Ben's shoulder to steady him. Roman was kind of a walking wall and the last thing he wanted to do was knock him over like a bulldozer. "Ben," he said with a grin as he patted the man's shoulder. He wouldn't say it, but he was thankful that the person he did run into was one of the few faces he did know. "Sorry about that, man. I should be more careful. If I run you over, where the hell would I eat? He jested with a hearty laugh.

It wasn't a secret that Ben was known for having a less than sunny disposition. But even in his snarky comments or whatever else, it never really deterred Roman. Grumpy people needed friends too. And honestly, the man was never one to try to make small talk too often, which was nice. There was only so much small talk one person could handle and considering Roman had no friends and just went from place to place, that was the conversation he got most often. "Purple is definitely your color," he commented as he noticed Ben's suit and plum neck tie.

The bar did indeed look a bit crowded. While Roman wasn't bothered wiggling his way past people to get a drink, it did look like that wasn't Ben's scene. He tapped his index finger on the empty glass in his hand. "I was going to grab a refill, can I get you something?"


lorelei voigt
white swanx|xoutfitx|x#b1aecb

Lorelei was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't even notice Ricardo place a bid on the quill, nor him approach her table. Perhaps it wasn't so much being lost in her thoughts, rather than intentionally not looking up. Embarrassment had that effect on people... Or it did on her, at least. His extended hand broke her line of sight that was fixated on the surface of the table. "Very few women could rival you, much less your sister."

The comment and the hand took her by surprise. "What?" She said, almost involuntary, as she looked up to find the hand belonged to Ricardo. While the two encountered each other quite frequently around town, this had to be the most they had ever spoken to each other. It never occurred to Lorelei that their run-ins were anything other than a happy coincidence. Men never looked her way, at least not like that.

His words caught her off guard and left her mind racing, rather than finding the will to move or speak. "Surely you've noticed that." Had she noticed that? No. She has lived in Liesl's shadow for as long as she could remember. Everyone in the town wanted her, while the only man that spoke to her was Adrien... And that's because she fetched his dry cleaning and morning coffee. Her gaze studied Ricardo, confused by the sudden breaking of the prolonged silence they shared. What had changed?

While the man always came off a bit stoic and distant, Lorelei didn't doubt his honesty. The man even seemed to smile or something of that nature. Perhaps it wasn't a smile in comparison to others, but it was more than his usually blank emotionless expression. Even in the awkward silence of Lorelei just... staring at him and searching for a reaction, he didn't back down. Ricardo kept his hand out and the not-so-smile on his face. "If you don't notice, maybe you'll allow me the opportunity to show you."

Whatever color had left Lorelei's face all came rushing back in that moment. Why wasn't she talking... Or doing anything? Before she could overthink herself into a deeper hole, her arm moved, almost on its own, until her hand rested in his. She noticed the softness of his skin, while his fingers still felt firm and strong. It contrasted her own delicate but callused hand. The difference was striking. It was like two sides of a coin. So many things in her head told her to refuse the offer, but it was too late. Lorelei had already somehow managed to move to her feet and have her hand in his before any sort of sense made its way to her head.

Had she ever danced with a man before? Lorelei couldn't recall. Which meant it was a no. It was all so foreign to her... Being at a charity auction in a dress more expensive than anything she owned. And out of everyone there, the person who asked her to dance was the single most hated man by her employer. It was too late to turn back. She could feel Adrien's eyes drilling into the back of her head as Ricardo lead her to the dance floor. She dared not look back or anywhere else besides her feet.

Eventually they came to a stop and Ricardo's hand found her waist. Lorelei swallowed. The fingers of his other hand kept hold of hers as he guided her closer. She inhaled softly as their chests brushed. Only then did she look up to meet his gaze as she hesitantly moved her other hand to rest on his shoulder. Was this right? Is this how people danced? She couldn't recall. Ricardo said nothing, so she could only assume she was doing it right. She just prayed to herself that she didn't manage to step on his foot or get tripped up in her dress.

Lorelei's mind raced, but eventually it came back to a scene she saw earlier. Before she could stop herself, the words already found their way to her mouth and blurted out. "Why aren't you dancing with Liesl?" She didn't accuse him or point fingers, but her question was enough of an indicator that he'd know she saw what happened.

Ricardo wasn't hers. They had barely spoken before that evening. Lorelei didn't know what she thought about the man besides the fact that he was handsome and polite. He always held the door for her and seemed to notice her before anyone else. But she also saw him with Liesl. They were identical, so it wouldn't be hard to imagine he found them both attractive. The red head was easy and more desirable... by the town's account. It just didn't add up and left Lorelei confused.


liesl voigt
black swanx|xoutfitx|x#19244e

"Absolutely not," Hugo responded with a gentle whisper in her ear. Liesl smirked. She knew he'd see it her way. He always did. "That’s what love is for, I think, and last I read everyone dies in those stories." He pulled his head away from her ear, even shaking it in disapproval. "It’s childish. But I suppose it’s something we all have to live with, isn’t it?"

He could have meant the feud... or love. Both fit the bill. Liesl never quite understood the feud. Who started what? When? It didn't matter because she didn't care. The only part of it that amused her was ruffling Adrien's feathers whenever Ricardo came up. She was no one's property, especially no man's. The girl didn't pick sides, she picked fun. And so far, she hadn't made it into either one of Essex's local millionaire's beds. Before that night she had been curious who she could seduce first, but as one made it oh so clear... She wasn't his type. She was everyone's type.

"Love is dull," she commented with an eye roll, quick to nip her pessimistic thoughts in the bud. "Humans weren't meant to mate for life." After her comment, Liesl pulled away just enough so that Hugo got the hint to twirl her. She did always like getting people's attention. Just because it was a slow song didn't mean she couldn't put her own flare on it and steal a couple lingering looks from those who lingered around the dance floor.

"If you get tired of Adrien and his bullshit," Hugo began as she returned to his arms, chest to chest. "The rest of my evening is still free."

Liesl's lips pursed into a coy smirk as her hand ran up his bicep, along his shoulder and cupped the back of his neck. "Mr. Lund, I am a lady," she pretended to act offended. How dare he think of me in such a manner. "You'd love that wouldn't you?" she asked as her fingers began to twirl his hair at the base of his skull. "A little dig in Adrien Duval's ego... Taking home his trophy?" She leaned in close to him as she spoke, she whispered like a teasing purr.

There was a moment or two of silence as they twirled about the room. While Liesl's gaze was mostly on Hugo, she did look around from time to time to see who was watching and who was dancing with who. It didn't fall on blind eyes that Ricardo had found his way to his precious virgin and managed to get a dance out of her. A shallow person might be offended at seeing that, but she wasn't... Was she? With every spin she found herself looking back at the pair, wishing to be a fly on the wall and hear their conversation. Or better yet, be the one who managed to snag Ricardo for a dance first.

"Is he watching?" Liesl was caught red handed. She looked back up at Hugo with a confused expression, even if they both knew it was fake. "That’s what you want, right?"

That's when she realized he was talking about Adrien, or at least she thought he was. Whomever he spoke of, that's what Liesl went with. "I hadn't noticed," she responded. It was the truth, whether or not Hugo believed it. She hadn't even spared a glance in Adrien's direction since they started dancing. "Believe it or not," she started, knowing full well he probably wouldn't believe her. "I actually enjoy your company. You're one of the few people in his horrid town that doesn't make me want to smash my head into a brick wall."

Their next turn about the room Liesl actually looked for Adrien. It took a couple spins before she saw him, but surprise surprise... or perhaps to no surprise at all, his gaze wasn't on herself and Hugo, but fixated on Ricardo and Lorelei. She sighed, rolling her eyes in annoyance. "Actually, it seems he's more worried about Trujillo." Every couple of turns Liesl would let her gaze drift over toward Adrien or Ricardo before finding its way back to her dance partner. "How long before he makes a move?" The way Adrien was fuming, she gave it an hour tops before he did something to ruin the night. There was a reason why no one ever had the two of them in the same room for long.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ben Thompson Character Portrait: Minerva Moreau
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xarysin


Dr. Henry Fines, MD
Dr. Jekyllx|xOutfitx|x#1b456b

Ben didn’t look back at Fines, ”If you must know,” Ben said, getting ready to be uncharacteristically honest with the doctor. Henry felt the length of the pregnant pause that followed. A paused most likely filled with anxiety and trepidation. Fines would be lying to himself if he didn't feel a bit of triumph in the sliver of honesty he was anticipating next.

”I’ve a terrible habit of pursuing things that make me uncomfortable,” He paused, giving Fines a quick once-over, ”Like you, I suppose." This comment gave him a sudden, anxiety-filled pause. He was always afraid, as careful as he may be, that his own issues would come to light. But in that split-second where you have a hundred thoughts, he realized what Ben's true meaning was and felt the anxiety subside a bit."Think I’ll be tossing the watch into the river if I win it, though.” Ben nodded, ready to be free of Henry’s presence. ”Another time, doc.”

Henry nodded to Ben, choosing not to bother him further. "Yes. I hope so." He watched Ben for only a moment, genuinely concerned for the health and happiness of his client.

Finding himself at a table with his warm cup of black coffee finally, he gripped the warm ceramic with both hands and looked over the party-goers with a clinical eye. He watched many of the men gravitate naturally to the women in the room and the women accepting and welcoming it; the women had the power as they usually did. Some of the people, regardless of gender, moved in an ostentatious manner, some cautious, and some without a charted course.

The peacocks, danced through the crowds in very purposeful movements and interactions, playing in the art of attraction, flashing their colors to draw in a mate, at least for an evening. It was a test of their power. The power being the crux. Fear of being powerless, fear of being unwanted, fear of irrelevance.

The cautious ones, quiet and unsure, were essentially the same as the predators in the sense they yearned for relevance. Wanted to be wanted. They just haven't realized their own power or how to harness it. Some would figure it out, hopefully before their youth hasn't slipped away.

And those who seemingly had no path flitted between this person and that, acting aloof, and feigned indifference. He saw them as pretending to have chosen to not have a course when really, they are desperate to find one, not knowing where or how they fit in this world. They too seeking relevance.

He smirked a bit as he continued to watch, looking down into the dark, warm liquid in his cup. All so different, yet the same. He was no different. He had no place to judge.


Ciaran Paine
Will Scarletx|xOutfitx|x#6D0404

Ciaran caught Minerva's gaze, relieved. She waving the man over with an empathetic smile. Not only was he relieved to a familiar and friendly face but it was someone who he knew actively chose to tolerate his presence. Minerva closed the gap between them once she got close enough, offering her hand to him, "Care to dance with me?"

Ciaran immediately abandoned his beer on the nearest surface and reached for her hand. He engulfed her smaller hand in his large, rough hand, firmly but gently. "God, yes." He pulled her eagerly through the other patrons. On the dance floor, he turned towards her, shifting his hold on her hand and rested the other lightly on her waist. "Was it that obvious I was in need of a rescue, M?" . He moved her around the dance floor in a basic fashion, just glad to be in her company. It'd been a long time since he'd danced with a woman or have a chance to enjoy the touch of one beyond a friendly hug. He was finding the lone wolf thing more and more lonely since moving to Essex.

"I know I'm in for a load of shit for acting a fool around Liv, so let's have it." His tone was playful and he smiled as he spoke, enjoying the banter he had with Minerva. "I still don't know what it is. Maybe some bullshit baser instance or pheromones or some shit."

He attempted to offer to give her a light spin. "You look great by the way. As always." Their relationship was pretty plutonic thus far but he was not going to miss an opportunity to make his friend feel good as he admired the tight black dress. He tried not to leer, directing his gaze to the auction items for a moment. "Have you had a chance to look at all the weird junk? I stupidly put a bid on a sword and dagger."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Waldmann Character Portrait: Paisley Lawrence Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt
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0.00 INK


John Waldmann
The Huntsmanx|xOutfitx|x#27352C

Grabbing the attention of one of the attendants at the gala, John was able to order a bourbon old fashioned. As he waited for the server to return John saw Liesl return a playfully blown kiss, John decided to join her afterwards. He then looked among the group to see how his joke was received. There were a few laughs but overall it seems like it wasn't well received.

In an attempt to smooth things over with them John was about to respond but before he could the others did. The first was Paisley, when she mentioned she hadn't written anything for some time John was a little surprised but understood sometimes you just needed a break from work. When she said that his suggestions were tempting he appreciated it, if he could assist his late wife's favorite author he was sure she would be happy.

This happiness was soon interrupted by Paisley's elbow into John's side. When he looked to see why she elbowed him he saw the reaction of his comments from Liana, who was flustered and seemed to be blushing. She laughed before suggesting that Paisley may write an adventure title before excusing herself. John made a mental note to himself to apologize later.

Grayson's earlier reaction elicited a chuckle out of John. He hadn't seen Gray that surprised in a while, it would've been a couple years ago when John was still on the force. John raised his eyebrow when Gray soon left after Liana but in the complete opposite direction. He could tell there was something between the two but didn't know what specifically. Maybe this would get the two to address it but knowing Gray, probably not.

After the two had left, Paisley turned towards John and said, "Now that you're certainly about to disperse the happy crowd, how is your night?" Her playful tone helpfully making him feel less bad for causing the group to separate. Paisley could always find the right way to ease John's mind, she was a good friend.

Slightly embarrassed John received the cocktail he had ordered earlier. Taking a small sip from the glass, John gave Paisley a slight shrug before saying, "Aside from putting my foot in my mouth and causing most people in my vicinity to leave me? Pretty well." Taking another drink from his glass, John continued, "Wasn't the first time someone left me earlier tonight. Maybe it's my cologne?"

Another dad joke, this one even less successful than earlier, before Paisley said, "Don't let me hold you up, hmm? I'm sure you have better company to keep." John was going to question her about what she meant but before he could he noticed the rest of the group's reactions.

Lorelei on the other hand seemed to be trying her best to not convey any response. She smiled but John could tell that it wasn't genuine. When she replied that neither of the two, her and her sister Liesl, knew anything about love it made John feel a little sorry for them. She then excused herself and left the group, just like Liana and Grayson earlier.

Ricardo shortly excused himself too, leaving John and Paisley by themselves. He followed after Lorelei, an act that surprised John. He didn't know much about the recluse but he didn't picture him as the flirtatious type.

John noticed Paisley watching after Lorelei, knowing her she was probably worried about something happening. Lorelei didn't have the greatest boss, from what John could tell from the small interactions he has witnessed, and she looked like she needed someone to look after her. After Ricardo asked her to dance however John thought that she was in good enough hands for the meanwhile.

He linked his arm with Paisley and began to walk to the dance floor. Finishing the contents of his tumbler glass, John placed it on the closest table before leaning his head and whispering to Paisley, "It would be much easier to watch over them while dancing. Don't you think?" Before she could raise any objection John positioned them a few feet away from Ricardo and Lorelei, close enough to overhear but far enough to hopefully not raise their suspicions.

Dancing wasn't one of John's favorite hobbies. It was something that his wife enjoyed though and she would drag him along to any event she could to get him to dance with her. John didn't have any interest in it but he soldiered through it to make her happy. One of his gifts to her was to take slow dancing lesson's together, a gift Jane appreciated a lot and one John tried to hide from those close to him. Grayson and Uncle Ben was probably the only ones who knew of this secret.

Skillfully he lead Paisley through the dance, trying to make up for the fact he didn't ask her for permission. He may as well try to make the experience one to remember. While dancing John made sure he gave Paisley an angle to watch Lorelei. Glancing over at them every now and then John commented, "She doesn't seem to be experienced. Also seems a little perplexed of the situation if you ask me." A smirk emerged on John's face before he asked, "How about you? Are you experienced or is this more of an event suited towards your characters?"

John twirled Paisley a little closer towards the pair before twirling her back, resting one of his hands on the small of her back. The two continued to dance while John stole a few glances around the gala. The majority of them weren't dancing but maybe their presence would inspire a few more to participate. He noticed Adrien staring daggers towards the other pair, Lorelei in particular. John pointed this out to Paisley.

Someone else that caught John's eyes were Liesl. She was talking to Hugo, John didn't interact with him much aside from when he needed to go to the bank. She seemed to be in a better mood than earlier, which was a relief to John. The two weren't the closest of friends but they met often enough and she had a particular charm. She was also glancing between Adrien and Lorelei, possibly also curious about what was going to happen.

Returning his focus to Paisley, John leaned closer to her and whispered to her, "Seems like something interesting may happen soon." His head lingered closer to Paisley after that before leaning back and giving her a playful smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elena Lux Character Portrait: Roman Scarrott Character Portrait: John Waldmann Character Portrait: Paisley Lawrence Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt
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0.25 INK

#, as written by mombie

~ Toast to Hope ~

There was much to do still and not a lot of time left to do them. This night could not last forever, as pained as Mrs. Picket felt for all involved. As she walked through the gala she noted the relationships that have formed, and part of her knew that happiness would be broken as the curse slowly lifted. But this was for the best, she told herself over and over again. They did not belong in this earthly realm, for every precious moment spent living their best lives in Essex, the Enchanted Realm withered away thanks to the vile curse of the Evil Queen. It wouldn't be long until it was gone for good. The people needed their beacons of hope, but they are all here in Essex.

Several fancy individuals went around the auction tables, presumably to look at the bids placed. They took about 30 minutes, or so, to close the auction and place the winning number on each item. It was a silent auction, after all.

After a while, the music died down and Mrs. Picket took the stage front and center. Waiters and waitresses carried trays of champaign, offering one thin fluke to each person. She was given a mic, tapped it a couple of times, did the comical and fun one, two, three . . . test, test. She laughed a little to lighten the mood because there was nothing joyous about the occasion. Those that have lived miserable lives in the Enchanted Realm had grown content here, but Mrs. Picket's magic would soon shred their reality.

"What a wonderful night. It's been lovely to see all these faces together in one spot," she smiled as best she could. Of course, it was easy for her - she had such a bright outward appearance and personality that it was hard to see her as anything but jovial. She's just a happy old lady! "The silent auction has ended. You will find the winning bids place on the items," she gestured toward the various auction tables. There were, indeed, large white cards placed near each item with the number of its owner. It didn't matter if someone outbid them or if someone bid on their behalf; the digits would match whomever the item belonged to.

"I know, I know," she paced to and fro, adding a little comedy to her routine, "Such an eclectic inventory, right? And that's putting it nicely." She paused for the obligatory laughs. No one would leave an old lady hanging, even if her humor was dry, right?

She raised her glass in the air toward those gathered. They were waiting for her to get to the point, and she gets that. It's a long night and there are far too many personalities here for everything to remain pleasant. "The proceeds from the auction will go toward those suffering without hope." She paused, took a look around the room, and smiled lightly. Come tomorrow, this throng of good Essex people will be shattered. "Dance, be merry, and enjoy each other. Tomorrow will mark a new beginning in Essex. But I hope you will always remember that there is always hope. Hope in the world, in each other, and even in that which is hopeless - be it a person or situation. Believe in change. Believe in... goodness."

She wanted to sigh because certain individuals here were not going to change for anything. But she proceeded to be content in her vague ramblings. Maybe many would just dismiss her as an old senile lady, for she is quite geriatric. "So let's toast to that - hope, for it can be found in even the darkest places. Even in... all of this," she gestured around to the auction tables once more with a free hand.

After finishing off her drink, she addressed them for the last time. "Well, it's been lovely, dearies. My job here is done, and I must go." She left the stage, allowed others to say their good-byes to her and she to them. The Enchanted Realm had so few heroes within it to help stave off the Evil Queen's magic, and the Fairy Godmother was one of them. Even just spending a few hours here could have caused harm.

With that, Mrs. Picket left the building and went back from whence she came. She took one last look at Essex and the dimly lit streets before she "poofed" away as though she was never here. However, unlike she had intended in the beginning, she'd leave the residents a memory of her as to take a few words to heart later.

* * *

Meanwhile, in the Enchanted Realm whole cities, kingdoms, and minor-realms were at war with one another. Many of them were headed by the co-conspirators of Jafar or the Evil Queen, both with the same goal in mind. The Realm was decaying at a rapid rate, and no one knew who to blame for the mess. The skies everywhere were a dour shade of grey, and the flora and fauna were diseased and deathly. Everyone was frightened because they were without proper leadership. The loss of certain characters meant the end of hope.

The Fairy Godmother returned to a small clearing in the Enchanted Forest that was kept alive by the magic of herself and a few others. She stepped into a small hut and nodded slowly, "They will come. Of that, I have no doubt."

The Blue Fairy, the six Fairies that blessed Aurora, and even the one that was said to have cursed Beast, were all having dinner at a large round table. It wasn't anything special; just stew. "We'll see," one of the six Fairies scoffed. "We should still look for a way to break this curse. Just in case. Who'd want to return to this?"

The Blue Fairy laughed solemnly, "Ah, yes - that will be quite the dilemma. Won't it?"

The Fairy Godmother peered out of a window. The skies were clear here, but she could see the tendrils of dark light stretching slowly toward them. "Hope, ladies. Hope. It's the only thing we have left."

They would all agree to disagree. Some of them felt that these were the end of days, and others were more optimistic. However, they were all realistic. Realistically, life was hell in the Enchanted Realm - even for those that supposedly had their "Happy Endings" - whatever that meant. Life here was no storybook.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roman Scarrott Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Hugo Lund Character Portrait: Ben Thompson
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0.00 INK

Hugo Lund
prince charming
outfit - #B37538 - town hall

Hugo had always done better following, so even though he was leading the dance, Liesl was really calling all the shots. He obediently twirled her when she pleased, and the two of them danced and flounced across the dance floor at her every whim. He was her man without reservation, at least until the song ended.

"A little dig in Adrien Duval's ego... Taking home his trophy?"

Yes, actually. Hugo would love that. There was an unspoken competition between the two of them: it was doubtful Adrien would say anything to him, but Hugo liked to try and see what ways he could show the man up, make him look lesser in some way. Sometimes he wondered which of them would come out on top had Duval moved into Hugo’s home turf instead of the other way around. It was an interesting thought, but ultimately not helpful.

When Liesl said she hadn’t noticed whether or not Adrien was watching, he had to raise an eyebrow. He wasn’t sure he believed that, but he also wasn’t about to call her out on it. Liesl did just about everything for attention, and he knew this was no different. "I actually enjoy your company. You're one of the few people in his horrid town that doesn't make me want to smash my head into a brick wall."

”Flatterer,” He spat back, without hesitation. It was playful, though. Flattery could get her anywhere and anything, and she knew it. But he enjoyed Liesl’s company more than that of most women: it was easier with her, but it was also just
 Too easy with her. The chase wasn’t there. But the ease of access meant he didn’t have to pretend to be something he wasn’t; Liesl was just about the only person in town he could just be himself with. That, in itself, was a relief. ”Please don’t bash your head in,” He said, ”Then your beautiful face would exist only in my dreams, and I’d have no one to save me from Adrien’s weird power trip meltdowns at town-wide events.”

Seaking of Adrien, ” seems he's more worried about Trujillo.” Of course he was. Typical. Mister Duval couldn’t check his ego for one night, even if it meant bringing a weird energy to a fucking charity auction. "How long before he makes a move?"

”Who knows,” Hugo sighed, as if he weren’t utterly delighted that Adrien might cause some drama and embarrass himself, ”But he’d better do it soon, neither of them are getting any younger.” He leaned in to whisper in Liesl’s ear, ”Does it ever strike you as odd, how obsessed Adrien is? I swear, you could almost imagine they’re secretly in love.” He laughed softly and twirled Liesl before pulling her back to his chest, ”You’ll be my date at their wedding if they ever work it out, won’t you? I don’t think I could survive it without you.”

Of course, he knew that was as unlikely as he and Liesl deciding they believed in love and getting married.

But before long Mrs. Picket was doing her mic check, and their dance had to come to an end. Before they parted, Hugo gripped Liesl’s hand firmly, ”You’re not a trophy to be won, Liesl. You play the game, and you play it well.” He meant it, too. To him, Liesl didn’t lose any worth by sleeping around; she only proved to be adept at toying with men the way he toyed with women. Adrien and Ricardo may not have seen it that way, but Hugo appreciated what she could do. A gentle kiss on her hand, and Hugo bid her farewell. At least for the moment. He enjoyed her, but he had no

He listened to the weird speech, drank a little champagne, checked on the items he’d placed a bid on. He won the ring. Interesting, for all the talk of love and marriage, that he’d end up buying a ring that represented those things he didn’t even believe in.

Ben Thompson
captain hook
outfit - #811C43 - town hall

Ben didn’t particularly enjoy running into people, and he enjoyed it being literal even less. There were situations where he would certainly be furious about that, but this was at least partly his fault too, and this was a very public venue, so he decided to be gracious. "Sorry about that, man. I should be more careful. If I run you over, where the hell would I eat?”

Roman’s laugh, it seemed, was infectious. Ben couldn’t help but chuckle along, ”I suspect you’d starve. Probably could just pack up and move on, though I think the murder charge would follow you.” He shrugged, ”No harm done, though. You’ve not taken out my remaining arm, so business will carry on as usual.” He’d found, somewhere along the line, that joking about the arm gave him an upper hand of sorts. He liked to remind people he wasn’t fragile, even if they weren’t acting as if they thought he was.

"Purple is definitely your color,"

Ben didn’t often get genuine compliments. They were often actually Olive teasing him, or John being crass, or Peter trying to get him in bed. He didn’t quite know how to react. ”Oh. Thank you.” Was he supposed to offer a compliment back? That was how these things worked, he thought, but Roman moved on fluidly, as if he didn’t notice Ben looking like a fish out of water over a comment on the color of his tie.

"I was going to grab a refill, can I get you something?"

Ben leaned slightly to the side, glancing past Roman at the bar. The sight made him grimace; he hated wading through people. It was difficult, especially when he didn’t feel that he’d run into someone and had to go on explaining that he can’t feel his left hand. ”If you really don’t mind,” He said, sounding as relieved as he felt, ”I’ll take whiskey, or rum. So long as it’s strong, I don’t really care.” Did that make him sound like an alcoholic? He didn’t care, but he did wonder if Roman would reconsider his decision after hearing that.

There was a side of Ben that wanted to walk away while Roman went to get the drinks, but instead he waited patiently. Patience wasn’t one of Ben’s virtues, though, so he also uncomfortably bobbed about a bit. When Roman returned, Ben took the drink with a smile. ”Thank you,” He said, trying to let the sincerity show in his voice, ”I appreciate it.” He was used to being the one fetching drinks for people. Well, telling Liv to fetch drinks for people.

Ben wasn’t very good at small talk, never had been, really. So instead of normal small talk topics, he decided it was best to be blunt, ”I’m sorry if I’m being presumptuous, but I need to know. You don’t have an amputation fetish or anything, do you?” It seemed strange enough, but Ben had encountered that enough that he had to ask.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roman Scarrott Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Adrien Duval Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mjolnir

roman scarrott
the geniex|xoutfitx|x#5890c9

"I suspect you’d starve. Probably could just pack up and move on, though I think the murder charge would follow you." Roman laughed at the comment. He stood out like a sore thumb, so he doubted he'd be able to get away with murder that easily. "No harm done, though. You’ve not taken out my remaining arm, so business will carry on as usual."

Roman chuckled, giving Ben a hearty pat on the shoulder. "Glad to hear it. I think everyone would run me out of Essex if I got too hangry," he jested.

"Oh. Thank you." Ben seemed a bit taken by surprise at the compliment. Some men always seemed a bit off put receiving compliments from another man, not that he seemed the type. Rome meant nothing by it aside from what he said. Ben looked good in purple. Men should be more comfortable complimenting each other more often. Women do it, why couldn't they?

"If you really don’t mind," Ben seemed relieved at his offer. "I’ll take whiskey, or rum. So long as it’s strong, I don’t really care."

"Sure thing."

Roman made his way towards the bar where a handful of people congregated. He couldn't help but hear the tail end of a conversation between Liv and two other men. It sounded like proposition of some kind. And while sex, nor a threesome, was explicitly said, he wasn't dumb and could connect the dots. It was none of his business what they do with their free time. Roman was more spiritual when it came to love or pleasures of the flesh. He was never one to judge someone based on their sexual appetite.

"Looking good gents," he said to the two men as he tried to slip past the group to reach the bar. "Liv, stunning as always." Roman flashed her a friendly wink before he turned his attention toward the bartender.

It didn't take Roman much longer to retrieve two whiskeys and return to Ben. He held out the drink, with a smile. "Thank you. I appreciate it."

Roman took a drink before responding. "No problem. People tend to move aside when I head their way." He laughed while taking another sip. He was a large man, but on top of that, he has been told, on more than one occasion, that his resting bitch face could be quite intimidating. It was never really his goal to intimidate anyone. Rome was really a lover not a fighter. But that didn't mean he couldn't break a couple bones if needed. There have been a handful of towns that weren't as friendly when it came to his arrival.

"I’m sorry if I’m being presumptuous, but I need to know. You don’t have an amputation fetish or anything, do you?"

Ben's question seemed to come out of left field and catch Roman off guard mid-drink. He coughed, nearly spitting out the whiskey. It took him a minute or two to compose himself. "No, man. I was just trying to make friendly conversation with one of the few faces I know. My intentions are pure," he concluded while holding up a hand in surrender.

He might have said something else, but before Roman could even part his lips to speak Mrs. Picket took center stage. With a smile towards his present company, he then turned to face the white haired woman as she addressed the crowd. "What a wonderful night. It's been lovely to see all these faces together in one spot." She began her long speech, the entire time Roman listened intently. His gaze might have drifted every now and then to gauge the crowd, but he was still focused on her words. It was a strange speech, speaking of hope and new beginnings. He hadn't been in Essex long to know what that might have meant, but something about her words clicked some strange sense of nostalgia inside him.

Roman stuck with his whiskey rather than taking the offered champagne. A toast was a toast after all. And he was trying to avoid mixing liquors as much as possible. When Mrs. Picket had finished, he clinked his glass against Ben's in a small cheers before downing whatever whiskey remained.

"Well, I have a restless dog who has probably half destroyed my van by now," Roman jested as he passed his empty glass off to a waiter. "I'll catch you and that sexy nub tomorrow." If his tone didn't express his sarcasm, then his teasing grin and playful pat on Ben's shoulder would show he was just joking around.

He started to make his way towards the auction tables but detoured to the food. The wait staff had begun cleaning up whatever remained, no doubt going to throw it out or donate it. He grabbed a napkin and wrapped up a burger that had long gone cold. It wasn't for him. Nan would whine for half of the night if he didn't bring her back something since he'd been gone so long. He tucked the food in his jacket pocket as he made his way over to the tables.

It seemed many people had the same idea, so Roman lingered towards the back of the crowd while others grabbed their winnings. Once there was a bit of a break he decided to snake his way past others. Already, half of the items that were laying out had been snatched up and taken away. He approached the table that held the Arabian oil lamp. His bid wasn't large, so he didn't expect to win the small lamp. But when his gaze fell to the small card in front of it, Rome scoffed in disbelief. "I'll be damned," he remarked under his breath.

As he reached out to the take the lamp, his gaze drifted over to his right. Roman saw two small hands reaching for a small ornate dagger with a matching sheath. His eyes trailed up the arms until he was met by a petite brunette, who stood nearly a foot shorter than him, in a tight black dress. "Handsome blade," he commented while pointing his free hand at the King's Blade. "Remind me never to piss you off." Then he smiled. It was a cute little smirk that came off charming, even if he didn't mean it to.

Roman nodded his head towards the woman in a silent gesture of farewell before he started heading toward the exit. Just before reaching the door he heard something crash to the ground, along with a women exclaiming, "Adrien!" He looked back toward the gathering just in time to see a Clark Kent looking man forcefully dragging a blonde past him and out the doors. He thought about stepping in, but another nicely dressed man was quick on their heels. Rome hesitated for a moment by the exit, but curiosity got the better of him and he stepped outside.

He couldn't hear the conversation between the two males, but he didn't need to. It looked like a standard pissing contest between two alphas by his own account. At one point the blonde ran past him into the City Hall and in that brief time she was gone, the men had started throwing punches. Everything escalated quickly until one of the men drew a gun. Normally, Roman wasn't the type to get involved, but he imagined that was the first time that cop ever had to draw his weapon and the one with the gun didn't look like he was going to back down.

Rome began to unbutton his cuffs as he started down the stairs, preparing to step in. The men were large and while Office Hughes wasn't a small man by any accounts, if the one with the gun turned his aggression on the cop, it'd go south quickly. He didn't want to get involved, but sometimes he couldn't help himself. It was some strange internal compass that always told him to help the little guy, sucker punch the abusive husband or stop muggers. Same day, another town... And then he'd have to be onto a new city by morning. Roman had already spent longer in Essex than he normally did in one place, he supposed it was about time for him to move on anyway.

Just as he reached the bottom step and began to roll up his sleeve, the man with the gun surrendered. Maybe it was his lucky day after all. Roman sighed softly and watched until the cop car drive off. He didn't linger, nor did he care to gossip about whatever transpired. So, with his oil lamp in hand and a burger in pocket, he made his way back to his van.

To no surprise, his van was right where he left it. The sounds of Road Runner and Nan's snores could be heard from several feet away. Not even the door opening stirred Nan. It wasn't until he pulled the beef patty out of his pocket that the dog finally woke with a big stretch. He let her out to stretch her legs and use the restroom as he climbed into the back and fell back onto his bed with a sigh. As Roman stared up at the ceiling, he slowly held up the oil lamp to study it. "What the hell was I thinking?" he scoffed, before setting it down on the small shelf beside him.

Once Nan was done, she wolfed down the burger and shoved her big furry butt in bed beside him. While she was fast asleep, his gaze remained fixed on the small Arabian lamp. Something... Something about it stirred in his gut. Part of him wanted to take the damned thing and toss it into the bay, while another thought no matter what, he could never be rid of it. He spent hours staring at it while listening to the roars of Nan's snoring. It was like he couldn't take his eyes off of it.


liesl voigt
black swanx|xoutfitx|x#19244e

"Please don’t bash your head in,” He said, ”Then your beautiful face would exist only in my dreams, and I’d have no one to save me from Adrien’s weird power trip meltdowns at town-wide events."

Liesl smirked with a playful roll of her eyes. "Now who is the flatterer?" she asked with a quirked brow. The pair moved about the dance floor, not paying much mind to others around them. But even while dancing, she couldn't help but noticed the flustered Adrien and comment on it.

"Who knows. But he’d better do it soon, neither of them are getting any younger." Liesl chuckled softly at the comment. Hugo wasn't wrong. Adrien and Ricardo have been at each other's throats for years, with no pay off. She liked to see them go at each other, at least once before she died. Hugo then leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Does it ever strike you as odd, how obsessed Adrien is? I swear, you could almost imagine they’re secretly in love."

The comment genuinely made her laugh, giggling as he twirled her around. When Liesl was pulled back to his chest, she hooked her arm back around his shoulders. "Thank god they can't procreate... Could you imagine the ego?"

"You’ll be my date at their wedding if they ever work it out, won’t you? I don’t think I could survive it without you."

"Well, of course. What kind of friend would I be if I made you suffer that alone?" Liesl smiled at the prospect of that wedding. It would be a train wreck that she'd happily attend.

Unfortunately, their dance was cut short when Mrs. Picket took the stage. Just before she began her speech, Hugo took Liesl's hands and left her with some parting words. "You’re not a trophy to be won, Liesl. You play the game, and you play it well." She smiled as he placed a kiss on her hand and parted ways. His words were kind, probably the nicest thing anyone has said about her in sometime. It was funny how the only people who seemed to see any worth in her were the ones similar to herself. It was a lonely bitter world, but she was thankful for the handful of people who didn't judge her... Even if that number dwindled.

Liesl was less than interested in the speech. She was more focused on getting a glass of champagne... or two. She didn't save the drink until the end for a toast, instead wondering about through the crowd drinking the glass's contents freely. At the mention of the bidding being closed, she started making her way toward the table. The old broad said something about their numbers being out to show who won, but she paid no mind to the card in front of the antique necklace. She saw what Adrien's bid was and knew damn well that there was no way someone offered higher.

She took the necklace into her palm and for a brief moment she paused. Liesl couldn't put her finger on it, but there was something... Something off. But either way, as quickly as the feeling came on, it left and she paid no mind to it. She had no shame in putting the necklace on as the toasts rang throughout the hall.

The night had come to an end, and, surprisingly, Liesl found herself absent a man on her arm. She contemplated sauntering her way back over to Adrien to see if he was a man of his word, but his attention was fixed elsewhere. He stormed across the hall toward no other than Lorelei. For whatever the man was, he lacked in tact. He made a scene in getting her attention and storming out. And while Liesl felt no sympathy for her sister, it was quite a turn off seeing that man lose his cool so easily. That was something Ricardo had seemed to excel at in comparison.

Liesl didn't pay any mind to Adrien's outburst... that was until Ricardo beelined for the exit after them. Was this the moment the feud finally boiled over? Unlike others who might have lingered or been a little more subtle with their curiosity, Liesl wasted no time. Her footsteps quickened as she made her way to the door. She slowed only for a second as she walked past Hugo. "Looks like your wish might come sooner than you thought." She took his hand in hers and hurried them both outside.

Their timing couldn't have been better. It seemed the moment they exited the City Hall, Ricardo threw the first punch. While others might have watched in horror, Liesl found it all quite interesting. "I always thought Adrien would be the one to make the first move," she whispered to Hugo, keeping her gaze fixated on the fight ahead. And while the fighting was one thing, she never expected Adrien to pull out a gun. That was mad, even for him. "Spoke too soon..." she mumbled under her breath.

Luckily or unluckily, she hadn't quite decided, Office Hughes showed up diffusing the situation. For a moment Liesl thought Adrien might have gone through with it, but in the end, he was packed into a cop car and driven off. She couldn't help but scoff at the strange turn of events the night had taken.

She slowly looked back towards Hugo with a surprised expression. "I'm glad I didn't place a bet," she teased with a soft laugh. With a sigh, she slowly started to descend the stairs. "Looks like I'll be spending my night alone..." Liesl stopped halfway down to look back over her shoulder toward Hugo. "Unless you wanted some company?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roman Scarrott Character Portrait: John Waldmann Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Adrien Duval Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo Character Portrait: Hugo Lund
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0.00 INK

Hugo Lund
prince charming
outfit - #B37538 - town hall

Hugo had just been contemplating his prospects for the night when Liesl quite literally grabbed him by the hand and said, "Looks like your wish might come sooner than you thought." Hugo didn’t object to being pulled along out the doors, though he did manage to sputter out a dumb, ”What?” As they went.

Liesl didn’t have to explain. There were Ricardo and Adrien, duking it out. Over something stupid and inconsiquential, no doubt. "I always thought Adrien would be the one to make the first move,"

Hugo had to agree, Adrien was hot-headed and stupid. ”Guess Ricardo is just more of a romantic.” He delivered the line flatly, but internally he really thought it was hilarious. He thought he was just the funniest person in the room
 Parking lot.

The running commentary between the two of them was cut rather short when Adrien pulled out a gun. Hugo wasn’t sure how concerned he should be, but it wasn’t pointing in his direction yet. ”Well
 What is Adrien compensating for there?”

But Hughes cut all the fun short. Hugo really would have liked to see what Adrien was really capable of. "I'm glad I didn't place a bet," Hugo snorted and shook his head. Truly, they could have made some money there if they’d had time to start taking bets. Adrien might have even been proud of the enterprise. Alas, they’d never know.

”My money would have been on Ricardo. My father always bet on the wild card.” And now he’s dead. Maybe Hugo shouldn’t try to follow in his footsteps after all.

"Looks like I'll be spending my night alone
 Unless you wanted some company?” The sultry expression on Liesl’s face was truly enough to get any hot-blooded man’s heart racing. Truly, she was a temptress for the ages. Hugo smiled at her, charming, bright; no trace of the man who would use her up and send her out without a moment’s hesitation.

”You know there’s always room for you in my bed.” Straight to the point- there was no use beating around the bush, after all. They both knew what they wanted and what they’d get out of this.

Then John Waldmann was there, getting right in the middle of their business. "Not how I would choose to end a night of festivities but the wealthy and powerful sure know how to spice up a party." Hugo smiled politely, but had to fight to keep from rolling his eyes as John turned to talk to Liesl. He shot a bright grin at John when he smiled at him, looking every bit like he was thrilled that John was there. Never show your cards.

Ben Thompson
captain hook
outfit - #811C43 - ben's home

"No, man. I was just trying to make friendly conversation with one of the few faces I know. My intentions are pure," Ben nodded. He believed Roman. It was just surprisingly common, and while he didn’t want to get into the scores of weird messages he’d received since the amputation, he did feel almost like he owed the man some sort of explanation, but Mrs. Picket began speaking before he got the chance, so it was destined to remain a mystery.

Ben frowned at the speech. It was very strange, and he was glad to have a nice stiff drink to accompany it. Ben was taken a little off guard by Roman clinking his glass against his own, but smiled a little at the gesture regardless. He nodded in understanding as Roman said he had to get going, citing a dog to return to. Ben couldn’t imagine living in a van with a dog, but to each his own. "I'll catch you and that sexy nub tomorrow."

Ben nodded, pure and complete stoicism on his face. ”Of course. I expect to see you first thing, I’ll save you a table, scrounge up some candles, even.” He smiled, and passed his empty glass off to a waiter before grabbing a champagne flute- he didn’t know if it had gone untouched or just unfinished, but he didn’t care- and downing it’s contents before heading to see if he’d won anything he’d bid on.

And of course it was the watch. He stared at it for a long moment, turning it over in his hand, opening it to look at the face. What the hell was he going to do with a damn pocket watch? He pocketed the thing and decided to go home to do a little more drinking. Couldn’t hurt, he only had to be awake at 4:30 the next morning.

He did take a longer route home, passing by the river on his way. He pulled the watch out of his pocket then, staring out at the water as he turned it in his good hand. A large part of him wanted to throw it into the water. Some small unknown something, buried deep down, wouldn’t let him. Instead he went home, had a few beers, and sat quietly on the floor. He’d created a lonely life for himself, full of isolation and anger. These moments of self-awareness weren’t something he liked, but he would bet real money that Dr. Fines would tell him it was a step towards doing something about it or
 Something. He didn’t care.

He let his head loll back against the wall, staring straight up at the ceiling. He should have stayed home. Going to that auction was a mistake. He looked down and picked up the pocket watch from it’s spot on the ground between his legs. Panic filled his heart as he activated the mechanism to open the face- it was broken. He knew it was broken. He could see that it was broken. But he swore he could hear it.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tic-

He threw the thing across the room. He was losing it, or he’d had too much to drink. He’d
 He’d go to sleep, maybe visit Fines in the morning if he wasn’t feeling better. Yeah. That was a good idea.