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Lorelei Voigt

The White Swan Princess

0 · 466 views · located in Essex, Connecticut

a character in “Storybook: A Grimm World”, as played by mjolnir


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xxxL O R E L E I x V O I G T
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxā€¢ x w h i t e x s w a n x p r i n c e s s x ā€¢

"My curse doesn't define me."
- lorelei voigt


n i c k n a m e s x // x lorie or elle x|x only for close friends

a g e x // xtwenty six

g e n d e r x // xfemale

s e x u a l i t y x // xheterosexual

f a i r y t a l e x // xswan lake, odette the white swan princess

r o l e x // xhero



h e i g h t x // x5' 7"

w e i g h t x // x135 lbs

h a i r x // xLorelei's hair is a soft blonde, that in some light can look almost white due to its brightness. She keeps it long and flowing, letting its natural waves shine rather than curling or straightening it. She prefers her hair to be natural and free.

e y e s x // xHer eyes are hazel bordering on a soft green. They're often light and mistaken for an icy grey that seems to brighten her whole face.

o d d i t i e s x // xLorelei has some scars that she tries to keep unseen. Markings from animal bites, thorns are other dangers of the woods that she received at night while under the control of her curse. Most have faded over the years and, until recently, she was lead to believe they were nothing more than scars from accidents when she was too young to remember.

a p p e a r a n c e x // xAlthough her and her sister are identical in so many ways, their differences make it easy for others to tell them apart. They are both tall and slender, with a slight hourglass frame. Side by side, their silhouettes are identical. Even their voices and facial features are the same. But their hair, that is where their differences being to shine. Lorelei has always had a bright and sunny presence from her blonde hair to her preference for pastels and light colored clothes. She has a modest, almost vintage sense of fashion. It's rare that she leaves the house without being dressed to the T from head to toe. First impressions are very important to her and she always wants to look her best.

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xxxxxxxxxxxxā€¢ x a b i l i t y x ā€¢ x \ ə - Ėˆ b i - l ə - t ē \ x ā€¢

c u r s e x // x Lorelei is under the curse of a sorcerer where by night she is a human but by night she is a swan. She has no control over this curse and it can only be broken by a pledge of sole and unconditional love.

xxxxxxxxxxxxā€¢ x s t r e n g t h x ā€¢ x \ Ėˆ s t r e ŋ ( k ) t h \ x ā€¢

i n t e l l i g e n t x // x One of her favorite hobbies and ways to pass time since a child has been reading, which has broadened her horizons. Because of this she has become quite knowledgable about a vast array of things.

b a l l e t x // x As young girls, Lorelei and Liesl's father enrolled them both in ballet. While her sister fell off from it once they were no longer forced to go, Lorelei found a love for the art and continued to practice it far into her adulthood.

c r e a t i v i t y x // x With much of her time stuck at home and shut out from the rest of the world, her creativity was exploding at the seems. She often uses writing or drawing as an outlet. Her imagination seems to surpass many she knows.

xxxxxxxxxxxxā€¢ x w e a k n e s s x ā€¢ x \ Ėˆ w ē k - n ə s \ x ā€¢

c o m b a t x // x Lorelei doesn't have a combative bone in her body. Even when she's a swan, the only way she gets free of the predators is by taking flight.

d e p e n d e n t x // x She hasn't known much of a life apart from her father and sister. Her sheltered life has left her very isolated and dependent on the people who treat her terribly.

l o n e l i n e s s x // x With a curse and family like hers, Lorelei has had a lonely life with little to no friends and no real knowledge of love. She tends to keep to herself but it's a lonely life.

xxxxxxxxxxxxā€¢ x f e a r x ā€¢ x \ Ėˆ f i r \ x ā€¢

c u r s e x // x It's painful when she shifts. It's as magical and fantastical as the fairy tales make it seem. And when she is a swan, Lorelei is vulnerable to predators and hunters. She always grows anxious as night grows closer.

l o v e l e s s x // x A horrible clause to her curse requires a declaration of love, something she's never known. She fears that she may never know love due to her father's tight hold on her and Liesl's meddling.

h e r x f a t h e r x // x He is a cold and heartless man. Liesl is his favorite, but he wants nothing to do with Lorelei. Her life to him is more of an indentured servant rather than a daughter.


xxxxxxxxxxxxā€¢ x kind x ā€¢ x timid x ā€¢ x optimistic x ā€¢ x sensitive x ā€¢

Lorelei is a kind and gentle soul. Those whoā€™ve seen her in the library or around the town know her to always greet them with a warm smile and gentle words. She is the type of woman to go out of her way to help others. She wants nothing more than to see those around her happy, even though she has not known happiness of her own for almost as long as she can remember. The joy in aiding others either through her job or around Essex is what keeps her going. So often, she tries to kill hatred with kindness, even when it falls on deaf ears like so often it does with Liesl. While her life might be bleak, the brief moments where her compassion is returned in kind, can brighten the darkest days.

Her life has been all but consumed with her home life, her father and sister. So, when Lorelei has her time at the library or wondering around the town, she can often come off timid or shy. Life has grown her into an introvert, which often makes her quiet and bit more reserved. But that does not make her unapproachable, because even in her silence she tries to greet others with a smile. When people take the time to speak with her, she easily comes out of her shell, only retracting in on herself when berated with questions about her home life.

Life has not been kind to Lorelei, yet she still manages to have an unwavering sense of optimism. She always tries to find the silver lining in the darkest of situations, and always sees the light at the end of the tunnel. Things could always be worse in her eyes and rather than focus on whatā€™s bad in her life, she tries to look toward the good. Her curse and family often risk tainting her wholistic view, part of her still believes that someone out there will come along and break her curse for good. And while, some days maybe harder than others, she always tries to keep her chin up and eyes on the future.

Lorelei has a bit of naivety and lack of true knowledge about the world, especially being sheltered and hidden away for most of her life. This tends to make her a fair bit more sensitive than what youā€™d expect. Her feelings are easily hurt and her heart aches when people label her. She sees herself as a selfless and caring person, but others like to stereotype her as the plastic barbie, fake and shallow with no depth. Whispers like these scar deep and chip away at her, but she refuses to show the pain externally which may only add to her almost porcelain doll like presence.




It was many, many years ago when Odette was cursed. So long, in fact, that her memories of her life prior seem to fade away into a fog with each passing moon. She can no longer remember the faces of her mother or father, nor their names. But what she does remember was being a princesses, a young princesses, naive and foolish. She was too young to be privy to truths within her fatherā€™s court, but she remembers Von Rothbart. He was a trusted advisor, until one day he turned on her father. The sorcerer whisked her away into the forest cursed her, so that the King had no heir, leaving him open to steal the throne.

By day Odette was still a young girl, and by night she transformed into a swan. The only way the curse could be broken was by a declaration of love. And to keep that from ever happening, Von Rothbart kept her locked away. It was years before he even let her see the sunlight, before eventually allowing her enough freedom to wonder the woods at night as a swan. She lost track of the days, then years since she was cursed. Her only solace was the moonlit nights on the lake, where if for a brief moment, she could forget all that had happened to her.

It was one night, many years later, at the cusp of dawn, that a young man wondered upon her lake. He had looked to be hunting, yet he did not strike. Instead he seemed almost mesmerized by her presence. It was the first time in over decade that she had been in the presence of someone other than Von Rothbart or his daughter, Odile, that Odette lingered far longer than she should. When the sun rose, the feathers melted away, leaving her naked, floating in the lake. Before the man could say a word, she ran off and disappeared into the woods.

That should have been the end of it, but the following night, the man had returned. And while Odette was still a swan, he simply sat upon the shore and spoke to her. He said his name was Siegfried and that he was a Prince. He spoke of his recent birthday and how his mother informed him that his marriage will be swiftly arranged. All night he remained there, just talking, until the dawn came once again and she transformed. He insisted upon knowing her name before she disappeared yet again.

Every night for weeks, Prince Siegfried returned. Heā€™d sit there for hours talking to her until the sun came up. And every day, piece by piece heā€™d learn more about her. And every day, Odette lingered, just another moment or two. As their time together grew, so did their love. It was then, that she finally admitted the truth of her curse and how it could be broken. And the words nearly left the Princeā€™s lips before Von Rothbart appeared and took her away.

The following day there was a large celebration at the castle for the Prince where he was presented with numerous prospective princesses. But she could not go. Instead Von Rothbart cast a spell on his daughter that made her look like Odette. He then left her locked away as he took Odile to the castle. Halfway through the night, Odette managed to break free and hurry to the castle. She managed to reach a window and look in only in time to see the Prince propose to Odile.

And that was the end of it. There was no happy ending like the story books, nor did Prince Siegfried notice the deceit. He married Odile, believing it was her. Then on their wedding night, Odile murdered the Prince while Von Rothbart slaughtered the King and Queen, leaving his daughter as the heir and ruler of the kingdom. All the while, Odette remained their favorite pet, who worked at their beck and call.


So often, with twins, they are inseparable. It couldnā€™t be the farthest thing from the truth when it came to Lorelei and Liesl. Where Lorelei was the good child, who followed the rules and always did as asked, her sister was the opposite. Yet, Liesl was always the sparkle in their fatherā€™s eye. She got anything and everything she wanted.

Often seen as the ugly duckling, Lorelei kept to herself and tried to remain on their good side to avoid as much of their wrath as possible. Once she was older, her father angered one of the most powerful man in Essex. As payment for his transgressions, he had to send one of his daughters to work for the mafia leader. Of course, he wouldn't send his prized daughter, so instead, Lorelei was sent to work for none other than Adrien Duval.

h e x c o d e x // x #B1AECB x // x f a c e c l a i m x // x sophie turner x // x c r e a t o r x // x mjonir x // x c s x // x mjolnir

So begins...

Lorelei Voigt's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elena Lux Character Portrait: Roman Scarrott Character Portrait: John Waldmann Character Portrait: Paisley Lawrence Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mombie

~ Once Upon A Time ~

It would seem, that in the Realm of Enchantment, there are heroes and there are villains. At least, that's what we were all told anyway. The truth is this - we don't know their real stories. We don't know why the villains became the bad characters we know and the heroes the pinnacle of goodness. The Realm of Enchantment is not truly painted in black and white in the way that the books and movies would tell us. In this world, one would be surprised to find out that not all things are as we were told...

The Enchanted Realm is in chaos. Villains are sick of the world they live in where the "heroes" are free to live their lives and all others are condemned. They want their freedom, too. They have been wronged and their pasts have been twisted beyond belief. They do have a purpose in life. They have a will to live. The desire, most of all, their very own happy ending. However, with the heroes standing in their way at every turn, they have come to only one conclusion - the good guys would have to die.

Jafar was one of these villains. He had the most powerful weapon in all of the Enchanted Realm at his greedy fingertips; the omnipotent Genie. With the help of so many other misunderstood characters wallowing on their seeming unhappy-ever-afters, a plan to bring death to all of the Realm's "heroes" was conceived. As others across the Realm heard news of this dark plan, they began to try to figure out how to stop it.

However, they could not stop Jafar. In their finals moments, the heroes that knew death was coming clung to the most powerful white magic in all the Realm - hope. It was this hope that, when Jafar's magic swept across the Realm, kept their physical bodies alive and thrust them through a rift between Enchantment and the real world. The rift created a town out of nothing called Storybook, Connecticut - known to the real world as Essex. The people that enter can't ever seem to leave, and it doesn't exist on any map.

Jafar was not happy that his plan did not work exactly, but upon discovering that they were in a new place, he had the Genie erase everyone's memories and give them new lives in this new world. He kept certain villains with their memories intact. He currently runs the Councillor's office under Mayor Catherine Wyland. Those in charge are in complete control of everyone, yet everyone else thinks they are living a perfectly normal life.

This is their happily-ever-after, and they intend to keep it that way - no matter what.


~ Memories ~

An only lady came tumbling out of a well in the woods, falling flat on her face! She got up, wiped away the dirt, and pat down her fluffy blue dress. "My, my, my, what a trip! What a trip." She took a quick look around her surroundings. It's the middle of the night and most of the town of Essex is asleep or in their homes. She walked down a beaten path until a road was found, at which point she could see the sleepy streets and dark buildings.

"Where am I?" she asked, adjusting the glasses to sit better across her nose. Her eyes scrunched and she dipped a hand into her dress and produced a wand. "Let's see what we can do about this mess. It's quite the mess!" The old lady already knew what had happened to the Enchanted characters, but she didn't know how to fix the problem. She had magic, but she didn't have enough of it to awaken the whole town. Instead, she decided that she could do something else... She did not come here without a plan, after all.

She bippity-boppity-booped herself from one building and home to the next; acquiring items and placing them in a seemingly endless magic bag. Underneath everyone's doors, except for the villains that were well-aware of Essex and its true nature, were given invitations to a formal silent auction event at the city hall. For those vile beings that still retained their memories, she had something else - magic that would put them to sleep for twenty-four hours. That would be enough time to allow everyone else to enjoy the event and get back what belonged to them - their memories.

The Enchanted Realm was falling apart due to key characters having been ripped away and thrown into this prison. It is time for them to come home, but they'd have to remember who they are, first.

As quietly as the Fairy Godmother came, she seemed to disappear. But not back into the Enchanted Realm, rather as the out-of-town host to the black-tie event.

* * *

And that is where the citizens of Storybook are tonight on a warm summer evening around 6 pm at city hall. Upon entering they are greeted by a humble doorman, and the normally bland interior is alight with grandeur, enchantment and alive with gentle classical music.

Mrs. Picket is there to greet them with a smile on her face, directing everyone toward the grand hall that had been refurbished into a room fit for dance, entertainment, and food.

Hugging one of the walls are long tables that have items to be silently auctioned off. Little to the knowledge of the Enchanted characters, they are items that belonged to them in their fairytale origins. They feel compelled to bid on their trinkets, no matter how absurd they were or how little money they had. Every so often, a little magic would make sure that no one was outbid by either erasing higher bids or placing an extra zero or two by certain names.

Mrs. Picket operated under the notion that all money would be donated to charity, but there'd be no money at all. Mrs. Picket was putting all of her faith, the lives of those still in the Enchanted Realm, in the hands of these few. This was the only way to begin breaking the spell Jafar cast upon the town.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrien Duval Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt Character Portrait: Mahin Hassud
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mombie
R i c a r d o x T r u j i l l o

t h e x b e a s t
#4d2915 || Outfit || City Hall

The estate that belonged to Ricardo rested on a hill that overlooked the town, and it had an eerie appearance to it. It was rather... baroque in design. It was quiet; not a creature stirring neither day nor night save for the manor's servants that care for the yards. Even then, the high privacy walls and the tall foliage rarely offered a glimpse beyond its unwelcoming dimly lit exterior.

Throughout the day it had been just as silent as ever, only the interior bustled with excitement. Their Master would venture outside, and that was exceedingly rare these days. Unless he felt the urge to watch Lorelei for a little while, like the awkward unrequited stalker he was, he sent servants to do his bidding. This evening, however, he would put on his very best and attempt to enjoy some time away. It took much convincing after receiving the invitation, but he had long since relented to the bubbly over-excited lady that was Mary Potterson.

"There really isn't a reason for me to go," he grumbled as Mary placed a wine-colored suit on his bed after going through his closet for roughly half an hour.

With a head shake of disappointment, she wagged an index finger at him, "Don't you think it's about that time for you to... I don't know, stop stalking the poor girl and talk to her?"

He scoffed at her after he moved to a place where he could get dressed with a little privacy. While he had been with Mary since he broke into the millions in net worth, he didn't exactly need to excite an old lady with his perfectly masculine body. She might have a heart attack. "And say what? Hello, I've been watching you for a while now, would you like to go to dinner with me?" He poked his head out from behind the dressing partition with a brow raised, but the sarcasm in both his tone of voice and expression was pretty damn obvious.

"Oh, dear - I wouldn't begin with that!"

He threw his jacket over his vest and began to button it up, "She probably just thinks I am a criminal anyway. I don't exactly want to see her look at me." He finished up after about ten minutes, walked out to do a little spin for Mary to which she clapped excitedly.

"You're so handsome, love! I'm sure you'll have a most splendid evening."

After she practically bounced out of his room, he turned around to look in the tall mirror back at himself. It wasn't to check on his appearance, as he found himself to be quite perfect in almost every way. Rather, he just looked at himself, as if there was some way he could see beneath the exterior and find something he never knew. Maybe a little bit of confidence. Maybe a little bit of pride. Yet, he had all of that in spades. To everyone else, he was no better than Adrien - a criminal, another psychopath with a big head. But Ricardo knew better - he was so profoundly alone that he didn't feel like himself anymore. He'd love nothing more than to make the most out of his evening, wear his emotions on his sleeve with a confident swagger, and tell the woman he thinks he is enamored with how he feels. But the more that he looks at himself, and the more he has seen her, the more he realizes that she'd be just as tormented with him as she is with Adrien. He didn't know what was wrong with him, but yes - something was fundamentally wrong.

"Monsieur, the car is ready to take you to the City Hall," a thickly laced french accent called through his doorway, and Ricardo sighed. Fine. He'll go for an hour or so, hang out somewhere no one notices him, and make his donation. It would be easy. Nothing could go wrong. Besides, a man like Adrien wouldn't be invited to such a proper event.

Right? Wrong.

When he arrived at City Hall, it took a few minutes for him to get out of the car, even though that left Jacque standing there awkwardly for quite some time. Eventually, he climbed out, walked toward the entrance, and entered the building where he would be greeted by Mrs. Picket. He didn't know her, but he deeply felt that he should. She was important somehow, he just couldn't figure out why.

"Mr. Trujillo, I am so glad you could make it." she smiled at him and offered a hand, in which he gave his most charming smile and lifted it to gently kiss the knuckles. It was a common formality where he was from, and a sign of deep respect and admiration.

After he released her fingers, "Thank you for the invite. Where do I make my donation?" If he could just show his face for a few minutes and make his donation, he could be in and out before anyone noticed him.

But Mrs. Picket laughed warmly, "I'm afraid that donations will be through the auction only," she reminded him, sweeping a gloved hand toward the Grand Hall where the auction tables lined the walls. She gave him a piece of paper with a random number on it after he released her fingers, #237. "It's a silent auction. Just write this number down along with your bid. Don't give this number to anyone else."

"Ah, of course. I'll be going then."

"Of course! Please enjoy your evening, Mr. Trujillo," she chimed and beamed him her best smile. Others were beginning to trickle in, so she'd have to get back to greeting!

Ricardo shoved a hand in his pocket, quickly glanced at a few guests and servers, and made his way toward the auction table that rested against the left wall. For some reason, he caught something in his peripheral that he immediately latched onto. Something inside of him urged the man to proceed, and he did.

When he came to the table, of which was covered in a fine crimson satin cloth, a rather... simple looking rose trapped in a glass dome caught his attention. His brows furrowed. He wasn't interested in things like this. What was he supposed to do with it? It looked like a genuine rose with a few fallen petals, but there was nothing enthralling about it. Still, he wrote his number down and put his bid on it. He had to have it. $10,000 for some junk - what was he thinking?

When that was complete, he perused the other objects. He didn't feel any level of attraction to anything. Until something else caught his eye. It was the antique black necklace, and he took a moment to pick it up and brush his finger over the onyx surface and the silver filigree. Would Lorelei like this? No. Maybe. No. He stood there like an idiot going over it in his head - yes, no - maybe - she'd be sick to get something from someone like him. Still, he looked down at it as it rested against a calloused palm with a clear battle waging internally.

M a h i n x H a s s u d

p r i n c e s s x j a s m i n e
#e2b985 || Outfit || City Hall

To say that she was surprised to have an invitation slipped under the door of her hotel room was an understatement. Then again, Mahin was used to being recognized once she was in town. She just didn't think it'd be this town. It was small, and for the whole two days she's been stuck here, she hasn't met very many people aside from the person that runs the mechanic shop and maybe the local law enforcement.

Still, she could not begin to fathom why she had received the invite. Not that she'd decline, of course. It was a great opportunity for philanthropy, and she couldn't help but be curious at what might be getting auctioned off in a town like Essex.

Luckily for her, since she had been on her way to an activist convention, Mahin already had an outfit that would suffice for a black-tie event. She tugged on a black dress, fit on some open-toed heels, grabbed a purse, and left the hotel. She'd end up walking to City Hall, but luckily it wasn't cold outside and the establishment was not very far.

She walked into City Hall shortly after Ricardo. In fact, she waited patiently for him to finish so that she could get in and peruse the auction items. Mahin would love to pick up a souvenir from Essex for the sake of being a silly tourist.

"Good evening! Thank you very much for the invite, Mrs. Picket," she smiled at the hostess after she was promptly greeted when Ricardo left.

"Miss Hassud, it is lovely to see that you have made it. I love your work," Mrs. Picket replied as she offered the woman a friendly smile. She handed Mahin a piece of paper with the number 192 before directing her to the grand hall. There was music and catering, tables for sitting, long ones nestled against the wall laden with auction trinkets. Mahin was immediately enchanted by the setting.

She walked to the same table that Ricardo occupied and watched him stare at the jewelry piece cradled in his palm, "Trying to bid on something for your wife?" She assumed that he was married. A man that handsome had to be taken, and he looked like a really made guy. For him to be single would be flabbergasting.

Ricardo looked up from the Onyx necklace, "I'm not married." His voice was gruff in nature and somewhat frigid. It didn't appear that he wanted to converse, but that wouldn't stop Mahin.

"Well, you must like someone to be thinking so deeply about a necklace," she chuckled at him, looking down at something gold that snatched her attention. "Oh, wow - who would have known a place like this would have something so... refined," she mused.

He turned his head toward her after setting down the necklace and parroted"A town like this?"

She looked up at him after putting her number and bid by the princess jewelry set for $500, "I didn't mean it like that!" This statement was deeply apologetic, and honestly, Ricardo looked like someone that couldn't take a joke. Rather than continue this awkward first impression, she pointed to the swan feather quill, "Jewelry is a bit old fashioned. Maybe you could try something like this?"

Maybe she was right - jewelry was old-fashioned. Then again, so was Ricardo. He forgot about her slight against the town he's come to call home and looked down at the quill. It was... a unique item for sure. He picked it up for an inspection as Mahin fluttered away to see what was on the catering menu.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Adrien Duval Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mjolnir

adrien duval



lorelei voigt
white swanx|xoutfitx|x#b1aecb

The Duval Estate didn't hide itself away deep in the woods or on a hillside. The manor sat near the very entrance of Essex, so that it was one of the first establishments you see upon entry but also situated that most roads lead to it. The large villa sat on the complete opposite side of town that the Trujillo home. The two couldn't be more opposing. One hidden away, dark and foreboding while the other sat front and center like a beacon.

Adrien stood hunched over his large mahogany desk, pouring through papers. He had long since lost track of time and although he wore a watch, he never relied on himself to know the time or his itinerary. He simply did whatever it was that he wanted or needed to do until told otherwise. He raised his glass to his lips, taking a sip of bourbon as he heard a light knock on the door. He sighed, but did not look up.

Lorelei slowly opened the door, but did not step into the room. She was never allowed into his office without explicit permission. So she kept herself in the doorway as she addressed him. "Sir, it is time for the charity gala."

He slowly looked up from the documents before him and set his gaze on Lorelei. Adrien's eyes squinted as he studied her. "Didn't I give you money to buy a new dress?" She looked like she was wrapped in wallpaper... Or perhaps a doily. It was sparkly, if that counted for anything. But he didn't care about sparkles.

"Uh," Lorelei stuttered, looking down at her dress briefly. She had spent days searching for the perfect evening gown. It was never an easy task finding something to wear that met Adrien's expectations while also not trying to upstage him. So far she had yet to master this skill and that day looked no different. "It is. It's new this season... hasn't even been officially released." It was the most expensive thing she has ever owned and before that moment, she actually had thought she looked pretty. Foolish.

Adrien pursed his lips as he continued to look her up and down. "You look like my mother." Before she could respond he continued. "That's not a compliment." His gaze drifted back to the papers before him as he began to stack them and clear off his desk. "She was a mulish woman with a horrible taste in fashion. Next time I'll send someone to shop for you, since your idea of what's suitable leaves much to be desired."

Lorelei's head fell slightly as she pinched some of the fabric between her thumb and index finger. She had never felt fabric so elegant in her life, nor was it likely she ever would again. It made her feel like a Princess and, when she tried it on at the store, she genuinely thought that it suited her. "I thought it was nice," she said quietly, more to herself rather than Adrien.

"It's boring," he responded coldly as he looked back in her direction. "You're not a half bad looking girl. Your face is agreeable and your figure is decent. It might be advantageous to wear something a bit more revealing in the future." Adrien leaned down and signed a document or two on his desk. "Who knows... You might actually have an ass and tits under all of that," he commented, without looking at her, while waving his pen in her general direction.

One thing Lorelei could always count on was Adrien Duval tearing down her self esteem when she got even remotely confident in herself. She exhaled softly, trying her best not to let his words get to her. She kept her head held high and refused to show that his words were insulting. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction. "I always believed that modesty was more attractive."

Adrien actually laughed. No it was not a fake or amused chuckle, but a genuine hearty laugh. "You know who thinks that?" He mused, raising a brow in his assistants direction. "Virgins." He knocked his knuckles on the desk and smirked. He didn't need Lorelei to confirm or deny his conclusion. He had known that woman was a virgin from the moment he met her, but every word she said and the way she dressed only reaffirmed this. Adrien would happily help her with that burden. But girls like that get one taste of sex and are in love. That was the last thing he needed.

Lorelei had to fight the urge to roll her eyes. Another day, another underhanded virgin comment. "I'd rather die than sleep with you," she commented plainly, like a simple fact anyone would know. Adrien was welcome to judge her however he pleased. But no amount of taunting and teasing would persuade her to climb on top of his desk and spread her legs. While her self esteem might not have the strongest, she knew she deserved better than that. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of putting another notch in his belt. Not today. Not her.

Well that was extreme. He was much more agreeable than death. Adrien hummed under his breath in contemplation for a moment before he downed what remained of his drink. "Well, there isn't enough time for you to get a new dress, so it will have to do. At least I know you won't be stealing the spotlight from me," he concluded.

Once his desk was in order, Adrien buttoned his sports coat and pushed past Lorelei on his way out of the room. He didn't check to make sure if she was following, or if his words offended her. He didn't care. Her fragile female emotions weren't his concern. She was there to pay off a debt and wasn't worth the effort to placate. She'd remain whether or not he was kind or indifferent to her. It made things far simpler when she wasn't his problem.

They made their way out of the estate where Charles waited by the car. As always, he first opened the backdoor for Adrien. No one ever entered or exited anything before him. Those were the rules and it was always better to follow them, rather than double cross him. Once he was seated, Lorelei took her seat on the passenger side. Adrien never liked when anyone road in the back with him, unless it was his newest conquest and she was more than happy to oblige. Charles was far better company.

When they arrived, it was apparent that they weren't the first there. Adrien was never the most punctual man. He always preferred arriving fashionably late so he could make an entrance where all eyes were on him, rather than being the pathetic knob who is the first to show up. "What is this for?" he asked as he exited the car and adjusted his suit.

"Charity, Lorelei replied as she held her skirt and stepped out of the vehicle.

"So, I'll be expected to spend money..." Adrien commented rhetorically.

"That is how charity works," she replied, annoyed.

Adrien scoffed and made his way toward the entrance of the city hall. As started up the stairs, he noticed a woman a few steps in front of him. Pale skin peaked through a strappy and revealing black dress. Crimson waves cascaded down her slender back guiding his gaze to her supple bottom. His brow quirked as he watched it sway with every step. Images of the unknown woman naked in the throes of passion danced in his head.

His pace quickened up the steps so that he could grab the door before she could. As he took hold of the handle, he turned to realize it was none other than the fiery counterpart to his very dull assistant. "Allow me," Adrien smirked as he opened the door for Liesl.

"Thank you, Adrien," her voice practically purred his name.

Normally, Adrien hated when people called him by his first name. There weren't many people who were allowed to. But a stunning woman he fantasized about having his way with most certainly could. He couldn't help but imagine what it'd sound like hearing her say his name in the midst of ecstasy. But he'd find out.

Lorelei's paced up the stairs was much slower. She had no desire to catch up to Adrien, nor her sister. A match made in heaven, if you asked her. She was, no doubt, a bit surprised as she watched him open the door for Liesl. She couldn't even recall the last time she saw that man open his own door. But it wasn't without motive. Lorelei watched as his hand sneakily brushed against the small of her sister's back as she passed by him. As long as it wasn't her... she couldn't care less.

Just as she reached the door, Lorelei thought, for a brief moment, that Adrien might have also held it open for her. He lingered there, even made eye contact. But just as she was about to walk through, he moved before her and let the door shut in her face. Lorelei stopped right where she was mid step. She shouldn't have been surprised. She had been around his selfishness for long enough to know he'd never do anything for anyone unless he got something out of it. Yet it was still embarrassing. She could feel the redness growing in her cheeks and the churning in the pit of her stomach. She stood there for a minute and composed herself. Before she took a deep breath and reached for the door.

Ricardo had long-since left the stuffy dignified air of the City Hall, as he was a prompt man and a lot of the town was not. He watched Mahin float around from table to table, picking up this and that, but he slipped out of the grand entrance doors and found a quiet place away from the bright lights. Off to the side he seemed to melt seamlessly into the shadows to light up a cigarette.

But his peace was short-lived as Adrien entered the scene with Lorelei in tow. He watched them go from the car to the steps, and the meatbag that was his bitter rival hadn't a chivalrous bone in his body. At some point in time, he stopped puffing on his cigarette; letting it simply burn neglected. As if Adrien weren't enough on his own, he had to treat the timid woman like garbage, too. He shut the door in her face and left her there; likely embarrassed and in-dignified.

He put the cigarette out in the appropriate container and quietly ascended the steps behind her. Just as Lorelei's delicate fingers touched the door, she might feel his lumbering presence stepping behind her; his own palm, gentle over her fingers, pushing the door open. He was slightly against her; as in the back of her head could have very well rested against his chest. Yet, it was not inappropriate or invasive.

Once the door was opened, and he gestured her inside with his hand.

At first, Lorelei was the slightest bit startled by the sudden presence. She glanced over her shoulder to be met with a chest. Her gaze slowly drifted upwards finding Ricardo's face. She couldn't recall if they had ever spoken more than a passing hello, but she saw him quite frequently throughout the town, especially in the library. "Thank you... Mr. Trujillo" she said quietly, with a soft smile.

"You look -" Ricardo stumbled over his words. A man like him shouldn't be afraid of a petite thing like her, yet here he was. "- beautiful." He said it very quickly as she entered, and then moved with a too-quick and embarrassed pace back into the grand hall to pretend that he was going to do something else. He's the smoothest man in the world.

Lorelei glanced down briefly at her outfit. Perhaps it wasn't as bad as Adrien had made it out to be. She smiled slightly and went to speak, but when she looked up Ricardo has vanished into the grand hall. She was left standing there frozen in a bit of shock as she tried to digest what had just happened.

Before she could decide what to do, Mrs. Picket made her way over to her, offering Lorelei her hand in a warm greeting. "Thank you for coming Ms. Voigt."

"Oh yes," Lorelei spoke, peeling her eyes away from Ricardo to give the woman before her her full attention. "Thank you for inviting me."

Mrs. Picket held out a piece of paper with a number. #223 "Are you familiar with how a silent auction works?"

"I am," she said as she took the paper. "But... I don't have any money." Lorelei's voice fell to a whisper, not wishing to gain judgmental stares. In honest, she shouldn't have come at all if she didn't intend on donating. But Adrien paid her nothing and any money she might have often went to her father. "I would be happy to volunteer or help in any way I can. It's not money... butā€”"

"Don't worry about it, dear. Not every donation has to be money."

Lorelei smiled toward the old woman before she walked away and slipped the paper into her clutch. Her gaze drifted over to the items up for auction. She'd love to bid on something but she had nothing to offer. Perhaps she'd look later, just to see what the town had to offer. Instead she slowly made her way over to the bar and ordered herself a mimosa. One thing was for certain, she'd take full advantage of an evening she didn't have to spend at Adrien's side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roman Scarrott Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Adrien Duval Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt Character Portrait: Mahin Hassud
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mjolnir

liesl voigt
black swanx|xoutfitx|x#19244e

Liesl was fully aware of Adrien's hand on her waist as he guided her through the door. She didn't know what gave her more satisfaction the fact that someone as gorgeous as him looked her way or that he snubbed her sister. Probably the later. She'd soak up the moment however long it lasted. Being seen with Adrien was a boost to anyone's status. He was one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in town. She'd give him all the attention he wanted.

Shortly after stepping into the foyer, a small white haired woman stepped before them holding out cards with numbers on them. Before Mrs. Picket could talk, Liesl took the paper, gave the woman a curt smile and continued into the great hall. She didn't look behind her to see if Adrien followed, but his gaze was on her. That she could feel.

Her eyes scanned the gathering, which felt to be lacking a fair number of people. Liesl was never one to be particularly punctual, but what she thought was fashionably late seemed to be right on time. What a pity. As she looked around her gaze fell on Lorelei, who stood at the bar looking like a disco ball doily. That dress was something, to say the least. She smirked to herself as she changed her path to beeline straight for her sister.

Just as she had nearly reached the bar, Lorelei caught sight of her and left, heading for the auction display. Liesl scoffed, more to herself. Typical Lorelei. Since she was already at the bar, Liesl ordered a martini with extra olives and lingered for a moment to take a couple sips. With drink in hand, she started to follow after her sister.

She found Lorelei standing at the table of objects, staring at what looked like a perfectly preserved rose held in one of those jars you'd see in some voodoo hut with a bird skull inside. It was an odd item that didn't look particularly worth anything. Usually at these types of functions it was jewels, pieces of art and such. But a quick glance around the room showed the collection of objects to be out of the ordinary, to say the least. What did she expect from some small forgettable town like Essex. Class didn't really exist there.

"What would you even do with that?" Liesl asked before taking a sip of her drink.

Lorelei jumped slightly, not realizing she had popped up behind her. "What do you want, Liesl?" she asked, annoyed, as she moved down the line to the next object, hoping Liesl wouldn't follow. Wrong.

"I actually had a question." Liesl followed her sister, a few steps behind. Her gaze fell to a pair of manky old ballet slippers. Her face twisted in disgust. "...Gross."

"Is there no one else you can bother?" Lorelei didn't bother looking up or stopping to listen to whatever her sister had to say.

"Is that any way to talk to your sister?" Liesl mused in a mocking tone.

Lorelei scoffed and rolled her eyes. She could always count on Liesl to try and lay on the guilt trips. And while it might have worked when they were younger, she was older and wiser now. At this point, she might have been the only person immune to her manipulative nature. She knew her sister didn't care about anyone but herself, and that included what others thought about her. She wasn't there to please others. The only pleasure she sought was her own and she didn't care how she had to accomplish it.

"Is Adrien single? I figured with you being his indentured servant and all that, you probably know him better than most people do." Liesl raised her glass to her lips and paused just before taking a drink. "Maybe I should have taken that job," she whispered.

"You're welcome to have it," Lorelei replied coldly. Her feet slowed to a halt when her gaze fell upon a white feather. It wasn't something that would normally catch her attention, but she couldn't pull her eyes from the swan feather quill.

"Well... Is he?" Liesl didn't back down and continued to follow after her sister, silently judging all the items up for auction as they went.

"What does it matter? It hasn't stopped you before," Lorelei responded in a matter of fact manner as she glanced over her shoulder slightly to look towards Liesl. She sighed, realizing that she wouldn't leave her be until she got an answer. "Mr. Duval doesn't have girlfriends. He has flings."

Liesl smirked as she took the toothpick from her drink and ate one of the olives. "He could fling me."

"Jesus christ."

"Oh, lighten up." Liesl groaned as she passed off her empty glass to a passing waiter. "Maybe you're the one who needs a good... fling." Her sister was so damn uptight that you could shove a piece of coal up her ass and get a diamond. If she was a decent sister, maybe she'd persuaded Lorelei to go fuck the dreamy Adrien. But she wasn't. She was selfish and once she set her gaze on something, it was hers. And it gave Liesl an extra level of satisfaction knowing he dropped her sister like a bag of rocks when she showed up.

"Are we done here?" Lorelei snapped.

Liesl clicked her tongue in her mouth. "Suit yourself. More for me," she said as her gaze fell to the quill as her sister gently stroked the feather. Her brows furrowed as she snatched it from Lorelei and studied it. Nothing about it seemed particularly attention grabbing. Who used quills anyway? "The only action you get is from your books." She rolled her eyes and dropped it back onto the table, bending the feather slightly in her carelessness.

Without another word, Liesl left her sister huffing over the damaged feather and made her way around the room. Nothing looked particularly nice or worth any of her money. At least, that's what she thought until she reached the far end of one table where a antique black necklace rested on a simple black velvet mannequin. Normally, something like that wouldn't be her style. It was a bit gaudy and a little too vintage for her liking. But no matter how much she tried to move on and look at other items, she kept getting drawn back to the pendant. She sighed and finally decided to at least put a small bid on it. She'd keep coming back to it if she didn't. And who knows, maybe she could get it for cheap enough that she'd be able to pawn it for double the price.

Just as she went to grab a pen, Adrien appeared beside her with a sly smile, holding out a card with his number on it. "A necklace that beautiful belongs on your neck and your neck alone." He took up the pen and held it out to her as he leaned on the table slightly. As Liesl took the offered writing utensil, she looked down at the card and saw the price amount was blank. His gaze was almost testing her to see how much she'd put down. How much was she worth in the eyes of Adrien Duval?

Without batting an eye, she scribbled down $50,000 and tossed the card into the box beside the necklace. Adrien's smirk only grew as he pushed off the table. He began to walk passed her and leaned down to whisper in her ear. "I would have paid triple." His hand lightly brushed along her lower back, just above her bottom as he parted ways and headed for the bar.


roman scarrott
the geniex|xoutfitx|x#5890c9

Roman hadn't been in town for very long, a week or two at most. He was only passing through, but something about Essex called to him. His road trips rarely had any destinations, so it was any other stop to him. He could refuel, maybe do some light work for a quick buck or two, and then he'd be on the road in no time. Normally he only stayed in a town for a couple of days at most, but something kept him there, while he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Essex was nothing special. He had seen dozens like it, yet he still lingered.

Then, almost like divine intervention, the morning he was planning on leaving, he exited his van to take his dog Nan on a walk and found an invitation sitting perfectly on his bumper. It was strange, no doubt. Why would some drifter who's barely been in town warrant an invitation to... Well, to anything? Did anyone there even know his name?

He contemplated the charity auction on his whole walk. Roman didn't have much to offer when it came to charity. He lived out of a van for christ's sake. But he couldn't bring himself to throw it out. And before he knew it, he was searching his small mobile home for an outfit that could pass as being acceptable. One thing was for sure, he didn't own anything even remotely close to black tie formal, nor did he have the money to blow on a suit.

When the night came, Roman did his best to dress nicely. He had a sports coat so that was... something. He left the TV on playing looney tunes for Nan. The old girl always enjoyed watching cartoons and it'd be enough to keep her busy for a couple hours while he went to the auction. He wasn't a horrible pet owner. He always left shows running for her, food and water, blankets and even had the windows cracked with a couple small fans. It was a dog's paradise in there. The only thing people might hear when passing by would be her loud bear like snores.

It didn't take Roman long to walk to the city hall. As he got closer, he became more self-conscious seeing others enter in tuxedos and expensive evening gowns. Just before ascending the stairs, he stepped to the side and tied his hair back in the slickest man-bun he could manage. He adjusted his jacket with a deep breath before entering.

Once inside, he quickly began to feel like he didn't fit in. Roman stood out like sore thumb in his thrift store clothes. He was tall enough that no one could miss him. That included a petite white haired woman who made her way over to him. "Thank you for coming Mr. Scarrott," she said while offering him her right hand.

Roman couldn't recall ever meeting the woman before nor for there to be any reason for her to invite him to this event. But he tried to brush it off, thinking perhaps he simply forgot. His massive hand took hers gently and gave it a friendly shake. "Thank you for the invite, although I'll admit, I don't think I quite fit in."

Mrs Picket smiled sweetly. "You fit in more than you realize." Strange comment. Roman just smiled instead and offered a chuckle to hide some of his confusion. "Have you ever been to a silent auction?"

"No. But I've head enough about them."

The woman held out a card labeled #103. "If you have any questions, feel free to ask."

Roman saluted slightly with the card before the woman wondered off to greet the next arrival. He stood around like an awkward giant in the middle of the room, messing with his card as he tried to figure out what to do. Eventually his feet carried him over to the auction items. It was a strange assortment of objects ranging from antique jewelry to other things that look like they could have been fished out of the trash. It was a little odd, but then again, he wasn't sure how rich people functioned. And while they might have looked like trash, maybe they were collectors items? Who knew.

Most things he saw no use for. Life in the back of a van didn't leave Roman much room for luxuries. It was tight living quarters, especially with a big dog. There were somethings he thought could be mildly useful like the leather satchel, but last time he checked he had no use for weapons or baubles. He had all but given up on seeing anything that really caught his attention when he stumbled upon the antique Arabian oil lamp. He liked the way it looked and it'd definitely matched the hippie aesthetic he unintentionally had going on with his gypsy lifestyle. But what kind of use could he have for a damn oil lamp?

That was a fire hazard waiting to happen. He could see Nan knocking it over with her tail and burning down whatever stuff Roman did own. Perhaps he could use it to hold incense. Not that he had any of that either. Yet, he still wanted it... for God knows why. With a sigh, he pulled out his wallet and counted what money he had. He put down his bid of $20, although he knew there was no way he'd win. He saw the cars some people arrived in and their fancy suits. They had money to spare. But at least he tried.

Feeling a bit defeated, Roman made his way over to the food menu. Rich people could afford the most ridiculous food. He hoped that whatever was in store sounded appetizing, then he'd at least get something out of the night. Standing there, he happened to notice a woman beside him. At first he thought nothing of it, but on second glance her face looked familiar. "Sorry to bother you, but you're that famous author, right?... Hassud?" His face scrunched slightly as hoped he pronounced her last name correctly. "Didn't think I'd run into someone famous here?"


grayson hughes
robin hoodx|xoutfitx|x#99bfaa

Grayson had far more important things on his plate than going to a charity auction. Sure it was for a good cause and he was always one to want to help out with charity. But there was so much to do at work that it was hard to justify leaving. Lately, the Sheriff had gotten lazier with his duties and the only thing he did do was sit his fat ass at his desk and eat donuts. All the while leaving a whole precincts worth of work to just Grayson. He'd get into work at 7 in the morning, and then wouldn't get back home until after midnight. He was exhausted.

A week or so before the auction, he ran into Mrs. Picket while on patrol and when he mentioned he wouldn't be able to attend, she seemed heart broken. She stood there and tried to convince him to go for the better part of half an hour. When he realized she wasn't going to give, he finally agreed.

So there he was, heading toward the stairs that lead up to City Hall. Grayson was late, of course. Even when he tried to be on time for something, he never could be. Something always came up and it was up to him to take care of it. But, honestly, he was happy to be late. Maybe then he could slip in unnoticed. Nothing in his closet even remotely said black tie formal. He had the suit he wore for his job interview years ago and that was about it. Hell, he was lucky it still fit him but he look like a damn FBI agent from a 90's movie. Ridiculous. So, any excuse to go unseen the better.

Upon entering the main hall, Mrs. Picket was right there, ready to happily greeted him. "Officer Hughes! I'm so glad you could make it."

"Of course," he said giving his best smile, trying not to overly adjust his suit. "I did promise, didn't I?"

The older woman held out a card with a unique number on it. "If you want to bid on anything just use this number. All the proceeds go to charity and we'll announce all the winners before the night is over."

"Thank you, Mrs. Picket." He flashed her a smile and tucked the card away in his breast pocket.

Grayson slid his hands into his pockets as he slowly walked around the large gathering. The bar looked enticing, but he didn't get a drink. Although he was technically off the clock, he was always working. He didn't like how alcohol made everything... cloudy. So, rather, he made a lap around the grand hall. So far he saw no one he was particularly close enough with to just join in on their conversation. He might have known nearly everyone there, but that didn't put them on friendly terms. To most there he was just the local cop. Part of him wondered how many of them actually knew his first name. Still, he smiled at every familiar face and nodded his head while he walked about.

He let his feet idly carry him about the room until he finally ended up near the auction tables. Grayson looked over every item. There were antiques, clothes, knick knacks, and everything in between. Mrs. Picket definitely made an effort to have a little bit of everything to try and accommodate everyone. Many of it looked like collectors items to some degree, nothing he knew much about. His pace slowed down near a medieval bow and quiver. It looked like it belonged in a museum, not at some small town's auction. Everything looked handmade, down to the arrows. He could even see where repairs were made on the quiver, and wear on the handle from use.

Without much thought, Grayson wrote down a bid of $200 and slipped the paper into the box. Honestly, he didn't know why he did it. What need did he have a bow anyway? It'd just sit collecting dust in his apartment. Maybe he could donate it to the local museum or something. He wasn't sure. But regardless, it was too late now and the bid was placed. He wasn't even sure if he had money like that to spend, but it was a gut feeling... He just had to try and get it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Waldmann Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt Character Portrait: Nora Weis
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0.00 INK


John Waldmann
The Huntsmanx|xOutfitx|x#27352C

As John sat in his study leafing through various documents John received a message from his mother in-law. She was reminding him to drop of his kids at their house before attending the charity gala. He had almost forgotten about the event, too busy with his current investigations into the sordid lives of small town Americans.

He walked upstairs to his room to dress in more formal attire. As he walked past his children's rooms he said, "C'mon kids, it's time to head over to grandma's place." Dean sighed as he turned off his computer before packing his bag for the night. Sam was slightly more excited, rushing to grab her already packed bag before sprinting outside to the car.

"Are you going to get anything for us at the Gala, Dad?" John looked back to his daughter on the backseat, where she was lying down, who has asked the question.

Before he could answer his son said, "There isn't going to be anything worth getting anyway. Just a bunch of uselessly expensive shit." Sam gasped and pointed at Dean in the front seat saying that he swore.

John lightly knocked Dean's shoulder before saying, "Your brother, despite his colorful language, is probably right. I'll try to get something for you guys but if I don't I'll just grab you two some ice-cream." Sam asked if they could get both. John chuckled before telling her that he'll see what he can do. This resulted in a large smile from Sam while Dean knowingly shook his head.

After dropping his children off at his in-laws John sent a message to Eleanor, asking if she wanted a ride. The two had started casually dating a year ago. John wasn't quite ready to start a new relationship after his wife's death but his in-laws insisted that their daughter wouldn't want him be lonely because of her. There was something that drew John to Nora but he couldn't quite explain what it was. He didn't think it was love, it wasn't the same feeling he had towards Jane, but there was something there.

Nora hadn't replied to his message, which was uncharacteristic of her, so he assumed that she was busy and he would meet her at the charity gala. He started his car engine before lighting a cigarette and driving.

When John arrived at the charity gala he was approached by Mrs. Picket, the organizer of the event. "Thank you for attending Mr. Waldmann."

John returned her greeting and shook her hand. He then asked her, "Is there anything here that you think children would enjoy? My daughter really wanted something from here."

Mrs. Pickett smiled before handing a card to John, the card had three numbers printed on it. She then invited John further into the gala as she gestured in a general direction. She said with a knowing look, "I'm sure you're much more capable of finding something for your daughter and for yourself." John noticed the look in her eyes but didn't understand the meaning behind them. He gave her a slight bow and thanks before walking in the direction she gestured.

John noticed several people attending, some familiar and others who weren't. He observed them talking among themselves while walking down the various tables, looking for anything that caught his eye. There was a silver ring with a stag's head instead of a gem or diamond. John thought it looked interesting and placed a bid for a couple hundred dollars, wanting to gift this to his daughter.

After he wrote down his bid he overheard the Voigt sisters talking about Adrien. When he overheard them talking about Adrien's 'flings' and Liesl's desire to be 'flung' John couldn't help but laugh to himself, shaking his head. He knew Liesl from frequenting her workplace, as it was one of the few places in town that had a valid liquor license. They had gotten to know each other better after his wife's passing because that's where John would try to drown his grief in liquor.

After looking through other items in the gala John noticed Grayson eyeing a medieval bow and quiver and placing a bid for it. John and Grayson had worked together in Essex's police department, they were among the few officers who weren't corrupt or paid for. John walked up behind Grayson, placing his arm over his shoulder before saying, "I doubt that's going to be anywhere close to as useful as your sidearm, mate."

John smiled with his arm around Grayson before his eyes were drawn to an old hunting knife that was lying next to the medieval bow and quiver. Unlike the other items in the gala John was uniquely drawn to the old knife and he couldn't explain why. He released Grayson before placing a bet for the knife, hoping to obtain it. Turning around to face Grayson he said, "How is the old workplace doing anyway? Frank still running the joint and handsomely getting paid or have you managed to finally make a change? Because frankly, I couldn't be bothered trying to fix that damn place."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt Character Portrait: Olive Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Liana Roth Character Portrait: Ben Thompson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille
Olive 'Liv' Fitzgerald
Wendy Darling | Outfit | #6ab6d9

Olive Fitzgerald had received her invitation to attend this silent auction. It sounded lame and something her father would surely drag her to against her will. When you were the mayorā€™s daughter you had to be in line. At least here in Essex, her father was nowhere in sight and he was not the mayor.

Today happened to be her last morning shift before she switched back to evenings serving at the diner. Liv found herself staring at the invitation and had to give a little laugh, did she even own formal attire? The mere thought of her even being there and pretending to be interested in the items for auction.

Instead, she tossed the flyer to the side of her dresser before opening up her small closet. Pushing and pulling the pieces of fabric along to view what she had, she would begin to pull some off of the rack entirely and view it. This was all before deciding it was not the right outfit for her.

A couple of hours passed, and Liv actually ended up sitting on the bathroom counter in her apartment as she applied makeup. She had finished with the basics but was working on her eyes carefully. Her mouth agape and her hand struggling to stay still for five seconds, she finally finished her look.

Her red locks moved to the side as she looked over to her dog sitting in the bathroom doorway. ā€œI feel utterly stupid, Noodles.ā€ but it wasnā€™t as if her dog could talk to reassure her.


Liv had been walking from her apartment to city hall. She could see the flock of people and took a deep breath in. She could do this, she could be around people today. She had on a dark green dress with a slight V cut on the top and spaghetti straps. Her hair was neatly done with her bright tussles of hair falling against her back.

She was curious if any of the guys from the diner would be attending, as she walked up the stone steps, her heels clicking against the cement and before she knew it she was greeted at the door.

Her eyes glanced around the room, before noting that her boss, Ben Thompson was there. She walked up to him and figured if she was going to ease into a night of being out, it could start with some light prodding and insistent nags to her boss.

ā€œBenny boo, I didnā€™t expect you to show up and you look quite dapper if I do say so myself,ā€ Liv said trying to tempt the angered beast within to come out. She was always ready for there to be a show she didnā€™t have to hear about the next morning and it involved herself.

As she waited for him to reply she did happen to look at what she was given upon entering, a number she had to use to bid under. For the rest of the night, she would be known to the auction as #190.

ā€œDo you know if they have liquor, or do you have any stashed on you, perchance?ā€ she spoke quietly on the second part as her eyes watched the rest of the room and looked back to him.

Liana Roth
Snow White | Outfit | #7b678a

Liana Roth was the kind of girl that loved to do any charity work. When she got the invite to go to the charity gala there was nothing but excitement on her face. She wanted to be able to give back to the community in many different ways and this was just a sign telling her that she needed to go.

The brunette finished up at work by 5:00 pm, which left very little time for her to get ready, unfortunately. Before she left work she had done her hair in the bathroom and just reapplied some essentials from her makeup. It meant all she needed to do was get home so she could change and order a ride to the city hall. She would drive, but she didnā€™t want to end up leaving her car there if she had any drinks at all.

Her dress was black and strapless, but after the waist, the dark black slowly faded and turned into gradients of purples, peaches, and whites. Her heels were a simple low heel with a bit more support and black. They had a strap that went across the top of her foot and when clicking against the floors made a more of a hollow sound.

When she walked up to the entrance she was greeted by Mrs. Picket, ā€œThank you so much for inviting me, Mrs. Picket, it is an absolute honor to be a part of this event tonight.ā€ Liana said in the sincerest of ways while her hand was held in between Mrs. Picketā€™s. ā€œNo, thank you dear for coming. Donations are in the form of a silent auction, you can take a look whenever you have a spare moment.ā€ and with that Liana nodded and walked off.

She observed who was here so far. She could see Adrien and Liesl getting close and viewing auction items, and then her head turned back towards the bar where she got a classic vodka cran with no ice.

Putting coins in the tip jar she sipped on her drink as she headed over to the auction tables. She was caught staring at the blonde in a silver dress that seemed to catch the lighting of the room and magical ways and reflecting on other surfaces. She was absolutely radiant.

As the brunette got closer, she realized it was no other than Lorelei. Liana walked up to where the other girl was and stared at the object she was observing. ā€œA swanā€™s feather?ā€ She asked with a smile and looked down to observe some of the other items.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Adrien Duval Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt Character Portrait: Olive Fitzgerald
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xarysin


Ciaran Paine
Will Scarletx|xOutfitx|x#6d0404

Ciaran stood in the hallway/kitchen of his trailer, looking at himself in the bathroom mirror. The trailer was newer and comfortable but it was a trailer. Space was not in surplus. The last and only other time he wore his suit was for a funeral. It wasn't anything expensive but he thought he looked pretty decent. The snobs in Essex could call him out if they wanted; he didn't care.

He buttoned up the vest of the black, three-piece suit, then slid the jacket on, tugging the cuffs of the white shirt out to peek out of the sleeves of the jacket. No cuff links, no pocket square, not even a tie. He bent down a bit, being a bit too tall to see his hair in the mirror. He ran his hands over the black locks, trying to smooth them down a bit. He let out a noise of amusement and waved his hand dismissively at his reflection. Whatever.

Ciaran walked to the event, knowing he was going to drink to his content. Especially if the drinks were free. He looked up at the darkening sky and the stars starting to appear and filled his lungs with the night air and nicotine from his cigarette. Twilight was his favorite time of day. Once he arrived he stared up at the building and took a final drag off his cigarette before flicking it into the street. He still didn't know why he was invited and less about why he decided to go. As he walked into the event building he caught the tail end of the interaction between the sisters and Adrian. He stuck his tongue out slightly in a silent expression of distaste for Duval and frankly Leisl as well. He felt like the two had a 'I'm better than you' air about that that rubbed him the wrong way. Lorelei didn't cause those negative feelings but if he was honest with himself, he didn't really know any of them well. Lorelei was cute but figured Adrian was a big part of.. that.. so he never made the effort to get to know her.

He waited an extra moment for the trio to go inside before entering himself. He tried to skirt past Ricardo and Lorelei when Ms. Picket caught him.

She scurried over to him, inspecting him with a smile, "I'm glad to see you've come, Mr. Paine." She proceeded to reach up and brush lint off his lapel and straighten him out.

"Just C is fine." He corrected and pulled his vest down, straightening himself out as well. He wasn't used to being dressed up and it wasn't very comfortable.

Ms. Picket stood back with her hands clasped and a small smile on her face, looking him over. "Yes, yes." She returned, dismissing his attempt to correct his name.

She produced a small ticket which C accepted. On it was written a number, #109. "This is a silent auction, dear. Just write your bid and number on a card if you see something that... catches your eye."

Ciaran slipped the paper into the pocket of his vest. He assumed there would be nothing he'd want nor would he be able to win; he was not known for having money. "Is it a cash bar?" But Picket was already onto the next.

Now free, he beelined for the bar and got himself a beer. He looked around at the attendees sighed. He felt sorely out of place. But he figured he should at least look around to keep himself entertained until he could get another beer.

He looked over the assortment items with a bit of confusion. Weapons, jewelry, some sort of wind instrument... Was this an estate sale for some eclectic resident? He avoided the item Duval and Leisl were flirting over and gravitated towards a large hunting knife. He picked it up and bounced it from hand to hand. He shook his head and set it back down. What the hell would he need a hunting knife for? He moved on to a red cloak, his favorite color. He scratched at his stubble and moved on.

He took a drink of his beer and slid up behind Grayson, rudely reading his card. "Two hundred dollars?!" he blurted out, negating the silent part of the silent auction. "Wouldn't your gun be more effective?" He took another drink from his beer as his eyes were pulled to something else red. He watched Liv wander in. She always got his blood flowing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elena Lux Character Portrait: John Waldmann Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Adrien Duval Character Portrait: Ciaran Paine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mjolnir

adrien duval

Adrien's gaze lingered on Liesl as he slowly stepped away. She was a minx, that one. Maybe it was her very sexy dress, or perhaps her forwardness. But something about her vexed him. He would get her in his bed. There was no doubt about that. He didn't wish to make a wife out of her. Women like that were not wife material. They were mistresses at best. The type of women he went to for dirty, borderline violent, sex. The kind that satiated his baser needs. Where women like her sister were the type you married and made babies with. Different ladies for different needs... Like shoes.

On his way to the bar, he was passed by... Priscilla? Patsy? Adrien couldn't remember her name. He probably heard it once. And while the woman was stunning, clearly evident as his gaze trailed down the low V cut of her dress, Adrien hadn't seen her enough to commit her name to memory. "You are looking positively odious today, Adrien." Perhaps he should reconsider.

Adrien smirked and quirked a brow, obviously not smart enough to pick up on the insult within the compliment. He raised his hands to adjust his collar in an arrogant fashion as he responded. "You aren't looking too bad yourself." Just the kind of comment a woman wanted to hear.

With a boost to his ego, because he needed that, Adrien continued towards the bar. He leaned his right arm against the counter and motioned for the bartender to come take his order. "Two glasses of single malt whiskey, on the rocks." While he waited on the drinks, his gaze scanned the crowd.

Officer Hughes wore a suit that looked like it smell of moth balls and it was purchased in the late 80s. He didn't know what was worse about it, that a suit like that once existed or that Grayson had the gull to wear it out in public. Adrien had to fight the urge to sneer at the poor fashion choice and diverted his attention to someone else.

Rather than looking for specific people, his gaze flitted from outfit to outfit, admiring a low cut neckline with a peek of cleavage or an open back. Then a well tailored suit piqued his interest, he stopped for a moment. European cut suits were in fashion and far more flattering than the typical, more loose fitting American suits. His eyes followed the attire up until he saw the face of whomever wore the clothing, perhaps intending to inquire about their tailor. But then his gaze settled on none other than Ricardo Trujillo.

Adrien clenched his jaw while his knuckles went white. He had no intentions of being on the same side of City Hall as that man, regardless or not of his above average fashion sense. The man had money, the least he could do was afford a decent suit. Whatever unrest it gave him seeing another man dressed nearly as well as himself, Adrien found solace in the fact that the local recluse stood alone without a single soul for company. He chuckled at that.

Once the drinks were finished, Adrien scooped one up in each hand and started to search the crowd for Hugo. It was never hard to find his friend, he often could be found wherever the attractive women were, not so different than himself. After a moment or two of not so politely pushing his way past people, he found his friend at the tail end of a conversation with an agreeable blonde. As their talks came to a conclusion, Adrien held up one of the drinks signaling Hugo over.

Free of one of the whiskeys, Adrien slid his empty hand back into his trouser pocket while he sipped from his own glass. "And who is the latest woman on your list?" he asked while subtly nodding his head toward the blonde in question. "Can't say I've met her."


liesl voigt
black swanx|xoutfitx|x#19244e

With a substantial bet on the best item up for auction, Liesl had no further desire to linger around the auction tables. Her feet carried her around with no particular destination in mind. She was more of just... watching. She was content walking around, observing the others as they slowly trickled in. She didn't know some of the people in that small town actually knew how to dress nice. Some even had decent bodies under it all.

A few moments passed before Liesl found herself on the far side of the hall, not too far from a particular tall, dark, handsome and brooding man. She did always love when they brood. She scooped up two champagne flutes from a passing waiter and beelined right for him. "Didn't anyone ever tell you 'no one puts baby in a corner'?" she mused as she offered him one of the glasses. "Ricardo Trujillo. You are looking particularly fine this evening,"

Liesl lightly clinked her glass to his before taking a sip. "So," she started to say as she pivoted slightly to stand beside him, allowing herself to see what he did. "What is a handsome bachelor such as yourself doing all the way over here all alone" She raised her brows, curiously, as she took another sip.

Ricardo always seemed to be an enigma in Essex. Liesl remembers the first time she saw the reclusive millionaire. She was surprised he was so handsome. She half expected him to be on the edge of death with a hump back or something. It made no sense why someone that good looking locked himself away from the world. And it was even weirder that he was single. Although, she wasn't entirely sad about it... Not like it would have stopped her from flirting either way.

She tried to follow his gaze and pin point what he was watching... or who. "You know," Liesl broke the silence once again. "Someone as handsome as yourself could have any woman you wanted." She side stepped closer to Ricardo and hooked her free hand in the bend of his elbow. "Essex isn't all bad. There are some decent women here that'd, at least, be good for bedding, if nothing else."

Liesl started surveying the prospective women. The index finger of the hand that held her drink pointed towards Paisley who hung around Liana and Lorelei in the super nice and obnoxiously bubbly girls group. "Paisley's not bad on the eyes, if you have a thing for brunettes. Her outfit is sexy and she has a nice smile." As she spoke the girl eagerly waved her hand in a showy fashion towards John Waldmann. Liesl's eyes squinted just slightly, but not enough that anyone would notice. It was one thing when she flirted with the silver fox, but like a kid when they see someone playing with her toy, she got possessive. "As long as you don't mind competing with Essex's resident dilf."

She looked about the room again until she found another option. "If you're a blondes type of guy," Liesl continued, slowly turning her unwilling company to get a better view of the auction area. "There is a bombsell." She pointed towards a gorgeous blond in a grey metallic dress. "I can't say I know her name though."

Her gaze slowly flitted over to her sister. Liesl wasn't blind, nor dumb. She noticed how Ricardo jumped at the chance to hold the door for Lorelei. There were subtle things she noticed. She wasn't going to spell it out. He didn't need to know that she had a small glimpse into his thoughts, but she was going to test the waters... perhaps stir the pot. Just a smidge. "I guess there's also my sister, if you're into boring homemaker types. I mean... She obviously has a great face." No matter how much she liked to rag on her sister, she couldn't deny that Lorelei was attractive. After all, they were twins. "But where is the spark?"

Liesl shrugged her shoulders unimpressed. She downed the rest of her drink before stepping in front of Ricardo, blocking his view of Lorelei. "Plus, who wants a Saint when you can have a sinner?" She reached up and adjusted his tie. Her hands lingered on his chest as a devious smile graced her lips. "Whoever said blondes have more fun never had a ginger."


lorelei voigt
white swanx|xoutfitx|x#b1aecb

ā€œA swanā€™s feather?ā€ Liana's voice pulled her out of her own thoughts.

Lorelei glanced over her shoulder toward her friend with a gentle smile. "Quill, actually." She looked back down at the antique writing tool as she spun it between her fingers and thumb. "Not that I know how to use one." Or have money to bid on it. She chuckled softly, setting it back down on the table. "Maybe Paisley should get it. She's the writer, not me."

Speak of the devil. The bubbly brunette made her way over to the pair. "Good evening! Don't you two look absolutely ravishing!"

The blonde smiled, looking between the two girls. "Speak for yourselves," Lorelei jested with a lighthearted tone. "I got a lecture from Mr. Duval before coming here... About how exquisitely wrong my dress is." She raised her brows in that silly way she did whenever she recounted the numerous stories about Adrien. Neither of the other girls were new to the stories of Lorelei's employer, yet somehow she always had more. Things were never dull working for him, that's for sure.

As the girls stood there chatting, Lorelei's gaze began to wonder, similarly to Paisley. She knew most of the people that had attended the auction, although there were a couple of new ones as well. She didn't realize the event was open to the general public, but it was nice to see new faces. Charity events didn't need to be exclusive to the rich. It made her happy to see that Mrs. Picket knew that. The woman did always seem to be nice with a warm disposition. After all, Lorelei was there and she had nothing to offer but her time. Some might frown upon that, but the hostess didn't.

Eventually her gaze found its way to Ricardo, who lingered in a far corner like a gargoyle. He stood alone like he often did. He never seemed like the most social person, so it was surprising for Lorelei to see him at such an event. Their encounters were usually a brief smile while sitting on opposite sides of the library. That was an easier place to be unbothered, unlike a charity auction. But he didn't seem miserable. Her hand raised just slightly by her side to offer him a small wave with a friendly smile. But it seemed the moment she did, Liesl stepped into view, demanding the man's attention. Lorelei sighed softly as her smile faded and her hand fell to her side.

Her attention returned to her present company just as Paisley waved at John Waldmann with... vigor. Lorelei couldn't help but laugh softly as she looked between her and Liana. "What was that?" She teased. "Don't tell me your crushing on the local hot dad?" She asked in a hushed tone, not wanting to draw extra attention to her friend. Sure, girls loved to gossip but Lorelei wasn't mean. She'd never try to make Paisley embarrassed by alerting the world about her crush.... That's something Liesl would do, not her.

"Just don't go crushing on Adrien or I'll have you committed." Lorelei laughed, playfully nudging Paisley. Crushes happened. Everyone had them. She was just waiting on her friend to spill, because, obviously, this was far too good to leave out any details. "Oh come on, don't make me beg. Liana already has the dreamy fiancƩ. Let me live vicariously through you."

Then for a brief second, she let her gaze flit back to Ricardo. Not only was Liesl still there, but her hands were on his chest, messing with his tie. Lorelei looked up toward his eyes for just a moment, but when his gaze met hers she quickly looked away. She shouldn't be surprised. Liesl always went after the prettiest shiny toy. It was like a personal conquest for her to go after anyone who might be nice to Lorelei, especially a man. She shouldn't be surprised. It was only a matter of time. But it didn't make it easier. Liesl always had to try and steal the spotlight. Lorelei was just lucky enough that Liesl hadn't be able to manipulate Liana or Paisley away from her.


grayson hughes
robin hoodx|xoutfitx|x#99bfaa

Shortly after writing down his bid, Grayson felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to find John Waldmann moving to stand beside him. "I doubt that's going to be anywhere close to as useful as your sidearm, mate."

Grayson chuckled and shook his head. "Dad jokes, really?" His gaze drifted over toward the hunting knife that caught John's attention. "But a knife is very useful for a P.I., right?" They both smiled and laughed. It was nice. Gray had felt so focused on work recently that he couldn't recall the last time he got to relax. He was trying. Although he probably looked more like a zombie than a functioning human. Baby steps.

"How is the old workplace doing anyway? Frank still running the joint and handsomely getting paid or have you managed to finally make a change? Because frankly, I couldn't be bothered trying to fix that damn place."

He sighed. "New day, same shit. Unfortunately." Grayson raised his right hand to rub his eyes and pinch the bridge of his nose. "It's hard to get anything else done when I'm the only cop who actually works." He shrugged his shoulders slightly. "Someday though."

As Grayson adjusted how he stood to face John, he looked over and saw a small group of women a few tables over. Lorelei, Liana and Paisley. His gaze lingered on Liana, for just a moment before Paisley waved at him. He smiled and gave her a small wave back. She was a nice girl, got herself into a little more trouble than she could handle, but she meant well. Luckily enough, he seemed to always have good timing and was able to help her out. It was something. Probably the most police like thing he has done in awhile. It made him feel useful, which he was thankful for.

"Two hundred dollars?!" Ciaran blurted out from behind him just as he dropped his bid into the appropriate box. "Wouldn't your gun be more effective?"

Grayson sighed, annoyed. He turned slightly to face Ciaran, his facial expression less than amused. "Did you miss the 'silent' part of silent auction?" He tried not to look around but he could feel the lingering gazes. Whether or not he wanted people to know what he was bidding on or how much, it was out in the open. Whatever hopes he had at winning the bow was shot down considering anyone who wanted it enough knew they could bid a penny higher and win it. "I guess I'll need to look for something else then," he concluded before heading to another table.

He slowly paced alongside the tables, looking over each of the items. There were some interesting things... Some weird. Grayson had nearly given up finding anything else, when he saw a small glimpse of a green hat from behind Liana. He slowly approached, trying not to eavesdrop or interrupt the conversation. Gray gently placed a hand at the center of her back, silently letting her know he was sneaking behind her to look at something. He dared not put his hand too low or let it linger, not wanting to be inappropriate or make her uncomfortable.

"Sorry ladies, I didn't mean to interrupt," Grayson apologized. When Liana's gaze met his, he smiled. "You look... nice." He caught himself before saying something out of line. Beautiful. He wanted to say beautiful. But knowing his luck, Greg would be right there when he said it. The last thing he wanted was to get a black eye in front of the whole town. So he settled for nice and feeling a bit like an idiot.

Before he could embarrass himself further, Grayson shoved his hands in his pockets and turned his attention to the green hat that originally caught his attention.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Paisley Lawrence Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt Character Portrait: Liana Roth
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mombie
R i c a r d o x T r u j i l l o

t h e x b e a s t
#4d2915 || Outfit || City Hall

He had been content to quietly pace the hall, looking at this item then at that. Wondering why on earth half of this shit was here. Maybe bidding on one thing or another. He had also happened to peek at Lorelei, jotting a quick note mentally that she had spent enough time on the quill for him to guess it was something of interest to her. He'd have to deal with that a bit later, as it didn't seem she was placing any wagers on it. Then again, it wouldn't surprise him. He wasn't sure if Adrien paid her for whatever work she did for him.

Just as he might have rounded a table corner to do just that - bid on the swan feather quill, the lecherous redhead caught him. As polite as ever, he paused midstep and took the offered champaign flute. However, he set out down on the table behind him because he had a very low tolerance to light alcohol.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you 'no one puts baby in a corner'. Ricardo Trujillo. You are looking particularly fine this evening," the vixen was practically purring at him in that salacious tone of hers. Liesl was on the prowl, and it took a predator to know another one. They were very much alike, only it looked bad on her. In his eyes, anyway.

Still, he was a gentleman, and there was no denying his nature. He would entertain her for a time. "You're quite a sight yourself, Miss. Voigt," he replied. Just because he didn't necessarily enjoy her coming onto him like something to eventually be conquered didn't mean that he couldn't also be honest. Liesl was gorgeous, and if he didn't have eyes for someone else - she'd have been a good hit and quit. And not kindly, either.

"So, what is a handsome bachelor such as yourself doing all the way over here all alone?"

He didn't answer that. It was a question that he didn't have much of an answer to. Why was he here? For charity of course, but she really wasn't interested in that. This was all small-talk for someone like her. In fact, Ricardo let the woman rattle off at the mouth. He didn't even care to look up at any of her proposed women, seeing as he rarely gave the ladies of Essex any attention at all. Especially not this one attaching herself to him right now.

Liesl said something about Lorelei, but it didn't bother him. Insults didn't do anything for him, and maybe she was jealous. Jealous that the only men she could grab treated her like trash and better men couldn't care less that she existed. While all t these thoughts drifted through his head, he gave her his utmost attention - eyes locked on her, and even his body mirrored some of her gestures as is sometimes socially typical during interactions between two or more people. He didn't mind that she touched him, or that she was in his intimate space.

Then she stepped in front of him, completely eclipsing her sister unabashed. Liesl ignited certain primal urges in men, but these were fleeting. Sex. Physical attraction. Even Ricardo was susceptible to his blood rushing at her now even closer proximity and how her delicate fingers played with his tie as another palm rested against his chest. On the other hand, Lorelei admittedly gave him the same primal urges, yet also the most concrete of them all - that basic animal instinct to protect. That was the only real difference between what the twins did for him.

Unfortunately for Liesl, even though she had gotten him a bit heated, he could control his temptations. Sex and physical attraction were not enough to make Ricardo jump out of his clothes.

"Plus, who wants a Saint when you can have a sinner? Whoever said blondes have more fun never had a ginger."

He placed a hand on her side; his large fingers curling firmly, yet not too tightly, around her small waistline. He pulled her into him, as if there was any distance to spare, leaned down so that he could whisper against her neck, and swept some of her hair away to make sure she would hear him fully. His words were dark, and maybe they'd be a little surprising coming from such a gentleman. Then again, he's known for his more traditional gender views, so maybe she won't be taken too aback. "I'm a bit of a sinner myself, Miss. Voigt. Why have defiled goods when I could have something... untouched? Personally, I think that's much more fun. Don't you?" No, he didn't know anything about Lorelei, but he did have his stereotypical assumptions.

In a matter of two minutes, he had completely insulted her and watched her wet dream crash to the floor at her feet. He had lingered only for a short few seconds after his words before he withdrew and brushed some of the red hair he had displaced back over her shoulder. The backs of his knuckles swept just barely over her collarbone, and perhaps a bit lower than that.

Then, to add insult to injury, he coerced her aside with that hand on her waist, only to make his way to none other than her sister, Lorelei, and the crew of ladies - and now one other guy, Grayson. Was he comfortable? No, but it was about that time for him to deliver Liesl a low blow and also maybe do something other than just stalk the blond to death.

"Grayson - like the suit," he stated casually, not wanting to be that one guy that enters a group of mostly women and ignores the one other man there. That, and he could appreciate a less flamboyant style of suit. Then he flashed his most charming smile, and in his deep and slightly accented tones, "You ladies are looking lovely tonight." He would compliment them all, as he was the most polite to women that weren't named Liesl. Even then, at least Ricardo touched her - so she should really be grateful he gave her that much.

"Anything interesting?" He inquired, making room in the small throng to stand next to Lorelei. Their shoulders touched - rather, her shoulder touched his bicep, more likely.

He believes he made his point, and now he's making his move (kind of). The redhead was a blessing in disguise.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elena Lux Character Portrait: Paisley Lawrence Character Portrait: Adrien Duval Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt Character Portrait: Liana Roth Character Portrait: Rowan Renou
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0.00 INK

XXXXXKisa The Cat | Outfit | #0443C4

"Fuck!" Kiana was still driving around trying to find a place to park. They ended up finding a spot down the street from the town hall. It would be a little bit but that's what happens when you're late. Kiana got out of the car, quickly grabbing their purse, then making a b-line to the event. Quickly making their way up the stairs into the building they ended up nearly knocking a woman over. "Woah, you okay their hun? There is no need to rush" The woman at Kiana. "S-sorry Ma'am." Kiana said, still trying to catch their breath "I Just didn't wanna be late, while any later than I am already" Kiana chuckled and rummaged through their purse to pull out their invitation. "While you're here now, That's all that matters" the woman grabbed the card from Kiana's hand. "Everyone inside the main room already, here take this" She handed Kiana a ticket with a number #198 on it "That's your bidding number, if you find anything you like make sure to use that'' Kiana took it and made their way into the crowd with a deep sigh.

Kiana strutted through the room of odd trinkets, well aware of the gazes of the more high class falling on them. They loved to make themselves known, and with this being one of their first days back in town they wanted to make a statement. Kiana grabbed themselves a seat at the bar, slightly swinging their legs back and forth. Waiting until the bartender finished making some kind of whisky on rocks for a man at the bar. "Hey, can I get a..." scrunching their face trying to figure out what exactly they wanted. "one Vodka Cran'' They pulled out their ID for the man behind the bar and paid him. Still seated at the bar overlooking the room of people trying to figure out who to make small talk with. There were three women on one side that Kiana debated about going up to, but ultimately chose not as they seemed too deep in conversation already. Sipping on their drink their eyes fell to someone standing alone in a red dress. They seemed interesting enough, were alone, and looked like they could use someone to talk to. Kiana finished their drink and started to make their way over to them.

As they moved through the room a blond woman who wasn't looking where she was going crashed into them, knocking Kiana to the ground. "Oh my, I'm so sorry" the woman put out her hand to help Kiana back to her feet. Kiana laughed "Hey it's okay, I'm not hurt." Kiana looked down to brush themselves off. "Probably better it was me than one of the more uptight people" Kiana looked back up to see the woman had already left. "Okaaay then" Kiana rolled their eyes and resumed walking down the isles. Kiana was about to turn a corner when something interesting caught their eye. "What is this?" Kiana studied what looked like an old, hand-made fox mask. "Looks like some sort of festival mask" Kiana didn't know why, they knew they didn't actually have a use for a battered mask, but they wanted it. They placed a bid of $300 a price they were fine with raising if need be.

Kiana finally turned the corner to introduce themselves to the girl in red, but it was too late they weren't there anymore. "Great." Kiana didn't just want to wander around the hall like a lost child, so they went outside to have a smoke.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Waldmann Character Portrait: Paisley Lawrence Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Ciaran Paine Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo
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0.00 INK


John Waldmann
The Huntsmanx|xOutfitx|x#27352C

John watched closely as Grayson described the state of the police station. The place was corrupt under Frank's leadership and they both knew it but only Grayson was determined to make a difference, that determination was what made John respect him. If Jane hadn't died back then maybe they would've worked alongside each other to end the corruption but sadly that wasn't the case.

He had to protect and provide for his family and if he had walked down that path he may have put them in jeopardy. He couldn't risk leaving his children without a father so he chose to walk away from that life and pursue a more financially rewarding occupation and started his own private investigation firm. There were still risks but he was less likely to face the business end of a weapon as a civilian.

"New day, same shit. Unfortunately." As Grayson pinched the bridge of his nose John nodded knowingly. "It's hard to get anything done when I'm the only cop who actually works . . . Someday though."
John smiled and hoped that Grayson was right, for his sake at least, but he doubted anything would change.

As Grayson's eyes were drawn away John followed his gaze, seeing a group of women a few tables over. John recognized most of them, you tend to in a small town. He was most acquainted with Paisley, the two had met and befriended each other after John recognized her as Jane's favorite author. Paisley was embarrassed initially because of the content of her stories, which John would make light jokes of, but their friendship grew to the point John trusted her enough to leave his children in her care.

Seeing Paisley waving while jumping up and down brought a smile to John's face. He found the scene both funny and charming, wondering if she had written anything like that in one of her novels. John waved back and gestured that he would come over later. While doing so he noticed Liana, the local veterinarian.

There was something about her that drew his gaze but he couldn't quite understand why. The two didn't interact much aside from in passing, as she was in Paisley's circle of friends, but whenever they did he could sense something similar to the feeling he had with Nora, some sort a familiarity. He questioned that feeling but his instincts had proven to be quite reliable so he couldn't help but wonder why he felt such feelings.

"Two hundred dollars?!" The exclamation of the person next to John drew his attention. "Wouldn't your gun be more effective?" The person who asked Grayson a similar question to John's earlier one was a local contractor and carpenter, Ciaran Paine. John didn't know much about him aside from what he learned from Grayson and from observing him while they were both in the bar. He seemed like a good enough guy despite his past troubles with law enforcement.

He watched as Grayson was unamused by his friend's comments on his bid and walking off to view items on other tables. Ciaran looked apologetic as he said he was sorry before Grayson walked away. John felt a little sorry for both Grayson and Ciaran but didn't voice his opinion, the two were close so they would settle it among themselves. He was about to comfort Ciaran and strike up a conversation with him until he saw his eyes drawn towards a sword and dagger and also walking away.

John was a little concerned about both people leaving him in a social gathering. Weren't people suppose to socialize and make meaningless small talk at such events? Why did they both not want to engage in such conversations with him? He wondered if there was something off about him, checking his clothes and smelling his body and breath, but he couldn't find anything that would make people walk away from him. It was probably because of their short interaction but John still wondered if he had done something wrong.

His cellphone began to vibrate in his suit jacket, so he pulled it out and looked through his messages. The text he just got was from his Sam, reminding him to bring her back something and that she wanted cookies and cream ice-cream. He replied with a short message saying that he might and that they should bother uncle Ben later during the week, to which he received a series of emojis he couldn't translate. Children and their hieroglyphs.

After messaging his children John looked to see if Nora had replied, she hadn't. John found it strange that she wasn't at the gala and that she hadn't replied but thought better than to bother her needlessly about it. She was a very capable person and she probably wouldn't like being nagged to death. Still it bothered him that she wasn't answering and he wondered if he should visit her place afterwards.

Putting his phone back into his suit jacket, John looked around among the guests and thought about who he should approach. He thought about approaching uncle Ben but thought he shouldn't tease him at the moment, he would do that later with his kids. There were a few people he didn't recognize that he could possibly introduce himself but John preferred to observe people before trying to befriend them. He then remembered he already promised to talk with Paisley earlier so he decided to walk towards the large group that was forming around her.

When he arrived their group had expanded to six, including the reclusive millionaire Ricardo Trujillo. John had always been curious about Ricardo, wondering why he chose to live reclusively. There were a few rumors surrounding him about how he obtained his wealth and because he barely interacted with people outside his circle but John didn't think much about such rumors. He didn't have the need or desire to look into whether or not any of those rumors were true and as long as it didn't bother John, his friends, or his children, he would leave the man alone.

"Grayson - like the suit." Looking at Grayson's suit John couldn't help but think that Ricardo was joking. Ricardo then smiled and addressed the ladies, saying, "You ladies are looking lovely tonight." That was something they could agree on, all of the women tonight looked beautiful.

Whenever such thoughts entered his mind however John couldn't help but think of his late wife, Jane. He missed his wife dearly and thought about her every day. His in-laws had advised him to move on, saying Jane wouldn't want to see him suffering without her, but whenever he thought about it he thought he was betraying her. After a couple years John had started to date but he felt conflicted. He didn't know if he could love someone as much as he should because of his love towards his late wife and he didn't think that was fair to them.

After Ricardo's comments, John couldn't help but see Liesl behind him. She didn't look pleased but she was usually good at restraining her emotions so maybe he interpreted her look wrong. Her eyes were watching Ricardo and Lorelie closely, especially when the two touched. John pretended to not see anything and tried to draw Liesl's attention, giving her a less than subtle wink. He didn't know what happened but he felt like she needed some form of comfort.

"Anything interesting?" John could think of several things but perhaps this wasn't the event to bring up old investigations and the dirty secret lives of others. Besides, it looked like much more interesting things were about to transpire here tonight.

John walked towards Paisley, nudging her slightly with his elbow and saying, "Maybe this isn't interesting to everyone but I was wondering about your next novel. Is it going to be just as 'steamy' as the last and if so who is going to be the titular characters?" He then looked towards Liana and Grayson. "Maybe it's about a couple who can't be together because of extenuating circumstances . . ." John then looked towards Liesl and Lorelie. ". . . Or perhaps it's about a love rivalry between identical twins."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Waldmann Character Portrait: Paisley Lawrence Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Ciaran Paine Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille
Olive 'Liv' Fitzgerald
Wendy Darling | Outfit | #6ab6d9

Liv knew that Ben wouldnā€™t disappoint when it came to alcohol in a flask. Although she hasnā€™t lived in Essex her whole life like quite a few residents have, and neither has Ben, she could safely say he was like one of her brothers. He was an easy target and a predictable one at that.

ā€ Do I look like I work here? Fuck off.ā€ Liv stifled a small laugh covering it with her hand to be a bit more discreet. ā€œNow now, donā€™t ask questions you don't want to hear the answer to. Because I could have sworn you looked identical to the waiting staff here.ā€ It was a low blow, but if they were going to fight her verbal fists were coming out.

Her hands clutched at the flash as her other hand twisted open the top part. She heard Ben saying that she could take a sip and she rolled her eyes. ā€œYouā€™re no fun, Benny.ā€ Liv said as she then lifted the flask up and poured some of the contents down her throat. It was definitely more than a sip, but the light burning sensation that flowed down her chest was just enough liquid encouragement to make this sort of event bearable.

The redhead closed it and handed it back to Ben. ā€ Think the barā€™s that way, bet they have all the fruity drinks you can get your hands on. Probably water the shit down, though.ā€ Ben commented and she saw the direction he was pointing in. She would probably find her way there but scoffed at the thought of fruity drinks. ā€œIf I wanted a spiked punch, I would sneak into the prom.ā€ Liv was close to having zero patience left, but that was when Ben announced his leave.

ā€I didnā€™t come here to talk to you.ā€ the words echoed in her head, but left as soon as they registered. ā€œHave fun, be safe! Donā€™t do anything Liv would do!ā€ She said teasing him one last time as she saw him sneak off into the crowd. She was clearly amused with herself and had no thought on how others even looked at her.

"Why do you let him speak to you like that?" Liv was about to turn on her heel and make it to the bar. A classic rum and coke were speaking to her, but none of that paint thinner white rum crap, a good smooth Cuban rum or any spiced dark rum would do. At the last minute, someone else came up to talk to her.

Liv turned to look at him, she knew him from around town, and she looked him up and down. ā€œExcuse me?ā€ She laughed a little bit while shaking her head. ā€œIā€™m not some proper lady that needs to cover my ears from profanity for one, for two the words I say to Ben are much worse and you may want to check in on him rather. Lastly, a good olā€™ bant never hurt anyone.ā€ She said with a bit of a smirk crossing her face.

The ginger would be damned if she was put in the shoes of some helpless woman who couldnā€™t defend herself. She had no time to pretend to be stupid to get the male attention, it wasnā€™t worth it. She could see his subtle clues to checking her out, and although Liv didnā€™t care she may as well cause some chaos about it.

ā€œNow, I am absolutely parched, Iā€™m headed to the bar to get a drink. You can either stare at my ass while I leave and be wishful the whole evening or you can accompany me and maybe youā€™ll get beyond the wishful part.ā€ She said with a small grin, as none of her words were hostile with Ciaran, and she had just been quite open with him, throwing the ball back in his court.

Liv turned so her back was facing him and she looked over her shoulder to him, ā€œIā€™m going to start walking now. If youā€™re not next to me by the time I get to the bar, I won't be offended, but I will assume youā€™ve decided to be wishful tonight.ā€ She said with a light laugh and turned her head back to face the front as she sauntered off towards the bar.

Liana Roth
Snow White | Outfit | #7b678a

Talking with Lorelei and focusing on just the two of them helped with some of her anxiety tied to this event. The charity was something that Liana and Greg usually did together, but he was working late tonight with surgery, so it was best if one of them showed up and the other would trickle in later.

Liana was thankful that Lorelei wasnā€™t off in the clouds with her thoughts and she got a reply back. She listened to what she had to say about the swan quill while browning items on the auction table herself. "Quill, actually." She heard her friend specify and she nodded, making note that not much had drawn her to bid money on, but she knew she would have to find something.

"Not that I know how to use one." followed along with the words that maybe Paisley should acquire the quill instead caught Lianaā€™s attention away from this green hat she had been staring at.

ā€œLorelei, I think if you are holding it and viewing it, you want it. Just bid on it. You can always have it on display instead of using it.ā€ Then she leaned in a bit closer for only Loreleiā€™s ears and talked quietly, ā€œI can cover some of your bid, don't worry about it.ā€ She said and knew her friend probably would refuse the help, but she had to make sure she at least offered it.

As Liana turned back around to place a bid on the green hat, she wrote her number down and just put a small bid for now. She didnā€™t want to deter anyone from bidding on something they would like and sheā€™d honestly probably bid on a few things.

It was only a few seconds later that she heard another voice, "Good evening! Don't you two look absolutely ravishing!" and she could only recognize it as Paisley. A smile formed on her face as she noticed the absolutely stunning dress she was wearing. It had a deep neckline, but Paisley rocked it. ā€œAre you looking in a mirror, Paisley? Look at you!ā€ The brunette exclaimed as she gestured to her friend. ā€œIt is classy but still very flirty.ā€ Lianaā€™s smile dipped a little as she heard what Lorelei was saying about Adrien. Her eyebrows knitted together as she sighed.

"I got a lecture from Mr. Duval before coming here... About how exquisitely wrong my dress is."

ā€œDo not listen to that wretched man, your dress is beautiful, but only someone like you could make it shine the way it does.ā€ Liana said, being very sincere. She hated the way Mr.Duval treated Lorelei, but there wasnā€™t a whole lot she could do about it.

Lianaā€™s eyes scanned the room, until out of her peripherals she could see Paisley waving at someone until she heard her say his name. Her eyes met with Johnā€™s and sure she knew about him and knew he was in town, but she never really interacted with him much. There was a strange feeling she got when she looked at him, part of her felt fear but also a relief. There was a sense of familiarity when looking at his eyes, but she decided to ignore that.

"Oh come on, don't make me beg. Liana already has the dreamy fiancĆ©. Let me live vicariously through you." to this Liana laughed, but then spoke up, ā€œLorelei, stop living through people and live for yourself a little.ā€ She teased before she was startled a little bit by a hand being gently placed at the center of her back.

Immediately her head turned to look over her shoulder, she knew it wasnā€™t Greg, but she was surprised to see Gray.

"Sorry ladies, I didn't mean to interrupt," Grayson apologized. When Liana's gaze met his, he smiled. "You look... nice." She could feel her heartbeat a little faster at the mention, but she nodded and mumbled a thank you before speaking, ā€œyou look quite nice yourself, I like the suit.ā€ She said softly before turning her head back to see Ricardo.

"You ladies are looking lovely tonight." He mentioned not before complimenting Gray. Ricardo was a good guy and was a true gentleman, Liana didnā€™t have anything negative to say from her own experience.

"Anything interesting? ā€ he asked, and Liana took this as her chance to maybe help Lorelei live a tiny bit. ā€œLorelei was just looking at this swanā€™s quill. Iā€™ve been trying to convince her she should get it, what do you think of it?ā€ She asked, gesturing to the quill in Loreleiā€™s hand.

What Liana wasnā€™t prepared for today were the words that fell out of John Waldmanā€™s mouth when he was talking to Paisley. "Maybe it's about a couple who can't be together because of extenuating circumstances . . ." why was he looking towards her and Gray? Is that what people thought? Did Greg think anything more of it? Liana could feel herself getting warm and flushed. She needed to be graceful about this if she were going to sneak out.

Liana laughed about Johnā€™s suggestions before adding in something of her own, ā€œPerhaps it's more of an adventurous story. Paisley loves adventures.ā€ She said, noting that she didnā€™t end up making a funny suggestion as she could have. Liana began to slowly drink the rest of her drink before just drinking the rest and setting the glass down.

ā€œIf you all will excuse me, I believe Iā€™m in need of a new drink and I might check out the rest of the night's activities.ā€ She said and bowed out. That situation was turning into way too many people for her comfort.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elena Lux Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Adrien Duval Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt Character Portrait: Dr. Henry Fines, MD
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0.00 INK

Hugo Lund
prince charming
outfit - #B37538 - town hall

Hugo was glad for Adrien to interrupt his moment with Elena. He took the offered drink with a gracious, ā€Great timing.ā€ There tended to be only so much ā€œsmall talkā€ he could take. Like many men, he wasnā€™t really all that fond of being in the presence of women. Pursuing them was certainly a fun little game, though.

"And who is the latest woman on your list? Can't say I've met her."

Hugo smiled at Adrienā€™s question, answering with a quick and simple, ā€Elena,ā€ He took a sip from his whiskey, ā€Just moved to town, sheā€™s a teacher or something,ā€ He shrugged, ā€Truth be told, sheā€™s a little dull, but I get the sense that sheā€™s eager to please.ā€ And that suited Hugo just fine; he wasnā€™t generally interested in women for their personalities. Sure, the ability to hold an interesting conversation was a plus, and would keep a woman in a moreā€¦ Regular rotation, as far as flirting was concerned, but a pretty face and a nice rack could get a lady anywhere as far as Hugo was concerned.

He glanced around the room, most of the ladies looked nice, though there were a fewā€¦ Questionable outfits. Not as if it mattered, but it did make him question some peopleā€™s mental stability. ā€And what about you?ā€ Talking with Adrien was an art, not a science, and Hugo tried to carefully tread the line between familiarity and not giving too much away. They were friends, yes, but with men such as them there was always going to be that inherent power struggle. ā€You and Liesl looked pretty cozy,ā€ The tone was appreciative, approving. Liesl was a good choice when you wanted something easy and fun.

He was just thinking about how boring the auction was, and even considered lamenting on how these events were never as exciting as he would like, when he spotted Liesl with Ricardo Trujillo. If there was one thing Hugo was aware of, it was Adrienā€™s general distaste for Ricardo. And as Ricardo sidled up to Adrianā€™s assistant (Lauren, right?), Hugo knew things had the potential to get interesting. A sideways glance at Adrien, Howā€™s he going to handle this? It was hard to guess if Adrien would let it go or push the matter. Hugo had never found Adrien to be a particularly forgiving sort, though.

ā€Well isnā€™t that interesting,ā€ He mused aloud, taking another sip of his drink.

Ben Thompson
captain hook
outfit - #811C43 - town hall

"Good evening, Mr. Thompson. I see you've found something?ā€

Ben about jumped out of his skin when he heard Dr. Fines. Heā€™d been so engrossed in his thoughts about the pocket watch he hadnā€™t even heard the man approaching. ā€Dr. Fines,ā€ He said, returning the greeting, and then he glance back at the pocket watch, ā€Yeah,ā€ He shrugged, turning his attention back to the doctor, ā€Itā€™s an interesting piece.ā€ He knew that wasnā€™t the answer that Henry wanted, the doctor would probably love it if Ben would go into detail about his decision to bid on an antique pocket watch despite how they both knew clocks bothered him.

If Ben were being honest, he didnā€™t understand it, himself. What was he going to do with the thing? Put it on the mantle to remind him of the clocks that counted down to losing his hand? He certainly wasn't going to fix it up and use it.

"You haven't been by in some time. How are you handling things?

This was where Ben had to be careful with how he handled himself. The wrong answer, and he was fairly sure the doctor would insist Ben stop in within the next day or so to discuss his feelings orā€¦ Something. He wasnā€™t sure if Dr. Fines was probing him to try to figure out his mental state or just making a poor attempt at small talk, but he didnā€™t like it either way. Truth be told, Benā€™s handle on ā€œthingsā€ was shaky at best on the most ideal of days; despite the years it had been, he still held a lot of bitterness and anger towards the loss of his hand, which was often the focus of their scattered sessions.

ā€About as well as I generally do, Henry.ā€ Ben could be difficult, in that way that he liked to remind people what he thought of them. ā€And how are you handling things?ā€ He raised an eyebrow in a mocking way, then shook his head, waving off his own comment with his right hand. He didnā€™t care. As much as he liked to pretend it annoyed him, he liked talking about himself and his thoughts, and would rather focus on that.

ā€Some of the items are very strange, donā€™t you think?ā€ If the doctor wanted to talk to Ben, he would indulge the man. For a moment, anyway. ā€What do you think it says about someone who bids on something useless?ā€ He smiled, but there was a bit of wickedness in his grin. Ben wondered if Henry would give him some sort of speech about nothing being useless if someone attached value to it (boring), or told him he couldnā€™t possibly diagnose someone based on their shopping habits (even more boring), but either way he liked asking questions that put the attention anywhere besides his own fucked up head. When he wanted to see the doctor about his problems, heā€™d go on his own accord. Surely the doctor would have time in his schedule for Ben.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Waldmann Character Portrait: Paisley Lawrence Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Adrien Duval Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mombie
P a i s l e y x L a w r e n c e

b e l l e
#D35950 || Outfit || Location

Paisley had attempted not to laugh in Adrien's face as her insult went way over his bulbous head. Amusing as it was.

"Speak for yourselves. I got a lecture from Mr. Duval before coming here... About how exquisitely wrong my dress is," Lorelei said.

Paisley scoffed, "I said Mr. Duval was 'positively odious' and he took it as a compliment. I would take anything he said with a grain of salt." Her tone was near a whisper as if it was just a secret shared between the three ladies so that they could giggle about Adrien's stupidity.

Of course, the blonde managed to catch Paisley jump waving at John in a clearly inappropriate dress - as if her boobs were not just hanging out. Lorelei immediately teased her, but this was common among them. "What was that? Don't tell me your crushing on the local hot dad?"

Paisley did not turn beat red like some might. She's hardly embarrassed by the notion that she pined for the 'Local Hot Dad'. A hand flicked through the air dismissively, "I don't think I am his type. I happen to think Mr. Waldmann and I are good friends enough to acknowledge one another. No?" She reminded Lorelei gently, sorry to disappoint her by squashing all notion of romance.

When Liana spoke up, ā€œLorelei, stop living through people and live for yourself a little,ā€ Paisley pointed a finger at her in a gesture that would silently agree with the point made.

Whilst in conversation with the ladies, a few of the gentlemen had also wiggled their way into the group. Unlike her other gal pals, she didn't mind the crowd. One would call her quite the social butterfly, and she's always happy to see more friendly faces all mingling together. Typically, people spent far too much time wrapped up in their own little worlds. For a small town like Essex, it could certainly feel like being trapped in a big world all by one's lonesome. Or maybe that was just her.

Many things were happening all at once and her peripherals were prone to catching the nuances of social situations. Lorelei's attention had been on the interaction between Ricardo and Leisl, and there was no telling what happened there. It looked like a pretty steamy connection, but at the same time, it didn't. Ricardo had come here, and while she hadn't properly addressed him, she did notice.

"Maybe this isn't interesting to everyone but I was wondering about your next novel. Is it going to be just as 'steamy' as the last and if so who is going to be the titular characters? Maybe it's about a couple who can't be together because of extenuating circumstances . . . Or perhaps it's about a love rivalry between identical twins." That was John's voice, and it made her chuckle. No, she wasn't flirty with the man - as much as she crushed on him in silence. He's handsome, a father, a man's kind of man, and that was something rare here. Well, at least the kind fatherly part anyway. She had this strange feeling that a woman like her wasn't much his type, so she was happy to call him one of her good friends and steal his children for a trip to the lake to feed some ducks when they were feeling antsy from being trapped in a house.

She engaged with him like any casual friend, bearing that same smile as she'd give to anyone else without special favor. "You know, I haven't actually written anything for quite some time. Your suggestions are very tempting," She replied with that super sunny disposition to her tone; her clutch pinned between her palms and the lap of her attire. "I'll make sure to let you know when I get started." Something about Essex has erased her will to write, or maybe it had - instead - inspired something else entirely. She wasn't quite sure, but she could say that her enthusiasm for something as mundane as some smut is dying a slow death.

The brunette watched as Liana went through all the motions of being absolutely flustered, and she elbowed John hard in the side - or wherever her elbow would reach given their height difference. ā€œPerhaps it's more of an adventurous story. Paisley loves adventures.ā€

Shortly after, Liana decided to part ways with the group, and Paisley would attribute this mostly to John's lack of social tact. Not that it mattered. She wasn't much for being around a ton of people, and that was fair. It's not for everyone.

After waving Liana off, she turned her body to fully face John. "Now that you're certainly about to disperse the happy crowd, how is your night?" The words were harsh, but she had such a playful tone that it was hard not to take it as a jest.

Then her eyes drifted toward Liesl again, but in a subtle and swift way before they fled back to John without a beat missed. The fiery redhead was probably more of the Hot Dad's speed, and she was happy - at least outwardly - to let him go. It wasn't as if no one noticed the way he winked at her, after all. Paisley liked to think herself very scene aware. "Don't let me hold you up, hmm? I'm sure you have better company to keep." In a platonic gesture, she gently tapped his wrist and urged him along with that same smile she'd held for him all along.

That left Lorelei and Ricardo (if John took her suggestion for him to go mingle with someone more in his league), and for some reason, it felt very awkward. Yet, she also didn't want to leave the pair by themselves. That would break some serious girl code. She didn't really know Ricardo, aside from the fact that he's always been very quiet and kept to himself. It wasn't as if she hadn't noticed that he might appear in all the same places Lorelei frequents from time to time, it was just that it hadn't been a serious enough issue for her to care.

Curious, though. Very curious. It would be good for Lorelei to have some kind of companionship, and even some sort of protection against the nasty treatment of Adrien, but there were plenty of rumors to suggest that he might not be all that different.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elena Lux Character Portrait: Roman Scarrott Character Portrait: John Waldmann Character Portrait: Paisley Lawrence Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mjolnir

roman scarrott
the geniex|xoutfitx|x#5890c9

"You're one of those weirdos that watches my YouTube and leaves naughty comments, aren't you?" The woman's tone and body language made it very evident that she was making a light joke. And to be honest, even if she wasn't, Roman still might have taken it that way.

He let out a deep hearty laugh, one that would, no doubt, catch the attention of anyone nearby. "You caught me. It is I, MahinMakesMeMoist69." Ok, so the joke was a bit much. Roman hoped he didn't all but scare her away with his lewd humor. He meant nothing by it. Hopefully, she laughed at the joke rather than sneer at him in disgust. After all, she started it. But, it wouldn't be the first time Rome's jokes rubbed someone the wrong way. Some people are just too uptight for their own good.

"Going to order? I just got food myself, and I was thinking of grabbing a table." Mahin pointed towards the waiter as she spoke.

Roman hadn't realized how hungry he actually was until the idea of food was brought up. Instantly his stomach began to growl in protest. He raised his hand to pat the waiter on the shoulder. He obviously acts very appropriately for formal functions. "My guy... I'd kill for a big ass burger, fully decked, with a pint of Guinness." He smiled and gave the guy in the penguin suit a friendly wink as he left to place their orders. Rome was like a bull in a china shop when it came to formal gatherings. He was about as well mannered as a surfer.

Once the waiter was gone, Mahin addressed him once more before offering her right hand. "You can call me Mahin, though."

His hand was giant compared to hers, nearly swallowing it. But Roman still managed to be gentle, yet firm, when shaking it. "Roman Scarrott. But most people call me the Gypsy or that giant hairy guy." He laughed at his own jest. Truth was, most people didn't take the time to get to know his name before he was on the road again. And even then, they rarely ever sought out his attention enough to do anything other than pointing and saying hey you.

Roman's hands slipped into the pockets of his pants as he slowly trailed after Mahin. While she walked at a normal pace, he looked to be strolling leisurely. His long legs carried him at the same pace with fewer strides. "It's nice to be recognized. Didn't think my books reached towns like these."

"That I don't know of. I'm not from here. I'm sort of... A nomad?" His brows furrowed slightly as he tried to think of a better word for it, but came up blank. "I just kind of float from place to place. Live out of my van with my dog, Nan. I think I found your book in a small bookshop somewhere in Seattle."

Eventually the pair found their way to an empty table. "This place has the weirdest things for auction I have ever seen. Did anything catch your interest?" she commented before taking a seat.

Roman took a seat opposite her while his gaze drifted over to the tables filled with the strange array of items. "I can't say I've ever been to an auction. But the movies always make it seem like it'd be priceless art and Faberge eggs." He shrugged his shoulders slightly in confusion. He was not the person to ask when it came to auctions and their customs. "Yeah, I bid on a little oil lamp thing. I don't know," he laughed with a shrug. "I thought it looked neat. You?"

The food arrived with haste and neither one of them wasted any time before digging in. Roman's burger was giant. Luckily, so were his hands. Yet it still managed to be a bit of a challenge keeping it all together and getting it in his mouth. But man, was it delicious. He even offered Mahin a fry. He didn't know if she'd take one, finger foods at a formal event didn't seem very... proper. But it was good and Roman didn't care what people thought about him. He wasn't going to remain in town much longer anyway. Right?

His gaze lingered a bit while his mouth was full and Mahin ate. Roman didn't know much of anyone in the town. He saw the vet who helped with Nan. He smiled but she didn't notice him. He'd probably talk to her at some point in the evening. Then there was Liv and Ben from the diner, which were probably the closest to friends someone like him could get when passing through a town. He also caught glimpse of a mysterious looking guy getting very close with a red head. Roman diverted his gaze towards his glass as he took a big swig of beer. Not his place to have a thought one way or another.

"You don't have a girlfriend, do you?" Roman coughed, choking on a piece of his burger. He was an easy going man and had heard the question before, yes, but that didn't mean he wasn't surprised. It came out of left field. He never quite understood why people always seemed so interested in his relationship status, but he was flattered nonetheless. "Asking just because you know my face, so you must have someone. And also, yes - I am also just wondering just because it's 2021 and I can."

Roman took a sip of his beer to calm his throat before replying. "Is it that hard to believe a man could be a feminist?" He picked up on her implication that the knowledge he has of her and her book had to be because he had a lady friend. And while he could understand someone making that assumption, he might have thought someone as modern as Mahin might have seen it a different way. "I prefer to think of myself as more of an 'equalist'. Some feminist out there are a little too radical for my taste. But I think every deserves to be treated based on their merits as a human being, not by what's between their legs, who they fuck or what they look like."

"And no. I don't have a girlfriend... Or a boyfriend. Life on the road doesn't really give me much of a chance to set down roots." He took a second to eat the last bite of his burger while it was warm and chased it with a drink. "But it does give me time to read." Roman smirked playfully as he brought his glass to his lips. He wasn't chastising or scolding Mahin. Simply poking a little fun at the irony of the situation. It takes much more than that to offend someone like Rome.

"And what about you? Any boyfriends?... Or better yet, girlfriends? I imagine a book like yours might have scared off more than a fair share of men. Not that it'd be much of a loss. I'm sure men like him," Roman pointed his index finger of the hand that held his drink toward Adrien. "Would call your book heresy."


liesl voigt
black swanx|xoutfitx|x#19244e

"You're quite a sight yourself, Miss. Voigt." Ever the gentleman. Although Liesl knew his compliment was out of politeness. Sure he meant it, of course he did. Look at her? She was a crimson headed bombshell, and she knew it. Most men in town knew it. But even that wasn't enough to turn Ricardo's attention toward her and not others. The man was an enigma. No one knew much of anything about him besides the fact that he locked himself away in his mansion more often than not. A lonely man like that could use some company.

While Liesl ran through the prospects for the night, Ricardo seemed to humor her. His gaze was fixed on hers, intent and engaged, yet never looked towards any of the women she mentioned. Was it her and only her that caught his attention? That would be a change of pace, no doubt. Liesl had been trying to seduce him for sometime, the man was stunning and in need of a little sexual attention. But she wasn't dumb either. He had always seemed less than interested in her advances, so what changed?

As she stood there, adjusting his tie, Ricardo's hand found her side. His fingers wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer until Liesl's chest was against his. She gasped. Her breasts heaved with every breath, pressing against him. He leaned in toward her ear, sweeping away her hair. She swallowed. Cold chills ran down her spine from the touch of his finger tips. "I'm a bit of a sinner myself, Miss. Voigt." A small smirk crossed her lips. She didn't care who saw. They could watch in jealousy for all she cared. "Why have defiled goods when I could have something... untouched? Personally, I think that's much more fun. Don't you?"

Liesl's grin fell. Her head that had been tilting back snapped upright to meet his gaze. Ricardo moved her crimson lock back to where it was before he moved it, then used his other hand on her waist to move her aside. She stood there in a silent shock as she watched him cross the room, beelining straight for her sister. Her gaze didn't move to another, nor did she blink. If anything it turned into daggers as she watched him move to stand right beside Lorelei without a care in the world.

When she went to look away, she nearly missed John looking in her direction. How much did he see? Liesl wasn't usually the type to get embarrassed, but if he saw everything that transpired who else did? She felt cheap and second rate to her pristine sister. But she tried her best to hide what she was feeling. John flashed her wink which made her smile, if only slightly. She pushed down whatever other feelings were boiling inside her and playfully blew him a kiss, before making her way towards the bar.

"I'll have a shot." Her gaze skimmed the bottles. "Whatever's strongest."

"I apologize miss, but are not serving shots."

She sighed. "Then the strongest liquor in a glass with ice and nothing else." The bartender didn't second guess her and quickly got to work on the drink. It was a tequila of some kind, it didn't really matter. Once she was given the drink Liesl downed it in a single gulp and slammed the glass back on the bar. "One more." Her index finger tapped the brim of the glass before she glanced over her shoulder, glaring at her sister.


grayson hughes
robin hoodx|xoutfitx|x#99bfaa

"You look quite nice yourself, I like the suit." Grayson looked down at his suit, subconsciously adjusting his tie and pressing down his collar. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He opened his mouth to respond and thank her, but then another person joined the group. He didn't want to be awkward, but he already was. So rather than make it worse, he turned his attention back towards the hat on the table leaving his back toward the group of women.

"Grayson - like the suit."

His brows furrowed, a little confused as he looked down at his outfit. Grayson did a double take before looking back at Ricardo briefly. "Thanks." He tried to find something else to say but came up blank. What else could he say? You too? Of course Ricardo's suit was perfect. He was one of the richest people in Essex. The man probably bought a new suit for the event. Gray couldn't help but wonder if the compliment was genuine or a jest on his behalf. Ricardo didn't seem like the type to make him the butt of the joke, so he accepted the compliment and turned his attention back toward the hat.

While he wasn't necessarily part of the conversation, Grayson couldn't help but overhear what was said as he stood right beside them. He was easily able to make out John's voice as he joined the growing group. "Maybe this isn't interesting to everyone but I was wondering about your next novel. Is it going to be just as 'steamy' as the last and if so who is going to be the titular characters?" It sounded like he was talking to Paisley. Gray knew she wrote, but he hadn't asked her about her next book. Maybe it was because it wasn't his type of reading. Either way, he turned slightly to see what she might say.

John's gaze then moved to Liana and Grayson. "Maybe it's about a couple who can't be together because of extenuating circumstances . . ." Taken by surprise, Gray coughed. His hands fumbled with the hat, dropping it on the table before managing to anxiously shove it back on its stand. He missed whatever else John said as he tugged at his tie, loosening it slightly.

"Perhaps it's more of an adventurous story. Paisley loves adventures." It took a lot of self control for Grayson to keep himself from looking back towards the group. His hand nervously shook. He unbuttoned his sports coat trying to keep his fingers busy so no one noticed. "If you all will excuse me, I believe Iā€™m in need of a new drink and I might check out the rest of the night's activities."

Out of the corner of his eyes he watched her leave the group and head in one direction. Grayson waited another beat or two before he left the table, heading in the opposite direction of Liana. He didn't dare put stock into John's words. Instead he headed outside for a bit of fresh air. The hall was getting far too hot and crowded for his liking.

Once he stepped out into the cool night's air, Grayson felt like he could breathe. He never liked being the center of attention, especially not when he felt like someone was airing secrets that even he hadn't come to terms with. He already felt bad enough for having feelings he couldn't explain for a woman who was engaged... But knowing other people saw it too made him nauseous. It wasn't his place. She wasn't his and he knew it. Gray tried his best to keep his feelings buried. He was stupid. He shouldn't spend so much time with her. It didn't help those feelings subside. Since they've started their morning coffees his feelings only seemed to grow.

Gray's hands rested on the railing that surrounded the raised entrance to city hall. His head fell slightly as he sighed. Why did she get nervous? Did she feel something for him too? No. No. He couldn't think like that. His hands pushed off the stone before he started pacing back and forth. Greg and him already were at odds since High School, that's all he needed was for rumors to get back to him that Gray wanted his fiancƩe. Shit. He rubbed the back of his neck with a sigh. God damn it, John.


lorelei voigt
white swanx|xoutfitx|x#b1aecb

"Do not listen to that wretched man, your dress is beautiful, but only someone like you could make it shine the way it does."

Lorelei smiled softly at Liana's words, but before she could respond Paisley also came in with her own comment. "I said Mr. Duval was 'positively odious' and he took it as a compliment. I would take anything he said with a grain of salt."

She laughed. Paisley's comment brought a genuine smile to her lips as she looked between the two girls. "I guess we should be thankful. If he was pretty, rich, and smart... I think we'd all be in danger." Adrien was a powerful enough man in Essex, heaven knows how much worse it would be if he actually had enough brains cells to rub together. And to be honest, he did... To some extent. No, he wasn't book smarts and the longest words he knew have three syllables but his street smarts could be scary. Lorelei knew how much his hands were in. He touched everything in their town and was managing to get away with it.

Whatever fun Lorelei was trying to have when it came to Paisley and John was quickly shot down. "I don't think I am his type. I happen to think Mr. Waldmann and I are good friends enough to acknowledge one another. No?"

Before she reply or pry further, Liana chimed in. "Lorelei, stop living through people and live for yourself a little." Paisley didn't say anything, but she pointed in silent agreement.

Lorelei sighed, rolling her eyes slightly. That was always what the conversation boiled down to at one point or another. They both knew it wasn't that simple not with family like hers or working for Adrien. Maybe someone else would tell them all to shove it and go about their lives by themselves. Maybe that's what she should do. But this was all that Lorelei knew. She was frightened of what her father, sister or even Adrien would do if one day she decided to stop and live her own life. While none of them have ever physically harmed her, it was something subconscious deep inside that kept her unmoving. Like she was a prisoner in her own life and there was nothing she could do about it.

The conversation died as more people quickly began to join their small group. Lorelei's gaze slowly drifted about the room. She idly looked at different gatherings of towns people but her eyes still found their way back to her sister. Now Liesl stood chest to chest with Ricardo. She watched as his head leaned in towards her sister's neck. But before anything else could happen she looked away and put on a smile, hoping no one saw what she did.

She watched as Grayson complimented Liana. Lorelei hadn't heard much about him beyond what Liana told her, mostly that the two of them have coffee together every morning in the diner. The Officer had always seemed like a kind and friendly man. So did Greg. She didn't quite know what was going on between the men and Liana. Her friend was never quite forthcoming. But something about Greg never quite sat right with her. She couldn't put her finger on it and she dare not say anything to her friend. In the end, whatever happened was Liana's choice. Lorelei just hoped she did what was right for her.

"Grayson - like the suit." She inhaled softly as she looked over her shoulder to see Ricardo. It seemed that recently, Lorelei had been running into him more and more around town. Or, at least, as much as she could for someone who rarely came out of his house. They never really spoke, just exchanged brief smiles or he'd hold the door for her. But on occasion, she'd notice his gaze lingering on her. He never tried to strike up a conversation and if she managed to catch him looking, he'd promptly leave and she wouldn't see him for several days.

But there he was. Ricardo joined their small group like it was no big deal. Like he did it all the time. Not a minute ago he looked two seconds from spiriting Liesl away into his limo for a good time and now he stood behind her. Lorelei was confused, but she tried her best not to show it. Still, there was a small knot that twisted in her gut. Jealousy. Her sister always made a game of going after any man that held her attention for more than a fleeting moment. Lorelei didn't even know how she felt about Ricardo... Just that he was handsome and polite... And he looked at her rather than Liesl. Or so she thought.

"You ladies are looking lovely tonight." Lorelei, just like the rest of the ladies, smiled and thanked him for the compliment. But she grew the faintest bit stiff as Ricardo made his way into the small circle standing so close that her shoulder brushed his arm. She tried not to look up at him, but every so often her gaze peeked up at him from the corner of her eyes. He confused her.

"Anything interesting?" Even though this question still seemed posed to the group, she couldn't help but feel like he was asking her.

Liana took the opportunity to speak up and put even more of the attention on Lorelei. "Lorelei was just looking at this swanā€™s quill. Iā€™ve been trying to convince her she should get it, what do you think of it?"

Lorelei looked down at her hands, realizing the small quill was still cradled between her index fingers and thumbs. She gave Ricardo a slightly awkward smile as she felt a flush rush to her cheeks. "It's nothing. I just liked the feather," she said softly before she quickly set the quill back down on the table next to the ink well. "I'm not a writer anyway." Her gaze fell slightly as she brushed her hair behind her ears.

She hardly even noticed John as he joined the ever growing group. Everyone shifted making room for him as he promptly stood beside Paisley. "Maybe this isn't interesting to everyone but I was wondering about your next novel. Is it going to be just as 'steamy' as the last and if so who is going to be the titular characters?" His gaze then moved to Liana and Grayson, whose back was toward the group as he inspected an item on the table. "Maybe it's about a couple who can't be together because of extenuating circumstances . . ."

Grayson coughed and Liana quickly grew awkward and flushed. Even Lorelei felt uncomfortable at the comment. She tried to give her friend as sympathetic smile to reassure her, but it seemed that wasn't John's only suggestion. ". . . Or perhaps it's about a love rivalry between identical twins."

Her heart skipped a beat. She felt the blood rush from her head as she grew dizzy. Lorelei looked ghostly. She tried her best to remain calm and act unaffected, all the while her head was spinning. She put on a fake smile and even managed a convincing laugh. "No. Neither one of us know the first thing about love. You can't call it a rivalry if she always wins."

Before anyone could try to delve into that conversation further, Lorelei nodded her head with a smile. "If you'll excuse me." As she parted from the group her gaze found Ricardo's once more, but the second they locked she looked away.

Lorelei found her way to the nearest empty table. Her heart was pounding in her ears and she felt like the room was spinning. She nearly stumbled into the chair, sighing once her feet were off the ground. She couldn't figure out who handled John's exposure worse, Lorelei, Liana or Grayson. Considering she nearly passed out from embarrassment, money was on herself. Her elbows rested on the table while her hand held her forehead. Why did Ricardo have to come over there? Liesl was already putty in his hands. She would have slept with him in the middle of the dance floor for the whole town to see if that's what he wanted.

As she sat alone at the table, she dared not look up. Lorelei didn't want to see the faces of the people she left behind, judging her less that exquisite exit. Rather, she kept her gaze focused anywhere but them, instead content on watching someone who arrived late that nearly knocked over Mrs. Picket. She probably would have done the same if she wore heels that high, but luckily her butt was firmly planted in a seat so she wouldn't make the same mistake. Lorelei couldn't help but hope the auction would be coming to an end... soon.


adrien duval

Hugo smiled at Adrien's question, seeming relieved to be free of the woman's presence for the time being. "Elena. Just moved to town, sheā€™s a teacher or something" He shrugged his shoulders. "Truth be told, sheā€™s a little dull, but I get the sense that sheā€™s eager to please."

Adrien chuckled as he sipped from his drink. "The quiet ones usually are. But they're always so damn clingy." He has had more than his fair of clingy run ins. The shy quiet girls were always the best when it came to sex, often virgins and willing to do whatever to make you happy. But they fall in love so quick that it's nearly impossible to get out unscathed. I mean, he isn't scared to break some hearts in the conquest of good sex. But really, it was just too much effort and a waste of time. Whoever told women that love was the end all be all obviously never had a mind blowing blow job.

"And what about you? You and Liesl looked pretty cozy."

He smirked, pausing as he brought his glass to his lips. "Well... We all know how Liesl is." Hell, all of Essex knew at this point. The list of men she hasn't slept with was shorter than the ones she has at that point. Surprisingly, Adrien hadn't jumped onto that bandwagon just yet. Perhaps part of him was hoping to crack Lorelei first. That would be a trophy that no one has touched. But the woman has proven to be quite the prude. He has needs. And from what he's heard from Hugo, Liesl is more than capable to fill them... In every position.

Adrien's gaze searched the room until it found the familiar mane of red hair. But to his horror, she was sidled up to none other than Ricardo Trujillo. He watched, with furrowed brows and a clenched jaw. Liesl wasn't his. Hell, she was the resident whore who bounced around or got passed around as she saw fit. But he was like a child with a toy he stopped playing with. Once he saw someone else playing with it, he wanted it back. That's how it went with Ricardo. Anything he had, Adrien wanted it and would do anything to take it from him. But it was worse seeing someone he claimed first slither her way into his enemies arms.

Then, like pouring salt in a wound, when Trujillo was done with one twin he went to the next. The man had no shame flitting from one woman to another. Adrien was not a protective type. He wouldn't give a rat ass who Lorelei spread her legs for. It was the fact that she wouldn't give him a second glance, yet Ricardo could stand right beside her and make a move on her? Lorelei wasn't his woman, but she was his property. Donovan Voigt gave her to him. Trujillo had the gall to make a move on something that wasn't his.

"Well isnā€™t that interesting."

Adrien's knuckles went white as his grip on his glass tightened. He might have crushed it in his grasp if Liesl hadn't walked past them. Before she was out of reach, he reached out with his free hand and grabbed a hold of her arm. "What the fuck do you think you were doing with him?" He hissed while nodding his head toward Ricardo.

Liesl turned to face him, yanking her arm free from his hold. "Whatever the hell I want!" While he towered over her, Liesl didn't back down. She wasn't scared of Adrien like the rest of Essex was. She sought him out for his power and prowess. He could threaten her all he wanted, hell she kinda liked it, but she was not some sheep who'd bend to his will.

"I don't take Trujillo's seconds." The last thing he wanted was to share the same woman that Ricardo had.

"No? But you'll take everyone else's seconds?" Liesl challenged him. She had humility when it came to her own reputation. She wasn't insulted when someone called her a slut. She was one and she knew it. So, rather than letting Adrien take it and try to throw it in her face, she took her own reputation and threw it in his. "He doesn't want me. He wants my untouched sister. So go fight over her if you're going to be a bitch about it."

Liesl reached up and took Adrien's whiskey. She didn't need his permission and she didn't care if she pissed him off. Part of her knew that men like Adrien loved when women didn't melt into puddles for them. It was the whole thrill of the chase and Liesl was no damsel in need of saving. She downed what remained of his drink then shoved the glass back in his hand. "Hugo and I are going to go dance," she said while taking Hugo's hand in hers. "While you get over yourself."

She started retreating back towards the dance floor with Hugo in tow, her gaze locked with Adrien. Liesl blew him a kiss before pivoting in a bit of a flourish. She took his hand and guided it towards her waist as they moved out onto the floor. "Can I just say," Liesl began as she pulled Hugo close, pressing their bodies together as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "Sex shouldn't be complicated by feuds."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roman Scarrott Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Adrien Duval Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt Character Portrait: Mahin Hassud
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#, as written by mjolnir

roman scarrott
the geniex|xoutfitx|x#5890c9

"A book is probably much safer than most human beings." That was something Roman couldn't argue. He didn't have much luck in the realm of interpersonal relationships. He made some friends on occasional, but they were usually fair weather and disappeared as quickly as they arrived. Life has turned him into a bit of a cynic when it comes to his fellow human beings. More often than not he finds others only want to satiate their own selfish whims, whatever those are. Selfless people are few and far between. Maybe that's why he keeps to himself and his dog. Animals are better than people anyway.

"It isn't even safe for me to just be on my own, let alone with someone else. A partner would be nice - in whatever form that would come - but I couldn't put someone through that. I'm a political refugee. Even in the freest country on the planet, I am still getting death threats."

Roman's face sunk as his brows furrowed. No one should have to live like that. "That's... rough. I'm sorry you have to live like that." He scratched his chin under his beard as he thought. "If it helps, you're welcome to tell people I'm your big scary boyfriend. Wouldn't be my first fight," he mused with a chuckle. It wasn't often that people tried to ruffle his feathers. The man was a walking wall. And even though his personality was more in line with a goofy teddy bear, his resting bitch face said otherwise. "Free of charge," he added with a playful wink.

"Maybe it's a good time to mingle and see if anyone tickles your fancy while you're around these parts." Roman laughed. He wasn't much of the short fling or one night stand type, old soul and all that. But perhaps Mahin had enough of his shitty excuse for conversation. Most of his socializing was with an animal that didn't respond much, so he'd understand if it was lacking a bit.

"Maybe you should too. Refugee or not, no one deserves to be alone." As he started to stand up, he realized how easily his comment could be turned back against him. He held up his index finger to stop her before she said anything. "Ah. Ah. I have a dog, I am not alone." Roman smiled. He leaned down to pick up his empty glass. Perhaps he could use a refill and give the woman a chance to mingle with someone else. "You have a good evening, Mahin. Try to have some fun." He smiled again. "If I don't see you out there dancing, don't think I won't come make you." He flashed her a playful wink before he wondered off.

Roman had one of those effortless demeanors that could often come off charming and flirty, even when he didn't mean to. To be honest, he couldn't recall if he ever flirted... on purpose. He just had a nice smile and gave compliments where they were due. Apparently, as he realized in his adult life, that was uncommon for men. There had been more than one instance where he told a woman she looked nice and he got a punch in the jaw from some man near by, or he liked a guy's outfit and the dude immediately thought he was hitting on him. It was a sad world when a man couldn't be nice for the sake of being nice.

He didn't know which way his personality rubbed Mahin, but he could take a hint. Roman didn't know most of the faces, so rather than awkwardly worm his way into a conversation, he figured he could get another and figure it out later. As he made his way to the bar, his gaze drifted to one or two attractive people he passed by. When he looked back in front of himself it was too late and he bumped right into Ben, who also seemed preoccupied with wondering around.

A large hand rested on Ben's shoulder to steady him. Roman was kind of a walking wall and the last thing he wanted to do was knock him over like a bulldozer. "Ben," he said with a grin as he patted the man's shoulder. He wouldn't say it, but he was thankful that the person he did run into was one of the few faces he did know. "Sorry about that, man. I should be more careful. If I run you over, where the hell would I eat? He jested with a hearty laugh.

It wasn't a secret that Ben was known for having a less than sunny disposition. But even in his snarky comments or whatever else, it never really deterred Roman. Grumpy people needed friends too. And honestly, the man was never one to try to make small talk too often, which was nice. There was only so much small talk one person could handle and considering Roman had no friends and just went from place to place, that was the conversation he got most often. "Purple is definitely your color," he commented as he noticed Ben's suit and plum neck tie.

The bar did indeed look a bit crowded. While Roman wasn't bothered wiggling his way past people to get a drink, it did look like that wasn't Ben's scene. He tapped his index finger on the empty glass in his hand. "I was going to grab a refill, can I get you something?"


lorelei voigt
white swanx|xoutfitx|x#b1aecb

Lorelei was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't even notice Ricardo place a bid on the quill, nor him approach her table. Perhaps it wasn't so much being lost in her thoughts, rather than intentionally not looking up. Embarrassment had that effect on people... Or it did on her, at least. His extended hand broke her line of sight that was fixated on the surface of the table. "Very few women could rival you, much less your sister."

The comment and the hand took her by surprise. "What?" She said, almost involuntary, as she looked up to find the hand belonged to Ricardo. While the two encountered each other quite frequently around town, this had to be the most they had ever spoken to each other. It never occurred to Lorelei that their run-ins were anything other than a happy coincidence. Men never looked her way, at least not like that.

His words caught her off guard and left her mind racing, rather than finding the will to move or speak. "Surely you've noticed that." Had she noticed that? No. She has lived in Liesl's shadow for as long as she could remember. Everyone in the town wanted her, while the only man that spoke to her was Adrien... And that's because she fetched his dry cleaning and morning coffee. Her gaze studied Ricardo, confused by the sudden breaking of the prolonged silence they shared. What had changed?

While the man always came off a bit stoic and distant, Lorelei didn't doubt his honesty. The man even seemed to smile or something of that nature. Perhaps it wasn't a smile in comparison to others, but it was more than his usually blank emotionless expression. Even in the awkward silence of Lorelei just... staring at him and searching for a reaction, he didn't back down. Ricardo kept his hand out and the not-so-smile on his face. "If you don't notice, maybe you'll allow me the opportunity to show you."

Whatever color had left Lorelei's face all came rushing back in that moment. Why wasn't she talking... Or doing anything? Before she could overthink herself into a deeper hole, her arm moved, almost on its own, until her hand rested in his. She noticed the softness of his skin, while his fingers still felt firm and strong. It contrasted her own delicate but callused hand. The difference was striking. It was like two sides of a coin. So many things in her head told her to refuse the offer, but it was too late. Lorelei had already somehow managed to move to her feet and have her hand in his before any sort of sense made its way to her head.

Had she ever danced with a man before? Lorelei couldn't recall. Which meant it was a no. It was all so foreign to her... Being at a charity auction in a dress more expensive than anything she owned. And out of everyone there, the person who asked her to dance was the single most hated man by her employer. It was too late to turn back. She could feel Adrien's eyes drilling into the back of her head as Ricardo lead her to the dance floor. She dared not look back or anywhere else besides her feet.

Eventually they came to a stop and Ricardo's hand found her waist. Lorelei swallowed. The fingers of his other hand kept hold of hers as he guided her closer. She inhaled softly as their chests brushed. Only then did she look up to meet his gaze as she hesitantly moved her other hand to rest on his shoulder. Was this right? Is this how people danced? She couldn't recall. Ricardo said nothing, so she could only assume she was doing it right. She just prayed to herself that she didn't manage to step on his foot or get tripped up in her dress.

Lorelei's mind raced, but eventually it came back to a scene she saw earlier. Before she could stop herself, the words already found their way to her mouth and blurted out. "Why aren't you dancing with Liesl?" She didn't accuse him or point fingers, but her question was enough of an indicator that he'd know she saw what happened.

Ricardo wasn't hers. They had barely spoken before that evening. Lorelei didn't know what she thought about the man besides the fact that he was handsome and polite. He always held the door for her and seemed to notice her before anyone else. But she also saw him with Liesl. They were identical, so it wouldn't be hard to imagine he found them both attractive. The red head was easy and more desirable... by the town's account. It just didn't add up and left Lorelei confused.


liesl voigt
black swanx|xoutfitx|x#19244e

"Absolutely not," Hugo responded with a gentle whisper in her ear. Liesl smirked. She knew he'd see it her way. He always did. "Thatā€™s what love is for, I think, and last I read everyone dies in those stories." He pulled his head away from her ear, even shaking it in disapproval. "Itā€™s childish. But I suppose itā€™s something we all have to live with, isnā€™t it?"

He could have meant the feud... or love. Both fit the bill. Liesl never quite understood the feud. Who started what? When? It didn't matter because she didn't care. The only part of it that amused her was ruffling Adrien's feathers whenever Ricardo came up. She was no one's property, especially no man's. The girl didn't pick sides, she picked fun. And so far, she hadn't made it into either one of Essex's local millionaire's beds. Before that night she had been curious who she could seduce first, but as one made it oh so clear... She wasn't his type. She was everyone's type.

"Love is dull," she commented with an eye roll, quick to nip her pessimistic thoughts in the bud. "Humans weren't meant to mate for life." After her comment, Liesl pulled away just enough so that Hugo got the hint to twirl her. She did always like getting people's attention. Just because it was a slow song didn't mean she couldn't put her own flare on it and steal a couple lingering looks from those who lingered around the dance floor.

"If you get tired of Adrien and his bullshit," Hugo began as she returned to his arms, chest to chest. "The rest of my evening is still free."

Liesl's lips pursed into a coy smirk as her hand ran up his bicep, along his shoulder and cupped the back of his neck. "Mr. Lund, I am a lady," she pretended to act offended. How dare he think of me in such a manner. "You'd love that wouldn't you?" she asked as her fingers began to twirl his hair at the base of his skull. "A little dig in Adrien Duval's ego... Taking home his trophy?" She leaned in close to him as she spoke, she whispered like a teasing purr.

There was a moment or two of silence as they twirled about the room. While Liesl's gaze was mostly on Hugo, she did look around from time to time to see who was watching and who was dancing with who. It didn't fall on blind eyes that Ricardo had found his way to his precious virgin and managed to get a dance out of her. A shallow person might be offended at seeing that, but she wasn't... Was she? With every spin she found herself looking back at the pair, wishing to be a fly on the wall and hear their conversation. Or better yet, be the one who managed to snag Ricardo for a dance first.

"Is he watching?" Liesl was caught red handed. She looked back up at Hugo with a confused expression, even if they both knew it was fake. "Thatā€™s what you want, right?"

That's when she realized he was talking about Adrien, or at least she thought he was. Whomever he spoke of, that's what Liesl went with. "I hadn't noticed," she responded. It was the truth, whether or not Hugo believed it. She hadn't even spared a glance in Adrien's direction since they started dancing. "Believe it or not," she started, knowing full well he probably wouldn't believe her. "I actually enjoy your company. You're one of the few people in his horrid town that doesn't make me want to smash my head into a brick wall."

Their next turn about the room Liesl actually looked for Adrien. It took a couple spins before she saw him, but surprise surprise... or perhaps to no surprise at all, his gaze wasn't on herself and Hugo, but fixated on Ricardo and Lorelei. She sighed, rolling her eyes in annoyance. "Actually, it seems he's more worried about Trujillo." Every couple of turns Liesl would let her gaze drift over toward Adrien or Ricardo before finding its way back to her dance partner. "How long before he makes a move?" The way Adrien was fuming, she gave it an hour tops before he did something to ruin the night. There was a reason why no one ever had the two of them in the same room for long.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Waldmann Character Portrait: Paisley Lawrence Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt
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0.00 INK


John Waldmann
The Huntsmanx|xOutfitx|x#27352C

Grabbing the attention of one of the attendants at the gala, John was able to order a bourbon old fashioned. As he waited for the server to return John saw Liesl return a playfully blown kiss, John decided to join her afterwards. He then looked among the group to see how his joke was received. There were a few laughs but overall it seems like it wasn't well received.

In an attempt to smooth things over with them John was about to respond but before he could the others did. The first was Paisley, when she mentioned she hadn't written anything for some time John was a little surprised but understood sometimes you just needed a break from work. When she said that his suggestions were tempting he appreciated it, if he could assist his late wife's favorite author he was sure she would be happy.

This happiness was soon interrupted by Paisley's elbow into John's side. When he looked to see why she elbowed him he saw the reaction of his comments from Liana, who was flustered and seemed to be blushing. She laughed before suggesting that Paisley may write an adventure title before excusing herself. John made a mental note to himself to apologize later.

Grayson's earlier reaction elicited a chuckle out of John. He hadn't seen Gray that surprised in a while, it would've been a couple years ago when John was still on the force. John raised his eyebrow when Gray soon left after Liana but in the complete opposite direction. He could tell there was something between the two but didn't know what specifically. Maybe this would get the two to address it but knowing Gray, probably not.

After the two had left, Paisley turned towards John and said, "Now that you're certainly about to disperse the happy crowd, how is your night?" Her playful tone helpfully making him feel less bad for causing the group to separate. Paisley could always find the right way to ease John's mind, she was a good friend.

Slightly embarrassed John received the cocktail he had ordered earlier. Taking a small sip from the glass, John gave Paisley a slight shrug before saying, "Aside from putting my foot in my mouth and causing most people in my vicinity to leave me? Pretty well." Taking another drink from his glass, John continued, "Wasn't the first time someone left me earlier tonight. Maybe it's my cologne?"

Another dad joke, this one even less successful than earlier, before Paisley said, "Don't let me hold you up, hmm? I'm sure you have better company to keep." John was going to question her about what she meant but before he could he noticed the rest of the group's reactions.

Lorelei on the other hand seemed to be trying her best to not convey any response. She smiled but John could tell that it wasn't genuine. When she replied that neither of the two, her and her sister Liesl, knew anything about love it made John feel a little sorry for them. She then excused herself and left the group, just like Liana and Grayson earlier.

Ricardo shortly excused himself too, leaving John and Paisley by themselves. He followed after Lorelei, an act that surprised John. He didn't know much about the recluse but he didn't picture him as the flirtatious type.

John noticed Paisley watching after Lorelei, knowing her she was probably worried about something happening. Lorelei didn't have the greatest boss, from what John could tell from the small interactions he has witnessed, and she looked like she needed someone to look after her. After Ricardo asked her to dance however John thought that she was in good enough hands for the meanwhile.

He linked his arm with Paisley and began to walk to the dance floor. Finishing the contents of his tumbler glass, John placed it on the closest table before leaning his head and whispering to Paisley, "It would be much easier to watch over them while dancing. Don't you think?" Before she could raise any objection John positioned them a few feet away from Ricardo and Lorelei, close enough to overhear but far enough to hopefully not raise their suspicions.

Dancing wasn't one of John's favorite hobbies. It was something that his wife enjoyed though and she would drag him along to any event she could to get him to dance with her. John didn't have any interest in it but he soldiered through it to make her happy. One of his gifts to her was to take slow dancing lesson's together, a gift Jane appreciated a lot and one John tried to hide from those close to him. Grayson and Uncle Ben was probably the only ones who knew of this secret.

Skillfully he lead Paisley through the dance, trying to make up for the fact he didn't ask her for permission. He may as well try to make the experience one to remember. While dancing John made sure he gave Paisley an angle to watch Lorelei. Glancing over at them every now and then John commented, "She doesn't seem to be experienced. Also seems a little perplexed of the situation if you ask me." A smirk emerged on John's face before he asked, "How about you? Are you experienced or is this more of an event suited towards your characters?"

John twirled Paisley a little closer towards the pair before twirling her back, resting one of his hands on the small of her back. The two continued to dance while John stole a few glances around the gala. The majority of them weren't dancing but maybe their presence would inspire a few more to participate. He noticed Adrien staring daggers towards the other pair, Lorelei in particular. John pointed this out to Paisley.

Someone else that caught John's eyes were Liesl. She was talking to Hugo, John didn't interact with him much aside from when he needed to go to the bank. She seemed to be in a better mood than earlier, which was a relief to John. The two weren't the closest of friends but they met often enough and she had a particular charm. She was also glancing between Adrien and Lorelei, possibly also curious about what was going to happen.

Returning his focus to Paisley, John leaned closer to her and whispered to her, "Seems like something interesting may happen soon." His head lingered closer to Paisley after that before leaning back and giving her a playful smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elena Lux Character Portrait: Roman Scarrott Character Portrait: John Waldmann Character Portrait: Paisley Lawrence Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt
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0.25 INK

#, as written by mombie

~ Toast to Hope ~

There was much to do still and not a lot of time left to do them. This night could not last forever, as pained as Mrs. Picket felt for all involved. As she walked through the gala she noted the relationships that have formed, and part of her knew that happiness would be broken as the curse slowly lifted. But this was for the best, she told herself over and over again. They did not belong in this earthly realm, for every precious moment spent living their best lives in Essex, the Enchanted Realm withered away thanks to the vile curse of the Evil Queen. It wouldn't be long until it was gone for good. The people needed their beacons of hope, but they are all here in Essex.

Several fancy individuals went around the auction tables, presumably to look at the bids placed. They took about 30 minutes, or so, to close the auction and place the winning number on each item. It was a silent auction, after all.

After a while, the music died down and Mrs. Picket took the stage front and center. Waiters and waitresses carried trays of champaign, offering one thin fluke to each person. She was given a mic, tapped it a couple of times, did the comical and fun one, two, three . . . test, test. She laughed a little to lighten the mood because there was nothing joyous about the occasion. Those that have lived miserable lives in the Enchanted Realm had grown content here, but Mrs. Picket's magic would soon shred their reality.

"What a wonderful night. It's been lovely to see all these faces together in one spot," she smiled as best she could. Of course, it was easy for her - she had such a bright outward appearance and personality that it was hard to see her as anything but jovial. She's just a happy old lady! "The silent auction has ended. You will find the winning bids place on the items," she gestured toward the various auction tables. There were, indeed, large white cards placed near each item with the number of its owner. It didn't matter if someone outbid them or if someone bid on their behalf; the digits would match whomever the item belonged to.

"I know, I know," she paced to and fro, adding a little comedy to her routine, "Such an eclectic inventory, right? And that's putting it nicely." She paused for the obligatory laughs. No one would leave an old lady hanging, even if her humor was dry, right?

She raised her glass in the air toward those gathered. They were waiting for her to get to the point, and she gets that. It's a long night and there are far too many personalities here for everything to remain pleasant. "The proceeds from the auction will go toward those suffering without hope." She paused, took a look around the room, and smiled lightly. Come tomorrow, this throng of good Essex people will be shattered. "Dance, be merry, and enjoy each other. Tomorrow will mark a new beginning in Essex. But I hope you will always remember that there is always hope. Hope in the world, in each other, and even in that which is hopeless - be it a person or situation. Believe in change. Believe in... goodness."

She wanted to sigh because certain individuals here were not going to change for anything. But she proceeded to be content in her vague ramblings. Maybe many would just dismiss her as an old senile lady, for she is quite geriatric. "So let's toast to that - hope, for it can be found in even the darkest places. Even in... all of this," she gestured around to the auction tables once more with a free hand.

After finishing off her drink, she addressed them for the last time. "Well, it's been lovely, dearies. My job here is done, and I must go." She left the stage, allowed others to say their good-byes to her and she to them. The Enchanted Realm had so few heroes within it to help stave off the Evil Queen's magic, and the Fairy Godmother was one of them. Even just spending a few hours here could have caused harm.

With that, Mrs. Picket left the building and went back from whence she came. She took one last look at Essex and the dimly lit streets before she "poofed" away as though she was never here. However, unlike she had intended in the beginning, she'd leave the residents a memory of her as to take a few words to heart later.

* * *

Meanwhile, in the Enchanted Realm whole cities, kingdoms, and minor-realms were at war with one another. Many of them were headed by the co-conspirators of Jafar or the Evil Queen, both with the same goal in mind. The Realm was decaying at a rapid rate, and no one knew who to blame for the mess. The skies everywhere were a dour shade of grey, and the flora and fauna were diseased and deathly. Everyone was frightened because they were without proper leadership. The loss of certain characters meant the end of hope.

The Fairy Godmother returned to a small clearing in the Enchanted Forest that was kept alive by the magic of herself and a few others. She stepped into a small hut and nodded slowly, "They will come. Of that, I have no doubt."

The Blue Fairy, the six Fairies that blessed Aurora, and even the one that was said to have cursed Beast, were all having dinner at a large round table. It wasn't anything special; just stew. "We'll see," one of the six Fairies scoffed. "We should still look for a way to break this curse. Just in case. Who'd want to return to this?"

The Blue Fairy laughed solemnly, "Ah, yes - that will be quite the dilemma. Won't it?"

The Fairy Godmother peered out of a window. The skies were clear here, but she could see the tendrils of dark light stretching slowly toward them. "Hope, ladies. Hope. It's the only thing we have left."

They would all agree to disagree. Some of them felt that these were the end of days, and others were more optimistic. However, they were all realistic. Realistically, life was hell in the Enchanted Realm - even for those that supposedly had their "Happy Endings" - whatever that meant. Life here was no storybook.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Waldmann Character Portrait: Paisley Lawrence Character Portrait: Liesl Voigt Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt Character Portrait: Olive Fitzgerald
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mombie
R I C A R D O x T R U J I L L O
t h e x b e a s t
#4d2915 || Outfit || City Hall

Ricardo was not surprised that Lorelei took his hand. While he may not be an openly arrogant man, he was. Would any woman actually decline his offer? An no, Liesl doesn't count - she's dancing with Hugo.

As the pair moved to the dance floor, he either didn't notice or didn't care to be obvious about knowing, that she was reluctant. Guiding a woman in dance came as naturally to him as breathing, and despite his towering physique, his touch was gentle; guiding, not tugging. He didn't need to wrestle a woman to get them to do what he wanted. Unlike some people - Adrien.

He had pulled her closer to him; her intimate space instantly taken over as he placed a hand at the small of her back and changed the grip of their hands. The possessive nature of his hold could hardly be recognized by the onlookers outside, for his aloof and unsmiling nature betrayed very little. But he had her, and it didn't matter that he couldn't master the perfect facial expressions or poetic whatnots at this very moment.

The first song was quiet, and he chose to correct any of Lorelei's errs naturally without causing embarrassment or shame. If she tripped on her own two left feet because of nerves, he pretended not to notice at all. There was no need to bring up insignificant flaws like that. In fact, they were kind of cute. She even stepped on his toe once, but he decided to take better care of minding his own body for physical longevity. Heels are dangerous weapons.

Just when the man was getting comfortable, the obvious question rolled from Lorelei's lips, "Why aren't you dancing with Liesl?" Ah, so she had seen the little encounter between himself and the feisty redhead.

He didn't step away, but he did lean back just a smidge so that he could bow and tilt his head enough to look her in the eyes. There it was; a smile, but it wasn't amorous. It was more like... quiet laughter and amusement at her inquiry. He even showed a bit of teeth. "Liesl?" He laughed once, "I suppose I could dance with her. In fact, any man here could dance with her and she'd not object. Why would you worry about that?"

Then it occurred to him that she could have seen a whole five seconds of that interaction, which led him to his next choice of words, "Why don't you go ask her why if you need to know so badly?" The words, themselves, seemed quite harsh to the contrasting gentleness of the tone that carried them. His voice was deep; it rumbled in his throat, but he was a smooth-talker.

A single shoulder shrugged slowly as he looked away to resume the dance, "Or you can just ignore her and focus on me. Hmm?" Sure, it had a weird sexist tone to it - maybe - but to say he was unlike Adrien would be a lie. He was just more subtle about it.

Shortly after their last dance, he heard the clinging of a fork against a glass. It demanded attention. Mrs. Picket was speaking, which meant that it was time for things to start drawing to a close. It didn't feel like it's been long at all, but by the sound of things, Mrs. Picket had places to be. She was an important woman after all. Of what - he could not remember.

The dancing stopped and the servers handed out the champagne flutes. Ricardo reached for one, handed it to Lorelei, and then took another for himself. During this entire speech, he hadn't noticed that he simply moved her to the side but retained her fingers within his own lightly grasping palm. It was absentminded, as if it were natural for him to do so. Like they were a thing, even.

Not being a man that had that champagne taste, he merely took a tentative sip before handing it off to a passing waiter. At this time he did note that he had been holding on to her hand, but he also didn't care. He simply withdrew it casually without bringing attention to the gesture. He wasn't sorry for much in this lifetime.

When Lorelei was done with her own champagne he spoke, "I need to check on a few auction items I bid on. I'll walk you home after. Okay?" He leaned down and looked at her when he put that last question in there. It wasn't much of something for her to respond to, but he did want to make sure Lorelei understood that she's to wait on him.

He straightened and turned away from her only when he got the expression or words he wanted, then went to see what items he won and which ones were a bust. The Quill pen was a bust. He scoffed at that. Adrien probably did it to spite him, or maybe it was Paisley. It was either Adrien or one of those pesky bookworm women! He just knew it. He cursed under his breath, stepped away from it, and went to the unusual rose and glass dome antique.

Of course, he would win the odd knickknack. Maybe Lorelei would be interested in this rather than some Quill Feather pen.

J O H N x C A R P E N T E R
f l y n n x r i d e r
#19444c || Outfit || Location

ā€œWord on the street is, you donā€™t particularly care for this so-called love anyways.ā€ Liv retorted, and that brought a devious upward curl to the corner of his lips. ā€œI wouldnā€™t mind if you walked by again though.ā€ Ah, the little minx. Redheads were such teases. He still had his arm around his good friend, but his eyes were hyperfocused on the vixen with lecherous intent.

"Careful now," he teased back; voice low and at a rather intentional predatory growl. Near, anyway, "I've got a really bad reputation for pinning women against bathroom walls. I'm sure my good friend here could use the entertainment." He gave Peter's shoulder a hard squeeze, then chuckled at himself. Ah, he's the worst and he knew it. There was no man more disgustingly immoral than him with his unabashed references, some of which were not subtle, about using women as he pleased. Not many of them responded kindly to it, either.

To the comment from Peter that he looked delectable, John responded by placing an open palm against his chest, fluttering his lashes, and giving him an overdramatic interpretation of a woman accepting a compliment, "Why, you flatter me, Mr. Lleweln." The voice he led with was dripping with a jestful feminine tone, and his attention was pinned on making Peter squirm a little, too. Sure, John was heterosexual, but to say that Peter didn't make a straight man second-guess himself would be a lie. He pulled his arm away, turned to face him, straightened out Peter's collar, and gave his blonde hair a good ruffle. He leaned in, "If you're hittin' that and not sharing, I'm gonna be upset, man. She could take the both of us, right?" His 'whisper' was not that discreet, and Liv would probably hear it. She was meant to.

Both Peter and Liv would be wise to take him seriously, but they wouldn't be wrong to take his words as good (though wildly inappropriate) fun. He really wouldn't say no to tag-teaming a lady. Peter wouldn't, either. With his body still facing his pal, he turned his head and offered Liv a sly grin. He's such a dog.

He settled himself onto a stool with the conversation veering one way or another, and let his eyes roam for a moment. His peripherals locked onto Minerva. That pesky brunette liked it when he invaded her space; he could tell. At least, that's what he tells himself! Some women just didn't want to cave, but that made the chase much more primal. All that confidence and self-agency is sexy as hell, but even better when it all caves to submission. He'd play her game... for a while until he really got tired of it. Then he'd be in a lot of trouble. Or she would. Both could be true at once.

He watched her for a time, and when their eyes met during her dance with Ciaran, he smirked at her. One part of him knew that there was little competition, but another part was a bit on the jealous side. The other guy wasn't a saint by any measure, but he was a better guy than John. That pissed him off a little.

Time passed by and his gaze dragged and surveyed the space, snapping to another dangerously attractive redhead; Rhiannon. He caught the wink to Liv and then couldn't help the next words, "A four-way is better than a three-way." Deep down inside, even though he's an absolute sleazebag all of the time, he really had eyes for one exceptionally stubborn woman. In what kind of way? He wasn't sure. For now, he just based it on primal urges. He could play around for now, though.

Mrs. Picket said her piece and moved on, but John didn't bother with the champagne. That shit's for giddy college girls that wanted to get "white-girl wasted" to the latest number one hit pop song. He looked between the two of them; Liv and Peter, "Yes, no? I mean, we're two good lookin' guys." He gave Peter another one of those arm around the shoulder tugs toward him. It was more a question for Liv. "You can say no, but this offer only comes once." Was he joking? Was he serious? It's so fucking hard to tell. Peter knew that he wasn't, but not a lot of others could. After all, who says things like this in real life?

P a i s l e y x L a w r e n c e

b e l l e
#D35950 || Outfit || Location

Paisley didn't mind that John swept her to the dancefloor. It was... unexpected, and maybe a spot of hot red tinged her cheeks, but they were just friends. Just friends. Without drawing his attention to it, she drew in a quick soft breath and let it out again. She could do this in a totally platonic way.

"It would be much easier to watch over them while dancing. Don't you think?" Her thoughts had ventured elsewhere for those few seconds, and his words seemed to reach her ears a few seconds too late. Paisley looked up to see what he was referring to, and quickly averted her gaze from Ricardo and Lorelei. She was friends with Lorelei, but she wasn't going to pretend to know much about the woman's situation with the enigmatic Ricardo. Hell, no one knew Ricardo enough to even begin to guess what his intentions are. For all Paisley knew, he was just a kinder guy than she thought (she had taken some of his rumored reputation to heart), and thought the gesture obligatory. He wasn't even smiling. Did he even enjoy the dance?

"She doesn't seem to be experienced. Also seems a little perplexed of the situation if you ask me. How about you? Are you experienced or is this more of an event suited towards your characters?" He asked shortly before giving Paisley a twirl, to which she managed without stumbling around. She could dance, but she wasn't the best. Good enough, basically.

"Hmm, I don't know much about Lorelei's romantic life. You know we women love to gossip, but she's a little more private." She laughed lightly at that, "As for me, I can dance. Kind of. For the most part. But no - I don't typically enjoy indoor events." That was what he was asking about, right? Then the thought occurred to her that he might be asking about something else. He said event. Did that mean the gala? Or was it whatever was happening between the people he had mentioned previously? Love? Romance? Their many forms?

At one point the pair had turned enough that Paisley's attention was ensnared by Adrien. Of all things in this world, he was the most intimidating yet also interesting at the same time. Wait. No. He wasn't interesting. He was a brainless oaf. There were much better men in this town than that one! In fact, Peter or John Carpenter together, at once, would be better than Adrien.

"Seems like something interesting may happen soon," John W. said, effectively yanking the woman out of her thoughts and back into reality. Her gaze flit from Ricardo to Adrien, then to Lorelei and Liesl. She couldn't help but laugh a little bit at the situation. Ricardo didn't seem like the type of man to start something over a woman, and this wasn't that kind of trashy event. Adrien wouldn't do it. Would he?

She looked over at Adrien for a second. Why did she have this feeling that he would?

It wasn't any of her business, she thought to herself, stepping closer to John and resting her head near the crook of his neck (though more likely around his chest somewhere due to drastic height difference). She couldn't quite place the feeling that was growing in the pit of her stomach, but it was off. There was a lot of tension, and she couldn't even begin to fathom why it disturbed her.

"Ah, I almost forgot, but I promised to take the kids to the lake for a picnic. Think it will be okay if I drop by and pick them up at noon?" Subject change. Nothing made her uneasy than the suffocating air of two alpha males flirting on the edge of a fight for dominance.

Before Waldmann could answer, Mrs. Picket had the champagne glasses distributed and said her piece. It left Paisley with confused furrowed brows, "A new beginning? So strange," she muttered, finishing her glass in one sip and handing it to a passing waiter after. She looked up at John, "Was there news that I missed?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grayson Hughes Character Portrait: Adrien Duval Character Portrait: Ricardo Trujillo Character Portrait: Lorelei Voigt
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mjolnir

lorelei voigt
white swanx|xoutfitx|x#b1aecb



ricardo trujillo
the beastx|xoutfitx|x#b1aecb



adrien duval



grayson hughes
robin hoodx|xoutfitx|x#99bfaa

While Lorelei's question was serious, she was met with laughter. "Liesl?" Whether or not Ricardo was trying to make fun of her for asking such a question, she did not know. But the laughter was enough for her to divert her gaze for a moment. "I suppose I could dance with her. In fact, any man here could dance with her and she'd not object. Why would you worry about that?"

There was a brief pause before he continued. Perhaps he connected the dots and realized she saw, maybe he didn't. Or... maybe he didn't care. "Why don't you go ask her why if you need to know so badly?" His words were sharp and harsh.

Lorelei did a slight double-take as she looked back up at him with furrowed brows. "My sister has never been honest with me a day in her life," she replied coldly. "And I asked you because I thought you might have the decency to tell me the truth." Even when the man came off a bit callus and demeaning, he somehow managed to still be charming. It frustrated her. She wasn't quite sure how to act around Ricardo.

"Or you can just ignore her and focus on me. Hmm?"

The blonde's brows knitted together as her face scrunched in a distasteful expression. Her eyes blinked a few times as what he said soaked in. Before Lorelei spoke, scoffed subconsciously as her gaze drifted elsewhere. "You sound like Adrien." Yes, she knew of their feud. How could she not? She did work for Adrien, after all. And it wasn't like the whole town didn't know. Perhaps what she said would get under his skin. Maybe that was her intention after hearing a comment like that.

There was a chime of a glass that brought their dance to an end. Truth be told, Lorelei was a bit thankful for the interruption. While part of her couldn't help but be a bit enamored by Ricardo's charm and the attention he was giving her, she also felt like he assumed she was another air headed woman who would turn to putty in his hands. She was never one to have much of a backbone, that she knew. But she also wasn't in a rush to sign up for another Adrien in her life. One was plenty.

Meanwhile Grayson lingered outside the City Hall. He took a moment or two to calm down, catch his breath... And overall act like what John said didn't bother him. Although it did. It'd probably plague Gray's mind for days to come. He let out a final sigh before pushing off the railing to head inside. Just as he pivoted on his heels to move towards the door was when he saw Greg enter. They made eye contact for a brief moment and Grayson gave his best smile. But the second the man stepped out of view the facade fell as he inhaled sharply.

Inside, Lorelei accepted the offered champagne that Ricardo had received for her. She gave him her best smile but as he turned away to grab his own it fell, just a bit. She was trying to figure him out but the man seemed even more an enigma than the rumors said. As Mrs. Picket began her speech, Ricardo had guided them both to the side and off the dance floor; all the while, his hands kept a gentle hold on her fingers as he did so. Perhaps he didn't notice or he wanted her not to notice, but she did. Her gaze fell to their hands as he ushered them aside, but she said nothing.

"But I hope you will always remember that there is always hope. Hope in the world, in each other, and even in that which is hopeless - be it a person or situation. Believe in change. Believe in... goodness." While might not have paid attention to the speech, Lorelei did. For some reason that she couldn't quite explain every word seemed to strike her down to her very core. Believe in goodness. Unintentionally, her gaze flitted from those in town she thought were that goodness, then to Adrien. And then finally, and slowly, she snuck a glance over at Ricardo. Which was he?

"So let's toast to that - hope, for it can be found in even the darkest places. Even in... all of this." A small smile graced Lorelei's lips as she looked down at the bubbling champagne. Even in all of this. She sighed softly before bringing the glass flute to her lips. Unlike her present company, she finished the entire glass. If the evening was truly coming to an end she might need a sliver of liquid courage to deal with her sister and father when she got home.

Grayson returned to the hall just in time for the speech. Had the night really ended so quickly? He sighed. One of the few times he got to enjoy a night off and it seemed to have ended before he got to have much fun at all. He lingered in the back along one of the walls, a fair distance away from anyone. As he took his glass of champagne his gaze surveyed the room, stopping when he saw Greg and Liana. He didn't let his gaze linger though, quickly turning his attention back to Mrs. Picket and her interesting speech on hope.

Once Mrs. Picket had finished and left them all to end the night, Grayson slowly made his way over to the auction tables. He should have bid on the hat while he had the chance, but it was too late. He nearly left without checking on the bow, but something in his gut told him to go look, just to be sure. He had accepted that he was easily outbid when Ciaran blurted it out earlier, yet to his surprise it was Grayson's number on the card before it. Relieved, he let out a soft sigh as he took up the bow and quiver in his left hand before heading towards the exit.

"I need to check on a few auction items I bid on. I'll walk you home after. Okay?" Ricardo leaned down, making sure his gaze met the blonde's.

"Perhaps," was the best answer Lorelei could muster. In hindsight, she wanted to say no. She was more than capable of walking herself home and so far Ricardo wasn't winning any gold stars with his borderline sexist comments, yet she didn't say no. Maybe she needed some liquid courage to stand up to him?

Once he had left her, Lorelei let out a breath that she didn't realize she had been holding in. She handed off her empty glass to a passing waiter before slowly making her way over to the auction tables. She wasn't following Ricardo, or at least she wasn't trying to. Something inside her wanted to know who had won the quill. It couldn't have been her, she didn't have any money to offer. But she hoped that whomever won the item was anyone other than Adrien.

Lorelei waited for others to search the tables and take their winnings. When nearly everyone was finished, she was surprised to see the quill still laying on the table unclaimed. As she approached it, she was surprised to see it was none other than her number upon the card. How? She wasn't certain. No one had her number, nor did she bet, yet there it was. Hesitantly, she reached out to take up the quill and ink well into her hands. She smiled to herself, happy for once that she was able to get something she wanted.

But whatever happiness was there was short lived. Adrien beelined for Lorelei like a blustering storm. She didn't see him coming, so when he took her by the arm and spun her around, it caused the newly acquired items to fall from her grasp. "We're leaving," he demanded.

The quill was bent beyond repair after colliding with the ground, and the inkwell shattered on impact staining Lorelei's gown and the white feather. "Adrien!" she gasped as she yanked her arm free of his hold. Her cheeks quickly flushed, embarrassed by the attention that was inevitably on the pair. She quickly leaned down to retrieve her now broken items, but before she could scoop them up he had a hold of her arm yet again. Not taking no for an answer, Adrien pulled her away, leaving behind the ruined quill and inkwell.

Adrien wasn't one to share his toys. And while Lorelei was nothing more to him than an assistant he liked to make miserable on a daily basis, she was his. Seeing Ricardo place his hands on her made his blood boil. It wasn't because of some deep seated desire to woo Lorelei. But he'd be damned if Trujillo somehow won her over before he got a chance to bed her himself. Ridiculous? Sure. Petty? Obviously. But that was Adrien. Nothing was ok without his approval and anything Ricardo tried to do beyond having a miserable lonely existence was out of the question... Including fucking his assistant.

Lorelei kept her head downward as she was dragged out of the hall like a scolded child. She didn't dare meet anyone's gaze. Only once, just before being pulled outside, did she look back toward the shattered inkwell and quill that laid abandoned by the auction tables. Outside, his hold only got more forceful as he tugged her down the stairs. "What the hell do you think you were doing dancing with Trujillo!?" He yelled at her as he spun her around to meet his gaze.

"It was just a dance..." she stumbled with every step as he whipped her around like a ragdoll.

"I don't care if he raped you in a back alley. He doesn't get to lay a hand on anything of mine," his voice practically snarled as he led her across the parking lot towards the car.

Lorelei groaned as she pried her arm from his grasp. "I'm not your property!"

"Aren't you?!" he rebutted, taking a threatening step toward her. "Maybe I should ask your father and see what he says?" Adrien's voice grew deep and menacing. It was barely above a whisper as he took another step forward, looking down at her with a burning glare.

It wasnā€™t that Ricardo hadnā€™t noticed the situation in the grand hall, it was simply that heā€™d not cause a raucous in front of everything like Adrien. Despite their similarities, he did not want to solidify the image of a bad guy in anyoneā€™s minds. Instead, he watched the scene unfold in his peripherals and waited until it was dragged outside.

He moved through the hall, plucking the quill and inkwell off the ground along the way. Like a good driver, Jacque waited for him in the foyer. He had enjoyed some treats and things himself, of course. Ricardo handed the man the mirror, feather quill, and the inkwell. He told him to wait in the car, then stepped outside and swiftly headed in the direction of Adrien and Lorelei. Neither would be exceptionally hard to find, as the pompous man was loud.

His touch was gentle; a large hand pressing against the side of Loreleiā€™s waist as a queue for her to step aside so that he could take her place. "You can go back inside or go wait in my car, Miss. Voigt," he gave her the option between him or someone else, but it was clear that he meant anyone but Adrien Duval. His attention hadnā€™t left his adversary, even as he addressed the manā€™s property.

Lorelei jumped slightly at the touch on her waist. She glanced over her shoulder and was met with the sight of Ricardo. Even though he spoke to her trying to persuade her to step aside, his gaze never left Adrien. And while some might have been relieved to have a savior, her eyes only widened. She let him guide her aside but she didn't do either of the offer suggestions. Instead, she only backed away several feet. Everyone in Essex knew about the bad blood between Ricardo and Adrien. There was no way that it could end well. Lorelei feared if she left that it would be far worse.

"I would prefer you leave quietly before I change my mind," he warned bluntly, unafraid of the man that stood before him. Yes, any man would be completely outraged to see someone treat the person they liked as Adrien had Lorelei. However, the last thing he wanted was to scare her, too. Ricardo wasnā€™t an irrationally violent man, but he could be. He did have a temper. A really nasty one, at that. Heā€™s learned to be composed under the pressure of red hot anger. It helped that Loreleiā€™s own biting words, comparing him to Duval, also had a big influence. That was hard to stomach coming from her lips, but it was not an unreasonable description of him at all. That was even worse.

"Are you threatening me?" Adrien laughed. "I don't care what you'd prefer," he said as he took a step toward Ricardo. "I'd like to tell you to get lost, and that this doesn't involve you... But actually, that's not true, is it?" Every word that came from his mouth dripped with animosity, yet on his face was a charming grin. It could be forgiven if others saw their encounter as a conversation and nothing more. But on closer inspection, Adrien's gaze deceived his careless smile.

"You placed your filthy hands on something that isn't yours." With each 'you' that Adrien said, his index finger jabbed at Ricardo's chest. "While you might be used to humiliation, I don't take kindly to people, especially you, thinking you have a right to move on my property."

Ricardo allowed Adrien to prod at his chest, but only for the first two jabs. Toward the end he seized the manā€™s thick wrist within his own fingers and held them strongly, "Sheā€™s not property." Ricardo and Adrien were nearly identical in height and build which made the encounter menacing and troubling to an outside viewer.

He made a single step toward Duval, keeping his wrist within his grasp. The manā€™s finger was still jabbed into Ricardoā€™s chest, as if to make a point that heā€™d not be submissive by backing down. To be fair, it wasnā€™t like a jab to his chest was going to bother him much anyway. "Are we done here, Mr. Duval?" He could have continued. Ricardo could have teased Adrien with the fact that he had also touched Liesl, even though it meant nothing. But the fact that Lorelei hadnā€™t left made it hard for him to say something like that out loud, as though he was proud that he could easily have what Adrien forced onto others.

Lorelei watched in silence. But when neither man looked like they were going to back down, she got nervous. She had no idea if Ricardo was a violent or dangerous man, but she knew Adrien was. He wasn't the type of person who handled challenges well, especially from other men. He had an ego and god complex to him. He was a narcissist at best and a psychopath at best.

In a quick decision, Lorelei turned, scooping up the ink stained hem of her dress. She recalled seeing Grayson inside. Her only hope was to get him before things got out of hand. She hurried up the steps, pushing past anyone who might have been in her way. Inside, her gaze quickly scanned the crowd of people. "Where's Officer Hughes?" she asked, grabbing the first person who passed her. Whether they answered or not, she didn't notice. She left the person too quickly when she saw the policeman heading toward the exit with his auction prize in hand.

"Grayson," she said, a bit relieved as she hurried over to him. "Adrien and Ricardo are out in the parking lot."

Before she could say anymore, Grayson had already connected the dots. "Damn it."

Meanwhile, back in the parking lot, Adrien wasn't backing down. "Are we done?... I think you mean are you done? You are the one sticking your nose where it doesn't belong." He pulled his wrist from Ricardo's hold but didn't step back or give an inch. "You honestly think you're better than me, don't you?" He asked while shoving Trujillo's shoulders, just enough to make him take a step back.

"You think you're her knight in shining armor? For what? A tight fit?" Adrien laughed. "I had to try her... Just once. I mean, she is mine, isn't she? But the whole experience was rather forgettable. Although," he held up an index finger as if he had one last comment to add. Then, as if to add insult to injury, he straightened Ricardo's tie and dusted off his sports coat even though there was nothing there. It was a power play, nothing more. "She is incredibly sexy when she fights back."

Adrien's grin was sickening. Was he telling the truth? No. Whether he liked it or not, he has never laid a hand on Lorelei... At least in that way. But Ricardo didn't know that. If one thing was for certain, the girl had enchanted Ricardo. And there was nothing Adrien loved more than to get under someone's skin, especially Trujillo's.

Thatā€™s when Ricardo could have sworn his eyes blurred over in an angry red cloud; his blood hot, every muscle tightening, his teeth clenching. It was a strange and uncontrollable feral frenzy that seemed to instantly wash over him. With Lorelei out of sight and Adrienā€™s taunting words, nothing could hold back the primal and bestial hunger to turn the man before him into a pile of bones. The man had touched him and then let his tongue flop carelessly about things that Ricardo didnā€™t even think happened, but still made him flip a switch.

All their years of existing together in one town in some kind of tense truce all culminated to this final moment. Ricardoā€™s hands gripped Adrienā€™s collar. They were chest to chest and face to face at this point. Blinded by sudden rage, he walked Adrien out into the street before pushing him violently onto the pavement after delivering a hard fist to the right side of his face. He didnā€™t come equipped with guns or knives, but he did have fists and he balled them up as he proceeded to advance on him.

Adrien was poking the beast. He loved any opportunity to smash Trujillo's face into the dirt and assert his dominance. But he also wasn't dumb enough to be the first one to strike. He had to coax it out of Ricardo and make him swing first. After all, it was all a game. It took a lot of work to make himself come on top while running his adversary's name through the mud. It was too crowded of an event for either one of them able to get away with doing anything and not getting caught. Adrien already made a scene in City Hall, not it was Ricardo's turn to make one outside.

It wasn't long before both men were on the ground, throwing fists like teenage boys while ruining their expensive clothes. While Ricardo might have gotten in the first punch, Adrien didn't hesitate to return one in kind. Both men were large and formidable, with the muscles that would make anyone second guess double crossing them. Neither one of them held their punches or held anything back. It was years of a feud finally boiling over. Blood was spilled, clothes tattered and bones broken. If no one intervened, it might not have stopped until one of them was dead.

Inside, Grayson gently took Lorelei by her forearm and started to guide them both toward the exit. "Come on." The officer needed to get outside before a fight broke out... or worse, but he also hoped to hurry them both outside before it caught the wandering gazes of the people still inside City Hall. The last thing an altercation like that needed was an audience.

Once outside, the pair could see that Duval and Trujillo had gotten to blows. Lorelei slipped her arm free of Grayson's hold and hurried her way back over to the brawling men. She didn't know what she would... Or could do. But regardless, she couldn't help but feel like she was the catalyst. As she approached Ricardo looked to have the upper hand, he had Adrien pinned and delivered punch after punch. While Lorelei wouldn't deny that a small part of her found the sight to be satisfying, it didn't make the grotesque scene any easier to watch. "Ricardo?" she called out to him.

He heard her call his name - Lorelei, and it pierced through the exhilarating cadence of fists colliding with a body, heaving breaths, and an all-too rapid heartbeat between both men. It distracted him as he looked back; his jacket having ripped at the seams from the stress of his body exerting physical force the sewing was not meant to contain. He was a mess of blood and sweat, and his expression was feral.

With the small opening, Adrien threw both of his fists into Ricardo's stomach and then pushed him off of him. The man stumbled to his feet, wiping the blood and sweat from his face onto the sleeve of his sports coat. His chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath. Before his opponent could come any closer or place his hands on him again, Adrien reached behind him grabbing something tucked in his waistband. Then with a sick, satisfying grin, he pulled out the pistol, cocked the hammer and pointed it at Ricardo. "Touch me again and I'll paint her dress in your blood."

Ricardo had long since gotten up and dusted himself off. Even though his lips were busted and blood was drawn in various areas of his face, he started to laugh. Adrien wouldnā€™t actually shoot anyone. His ego was a lot bigger than his desire to kill. Ricardo felt certain of that. He did have an image to keep, after all, and murder would make things hard for Duval in such a small and close-knit town.

Lorelei gasped when Adrien pulled out the gun. Instinctually, she took a few steps forward, putting her hands out like she was trying to calm him down. "Adrien... don't. Everyone is watching. Think about what this would do for your image." She had worked for the man long enough to know how his brain worked. He had the largest ego in Essex and everything he did was to make sure he always looked like a paragon in comparison to everyone else. He wasn't always the smartest man. But you could guarantee that he would always do whatever benefited his own self interest... Normally.

But her words fell on deaf ears. When Lorelei tried to take another tentative step forward, Adrien shifted, pointing the gun at her instead. She froze. "Or maybe I should just shoot her? She obviously means something to you." Her heart raced in her chest as she stood there, scared to move or breathe. While inside, Lorelei was terrified, she tried her best to remain calm. How a single night and one dance could have led to this, she did not know. But quickly she had grown to regret ever coming to the charity auction in the first place.

While Adrien's gun might have been pointing at Lorelei, his words were addressed to Ricardo. The girl was a pawn in his eyes, nothing more and the only game he played was the destruction of everything Ricardo was. "Her life means nothing to me. But I'd rather see her dead on the ground before you lay your hands on something that is mine again."

"Her life does matter to you, even if for all the wrong reasons." He rolled back one of the cuffs of his sleeves and turned his back on the man. He stepped toward Lorelei and in front of her.

As much as he wanted to wrestle the weapon from Duvalā€™s hand, it felt more urgent to protect the anxious woman. His head tilted as he leaned down a little to stare at her, ignoring Adrien which likely worsened things, "You donā€™t need to be scared, Lorelei." He slid his hands, as bloodied and bruised as they were, under trembling palms and slightly curled his fingers around her own. "This was a long time coming." He could get shot - sure, but that was life. Death never bothered a man like Ricardo.

The blonde looked up to meet Ricardoā€™s gaze, but she said nothing. What was she supposed to say? Adrien was always an ass and the man before her she hardly knew. And while part of him was scarily familiar to her employer, there was another part of him that acted like she was the sun. Her mind was spinning and if it wasnā€™t for Ricardoā€™s hands holding her own, Lorelei might have toppled over from the weight of it all. While his words might have been right... This altercation was a long time coming, that didnā€™t make it any easier to bear.

At first Grayson wasn't in a huge rush to shove himself in the middle of the Duval and Trujillo showdown. Both men were larger and stronger than himself, and without any backup it'd be more likely that he'd get his own ass kicked rather than stop anything. But when he saw Adrien pull out a gun everything shifted into high gear. He quickly made his way to his squad car, chucking his auction win into the passenger seat before grabbing his own handgun.

By the time he reached them, Adrien had turned his aim toward Lorelei. For the first time ever as a cop, Grayson drew his gun and pointed it at Duval. "Adrien! Put the gun down!"

Adrien's lips pulled back in a tight grin as he nodded his head and chuckled coldly. The audacity of Trujillo to put himself between the gun and Lorelei like he was a hero. And the gull of a podunk cop. "This doesn't involve you, Officer Hughes." While Grayson might have been the one with the badge, Adrien had the real power in Essex. He was the only cop in Essex not on Adrien's payroll. If the man was smart, he would holster his gun and leave before Adrien made his life hell like he had been doing to Ricardo for years.

"Put the gun down!" Grayson shouted once more, pulling the hammer back on his gun. "You have three seconds to drop the weapon... Or I'll shoot." He took a deep breath, steadying his aim. "1... 2... "

Lorelei's hands trembled. She hadn't moved a muscle, scared that any change she made, he might have pulled the trigger. Ricardo might have stood between them, but bullets had been known to go through more than one person. As Grayson began to count, she inhaled sharply, holding her breath. If he shot... then would Adrien shoot out of reflex? Would Adrien drop his gun? Thousands of questions ran through her mind in the few seconds that felt like hours. At 2, Lorelei closed her eyes tight. She dared not watch. If she was going to die... She didn't want to know.

Just before Grayson said 3, Adrien sighed and let his handgun fall from his grasp. Before the man could do anything else rash, Gray quickly holstered his pistol and pulled out handcuffs. "Adrien Duval, you are under arrest." He started reading the man his rights as he cuffed his hands behind his back. He led the hot head towards his car and ushered him into the backseat. For a second, he glanced over his shoulder toward the crowd that had gathered to watch the escalating events.

While he did the right thing... he thinks, the gaze of the town felt odd. Something inside him said this one decision might have ruined his life for years to come. Adrien was a powerful man and had Essex wrapped around his finger. But not Grayson. Double crossing Duval was a death sentence and he had just crossed a point of no return. For the first time in his life, he was thankful he was alone, because then only he'd had to suffer the consequences of what he just got dragged into.

Grayson sighed as he sat down in the driver's seat and buckled his seatbelt. "You're going to regret getting involved," Adrien threatened from the backseat.

"I know." With that, he started up the car and drove off.

As Duval and Grayson drove off, Ricardo tried his best to be calm. He looked horrible and felt like it, too. The beatdown was more than just Lorelei, and it was evident in how brutal it had been. She had only been that teeny-tiny push, in the grand scheme of things, that was needed to finally send Duval and Trujillo over the edge. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Ricardo let Lorelei go and reached up to brush a hand through his hair after running it over his face in frustration. "You obviously canā€™t go home," he said finally. "I have enough spare rooms for you to avoid me if thatā€™s what you want, but you should come with me. My residence is the least accessible to Adrien and his goons. Safer."

Loreleiā€™s gaze fell to her hands, her right thumb rubbing the palm of her opposite hand. Ricardoā€™s blood stained her pale skin which only matched the ruined state of her ink splattered gown. She was scared to look up. She could feel the heavy weight of the silence in the air as everyone watched them. There might have been whispers, but she didnā€™t notice.

She registered that Ricardo was speaking, but her brain was on delay. It took her a couple moments to digest his words. Lorelei slowly looked up to meet his gaze, struggling to find the same face she saw before beneath the bloody mess. Should she really go home with him? He was as much of a part in the whole ordeal as Adrein was. But also, as much as she didnā€™t want to admit it.. He was right. Going home wouldnā€™t be safe. How long would Adrien remain in jail? A night at best. Heā€™d be out by morning and one of the first people heā€™d complain to would be her father and his anger would be taken out on her. What else was she to do?

Without a word, she slowly made her way towards Ricardoā€™s car. It wasnā€™t hard to know which one was his. There were two cars that stuck out amongst the ordinary, one was Adrienā€™s, so the other had to be his. Jacque opened the door for her with a kind, "Good evening, mademoiselle." Only once the door was shut, hidden behind tinted glass, did she finally look out to see the aftermath. Something in her gut said this would be a night not soon forgotten.

Ricardo trailed her, but he decided that his presence was too rabid for the timid woman. Overwhelming, and she was already filled with anxiety, guilt, and who knows what else. With her shut in, he proceeded to sit in the front passengerā€™s seat to give her some reprieve from having to be close to him. "Let Miss. Potterson know to set the guest room in the east wing for Miss. Voigt." And that was that - Jacque made the call, and they were off to the Trujillo Estate.