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Strages Mansion

Strages Mansion


Four angels and four demons are brought to a strange mansion named Strages. There they find out they must coexist for a year, and there is no way to escape. What will happen? (Side Note: I had this RP on another site and am now bringing it here.)

1,357 readers have visited Strages Mansion since Cookies Need Love created it.


One day God and the Devil had a meeting. Each of their Kingdoms had been growing weaker as they fell more and more out of balance. The two spoke, and fought, for a long, long time until a conclusion was reached. This conclusion was based upon the fact that the two found they were most powerful when they were coexisting equally. All the fighting, wars, and bloodshed had only brought disaster upon each Kingdom. And so a solution was devised.

Four angels and four demons are, for some reason or other, on Earth. Some may have been cast out, or some may have been sent on a mission. Maybe some just wanted to get away. Each one is in a different place and are unaware of each other, but at the same time on the same day each receives a strange message. The message comes in the form of a blood red butterfly that turns into a letter as soon as it touches the intended receiver. The message states a date, time, and address and is signed, respectively, the Devil or God. Of course they might be suspicious or unwilling, but refusing an order from one so powerful is a bad idea. And so they all go, bringing as few or as many possessions with them as they desire.

As each one arrives at the address they will find a mansion. They will enter the mansion and be greeted by a butler who will guide them to a room that has only a single table with eight chairs on either side. They will not be able to exit that room. As soon as all eight have arrived and are in the room the butler will disappear, never to be seen again. Not to worry, of course. They will not be stuck in that room forever. Their prescence in the mansion will be explained as soon as all eight are present and sitting in the chairs. The chairs will be labeled and no demon will sit next to a demon, or an angel next to an angel. Already they are being prepared for the situation they will have to face.

As soon as the last angels and demons were seated a glowing light filled the room. It blinded everyone and when it faded two glowing orbs were floating in the front or the room. One was pure white and seemed to be created out of a celestial light. The second was a dark, blood red and emanated a feeling of anger and despair. The first orb countered the second with peace and hope. The two orbs could instantly be recognized. They were the Earthly prescences of the Lord and the Devil. The two had never been seen together, so this occurrence was odd enough before the orbs began to speak. Well, more like they projected their thoughts to the demons and angels in the room.

"Greetings, Young Ones. No doubt you are confused about your prescence here," came the white orbs kindly greeting. The sound of His voice was enough to calm the most heated tempers. 

"We shall tell you what we require of you. You have no doubt noticed that there are four Demons and Four Angels in this room. Even those of you who aren't too bright should be able to grasp that," was the Devil's opening statement. His voice could inflame the most tranquil in the room. Still, the Devil sounded cordial, and only slightly insulted those at the table.

"We have found that we are both most prosperous when we are in balance. Balance is, regrettably, very difficult to achieve. We each wish to see if Angels and Demons can stand to be together for long periods of time without killing each other," God added. The reason for the mix of Heaven and Hell in the room was now becoming clear. The tension was thick, but no one would dare interrupt the two powerful Master's. The fact that they seemed to be working together alone was enough to keep most of them quiet. 

"You eight are our trial run. You will be living together for a year in this mansion. You will be able to go outside, but do not attempt to leave. You will not be able to. Those of you with wings are permitted to fly, but go too far and you will be retrieved. We will always know what is going on here, though we may not intrude," the Devil finally announced what exactly the eight were doing in a mansion. A wave of shock rippled through the room but was ignored by the two deities. 

"If you start to fight we will not interfere. But do your best not to kill each other. There will be no servants. Simply ask the house for what you need and it will be provided. Do not ask for a way to escape, or any means of communication. They will not be provided," God explained further, the orbs voice echoing in the minds of those at the table. No one had moved or made a sound during the entire presentation. 

"That is all. No questions? Good. Farewell, our little pawns. Enjoy yourselves," the Devil said in a teasing goodbye. Again a blinding light filled the room and when it faded both orbs were gone, leaving the Angels and Demons to ponder what had just happened. 

A year left to their own devices with the creatures they have been taught to hate since birth...

We will be starting the roleplay with the angels and demons just arriving at the mansion. When all eight are in the room, I shall post the Lord and the Devil's speech once more to refresh your memory. Then you can go ahead and do whatever you wish... Mostly.

Demon Male: Damien- Cookies Need Love
Demon Female: Victoria Delmina- Usui
Demon Male: Corbin Schiffer- neej
Demon Female: Rhiannon- rhihopes

Angel Male: Harute Eli Maroth- Harute
Angel Female: Alyss- Cookies Need Love
Angel Male: Elijah- reveries
Angel Female: Evangeline- Skyeblueme3


Code: Select all
[center][img]Link goes here. No real pictures, please, but anything else is fine.[/img]

[b]Other Form:[/b] If your character has one.

[b]Name:[/b] Your character's name

[b]Race/Role:[/b] For example Demon Male, or Angel Female

[b]Powers:[/b] Maximum of three

[b]Likes:[/b] Whatever makes your character feel all warm and fuzzy inside

[b]Dislikes:[/b] Things your character wants to stay far away from

[b]Personality:[/b] What is your character like?

[b]History:[/b] A brief explanation of why they were on Earth and any other important details.[/center]

Toggle Rules

1) No Godmodding, if you please.

2) Your character is NOT invincible and must have at least one weakness.

3) Romance and fighting are allowed and expected, but keep it PG 13.

4) Please *** swears.

5) Have at least 5 to 6 lines per post, although I prefer quality over quantity. Something that furthers the action!

6) Third person Roleplaying, and no putting actions in these: **, --, etc.

7) Put OOC in brackets such as : (), [], {}, <>.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhiannon Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Elijah
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He was alerted of another angel's presence as soon as she had spoken up from up above on a balcony, asking as to what was happening of the current situation. Well, at least there is one person who's currently unharmed. Thank goodness. He merely smiled sheepishly, shrugging his shoulders with an odd smile, speaking loud enough for the girl to hear from their distance. "I wish that I knew." He didn't need to worry the small girl, who seemed confused in the hysteria of the situation. He looked up back to the creature that Rhiannon, the pretty demon woman that he had met only minutes ago with casual talk had transformed into. "But.. I suppose that it doesn't hurt to stick around to find out, right?" He let an easy-going smile be expressed on his face, if only to reassure. His wings flap upwards slightly, taking flight, and cautiously, he flies upwards towards the ledge of a window that was nearby the balcony, big enough for him to light stand on, but wasn't sturdy enough to keep his weight, so he carefully keeps his wings moving to ensure that he doesn't fall.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Elijah Character Portrait: Victoria Delmina
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0.00 INK

Most demons like ones whom you see are battle thirsty - The angel down there doesn't appear to have a hostile or battle ready look or so -- but she may be waiting for someone to have a little sport. I honestly suggest staying away from such things but if anything you may be able to get some information on how they act. I find demons like such ....pitiful." Evangeline listened curiously. The vampire didn't seem very happy at the oncoming fight and went inside, leaving Evangeline stranded on the balcony.

She looked down at the angel below who seemed to have heard her inquiry. "I wish that I knew." He said to her, amiably. He flew up to a ledge nearby and balanced there. "Why are they going to fight? Aren't we all supposed to be peaceful." She asked him.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhiannon Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Elijah
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0.00 INK

He turned his head at how the girl seemed to be worrying further over how the situation was turning out. "Well, I wouldn't know. The mi'lady over there, Rhiannon," his head gestured towards the metallic-like dragon, "said to wait and find out when the other demon arrives.. Damien, I think she said?" He held more of a sheepish grin rather than that of a worried look, very much free of worry, on the contrary of what he thought. Wasn't there another being, of black hair and mysterious aura? ..What happened to her? He let out air from his nostrils in a sigh, Perhaps I should try to enlighten the situation by making some small talk? I wouldn't want to intervene with this unnecessary violence.. "Say, what's your name? I don't think that I caught on properly.." He outstretched a hand. "My given name is Elijah. And yours?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Elijah
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0.00 INK

"Elijah?" Evangeline asked. "I think I've heard of you before. My name is Evangeline. I'm a guardian angel." She reached over the railing of the balcony and shook his outstretched hand. From what she could remember hearing about him, he was a lot older than she was and had seen a lot more than her.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Elijah
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0.00 INK

He laughed cheerfully. "Is that so? Evangeline is is quite a pretty name." He paused to think on the name. "'Bearer of good news', I think? Quite suitable as a guardian angel." Elijah remarked. Once she had shook his hand, he withdrew it back to his person, glancing towards Rhiannon. Isn't this Damien person taking a bit too long? He cautiously floated himself onto the sides of the balcony, almost whispering an, "Excuse me," as he did, slightly frowning as he concentrated onto the situation. ".. How long do you think they're going to be at this? I'm a bit more concerned over how this house may be repaired."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Elijah
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0.00 INK

"Repaired?!" Evangeline asked, startled and a bit fearfully. "They're going to destroy the house?" She shoook her heard. Would the fighting do that? she wondered. Why were they fighting in the first place? What would happen if the house is destroyed anyway. How would it be fixed if it was broken? She frowened, concentrating on the thought that damage could be wreaked by the oncoming fight. "I hope they don't fight too long. Or Hurt anyone." She said. "Or themselves." She added as an afterthought. What happened if a demon hurt itself? Is it different from an angel injury? She chewed on her thumb's fingernail in worry; a human habit she had picked up on her last mission to blend in. It was strangely addicting.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Elijah
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0.00 INK

He laughed softly as she seemed to be a bit more startled about the entire situation. Erm, perhaps I should've rephrased that? "Well, I don't think that they'll be too hurt. Seeing as Rhiannon, the giant creature over there, has already destroyed a good part of the courtyard.." He laughed again, smiling despite how the land below was practically ripped up from massive claws. Hence, why he was staking out here on the balcony, and to make sure that nothing got too out of control to the point where Evangeline may become hurt. She seemed like a late reactor. He gently ruffled the girl's hair to reassure in a friendly, comforting manner. "Don't worry too much. You'll chew your nails off at that pace." Elijah felt rather tall in comparison to the smaller guardian angel, his stature in height towered over hers. "I'm sure that the damage wouldn't be too much. But.. then again, I wouldn't know how much they would make in terms to their being as a demon.. Would I?" He tailed off, his voice implying that he wasn't really sure as to where he was going with the thought, despite how his smile was bright and his eyes sharp, looking over the yard. It's rather taking long, isn't it? He'd have to sit tight then.

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alyss
Character Portrait: Damien
Character Portrait: Harute eli Maroth
Character Portrait: Rhiannon
Character Portrait: Elijah
Character Portrait: Corbin Schiffer
Character Portrait: Evangeline


Character Portrait: Evangeline

Can't we all get along?

Character Portrait: Corbin Schiffer
Corbin Schiffer

"Silence makes a person charismatic. So, please, shut up."

Character Portrait: Elijah

"It's not like I'm weak, but.. rather, I treasure life much more than you, and therefore I act upon that. Haha, shouldn't I?"

Character Portrait: Rhiannon

Test me and I will kill you.

Character Portrait: Harute eli Maroth
Harute eli Maroth

"Haha... OK... I know I look like a total maniac but Maroth isn't here at the moment so can't we be friends????"

Character Portrait: Damien

"Overconfident? You beat me in a fight. Then you can call me overconfident."

Character Portrait: Alyss

"My wings are my deepest shame and my most valued freedom."


Character Portrait: Corbin Schiffer
Corbin Schiffer

"Silence makes a person charismatic. So, please, shut up."

Character Portrait: Elijah

"It's not like I'm weak, but.. rather, I treasure life much more than you, and therefore I act upon that. Haha, shouldn't I?"

Character Portrait: Alyss

"My wings are my deepest shame and my most valued freedom."

Character Portrait: Rhiannon

Test me and I will kill you.

Character Portrait: Damien

"Overconfident? You beat me in a fight. Then you can call me overconfident."

Character Portrait: Harute eli Maroth
Harute eli Maroth

"Haha... OK... I know I look like a total maniac but Maroth isn't here at the moment so can't we be friends????"

Character Portrait: Evangeline

Can't we all get along?

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Damien

"Overconfident? You beat me in a fight. Then you can call me overconfident."

Character Portrait: Rhiannon

Test me and I will kill you.

Character Portrait: Corbin Schiffer
Corbin Schiffer

"Silence makes a person charismatic. So, please, shut up."

Character Portrait: Alyss

"My wings are my deepest shame and my most valued freedom."

Character Portrait: Evangeline

Can't we all get along?

Character Portrait: Harute eli Maroth
Harute eli Maroth

"Haha... OK... I know I look like a total maniac but Maroth isn't here at the moment so can't we be friends????"

Character Portrait: Elijah

"It's not like I'm weak, but.. rather, I treasure life much more than you, and therefore I act upon that. Haha, shouldn't I?"

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Re: Strages Mansion

Well I'm done with this rp - good luck all.

Re: Strages Mansion

Agreed. Why give up on something you started, have control over, and have other people willing to join in on. Its lazy and unfair to other rp'ers.

Re: Strages Mansion

Sad, this was such a good RP too...

Re: Strages Mansion

And this my friends is how generally RPs die. . . I'm beginning to debate if i should wait or just stop myself and quit this rp.

It's one thing to not post but give a heads up if you're too stressed out to reply as a game master
and another to come on complete everyday, not give a heads up and seemingly create other characters/join other role-plays. Which is what i am seeing from our Game-master. I mean - I don't mean to sound cruel because i honestly don't know whats going on with him but yeah from experiencing the scenario from other GMs and from what i see from how he is getting on each day. thats what i am coming up with for a conclusion.

Re: Strages Mansion

Well, we'll just have to sit tight then, and hopefully, Cookies'll come back ASAP.. (:

Re: Strages Mansion

And I have to wait until Cookie...well I could go about she got frustrated and went back into human form, but I'm really looking for the fight so I'm just going to wait.

Re: Strages Mansion

I'm waiting for some others to finally if not at least Cookie's reply - I wonder if they are having complete writers block - that includes Cookie being the head the RP and 2 characters of the opposing side which one needs more attention too.

Also Harute and Neej kinda just disappeared after awhile...

Re: Strages Mansion

Its okay, Thanks.

Re: Strages Mansion

Sure i'll edit it up a little - Sorry i misread it.

Re: Strages Mansion

Hey, Reveries and Usui, Evangeline is still on the balcony asking Victoria what was going on, she didn't fly down or anything. Do you want to change your posts or should I just write around that.

Re: Strages Mansion

.. I shall suffocate either way then. XD

And food? I speak not of the material food, but rather, the imaginary likeliness of that of Epic Meal Time! .. And then afterwards, material food. Haha.

Re: Strages Mansion

What if the balloons are rubber? o:

Re: Strages Mansion

Clowns are creepy...

Food? Bah, what is this food you speak of? I have no need of sustenance!! I LIVE ON CUTE VIDEOS OF KITTENS!! The internet is all I shall ever need!!!

Re: Strages Mansion

... LOL. My bad. I have requirements to eat, y'know. Please, feel free to do so. I enjoy more casual conversations. :D
.. But, gah! Don't attack me with balloons! ; n ;
But as long as they don't have clowns on them, I hope to not die by suffocation of helium-filled aluminum objects. .. o u o;;

Re: Strages Mansion

That sounds suitably cute and flirty enough for Damien to take part without getting serious XD

Revvvvvvvv!!!!! Come here and feel the pain of the ballooons!!

Also, do you mind me calling you Rev? If not I can understand since it does kinda sound like I'm talking about a car... You know, rev the engine and stuff... I do three periods a lot XD

Re: Strages Mansion

Annnd Reveries is offline...

Re: Strages Mansion

Yay! :3 The fight is just who can pin down for 10 seconds. :3
And kk , Reveries post!! >:c -attacks with balloons- feel the pain!!! >:D

Re: Strages Mansion

XD Yeah, sure! Since this is just a friendly thing he probably wouldn't even feel the need to fight to the death... I don't wanna interrupt you and Reveries just yet though XD