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Addie Hartz

"Tough times don't last, tough people do, remember?"

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a character in “Street Rats”, as played by slcam


.:[Name]:. Adeline "Addie" Hartz
.:[Age]:. 19
.:[Gender]:. Female
.:[Place in the Underworld]:. Assassin for hire

.:[Description]:. Image
Addie has shoulder-length, light grey hair that frames her heart shaped face. She has a fair complexion and large, blue-green eyes that give her a look of innocence.She has some scars, but few are recent. Despite her profession, there is usually a genuine smile on her face. She is of about average height, standing at 5'6. She has a toned build and weighs about 120 pounds.

Due to a mutation she got when she was first on the streets, she has large, grey, fox-like ears and a grey, bushy tail tipped with white. At night, her eyes change from those of a human to those of a fox, giving her excellent night vision and her canines become longer and sharper. Because of her mutation, she also has excellent balance and agility, and her hearing and sense of smell are superhuman.

During the day, her usual attire is a light, short sleeve shirt and knee length skirt. At night when she has a job, she wears a long, black coat that opens at her waist and
goes to her mid-thigh. The coat has a deep hood to hide her light hair with openings for her ears. Under this she wears a dark colored shirt, thigh length tights, and dark boots that reach the middle of her shin. All of her clothing is well worn and usually there is more patched than not.
Image Image
For work, she carries a Beretta Tomcat pistol with a silencer that is kept on a belt around her waist, hidden inside her coat and a long dagger for when she needs to get close and personal with a target.


Addie acts differently in different circumstances. When on a job or getting information, she seems cold and harsh. She will not mess around in any way, and her goal is to get the job done and get out. She is efficient almost to the point of being unfeeling, and carries every job to completion without hesitation. If there is a threat to herself or those close to her, she will ruthlessly eradicate it immediately.

When not working, she is much more relaxed and light hearted. She is on the quiet side, not very talkative unless she is spoken to first. She has a good sense of humor and laughs easily. She likes to tease those she knows well and is moderately sarcastic. She has a great love for sweets and will often go for a dessert after getting paid. There are few that are close to her that she treats like family and she prefers it that way. Living in the Underworld has made her tougher and more untrusting than she would have been in an easier life.


.:[History]:. Addie was born to a well off family and always had everything she wanted. She was very sheltered and protected. Confined was more how she saw it. She was given lessons in everything from foreign language to martial arts and shooting. Her father gave her the Beretta Tomcat pistol as a present for her thirteenth birthday since she was a talented shooter by that time. However, despite having everything and being in a rich family, she was not able to find happiness. She felt confined and restricted, never able to go out without being closely watched, and she had no real friends. She always felt that she had disappointed her father because she wasn't the son he wanted.

Since her parents were unable to have children, they ended up adopting a boy from an orphanage. Addie, feeling like she was no longer a necessary part of the family, left to find the freedom and independence she desired. She ended up in the 'Underworld' living in a seedy motel, and, though she tried to conserve her money, she was soon penniless. She was determined not to give up and return home and she got a mutation for money.

That money ran out as well and she ended up living on the streets before she, or more specifically her gun, caught the interest of a female assassin known as Emma. Once Addie proved that she was skilled with the gun, as well as with combat, Emma began to mentor her and eventually gave her a silencer. Several years later, when Addie was seventeen, she had learned all she could from Emma and began making a name for herself as an assassin of the Underworld.

((Other: My favorite book: Hard question, no fair! There are too many. I guess The Tenth Power by Kate Constable. It is the third book in the series. ))

So begins...

Addie Hartz's Story


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#, as written by slcam
Addie sat in a small restaurant, happily eating a slice of chocolate cake in a corner booth by the large, streaked window. The restaurant was far past its prime, with discolored tile floors, worn wood tables, and a cash register that had to be from the 22nd century at least. The lights were dim, some flickering or dark altogether, making the restaurant seem seedier than it already was. There were several customers in the restaurant, but it was too late in the evening for the usual dinner crowd.

Addie was altogether content. Her job that night had gone smoothly and there were few complications. One of which was a man sitting at the bar, discreetly watching her as she ate. He had been following her since she had eliminated her target and now seemed to be impatiently waiting for her to go home. Perhaps he was just there to find out where she lived, or he could be sent to eliminate her. Just one of the reasons she made it a habit to go out for a treat before going home, though eating cake was a good enough reason on its own.

She ate slowly, hoping he would get impatient and make a move. Unfortunately he was better trained than that, and she paid for her treat and left. She wasn’t surprised when she heard the man’s steps behind her once again, her ears flicking back momentarily before she put her hood up again. Her tail swayed side to side as she calmly walked. Rounding a corner, she used the opportunity to determine how far away her stalker was. Determining it was far enough, she climbed to a low eve of the roof and waited, almost invisible in the shadows.

The man rounded the corner, a bewildered look on his face, and she pounced onto his shoulders, knocking him to the ground. He squirmed for a moment, but soon realized he was pinned. Bringing her mouth close to his ear, she spoke in a harsh, low tone, “Who are you working for and what is your assignment?” He merely laughed until she roughly pulled his head up by his hair and he felt cold steel on his neck.

Nervously breathing heavily, he said, “Martio. I was sent to find where you live. That is all I know, I swear.” He sighed in relief as her blade left, and she hit him, knocking him out instantly. She then dragged him to a nearby doorway, grunting with the effort, and sat him down so he looked like a passed out drunk. “Martio, hmm. I haven’t seen much of him,” she murmured, heading to the small, rundown apartment she called home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Hartz Character Portrait: Jaxon Sokolov Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Carter Lestat
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#, as written by slcam
Addie calmly strolled through the streets. She had been planning to go home, but found herself wandering instead. The night was cool and the cool air felt good on her exposed face. She removed her hood, letting a small breeze wash over her as she walked. After a moment, she stopped suddenly, causing a couple of people to bump into her and curse at her, but she ignored them. Faintly, she heard a lovely singing. She found herself moving again toward the sound, drawn like a bee to a flower. The song was familiar, and Addie found herself humming along with the woman. After a few minutes of walking, she turned a corner to see the club where the song was coming from. It was somewhat rundown, but still seemed popular. Addie, not usually one to go clubbing, had never been there before.

She slipped into the club, just catching the end of the song. All too soon, the singer stepped down for a drink with several of the men near the front wanting to buy her a drink. Addie, somewhat disappointed, put her hands in her pocket, and sat on a barstool in the corner. She turned, leaning against the wall, and asked for a water from the kid behind the counter. She watched, amused at the amount of children scurrying around doing various jobs. 'What is this? Some kind of orphanage for street rats?' she thought, a smile on her face.

She watched with great interest as one of the young women who seemed to work there 'accidentaly' bumping into people. No doubt she was pickpocketing them. A moment later, one man confronted her and got his wallet back. Shortly after that, Addi raised her eyebrow as another man she had 'bumped' into came up and began flirting with her. Addie knew she shouldn't get involved, but she was curious nonetheless. Drinking the rest of her water, she pulled a nice tip out of a breast pocket on her shirt, moved closer to the pair, and leaned on the wall nearby. She nearly laughed as she realized the man was talking about marshmallows, and wondered if he was all there. She calmly let her gaze wander around the club as she listened to the conversation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Hartz Character Portrait: Jaxon Sokolov Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Carter Lestat
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#, as written by slcam
((Ooooppps! Sorry about that! Triple posting, that is a first. O.O))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Hartz Character Portrait: Jaxon Sokolov Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Carter Lestat
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#, as written by slcam


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Hartz Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Esmeralda (Ezzie) Character Portrait: Rina
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"That's alright, kiddo, but we are short handed tonight so I'll need you to pick up the slack. Low on the money right now but it does mean a few free drinks for ya and a good meal once everyone's gone." Rina smiled to Ikarus, he knew it was tough for her and some of the others and a meal and a few drinks went a long ways for her. Though when he did give her a bit of cash she smiled "thanks Ikarus I reall appreciate it, and no worries I will sure pick up on the slack, you can always count on me". Her eyes went over the dance floor "Rina,go down to Ezzie and tell her I may need her help in a few minutes...." "No probelm ill go get her now" she hooked herself back on the wall and quickly climbed down looking for Ezzie. As she was going by she saw a girl walking around and pickpocketing others, she just shook her head and put the cash she had in her bra, she knew it was safe there.

As Rina was going over to Ezzie she heard Ikarus "Ezzie! You're in charge, i need a breather...." well now I don't need to get Ezzie for Ikarus, but I might as well go say hello, Ezzie was one person she counted as a friend and she loved hearing her sing. Walking over to Ezzie "Hey Ezzie, great singing tonight as always, have a good crowd in here tonight. Though there is a girl I noticed going around pickpocteting just so you know" as she was talking Rina grabbed her boots and gloves from her backpack, putting her gloves and boots back on. "So what actually needs to be done tonight do you know? If not ill go work at the bar, giving drinks out and dancing, what I do best" she finishes tying her boots and stands back up waiting for Ezzie's answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Hartz Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Ashton Brek Character Portrait: Carter Lestat Character Portrait: Herald "The Merchant"
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"Not much, just wondering how miss kitty could be so reckless.... Don't let his charity fool you. No one likes to see a dead cat.. Bad for the children." He leaned over to whisper in her ear. "It's bad for their psyche growing up." He twirled a finger in his opposite hand in a circle as if saying they were coo'coo, but before their hands could touch, Jaxon withdrew his hand with a grin. "You seem a little eager for a touch little kitten.... What have you got in you bag'o tricks?" He chuckled, and turned leaning his back against the railing his eyes never leaving her face. He watched the ways her eyes adjusted, she had a mutation there. Those oh so delicate and effeminate looking hands held a secret too.... But something else huh? "Something that requires touch." Jaxon smirked, and looked away for a second spotting Addie watching them. "I think your other feline friend is watching us as well... friend of yours?" He smirked, and slowly turned to Carter with a smirk. He was getting all sorts of signs from this girl, and thus he was getting a better profile of who she was. "I'm one who enjoys games as well young lady, but I would like to politely ask that you do not play with me like a mouse toy." <Ha!!> He was loving these cat puns, that wince in her eyes he could tell she hated being called 'kitten' and such. It really didn't bother him any.

Jaxon turned back around and leaned way over the rail, putting his weight on it to look down. Quite frankly, it was as stupid thing to do. Especially in a place like this, a simple push of his feet and he would topple over and fall to the ground head first. But he just laughed, and leaned back up sighing happily and close his eyes with that same cheerful smile. "Well..... Now that we've covered formalities. I guess, I'll have to find an apartment... I wonder if they'll do a credit check?" As if the conversation he had with Carter never happened, he turned to walk away tapping his chin lightly with one finger. "I do hope I get to see Ikarus again.... We really should catch up."



Ashton skated around, and made his way in front of The Merchant's shop and grinned. This was something to do, it was always fun to go window shopping. And who knew!! He might find something he wants, or needed. so the young kid kicked his board up, and stepped inside looking around. He kept his flat bill baseball cap down, with the red bandana showing proudly around his neck. "Hmmm....." He walked around, looking at this and looking at that. He preferred the stores around here much more, up town they didn't allow you to bring your board as you walked around. Or they forced him to take off his hat, or bandana. Those rich ass holes were always suspicious of his type.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Hartz Character Portrait: Jaxon Sokolov Character Portrait: Carter Lestat
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#, as written by slcam
When the man noticed her, Addie's ears went back against her skull, her eyes narrowing. Her hand instinctively rested on her gun, though it appeared she was just putting a hand on her hip. She certainly did not want any unnecessary conflict, but something about this Jaxon guy was not right. To be honest, she was concerned for Carter, the woman he was talking to. Though it was odd for someone of her profession, Addie absolutely hated violence without reason, at least when she wasn't working, and would do what she could to prevent it without totally endangering her life. Nevertheless, just living in the Underworld was a danger.

A second later, however, he turned back to Carter, no longer taking any notice of Addie. He leaned over the rail, and Addie got the impression that he would just as soon fall over as straighten. He did stand up again, said something about an appartment, and walked off. Addie had no doubt that he was deranged, but that wasn't totally unusual here. In fact, it was expected. Some of those who actually knew her past would say she was deranged for leaving such a priviledged life, and even more for not returning when she experienced the sheer poverty and crime here. Most of the time, Addie would just shrug and change the subject. She cared little what others thought of her decisions.

Sure that the man had really left, Addie approached Carter, her gaze still on the man's retreating form and she saw a closing door, but took no real notice of it. Her attention turned back to Carter and she asked, "You okay? That guy was a few cards short of a full deck, if you know what I mean. Not terribly unusual I suppose, but still..." she paused a moment, looking out over the club, "not all that much fun to deal with."