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Carter Lestat

"I didn't try to steal from a drug lord! I swear....hehehe"

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a character in “Street Rats”, as played by The_Fallen_Ones



.:[Name]:. Carter Lestat
.:[NickName]:. Cat, and sometimes people call her Kitten, which will get them very hurt. Other street rats know her by Street cat, all they know through is that she's a very daring pickpocket, none of them Carter is in fact the 'Street Cat'
.:[Age]:. 20
.:[Gender]:. Female
.:[Place in the Underworld]:. Carter is just an abandoned, thieving, pickpocket street rat.


.:[Description]:. Carter has long light brown hair, that falls half way down her back, but most the time she braids it back or just ties it up. Most the time Carter only wears a blue tank top and short shorts, but when need be she has a black hoodie and a pare of matching black jeans. She always has on pure black sneakers and when she dresses in all black she wears her leader black gloves that are cut off at the fingers so she can fight without busting up her knuckles when she fights. She has eyes so brown, they are gold.

Her mutation is very hard to understand. She has balance and agility, and her hearing and sense of smell are superhuman, unnatural. When angered or when she chooses, her nails grow and turn into claws, as hard as steal. In the dark Carters eyes turn into something of a cats eye, and she can see clear as day in the dark. Finally she can read, control, and influence human minds, it takes a lot out of her but that's how she dose it. She can talk to people through their minds, make then feel pain but only in their mind. She can make them go crazy and all it takes is one touch. (Skin to skin one time) They had been messing with her mind, trying to change stuff in her brain. Ever since she's been able to do that. She's learned to control it, through it's hard sometimes.


.:[History]:. There's not much to tell, since she doesn't know much. Her parents left when Carter was 9, leaving her to become a street rat. She grew up in a small shack in the roofs of the city, she grew up and taught herself to fight and pickpocket and steal. She's good at it. She knows that. She uses it. But sometimes..she makes really bad choices.



Carter is really smart, and she tends to speak her mind freely and if she offends someone by what she says she always points out that its only offending because they know it's true.
She dosen't like to be pushed about or bossed so she stands up for herself but it's never a really good thing when she dose because that tends to get her into more trouble then she was in before. She jokes around a lot and uses a lot of sarcasem.She knowns she's smart.


She is very imaginative, creative, and extremely crafty. She likes to think out of the box, no matter how ridiculous her ideas are. She hates being told how to do anything, when she should do it, or that she is wrong. She's very blunt, in your face, and can border on rude because she will not hold anything back, she likes to show off sometimes so she tends to do just that and prove to eveyone just how smart she is.

She often gets that sarcastic and witty look like she's about to mess with you. She is extremely good at lying and fibbing and shes mostly and extremely, painfully, stubborn. However, if you should ever, ever get past that side of her, you see the truly unhappy young woman behind it all.

So begins...

Carter Lestat's Story


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Character Portrait: Carter Lestat
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☪ Carter ☪

Carter sat on a roof top, couched on the edge like a car would. Slowly the sun was setting and it cast yellow beams everywhere, some hitting her and making her light brown hair look almost golden. A slight breeze swished her hair around and as the sun slowly set into darkness Carter took a deep breath, relaxing her limbs before she took her nightly...walk.
The young girl was dressed in all black, black skinny jeans to a black hoodie that was up and covering her face. She even wore leather gloves that were cut off at the fingers. Carter took another deep breath, and allowed her body to slowly slip over the edge of the building, and fall. The wind pushed against her back and her hair whipped all around. It would have been easy to just let herself fall to her death, but then again life had never been easy for her, so why should it start now?





Carter twisted her body around in mid air before spreading her finds our, in a almost claw looking fashion. Slowly her nails grew into claws and turned a sliver color.
Before she could even blink she collided with the side of a brick wall, and dug her claws into the side. Carter hung there gracefully, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Slowly Cat let out the breath she had been holding since she dropped and a smile lit up on her face. Her eyes had turned into cat like eyes, and their golden color seemed to glow in the dark, which was only because she could see in the dark as if it were mid day.

Very carefully she climbed down and started to walk down the dimly lit street, her hood covered her strange eyes and her claws were now gone. As Cater walked, she made sure to brush against everyone she passed, and as soon as she did she was flooded with their thoughts, she even manged to pick pocket a few as she did so. Finally she brushed against a local drug lord from the underworld.

A grin spread on her lips, and she slowly followed the man, a slightly skip in her steps. She would be getting dinner tonight. The man stepped into a ally and Cat swiftly followed, she was aware it was a trap, but the man and been able to block her so well she din't have time to doge when something hard collided with the back of her head. Cater stumbled forward and spun around just in time to catch the piece of wood the man was holding from knocking her down.

"That wasn't very nice.." she mumbled before her claws seemed to pop back out of no where, slowly digging into the wood until it snapped in her hand. The man's eyes narrowed and he made a move to punch her, but Cat easily dogged and danced around behind him, hitting him so hard in the back of the neck that he fell to his knees.

"W-Who are you?!" the man grunted out, but that only made her smirk before answer.

"Just a simple street..Cat." She said, before without warning hitting the man so hard in the back of the head that he fell unconscious. That was..easy. she thought before pulling out a small bag of money and all the drugs the man had stashed on him, Carter would be able to get some good money off of these drugs, since she had no use for them herself, but she didn't noramly sell stuff like this, most likely she'd be able to take it to The Merchant, He would take them, pay her and not say anything about it, Cat had done it before.

Nodding her head she spun around following the little voice in her head, she had brushed skin with him before, through he had strange skin she didn't mind really, all she had to do was find his thoughts and follow them to him, it was how she always found him, or the other sellers she had. Whoever she came across first, she would sell.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaxon Sokolov Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Carter Lestat
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☪ Carter ☪

Carter slowly made her way through a club, pick pocketing people as she went, really she didn't know half the people here, but she didn't care, she stole from them anyway. Cater grinned as she passed two men, they looked rich enough.

"By the way.... That kid down there makes a damned good drink!" she heard one of them say, but she ignored their talking and bumbed into on of them, her hand snaking into the mans pocket and back out before he could notice. " Oh I am So sorry!" Carter said before flashing both her best charming smile and walking away, a slight skip in her step. She loved doing that to people she didn't even know, it just made things so much funny, when she was younger she liked to stick around and watch the persons reaction when they found out they were now broke, but after being caught and jumped, she never did that again.

The plan was always get in, get the money, get the hell out. Ever since it had worked, and she seemed to always be getting better everyday. It was to her. It wasn't that she hadn't already made enough money today, she just wanted more for later. Could you blame her? She was a poor kid, she just wanted money so sue her.

In this life, one thing counts
In the bank, large amounts
I'm afraid these don't grow on trees,
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two

You've got to pick-a-pocket or two, boys,
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two.

Carter smiled ever so slightly, singing to old song under her breath. She had heard to song long ago, and it kind of stuck to her of course she never knew what it was from...

Why should we all break our backs?
Better pick-a-pocket or two.

Robin Hood, what a crook!
Gave away, what he took.
Charity's fine, subscribe to mine.
Get out and pick-a-pocket or two

You've got to pick-a-pocket or two, boys
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two.

Carter smirked grabbing someone else's change bag and slipping it into her own pocket, as far as she could tell she had at least fifty dollers right now, but what could a few more hurt?

When I see someone rich,
Both my thumbs start to itch
Only to find some peace of mind
I have to pick-a-pocket or two.

You've got to pick-a-pocket or two, boys
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two.

Carter sang a bit louder before she filed into a group in the club, grabbing a ten dollar bill out of two peoples pockets before she slipped back out. By now she had done a full circle around the Club, and was nearing the guy guys again. Wow..Her timing was getting a lot better. Carter chuckled to herself as she leaned on the railings, at least ten feet away from the man she had stole from. She was bored. Who wouldn't be when you had a whole city to yourself and yet nothing interesting to do? No one knew her, she was literary on her own right now, so why should she care if she stole from drub lords and all those idiots out there.

Some people said she had a death with, but to be honest it was no death with she had, just lack of fear of death. Why would anyone be scared of death anyway? It would just be another place to survive in. If that's what you'd say were all doing now. Carter scowled at the sight before her. people dancing, drinking, half the people in here had to have been in the labs by now, we were the poor people, the people that were just skidding by. Cater gripped the railing so hard her knuckles were turning white. Why couldn't she have been part of the rich side? All the people that were safe asleep in in their beds by now. No..She was left alone to die with all these losers.

Carter sighed and leaned forward, relaxing her grip, folding her arms and putting her chin down in her arms. Now why should she care how weird she looked? She was bored. Tired. Hungry. Angry.. at what? the world? "Story of my life..." she mumbled shaking her head ever so slightly and closed her eyes. she didn't want to have to watch everything in front of her. Anyone in their right mind would have walked out of the club by now, but really..who here is in their right mind?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Carter Lestat
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Jaxon quirked a brow as a girl stumbled past them both, now finally seeing where Ikarus. "Oh I am So sorry!" He looked at the girl (Carter), obviously in her teens and was about to speak when his old friend had to run off. "Seems we'll have to finish this another time. Some pup stole my kids' paychecks...." He laughed at that, and sucked on his beverage. "Oh... Big daddy Ikarus. Always looking out for the little ones, perhaps another time then. It was good seeing you while it lasted." He smiled kindly and waved, as the man got back his wallet from the pretty face who needed a reality check on who to mess with. His face darkened for a moment, but the taste of his delicious alcoholic beverage brought joy back. He was like a switch, emotions could be turned on and off instantaneously.

He watched her walk around, snatching this and thought. It was interesting to watch, but also painful.... There was an advantage to being a pretty young face. But there were always disadvantages as well. In a place like this, guys always looked at the pretty ones. Especially women. He smirked, and laughed as she even started to sing! The gall of the girl! Oh, what a marvelous show but all things must come to an end as her 2 minutes of fame was over and she sashayed around the club. <So confident.... Almost makes me want to watch her. Trip in front of a steam roller...> He laughed at the thought, and slapped his knee finding himself hilarious. "Really? When was the last time I even SAW one of those, outside of cartoons!!" Jaxon continued his fit, but settled down and took a sip of his drink. "No, but she needs to die...."

He tilted his head, and watched her as she made her way back pretty much right next to him. Odd... Seeing as how the girl managed to do what she did on a catwalk above the dance floor, but oh well. He stepped over, and knelt against the rail sipping his drink. "Hello there kitten..." He smiled, his lips never leaving the tiny black straw. His eyes scanned her figure, realizing she was one of those feline types. <Ugh... So stereotypical.... I wonder if the ball game will be on tonight? Who's playing... Boston?> Jaxon pondered that thought, and shrugged moving his nearly empty glass of drink over to the girl. "Drink for you thought?" Depending on whether she excepted, or not, or did something else he would remain casual and lean against the rail. "My friend is a little upset but don't worry, he's a big softy. Like a.... Like like a..... Like a big..... Marshmallow!!! Just.... White and.... Big'n gooey!! But they all burn the same!" He smiled, and reached a hand in his pocket touching his lighter. "Thought, I think the latter would be much more tasty..." He seeemed to stare off into space, then jumped turning to the girl with a cheesy grin extending his hand out. "Jaxon is the name! Charmed..." He was being genuine...... Mostly. He thought in images.... One in particular was her tied up on a railroad track with a guy, with a mustache laughing evilly as a train was speeding closer, with dramatic twenty's style piano music playing. <I love cartoons.....>


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Hartz Character Portrait: Jaxon Sokolov Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Carter Lestat
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#, as written by slcam
Addie calmly strolled through the streets. She had been planning to go home, but found herself wandering instead. The night was cool and the cool air felt good on her exposed face. She removed her hood, letting a small breeze wash over her as she walked. After a moment, she stopped suddenly, causing a couple of people to bump into her and curse at her, but she ignored them. Faintly, she heard a lovely singing. She found herself moving again toward the sound, drawn like a bee to a flower. The song was familiar, and Addie found herself humming along with the woman. After a few minutes of walking, she turned a corner to see the club where the song was coming from. It was somewhat rundown, but still seemed popular. Addie, not usually one to go clubbing, had never been there before.

She slipped into the club, just catching the end of the song. All too soon, the singer stepped down for a drink with several of the men near the front wanting to buy her a drink. Addie, somewhat disappointed, put her hands in her pocket, and sat on a barstool in the corner. She turned, leaning against the wall, and asked for a water from the kid behind the counter. She watched, amused at the amount of children scurrying around doing various jobs. 'What is this? Some kind of orphanage for street rats?' she thought, a smile on her face.

She watched with great interest as one of the young women who seemed to work there 'accidentaly' bumping into people. No doubt she was pickpocketing them. A moment later, one man confronted her and got his wallet back. Shortly after that, Addi raised her eyebrow as another man she had 'bumped' into came up and began flirting with her. Addie knew she shouldn't get involved, but she was curious nonetheless. Drinking the rest of her water, she pulled a nice tip out of a breast pocket on her shirt, moved closer to the pair, and leaned on the wall nearby. She nearly laughed as she realized the man was talking about marshmallows, and wondered if he was all there. She calmly let her gaze wander around the club as she listened to the conversation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Hartz Character Portrait: Jaxon Sokolov Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Carter Lestat
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#, as written by slcam
((Ooooppps! Sorry about that! Triple posting, that is a first. O.O))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Hartz Character Portrait: Jaxon Sokolov Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Carter Lestat
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#, as written by slcam


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaxon Sokolov Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Carter Lestat
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☪ Carter ☪

"You have something of mine dear," Someone hissed,Carter jumped half a foot in the hair as the man swiftly put his hand in her pocket and took back his wallet, before pulling her closer. "I don't care how you get your money, but you steal from me again and I will add to those agile mutations of yours. I opened this club to help me pay for the kids around here." Carter didn't say anything, she just watched the man walk away before a scowl broke out across her face.

Some people just didn't understand how she worked. IF she beat you up then stole your money, their's no chance in hell your getting it back,but if she mearly pickpocketed you and you caught her, she'd give it back. Carter shook her head, some people were so uptight these days. Of course she was uptight as well, so when the other man walked over to her she felt her muscles tense as she got ready for any harm full movements.

"Hello there kitten..." He smiled at her but she eyes flashed, she hated being called Kitten, she was Not a kitten..She had claws, but before she could snap at him, he offered his drink. For a moment Carter stared at it, she hadn't had a drink in almost a year, not to mention she was underage...Ah the hell with it. Carter took the drink and took a small sip out of it, but she didn't relax, not in a place like this. "My friend is a little upset but don't worry, he's a big softy. Like a.... Like like a..... Like a big..... Marshmallow!!! Just.... White and.... Big'n gooey!! But they all burn the same!" He smiled at her again while she tried to understand what he meant. The man reached in his pocket and she felt herself gripping the glass in her hand so hard she thought it would brake, but it didn't. "Through, I think the latter would be much more tasty..." He stareed off into space, then jumped turning back to Carter. "Jaxon is the name! Charmed..." He seemed genuine enough...... But he had this funny look in his eyes, she couldn't place it through.

"Nice you meet you, the names Carter Lestat, and just so you know, I don't have your wallet, so what can I do ya for?" She raised an eyebrow and leaned on the railing, watching him closely. She felt her eyes wanted to change in the cat form, it was dark in here, but she didn't want to freak anyone out when her eyes started to glow. Of course that was the upside to mutations. she had no tail or strange ears. All she had to do through was touch him, and she'd know what was going on in his head right would be easy enough...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Hartz Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Ashton Brek Character Portrait: Carter Lestat Character Portrait: Herald "The Merchant"
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"Not much, just wondering how miss kitty could be so reckless.... Don't let his charity fool you. No one likes to see a dead cat.. Bad for the children." He leaned over to whisper in her ear. "It's bad for their psyche growing up." He twirled a finger in his opposite hand in a circle as if saying they were coo'coo, but before their hands could touch, Jaxon withdrew his hand with a grin. "You seem a little eager for a touch little kitten.... What have you got in you bag'o tricks?" He chuckled, and turned leaning his back against the railing his eyes never leaving her face. He watched the ways her eyes adjusted, she had a mutation there. Those oh so delicate and effeminate looking hands held a secret too.... But something else huh? "Something that requires touch." Jaxon smirked, and looked away for a second spotting Addie watching them. "I think your other feline friend is watching us as well... friend of yours?" He smirked, and slowly turned to Carter with a smirk. He was getting all sorts of signs from this girl, and thus he was getting a better profile of who she was. "I'm one who enjoys games as well young lady, but I would like to politely ask that you do not play with me like a mouse toy." <Ha!!> He was loving these cat puns, that wince in her eyes he could tell she hated being called 'kitten' and such. It really didn't bother him any.

Jaxon turned back around and leaned way over the rail, putting his weight on it to look down. Quite frankly, it was as stupid thing to do. Especially in a place like this, a simple push of his feet and he would topple over and fall to the ground head first. But he just laughed, and leaned back up sighing happily and close his eyes with that same cheerful smile. "Well..... Now that we've covered formalities. I guess, I'll have to find an apartment... I wonder if they'll do a credit check?" As if the conversation he had with Carter never happened, he turned to walk away tapping his chin lightly with one finger. "I do hope I get to see Ikarus again.... We really should catch up."



Ashton skated around, and made his way in front of The Merchant's shop and grinned. This was something to do, it was always fun to go window shopping. And who knew!! He might find something he wants, or needed. so the young kid kicked his board up, and stepped inside looking around. He kept his flat bill baseball cap down, with the red bandana showing proudly around his neck. "Hmmm....." He walked around, looking at this and looking at that. He preferred the stores around here much more, up town they didn't allow you to bring your board as you walked around. Or they forced him to take off his hat, or bandana. Those rich ass holes were always suspicious of his type.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Hartz Character Portrait: Jaxon Sokolov Character Portrait: Carter Lestat
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#, as written by slcam
When the man noticed her, Addie's ears went back against her skull, her eyes narrowing. Her hand instinctively rested on her gun, though it appeared she was just putting a hand on her hip. She certainly did not want any unnecessary conflict, but something about this Jaxon guy was not right. To be honest, she was concerned for Carter, the woman he was talking to. Though it was odd for someone of her profession, Addie absolutely hated violence without reason, at least when she wasn't working, and would do what she could to prevent it without totally endangering her life. Nevertheless, just living in the Underworld was a danger.

A second later, however, he turned back to Carter, no longer taking any notice of Addie. He leaned over the rail, and Addie got the impression that he would just as soon fall over as straighten. He did stand up again, said something about an appartment, and walked off. Addie had no doubt that he was deranged, but that wasn't totally unusual here. In fact, it was expected. Some of those who actually knew her past would say she was deranged for leaving such a priviledged life, and even more for not returning when she experienced the sheer poverty and crime here. Most of the time, Addie would just shrug and change the subject. She cared little what others thought of her decisions.

Sure that the man had really left, Addie approached Carter, her gaze still on the man's retreating form and she saw a closing door, but took no real notice of it. Her attention turned back to Carter and she asked, "You okay? That guy was a few cards short of a full deck, if you know what I mean. Not terribly unusual I suppose, but still..." she paused a moment, looking out over the club, "not all that much fun to deal with."