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Herald "The Merchant"

"What is a thief... without his fence? Heh heh heh..."

0 · 212 views · located in Neraci

a character in “Street Rats”, originally authored by Sadist_Orba, as played by RolePlayGateway


:[Name]:. - Herald. More commonly known to Street Rats as "The Merchant."

.:[Age]:. - Thirty Seven years old.

.:[Gender]:. - Male.

.:[Place in the Underworld]:. - Herald is placed somewhere between an important, well known person, and a Street Rat himself. Known to all amongst the Street Rats as "The Merchant," Herald is a fence for thieves -- basically, a man who is willing to move and buy stolen items, without ever asking a single question of it's whereabouts, with extremely few exceptions. He lives off of the money he had gotten for forwarding odd jobs, and for regular trips to the Labs. He also makes a profit for selling the stolen items he had bought.,

.:[Description]:. - (I tried to add a picture, but the link continually failed, so here is a description.) Herald is a very mysterious looking man. His body is covered, head to toe, with a black over-coat that has a large, darkened hood to cover his face. For the part of his face that would regularly be visible, he has placed a dark-purple bandana over his mouth. On his sides, his back, and even under his over-coat, there are dozens of bags, all containing various stolen objects for sale. His body is protected by the bulk of the bags, and a torn up Kevlar vest underneath the stained clothes he wears. Being a typical pack rat, his body is often covered in dirt, as well as his clothes. Not that his body is ever visible... Years of Lab mutations, involving reptilians and amphibians. The Labs wanted to try and create the ability for a human to breathe underwater, and to move with extreme agility, as well as climb walls with strange genes. And it worked. However, it backfires in an all too obvious way; his physical appearance. Underneath his clothing, his body is twisted and misshapen, as well as scaled. His body is dark-purple with the scales, and his eyes glow purple underneath the darkness of his hood. All that is visible are his scaled hands, with two inch long claws for nails, and his eyes. He has started developing a short, reptilian snout. He stands at about six-foot four when standing upright, but the bags he often carried were heavy, and he slouched, and appeared about five-eleven. He seems to weigh about one-hundred and twenty-nine pounds. However, his body is altered so well, that he can run faster than most humans to ever live. He is stronger, and has a faster reflexive state than most. Anyone who has ever attempted to rough him up physically, hasn't been heard from again. Even then, he can still be killed by a gun shot or an electrocution, like any other human. Fortunately, most Street Rats don't have a weapon to fight him with.

.:[Personality]:. - Herald is a calm, collective man. He thinks quickly, with instincts that are not detectable by others. He sympathizes with the extremely poor, and often trades food for discounts, or for odd jobs. He is a genuine man, who, even with his raspy voice, seems trustworthy to the Street Rats and the Street Lords alike. Anger only comes about when others betray him, or when they challenge him. Otherwise, he will treat any who come into his alleyway, known as Foolings Alley, as a friend. He may not trust anyone until proven trustworthy, but he can still be friendly.

.:[History]:. - Herald was brought into the world by street urchins. A hooker for a mother, a worker for a club owner as a father, his future didn't seem all that bright. He ended up left alone at the age of ten, when both of his parents were killed. Shot by three men wielding machine guns. So he lived as a thief for years. Learning the trade. Getting to know contacts. After years of selling to a fence named Mercurio, he ended up being taken under by him. He learned how to judge goods. Prices. People. He was a natural. And since then, Mercurio has died, and Herald has juiced on Labs resources. Now, he fences for other rats. Hoping to improve their lives, one way or another.

Roleplaying Sample:

"Blood... You got blood... on my boot..." Herald stepped slowly through the unfamiliar alley. His boots clomped and echoed down the small corridor, filled with trash and broken bricks. He walked slowly towards the man who has just attempted to mug him, he lifted his right foot, almost mockingly, showing the man the blood from the stab wound in Herald's leg. Fortunately for him, pain is lessened by his... Mutation. Herald held the knife in his hand, covered in his own blood. The man in front of him, an extremely thin, bone dry man, was cowering in a pile of trash, at the realization of the man he had just attempted to stab. Everyone knew The Merchant. Everyone. The man had often sold to him, and had now realized his fatal mistake. The Merchant knelt down to the small, now helpless man. "You... I know you... And I know what to do with you. This may have been an accident, or it may have been a misunderstanding... but none of that matters now." Herald took the knife, and plunged it into the soft, stinking trash pile next to the man. He flinched.

"W-what? Just... just finish... it quick..." Herald sighed.

"As you wish." The man's eyes shut hard. He waited. Five seconds. Ten. Finally, he opened his eyes. The Merchant was down the alley, walking away. On his lap, the man realized he had a small pack lying on him. He slowly opened it. Inside... Was a loaf of bread. An entire loaf! Not even opened! And next to it was three bottles of water. Fresh water. Not even sifted. Straight from the store. The man allowed tears to stream down his face, and he looked up at The Merchant as he was limping away. He looked over his shoulder, allowing his purple, glowing eyes to land on the man. "See you on Thursday, Dave..." With that, he continued to walk into the darkest corner of the alley... and was gone.

So begins...

Herald "The Merchant"'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addie Hartz Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Ashton Brek Character Portrait: Carter Lestat Character Portrait: Herald "The Merchant"
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"Not much, just wondering how miss kitty could be so reckless.... Don't let his charity fool you. No one likes to see a dead cat.. Bad for the children." He leaned over to whisper in her ear. "It's bad for their psyche growing up." He twirled a finger in his opposite hand in a circle as if saying they were coo'coo, but before their hands could touch, Jaxon withdrew his hand with a grin. "You seem a little eager for a touch little kitten.... What have you got in you bag'o tricks?" He chuckled, and turned leaning his back against the railing his eyes never leaving her face. He watched the ways her eyes adjusted, she had a mutation there. Those oh so delicate and effeminate looking hands held a secret too.... But something else huh? "Something that requires touch." Jaxon smirked, and looked away for a second spotting Addie watching them. "I think your other feline friend is watching us as well... friend of yours?" He smirked, and slowly turned to Carter with a smirk. He was getting all sorts of signs from this girl, and thus he was getting a better profile of who she was. "I'm one who enjoys games as well young lady, but I would like to politely ask that you do not play with me like a mouse toy." <Ha!!> He was loving these cat puns, that wince in her eyes he could tell she hated being called 'kitten' and such. It really didn't bother him any.

Jaxon turned back around and leaned way over the rail, putting his weight on it to look down. Quite frankly, it was as stupid thing to do. Especially in a place like this, a simple push of his feet and he would topple over and fall to the ground head first. But he just laughed, and leaned back up sighing happily and close his eyes with that same cheerful smile. "Well..... Now that we've covered formalities. I guess, I'll have to find an apartment... I wonder if they'll do a credit check?" As if the conversation he had with Carter never happened, he turned to walk away tapping his chin lightly with one finger. "I do hope I get to see Ikarus again.... We really should catch up."



Ashton skated around, and made his way in front of The Merchant's shop and grinned. This was something to do, it was always fun to go window shopping. And who knew!! He might find something he wants, or needed. so the young kid kicked his board up, and stepped inside looking around. He kept his flat bill baseball cap down, with the red bandana showing proudly around his neck. "Hmmm....." He walked around, looking at this and looking at that. He preferred the stores around here much more, up town they didn't allow you to bring your board as you walked around. Or they forced him to take off his hat, or bandana. Those rich ass holes were always suspicious of his type.