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Suicidal Support

Suicidal Support


A group of suicidal teenagers are shipped off to a camp that is being hosted by their local suicidal support group. Will they be able to help each other? More inside.

3,445 readers have visited Suicidal Support since Beffiye created it.




{When It Rains : Paramore | The Kill (Bury Me) : 30 Seconds To Mars | Emergency : Paramore | Dear Agony : Breaking Benjamin}


I thought up this idea with the help of Wispy, who also guided me through the process of putting it together. I was also inspired by Boomerang’s amazing roleplay Camp Liberty, which is where I got the idea of setting up a camp for the club members from.

Posts are being made. Closed.

The local suicidal support group in California has been up and running for a few years, and to celebrate, they are holding a summer camp using some old (but pretty spectacular) camping facilities. They hope that this will mean their members from across and near to the state can get to know each other, and that they will become more well known. There was lots of interest in it, and many parents signed their children up to the support group and shipped them away to the camp.

Camp Suicide, as the campers are now referring to it is, is a camp for teenagers aged 14-18 who have attempted to commit suicide, know someone who has tried to/thinks about committing suicide, seriously self-harm, or are depressed and think about committing suicide. The Suicidal Support Group, or the SSG, aims to support their members through the use of their staff, therapists, and also other members. There are many “club houses” scattered across California, and just outside the boarders of California in the surrounding states, so the founders of SSG hope that the camp will bring all their members together.
All the members are attending for their first time and will be put in a cabin with 3 people from different “club houses” that they have never met before. You will play one of these teenagers. Take the idea and run wild!

There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.

-Ned Vizzini, It's Kind of a Funny Story


The main hall ~ This room is home to the reception, canteen, medical office and infirmary, staff offices and a couple of mini media and socialising rooms.

The media rooms ~ There are several small rooms scattered about the main hall. They each contain lots of sofas, a TV, PS3, XBOX, DVD player, coffee machine, vending machine and a large selection of games and movies.

The sports hall ~ This is where most indoor competitive activities take place. It can also be used during free time.

The field ~ This is where most outdoor competitive activities take place. It can also be used during free time before 7PM.

The woods ~ This is where the nature walks take place. Campers are not permitted to come here unless they are supervised.

The cabins ~ These house four people each, all of the same gender. They consist of two sets of bunk beds. Each camper has their own closet. The bathroom in each cabin contains 4 shower stalls, 4 toilet cubicles and 4 wash basins. It is announced who you will be sharing a cabin with when you arrive.

All FC’s are just ideas. Tell me if you want to change one, but it’s most likely that I’ll let you change it. Also, more roles can be added if necessary.

Name | Age | How they tried to commit suicide/what they do to self-harm | Why they feel this way | FC | Open/Reserved/Taken

~“If I believe can you teach me to breathe, teach me to breathe once again?”~
Amber Edwards | 16 | Tried to stab herself in the heart | She left her best friends to die | Hayley Williams | Taken by Beffiye

~“Monsters are real, ghosts are too. They live inside us, and sometimes they win.”~
Katarina Lester | 16 | Slit wrists and overdose | Depression because her mom died | Lights Poxleitner | Taken by The Toxic Cereus

~“If you don't understand my silence, how will you understand my words?”~
Wiley Maxtyn | 17 | Many unsuccessful attempts | She killed her boyfriend and her brother took the blame | Daveigh Chase | Taken by divinedarkness

~“If your heart tells you to then who are you to question it?”~
Autumn Branson | 16 | Almost bled to death | Her parents and boyfriend died | Birdy | Taken by Willowlae

~“I promise I won't ever let someone hurt you again.”~
Declan Branson | 17 | He is suicidal | His parents and best friend have died. His sister has tried to commit suicide. | Luke Mitchell | Taken by Willowlae

~“If you want to protect something, you have to throw away everything. I ran out of things to throw away.”~
Adam Walker | 17 | Is suicidal | 6 of his friends committed suicide. He thought he could help them - he thought wrong | Robbie Amell | Taken by ZeroReaper

~“Will you give in to the darkness? Because I won't.”~
Augustus Kings | 18 | Tried to hang himself | His sister died in a surfing accident | Marlon Teixeira | Taken by Wispy

~“Do you ever feel like you're drowning in a sea of people...and no one can hear you screaming?”~
Wren Donovan | 16 | Severely cut himself | He is homosexual | BooBoo Stewart | Taken by CharlotteV

Code: Select all
[size=200][b]「[/b][/size][font=garamond][size=120][i]"theme song lyric [maybe a couple lines or so]”[/i][/size][/font] [size=200][b]」[/b][/size]
[font=Garamond][url=songLink]SongName[/url] || [url=songLink]SongName[/url] || [url=songLink]SongName[/url] |[/center][/font]

[First, middle, last]


|[color=#HEX][size=120][b]Suicide incident[/b][/size][/color]|

[When did they try to commit suicide? Why? Or are they thinking of suicide, or has someone close to them committed it? Again, why? Even if they haven’t tried to commit suicide themselves, all characters must be depressed/thinking of suicide.]


[California or any state directly around it.]


[Pretty self-explanatory]

|[color=#HEX][size=120][b]Years as part of the support group[/b][/size][/color]|

[Most of them will have been joined when it was first set up. Please PM me if you want your character to have recently joined. All campers are members of the support group.]

|[color=#Color][size=120][b]Sexual Oreintation[/b][/size][/color]|
[center][img]Favourite things[/img]
[size=200][b]「[/b][/size][font=garamond][size=120][i]"theme song lyric [maybe a couple lines or so]”[/i][/size][/font] [size=200][b]」[/b][/size]





|[color=#Color][size=120][b]Fashion item?[/b][/size][/color]|








[center][img]Little Things[/img]
[size=200][b]「[/b][/size][font=garamond][size=120][i]"theme song lyric [maybe a couple lines or so]”[/i][/size][/font] [size=200][b]」[/b][/size]


like || like || like || like || like || like || like || like || like || like || like || like || like || like || like || like || like || like ||


dislike || dislike || dislike || dislike || dislike || dislike || dislike || dislike || dislike || dislike || dislike || dislike || dislike ||


|| [b]Secret[/b] ||

|| [b]Secret[/b] ||


fear || fear || fear || fear || fear ||


Oddity || Oddity || Oddity || Oddity
[center][img]In the mirror[/img]
[size=200][b]「[/b][/size][font=garamond][size=120][i]"theme song lyric [maybe a couple lines or so]”[/i][/size][/font] [size=200][b]」[/b][/size]

|[color=#Color][size=120][b]Hair colour[/b][/size][/color]|

|[color=#Color][size=120][b]Eye colour[/b][/size][/color]|

[skinny, slim, athletic, average, stocky etc]


[center][img]The real you[/img]
[size=200][b]「[/b][/size][font=garamond][size=120][i]"theme song lyric [maybe a couple lines or so]"[/i][/size][/font] [size=200][b]」[/b][/size]

[[i]"Your character is a make him/her realistic! Everyone knows someone who is super nice to everyone and seems to never have a flaw...but those perfect people always do. Flaws, of course, are subjective so it's the context in which a quality is used that makes it a problem. For example, one can be angry to the point where it makes him/her work harder for a goal OR one can be angry to the point where he/she just sits around unproductively and depressed without friends. Describe the qualities that you give to your characters. Make them human." - Saph[/i]


[Around 2-3 strong paragraphs, but more is allowed if needed.]



[Faceclaim, any other things to add]

{Feel free to add bits to it.}

The Rules:
1. Curfew is at 11:00PM. Anyone found outside of their cabins at that time has all electronics confiscated off them.
2. No drugs, alcohol or cigarettes. If you get caught, you will be given detention, have electronics confiscated or even be sent home.
3. Activities are compulsory unless there is a valid reason why you are unable to take part. You must have had permission off a member of staff. (That involves talking to me via PM or IM.)
4. Wake-up call is from 8:00AM – 9:00AM, if you don’t get to the dining hall within this hour then no breakfast for you.
5. No unofficial parties, and no sneaking into another genders cabin past 8PM. If you are found in anyone else’s cabin at this time, you will be packed off home. And consequently no longer be part of the roleplay.

One Off Activities:
1. End of camp bonfire ~ At the end of the camp, a bonfire will be held where everyone sleeps under the stars, toasts marshmallows and tells ghost stories.
2. Unofficial parties ~ They aren’t supposed to happen, but they do.
3. Nature walk ~ No one likes this. It’s a walk through the surrounding forest and each group has to do it on a regular basis. It involves walking for hours on end through loads of mud and stinging nettles that come up to your neck.

If you need to contact me in I suggest PMing me. I check my PMs every morning and I will get to you ASAP. There are only a few rules, though it looks a lot, but they're simple to follow. If, in any event, you are to break these rules I will not hesitate to remove you from the RP, with or without a warning.

This is a mature roleplay, involving dark themes that may not be suitable for all ages. All the original rules of the website MUST be followed accordingly.

General Rules:
1. Be literate. I’m not going to go all grammar OCD on you, but I do like to be able to understand what it is that I am actually reading. So please, put the effort in to make it legible.
2. Be committed. I expect at least 2 posts a week, if you can’t post for any reason let me know in OOC or PM me. I also expect your posts to be a minimum of 300 words. NO ONE LINERS! I also won’t hesitate to give out activity warnings.
3. I reserve the right to drop your character or move them to a different place should you become inactive for more than a week. If you character has been moved, you can still come back and put them back into the current situation when and if appropriate. I can and will also decline reservations if I see fit.
4. Be considerate and read other peoples posts so that you know what the heck is going on. Be active in OOC too! I like to have a chat, plus you will need to see what is going on in the way of activity schedules, etc.
5. Reserve in OOC, and say hi or something before you rattle out who you would like to reserve. Reservations last 48 hours. I will not accept a WIP, but feel free to send one in at the end of your 48 hours, and notify me when it is done. This will, however, mean the role could be taken by someone else. Also, just because you reserved, it does not mean that your role cannot be competed for.
6. Use the character sheet that I have provided. Feel free to add more to it. Please be creative, and if you want to change any FC claims, please ask in OOC when making your reservation. Make sure your FC is a real person. DON’T just send in a random character sheet without making a reservation in OOC first.
8. Make your characters original. They have to have a certain amount of depression, doom and gloom of course but go wild! Give them bad pasts, quirks, flaws, obsessions, diseases, the works.
9. Have fun :D
10. Password for reservation : Who is your favorite band?

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiley Maxtyn Character Portrait: Katarina Lester Character Portrait: Adam Walker Character Portrait: Amber Edwards Character Portrait: Autumn Branson Character Portrait: Declan Branson Character Portrait: Wren Donovan Character Portrait: Augustus H. Kings
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Beffiye

Weather: Sunny and warm. 30 degrees Celsius /86 degrees Fahrenheit.
Date: Monday 29th May 2014
What’s going on?: All the campers are arriving this morning. They must be here by 9:30AM, and are to attend activity group introductions at 10:00AM. If you are wise, you will arrive with enough time to unpack and find out where you need to be. You will meet your bunk mates before you head off to activity group introductions. All members of the same bunk house are in the same activity group.
Time: 9:00AM


It was not too early in the morning when the first camper arrived, but alas, usually they all turned up a little closer to the dead line. No one had arrived half an hour early last year, and for now, this camper was going to be all alone.

A blue Fiat 500 Twin Air Pop pulled up on the small camp car park, but kept its engine running. The figures inside did not move for a minute, seemingly caught up in conversation, then the passenger (shotgun) door opened. A small female with bright red hair climbed out, then turned around as the driver summoned her attention again.

“You have got your anti-depressants, right?” Amber’s sister asked as she leant over the steering to pass Amber her rucksack and suitcase. The red haired girl took them off her sister and feigned a look of pure horror.

“My anti-depressants?” She gasped, searching her pockets. “Oh no!”

Her sister’s face was priceless. She glared long and hard at Amber, her face full of disappointment and worry. “Oh Amber…”

“Just kidding!” Amber cut in, risking a shit eating grin. “The look on your face was priceless though.” Chuckling, she gave her cussing sister a wave and slammed the car door. “Adios!”

Sighing, Amber turned and slowly trudged along the pathways towards the main hall, her rucksack hanging off one shoulder and her opposite arm dragging her suitcase behind her. She was happy to be back, of course she was, but enthusiasm towards anything was always hard to feel.

Once she got to the main hall, she paused for a moment and made sure that her favourite knife was safely hidden away at the bottom of her bag. In a moment, she would have to hand in all weapons (no self-harming was allowed on site, or suicide, obviously. No one really took heed of those rules though,) and she wanted to have something left. Last year, the weapons check had surprised her, and she hadn’t had much left to use in the way of self-harm, other than razor blades. They couldn’t really take those off you.

Taking a deep breath, she strode in. The main hallway was empty of campers, which meant she could quickly and easily get herself sorted. First of all, she put her bags down at the side near the door, and walked through the metal detector that separated her from the reception area. Knowing that it was unbelievable if she had no weapons, she had purposely left a rather crappy and broken pen knife in her pocket. When the metal detector started bleeping, she threw it into the small wooden crate at the side and moved on. Scampering towards the notice boards, she scanned them for the activity group lists.

Eventually, she found her name:
Activity Group 4:
Female Cabin: Amber Edwards, Autumn Branson, Katarina Lester, and Wiley Maxtyn.
Male Cabin: Adam Walker, Augustus Kings, Declan Branson and Wren Donovan.

Now that she knew what group she was in, Amber checked her cabin number (7, and the males in her group were in Cabin 8) and then picked up the correct activity schedule from the piles on the small table next to her. After signing in at the reception, she hurried back over to the other side of the room again, eager to collect her bags.

Before she picked them up however, she glanced down at her activity schedule to see what she was doing today. Ugh, introductions and the like, the same as last year. Sighing, she headed off to her cabin, bags in tow.

It took her a bit of time to find her cabin, as the numbers where only displayed in tiny gold lettering on the doors, but eventually, she found number 7. She gently turned the rounded, brass knob and pushed the door open, and stepped into a plain, unexciting cabin that contained all the same features as last year.

Once she had shut the door behind her, Amber threw her rucksack onto the top bunk nearest the window, marking her place. She set her suitcase down next to the bunk bed, and knelt on the floor as she unzipped it. Time to get unpacking.

Each bed had a small number written on the side, and the beds in bunk 7 were marked as 25, 26, 27 and 28. Her bed was 28, so she opened the closet marked with the same number and began hanging up all her clothes neatly. She didn’t have a lot, and they mainly consisted of grungy t-shirts and jeans.

Time ticked on by, and soon Amber could hear campers walking past the cabin and chatting. She finished unpacking her clothes and various other things, put the empty suitcase in the wardrobe and shut it gently. She clambered up onto her bunk and sat with her rucksack in her lap. At the side of her bunk, on the wall, was a long shelf, with a plug at the end. This was where she intended to put things like her phone, her charger, the current book that she was reading, her notebook, etc. She began unpacking them as she waited for her bunkmates to arrive at the cabin.

Amber’s Outfit

The setting changes from Camp Suicide to California


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiley Maxtyn Character Portrait: Katarina Lester Character Portrait: Adam Walker Character Portrait: Amber Edwards Character Portrait: Autumn Branson Character Portrait: Augustus Kings Character Portrait: Declan Branson Character Portrait: Wren Donovan Character Portrait: Augustus H. Kings
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The setting changes from California to Camp Suicide


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiley Maxtyn Character Portrait: Katarina Lester Character Portrait: Adam Walker Character Portrait: Amber Edwards Character Portrait: Autumn Branson Character Portrait: Declan Branson Character Portrait: Wren Donovan Character Portrait: Augustus H. Kings
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0.00 INK



The car ride seemed rather quick for Autumn and her brother. Not only was this camp posing as a rehab facility, but also a safe haven from the home they had just been removed from. She sat quietly in the passenger side, watching the white line run it's length from point A to point B. The day was beautiful, had they arrived the day before it would have been raining and not half as warm. No, this day was perfect. Of course it was early, so she was unsure of what the day would bring, but she was hopeful for there was not even a cloud in sky.

"You're awake?" Declan shuffled in his seat as he glanced from me back to the road. Through bits and pieces of the car ride she had fallen asleep, but the loud air coming through the back window always soon woke her up.

"Yeah, I'm up. You nervous this time?" She laughed at herself as she struggled to turn over in her seat, looking up at him as he drove.

"Nah, I just hope the guys aren't like last year. They were so disrespectful it amazed me."

"Don't get your panties in a wad Deedee. We'll be fine, we always are." He scuffed and his eyes fell heavy, and Autumn automatically felt bad for saying it. Fine is a word that they have always used to cry out for help to each other. But they have found that the majority of the time, there is nothing they can do.

"We're here." He parked the car in the dimly lit parking lot, and they both got out to grab their duffles. Of course, Declan grabbed her's, afraid that any weight may hurt her aura or something. Well not really, but it was just something else he did for her.

"Want me to go sign us in?" She was already holding the door open,and when he nodded she entered the area. The main hall was shabby, little more impressive than the cabins she had stayed in last year.

The guard stared at her strangely, and she replied with," Dr. Decles has our bags." She set off toward the reception desk. She looked at the sign in sheet, surprised to have seen another name. Amber was written beautifully on the page. She thought she recognized the name, but couldn't place the figure. She quickly wrote her and Declan's names down, and checked the activities of the day. She sighed, and redirected her attention to look at the cabin numbers.

Seven and eight, seven and eight she thought to herself as she went to fetch her brother, only to find him opening the same doors as she.

"Hey, you're in eight." She called to him as he set down the bags for the routine check. He smiled at her and quickly recollected their things. They set off toward the cabins, where they made their entrance in seven.

"Dude coming in, is audience ready?" Declan called out into the building, hopefully not to walk in on anything.

"You're such a wuss." She mumbled to him as she walked inside and noticed the girl sitting on a bed. She stood silently, unwilling to talk considering later that day their introductions were due, so she silently took her things from Declan, thanking him. She was glad to see no one had taken the top bunk of the first bed, so she claimed lucky 26 as her own. She threw her pillow on the bed, and quickly unpacked her things, oblivious to the actions of the other girl.

"Are you just going to stand there Deedee? You have a cabin too you know." She joked and told him she loved him. He exited hastily with his own duffle in hand.

When her bag was cleared and her things set up in her closet the way she found suit. She relaxed on her bed with her sketch pad. She closed her eyes and quickly began to draw a bird landing on a small branch. She began to clearly depict the individual feathers, as the colorless bird's wings bent for the landing. She titled the image. "We arrived."



He left her in her room, nervous of the other girl. Something was just different about her and he couldn't pin it. He carried this thought into his own cabin, not too far away. He had always loved this camp, whether he admitted it or not. It gave him a sense of serenity knowing that his sister was okay, and he himself wasn't in constant demand of his peers. He liked to get away, and this camp provided it. Even though it hadn't helped it's purpose since the first year he had arrived.

He opened the door to the cabin quickly, and found he was alone inside. He picked the father bed from the door, which was number 36 (bottom bunk on far side of room so last number), and slumped down on it. He was glad to be away from the demons that haunted him. He just took some time to relax, sprawled on the bed like a fish out of water. Then he sighed as he got up and began unpacking, putting his clothes away in the closet that had his number. He had learned the hard way last year, not to put important things in that closet.

When all was said and done, he took off his shirt and threw it in the dirty clothes, retrieving another. He hated sweating, unless of course he was exercising. With nothing better to do, he crept into his bed, and decided to take a small nap. The long drive had been tiresome, but he was glad Autumn had gotten enough rest.

Autumn's outfit Declan's pants
Declan's shirt

The setting changes from Camp Suicide to California


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiley Maxtyn Character Portrait: Katarina Lester Character Portrait: Augustus L. Kings Character Portrait: Adam Walker Character Portrait: Amber Edwards Character Portrait: Autumn Branson Character Portrait: Declan Branson Character Portrait: Wren Donovan
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0.00 INK


Waking up from the sound of her annoying alarm clock, Katarina got out of bed. Quickly changing and checking her large suitcase and backpack once more, she went out into the living room of her house. Her Dad was already waiting for her at the door.
"Ready to go sweetheart?" he asked, looking at the questionable amount of black Katarina was wearing. Katarina simply nodded before they started their voyage to Camp Suicide. Black headphones were stuck in her ear to block out the annoying country music her Dad listened to. Sliding her music volume all the way up her father frowned.
"With your music up that loud, it'll pop your ear drums" he said, his scolding in vain as she just couldn't hear him. Her Dad let out a sigh before continuing to drive the rest of the way.

Five hours passed until they pulled up in the drop off ring of Camp Suicide. Reluctantly she pulled out her headphone and avoided the awkward look her father gave her. She felt bad for her dad, truly. No father should have a suicidal depressed child. It only made her feel worse about herself that she was coming to a camp to get "help". He was spending all his hard earned money to get Katarina out of her state, but she couldn't help but feel like a burden.
"I love you Kitty Kat. Now go get better. Make some friends" her father said before she opened the door. She gave him a faint smile.
"I love you too Daddy" her quiet voice replied, making her father smile. She grabbed the large suitcase and backpack from the trunk of the car. With a small wave she walked into the main building. The weapon check was always a pain in the ass, but this year Katarina didn't bring anything they would catch. Her Dad had completely strip check her bags for anything. The only this she had were a few shaving blades, which could easily be dismantled to serve the purpose she wanted them for.
Katarina got through the metal detector with ease and made her way over to the activity board. Eyes scanning down it for her name, she finally spotted it.
Activity Group 4:
Female Cabin:
Amber Edwards, Autumn Branson, Katarina Lester, and Wiley Maxtyn.
Male Cabin:
Adam Walker, Augustus Kings, Declan Branson and Wren Donovan.

Some names seemed vaguely familiar, but Katarina was never good with names in the first place. Taking an activity sheet for her group and signing her name, she carried her things to her designated cabin. Her movements were slow as her feet were barely picking themselves up off the ground. After circling the few cabins twice, she found the one she assigned to. The brass knob on the door was the same, the rickety stairs, and the little bugs in the front window were all the same. Hesitantly she knocked on her room door to ensure no one would be surprised by her entering and opened the door. The first sight she saw was the bright red hair of her new cabin mate. The next was a girl sketching on her bed. A small wave was produced by Katarina, but nothing more. Katarina put her things on the bed marked as 25, and took a moment to look around the dull room.
With a sigh she grabbed her suitcase and brought it to her closet, beginning to unpack her belongings for the summer.


The setting changes from California to Camp Suicide


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiley Maxtyn Character Portrait: Katarina Lester Character Portrait: Augustus L. Kings Character Portrait: Adam Walker Character Portrait: Amber Edwards Character Portrait: Autumn Branson Character Portrait: Declan Branson Character Portrait: Wren Donovan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wispy


The whir of plane engines sounded overhead and the hustle and bustle of California traffic echoed throughout the state. But all of that was lost to the male that was driving down the road. It was a large jeep, made more for beach riding than for roads but he changed the tires before he left. The top was in the trunk and the windows were down so it almost looked like he was missing half of his car.

The wind flew though the vehicle and the quiet sounds of the valley drowned out the loud sounds of the cities. He was headed to camp for the 4th and final year. He was sad to leave but he would always come back and volunteer if need be.

What camp you ask? Well, it is a camp for troubled youth. Those that have found a way to stoop so low as to attempt to kill themselves or mutilate themselves in some way. Don't let it's awfully scary name ward you off because it is only trying help prevent these situations. It goes by the name of Camp Suicide.

It offers an outreach station to the children of troubled pasts. Those that have lost all hope and sunk into the deepest corners of depression and exile from the world. They believe that nothing can be done to help them. That the world would be better off if they weren't here. I'm just one tiny insignificant person! What will it matter if I die?

Ever since Augustus saw his departed sister in a dream, he thought that way as well. The world would have been better off if the sharks took me instead of Ellie. Elinor was her name and it reads on her headstone, 'Ellie Kings. Beloved sister and friend. 1992-2009, aged 17 years'.

The loss of his sister was devastating but it hit August to the point that he cut himself off and fell into his own world, almost losing himself in his own mind before he was sent to this suicide support group. Now, he acts as a testimony. An example to all other youth that you can come out of depression if you so wanted to.

He pulled into the camp, gliding into a parking spot with ease and then his car went silent. On the dash, a hula girl stand along with a picture frame that had his sister's picture in it. She was beautiful and not one man had gotten to delve into that beauty and tell her that they loved her. She had career plans, a college scholarship and even plans for a family but all those were ruined because she went surfing that one morning.

His lips set a small kiss on the glass then he set it back on the dash, put the hood on his jeep, rolled up the windows and grabbed his bag and his sister's surfboard. He took it with him everywhere. Never leaving it behind because it was one thing that he knew she cherished so he would never lose it in remembrance of her.

Another summer had begun and another year full of stories to be told.

He had gotten an e-mail about the groups a week before so he headed straight for cabin eight which is where he would be staying. He opened the wooden door and then gazed at the male on the bed.

"It's nice to meet you."


The setting changes from Camp Suicide to California


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiley Maxtyn Character Portrait: Katarina Lester Character Portrait: Augustus L. Kings Character Portrait: Adam Walker Character Portrait: Amber Edwards Character Portrait: Autumn Branson Character Portrait: Declan Branson Character Portrait: Wren Donovan
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Wiley had spent the last week in “Rehab” or at least that’s what the media was being told. The reality of it was, she’d spent the last two weeks the hospital on Suicidal watch. She’d tried and failed again. She had the gun in her mouth ready to pull the trigger, she’d hesitated for only a second and her mom had walked in. That was when her psychologist gave her two chooses spending half the summer in the hospital and the other half in Rehab or going to a suicidal support group for the summer. In the end, her psychologist had made the decision for her.

At the current moment, she was stuck in the waiting room of her psychologists office, sketching the receptionist as a corpse. She sighed when she heard her mother start screaming, from inside her Doctor’s office. It was obvious her mother didn’t care much about her, she never had. All her mother saw was dollar signs when she looked at Wiley. Her mom didn’t want her to go off to some camp, Wiley had given up a part in a TV show due to her issues and her mother had pretty much told her she was worthless. The door to her Doctor’s office slammed shut and Wiley looked up from her sketch and from behind her black Ray Bands.

“I hope your happy.” Wiley’s mother spat. She looked ridiculous, with her over processed bleach blonde hair, perfectly Botoxed skin, and way too much make-up. There was no denying she was a Hollywood House wife. “You have fun at your cute little camp, but as soon as they realize your just an attention whore, you’re going straight back to work.” She hissed cruelly before leaving Wiley there alone.

A moment later her Doctor came out giving her an apologetic look. “Alright Miss Wiley, Let’s get you to camp.” He said with a warm smile and she grabbed her things.

The drive was silent and took a few hours. Although she wouldn’t admit it, Wiley was excited to be getting away from the glimmering lights of Hollywood. She’d never had a normal childhood and she desperately hoped that none of the other campers would know who she was, but she highly doubted that. She hoped if they did know her, they hated her, so she could keep to herself. Finally they pulled up to the drop off circle. She sighed running her fingers through her long hair.

“Doc, just take me home with you.” She breathed.

“I wish I could kiddo, but you need help.” He said giving her a soft smile. The two of them stepped out of his BMW as he helped her unload. “I talked to your counselor already.” He said handing her a piece of paper, stating the schedule and which cabin she was assigned to. “Play nice Emma. I just want you to get better, your too young to be this sad.” She said looking her over like he felt pity for her and it was hard not to, you could tell how unhappy she was with a single look in her eye and it took away from how truly beautiful she actually was.

“Yeah, I know.” She whispered, she hugged her doctor, before throwing her guitar case over her shoulder and picking up her suitcase, heading to sign in. Once she was finished signing in she headed to her cabin. She slipped inside ignoring the others that were inside as she set her guitar case one of the empty beds.

Wiley’s Outfit


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“Do you have everything you need?”

Wren let his head lull against the window, watching the landscape of bright green and dull brown slide passed as the car zoomed silently across the road. It was beautiful, out here. Nature. He kind of wondered if it was just a part of his personality that was the reason why he enjoyed the outdoors, or if it was the Native American in him.

His therapist had called that kind of thinking a need for a 'sense of belonging.'


He didn't answer her, kept watching out the window, moving one of his hands subconsciously to roll up the sleeve around his wrist so his thumb could trace gently across the still healing wound there. It wasn't going to be a pretty scar, either, too jagged and raised...he'd been crying to hard to see properly.

“Wren.” His mother wasn't shouting, but she was using what he had dubbed as her 'Mom Voice'. Just a little stricter, more on point. As a child it had meant he was about to get his hand slapped. As a teenager it meant she was about to drag him off to a mental institution.

Or, camp.

“Yeah, mom,” Wren finally whispered, more to himself really. “I've got everything.” It wasn't that he wasn't happy to be going back – he was. He liked it there. It was just that he hated the way she drove there...sitting stiffly in her seat, hands directly at ten and two o'clock, avoiding any and all eye contact because she could blame it on needing to pay attention to the road, not talking...

It was like that a lot, now. She either completely avoided him...or she cried. His thumb slid across his newest scar again and he frowned as he pressed his forehead against the hot glass. Going back with extra markings wasn't great singled a relapsed. It told the world that he wasn't okay.

The car slowed as it eased into a park in front of the main building, and Wren already felt the noose around his neck loosen. He could breathe. Nice, fresh air. He never did feel like he was drowning here. His mom got out of the car first, smoothing out her perfect dress and fixing her even more perfect hair as she walked around. He was out of his seat before she could open the door, though.

“Well...” she stopped in front of him, her hands fluttering for a moment as she tried to decide what to do with them, eyes pointedly over his right shoulder. Finally, she touched his face, looked at him as she swept his hair off of his forehead. “I'll see you soon?”

“Of course,” Wren answered, and then felt his face break into a grin. It wasn't actually fake, but it could have been. No one would know the difference. His mother nodded, patted his cheek, and he opened the trunk to grab his backpack and his duffel before walking up the steps of the building. He didn't even turn back to wave.
Wren waited for a moment on the front steps, tilted his head back and closed his eyes. The sun was bright and warm against his skin, everything smelled fresh and new and alive, and already he felt his spirits lift. Like he was home, in a twisted sort of way.

He remembered the First Day game from the year before, so once he was inside he dropped his bags to walk through the medal detector without a problem. Last year they had caught him with his pocket knife (a gift from his grandfather), and a chain wallet, but this year he left the former behind and no longer had the latter. He had a razorblade on him, though. He always his shoe, covered and tucked away was too small for the detector to pick up.

The place was crowded because, as always, he was late, but he managed to slide over to the notice boards, glancing across it until he found his name. Activity four. A few of the other names sounded familiar, but he doubted he knew anyone. From there things were pretty simple other than all the elbowing through people. He grabbed an activity schedule, signed in at reception, and figured out he was in Cabin 8.

Wren bounced his way outside, feeling lighter with every step he took, humming to himself. It was hot enough that he went to push up the sleeves of his hoodie, but in the end still couldn't quite bring himself to. Though he was sure everyone knew what he was hiding...he was wearing shorts and flipflops, there was no need for the hoodie. That was why, before, he had kept his cutting to easily hidden areas.

Putting the heat out of his mind, Wren jumped up the steps to cabin eight and pushed the door open, only coming up short when he realized there were two guys already there. One, who had probably just arrived a bit before him and was still standing, and one who looked like he'd just woken from a nap.

“Oh, shit,” the words spilled out of his mouth before he even had a chance of stopping them. “I'm sorry I should have knocked. I can do it again?” he was already moving though, backtracking over clumsy feet. Even if technically it was his living space too..he had learned last year that once the big g-a-y card comes out, knocking is necessary. But of course he couldn't start off right. Of course.

The setting changes from California to Camp Suicide


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiley Maxtyn Character Portrait: Katarina Lester Character Portrait: Augustus L. Kings Character Portrait: Adam Walker Character Portrait: Amber Edwards Character Portrait: Autumn Branson Character Portrait: Declan Branson Character Portrait: Wren Donovan
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#, as written by Beffiye

Amber was just stacking a couple of novels onto her shelf when she heard a male voice from outside.

“Dude coming in, is audience ready?”

She rolled her eyes and looked towards the door, ready to tell the male that he had got the wrong cabin. However, when the door opened, a girl was the first one to walk in. A male was standing behind her, holding her bags, presumably her brother. That was odd, siblings, parents or guardians usually dropped members off and then left again.

“Hi,” Amber offered to them, but as she expected, nothing was said back. Oh well, there was no harm in trying to seem friendly. She sighed as the other girl said goodbye to her brother, but her ears perked up when she mentioned cabins. This guy was also staying here?

She gave him a proper look over without it being too obvious, and was surprised. He wasn’t too bad looking at all…and if he was in her activity group, that would be great. He seemed like a nice person too, carrying his sister’s bags for her. A true gentleman in the making, perhaps?

The guy left, and Amber carried on slowly unpacking while the other girl did the same. She made sure all her novels were perfectly in line, then pulled a small pencil case out of her bag and checked that it had everything she needed inside. A couple of pens, a handful of drawing and colouring pencils – yep, sorted.

A knock came on the door as Amber pulled her notebook out and put it on her lap, flicking through the pages of poetry and elegies fondly. She looked up and saw a girl with black hair enter the room. This second girl waved, and, delighted that there was some form of communication going on, Amber waved back. She wasn’t sure if the second girl had seen it, but she didn’t mind either way.

The second girl also started unpacking, and Amber realised that the first girl had finished and was now drawing. She should really hurry up a bit. She pulled out her last few things that she wanted on the shelf and put them there, then put her rucksack at the end of the bed. It still had a few things in it, like her knife, so she wanted to keep it nearby. It’s not like there was anything much wrong with unpacking her knife – it’s not like it would scare her bunkmates, is it? – but she just preferred to have it hidden away. It was less tempting.

The last girl came in, and Amber risked saying “hello” again. Still, there was nothing back. The silence in the cabin would have seemed deafeningly loud had it not been for the sound of the girls unpacking. Feeling slightly bored, Amber looked at the newest arrival in more detail when she wasn’t looking. There seeming to be something vaguely familiar about her, but she wasn’t sure what. Oh well.

She checked her watch, and realised that it was almost time for introductions. She slowly clambered off her bunk, being careful not to startle or kick their newest arrival who had claimed the bed beneath her, and let her feet hit the floor.

“So guys,” she said, walking towards the door. “Our introductions are happening in about 10 minutes. See you there.” She slipped out and shut the door behind her, then started striding towards the main house. She had wanted to set out early so that she could figure out where the introductions were. They would probably be held in a media room, but which one was the question.

After pottering around in the main media room area, Amber found the one for Group 4. She knocked, and peeped her head around the door. A young volunteer was in there, who invited her in. She sat down on one of the sofas next to the volunteer (it seemed rude not to), who introduced herself as Grace.

“You can watch the TV, play a videogame or whatever while you wait for the others,” Grace told her, but Amber wasn’t really that interested. She just nodded and sat there instead, twiddling her thumbs, waiting for the other members of her group to come. Perhaps if they saw that she wasn’t doing anything, they would talk to her. She was a quiet girl herself, but she did like to talk at the camp. Talking took her mind off things. She hoped that she and the other girls would all warm up to each other soon.

Amber’s Outfit


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wiley Maxtyn Character Portrait: Katarina Lester Character Portrait: Augustus L. Kings Character Portrait: Adam Walker Character Portrait: Amber Edwards Character Portrait: Autumn Branson Character Portrait: Declan Branson Character Portrait: Wren Donovan
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Katarina silently put her things away neatly in her closet. Secretly as people came in her eyes averted to observe them without their knowledge. Two girls arrived before her, and one of them were drawing on their bed already. What the girl was drawing, she didn't know. The other girl was putting away her things as well. Katarina left the shavers in her suitcase, along with the cheesy romance novel she had. When the other girls were gone she would find time to stuff it under her mattress, but until then it stayed in her suitcase. When the last girl came in Katarina thought she looked strangely familiar. She watched discreetly as the blonde girl put a guitar case onto her bed. She must play then Katarina thought to herself.
“So guys,” the bright red headed girl said as she walked to the door “Our introductions are happening in about 10 minutes. See you there.” she finished before leaving. Katarina sighed in realization she would need to go to that as well. Introductions were never fun for the girl. Oh yes, I'm Katarina Lester. I attempted to kill myself and obviously failed, now I'm stuck at this camp as punishment Kat mocked in her head before zipping up her suitcase and sliding it under the bunk bed.
Without word Katarina left the rickety cabin as well, taking her sweet time to the main cabin. In all the black clothes she wore she was warm to say the least, but she really couldn't take off her long sleeved shit. Not without attracting unwanted attention to herself. She recalled when people from her school saw her scars.
"Why did you do that? What's wrong with you? Emo attention whore" were the sorts of remarks she got. When her doctors saw the scars she overheard a nurse call her mental.
Depression was a sickness that no one has sympathy for it seemed. If one had cancer people would be around you crying, but with depression one tells you to simply get over it. Getting over it was a lot harder than it was suppose to be.
She reached the main cabin and opened to door to see the red head sitting on the couch near a girl. The volunteer waved Katarina over and told her to make herself comfortable. She also explained the activities they had in the media room. All Katarina responded with was a nod before she sat as far from the other people on the couch as she could. She didn't mean it to be offensive, she just didn't want to take up space that they may be saving for someone else. Although around the red head she felt a bit at ease, she didn't know why.
Patiently she waited for the other people in her group to arrive. Frankly she just wanted to get this over with so she could go write in her journal.


The setting changes from Camp Suicide to California


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katarina Lester Character Portrait: Amber Edwards Character Portrait: Autumn Branson
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Tick... tock... tick... tock...That's about all she had time to count, before Introductions snuck up on her. Two of the girls had already made their exits, and Autumn thought it time she did the same. She closed her eyes as she slowly got up, taking in the musty smell of the cabin. She slid on her converse and set out toward the main building. She hoped to see her brother, but found it unlikely.

She picked up her pace, feeling vulnerable out in the open. She opened the door to the main building, and slid inside quickly. The air conditioning comforted her, as she made her way to the media room where she knew introductions would be held. The rooms are rather large enough, holding enough people for that sort of event. She scanned through the open doors, and eventually noticed the sign posted on the door. She slowly peered through the doorway, and took her first step inside.

Everyone was sitting in a circle, which was poorly constructed in means of dimension. It looked more of an awkward oval, but none the less effective in the group therapy. She walked over, and took her seat away from the group. She faced the people, noticing how the girl that's bunk was below hers sat across from the two others.

Autumn hated being at the tip of the triangle she had formed, and found it hard to relax. She slowly moved over two seats, breaking the perfection of the triangle. It was comforting, but Autumn felt stupid for having need to change spots. She held her journal in hand, and opened it softly, averting it from the eyes of the group. On the back of the page with the bird, she began writing the events of the day. She scribbled it in her cursive that most thought looked like someone tried to draw a straight line with their recessive hand, waiting for the other's to arrive.

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Camp Suicide

Camp Suicide by Beffiye

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Character Portrait: Autumn Branson
9 sightings Autumn Branson played by Willowlae
"If your heart tells you to then who are you to question it"
Character Portrait: Declan Branson
8 sightings Declan Branson played by Willowlae
"I promise I won't ever let someone hurt you again."

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Amber Edwards
Character Portrait: Wiley Maxtyn
Character Portrait: Adam Walker
Character Portrait: Augustus L. Kings


Character Portrait: Augustus L. Kings
Augustus L. Kings

"Will you give into the darkness? Because I won't."

Character Portrait: Adam Walker
Adam Walker

"If you want to protect something, you have to throw away everything. I ran out of things to throw away."

Character Portrait: Wiley Maxtyn
Wiley Maxtyn

"If you don't understand my silence, how will you understand my words?"

Character Portrait: Amber Edwards
Amber Edwards

"If I believe can you teach me to breathe, teach me to breathe once again?"


Character Portrait: Adam Walker
Adam Walker

"If you want to protect something, you have to throw away everything. I ran out of things to throw away."

Character Portrait: Amber Edwards
Amber Edwards

"If I believe can you teach me to breathe, teach me to breathe once again?"

Character Portrait: Wiley Maxtyn
Wiley Maxtyn

"If you don't understand my silence, how will you understand my words?"

Character Portrait: Augustus L. Kings
Augustus L. Kings

"Will you give into the darkness? Because I won't."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Amber Edwards
Amber Edwards

"If I believe can you teach me to breathe, teach me to breathe once again?"

Character Portrait: Adam Walker
Adam Walker

"If you want to protect something, you have to throw away everything. I ran out of things to throw away."

Character Portrait: Wiley Maxtyn
Wiley Maxtyn

"If you don't understand my silence, how will you understand my words?"

Character Portrait: Augustus L. Kings
Augustus L. Kings

"Will you give into the darkness? Because I won't."

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