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Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright


You ever wonder what the Supernatural universe would be like without the Winchester boys, Bobby, or any other character we've come to know and love? Well come on in and find out! More inside.

1,962 readers have visited Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright since CutUp created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

based upon the tv series supernatural, the first couple seasons to be exact.


Name's Henry Wesson, Hank if you prefer. And I'm going to cut to the chase, I don't have the patience for the whole 'The Truth Is Out There' stick. Monsters, Demons, Ghosts, Gods, and even a evil Santa Claus, all real, all dangerous. But whether you know it or not, you were touched by such evil. Well, let me tell you my story, and you can see the similarities.
Back when I was a baby, six months old to be exact, there was a fire. My mother got caught up in it, and died. My father barely got me out of there alive. But then there was this guy. This old, crazy guy. He would follow me, and my father around, and ask me lots of weird questions about lights flickering, strange weather, people with unnatural eyes among other things. He was asking about Demons.
In my teens I confronted the man about it, and he told me everything. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and all that campfire stories were real. At first I brushed him off, and called him crazy. But he told me to look for the patterns, and I did, and like he said, they were there. I looked more, and more into it, and then it hit me. When I turned eighteen I gained....abilities. Suddenly my dreams began coming true, and I could move objects with just my mind.
Starting to sound familiar? I know you've been through the same thing. Mother dead in a fire, and you gained powers when you were eighteen as well. What I'm about to tell is something you don't know. What gives you powers, what gives powers is.....demon blood. A demon killed your mother, and dripped his blood in your mouth. Why, I don't know. But whatever the reason, it can't be good. Look, I run a bar called the Roadhouse, it's where other Hunters come, and relax, and also where other.....Special Children like you live. I've brought them together to use their powers to fight evil, instead of being it, and I want you there.


User is able to move objects with their mind. The larger the object the more difficult it is to move. As with the other powers too much use can lead to headaches, and nose bleeds.

User is able to generate, and manipulate fire. They are also immune to the flame. But if wet they are useless until dried.

Super Strength-
Users have extraordinary strength, and are able to lift something like a truck easily. They are also fairly durable, and have enhanced speed. They need more demon blood then any others to use their powers at the fullest.

Users are able to generate, and manipulate strong electrical currents. Much like those with pryokinesis they are useless when wet(and are also in danger of electrocuting themselves, and others).

Mind Control-
From the mere sound of their voice the user can make any human do as they command. This influence does not work on monsters, demons, or other special children.

Users are able to read the minds of humans. Much like those with mind control abilities, they aren't able to read the mind of monsters, demons, or other special children.

Users are able to release freezing cold air from their hands. They are immune to the effects of cold weather, but in hot weather, or warm environments they are pretty much useless.


Name: Henry Wesson| Age: 47| Gender: Male| Role: The Den Father| Powers: Telekinesis; Premonition| FC: Anson Mount| Status: NPC(controlled by me)
"Do what I say, and you might live to be my age."
A veteran Hunter, and one of the first Special Children. Is training the other Special Children how to use their powers, and how to hunt as well as owner of the Roadhouse. From the Roadhouse he sends jobs to various Hunters, though he doesn't hunt much these days.
Name: Johnny Parker| Age: 29| Gender: Male| Role: The Hunter| Powers: N/A(Natural Badass)| FC: Chris Pine| Status: Taken by GM
A rising Hunter who has frequently worked with Henry in the past, and has a almost fatherly relationship with him. He has no powers, and has no idea that Henry, or any of his kids have powers. Most often found at the Roadhouse working the harder jobs that Henry doesn't think his kids are experienced enough to handle.
Name: | Age: 18-29| Gender: Female| Role: The Big Sister| Powers: Pyrokinesis| FC: Katy Perry| Status: Reserved
The unofficial official leader of the kids. She was the first recruited, and generally has a closer relationship with Henry then the others. Works as a bartender in the Roadhouse, and generally a object of Johnny's lust. (Whether she recuperates up to you).
Name: | Age: 18-29| Gender: Male| Role: The Brains| Powers: Electrokinesis| FC: Aaron Stanford| Status: Reserved
The undeniable brains of the outfit. He is a lore wizard, and easily knows the most about monsters, and other things that go bump in the night. But he is rather uncomfortable with the gritty side of hunting. He helps Henry with finding jobs, and dispatching Hunters.
Name: | Age: 18-29| Gender: Female| Role: The Street Rat| Powers: Telepathy| FC: Keke Palmer| Status: Reserved
Before she was found by Henry she was homeless. She works as a waitress at the bar, and is very close to The Brains.
Name: | Age: 18-29| Gender: Male| Role: The Medic| Powers: | FC: Donald Glover| Status: Open
He is the designated medic of the 'family'. He also does the same at the Roadhouse with beat-up hunters who stumble in.
Name: | Age: 18-29| Gender: Female| Role: The New Girl| Powers: Super Strength| FC: Emma Stone| Status: Reserved
She has just recently been found by Henry, and is still trying to learn to control her powers.
Name: | Age: 18-29| Gender: Male| Role: The New Guy| Powers: Telekinesis| FC: Theo Rossi| Status: Reserved
Just like The New Girl he has also been recently found, and is also trying to learn to control his powers. He is generally closer to The New Girl due to both of them just being introduced to this lifestyle.
Name: Azazel| Role: The Yellow Eyed Demon| FC: Fredric Lehne| Status: NPC controlled by me
"Demon blood is better than Ovaltine, vitamins, minerals- it makes you big and strong!"
The big daddy demon that killed their mothers, and gave them their powers. Whether they know it or not each of the kids have meet him once in their lives, and is always watching them.


Feel free to add/subtract/rearrange gifs as you see fit. You can also add anything I missed. You can use your own as well.
Code: Select all
[center][img]Fontmeme Name.[/img]
[img]Gif or pic of your character[/img]
[url=]Song[/url] | [url=]Song[/url] | [url=]Song[/url] | [url=]Song[/url]
[left][img][/img][/left][right][img][/img][/right][center][color=#][b]{N A M E}[/b][/color]

[color=#][b]{N I C K N A M E}[/b][/color]

[color=#][b]{A G E}[/b][/color]

[color=#][b]{G E N D E R}[/b][/color]

[color=#][b]{S E X U A L I T Y}[/b][/color]

[color=#][b]{R E L I G I O N}[/b][/color]
(If any)
[color=#][b]{R O L E}[/b][/color]
[center][img]Fontmeme: What's In The Mirror[/img]
[left][img][/img][/left][right][img][/img][/right][center][color=#][b]{H A I R C O L O R}[/b][/color]

[color=#][b]{E Y E C O L O R}[/b][/color]

[color=#][b]{H E I G H T}[/b][/color]

[color=#][b]{W E I G H T}[/b][/color]

[color=#][b]{A P P E A R A N C E}[/b][/color]
(include clothing, scars, tattoos, etc.)
[center][img]Fontmeme: What Lies Beneath[/img]
[left][img][/img][/left][right][img][/img][/right][center][color=#][b]{P E R S O N A L I T Y}[/b][/color]
[center][img]Fontmeme: What Makes Me Special[/img]
[left][img][/img][/left][right][img][/img][/right][center][color=#][b]{P O W E R S}[/b][/color]

[color=#][b]{W E A K N E S S E S}[/b][/color]

[color=#][b]{S K I L L S}[/b][/color]
(Not related to powers.)
[color=#][b]{W E A P O N S}[/b][/color]
(Try not to go over board ok?)[/center]
[center][img]Fontmeme: What You Should Know[/img]
[left][img][/img][/left][right][img][/img][/right][center][color=#][b]{L I K E S}[/b][/color]

[color=#][b]{D I S L I K E S}[/b][/color]

[color=#][b]{F E A R S}[/b][/color]

[color=#][b]{ H O P E S/ D R E A M S}[/b][/color]
[center][img]Fontmeme: Skeletons In The Closet[/img]
[center][color=#][b]{H I S T O R Y}[/b][/color]

[color=#][b]{F A M I L Y}[/b][/color]
[center][img]Fontmeme: Behind The Scenes[/img]
[left][img][/img][/left][right][img][/img][/right][center][color=#][b]{C O L O R}[/b]
[color=#][b]{F C}[/b][/color]

[color=#][b]{P R O T R A Y E D B Y}[/b][/color]
(Your username here.)[/center]


  • Alright, the intro might not have been the clearest, but here's the jest: Basically this rp is set in a AU of the show, so no Winchesters, Bobby, etc, except for Azazel of course, and possibly other big bads. In this RP Azazel has been busy in the last 50 some years, and has been turning babies into Special Children(like Sam from the show). So you'll be playing as the kids. I'll be controlling the only regular human(for now). Also as far as everyone knows Angels are just myth(unless your character is religious).
  • Before you get started on your character make sure to go to the OOC, and let me know who you want. You'll also need three other passwords before you begin. The passwords are in the rules of course!
  • The FCs I picked aren't set in stone, if you've got one you'd rather use then put a gif of them up in the OOC(preferably around the size as the ones I picked), and their name. And try not to pick one that's been on the show. Also, I don't think this needs to be said, but whatever, real FCs only.
  • As for the weapons in the character sheet, DON NOT have some kind of all killing gun/sword/pool noodle or whatever! There might be demon killing knives, and possibly the Colt later on, but for now, no. Just no. Password #1: What is your character's color code?
  • Let's be civil, and keep the drama IC. Alright?
  • Please, please, please, PLEASE be active! I don't mean post everyday, but at least once a week, that's not too bad right? If you can't do that, say you're going to be away, or having computer troubles let me know. I swear, I'm a nice, and understanding guy, we can work something out.
  • No bunnying, meta playing, etc. Pretty basic. Password #2: What is your favorite song?
  • This is a mature rp, so I don't mind swearing, or romance, in fact it's encouraged! But you know, no sex posts. It's frowned upon, so fade to black or whatever.
  • If there's a interest then I might open up more roles, but that's only if all are taken.
  • And finally, if you have any comments, questions, and/or suggestions send them my way! Everyone has room for improvement! Final Password: Put up a funny gif! I love them so.

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Johnny Parker
Character Portrait: Delilah E. Anderson
Character Portrait: Leyton Conhime


Character Portrait: Leyton Conhime
Leyton Conhime

"I don't wanna walk with my head down"

Character Portrait: Delilah E. Anderson
Delilah E. Anderson

The Street Rat

Character Portrait: Johnny Parker
Johnny Parker

"One dashing badass Hunter at your service."


Character Portrait: Delilah E. Anderson
Delilah E. Anderson

The Street Rat

Character Portrait: Leyton Conhime
Leyton Conhime

"I don't wanna walk with my head down"

Character Portrait: Johnny Parker
Johnny Parker

"One dashing badass Hunter at your service."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Leyton Conhime
Leyton Conhime

"I don't wanna walk with my head down"

Character Portrait: Johnny Parker
Johnny Parker

"One dashing badass Hunter at your service."

Character Portrait: Delilah E. Anderson
Delilah E. Anderson

The Street Rat

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Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

Alright guys, since there's only one role left I'll go ahead and take him.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Everyone has a week to finish their character, because I hope to start things up by next Saturday. That has been more then enough time. I don't want to be the big, bad GM, but I really want this to go somewhere. If anyone thinks they can't get their character in by then, then come talk to me. I swear I'm a pretty understanding dude.

Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

Sure thing. I'll change in a sec.

Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

If it wouldn't be a pain to have my own power...could I change to super strength please?

Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

Awesome sauce! I'll set them up in a sec!

Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

May I reserve the FC Theo Rossi, please?

His hex code will be #50873A and my favorite song would have to be Being Good Isn't Good Enough by Barbra Streisand.


Oh, his ability will be Telekinesis, if applicable.

Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

I'd like The Brains if possible.
Color code will be: #1630DC

Current favorite song: At the Edge of Time - Blind Guardian

As for the power, I think I'll take the Electrokinesis.

And as requested, a funny gif


Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

Ok then. I'll change her in a bit.

Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

@Cutup May I actually change The Big Sister's FC to Katy Perry and may I by chance change her power to pyrokinesis! Please and Thank you!


Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

Eeesh. Accident, sorry. Pyrokinesis.

Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

@CutUp sorry! I did not see the power password anywhere. Then again my phone kind of sucks so that could be my fault. Anyways mind control will be her power.

Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

Alrighty then! I'm just going to get rid of the the power password.

Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

Okay I edited my post hopefully the gif was all I am missing, I posted it, but I'm posting off my phone now. -_- lol! Hopefully it worked this time. Sorry!

Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

Man, did nobody see the power part? I'm just going to get rid of that. Anyways, if you want the big sister part OddFinch forgot the gif, so you can reserve it if you wish. Or you can stick to the new girl.

Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

I'd like to reserve the new girl please if big sis is taken.
The code would be: #330066
Favourite song: (though a little overplayed) Uptown Funk.


Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

Love to mate, but your still missing a couple things.

Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

I'd like to reserve The Big Sister if possible!
Character color code: 00c2f2
At the current moment my favorite song is: Collective Soul-The world I know

P.S. I MIGHT change the FC still deciding.


Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

Sure! I'll set her up in a sec.

Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

Telepathy, if that'd be alright.

Re: Supernatural: The Kids Aren't Alright

Why sure! Let me known the power as well.