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Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?

Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?


It seems that all the Titans on the Earth has disappeared on the face of the earth. Except for a select few. These titans must band together to put an end to the chaos of the world...while not killing each other in the process.

1,642 readers have visited Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans? since Victim created it.


Last night, all the titans have disappeared. Gone. Without a trace. Though 8 titans still remain untouched or harmed. What happened? It's up to these few titans to get down to the bottom of this horrible act!

1.) Be unique, only original characters. Please try not to have the same abilities as someone else.
2.) Do not leave the GM behind. I don't want to log on and see 2 pages of reading.
3.) Keep this role play PG-16 all around. Being with Romance, Violence, and Language.
4.) Post at least 75 words per post, and try to stay active.
5.) No God-moding, power-playing, or auto-hitting.

We will start the morning after the titans disappeared. You will realize your team is gone, and you will investigate...this is when you will start to find other titans. Our beginning Location will be Jump City.

The Titans

1.) Cheri
2.) Ricky Blackwood
3.) Owen Kingsley
4.) Kaosu Komonachi

1.) Forsythia
2.) Tanzen-Traum
3.) Ai ren
4.) Nikki (Nuclear) Thompson

Character Sheet

Code: Select all
[size=90][b]Name:[/b] (Whatever your character Goes by/Alias)

[b]Age:[/b] (16-19)

[b]Gender:[/b] (Male/Female)

[b]Sexuality:[/b] (Straight-Bi-Curious-Gay)

[b]Origin:[/b] (Where your character is from. Doesn't have to be in America.)

[b]Height:[/b] (In Feet/Inches)

[b]Weight:[/b] (In pounds)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (Anime please...or a good description)

[b]Personality:[/b] (In does your character act?)

[b]Abilities:[/b] (here is where you list the things your character can do.)

[b]Weapon:[/b] (What does your character attack with)

[b]Clothing/Armor:[/b] (What does your character wear? Its like their doesn't change)

[b]Bio:[/b] (A brief overlook of their life and their titan team)

[b]Character Song:[/b] (Everyone has to have a theme song right!?)

[b]Other Information:[/b] (Anything that you would like to add)[/size]

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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#, as written by Victim
A small Portal Gate, only big enough to fit a small framed person, was created out of thin air on the side walk of Jump city. A curious looking boy walked through trying to be observant of his surroundings, people looked at him with a puzzled look on their faces as the portal closed behind him,"Chainsaw?! Dove!? Fishy!?" A called out as though he was trying to get someones attention."Are you here!?" He didn't get an answer, only puzzled looks. He put his hands on his hips as he have a quiet 'hm'."Vous pouvez cesser de se cacher j'ai cherché partout!" He screamed loudly, though not loud enough over the taxi horns and other screaming people,"Well, saying that this is the last place," He said, sounding a little defeated,"I guess I'll have a look around. Besides, I'm starved." He said frowning at his stomach putting his hands it.

Cheri looked towards the sky, and he begun to float slowly, he could hear someone say 'those damn titans' below him, but he could only think, what if he was the only one left? Cheri begun to hover over the people, some of them stared at him, some didn't even look as though they where already use to it. Cheri was just looking for a place to eat, hoping he would find his friends there, killing two birds with one stone.


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A flaming, red dot appeared in the sky and expanded into a fiery circle twice as large as her body. Ion fell out of the hole and found herself falling headfirst into the rapidly enlarging pavement. She hurriedly snapped her fingers together, trying and failing to create a spark of fire that may break her fall. Flickers of bright light were given off, although she couldn't successfully conjure any tangible flames. Resigned, she shut her eyes tight and tilted her head to the side, letting the wind stream through her bangs and expected herself to meet a hard surface.

Instead of the deadly encounter she had been expecting, Ion's eyes widened in surprise as she felt herself knocking into a soft, human-like figure. She caught a glimpse of a boy with wavy, blond hair about her size, before she fell to the ground from the impact. It was true though, that he had saved her from a series of very painful injuries. Ion sat up, cross-legged, and rubbed her head furiously, muttering something unpleasant and probably very unladylike in Chinese. The dumplings she had been carrying in her pockets rained down on the civilians like bullets, hitting most of all who were in the vicinity. As frightened people scattered to her left and right, avoiding the dumplings of wrath, Ion calmly stood and began collecting her food from the ground, stuffing the messes into her pockets for future use.


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#, as written by Chronos
Kaosu got off of the boat that had brought him to Jump city, he soon jogged into a alley way, looking around quickly. Ok, noones around... Kaosu closed his eyes and visualized a bicycle. A few moments later, a red bicycle stood next to Kaosu. He opened his eyes and got on the bike, quickly pedaling. "Ok, if the titans wher gone, they'd probally be in jump city...But where....Maybe, the town center?" He mummered. Kaosu soon passed a scene of disaster, flaming dumplings wher everywhere, and people wher running away in terror; Kaosu looked around curiously. "Some sort of horrible dumpling accident?...Eh...I'll investigate later..." Kaosu said with a lazy voice; He then heard the loud rumble of his stomach...

"......Right after I GET SOME FOOD!" Kaosu yelled out in pride. Kaosu took out his city map of Jump city; He looked around for the nearest coffee shop, after much annoyance he found one. "Ah! There!...Now I just need to check my wall-" Kaosu's sentence was cut off as he took out his wallet and opened it. Nothing was in there. Not a penny. "AHHHHH!!!! WHY ISN'T THERE ANY MONEY IN MY WALLET?!?!?!!?" Kaosu yelled out in panic. "GRRR....That slimy ferryman must've took my money while I wasn't looken'...." Kaosu sighed, he then held out his hand. "Well, i'm here on business, so in theory, it's ok if I transfer myself some money..." Kaosu smirked, as he visualized a thick wad of 100 dollar bills. Money was a simple item to transfer, so it appeared in his palm within seconds; "Alright....." Kaosu then put the money into his wallet and put his wallet into his back pocket.

Kaosu looked around, trying to recongize the coffee shops route. He then started riding his bike there.


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#, as written by Victim
Cheri was floating over people until he had the weirdest feeling that something was falling above him, he looked up and saw a girl. But it was too late for him to get out of the way, she crashed into him, smashing him into the ground with her sitting onto of him. Cheri was fine, and when she got off of him he quickly got to his feet."Geez lady! Watch where your falling,"Cheri looked up,"From the sky?" Cheri felt puzzled for a moment.'How many normal people just fall from the sky?' he thought to himself."Miss? Might you have any idea where the Teen Titans are?" He asked her, glad he had English as his second language, he actually spoke it very fluently, though only with his noticeable french accent. He looked at the dumplings on the ground, and picked on up as she wasn't looking, holding it behind his back, with a guilty look on his face if she suspected he took one.

He looked around the scene as people gave them weird looks, only to find some boy who made money come from his pocket," Oh, mon Dieu!" He said bringing his hand to his mouth,"Thats not normal, either...whats going on?" He turned to the girl."If you want your dumpling, you'll follow me when your finished." He teased then quickly ran into some boy who made money come from his hands," Monsieur,"Cheri called out to the boy who made money come from his hands,"I'd like to ask you how you did that money trick?" Things were starting to become a little odd in Jump city. Cheri still had the dumpling in his hand, and really wanted to eat it. But he didn't know what the girl was capable of...and didn't know if he wanted to test it either.


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#, as written by Chronos
Even though it was unlike Kaosu to be cheerful, he felt rather good, provided that he DID just make a wad of cash appear in his hands; Kaosu started to quietly whistle a tune. He was very hungry, and was starting to experience the burn of acid in his stomach. "Ouch..." He mummered. While he was riding his bike, he heard a voice call out to him, he didn't understand french well, but he knew enough of it to know that whoever was calling out to him was calling him 'Mister' Which was sort of odd. Considering he's a teenager.

Kaosu slammed on his brakes and pulled up on the handle bars of his bike; He was now on one wheel; While still holding the brakes, he jumped up off the ground a few times, turning towards the two people; It seemed they came from the 'Dumpling Accident.' One was chineese, and the other french. Kaosu let go of the brakes, allowing his bike to go back down on two wheels, then, Kaosu planted his legs on the ground in order to keep himself balanced; Kaosu's smile soon faded as he heard what the french kid had to say. Damnit! He saw me? Damnit I gotta' learn to keep my powers to myself sometimes. People in Jump City are too nosey.. Kaosu complained. The titan struggled to find something witty to say. He sacraficed a few moments of silence untill he spoke up. "Er...Well...You see.....Umm....." Kaosu face began to grow red, he didn't know why. Maybe just sheer embaressment. "..Well, a good magician never reveals his tricks! Heh..." Kaosu said as his smile returned. "プラスはから始まる私のポケットに、お金あった。Hehe.." Kaosu said in his native language; Although he didn't mean to say it in japaneese. He sighed quietly to himself, desperately wanting to facepalm himself.

Kaosu scratched his head, looking at the chineese girl behind Cheri. "Hm. At any rate, would you two care to join me for a coffee break? I'm buying." Kaosu smirked a bit.


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"Miss? Might you have any idea where the Teen Titans are?" inquired the french guy. Ion stared at him incredulously, shocked that there would actually be a team in Jump City. She snapped out of her reverie as he teasingly waved one of her fallen dumplings in front of her. "Oi! Give it back!" she called, not sure if he heard her or not. Although her grammar and language were pretty much perfect, her voice still suggested a bit of a Chinese accent. She hesitated before deciding to follow him.. it was her first 30 minutes in Jump City and she'd prefer not being taken lightly. Ion ran after him resolutely, growing more agitated by the second. Several dumplings fell from her hands as she skidded to a stop right behind the french guy and almost bumped into him for the second time.

Peering curiously behind his shoulder, she saw a stranger on a bike carrying a large sum of money. "Coffee?" she muttered thoughtfully to herself with her eyes still on the wad of money. "We'd love some coffee!" She smiled a falsely sweet smile and bowed gratefully. Ion didn't seem to realize she answered for the french guy as well. She moved to the french guy's side and shot him an uber death glare, dearly hoping it would burn a hole through his forehead.


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Nikki shuddered as she realized she was alone. Her entire team, gone. She'd tried every frequency they used. Even the meta -frequency that all titan communicators connected to. Nobody answered. Something had happened. She looked out into the streets of New York. Unlike other teams her's had chosen a loft with only a few basic amenities. No fancy headquarters for them, no tower shining forth as a beacon in the darkness, or a target for those wishing to attack them. The only true piece of tech they had was the transporter, and without Surge around to remote activate it, it was a one way trip.

Nikki stared at it, she knew what she had to do. She had to go to Origin, the so called birthplace of the Titans, she'd never actually been told the name, only what it was listed under in the machine's database. She stared at the screen as tears shone in her eyes. She needed help, she needed a team. And she'd been told by Miracle that if anything ever happened, she'd find it there.

She highlighted the entry before grabbing her skateboard. She stepped into the chamber and vanished in a field of electrical energy.


She saw the world as it slowly started to come back into focus, she blinked in the light that had suddenly attacked her. She only realized she was in the middle of a street when she heard the prolonged honk of the semi barreling right at her. "Oh this is gonna su-" Her words were cut off as the collision sent her body flying down the street.


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It was a long trip. But Halo finally made it. He didn't like traveling to the mainland. But something was up. He needed to find his missing teammates. Why on earth did they just vanish without even a word... Halo was stumped. The T-Sub, (which is a huge pain to pilot by yourself by the way...) reached shore. He had decided to leave it near the beach. He didn't particularly care for Short-Circuit's toys anyway. He knew once he found him though, ol' SC would have a field day with him...


Halo had hoped they would be somewhere in Jump City. He checked his leader, Shiden's logs. Evidently, he had some business to attend to in Jump City. It didn't say anything beyond that though. He didn't even mention what had happened to the others. And the city was pretty large, and at the same time pretty quiet. He didn't even know where to start.

As Halo was thinking to himself, many people were just staring at him, wondering if he was preparing for Halloween. Not surprising. How often do you see a guy who looks like he could be from mideival times walking around casually in a large city?

Suddenly he hears a car horn blaring from the other direction. He turns around, and see's a green haired girl being rammed by the car. Without a second thought, he dove from his spot, towards her flying body, a good 15 yards, and catches her in his arms. He lands on the ground with a loud metallic clunk, from the sound of his heavy metal boots. He was surprised. As he held her body, it seemed she seemed to be still breathing. Still conscious. No bleeding...not even any broken bones. "Are you alright?" Halo asked simply out of curiosity. He didn't find his teammates, but he definitely found someone of interest.


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Nikki shook her head as she tried to wipe the disorientation she always felt from the transporter from her fogged mind. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Takes more than a semi to put down a Titan." Her eyes roved over his strange ensemble and immediately came up with four conclusion, role player, nut bar, villain, and hero. And considering the fact that he'd just caught her after she went flying she chose hero as his default. Her mind cleared quickly as she stood up and started to run back. "You just gonna stand there or are you gonna help me make sure everybody's okay?" She ran to the semi where the driver was already rushing towards her.

She assured him she was okay and immediately started looking him over for any injuries.


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A Titan... Halo thought to himself. I thought so... But the girl got up and ran over to the driver. She was right. Right now, making sure the others were fine was first priority. The driver seemed fine. Halo moved to the rear of the car. Other cars had stopped suddenly behind him. But after questions and check ups, it seemed the most damage that occurred was to the cars. Fender benders here and there, but nothing serious. "Come." He called out to the heroine. "We need to get get out of traffic. Wouldn't want to cause more accidents." He pulled her over to the side of the streets.

"You said you were a Titan..." He held his hand over the hilt of his sheathed sword. "I'm the Halo Knight. I'm from the Polynesian division of Titans from Hawaii. But my teammates went missing without a trace." He pulled out his leader's digital log book. "I tracked my leader to this city, but the trail goes cold. I'm wondering if you have any idea where they could be."


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Nikki's left hand started to shake though she quickly hid that fact. "No, I don't. Boss had standing orders that if anything ever happened where we needed help, that we were to transport to this location. I woke up this morning and they were gone, I tried every frequency in the Titans handbook and got nothing. I'm from Titans New York by the way. My, friends, they're just." Nikki's hand started to shake harder even as she tried to exert control over it.

"Anyways, doesn't matter now. We need to get to Titans Tower. Boss told me once that all our files are backed up on location of the original Tower." She looked around quietly not seeing the trademark shape that usually marked a Titan's institution. "Oh, I'm Nikki Nuclear. Sorry, just, not a good day. Any idea where it is?"


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#, as written by Chronos
Kaosu smirked a bit at Ion's death glare; "Well, I guess she answered for you too." He chuckled a bit with delight; Little did the two know Kaosu was worried sick in his mind. He was only putting up a face so the two wouldn't get suspicious; Darn, if only the two wouldn't have confronted me. The agency is probally watching me right now, but where? Where are they?!...Gr, I have to lead them to somewhere where I can ask them a few questions. If I ask about the titans in public the agency will hear... Kaosu looked around for a moment, hoping to get a glimpse of some sort of suspicious activity. It could be anyone at this point.... Kaosu sighed.

The titan got off of his bike and laid it next to a concrete wall. "Right then." He said with a joyful tone; Kaosu lightly grabbed the hand of Cheri and Ion. Leading them towards the coffee shop he was talking about; He said nothing, only quietly humming to himself as he schemed in his mind. It wasn't long before the coffee shop was in sight, he entered the cafe with the other two titans. Examineing the list of items they had on the menu.


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Halo noticed she was shaking. "First, let's try to stay calm." He said, trying to reassure her. "Nikki right? You said your friends are gone too?" Strange. Just what was going on here? Titans can't just be disappearing for no reason. He also tried contacting them through the communicators, but he could even locate their signal. He also tried looking for their aura, but that ability can only work so well. For one thing, he couldn't identify specific people with it, second he could only sense others from a mile away at most.

"Look, according to my leader's logs, Titans Tower is located on a small island off the coast." He looked around. "We're in the middle of the city, so obviously we won't see it. Why don't we just take a look around for now on our way there. Our friends are gone, meaning that their probably not the only ones. Inversely, we can't be all that remains of the Titans either. Hopefully...their might be others in this city." He began walking down the street, intending to reach Titans Tower. "Coming?"


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Nikki grabbed her arm and forcibly halted it. "Heh, yeah, let's, let's do that. Sorry for that, I'm, I got issues with separation. Surge, she, she was always there when I needed her." She looked down for a second. "Have you ever had somebody you're so close to that it feels like they're literally an extension of your body? Cause that's what she was to me. A part of me. Hell, she got me out of juvie, taught me to control my powers, got me on the team. There was, she was, literally, everything I had in this world." Her hand stopped shaking as though a switch had been pulled. "And I'm going to get her back."

She pulled her board off her back and dropped it on the ground. Working with practiced precision, her foot pressed a hidden catch and the deck extended before she stepped on. "Get on, hold me from behind, and if you're hand strays anyplace besides my stomach, we're going to find out if you can take the same kind of damage I can."


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Halo listened to her speak. "Have you ever had somebody you're so close to that it feels like they're literally an extension of your body?" Nikki talked about her teammates, and how she missed them, and valued them.

Halo simply stood there for a moment. He did consider his teammates his friends. However, he couldn't say he felt the same kind of connection she did. Of the group, he liked to stay a little more distant. He felt that too much emotions would get in the way of his senses of right and wrong. He needed to be objective. "No." Halo simply answered. "I do consider my team to be close friends...But I can't say I share the same kind of connection to them like you do." He liked her conviction though.

When she pulled out what looked like a skate board, and asked him to jump on, Halo looked a bit skeptic. "You...your serious." Then again, he saw stranger things happen, so he decided to just go along with it. He got on, and grabbed hold of her waist. He made sure of that.


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She felt him clasp around her stomach and satisfied with the grip he seemed to have on her made one more passing comment before channeling her energy to the powerful engines in the board. "Not them, just her. She's the one who gave me back my life."

Nikki felt the wheels grip as they started to move quickly down the street. Her practiced skill took hold and they were soon dodging between and around groups of civilians without ever touching anyone. Well, except for the purse snatcher she clothes-lined. She cut power to the engines as she came upon one of the stranger sights she'd come upon in her career as a titan, a career that had included, among other things, a sentient techno-kinetic vegetable garden monster.

Because ahead of her, the street had been littered with burned dumplings. "What the hell happened here?"


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#, as written by Baby
(OOC: Hope you guys don't mind my character knowing where TT is.)

Forsythia was paddling her way to Titans Tower, which was on a small island off the coast. She sailed here to Origin with a motorboat for hours on end, and now the boat's power is out. Which left Forsythia with a paddle boat in Origin. She didn't exactly mind since the island wasn't too far.

As a matter of fact, the island was getting closer and closer and Forsythia could see the Tower getting bigger and bigger.

"Last time I was here was 3 years ago when Gasper teleported us here for a meeting. Not much changed I suppose."


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A slim, short girl sprinted through Jump City, pausing every now and then to call out.

"Nebel? Lilie? Boe? Wo sind Sie Kerle?" She called, brushing frightened tears from the corners of her eyes.

She finally stopped at a coffee shop and stepped inside, her bright outfit attracting a lot of odd looks. The girl simply sat down at on of the little tables by a window and stared out it.

"Nebel? Lilie? Boe? Wo sind Sie? Tanzen- Traum ist hier. Reagieren Sie bitte..." She trailed off and sighed, observing the people in the coffee shop.

Three of the people interested her slightly, but she ignored that and stared at a wall sadly, trying to memorize every detail of the wallpaper.

"Nebel, Lillie, Boe, just come back... Then my powers wont be so weak anymore... Damn emotions are getting to them," she muttered, brushing tears away once again.


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Ion blinked a couple of times as Kaosu seemed to be looking for someone. She let him lead her away as she was eager for real food instead of the nasty dumplings she usually made for herself. She observed him closely and frowned a bit in confusion. "Is something wrong?" she asked politely, taking a seat at a nearby table. He started humming and Ion raised her eyebrow slightly in a manner that suggested she didn't even for a minute, buy his bullcrap. "Are you uneasy about something?" she asked again, hopelessly prying further for answers; Her voice remained cheerful and courteous, although there was a very thin undertone of coldness.

Ion decided to leave it at that and with a final glance at Kauso, she turned her head to look out the window. In her peripheral vision, she could see a girl wearing an extremely odd attire that stood out from the rest. "Is this how they all dress in Jump City?" she wondered, puzzled; she shifted in her seat to look at the girl who was now staring at the wall, seemingly depressed about something.

"Hello, Miss, How may I help you today?" inquired a sudden voice. Realizing she was staring, Ion quickly turned away from the girl and faced the waiter. "Uh.. um.." she stuttered, not knowing what to say; she grabbed a random menu and stared at the foreign letters, unable to decipher their meaning. She looked back at the waiter who was now staring at her in a particularly rude fashion.


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Halo made sure he grabbed on tight. The skate board was weaving and winding through the crowd at amazing speed. He had to admit, Nikki was very skilled with a board. She slowed to a stop as she and Halo looked around. This was definitely an odd sight. Who'd leave dumplings just lying around on the street? "Maybe someone's...feeding the birds?"

He wanted to get through as little distractions as possible. But he had to admit, even he was curious as to why someone would waste good food by just scattering it all over the pavement. "This is definitely a funny city." He closed his eyes. "Let me try something..." He unsheathed his sword and held it up in front of him. The light, reflecting off the golden blade. He drew from the mystic energies surrounding the sword, as he let his mind reach out to the area around them.

He could feel it. "I can sense the presence of those around me. Not too far, but I may be able to find people of interest..." Nikki's aura, right in front of him, was bright, and powerful. He could feel the aura of the people around him, theirs not so strong. He could feel at least four more aura's like Nikki's coming less than two blocks from their position. Definitely worth checking out. But he also noticed a very powerful aura emitting from a single entity. It seemed to be by itself, less than half a mile away...heading out to a lone island. Titans Tower... He thought. "There's someone by their own. Moving towards an island. A very powerful someone. Coming from..." He turned south, pointing his sword. "That way." He turned back to Nikki. "I think I'll go on foot this time. Just follow me." With that, he used his superhuman agility to jump to the top of a building, then ran towards the coast of the city, jumping from building to building.


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She watched as he darted roof top to roof top. She collapsed her board and restarted the engine. Man, I hate guys like this, bet he thinks just cause he can do it I can. Well screw that. But if he's watching, now he's going to see what I can really do. She took off with her board barreling forwards. She knew better than to do this with a passenger so it was a good thing he'd gotten off. She popped the tail and went sailing into an ollie right over a bench and into traffic. Back before she'd modded her board this would have been the part where she skitched a ride. Now she just started pouring her energy into the engines and let them take care of the speed.

She watched him and once certain he was still headed in the same direction proceeded to pull ahead of him.


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Halo made his way through the rooftops of the city, but he saw that Nikki was going through the streets on her board to get where he was. Reckless.... As long as she didn't cause any accidents, he figured it was okay. But it was a little unnerving to see this girl weaving her way through traffic at high speeds. It didn't matter though. As she was following the roads of the city, Halo was jumping over alleyways and streets, quickly moving towards the shore on his own. He knew it wasn't a game, but he still had that competitive side of him telling him to get there as fast as he could.

Halo landed on the ground, and there it was. He moved towards the shore. Just a few meters away on it's solitary island, was Titans Tower. It's structure was amazing, in that it was still standing despite it's odd "T" shaped structure. But no matter. He was impressed that Nikki made it a little earlier than he did, despite her taking the long way. He shot her a grin. "So. Can you surf the waves with that too?"


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Nikki stared out at the water. "That would be a no. The only tricks in this puppy are the engines, the passenger extension, and the fact it's been reinforced so I can hit people without breaking it. And I don't know about you, but, I can't swim."

Nikki stared out at the Tower. The first of it's kind. This was the spot where the Teen Titans were born. She almost felt as if she could feel an energy coming off of it. The kind of feeling where you know that your life has changed. She quickly pushed her flights of fancy to the back of her mind. "Alright, I know the original Titans had a few vehicles, so there's gotta be some kind of access. Spread out and start looking for it." Nikki started to search around, there had to be something, some way in. And she damn well wasn't going to stop till she found it.


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Jump City

Jump City by Victim


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Character Portrait: Forsythia
0 sightings Forsythia played by Baby

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ricky Blackwood
Character Portrait: Nikki (Nuclear) Thompson
Character Portrait: Mordred Dusal (Dew-sawl)


Character Portrait: Mordred Dusal (Dew-sawl)
Mordred Dusal (Dew-sawl)

The Villain type, I hope you're prepared...

Character Portrait: Nikki (Nuclear) Thompson
Nikki (Nuclear) Thompson

Girl with the radioactive hard body


Character Portrait: Nikki (Nuclear) Thompson
Nikki (Nuclear) Thompson

Girl with the radioactive hard body

Character Portrait: Mordred Dusal (Dew-sawl)
Mordred Dusal (Dew-sawl)

The Villain type, I hope you're prepared...

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Mordred Dusal (Dew-sawl)
Mordred Dusal (Dew-sawl)

The Villain type, I hope you're prepared...

Character Portrait: Nikki (Nuclear) Thompson
Nikki (Nuclear) Thompson

Girl with the radioactive hard body

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?

please remember to change the profile so that you weren't a teen titan prior to your being recruited to this.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?

Mine is not a revamp of this at all. It's just a Teen Titans with a new team. And if you want to play big villain in mine, please send me via PM with you're master plan.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?

So, if you're doing a revamp sort of thing, do you think I should just wait and impliment my villain into that one? Or would you prefer the villains to be NPC. Frankly, I don't think that'd be much fun...

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?

Kinda and kinda not, Mine isn't a restart of this one, in fact, I'm hoping we keep going with this one, but it seems to me we all pushing towards find the bad guys and kick their asses that this will end shortly, and yeah, we all do need to meet each other again, but I've already got that set up, we're on the island, and we've been brought together, now we just need to run that before we get a little action.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?

Ooooh.. So, basically we're starting over. Do we meet each other all over again?

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?

My Teen Titans

I have no problems with it being the same character from this game, Though I myself am considering changing my character.

I will not accept anybody that isn't in this one till tomorrow. So that gives you all first dibs.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?

Victim gave me the go-ahead to make another character, so I hope I have come close to what he/she wanted. (I'm sorry, but I guess it's kind of a unisex name. :D) Anyway, just let me know when I've got the quie to post?

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?

I'll join if I can use my character on this...I don't want to have to create a completely new character....

I'm going to send Victim a PM...

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?

That's fine, without the GM we don't even know what direction this ones supposed to go.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?

Would anybody follow if I made one? Cause for one, I think we're about to break the game, and two, it doesn't seem very Teen Titan-y does it? I mean, hell, we got a group of six right now and two of us aren't posting, and it seems to be coming apart at the seams.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?

@Hal_Wannabe: Yeah. I agree. Plus victim hasn't posted in awhile either...Even though hes the game master :P

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?

... Thanks for the notice.

*Shrug* I dunno, Hal. I have almost no clue as to how the RPT works. x_x

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?

Uh, I hate to be "this" guy, but, is it possible to drop somebody from this roleplay? I mean, everybody's posted EXCEPT Ricky Blackwood. Misinformed seems to have lost interest in this and, I for once would rather have an interested party than an uninterested party, yeah, some of us have trouble posting like I can, but, we are posting, unlike misinformed.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?

Would someone mind noticing Tanzen, please?

Thank you!

Your neighborhood twin.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?


Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: Where art thou Titans?

@Chronos: SotC???? =DDD
One of the best games ever for the PS2! Of course I'll join. ^_^