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Phaedra Avalynn.


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a character in “The Academy for the Supernatural”, originally authored by RawkFist, as played by RolePlayGateway


Phaedra Avalynn...


Preferred nicknames: Phae, Ava or Chirpy.

Age: Sixteen.

Race: Full Fae.

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Height: 5'10'' - 178cm.

Weight: 120lb - 55kg.


Personality: Phaedra is fairly shy when you first meet her. She makes friends quite easily but she tends to stay quiet when she's uncomfortable and she doesn't often just start conversations with you if you're new to her. Aside from that, Phae is a jolly soul and is usually referred to as the life of the party. While she does get upset at times, she tries her best to focus on the positive things in life and it usually takes a lot to irritate or upset her. If you do happen to catch her at a bad moment, she will refrain from speaking, although she never frowns or acts grumpily towards another person, she's just not as jolly as usual when upset. To be honest, her only method of showing you negative emotions is by ignoring you for a while, but even then she only stays like this for about an hour and then she's your best friend again. She hates violence so she will rarely ever lash out but she has no problem with flicking or smacking you playfully if you've said something inappropriate.

- She is ambidextrous and while this isn't exactly an important talent, she is quite proud and will not hesitate to mention it to people.
- She is quite agile; hence her love for parkour.
- Keeping up a happy façade, even when she is upset or angry.

- Kind and generous people, also ones that accept her jolliness.
- Must genres of music, save for metal and things along those lines.
- Social gatherings.
- Learning to develop her abilities.
- Cats and kittens.
- Alcohol, believe it or not. It brings out her flirtatious side.

- Humourless people/situations.
- Being unable to lie, because it has its downsides.
- Cold temperatures.
- Aggressive behaviour.
- People that ask her too many questions.
- Being disrespected or insulted.
- Uncomfortable situations.

Powers/Abilities (mostly undeveloped):
- Telekinesis.
- Earth manipulation.
- Animal communication.
- Fae & human glamour.

- With her telekinesis, she is only able to lift objects when she focusses extremely hard on one and she becomes easily distracted by things going on around her so she won't use this ability in a fight of any kind until it is fully developed.
- She has the same problems with her earth manipulation as she does with her telekinesis, in the sense that she can only use it when she focusses and she can't generally move large amounts of nature without giving herself a headache or feeling slightly nauseous.
- Larger animals are harder for her to understand than the smaller ones so she focusses mainly on rodents and cats.
- Hand-to-hand combat is not her speciality.
- She is easily weakened by iron and is often burned when she touches it.
- Shifting from her Fae glamour to her Human glamour - and vice versa - is extremely difficult and a little painful.

Romantic interest:
She currently holds no relationship interests, but this could change.


History: She grew up in a family of two Fae parents, making her full Fae and not a Half-ling, and they were both very powerful. When her parents first found out they were going to be having a child, they sort of expected her to be as powerful as they were, but to their disappointment she had great difficulty with her abilities and instead of training her themselves, they thought it would be a better idea to send her to an Academy where she could be taught properly. They weren't harsh about it though, as they were both amazing parents and took great care of her, they just thought it would be better for her if she learnt from a professional teacher rather than them.

- She has a cat by the name of Didget (male, aged five) that she hides in her dorm room.
- Her mother is called Fairamay, her father is called Zephyr.

Clubs/Teams they're a part of:
Phae doesn't belong to any club at the moment, and has no particular interest in joining one.

Thoughts and relationships to other characters:
Callista Soul - Friend - "Hehe, she can be my mentor and best friend!".
Sapphire Greenleaf - Friend - "She's sweet but a little shy. Nonetheless, she's a good kid and a nice person to call my friend."
Jasper Greenleaf - Friend - "It's cute how he's always like really protective over his sister. Plus, he's so adorably short!"


Password: Ben & Jerry's - Phish Food.

So begins...

Phaedra Avalynn.'s Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy
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Phaedra Avalynn...

Phaedra sat silently for the majority of the bus ride to the school, which was unusual for her because she usually had something to say. Truth be told, she felt fairly uncomfortable being surrounded by a bus full of her soon-to-be classmates whom she did not know yet. Some of them held power that words could not describe, and if she could sense their power with ease then she was pretty damn sure they'd figured out her powers weren't exactly developed. She'd been to human schools before, since her parents deemed it safe enough for her to attend for obvious reasons, and she had seen how the more dominant kids would treat the weaklings.

Phae's main fear was being the one that everyone laughed at, or the one that people thought they could take advantage of. It was at a moment of worry like this when she could just crawl into her mother of father's lap and stay there until the fear went away, but her parents were in a different place and she had only herself. Oh, and her cat, but of course she couldn't exactly pull him out of her bag. She wasn't sure what the academy's rules were on keeping pets, and she wasn't about to let them take Didget. No way in Hell. He was her only source of comfort.

As she returned to reality, she took a moment to look outside the window, her eyes widening a little at the sight of the large building that was soon to be her school. She knew then that maybe it wouldn't be as easy to find her way around as she might've thought or hoped. Her sense of direction was simply appalling. Her eyes scanned the group of people around her in an attempt to find someone that looked kind enough to latch onto in case of being lost. There were a few people that looked nice, and some others that she knew she'd probably want to avoid, but then again she never judged a book by its cover. If she just so happened to get stuck in a conversation with the less kind ones, she'd attempt to use her charm to get out of it, as she often did at her old school.

The bus came to a stop and Phaedra let out a sigh that would almost be inaudible to any human's ears. To be honest, she was not looking forward to the first week of school, when everyone was just getting to know each other and everything was new. She didn't quite know what to expect but she figured it wouldn't exactly be a nice experience at first.

She stood up and was the first to step off of the bus because she was in such a hurry to escape from the clammy air that everyone had been forced to share for however long they'd been inside of it. She curled her fingers around the shoulder strap on the bag that held a few small things inside, things that held no important. The main reason she had the bag was to smuggle her cat in. If the school didn't already have her bags, she was sure that her parents would send them, or flaunt their abilities by teleporting them. She rolled her eyes at the thought, before turning her attention to the girl whom she assumed had been sent to greet them.

"I am the student council president and I am here to welcome you all either here for the first time or here again," the girl said, not bothering to give a name, which Phae thought was fairly rude. Still, she said nothing. "Curfew it at ten pm sharp. If you are caught outside of the dormitories or anywhere else on school grounds after that you will face disciplinary action. Fellow council members are among you all and you'll be seeing them later. Now, any questions?"

She nodded her head, before raising her hand to attract the girl's attention. "Excuse me," she said politely, a smile brightening her expression, "how will we find our way around the building?" She figured she might as well ask, just in case no one else did and she was the only one that didn't know where the Hell she was most of the time.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy
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Callista checked her phone excitedly, seeing that it was finally time to go. She was actually allowed back at school now. After the incident with that vampire, her father, King Soul had pulled her out for her safety, but now she was being allowed to go back. Hearing a knock on her door, she looked up. "Come in!" The door opened and in walked her father in his medieval garb. He always had to dress like that to keep up appearances but Callista was usually allowed to wear what she wanted. She just favored skirts. Today she was dressed in a white halter top and tan miniskirt, her usual out of school outfit. She would put on her uniform when classes began but she felt no obligation to do so now.

"Are you sure you feel okay going back? You don't have to. You can wait another year." Her father asked her cautioningly. She smiled and shook her head. Her father had always been more endearing towards her, not simply because she was one of the oldest and most well-behaved, but because she was the only one who didn't have a mother. "No, I'm ready. Don't forget it was you who pulled me out in the first place." He frowned and shrugged. "I suppose. Well, you better gather your things. Krysta will be here in a moment to take you to the school." He got up then and kissed her head lovingly before exiting the room. Smiling and giving a little leap of glee, she picked up her suitcase and prepared to leave.

It was daytime and she wasn't in her best shape since she was the faerie of the moon, but she was still energized enough to actively engage in school. It was during the New Moon where she couldn't even function, as the vampire girl had discovered way back when. Callista shuddered and forced the memory from her mind. She would never forget, but she could move on.

Once she arrived at the school, She got off the bus along with everyone else and she took in it's familiar landscapes. A girl, who she may have remembered from before but not that much now, spoke about the rules and Calli found herself tuning her out. Then another girl asked a question and she smiled. Calli had asked the same thing her first day at this academy. It was a nicely sized school, with many nooks and crannies in it.

Once the president, Katherine, if Calli remembered that many correctly, answered the girls question, Calli found herself moving forward to speak to the girl. "Hey there, my name is Callista, but you can cal me Calli. What's your name?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy
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Once having a girl ask her a question she smiled lightly and looked towards her. "There are three maps around the campus along with faculty, student council and students. I'm sure any of which should be of assistance. By the way how rude can I be, I am Katherine Goldsworthy." she introduced. Usually she's just let people figure out who she was but she figured why not introduce herself especially to those who are new. It was only a matter of time before those who were new got to know of her through circulated rumors with some of them actually being true. She waited to see if anyone else had any further questions before she left elsewhere.

She had wanted to see if the studet council room was now met to the expectectations of herself, the headmaster, and the student council. Of course she had to attend to the student body first before anything then be on her merry way like usual. She had a few other things to take care of a few rumors spreading of some new church being built under the order of the Supernatural council which Katherine deemed were all idiots. They were building a church ith an academy with demons roaming about who could be burned with holy water. This screamed like some idiotic rumor really but she got a hold of the building plans for it so it wasn't much of a rumor now she just needed to scare away those who were willing to attend to the church. It was mainy for the sake of the students, not just the demons, but the atheists and those that didn't want religiong thrown in their face and alo she was bored out of her mind and wanted something funt to do. "Anymore questions?" she asked to everyone awaiting to see any hand or have anyone speak up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Mamoru Hidefumi.
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Phaedra Avalynn...

Phaedra's smile brightened a little when the girl looked in her direction with a similar smile. "There are three maps around the campus along with faculty, student council and students. I'm sure any of which should be of assistance," the girl said and Phae sighed out of relief. "By the way how rude can I be, I am Katherine Goldsworthy." Finally, a proper introduction. She held her hand out to the other girl, her smile broadening into a childlike grin. "Nice to meet you, Katherine, my name is Phaedra Avalynn, but feel free to call me Phae."

She lowered her hand to her side again, now fiddling with the rim of her skirt, which was way too short for her liking. She was tempted to ask for another one that reached a bit lower but then again she knew she'd come across as fussy, which wasn't an image she wanted to set for herself just yet. God forbid should the wind ever blow strongly. A blush reddened her cheeks merely at the thought and she pushed that thought to the back of her mind as the realisation came that there were telepathically-gifted students around.

Oh, fantastic.

Phaedra took a step back and decided to wait until told what to do. She wasn't sure if there was a tour planned or if they were allowed to just wander off and find their way, so she figured she'd just wait and see what everyone else was doing before she acted.

Mamoru Hidefumi...

Mamoru had spent the majority of the bus ride crouched onto his seat rather than actually sat on it, which naturally had attracted a few strange looks from the blonde sat a few seats in front of him. He might've changed position if he actually gave a damn about her opinions. Other people's views weren't really at the front of his mind most days and while often he was a little curious as to what people thought of him, he wasn't really planning on making any changes for anyone else, no matter what they saw when they looked at him.

Take for example his outfit. Whilst the rest of the students were wearing their odd-looking school uniforms, Ma was wearing his own outfit, which consisted of a baggy grey t-shirt with sleeves that stretched over his hands, baggy black bottoms that hung loosely off his hips and some white socks. He very rarely wore shoes, to be honest. Walking down the streets like this also earned him strange looks. But like mentioned before, he didn't care.

The bus came to a halt and he waited for everyone else to stand and exit before he got up. He walked down the bus, his posture slightly slouched, his arms hanging limply and his knees bent a little. His black hair fell in front of his eyes as he kept his gaze fixed on the floor. He jumped down the steps rather than walking down them, before looking up at the 'student council president' with a blank expression. She explained the rules to the group but he was too busy staring at a butterfly that was fluttering around above his head. His eyes followed it without fail.

"Anymore questions?" the girl who had introduced herself as Katherine asked, and he cleared his throat to let his presence be known. He sauntered over to the girl and stopped several inches away from her feet, staring up at her through his hauntingly black eyes. "I have a question," he said, his voice monotonous. "Where will be we sleeping?" He took a pause. "I have very specific bedroom requirements that must be met." He took a step back, though his gaze did not shift from her eyes. "If you are unable to answer, please direct me to someone else who I may actually be able to talk to."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul Character Portrait: Seth Nightwing Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Mamoru Hidefumi.
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#, as written by Edgeout
It was a hectic morning for Seth. After getting up from his king sized bed, a bunch of servants came up to inform him that today was the day he went back to the school. Seth half-awake nodded as he went on to do his business in his bathroom. After he washed up and was ready to go, the servant’s words sank in. He was going to school today. Oh how troublesome. Seth put a hand on his yellowish face covering one of his purple eyes. Then scratching his head, he let out a sigh as he opened the door and was bombarded by bunch of servants. “Master” this and “Master” that, it was as if a whole choir was singing in front of him. Some would have liked to have their life handed to them on a platter, but not Seth. Yet he still went through the motions of being a royal werewolf simply to fulfill the expectations of his parents. He dressed up by himself after a struggle for power of his pants between him and the servants insisting to put them on him. Then he headed down stairs passed the halls and the livingroom, to the dining room table where his father and mother were seated. Seth took a deep breath as he stepped into their presence.

“Good morning son.”
“Good morning father.”

And so began the feast. Seth took a seat beside his father as was expected of him. There were nine more empty seats, and Seth could not help but wonder why he could not sit at the end of the table, far away from his father. After a hefty meal, Seth got up and walked outside to wait for the school bus to pick him up. However his father was not pleased with the idea of a royal taking a rugged school bus, and insisted that Seth be driven by one of their servants. After a couple of pleas, Seth had no choice but to get into the SUV, and be driven alone to school. It was no wonder he did not have many friends. Not that he cared.

When the driver arrived on school grounds, Seth requested to be let out in the back where no one would see them. Luckily the driver acquiesced and he stepped out of the car without being seen. After a bow from the driver, he went away, and Seth was left alone. He put his hands together to stretch them out, and let out a huge yawn. It was a relief to be out of the house. He looked up at the blue sky. Then Seth dusted his blazer, put his hand in his pockets, and walked casually to the front where the welcome session would be.

Once at the front Seth noticed a small group forming in front. From a quick sniff he could make out that the group consisted of two faes and a vampire. Oh and they were girls. Girls! Seth was drawn aback for a moment. The president of the student council were shouting orders and directions all which he was familiar with. Then his eyes wandered accidentally towards the blonde fae who took a step backwards towards his direction with a skirt one size too short for her. His face turned bright red, and he quickly averted his gaze at something else. Luckily a demon boy stepped out of the bus and thankfully covered Seth’s view of the girl as he casually walked up to the front and asked a question to the president. The boy wasn’t even wearing a school uniform. This should be interesting. Seth squeezed through the crowd to get a better view of the scene.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn.
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When Jasper noticed the powerful aura from the bus, after three or four buses, he realized that this one was the right one. Sapphire tugged at his sleeve and hid behind him as they got on. There were two seats, but they both had someone in them. After making someone move he let his sister take the window seat. Both of them got weird looks and he glared at anyone who looked at Saph, who was shifting in her seat. He noticed a few more Fae, but they didn't seem to notice him.

After the bus had stopped at the school, Sapphire made it clear that she wanted them to be the last off. She watched as her brother let the others pass them by, and they soon rushed off the bus. They listened to the girl at the front of the crowd finish what she was saying.
"D-dorms? Jasper, I don't want a roommate." She mumbled into his back, clinging way more than needed.
"It's alright, I don't think they'll be any problem. Come on, lets go meet some people." He walked away, and she followed him, trying to avoid stares.

Jasper noticed another fae, by her aura, who was just standing around and decided to introduce himself and his sister. He coughed before talking.
"Hello, my name's Jasper. This is my sister Sapphire. May I ask your name?" He said kindly and respectively, feeling his sister's fingers tighten against his back. 'She's way to shy for her own good' He thought silently, not wanting to accidentally say it out loud.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunetta Wolfsblood Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul Character Portrait: Seth Nightwing Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Mamoru Hidefumi.
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Luna sighed in silent joy when they pulled up to the school. The building was huge and beautiful and the sight of it made butterflies in her stomach. Would she make any friends? probably not. She stood up from her seat and followed the line of students off the bus, a soft pink blush inflamed her cheeks as she down casted her eyes. She needed off before she fainted.
When the cool morning air hit her face Luna glanced up as she exited the bus and scurried a little ways from the ground. Luna's light flowery scent filled the air around her though she didnt have a tail and ears because she was out in public, so people will just have to be confused for the time being as she quickly dodged a body of a demon boy she had almost bumped into. She scurried away until there was a good 3 meter distance between her and everyone else then she down casted her bright spring green eyes.
Was it just her or did this skirt seem to short? She didnt know if it was just because of her height or the skirt really was to short but when Luna looked down all she saw was leg. To much in her opinion.
A scent caught her attention as Luna glanced up to see a tall boy come from around the back and her cheeks reddened when she realized who it was. He's a Royal! Darn it.
She quickly looked down at her feet as she listened to the student council president.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy Character Portrait: Mamoru Hidefumi.
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Phaedra Avalynn...

Phaedra gave a grin to the girl that had approached. "Hey there, my name is Callista, but you can can me Calli. What's your name?" she asked. "Hi there! My name is Phae, it's really nice to meet you, Calli." She offered her hand in greeting, before becoming distracted by the Demon and the president.

She was standing almost completely still as she watched the conversation between the student council president and a hunched over boy that looked around the same age as her, only his eyes showed off his true age without a doubt; he'd lived at least a century. She was in awe as she had never met anyone as old as that before arriving at the Academy. Something deep down inside was telling her that this wasn't even the beginning of the confusing but awesome things she would see during her school year.

It was then that she heard a light cough, which was presumably to attract her attention, and upon hearing it she turned her head towards two students, a boy and a girl, that had seemingly approached her for conversation. She turned her entire body around to face them as the boy spoke. "Hello, my name's Jasper. This is my sister Sapphire. May I ask your name?" he said softly, and Phae greeted them both with a charming smile. "Pleasure to meet you both," she said with a small curtsey. "My name is Phaedra, but I'm known by either Phae, Ava or Chirpy. Your choice!" she continued, soon followed by a small giggle.

She leaned to the side and eyed Sapphire for a moment, before straightening her posture and smiling down at Jasper, who was considerably smaller than her, which was surprising considering she was only sixteen and he couldn't have been much younger than her. "Kind of shy, ain't she?" Phae chirped, sounding almost concerned though her grin didn't fade for a second.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul
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Jasper looked at the other two fae, both unsurprisingly upbeat. This is a new world after all, to them at least, and with that came new kinds of pranks. He smiled and nodded at her question about Saph.

"Yea she's like that around a lot of new people. I'm actually kind of scared of what will happen if she gets a vampire roommate or something. I hope she makes a good friend." Phaedra and Calli huh? Interesting. When Calli speaks again it drags him out of his thoughts.

"Is this your guys' first time here? I'd be happy to show you guys around, if you want." She says and he nods, grabbing Saphs hand and pulling her out from behind him, her all to short skirt swishing up in the process. He cuss's under his breath and glares at anyone who noticed. She yelps and blushes, shifting back and forth and gripping on his arm.

"We'd love for you to show us around." He replies. "We've never been to a school before so that would be quite helpful." Sapphire nods and stops shifting, still holding onto his arm though. He smiles kindly at them both.

Sapphire holds onto his arm and looks at the ground, irritated and how short the skirt is. A blush still across her face from her skirt flipping. She notices how her brother talks, and wants to socialize too. Though she doesn't really know what to say.

"Um. . It's nice to meet you guys. I'm happy my brother and I aren't the only fae. . ." She says quietly, fiddling her thumbs.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul
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Calli smiles, "Great! Wow, never before in your life?! This has to be kinda scary then, huh?" The smaller girl, Sapphire, comes out from behind and her short skirt swishes and reveals a little too much. "Oh dear, you might want to ask for a different uniform, Sapphire. Katherine doesn't like it very much if things aren't up to par." Calli turns to Jasper and nods at his vampire comment, having a delayed response but still responding. "Yea she's like that around a lot of new people. I'm actually kind of scared of what will happen if she gets a vampire roommate or something. I hope she makes a good friend." Calli shudders, moving her hand to her neck where Amber had bitten her six months ago. "I understand." She got in close enough so that others wouldn't hear but not close enough to make Jasper feel weird. "I don't trust the vampires here. Katherine is nice enough, but it's not like we're buddy buddy. Just, even if they seem nice, I wouldn't befriend them. They'll turn on you for sure."

She leaned back out, looking around. Sapphire said something, and Calli smiled generously. "Oh don't worry about that, there's always many of one kind here. In fact, I know of at least one other," Looking around, she saw a fae she remembered from when she was here last. "There's another standing over there, his name is Tulio. I don't really know him that well but just thought I'd point him out. If you ever want to know someone, just ask me. My father makes me learn all of the fae names for politics, since I'm supposed to take the throne when I'm older, but I just find it's too much to remember." Calli didn't mean to make it known that she was the king's daughter, and internally scolded herself and her blabbermouth, but hopefully they didn't notice and call her out on it. She would hate it if they changed they're opinion of her if they knew.

"Okay, it looks like we're done with introductions. Is there anything in particular you guys want to see first?" She asked hurriedly, trying to move on and not make it obvious.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul Character Portrait: Arisu Coppens Character Portrait: Mamoru Hidefumi.
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Mamoru Hidefumi...

Despite his lack of education, Mamoru had been staring intently at the map for at least ten minutes, in the shade of it, before hearing footsteps approaching. At first he thought nothing of it because they might have just been passing through, or at least that's what he'd been hoping for, but apparently he was wrong. "Nice to see a fellow demon," said a silken female voice, causing Mamoru to turn his head slightly. His eyes travelled down the girl's body and then up again shortly after as he sized her up. She was quite young and he wasn't sure if it was just an appearance thing or if she actually was a child.

"Yes, quite," he said in a voice that was monotonous but as soft as a gentle whisper. It was then that a thought crossed his mind and his line-straight lips almost looked as if they were shifting into a weak smile while the rest of his face stayed perfectly still, but it faded after a second. "Would you mind taking a look at this map for me, Child?" Okay, so he'd given her a nickname, and to be truthful he hadn't even noticed. "I'm hopeless when it comes to things like that," he said as he pointed to his forehead and tapped it lightly, "might be older than I look but I certainly don't have the mind of an eighteen-year-old."

Phaedra Avalynn...

"Yea she's like that around a lot of new people. I'm actually kind of scared of what will happen if she gets a vampire roommate or something. I hope she makes a good friend," replied Jasper and Phae smiled sympathetically. Sure, she was shy when surrounded by people she didn't know, which was slowly fading by the way, but she was always the type to warm up to people in an instant. She couldn't even begin to imagine how different her life might be if she was so socially inept and shy like Sapphire. The poor thing, Phae couldn't help but feel sorry for Jasper as well, for constantly having to have Saph clinging to his back. She said nothing in comment though, for fear that she would upset either or both of them.

"Is this your guys' first time here? I'd be happy to show you guys around, if you want," Calli offered and Phae giggled lightly in response. "Or maybe if you guys would rather just use the map to find out on your own, I guess that's fine, too." She paused and stared blankly at the twins when Jasper grabbed his sister's arm and attempted to pull her from behind him, which resulted in the wind lifting her skirt to reveal quite a bit. She looked down at the ground instantly so as to avoid Jasper's glare if he found out that she'd seen. It was then that Jasper accepted Calli's offer and Phae decided she might as well tag along with the group, though the only actual place she needed help with was the dorms.

"D'you think-" her voice was drowned out by the conversation about vampires that the two were having and then about other Fae that Calli had spotted. What she was not expecting was the comment about being an heir to the throne. Her eyes went wide. "You're..?" Something deep inside of her told her not to finish that question and it looked as if Calli had made a mistake by mentioning it to them. Phae left well enough alone and decided it would be best to just move on. Either way, things had just gotten a whole lot more awkward for her. It was bad enough being surrounded by immensely powerful Fae with abilities far beyond the power level of hers, but knowing that she'd just built a friendship with the Fae Princess... Well, she might as well just be the runt of the litter.

"Okay, it looks like we're done with introductions. Is there anything in particular you guys want to see first?" Calli asked and Phae was the first to speak up. "I only need to be taken to my dorm... The rest I can figure out on my own," she said, her voice practically non-existent.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul
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"Oh don't worry about that, there's always many of one kind here. In fact, I know of at least one other,There's another standing over there, his name is Tulio. I don't really know him that well but just thought I'd point him out. If you ever want to know someone, just ask me. My father makes me learn all of the fae names for politics, since I'm supposed to take the throne when I'm older, but I just find it's too much to remember." Jasper listens as she talks and acts calm when she mentions the throne. 'So she's a royal?' He thinks, fiddling with his sister's hair. "Okay, it looks like we're done with introductions. Is there anything in particular you guys want to see first?" He looks up and looks over to Phae, realizing that they hadn't really included her there.

"I only need to be taken to my dorm... The rest I can figure out on my own," He smiles at her speaking now that there was a chance, feeling slightly guilty that they had excluded her. Sapphire looks over and smiles shyly at her, noticing that she was standing awkwardly.
"I hope one of you are my roommate I don't think I can handle anyone else. She says, kindly and meaning for Phae to answer, since she hadn't been able to speak before. I play with her hair again before speaking myself.

"We should get going soon, before it starts to get dark." He looks over at the big building and takes in it's beauty, noticing that there are still a bit of student standing around. "Besides I wan't to get Saph that new uniform soon."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul
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Calli winced as Phae started her sentence, but smiled gratefully when she left it alone. As far as she could tell, Jasper and Sapphire didn't notice but he had a good pokerface going so she really couldn't tell. All the three of them seemed to only want to get to their rooms and Calli smiled brightly and nodded. "Well, to be honest, I don't think there are room assignments yet, so if you guys want we can hang out till then?" She smiled hopefully. She really hoped they would all agree. Since she had left, all of her friends had moved on and graduated, but she still had to finish her senior year. "The bubble tea at the cafe is to die for. If you ask nice, they'll even add some orchid essence to the tapioca bubbles. It's the perfect thing when your stressed out or nervous." She smiled again and hearing Jasper's comment about Sapphire's questionable attire, she pursed we lips and then held up a finger excitedly, the universal motion for she had an idea.

"If you want Sapphire, I have a super cute dress that would fit you, and cover everything up. It's not a uniform, but I'm sure Katherine will understand if we explain it's only temporary." She smiled brightly and then looked at Phae, her mind already bouncing to another topic. "Oh, by the way, I love your hair color! I tried getting it to that when I was little with some magic but it didn't work at all! It just ended up giving me white streaks in my bright blue hair, NOT a sight to see let me tell you that." She smiled for about the tenth time that conversation and looked around the group appraisinly. "So? What do y'all say?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul
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Sapphire nods at her offer. "Thanks. Maybe then there won't be as many people on Jasper's To-Kill list." She giggles at that and gasps when her brother grabs her ponytail. He slightly tugs and leans his head towards it, still looking at Calli.

"Oh this? We were born with it this color, but it made hiding in winter helpful. Didn't it Sis?" His voice is sarcastic and playful as he says this and slightly tugs, she yelps in pain but jabs him with her elbow.

"Really? Cause you seemed to have trouble hiding." She replies quickly, stomping on his foot. He tugs harder on her ponytail and she squeals. "Ow! Stop!" She elbows him again and pulls herself free, glaring at him.

"There's the Saph I know! Calli we'd be glad to take you up on that offer." He says, inspecting his sister's head for any damage and eventually just pulling out the ponytails, and runnin his fingers through her hair.

"What about you Phae? You gonna come too?" She asks, a bit more cheerful.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serenity Pruitt Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Cameron Howell Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul
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Serenity Pruitt

“Serenity, if you could make friends with me. Then you can make friends with anyone. I don't want to hear that kind of talk again. You're a great person and anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend.”

Serenity gave out another sniffling sound and rubbed her eyes dry with her sleeve. Sometimes a little bossy shove from Cameron was all she needed.

“And I am very lucky.”

Serenity looked at Cameron’s sincerely kind smile, and gave her a weak smile in return. But the smile soon faded and Serenity sighed.

“Cameron… you know I’m not…” Her voice trailed off, and she took a shaky breath. Why was it suddenly so hard to breathe…? Serenity breathed in sharply as tears began flowing down her face and she choked on her own words.

“I-I can’t do it!” She suddenly shouted, her hands clenched into tight fists at her sides. “I hate it here already! There are too many people and this stupid uniform doesn’t even fit me!” Her voice was loud, attracting the attention of some people around her. Her shoulders quivered slightly as she cried. “I just want to go home…” She whispered quietly, like a lost little girl. She then turned quickly and walked off, shoving through some people, ignoring anything anyone was saying. She wanted to be alone.

I can’t believe I agreed to come here.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serenity Pruitt Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Cameron Howell Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul
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Cameron Howell

Cameron smiled at Serenity, but then stopped when she saw her crying again. Cameron sighed and was about to sat something to try and make her friend better. But usually that back fired and she only made it worse. She kept quiet until she heard Serenity say ,'' “Cameron… you know I’m not…” Cameron felt bad, she wanted to say something and she knew what Serenity was going to say. Cameron took a deep breath and looked up at Serenitie's face. Cameron hated being shorter than her best friend, she wasn't that much shorter, just by two inches. Cameron looked her in the eyes, she saw the same little girl that she met eleven years ago. '' I-I can’t do it!” Cameron sighed deeply and couldn't say anything, her words wouldn't come out, it's like when she tried to talk, her words were silent.

Cameron looked down at Serenitie's hands and saw them balled up into fists, she knew that the next thing wasn't going to be very good. Cameron braced herself for Serenitie's loud voice, '' “I hate it here already! There are too many people and this stupid uniform doesn’t even fit me!” Cameron covered her ears and bent down, Serenitie's voice was much louder than she expected it to be. Cameron put her hands on Serenitie's shoulders and said, '' Please, calm down. You're too loud.'' Cameron said in a soft voice, speaking in a soft tone usually calmed Serenity down. But in this case, no at all. Serenity just quickly turned around and ran away,before she got too far Cameron heard her say, '' “I just want to go home…” Cameron sighed and chased after her. Cameron had to squeeze between students talking, some sitting down and some standing. At one point, she could have sworn she felt someone touch her butt, she turned her head and she could have sworn it was the same guy on the bus that was looking at Serenity. Cameron glared at him and stuck her pinky up at him and turned back around and went to go find Serenity, again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul
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Phaedra Avalynn...

"Well, to be honest, I don't think there are room assignments yet, so if you guys want we can hang out till then?" Callie replied to Phae's comment about finding the dorms and she sighed lightly upon hearing it. While she wasn't particularly feeling anti-social, she was way too eager to find her dorm and get settled in and wanted to meet her new roommate(s) more than she wanted to stick around and 'hang out' with Calli, Jasper and Saph, as bad as that might've sounded.

It was then that Sapphire spoke up and from the second the words left her lips she had Phae's full attention. "I hope one of you are my roommates. I don't think I can handle anyone else," she said shyly and a large smile brightened Phae's expression. "That's sweet. I hope I'm your roommate, we'd have so much fun!" she chirped in response. She meant that as well. She'd love to have a seemingly mellow pair to share a room with. It certainly seemed like a more appealing idea than sharing a room with some of the others that were stood around in the group.

"The bubble tea at the cafe is to die for. If you ask nice, they'll even add some orchid essence to the tapioca bubbles. It's the perfect thing when your stressed out or nervous," Calli continued and Phae turned to her with a somewhat confused frown. "I've never tasted bubble tea before," she added honestly, lifting a hand to brush it through her hair. "We should get going soon, before it starts to get dark," said Jasper. "Besides, I want to get Saph that new uniform soon." Phae nodded her head but said nothing as Calli went on about the idea for Saph's new uniform.

Calli turned to Phae and she smiled a little. "Oh, by the way, I love your hair colour! I tried getting it to that when I was little with some magic but it didn't work at all! It just ended up giving me white streaks in my bright blue hair, not a sight to see, let me tell you that." At first she thought Calli might have been talking to her but then Jasper started talking about his and Sapphire's hair so she just decided to stay quite. She felt her bag moving slightly and she looked down at it with a scolding expression. "What about you Phae? You gonna come too?" She looked up with an expression of confusion, before shifting it to one of realisation. "Oh, yeah... I might as well."

Whilst she was waiting for the others to make a move, a small meow came from her shoulder bag and her eyes widened a little, her grip on the strap tightening. "You hush up, Didget," she scolded, and the bag went still once more. She looked up at the others and shook her head. "Don't tell anyone... I couldn't come without bringing my kitty to comfort me."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul
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Calli giggles at Sapphire and Jasper's little sibling bickery. In originality she was speaking to Phae about her hair, but the she didn't seem to notice. When Phae mentioned he had never had bubble tea Calli let out a shocked gasp. "Oh my goodness it's the best! Now you have to come, pleaaase?" Sapphire asked Phae too as Calli squealed excitedly when she said yes. "Yay! Okay, let's go. Sapphire, I'll give you that dress when we get to the cafe . They have restrooms there you can change in."

Calli started walking in the direction of the cafe. "So, you guys excited to start classes?" Calli knew she was, considering it would be a total breeze for her. She had already had these classes for the beginning of the year last year and then she had been pulled out so she was having to take the same senior level classes again this year. It was going to be easy peasy.

When they reached the cafe, Calli ordered 4 orchid essence bubble teas and picks a booth in the corner. "So! Where is everyone from?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul
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While neither Sapphire or Jasper commented on her cat, they certainly didn't ignore it. All they had ever seen growing up were wildcats, and only a kitten could fit into a bag. While following Calli they both contemplated how this would work.
"Now children, this is a wildcat." Me and my sister stare wide-eyed at the large feline, that's what dad told us they were, and Sapphire jumps out to pet the kittens. Father grabbed her and pulled her back, tuning us all invisible. "You must never attempt to touch their children, they are very protective!" Sapphire shivers and mumbles sorry at least a million times.

"So, you guy's excited to start classes? Calli's voice brought them out of their flashback and they both looked silently at each other, shaking their heads. They didn't want to go here? They wanted to be home with their parents, they wanted to get taught and take care of the forest. Not go to some school with a bunch of other supernatural.

"No. No we aren't, we don't even want to be here." Sapphire answered, her voice turning cold. Even if Calli begged that's all either of them would, or could say. The rest of the walk was quiet, and when they got to the cafe they stayed silent still. Sapphire looked around they small building and noticed many people, starting to feel shy again. She stared intently at the artwork, her face blank.

"So! Where is everyone from?" Jasper and Sapphire stayed silent, knowing that if they answered they would break into tears. Jasper watched his sister's supposedly blank face, and noticed how upset and close to tears she was. When the tea came they both drank it happily. The tea was amazing, and he loved the way it warmed his stomach. While Sapphire drank hers he could tell that it was too strong for her. He knew she was being polite, but doesn't like her drinking something if she doesn't like it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn.
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"Well I think it's around time Saph and I find our dorms. Phae, you should head to yours soon too." It having been a while since anyone said anything, and both Jasper and Sapphire having finished their drinks, stood up. They walked out, and made their way back to the schoolyard. Jasper lead them inside and started for a map. Luckily their parents taught them how to read maps and he was able to find both dorms. There was one problem, the boys and girls had different dorms. That was probably usual, but for a pair of twins who were never apart this was devastating.

"Jasper I don't want to be in a dorm." Sapphire whispered, poking him. He ignored her and just walk in the direction of her dorms. Family members were allowed in the dorms as far as he knew, so he decided to check out her room with her. Mainly he wanted to know who and what her roommate is. Most would say he's overprotective, but he has no reason not to be. Not only that but she didn't want a dorm, which just caused him to worry over it more.